#the quickest way to make so that it never become canon
eybefioro · 5 months
Pls don't send him fanfic, headcanons and theories. Let us have fun. It was so fun to think of Crowley as Lucifer before he had to deny it. It was so fun to think that it was a bullet in Aziraphale’s mouth.
Let us just explore our wild theories, over analyze everything, make the wildest fanfics we came up with and have fun, hm? We don't need Mr Gaiman's confirmation of anything. Nor his acknowledgment.
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din djarin x female!reader
warnings: language, mentions of the slave trade, canon violence, blood and injuries
word count: 6,030
Summary: It was like fate or destiny had planned from the beginning for you to be on the run from the law. With the words ‘I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold’ adorning your rib cage you always wondered what was worse: Knowing you were bound to being wanted or realizing your soulmate was a cursed bounty hunter. You had a mission to finish and no bounty hunter, soulmate or not, was going to stop you.
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"courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyways. stupidity is the same. and that's why life is hard." ⏤jeremy goldberg
It had been a very long time since Din was nervous before a hunt. Wary, maybe, or concerned, but not nervous. He had retreated to the Razor Crest for the night, needing the time to mentally and emotionally spiral while in the safety of his own ship, then the next day he started tracking you down once more. Din thought surely you would’ve left Bespin entirely, but he tracked you back to a cantina. A different cantina. But still.
 Just as he had yesterday, Din simply stepped into the building. He had planned to be more tactful today, but realizing you were in another cantina had been curious enough to throw him off entirely. You sat at the bar this time, turned so you could lean your back against the counter, with pretty eyes glancing around the room. Your eyes darted to him, away, then back again. Din expected a lot of reactions to his presence, but he never would’ve guessed that you’d roll your eyes with a huff and turn back around. 
What the hell?
Din crossed the room. Grogu whined from inside the closed pram floating behind him. The child hated being locked away, and Din hated locking him away, but he didn’t trust himself around this quarry. And that’s what you were. A quarry. He had to remind himself of that again.
“Can I buy you a drink, bucket head?” You asked. Din narrowed his eyes at you in a glare⏤ knowing good and well you couldn’t see it, but it made him feel better to do it. You glanced over your shoulder at him with that same infuriating smirk you shot him yesterday. “What’s your poison of choice?”
“You’re coming with me.” Din demanded.
“Mmm, no thanks.”
Din shook his head, “That wasn’t a choice.”
“It kind of felt like a choice when I kicked your ass yesterday and ran.” You snickered. “Mandalorian.”
The way you said his title was mocking and it made Din’s skin bristle with irritation. His hands drifted to his hips and he leaned in toward you. “Get up now.”
You groaned. “Seriously, bucket head⏤”
“Don’t call me that.” He snapped.
“⏤what do I have to do to get you off my back?” You had continued on, unphased by his demeanor. “Credits? Is that what gets you going in the morning?” You turned back around, maintaining your confident posture, and it put your face by his. “I can get you some credits. Probably. Do you take IOUs?”
Din tried to keep his composure. He had dealt with plenty of quarries who mouthed off to him, but this was the quickest it had actually worked. Din leaned back to stand tall once more. You quirked an eyebrow up at him and he locked his jaw. He wondered if you could hear his teeth grind together. Din reached to his belt, pulling off the binders, and slammed them on the counter by you.
“Put them on.”
“That’s a bit lazy of you, don’t you think?” You replied. “At least all the other hunters I faced did their own dirty work.”
Briefly, Din felt a flash of anger at the thought of a bunch of hunters manhandling you. It was gone as quick as it came, and the feeling was replaced with annoyance that it came at all. This soulmate thing was becoming a real nuisance. Fine. You wanted to make this difficult? Din would be the bounty hunter you expected him to be.
Din grabbed you by the wrist roughly, spinning you in your seat so he could twist your arm behind you. His other hand grasped you by the back of the neck and he slammed you into the counter. The sound of your grunt of pain made his grip marginally loosen. He leaned in once more, “Anything to say now?”
“Now? No.” You replied. “But I’ll let you know if I think of something.”
If Din thought fate had been ridiculous before for picking a quarry as his soulmate, he was really hating it now. Not only was his soulmate a quarry, but it was a smartass slave trader with the most aggravating of smirks. Maker, he was looking forward to shoving you into the carbonite freezer. Din grabbed the binders off the counter and connected it to both your wrists behind your back. He ripped you up and out of your seat then without a beat he began to shove you out of the cantina. 
You begun to kick your feet, slowing your pace, and Din grabbed you by your upper arm so he could drag you along as needed. Din turned his head to look at you in skepticism. Yesterday, you had been quick to plan an escape route, but now you were going willingly? He didn’t trust it.
“Tell me, why would you go to a second cantina knowing I’m chasing you?” Din blurted.
“You want me to just reveal my grand master plan? I think not.” You chuckled. “You can just keep on wondering, bucket head.”
“It’s… reckless.” Din wanted to use the word ‘stupid’, but he couldn’t force it out.
You shrugged best you could with his hand wrapped tightly around your arm. “I’m reckless. What’s your point?” He shouldn’t have even asked. Din shook his head and mumbled curses under his breath. He was able to get you a few more streets over before you cried out in pain and hunched over. “Ow, ow. Wait⏤ Hang on.”
Din’s feet skidded to a stop. “What?”
“My leg. I just⏤ Let me lean for a second, okay?” You grunted and limped over with him in tow to lean against a hand railing. Din looked for any obvious injuries. “You’ve been dragging me down the road, you ass.”
Guilt rolled through him like a crashing wave no matter how much he tried to hold it back. His fingers loosened around your upper arm. Half a sigh left his lips a fist suddenly slammed up into his side right under his diaphragm making his breath stutter. Din spun, but you had already hooked one end of the binders around his wrist and the other to the metal bar you had been leaned against. He went to grab you, but you threw yourself over the bar and away from him. His hand shot to his blaster, but Din found it in your hand.
“How…” He breathed and glanced down at his situation.
Din reached for the keys on his belt, but while one of your hands held him at blaster point the other held up the keys. He blinked in shock. Din would never admit it aloud, he could barely admit it to himself, but he was mildly impressed. In fact, he’d be very impressed if his anger wasn’t overshadowing everything else.
“I’m a pickpocket. Should’ve warned you.” You shrugged. “Listen, how about we end our working relationship here.” Din huffed and tried to pull his arm free from the metal bar uselessly. “I’ve hit all the cantinas I need to in this city so I’m gonna be on my way, and I’m gonna leave you here. Let’s just agree to part ways as bitter friends.”
Din gnashed his teeth. “Release me. Now.”
“Yikes.” You made a clicking noise with your mouth. “You’re not exactly in the position to be making demands, bucket head.” You threw the key over your shoulder and then tossed the blaster as well⏤ so both would be out of reach from him. “It was so nice to meet you, by the way. Would love to never meet up again.”
You winked at him and he glared at you the entire time you sprinted away. Din turned to the pram to see Grogu had already opened the hatch and was staring at him. Din tugged on the binders once more, fruitlessly, then motioned to them. Grogu hopped out of his pram with a mischievous giggle and Din let his head fall against the metal bar with a ‘clang’. 
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The Mandalorian was pestering. You had a bad feeling he wouldn’t just give up. In fact, arguably, he could come after you with a vengeance after you hooked him to a metal bar. He’d get out free, but you hoped you could get a few worlds away before he did. You had a feeling no matter who he asked on the street to grab the key and blaster they’d steer around him without making eye contact. The faults of being an intimidating Mandalorian, you supposed.
You were on your way back to the local tarmac in hopes that you could bum a ride off someone. As you walked, you had pulled out your list to scratch names off. Technically, there were a few other places you needed to check, other cities, but it’d be a little awkward for you to sit in your third cantina of this world and have the Mandalorian walk in again. Maybe for now you’d put off the rest of Bespin and come back later.
“Lookie, lookie.” A whiny voice sang in a tone that made you wince. A slimy looking human stepped into your path from around the corner. A group of four other unfamiliar men stepped out behind him. He whistled. “The Mandalorian’s friend is all alone.”
You narrowed your eyes in disbelief. “Friend? Excuse me?”
“Don’t play coy.” He snapped. “We saw you with him.”
“Yeah, alright, and what part of seeing us together made you think we’re friends?” You scoffed. “Was it the part where I broke a bar stool over his head or when he put me in a pair of binders?”
The men behind the first began to mumble skeptically, but the first refused to cave, “No, no. I’m telling you the two of them are⏤ look! Look, here he comes to save her already!” You stiffened in shock and whirled around to see the silver Mandalorian stalking toward you from down the road. How in the hell had he gotten out that quickly? “What did I tell you, boys?”
You scanned the area. To your right were the backs of buildings and the closest alley was further down, beyond the men blocking you. To your left was literally nothing. A protective guard rail and a view of the clouds. So that was out. And now you had a fucking bounty hunter stalking you from behind. Great.
“How about this,” You hissed, “Let me pass then you can beat up on the tin can, yeah?”
“Boss, I don’t think she’s⏤”
“Fine, fine, whatever.” The man snapped. “Get the kriff out of our way.” You gave the Mandalorian, who had paused, a brief salute and hurried past the men who left a space for you. You got a few steps away when you heard the man speak once more. “Don’t forget, I want that beskar. As for the kid, we can just sell it.”
You came to a screeching stop. A chill ran up your spine. A kid? You turned around to see the men slowly approaching the Mandalorian who continued to stand his ground. The pram behind him now rested right beside him and the hatch was open to reveal a small, green creature with large ears and wide, innocent eyes. A kid. Fuck.
The men had completely forgotten about you to focus on the Mandalorian so not a single one of them noticed when you began to approach them once more. In a swift, practiced motion, you drew your dagger and threw it with a precision that came from years of ingrained muscle memory. The blade buried itself into the back of the closest man, and his scream of agony made his friends pause and whirl back around. The Mandalorian took this as his opportunity to strike.
You lunged forward to get your blade back while hiding behind the man’s body best you could to avoid being hit by stray blaster fire. He spun, startling you, and began to swing out to try and make contact. You ducked under his arms to avoid a blow but that put you further into the fray. You didn’t notice the attack coming from your side until an elbow slammed into your face. You heard a crunch, felt the warm blood spray down your face, and with a groan, you hit the ground dazed. One on one you did fairly well in a fight, but more than that and you struggled. You rolled over and glanced up to see even more people showed up to the fight⏤ all friends of the ones you were fighting. They came up from behind the Mandalorian. 
Once you were on the ground, it seemed like nobody cared about your presence at all. They swarmed the bounty hunter in a mass. You knew beskar was rare, but this seemed like overkill. A young cry filled the air and you spotted one of the men rushing toward you with a squirming bundle in his arms. The roar of anger that left the Mandalorian was ground shaking, words in a language you didn’t recognize ringing loudly, and it was followed by a wave of fire from his vambrace as he took on every single adversary that came at him.
You jumped up as the guy with the kid rushed by, and on instinct you ran after. Your face throbbed with pain, but you didn't let it hinder your speed. Luck was on your side and the man ended up cornering himself by staying too close to the railing. When he tried to turn down a different road you were able to cut him off and back him up against the guard rail once more. 
He reached for the blaster at his hip, but you were faster. You drew the weapon from under your jacket and aimed it at his head. “Don’t.”
“What?” The man narrowed his eyes. “What the kriff is that?”
“Firearm.” You replied. “Nice, isn’t it?” He shifted and you tilted your head. “The slug in this weapon isn’t meant for you. Set the kid down, and I’ll let you walk away.”
The child in his arms squirmed enough to be able to look at you and even from this distance you still couldn’t tell what species it was. But, you could see the kid was young⏤ a toddler at best. You stayed firm in your stance, and the man was nervously shifting as if trying to gauge how serious you were. As if to prove your point further, you pulled back on the revolver’s hammer so the slug clicked into place.
Slowly, the man held the kid away from his chest in surrender but he stopped suddenly, “How do I know you won’t shoot me the second I hand the kid over?”
“I told you,” You said, “This slug has someone else’s name on it.”
“What about the Mandalorian?” He cried. “He’ll kill me.”
“Probably.” You shrugged. “But I figure, you set the kid down and you’ll have time to run at the very least. You hurt the kid, and that block of angry beskar is going to stomp your teeth down your throat.” You gave him a mocking grin. “So, make your choice and make it quick.”
Blaster fire came much too close and you had to duck to avoid being hit by a stray bolt. The Mandalorian was barreling in your direction while the last few fighters fired after him. He barked something and you turned back to see the man holding the kid had been hit. He slumped to the side, hitting the guard rail, and with a surprised chirp the kid went right over the side of the city. 
You dropped the firearm and leapt over the edge right after him.
It was perhaps one of your least thought out plans, but the moment your hands grasped the kid you spun in the air and used all the momentum you had to throw him right back over the rail. The few broken bones or concussion he might get from being thrown so violently was better than the fate you were about to meet. Loud wind whipped past you as you fell. This is not how you thought you’d be leaving the world of the living and despite your entire body being filled to the brim with terror and fear as you hurtled through the air there was still just enough room for regret to take root.
Not regret at leaping over the edge for a kid you didn’t know.
Regret that you never got to see the life leave Viktor’s greedy eyes.
Nothing could have surprised you more than a solid force tackling you from behind. The air left your lungs while firm arms wrapped around you and the trajectory of your fall changed as you were suddenly being rocketed up. Glancing over your shoulder best you could, you spotted a chest of silver beskar. Before you could comprehend what was happening your feet touched down on solid ground. The hands wrapped around you dropped and you found yourself falling to your hands and knees⏤ still shaky from falling a few hundred feet.
“Patu.” A chirp followed by excited babbling made you lift your head to see the child standing right in front of you. He reached out and gave your face a little pat. He looked entirely unharmed. The situation was starting to become clear once more and you saw your firearm lying on the ground out of your peripherals. 
You lunged for the weapon, but a heavy boot dropped down to rest on it⏤ pining it to the ground. Sheepishly, you peered up to see the Mandalorian staring down at you with his hands on his hips. You pressed your lips together and then scrunched your nose out of habit only to wince in pain from the movement. You cleared your throat. “We, uh, need to stop meeting like this.”
“Get up.” He said tensely. You sighed and pushed to stand, dusting off your pants, and tried to puzzle out if you could make a clean getaway by breaking into a sprint now. The Mandalorian stepped forward, lifting a hand to your face and you flinched back. “Stop. Stay still.”
The bounty hunter’s hands cupped your face in an almost tender way. Your eyes widened in confusion both at his actions and the flickering flame of warmth that sparked in your belly at being this close to a man who was hunting you. His hands shifted, thumbs tracing your cheekbones, and then he used both thumbs to snap your nose into place. You let out a howl of pain and shoved him back, “What the⏤” You lifted to touch your nose and realized it wasn’t nearly as tender anymore. “What the hell, man!?”
“Your nose was broken.” He replied.
“Yeah? Well, warn a girl!” You scoffed.
The Mandalorian tilted his head. “Would you have let me fix it if I warned you?” No. Of course not. You mocked him under your breath by mumbling his words. He nodded. “Thank you.”
“Thank you. For saving my son.”
You glanced back at the small child standing by your boot now. He gave your leg a little pat before waddling over to this father. The Mandalorian picked him up and you wondered if the man under the armor was just as green as the kid. How did he fit ears like that under his helmet?
You pointed down to his boot, “That’s mine. Giving it back to me and letting me walk away would be a real cool thank you gift.” The metal pram from earlier drifted toward the two of you and when it came to a stop the boy jumped from the armored arms holding him into the floating crib. You were surprised to see the man move his boot out of the way and bend over to pick up your weapon. The Mandalorian held it out to you and your lips twitched up in excitement. “Glad to see we could settle this, bucket head.”
The second your hand grabbed the firearm you realized he wasn’t letting it go, but before you could tug or even speak his other hand shot up and clicked one binder around your wrist. You gasped, “You dick.” You could’ve sworn a chuckle left the helmet’s modulator. He tucked the firearm into his belt and then clicked the other half of the binder to his own wrist. “Is this because I called you bucket head?”
“That didn’t help.”
“So, I save your kid, and you still arrest me?”
“Yes.” He nodded and leaned into your space to pull the blade from the sheath around your thigh. He tucked that into his belt as well and took a few steps away. You dug your heels in. “Walk.”
“What about⏤”
You grumbled in annoyance and picked up your feet. He seemed nonplussed with having to drag you down the road and it looked like his end goal was the tarmac where you had initially planned to be. The pram lingered beside you and the green child was babbling excitedly as if the two of you were having a full blown conversation. You kept glancing at him out of the corner of your eye.
“Your kid talks a lot.” You said, tugging on the arm connected to him⏤ not that it seemed to bother him.
“So do you.” He hit back.
“That’s…fair.” You admitted. “Where are you taking the savior of your child?”
“I could’ve saved him without you.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, well, if I knew you had a kriffing jackpack I would’ve let you.” The Mandalorian came to a sudden stop and it jerked on your arm. “Bucket head, come on! Seriously?”
“You didn’t know I had a jetpack?”
You narrowed your eyes at him trying to figure out the catch behind this obvious trick question. You shook your head. “Why would I know that?”
“When we met, I saw you watching me.” He replied. “You were checking me for all my weapons.”
You winked, “Maybe I was just checking you out.”
“Stop.” The Mandalorian said firmly and started walking again. The two of you got a few more feet before he spoke up once more. “If you didn’t know I had a jetpack, why would you jump over the edge?”
“Did you miss the part where your kid went flying over first?”
“You’d be willing to die for a stranger?”
You shrugged. “He’s a kid.” The Mandalorian stopped again and turned to stare at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in mild annoyance. Why was this conversation still happening? Maker, at this point you were hoping to be thrown in a carbonite freezer just to avoid his heavy gaze and questions. “Can you finish arresting me please?”
After a beat, the Mandalorian began to walk and you took that as a victory. You’d take what you could get today.
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Watching that bastard grab Grogu and run away while he was left trapped in a mob of smugglers was the most rage Din had felt in quite a long time. He had been ruthless in cutting down the men that swarmed him, and he would’ve killed every last one in that moment if he had the time. As soon as he had a window, Din was sprinting after the man who had taken his son. 
Din hadn’t even realized you were still around until he saw you holding the man at the end of your weapon. The blaster bolts that fired around him missed you by an inch, but it hit the man right in the side and all of Din’s rage turned to fear when he watched Grogu get thrown over the edge. Even knowing he’d be able to fly after him⏤ it didn’t stop his stomach from turning to lead. Then fear morphed into absolute confusion when he watched you drop your weapon and literally leap over the railing. You disappeared out of sight and seconds later Grogu came flying over the railing back to safety. Din lunged forward to catch the kid before he hit the ground.
“Gev!” Din set Grogu on the ground, pointing at the boy to make it known he was serious, and then Din dove over the edge.
He didn’t understand, couldn’t fathom, what was going through your head. What kind of quarry would stop mid-escape to risk their life in the way you had? You had been in the clear. The smuggler’s let you pass and instead of disappearing when the opportunity presented itself, you came back and stabbed one of them. Din hated to admit it, but he had also been very aware that you stayed in the fight and he had a visceral reaction to watching you get elbowed in the face hard enough to collapse.
It was how the smugglers got the opportunity to grab Grogu.
Like a kriffing idiot, he had gotten distracted and nearly lost his son because of it.
‘He’s a kid.’ Your voice echoed through his head the entire walk to the tarmac. Initially, Din had been confused why you’d trust him to actually catch you. Did you actually know who he was? Your soulmate? And you assumed he’d have to catch you? But, when you admitted that you had no idea he even had a jetpack, Din felt floored. You hadn’t jumped over the edge trusting he’d catch you. You jumped over the edge thinking it was going to be the last thing you ever did, and you did it to save a stranger. No, a kid. That’s what you said. The look on your face, the tone of your voice, it was natural instinct for you. The obvious choice. 
You hadn’t given sacrificing your life for a child a second thought.
Din hadn’t decided yet if that made you honorable or insane.
A thought drifted through him before he could stop it. It was an action taken right out of a Mandalorian’s playbook. He forced it out of his head. You were not a Mandalorian. You were a quarry wanted for slave trading. A quarry. His soulmate quarry. Dank farrik. Din lowered the ramp of the Razor Crest and led you on. 
“Can I use the fresher before you shove me in carbonite?” Din did a double take at your words⏤ a common occurrence with you he was learning. You seemed to be entirely serious with your request though. You shrugged nonchalantly. “Being frozen with a full bladder is miserable.”
“You’ve been in carbonite before?”
You paused then pointed to your face with a tight lipped smile. “Bounty.”
“I’m not putting you in carbonite.” Din replied. He ignored the confusion drawn on your features and closed the ramp. Din then unlatched the binders and pointed down the very short hall. When Peli had rebuilt the Crest for him he had it modified for just a bit more space, but the fresher was nearly laid out in the same position. “Fresher’s that way. There’s no weapons in there.”
Din wanted to get the ship up in the air right now, but he didn’t trust you not to make a break for it. He got Grogu settled with a ration bar and then he perched himself on the edge of a supply crate facing toward the fresher. While waiting, Din pulled your weapon out from his belt and admired the metal work. A slugthrower. Impressive. He hadn’t seen one in a hot minute, and this one was built by someone who knew what they were doing. The dark metal was carved with swirls and designs of gold. The handle carved in wood and ivory. Though he hadn’t seen one in ages, Din was familiar with firearms. He popped out the ornate cylinder and raised an eyebrow at the single slug loaded in. All other five slots were empty.
The other weapon you carried was a simple metal dagger. Not as rare, but vibroblades were more popular. 
The mystery of who you were seemed to grow with every second he was stuck with you.
Din set the firearm down by his thigh and unintentionally his hand drifted up to rest over his left ribcage where your words stained his skin. ‘Would you really arrest your soulmate?’ All those years he thought those words, rolled them around in his head, there was a sharp difference. Now, he heard the words in your voice rather than his own. Even once he rid himself of you, that would linger.
He heard you shifting in the fresher and drew his own blaster to rest on his thigh⏤ pointed toward where you’d be, but with the trigger finger resting on the side of the weapon. He didn’t think he’d need to use it, but if Din had learned one thing about you thus far it was that you were unpredictable.
The fresher doors slid open and you stepped out. When your eyes landed on him, you let out a huff and lifted your hands in surrender. “You did a lot of work to just shoot me now.” Din motioned to the ladder leading up into the cockpit with his blaster. “You… want me to climb?” He pushed off the crate and gave a single nod. “Yeah, alright, sure.” You sighed and walked to the ladder. You paused to glance over your shoulder to Grogu who was still scarfing down his ration bar. “Your dad is kind of a dick. Anybody tell you that before?”
“Buir!” Grogu laughed and followed it with babbling.
“I’m taking that as a yes.” You mumbled to yourself and began to climb. Din followed. He wanted answers from you as much as he wanted to get off this world. At the top of the ladder, Din passed you and ushered you into the cockpit. He pointed to the passenger seat and didn’t miss how you rolled your eyes before dropping down. Din took his own seat, but spun the pilot’s chair around to face you first. He pulled the binders from his belt.
“Hands.” He ordered.
“Oh, good.” You smirked and offered him your wrists. “I was starting to miss these things.”
Din clamped them in place then turned back to begin lift off. It wasn’t until hyperspace that he turned back around, and Din was startled to see your eyes had been drooping closed. At his movement, they snapped open once more and your posture stiffened. He took the moment to really soak you in. Specifically, he let his eyes trace the golden band around your neck⏤ the lights of hyperspace reflected off the material same as it did his own beskar. At first glance, he’d label it a gaudy accessory that didn’t match the worn down nature of the rest of your outfit. However, even from here Din could see the faint scars that half hid under the gold. 
It wasn’t a necklace. It was a collar.
“What now, bucket head?”
“Now, you tell me why someone who is clever enough to escape multiple bounty hunters is reckless enough to visit another cantina right after running into me.”
You shrugged. “Maybe you’re not as intimidating as you think you are.”
Din leaned back in his seat, arms crossed, “All the other hunters find you in bars as well. Why’s a slave trader visiting every cantina in the galaxy?”
He really doubted the backstory the bounty puck was giving him now, seeing the metal that adorned your neck, but Din wanted to see your reaction. There was a brief flash of anger across your face, gone as quick as it came, and Din could tell you were biting the inside of your cheek to refrain from saying whatever words were spinning around in your head right now. Finally, you smirked, “I’m on the search for the galaxy’s best cocktail.” You leaned forward. “You wouldn’t believe what world is in the lead, Mandalorian.”
Din wasn’t sure what was more ironic⏤ that fate lumped him together with a quarry or that fate picked a person who never knew when to shut up. He shook his head, “You asked me earlier what it would take to get me off your back.” Your eyes marginally widened. “Do you still want to know?”
“Name it.” You answered.
“I want answers.” He stressed and watched as your jaw locked in irritation again. “What are you searching the galaxy for?”
For a long moment, you just stared at him. Din could see you analyzing him. It was that simple action, and the way he saw you sizing him up when you first met, that told him you weren’t just some mouthy, arrogant idiot. You were clever. It was probably how you escaped so many bounty hunters in the past. 
You shrugged, “Revenge.”
The answer didn’t necessarily startle him. It was only revenge, love, and greed that could have someone dedicate so much time to their end goal. Piecing together the parts of the puzzle he had gave him a blurry image. Din nodded, “Whoever you’re going after, do they deserve it?”
“Yes.” You replied without even a pause. “They do.”
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You didn’t fully understand the line of questioning being thrown your way, but considering the options it wasn’t the worst scenario you found yourself in. The Mandalorian had turned back around without another word after asking you his last question and it now left you sitting in your seat exhausted and confused. More than anything you craved sleep. After your last 24 hours that wasn’t surprising. What did surprise you was how easily you were dozing off while being in this too small cockpit with the Mandalorian bounty hunter. It was like your stupid body didn’t perceive him as a current threat.
Maybe he wasn’t. He said he wasn’t going to throw you in the carbonite freezer, and from what you knew about Mandalorians they were the type who held honor above nearly everything else. You had given your freedom to save his kid and you prayed he didn’t take that action lightly. 
“I have another question.” The Mandalorian spoke without turning.
“Alright, but if you get another one then I’m allowed one now too.” You argued.
You just barely saw the tilt of his helmet in agreement. A part of you hoped he was done questioning you about your goals in life. It wasn’t a topic you wanted to explore any further with this stranger. But, the Mandalorian caught you off guard by veering far away from his previous questions.
“What you said when we met…” He hummed, “What did you mean by that?”
“The soulmate thing?” You snorted. “Yeah, hilarious, isn’t it? You spooked me for a second with how quiet you got after I said it, but now I know silence is just your go-to intimidation tactic, bucket head.” From where you sat you could see him stiffen and assumed it was from your chosen nickname for him. “Does your kind even have soulmates? Do I need to explain⏤”
“My kind?” He finally glanced over at you.
“Yeah. Whatever you are.”
“I’m human.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, you’re not allowed to sound so surprised that I didn’t know. You’re covered from head to toe in metal, and I just assumed you were the same kind as your kid.”
“Grogu was…adopted.” He replied. 
Huh. Grogu. That was the kid’s name. Well, that was one of two that you got. You leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees after he turned back around to scan a map on the control panel. “So? What do I call you then? What’s your name?”
“Mando. You can call me Mando.”
“Mando as in Mandalorian?” You laughed. “Maker, even ‘bucket head’ is more imaginative than that. You seriously go by that?” Mando didn’t reply and you snickered some more under your breath before leaning back. “I’ll consider it, bucket head.”
You could hear him mumble a string of words that you were going to assume was his native language. You'd also assume he was cursing. That's usually the response you got. The cockpit was filled with the comfortable silence of hyperspace and despite being seated on a metal chair, you began to doze off again. It was getting harder and harder to keep your heavy lids open, and faintly you thought you heard the Mandalorian speak once more before you lost the battle against unconsciousness.
“Sleep, mirdala runi. You’re safe.”
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mando'a translations:
gev: stop (stay) /// buir: Parent (father) /// mirdala runi: Clever soul
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taglist: @onceinamando @hrtsforpascal @lil-dragon-draws @harriedandharassed @aheadfullofsteverogers @elfamosotoga @the-anchored-sailor-girl @garbo-lesbo @moonlqghts @stokeholdsblogdsblog @morks-watermelon @http-onie
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starheirxero · 2 months
The thing that really gets me is that they really sound like children- I don't know exactly how to describe it, but they sound like kids I would've known when I was little- Hell, some of them do sound like kids I knew, some of which I was even friends with!
The one thing about Fnaf lore, that always kind of bothered me, was that the missing kids felt more like plot devices- There isn't much about them, outside of Susie, though only if you read the books- Which is fine, if they aren't meant to be the focus!
However, by making them characters, I feel like it puts so much more weight onto William's actions. It turns him into a larger threat, a monster.
Which is exactly what is happening here!
By giving them names, personalities, it feels like there is so much more weight on Bloodmoon's actions, y'know?
He robbed them of growing up. He forced their parents to bury them.
God, their parents must despise Sun! If Dazzle ever remembers, I could honestly see her dad becoming a character!
The moment, he'd see the twins, it'll be on sight!
Though, it generally makes me curious! I wonder, if Dazzle is really the only ghost kid left behind.
I wonder, if there are going to be more. There were little hints of the possibility dropped!
Some of them might not be as forgiving, which would be really interesting to see!
Sun has quietly carried so much love and care and guilt over these kids for years of his life, a grief that bubbled under the surface, and we never truly saw how much that weighed on him until now as he has to stomach that one of them has come back and they forgive him :(((
AND YEA THEY'RE LIKE. THEY'RE SO BELIEVABLY KIDS THAT IT MAKES MY CHEST HURT. The way Sun talked about their habits and interests didn't feel strange in any way, like how sometimes people write kids and its like. have u ever interacted with a child in ur life HDKWHD it was just. they felt really truly alive.....
Like. I mentioned that harm or death of children is the quickest way to make me sniffle and wail and wail, but fnaf never really managed to make me truly sad and weepy about the kids because, like you said, they were more plot devices rather than full characters.
BUT YESYES ALSO LIKE U SAID, by fleshing out their lives and making them more solid characters, it adds so much more weight to the actions of the murderer!! Bloodmoon looked at these little humans who flocked to him because they loved Sun and he saw food, he saw easy targets, and he took advantage of that to the highest degree!!! And it's like holy shit!!!!! Whadda hell!!!!!!!! Like u said, he robbed them of growing up, he had just as little regard for their new lives as he did the rats in the theater and it's like. AUGH.
BUT ALSO YEAG OUHG if Dazzle's dad or another dead kid became characters I'd lose it /pos
It would just be a very bittersweet feeling, especially if it was Dazzle's dad, and I think I'd never emotionally recover. Tsams if you hear me HAKAHSKS
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pumpkinrootbeer · 6 months
Not enough Avatar fans recognize how good of a bender Bolin is bcuz he's mostly busy being played as comic relief. But even just at the end of TLOK he's praised by his personal hero Toph Beifong and is one of 3 known lavabenders, has gone toe to toe and bended alongside Toph's talented daughters and displays similar feats.
And he's shown to practice bending seriously and improve between time jump, b/c have you noticed that he observed and mastered the Red Lotus lavabender's lava glaive trick and uses it to cut through platinum in Book 4? That and Toph said that she'd be willing to teach Bolin metalbending b/c she brags about being able to teach anyone metalbending (Toph's metalbending school comics reference yay) & in the TLOK comics Toph is shown to go out of her way to leave the swamp & head to Rep. City to hang out with her granddaughter and her future grandson-in-law, so I'm betting Bolin's been getting some tutoring in and officially become one of Toph's students.
TLDR I hope Bolin shows up in the new Avatar series and shows up how strong he is at old age, b/c half his canon appearances so far are him at 16 and he's underratedly really good.
no because Bolin is genuinely an unparalleled bender. he has sheer power on the level of avatars, see how catches an entire building dropped on a room full of earth benders before anyone else and then was the only one holding it up despite TOPH BEING IN THE ROOM? for one.
he also has the drive to be good at his bending that we don't really see with mako or even really korra in the show. sure, we see korra learn air bending but then she's just frustrated it's not coming naturally. with Bolin we see him struggle with his bending and still become the best. see how quickly he mastered an element with No One to teach him or him throwing himself at metal bending over and over. Which I'm honestly torn if I want him to learn it? On one hand, literally op earthbender which is amazing yes please. On the other, I kinda like that metal bending, something that is traditional earthbending techniques taken to the extreme, is what Bolin struggles with.
It's pretty heavily implied Bolin and Mako had no formal bending teacher and are completely self taught. In fact, the times we see Bolin do the most traditional earthbending moves are in season 4, which takes place after the 3 year jump. This is also when he's working for Kuvira and is probably the only time he did get formal training in earthbending, so it would make sense he would incorporate that more.
and ive talked about this before but, Bolin is the quickest earthbender in the entire show. he is incredibly talented in his craft and no one else in the entire show bends like he does. like, okay. This?
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that move? that spin kick he's doing? That's a fire bending move.
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he's doing a fire bending move with earth. kinda like iroh's move for redirecting lighting, bolin's entire bending style is this quote "when you take (wisdom) from only one place it becomes rigid and stale. understanding others, other nations, will help you become whole" Bolin is an earth bender who grew up learning to bend by watching fire bending. and that is a huge part of why Bolin is such a unique and talented fighter.
tbh I hope he never learns metal bending because the contrast between him and toph is nice. Toph is someone who excels at traditional earthbending, to the point of inventing a new type of sub-bending. whereas Bolin is so skilled at adapting and integrating different bending styles that he's able to master a volatile element that is eath that behaves like water with properties of fire at 17 with no teacher.
so yeah I agree 100% I would fucking love to see Bolin older because he would be a fucking powerhouse.
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theamityelf · 6 months
Hello, I really like your kamukura outbreak au, and so the post about izuru being interested in their differences caught my attention.
What IS their differences, weakness/strength wise? I like to imagine that makoto is surprisingly the best fighter (his luck ruins everyone's plans) (Speaking of does mahiru have a luck talent?) Izuru is an all rounder (he hates that fact for some reason), and nagito is the best cook when he wants to be due to his experiments (also the smartest, despite his hijinks) . Togami is physically the strongest.
This is a great question, and I think your proposed answers are also great. (I was mainly talking about differences in ways of thinking and personality, but this is also great to explore!)
First of all, you bring up a good point about luck, because I like to think luck, as in the metaphysical force that just kind of canonically exists in the Danganronpa universe, is different than luck as exhibited by Izuru Kamukura, just because the idea that Hope's Peak was able to brain surgery Luck into someone for some reason passes the limits of credibility for me. My thought is that Kamukura's "luck" is just a combination of Ultimate Clairvoyant talent and Ultimate Analyst talent, where subconsciously he'll just kind of know what to do in a lot of situations without having to process why he knows it.
The lucksters already have their actual luck and these talents. I feel like Nagito is able to use this to utilize his luck as an even more terrifying supernatural weapon than it already was. He masters the pattern and is able to expertly manage the circumstances he creates for himself to direct his luck where he wants it, and then he becomes more interested in trying to do the same with Makoto's luck.
Nagito's luck is almost like the group's taste of routine. They operate within his luck the way they operate within the weather; it's something that can be charted and predicted and, to an extent, harnessed. Makoto's luck is the group's taste of chaos. They simply never have any idea when or how it's going to kick in. Its effects are stimulating; Nagito is the main one actively trying to understand it. Izuru is lowkey studying it, but he isn't making as big a deal about it as Nagito is. And Makoto, Mahiru, and Byakuya aren't studying it at all.
The other Kamukuras don't have as much of a supernatural influence over luck, and since they all have the same talents, the differences there are mainly in how quickly/easily things come to them.
I'd say Mahiru is the quickest and best at spatial reasoning. Her original self was a photographer, so she has a great sense of spacing and movement and how objects interact with each other. Again, these skills used to be for timing photos, but now they make her great at mechanic work, engineering, lock-picking, etc.
Byakuya is the quickest and best at making good, efficient use of all his resources. The Ultimate Affluent Progeny, and the guy who (in another universe) saw a murder being covered up and thought "Okay, I have an extension cord, some dead classmates' handbooks...", is really good at keeping in mind everything at his disposal and intuitively knowing how to put all of it to good use. If Mahiru is the fastest at picking a lock, Byakuya is the fastest at figuring out what in this room can best be used as a lock pick. He can kill you with things you didn't even see on that table.
Izuru's superpower, kind of like you said, is his general competency. He's reliable. If there's anything you want done well, he's the one most likely to do that. It's partially a matter of his temperament– not as erratic as the others –and partially a matter of his perfectionism. Mahiru can probably fix a machine the fastest, but she might not care all that much about the machine's long-term performance. Nagito can probably figure out most puzzles fastest, but once he does, who's to say whether he'll find it more entertaining to confuse things rather than bring them to the most efficient and satisfying solution. Izuru gets things done, well. If he fixes your car, everything about your car is fixed.
And Makoto's social skills are the best. Well, not his social skills; Nagito is the friendliest and best at carrying a conversation. But Makoto cares deeply about others and making things easier and better for them, so while his actual charisma isn't on Nagito's level, he's endearing and people really like being around him. His willingness to solve any problem they have no matter how long it takes, and his tendency to say really insightful things in a soft, almost toneless voice, are really effective.
And there's some angst there, as far as his close friends from before missing the old Makoto but loving the new Makoto, and everyone he meets now just adoring him. I could see someone like Kyoko or Chihiro thinking that it's somewhat of a betrayal to old Makoto to be excited about all the things this new Makoto can do for them, thanks to the traumatic procedure that was done on him against his will.
Makoto from before was a great friend, but he wasn't someone who could and would stop what he was doing at any given time and rewire the electricity in your room. Makoto from before could help you deal with your problems or think positively about your problems; this Makoto can solve your problems and doesn't really care what happens to him in the process, except insofar as his loved ones would be affected by it. Old Makoto brought out the best in people; this Makoto might inadvertently reward a lot of vices just by being so willing to do and be what others want. (Fortunately, his arc is rediscovering his sense of self and manifesting boundaries.) I'm just saying, if someone wanted to start a cult around him, it wouldn't be hard.
But back to the Kamukuras and their differences, lol.
Their differences in body shape influence their respective fighting styles; the shorter ones are better at slipping through gaps and getting behind people, the taller ones are better at gaining leverage and subduing people.
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chin-chilla-7 · 2 years
Headcanons of how Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor would react if they found out reader is still hurt about what happened last time? Especially Satan casually threatened them & almost killed them, Beelzebub didn't apologize for almost killing them despite not doing anything to him, and Belphegor rather quickly got over his animosity toward them AFTER it was revealed that they're a direct descendant of Lilith. Thank you for telling me so I won't repeat the same character! The funny thing is that I love these characters but I'm still not happy about what I pointed out! So I'm glad I'm the one who enjoys this prompt! :)
Thanks so much for this prompt! I’m in the same boat as you in a lot of ways. I get annoyed sometimes when the brothers do something and then it just kind of goes unmentioned ever again. Like, personally, I’m not the biggest fan of Belphegor because everyone just kinda moves on from him killing the MC and it’s never talked about again and then suddenly the MC is expected to help Belphegor reunite with his brothers?? Like no, bitch, reunite with me first you literally killed me- anyway, here are the headcanons!
(also I don’t remember why Satan threatens + tries to kill you despite trying to look it up so that one’s gonna be a little disconnected from what happens in canon)
Satan, Beelzebub, and Belphegor react to the reader who is still upset at them for their past actions.
You knew being the Avatar of Wrath, Satan was prone to angry outbursts. You did your best to not make him angry and avoid him if he were ever in one of those moods, but you could only do so much before you became the source of his anger.
To say you felt fear would be an understatement. The way Satan yelled and threatened you was more than enough to earn him the title of Avatar of Wrath.
And Satan knew this about himself: he knew that when really angry, he could be intimidating and scary. But when it was at his brothers, it was one thing. They’re demons, too. They’re used to this. But you. You were a whole different ball park.
By this point in time, Satan had calmed down. But it didn’t mean that you had. You made it a mental note not to cross Satan, and that meant staying out of his way as much as possible.
He’s smart when it comes to books, but he can be a little unsteady when it comes to being socially smart. So overall, he’s a little confused as to why you’ve become more distant lately.
It actually takes Lucifer pointing it out to him that he finally gets it - and at first, he’s a little annoyed that Lucifer is the one who told him, but that was not important. What was important that he’s scared you and now he has to do something about it.
You’d think saying sorry would be the first thing he thinks to do, but Satan prefers to overcomplicate his plans. So, he starts by offering you tea or coffee in his room while you read together. He wants to show you that he does like being around you and you don’t actually make him angry.
You, however, are nervous at the idea of being alone with him, so you politely turn him down. This doesn’t make him angry, but it does get him irritated.
So he thinks of a different plan: Constantly talking about how calm he is whenever you’re around. If he sees you in the same room and he’s talking to someone, he’ll casually drop in mentions of not feeling as angry as usual. Or that he thinks he’s getting his sin under control nowadays. You catch his talk about it, and you can’t help but think this is something he’s intentionally doing, which he is.
But would it kill the guy to talk to you directly about it?
I wouldn’t say that you become more comfortable around Satan after this, but you at least are aware that he’s aware that what he did was pretty mean. If only he’d be more direct with you about it.
Beelzebub is often a sweet, fun-loving guy, and so he was one of the brothers you gravitated towards the quickest.
He made you feel the most safe, too, despite his size. Some may have been intimidated by it, but you were confident that he wouldn’t have a reason to turn against you.
That is, until Mammon convinced you to eat some of Beel’s custard.
You had been against the idea, but caved under the pressure. Of course luck would have it that Beelzebub walked in on you in the act. That’s when you saw why so many were afraid of him.
You thought it was bad enough that Beelzebub destroyed your room, and nearly destroyed you in the process, but now Lucifer was making you stay in Beel’s room while you waited for your room to be repaired? How could things continue to get worse and worse.
While in Beelzebub’s room, you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. You know Beelzebub had calmed down at this point, but you couldn’t help but feel that he was still upset with you.
He was quick to notice and frowned. He’s the brother who’s most aware about how his actions hurt others. He doesn’t mean to spin out of control like he does sometimes, but it’s something that can’t always be helped.
“I’m sorry for destroying your room.”
This was not the first time he had said this to you.
You nod, letting out a small “I know.”
Still not feeling satisfied, Beelzebub gets up, heading to the door. There’s really only one thing he does to make himself feel better, so maybe it’ll help you, too. “I’m gonna grab something to eat. Do you want anything?”
Even if you say no, he still brings back some snacks for you. Some chips, chocolate, a bit of candy, cookies, anything that he thinks will make you feel better. He brings a variety, too, so that you have some options.
You couldn’t help but smile a little at the gesture. You could tell that Beelzebub was truly sorry with the way he looked at you. It reminded you of a hurt puppy. Finally, you speak.
“I’m sorry I ate your custard. I promise not to eat anything that’s yours again.”
That seemed to bring Beelzebub’s mood up. He responded: “And I promise not to let food get in the way of you - us? I promise not to destroy your room again.”
There are a lot of emotions that flood through you whenever you have to be near Belphegor.
Fear, anger, anxiety, helplessness. So many that it could get overwhelming to just be in the same room as him.
While it technically wasn’t you that Belphegor hurt, it was you, just a different you, and if it hadn’t been learned that you were a direct descendent of Lilith, there was a chance that it was going to be you, too.
So that’s the main reason you’ve never been comfortable being around Belphegor. But what made it worse was how it seemed that everyone else had moved on from that, that it wasn’t a big deal. But it was a big deal to you!
The worst part about this was it seemed that Belphegor was more annoyed about how you were acting than anything else. How you’d avoid him. How you didn’t really talk to him. How you acted like he didn’t exist. He acted like he didn’t know the reason you were acting like this.
He confronts you about it, eventually. Asking why you’re so weird with him.
You reply. “Well, you killed me- not me, me. But a version of me. And I watched you do that. And I’m tired of pretending that that was okay because it wasn’t. And you’ve all acted like nothings wrong with me watching you kill me. But it was weird and fucked up and weird and it’s weird being around you knowing you did that-”
You didn’t mean to start rambling, but all the feelings caught up to you.
It clicked for Belphegor in that moment. That would be a weird and fucked up thing to experience if you were a human in the Devildom for the first time.
He’s kind of… taken aback for a moment. He doesn’t really know what to say. A sorry probably won’t cut it, but he tries anyway. “Sorry. I- yeah, that’s fair,” he mutters, a little defeated.
He lays off on being around you. I think he’d still like to try, but he doesn’t feel it right for him to go to you. You’d have to go to him if you really want to try to restore any possibilities of a relationship.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
how would you describe arrowfamily in canon? Cause i have seen conflicting things ranging from "Oliver Queen is a terrible horrible person" to "canon arrowfamily is what people think batfam should be like/if you want fanon batfam you want canon arrowfam" and it is confusing
Disclaimer first. A full, proper, arrowfam read-through is next on my list once I finally catch up with the bats, but I haven't gotten there yet. I have still read a whole bunch of comics, and by virtue of how the DC universe works, I've seen a fair bit of the arrows scattered throughout. (In particular, I've read a lot of Roy via Titans and Outsiders.)
So I can give a broad strokes answer here, but I'm not going to try to claim a deep meta analysis of the arrows yet.
I think the quickest way to explain the contradictory information is this:
batfam fans take up most of the space in DC fandom
for whatever reason, it has become highly popular bat fanon to use Oliver Queen as a scapegoat Designated Terrible Dad to show how much better and cooler and nicer Bruce is.
This is not a fair or accurate depiction of Ollie.
(Nor, for that matter, an accurate depiction of Bruce, but that fanon diversion is intentional and less like throwing shrapnel at a guy who isn't even part of this.)
People who actually read comics and like Ollie therefore try to push back on this extreme and ooc demonization of him, and also vaunt the arrows in general.
Said pushback is sometimes an exaggerated overcompensation.
Basically, no, Oliver Queen is not a terrible horrible person, nor even a terrible horrible father.
And I would say the canon arrows are a lot closer to what fans are desperately trying to find (or just make up) in the bats. There are various things that are true of the canon arrows/Ollie and of the fanon bats/Bruce that are not true of the canon bats/Bruce. [All post-crisis disclaimer.] Examples:
Ollie is outspokenly liberal and this is a well accepted piece of his canon characterization. (Meanwhile DC writers try very very hard to make Bruce Totally Apolitical and therefore acceptable to all readers. Not that anything is ever actually apolitical.)
Ollie also hates cops! And rich people! For a significant chunk of comics, he lost his fortune and was better off for it, realizing he could never be truly good if he were still a billionaire.
The common fan argument about how Bruce totally isn't abusive; he's a good dad who's just been written that way once or twice by bad writers is...actually not that far off from describing Ollie? He hit Roy once in a comic about How Not To Respond To Addiction; in another comic he was revealed to have secretly known about and abandoned Conner, despite this not lining up with previous comics showing how he really wanted to be a dad. Both of these things are canon and bad, no doubt! But he is also usually a lot better, and has shown an ability to grow and change. (Meanwhile canon Bruce just has a consistent pattern of abuse.)
Subjective, but Ollie seems to really think of himself as a father and delight in it in a way that Bruce just kinda...doesn't.
All the arrows, from what I can tell, actually like each other.
They don't try to murder each other either.
But, as you surely notice, being closer to batfanon desires doesn't mean the arrows literally are the fanon batfam. Like the bats, they are not a perfect model nuclear family (nor should they be!). They too have had conflict and dysfunction (Roy and Oliver stopped talking for a significant period of time!). And they do indeed exist in a comic book world driven by crime and superheroics and conflict, not a fluffy fanfiction world driven by comfort and interpersonal reassurances. (This is not a dunk on fanfic, which I love, just a reminder).
so tl;dr, the arrows aren't a perfectly fluffy fanon family either...but if you see a batfam fan throwing Ollie/other arrows under the bus to make their fave look better, that is definitely bullshit.
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just-a-bored-writer · 17 days
Between The Pages, I Found Your Heart | Crowley X Human Reader, Part 1
Gift for @orangegaytorade
You had devoted your studies, and honestly to this extent, your life, to the study of Judeo-Christian lore. You were one of the best in your field, a dedication of hours of work, blood and tears. And if your thesis advisor hadn't noticed, others had. Beings far older, far more powerful, whose existence you had studied but never believed were real. Oh but they were very real, and the King of Hell, in his war against Heaven and the Winchesters, would have great use for your knowledge. Knowledge was power after all and among mortals, you were the most powerful.
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationships: Crowley/Reader
Characters: Human Reader, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Reader-insert, Crowley-centric, Beauty and the Beast Retelling, Meet-Cute, (kidding Crowley kidnap the reader. there is nothing cute about it. don't try this in real life), Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bickering as Flirting, Domestic Fluff, Late Night Conversations, Slow Burn, No Smut
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Kidnapping, Mentions of Torture, Blood and Injuries, Blood Sharing
Set during Season 8 and 9.
Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 1: Deal with the Devil
There was no sound in the library except for the steady rustle of pages being turned and the scribbling of ink on the page. The rumbustious crowd of students had left hours ago, but you remained there, long after the sun had set. And since you had “borrowed” a spare key, you no longer worried about being locked in the library for the night like you had once been when you were still a student. It had been far from the worst night of your life, quite the contrary. You felt at home among the books, surrounded by knowledge, in the comforting silence of the library. 
In front of you was a large window that let in light from the street lamp outside the building. You couldn’t see the stars or the moon tonight, a thick fog had settled throughout the evening, hiding the celestial bodies. When you were a child, you knew the name of every star in the northern hemisphere, but as you grew up – like the childhood friends you had grown apart from – the stars had become nothing but fond memories.
As your eyes grew tired and the words on the page you were trying to translate jumbled together, you decided to give yourself a break. You stretched your arms above your head, lifting your brown sweater slightly and making your vertebrae crack in place. You closed your eyes for an instant and reached blindly for your thermos of coffee, the rings that adorned your fingers clicking gently against the cold metal. The hot liquid warmed you, the sweet, soulful taste of the coffee leaving a pleasant aftertaste on the back of your tongue. 
You opened your eyes, ready to get back to work and suppressed a cry of surprise at seeing a stranger sitting across from you. You hadn't heard him come, no footsteps, no chairs scraping against the carpet. He had been as silent as a snake and, looking into his eyes, perhaps as dangerous.
“You scared the hell out of me,” you said, a hand over your racing heart. 
For some reason, the stranger found your words amusing and he laughed warmly. The hairs on your forearm stood up. “Not yet, darling, I’m afraid.”
“Who the fuck are you?” you asked, not bothering to be polite. Even if the stranger had the best intentions, which you doubted, he should have known better than to approach someone at night in a secluded area. Almost unconsciously, you tightened your grip on your pencil. 
“My name is Crowley and I have an offer for you,” Crowley introduced himself, his voice alluring. 
“What if I don’t want your offer?” you retorted, your eyes searching for the quickest way to run. 
It was a shame, you decided, that Crowley had decided to be so dramatic and creepy in his approach. He was charming in a self-assured way, his easy confidence making him all the more enticing. In another life, his well-fitted suit, his dark eyes glistening under the dim light and his slight smirk would have made you want to dance between his fingers.
“At least listen to me, you have nothing to lose,” Crowley argumented. 
“Alright, you have five minutes”, you accepted. 
Worst case scenario, you could listen to what Crowley had to say, realize he was another lunatic, and walk away.
Ah, famous last words.
“You won't regret it,” Crowley promised.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you answered dryly, still not letting yourself trust him. 
“I heard about you, an expert on Judeo-Christian theology, the best of all, some might say. Exactly the person I need by my side,” Crowley started, trying to play on your hubris. 
A few years ago this would have worked, but now you knew that the Devil was once the most beautiful angel and that words, however beautiful, were just that. Words. 
Crowley seemed to understand just that in your eyes and went straight to the point. “I need help locating a certain artifact. Come with me and you will never have to worry about your student debt ever again. Everything will be paid for and more, for you and your family.”
Of all the things Crowley could have said, that was definitely not what you were expecting. What the hell? Maybe you should have left as soon as he sat down at your table. You were wrong all along, Crowley wasn’t dangerous, he was downright crazy. 
"Right," you scoffed derisively. "And all I have to do in exchange is sell my soul and my firstborn. No thank you, I know how the story ends."
“Not you, darling, you get the special price,” Crowley answered with a charming smile. 
Or what he wanted to be a charming smile. But his teeth were a little too sharp for that, it was the smile of a predator. And you had no intention of being his next meal or feeding his delusions. You stood up and put your things in your tote bag, not caring if you crumpled the pages of your books in the process.
“I’m afraid, I can’t let you do that,” Crowley warned, his voice low and dangerous. Everything you had found attractive about his face had twisted, leaving only thunderous rage, ready to strike. He blinked and his eyes reappeared, emerald red in the darkness.
You didn't waste any time screaming and took off running towards the exit, throwing your chair as a thin, desperate barrier between the two of you. Your breathing was erratic and tears of fear formed in your eyes. Your mind was racing, all the legends you had spent hours studying pointing to the same conclusion. You took a sharp turn behind a bookshelf, the exit door just within reach when you collided with icy arms. 
“I must admit I’m a little disappointed,” said Crowley, his grip closing in on you. 
“Demon,” you blurted, unable to organize a coherent thought.
“If you know this, you also know that it's useless to run,” smirked Crowley. “I tried to be nice to you but, as painful as it is, I do need your help. You should have taken me up on my offer, it would have been more pleasant for us both.”
Crowley raised his arm to snap his fingers, giving you one last opportunity. You threw your scalding coffee in his face, quietly mourning the six dollars you had spent this morning, and without waiting for him to compose himself, stabbed him in the eye with the pencil that was still clutched in your hand. 
And you ran. 
Not far enough, not fast enough. 
The last thing you saw before darkness took you, was a burning red eye, the flesh of the eyelid surrounding it covered in blisters.
I hope you liked it, this idea inspired me more than I initially thought and I decided to make it a multi-chapter fic with short chapters rather than a very long one-shot. Updates should be regular until my muse dies tragically like every time I start a project.
Hello everyone again, I'm not dead! I decided to repost this story, and therefore resume writing it, on another blog for personal organizational reasons. It's quite different from what I usually do and it's easier for me to compartmentalize my different projects this way.
(I'm just disappointed that I can't keep the reviews that were left on my first posts but thank you very much. It really encouraged me to write the first five chapters in just one week.)
I hope you don't mind and continue reading, this story is also in AO3 if you prefer. Happy reading!
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dismalzelenka · 8 months
Febuwhump 4 - Obedience
This is from the same timeline as Day 2's entry.
Context: Post-canon. Miriam's been subsumed by Hadar as a consequence of betraying her pact and has been brought back by her sister with some questionable divine help. There are complications.
This contains spoilers for one of the available companion endings.
Pairing: Gale/Tav Warnings: none
Read From Beginning || Previous || Next
The first time Miriam realizes she's really and truly trapped is when she simply tries to walk through the front door.
“Where are you going?” Gale's voice booms from everywhere and nowhere all at once as her hand jiggles the doorknob to the room where the portal to Eleanor's tower lies.
It's strange to think of it as Eleanor's tower now, but she supposes her sister has had the place longer than Gale ever has at this point.
“To see my sister,” Miriam says.
“I told you to stay put until your magic stabilizes.”
“You told me not to exert myself,” she argues. “An hour for tea in a warded tower is hardly the risk you seem convinced it is—”
“You are not ready. Your magic is not ready.”
Miriam thinks, not for the first time, that she doesn't know how she feels about this version of Gale anymore. Sometimes he comes to her cloaked in flesh and blood, and for a few precious moments it's easy enough to pretend things are the way they've always been, but the illusion always shatters eventually. It leaves her feeling off-balance, melancholic even. She isn't naive enough to think nothing at all would have changed between them, not in the least; she just hadn't considered that she would still be alive — and still mortal — to see it come to pass.
“You can't keep me locked up in your gilded palace for the rest of eternity, Gale.”
“Why not?”
Miriam wants to beat on the walls in frustration. “Because you know me!” she says desperately. “You know how much this is killing me!”
The silence stretches on a beat too long to be comfortable. “You are not going anywhere,” he says finally. The door vanishes from the wall.
The passage of time is different in Eileanar. She ventures out of the palace from time to time — this much, she is allowed, though only under supervision from a rather taciturn wizard who refuses to speak to her in anything other than Thayan. She knows she's been here too long when she realizes she's begun to understand him.
His name is Ruzhazny Kest, and in life he'd been a necromancer-turned-transmuter who had discovered in his youth that he vastly preferred working with objects than flesh and bone. She's found the quickest way to shut down a conversation is to ask if he's ever been a Red Wizard. It's become a bit of an experiment to her now, to see how far she can string him along for information before dropping the question that will ultimately make him clam up tighter than a patriar’s purse.
She's honestly and truly so fucking bored.
She's given up hiding the mark of Karsus’ orb on her chest. She'd cloaked herself at first when visiting the City of Gold, unsure of how it would be received if she strolled about wearing Gale's holy symbol like a badge of honor. When Gale had discovered what she'd been doing, he'd all but commanded her to display it. She was his love, his muse, his very own light of creation; and he'd waxed poetic over it for what had felt like hours. It was an honor she would bear with pride.
Of course, she'd refused, purely out of principle. Miriam Taveric had never been a woman who'd been content blindly following orders, and she certainly wasn't about to start now.
Then she'd discovered it would simply glow through anything she covered it with, be it mundane or magical. The first glamor she'd attempted had backfired and only made the thing glow brighter.
“Why,” he'd asked in exasperation, “do you insist on disobeying me at every turn?”
“If you remembered even a fraction of who I was, you'd know the answer to that,” she'd spat bitterly.
And so she wanders about the city these days, Ruzhazny in tow, draped in the finest silks, all cut in revealing ways that elegantly frame the claim he's staked on her soul. If she's going to flaunt it, after all, she's going to do it right.
He comes to her in the dead of an illusory night. “My love,” he murmurs apologetically. “Won't you look at me?”
“Depends,” she says. She means it to be bitter. It only comes out weary and resigned. “Am I looking at you as your lover, your pet, or your trophy?”
He actually flinches at that, and for another brief moment he looks painfully human again. “I am sorry for the way I have treated you.”
She hates that she immediately suspects he only wants something from her. She hates the way his need for control has soured the way she'd once wanted nothing in the world more than to spend eternity tangled in his arms.
“Miri,” he whispers. “Please look at me.”
He asks, and so she acquiesces. There is moonlight streaming through the window, and he's so painfully, achingly beautiful. He wears sorrow like a veil, and for the first time in a long time she finds herself craving what's beneath.
“What's become of us, Gale?” she asks softly.
“You are more precious to me than my entire kingdom,” he says. He gathers her to his chest and she lets herself fall into the familiarity of his embrace. “And I fear,” he whispers, “that I may have broken something in you.”
She doesn't know what to say to that. She can't refute it, because it's true, but it isn't as though he'd done it on purpose. Nor Eleanor.
She'd been little more than particulate matter for a hundred years. How were either of them supposed to know she'd come back with chaos still dwelling in her veins? How would anyone have predicted the Netherese magic holding her very essence together would be so violently in opposition to it?
She tells him as much, but it doesn't seem to serve as much consolation.
“Eleanor is close to a breakthrough,” he murmurs. “You will see the material plane again — and her — soon enough.”
“Promise me,” she whispers into his shoulder. She clings to him, a lump in her throat and an ache in her chest she can't blame on her mark. Here, she is safe, protected from Mystra's wrath — and that is what it must be, the way her flesh, blood, and bones are thrashed about in arcane madness that cannot be fixed on the material plane even with divine intervention. Here, at least, she is stable. Whole. Maybe she could learn to be happy.
“I love you,” he says softly. “None of this would have been possible without you.”
“But you can't promise to fix me.”
“Trust me, Miri,” he says firmly. “Please.”
It is not in a god's nature to beg, just as it isn't in her nature to obey. It seems they are both bending the rules these days.
Maybe just this once she can make her peace with that.
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dnangelic · 10 months
Sorry I'll ask a more serious one. Are there any hopes that dark and daisuke have for each other? or develop for each other?
this has the potential to turn into an entire convoluted essay so i'll just try to keep things short to start off with. tldr they do absolutely have hopes for each other that they canonically develop, though i usually write them as having reached both of their end development points more or less already. it's about them becoming each other; daisuke more confident and mature, dark loving and tender; fulfilled and human.
dark: dark seeking coexistence has been a thing even before daisuke was his host, so there's that. when it came to his other hosts (daisuke is specifically niwa-host number 19, actually,) what dark mostly wanted out of them was his own body. he's veered into dangerous, creepy-manipulative territories with the whole 'hey hey merge with me, stay as me forever!' bit but it isn't long before he drops that with daisuke. this drama CD track that he narrates basically says it all. there's a part of him that legitimately wants to support and protect daisuke, even if it's usually in a mean, prideful, tough-love, backhanded tsundere way. there's a lot of implication that daisuke ever failing to believe in himself is also something that collaterally wounds dark. quickest and most blatant example i can think of is this:
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vol 1 vs vol 4. for context, that's still daisuke (just in dark's form) speaking in the v first panel, and in the rest, daisuke's transported into dark's (but really his own) dream where he and dark's roles are essentially reversed. dark exists as "daisuke" while daisuke's the "one who doesn't exist anymore" in the world, and every single one of daisuke's thoughts and dialogue lines ends up practically a complete parallel to what would normally be dark's thoughts, one after another. i can't publish a whole manga arc in an ask, but the gist is that what dark wants out of daisuke is pretty simple, actually. beneath even the destiny of phantom thievery dark's existence pretty much forces upon the niwa, beneath the imbalance of dark's arrogant pride and daisuke's insecurities is the fact that no matter what, even if he never gets to 'live' with his own life or his own body, dark, as just dark, still wants to be accepted and remembered.
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it hurts him to be rejected, even if it's something like daisuke's own lack of self confidence unintentionally rejecting him. 'i'm not, i can't be dark/i am you + you ARE me.' it hurts dark to be abandoned and separated from, ("that is... even if you say it like that, i'm already used to it. sorrow is just the one thing i can't get used to.") it hurts dark to be a half-existent "curse" imbued into a bloodline that his hosts only ever want to cut off and avoid without any sympathy so they can get back to their own lives, a life dark constantly longs for but can never obtain. it's bittersweet to be the one always left behind, over and over, to have been born of the niwa's love, thereby knowing and desiring love, yet being forever doomed to exist (also seemingly forever!) without it. dark even specifically mentions the 'pain of separation' that he feels, knowing he's the one who's always destined to disappear, be forgotten, then reappear in the end. that's also why he can ultimately settle for someone to be able to say with absolute confidence that he existed as his own individual just as much as he was a part of his host(s). in the very end, he can only rely on daisuke anymore for that, which is simultaneously what also makes dai the christine to his erik.
'i've always been inside you. don't you know that? if not for you, i wouldn't be here either. that's what i am.'
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'because you're here, i'm able to live.'
when they're in a healthy unison, it doesn't matter whether dark is his own 'live' entity or just a persona for daisuke to wear and act out on his own. dark's 'eternity' is believed in; he and his memory is preserved as more than just a miserable, pathetic haunt and forced destiny. his empty, vacant, hollow and immortal existence is given human meaning; daisuke's love and acceptance fulfills him. if i shall be saved, it will be because your love redeems me! (also this post.)...and this is really all the hope dark could ever have, not just for himself, but for daisuke as well. to meet his faith and belief that daisuke can not just match but make his steps, and accept 'him', the one and only 'great phantom thief dark,' as himself.
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daisuke: setting aside the things i've said for dark's portion already, daisuke's always personally wanted to change. sugisaki's even said that change was what the series about! it kicks off with daisuke trying to make the first attempt at it: giving his initial crush his love letter and getting rejected, then transforming into dark for the first time. daisuke doesn't want to be a loser. he hates himself for being 'incapable' and 'clumsy' and 'useless,' and if he has any hopes, then it's for that to change through dark- through being, becoming dark. that being said, daisuke did also absolutely only want to get rid of dark at first, but there are implications that he had also been lying to himself here and there. when it comes to phantom thievery, daisuke has grow into it. he has to realize that it's not solely theft and criminal behavior for the sake of it, (it's very important that while he's absolutely committing 'human' crimes, his thefts are simultaneously a form of protection for the arts themselves,) and that even as a phantom thief, he can still create wonder and awe and inspire dreams, and the same mercy applies to learning about dark.
it takes daisuke around 20 volumes to get to a place where he can essentially, confidently say that he and dark are on equal footings, but just a little before that, is the way daisuke goes from someone who would have done anything to get rid of dark to becoming someone who felt he could only do things BECAUSE dark was there. daisuke is always the one far more openly admiring and looking up to dark, the nervous one blatantly relying on dark's encouragement and presence to keep him from curling up into his knees and staying that way forever. to that extent, dai's now at the point where he doesn't want to let dark go. in canon he essentially has no choice. cue the loop back to 'because you're here, i'm able to live' and everything after it, but within rp, if he isn't set back at square one (a la 'i'm just here because i want to get rid of dark!!!) then the sorts of hopes he has are to simply continue improving and changing himself to be a good fit for the title of a legendary phantom thief. dai is, ultimately, the protagonist, so between him and dark, he controls the entirety of the outcome of the narrative between them. dark's hopes are entirely reliant on his, so it's good that dai's entire chara basis is compassion and attempting to meet, fulfill, and accomplish the hopes and happiness of others through his own.
between him and dark, their hopes really ultimately end up the same: they want to be with each other! they want to be each other! do not separate them or else they'll Both freak out.
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theologicalphysics · 2 years
Ok, actually, I have an idea! What if the ghosts are bound to the boundaries of the place where they died WHEN they died. So Robin's territory mostly overlaps with Button House, but is actually bigger than the rest of their territories? And Mary and the Plague ghosts who were from the Village can go all the way to the village? Plague ghosts stay where they are because thats where their pit is, and Mary hasn't gone back to the village since they killed her. The German pilots died in a plane and they stay where that plane was when they died.
I fully support this theory and in that case I'm going to explain the bit in 3x06 where the main cast ghosts are all blocked at the gates as being that all the different generations' boundaries end at the gates on that side of the property.
In Robin's day there was a river there, which formed the natural boundary to his hunting grounds. The river itself dried up as the climate changed, but the river bed cut a straight line through the landscape and got used as the basis of a Roman Road from leading from London to Verulamium. (Since we know from 02x01 that Button House is canonically in Hertfordshire.) The road fell into disrepair after the fall of Rome, but it was still the quickest way to London. In the early Middle Ages it received a royal pavage grant and funds were raised for the road to be restored using taxes gathered by the bailiffs and goodmen of the neighbouring village. The additional taxation wasn't popular, but the road was in decent condition again by the time Mick the plague ghost takes for his ill-fated trip to London in 02x02. Of course post-plague the road started to become worse for wear again. Road repair was typically funded by taxation within nearby parishes, which meant a lack of funds when the pit crew's village disappeared. When populations began to rise again in the centuries following the black death, there was a lot of resentment by those living on the Bone estates (echoing similar resentments throughout England) that local residents were entirely on the hook for the upkeep of roads which were being damaged mostly by intercity travellers who were just passing through.
Good guy Humphrey decides to try and fix this by getting a special permission to levy a toll on usage of the road. If he invites Henry VIII to Bone House, the king will have personal experience of the poorly maintained road outside the house. If everything else about the visit goes well, then the king will be in the mood to grant favours - like an act of parliament allowing the Bone family to administer a special toll relieving the financial burden on the local residents and therefore also on the Bones themselves.
Humphrey spends loads of money on making the visit as lavish as possible, only to be stymied by a particularly indigestible swan which meant there was never a good time to ask about the road, as the king spent most of the visit in the privy as mentioned in 01x04.
In Mary's time, the road had become a full-fledged turnpike and it was a great relief to her and her husband that what had previously been funded by local taxation was now being funded by the travellers themselves. (Although, in later years, the sharp-tongued Annie would point out to Mary how the grift and hypocrisy of the various toll farmers had contrived to make big profits for a few wealthy men, at the expense of locals attempting to take their good to market.) In Kitty and Thomas's day the more wooded areas of the road are used by highwaymen who will rob travellers in secluded areas then make off across open country to avoid being identified or apprehended at the toll gates. There's a certain amount of tension about this between Thomas, who believes the highwaymen to be unscrupulous ruffians and Kitty who has a more romanticised view. They spend quite a lot of time arguing about it, despite neither of them having any personal experience with highwaymen and being forced to rely on the same second-hand accounts to give weight to their arguments.
Meanwhile Robin learned early on that a far corner of the Higham House grounds adjoins the woodland area where the highwaymen operate. He, Mary and Annie spend time watching the highwaymen operate and get to know them quite well. They'll critique the delivery of the line "your money or your life" and sometimes place bets on the success of the various stick-ups. (These two plot threads are woven together when one of the highwaymen tries to avoid detection by taking a shortcut across the Button House grounds. Robin, Mary and Annie chasing after him on foot, while Kitty and Thomas come out of the house to see what all the fuss is about. Subsequently, Thomas begins looking more kindly upon highwaymen after learning that this one had successfully robbed his killer. Meanwhile Kitty sours on them after having one callously ride his horse directly through her.)
In Fanny's lifetime, the laws change so that English roads begin to be funded by a tax on individual vehicles rather than local residents or tolls. We know from 03x07 that she's got a good head for business and despite disapproving of these newfangled motorcars, she can see there's a profit to be made. She urges George to invest in the new motorcar manufacturer, Daimler, but he doesn't act on her advice in time to turn a profit. Fanny's annoyance about this is increased tenfold when she discovers, post-mortem, that the reason that dreadful Chetwynde family from next door had been doing so well financially was that they'd overheard her advice back then and had - unlike her useless lump of a husband - actually listened to her.
Daimler was subsequently sold to the Birmingham Small Arms company and the Captain's work on weapons development introduced him to a variety of their engineers as the company diversified into everything from bicycles to machine guns to aeroplanes. He used to ride a BSA motorcycle along the road outside Button House. (One of those old Roman roads, you know? Straight shot practically to Saint Albans, so you could really open up the throttle and see what the old girl was capable of. Terrific stuff!) Obviously, this simple pleasure is taken from him after his untimely death means that both his beloved BSA Gold Star and his ability to access the road in question are permanently beyond his reach.
Pat died during a time of historically high vehicle ownership, historically low fuel prices and worrying news reports about what the lead in petrol might be doing to the health of the nation. Japan had just passed a law banning its use and there are rumours that Britain might follow suit. Obviously Pat wants Daley to grow up healthy in a world where he can enjoy the outdoors, but bleeding Nora, he's not long bought a new car! Getting a catalytic converter added to the Datsun and then having to pay for fancy petrol... well it's not going to be cheap, is it? He's not sure about the price implications for multiseater vehicles and whether the scouts would be better off buying or renting for future outings if the new laws come in. He had a post-it on the dashboard of the minibus reminding him to look into the costs. It's in his line of vision as he dies. Just one more task he never got done.
The new laws are fully in place by Julian's time, albeit breathtakingly unpopular with his constituents. BSA sold Daimler to Jaguar in 1960 and are now responsible for Julian's most treasured possession. Like the Captain, Julian enjoyed pushing his vehicle to the limits on the old Roman road outside of Button House. It's a shared commonality they might have bonded over, except Julian decides to share that his drive had been enlivened by a line you could have marked the pitch at Wembley with and a mid-journey blowie from a blonde named Antonia.
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chocomd · 2 years
3, 5 and 10 for ao3 wrapped? 😊
Thanks for the ask, pottyospanna 🥰
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I would have to say Drag You Down, my ongoing multichapter Kataang breakup/make up fic! I'm proud of it because I'm exploring what (to me) could believably make Kataang break up and what would get them back together. I'm drawing from canon sources of potential conflict for their relationship and going as far as I can with that. A Kataang breakup is also going to be a big deal, so it's pretty angsty and I'm definitely not holding back in that department 😅
It's also the longest fic I've ever written by far, clocking in at least 140k words in total. I never meant for it to get this long, but I think it got long because it would take a lot to break up Kataang, and it would take a lot to get them back together again. I also have several OCs with fleshed out backgrounds and a good dose of political maneuvering, which Kataang gets entangled in and serves to distance them further. But all of that will eventually be relevant to driving the resolution of the story (when they get back together). It's also one of my more tightly written stories, with a lot of elements that seem unrelated at first, but there's a purpose for everything and what that purpose is will become clear as we get close to the end!
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
My Song-centric fic, To Owe an Ostrich Horse, got WAY more engagement than I was expecting! It has less than 30 kudos, but it has more comments than any of my Kataang fics that aren't long multichapter fics. Which is pretty wild, since the fic is about Song, a minor character who shows up in one episode. Not only that, it doesn't portray Zuko in a positive light, which I didn't think would attract many (or any) readers in a fandom that adores Zuko.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
The fic I wrote most quickly this year was Everlasting, for the Kataang Week 2022 prompt Drunk Kataang! I wasn't originally planning to write for that prompt, but I was inspired by the adorable drawing you did for Drunk Kataang. I completed the first draft (4200 words) in less than 24 hours. I don't know how I wrote it so fast, and I don't think I could write a fic that fast again 😂
Ask me a question from the ao3 wrapped ask meme!
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
TMNT 2012 Headcanons: Language
How fluent are the turtles in speaking Japanese and other languages? Here’s my headcanons on each of the boys skills in speaking different languages.
Fluent in Japanese, ever since he was a kid Leo had a great admiration for the Japanese language and culture. He always wanted to hear stories from his father about his home country as well as learn how to speak Japanese, and he also learned how to write and read in the language as well. It was one of the many things him and Splinter bonded over while growing up and after his father’s death Leo continued learning more about Japanese culture and language, eventually even teaching and sharing his fathers stories to others.
Leo also knows how to speak the fictional alien language in his favorite TV show Spaceheroes (think of it like the language Klingon in Star Trek), but ironically he can’t seem to understand and has trouble with learning real alien languages.
Leo also has a talent in reading lips. It really helps when on stealth missions and spying on the enemy.
For Donnie, he was the quickest to learn how to speak Japanese, to the point he didn’t need Splinter to personally teach him and was ahead of his Japanese lessons compared to his brothers.
Growing up, Donnie loved studying and learning new things, it was his favorite hobby, and one of them was learning how to speak different languages. It was his way to feel connected to the outside world while being stuck underground in the sewers.
By age 15 Donnie personally taught himself and mastered speaking French (he really embraced that skill when he learned April likes the French language and thinks guys who speak it are attractive), Spanish, Latin (it’s not a dead language to him), can read Egyptian Hieroglyphics (this is canon, you see it in the S5 Halloween arc), knows Morse Code, and even understands Sign Language, but it’s hard for him since he doesn’t have enough fingers, so reading it is his better option.
Raph never really care to learn a second language growing up. He was taught and knows basic phrases in Japanese, but that’s as far as he went. Splinter offered to teach him more but Raph always refused, never showing interest in learning more Japanese like Leo or Donnie. (Also when getting in arguments with Leo, Leo would often call Raph a name or insult him in Japanese which would frustrate Raph since he doesn’t know what he’s saying and wouldn’t be able to think of a good comeback). It wasn’t until after Splinter’s death that Raph started to learn more on how to speak Japanese and became more fluent in the language. It was his way to still feel connected with his father and make up for those lost times when he deny his father’s offer to learn more about his first language that he now regrets.
Despite him not being so eager to learn how to speak different languages Raph did pick up Spanish for a time. (Bonus headcanon) Raph loves watching Spanish Soap Operas and he began to unknowingly learn how to speak Spanish, eventually watching the Soaps without subtitles and even yelling at the TV in Spanish, something that weirds his brothers out when first experiencing it.
Raph also knows a little Salamandrain thanks to Mona Lisa. He originally wanted to learn it only to know the curse words, but eventually he picked up most of Mona’s language from hearing her speak it all the time, becoming very knowledgeable of many words and phrases, sometimes even calling Mona cute nicknames in her language. However Raph is still not fluent and is still learning, so Mona often has a good laugh when he says certain words or terms incorrectly.
For Mikey, he was the most difficult to teach Japanese, for out of all of his brothers he struggled the most, but over time he learn a few basic phrases and words. He never became fluent in Japanese growing up, which continued to bothered him into his teen years. It wasn’t until Leo, who took Mikey under his wing, helped him improve his ability in speaking Japanese, but Mikey still struggles occasionally.
After discovering pizza, Mikey became fascinated in learning about the Italian language. He began to learn it through Donnie, who was also willing to learn a new language, and ended up learning a few phrases. Mikey never became fluent, but he was happy and satisfied with what he could learn and knew.
Mikey also speaks crazy talk (basic babbling and reverse speaking) and forms of Kraang/Utrom languages in Dimension X (mainly animals in DX). His brothers don’t get it, and Mikey himself can’t explain it, but it’s the only “language” he truly understands and can master because of his unpredictable nature and wild mindset. Mikey considers it his greatest accomplishment, for it’s one of the only thing his brothers can’t master but he can.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
fellas this is just my opinion of how his chart influences his canon personality, pls don’t think this is my universal opinion of the signs 🥸
LEO SUN - sukuna is THEE king of curses, he demands proper respect, fear, and attention on himself at all times. he truly believes that this is his world and everyone else is just living in it (for now), boastful and arrogant of his own power over people and his cursed techniques, and is extremely self-centered. the only thing that matters to him is himself and his desires. he commands attention whenever he appears in the canon setting of jjk.
AQUARIUS MOON - sukuna does and sees most things as means to an end, he’s able to achieve the things he desires objectively and emotions aren’t really a driving point for him, if they truly affect him at all. sukuna is obviously very unconventional about his world view, but he’s only open-minded to those he deems worthy, which is far and few between. just extremely detached from others in favor of his own company and objectives, but he makes exceptions for those he cares about.
SCORPIO RISING - as one of the most difficult ascendants, sukuna is fueled by constant rebirth and transformation within himself. he only becomes more power the more of himself he can find, and he feels very intensely not only for his own goals, but those he “cares” about. he has canonically stated he only cares for megumi, whatever that may mean to him, going as far as to map out the shibuya arc around megumi’s location and heal him when he was injured and unconscious. scorpio risings tend to fall victim to their own destructive nature and sukuna does nothing but dive in head first.
LEO MERCURY - tbh this was tough placement for me, but ultimately i went to with leo because when the sun and mercury are in the same sign? its a very powerful thing. sukuna speaks with an authority about him, not shy to be boastful of himself either. he speaks passionately about his beliefs, whether about himself or others. the idea he has of himself in his mind is exactly how he expresses himself to the world, but he does so dramatically. having such a self-centered sign in a planet that’s typically reasonable does cause some issues with ego and sensitivity. like with mahito, he doesn’t take lightly to those who disrespect his clear intentions.
SCORPIO VENUS - everything about sukuna just screams,,,utter devotion and possessiveness to a fault. the only relationship in canon i can go off is for megumi, who he has clearly stated his “care” for and has shown his devotion to having him by his side (romantic or not). like i mentioned before in scorpio rising, sukuna, a man known for massacre and extreme sadism, went out of his way to protect megumi from his path of destruction and even healed him when he was unconscious. his devotion is quiet, he’s not about grand gestures of love and romance, but he expects to be acknowledged for it all the same. and the possessiveness is not something really seen canonly ? at this point but it seems like it would a deep streak for him in matters of romance.
LEO MARS - AHA my favorite planet <3 it’s no secret that this man wants to feel like a god amongst mortals and this is shown in the bedroom too. stroking his ego is the quickest way to get to him, but only done with sincerity. he doesn’t take kindly to those who will just tell him what he wants to hear in order to get something from him. also another place where his pride and tendency to boast will appear, his true feelings may lie in devotion, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to impress either. possessiveness can be seen here too, while he wants to give the object of his affections the world, he expects the same from them. their loyalty is something to never be questioned, lest he begins to feel insecure about his love’s devotion. and that being said, sex and love could be hard for him to separate considering his high level of passion for his desires. it’s not just anyone that can catch his eye and even harder to get him to pursue. also loves a power imbalance in bed too, like i said before, he wants to be seen as a god
honorable mentions: aries mars, gemini mercury, leo jupiter, pisces lilith 😖
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
can I make a quick comment?
first of all, I love buddie. I love the chemistry, I love the implications of a love story such as this would represent, I love everything.
But! I also think that even if the writers haven't decided on it yet, I not only think this is the natural course because of how long they've let if grow, but also about where this characters are today and where they're heading.
And I'm not only talking about the big things (read the guardianship, the difference of their relationship to other friendships in the show) but also about how by not making them canon yet makes the entire story even better.
I love all the versions of this characters, but they're growing, they're maturing. And even if I loved them, says, in season two, I think that back then it wouldn't work. It would very likely crash and burn because neither of them were ready for it.
Do I hate to see what they're doing with ana and taylor here? Yes. Do I believe, in the thought of making a slow burn, that it's perfect? Also yes!
You said it before, and I totally agree that what this hetero ships are doing is show us why buddie is such a good match. But also, they're giving the opportunity for them to get to the point that the things that would tear them apart, in the beginning, no longer will. That the people they're becoming, are even more right together.
So yes, I'm impatient. But it's beautiful to see what is happening here. And when they finally cave in, nothing will tear these two apart.
And I all for it
Nonnie, you are officially my new favorite person because you get it. Our fandom is so busy bitching about a number of topics - Tim Minear's non-answers // "Buck is not really Christopher's dad!1!" // When will EddieA*a be over? What is the point? // Are we being q-worded? etc etc. - that (IMO!) we're not taking the time to appreciate how we ended up here. Did y'all forget Buddie was never set up to be a "will they/won't they" relationship? Did y'all forget that the original plan was (allegedly) to have Eddie and Maddie get together? Did y'all forget that JLH asked to play Chimney's girlfriend instead? Something happened in the early days of filming Ryan and Oliver as Eddie and Buck. Something different. Something good. That much is clear. We make jokes about them having the quickest enemies-to-friends-to lovers plot on television, but am I the only one who wonders if this was done on purpose? Maybe the chemistry between the two was so noticeable that the writers said "No one is gonna believe they hate each other. We might as well make them friends." People loooove arguing about the slow burn of Buddie (some love it, some hate it), but can we please acknowledge how quickly the writers established that these two characters are going to matter to each other for a long time? Eddie's FIRST EPISODE gave us this money quote: "You can have my back any day." "Or, you know, you could...you could have mine." followed by: - Eddie confiding in Buck about having a child ("He's seven." // "And super adorable. I, uh, I love kids.") - Buck telling Eddie when cell service was working because he knew Eddie wanted to talk to Christopher - Buck driving Eddie to pick up Christopher and watching them happily embrace - Eddie and Buck going to the hospital after Abuela got hurt + Pepa talking to Buck, this dude she literally just met, about her nephew's struggles as a single parent - Buck giving Bobby "a heads up" when they were bringing Christopher back to the station so he could clear it with the chief (without telling Eddie) - Buck asking Carla to help Eddie get Christopher what he needs - Eddie having Buck go with him to watch Christopher meet Santa Claus instead of, y'no, his wife... Everything I just mentioned? THE FIRST TEN EPISODES. If the writers *didn't* slow down the trajectory of Buddie's relationship they'd be married with a second kid on the way, but as we now know TM is trying to take advantage of the last two "single" members of 118 by keeping them apart because if/when Buddie is canon he thinks it'll get boring. (That's a YOU problem, Tim! Learn how to write better scripts!) What if the audience really did like Shannon? Where would we be? Does anyone ever think about that? Where would we be if the writers actually cared about making EddieA*a look like a legit couple? Buck sure as hell wouldn't be Christopher's emergency legal guardian right now, I can tell you that much. Don't get so caught up in the destination that you fail to appreciate what it took to get there - especially when we were never supposed to be on this damn road in the first place.
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bibbykins · 2 years
out of all the men in THB, I really think for some reason that it's Jungkook that the mc can get away with a lot of things. I don't really have a reason why, I just feel it
Additional: I think the canon bunny would actually mindlessly send a video of her masturbating to their gc and sleep through her subspace (though that's kinda dangerous right? to not have any supervision when you're feeling subby?)
Add. Additional: when bunny feels neglected, she wouldn't say anything (and I believe she's a pretty good liar too if she really wants to hide something) the only way the boys will know is when she doesn't message them as much as they're used to (prolly) I mean, sure with that ask of how many times bunny gets it in a week, you've said that she's hardly alone, but even if you're with someone and that someone is busy doing other things, you can still get a little lonely right? (most especially in the red days)
Add. Add. Additional: Bunny cries during her menstruation for the most ridiculous reasons ever (like she's watching a youtube video about baking a cake but she's pissed off when the cake isn't bunny design although she didn't choose a video of making a bunny cake, but she's still pissed off or when she has a balloon and the balloon does balloon things and it suddenly pops and she just immediately face planted herself to the floor)
this is getting too long now
Bunny fucking WISHES but Jungkook is stern and quite the sadist so he's itching for any excuse to punish her. Rip Bunny😔 The guys that let her get away with the most are the softer doms tbh.
She's p careful about not falling asleep in subspace bc she usually wakes up feeling like shit but I could see that happening semi-accidentally and it becomes a race with the guys on who can get home the quickest to take care if her lmao
Unfortunately, no, she's almost one of the worst liars in existence when it comes to people she loves. The guys, however, have never rlly cared about the feelings of other people so some take longer to catch onto her little signs than others. Bunny will measage them but it won't be nearly as often or nearly as intricate of messages, and they'd catch on to the change in her behavior from there (and feel like shit for not immediately noticing)
Omg 100% you're correct! Bunny is a huge crybaby without her cycle so when she is menstruating??? She's nearly inconsolable at every turn and the balloon popping??? If it was in a common area of the building and the guys heard it they're immediately running to be at her side while one of them is blowing up another one and the other is holding her while another is reassuring her and wiping away her tears. Or if one of them is particularly nice to her that day? It's over, the tears: are flowing
Thank you so much these were so fun to answer and no such thing as too long in my ask box lmao!💖
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