#the queue of ferelden
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deadlymaelstrom · 3 months ago
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From joining the Grey Wardens as a recruit to eventually succeeding Duncan as the new Warden-Commander of Ferelden, Lord Aedan Sarim Cousland of Highever -- Hero of the Fifth Blight and Vanquisher of the Archdemon Urthemiel.
9:30-31 Dragon: Age 25-26
9:34-37 Dragon: Age 29-32
9:41-42 Dragon: Age 36-37
9:44 Dragon: Age 39
9:53 Dragon: Age 48
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flowerpetalprincess · 2 years ago
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If You Knew || Redraw
When I first started Dragon Age, I played a Dalish that was absolutely furious at having to join the Wardens. She wanted to remain in her clan, she wanted to seek out Tamlen, she didn't want to join some shem.
The more I played, the more my 'Main Warden' took shape. Wolve. Wolve is fairly young, barely an adult. Learning that her already young life will be cut short was terrifying. Learning that she couldn't have child, and that she'd eventually be driven mad and turn into the very thing she fought to destroy... it certainly took it's toll.
Yet, she became a hero, she saved so many people, she saved her friends, she met her love interest. While there was still a lot of bad about her situation, there was a lot of good too.
The image on the right is undated, but given the release date of Dragon Age, I can only assume sometime around or after 2009. The image on the right was made in 2023, a whole 14 years later!
Also like, this is the first time I've been genuinely proud of my art for a long time. I'm so happy with how this turned out <3
Wolve belongs to Me, but is inspired by Dragon Age Origins, Bioware
Do not steal, repost, or alter in any way.
As much as I love my artbooks, and the feeling of paper between my fingers. It is a very real fear that something such as a flood or fire could completely destroy all my work.
Yeah I could just scan all my art, but seeing how far I've improved and posting some cool art sounds much more fun!
So I started something I've been wanting to do for the longest time. "The Digitization Project.' This involves taking the pictures from my many, many, many, many art books, and redrawing them.
It's clearly going to be a long term project, so it's sorta something I'm doing on the side while I work on a major project and the request queue on the side.
Wolve belongs to Me, but is inspired by Dragon Age Origins, Bioware
Do not steal, repost, or alter in any way.
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rielzero · 4 months ago
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Last Bit Of Sparrow's Concept Art that I've rendered now.
Commander of the Grey Sparrow is very intimidating...
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etdraconis · 7 months ago
Alistair was settled in by the fire, still wearing his suit of armor. He had volunteered for first watch that night, but since his companions were still milling about and hadn’t yet settled into bed, he was enjoying a few minutes to relax. His sword lay across his lap, the whetstone he had been using to sharpen it laying beside him.
He was bored, admittedly. He would be even more bored once everyone was asleep, of course, but they weren’t asleep yet. They simply were busy and not talking to him right then. Which was fine of course. He was perfectly fine sitting by the fire alone.
But then he looked up to see Evaline walking towards them. Alistair perked up in an instant, a smile crossing his face as he sat up straighter. He greatly enjoyed the woman’s company, and would certainly never say no to talking with her. And while he probably wasn’t the best person to ask questions of, he would certainly try his best to answer her.
She had that sword with her, the one she had found. He had thought it odd that a mage would want a sword. But something about the blade seemed… odd. Perhaps it was enchanted? He couldn’t be sure, though his Templar training did make him more alert about it. He wondered why she was bringing it over now, clutching it so close, but chose not to spare it too much thought.
“Evening, Evaline!” He told her cheerfully. “You can ask me anything you’d like. Unless it involves arithmetic. I’m terrible at it.”
Starter for @etdraconis
Sat just outside her tent, Evaline contemplated the sheathed sword on her lap. On one hand, holding such a weapon felt inherently wrong. As a Circle mage, she had only ever learned to wield magic and more often than not she had used a staff to channel it. Staffs were light, elegant weapons and they allowed her to stay at the edges of a fight for the most part.
In spite of what she knew and what she was most comfortable with, she had felt drawn to the weapon. It seemed to hum with some unknown power when she held it in her hands. There was something inherently magic about it. She could have sworn that she had seen that very blade when she was given visions of ancient Elvhen arcane warriors in the Brecilian forest.
She wanted to wield it, but she didn’t know the first thing about fighting with a sword. The fact that she could lift it with such ease was already a surprise to her. As she looked out over camp, watching her companions wind down for the night, her eyes fell on Alistair. If anyone could help her, it would be him.
“Alistair?” she spoke up, just loud enough to be heard over the crackle of the campfire. Getting to her feet, she held the sheathed blade in both of her hands, keeping it close to her chest. “Might I ask you something?”
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sapphim · 7 months ago
DA2 Act Transitions | Intro → Prologue
It all starts with the single player module event script, sp_module.ncs which, when it receives the EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_START event, kicks us over to sp_module_start.ncs, which does some setup to start the game and jumps us to the pro000ar_blightlands_fake area.
Then, even though we’re skipping character generation proper at this point in time, sp_module.ncs receives the EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_CHARGEN_DONE event from Hawke's class selection, which plays pro000cs_opening_scene3.cut (“I’ve had gentler invitations”) and sets pro000pt_main 92.
pro000pt_main 92 begins the pro000_opening_pc.cnv exaggerated intro with Hawke and sibling (“Scouts.”). That bounces back and forth between the conversation and darkspawn encounters for a bit.
When the ogre is defeated its event script, pro000cr_ogre_fake.ncs, plays the appropiate cutscene (pro000_db_ogre_mage.cut, _rogu.cut, or _warr.cut) and sets pro000pt_main 105.
pro000pt_main 105 queues up a whole bunch of cutscenes: pro000_opening_pc.cnv (“There’s no end to them.”) -> pro000cs_flemeth_fake.cut -> pro000_varric_cass.cnv. This also sets pro000pt_main 7 which doesn’t do anything on its own but is important because the first conversation with the family won’t play if it’s not set.
pro000_varric_cass.cnv (“Bullshit. That’s not what really happened.”) sets pro000pt_main 8, which jumps Hawke to the pro000ar_blightlands_real area and sets pro000pt_main 9, which preps Hawke for actual play.
The pro000ar_blightlands_real.ncs area script finally initiates the character creator screen.
Exiting character creation once again sends EVENT_TYPE_MODULE_CHARGEN_DONE to sp_module.ncs. This time, the script sets up the imported variables from Origins and queues up pro000cs_real_surv.cut (“The Blight had been unleashed on Ferelden.”) and then dae000_mother.cnv (“I think that’s all of them.”) and then we have control of Hawke!
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The Warden: This is our camp. It’s not much, but it’s home.
The Inquisitor: This is Skyhold. It’s a large mountain fort and the Inquisition headquarters.
Hawke, looking at Kirkwall:
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sapphodera · 4 years ago
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After the Archdemon was defeated, Mahariel left in search of her lover
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coles-three-dads · 3 years ago
The warden: Hey Leliana. Tell me a story?
Leliana: Of course. :blush:
Inquisitor: Hey Leliana. Tell me a story?
Leliana: We have a library. You can read, can you not?
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vulptilla · 4 years ago
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Now, I wonder if I could create her in DAO, too... 🤔
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deadlymaelstrom · 3 months ago
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"I've trained these Wardens myself after the Blight. Together, we were rebuilding the Order. To see them snuffed out by these monsters... Maker forgive me, but I no longer have any reason to hold back." ―Warden-Commander Aedan Cousland of Ferelden.
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m-m-m-myysurana · 5 years ago
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Playing around with some psd watercolour brushes to try something new, so here’s a Neria!
I actually love the way the brushes emulate watercolour painting, it was surprisingly accurate! I had fun with it anyway ☺️
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flowerpetalprincess · 4 years ago
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Ferelden Frost Pg1 || Done
The Birth of a Darkling Princess
“It’ll be okay now.” He promises, lifting one pale grey hand to ouch her temple. “You’ll wait no longer, I promise.”
She startles as his hand approaches, but takes a calming breath and lets her eyes slip close as cold flesh meets the skin of her temple, darkness swarming instantly from the touch.
A scream, loud and pained, animalistic, the cry of an animal in its death throes; she screams but he doesn’t pull away, neither does she, the fearlings gather and she threatens to go limp, to fall.
Stop stop stop, I’m afraid, I’m terrified, what are you doing, stop.
Her skin from the spot on his temple is swarmed with darkness, the fearlings practically pounce on the girl and Pitch grins as she screams, as she howls, as she’s covered in the darkness that took him, and that is taking her.
The screaming fades; and the fearlings pry themselves from her, retreating to their corners and their shadows. And the girl who stands there looks at him weakly, bright golden eyes and grey skin, shadowed, her hair slips over her face and he brushes it aside.
Her hand reaches up, and clings to him, and his free hand gently curls around it.
“Jade…?” He whispers quietly.
She doesn’t answer; the grip on him tightens instead, hanging on for a dear moment before going slack.
Pitch’s smile turns into a wicked grin and he catches her arm as she goes limp, supporting her easily.
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nuka-nuke · 6 years ago
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dalishious · 6 years ago
i never realized how RECENT the end of orlesian occupation in ferelden was
Yep. Maric killed Meghren and ends the Orlesian occupation in 9:02 Dragon.
The Orlesian occupation was less than 30 years before the events of DA:O. 
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wxrdencouslxnd · 8 years ago
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@iron-and-earth | i felt like making you a pretty thing. so... there you go.
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ofdales · 6 years ago
repost, do not reblog!
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You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behaviour, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathise. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
You have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. Expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. It can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. But you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
tagged by: @carehurt ( ily )
tagging: @dovahsiils ( both babes! ), @skysaved, @fleurdacier ( viv ), @maegick ( beau ), @princexiled, whoever else is interested!
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