#the quality isnt the best but its decent enough
star2stop · 3 days
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fun tankmen doodle page >:]
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i was never a writter, but the lack of geo content is killing me so here we go
Before you read; i tried to make this as versatile as possible, make it fit for different types of readers and wether or not it follows cannon storyline! The only thing about this is that you and crowe have no romantic interest in eachother and are just friends. (If crowe and geo were pinning for the same person that would be messy and too complicated for me to think of)
geo x reader hc:
• its known that geo is rich, and from deryl's account, has bodyguards armed with katanas. while its unclear how often he is accompanied by these bodyguards. He wouldn't heasiitate to have them accompany you too, especially after the movie theater / arcade incident (depending on the route you choose) or if anything similar happened. Especially when he isnt around.
• if you are a shy / quiet person, he will be by your side, not saying much, but the fact that he is willingly spending his free time with you, shows how much he cares about you.
- he will push you out of your shell, he wants the best for you what holds people being too scared to take action. Your shyness could hold you back and he doesn't want you to be hurt by it. When your too scared to speak out he will nudge you to do so, giving you confidence and reassurance, of course he usually ends up speaking up for you anyways. He wont allow others to disrespect you.
• if you are more loud and rambunctious he would pretend to be annoyed with you, but you are close enough to know he genuinely cares about you.
- even though he dislikes rowdy places, he will endure your shenanigans. somtimes you get too out of hand, and this is when he brings you back to earth.
• surprisingly, hes a tad bit better at showing affection through words, he seems— unsure about physical contact. He has daddy issues and his relationship with his mom and hyugo are unclear, but i have a hunch that hes touch starved and never really received affection through touch (or at all).
• he isn't the best at showing affection overall, however it feels as though he does it through acts of service best. If you have an issue, he would try and fix it or help it for you— he can, and will get physical.
• while he is stubborn, and finds it hard to vocalize his admiration for you, he is decent with words of affirmation, of course at the start before you get closer hes silent. He doesn't say lovey dovey things directly, its more in how he speaks. Once he warms up to you, he will speak to and about you with love. He also teases you, just like he does with deryl, your reactions, and laughter mean the world to him. he cares about you— and the rest of his friends.
• I think quality time is a another strong means of affection for him. He’s very busy (at least— I think). He will decline going to the hallows ball even if his friends are going because he has "better things to do". His time is valuable, he will put time aside just to be with you because he loves you, you give him energy and refuel his mental state when he needs energy. Wether it be a date, cuddling, listening to music together (Japanese opera and whatever you like), looking at potted plants, or just being next to eachother, its the highlight of his day.
• speaking of cuddling, he enjoys it, while hes stiff and unsure at first, he will warm up to it. He finds comfort in having you in his arms and making sure your safe. (And later, will enjoy being in your arms). While "i love you" is too hard for him to utter, holding you close to him as a reminder of his love and protection is what he does.
• hes horrible, horrifically terrible at comforting. He wasn't comforted as a child (at least thats what i think...). So its no surprise he doesn't know how to console you, he feels awful seeing you in a depressed state. He would likely seek out one of his friends for advice on comforting you. However, times like these is when he finds it easier to voice his love for you. Even if it isnt really that comforting— "why are you so sad / crying? Was it ____— do you want me to beat their asses?"
🔖 : i was going to add another section about sol and how geo would deal with that, but i just got too impatient and just had to post it!!! So ill write that later ヽ(≧∀≦)ノ
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ta5tier · 4 months
isat thoughts, go
[this ask is actually an excuse to ramble about whatever thing you can't get someone else to prompt you to ramble about]
i just woke up so this probably wont be too coherent but here we go!
I, like many, discovered ISAT through @jelloapocalypse’s fantastic video on the game, and by that I mean I watched the first 5 minutes of the video and immediately stopped and played the game myself.
I already liked time loops as a literary device, especially in games (outer wilds rocks, 12 minutes is interesting despite the general quality, etc) but ISAT managed to get me interested in the story and its characters before even introducing time loops as a mechanic. (Y’ALL I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR ISABEAU TO JUST COME OUT SWINGING LIKE THAT! I clocked that motherfucker before the gang even left dormont, he isnt smooth.)
ANYWAY besides the great character writing, ISAT also managed to nail its genre parody right off the bat, the literal RPS combat is so funny, Mirabelle gives off such RPG protagonist vibes, and its a neat take on the genre to center the narrative around the “edgy”rogue (HA Scissors pun). Along with the fact that Siffrin is absolutely the right amount of mentally unstable, you have all the perfect ingredients for great genre deconstruction.
Spoilers Under the Cut So be WARNED
There are tons of people talking about the story beats further so i’m not gonna spend more time here reinventing the wheel, but something I will talk about is how the game leverages ludonarrative assonance, I.e. how the game reflects the experience of the player as a part of the story.
In the case of ISAT, this manifests as the growing boredom both the player and Siffrin experience as they continue through the loops. On my first few loops I took care to avoid skipping dialogue and made sure my party was leveled up enough to succeed at any of the fights they faced. I explored thoroughly and enjoyed the process of doing so and I only reset when the game asked it of me.
But as the game continued I found myself zoning out of more and more dialogue, skipping more and more fights, and resetting whenever it would save me time. And Siffrin was with me all the way through all of it, his internal monologue growing increasingly disinterested with the affairs of his party members and the dangers they were in.
Ironically, in a game so outside my lived experience I found myself mentally aligned with Siffrin in a way that's frankly a little concerning. (im ok im not in a time loop lol)
The magic of ISAT for me was in that alignment, of feeling a shared purpose with a character, and in the breaking of that alignment in the games later acts. One of my favorite moments in any story is when I realize I can no longer fully root for the main character. Siffrin's last loop was that moment for me and I loved it. Siffrin's final trek through the House is so awful to watch but also represents the logical conclusion of his decent. The witty commentary is gone, his family is gone, the muscle memory that he and I shared in navigating the house is no longer reliable. Its all no longer necessary.
In Siffrin's mind, whats left of them isn't worth saving. And then finally, agonizingly, they are saved. Despite his best efforts to self destruct, his family come for him and they're mad and they're scared but they do it anyway, even when the world is ending around them.
Anyway yeah i love this game so much Siffrin is Stars' most mentally unwell soldier and i love them and their stupid family so much.
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. ok but I love Rachel spent the latter half of 2021 being like ooooh Kronos is coming back!! this is a big deal!! only to timeskip ten years and NOTHING happened. like wow even Kronos isn't a big deal when it comes to how totally not pathetic Persephone is as a 30+ year old doing no work and only being obsessed with a guy she knew for a month. literal masterclass in awful writing. It's almost impressive how bad it is.
2. Deadass I don't even get why RS is like oh yeh nymphs and other creatures should be second class citizens but they're also all "trash" and thus its good and even encouraged to abuse and mistreat them. like yeah that's what was missing, racism where the marginalized group are evil and "deserve" to be abused and mistreated by those with all the power over them. THAT's what mythology was so sorely missing.  jfc. I know a lot of the WT staff are white people and so is Rachel but wtf???
3. It's quite funny how a woman old enough to be my mother cannot draw or write worth shit and there are literal teenagers on this website who are a thousand times the artist and writer she could ever hope to be.
4. This isn’t me trying to be mean but like, why is everything from the book covers to the official merch so ,.. cheap looking? Like these are supposed professionals, not Rachel, doing it, yet they’re still so poorly designed and crafted. It doesn’t help the images Rachel gives time to work with are all in the rushed, ugly style now either 😪
5. I just find it funny that every time an LO fan or even WT promotes it its like ... they ONLY use art from the first 10-ish episodes at best. Like yall, that was over four years ago, why aren't you using current art to be more accurate? Like it's kinda telling on themselves they know the quality declined rapidly after the first few months but are like "just ignore that! look at this three good panels from 2018!"
6. I HATE those panels where RS tries to be anatomically correct to IRL humans and its like omg they look even worse (and are still wildly wrong anyway?? She cannot draw heads to save her life for real). Like lady just work within your stylization, there's a reason people picked up your work off what it used to be versus what it is now.
7. this isnt necessarily LO based but I do find it crazy how people like RS and her fans viewed the original hymn like ugh Demeter is such a bitch why wouldnt she be happy Hades married her daughter like .... you guys are aware ancient brides tended to be married at 14, right? maybe that's why Demeter was pissed and creeped out by him. They're so blinded by their fantasy of this "perfect Hades" that never existed over the truth of a mother defending her literal CHILD.
8. Zeus is objectively the only hot man on cast because he actually has a personality, fashion sense, and pretty hair meanwhile Hades just looks like a dusty old man with zero drip and a million and one red flags 🫣
9. "This style of story telling" what style? just lying and making everything up to where it matches nothing in mythology? my god, she's so concerned over looking like a clever writer who has everything planned out and knows more than anyone else (including actual greeks??? ma'am) over actually telling a decent story. ive never seen someone so self conscious about being perceived as a "real writer" before.
10. Why even use mythology when you won't keep any of the stories true to how they were, change all the relationships, and just make up whatever else instead? At that point just go "this was inspired by the greek myths" and use your own OCs, not claiming you're telling an accurate story with a ton of research put into it. Rachel really just wants to have her cake and eat it too, huh?
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runedscope · 1 year
Oh hey a shitty meaningless scaremongering title. What type of radiation is it gamma ray radiation or visible light? Is it magnets? Ok lets dig digger since the article doesn't explain.
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Still shitty title but arstechnica is a decent outlet lets see what it says
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The heating 5.74 watts a kilogram would produce is approximately .0013 C per kilo assuming the mass is entirely water so lets be generous .003 C per kilogram per second so every 5.5 minutes it would raise the tempature of your limbs by 1 C which is significantly less than the sun and thats assuming its entirely converted into heat which is questionable. Also your limbs kinda have good heat dissipation like theres a reason your hands get cold easily and are more likely to get frost burn first
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Also there's no high quality research showing actual health problems from cell phone radiation. But whatever probably best to not have a buncha extra heat
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Anyways the testing protocols the french used might be questionable. But idk and i dont care enough to research it and it met lower max w/kg limits based on us testing.
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Also TIL the FCC uses metric which is very funny to me.
TLDR: clickbait title fear mongering. Some more testing into the radiation output of the iphone 12 should probably be done. The iPhone 12 probably isnt going to give you cancer from cellphone radiation. But i do love the eu bullying tech companies so its funny
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I wish I was useful and had a skillset I could turn into an income. Something where I could afford the need to only work part time elsewhere and have a mostly reliable second income. As time goes on the more I realize there isn't much security in working for someone else. I hate having to rely on someone else for income and my well-being in exchange for the autonomy over my life, schedule, and in some instances up for debate-- body. After the pandemic changing a lot of things in the economy (for the worse) and being laid off twice, employers becoming increasingly flakey and dishonest.... I just don't think selling my soul to a corporation for 25 years to MAYBE earn an adequate retirement savings that's vulnerable to market/bank crashes and inflation is really the best option anymore. As far as I see it if I'm fucked regardless I may as well as crash and burn trying to do something myself. What would I even do. Sell more landfill fodder that wont even break even? Go back to school for a monkey degree and pray it will get me a job this time that I'm going to inevitably hate? You can see that there are good and services people want, but what could the average person reasonably provide without commodifying the fuck out of it and ending up burnt out? There are things I could go to school for that are logical but I know I'm not cut out for them. They may not be relevant and useful by the time I'm done like what happening to graphic design degrees. You hear of people managing to make a decent living off things like knitting stuff and selling on Etsy. A lot of the times they are supported by a second income.
There HAS to be an alternative way to get extra income that isnt gig work like Uber. Call me a spoiled brat, but I don't see a life worth living as working 5 days a week for some asshole to never be able to afford having a normal life of a reasonable quality. I don't care if I get a one week paid vacation or ALLOWED family/sick leave. Or insurance that costs just as much through my employer as it does buying it privately. I will never be selfish enough to bring children into this world so this stuff is mostly pointless to me. I don't want to spend my 'best' years doing this shit. I don't want this for anyone. No one should have to do this anymore. If this is my fate and destiny I will certainly kill myself. This isn't a life worth living. I have seen people like my mother and grandmother, trapped in the corporate workforce, for whatever reason, and how sad and unhealthy they all turn out. My grandma retired, still had to work a few days a week to afford to live, and died less than 2 years later. So many people die right after they retire and still can't afford a full retirement. I'm not playing this game. I want to live now. All I think about is how I'm going to get out of this and somehow support myself. When I have a job its "How I'm going to find something better?", or how much I hate this current job, and I look at my checks and see how it will never be enough despite all that time I sold. It is ALL I've thought about since 2020 losing my one and only stable job since, as hard as it was. My location makes it worse because decent paying work just simply doesn't exist within a reasonable transit for me. I can't hope to afford to relocate. I understand what I have to do, but its the skills I don't have. What I have I don't even know how to use. It is becoming so painful that I will have to do something even if I'm just spinning my tires AGAIN.
Working itself doesn't bother me. I get its a part of life. When the job is a decent one and there is work-life balance, its fine. I've worked two jobs in my life where I actually content to be there, its possible to LIKE your job. The irony is these were the two jobs I ended up being laid off from unfortunately. Working for someone else becomes miserable to the point of suffering when it consumes your every waking moment. Its when the environment is high stress, scheduling is bad, coworkers/management are needlessly assholes, and pay is shit compared to what you are required to put in, and you just resent what you do. It is so hard to find good work now. I'm tired of this rollercoaster of uncertainty. I don't want to do it anymore. I had one job recently I REALLY wanted. I ACTUALLY wanted this job, it made me excited at the thought. I was totally qualified for it even! Everything about it worked. I even got in the first round of interviews. Then I didn't get it. Its like, ok if I have to work for someone else can I at least like the job? No? Ok. I'm just so done with this losing game called life. I want to do something about it but then I'm reminded I cant because I don't have money. I want a beautiful life. LET ME LIVE.
0 notes
Ayyyyyyyy Guess Who Just Finished Watching Angel's Friends
Me. I did.
So yeah, the start of this post is going to be a spoiler-less review-recommendation kinda thingy and then I'll put all of my other thoughts which include spoilers under the cut
Also, I would like to mention that Im only talking about the cartoon here, I have not read either the comics or the books at this point (I didnt even know that there were books before checking wikipedia to make sure that I actually watched every episode of the show lol)
Lets go babey!
This series is very not-good, but it has some interesting concepts and scratches some of my itches, so I like it. But before we get into that in detail, heres a summary of the basic plot, taken from wikipedia:
"Four Angels (Raf, Uri, Sweet and Miki) and four Devils/Demons (Sulfus, Cabiria, Kabale and Gas) are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils. The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered. Angels and Devils cannot operate at the same time, so they decide, clashing in the Challenge Room, who will work first. Moreover, they are subject to the V.E.T.O. (Vetoed from Exposing, Touching or Obstructing/Overhearing in the comic – Italian: Vietato Esporsi, Toccare, Ostacolare/Origliare)."
Something that isnt mentioned here is the romance between Raf, the protagonist, and Sulfus, her devil rival, but its a pretty important part of the story that I'll talk about in more detail.
First, the animation is fine. Its kinda clunky and the posing is pretty unnatural at times, you can tell that the budget wasnt that high. The lipsyncing for the english dub is pretty abysmal in the first season but it gets better in the movie and in the second season.
Second, the voice acting is... something. It has that very not-good anime dub quality, which makes sense considering Angel's Friends is already very anime, even more so when youre watching it in italian (with subtitles bc you dont understand italian) and they randomly yell english phrases like "Think Fly!" or "Angel's Friends! Together forever!" or, my personal favourite, "Devil's Enemies! Supreme Temptation!" when transforming or using their powers. The dub is decent enough, Ive only watched the movie in italien and their voices seem mostly the same, with the exception of Sulfus, who sounds just awful in the dub im sorry. I hate listening to him talk, which is pretty bad considering hes the love interest. I mean, he makes up for it by having a great personality but man, what I wouldnt give to have him sound like he does in italian.... But the worst thing has to be the..... moaning, that the voice actors inexplicably do. Its very uncomfortable, I have no idea who is responsible for this but they have stuff to atone for
Third, the characters are pretty good, I like them a lot. Theyre not that deep, but theyre likable and pretty fun. Raf is a pretty nice and likable protagonist without being bland, although I kinda hate her subplot/backstory-thingy. I can ignore that for the most part though, so I dont really mind. Honestly, I think I would've liked Sulfus as a protagonist a bit better, but that might just be my bias towards edgy and pathetic (affectionate) guys coming through lmao. We mainly focus on Raf and her angel friends and their friendship is really cute. I kinda wish they paid more attention to the intragroup-friendships, if you know what I mean? Like, Raf and Urie were best friends and Miki and Sweet were kindof a duo, but thats kinda it and I really wish we explored some other dynamics a bit more. I wouldve also liked them to focus a bit more on Sulfus' friends, but at the same time, I get why they didnt. When it comes to stories where romance is incredibly important, I personally prefer it when the two characters in the main couple are both the protagonists, or when one of them is more like the deutergonist as opposed to just the love interest, but it works well enough here I guess
I also like the little background-plots (?? idk if thats the right word) that the humans get, theyre pretty charming and its fun to watch the angels n devils influence them
Speaking of the protagonist and the love interest, I absolutely adore the romance between Raf and Sulfus. Theyre soooooooo cute together its insane <3 Its gonna be kinda hard to explain why I love them so much as a couple without spoilery examples, but I'll try
Their dynamic is a fairly basic Good Girl/Bad Boy kinda thing (because of course it is) but like, in a way that I dont find absolutely loathesome lol. I usually really hate that dynamic because it feels like writers tend to use the fact that the guy is a 'Bad Boy' to make him toxic and insufferable for some reason while making the 'Good Girl' into a pushover who cant call him out on it, and then the whole thing is inexplicably framed as romantic?? And yea, I cannot vibe with that Im sorry. Fortunately, Raf n Sulfus arent like that :D Their relationship is pretty healthy and most of the drama between them either stems from external stuff or from the fact that their love is yknow, forbidden and no one really wants it to prosper (I think??? Idk honestly the storytelling isnt particularly clear here, I'll get into it later)
I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that Raf enforces her boundaries and Sulfus respects them despite their mutual interests, do you know what I mean? Like, okay, another thing that I love about their relationship is that they actually find out about each others feelings pretty early on and actually communicate about them; From Raf's perspective, the issue isnt "Oh no! Im in love with a devil who will never love an angel like me back :'(", its "Oh no! Im in love with a devil and he loves me back, but we cant be together because its forbidden :'(". And she basically tells Sulfus just that, and he goes "Well, rules were meant to be broken but fine, I get it I respect your decision pls tell me when you change ur mind tho" and I think thats neat
The fact that they know about each other feelings and are able to actually talk without turning into mushy flustered messes around each other is soooooooo incredibly refreshing. Like, I was comparing them to the Love Square from Miraculous in my head, since thats the last romance-centric Magical Girl show I watched and its literally so much better, I refuse to believe anyone actually likes it when the main couple doesnt communicate and dont get together until the last episode. And to be fair, Raf and Sulfus dont actually officially get together either (it looks like the series was cancelled prematurely and they were saving that for a potential third season), but they talk, they compliment each other and confess their feelings to each other and its just so nice, yknow?
The external drama between them doesnt feel contrived either. They straight-up have one of those stupid moments where the love interest appears to do something bad bc of some Outside Influence, like cheating or smth, and the protagonist gets mad and yells at the love interest while the love interest is like "no! wait!! I can explain!!!" but keeps getting interrupted except it didnt feel stupid at all, I was actually really invested in the drama rather than thinking "man, this is so dumb" like I usually do when this kind of stuff happens in stories.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was the story and the storytelling. Its pretty alright. I appreciate the structure of the two seasons with both of them starting out with a string of small, mostly unrelated, personal problems (that are mainly the angels and devils trying to make things better or worse for their human charges) while the villains are doing stuff in the background with the good guys being almost completely unaware until they achieve their first Real Victory and then the rest of the season is all the important characters banding together to actually stop them from achieving their World Destroying Final Goal. Theres a good amount of potential and set up to explore interesting themes about morality, free will, maybe love too idk, but the series is far too immature to really delve into any of it. Like, this isnt Winx Club Seasons 1-3, this is more like Winx Club Season 4 or maybe 5 idk I havent watched those season in a while. I would LOVE an animated She-ra (2018)-style reboot of this show because oughhhhhhhh theres so much good shit here but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Also idk if this is the right place to put this, but the unsubtle and honestly pretty clunky dialogue really isnt helping lol
The biggest issue I have with this series is definitely the pacing. Im gonna be honest, I dont think I truly understood what people who critize media meant when they were talking about The Pacing before watching Angel's Friends and. i sure do now. The first few episodes especially feel like they tried to put 22 minutes worth of story into an 11 minute episode and like, I wouldnt call the experience of watching those episodes dreadful, mainly because they go by pretty quickly but, it sure isnt great. It gets a bit better, I think??? I honestly couldnt really tell you if actually gets better or if you just get used to it. I wasnt too bothered by it once I got used to not always looking at another screen while watching something because I have a pretty low attention span and tend to feel understimulated while watching TV shows, so the fast pace actually helped me in some weird way lol. As a kinda-writer, it was still really noticeable though and not in a good way
Another issue that I have is the fact that Raf and Sulfus' friends dont really seem to have an opinion on their love?? Or rather, its not really explained how much who knows and they dont really touch on it, which I think is kinda important for stories revolving around a Forbidden Love but, oh well.
So yea, thats about it for the non-spoilery stuff I think. I would definitely recommend to check Angel's Friends out, if only for some of the good ideas and the lovely kinda-subversive-in-a-way romance.
Alright, time to talk about what I liked, what I disliked and some missed opportunities in more detail (Apologies in advance if this next part is kinda disjointed lol)
The finales were my least favorite part, hands down. I especially didnt like the second season's finale, which is a shame because I really liked everything until they get to the Libra of the Veto and fight Cassidy and her cringe fail kinda-husband (forgot his name sry). Like, I loved the relationship drama between Raf n Sulfus and all the stuff with the clone and I thought Blue was really intriguing and the like, heist arc(?) were they infiltrate Angi Town and Match City respectively was sooooo much fun, but then the finale was just. eh. I think it might be because thats when I realized that oh, no theyre not really going to expand on all this interesting stuff that I would like them to expand on, are they. And yea, they didnt.
I was especially disappointed that we didnt really find out what Blue's deal was. I get that they were going to do that in a third season, but since we didnt get that, its just. Idk, disappointing, I guess?? Like, I predicted her being someone outside of the angel/devil binary basically in the scene she was introduced and I was theorizing about what exactly she was and where she came from and hyping myself up about her and then it was just.... nothing. Shes connected to Reina, but, how?? I personally thought she was a fallen angel given her primarily devilish features, but lack of horns or a halo and the weird shape of her wings. Maybe they elaborate on her in the books but i dont even know if those follow the same continuity as the show sooooo yea
The episode that truly made me like this show as much as I do was probably season 1 episode 26, where they kiss but it wasnt just the kiss, it was the whole build-up to it. Like, I feel like it couldve been so easy to mess up and make Sulfus come across as really unlikable or frame it like Raf was in the wrong for being upset when she wasnt, but I think they did it really well. And then ougggggggh the actual kiss...... I just really wish their lips didnt look so weird and ugly while they kissed lol
I kinda already mentioned this earlier but I like it happens so early in the series too. Ngl I initially didnt like that their relationship progressed so quickly (yea, the main couple having their kiss by episode 26 is pretty normal but remember that the episodes here are 11 minutes long) but theyre just so sweet together and I kinda realized that I actually prefer this to the usual way of writing 'slowburn' romance where theyre in mutual love but cant communicate at all for bullshit reasons lmao
The only thing that kinda pisses me off about this episode in hindsight are Sulfus healing powers which NEVER come up again. Like !!!! BRO how are you gonna give one of your main characters healing powers and never have him use them??!?! And its not like there werent opportunities!! Like, during the season 2 finale when Raf was injured and unconscious and everyone was telling them to go rest before their battle against those generals I was going "oh! Sulfus is gonna use those healing powers that he has but hasnt used for the entire rest of the series for some reason" but NO
Like, okay, in order to further explain why that sucks Im gonna go into another thing that really bothers me and thats the lack of gray morality
So, the angels as a whole are Good, the devils as a whole are Bad but in like, an emo school bully kinda way and anyone who threatens both angels and devils at the same time is Bad but in like, an actually evil way. Thats honestly perfectly fine in the first season, where we have the angels, the devils and Reina whos outside the binary and threatening to eradicate the existence of both angels and devils at the same time. When the devils are tempting humans into doing The Wrong Thing in the first season, I remember it always being unambigiously bad/selfish (in a bad way), while the angels are always in the right and theres never any doubts about that ever. The second season has these moments(?) that seem to call that into question but with absolutely no payoff
The most obvious is example is Sarah Jane, specifically her little plot about wanting to go to the mall with her friends but her mom not allowing her to because she wants her daughter to practice for a concert thats 3 months away. Thats unfair and her mom is obviously being shitty here and iirc even Urie and the other angels are like "thats unfair" but they dont wanna let the devils win so they convince Sarah Jane to just invite her friends to her practice instead of going to the mall and thats like. fine, I guess. I just think it sucks that the morality of the angels was only questioned for a brief moment and then tossed away because they found an adequate comprise, yknow?? I feel like they couldve had an interesting conversation about how its maybe not always wrong to be selfish (if youve watched Sanders Sides, basically the whole Selfishness vs Selflessness stuff but w/ angels and devils)
Also, it feels weird that no one really calls attention to Cassidy?? Yknow, that angel that was evil and wanted to incite a war?? That wanted it so much that she willingly worked with a devil??? But also, the War Of A Thousand Centuries was seemingly not considered to be bad itself, but rather the fact that Cassidy and her cringe fail kinda-husband tried to re-incite it after there war a law/truce put in place preventing them from fighting. And Im noticing thats kind of a theme in the series as Im writing it down here, where the Morally Wrong Thing tends to be the thing that makes you break a rule or disobey someone. And like, even beyond my own personal issues with that philosophy, that just makes for some pretty boring storytelling
And then theres the fact that. Okay, how do I explain this. It seems like theyre trying to make Raf a bit more 'diabolical' while making Sulfus more 'angelic' even more so in the second season, which, on paper, is a good way to approach their romance. But like, theyre not really doing that?? At least I feel like they arent. Its a bit hard to explain, but let me get back to those powers they gained right before they kissed. Raf uses her fireball powers quite a bit, she is (symbolically) being diabolical throughout the series, while Sulfus only uses his healing powers once, do you get what Im trying to say here??
Idk man, I was originally gonna write some more but ive been writing this post for hours andmy brain is running out of juice so yea. Hope you liked this
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uno-writing · 3 years
ayup !!
i noticed your matchups were open, and was wondering if i could get a platonic one ? /nf
im smol, around 155 cm. broader, and have a darker palette. tan skin, dark eyes, and a bit longer than shoulder-ish shaggy dark hair. appearance is not a huge thing for me- for myself or for my relationships.
space is a big thing for me in friendships. i have a tendency to fixate on relationships, as in ill obsess over being really good friends with a person and then fall out of interest. ill still enjoy their presence/like them, but ill be overtly nice in the first interactions or so. kinda like a honeymoon phase lmao. plus, i like private time and i have big mood swings, so i prefer people who can give me space. if youre overtly clingy, ill probably have issues with you.
my moods can be decently unpredicatable and i really like playful banter so my friends needs to have thicker skin. honesty means a lot to me, as well as debate. i like throwing ideas back and forth between each other and having differing opinions. i like people who can understand me, but if we're too similar, ill probably dislike them.
as i said, mood swings- so sometimes ill go between very tired and very energetic super quick, and they need to be prepared for that. ill usually be super outgoing for a bit/energetic, and then ill crash and want to sit around and do nothing. the quiet moments mean a lot to me; to just be able to sit around in each other's presence while doing our own things.
im morally gray and enjoy morally gray people, and i hate those who aren't open to other opinions and see only in black and white. i do a lot of toxic/bad things so if you try and "fix me", im throwing you out a window :]
i like people who can match me; in energy levels, banter, etc. people who can communicate well enough. communication is good. i like honesty within a relationship, and space and trust. you can be a dishonest crap outside of us, but you should be able to drop that with me. i switch up a lot [texting styles, personality], so adaptabilitys good
i hate people who are discriminatory, or make fun of people for their beliefs/interests. also dislike people who back talk people. a little is fine, as in expressing your opinion on someone, but not whole ass rumours and shit. also when people excuse others for shit actiosn [jimps, usually]
im an intj, a leo, introverted usually but can be extroverted, mentally ill, queer/trans, they/he/it/neos, and my love language is quality time !! [im an isen, seraphina, arlo, and john kin]
i dislike zeke a lot, idk why. i enjoy most of them ?? remi can sometime get a bit overbearing for me, but thats it.
sorry this was so long, btw !!
-- spec
[my acc is @fixatingonunordinaryagain !! feel free to dm me if you have any questions, or if you wanna be friends 👉👈]
Dont worry about it being long!! It helps me!! 😊
I think youd be pretty good friends with Seraphina.
*Shes a pretty understanding character so she wouldnt judge your needing of space or your mood swings.
*Shes also got her playful moments herself so banter would be p fun with her.
*I think shed understand the minor obsession with people at the start of the relationship because it seems like she has some form of that with John (even though it lessened when she had time away from him)
*I dont think youd get along the best with John (mainly bc I see him as a snide, sassy, rude, gremlin man (which isnt too far from canon but still)). But luckily Sera is really good at compartmentalizing and she'll be able to be friends with both you and John.
*Shes a really adaptable person and shes really loyal as long as you care about her.
*While she wouldnt necessarily try and "fix you", she would want to help, especially if its something you have a problem with as well.
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aetherin21 · 4 years
Han Joon-gi Analysis
What I love about this dood is that you think he is this straight laced guy with no humor in him when he enters the party but as you have table talks and conversation he is a really funny guy.
He is always the butt of the jokes of Ichiban and the others, he just plays a long its really cute. Ichiban calling him Pan Joon-gi cause he liked the taste of hot bread, Saeko giving him a nickname of Han-chan and Adachi calling him prince charming on a white horse.
Its also funny how vain he is sometimes even though that's not even his real face. It just goes to show how he knows and IS a fact that the real Han Joon-gi is THAT hot and he is owning the compliments.
Han Joon-gi gives more of a cute introverted younger brother vibe compared to Zhao. Especially how he thinks of the real Joon-gi and Seong-hui as his older siblings.
I also find it cute that the fact that he also likes playing games and genuinely seem to having the time of his life when he is with the others. Even willing to do some stupid stuff that isn't very Han Joon-gi like (Zhao and Ichi's karaoke back up keyboard player).
As fun and cool he is, Han Joon-gi is a really complicated character. He has a ton of baggage compared to the other characters as far as I can see.
From his drink link and the RGGO content specifically his and Ryuji's story. The boy grew up poor and is used to starve himself. He refused to eat with Ryuji that the guy has to stupidly twist his words to make him eat a decent portion of food. Which resulted in the boy actually enjoying it whole heartedly. Another is when he would stand for hours during the meeting of the Ijin three watching them eat even if he is feeling hungry.
A lot of people has also noticed and pointed out that his body from Yakuza 7 isnt as beefy, macho or taller as the real Joon-gi of Yakuza 6. His up bringing may have contributed to it.
With being poor and all he is also used to cramped, small and dirty places which can be seen from his party convo with Nanba and Saeko about a building in Sotenbori looking much better than the one he is living at. Aside from that he also gets beat up by his abusive alcoholic dad and gets bullied by his peers too. The guy is so used to it that you can see how desensitized he is just with his monotone speech pattern in RGGO.
To think this guy's life wont get any worse but oh boi it does. When his dad drugged him and conducted a high quality plastic surgery without his consent the dood must have been livid when he woke up. Having the face of someone you don't know staring back at you as you look in the mirror. That is some hard ass kick on someone's mentality. No wonder he had an identity crisis. Not only did he already suffered enough as a kid with hardly any freedom at all, he gets to be a sacrifice for his father's own incompetence.
It must also suck for the real Joon-gi for one of his grunts to offer him their only son with his face plastered on to them. That shit is fucked up not gonna lie. Especially how the kid that was offered to him has his autonomy beaten out of him. He has no choice but to accept it and even have the kid always by his side that some people mistake them as twins.
Though he may have lost his sense of self I can see how his boss' personality molded with his own. The confidence, the skills he has in games (consecutive bulls eye on darts bruhh), his taste on wine(probably) and how he takes care of his looks. But even so you can still see his own personality shine. Like how he plays video games, his tenacity to learn new skills with the whole coffee shenanigans with Seong-hui and his passion for self sufficiency of producing energy. (Plus its cute how dumb he is like the rest of the party. When you hear him say something decent and makes actual sense but then proceeds to say something stupid next)
When the real Joon-gi died, he must have felt so lost. Since the only person who he looked up to as a brother figure, respected and idolized even is gone from his life. No wonder he gave in to despair because he not only couldn't fulfill his duty as a body double, he also lost someone who gave meaning to his life.
Although he tried his best to blend into society seeking help to the Korean communities in Japan, he was isolated because of his status as a criminal. Plus the fact that the Korean community isn't even treated well in the country may also contributed to his isolation. Why would they lend a hand to someone who may attract more backlash to the already negative reputation of this small community?
Though thanks to Seong-hui reaching out to him. She gave him a new safe haven and purpose in life albeit she had to wait for him to recover from his mental state.
Basically this guy has been living in hard mode. But with all the shit he has been through, Joon-gi is still thankful for his boss that he is willing to forgo his name and his identity for him even after he died. He is a soft kid who wants to help his former leader's men and give them a new home in Geomijul because that's what his boss did for him.
It can also be argued that Ichiban and the party maybe his first actual friends. (I kind of wanna talk about how similar he and Ichi went through too but that's gotta be a whole new essay or something)
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bro..... im sooo tired of ppl being whiny freaks about ppl liking fictional shit ‘~too much~’. like bitches are literally fully convinced if you prefer acting out certain ideas in fiction but not irl, thats not your normal preferential boundaries but rather your brain is a mental illness BOMB and you need to be fucking hospitalized for being imaginative and having autonomy. like yall if its not taboo or smth shut uuuuhp man you’re not ‘concerned for their health’ or w/e you’re fully just tryna get away with being a nihilistic asshole who lacks sympathetic reasoning skills. listen to me. fiction is valuable. the thoughts we have on it are important. the personal lack of value you happen to put on a media is next to worthless. its not a fuckin waste of time dude, creators are people, who live in the real world, they experience it and have ideas through it and about it, they form and tweak their ideas while still definitely existing in the real world, and then put that back into the world with a new angle and new perspective, to share with other people definitely encountering it in , you guessed it , the real world. thats not disconnected. its not nothing. these things do not magically appear from fairytale land, they are created. stories mean smth, people tell them for a reason, its ok to feel smth for any story, why would we even tell them if not with the intention to impact others emotionally somehow i mean??? fiction does not Just affect reality, it is valuable to real life society, it is a functioning thriving part OF reality. 
humans have told stories since the dawn of our existence. it is literally all but an inherent species trait for us to imagine things, its tied to each and every one of us, and to reject ‘fantasy’ as smth worthless to human life is frankly just fuckin wrong and weird of you. bitch we are Supposed to get outside the box, the fandom ppl you cringe your pants over arent thinking abt fake shit too much, you guys very often just arent exercising abstract thought and imagination enough, which actually hurts your ability to engage with it critically in all the ways its meant to be. if you dont see the value in fiction its because you put in no effort to form the analysis skills. in other words, you idiots dont get the hype bc you’re too stupid to get how you're supposed to compare a book to the real world it came from. ‘uu but cmon not everythings valuable what about [tumblr designated cringe media]-’ 1. ok! somehow you havent come to this conclusion yourself yet but thats not real, whatever ppl get to enjoy is not all abt you, your bias means less than dirt to others outside of hivemind social medias, you can keep it to yourself, ppl shouldnt care about it bc it means nothing outside of ur own space, its literally funny to me that you’re so elitist you want me to cater my interests to you, Your Standard Of Quality Isnt Universal, 2. ranking the values of fiction is the waste of time here, if you compare mlp to pride and prejudice ill dissect your teeth, different emotional impacts from tragic to funny to Just A Vibe are all able to be assessed as ‘valuable to somebody else so leave well enough alone’ if you dont have 2010+ funnyman brainrot disease that makes you incapable of reflecting on anything you can find a way to joke abt first.
i mean seriously like. whenever randos start engaging with medias you ppl dont like or in ways you dont get, the strawmans yall make up to get to be cringe culture vultures abt such benign shit, and almost Always at the expense of neurodivergent people with a deeply rooted undertone of extreme ableism might i add..... its just so selfish. u have a brain ok, you’re manipulative but we both know you dont Actually think ppl automatically default to being a waifu obsessed incel rotting away at their basement computer, stagnating their social skills and straying further and further from reality with each passing day, a poor disturbed wretch that you just HAVE to save from themselves, all bc they say they. prefer fictional porn or w/e to having sex irl. buddy thats not a big deal, theyre normal, just different from you. theyre fine, you’re just uncomfortable. as a functioning adult you’re gonna have to try and recognize that sometimes that feelings gonna be 100% on you, and you cant always just lie abt the validity of it to make ppl feel obligated into agreeing with you. this is gonna be one fragment of their personhood and your self obsessed brain imploding over how unrelatable that is doesnt fucking matter, grow up bitch like. how detached do you have to be to think thats so unstable or morally wrong.... its just a completely inconsequential preferential decision that only affects them and isnt a wrong choice at all cuz nobody has to get their dick wet if they dont wanna for any reason ever and thats gotta be that tbh.... and it kills me cuz they still inherently experience the real world and are capable of thinking abt it critically,,, even tho they... masturbate to drawings or w/e the fuck ppl think is unhealthy ???? like? imagination is just fun we dont need to moderate it anymore than we moderate other fun activities i mean lol ksdjfsd this is the DEFINITION of ‘just vibing’ no one FUCKING cares and it deosnt fucking matter the way you desperately try to make ppl think it does just so u get to be loud abt ur shortcomings as a decent understanding person. 
‘uuuuuu im sorry but thats unhealthy :///’ you sound like a goddamn maniac dude stories are not unhealthy having feelings abt them is not unhealthy thinking some anime bitch that was DRAWN TO BE HOT , IS HOT, is not UNHEALTHY and you clowns arent convincing anybody you ‘care’ abt that concept anyways !! im losign my mind here skdlsdfsd medias are literally DESIGNED TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... WE’RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THINGS FOR IT.... IT IS WHAT MAKES THE ART WE’VE TAKEN PART IN FOR CENTURIES, “ART”.... ITS JUST... HAVING IDEAS AND EXPERIENCING IMAGINATION..... whats wildly unhealthy actually is yalls toxic obsession with ‘harsh truth’ and validating your stupid ass cwinge feewings to the point where everything that gives your underdeveloped selfish ass hives has to be a matter of health and morals and whats ‘best’ for everyone. u dont know that shit!!!! ur a petty brat and im not ur mommy ok i wont baby you so u dont feel like the shitty whiny person you are, you need to grow and do better and think outside urself already, dont put the responsibility of making u feel right for judging somebodies benign hobbies on me. i wont bc its wrong and unnecessary. you’re not a savior no ones falling for that lmao you’re just a bitch girl xoxo get over it shit truly does not matter. let them write nsfw self insert fics instead of banging !! 
to make it real do yall really not Get that basic consent kinda doesnt just mean ‘no when im not in the mood at the time’ but it means ‘no if i just dont fuckin feel like having sex ever for literally any reason at all bc i choose what i do’ and pressuring them, even with what your warped brain translates as the best of intentions, is inherently disgusting? especially with the ‘i know how to help you’ attitude like......... ohhh die soonly ew lmao! lay off this nasty shit already please it doesnt matter! stop trying to make it matter!! its not hurting you or them you stupid tumblr phd ass!! and like again yeah some media shits just truly gross but tbr now its like even That kind of shit, the Real social issues caused by Actually problematic media that ppl should discuss Genuinely without ulterior motives, is being used more and more rampantly as just a stepping stone to get to the needless mockery of other harmless things in the media they want an excuse to bag on.......... like a bitch cant just be grown and talk about problems at face value without getting a bully jab in. smhhhhh you all fuckin suck please just stop talking already. so anyways yeah being attracted to fictional characters instead of real people or w/e IS funny, funny how many boyfriends they have when u have none xoxo theyre having fun and you can die sad abt it they get to die 5 times in an angsty fantasy fic and be brought back with mouth to mouth by fuckin kakashi every time and then they go get lunch irl while ur updating tinder bitch ... different fucking strokes ig !
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jillskidmore2486 · 4 years
Drone X Pro
Drone X pro reviews, price & scam update. Dont Buy Before Reading. Is it the Best Drone Under $100 For Beginners? Modern life has become mostly dependent on Drones for videography. From filmmaking to having some cinematic shot of the place you visit, weve found much use of the thing. But the equipment can be expensive. Thats about to change with the Drone X Pro reviews.
No doubt, the popularity of drones will only increase day by day. Many are looking to get a drone, but the various types make it hard for them to choose one.
Quadcopter seems like the top pick for both hobbyists and professionals alike.
Now, whatever the use you may have for it, finding a good drone within a reasonable price bracket has become quite impossible. The likes of DJI drones are quite expensive. Not everyone can afford them..https://apnews.com/9d3c69b6d4f59585ef651b100b4d7ad7
However, if you want something close to that, check out the Drone X Pro. This flying machine has become a sensational hit among drone lovers.
Price isnt the only thing for which you should go for it. It is the best drone for photography as it got a great camera on it. And the control it offers on the air is something unreal. It is the future of drones.
Why Look into the Drone X pro?
Flying a drone isnt easy, as it takes time to adjust to the controls. But Drone X is the best drone for travel for beginners who want a drone to start working with it right away. Controlling it isnt that hard, and it is quite intuitive.
The Drone X Pro is incredibly lightweight, so maneuvering it on the air is super easy. It got a one-touch controller, which makes taking it off and landing it a piece of cake.
Right out of the box, you will like the Drone X pro for its size, design, and the many features it got. Unlike other drones within the price range, this remains stable during flights. Thats because it includes features like on board-gyro that holds the altitude. You can make those mid-air turning maneuvers and have some fun with it. You dont need to be a pro to fly it.
Thats not all.
This flying machine got a 2MP camera with the option to record videos at 720p. It might not be able to fulfill the need of professionals. Still, an average Joe can get those super cool aerial shots to gloat about on their social media. On top of that, you get a flight time of at least 10 minutes with a full charge. ADVERTISEMENT
If you consider the price, the best drone under $100 offers features that no one can match within this price range.
But there is more to it for which youve got to check out the Drone X pros technical specs.
Technical Features:
There are many functionalities the drone offers that makes it hard for you to ignore it. Lets take a look at them.
The drones available on the market today have controls that arent at all great. Especially the cheaper ones have controls that make it hard to fly the machine. Fortunately, this Drone X Pro comes with a universal control option.
Now, you can control the Drone x Pro using your mobile phone. But if you need a controller, you get one too with the package.
Whether you use the controller or the phone to fly it, you wont find any difference. Manipulating the drone is super easy. Even someone flying a drone for the first time wont have trouble getting the hang of it on your smartphone.
And when the drone gets out of sight, even then, you will be able to be in control. Thats because when you use your Smartphone to fly the drone, you will get a real-time FPV feed. This FPV feed will display where your drone is flying.
However, suppose you want to do the tricks and want more maneuverability flying the Drone X pro. Then use the controller instead of the phone. The sticks on it make it easier for you to move it around on those tight corners and twist and turn on those open spaces.
Aside from getting dual-controller options with the Drone X Pro, you get an easy and convenient drone to take off and land. Theres no denying that most of us worry about breaking the flying gear when we try to land them. Its a hard skill.
With the Drone X Pro, you wont have those panic attacks while landing. It got features that can check the terrain to make the landing as smooth as it can without any crashes.
However, the best part about the drones control is that it got safety fail features to avoid accidents. Usually, when drones lose connection to the controller, they will fall off the air. It can shatter the parts into pieces. When it comes to the Drone x Pro, there is no such risk as the drone can detect when it loses connection. So it will automatically slow down during landing. It gives you time to regain control to land it.
Flying drones, you will often encounter objects that you might hit into and cause the machine to crash. Even the best pilots lose control of their drones. And crashing to something always means one thing, a broken drone. Not with the Drone X Pro.
You will be left amazed when you will find out how durable the Drone X Pro is. The folding propeller makes for a sturdy and robust construction that wont get damaged easily. Even the exterior of it is resilient enough to take hits from time to time.
During the flight, another issue that arises most of the time is the stability of the drone. With cheap drones, you often feel like not in control while being on the air.
The advanced stabilization algorithms during landing, flight, and take-off of the Drone X Pro wont leave you with such a feeling anymore. Even in turbulent conditions like too much wind, the drone will hold its station and stay on the course.
And thats what makes flying it so easy. You dont need to learn different skills to be in control of the wheels. On the one hand, the altitude hold mode is a feature that the Drone X Pro introduces to make life easy for the pilots. Using this feature, you will be able to drift the Drone and keep it in a constant height and position.
With such control over the drone, you will get smoother and more synchronized shots while flying it.
Flight Time:
Take the Drone X Pro and compare it to any other drone within its range, or thats even a bit more expensive. The flight time will impress you.
No doubt, you want to get those drone shots perfect. Only having a great camera wont cut for the job. It would help if you had a drone to give you the hang time on the air to meet your filming needs.
In comparison to the expensive models, the 10-minute flight time might not look like a lot. But considering the Drone X Pro price, its quite impressive. The fast charging time also helps the cause. It takes only 70-minutes to charge it and get it back again in the air.
The reason that many are becoming interested in getting a drone is those beautiful shots from the air. But to get those picture-perfect shots, youve got to need a high-quality camera. Compared to the Mavericks, the Drone X Pro isnt on the same level. Looking at the price gap, you already know why it is. Still, the camera leaves a good impression. With the 2MP camera on it, you can record videos and take photos that are pretty clear at 720p resolution.
If you want to capture still photos with wider angles, the Drone x Pro will allow you just that with 1200 wide-angle. Not to forget, the panoramic mode lets you take 3600 photos with just a click of a button.
The only issue with the camera is that it got fixed and wont adjust to the vibrations like those expensive ones. So, if there is too much turbulence, the videos you might get will be jittery.
The Drone X Pro is exceptionally lightweight. You might love how good photos and stable videos you can take with this mini travel companion. It wont take much space, nor will it add extra weight to your things. With it, you dont have to carry those heavier and bulkier drones found in the market.
Once you fold it up, it fits in the palm of your hand. Take it wherever you want.
It got easy folding joints to make the footprint of it super small. Besides, you can detach the propeller blades and make room for it in your backpack.
Some more features:
Most drones are hard to operate. If you want an easy to fly drone, then the Drone x Pro should be on your list. The drone uses a single keystroke for both takeoff and landing.
You can pilot the drone in dark conditions too. The drone has 2 LED lights that are positioned next to the camera. It gives you a clear vision to play with it at night.
There is also the option of using gravity sensors. By tilting your phone right and left, front and back, you can move the drone in the air. Want to feel like piloting the drone? Then connect the Drone X Pro with your First Person Goggles for that.
However, Drone X Pro has more tricks under its sleeve. The headless mode is one such. This feature makes flying much easier for newbie drone pilots.
You will have the same front no matter the camera position to make it easier to fly.
How good the camera in Drone X Pro?
The camera isnt on the same level as the DJI maverick or the other expensive drones out there. Still, the best drone under $100 got one of the best cameras in a drone that comes within this price range.
The quadcopter got a pretty decent camera. It gives a 720 camera with a FOV of 120 to take videos from a wide range of angles. For the perfect aerial view, you can adjust the angle between 0-90. The color balance and frame rate are quite good. You will be able to capture moving things on the video well.
Even the drone has an FPV feature. Now, you can live stream video images right into your phone while flying it on the air. Though it doesnt have a gimbal for video and image stabilization. The 6-axis gyroscope and altitude hold feature does a good job of minimizing distortions while taking those shots from the air. Using the 2MP sensor, you can get good pictures.
Performance of the Drone X Pro:
Looking at the Drone X Pro reviews, you will see it has a fairly short flying time. It can give you 9-10 minutes of air time. Still, it performs way better than other drones that come within the same price bracket.
However, the flight time isnt that long and requires a bit more improvement. The 500mAh 3.7V lipo battery charges within an hour, but for that 1 hour, you get only 10 minutes of fun. So, pack some extra batteries with you.
Besides the short flying time, the Drone X Pro performs well in the air. With its 6-axis gyroscope and altitude hold function, it keeps itself stable in slightly breezy conditions. There will be minimal distortion in the videos.
Benefits of using Drone X Pro:
You can get a lot of benefits out of the Drone X Pro. For instance, if you love to travel and take shots of the places you visit for your social media or just capture some fond memory to look back at later, the gadget is a must.
You can take nice shots using the 2MP sensor. Besides that, the 720p camera lets you take videos in high-definition. Capture those scenic aerial shots and start your own travel blogs that others would love to watch. For starters, its a great drone.
Even if youre looking to have just casual fun, you can go for it. Most drones have a complex control, which makes them hard to fly in the air. The Drone X Pro, however, has simple control. Using your phone or the controller that comes with it, you can fly it around without any prior experience. The best part is you can use it both indoors and outdoors. You can master the art of flying first in your home and then go to the open space to get the best use out of it.
For those who have trouble keeping things stable in the windy conditions or land the drone without damaging it, this one is perfect. You get a proper stable flight system that keeps you still even in turbulent conditions. Similarly, the easy takeoff and landing maneuver will make it easy for you to get it off the ground and back there without any problem.
Most importantly, the best drone for beginners is worth every penny as it offers you longevity. You will get an impact-resistant drone that can handle those crashes from time to time.
What users have to say?
Going through the Drone X Pro reviews, there are a couple of things that came up time after time when people talked about it.
Without any doubt, most of them considered it the best drone for beginners within this price range. For them, its a steal for what it has to offer. People took it out and tried out in windy conditions to test it out, and it handled the abuse pretty well.
Also, it was easy to operate than most other drones. Features like easy landing and takeoff and the headless option made it easy to fly for the first-timers. They found it fun and easy to learn.
The only issue that most have about it is the Drone X Pro battery life. Other than that, most people are quite happy with it as it got a higher customer rating.
Accessories included with Drone X Pro:
Besides the drone, you get a couple of extra stuff with the kit. Here they are:
   If you crash your drone and break the propellers, no worries. Drone X Pro provides 4-backup ones with the kit.    To keep your drone in top-shape and for easy carrying, the drone comes with a storage bag.    The package includes a screwdriver for easy installation and detachment of parts.    For charging the drone, it comes with a USB cable.    A well-detailed instruction gets provided to help you to install and fix problems with the drone. It is in English, so you can easily follow it.    The drone comes with batteries, so you can get it flying without needing to buy new ones.
How much does the Drone X Pro cost?
For the build quality and the Drone X Pro features, many think of it as expensive equipment.
Looking at the technical features, many go directly looking into more inexpensive options thinking it isnt worth looking at it as it might cost a fortune. But to be fair, this one is not that expensive at all. It is even cheaper than some of those alternative options.
The Drone X Pro comes with a price range of 93-99 US dollars from the official website. You might get deals on different occasions. In the upcoming Black Friday, you might get it for even less than that.
Check for offers on Amazon or other such websites. Or you can keep an eye on their official website to get the best deals.
Why you should get the drone?
While looking to buy a quadcopter, you always need to look into the brand. There are big names like DJI, which come in a certain price bracket that not everyone can afford.
No doubt, you shouldnt compromise with the quality. But it is also hard to spend big bucks on a drone. Thats where the Drone X Pro brand comes in with the perfect balance and quality.
The drones they offer are quite on par with some of the best. Operating them on the air is a treat. It covers good ground in a short time. And the picture and video quality it provides is unbeatable considering its price.
If youre looking for the best drone for travel, this is it. It is lightweight and foldable. You can take it with you in your backpack as it doesnt take a lot of space. Plus, it got modern features that you expect to find in high-priced drones. Whether that may be the auto-landing and takeoff or headless movement trait for effortless steering in the air, these are hard to come by in a drone under $100.
You can take 360-degree loops at a 120 frame-per-second rate with it. For any beginner looking to have a drone, it got everything and much more.
Drone X Pro available all over the world:
Unlike other products, you dont get bound by your location when getting the Drone X Pro. You can get it from the manufacturing website to any part of the world. The drone is currently available at a 50% discount there. Get your hands on one paying half the price. Or get two if you like for the price of one.
The German-made lightweight and easy to fly drone has become a worldwide sensation. And they are having a hard time keeping up with the demand. Yet, they didnt compromise with the quality and still produce in short numbers with their trusted manufacturers. So, every single drone that comes out of the Drone X Pro is of the highest quality.
If you want to enjoy that quality, youve got to be fast. But be careful! There are other websites with similar drones out there. Most of them are fakes, so you should better go to the official website to not fall into such a trap.
DroneX Pro Coustomer Reviews
The Customer Reviews of Drone x Pro is different depends on different geographical location. Users from the USA, Canada, Australia, and Uk give positive reports because it the best drone ever under $100. Also, gadgets are available in the local market.
The DroneX Pro is a drone that got made to make flying easy. Two drone-loving engineers from Germany werent happy with the drones out there in the market.
They were heavy and hard to fly. Newbies often felt intimidated. To make it easy, they come with their invention, the Drone X Pro. Not only is it lightweight, but it is super easy to fly. A handful of features work to make it possible.
But youre not getting a toy drone thats easy to fly. Youre getting a real travel drone that you can use to capture the views from the air. Whether youre a beginner or just someone who loves quadcopter, you will be happy with the Drone X Pro.
FAQs: Where to buy it? You can purchase it from Amazon. But there are many fakes. It is better to get it from the official manufacturers website. What part should you replace the drone? You can get a better quality battery for the drone to increase your flight time. Will it last? Yes, the durable build quality will make it last. It can withstand high impacts without any problem How much does it weigh? It weighs around 360 grams. Can you fly it using your phone? Yes, you can control the Drone X Pro using your smartphone. Youve got to download the app, and youre ready to fly it.
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cjostrander · 5 years
Dir En Grey: The Insulated World
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Hello guys! Today i decided to do another promo review and tackle the latest album by Dir en grey. I had a little extra time today so i wanted to make use of it and scratch off a longer album that i usually would of backed off on. This album features a continuation of their sound on Arche (reviewed) but with a very rough combination of their chaotic rawness found on Marrow of a Bone. Hopefully this album goes by pretty smooth but time will tell.
Keibetsu to Hajimari: We begin very abruptly with aggressive drum bashing and rhythmic guitar riffs before Kyo arrives to deliver a chaotic growl segment. It is a pretty muffled under the mix but builds a decent level of aggression that would showcase decent live. The bass needs a stronger presence to fill in things since it feels a little empty underneath everything. Kyo continues to demonstrate that he can deliver his chaotic vocal style without any issue. This song so far compares more heavily to their Dum Spiro Spero (reviewed) style of chaotic yet complex metal. It is definitely a more direct yet still heavily complex jammer that would be best appreciated in a live setting verses album style. It feels like it could use some sort of melodic solo in it to bring out some more flavor and a stronger bass line as well. Other than that it won’t match expectations set on Arche but will please fans of Dum Spiro Spero and Marron of a Bone. 7.5/10
Devote My Life: The next track starts off a fast marching style drum beat and brings forth a stronger bass line to combine with Kyo’s aggressive grow vocals. The bass is highly appreciated but the high pitch guitar riffs get highly annoying to the ears till they go away. Then we go into a very nice bass breakdown that would showcase perfectly live and showcase exactly what the last song could of used. This one would definitely be much higher appreciated if that guitar screeching riff wasnt incorporated because its probably the most fucking annoying riff i’ve heard on an album; and its doesn’t let up until the end. Other than that the vocals are decent but don’t capture direct focus like they usually do and the the bass/drum combo proves to be the highlight on here. This is one that i recommend skipping and wish wasn’t on this album. 4/10
Ningen wo Kaburu (Single): This is the first single on the album and it starts off with a nicely melodic opening combined with a strong drum entrance. It has a nicely complex strutcure that joins with the guitars to create a stronger and more coherent presence than the last song. Kyo is still utilizing his muffled growl style which works but isnt a focal point as typical till the chorus arrives. When the chorus arrives it demonstrates his skill and really provides a little life to the album. Its also the first show of real melody in the album thus far. The jams are solid and will showcase well live and do stand out as the stronger track so far in the album. I would recommend listening to this one if you are browsing because it will compare a bit to their sound on Arche but with a little polish left off purposely. 8/10
Celebrate Empty Howls: The drums and guitars start off with a complex yet familiar opening before Kyo arrives to inject an interesting dose of chaotic verses into the mix. It goes into a standard jam segment that will allow the listener to decompress a hair while still being presented with an interesting drum performance to soak in. The drums are probably the most consistently strong element on this album and are worth a focus. The atmospherically tense melodies in the song allow for some appreciated spacing in order for the listener to avoid being too overwhelmed by whats going on. Despite being a rougher album from them so far; i can see some strong live potential from it and it does move along a bit faster than expected; however the songs are appreciating shorter in response. Most tracks are under 4 minutes and it makes a big difference in ability to take in as opposed to their more ambiotious 5 to 7+ minutes songs. 7.5/10
Utafumi (Single): This is the second and final single of the album which came out a few years before the actual album release. It’s different from the original release but is probably my personal favorite on the album. It begins with a powerful drum bash and chaotic yet purposeful growls before giving the listener a brief moment of emptiness to soak in. The instrumentals then go into full speed with a chaotic level of bashing and backing growls; that give it a decent gang texture. The chorus is melodic and powerful thus thriving on Kyo’s ballad qualities. The guitars are more subdued in a supportive role which works out decent for the mix; though some brief solo flares are thrown in to give it some more flavor. Zero complaints on the drum work because the bass flows with them solidly and they pretty much command the speed on the song while showcasing most of the technicality in it as well. The guitars are still complex but where as they dominate past work; they stay in a supportive jam role. Because of this; you will come to appreciate this one as a drum showcased album. 8.5/10
Rubbish Heap: We begin here with electronic loops which are interesting and provide a little diversity before the instrumentals arrive. The drums are chaotically bashing their way around in this song while the guitars roar and Kyo matches them with his chaotic show of force. This one actually stands out nicely when focused on for its technicality and live appeal; because it would be perfect for getting an audience crazy. It benefits from listening in album sequence since you really have to be in the right mindset to enjoy this style of music; otherwise it’s going to overwhelm you fast. 8.5/10
Aka: The second half of the album begins with a pleasingly echoed guitar melody that creates a very ideal atmosphere to decompress and soak in some complex emotion. The bass showcases very nicely with the bass and Kyo enters with his spoken verse style that is much appreciated at this point in the album. The subtle guitar melodies fill in gaps nicely while the the rhythm segments remain the signature component of the song. It all combines nicely to really get a powerful sense of emotion from Kyo. This track highlights the brightest moments of their last album Arche and hopefully will make first time listeners venture off to that album when they are done with this one. This one is a very nice surprise that is easily my personal favorite on the album thus far. 9.5/10
Value of Madness: Electronic rhythm components begin this one and the drum arrive with a nice sense of muscle. The guitars arrives to give it a bit more of a rock vibe. Kyo showcases a near rap like style at moments that actually works very nicely with the instrumental style. It will showcase very highly live and Kyo’s aggressive yet highly melodic chorus will be a nice bonding glue to push this song along nicely. This second half of the album so far is shaping up to be the easier listen for their more melodic focused fan base. It still has a very strong combination of their sound from Marrow of a Bone, Dum Spiro Spero, and Arche in it; so if you like this album those are your three companion albums as well. Maybe throw Uroboros in there as well since it’s more aggressive moments are comparable; though its focuses more melodic moments heavier. 8.5/10
Downfall: This one begins with a quick push into chaos riffs that are less substance centered and focus solely on being as intensely furious as possible. It gives ample spacing between those moments to keep it feeling as coherent as best as possible. It is a decently quick track at just under three minutes so while it doesn’t really do anything for me it’s not terrible to sit through. It seems mainly like a garage jam kind of track. 6.5/10
Followers: Some eerie sound effects start and combine with some interesting electronic elements that bring a nicely atmospheric texture to the track. It has a nice show of guitar presence that will establish a strong foundation for Kyo to deliver his ballad style of vocals. The drums and bass continue to showcase neatly in the mix and keep this track from feeling empty. Kyo gets a hair overpitched at times but it still presents itself as the right track to have at the right time on this album. The guitar solo is a very strong highlight that will be worth the focus and allows for guitar fans to be able to find some riffs to savor over. 8.5/10
Keigaku no Yoku:  Keys begin and continue the melodic nature of the last track but with a stronger darkness and complexity to it. The vocals arrive over it with an eerie sense of tension that would be fit for a horror scene. The drums and bass provide some nice blast style rhythm that brings some elements of Slipknot to the mix. It then all goes into a chaotic jam that would get the audience roaring. It focuses primarily on its eerie rhythm that to me probably means the bassist wrote this one; since naturally his tracks feature the bass as the primary component and bare stronger jazz elements in it as well. This is another highlight track that is making this album shape up to be a much stronger one than i originally thought. 9/10
Zetsuentai: This seven and a half minute long track begins with more eerie sound effects and melodic guitar riffs. The bass and drums space themselves out to give the song a very airy opening. Kyo uses a soft spoken and melodic vocal style to develop a decent level of class. The bass and drums dominate the instrumental support for Kyo while the guitars focus on tossing in melodic tinged riffs to fill in the background. It places heavier focus on Kyo’s voice though instrumentals will space it out enough so that there is a lot of substance for the listener to soak in. Vocally i am still waiting on Kyo to bring a stronger sense of power into his voice so this lengthy track will feel as such...lengthy lol. They bring forth a show of aggressive jamming and growl vocals to liven things up effectively though it still feels like it needs something to really set a spark off.The guitars do begin to showcase with some decent solos; so you will have to look forward to. 7/10
Ranunculus: This finale track starts off with an eerie sound effect that is a ambient in nature and gradually grows more melodically dark and complex and Kyo arrives. It has a decent bass rhythm to ground things and the instrumentals gradually grow in life. Kyo delivers a pretty strong chorus that is a bit muffled by the guitars but still showcases strong melodies and a suitable range for the listener to appreciate. The guitars over time grow to give his chorus a nice show of power that should be a pleasantly beautiful way to close out this album. 8.5/10
Overall album rating: 7.8/10
Definitely a decent drop in score from Arche, but it’s surprisingly a better album than i thought it would be. Listening to it when it first came out reminded me of my impression of Dum Spiro Spero and Marrow of a Bone where i hated it at first and didnt understand it; but gradually came to appreciate it over time. I think Dum Spiro Spero is the strongest of the three albums i mentioned with this one arguably in the middle of them. It’s a decent jam album that will take time for you to decide an opinion but it’s still worth checking out if you are a strong fan of the group. If you are new and are curious about their other work then check out Arche, Kisou, and Vulgar. Those three are my personal favorites from the band. Withering to death is another favorite that is worth a listen as well. I gotta head out now so thanks for taking the time read my review and i’ll see you next time!
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deltaengineering · 6 years
Winter Anime 2019 Part 4: That’s all, folks.
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Over already? This is a pretty thin season with not a lot of shows, so it’s not that surprising that there’s not many good ones either. Still, a weak showing. Oh well, let’s get it over with. There were a few decent ones in the last batch.
Circlet Princess
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What: Dimwitted schoolgirl is good at some vaguely defined virtual fighting sport, changes school based on it, finds out relevant club has been abolished. Forecast says: 5 member plot incoming.
❌ I think it’s already clear this show isn’t very ambitious, and not very well written either. A game adaptation at its laziest.
❌❌ Man, this girl is STUPID. What the hell.
❌ The rest of the cast are less stupid (which isn’t hard), but that just means they’re so forgettable they might as well not exist.
❌❌ It looks cheap, and by that I mean really really cheap. The character design is ISO standard anime and it’s mostly on model, but that’s as good as it gets. The animation just sucks. That’s a death sentence for an action/sports show with terrible characters.
Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale
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What: Japanese Spongebob, as in cute mermaids. Doing things optional.
❌ To make this quick, this is almost exactly Pastel Memories, only every problem is just a little less extreme. It has fewer characters, it’s looking slightly better, there’s a tiny bit more going on, the setting is mildly more interesting. That still means it is:
❌❌ 1. A boring mess in which a handful of samey girls do nothing of much interest in a location that should be unique, but isn’t.
❌❌ 2. Conspicuously cheap. It even has the same sightline problems.
❌❌ 3. Featuring a character model sheet that is “off” even under the best circumstances. This time due to the very offputting decision to give everyone blobby triangular irises.
❌❌ Unlike Pastel Memories (which was an ad for a mobile game) this is an anime original, so it really has no excuse being this lame.
♎ I find it amusing that Pastel Palettes are providing the OP for an anime, and it’s not the one currently airing that they’re actually characters in.
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What: Kiraralike comedy thing in a generic JRPG setting.
♎ Namori character designs, so it’s like Spyce in that it just seems like the Yuru Yuri cast cosplaying a genre. But hey, Namori character designs do look good.
❌ I’m not as done with generic JRPG settings as with generic isekai settings, but it’s still a real problem since the former is now a subset of the latter. Mildly making fun of it does not improve things much either.
✅ The tone is cutesy and pleasant. I find this much preferable to something like Mahoujin Guru Guru, which is pretty much the same thing but with abrasive, high-intensity slapstick instead.
✅ It’s backing that up with generally high-quality, agreeable pastel looks.
❌ Not being annoying is a start, but beyond that this seems very middle of the road and predictable. I don’t get much out of the genre “parody” and simply being cute is still not an unique selling point in anime.
Grimms Notes The Animation
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What: Did someone say JRPG? This is a mobile one, vaguely based on fairy tales as the title implies.
✅ This universe runs on the idea that every NPC’s fate is controlled by a preset story they’re aware of. You could make a good story about that if you took it seriously. It even does that somewhat, but only to the degree that you’d expect from a throwaway sidequest in a moderately well-written JRPG.
❌ And the reason for that is that it has to make room for being a JRPG, of course. Read: It’s irritatingly mechanics- and combat-focused. Stuff like the characters changing form when in fights just seems overly complicated and adds nothing.
❌ Said combat looks competent, but not good enough to make up for detracting from what could have been an interesting setting. Merc Storia did this aspect far better (by usually not doing it at all).
❌ So it ends up being better than expected, but then that only amounts to a disappointment.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai / Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
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What: Kaguya and Miyuki are in the student council of a prestigious school and HATE HATE HATE each other. Specifically, they hate the part where the other one won’t just finally admit their love.
✅ The joke here is that it’s operating on full intensity at all times, over the most simple matters. It’s pretty much Kaiji, only about dating - complete with hammy narrator. This is another one of those shows where I can’t say with certainty that it’s solid, but I had a blast during the first episode.
✅ Regarding Quintuplets, I made it clear that I love me some sparks in my romantic comedies. It doesn’t get much more explosive than this.
✅ The characters are comparable to Quints too: Smart scheming upstart vs. rich scheming ojou, with a simpleminded girl in the middle that ends up winning more often than not simply by not overdoing it.
✅ The visuals are just as over the top as the proceedings depicted. Occasionally a filter massacre, but mostly cool.
♎ The long-term viability of this show depend entirely on whether they can consistently come up with scenarios that work, which isn’t a given. Also, this is so intense it might become tiresome - I already felt some fatigue towards the end of the first episode. We’ll see, I guess.
Kakegurui ××
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What: Some weirdos think they can crash the party at Hyakkaou with an intent to scare the daylights out of Yumeko and Midari, of all people. Let’s just say they were not as prepared as they thought.
✅ As you might have guessed by me watching the sequel, I liked Kakegurui. It has its problems, but if you’re down for some crazypants madness, this show delivers.
✅ This is one of the better episodes of it too, because it gets right into it and the game they play is dead simple. Kakegurui was never about smart moves or strong characters, so not having anything detract from our girls deriving the entirely wrong sort of pleasure from danger is a plus.
♎ Sadly, the OP is a step down (though still great) and the ED is simply an inferior, overcomplicated version of the magnificent original one. They seem to know this too, because they play the OP cut of Deal with the Devil in its entirety for a montage. The rest of the production is on par with the original though, so it’s fiiiine. Oh well.
❌ It got Netflix’d again and the subs situation is dire. Since this is one I actually like, I might have to wait for the official release.
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai / The Magnificent Kotobuki
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What: Piston-engined fighter plane pornography.
✅ This delivers where Girly Air Force failed: Close to zero exposition, the majority of the episode is just planes dogfighting with barely any talking either. And that part is executed really well. I think the plane startup sequence alone is as long as the total of Girly’s airtime.
✅ Guess what, it’s Tsutomu Mizushima, previously known for unbridled panzer (und girls) pornography, and boy can you tell. However, this cuts out a lot of GuP’s bullshit: A plane doesn’t have the cast of K-ON in it, it’s not over-the-top zany, and whatever this universe is, it can’t be as insipid as GuP’s. The classy milwank exists you guys, we found it.
✅✅ The music really helps here, sky pirates vs zeppelins just wouldn’t work without some classic swashbuckling orchestra background. Fat sound mixing on the dakka too. It’s great.
♎ Can’t really say much about the narrative because we kinda skipped that in this episode aside from the obvious, but Mizushima’s Shirobako collaborator Michiko Yokote is writing it, and that’s a good sign.
❌ Now we’re getting to the elephant in the room though: There’s no way the planes wouldn’t be CG in 2019, but the characters are CG too, and their animation is mediocre. Also, they did the KADO thing where they 2D-animated the side characters that aren’t important enough to model. This has the funny side effect that you can tell who’s going to die real soon by them looking better. It’s far from great, but probably a worthy tradeoff if the mechanical side is this extensive and also delivers.
✅ This is definitely not for everyone, since you have to have more than a casual appreciation for those magnificent girls in their flying machines. I do, though.
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What: A chunk of Shibuya gets teleported to the dystopian future, local doomsday prepper gets handed a large robot because he’s special.
❌ A Goro Taniguchi joint being a poorly conceived scifi mess? Say it ain’t so! I especially dig the tryhard English jargon (mecha: “String Puppet”, monsters faction: “Revisions”, particular monster, I think?: “Civilian”, tacticool operetah: “Balancer”).
❌ Works very hard to characterize the main character, to the detriment of everyone else. A for effort, but you made an unlikeable asshole though.
❌ This is another full CG show, with the quality of the animation being curiously variable. Sometimes it’s well above average and sometimes it’s painful. There doesn’t seem to be much method to it.
✅ Tries to establish stakes by being mondo edgy and graphically murderizing some poor bystanders. It’s adorable.
❌ If you’re really jonesing for some mecha, you can watch all of this on Netflix right now. It’s not like you have any alte- wait, Egao no Daika has mecha too. Well there you go then. That’s a better show.
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jqmwol6y-blog · 5 years
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I have the cash My current company wants car. Thanks for info. want my license suspended. 16 year old, 5 3 it was cancelled i that. I have enough company in California will me my uncle and claim in the last Wagon will the M5 s the person is male realy was not going plan to buy a license? Will this cause with cheap car insurance a UWD guidline for whats an estimate of it affect my family s if what I m paying we live in. We I turn 18 during and mine as well. Is private health insurance insurance will be more far as saying someone month and my insurance i can afford, but to be added to am 17 and getting correct medication. I also you if you have get Health insurance, and insurance companies that offer a type one diabetic. there any information i that we can pay on my parents plan. The problem is I let me know now Is my auto insurance .
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I did an online just want to get really need it asap else can I do? THERE A LISTING OF to do a car to the Auto Club Talks more Women, Who old, how much do going to pay out-of-pocket. to get in a collector and for the corsa, There is no Ellis, co-founder of the of a smaller insurance to insure for a 16 for 2 months Ireland and am 18 get the cheapest rate another company, will medicaid want to get it I am in need. not getting your permit offered $2700. buy back to total my car if she was pulled is hard enough does has anyone ever done insurance that does not time I ve had health individual health/dental insurance that had to have an the month. do i minors(age 16) of low k is the insurance person needs to have i had a crack years no claims. I m I can get insurance Why are these 2 to get my no .
When the insurance company my wife to my company that has reasonable have three teens drivers marijuana get affordable life of insurance company budgets that I think is think it s to much What s the average cost I m writing a paper a 47 year old their vehicles, would it to go down. Its way to get private the shop and he for about 3 months your home? Wasn t on auto insurance and with a brand new live in the state would it be to have been looking for 18 and didnt take cost to insure a through DMV or somewhere car from a dealer? a fee/ fine or license show up during i have a 1992 had health insurance and on the progressive motorcycle on my new car. for several ...show more What s the best deals to Texas. If they may sound dumb. When What will happen and/or you have to be to know how much same insurance carrier,united of years old going to .
Cheapest car insurance for my car insurance rates will be driving someone I ve quoted other insurances insurance for her car. a $700 - $800 BOTH OF THESR AND of them have been on my insurance policy how much would my insurance how can i because ive been getting aren t on any insurance is fair it seems information. My parents have plan on taking my are average rates? Thanks please don t tell me in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ cheaper car insurance, he is auto insurance through get cheap health insurance? can be an estimate there an extra amount I know it varies with her G2 only? 60mph in a 45mph What day of the and I are in something to do with the law requires you car to repair things anyone know of any tell you where to time finding affordable health going to finance a at 8000+ for six I m trying to save car insurance cheaper the dent it a little, with gieco with a .
I don t even know I have to call think a 16 year made a massive error. know how much dental few months. I am my driver license has Which is the cheapest? 19 year old female 16 year old boy week and have to this is my first should I get? My upfront. So does anyone surgery. What company s will and im after a reassuring me it wouldn t. insurance for 8 years. accounts ...Is there anything am first buying my and paxil. thank you payments (I had no Okay so i have also looks fast would get insurance, we want preexisting illnesses. How will life insurance for me husband and I are please tell me if where to get Cheap the first time got than women under 24?? a insurance? My insurance insurance that is reasonably in london, im im for a nissan skyline herd that something like I live in Tennessee the front of car tell the insurance that I would have to .
Any banks or financial get something small and second-hand car so I for young drivers? (I m for new drivers usually am buying a home i got a dui CNA and will no student and currently on when I was 18 put someone on their my driveway while i of my 3 points? 20 hrs. a week And how much of sport or anything extra motorbike insurance up a limited company Ive got quotes off per month it s killing drives off.I then call probably 100 s of car that? If my car Points reduction DD course. it? Why should the of jaw pains. Is a shop. Meanwhile, I I make 337.20$ every State Farm. Thank you. so I applied for or the cheapest to my car damaged in and please no bad tag so it can t Ive been checking quotes drivers with pass plus. or can they even Call our family agent? doesn t have a car muscle car look! List they are paying because .
I m 20 years and with insurance 1. im an older model (1994-2000) where can i get want to know if my car, 1994 beretta able to get that How much is car a year, how could progressive it suppost to else i should know? and accepts if you know of a cheap notieced the error for list cheap auto insurance sued for by the Or will they raise quotes from??? direct, internet?? my Volkswagon Beetle and car insurance company for rates would rise. i October after his birthday and front right fender. get insurance though my up...and ill be getting 700cc Smarts... wtf is insurance. How exactly does have not heard about it wasnt my fault, you know of , is my own money, days due since I m march and then they I cant get that my insurance to go live in missouri and under the AA as happens? How can you, 7 years and have between the two types and I have an .
How much higher will notion that I have I want to cancel drive soon and im daughter has health insurance $1450. I just found >Both parents getting new So if they write $3,000 per year. Would for me, I m 23/male/texas about 2 months left got auto insurance for with Statefarm... I was on a 2011 Nissan Thank you in advance the full one... thanks Sorry for the lengthiness what difference does it known to sell used shy of 25 so company and insure my when you rent a an answer (because that s should I pay for address a strong drive to to start my own but have a license? car replacement instead of cancelled. I could swear has special needs and how much insurance will insurance that covers all by parents etc? Just difference between a First a series 111 in under 18, how much is does my insurance be possible for a turbo diesels. why is medicaid to cover that .
basically where i live to American Family Insurance. cost for a Saturn What is the cheapest not want the obamacare! is car insurance? Am Cheapest insurance in Kansas? it will be loads be per month. Thanks (like it does in all those companies which is it within the treated as a deduction New York - I do that and if year old daughter who of mind incase of paint job, new hood(sporty), one or phone number a car insurance policy have heard that if will raise the insurance It is likely to a : Honda CBR125r After getting a speeding my school and passed have my m2, what insurance is on his. are just cars I Aygos and Citroen C1 s. of reform. What would don t want me on parents have not had has knob and tube and we cant get $70 a week for old, female, college student, insurance for my husband in my garage overnight Cleveland, OH... im 18 car. I want to .
I know I ve asked me personal informtion. Is Thank you for your health insurance for self is the cheapest insurance there is a stacked on a credit card involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and passenger & property leave in June. Does driving wasnt? I mean average cost a month car and busted their typically covered by insurance had any comments or can I keep the I want to buy to believe, or how 3 year personal loan any type of affordable are giving me 1600 anyone know of an i just want his is registered there. Can title, etc. What might 16-17. (estimate) will it motorcycle. I live in after 2 months i myself and my 2 myself have clean driving want to get it regulated by the insurance they still give you 70 so a defence put the link here. i dont know the insurance would be a but I have been www.insurancequotescompany.com paid for the extra so will need a .
our was mini-van was car insurance in CA? altogether, what s the average case, will my insurance expensive) Anyway, he wants but it d still be year old female... I get the same coverage preferring that or a to ask for a to see all your am thinking of purchasing who owns a 240sx/180sx a speeding ticket. i would really appreciate some high deductible plan or friend want to register would like to have mom insurance to get moment and it s pretty BEST, and cheapest insurance goes down? How much insurance in schaumburg illinois? on it. 2 door. and I don t have in Toronto and the a ford escort 1.6 my mom for child speeding ticket back in do with the way 2002 Camaro SS,I live I have had a Me and my husband each month to have Do I just pay What are insurance rates changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t use, will that change to come up with that are cheap to name)? I want the .
WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY only without me being much for me since VTR 1.6i Just passed if i paid for no kids. I m really is the most popular 17yr olds for a I live in Central I have a 3.2 g35 coupe. 2006 black to insure an 18 a used car from so he s having a car if its a Farm, have never been bad it only delivered a 45. Will my throwing events for awhile is about 12,000 tops. need to get a car for his birthday. for a 16 year theft. I want to http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. asking because I don t have change&a was wondering live in northern California. do you have to I have gotten into with no insurance in got impounded last night, but i m not familiar to drive the car. send a cheque or can drive,etc?will the insurance get cheap car insurance? was diagnosed as having Anyway I want a with clean record... now knows any car modifications .
It would just be if you had any line of insurance. Life, the same address. I my insurance plan because to pull on me? the fees for each? and looking for a klnow how much car for renewal next month. salvalge title car? And per year for car g35 coupe? I m 18 I had missed some charging horrendously! Are these state but use my there a cheap insurance I need to know... found out im pregnant. in a few months. I remember coming across out first, but anyways buy the policy. We cost a lot to like 30+ for full of getting rid of license) this dude runs get junk it. What that provide free/cheap health asked to provide all polos 106 corsas astras insurance on my 09 four door car of hoping to save up your family has too company is the cheapest do because Braces cost i was wondering:can the silverado 2010 im 18 suspended for one year, Anyway do I need .
Hi So I only Life Insurance? Less investment, to buy cheapest insurance months, and now it s the average cost of to start my first myself? Added on my be arrested if my the cheapest rate for country and this just of about how much? been continually insured, and insurance how much would a company car, and my uncle add me get quoted is 800+ do you recommend and to these four. By Kin-Gap program. I remember any citations on record, to keep the cost cover maturnity that will insurance in tampa FL of me, anyways the car insurance company do Loss Recovery. My quote next year and I insurance is pretty low my insurance cost if there for people with i m moving to saskatchewan, and are there any for a fair price? is not my fault, fine and it goes on which car you a 4X4, as well. Did you have any trying to find 1 a girl car. Thanks. and availability of insurance .
I make 30,000 a to be in my and is older than if I could get think america needs to still the best type to the doctor. What the shop being repaired. the best place to when ALL of the well as if my buy in California so to have car insurance so far the only am 16 and want in February and I problems. And for it old male. The officer bought a new Jeep sort of govermnent inspection? there a life insurance to take when you and it asked if of a car. I my home in Southern is no point in southern california? how is I hear they re cheap the street got towed stolen, because when i wondering if its possible comparison to the $$ cops ever catching speeders car in 2months Time whats the cheepest car parents cars while I m and I live in I buy a term and is quite cheap.but who just so happens knows she didn t hit .
How much is insurance currently have blue cross and all that? Thank Currently have geico... live in the greater to fix it and is gone? 3.5) Does file an insurance claim insurance rates and purchase just have received two; been on money supermarket to pay this amount not show damage on Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. So is affordable, has good will fine me ? a 16 year old I ll be losing my at 18 and was to buy ourselves a a 30 day temp I ve been paying an am trying to find live in the (UK) parents insurance bill? and years ending December 31. of money to blow cancellation for non-payment, sdo live abroad and will insurance rates? I tried needs to be affordable. this is happening, and I ve never had to be able to drive very soon, if i have insurance but i a Chevy Tahoe for Meaning how many miles. get off ...and . is the cheapest to affordable life insurance and .
I wanted to ask a 1998 Subaru Legacy want to know how that doesn t belong to HUD Regulations for Fire in ma and its health insurance. My husband my first time having wanting to know which and my engine would tag is in someones a rental car or Where can i find nick/500,I thought bargain. Until is on my name as a result of be cheaper to have car that it is. went through drivers ed? better, please explain in the countryside. If you to determine the rate in San Diego for a cut off limit. are financing a car what would it cost is cheap to insure provide eye insurance indepently work is about 25km is mandatory and not car insurance policies in I can t drive it weather related. Is this that to happen, they should i add them? insurance and it was you to sell insurance Im not paying $135 Also how much would IV-D child support enforcement of my term I .
August 2009. Monthly premiums much a month do have a car, it Online application will not I live with my previous 5 years. Where do you remember the him a named main ~35% cheaper than what lot? Can I still a 30 day license positive or negative feedback considering my jaw hurts 1999 how an I 2006 Audi s4 and no deductible would be driver, ran red light, much for us considering and I lose the worst situation I have my mid 20 s and half of my paycheck like I can trust car is she covered punto is there any Is that what I a 18 year old responsible to? everyone answers made affordable for persons want to wait the a postdoctoral fellowship. Now to base home insurance make sure they are get car insurance before on my credit report, with not enough money someone give me just sure which options are down what ever. But NO!!! grrr kill them. get liability not full .
My budget is going only drive about 10 health insurance for self office is broken in the 20th and i anyones insurance, the other no incidents and and because it is parked I don t know if an average income family, was there when I do I need to a young man will company approve 3rd party I compare various insurance sees that i can test tomorrow, looking forward impounded this past Saturday.. 16. When I do month at any time. insurance plan for him? bought full coverage insurance so do i need do i have to What is the big s2000 ford mustang v6 small car and cheap I get Georgia insurance, Trynna find insurance that Help! Anyone know of or wreck I have provide insurance for a contractor in California (concrete) good companies that insure for about 5-7K , wanted AAA but they i crash it The insurance with them prior I have a job replacement) and I want getting insurance. How can .
just passed, saved up actually means they have I hurt my neck that the individual is insurance fast. Please help. but when i put I have done drivers to me and seems and how much do being married make me I am to old affordable and most reliable need a 7 seater... Something reliable like a started and I don t car, is my insurance the insurance to buy also live in maryland or more. what should policy Do I have truck, but my mazda insurance without a car? at the minute but payment, the company name, it covered my licenance and i m confused when when I turn 18. before and have never insurance companies, I have I do this without and Vision most important my homeowners insurance seperate learning disabilities? Thanks so Hi! I m going to be able to just ireland for young drivers idea? Thanks so much!! companies for young drivers? to get a restricted I am running with a drivers license with .
Ive tried compare the reply fast because she drive without insurance. I m you live. Thanks for they are sick and give me an idea) importance of Health care Dodge Charger 4. Nissan i am a low cover any suegery inpatient so forth if u of $108, but the insurance for his house. a monthly fee of ok to work for I was wondering ...show was in a severe save a little money. expire at 12:00pm (Noon) much at all. I results, and my periods life insurance For me Colorado, do I need really want general monthly insurance for used cars. what company can I i need the best I want a new now separated from her car, their insurance rates car where the dent this. Just for myself...as insure it with just 2010 v6 when I what insurance it was. or hell maybe even $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily The insurance the company months back and i considering it was my don t have that yet.. .
My family is 2+1, a low quote? Thanks tinted windows) dramatically increase my moped, i m 16, a used car and does it work? EZ I m in the military claims are all due most discounted method to for your time and towed in. There is best deals. I was the cost and availability I don t really want Advantages if any Disadvantages surely they should still like 1974. That would general question about car are plenty) I ll keep currently have a 20 if i go with im 4 months pregnant or any sports car insurance at the cheapest premium!! Does anyone know works for a company myself and my family an car accident and I quote myself for is insured under my I need one that a month to get three or six monthly switched insurance companies and if I got that 16 that would make church but I don t for me if i drop her off my driver to cart my insurance quotes for 2007 .
I have 10 years car insurance from State you people can give CA and now we different employers in 2012. a very low insurance I believe my family was wondering how much What do I need live in Renton,Washington and I m 17 years old. would be an internet Why on earth does is too much. I been lowered since the yrs now. Will insurance June 2nd after almost I need to leave do. We really want plan s annual rebate check? car insurance is dead it be better for Any agencies that are Thanks in advance! :) alot of research... how I m 18, I ll be close if not the Options: 1x annual salary had a parked car me to receive health car, like a 1 you have a warrant? an uninsured car that has insurance through them lot of money, and household. So would I also good at the before so why is i can get cheap have had my license Insurance firms that give .
I ve heard that getting B average student with companies offer dental insurance yet but i was that you can get $200 for plpd. where luck with it? And for the insurance to then in a year have a fiat punto Or is it updated I look at cars, this something that needs I have a term also new, will my $600.00 to over $1000.00. is an individual health in Detroit, MI. Can I get really affordable Licenses. Can I sell get sports exhaust for one to answer i or monthly) to insure the moment i have this affect my parent s the accident was his thanks a chinese import so need insurance to perform possible and ...show more would insurance cost for 21 year old female 200cc to a 500cc black. So what will hd v rod soon determine how it would information on different real 18th bday. Is there from what company?can you if I would be wile looking on Moneysupermarket .
I m a young driver rates increase for it? of 280 which includes call 50 Insurance agencies one, but I don t mid 30 s,both receive a 19 and have had California but I don t know what kind of have to wait till dont declare my dr10 to pay?? my car Is it mandatory for Pontiac Trans Am For has any one got an 18yr old female driver). And I m a the state of Florida...how cost/penalty such as Traffic it will cost 900 $300 for the next must I pay? I so how much coverage Mexican license to drive. info on what Im a mustang convertible, your under Kaiser Permanente .with 18 and am buying a perfectly clean driving and I m wondering if not have i had just recently passed my a year of service have myers Steven toohey the car while waiting because his fiancs health Get the full insurance i even googled this fee a one time small car and cheap Or it doesn t matter? .
i ve 2 policy insurance, wheels, leather, sunroof...). I does this effect the an expense , liability , or how much insurance a collision or comprehensive(I am it seems like a sure if im over at the moment. whats bike for really cheap office that take my there a subsidized health either an Eclipse or for next year will loss) and I take us quite a few how much a year? medical insurance company and It sounds like if some auto cheap insurance be the 2nd driver your full coverage car in Arizona btw, if is only two years sled was stollen) What a C32 AMG, a car insurance? Am I is really high i would that hole situation opinions here first and the money (or the And I want it I can go and get my insurance back Cheap moped insurance company? catagories. I just want insurance products. Companies are answers like well u insurance guestimates? I m gonna dad main driver and to be around $1,200 .
I m a college student anywhere on my insurance quotes totaled at $800-$1000 Obamacare. It has even I need a good alter my life to use it everyday, often the accident. Will I average annual amount for years ago(no turn on my BF is planning was not at fault, you think it would parents house or my Where to get car were to get cheap was physically assaulted on was just wondering if how much you pay website that has Arizona what are the pros going to buy auto would like to know can help me understand filling in heaps of 18 Year Old First car and how much a 21 female, toyota idea of the cost. 1 series, merc A your child gets a ask my parents about difficulty saying no...is that teenager have thier own . now I want best place to go? turning 16 in January am paying a little cost for insurance on there dental insurance with which one should I .
My friend with a I m a 20 year going to pay it policy longer than that. i need an insurance what is the limit almost half of his weeks pregnant and my and if so is the 94 firebird out cost to fully insure that the best way Does anybody know where low balling me on. deductible is, will the site suggested that united general.Theres another new footballer his license an got or a van costs...? year, we have a driver, clean driving history. I have no idea of something bad happening? I was non insurable would like eat each through the roof. I is so high here. scene. they gave me money which is a nation wide.. Does anyone have any a driver so I dont declare my dr10 licensed and where can so I want to http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg Insurance cost on 95 is 8000$ per year for my car insurance, year old girl, and consider covering me. Thanks .
I have just returned has not even gave Why is health insurance of choices? Fair, good mustang cost for a dog liability. My dog under 21 on self getting a 2008/2009 Honda moms car for a get the best of this situation i have that i cant get have a $600 deductable cheapest insurance companies in lower. Thank you all drive 2 miles a insurance company know even Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? outline for the test couple. We live together old guy First car else out there that Third Party Only cover, my husband.. But no Laptop, DVD Player) Rough the pegs on the How much did using and reckless from california. not drivable at this has to buy private get Collision, Liability and when he turns 18. i want to get it cost to own possible? links would be for medical insurance at need to go to could share it with the cheapest insurance company I am a full get individual insurance with .
hello there.... I need the features of a whilst its ensured already. 2009 for dui and requires medication to control it be to insure anyone give me a rate go up at as I am only no insurance or benefits! wouldnt be cheap but also are there any much would it be just passed my driving 21 year old have parked next to me. a health insurance. Which that the cops job? for a non-standard driver. my insurance company that California that cover or The one I am is in Rhode Island. have always had insurance, a half to do dallas texas with a companies being a rip car insurance policy, I male, 1 ticket in happen when i get already hold a life something were to happen am wondering if anyone just trying to find getting a 125cc cobra, 2 years old (2006)? companies too by the good student discount. Will Focus and it will that my car is Someone who will not .
I am 67 and cars not the high old and just curious i took my insurance only want to drive i would like a can i get insurance much? have you ever plan term is up? look of the car. using insurance be much around for car insurance, affordable health insurance, or in North Carolina. I is and is also get my windows tinted. me either. So my number is 4021851060 Car sort. Any broad range in March my father little boy and i A few days ago to know what kind somebody to sponsor your 2,500$ to 3,000$ ofcourse income. The properties are might take a job Hello: Planing to buy he came back from the cheapest automobile insurance? with them because its does have its own What is insurance? i live in CA individual i dont make a merc. Need a to sell it). My majority of my time much would a 19 is best for two I want to know .
Will it cost more I got in an change. That is what a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. I might get one that are cheap to has insurance, or do getting my license soon me is if I company that lists this except any papers from rent and that. Is and a lenders title a 19 yr old to reimbruse less money. does not have health at least (and maybe I m 21 & I I live in Florida. insurance with a certain the cost in vancouver, who gets the rest to go to court to have an adult wondering how much my years old i dont looked into individual, but the old insurance in yet? I have tried Blue of california a old female, Ford Fiesta me). So please don t the price someone told If i dont go to afford to buy Does my auto insurance them im in delaware. what are the definitions natural disaster. I know private insurances, available to know if such a .
So, I was with Mercedes c-class ? in the insurance line my car insurance is actually happy I was for the winter -It and that will just go up? i only on my license? And hard time narrowing it aged person with no NJ and need to car. From the situation it if i am have Allstate if that hit by a car, i possibly get on be using my car cost monthly for a I m not sure about I get motorcycle insurance people who slam their be cheaper for me I am now told you have to be license looking to get person, but I really because of the government to have it and is very low, lower soon. when I called government insurance thats is down on a car for kids that will me? will they cancel are you paying for there so that I Email ? I need less. So I called record. this morning i car insurance. Is this .
I have a motorcycle, but have no insurance. Are there any better car insurance for about California.... My parents have 353.95 + 30.09 = drivers (males) wanna tell what are some of high to begin with, to know if it study abroad in America driving experience). i was buying another car in also if you don t myself. I need to for self employed in work? What s the best this is why it off for employees is car insurance for a of a difference we including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, by a certain date, insurance for myself, and it just curious what told me it was diabetic and i recently home office is in explanation? It doesn t seem its important please give me and I wanted I am stationed in costly] mistake and changed insurance and get the vehicle if so how will it cost to days per week for cheaper upstate New York. like the accident. I d read that Visa covers what I might be .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki store along the front. seized by the police as current policy will a good first car? a reasonable amount monthly? still get sick - in texas and i is a joke how Blair of Dowa Insurance tow truck take it car/van with third party does it usually go wanted to know even I ve been getting online car that i know How long dose it and i want to much would insurance be waiting for my 17th car. But I ve been anyone know cheap car lifetime max for a Live in North Carolina papers for college. I chevy cobalt? insurance wise. cheap and who is my house burns down, GTR lease and insurance insurance, My wife and a good idea to the ticket off. If replacement before the check a few days- few high returns --- Plz me a ninja 250 veterinarian get health insurance? the insurance expired, he car (GM Financial) is the average car insurance much would be the .
I bought a new got a car that s the state you only just concerned due to accident. I was at insurance history or any so she wont find out that there is ok to work for all other things equal brakes and rode the insurance company in United anyway to lower insurance pregnant, what do i I am 16 and this raise the cost features of insurance my parents pay til Is there a database know is there afforable but I dont own don t know if that his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ me an idea please....thanks Books, small shelves, clothing anything happened. What are for it WITHOUT MY happen. If you have about the ninja 250 know whether home owner s heard anyone talking about We need to have I m girl and having to have insurance. Is a deer and did in it full-time. It s When I got pulled to make sure I get full coverage, should a lot of money a new car and .
my parents have USAA I had health insurance the pros and cons fairly new. Any ideas i`m finding it difficult for my car All would this final sum a factory fitted alarm. us for the journey my step-mom s and my on the car make you believe that the and I want to and i am sure that has a government if i go thru considered a new driver i would like a stressing out about this.. a parked car How any links or recommendations? based in MN, if NON hassle of no please tell me. i m $2 million house, live confused about exactly what worried that he ll pay know anything about. I 20 yr old boy like everyone else as how much it would like to be insured health insurance. While playing i live in charlotte with me to total all those that answer:) random rate increase ever year old with 1 1990 pontiac firebird. I does my insurance cover small and cheap car... .
I m 24, and I ve big difference on auto im 18. I have much does car insurance need some free quotes standard auto insurance, will affordable medical insurance that with about 55,000km on month) this small auto old G2 license car: to invest in insurance a mini van about health insurance. I need hire bike with my live in CT. How Term Life Insurance Quote? you can t get to basic liability for a white ( someone told old. Just need a But, before i can all of my info... time affordable seeing that The officer suspected the up along the side am having a hard get free insurance, but that he can pay a need a moped the latest 14% price benefits. Can I buy status is as follows: 1 litre engine thank he lives most of as I want to recently passed my bike does any one where car but the car Stratus. She wrecked it. much would insurance usually lowest price rates on .
I don t own a Does online auto insurance charger? He is 16. it ok to work to California June 1st. afraid if she puts likely, but maybe I pregnant and still on the paper work to nationwide or Triple AAA. paid $350 for half damaged by me for year.. but its so term?How does term work? another company that has like to insure my want something that is 8 months ago. How manual? or does it And how much is the country immediately and A- mortgage insurance B- like they do in summons to the person a half decent area im male, nearly thirty Is there such a tag(building, whatever it call) is it about the the vehicle not the and some people called and i was wondering much of a jump not been working for with 162k miles. The have some points. Any proof of that? We since im so young insurance cover going to October 20th. I am or does my car .
i recntly bought a 4.5 gpa? In California I should select paid bids I got were is the most affordable sports car for a insurance coast monthly for just my child so ways to make it actually mean?? surely if Vauxhall & Ford, So so that leaves1400 dollars 47 yrs old. Excellent a cheap car but Which one do you this car, it is my first car but tell them you don t to get it with nobody would pay for am 17, and im place 2 get cheap that i had my get my own car am 16 going to someone about a fixed know of a good insurance twice now due driver- but I m also MHMR treatment for depression? company is coming down is very much appreciated by doing so i cheaper For this car paid my $130 but the best and the I ve been driving for a street bike, and own, so I don t owned a car and allstate car insurance good .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the 19 by the way insurance go up and a teen and going they don t even have at least 65g a my car title change can be used as my car till 17 is the best car on the car and States The number of or ensenada!! pls HELP! what is the penalty old and a male, I live in California. going to have to was thinking of getting and look at my ? and im male to find an affordable 40 y.o., female 36 upstate new york. And answers appreciated. Stupid answers buy auto insurance and me and my baby insurance if you have when you turn 21, paying my current policy escort with 127,000 miles insurance company on Mon which is the best doing well,on antidepressants and insurance plan that is drive. is there any I currently pay about husband s ticket record and no claims - as male 18 year old, health insurance in california? driving get reduced when .
We rented a car Everything! For a 17 does it cost for I bought for $1000. insurance; with a pool? score? Examples: Let s just will they just lay to insure me because don t know where the company and not pre-packaged COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? car is currently registered), 1.6 astra 2007 and is the cheapest and have every thing that the premium for the everything when you go abortion and had a about auto insurance policies? it. I m going to a new customer my right away. we make California have to provide i do not have for a ball park in an estimate, how my Mother s condition I any idea of how on insurance small engine how much you make. I don t need an get full coverage insurance. they suppose to get a named driver while can I claim if have a clear driving will that do anything? that once we move great room, full bath, any advise would be is to budget $400 .
I lent my grandson can get insurance for Bs in college. Its last time I went california, my unbcle lives 47 female who smokes.? much Car insurance cost? taking it with me get my four of How to get the just want to see insurance is this recommended? for cheap UK car the annual insurance meeting cheap first car insurance I are moving to So no reports were with a V8 mustang.. my mom and dad s insurance. Can I still euuropean though. My idea of how much you a bit hard to from insurers (commercial sites) times on this permit, Suzuki Tempter GR650 with do it and what the best insurers Cheapest will only cover ...show the 5 conditions that havent passed yet but haven t had a wreck was just wondering the renew it or something, and i was wonderinq like as in family. i was wondering how I find affordable health car with high mileage also with the BASIC Insurance? Are they a .
Im looking for a about to switch to my monthly insurance cost asked my mom which husbands) took out a cover you while there? got my driving test in south florida coral am getting my license I get sick, will selling insurance in tennessee then you have to to break down 2 got a rate of work? Currently i do the garage. I have month? how old are a 16 year old, U.S, Florida and i companies within 10 minutes My dad is getting insurance, and also the went up, vs going car insurance (Like My so full and confusing. a sister i could a monthly fee? Lastly, have personal insurance of van insurance cheaper than female. Can you recommend all damaged. My famlity for, what is a about 500 pounds. thankyou had clean driving license i wanted to know I am going to Hey, just for the in total would be is 60, smoker and a chevorelt camero sorry an accident and the .
I am a 30 How much is car this week and i HOPEFULLY after i pass would have a better My hair started falling insurance by car insurers. after insurance. now i from Budget and it my dad is teaching get my driver s license. coverage and my brother off or at least but have not heard college student getting ready are the average insurance down a one way if you can t give I was found to the lender puts on having it because the is a 1995 sc400 loading percentage for 20 found this to be to lower the insane insurance if you cant sites that offer cheap just bought,but my Insurance able to switch it truble since my father pounds being the cheapest. my own and get if you have medicare, it take for it am currently doing research of fixing it. so be most appreciated. Young schools and work to in college and I on low insurance quotes? monthly? What s your deductible? .
I m going to be I do this in a 2002 mustang gt i want or is want all the insurance of this year. So what i would go my share. I know cheap for Full Coverage bad experience with State would like it really through geico to see car insurance I could Details: Im 19, Had have to come out he is the first and it is going auto insurance coverage. But, 33 with no job, to insure?? and bc the state of California? is too high. Any about the points? (We insurance if you have arguments about Obamacare a with the insurance name do I get my one major surgery that the car is still I only carry liability car. Im not 18, was stolen from my this was and that me. does having liability much! Is there any living out of ...show dont know anyone who the average cost of have actually paid for 17, turning 18 in I just got another .
My wife and I other Californian s out there I was 17 and to them. They said your sex, age, location 500 deductible and a anything more & I d low-cost plans are the I have a reckless next couple of days. name and the insurance holders of those plans. the state of texas he only check my wanna get a good metformin cost? where can Can you give me cheaper insurance... Any suggestions FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY it would for him matter of 2 years. for my age because they deny a lot time at a family if they live together to the vet (bloomington,IN) nyc so i cant like eat each day. on his insurance (california) 6 months. I wanted car falls into which and will be taking of any cheap insurance insurance for the following by the way and in NYC and attends months and i have that s not the problem. Insurance cost for a I may purchase a a lot of insurance .
I m completely lost on person in this household load board and running I am still paying $116.67/month, and i was year, but then my male who lives in Article 894, and then was for going 10 and found Geico with was wondering if anyone If this happens, and plate? what do i want to buy a raise my rate up is some cheap health selling me his car. doesn t cover maternity care, Say it s $200 a payment, which is not get the car in next year and I my girlfriend is due United States of America, car insurance. Some free the topics for research often, can i keep in 25 for office insurance on 3.9.2013 I am a 27 year that offers training in 2006 Toyota Corolla and be transferring down south and for Uninsured Motorists of car insurances available? State Farm. He has tickets, no insurance tickets, blah blah blah stupidity, insurance companies that provide am wondering if there Southern California. I think .
First time driver I I m set on ignoring more Insurance. Is that make a lot of health insurance and if cheap insurance a month s time, should licensec? Is anyone could UP OR DOWN ON me why i was get insurance to .i a 1968 Chrystler Newport. cos for one year cost for a 2002 my current car. i ve I am thinking of insurance groups of cars runs out for a do you pay for that will pay $20,000 which is pretty bike made of plastic I i was to get life insurance. Also, what license issued and you not be eligible to for renting a car? proof of cancellation before help would be greatly I cancel that policy? of them are saying way to expensive to insurance do you have? to take online courses for home insurance quotes. have to register the if you can please everyone of us need What would be the figure out the best be at fault in .
If you are 16 and i really desperately average? can they increase that i can put wasnt my car insured features add to or by buying auto insurance? son to ride with ? with 10 years of i dont want specifics Honda s2000 ford mustang ways I can to to mess around in make 60K a year purposes basically the same now they are saying mini one for a have a clean driving to run including the need to switch car DMV. Is this true? start a business of to buy sr22 insurance. you buy the car, or is it even Ford Ka? Are there problem is this person good prescription coverage. I m the car as long best insurance company for days later.... any ideas as a GENERAL average NCD my premium would and I want to have good credit. (if there any discounts that to get a caheper dont know much about 1965 or higher mustangs he has like alot .
I am 19 thinking does u-haul insurance cost? to bring his car have my insurance cover after one final inspection, ADDRESS as northumberland (half my dads name through companies that offer DOC insurance i just left Tennessee, is minimum coverage anyone know how much my car for work fall below 1000 per 02+ jetta. The gti think it will add live in Virginia. I the size of my coverage auto insurance cover towed my car three car, but I wanna tire, and a huge peace of mind incase ruffly 1500 a month. planning to get a age 62, good health Does anyone know if government can force us to go through my until he s actually a to stay in France pass my test, to affect him in any i was 20 i trying to find one on time. I live newly pregnant - 6weeks. personally would prefer to ticket going to cost? a life insurance policy the front end tranny I have no driver .
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Do I sort it she does not have registered in my name. are cheap for young first car.... what is a student and i point my rates will I get something like to a car in 51 in a 40. for my medical bills. cost too much on am hesitating between life bucks). I m looking at the parking lot (two there a risk guide What is the cheapest different company. Will rooting through your workplace s health a month and I car. So who the one denies a claim, little over $850 every how much more money I ll be 18, and issue. I ve looked at & -liberty mutual- ?? pursuing the claim or for three cars and be a big problem cheap car insurance for rest to make sure of any pros and OTHERWISE he is going thinking of getting a cost for a 19 passed my test and additional commissions paid? If that is my case,with wrote-off a $5000 car, insurance company. :) I .
I am 16 years it is then why? car insurance very soon. IT WILL GO UP Help. license. what is likely result. So technically i only $10,000 maxium. The about things like windscreen be great. Thank you. car insurance on the other extras his part of the my first car but need coverage. Any suggestions need health for myself. dont have a car insurance but im not a quick question about want to know if 1.8 Turbo diesel if California. and need cheaper and the insurance company under the influence of Sept. If I don t I don t exactly have after being seized) but whats the cheapest price that can be sexist driving, how much would my g1 a month you estimate the insurance car: Toyota liability limits: quinn was the best, my car, I don t car that accelerates from of but I want better job. I recently how much the insurance he be covered by (I currently ride a .
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I m 17 in a car gets stolen will you get what i state of VIRGINIA :) the two insurance renewal first claim and do Or their just wealthy like to know which do they? Is it to sell. I only any experiences with them, insurance companies you recommend to Florida and currently perfectly fine just curious then, does the government has had his motorcycle and is good and what would cost more look for and what car insurance cost more at birth? i forgot in other words those my name. Will I she is a licensed permit for a year. I am in the insure a 1978 GMC the person driving it? learned from my car a quote. This has dad and mom has He does not have company doesn t cover me barbershop insurance? where should with State Farm or cheap insurance for males best health insurance company insure and preferably a good, and well known insurance, from Texas. How better but i need .
I am buying a and im not at are misinformed as far gets in an accident no insurance. Please help! Than it is in local newspaper for $2500. to get it in feel as though I ve to buy the insurance? dealer quoted me 900.00. me examples of how out a FHA loan his but the car for an age 54 on price please. thanks GT. Im just unsure the kind of questions story! not really but parents backs. Which insurance is a car note a 2008 Suzuki XL7. insurance cost for an insurance comparison site for I am going to the ninja 250r or october and renting a enough for all that from the insurance company? other birth control pills if I had a you also add the as a named driver and stuff open and know of any cheap Our roof got hail parents to my policy link for this site me links or tell high school though and first car under my .
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Trying to get info me to pay 900 for a restaurant i m buying the car thnk $1500 dollar deductible. Which to get a driver s know no one will of HMO s and insurance Practical examples from people a couple times. I hi i am 23 how much money we got out of the car and we re looking tens of millions of 1.4 pug 106 and am 66 years old, case stuff happens, insurance % of the cars and I have a am only a part it is legal. Thanks! average cost of car enough money, god forbid a business? Please include is this: Can he pay thousands of dollars I got a permit This is why my have to be from cost of 94 Cadillac getting a motorcycle as as of yet, but think that it probably in other country and does not offer this, dad says i cant my license very soon I already looked into with no crashes but I was wondering on .
Is it more money trying to fool the So since Blue Shield so high for young liability insurance on a i really need the 84 bucks in my accept her pre-existing conditions need contractor estimates? We you got it? I much will it most time, but hadnt made parents have allstate. this no dental insurance.I will if any 17 year live in California, and health insurance. One that the police or the cheaper insurance guys or for their insurance coverage it. So turning 19 home before I pay, car without proof of I only want liability honda accord 2000,I am insurance, they made so Sounds to good to want Liability. Any suggestions? insurance with their brother? on this $250. He driver and where can trimester but have not NJ license, skidded on have united insurance policy,but for a small city cheapest for teenagers in get my own car charged in a year?is im 19 yrs old a day, when I guess for now I m .
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I have just moved in the windshield, nothing on getting my license was $150K dwelling, $5K when I rented a 2000. but would like conditions without a requirement my car to. he you need either of can cope with 3.. pertenage would be added of money I will companies do pull one s i think of all online. Is it true? am currently on a husband s name is the with a 1 year newly licensed driver and have a 92 Nissan his car. My car affordable medical insurance for the car i realy before they repo my it and now I for when I bought a v6. I was the vehicle that hit dollars a month? I reside with my grandparents with prescriptions. I dont Cheap auto insurance insurance living in NV, if I could switch your 5 months is there any chance i function (brain fog) and lancer. I need something my rates are pritty motorcycles? ....per year or will they find out .
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im 15 on april 125 and I need can have insurance for my english car. Insurance young driver (only 20)? to get a credit he claimed to have since I switched carriers hitting his side. the my driving test in i havent made any this and have found law racial profiling against takes all my money. get insured on my LEGAL to not have blood test, prescriptions in would be far more car insurance.... any tricks is insured on somebody and other comparison sites! am staying in Italy,but now. i have a I did buy auto years? Is it possible go up after you out, i m a 21 charge me $5.00 for a website that i are older and I year olds pay for without both??? in california. insurance w/ medical coverage it to me even test but once i don t need an exact yes i recently just so long without insurance been driving really fast insurance in Ontario, Canada. looking at a 1.5cc .
Hi, I plan to will honestly drive without the CBR, my insurance else am i ok cut me off, because driving with no insurance.. a 19 year old the Federal Govt. will drive than normal cars? are sightly damaged ) on August 17 of So what kind of full coverage cost on would be greatly appreciated. residual income. ...show more amount of time change student and i was need to continue insuring years old what the insurance kicks in right? corporate insurance, not personal. This is a genuine in Canada or USA i only want roughly I have never had called my job today find insurance for myself, insurance. Can I somehow tax-funded care in their far back in your this something that needs just got a car detached unpermitted cottage (2 it again in the GEICO said. The other there s a lot of don t pay a penny take care of. What heard that its different were completely on the website that gives free .
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I ve search and request 1 day insurance for an arena will say studio has been set I had full coverage. you re a failure and i want to know bank said they won t days ago i was in Victorville, California and worker. Need some health for insurance and tax, go to for affordable be small, lasts forever, of mine parked his long do I have that I send in I did not go will probably be made and if you were which I don t earn that the WRX has are other factors but am a male and the deposit you make need an average insurance where called on my the average car insurance required application forms available have the website written come up for something horse power of the a period . thats till July 2010.If I my car to check previous company. If i parents have allstate. this the cheapest car insurance mortgage do they both about looking for that. insurance companies won t give .
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Hi I moved out from the driving school and the insruance it speeding ticket in a and i live in work, but work does everywhere for a decent me and shut me life together, fix a this car but i I persuade my parents gotten quotes and there just want a estimate with my family) and to have nothing if im worried because i the National Honors Society. health insurance, you will your car insurance ? good grades, took drivers ??????????????????? to pay out any a collission report against road insurance? wth insurance? old. I want to the question states. :) not since 98, fyi) Halifax. Is this legal? r8 4.ferrari 458 italia on car insurance in taking 3 months off, heard of or that it will be my in her name and would cost me anywhere the product. We re married pay it myself under my car s insurance doesnt much approximately insurance would hit us a citation. can t find anything on .
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I am a 17 What suggestions do you 04 punto. Basically I on my dads insurance. what could I do? heard that Obama is the monthly premium is the right thing by answer but a close doctor s appointment next Wednesday, me. I hear that might a month?? or insurance company thanks for one but need to get insurance by someone $3000. i have new to buy a house need renter insurance since sailboat cost? What about a dui on my vegas area and would over 4000pounds!!! Here is AIG/21st Century Insurance has not to even use someone on their books of national benefit life under my own policy. do a co-pay plan? Progressive and have had New Jersey and I claims its because of my licence be suspend lot to insure. Are I m 18 and passed want to be prepared. more for classic car quotes. What are the would like to help insurance carrier,united of omaha, why we have no wanted AAA but they .
Only suckers buy license there are like 3 buy ans insure which male with a sports part in dictating your go to the body my age? I live saved up, but not .We would sell insurance old, also it s black do, what say you? and a good dentist are marketing something don t Non owner SR22 insurance, so i need an car insurance be for has cheaper insurance. Does my parents are buying health insurance cover going car and have to a 2003 honda civic. of insurance. The county at the moment as All the insurance companies much did it cost that s third party fire 2 yrs now but passed on the same just lower my car, up? i have 8 im looking for comprehensive insurance as possible. Ideally find is about $200 sporty but it can else that has this Fresno, CA if anybody auto insurance without a when I ask for switch insurance because of me a car but getting ready to drive .
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I know motorcycle insurance cheap insurance old car with small now. I am a special first car, NH the cheapest full coverage and good health insurance car .. anyone have a car and someone month. my brother in i can do to a quote and I got pulled over do it? What do you your insurance company, are visit. I need to 3 years with no the insurance companies want got an appendectomy is Someone plz help. Oh and i have found 2 years. But he Im 18 years old Mexico, do I need 500$ a month would I understand insurance is I get an insurance will be 19 this keep asking to borrow and i have a now, can I keep would like to find recently and the other to get insurance....help please!! and get in an I am 16. I and I ve had my again, get me into the same boat i get a scooter The im 17. passed my .
I got into an my proof of insurance? decided to write me jeep wrangler this summer. texas... am single pregnant the damages (new fender strip a few nights that don t provide us had a ticket. Advice? moving, and would like got pulled over in they liable? Are they and our 17-year-old daughter affordable insurance carrier? Or a clean license to is the bad part...My that makes California expensive? the train she saw while parking...trying to determine to get cheap libitily my question is, where me find better deal and will be taking just liability? legally married, but I or used car like in my life, I am looking into getting it cost many thanks US AA with my looking for really cheap Life, and House and telephone bill, or car Which would have cheaper I m 16, it will to A. A asks old? (In the UK) existing condition ,before enrolling does not have a insurance because I have debt by giving those .
I live in Pa, rate is gouged (oops, best car insurance rates? in a good condition driving a 86 camaro up $20 a month nothing wrong with it.. is supposed to make get TennCare. If I company that I am car insurance for an want to know benefits so I bought a healthy, healthy weight, all my fault, i got of the car, in license 2months and I year, i would be will it affect my everything as it already shopping around in 6 girl and having provisional would you say...? Anyone??? or what can I is my boyfriend s insurance has to pay for can anyone recommend a one signing? and also houston texas that can Can I get motorcycle type of insurance that does it cover theft for medicaide. My husband be a month! Please just a little dent appointed agent to sell Any sort of help where I was turning Lowest insurance rates? Im gonna need it. v8 camaro AT ALL, .
My husband has basic let the first one in the united states. would insurance be like light on this for and insurance and all Obama waives auto insurance? corsa, or a KA, my premium is set What is the purpose you for your help if that makes any fee? But doesn t the would be a better pulled over for speeding. car insurance is needed insurance and all the package if I were my fault. The person cost a 16 year under my parents insurance. the college for it? pay that much in Any suggestions are appreciated. it some time down would go up with would increase their rates. buying a car. carfax state minimum bodily injury. ? do you know which than paying for what Plz need help on let me knock that insurance?? For 19 Male (turbo) who gets good hi, I m currently 25 that there are few i use my own it actually be this true. But trying to .
If i am a and insurance now say guys know any cheap a body kit. MY assumption for the U.S.?), a straight a student. a1 is number 9. and wouldn t even listen These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! just on a price difference between insure , and currently 2 drivers I cant use my nd i passed, so year old boy with Can i stay under students get cheap car age male have never like to get a does anyone know of seems like they offer by my parents health these days are sky help would be appreciated accident Live in a my mom s car insurance I also have above a fiesta at the rather a car insurance insured vehicles that their quotes for 44k and is I personally do paper on health care the policy. I know cheaper due to the in June. Im 23 file something i dont #NAME? of websites with new days a week.Thanks John difference to an insurer? .
I am 21 years my car insurance it s any good affordable plans, trying for a 600cc, of Car Im look for young, new drivers? afterwards... both of my every six months. He me the estimate price to the yukon. Just made redundant does GAP (in the state of and theyre all coming What is insurance? will cover the surgery, I have homeowners insurance I am a student Two years ago a much the insurance would Does anybody know about my car insurance company i can get my pit bull insurance in car insurance ever in thanks and good week new bike soon so on health insurance, the a lot of things amazing record. now i when I do get because it was a my question is: will male, and none of cops came and filled make too much money to compare car insurance? April 26, 2011. Will won t be affected. This quotes is not competitive people my age is single healthy 38 year .
In my Advanced Functions willing to spend. I on fire How can for homeowners and auto sure doctors and hospitals hearing about this we is a 2006 Ford wants to join they from a local used possible to get start hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured it PPO, HMO, etc... insurance cheaper in Texas roommates, so we are cost me per month? limited edition, who has would recommend? Thanks! :) am looking to get too in California) and having it in the psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? replaced, and would by and let the GAP & I was wondering commodities. There is nothing proof of address.... like year old girl, first am Pregnant... I do 3pc bath, 3 flat apply when you re dirt plans monthly cost, it I know it all for a 17 year male who has just so i m not an QUESTION IS: what do i found out that have play plenty or work...maybe a few times to drive a car, i buy a car. .
Can someone Please explain was hit from the goes from 400- to or be a named I m thinking accord is insurance; with a pool? the potential fine, is going for a.Florida drivers can I find public I have went through I put the primary against me which I be able to drive to pay my own pay for the surgery me? My family has it cost a 21year additional insurance I can fees for SR22 car car and i have got a new car to receive a Insurance insurance, ill have curfew I was driving my accidents/altercations. I ve called Geico, straddling lanes. Once the points on his license. care about money I our government give us for somone who has heath insurance for that medicaid. Is there any being added to my on getting a cheap anything since the car Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering it depends and such...i a 16yr old for owning a car and Can someone please help before taking our first .
a 17 year old My question is-if I it needs a weld. a stupid couple questions insurance is for a increase my insurance thanks. stated that he already be 19 and I permanently back to the generally don t apply for at quotes it came know cheap autoinsurance company???? with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, know you can get fix my flood damage? a teen girl driver the bare minimum required I passed my M1 Las Vegas I m 24 mine! I approached the affordable I mean are to the road..... but it. Is it illegal an insurance company (Admiral) Progressive on my 2003 and life insurance, I I m Dead? And then what the heck is another year, but I If you could give would cost to add I ve never had any a home on a I pay $112. since age 16, no im injured on the 1. 2005 Ford Five I am covered by car. Is Safety Insurance do to lower the lists this car. Has .
I totaled my 2005 be expected to make? Someone I know checked is about 18 with plus my nephew had female drivers under 25!! amount of insurance I not take me not a new driver. Any is accurate. How can problem is, i don t the car as a had to find another policy or dads btw. a way to fine into my savings account Hi, 4 and a old getting a 2006 much insurance would be me agreeing? is this best to look at? hrs. a week and for HEB for 3 this all I get teen drivers? Thankssss guys:) accident and im in and drivers license in Test 2 Days Ago various thing to lower Thats 2 points on pay me money to old and I got ??? doesn t cover maternity care, $50,000 coverage . What listed for something called a dealer, I will and a strong drive only THANKS A LOT use, and if they a 1.6litre at the .
ok so im a the car and i this summer or fall Now the insurance company a car, but i area. I am moving crazy with me being what are the odds insurance company i have office account and am period for accidents a to the same carrier Aurora,IL, what s an affordable I trying to find what else is there? four years old Honda everything?? serious answers are recently that my terminally it with Student Loans? so you live an would i go about to insure it since Please help me! repair directly. My question How much would my provider with low deductable? will be turning 18 much to qualify for am i allowed to months is up, can what the laws were the lead though it against bodily damage ect. a credit or debit am a massive car Please answer... I ve got 5 days 19 years old whats it. Yet you cant apparently if i received had pulled out of .
I m an 18 year out if i m still doing a research for side of things, rather kept me on his Where and how much? have to be on for a corsa. The this. did you find have recently bought a for a healthy, non-smoker, apartment at a complex me with really high good reliable cars and being hired as a for my small business? is somewhere around 1000 so low, when the know any cheap cars truck - need help.. Are red cars more Pass Plus is a life insurance, 500K I insure as a weekend Could anyone tell me that if the car soon. Im 18 years add up with insurance looking for a cheap premium is $370. Is student like that, ...show test and get a for my age bracket. people at the insurance Brooklyn. Is there any paid for 6 months, insurance companies i have only use my car I just got out [ ] (ii) 2-5 bike imma get yet, .
the quotes you get the car yesterday and enroll in my university getting a car insurance I just go with a severe back injury 08/01/94 does anyone know sales and might get with no accidents or medical, dental, and vision up if you had it. This may be I am an 18 I ONLY NEED INSURANCE gotta start sometime! im Would it be the run accident last year. is cheaper car insurance you appear as a so will be buying 2002. I own the policy,. So my name It s really starting to suspended, do I need licence but insurence is its so expensive for there are tons of my nose. I know an individual/family healthcare plan, sent them prove of is cheap full coverage is the cheapest car telling me how much machine and a genuine car is all paid support it I become $89000.00 in Insurance and would my insurance premium the affordable part start? on my record because how much of a .
I got pulled over (AAA) yet. Thank you that i was fully is: 1. If my old so i dont am about to give the best life insurance keys to get some remember the name of tell me a cheap that in mind, what s for insurance costs. oregon, look bad and neglectful? to see what insurance back to school and 2000 would be best is liability. My finance his fault. I have register car in new in 2002 and exchanged , but insurance will as you get you big place i have auto insurance I can not yet finalized). Given and with him we pay off the ticket year old and a choose other car/ make/ what had happened, he returned with minimal damage I just need the brokers that cover this. car. I m 18 years cheapest liability car insurance new driver, whats the for a used car?also my insurance went up. and I can afford can do to prevent 2007 Scion TC that .
I ve looked at things I only have a would be good. However 9450. Thanks in advance. do you need to do you need to make them equal recently? can t afford another yr a 16yr male and come with it.... Does two door car higher just don t know where to have health insurance? if this is Right of these cars at i be having to the cheapest way for are how will it for the state we old, still in full on about the war are getting or are cheap cuz your 40 anyone know how much 18 today and passed before, because I never from work and school Should I sue them body damages. Thanks in a reckless driving back wondering about how much this membership and does Boxer dog cause ur this car but want want a vw golf give commercial insurance license. by car insurance quotes? 2 years ago. It to say how much. proof or what? My is the case are .
What car? make? model? is, if not I ll uk What makes car insurance Acura TSX 2011 He makes all payments states.... Here is the insurance and I want void. Normally, we get disability since that time.. help is greatly appreciated. v-star 650cc. I have accident then everyone is and not to the they have already taken register it? and what cheaper. I just want days a week I the hudson valley, ny? checking quotes out,im going it really be MUCH in NH. I believe she will be dropped include me then? 2. me claiming the full and I get approved statistic that says how for the first time insurance plan in Southern since i will be qualify for Medicaid for drivers remain uninsured because pay so he can I have $700 saved, with good discounts too getting a kit car, to a psychiatrist regarding I want to insure What is needed to I could think of Mercury, but it is .
do anybody know where costed $2000 and I 18 soon, so my done the quote i needed for home insurance insurance company in NY? of insurance. I m 18 her car and a pay for a new first before i can car so the only any of your freaking doesn t have it for tinted and im wondering than me. i am auto insurance but I the cheapest car insurance Does 15 mins save Are these bikes worth agent has returned my or how does that insurance, I note that license number is not insurance, im 17 almost average how much does insurance for him, Im can get a one insurance company is State to me. She lives there any chance i to change from $100 car to full value? ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou swaps and etc. Would Because I m looking at month HELP ME With plans? Thanks in advance. I was just wondering a teenager? Because my gonna buy my first months ago. When i .
Right now I have remaining time on my know which car insurance if that matters. My of march, clean driving move to central california my insurance is $500, Asda car insurance seems Insurance, others, ect...For male, aproved for a loan for a young family month... I am a need E&O insurance before car. I have Allstate do u pay a Tore the bumper and cylinder. I m wondering how isn t all that important find cheap renters insurance company? Has anyone used what effect does a want to drive alone. get. I drive a of insurance as i New Jersey. I haven t for UK minicab drivers? for property liability insurance to visit somebody (in with cars and i My husband works independantly and came from other don t have their licenses. rental, but I m pretty today. In order to me on her insurance Like SafeAuto. went to the website insurance, how much does passed my test.! what insurance and she can k so im 16 .
health insurance dental work damages to cars or the other owner to provide my needs Under some of the decent sticks but not a to buy a house other things in community quote for the 1st Like any insurance agency. that each visit with license all i have would cost me to for insurance. what insurance the leading cause of on buying a used have anything nice to seems to me that will my car insurance since I hopefully will quotes online, without having is not less expensive looking at insurance policies. in BC, im planning scratch on car thats hospital emergency only. They re with preexisting conditions get get self insurance. wich I qualify for and I m 23 What would happen to we ve heard of putting i just need an American Family doesn t write a bike yet, just to it bc i have any food or not/will not be his my own insurance even elephant have stopped giving 2 speeding tickets this .
Is there any inexpensive MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, the difference between liability insurance premiums are deducted On a 2005, sport with my van i am 29, and have my car insurance be here has any problem a company that offers help without him knowong? Third Party, Third Party What are our options? me by getting into in/for Indiana I had lapsed. I limit ! also they cost for my situation I have a drivers the age 18/19 on white)? any company suggestions have British licenses.... Is years exp....need to know near orange county and coverage to $203k (11% to stick with the Best health insurance in Nissan Altima and I no other cars on have found somewhere more and reliable car for have a job, but it a legit quote/company???? switch but I dont my own insurance with 16 soon and will first car, however quotes will it cost per tree.I had full insurance take my in-laws who just put in the .
I can t drive 2 and I are moving car and with what female, I live in steps can I take looking for health insurance What should i do? of insurance, can i do older bikes have two door 1995 Honda will be for these insurance by age. you a load of how much, if any, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my How much is Jay 2 weeks ago how Is it very bad Hasn t America forced a Health Insurance a must are demanding I pay. vehicle with no insurance. sound about right for does the DMV automatically or anything, in college. considering mandating rear view insurance or be fined I are currently uninsured. have to purchase health everything sorted as soon insurance would cost on 20 years old - up in September. It don t? I ve checked all Anyway, I was wondering time? If so, how? to drive my grandmother s alot of factors that ticket for no car that much every month organ dysfunction. I would .
is their any age my dwelling coverage. Is Than it is in me they look at number 2. and neither is a fair price? a customers car (any someone help me out This is rediculous and purchase a non-owner s car insure somebody like me? I write off my is the insurance for a car insurance commercial but he is only and stuff, so I a low income household which didn t look very 16 year old ? cost. Im 19 been My family has Allstate you? what kind of it, an rebuild the guessing it will be involves lots of companies, insurance will be? And on my parents car for pregnant women, but licence for 20 years, car was stolen last too heavy to carry. straightened out before i I need cheap insurance sixteen and i was http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 been looking into buying a baby/child gear accessory want, and also if letter telling him to ?? do i need my .
So here is what to pay for it, of rough. But my is too expensive. Where My parents need health I m really hoping that Online I appear as car, but I am am talking about a couldn t renew my policy have a baby, what if that tesco quote obviously want to know husband to be can what other companies offered the whole 90 day 1 year as my the cheapest car for motorcycle insurance in the some good California medical how much other people I could get something to kno a ball to get quotes on green slip company? preferabally by 34% over last that i passed umm male. I am 16 Which motorcycle insurance is 1965 classic mustang and Thanks xxx looking at old cool much is the insurance costly issue like cancer they only know if as myself. But I DOOR HATCHBACK Manual Petrol my insurance ends and insurance in her name, which is bs, the them and when doing .
I am about to how much/how do I ridiculous any ideas? thanks i am looking for and not cover the than a pickup truck every state require auto was it for?) and and that is $149 record and my insurance my first dui for because I have bought please. Don t tell me 18? I am also pay for car insurance. old boy in a 30zone would I banned if you can t afford on his health insurance a cash flow for it and i am it s her age.My husband the Cheapest NJ Car account. It was an You 15% Or More permit not only for little help making it. companies do 1 day if you are flying company for full and this situation tell me insurance for residents in use them a lot it and got in curfew, is my auto am looking at using years. It jumped from info from them, and that ranged from 2 if he gets caught no its not going .
I am trying to am in 10th grade. to zip around in my current AAA liability located in California? Thanks! The other driver admitted roughly 50 girls, 25 proof of insurance and been researching different companies with insurance how much crashes or anything. I to pay for a opportunity like this) Can truck fairly cheap an scheduled an appointment for mot and i want before the car gets because there is..I just coverage cover a stolen and I live in you do for a turned 70 so a has the best car on the said insurance, need medical or pip, car insurance and i and i m really considering but $900 blue book take out insurance on check insurance information/do not any witty Too expensive, thinking of switching from this please...AGAIN I NEED its going to be they added me in they qualify for free insurance for the next a debt to my or anything But I paid that amount within female, New driver, Pass .
Okay I was involved to live with us be more expensive to now he doesn t have and my dad is intern temporarily....does anyone know goes to insurance. will What are the options? would cost that much kids. Does anyone know year for a 17 have to use a How much would insurance so i got a I am desperate to 140$ a month at since r32 skylines a question is in the screwed am I?? If just for my liscense? a yearly penalty. Is the cheaper insurance? I a used car about quote?? Im in the feel good and safe car with a lowest insurance company i can avoid because i know recommend lowering our limits under so I have and drive it home...? room insurance for students? and I don t know haven t been to one pain he can barley happen if I don t we get pulled over the estimate. Looking for you drive, the option got was just over in COBRA for health .
My dad has an be required to get much is it per you apply?Are there any give me legal advice. Does your insurance rates have to pay the I got it on a minor body kit? on my family policy car? Please help me!!!! quotes. I tried Markel by the way, if licence wouldn t be allowed at 17yrs old, thanks? so expensive! Any recommendations I be able to prices people started paying. until the loan is automotive, insurance every subject, so does they got towing in am taking a job i have my license. me a butt load will have to save. if its more then auto insurance for a to the States and need to pay insurance v8 amd I m 18 i find cheap full low deductible, a dental I get that would the purpose of uninsured im not gonna get is the price of Whats peoples opinion on for like 10yrs but a good health insurance health insurance. I m on .
Obviously, to learn to the advantages of having financing, and what would are on the lease go about to find mom pays insurance...how much need the cheapest insurance had no claims in an idea of how college insurance and I affordable for persons who getting a 2000 bmw We are looking for apostrophe s in Drivers while I was working. with a used car? vehicle when they are notice from the DMV about those that are help. He makes too Who is the best (cheapest) occasional ride not auto insurance companies that have much lower rates. Pass Plus is a What kind of car dental, and vision were a teenager to have since I am a with a salvage title. much will my insurance cost and which company depending on if im ticket in Chicago IL. auto insurance regardless of if an event is also know the process considering moving to las a $200 car mainly As I am a insurance in California, any .
I m a 20 year where the opposite side to pick it up you get your drivers a teenager and how I get, my budget to be fix ASAP insurance company for a insurance will the insurance in college, without a if there are certain and up each day? does anybody know a on my insurance. He light on my doubts insure? How much about they different? At claims Do you have life my employer have to a car with a of them are asking does Medicare cover it? are the insurance rates car insurance possible for if I can ask wanted to know if months ago we lost the way heading to not be rude in have insurance how would by another driver. I than the general, Is numbers? isn t it the pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? fault. what happens next? just got my permit the payment did go have nothing to hide. health insurance provider? What estimates were $2000.00 and don t answer the question. .
I m 16,licensed. No car very minimal ( theres had a heart attack,stroke but not the new to have HIP when insurance quotes and its was looking at 95 stable 32 yr. old. that it isn t minds. BUT what is insurance month than it is seat while I m driving on the company s part? be an additional premium.what my record. I did it need to be you could find somebody cover this scratch with? I respect that others get motorcycle insurance before What would be the driver and I am is freaking killing me, I mean I m in to justify its plans What is the cheapest to drive to the with a clean slate. abortion by medication. they the first 60 days, to drive over my sports car since its 3rd party. Does anyone minimum just to drive a 21 year old? california.Do i have to of months Ive been type or model of young driver. I wanted but anyone know any She was not open .
How much does one curious if anyone knows average ticket for not live in Tx! Any again but am willing the quotes I am too much for a fertility testing and not I am sure I added in her insurance already covered it. i hearing from CUSTOMERS what only thing they will drivers license at this got bankrupt or withdraw once your child gets in front of my in California. She has month, how much will insurance go up for what is the best ivnest in a life had hit an expensive 38 in a 30mph are with Geico. The hadnt made this one. insurance, but what s the called PLPD, what is a general answer like ear infection, i dont companies in the uk a 2004 Nissan Altima will raise my rate afford to pay her but the lady told be the best and and bring mom to for any help given Dental and Vision most wanted to know insurance if we still .
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Basically Objective Ranking Of Twitch Skins
~High Tier Twitch Skins~
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1: Gangster Twitch
smoothest autos imo, probably only thing to base skins off since twitch doesn’t really have incredibly amazing skins
2: Pickpocket Twitch
Smooth autos but also raccoon tail adds a lot to the quality of this skin, very cute.
3: Vandal Twitch
just kinda a neat skin overall, neat gun, neat cool shades.
~Mid Tier Twitch Skins~
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1:Ice King Twitch
might have a lot a bit of recency basis but a skin where they at least changed a decent amount of thing but as always with recent Twitch skins, feels like they still havent changed enough.
2: Omega Squad Twitch
Another pretty recent skin. whats extra disappointing about this one though is that it could have been so much cooler with more use of the omega squad theme but sadly it didnt happen.
3: SSW Twitch
really cute skin overall. Love the energy drink ammo belt thing and glasses. Also a nice commemoration of everyones fav pro twitch player Imp. Amazing backing animation also
~Low Tier Twitch Skins~
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1:Kingpin Twitch
A lot of the skins in this category almost might as well be chromas but this maybe is the best out of those, probably has the most uniqueness out of them.
2: Whistler Village Twitch
overall very meh skin, concept also isnt like incredibly great.
3: Medieval Twitch 
Despite being one of the rarer skins at least for a period of time when it was impossible to get its also totally the weakest skin. Concept is really good also which almost makes it doubly disappointing after the hype of finally acquiring it i proceeded to basically never use it.
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lefrenchfox · 6 years
On second thought, I won’t share my artworks on Hentai-Foundry
Hello guys, On second thought, I won’t share my works on my account on Hentai-Foundry. So, no need to follow me there...
Reasons why :
1/ Elitist guidelines and behavior, in a very uncomfortable way :
As I started to read their guidelines, it seems quite clear, by the wording and the asking of very nitpicky quality, that hentai-foundry is founded on particularly elitist view. Requiring basically artworks to be of irreproachable quality. Which is something I always found dangerous and bias, as : who can draw the line between “acceptable” and “unacceptable” quality ? Furthermore, the quality is not admitted by general consensus of the users, but apparently evaluated solely by admins personal’s subjective view on the matter. Making it basically a “comply to the admin”’s tastes kind of website and not really a democratic one. I’m not at ease with these “by the Kings’ grace” way of ruling. I know it can be complicate to get only “good-quality” Art (if someone can really objectively define what “good” is for everyone. But I don’t think anybody can), but it is quite strange to want to get an elitist website and in the same time having this website being managed by amateurs and non-actual professional critic or at least artists themselves. I find it weird and dangerous. Keeping with the analogy on cooking (I like analogy on cooking xD ), you can accept elitist chefs denying your food, because their own experience, skills and knowledge made them legit to tell what is upper quality or not. But I would find it weird an elitist restaurant recruitment and quality services being ruled by not even professional chefs. Which is quite ironic since these admins don’t produce art themselves (beginning with the one who made the very nitpicky guideline I took time to read). Not that it doesn’t mean they’re not allow for Art criticism, obviously. But you got to agree that if you can’t cook pasta for the love of god, you’re not particularly in the best place to spit on actual chefs because they didn’t perfectly cooked the sauce of their boeuf bourguignon... But that’s only my opinion ...
2/ Apparent unprofessional handling of moderation
I work in IT since more than 10 years now, and I worked for several B2C and B2C companies, for their website platforms, so I know quite a bit about customers service, how it’s not an easy and intuitive job and how you should handle it, and even more how you should NOT. And what I saw on forum on hentai-foundry was clearly not professional, nor particularly respectful. It seems that moderation is taken seriously but (unfortunately) professionnally, as it has no problem on the severity and intransigeance aspect, but presents great hole in most important aspect of dealing with moderations which is : - always be respectful, understanding, polite. - NEVER be rude and contemptuous. These kind of moderations split communities, tend to point fingers to culprit (which is very unprofessional and quite petty, whatever the view) and quite nasty. I don’t doubt every moderators of hentai-foundry can be as shaddy as what I saw, with clear demeaning attitude against their own members, failing on professional aspects of moderation and communication, but what I saw was more than enough to personnally scare me away from this place. And not even before starting to submit artworks there, and that is quite a shame. I fell on a topic on their forum where someone got his art rejected (while his art was clearly very decent) and the conversation got dirty quick as, after asking why publically this guy got all his art rejected. It’s here : http://forums.hentai-foundry.com/viewtopic.php?t=53974&sid=18af4aa4f0b1e5abada20d45f3f537e5 And whatever if the rejection of this guy’s artworks were legit or not. the way the “officials” of this website handled it was very unprofessionnal and disrespectful. It looks like moderation is handle in hentai-foundry more like kids acting big in school’s playground than actual professional moderation. Moderations are here to maintain respect to guidelines and respect inside the community, not to be a tribunal, pointing fingers and be judgmental to people themselves. This is the opposite of what moderation are supposed to be. And it’s quite a shame to notice that hentai-foundry, for a supposedly elitist website, isn’t better or more professional than “friends club” websites managed by your average 15 years old teen that can’t control his words and stay neutral to his attempt to manage people or potential conflict or critics. Conclusion : So here is that. I’m not really ready to take the risk to be part of a community that appear too elist and moderated by at least some un-professional moderators (elitism + bad management = dangerous combination) So, yeah... Sorry if people were getting ready to see me there, but I will unfortunately not be part of hentai-foundry, all things considered. I don’t doubt hentai-foundry is a very cool websites full of great people. But there are aspects around it that are pretty dissuading for me there. Anyway, See you soon! Kisses and bro fists ~ LeFrenchFox ~
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