#the puns are RLY well translated
sumquiasum · 6 months
Skulduggery Pleasant for the series / film ask meme?
My rating (1-10)
7/10, it has some minor weaknesses but I love the worldbuilding and the humour and the second season was soooo fun
My favourite character
Gonna be basic and say Tanith Low followed by Valkyrie Cain and Omen Darkly. I am really bad with the English names but I loved the zombie chapters. Oh also China was a blueprint for me for sure.
My least favourite character
Don't have one, I think all the characters work super well
The character I think I'd be friends with
Probably Militsa!
The character I think I won't hit off with
The main man himself probably, love him on the page, irl I'd find him irritating.
My favourite episode/scene
My favourite books in the series are tied between The Faceless Ones (WOW the English title is different from the German one.) and Bedlam.
Whose clothing style I like best
I always wanted to dress like Valkyrie as a kid.
Times I watched it (and if I would again)
I've read the original series twice, the newer books once and if I had the time I would definitely revisit them.
Send me the name of a series / film
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grandquest · 1 year
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I’m still piecing together everything and taking it in, the story is just too captivating to me
Small details I understand/interpret/just rly liked seeing under the cut (spoilers)
Someone said the flashback takes place 6 years prior to now, I forgot whether or not it was stated early in the episode but it kinda checks out.
Orla and friede are childhood friends from kanto, she moved to hoenn, and they met again in paldea on ludlow’s fishing boat.
If anyone can PLEASE explain to me the puns(???) mollie and Murdock give before friede slides to the ground, do it, what I understood was “mimirol on a wall”, “metang playing shogi”, and runpappa caring abt SOMETHING
Ludlow is consistently called jii-chan by friede through the episode, whether this means they’re close and have a grandpa-grandson-like bond or if they’re actually related is unclear to me, I just like their back-and-forth while waiting for something to bite, reminds me a little of fishing with my dad.
After lucca calls friede(on a regular ass phone that is NOT a rotom), they meet up in medali’s treasure eatery(a small Larry cameo ensues), but I’m pretty sure friede and ludlow are fishing at the port on paldeas west coast.
The first thing said when the two meet in person is “it’s been a long time!” It seems a lot has changed since lucca was friedes teacher, she is very formal and calls him “friede-hakase” or “professor friede” at every given opportunity. He doesn’t react to this the same way he does in present day, it seems he took his title seriously until meeting pikachu.
Friede focuses in on Luccas wedding ring, relaxes a bit, you really get the vibe that two old friends just spent ages separated and are only now given the chance to catch up over drinks. He must not have seen her in person since she’s gotten married, or since liko was born, but he feels comfortable enough with his former teacher to meet her at the asscrack of dawn to go see that weird pikachu.
Idk how much time passed and for how long friede was watching pikachu, but it looks like he got tired of only watching, now wanting the action that should’ve come with the title of “pokemon professor,” and charizard seems to have wanted this as well. Charizard was mostly sleeping and flying low in the episode, but they jump at the opportunity to take to the sky for the first time in a while.
After catching pikachu, we saw ludlow raise his eyebrows for the second time in the episode(the first was to show amusement at friedes embarrassment in present day), looking proud of friede for doing something exciting. They head over to a construction site orla is working on and we get to see his outrageous request to her, as was alluded to previously.
She asked him if he was stupid LMAO
I like the short, sped-up montage of orla and metang working on the brave asagi but it does NOT make me feel any better abt how labor-intensive her tasks on the ship are now. Like she was building this shit ALONE day in and out and didn’t get paid by the childhood friend that asked for it in the first place. VILE….
Nevertheless, this was the start of the rising volt tacklers, which we now know is named very obviously for captain’s ability to rise into the air using a volt-tackle vortex. I couldn’t for the life of me understand what liko, Roy, and dot talked about at the end because of the music playing over it, but I appreciate orla still chatting and being silly with mollie and murdock off to the side.
The episode is beautiful, I’d watch it 100x over before subs come out, I side with the writer for this one and hope everyone watches it regardless of if they’ve been keeping up. Beyond excited to see someone who actually knows what they’re talking abt to translate this because I’m watching it with my best friend :).
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suchscary · 1 year
korean kz isnt bad honestly! its pretty directly translated, so there isnt a whole lot different. the only noticeable differences from what i can tell are really:
1) the little girl is more polite just bc of the nature of formality of the language
2) my guy struggled with tragedys text. he def did not understand what he was talking about in english so he just word for word translated it in korean and it did Not work very well.
3) and honestly a lot of things like jokes and puns were directly translated so they didnt rly work super well? no attempt to change the text whatsoever. not a huge deal, just interesting to see.
interesting, thank you kindly for sharing, I'm very curious about this kind of stuff
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prettyallfriends · 1 year
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (AD+DMF) Chapter 2 English Translation
didnt proofread at alllll. this chapters unlocked after ch 15 of the rl story. also i kinda gave up on momo puns (though i did sneak a rly horrendous pluot pun in there. like its BAD)
Chapter 2: The Evolving Seventh Coords
Momo: Momomomo… Where are we!? This must be a peachy sweet dream… Yes, definitely a dream!!!
??? (Mia): Kyahaha! This pink youkai is kinda funny!
Momo: I… I’m not a youkai!!!
??? (Mia): Ahaha! You’re a riot! Hey, do some more funny stuff!!
Momo: Grrr–!! You won’t trick me into joking around! There’s more important things to deal with!!!
??? (Mia): Kyahahahaha!!!
??? (Hye-in): Wait a sec, Mia~!!! What are you doing? Why’d you suddenly run off like that?
Mia: Hye-in, look at this! I found a pink youkai!
Hye-in: A… youkai???
Mia: It’s so cute, right? Though its eyes are creeping me out a bit…
Momo: Mo… momo!?
Mia: It’s super funny too, it talks and everything! C’mon, say something funny!
Momo: I’m not a youkai!!! I’m a penguin, Momo!!!
Hye-in: A penguin? Huh, now that I think about it, she does look kinda like Penguin-sensei…
Mia: Huh? You think so???
Hye-in: …Which reminds me, what happened to this girl on the floor? Hey, Mia, you didn’t… kaboom into her, did you?
Mia: No way! She was already on the ground when I got here! Hellooooo~? Are you okay?
Hye-in: …… Oh, phew, she doesn’t seem injured.
Momo: Who are you people, anyway!?
Hye-in: Hm? Oh, I’m Hye-in, it’s nice to meet you!
Mia: Hehe… I am not so insignificant as to need one of these “names” like you people. …After all, you totally know who I am already, right~?
Choice: Oh, gosh! I can’t believe it! You’re… uh… who, again??? / Of course I know!
Mia: Babaaaaaang!!! For real!? For real for real!? You seriously don’t know who I am!? I can’t believe this!!! Waaaaah!!! Listen well then, philistine! I am Pretty Top’s premier Prism Star… Ageha Mia!!! And of course I’m number oooooone!!!
Penguin-sensei: Heeeey! You, the insufferable girl over there!
Mia: Eeeek!!! Penguin-sensei!?!?
Penguin-sensei: Do you really think it’s appropriate to introduce yourself by acting like some kind of narcissistic raging bull!?
Mia: I’m not narcissistic! Owieowieowie,,, ouch!
Penguin-sensei: I thought you’d’ve grown up a bit now that that Grateful Symphonia business was over with…Oh!? Wait, you two… You were… HUUUUH!? Did you follow me here? Hmmmm… Well, you were a great help last time! You there! The girl with the sparkling heart! You put on a pretty impressive show last time! Impressive enough for me to scout you!
Mia: Wh-wha!? This girl’s… a Prism Star…?
Momo: Excuse me… momo… Um… are you… really Penguin-sensei… momo…?
Penguin-sensei: Hm? You wouldn’t happen to be… from Prism World…?
Momo: Y-yes…!!!
Penguin-sensei: Wh-why are you crying all of a sudden!?
Momo: I beg of you! Please don’t let this affect my evaluation! Don’t have me impeached! I can’t survive without access to sweets!
Penguin-sensei: Excuse me!? What in the world are you blabbering on about!?
Momo: Huh? You didn’t come here to sentence me to a life without baked goods?
Penguin-sensei: Of course not! I’ve had my share of mess-ups in your world, too… Which are of course secret!!! They’re juicy secrets too, like–
Mia: Aaaand that’s enough! Stop talking!!!
Penguin-sensei: Gaaaah! The conversation was just getting good! Why are you interrupting!?
Mia: Heh heh heh… If you want to hear the secrets… you’ll have to put on a Prism Show that’ll make my heart skip a beat!
Hye-in: Whaaat? Why should she have to do that?
Mia: Because! Hearing a secret without earning it first is unforgivable! Soooo… if you really are a Star, you should be able to get Penguin-sensei’s approval with your own shine!
Hye-in: But… isn’t this all just so you can see a Prism Show, Mia?
Mia: No no no! That’s totally not what this is about! There’s a very good reason for this! And that reason is… um… super important and real…!
Penguin-sensei: …So it’s like that, hm? You insufferable girl, you!
Mia: Shut upppp! Stop complaining so they can hear the secret sooner… It’s time to start the Prism Show! Kabooooom!!!
(prism show)
Mia: Woooooah!!! That was insaaaaane!!! Your sparkle was intense! But, um… where’d that guitar come from? It was so cool!
Hye-in: Amazing! You must do great Shows like this a lot, huh? What kind of lessons are you doing!? Are you training your abs? Your back? Doing marathons!?
Mia: Calm down there, Hye-in… Before all of these questions, ya gotta ask… Hey! Tell us your name!!! …Gotcha… Player… Player, alright! I’ll remember that from now on! Nice to meetcha, Player! That was a great show! I think you’ve earned the right to listen to Penguin-sensei’s secret to your heart’s content!
Penguin-sensei: I don’t have to wait for permission from an insufferable girl like you!
Mia: Eeeek!!!
Penguin-sensei: Seriously! We could’ve had this over and done with by now… Well, Momo. I went to your world to find out the secret of the Seventh Coords!
Momo: The Seventh Coords!?
Penguin-sensei: Yes, the Seventh Coords… Once the seven Brands come together… Each Brands representative dress, the Seventh Coords, will evolve!!! 
Momo: Evolve…! I’m speachless…! So the Seventh Coords can really change!?
Penguin-sensei: Upon evolving, a strong link will develop within a certain dress… the Rainbow Wedding!!! If the seven Seventh Coords evolve, the Rainbow Wedding will undergo a miraculous change. …Momo, you already know about this part, right?
Momo: Of- of course I do…! My knowledge of this is peachy keen… naturally… 
Penguin-sensei: Well, of course you’d know that! You have Rinne in your world, after all! …Hm? Speaking of Rinne, where did she go? Weren’t you together?
Momo: Ah… momomomomomomo!!! I forgot about something important! Ri… Rinne’s… gone missing!!!
Penguin-sensei: WHAAAAAT!?!? How could you let that happen!?
Momo: This is terrible! I compluoteley forgot about her!
Penguin-sensei: Oh, this is terrible! We’re dommed, we’re doomed!!!
Momo: What’ll we do!!!
???: Oh? What’s wrong, Penguin-sensei?
Hye-in: Ah… that voice is…
Mia: Harune Airaaaaaaa!!!
Aira: Teeheehee. You all seem happylucky today!
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ughgclden · 3 years
bee, love, i am so happy you had a good first day, you deserve calm and loving days, and you deserve people, deserve friends. i’m so happy for you.
as for apologising, i’m a terrible hypocrite every time i tell you not to worry about it, as i also apologise for anything, most notably existing, but i want you to know you don’t have to apologise to me, i understand the impulse but there’s no obligation or anything.
i’m glad you’re feeling better, and that it was just a little ick, well not glad that you were ick but glad it wasn’t too bad.
when it comes to being in welton, i fantasise a lot about these things, i think something especially about boarding schools is appealing to me. being away. that’s why my plans are new york or wales or if my friend is to be believed, quebec. sometimes though, those realities all feel more and more like tissue paper soaked in water, just waiting for a reason to fall apart
i read really quickly, it’s probably an issue, i read red white and royal blue in about an hour and fifteen minutes. neil and i. kindred spirits. today at lunch i watched the last thirty minutes of dead poets society, going back to rewatch “i was good, i was really good.” like ten times.
imposter syndrome is slowly getting the better of me.
i actually dressed up as leia for the midnight premiere of the force awakens. i’m that person. if i’d been with you in the cinema i would have cried too, you’re not alone there, i cried watching it on the floor.
i don’t deserve the nice words you give me, but i’m happy i make you feel comfy and cosy, and ironically enough, writing with a quill or fountain pen never ends in pristine and unsmudged ink, you can thank my being left handed for that. i think there’s something nice about writing with fancy pens, maybe that makes me seem pretentious as well. oh well.
as for dps tattoos, if i can ever get any tattoos, i want the neil crown, “i was good, i was really good.” somewhere, probably my wrist who knows, and some art that alludes to the first unmanned flying desk set. among others. the “and still we sleep” thought, and the outline of meeks and pitts both sound so lovely. so so lovely. i really hope you can get every tattoo you wish. although your bank account may hate me for saying so /j i want more piercings, mainly on my ears, i have something of an earring addiction, my favourite pair at the moment is probably my howl drop earrings that look like howls from howls moving castle.
honestly the outfit/hair colour distraction rule is dumb. it’s dumb. i just don’t get it. abuse of power ig. and yeah. we were like hugging and sorta just leaning on each other while talking and the administrator got angry, for whatever reason. the straight couple making out behind us, she didn’t seem to mind, however. it’s dumb, and im glad i don’t go there anymore.
im clearly very articulate today (sarcasm) my mind is ehhhhhhhhhhh and feels like a squirrel laying on its stomach.
maybe i will call you ramona flowers, bee /j did you know the original name for pac man was puck man… /j hiding in the back of the music room to avoid a maths test sounds like something i would do. i say this, knowing full well that i’m such a neil kinnie that i end up feeling like a teachers pet because i want to do well, both for myself and simply to avoid trouble with my mum.
a new york times best seller, huh? well if i ever publish anything i’ll dedicate it to you, both for being the only person who thought i could be a storyteller, but also for being a lovely person in general.
sometimes one day after another feels impossible. tomorrow feels impossible. but oh well. i think younger me would be disappointed, to some degree. on the other hand, i think they’d think it’s cool how much i know. if nothing else, they’d love that i have a typewriter. also, i’m sure young you would be proud of you, i am. i’m so proud of you.
i mean bee, i could teach you to shoot a bow /hj YOU CAN WIELD A SWORD????? here i was thinking you could not possibly get cooler or hotter omg i’m in love /hj
thank you for being proud of me, really bee, thank you. and thank you for being the only one. i’m hardly changing the world, but i guess if i don’t burn out and lose this fight, changing a few points of views in the process of growing wouldn’t be terrible.
p.s. it’s certainly something, i feel bad because i always pull away from people when i get numb and it’s so new that me doing that could be detrimental to everything, but me forcing myself not to could have a bad effect on me. who knows what’ll happen. i’m just gonna try and keep them happy no matter what.
p. p. s. bee you brought this upon yourself /lh
all my love, bee, and that pun was the out of this world part of that sentence. you’re so cute omg.
that quote is beautiful, and since i, once again, had to translate french and smile about it, i’ll leave you with this
no importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.
p.p.p.s. thank you for saying what you do, and i know that i don’t owe you anything, but writing to you is easy, and makes me happy, when i manage to get myself to sit down and think about it. i’m sending you back hugs, gentle forehead kisses and mugs of tea, a soft blanket and a narnia movie marathon, where we argue about how i am definitely not better than susan pevensie, but you almost certainly might be.
i’m so happy uni is going well thus far, love. and i hope you love your classes. learning.
thank you for everything bee.
yours, always,
star sweetheart, thank you so so much, honestly. i can't tell you how much that means - i know you said not to apologise, but an apology seems in order for the lateness of this message- im terrible i know /lh thank you sm though.
i'm writing this whilst listening to one of my favourite albums (hypersonic missiles by sam fender, if you were curious) and curled up in bed, so this really adds to the comforting vibes.
i'm with you on that, boarding schools do have a certain something about them, don't they? i hope you can get to one or all of these places in your life - i can speak from experience wales is especially beautiful, but i can really see you in new york, too. wherever you end up star, i truly hope you're happy there.
an hour and fifteen mins?!!? the fastest i've read something was a clockwork orange in two and a half hours or so- you are so strong star, i've watched that film 20+ times and only watched the last half an hour maybe 4 /lh
that is SO CUTE oh my god- i will admit, for it chapter two i did channel my inner bill denbrough and wore some flannel (i luv that limbo <3)
you deserve all of these words and more, i promise you. you deserve something a lot less clumsy, but i offer you my best. left handed.. you rly are neil huh? /j
all of those ideas; absolutely lovely. the i was good tattoo breaks my heart in the best way possible. im hoping you get all of these tattoos, love. you'd suit them more than anyone, i'm sure. those earrings sound like the coolest fucking things ever? i did have a pair that had a little vodka bottle on, but i lost one in a club and haven't gotten round to replacing them. i definitely want more piercings too,, my conch is looking pretty bare as of late...
that is just. so disgusting? im so- god that makes me so angry i can't even explain. i think i should punch all homophobes straight in the mouth, actually /hj
love, i bet younger you would be so so proud of all you've achieved. from only what you've told me, i am. they'd be over the moon at how intellectual, kind and strong you are, i know it.
I CAN!!! ITS ONE OF MY MOST ESTEEMED TALENTS!!! lets make a deal. you teach me to shoot a bow, i teach you to wield a sword.. we're giving very narnia power couple if i may say.. /hj
i will always be proud of you star, for even the smallest of things you achieve. you're actively making a difference and a change, take bringing this positivity into my life for example. you've got this, star. i know you have.
ps; im wishing you all the best my love, seriously. take every day as it comes, and listen to your mind and wellbeing. im sending you so much love
pps; that quote. is so fucking cute. god im breaking down,, its so pretty and so DHJHFJKNFKKN yeah.
this is me, making you a cup of coffee and your favourite comfort meal, with a kiss on the top of the head. we will have this argument - as much as i love susan, she's no match for you <33
all of my love and happiness, star. you truly are one of a kind.
if i may, i'd like to leave you with an excerpt from a poem i saw earlier that i fell in love with;
"and you laugh. / loudly- / head tipping back. / and while your eyes / are on the ceiling, / i am mouthing / something too heavy even / for this steady night to shoulder. / "this is not a joke." i mouth. / "love me. love me." - letters from medea, salma deera
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valberryy · 4 years
无名 directly translating to nameless i SEE WHAT U DID THERE THATS SNEAKY COOL ,,,,, AHHH UR OC IS SO WELL THOUGHT OUT I LOVE HER SM !!!!!! pspsppsps dont be shy 😏 post more of ur oc’s 😏😏
AHAHHAHA you figured me out...... it started out as a joke w my chinese speaking friend(s) but then it stuck and now shes a pun i guess 🤧🤧
ALSO TYSM AAA it makes me rly glad to hear that!! wm sends u the gentlest kiss...... 🤲 i have so many ocs tho bfhngl my brain is just. an oc mass production factory BUT i have one thats been on the brain so maybe... 👉👈
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hhuta · 4 years
that is a way cooler translation of l'assassymphonie than "assassinate symphony" damn (which is what i usually see when ppl translate it into english despite the fact that the pun works in english too(the assassymphony) and fits with the syllable count way better anyway hm maybe i should try and translate l'assassymphonie once i'm done vdmv because this has always annoyed me but i apparently feel stronger bt it than i though) | kjsdfhkjdsf iconic | yes ma'am -3D
sorry that this is like my fourth ask today but i just wanna clarify: when i was talking about "assassinate symphony", I mean in like YouTube subtitles, I've never read any other translations since I don't rly need them, so I wasn't trying to bash any fanmade translations | and the vdmv translation I was referring to was an attempt at like. making an English Version with proper rhymes and stuff not just translating the song -3D
oh no worries i understand! ive seen that too and totally prefer assasymphonie as well. even tho. honestly. it looks silly either way to me dkasjklk english cant win and mor was frances evil plan to make me like french all along!!!!
and your attempt to translate vdmv sounds so interesting !! if u ever want to share it once ur done i would love to see it
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sionnac · 7 years
Okay.  In less heartstabbing observations :D.   LONG POST AHEAD WARNING.  If I don’t write it somewhere, imma explode.
That entire sequence of PingZhang pulling a fast one on xiao-Xue.  I don’t know what cracked me up more, the fact that he had to pull this kind of trick or the fact that PingJing had to help him cover it up or the fact she fell for it.   There’s also all kinds of little “aw” inferences you can pull outta this too.  First off :D, that whole exchange between PingJing and PingZhang:
“Why haven’t I seen Big Sis all this time?”
“She’s in the library.  She hasn’t gone out at all.”
“No way.  What kind of trick did you pull on her to trap her there?”
 “’While at home, refer to the father; after marriage, refer to the husband.’*** I didn’t let her.  So of course, she can only obediently and quietly listen to me.”
“Oh rly.”
“If only.  As if you don’t know what kind of nature she has.  I knew once she heard about it, she’d insist on helping....soooooo I gave her something to do.”
Yes, it sounds sexist, but this is ancient China.  Ancient China has its gender roles pretty rigid, but the most amusing thing about it is that PingJing knows there’s no way it can be true. 8DDD PingZhang clearly fell in love with one of the only women around who refuses to really follow protocol and does what she wants.  He had to trick her into staying away from their plague-infested city because no amount of commanding or persuasion would have worked on her.  LOLllllll.  
To be fair, I’m pretty sure he fell for her martial skill as well -- and just the trust he has in her skill.  #1 rank on the LangYa Martial Arts List?  My wife and brother can take him.  Doesn’t even get up to check when she runs for the door.  SHE’S GOT IT.  IM COLD.  IMMA STAY HERE BY THE FIRE.
And why does she fall for such an obvious plot?  Because like granduncle, like grand niece X:  She has your same weakness, Meng-dage. XDDD  Books.  So. Many. Books.  She’s straightforward and un-crafty.  There’s something both hilarious and painfully reminiscent that she’s just like Meng-dage in this aspect  8u8.
This is just my own conjecture.  I’d like to imagine her simple, straightforward nature was appealing to someone surrounded by crafty, plotting, messily complicated people all with ulterior motives hidden by even more ulterior motives.  I’d be lying if I said someone surrounded by these people wouldn’t also eventually resemble them...if anything -- well maybe imma section that into another blabberwall -- if anything, PingZhang is all of the above and more of these things than all those people.  We can use all the pretty words -- clever, better at planning -- but bluntly put, he’s far craftier, plots far deeper, far more carefully, and has way too much on his mind at any given time.  The one crucial difference between him and the rest of these crafty, planning court people is his moral rectitude levels are through the roof, and his motives all orient towards the good of his people or to protect his family.  He might swim in the same polluted waters, but he ain’t swallowing any of that water.  
So when someone with shades of Nihuang comes along, with all her martial prowess and self-assuredness, but with the honest nature of Meng-dage, what does he do?  As PingJing put it :D, “You went to the Emperor and demanded her hand in marriage at 14, and you call me inappropriate.”   fufufufuufuf. :D
*** not exactly...accurate? BUT I DON’T KNOW HOW TO TRANSLATE PROPERLY.
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purplesmmr · 7 years
more dwsa headcanons pls!!!!!! ❤️
aaaAAAA !!! anon, of cou r s e! i would LOVE to !! ❤️❤️❤️ i lov my kidsi’m jus gonna do the same layout as my other one bc it’s Neat lol (yet again, credit to @wordofyourbodyreprise for helping me out w these)
has a secret star trek obsession 
he’s also a huge military history buff
def a ravenclaw
he smells like a library & old spice bc he’s a ne r d
he’s fuckin Tall
he does swimming, football, and track
he’s totally the philosophical drunk
ends up goin to mit bc he’s a Smarty Pants
he also ends up getting a doctorate in something (idk,, mb physics??) but doesn’t do anything with it besides teaching at a college
has a cat named alexandria (yes after the former library in egypt) but he will veh eme ntl y deny that the cat is his
he sings when he’s drunk
will stop everything she’s doing to pet a dog
she’s a dancer n a rly fukcign good one at that
likes to color bc she cannot actually Art
she goes to juilliard for a bit before dropping out & then going back to school to become an elementary school teacher
plays the flute
Does Not Do Running Sports
she has asthma
she n ernst went to the same catholic combined elementary & middle school
that said, they dated to half make sure ernst really was gay, and half to hide that fact from their school
talks in her sleep
is al w ay s singing or humming something
ends up with a collection of deaf animals
gallaudet bb !!
he’s always twitchy & jumpy and yet he drinks highly caffeinated things anyway
got a handjob from melchior once their freshman year (it made him realize he was ace)
he’s shorter than his gf (martha)
smells like vo5 ocean breeze conditioner, cigarette smoke, and hair gel
gryffindor for some reason??
he’s still in his teenage emo phase bc he works at hot topic (he used to work w his brother there but alex got fired. from hot topic)
he, otto, n mart all live together n they’re ha p p y
no one ever rly knows where she is
smells like acrylics and pine trees
ends up going to yale for art but double majors it and does law too
her lawyer ass throws martha’s pos dad in jail for the rest of his mcfuckin miserable life
makes it a Thing every week to make sure her nails are short enough ;))))
doesn’t trust herself with any pets besides fish
she has two named vincent and claude
she found out a year after she had them that vincent was actually frida
she’s the drunk person that you can’t tell is actually drunk
she has Birds
slytherin baby
always smells like conditioner and nail polish
she took violin lessons for the longest time
for as Tol as she is, she can curl up so sm al l when she’s sleepy or is having a Rough Time
plays guitar
shows up at melchiors house unannounced sometimes??
she doesn’t go to college right away bc she needs a Break
it’s ridiculous how much she loves her boyfriends,,
like she’s always ready to kill someone if they fuck w them
had braces as a kid
he’s soooo bad at remembering to wear his retainer
he prbly lost it lbr
slytherin as well
goes to caltech bc he’s Fancy
he has a earthy/woody smell w a lil bit of smokiness. no one knows how he smells like that
he’s shorter than his bf and it makes him Mad
always knows when people are lying
he smokes and ernst Does Not Like That
as i’ve said before, my boy is depressed
bc of that depression + self destructive behaviors (probably learned from moritz) he’s one of the guys who’ll stub out cigarettes on his skin
he’s got a big gay crush on chris evans
he anxiously taps but it’s always in a three-four pattern
bites his nails
he has a notebook for pressing and diagramming plants
he presses flowers for all his friends
he’s got some in a phone case to make it pretty
gets ver y loud and swears a lot during sex
he’s naturally left handed but was forced to use his right hand in elementary school bc they thought left handedness was the devil’s work
he smells like orange ginger shampoo
he’s a soccer nerd and also does knowledge bowl
he’s,,, a fuckign band student an d a wrestler
he gets shit all the time for wresting from his friends (specifically otto)
he n otto are gryffindor buddies
as mentioned previously, he plays a fuckton of instruments 
piano, cello, trumpet, percussion, slide whistle, french horn, oboe, alto clarinet, and my personal favorite, the super bone
he ends up with sooo many dogs
smells like valve oil and rosin. even after he showers and does laundry
he sometimes doesn’t think before he says things and ends up making ppl upset
h*cka jewish
he got melitta to listen to Emo bands like fall out boy and panic! at the disco but in return, she got him to religiously listen to lana del rey
golden retriever guy. that’s all i have to say on the matter
smells like charcoal and fire smoke
he’s an artsy hoe who likes to do portraits of his gf
he knows how to surf
ends up going to unc for college, not really sure what he’s gonna do for a career
he eventually becomes a pediatric nurse who loves all the kids and sneaks small animals in for them
proposes to martha a nu m be r of times but she’s happy with things as they are (she eventually says yes though)
he gets really good at being able to calm moritz down when he’s not doing too well
would drop literally ev  ery th in g for mo and mart
she’s dating marianna wheelan and they’re adorable
wendla’s best friend
has some kind of Twin Telepathy with melitta
she smells like hazelnut 
she’s hoh and uses sign in most public situations, melitta usually acts as her translator
makes constant closet jokes
always has a deck of cards on her
she’s got some depression
has a combined playbills collection with melitta
Huge crush on tom holland
gay for brenda song
makes terrible puns at even worse times
has a te r ri b le memory and adhd
loves to just,, sit in small coffee shops to feel the atmosphere
smells like vanilla
she, hanschen, and thea are all witches (so is martha)
loves crystal and candle magic, is really good about sensing auras
tarot master
she and thea are supposed to follow hanschen out to california for college after they graduate, but melitta ends up staying on the east coast
tends to excessively beat herself up about things, even after people aren’t mad anymore
never leaves the house without stones and/or crystals
always shading, always vague posting
she’s a hufflepuff
smells like a combination of floral and fruity
her fashion sense is to die for and everyone goes to her for advice
everyone minus ilse that is bc she’s ilse and she makes her own fashion rules
would totally make the red carpet her bitch
v confrontational
lives in a constant state of Denial that she’s related to bobby
Mom friend that makes everyone’s appointments for them
during the winter season at school, she carries two thermoses around
one is hot chocolate and the other is vodka
she charges melchior for the vodka
she has asthma too and likes to make jokes about “ well thank god i don’t run”
126 notes · View notes
inside-aut-blog · 5 years
Autistic Beau (Critical Role)
right out the gate the most obvious thing is that fjord explicitly coaches her on social skills. like, several times. several at her own request
the How To Give Compliments lesson in particular stands out, bc she’s like “wait. i sounded rude?? but i was being genuine!”, & she asks for his help practicing doing compliments right (& proceeds to do…badly); perfect example of missing social cues & struggling w/tone + facial expressions
literally the…entire aftermath of the bowl argument tbh:
explicitly asks fjord for help w/the apology bc she isn’t sure how to do it
when fjord goes “you, not good at apologizing??” she has to check if he’s joking; “you’re being facetious, aren’t you?
fjord: a great place to start w/apologies is to mention the stuff you just said beau: that i’m not good at apologies?
(a completely logical but also also very literalresponse)
fjord goes, “it takes a big person to apologize for something. little people are the ones that make mistakes and just let them go,” & beau’s all, “oh, like nott? a little person”; behold, another literal response
beau says “oh okay” when fjord tells her she shouldn’t smile while apologizing; seems genuinely surprised + grateful for the advice
fjord: there’s a thing called sarcasm that you ride a line with sometimes beau: okay, that’s good to know
(canonically struggles w/unintentional sarcasm, heyo)
an example of this is when she’s telling the group about what happened when she first met dairon, & they don’t really believe her bc she doesn’t sound entirely serious, even though she rly is
fjord also has to kinda talk her through that first hug w/caleb? she doesn’t know how to do it; unfamiliar & uncomfortable w/comforting folks
oh! fjord jester & nott all coach her through her awkward apology to toya
she’s generally low-empathy. like, she has to be told to apologize to toya, she struggles to understand caleb’s pov whenever they argue, she thinks jester’s genuinely happy & unbothered after the iron shepards stuff, she’s not all broken up by the dragon debacle, she affectionpunches the injured guy in felderwin, etc. etc.
on that note–she outright says that punches & the like are how she shows affection, & uhhh showing affection in unusual ways? that’s autistic.
relatedly. she seems most comfortable doing more traditional affection quietly? like, silently handing jester a tissue, waiting til jester’s asleep to tuck her in, wordlessly putting a hand on caleb’s shoulder, etc. (which isn’t necessarily autistic in itself, but is a mood for this autistic, so on the list it goes)
also like, ppl remark over & over again abt her poor social skills, particularly nott (“you think she was dropped on her head or something? she’s just very sort of…you know…”, “beau is terrible at relationships and social interactions,” [paraphrased] “you shouldn’t talk to yussa you’re abrasive and bad at this sort of thing”) and fjord (“sometimes when you compliment people it sounds like a fuckin insult,” “there’s a thing called sarcasm you ride a line with sometimes,” “[insert various bits of socialing advice here]”)
is the very first person to remark that holding + petting frumpkin, Designated Emotional Support Stim Cat, is therapeutic
on that note, again–beau has that weird characteristically autistic thing of mixing up informal & hyperformal speech? she speaks aggressively casually most of the time, but will still drop in shit like “facetious” instead of “joking,” & “therapeutic” instead of “calming,” & etc.
when she tells the truth, she’s almost invariably blunt, eg “i’m kinda concerned for your well-being–it’s fine, i’m not that concerned,” “i don’t know why i told you [i slept with dairon],” [insert literally any argument here], etc.
uhhhhhh sth abt her reaction to caduceus’s “tell the truth” thing–like, it doesn’t seem to’ve fully occurred to her before then that she could be selectively honest, or just bend the truth rather than outright lying? which strikes me as potentially autismrelated in the sense of. that’s a shade of gray, & black n white thinking is autism thing
pocket bacon. a) doesn’t seem to realize it’s weird, & b) samefood…….
voice edges on monotone at times
just the fact she’s still wearing the cobalt vestiges early in the campaign, when she’s left the monks & hasn’t joined back up yet–sticking w/what’s familiar when it’s not necessary or even rly practical? autisti c
undercut + topknot? easy-to-take-care-of hairstyle, tie it n go
her eagerness to Get Into Sneaky Shit & quiet disappointment when she’s left out of said sneaky shit “bc it’s her whole thing” makes me think that like. that sort of espionage junk was maybe an old special interest of hers, in addition to obviously being Her Trade
big emotions that she struggles to regulate, esp. anger/frustration; has openly admitted having anger issues
relatedly she’s canonically gotten so frustrated & upset that she’s just started crying (granted it was at a broadly overwhelming moment–the succubus fight–but none of the others cried so like,)
lowkey has that “connects easier to animals than people” thing going on? is noticeably delighted every time she’s given frumpkin to hold; the very first time she holds him she’s all “he likes me :D!” –is also noticeably upset when the prof thaddeus saga goes down
lifelong struggle to make friends; never rly had them before the m9
asks a dude why he’s afraid of fire, ie why he has dissociative & nonverbal episodes whenever he burns someone to death. is then shocked that the reason is So Heavy
mmmm perseverates; eg in battles she’ll often Keep Trying To Stun over & over despite lack of success, in arguments she’ll keep hammering the same point, in General once she decides she wants to know a thing she digs & digs until she finds it out (file that under adhd as well)
sometimes overshares w/strangers w/out realizing she’s overshared; eg “yeah my parents named me beau because they always wanted a son,” said to bo like 30 seconds after meeting him
is shouty when they first meet keg & then apologizes for it & says “i’m trying to work on the manners thing”
the “long may he rein” bit at molly’s grave was echolalia
ok SO we all know traci is beau’s straightsona yes? but i hereby propose……….she is Also beau’s ntsona (sociable, bubbly, polite, uses more variation wrt tone of voice,,,)
when she touches the little window thing in halas’s study & pulls jester along with her, she’s like “ahhh! my actions have consequences that affect other people!!!” & that. is what we here in this house call an Autistic Mood (specifically a low-empathy autistic mood)
“is it wrong for me to feel okay when everyone else feels really bad” is Also an autistic mood (of the same variety)
she’s a great negotiator in terms of like. tactical shit? but when it comes to fuckin–emotional mediation stuff, she rly struggles. see: when she tries to mediate between nott & caleb in the apothecary basement (trips over her words & trails off, doesn’t seem to know what else to do/say)
canonically hates the color yellow. consider: is bc sensory bad
makes name puns. i’ve not met an autistic yet who didn’t love puns
seems surprised that no one else caught that her name is beau & she fights w/a bo staff–the redundancy is obvious to her, so surely it must be to everyone else aswell?? (what do u mEAN no????)
OH. when beau says to jester “i mean…you could watch if u wanted” re: her hypothetically kissing dairon & then is like “…would that make you uncomfortable? –nevermind” that’s. autism; foot in mouth not realizing how other ppl will feel
misses…..unstated implications. like down in the sewer w/the drow, they decide to just leave the dude & the beacon behind & beau’s like “we’re letting him leave without it?” & the others are like. we’re leaving both we don’t know if he’ll take it [wonk] not our problem, & she’s again like “but he won’t take it?” until fjord translates & goes “yes, he’s taking it”
she’s like “caleb u can just get a new fuckign jacket, god” but does she get herself a new one?? no. she jus adds a new lining to the monk robes she’s already got & calls it good, like a goddamn Dweeb
also when her arm wraps got burned off she immediately went to replace them; i’m betting she just Feels Weird w/out them bc Is Different, + that they provide some nice pressure times
also after the yussa encounter she says “ i could barely speak i could barely get words out,” which like. semiverbal……….
in ep 57 she said the “sensory overload” words, so mark that down for a phrase she is readily familiar with
0 notes
lxckyclovers-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
100+ followers, aaa!! i want to say a quick THANK YOU to everybody who stuck with me && SUPPORTED me, i really didn’t expect y’all to continue following me up to now and it really means a lot! i’ll mainly be writing about people who i’ve had some level of interaction with, but that DOES NOT MEAN i do not appreciate you && your blog! and now, without further ado and in no specific order:
@relixum​ / @gctshot​ / your other 6 blogs look at where we are... look at where we started... i know i don’t deserve you gale, but hear me out, that would be enough... honestly, we talk a lot, and as much as i compliment you whenever i get the chance to, that won’t stop me now. i love your rping so much?? like, every character you pick up, cherish, decide to give attention to... i instantly know that you’re going to write them so well!! you’re talented, smart, funny, and i! love! you! we just support each other a lot mutually, and whatever happens, no matter what, i’d like that to keep on happening in the future. but right now, know that i love you and you’re always in my mind at least twenty times a day. ♥
@pixcldream​ aaaAAA meme!! i think you were one of my first interactions when i first ever created my blog, but i can’t remember that. you were always kind of approachable for me && i always wanted to be your friend and talk a bit more to you? and heck, you may not be my parent anymore but you’ll always be a parent to me in my heart. i’ve always admired you and love your nanami and headcanons!! 100/10, justifies gamer girl a lot. i also love your art!! and u better watch out before i steal your hands to art like thy- also, if you feel as if you’re dying, Just Don’t
@mxssias​ aaaaAAALEX!! our hope boys combined together is a trouble we cannot keep at bay, and i am Glad™ i followed you because i love your naegi. he’s pure and only wants to do things for the sake of kibou, and i really love our boys’ interactions! even though... a lot has to do with crack. har har. but yeah, our interactions are a+ crack or serious, and may our hope boys spread hope!
@sunnywitchesperitou​ oooh tea!! i love your sonia, honestly! you put depth into her and you clearly know what you’re going to do to make sonia a much more interesting character! i also LOVE your art, like. dang, pleasing to the eye and just overall, your art blows me away!! keep doing what you’re doing mon ami, && you’re fun to talk w/, whenever we do!!
@snappshot​ / @cantatory​ / @steinways​ inHALES... sarah!! we haven’t threaded on your koi or mai yet but i don’t need to interact with them to know that you’re absolutely amazing and rping them. i love the dis//cords you host, bc it’s such a great idea!! even tho i don’t participate in much conversation, it’s still fun, and i love it whenever we talk mi amigaaaAAAA---ur portrayals are beyond amazing, i love how much care you harbor for your characters, that always leads to mind blowing rping!
@nullverum​ / @shpionaz​ listen up you four thirteen los3r...jk jk, boss you’re chill. i mean, i haven’t seen much of your oc but we talk ooc sometimes whenever i’m actually present in the groupchats, and it’s coolio!! i like your portrayal and bro u may not be my main but i will always kinkshame committee w/ you, and even though your name is from the horror film, er, my apologies---anime, homosuk, you’ll always be my friend! (also. psst i’m always up for discussing homosuk for a blast to the past if you need it)
@ofdesperationis MY FRIEND I LOVE IT WHEN YOUR ENO HARASSES MY KO, honestly!! like tbh, he’s just so salty at her and i love writing his reaction to her. he’s just so done with her && her HANDful of puns. i love you portrayal, too!! it’s trés bien, just...mmMM!! i didn’t know what i signed up for when i followed you back, but hoo boy do i not regret it. ko might not want to be friends with eno, buT IT SURE AS HELL doesn’t mean that we ain’t gonna be spicy friends if they ain’t!!
@mendcx / @kurenaii / i think you have other blogs but AKU GOD DAMN, i love your portrayals SO MUCH, and you know this...i know you doooo. i love our interactions && i love it when your kamu steps on my ko, fulfilling his gross and masochistic wishes. your kamu has to put up with so much shit and honestly, i kind of feel bad for him agikha but yo, hit me up in dms whenever bc bro i love talkin’ to you and i’m always up to more of that ship shit if you gotta dump out some stuff and CAN’T HOLD IT IN...oh if only you know how excited i was when you first hit me up, yo, harhar. love ya my buddy, my friend, my responsible friend
@lyingforadream / @hazuukashi / @ofstarsandfists ALRIGHT, DUSTING. j’aime tu rping, parce que est trés bien et tu ne peut pas dire moi autrement. okay, i translated some of that, bUT SOME OF IT IS FROM MY KNOWLEDGE SO YOU! CAN’T! JUDGE! ME! i’m still learning french mon ami, but still! i like your rping and hit me up in dms w/e i’m on and you wanna say something to me, bro. don’t hold back! you’re really funny and GOd, i love ur jokes but man YOU GOTTA STOP KILLING ME. but yea ily bro just try not to kill me anymore tyty you’re one of the best, don’t stop now
@shinguvji iggy!! yoo honestly, i’ve always looked up to you and whenever you notice me, i’m like 000: && you’re like a role model for me! i love interacting with you, it’s fun to see what happens when you put our two characters together. i’ll never forget the story times, especially the fact that guuji is an anthropologist who has Quite the Knowledge on, well, the strangest of stories. you’re really entertaining and i love seeing you on your dash, if i see anything posted by you, there’s like a 99% chance i’ll read it, because everything you create is intriguing!!
@ongakuvoices / @anemoia-avenoir / @ketsuekicrown AAAAAND RIO! gosh i absolutely LOVE the justice you give the characters, and i super duper wish you got more attention on nagisa because your portrayal is absolutely worth it, even if we haven’t interacted much on there. i love talking with you whenever i appear in the chatroom, and whenever we plot our twinbuki au!! can’t wait to set things straight and figure out family stuff, so we could start it already woohoo---your character portrayals are en pointe and i love interacting with you on any blog, and mioda always gives me that rush of adrenaline interacting with her like whoa!! what is she gonna do next? you’re doing 100% amazing so keep it up, my friend!!
@hexapodboy​ GOSH BON, i’ll be honest with ya!! i’ve always looked up to you and you always inspire me!! your portrayals are incredibly mind-blowing and i love seeing you on my dash!! your gonta is so pure and literally doesn’t deserve any of my ko’s antics, because he’s too innocent for it all. i love our crack threads and we need to get more serious threads going, seriously, but nonetheless our interactions are still amusing and, well, interesting! i wish we talked more ooc, you seem like a rly nice person && i love your kara icons ikhgkhgr really gives off the Cool™ demeanor, yo. but!! i can assure you that not 100% of our interactions will involve bombs, gonta deserves better than THAT
@mcfiant / @swcrdleap / your other 9 blogs--- IT’s been like, ten centuries bro, my dude, my partner in *komaeda and amami voice** death o’clock---and i love our interactions! and i love your portrayal of EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. YOU. PLAY. regardless if i know that character or not, because you do such a good job that i just get the sense that it’s how the character legitimately is. we don’t talk much but when we did, it was amazing and i couldn’t stop laughing. i mean. it’s not every day you see amami kicking down doors over hiring assassins. i’ll always follow you mon ami because i love your portrayals and headcanons aND a lot more. one of my faves && i’ll read anything you have to offer bc your work is always interesting, honestly. even if your character is an asshole, komaeda can take it!!! he’s an asshole to himself, after all. but yea neal ily mi amigo and i promise i’ll tell you if anything’s wrong with your links akhgahg
AND I REFUSE TO FORGET THOSE WHO STUCK AROUND! the people in this section are people i’ve had really limited interactions with, but i’m very glad decided to stick around my blog!! i look up to you, and i wish i got to know y’all better so i could give you a spot up there with my positive comments!!
@despuddle / @kxaito / @fxshionable-mxsks​ / @ayatsurii / @kibarashiartist / @mxgicxlrxd / @invegold​ / @hairhorns​ / @twintaiiled / @goodluckgoodhope / @kyoukokiwigiri​ / @hxpelessnurse / @beheadingtoujou / @bubblegumrose / @fashicnkiller​ / @positivepianist​ / @robotichxpe​ / @bestiascuro​ / @docilexdisguises​ / @pseudxcode​ / @cxruscxte​ / @artqiues​ / @sollertiis​ / @boysofbrokensouls​ / @shufukuu​ / @frosted-mermaid​ 
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imabookmarkaddict · 4 years
or would the ex gf just stick to the simple script of 'how could you do this to me'?
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
Uh idk i like to think they liked each other so maybe not cussing bu like youre the worst i cant believe u did this to me
[1:12 AM]
Like me when u mention star trek
puzzlezToday at 1:12 AM
ur the ex gf
[1:12 AM]
i c
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
[1:12 AM]
U trusted sadi tho
[1:12 AM]
Thats on u man
puzzlezToday at 1:13 AM
and okay, i know some people can get monstrous with their language when they're really upset and i didn't know if the ex gf would be the type to hurl insults to hide her hurt or if she'd be a lil more 'mature' about it
[1:14 AM]
also would she care that it was a guy trevor 'cheated' with or would that not rly faze her/be something she mentions?
WelshenToday at 1:14 AM
I dont think she noticed
[1:14 AM]
That comes up next time
puzzlezToday at 1:14 AM
there's a next time omg
[1:15 AM]
idk if i feel worse for trevor or markus having to put up with angry ex gf popping up and making their budding (and doomed) love awkward
WelshenToday at 1:17 AM
Well yeah she doesnt give up duh
[1:17 AM]
I think she comes back like im pregnant
[1:17 AM]
[1:18 AM]
And trevor has half a backbone and says no go to my ex best friend is it even mine no ofc it isnt lol
[1:19 AM]
Eventually tho the best friend just vanishes so trevor thinks its immoral to let a pregnant woman live on the street right obv she has it very difficult
[1:20 AM]
But he kind of asked markus to move in and now has to amend it to move in with me and my preg ex
[1:20 AM]
Eventually they get marrued for the child even if its not his so
[1:20 AM]
  puzzlezToday at 5:51 AM
i'm assuming that markus overhears most/all of the convo between trevor and his ex gf since the apartment isn't that big?
WelshenToday at 5:51 AM
[5:52 AM]
He doesnt really care about cheating, he would never do it but most of his customers obv cheated on wives and stuff
puzzlezToday at 5:53 AM
so i know markus wants to just hide under a blanket and die but does he ask trevor at all about what happened with the ex gf or is he okay with just not talking about it?
WelshenToday at 5:53 AM
[5:54 AM]
Well maybe he asks if the chocolate didnt work out or smth
[5:54 AM]
And trevor just mentions that apparently his best friend was giving it to her
[5:54 AM]
[5:55 AM]
But not really more than that, maybe later when trevor goes boyfriend? Markus asks if the ex is an ex(edited)
puzzlezToday at 5:58 AM
so what happens after the little talk about the ex gf? like, does markus mention anything about hanging out again/does trevor?
[5:58 AM]
basically, how do they decide to keep in touch
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
Well markus doesnt really carry a phone
[5:59 AM]
So thats out
puzzlezToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
i wasn't sure if like they didn't establish communication and bump into each other again or if they decide while still in the apartment that they want to hang out again
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
So idk a normal way to deal with that,
puzzlezToday at 6:00 AM
like trevor saying something like "well we never finished that movie so u wanna come over again some time to try again" or smth
WelshenToday at 6:00 AM
God thats so perfect lol
[6:01 AM]
Markus is prob awk saying sorry dont have a phone, you cant come over
[6:02 AM]
Cuz he's staying with another family
[6:02 AM]
A friend of jonahs cousin its complicated
[6:02 AM]
So trevor is like well i work at the mall at x clothing store bla bla
[6:03 AM]
And markus goes yeah i work at the crepe/non usa pancake bar
[6:03 AM]
So they mostly hang out at trevors apt, at work or the mall. Meet me at x tmrw at 4 or whatever people do(edited)
puzzlezToday at 6:05 AM
so i was picturing the original convo (after the ex gf leaving) kind of being like a little awk and then when markus tries to flee, trevor dropping a comment about like "hey come back at x time to finish the movie with me" and markus agreeing
WelshenToday at 6:06 AM
Oh yeah that makes sense, markus cant say no if he feels he owes something
puzzlezToday at 6:07 AM
and that's kind of the end of the scene, and i guess the next scene being the movie?? i'm kind of wondering like
WelshenToday at 6:07 AM
Thats kind of fuzzy
puzzlezToday at 6:08 AM
did u want to do something dumb and cute like the two running into each other at the mall somewhere and that's when they both say they work there?
[6:08 AM]
like idk they're on break
[6:08 AM]
or trevor is on break and wants a quick snack but damn gf packs lunch and shes not there so he didn't pack a lunch and gets cheap/quick junk food and -- oh hi markus how u
WelshenToday at 6:08 AM
Oh hey that second one is cute
[6:09 AM]
Im pretty sure markus workplace is like a 10min walk from the mall or smth but its well recommended
[6:09 AM]
So it would make sense i think
[6:10 AM]
Idk im incompetent at cute
puzzlezToday at 6:10 AM
omg no ur fine
[6:11 AM]
over the past few years i feel like i've gotten good at bouncing ideas off of ppl because despite doing v little actual rp'ing i've planned a shit load of details for the rps and it mostly involved me concocting ideas until the other person says "i like that one"
[6:11 AM]
so if i make a rec u don't like ur not going to hurt my feeings btw
WelshenToday at 6:11 AM
Well im kind of particular
[6:12 AM]
But more about personality
[6:12 AM]
Also why would u care about yr feelings when u go for yoga and skurk
puzzlezToday at 6:15 AM
so it could be like the next work day (i forget but i think the amusement park was on a saturday? so its sunday rn? so next work day is monday unless markus works whenever/whatever days) markus sees trevor and there's that little burst of surprise at seeing each other, and trevor explains i work at the mall, and markus is all oh never seen u here just surprised and trevor semi awkwardly explains yehhhh ex gf packed lunch so now i gotta figure out food for myself/didn't have anything today buuuut won't complain at seeing a friendly face (or something kinda friendly and flirty)
[6:16 AM]
and maybe they have a small flirt fest and at the end trevor says something about "oh i never got your number?" and markus admits he doesn't have a phone and trevor is all well sighs guess i gotta wait until saturday (whatever time they agreed to see the movie)
WelshenToday at 6:16 AM
Yeah that sounds about right
puzzlezToday at 6:17 AM
and markus feels a bit tickled at someone expressing excitement at someone seeming a bit excited about meeting up
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
The only attention markus has gotten is from spencer so yah now he's a pretty easy flirt
puzzlezToday at 6:18 AM
is trevor a sweet tooth that he would start to casually show up at markus' work every now and then for a bite of food and a quick flirt with markus?
[6:18 AM]
...wait what kind of crepe place we talking actually
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
Im sure he would do it anyway, see taking care of ex gf
[6:19 AM]
Swedish pancakes are apparently called crepes in usa
puzzlezToday at 6:19 AM
the traditional ones like in france were there are also savory crepes (filled with meat/cheese) or the kind where they just have desert (piled up with sugar/fruit)
[6:19 AM]
u have ur own omg
[6:19 AM]
google time
WelshenToday at 6:19 AM
[6:19 AM]
But yeah i think its at most cheese
[6:20 AM]
Not meat really ? Idk how they stay in business
[6:20 AM]
But hey we eat pancakes w jam for lunch in sweden so f u america
puzzlezToday at 6:20 AM
[6:21 AM]
they look like crepes idk taste difference obv
[6:21 AM]
we have places here that only sell sweet crepes
WelshenToday at 6:21 AM
Ifbwe were to make crepes
[6:21 AM]
They would be even thinner and smaller
puzzlezToday at 6:21 AM
most americans think crepes = dessert only even tho in france they're mostly a savory snack/light meal
[6:21 AM]
yeah the swedish ones look a little thicker than french crepes but other than that they look similar
[6:22 AM]
what do u want me to call them in the story
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Probably are idk
puzzlezToday at 6:22 AM
i mean i can call them the swedish name if u want
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Theyre called crepes in the next story
[6:22 AM]
Which is the nsfw of markus workplace
[6:22 AM]
Please dont eat there its unsanitary
[6:23 AM]
Every surface has been banged on
[6:23 AM]
Maybe not the stove
puzzlezToday at 6:24 AM
omfg figures
[6:24 AM]
wtf r they called in swedish tho
[6:24 AM]
none of the recipes i'm looking at call them anything but crepes
WelshenToday at 6:24 AM
[6:24 AM]
Or pannkakor
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
huh okay
WelshenToday at 6:25 AM
Literal translation
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
does markus' workplace have a name or is it just "that crepe place"
[6:26 AM]
same goes for trevor's workplace actually is it just "the clothing store"?
WelshenToday at 6:27 AM
Rofl idk remember unnamed bf
[6:27 AM]
Idk if i use real ones or made up ones
[6:28 AM]
Instead of an h&m store its m&h maybe shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:30 AM
that works, yeh
[6:30 AM]
i tried looking up cute crepe store names but the best i found was "cut the crepe"
[6:30 AM]
(pun on cut the crap but not very good if u ask me)
WelshenToday at 6:31 AM
Snort its cute tho
[6:31 AM]
Im bad at puns
[6:31 AM]
Markus loves puns, its not compatible
puzzlezToday at 6:32 AM
omg well if it comes up do u want the crepe place to be called cut the crepe?
WelshenToday at 6:32 AM
[6:32 AM]
And if we come up w something better i can just edit shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:33 AM
[6:33 AM]
idk if it will come up tbh since i'm not rly the type to shove details in unless it feels natural if that makes sense?
[6:34 AM]
like idk if i'm writing from markus' pov for example i'm not going to wax poetic about how he looks every time he glances at a mirror because realistically how often do u look at urself in the mirror and analyze ur every detail
[6:34 AM]
ur more likely to give it a quick glance and be done
[6:34 AM]
stuff like that
[6:34 AM]
but yeh it's good to know small stuff in case it does come up for any reason
WelshenToday at 6:36 AM
Sure thats fine
[6:36 AM]
Fun to think about tho
puzzlezToday at 6:36 AM
WelshenToday at 6:37 AM
Thats more if i do art for it
[6:37 AM]
puzzlezToday at 6:38 AM
okay so for now it's ex gf shows up, melt down, awk convo and trevor asks for markus to come back to finish the movie, meet up at markus' work, and then movie
[6:38 AM]
omg yes
WelshenToday at 6:38 AM
Yah sounds very good
puzzlezToday at 6:40 AM
so should it be like trevor shows up earlier in markus' work week (like mon or tues) and then again later in the week (friday or smth)? or would trevor not rly think too much about markus after the first encounter at the crepe place cuz moping about gf off and on?
[6:41 AM]
i'm wondering if maybe they agreed to meet up like friday at 7 pm or smth and would/do you want trevor to show up after his shift at the crepe place for a sweet bite and then lingers and asks if markus wants to walk back to his apartment after markus gets off?
WelshenToday at 6:41 AM
Idk i think he was suspecting her for a while? Which is why he blew up at markus for "cheating" the wheel
[6:42 AM]
So hes probably okay with how it turned out
[6:42 AM]
And hes got a rebound now too
[6:42 AM]
Whos very compliant
[6:42 AM]
But yeah he can border on stalker
[6:43 AM]
Very simpleminded guy we're talking about
[6:43 AM]
And i guess hes worried about losing contact?
puzzlezToday at 6:44 AM
omg well it could also be like idfk trevor feels a little excited at the idea of moving on if he was okay with how things went with the ex gf
[6:44 AM]
thought it might make markus happy to have a guy kinda acting like a dope at the idea of a date-not-date thing
[6:45 AM]
like trevor kinda being like "well if ur not doing anything after u get off u don't have to wait until 7 to come over u could walk home with me"
WelshenToday at 6:47 AM
Yeah definitely
[6:48 AM]
Markus is happy to have a friend first of all
[6:49 AM]
Well a nice friend
[6:50 AM]
So yah markus does kinda see sex as an unevitable payment for a relationship tho
puzzlezToday at 6:50 AM
poor kid
[6:51 AM]
so would trevor make moves for 'round 2' of the failed sex on movie day or would they just chat and hang and flirt?
[6:51 AM]
idk how fast things actually get sexual with them so
WelshenToday at 6:55 AM
I dont really know either
[6:55 AM]
Whatever ur comfortable with to start
[6:55 AM]
But yeah im sure trevor is the kind of guy who goes hey i studied lots of porn
[6:56 AM]
Watch what i can do and markus just finds it adorably vanilla lol
[6:56 AM]
Maybe he tries to proper date on date one a kiss on date two etc
[6:57 AM]
Markus finds all of him adorable but in the end too naive for a longterm relationship i guess
0 notes
aquarianlights · 5 years
you get anything cool for xmas? I guess my family are over giving presents, since we're adults. at most my sis gave me iron on cat patch 😅
I saw that!!! It looked so cute omfg 😍😍😍
I got some of my car fixed for christmas so I could actually be able to drive home in time for the next semester to start LOL
No but really that was a huge gift coz I couldn't have afforded that by myself. Also I mentioned like a year or two ago that I wanted an alexa or something of that nature and as you know, she had me pick out the one I wanted on amazon when things were financially okay months ago and that was my "official" christmas present even though it was given like 2 or 3 months in advance. I chose the echo spot and I have been lost without it while on this vacation honestly lol. I didn't realize how much I had integrated that thing into my life until I drove down here to help my parents out with the move over my winter break only to discover all these things I normally ask it to do or answer for me... suddenly, I can't ask it to do or have to physically type in on my phone 🤨 Which is SO "first world problem weh" but I'm just kinda shocked coz that was just normal way of life up until a few months ago and I honestly didn't think it had made that big of a difference in my life until I came down here. Man oh man. Lol. I do love my echo spot, though. 🥰
Did I even rant about this on fb? My car died literally the second I got here and I didn't even know it.
My check engine light had been on for a month or so and I didn't have the money to take care of it coz it was thousands of dollars of work that needed to be fixed so I figured as long as it was driving and not like... doing anything different than normal, it was fine. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Idk anything about cars so I just hope for the best most of the time honestly. 😩😭😭😭 The mechanic told me that the only reason I even made the 12 hr drive here is because my car never had time to cool off whenever I stopped since I was just stopping to take Echo out to pee and walk him and stretch and whatever. But when I got here and let my car cool off overnight, the park that was almost broken completely snapped in half and it was this tube thing connected to this box thing that holds all this fluid stuff..... basically like the aorta on top of the heart. And it looked like the aorta had just been snapped with scissors somewhere along the ascending aorta and all the blood just leaked out all into the body and then you had internal bleeding and well....that's bad. Really bad. Translate that into car language and you have what happened. At least...that's the gist of what I understood, I think. 😅😅😅 Along with some other stuff underneath the car being snapped and broken that wasn't like...essential to my cars survival but helped a *ton* (like the thing that makes it drive steady... I think it's called uh... suspension???? Idk) that they tried to patch up as it has uh... been a real problem (anyone who has ridden in my car since I've driven on NOLA roads, you'd know lol). But the stuff under the hood really uh... coulda stranded me. So I'm really glad I made it. Coz Idk what I would have done if I had made it...say...8 hrs out and my car gave out on the freeway with stuff packed for me AND Echo for a 2 week stay and Echo and all his food/water/essentials in the frontseat with me. Like..... idk man. Lmao. 😵😵😵 I've been in that situation with just myself, but with Echo with me? No thanks lol.
Heck. But the worst part is..... we got everything fixed. Paid LITERAL thousands. It was good. He threw in free overhead lights coz I haven't had lights in my car in *years*. Like. Since I got it forever ago. But after I picked it up from him, it was GREAT. EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING. SMOOTHEST DRIVE EVER. It was like I was driving it right off the dealership all over again!!!
I drove to Starbucks to grab a frappe with a giftcard I had leftover from thanksgiving and decided I would go inside instead of drive through. So I parked my car......and I took a while inside and decided to sit down and relax a bit away from my parents and enjoy the cool night air.
BUT THEN........
I get in my car and turn it on.........and an orange light comes on on my dash. I stare at it..and I'm like...."Oh god. Oh no. What does that mean. Oh no." I google it....and I felt so stupid. Because it was the FUCKING CHECK ENGINE LIGHT THAT I HAD BEEN STARING AT AND TRYING TO IGNORE FOR OVER A MONTH LMAO 😩😩😩 So I was like "fuck...SERIOUSLY". Mind you, it wasn't on when I drove out of the garage.
So I didn't even call the guy coz they were on the verge of closing. I drove right back and ran up to the guy and he was like "Woah what what what" and I'm like "BRUH. THE LIGHT. IT'S BACKKKKKKKK!" And he laughs and is like "It's probably just a (code? Switch? He said some word thing idk...mechanic talk idk 😭😭😭)"
So he told me to bring it back Tuesday and he would throw in some free, new wipers while he checked out my car again. Like, he was super duper sweet. And my mom had taken her car to him and just recently paid thousands on her car as well as hers had just died when she got here, too. So he knew we were really stretched thin here.
I got up today and we actually went and did something fun today instead of moving bullshit. My great aunt, my mom, my cousin and I did an escape room and it was SUPER fun coz it Houdini themed and you know how magicians always have assistants so they asked for a volunteer that will be separated from the group at the beginning in a separate room that the group has to free from the clues the person trapped is yelling through the walls so I volunteered and it was just fucking amazing lmao. Only the 2nd one I've ever done in my life, but god I love those things soooooo much like 20/10 would do again!
But er...regarding my car...I was going to drop my car off and hop in my great aunts car at the dealership and we would drive to meet up with our other family. So I'm driving....and I happen to look down at a stoplight......and the FUCKING CHECK ENGINE LIGHT IS OFF AGAIN.
At this point I'm like "You know what.... I'm done....lol..." Like. I just.... 😩😩😩🤦‍♂️ I know as much about cars as I know about cooking....aka, NOTHING. Fuck, dude. Every time I try to have someone teach me either thing, I fuck everything up and it's just bad. :( Idk why it's so hard for me. I feel like getting into auto work would be similar to dissections and autopsies wouldn't it? I have come to quite enjoy dissections. I get actually get excited everytime there's a wet lab day and we get to slice something up and dig around in it and poke through the anatomy and actually physically see how everything lays and works and ....idk, I feel like that's very similar to how working on a car would be??? Am I just fucking crazy??? 😩😩😩 jeeze lol.
What're you gonna put your cat patch on btw? Your sister gives cool gifts. Do you have a patch jacket or anything?
Did I post the gifts I gave to my mom? 🤔🤔🤔 One of them was really neat, and she's obsessed so Imma have to do that at some point lol. Echo has barely even touched his two new toys 😒😒😒 He keeps going to his old toys....lol. brat. Haha it's what I expected though. He'll get to his new ones next year probably....and the ones I get him next christmas will probably be used around the Christmas after that 😂😂😂 It's a cycle.... My bby has to have his squeakies to num on, you know lol.
I hope I didn't fuck anything up writing this coz my ambien kicked in halfway through this and I'm about to head to bed. Got a looooooong ass day of helping boomers figure out technology. Setting up a bunch of new technology around the house, helping them figure it out, taking mother to buy a laptop that suits her needs, taking her to verizon to help her change our plan and figure things out for her if they're open for that, helping her set up auto pay on stuff and teaching her how to pay bills online and writing out instructions step by step and labeling ALL THE THINGS for her.....lists and neat handwriting are my specialty after all. A week later and my great aunt and uncle are still convinced I somehow wrote my note on their christmas card with a typewriter?????? 🤨🤨🤨 Idk man lololol. And lots more millennials-teaching-boomers moments tomorrow! I'm already exhausted 😩 lmao jk but no rly 😒🤪🤪🤪 Aight Imma go to sleeps now. Sir says grrr. As per usual. Pls show me what you do with the cute cat patch. I wanna see. 😻😺👀💕🥰
Night, K. 🥰🥰🥰
And since I'm posting this at 1am, Florida time.....and knowing some of you are an hour behind (my home time zone for example).... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!! WE DID IT. WE MADE IT TO A WHOLE NEW FUCKING DECADE. HELL YEAH.
I honestly never thought I would see 2020. I mean that both metaphorically and as a pun. 😘
Goodnight everyone! 🥰
0 notes