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prettyallfriends · 2 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (AD+DMF) Chapter 2 English Translation
didnt proofread at alllll. this chapters unlocked after ch 15 of the rl story. also i kinda gave up on momo puns (though i did sneak a rly horrendous pluot pun in there. like its BAD)
Chapter 2: The Evolving Seventh Coords
Momo: Momomomo… Where are we!? This must be a peachy sweet dream… Yes, definitely a dream!!!
??? (Mia): Kyahaha! This pink youkai is kinda funny!
Momo: I… I’m not a youkai!!!
??? (Mia): Ahaha! You’re a riot! Hey, do some more funny stuff!!
Momo: Grrr–!! You won’t trick me into joking around! There’s more important things to deal with!!!
??? (Mia): Kyahahahaha!!!
??? (Hye-in): Wait a sec, Mia~!!! What are you doing? Why’d you suddenly run off like that?
Mia: Hye-in, look at this! I found a pink youkai!
Hye-in: A… youkai???
Mia: It’s so cute, right? Though its eyes are creeping me out a bit…
Momo: Mo… momo!?
Mia: It’s super funny too, it talks and everything! C’mon, say something funny!
Momo: I’m not a youkai!!! I’m a penguin, Momo!!!
Hye-in: A penguin? Huh, now that I think about it, she does look kinda like Penguin-sensei…
Mia: Huh? You think so???
Hye-in: …Which reminds me, what happened to this girl on the floor? Hey, Mia, you didn’t… kaboom into her, did you?
Mia: No way! She was already on the ground when I got here! Hellooooo~? Are you okay?
Hye-in: …… Oh, phew, she doesn’t seem injured.
Momo: Who are you people, anyway!?
Hye-in: Hm? Oh, I’m Hye-in, it’s nice to meet you!
Mia: Hehe… I am not so insignificant as to need one of these “names” like you people. …After all, you totally know who I am already, right~?
Choice: Oh, gosh! I can’t believe it! You’re… uh… who, again??? / Of course I know!
Mia: Babaaaaaang!!! For real!? For real for real!? You seriously don’t know who I am!? I can’t believe this!!! Waaaaah!!! Listen well then, philistine! I am Pretty Top’s premier Prism Star… Ageha Mia!!! And of course I’m number oooooone!!!
Penguin-sensei: Heeeey! You, the insufferable girl over there!
Mia: Eeeek!!! Penguin-sensei!?!?
Penguin-sensei: Do you really think it’s appropriate to introduce yourself by acting like some kind of narcissistic raging bull!?
Mia: I’m not narcissistic! Owieowieowie,,, ouch!
Penguin-sensei: I thought you’d’ve grown up a bit now that that Grateful Symphonia business was over with…Oh!? Wait, you two… You were… HUUUUH!? Did you follow me here? Hmmmm… Well, you were a great help last time! You there! The girl with the sparkling heart! You put on a pretty impressive show last time! Impressive enough for me to scout you!
Mia: Wh-wha!? This girl’s… a Prism Star…?
Momo: Excuse me… momo… Um… are you… really Penguin-sensei… momo…?
Penguin-sensei: Hm? You wouldn’t happen to be… from Prism World…?
Momo: Y-yes…!!!
Penguin-sensei: Wh-why are you crying all of a sudden!?
Momo: I beg of you! Please don’t let this affect my evaluation! Don’t have me impeached! I can’t survive without access to sweets!
Penguin-sensei: Excuse me!? What in the world are you blabbering on about!?
Momo: Huh? You didn’t come here to sentence me to a life without baked goods?
Penguin-sensei: Of course not! I’ve had my share of mess-ups in your world, too… Which are of course secret!!! They’re juicy secrets too, like–
Mia: Aaaand that’s enough! Stop talking!!!
Penguin-sensei: Gaaaah! The conversation was just getting good! Why are you interrupting!?
Mia: Heh heh heh… If you want to hear the secrets… you’ll have to put on a Prism Show that’ll make my heart skip a beat!
Hye-in: Whaaat? Why should she have to do that?
Mia: Because! Hearing a secret without earning it first is unforgivable! Soooo… if you really are a Star, you should be able to get Penguin-sensei’s approval with your own shine!
Hye-in: But… isn’t this all just so you can see a Prism Show, Mia?
Mia: No no no! That’s totally not what this is about! There’s a very good reason for this! And that reason is… um… super important and real…!
Penguin-sensei: …So it’s like that, hm? You insufferable girl, you!
Mia: Shut upppp! Stop complaining so they can hear the secret sooner… It’s time to start the Prism Show! Kabooooom!!!
(prism show)
Mia: Woooooah!!! That was insaaaaane!!! Your sparkle was intense! But, um… where’d that guitar come from? It was so cool!
Hye-in: Amazing! You must do great Shows like this a lot, huh? What kind of lessons are you doing!? Are you training your abs? Your back? Doing marathons!?
Mia: Calm down there, Hye-in… Before all of these questions, ya gotta ask… Hey! Tell us your name!!! …Gotcha… Player… Player, alright! I’ll remember that from now on! Nice to meetcha, Player! That was a great show! I think you’ve earned the right to listen to Penguin-sensei’s secret to your heart’s content!
Penguin-sensei: I don’t have to wait for permission from an insufferable girl like you!
Mia: Eeeek!!!
Penguin-sensei: Seriously! We could’ve had this over and done with by now… Well, Momo. I went to your world to find out the secret of the Seventh Coords!
Momo: The Seventh Coords!?
Penguin-sensei: Yes, the Seventh Coords… Once the seven Brands come together… Each Brands representative dress, the Seventh Coords, will evolve!!! 
Momo: Evolve…! I’m speachless…! So the Seventh Coords can really change!?
Penguin-sensei: Upon evolving, a strong link will develop within a certain dress… the Rainbow Wedding!!! If the seven Seventh Coords evolve, the Rainbow Wedding will undergo a miraculous change. …Momo, you already know about this part, right?
Momo: Of- of course I do…! My knowledge of this is peachy keen… naturally… 
Penguin-sensei: Well, of course you’d know that! You have Rinne in your world, after all! …Hm? Speaking of Rinne, where did she go? Weren’t you together?
Momo: Ah… momomomomomomo!!! I forgot about something important! Ri… Rinne’s… gone missing!!!
Penguin-sensei: WHAAAAAT!?!? How could you let that happen!?
Momo: This is terrible! I compluoteley forgot about her!
Penguin-sensei: Oh, this is terrible! We’re dommed, we’re doomed!!!
Momo: What’ll we do!!!
???: Oh? What’s wrong, Penguin-sensei?
Hye-in: Ah… that voice is…
Mia: Harune Airaaaaaaa!!!
Aira: Teeheehee. You all seem happylucky today!
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imflawsomeanyway · 8 years ago
June 4, 2017 2:06pm
As I open my facebook account, I saw his posts about his mom's birthday. I felt so much happiness when I saw how happy they are. Ever since we started dating, he became cold towards his mom. He always put me first instead of his family and church. But now, he's doing what I've always told him to do -have a great time with his family. I hope someday he'll find a girl that can always be there with him. He deserves everything, too. ☺💞
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xxdnllflrsxx · 8 years ago
She just loved him so much, and in the end, he didn't really love her back.
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agentunwin · 6 years ago
I want no neeeed a part 2/epilogue/more where Y/N takes a hot bath almost every night just so that Shawn can write her little messages in the mirror. And when she gets older and lives alone in her apartment in her 20s she comes home and drinks a glass of wine and talks about her day while staring at nothing and Shawn always makes sure to position himself where she’s talking even though she can’t see him. And when shes having a bad day at work shell go to the bathroom and blow breath on the [1/4]
Mirror just so shawn can draw a little
And he almost panics because he thinks she sees him but then she looks around just in case her best friend is actually somewhere else. And then during married life Shawn takes a back burner because he loves watching her talk to her SO. And when they have children she isn’t negative towards any of them when they start talking about imaginary friends “just in case.” And when she gets older and her SO dies, Shawn comforts her. [¾]
And then when she’s finally a really old lady and is surrounded by her children and grand children and she feels her life draining she looks off into the light and sees him smiling, waiting for her. And she dies with a smile on her face, because she can finally see him again. [4/4] oof sorry I just really loved Still Here, I guess. I didn’t mean to pop off that much ❤️🙃😘
[2/4 isn’t showing up on mobile, Im sorry :(]
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Tysm for sharing this with me! I love this and I love u! Words can’t even describe how elated I am right now!!!!!!
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thelasttime · 7 years ago
IDK LIKE SOME KKMD OF BRAND LIKE KLEENEX do you know how much I struggled when I first went to the US YALL CALL ANY KIND OF TISSUES KLEENEX AKSKJDF I didnt know it was just a brand of tissue that’s just so common you call it that all the time and god idek it was just so confusing like someone would ask if I had a Kleenex and I’d say no cause I had tissues from some other brand??????
i’m SCREAMING but i feel like around the east coast we say tissue??? i never say kleenex
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transuberman · 6 years ago
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Asker uğurlamaca 🍻🎉 (KKMD Lokali) https://www.instagram.com/p/By5pZShAuBb/?igshid=1biyxiokudg82
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prettyallfriends · 2 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 13, 14, 15 English Translation
oh im in the Zone
RL Chapter 13: Ito’s Binding Cool Makeup
Ito: Sorry for suddenly calling you away like this. But um… so, like… your Show for the tea party just then was on fire. So I have a favour to ask you… um… So, I’ve been thinking tha Prism Stone’s gotten way hotter ever since you showed up. Naru’s been super energetic as the manager, and Ann’s sweets have been flying off the shelves… So, um… like… I, um… Agh!! I can’t bring myself to say it!!
Otoha: Understood, Ito-san!!
Ito: Gah!! Otoha!! Where the hell d’you come from?!
Otoha: Eek! I’m so sorry. It’s just that you two were gone for so long, I was wondering where you’d went.
Ito: Oh, right. Sorry then. …Wait, what did you mean by “understood”???
Otoha: Ehehe. You want to make Prism Stone more exciting like Naru-san and Ann-san have been doing, right? …..Märchen!
Ito: Well… I guess you’re kinda right… but how come you knew that?
Otoha: Because the scent of fresh sprouting leaves was wafting from your heart~
Ito: I have absolutely zero idea what you mean by that… Well, I was thinking i’d like to heat up Prism Stone too…
Otoha: In that case, why not drum up some excitement with your makeup corner?
Ito: The makeup corner?! But how…?
Otoha: Put together a coord that compliments your makeup, and organise a fashion show!
Ito: That’s it! Hey Player, you’re studying Design now, right? Would you be able to Design a coord to go with my cool makeup?
Choice: Of course! I’ll help however I can. / I’m worried I’d just mess it up…
Ito: Seriously?! You really are hot, huh? I can’t wait to see the cool design that someone as hot as you will create.
Otoha: A collab between a coord Designed by Player-san and Ito-san’s cool makeup… I can’t wait to see this! …Märchen! Ann-san and Naru-san will be in for a big surprise too!
Ito: Phew… I really want to put on a flaming hot fashion show, with you two taking part. So, first up… Design a coord that will compliment a cool makeup look. 
(mydesign. Which is ass btw theres only 3 bases. Also this is a cry for help how do i get the bottom middle style. Between wedding and galaxy)
Otoha: Now that that’s done, it’s time for the fashion show!
Ito: Hot… Player, your Design is so cool and hot! It’s got a totally different kind of appeal to the cool coord I’ll be wearing… and it’s set my heart on fire!!! Stepping onto this hot and cool runway with… Heartbeat Heat!!!
Ito: …Hot!!! Nice runway, Player!
Otoha: That was a wonderful runway! And the customers are also enjoying themselves… märchen!
Naru: Ito-chaaan! Otoha-chaaan! Player-chaaan!!! That was such a happynaru fashion show!
Ann: I was so surprised, I can’t believe you guys did all the prep in secret!!!
Naru: Oh! There’s a buncha customers at the makeup corner!!!
Ann: And there’s a load of people saying they want the coord that Player designed!
Ito: Thanks, Player. The makeup corner is so lively now. Your My☆Deco is great, but your Design is catching up fast. I’m looking forward to seeing what else you design from now on.
Otoha: Ehehe. Design a feminine coord for me sometime too, please!
???: Meowmeowmeow~? Why’s everyone look so excited right meow~?
Otoha: What is it, Wakana-san?
Wakana: Meowmeowmeoow! A wild Wakana appears!!!
RL Chapter 14: A Coord to Catch Wakana’s Eye!
Wakana: Meowmeowmeoow! A wild Wakana appears!!! Mew. seriously, this place feels super energetic, huh?
Otoha: Why are you here, Wakana-san?!
Wakana: Hm??? Well, I heard a really cool cat has been hanging out in Prism Stone lately. Wait a minute, are you Player?! Huh… so you’re Star who the stylish gang leader, Houjou Cosmo calls her rival, and mew also have the power of My☆Deco and Design, right? The winds have been changing lately thanks to mew!!! So, didya study up on Design yet?
Choice: Yeah, Cosmo taught me all about it! / Verily. I am in fact the princess of the Kingdom of Design.
Wakana: Meowmeowmeow?! The Kingdom of Design?! That’s amazing! So your sparkly radiance was because you’re a princess! I’m at your disposal from meow on, Your Majesty!!! …As if! You’re pulling my tail! I already knew that Cosmo’s the one who taught mew about Design!
Ann: Wakana! Heel!
Wakana: Gah, Ann! Don’t treat me like some stupid dog!
Ann: Then show some discipline! You just show up out of the blue, don’t even say “hello”, and immediately start scaring Player, it’s rude!
Wakana: Alright, alright. I’m Morizono Wakana. Nice to meetcha~ …Was that good enough?
Ann: You’ll need to give a bit more info than that! You can’t just expect everyone to be all whimsical like you…
Otoha: Wakana-san is a student of Edel Rose, like me. Bell-san, Wakana-san and I also form the unit Bell Rose!
Ann: Wakana might seem like a complete and utter idiot, but she’s actually pretty serious, so you don’t need to worry about her!
Wakana: Hey, mew didn’t have to add that last part! You’re really changing your tune too…
Ann: Anyways, why’d you come her so suddenly?
Wakana: Hmm… Well, I heard that this cat Player was creating some amazing designs, so I wanted them to design a coord that’d suit me!
Naru: Oh, so that’s what’s going on! What kind of design would ya want~?
Wakana: Would mew be able to design a stylish jacket for me?? Actually, I have another request too… Wear the coord mew design and do a Prism Show-down against me!
Ann: Why d’ya wanna do a Prism Show?!
Wakana: Aren’t I the smartest? I wanna see the coord shine its brightest during a Prism Show! And, if mew win I’ll tell mew how to pull off the ethnic Seventh Jump! So, what’re ya waiting for? Let’s begin: the Design & Seventh Jump Challenge!!! The wind’s blowing in our favour, myaha!
(design but u cant use all the colours/patterns/styles. Wakana hates creativity </3. And then prism show)
Wakana: Myahaaaa! That was great! You’re the real deal!! And so… mew pass!! Congrats! Clapclapclapclap!
Ann: Huh? What do you mean? They “passed”... do you mean the Seventh Jump?
Wakana: That’s part of it, but it’s not the just that. Hehehehe… So, Player. Could you design Bell’s coord for the next tournament?
Naru: WHAT?! You want them to design Bell’s coord?!
Ann: By “tournament”, do you mean… “To●ki●me●ki Days Session”?
Wakana: You know how Bell can be~ I was having trouble picking a designer, but everything will be fine if I pick mew. Your designs are really stylish, after all! So, I hope we’ll work well together! Buh-buh-buh-bye!
Ann: Hey! Wait a sec, Wakana!! …Aaaand she’s gone.
Naru: This is great, Player-chan! Designing a coord for Bell-san is a dream come true!
Otoha: Woow, Bell-san’s going to be wearing one of Player-san’s designs… Märcheeeeen!
Ito: But… will it be alright? I mean, Bell’s kind of… super nitpicky when it comes to choosing a coord that suits her. Nobody feels as strongly towards Prism Shows and tournaments as her, you know?
Ann: You’ll have to think up an amazing design that she’ll be satisfied with!
Naru: Good luck, Player-chaaan!
RL Chapter 15: The Heart-Throbbing Gorgeous Lady, Bell
Ann: So, To●ki●me●ki Days Session is finally here!
Naru: What kind of designs did you think up, Player-chan? … Wooow, they’re all so pretty~!
Ann: Yeah, any of these are sexy enough to look great on Bell!
Naru: Bell-san would definitely like this design!
Otoha: Everyooooone! This way~!
Naru: Oh, Otoha-chan!
Otoha: Sorry to keep you all waiting. This way you’ll find…
Bell: I’m Renjouji Bell. So, you must be… Player?
Wakana: Yup! They’re the talk of the town around Harajuku~!
Bell: Thank you so much for accepting my sudden request. Would you be able to show me the designs I may be wearing in my Show now? 
Ann: Here are Player’s designs!
Bell: …
Wakana: Well, do mew like them? Doth these designs remainst steadfastly in milady’s favour?
Bell: …
Otoha: Bell…-san?
Bell: Huh. They’re all… wonderful. However… could I ask you something? …Why do you design?
Choice: I want to help people shine onstage. / ‘Cuz it’s fun.
Bell: I see… What a wonderful answer. Although… there’s still something missing… You can’t just think about the people who you’re designing for. You must also look into your own heart as you design.
Wakana: Gorsh~ You’re so egotistical, Bell. What are mew even saying?
Bell: Well, this is just a “what-if”, but… what if you arranged this coord a bit differently?
Ito: Arrange…?
Bell: Cosmo chose you to teach about design, so you should be able to do a lot more than before.
Naru: Oh, you mean deco-ing a design with a new image, right?! A new image… for Bell-san… 
Cosmo: ‘Gorgeous’ would be good, right?
Naru: Co… Cosmo-chan?!
Cosmo: If you expect the rose queen, Renjouji Bell to wear your design, it’s gotta be gorgeous, right?
Bell: The stylish gang leader… Houjou Cosmo… Will you also be entering the tournament, then?
Cosmo: Nah, I’m just here to watch. Anyways, just another sexy design would be boring, so combine the power of Design and My☆Deco to show us a sexy, gorgeous design. 
Bell: Hehe. You two seem to be really close… You didn’t come all the way out here just to see your rival’s design, did you?
Wakana: Wa-wait a sec, Bell! What’re you talking about!!!
Bell: Player! You’re entering the tournament. Enter To●ki●me●ki Days Session right this instant!
Otoha: Huuuh?! So Player-san’s also taking part? …Märchen~
Wakana: God, Bell you’re so… well, you’re always like this, I guess. There’s no arguing with Bell, so good luck, Player.
Bell: Come at me fully intending to beat me. I won’t have you compete against me any other way. If you can beat me, I’ll teach you the sexy Seventh Jump. Let’s go, To●ki●me●ki Days Dession is starting. Prepare yourself for the Sexy and Gorgeous Design & Seventh Jump Challenge!!! I’ll show you the power of a rose!!!
(design nd show. But like could u imagine going to one of these tournaments like everyones doing the same song. And noah fence but tokmeki days is just fine)
Bell: That was a good Show, Player.
Otoha: It’s time for the results! The winner is…
Wakana: Woooah!!! It’s Player!
Bell: Congratulations, Player. I had a feeling you would claim first place this time. From now on, try your hand at using Design and My☆Deco to make yourself shine, and I’m sure you’ll become a wonderful Prism Star. And not just you… Houjou Cosmo too…
Cosmo: Huh? Did someone call me? ‘Grats. And not just on the win, but on being acknowledged by Bell-sama. Your sexy and gorgeous design wasn’t terrible.
Wakana: Mew could just tell them you liked it, you should really be more honest with your feelings!
Bell: You really don’t get to tell someone else that, Wakana…
Wakana: Meowmeow?!
Cosmo: Anyway, it looks like you’ve gotten more used to the power of Design. It’s about time I get serious too. I, Houjou Cosmo, will cosmically conquer Harajuku with my Harajuku Style-Jack!!! So prepare yourself… Laters.
Otoha: Cosmo’s quite the funny person, isn’t she? Ehehe.
Bell: Yeah. It’s a good thing, too; Player needs a rival like that to raise their skills. I’d be happy if you could see me as such a rival, too.
Otoha: That’s it! Everyone! Would you all like to have a tea party?
Bell: That sounds nice. Let’s go with Darjeeling today. Here’s to a fruitful friendship, Player.
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imflawsomeanyway · 8 years ago
Someone told me that I should make myself better. That person also told me to be mature enough to face the changes that's happening around me. And now, I'm thankful to that person. Thank you K, because you turned me into a grown up woman. I learned many things because of you. Now, I know how to value myself, how to live without depending on one person, how to think positive and how to love without expecting something in return. Thank you. You turned me into a whole new person. I am better now. Don't worry, I am always here to support you also. I may not show it, but I am watching on you. I always cared. I hope that someday, you'll also find your happiness because I found mine now. Have a blessed life. :)
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xxdnllflrsxx · 7 years ago
Libro nating dalawa
Muli kong bubuksan ang libro
Babalikan ang mga alaala,
Nanamnaming muli ang sakit
Na minsan kong naramadaman.
Muli kong bubuksan ang libro
Ngunit ito'y akin lamang babasahin,
At hindi na muling ibabalik ang aking naramdaman
Noong may "tayo" pa.
Muli kong bubuksan ang libro
Kung saan ang "ikaw at ako", ang tayo, ay masaya pa,
Babalikan ko hanggang sa kung paano
Ang "tayo" ay naging malabo at tuluyang nawala.
Muli kong bubuksan ang libro
Pero sa aking muling pagbukas,
Ililipat ko na ang pahina
Sa kung saan ang "ikaw at ako", ang "tayo", ay wala na,
At ang natitira na lamang ay ang "ako"
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theissuecollector · 5 years ago
[외신번역] #128 필리핀을 지켜라! 대한민국 21세기 신기전, K-136 A1 구룡(九龍) MLRS
[외신번역] #128 필리핀을 지켜라! 대한민국 21세기 신기전, K-136 A1 구룡(九龍) MLRS
필리핀의 유명 군사전문 블로거(Blogger)인 “rhk 111”는 지난 2019년 10월 27일 대한민국 K-136A1 구룡 다연장 로켓포가 필리핀에 이미 도입되어 운용 중이라는 글을 올렸다. 흥미로운 내용들이 많아서 이 블로그에 게재된 글을 번역해볼 예정.
70년대에 개발되고 80년대부터 배치되기 시작한 다연장 로켓포 시스템인(MLRS) K-136A1 구룡은 30년 이상 운용되어 왔지만 시스템의 노후화에 따라 더욱 강력한 신형K-239 천무(天武)로 교체되고 있는 중이다.
저작권 표시: AiirSource, 유용원 TV, 국방 TV, KKMD
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prettyallfriends · 2 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 10, 11, 12 English Translation
okay i had 3 chapters in my gdrive lmao. i think i didnt post them bc the umlauts were annoying me. märchen
RL Chapter 10: A Sparkling Runway Showdown!
(1 billboard out of 6 is now advertising prism stone)
Naru: Thank you very much for shopping at Prism Stone!! Man, we’ve been getting way more customers since Dreaming Session, huh?
Ann: Well, the tournament excitement is dying down, and Prism Stone’s been doing well lately, soooo… why don’t we all relax a bit? Oh, I know~! Why don’t we go to a dessert buffet after we close?
Naru: Yeeees! You come too, Ito-chan!
Ito: Huh? Why should I go…?
Ann: It’ll be more fun with all of us! So you’re coming, end of story!!!
Ito: Wai-... wait a minute… I don’t even like…
Naru: I’m so glad we can all finally chillax together~! Let’s hurry up and go!!
Cosmo: …’Sup.
Naru: –Wait, huh!? Cosmo-chan!?!? Oh, uh… welcome to Prism Stone!!
Cosmo: Is Player here?
Ann: Well, yeah… why? What’s up??
Cosmo: Hehe. They won the tournament, which helped them get a leg up in the Harajuku Style-jack. So, congrats. Though this much isn’t a surprise since you have the help of My☆Deco… Nor is it a surprise from my rival! Obviously you’d be able to get this far.
Ann: Woah… She’s practically dripping in self-confidence… all while looking down on everyone. She really fits the title of “stylish gang leader”! 
Cosmo: Hehe. I’m here today to bring Player out. Hey you, ever walked the runway before?
Choice: You have to know I haven’t! / Yeah, I have actually!
Cosmo: Oh… well, I guess that’s not too surprising. Only the feet of the chosen stylish few can touch the sacred ground of a fashion show’s runway! Luckily, you barely scrape by with your sparking stylish aura!!! Tonight, you’re walking in Tokyo’s most cutting-edge fashion show… Harajuku Runway!!!
Ann: What!? Even the most stylish girls don’t have a chance at getting into Harajuku Runway! Getting on the main stage of a fashion show like that…
Cosmo: I’m endorsing them, so it’s all good. I told them I know the best up-and-coming fashionista!
Naru: Oooh, thanks, Cosmo-chan! That’s great, Player-chan!
Cosmo: Of course… You’re not just taking part like anyone else. You’ll be doing a runway battle. Amane, I’ll leave the explaining to you.
Amane (dark haired Cosmo☆Sister): Of course. Please allow me to offer an explanation of the event, Player-sama. A runway battle is…
Amane: …I believe that was everything. Was my explanation sufficiently comprehensive? I shall be your opponent in this evening’s event. I humbly request that we both act in accordance with the rules of sportsmanship.
Cosmo: Will you be able to beat Amane’s elegant runway? Hehe, I can’t wait to find out.
Naru: Good luck, Player-chan! Put on the most ‘you’ runway show you can!
Cosmo: Well, we need to prep, so laters. And once we get to Harajuku Runway, the Player VS Amane runway battle will cosmically START!
Naru: You were suuuuper happynaru on the runway!!!
Ann: My heart was beating like crazy when you were walking!
Ito: The audience was also super pumped. Nice runway!
Amane: …I… I lost… to one so inexperienced… I do not deserve to count myself amongst the ranks of Cosmo☆Sisters… How could I lose!?!? There is simply no waaaay!!!!
Cosmo: Hey, Amane, you’re acting kinda… undignified?
Amane: Ah, my sincerest apologies, Cosmo-sama! I cannot excuse my behaviour… 
Cosmo: I get that you’re frustrated, but you lost. Your coord was off, your expression was too… And you weren’t able to get the audience as excited as you needed to. But Player beat you in all regards. 
Amane: …sob…
Cosmo: Well, all things considered… what’s most important is being able to walk freely and, like… poise or whatever…
Naru: Oooh, so that must be why Player was so good! They’ve been working really hard for Prism Shows too!
Ann: Prism Jumps and dance involve poise, so it looks like they’re also good training for the runway!
Cosmo: Prism Shows can… help on the runway…?
Naru: Oh, that’s it! Hey, Cosmo-chan! Why don’t you do a Prism Show with Player-chan?
Cosmo: Huh…!? A P-Prism Show!?!? Me!?!?
RL Chapter 11: Designer Debut! My Dream and Cosmo’s Dream
Naru: Yeah, you should totally give it a go!
Cosmo: Me…? Why?
Naru: Don’t you like doing Prism Shows? I mean, you didn’t enter the tournament…
Cosmo: …I’m not interested.
Naru: What?
Cosmo: Hard work, sweating it out in practise… stuff like that isn’t stylish at all!!
Ito: The three main components of Prism Shows are dance, fashion, and music. Bring those together and you get a Prism Show, the peak of entertainment.
Cosmo: …
Naru: I really wanna see you put on a Prism Show, Cosmo-chan!!
Cosmo: …
Ito: Wait, no way… you won’t do it because you’re nervous?
Cosmo: !!!
Ito: Oh, so I’m right. 
Naru: Gotcha! Well, there’s really no reason to worry! Anyone can do a Prism Show, even if they’re not great with exercising. I mean, I’m super clumsy after all…
Cosmo: W-wait, that’s not it! I can exercise just fine! It’s just… um…
Naru: ??
Cosmo: I’ve just never done a Prism Show before…
Yuuhi (red haired Cosmo☆Sister): Huh!?!? Wait, like never never!?
Cosmo: …
Naru: Oh, so that’s it… Well, that makes you the same as Player-chan!
Ann: Your first Prism Show is always scary, but it’ll turn out just fine! A Prism Jump is when your heart leaps, and the Prism Shows that allow you to Jump are super special. A Prism Show can make your heart dance! What’d you think when you watched Player’s Shows?
Cosmo: …Kinda… like everything was sparkling…
Ann: Exactly! Putting on a Show is amazing because it can make people feel that excitement! 
Cosmo: Make your heart… dance…
Ann: So why don’t you put on a Show together with Player?
Cosmo: You… really want us to put on a Show together!?!? For real!?!? 
Ann: Player, why don’t you help Cosmo learn about Prism Shows?
Choice: Yeah, let’s do our best together! / Just don’t hold me back.
Cosmo: You’re seriously okay with this? Doing our best… together… You’re totally… a great person, Player. Hehe…
Ann: Okay then! Let’s start your Prism Show lesson! First you should watch Player’s Show as an example. Let’s! Prism Show!
(prism show)
Ann: Woohoo, your Show went great! Now, next up is Cosmo’s!!
Naru: You’ve got this, Cosmo-chan!!
Cosmo: Hah..! Stardust☆Shower!!!
Amane: Eeek!!! Cosmo-sama, you were exquisite! I could feel your sparkling stylish power!
Cosmo: …I performed… a Jump… I did a Prism Show!!! Yaaay!! Woohoo!! Yaaay!!! That was the best! It was totally like a dream!!
Amane: …Cosmo…-sama…?
Cosmo: Ah!!! …Sorry. I got a bit carried away, huh… Hah… Player, you’re obviously exceptional if you can teach me to perform such an amazing Jump!!
Amane: How delightful! With this, your style power has presumably risen, therefore your success with the Harajuku Style-jack shall progress accordingly. Ah! Forgive me. It seems the time of your interview draws near, Cosmo-sama. We must be off!
Cosmo: …
Amane: …Cosmo-sama…??
Cosmo: As the stylish gang leader, Houjou Cosmo, simple words cannot speak over actions regarding my rival!
Amane: Cosmo-sama!? What could you possibly be thinking up at this time…?
Cosmo: Player, do you know about My☆Dress Design? It’ll help raise your style power, so why not make even more designs? Now then… here goes Houjou Cosmo’s cosmic design lecture! You’ll now be able to use more patterns and colours, and school-style clothes! So challenge yourself with more My☆Dress Design, and raise your style power! Laters!
Naru: …She’s… a pretty nice person, huh? …Deep down… maybe.
Ito: She definitely seems really skilled, at least. 
Naru: What do you think of her, Ann-chan?
Ann: …
Naru: Ann-chan??
Ann: Cosmo… said she’s never done a Prism Show before, right?
Naru: Yup!
Ann: So I was wondering if she’s from another country, or something… Y’know, since otherwise she would’ve done Shows at school or something, right?
Ito: Oh, like how she said she’s never done a Jump before?
Ann: Yeah… I’m all curious now… Hm…
RL Chapter 12: A Märchen Party with Otoha
Ann: Hmm… I’m kinda interested!
Ito: You’ve been thinking about Cosmo ever since then, huh?
Ann: I mean, she’s super mysterious…! And she’d never even done a Prism Show before, even though she should’ve done them at school…
Naru: Oh! But Player-chan was in the same boat when we met!
Ann: What!? Player was!? Seriouslyyyy!?!?
Ito: Did you… skip class a lot??
Naru: Um, no. That’s just you, Ito-chan.
Ito: Ugh…
Naru: I guess there are schools out there that don’t have Prism Show classes~
Ann: Hm, I guess that must be it… Cosmo and Player are pretty alike, then. They’d never done a Prism Show, both have mysterious powers… My☆Deco and Design are both super occult-ish, I need to know more about them!!!
???: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!!!
Naru: Th-this voice…!? Oh, Otoha-chan!
Otoha: Wah! Sorry to intrude. Hm? Sniff sniff… What a wonderfully märchen fragrance… And who is this?
Naru: This is Prism Stone’s new employee, Player-chan!
Otoha: Wah~ Nice to meet you, Player-san. My name is Takanashi Otoha.
Ann: Otoha’s a member of Edel Rose!
Otoha: Are you familiar with Edel Rose?
Choice: Of course I am / Nah, no idea…
Ann: Edel Rose is a Prism Show Academy where all of the best Prism Stars practise. Only the elites can attend.
Otoha: If you’d like, please feel free to come for a lesson, Player-san!
Ann: Anyway, why did you rush over here? Did something happen?
Otoha: Ah! Apologies! I came here to ask you all for a favour! Ah… I will be… throwing a party… and would like someone to perform a Prism Show! Anyone able to put on a märchen Show would be perfect…
Naru: In that case, Player-chan is in!! Their Show’s sure to be all fresh and sparkly!
Ann: Perfect!! I really wanna see them put on a ‘märchen’ Show! And by helping with Otoha’s party, they’ll learn about feminine power!
Otoha: In that case, might I ask for your help, Player-san? As you will be putting on a märchen Prism Show, what outfit should you wear… How about the Teacup Märchen Dress? If your Show goes well, I’ll give you some delicious tea and a Seventh Jump as a present! Now, your Seventh Jump Challenge & Märchen Party Show… will now start!! …Märchen!
Otoha: Wow~! That was a very, very… veeeeery wonderful Show!! Märchen, Player-san!
Ann: The Show was good, but your tea was also super yum, Otoha! 
Naru: This was such a good party! Happynaru!!!
Otoha: Great job, Player-san. If you’d like, I’ll prepare some delicious tea for you!
Ann: Sounds good! We have dessert too, so this’ll be a great afterparty!
Naru: Yeah, let’s have an afterparty!
Otoha: Märcheeeeen!
Ito: …Player. Sorry to drag you away from the party, but um… can I have a minute?
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 1, 2, 3 English Translation
(Mecha cosmic prepare yourselves)
RL Chapter 1: Welcome to Prism Stone!
??? (Naru): … Hello? Hellohello hell-O!? Oh, you’re awake! Are you okay!? Phew! I’m glad you’re fine. You fell down here yanno. Huh? What street is this? It’s Harajuku! Wait! Are you maybe… here to take the interview!? What do you mean, “what interview”? The interview for Prism Stone. Well, let’s go together! Over here, please come with me!
(We go inside Prism Stone)
??? (Naru): Owner! I met someone who’s dying to be interviewed!
??? (Momo): Momo!? Are they really peachy keen to work here?
??? (Naru): Yep! Um, and their name is… uhuh, uhuh, Player-chan! Oh, don’t be scared! Momo-owner definitely isn’t a kappa!
Momo: Of course I’m not a kappa, I’m a penguin! On top of that, I own this shop!
Naru: And I’m Naru! Ayase Naru! I’m Prism Stone’s manager. Nice to meetcha, Player-chan!
Momo: Do you want to work at Prism Stone, Player!?
Choice: Of course I do! / What’s “Prism Stone”...?
Momo: Hmm… I ap-peach-iate your motivation. But where did you even come from? You have a different kind of radiance than Rinne! Well, whatever. I can tell that there’s something good about you.
Naru: Yay~! I’m so happy we’ll get to work together! The moment we met, I felt your sparkling, bright heart’s colour… Let’s work together to make Prism Stone even more amazing!
Momo: Stooooop!!!
Naru: What’s up, Momo-owner? Why’d you suddenly start shouting?
Momo: There’s a single condition that p-each employee of Prism stone must fulfill!
Naru: AH!! Yeah, you’re right! I completely forgot!!
Momo: Yes, you must… perform a prism show!
Naru: Y’see, Prism Stone has a stage, and us employees need to perform prism shows to attract customers! Are you confident you’ll be able to perform?
Choice: I’m not really ready… / Might as well jump into it!
Naru: Wo~w! You’re super confident then, huh? But… huuuuh!?!?
Momo: This will be your first prism show!? You’ve only played it in a game…!? I’m speechless! Everyone in this world is…
Naru: It’s fine, it’s fine! When I took the manager audition, I hadn’t performed a jump before!
Momo: Put on a very “you”-like show!
Naru: How will your heart’s colour shine on stage? I’m super excited! Ganbanarunaru!!
(Prism show)
Naru: Happynaru~~!!! Your show was amazing!! Hey, Owner, does this mean…
Momo: Fly•ing • co•lours… You pass!!!!
Naru: Wow, Momo-owner, you’re really pumped…
Momo: There’s no problems now that you’ve performed. Player, from today on, you’re an employee of Prism Stone!!
Naru: That’s great!!! We get to work togeth...er… huh? You weren’t planning on taking the interview in the first place!?!? Wait, so I forced you to come with me!? I’m so sorry!!
Momo: Well, Player seems happy to work here, so it’s all peachy!
Naru: You may have an airheaded manager like me… but I hope we can still get along!
Momo: Now, get the storefront ready!
Naru: Yessir…! Welcome! Thank you for coming to Prism Stone!!!
RL Chapter 2: Awakening My☆Deco
Naru: I’m so happy I get to work with you from now on, Player-chan! Your first task is… um… hmmm… Huh!? What should I choose!?!?
Momo: Naru, you’re the manager yet you can’t even think of any work!? You’re a real peach of work!
Naru: Ahh! Sorry~!! When I first saw Player-chan, I saw a very sparkly sound! Then it hit me, “I really wanna work with this person!”
Momo: I see… So you didn’t think it through. But you need to think of a job for Player.
Naru: I guess you’re right! So, Player-chan, do you have some kind of unbeatable power!?
Choice: Of course I do! / I don’t really have somethinglike that…
Naru: Thought so! In that case, tell us your sparkly secret!
Momo: It seems they have a really strong power. What!? Huh!? You have the power of My☆Deco!?!?
Naru: My☆Deco? What’s that? Whatever it is, the name’s really nice.
Momo: My☆Deco is the power to create your own original coords! It’s a peachy keen power!
Naru: Really!? That’s so cool! I like decorating too!! You need to show us, Player-chan!
(Forced to do some My☆Deco)
Naru: So cool, so cool!! You made an original coord!!
Momo: This is a My☆Deco stone!
Naru: Being able to deco your stones however you want… it’s so cutely happynaru! Oh, that’s it! You should do a prism show wearing the My☆Deco stone you just made! You’ll definitely be able to pull off an amazing show! Let’s! Prism show!!!
(Prism show)
Naru: That was a super happynaru show!!! I saw a lot of your heart’s sound on stage! The power of My☆Deco is amazing~
Momo: It’s really surprising that someone with the power of My☆Deco actually exists. I thought it was just some legend! If you have the power of My☆Deco…
Naru: Ahhh!!! Momo-owner!!! People who saw the My☆Deco coord are closing in on Prism Stone!! Welcome! Welcome! You help too, Player-chan!!
Momo: Thanks to the power of My☆Deco, getting more customers is a peach of cake! Maybe rumours will start to pop up about the super stylish employee named Player! And when Prism Stone’s sales numbers rise, it’ll be all-you-can-eat dessert! Happymomo~n!!! Mo~mo~mo~mo~
RL Chapter 3: My Rival’s this Cosmic Girl!?
Naru: Thank you very much for shopping with us!!! Phew. Thanks to you, we’ve been getting loads of customers every day, Player-chan! Hey, hey, look at this magazine! There’s a special feature about Prism Stone and My☆Deco! Looks like Prism Stone’s gonna get even more famous thanks to this. It’s all thanks to you. And hey, good for you, huh Momo-owner?
Momo: Momomomomomo… Dessert’s the best!!!
Naru: Owner’s been doing nothing but eating…
Momo: That’s not true! I’ve been looking after the shop! Everyone who works here has their own power. By bringing everyone’s power together, I’ll make Prism Stone popular, it’ll be a peach of cake. Momomomomo… speaking of, I’m gonna get more of this cake!!!
Naru: I knew it, you’ve just been eating!!! But she’s not wrong… Each employee here has their own unique sparkling power. I wanna introduce you to them soon! Girls all have their own unique sparkly heart colour after all!
Momo: Even among all of you, Player’s My☆Deco power stands out!
Naru: Your sparkling power can deliver happiness to those around you! I can’t wait to see what happens from here on out!!! Oh, Welcome!!!
??? (A familiar teal-haired older sister): …
Naru: Um… Welcome. Are you looking for anything in particular?
???: ...This is Prism Stone?
Naru: Yes, it is…
???: Which means you must be the rumoured Player who has the power of My☆Deco!!!
Naru: Huh??
???: I’ve been looking for you for 10,000 light years!! Now, I cosmically challenge you!
Naru: Excuse me???
???: Now, Player!!! It’s time for our showdown! Prepare yourself!!!
Naru: Wa- wait a minute!
???: What? You scared?
Naru: I’m not scared! You’re just wrong. I’m not Player-chan!
???: Wh… what’d ya just say!?!? Then, Player is…
Momo: This one over here!!!
???: … Hehe. So you’re Player. The one rumoured to have the power of My☆Deco. I could tell from the moment I saw you. Your aura… it’s not something you sense every day…
Momo: I mean… you had the wrong person for a while there, actually…
???: Shut up!!! Let’s get back on topic: our showdown…
Naru: Hey, wait a minute there. You can’t just come in here all of a sudden and ask to compete!
Momo: And you didn’t even greet any of us, you’re quite a peach of work! First of all, introduce yourself!
???: Why the hell should someone as cosmic as me have to introduce theirself? Why don’t you take a peek at the cover of that there magazine?
Naru: Magazine…? Oh…!!! The girl on this cover! Isn’t this you!?!?
???: So you finally got that through your thick skull? I guess I can make an exception for you guys and introduce myself! I’m the legendary stylish gang leader with a charismatic spectral aura…
Cosmo: Houjou Cosmo!!! Hah… Did you feel my cosmic power just now??
Naru: I’ve heard the name “Houjou Cosmo” before!!! You’re super stylish and famous and have loads of fans, and even bodyguards! Everyone in the fashion world is talking about you right now! Hm… your group of bodyguards was called…
??? (Cosmo fan 1): We’re Cosmo☆Sisters! Konnichihello! I’m Yuuhi from Cosmo☆Sisters, wazzap!!!
Amane: And I am Amane of Cosmo☆Sisters. It is truly a pleasure to meet you.
Momo: Why is the “stylish gang leader, Houjou Cosmo” in Prism Stone?
Amane: Up until now, Cosmo-sama has dyed countless stylish streets in her colour.
Yuuhi: She’s been style-jacking, hijacking a buncha towns through her style to become the number one fashionista, yanno!
Cosmo: Right. And now… the last street I have left in Tokyo is the single most stylish street, Harajuku. Once I dye this area Cosmo-coloured, I’ll be the number one most fashionable person in Tokyo!
Naru: Dyeing the whole area your own colour, that’s so cool…
Momo: What do you mean, you’ll style-jack Harajuku!?
Cosmo: I don’t have time to bask in your admiration of me. My first step in hijacking Harajuku will be… in Prism Stone! Which is why I will defeat Player, who has the power of My☆Deco! Now, what do you plan to do, Player? How’s about we compete?
Choice: Let’s go! / Wait a minute…
Cosmo: Ooh, nice answer! It’s way easier to get fired up when you’re up against someone with fighting spirit! However… sucks for you, but we’re definitely gonna cosmically win!!!
Naru: It’ll be fine! You have the power of My☆Deco after all, Player-chan!
Cosmo: The power of My☆Deco, huh…? Hehe. Isn’t it better to assume you’re not the only one with some amazing power?
Naru: What do you mean? You don’t mean you have some kind of secret power too!?
Cosmo: Well? How about if you win, I’ll tell you? Now, let’s start. Yuuhi, I’m counting on you!
Yuuhi: Aye aye, sir! I’m def gonna win!
Naru: Do your best, Player-chan!!!
Cosmo: Hehe… Show me the power of My☆Deco!!!
Yuuhi: Let’s gooo! Yuuhi’s got this in the bag!
(Prism show)
Yuuhi: N...no waaays… I lost??? That’s like, so shocking???
Naru: This is great! Thanks, Player-chan!
Momo: You protected Prism Stone! Now, once again… this calls for all-you-can-eat dessert!!!
Naru: Momo-owner… That’s not what you should be saying right now… But yeah, Prism Stone’s safe now! Thank god~!
Cosmo: Hm… So this is your My☆Deco power… It looks like it really is a pretty amazing power. I’m pretty intrigued, by you and by Prism Stone!
Naru: Huh!? You’re not giving up yet!?
Cosmo: Isn’t that obvious? This was just the start.
Amane: That being said, while Cosmo☆Sisters are not yet accustomed to prism shows, it would be an honour to see Cosmo-sama’s true power.
Cosmo: Aren’t ya taking a bit much, Amane?
Amane: My sincerest apologies...
Cosmo: ...Well, bye. We’ll come again.
Momo: Wait a minute!
Cosmo: …
Momo: You still haven’t told us about your power! Player won, so you need to keep your promise!
Cosmo: ...Oh yeah, I guess you’re right.
Yuuhi: Huh!? Sirrusly!? Are you really gonna tell them, Cosmo-sama!?
Cosmo: A promise is a promise. And Houjou Cosmo’s no liar. I’ll show you my power, Player…! The power that Houjou Cosmo possesses… is the power of Design!!!
(My☆Design tutorial)
Naru: Woooow amazing!!! Being able to design your own coords is too cool! Happynaru~~!!!
Amane: Is it truly acceptable to inform them of your power of Design, Cosmo-sama?
Cosmo: It’s cool. It’d suck if I got to learn about My☆Deco while leaving them in the dark. ...Besides! While My☆Deco is great and all, Design just screams “infinite possibilities”, right? Why don’tcha design your own My☆Dress, Player? Anyways, I wonder which one of us will end up becoming the number one fashionista in Harajuku… So let’s settle this, Player!!! ...wait, huh?? What is it…? A present? What are you talking about…? These are… My☆Deco parts??? Wait, seriously? You’re giving these to me? ...As thanks for telling you about Design, huh? So this is how you felt when I told you about Design…
Yuuhi: Waaaait, these parts are named--…?
Cosmo: Yuuhi! Amane! It’s time to go!!!
Amane: Oh, darn. It’s almost time for Cosmo-sama’s interview.
Cosmo: Bye then. And thanks for the My☆Deco parts. Though make sure you don’t forget that you and I are rivals fighting to become number one! Our battle to dye Harajuku in our own colour has only just begun! Hehe… Things have gotten pretty fun. Bye. Seeya wherever.
Naru: ...Aaaand she’s gone. Cosmo-chan’s kinda weird, but she’s got a strange kinda charm. It definitely feels like we’ll meet her again sometime!
Momo: Player, who has the power of My☆Deco, and Houjou Cosmo, who has the power of Design… These two have both appeared in this world together… And both have become rivals in the Harajuku Style-jack...What exactly is going on!? There’s definitely some kind of secret behind the scenes here!! Think, think…
Naru: Oh, Momo-owner! Do you want some cake?
Momo: Of course I do!
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (AD+DMF) Chapter 1 English Translation
(I'm following unlock order, so this one's on it's own, it follows chapter 9 of the Rainbow Live story though.)
AD+DMF Chapter 1: The Door to a New World
Naru: Thank you very much!!!
Ito: Haah… Today’s as busy as ever.
Ann: We have a lot of customers after all! We’ve been getting more customers every since the tournament ended. That reminds me! What was that green thing we saw there?
Ito: Was there really something there? Maybe you just saw wrong?
Ann: It was definitely there! I wanna know what it waaas. Hey, did you see it, Player!? Player? Plaaayeer!!!
Naru: Ah! Player-chan’s asleep!
Ito: They must be tired because of how busy we’ve been lately.
Ann: Yeah, makes sense. Let’s let them sleep for a while!
Naru: Good night, Player-chan.
Rinne (off-screen): Player… Player…
Rinne: Player… do you like… kappas?
Momo: Momomomo… zzzzzz! I can’t eat anymore… wait… that’s a kappa…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Who are you calling a kappa!?!?
Momo: Agh!?!?
??? (Penguin-sensei): Calling me a kappa, how rude! You can tell I’m not a kappa with just one look at my beautiful body! I’m a penguin! One of birdkind!!
Momo: Gaaaaaah!!! Kappa! It’s a Kappa!!!!!
??? (Penguin-sensei): Hey you! Listen when someone’s speaking to you! ...Wait, you’re… Oh no, oh no! The time…! I don’t have time for this! I’m in a huge hurry!!!
(fade to white with some sparkly sound effects)
Momo: It’s so bright! This door is…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Huh!?!? What is the meaning of this!? The door… won’t open!?!? Nooooooooo!!! The prism sparkle… has it been reduced!? Nooooo! Whatever will I do!? I can’t go home like this!!
Rinne: Dance… Player…
Momo: Wait a second! What are you thinking, Rinne!?!?
Rinne: The sparkle… of a prism show… can open the door… to a new world…
(prism show)
Momo: Momomomo!?!? The door is full of power again!?
??? (Penguin-sensei): Wahoo!! Now I can go home! I don’t know who you are, but thank you for putting on that show!
Momo: Wait! Could you be…
??? (Penguin-sensei): Later! Adieu!!!
Momo: Aah! He left!?
Rinne: Let’s go… Player…
Momo: Huh!?!?
Rinne: To the new world…
Momo: Rinne, Player! Wait right there! Don’t do anything sudden… or my approval rating will drop!! Aaaah!!! Wait!!!!!
(magic fade to white+sparkle, now were in aurora dream/dear my futures prism stone)
Momo: Where are…? Player! Are you alright!? Have you come to!?!? Anyway… GYAAAAAAH! MOMOMOMOMO!?!? Rinne isn’t here! Uhohuhohuhoh!!! Haah… There you go, Momo… Getting yourself caught up in something crazy… I have a really bad feeling about this!!!
??? (Mia): Hmm??? Hey! Someone fell down over there! Helloooo!! Are you okaaay??
Momo: Momo!?!? Where… where is this!?
??? (Mia): Huh???
Momo: Wh, who are you!?!? Could… could this be… a dream?
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 7, 8, 9 English Translation
(So I like tumblr's new beta text editor since it saves time, but it doesn't support moving images... So I'm putting screenshots of Yuuhi and Amane up here so people know what they look like)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
RL Chapter 7: Let’s Deco an Amazing Shop
Ann: Sorry to keep you waiting!!! Please enjoy the Poppun Fruit Cake! Haah~ Thanks to Player, we’ve been getting more customers. We’re super busy, but it’s really fun! I guess I have to work even harder!
Momo: Ann! Get 10 of the dessert special for me!
Ann: Hey Owner, instead of eating, you should be helping us…
Momo: Tasting the desserts is an important task too! The one in charge of customer service is… the manager, so I’m sure Naru will do a peachy keen job!
Naru: …
Momo: Hm? Naru! Are you listening!?
Naru: Hmm…. hmmmmmmmm…
Ann: Naru, what’s wrong!? You’re staring a hole into your sketchbook.
Naru: Oh, sorry! I was just focused on something… hm…
Ann: Is something bothering you?
Naru: I want to design a new display for Prism Stone… but I can’t come up with a single idea!
Ann: I get it. You wanna change the vibe of the shop, right?
Naru: I want to design an original display unlike that of any other shops.
Ann: Original? Then why not get Player to help?
Naru: Great idea! We should get Player-chan to My☆Deco the shop!
Ann: And you really like decorating, right, Naru? If you combine both of your powers, you’ll definitely be able to deco Prism Stone into an amazing shop!
Naru: Yeah! Player-chan, would you deco the shop with me?
Choice: Decorating looks fun! / You’d be better off doing this alone
Naru: Yaaay! I’m so happynaru that we can My☆Deco together!!! I’m sure that by working together, we’ll be able to use our power to do some great decorating!
Momo: Your power will go up by using My☆Deco with Naru!
Naru: Then… Let’s My☆Deco, Player-chan!
(mydeco with 2 charms. Up until now we could only use 1 charm iirc)
Naru: So cool! We were able to use two My☆Deco charms!
Momo: Your My☆Deco power has evolved, Player!!!
Naru: I’ll think up a display with this cute My☆Deco stone! Decorating with you has given me a lot of new ideas! Oh yeah! Why don’t you put on a prism show with this My☆Deco stone?
Ann: Ooh, yeah! What a yummy idea! You’ll be able to perfectly match the vibe of the shop’s new display! It’s settled, Player will be putting on today’s show! With your My☆Deco coord…
Naru: Let’s! Prism show!! Happynaru!!!
(prism show)
Naru: Great work, Player-chan! That was a super, super, suuuuper Player-ish show.
Ann: The sparkle from wearing your own original My☆Deco stone’s coord really is great!!! Power up your My☆Deco even more, and make even more beautiful coords so you can put on even more sparkly shows!!! Well, id I’m not gonna lose to you, I’ll need to make even more new desserts!
Naru: I’ll also deco a lot more displays!
Momo: Gimme mo-more dessert!!!
???: ...hot…!!
Naru: Huh!? This voice…
??? (Ito): …
Naru: Ito-chan!!
Ito: The person who set off this flaming-hot atmosphere… seems to be you. But… who are you?
RL Chapter 8: Cool Rock is High-Spirited!
Ito: …
Ann: Hey, Ito… Stop glaring at Player.
Ito: Huuh!? I’m not staring at them!
Ann: Well, it sure looks like you are. Just stop looking at them like that…
Naru: You do look kinda scary right now!
Ito: Huuuh!? Scary!?
Naru: EEP! Sorryyyy!
Ito: Well? Do you think I’m scary too!?
Choice: Yes… you’re scaring me… / Nah, you’re not scary
Ito: Not scary… yeah. I’m not scary…!
Naru: Ah, Ito-chan looks happy! She’s smiling~
Ito: I’m not happy! And I didn’t… smile…
Ann: Ahh, that’s it. You’re just interested in Player then, Ito!
Ito: I… wouldn’t say I’m interested in them…
Ann: Heey, if you’re interested in them, you’ve gotta introduce yourself properly!
Ito: ...I’m Ito. Suzuno Ito. I’m in charge of makeup in Prism Stone. ...Pleasure. Your last show was hot.
Naru: Did you see Player-chan’s other shows, Ito-chan? They were amazing, right?
Ito: Uhh… Player’s definitely shown their strengths with lovely and pop, but…
Naru: What? Is there something you’ve been curious about?
Ito: Well… I’ve just been thinking that Player could put on an even hotter show… if they learned about a style with a different power to lovely or pop…
Ann: Hey, that’s great!
Ito: Huh? Great???
Ann: Teach Player all about the power of cool, Ito!
Ito: Huh!? You want me to teach them about cool’s power!? I can’t do that…
Naru: It’ll be fine~! If you let Player-chan see your rocking cool power, they’ll be able to put on a flaming hot show~!
Ito: Rock… Well, I guess Player putting on a rock show wouldn’t be too bad. But only if you’re able to keep up with my passionate rock. Player… do you have three cool stones? Okay, it looks like you do. Got it… In that case, let’s start your Seventh Jump Challenge. I want to feel your passion for rock, so this time you’ll be challenging High-Spirit (norinori) mode. Jump the cool Seventh Jump and get 1800 carats, and your rocking cool, hot heart should awaken. ...Now, it’s time. Think you can keep up with my rocking passion? Heartbeat heat!!!
(prism show)
Ito: …
Naru: What? Whatwhatwhat? What’s uo, Ito-chan…? You’re glaring at Player-chan again… Why??? It was a really good show, wasn’t it~?
Ito: ...hot…
Naru: Ah! She smiled!!!
Ito: Player… You were able to keep up with me. That was a cool… and hot… prism show.
Naru: Yaay, Ito-chan looks really happy!!
Ann: If you’re so happy then you should be complimenting them straight away~
Ito: Sh… shut up! I mean, um… It certainly was a hot show… But it’s only the beginning… Rock is really deep, after all…
Naru: Ooh~ So you think Player-chan will be able to put on even better shows in the future?
Ann: You really can’t be honest with your feelings~
Ito: Sh… shut uuuuuuup!!!
Momo: Why are you shouting and messing around!?
Ito: Momo-owner… We weren’t…
Momo: This is what I hear when I specially come to bring you guys some good news…
Ann: What good news!? Hurry up and tell us, please!!!
Momo: Momomo… It’s this!!! The prism show tournament ‘Dreaming Session’!!! It’s the commencement announcement!!!
Naru: Tour… tournament!? Whaaaaaaat!?!?
RL Chapter 9: First Tournament, Dreaming Session!
Momo: Momomo! Are you all surprised? The prism show tournament’s starting! And that tournament’s name is… Dreaming Session!
Naru: Dreaming session, huh~
Ann: A tournament sounds fun!
Momo: Of course! And Prism Stone will be entering! If we get good results in the tournament, Prism Stone’s popularity will go up and up!!!
Ito: ...But… who’ll we enter?
Momo: I… haven’t thought about that yet!!!
Ann: You haven’t… Get a grip, Owner!
Momo: Quiet, quiet! You can all decide who’s entering!!
Naru: Who’s gonna represent us in the tournament… Hm…
Rinne: ...tournament…
Naru: Rinne-chan! What’s up? Do you wanna enter the tournament?
Rinne: ...no… Player… tournament…
Ito: You think Player should enter?
Rinne: ...Player’s… sparkly…
Ann: I think that’s a good idea too! There’s a load of people who wanna see their passionate show… and the tournament’s a place where your growth is measured. Player, you should test your current strength in the tournament!
Naru: I agreeeeee!!! You should enter Dreaming Session, Player-chan!
Choice: I’ll enter! / This is pretty sudden…
Ann: You’ll definitely do well in the tournament with that drive! And maybe… you’ll even win!
Momo: Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to get Player registered!
Naru: I can’t wait for Dreaming Session!!
Ann: Until then, let’s practise as much as possible together!!!
Rinne: …
…Several days later…
Ann: It’s finally the day of Dreaming Session!
Naru: Woah~ There’s a lot of entrants and a lot of audience members!
Ito: It’s really lively and hot here.
Ann: It’s your turn soon, Player. Are you ready? Do your best out there!! -Wait, huh? Isn’t that…
Yuuhi: Is that… Player-chan! Konnichihello!
Naru: It’s Yuuhi-chan from Cosmo☆Sisters!
Amane: Amane is also present. It’s pleasant to see that all of Prism Stone’s esteemed staff are here together.
Naru: Are you guys entering too?
Amane: No, we are not entrants. We are simply…
Cosmo: Here to see the fashionable stars who are entering the tournament.
Naru: Cosmo-chan!?!?
Ann: Woah! The real Houjou Cosmo!? What an aura…
Cosmo: You’re entering the tournament, Player? Hm… make sure to use the power of My☆Deco. What kind of stylish show will you show us… I’m cosmically looking forward to seeing it. Laters.
Naru: ...They left.
Ann: Even your rival Houjou Cosmo came to Dreaming Session! Use this opportunity to become even more popular! Well, looks like it’s time to perform. Let’s go to the stage!
Rinne: ...Player… definitely… awaken… wings of courage… Make your heart take flight…
(prism show. Rinnes whole wings stuff is just her telling you to do a prism live)
Naru: Amazing, amazing!!! That was the most sparkly, wonderful show you’ve ever done! You’re amazing, Player-chan!!! ...Wait, huh??? Something’s on your back…
Rinne: ...Your heart’s wings… have awakened…
Ito: Wait, these are… Prism Feathers!?!?
Naru: Player-chan got them in their first tournament because they worked hard and built up their confidence! These Feathers are so pretty… and sparkly… They really suit you!
Cosmo: ...How nice.
Ann: Houjou Cosmo!?!?
Cosmo: That was a very cosmic show. I felt your… fashion power.
Amane: Oh, it seems the results shall be announced shortly.
Yuuhi: I can’t waaaait to find out who won!
Cosmo: “Who won”? You shouldn’t have to wait for the results to know the winner… The most radiant show was… Player’s, right?
Live broadcast: The winner of Dreaming Session is Player-san!!!
Naru: Woah! You really won your first ever tournament!!!
Cosmo: ...Congrats. From now on you’re going to be a lot busier. Why? I’ll tell you when we see each other again. ...Seeya.
Yuuhi: Sayonarabyebye!
Naru: Cosmo-chan knew that you won before the results were announced…
Ito: She’s a really cool girl. Houjou Cosmo, huh…
Ann: Now let’s hurry up and go back to Prism Stone so we can celebrate! What’ll I make~?
(something flashes past)
Ann: ...huh??? Did some green thing… fly past us just now??
Rinne: ...Kappa…
Ann: Kappa!?!?
Momo: Who are you calling a kappa!?!?
Ann: Momo-owner!? Oh, so the kappa was just Momo-owner…
Ito: But… the kappa just now was green…
Ann: Yeah, you’re right… What was that…?
Momo: Who cares about some stupid kappa!? We need to hurry back to the shop for our dessert party!
Ann: I guess you’ve got a point! We need to celebrate Player’s victory and their feathers awakening!
Naru: Yeah! Let’s go!!
Ito: Ahh…
Rinne: ...Player… do you like… kappas?
Ann: Hey, Player! Hurry, hurryyyy!
Rinne: ...take flight… with your wings…
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design Intro+Prologue English Translation
(So, this game has 2 versions: Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design, and PriPara & Pretty Rhythm: PriPara de Tsukaeru Osyare Item 1450! (roughly "you can use 1450 items with PriPara!"), which is an updated cashgrab version of Kirakira My☆Design that adds a new story mode featuring Laala and Hiro. There are two slightly different versions of this intro, AFAIK they're identical past the cutoff point.)
Intro (Rainbow Live)
??? (Meganee): Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live is a fun game where you can get sparkling stones! The controls are simple, so even beginners can enjoy it!
BG Character 1: Hey, how many prism stones have you collected?
BG Character 2: Only a couple. But look at this stone!
BG Character 3: Hey, that’s a rare stone! Lucky~ It better be my turn to play soon…
??? (Meganee): Once you insert a coin, the game will start! Look, it’s your turn to play if you want. Will you try Pretty Rhythm?
Choice: Maybe I will! / Nah, I’m good
??? (Meganee): Aw, c’mon, give it a go! Now, put the headphones into the jack. Can you hear the music? Okay, you’re ready to go to the world Rainbow Live, which is coloured by seven-hued music!
Intro (PriPara)
??? (Meganee): Welcome to Prism Stone! You can play super fun games here which let you wear a bunch of stylish coords! The controls are easy, so even beginners can enjoy them!
BG Character 1: Yaay! My Idol Rank went up!
BG Character 2: Nice! Let’s snap tomotickets!
BG Character 3: I really wanna meet Meganii-sama~ It better be my turn to play soon…
??? (Meganee): Hehe! PriPara’s super popular today too! And over here you can play Pretty Rhythm! Would you like to try playing Pretty Rhythm?
Choice: Yeah, I’ll try! / Hm, should I…?
??? (Meganee): Thank you! Please enjoy the world of Pretty Rhythm! Now, put the headphones into the jack. Can you hear the music? Okay, you’re ready to go to the world of Pretty Rhythm, which will make your heart sparkle!
(both are the same from now on)
Prologue: Your Unique Story
??? (Meganee): ...Welcome. Have you come to? You’re wondering where this is, right? I can read it on your face! Sorry, I’ll explain what’s up. This is the Prism Space, where everyone comes to prepare for prism shows. Now, if you’ll give me your stone… huh? You don’t have one?? That’s weird… I can sense the shining sparkle of a prism stone from you, I wonder why… hm… Ah! Could it be… this sparkle is your heart’s shining! Yeah, I’m right! How lucky! I’ve been looking for someone like you! Hehehe, yesss! ...wait, I’m getting ahead of myself! We should introduce ourselves!
Meganee: My name is Akai Meganee, I help everyone with their coords. Call me Meganee! Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?
(Name, birthday, mychara creation)
Meganee: Thanks for telling me! I feel like I know you pretty well now. Nice to officially meet you, Player-chan! Hm… this shine… it really is your heart’s sparkle. You have a power! You have the power of a sparkling heart that can connect worlds! However, at the moment it’s a weak power… but by working hard and having a bright prism sparkle, you’ll be able to improve your power! That being said, I have a request. Please travel to a different world from here on out. I want you to study the prism sparkle! ‘What kind of world’, you say? Hehehe! I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise of seeing for yourself! Make sure to meet the me of that world! Now, it’s time to depart… Make your heart’s power shine bright! Have a nice trip!!!
(We go into a magic prism door)
Ah! Oh no! Wait a second, Player-chan! I forgot to tell you something important! There’s someone like you who possesses a similar power in the world you’re going to! Her power is…
Meganee: ...They’re gone… Did they hear what I just said…? Ah, whatever. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Their sparkling heart’s the real deal, after all! If everyone brings the power of their hearts together, the door to paradise will surely open… Good luck, Player-chan!
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prettyallfriends · 4 years ago
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live: Kirakira My☆Design (RL) Chapter 4, 5, 6 English Translation
(No Cosmo :( )
RL Chapter 4: A Sparkling Prism Live with Rinne
Naru: Cosmo-chan hasn’t shown up since then, huh? Maybe she’s busy getting ready for the Harajuku Style-Jack? Her Design power was really cool though! Player-chan’s My☆Deco power and Cosmo-chan’s Design power are both so happynaru! Right, Momo-owner?
Momo: Momomomomomomo… I want more desserts…
Naru: Hey, Owner! Were you listening to anything I just said!?
Momo: Huh!? Of… of course I’m listening!
Naru: This isn’t the time for sleeping~
Momo: I was just thinking!! The two who hold these powers… I mean, I thought My☆Deco and Design were just legends. Player, do you know why you have the power of My☆Deco? ...What!? Akai Meganee told you!? Akai Meganee asked you to come to this world!?
Naru: Wait, so you’re from another world???
Momo: But it doesn’t seem like you’re from Prism World. What kind of world did Meganee take you from, and why? Hm… the mysteries keep piling up…
??? (Rinne): ...the prism sparkle…
Naru: Oh! I’ll introduce you! This is…
Rinne: ...Rinne… I can feel… a sparkling radiance… Do you like prism shows, Player?
Choice: I love them! / I’m not sure yet
Rinne: I’m glad… The wings of my heart… are flying… Believe… in the wings of your heart… Don’t fear… the shining sky… Fly to a new world, Player…
Naru: A new world???
Rinne: ...Prism Live…
Naru: Player-chan can perform Prism Lives too!?
Rinne: ...let’s go, Player… Open the door to a new world…
(prism show)
Naru: Amazing!!! You pulled off a great Prism Live!
Rinne: Did you feel the new world…?
Naru: If you can pull off a Prism Live, you’ll make the audience even more happynaru! Work hard so that you can learn looooots of new stuff, okay?
Rinne: And your heart… will shine…
Momo: Your shining heart can open the door to a new world… Okay! You’re gonna try lots of new things! If you do, you’ll definitely find the reason you were called to this world! ...Probably~...
Naru: “Probably”... Gosh, Momo-owner~...
Momo: By incorporating prism lives, you’ll be able to think of brand new shows!! ...just you and Naru.
Naru: Whaaat!?!? You won’t be helping us think of new shows, Momo-owner!?
Momo: You shouldn’t need me, you’re the manager!!
Naru: That’s not fair!!!
Rinne: ...Player… Thank you… With your radiance… you’ll surely… save this town…
Naru: Waaah~ We have to think up some shows, Player-chaaaan!
Momo: In order to open the door to a new world… And in order for me to be able to eat lots more desserts!!! You gotta work!!!
Naru: Waaaaaah!!!
RL Chapter 5: 100% Lovely Naru~
Naru: Hmmmm… She suddenly tells us to think up a new show… What kinda show would be good? What do you think, Rinne-chan?
Rinne: ...Milk…
Naru: Okay…
Rinne: ...I like… milk…
Naru: Good point. Hot milk’s yummy too~ But we can’t make a show based on this!! What do we doooooo!? What kind of show do you think we should do, Player-chan?
Choice: I want to try a new jump / I want to do a unique show!
Naru: A new jump… Yeah, that could work! And the audience will love it. We’ve come up with a great idea! It wouldn’t be Prism Stone if we didn’t make the audience happynaru! Hey, can I ask for a favour, Player-chan? Since you learned how to perform Prism Lives… why not try a Seventh Jump next? When we do a prism jump, the audience becomes dyed in our coord’s colour. It really gets the audience pumped up, and makes them feel happynaru! When we gather enough of that happynaru feeling, we can perform a Seventh Jump!
Rinne: Seventh Jump… happynaru…
Naru: I’m sure you have a bunch of coords that would work. Lovely, pop, cool, sexy, feminine, ethnic, and star! Perform each style’s Seventh Jump! First up is lovely, my favorite style! Do you have 3 lovely My☆Deco stones? Ooh, of course you do! In that case, it’s time for your Seventh Jump Challenge! If you can perform the lovely Seventh Jump, and get 1,200 carats in your performance, today’s prism show will be a huuuge success! Good luck dyeing the audience's hearts lovely pink!
(prism show)
Naru: Woooow!!! It was super happy pink! You pulled off 100% Pure x2 Arrow super well!!! You were able to get the audience to create lots of lovely power! Your show also made me really happynaru! I hope more and more people come see your shows!
Rinne: ...Yummy…
Naru: Hm? What’s up, Rinne? You hungry?
??? (Ann): Wait wait wait! What was up with that show just now!?!?
Naru: Oh! You were watching the show, Ann-chan?
Ann: Yeah, it was a super yummy show! A fluffy sweetness like candy floss… It had a really lovely flavour! And the person who put on that show was… wait, you!?!?
Naru: I’ll introduce you, Player-chan. This is…
Ann: Come with me for a sec, Player! I have something to ask you!
Naru: Wait up, Ann-chan! You can’t just drag Player-chan… wherever you want!!! ...They left! Wait just a minute, guys! Listen to your manager!!!
Rinne: ...There, there…
RL Chapter 6: Harajuku Style-Jack: Start!
Ann: Over here, over here! Ha… we’re here! Well then, let’s start. Are you readyyyy!?
Choice: Hell yeah!! / Huh? Ready for what???
Ann: Yeah! I really like motivated people! Let’s staaaaaart!!
Naru: Wai- wait a second! Hah… hah… hah…
Ann: Hm? What’s up, Naru?
Naru: What do you mean, “what’s up”!? You dragged Player-chan here!! You didn’t even introduce yourself or anything!
Ann: Ahaha, sorry! I guess I did drag them away pretty suddenly. My name is Fukuhara Ann.I’m in charge of the desserts at Prism Stone. Nice to meetcha, Player! ...hm? Why do I know who you are? What are you talking about!?!? You don’t mean… you haven’t seen it??? Here, look at this, it’s Harajuku Style Snap.
Naru: Popular Fashionista Special Feature… Look! There’s an interview with Cosmo-chan! And her top rival… here! Prism Stone’s… Player-chan!!! Woooah!! She talks about My☆Deco too1
Ann: I wanted to meet you as soon as I read it! Hey, Player… I have something I want to ask you!!! Could you help me think up some pop dessert?
Naru: Pop dessert???
Ann: Yeah! Prism Stone’s becoming more popular lately, so I want to desserts that will shake up their hearts like the pop style of clothes! Your heart’s power sparkles pure white like a marshmallow… So will you lend me your power…?
Momo: ...dessert…
Ann: Ahh! This ominous feeling is…
Momo: I would also like you to help Ann make desserts!!
Ann: Owner…
Momo: Good idea! If you make a new dessert… you’ll attract even more customers! So go and make some!!
Naru: You just want to eat whatever they make, don’t you Momo-owner…?
Momo: That… that’s not true… I… That’s it! I simply had an idea! If Ann teaches you about the power of pop, you may be able to perform yet another new jump, Player!
Naru: The pop Seventh Jump!!!
Momo: Exactly! It’ll be a peach of cake!!! A heavier cash flow and the pop Seventh Jump… It’s a win win, two birds with one stone! Mo~mo~mo~mo!!!
Ann: Great!! So, do you have 3 pop My☆Deco stones, Player? Ooh, nice! You do! In that case, let’s start your Seventh Jump Challenge!!! If you can perform the pop Seventh Jump and get 1,500 carats, your pop power will help me create a pop dessert! Put on a yummy show!!!
(prism show)
Ann: You did it!!! Here’s my pop dessert, eat up!
Momo: Dessert!!! Give me some! Momomunch momomunch momomomo… Delicious!!!
Naru: What a colourful pop dessert with lots of fruit! And this sweet smell will definitely bring in customers, and maybe people we meet may also become customers...
Momo: ...and we’ll get further in the Harajuku Style-Jack!
Ann: The what now? Someone you meet might become a customer? Harajuku Style-Jack?
Momo: Oh yeah, you don’t know yet! I’ll tell you all about it! First I’ll explain how someone you meet can become a customer.
(streetpass tutorial/explanation)
Momo: Well? Do you understand StreetPass now?
Ann: Yeah, it sounds fun! Let’s go meet people!
Momo: Wait! I still need to tell you about the Harajuku Style-Jack!
Ann: Oh yeah! Tell me, tell meeee!
Momo: Geez, you’re a real peach of work… Well, first off, look at this!
(cosmo on billboards everywhere)
Momo: This is what Harajuku looks like right now. Cosmo is everywhere… However, there’s no need to worry! The battle has just begun! We can also dye Harajuku the colour of Prism Stone!
(harajuku oshare jack tutorial. The tutorial is one page long and basically just says ‘do stuff lol’)
Momo: If you My☆Deco, do prism shows, and meet lots of fashionable people, people who’ve witnessed you power will show up as customers, Player! You can check the number of customers in the Prism Pod in the main menu!
Ann: Oooh! That’s yummy! Now I wanna make more desserts to hype up Prism Stone! It’s thanks to you that I was able to make this pop dessert, Player! Thank you! From here on out, let’s make our prism shows and Prism Stone even yummier together!
Naru: I’ll work hard with you guys! Let’s meet new people in new places from now on!
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