#the prince gets some holly bc plants...
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birdmenmanga · 4 months ago
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graphic design is my fucking burden, this still doesn't feel christmasy but I don't think we can even improve it beyond this point, it is late, I need to sleep and make big decisions tomorrow about what to do about my entire life
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awxward · 4 years ago
Hey bud, is it ok to get some taichi and omi friendship hc??? I love the mom and son duo so much!! It would be v appreciated
Platonic Taichi and Omi
Y'know B Dylan Hollis who makes the funny vintage baking videos??? They try making those recipes and record the others trying them.
They always have at least one day a week where they are released into the kitchen to do whatever they want.
Just creativity, whats in the kitchen, and imagination.
Has resulted in many abominations. Like queso marshmallow and ranch jelly.
Some are good. Some are abominations. Others require the Fire Department to arrive.
Taichi is the taste tester for new recipes
Taichi steals borrows shirts and jackets from Omi bc they comfy and oversized. and smell like food.
Buy each other the weirdest and most random things.
Taichi: Omi! I got you a thing today!!!
Omi: ???
Omi: What is it???
Taichi: Nobody knows, certainly not me!
Omi: thanks, Taichi. I got you something as well.
Taichi: is that a giant plushie of a cookie????
Omi: Yep!
Taichi: [tearing up] its amazing, absolutely perfect, i love it! Thanks, Omi!
They have a large lava lamp collection thats spread throughout the dorms/theatre.
They make up stories before they go to bed
Taichi: And then [continues until his brain is out of ideas]
Omi: [continues the story until he's out of ideas]
This happens until they are asleep.
When Taichi is in trouble/needs help he'll call Omi. If Omi is unavailable, he calls Sakyo.
They have a cd player and a large collection of cd's.
So many highlighters and colored pens that are only there bc they were bought on impulse.
They share custody of an Aloe Vera plant. His name is Tsukki.
Tsukki's watering schedule is in their phone calendars and also written out on note cards by him.
They research random things for fun. Haunted/abandoned places, space, random famous people, weird animals, strange plants, etc.
Make conspiracies abt the weirdest things.
Taichi: Prince Philip died April 9.
Omi: April 9 is Tsuzuru's bday.
Taichi: Chikage's bday is April 15.
Omi: Are you implying Chikage sunk the Titanic???
Taichi: And did crime bruleé to the french!
They have lots of play-doh + toys that are all around the dorm. Anyone can play with it, but everyone knows they brought it there.
Everytime they go out in public together people assume they are brothers.
Taichi models for lots of Omi's pics!!!
Omi helps Taichi get better with sewing needles by making random plushies with him.
They made a curry plushie for Izumi and Chikage. There's a plushie that looks like a can of Mtn. Dew and Itaru loves it.
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paradife-loft · 5 years ago
part 2 of Watership Down thoughts.... a lot longer than part 1, oops.
BLACKAVAR, oh my gosh, Blackavar is also my favourite and I love him a lot ;____; (this is also a lot of what I mean w/ the Efrafans behaving like humans - the specific punishment given to him is very much a calculated thing to make an example, and a wound that even once healed is never going to look normal and unmarked. it doesn’t seem like the sort of thing most other rabbits would come up with, since they tend to be so much more concerned with what’s right in front of them.)
the part where Hyzenthlay is also a prophet like Fiver! I’d completely forgotten that angle as well; it’s very cool.
re: my earlier note about the purpose of Efrafa’s social structure - it’s interesting; the line about preventing the white blindness is what Holly brings back to tell the rest of the warren, but then when we get the bit of Woundwort’s POV, that seems like only a latecoming portion of the rationale for all of it? I wonder if that’s an intentional discrepancy to point out, maybe what the lower-ranking members of the warren are told and believe, versus Woundwort’s actual power-centric motivations? but it explains why I’d forgotten the former bit, in any case.
BLACKAVAR FEELS 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO or: oh my god, the bit where he follows Hazel under the bridge just because he figured well, it was an order? and then went to go find the others anyway even though he was exhausted???? the part where he tries to convince the group to continue on because it’s fox country out of nothing but general patrol intuition, gets voted down, and then up and forgets he made the suggestion bc that’s how you do things under Totalitarian Hell Warren, even though he’s later proved right??!?! I love him and I love the insight into Efrafan culture, and everything. also when we find out that he and the Efrafans in general have A DIFFERENT ACCENT? how is this fellow so precious. how.
This Fucking Passage, omg - ““Probably he really has. But whether or not, you’d never get him to admit that he warned you or to listen while you told him he’d been right. He could no more do that than pass hraka underground.” // “But you’re an Efrafan. Do you think like that, too?” // “I’m a doe,” said Hyzenthlay.”
this occurred to me several times beforehand, but I kept forgetting to include it - everything takes such a short period of time, by human standards! there’s barely a day or two between every major event that happens; I think in total the novel can’t cover more than a month of time, and that’s on the far side? it’s such a weird position to occupy, because you naturally want to stretch the events out to a longer timescale that better “matches” the intuitive/emotional sense portrayed (and allows for all these injuries to heal, holy shit?), but in the context of a rabbit’s lifetime, the way they experience just a few days feels very different from how we think of just a few days.
this is just a hypothesis, but - I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on between the switching between Lapine and English translations, w/ names especially, and - I think it essentially works in the same way as how/why I switch between standard Sindarin names in narration, and Quenya in dialogue, when writing Silm material?? which is very cool. something something old English dudes who like plants and language...
Bigwig getting bad language past the radar and literally saying “eat shit, stinklord” XD fucking iconic. (also frequently quoted, as I recall, by all of us ten year olds reading the book for class who were delighted by any and all ways of insulting people in words the adults around wouldn’t understand.)
it’s honestly fascinating just how many different non-rabbit animals the main characters end up establishing alliances with or otherwise using to their advantage in their conflict with Efrafa? Kehaar, the fox, the mouse, the dog? most of them due to Hazel’s instincts and strategising, too, aside from the fox, which is pretty cool as an even further extension of his main strength as a Chief Rabbit, knowing his people and their particular gifts and trusting them to use them. and beyond that - this idea that the Efrafans, who aggressively suppress their natural instincts as rabbits, despite being very skilled at perception and analysis of their surroundings, end up repeatedly at the short end of the stick in interactions with all sorts of other parts of nature? I dunno; there’s no exact dividing line “this group acts rabbit-like and this group doesn’t” to try and force on the dynamics here, and I’m really quite glad of that and think it makes for a much better story than the alternative, but. it definitely feels like some manner of emergent theme, for sure.
there’s something that just hits fucking deep about the passage: ““My Chief Rabbit has told me to defend this run and until he says otherwise I shall stay here.” // It had never occurred to Woundwort or any of his officers that Thayli was not the Chief Rabbit of his warren.... And if he was not the Chief Rabbit, then somewhere close by there must be another, stronger rabbit who was. A stronger rabbit than Thlayli.” -- especially in context with Woundwort’s meeting/failed parlay with Hazel earlier. like damn.
FUCK YEAH SCARY FIVER!!! “I am sorry for you with all my heart... Believe me, I am sorry for your death.”
“Come back, you fools! Dogs aren’t dangerous!”
god the last like, three chapters of this book have the most metal goddamn quotes ever
Vilthuril telling an embellished version of the first quarter of the book as a story of El-ahrairah’s people to her kids??!! I love that as a worldbuilding detail so much, oh my gosh. (also uhhhh, telling that the snare warren is rewritten in as “the rabbits of Prince Rainbow”, lmao. Prince Rainbow is an asshole XD)
aaaand that’s all! what a good ending. what a good book.
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