#the previous seasons weren't perfect but they were still good so if it continues at this quality i'll be satisfied.
valzhangism · 3 months
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this is one of my favourite beastars scenes ever and i can't wait to see it animated in season 3... it's so cool to see how violent, almost sadistic legosi can be when it comes to protecting herbivores.
i think a lot of people characterize legosi as this shy sweet soft boy who never wants trouble, and while it's not completely inaccurate, i think it's missing on an important aspect of his character. how passionate he can get about herbivores, because he loves them, because he's attracted to them, because he longs for them but also wants to live alongside them.
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as well as this scene in the hospital where seeing louis again makes legosi realise how he's not a picture-perfect hero who cares about "justice" and only fights because he has a fetish for herbivores. it just reiterates what kind of character and protagonist he is. and like louis says—it doesn't detract from his heroism or make him a worse person. it's still alright to call it justice, because your fetishes are still a part of who you are.
i love it so much. legosi is such a sweet and kind-hearted person but he can also be like this because of his own "pervertedness". and i can't wait to see how the show will animate it (and hope to god they don't ruin it >_<)
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daniswoso · 9 months
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I hate the way I can’t hate you.
Ona Batlle x Reader.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, verbal arguments.
When you played for Levante, you met a girl. The most perfect girl in the world, to you, at least. Ona Batlle. She was kind, caring, considerate; her eyes were brown and reminded you of quiet fall nights. Her jaw was sharp and her mousy brown hair was always tied back in a plait.
Her personality was one of the best you had ever seen. She had the ability to care so fiercely for others while also keeping a level head, she was always soft spoken and polite but also charismatic and humorous. She was possibly the most humble person you had ever met, too.
You may have been young, but you were sure as hell in love.
And you don't think you've been able to love quite right ever since she broke your heart.
You started out at Levante together, you played football together, studied for school together. You trained together, lived together, ate together, went to the gym together. You were attached at the hip. So when her departure to Manchester United was announced, it was saddening. But you made your peace with it.
You had both decided you were going to make it work. You had too.
Ona, for a long time, was the only constant in your life. Your family and home life had never been particularly stable or good. You hadn't come from riches or fame. You had to work hard to get where you were today. And you continued to.
When you first went pro, you promised yourself you weren't going to let relationships get in the way of your career, but somehow Ona managed to break down your walls and your tough facade. Simply by being her.
She was a part of your heart. So when she suddenly ended things half way into her first season at United, a part of your heart died.
She did it over text.
To say you were heartbroken was an understatement. It felt as though a piece of you had fallen away, crumbled as you read those words. The words you had hoped to never hear. The words you never thought you would hear.
And so you needed to get away, from everything Ona. From anything that reminded you of her. And that meant leaving the only other constant in your life, Levante.
Plenty of things have changed recently, you thought, what's one more?
And it was difficult, but eventually you settled into Real Madrid. Content with only seeing her at Champions League matches, or in national friendlies where you would have to play alongside her.
You were content, but never quite happy.
You had had many failed talking stages and one night stands, often random women from bars. You always left before they even got the chance to stirr awake, leaving their bed cold and empty. Although you always felt guilty after, you continued with it. It was what worked.
You didn't fall in love, you weren't sure you could. And leaving before they could wake was the best way to get away from the situation, preventing yourself from catching even the slightest hint of feeling for them. Wether it was because you were still holding out some hope she'd come back, or because you simply didn't want a relationship; you weren't sure.
You couldn't truly love anyone again. You couldn't let yourself truly love anyone again. Ona had broken you, and wether it was for the better or the worse you didn't know. But you had a strong feeling it wasn't for the better.
A piece of you left with Ona the day she broke things off. You were confused, young and alone at the time. In a way you still were, you hadn't quite shed yourself of your previous naïvety.
But you were content at Real now.
Until Ona's transfer to Barcelona was announced.
It was something Ona had always dreamed about, going back to Barcelona. She’d tell you, “That club made me. They’re my home. And I promise you one day I’ll go back, with you,”
She'd say it with a smirk so charming and sweet you couldn't resist but to play into her fantasies. You would stay up all night talking to each other about everything you would do at Barcelona, how you would revolutionise the defending line.
Obviously that fell through. You went to Real Madrid instead, and you had always told yourself it was out of the need to leave; but you're fairly convinced you did it out of spite.
You felt your newly constructed life crumble around you the day you saw the news on instagram. You knew she was going to come back to Spain eventually, just like she had always planned. But you didn't think it would be this soon. She seemed happy at United.
Just your luck though, right?
Although the feelings you experienced when you saw the news alone at home was nothing compared to what you felt when you shook hands with her and met those beautiful brown eyes you thought were in your past again.
The same soft hands that had held you after harsh losses or great wins at Levante.
You never thought you'd hear her voice again. See her more often than you had to.
That match you kept your head down and did your job. And it paid off, Madrid won 3-2. Immediately after, you left for the locker rooms. But you heard the clacking of studs behind you and immediately knew who it was.
Ona. The love of your life Ona. The one who broke up with you without an explanation and over text Ona. The girl who you met when you were just a naïve young adult and had fallen in love with, was there. Stood before you, her big brown eyes glistening with unshed tears while yours were already streaming down your cheeks.
"Y/N." Her voice cracked. You winced and more tears fell, it took everything in you to not turn into a fit of sobs and cries right there and then.
"Batlle." You replied. Your voice was harsh and cold, albeit a little shaky and a tear fell down her cheek and her lip quivered as she sniffed. You fought back the urge to reach out and wipe her tears away.
"Y/N I need to explain myself, por favor." She pleaded. You felt like a giant dick for what you said next, but you said it anyway.
"Not a fucking chance. You broke me the day you left me, Ona. And to make matters worse? You did it over text with no fucking explanation," you paused, tears streaming faster, your voice trembling. You studied her face, searching for any sign of guilt or remorse, instead you were met with the sight of her looking to the ground.
"I need an explanation. Why, Ona? Why?" You said, your voice probably sounding needy now but you couldn't care less. Your mean facade had faded now and you shakily exhaled.
"I didn't want to hold you back," She said, her voice quiet and timid, her shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she held back her sobs.
"You didn't want to hold me back?" You repeat, she nods. Your sadness was replaced with a fiery hot rage that had been burning deep within you ever since that fateful day.
"You weren't fucking holding me back Ona! You never were! We had a system! We were fine!" You yelled, she flinched but you couldn't bring yourself to care. Too overcome with rage and anger to feel anything else.
"Y/N, please trust me when I say I didn't want to, but I knew I was holding you back, you were holding out for an offer from United, or Barca. I could tell-" you cut her off
"Did you ever fucking consider I was just happy at Levante?! I was captain for fucks sakes, Ona! I didn't want to leave that! I left because of you, I needed to get away from everything you!" You yelled, tears streaming down your face as Ona tilted her head back, wiping at her eyes.
"Y/N, I was right to do what I did. I mean, look at you! You're a star player for Madrid.." her voice broke again as she gestured to your grass stained Real kit.
"Right to do what you did?!" you screamed, she tilted her head to the side and shut her eyes, her lip quivering and her breathing shaky.
"I loved you, Ona! I still fucking do! I think I always will! Could you not have at least spoken to me first? Asked me if I needed space? Rather than breaking my heart and leaving me confused and trying to pick up the pieces for years?!" your anger had faded, the rage inside you simmering down now. Your upset and disappointment replacing the fury.
"Y/N-" she was cut off by you again.
"I hated you, you know?" you got out through gritted teeth, meeting her eyes as they widen and she stifled a choked sob, "Sometimes I think I still do. I hated the way everything reminded me of you. I hate the way I can't view fall the same as I used to anymore because it reminds me of your fucking eyes. But most of all, Ona?"
She looks at you, her brows furrowed and her lips tightly pressed together as they trembled while her shoulders shook ever so subtly as she suppressed her sobs.
"I hate the way I can't ever truly hate you."
And that was all it took, she broke down, mumbling apologies. But it was too late. You had retreated into your locker room, leaving Ona's Barcelona teammates to collect her.
You needed to heal. And now you had an explanation and closure, you finally could.
And the first step in that is letting go of the thing that hurt you the most. And for you, that just so happened to be the love of your goddamn life.
But it didn't matter. You would get through it.
Hi! Sorry. This was very sad, I was just in an angsty kinda mood haha. Also! English is not my first language so please feel free to correct my grammar lol. Hope you're all having a good day, night or afternoon and staying hydrated.
Yours truly,
author :)
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rosesbxrry · 2 years
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Jake X Girlfriend! Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut🔞(Minors DNI), established relationship! AU
Warnings: Dom! Jake, unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it), cream pie, heavy food play, fellatio (blowjob), throat fucking, making out, slight ass spanking, dirty talking, riding, slight slut shaming, Jake calling you a bunch a pet names (baby, baby girl, slut, doll, good girl), breast worshipping, praising/ degradation. Hopefully I didn’t miss out anything else. 
Summary: Gingerbread cookies; sweet and warm, perfect for the Christmas season as the smell overwhelms your shared apartment with Jake. However, what seems to be an innocent baking activity you spent with him for Chirstmas Eve turns into something more delectable than the confectionary.
A Holiday Special: ➜ Jake
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Sunghoon |
Main masterlist
Word count: 3,911 words
a/n: This was suppose to be posted 3 days ago but of course, in true fashion, I was late in writing it in time. I’m sure the mood for Christmas is already over but I’m determine to finish this as soon as possible (while enjoying writing it for u guys too). This would also be the second last fic for the holiday special so I hope u guys enjoyed it and Happy New year!
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There is something special about the Christmas holidays that is imbued with a magical aura of warmth and happiness. It's a month filled with festive food, decorations, songs, and movies that overwhelm you with nostalgia.
You and Jake decided to celebrate the season together this year instead of choosing to be with your families and relatives separately. The plan was to spend Christmas Eve bundled up with blankets and matching pajamas, watching a bunch of movies on the couch while eating an unhealthy amount of snacks until Christmas morning. 
What initially begins as an innocent trip to the supermarket becomes a spontaneous shopping spree for ingredients to make gingerbread cookies. You weren't sure how the both of you ended up with that idea, but it proved to be regrettable further into the baking process. 
Jake is an awful baker (Jungwon would vouch for that), while you were manageable as long as the recipe was concise. Still, the odd pairing of each other's ability in the kitchen was bound to end in a mishap, which led to the scene of two people staring at a tray of cookies in the oven, hoping that it won't burn like the previous batch. 
By some miracle, you both persevere until the end; Jake places the last batch of perfectly baked cookies onto a drying rack while you whip some of the decorative vanilla icings to be placed on top of the confectionery. 
The large window of your shared apartment displayed the amount of time that has passed, the city night below illuminated as the moon and stars became the sole residents under the dark sky. Only a few windows appear lit at the blocks across, indicating the vacancy of the vicinity during the holidays. 
"We should never do this again next year." Jake groans beside you, pulling on his flour-stained apron around his waist. You chuckle when he plops down to rest his elbows on the kitchen counter, his chin on a palm while mindlessly in a daze with exhaustion on his face. 
You nudge at his side playfully, but he doesn't budge like a statue. 
"Did it take you that long to realize?" You said, gripping the whisk handle a little harder to work the powdered sugar and milk mixture together. 
He shook his head, and his wispy bangs followed his movement. "I knew the moment the first cookies looked like they belonged in the toilet." 
His deadpan response caused you to snort in amusement. 
"Why didn't you say anything?" 
He shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't want to ruin the mood." 
He leans down to your level to snuggle his chin on your shoulder, his nose slightly buried in the sweater you were wearing. A slight tilt of your neck to the side caused a bump of your head with his affectionately, continuing to work on the icing while he watched. 
"Well, when I'm done, we can cuddle on the sofa while we wait for the cookies to cool down. How does that sound?" You murmured. 
Jake nodded his head, but his chin clung to your shoulder, so you had to stifle a smile at how adorable he was. He looked like a puppy silently begging for his owner's attention but couldn't because he wanted to be a good boy and patiently wait for you to be ready. 
You've been dating for two years now, and you could interpret by the glint in his eyes when you suggested the offer that he was in dire need of some intimacy. 
Once the consistency of the icing satisfied you, the next step was to divide it into different bowls for the colouring process. At the same time, some of the icings had flown out of the mixing pot onto your index finger, which you instinctively brought to your mouth to lick it off casually. 
A disgusted grunt left your mouth, causing him to look at you curiously. 
"It's too sweet." You declared. "I think I put too much powdered sugar."
Jake watches your face and eyebrows scrunch up in annoyance, smacking your mouth as you inspect the flavour to find a solution to save it. His gaze was attentive on your lips, swallowing down the desire in his throat. 
"Can I have a taste?" 
"Sure, baby," You said without a second guess, reaching out to grab a teaspoon for him to use. "Let me just take—"
It took you by surprise when he grabbed your wrist before you could leave while his other hand held your jaw, bringing you closer to his face to kiss you. His plump lips capture yours as you close your eyes to relish how he moves to deepen the kiss. 
He tasted like warm bittersweet chocolate; the kisses candies he had a few hours ago still lingered. 
You reach out to cup his face, feeling his breath fan the high points of your cheeks. Jake tilts his head to the side, his movement firm as he wraps his arms around your waist, pressing you close to his body as you moan softly when he bites at your lower lip.
He licks the nibbled area sensually, signalling you to open wide to let his tongue slip past the cavern of your mouth, caressing your taste buds as you share one breath with each other at the heated moment. 
It made you wonder if he could taste the icing in your mouth. 
Jake slowly loosens the connection, taking one last lap at your puffed lips before moving away. Through lidded eyes, you watch him tuck the cushion of his bottom lip between his teeth; laboured breathing fills the space of intense silence. 
"If I tell you a way not to waste the icing," He whispered close to your lips, hands sliding up the ends of your sweater. A soft sigh escapes your mouth when his calloused fingers smooth your stomach. "Would you be down to get a little dirty with me?" 
Your cheeks burned at his suggestive offer— imagining how sticky the substance would feel gliding up and down on each other's skin, especially when it would be his veiny and large hands stroking the cream filthy across your whole body as you writhed under his lubricated touches. 
You almost moan at the thought of rubbing the icing on each other's private areas. 
Something throbs in you at the obscene act, an arousing feeling that makes you tug his hair on the back of his neck to press his body closer to yours. 
You didn't need to verbalize the agreement; your action speaks louder than words as he smirks against your jaw, pulling at the strings of your apron on your back. 
"Then let's take off our clothes, yeah?" 
One by one, articles of clothing slowly piled on the kitchen floor, stripping each other naked until you realize how chilly the winter night felt biting your bare skin. However, the moment Jake's lips kissed you eagerly again, you felt the flame blooming inside warming you up. 
Jake mouthed sloppily, his tongue darting back and forth in your cavern forcefully as his nose bumped against yours. You hungrily push back, saliva collecting under your tongue that it was impossible not to make erotic wet sounds as the kiss turned messy. 
"Ahhh— Jake," You whined, throwing your head back when you felt the icing on his hand grope your breast. 
He had quietly gathered the sweet cream in his hand, smothering it on your chest in a circular motion. He smears some on your hardened nipples, feeling yourself melt when he fondles the nubs with his slick thumb with the right amount of pleasure.  
"Look at you, messy girl." He cooed. "Why don't you do the same for me, hm? Can my girl make me nice and dirty?" 
Slick was beginning to drip from your folds, the idea of food play turning you on more than you thought. You scope up a decent amount of cream on your palm before spreading it across his toned torso, and Jake immediately groans at the sensation. 
"Jakey, you're so hot." You drawled. 
You drag your hands up to his chest, grazing on his nipples as his hips jerk at the contact, breathy moans escaping his deliciously puffy lips. His bangs had fallen to cover the upper half of his closed eyes into an enticing view.  
With a covetous gaze, you gradually draw your touch lower past the dips of his hips before you rub his hardened cock, letting the icing coat his length deliciously. 
"Nghhh— fuck." He let his head fall into the crook of your neck, his abdomen tensing up as you started moving your hand up and down his thick and warm cock. 
Precum drools down from his head before it mixes with the cream, the mixture becoming agonizingly slippery against the underside of his pulsating veins as you fasten your pace, craving more friction to satiate his carnal desire. 
Jake's panting grew heavier against your skin and watching him completely crumble made you itch to ruin him more. A shaky moan slips from his throat, catching your wrist in a tight grip when you tease his swollen slit with your thumb back and forth, shuddering at the sudden pleasure shooting through his spine. 
"Shit— fucking tease…." His muffled accusation tickled your collarbone, whine an octave lower through gritted teeth. 
You wanted to laugh, but it died in your throat when one of Jake's hands grabbed your ass from behind. The harsh squeeze he had on the ample flesh got you whimpering in either pain or pleasure; at this point, you weren't sure anymore. 
"My cute girlfriend thought she could tease me and get away with it." He said, his nails slightly digging into the skin.
You wince at the prickly sensation but respond while feigning innocence. "You look like you enjoyed it, so I didn't want to stop." 
You gasped when he spanked your ass with enough power, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the space. You curl your toes in anguish as the stinging pain becomes waves of immeasurable pleasure. An incoherent moan poured out, your pussy clenching in its juices as you buck your hips with mouth agape at the way your clit was throbbing uncontrollably. 
It was an unexpected impact, enough to make you squeeze your shaky thighs together. 
Fuck, that felt so good you almost came. 
"Naughty girl thinks she can talk back now." He whispered directly into your ears, kneading the tender flesh with a satisfied look at your state after wearing his temper thin. 
The sticky residue of the cream did nothing but accentuate the desperation clawing in your stomach. 
"Should I occupy that little mouth of yours with something sweet? It looks a bit too empty." He kisses the underside of your neck, grinding his wet cock with icing against your stomach to show you what he means. 
"I thought I couldn't have dessert without dinner first?" You challenged him sweetly. 
Jake's chuckle is almost sinister, finding your taunted response amusing, although he already gave you a taste of punishment. Of course, you would use something he used to say against him at this moment. You love to do it to rail him up even more, and he also finds himself enjoying it. 
"I'll make it an exception this time." He baited, licking his bottom lip in anticipation. "So stop being a brat and get on your knees for me." 
You slowly descend to rest your weight on your knees on the kitchen tiles, kissing his bulbous head after wrapping your hand around the base of his lengthy cock. 
Jake leaned on the edge of the countertop, and lusty moans rambled in his throat when you took the tip in your hot mouth, tongue swirling around the slit to dart at the sticky mess. 
He tasted sweet in your taste buds. 
"You look fucking sexy down there, baby girl" He gathers your hair lightly, watching you from above with a dreamy look. "How does it taste? Good?"
"It tastes amazing…." You mumbled, leaning an inch lower to take one of his balls into your mouth, sucking at the tight and heavy sack like a treat while looking up at him with big and innocent eyes. "Wanna taste you some more." 
The visual of your lewd face and the sensation of you slurping his balls like a lollipop— his eyes rolled back at the pleasure, chewing at the inside of his cheeks as his length twitched and grew agonizingly hard. 
Jake took a fist full of your hair at the back, and you let him guide your mouth to take him, eyes squeezing shut as he pumps his dick in and out of your mouth. Your hand held onto his thighs for support, letting him hit his head at the back of your throat. 
"That's it, eat it up. Fucking take all of me in." He hissed. 
The force of his hips pistoning your mouth with his cock had you collapsing into a teary-eyed mess, but you persevered— bobbing your head to match his rhythm, suctioning to take more and more of him into your mouth. 
Every time he thrust in until your nose was flush against his pelvis, you ran your tongue all over his length— tasting the sweetness of the cream with an undertone of his bitter precum. 
Jake let out a frustrated growl, needing more stimulation to reach his high.
"Open your throat, baby girl— let me fuck it." 
You whimpered as he scraped his fingers harder on your scalp, mercilessly fucking your throat until the corners of your mouth spilt with the filthy mixture obscenely. Trying hard to relax your jaws and cheeks, you fought the urge to gag over his cock and squeeze his thighs hard as every inch of him was seated in your mouth. 
You were deepthroating the living daylights out of him, and Jake loved every second of it, his climax nearing its peak. 
"Swallow my cream like a slutty girl, got it?" 
His filthy encouragement only made you moan, and as soon his hip staggered with one final hard thrust, he came into your mouth. His hot seed spilt down your throat, swallowing the liquid with the remaining facial strength you had to spare. 
His grip on the back of your head softened, watching you drink up his cum as he held the base of his cock to milk out whatever he had left. 
"Fuck, such a good slut cleaning up her mess." His praises filled the silence. "She deserves to come on my cock, don't you think?" 
You hummed eagerly in response as you licked every inch of him sloppily— the way you knew he enjoyed it. 
Jake thought you looked breathtakingly hot as he pulled out to smear his sensitive tip on your lower lip. A deep flush on your cheeks, chest heaving up and down, a few tear stains evident on the corners of your eyes, and figure weakly slump down on your knees, soiled with residual icing. 
He tugged you by the arms to help you get on your feet. As he wraps his hands around your waist, you clutch onto his shoulder blades for support, resting your body against his at how weak your knees were. 
Jake gently snuggles on the crook of your neck to mumble close to your ears. "How would you like it? From the back? Or the front?" 
"Wanna ride you." You breathe out. 
He grinned like he had expected that answer. "Had a feeling you'll pick that."
Jake hauled his body onto the kitchen countertop, pushing away utensils that were in the way. With whatever miracle, he manages to manhandle your exhausted body up on the marbled surface, letting you straddle him as he lay flat on his back. 
It was an awkward position— his long legs dangled at the end with some visible remnants of the gingerbread baking situation left. Still, the way he gripped your hips to situate your pussy on his cock, rubbing your folds over his length, had you clawing at his chest. 
"Oh my god." You cried out, seeing stars as you rolled your hips harder, his cock rubbing hard on your cunt as the wetness started pooling on your inner thighs. 
The knot in your stomach was burning you on the inside. 
Jake chuckled darkly with his pupils blown out below you, albeit shivering at the overwhelming stimulation after just coming. 
"My good girl wants to use me like her personal fuck toy after I stuffed her mouth full with my cock, right?" He huffed out, rapturously gazing at how you moaned at his words. "You want that, don't you?" 
"Jaeyun—" You choked out when your clit made contact with his hot length so deliciously that you began humping him desperately like a dog in heat. Your pussy was clenching around nothing as the sensation made you dizzy with desperation, thighs burning at the fatigue. 
"Fuck, I need you. Please." You begged. 
"I know, baby girl." He whispered slowly. "I need you too." 
With one hand kneading your ass to lift you slightly in the air while the other gripping his shaft, he lines your slit with his tip and probes your entrance to let him in. 
"C'mere and ride me." 
With your pussy already drenched after sucking him off, Jake easily stretches you open as you descend his cock. The noises that came out your mouth were music to his ears, your gummy walls clenching around his girth so tightly as he buried himself deep inside your cunt. 
"So wet," He rasps, absolutely enamoured by the bliss overwhelming his body. "Move for me, baby girl." 
You start by bouncing lightly, palms resting on his chest as you move your hips. When you lift all the way up, you make sure to sink back down until his cock fills you to the brim. The pace was begrudgingly slow, still adjusting to his size as you moaned softly with every thrust. 
"That's it, doll." He said, thumb circling the apex of your hips soothingly. "You're so pretty— so perfect for taking me well." 
Your pace was getting faster and rougher, face flush at the way he poured sentiment words to fuel you up. It caused you to tighten your walls around him, making each drag of his cock going in and out of you much more gratifying. 
Jake soaked in your lovely features, his eyes moving down to watch your boobs bounce with the movement of your hips. Your tits were nice and hard— lusciously erect, urging him to twirl the nub between his fingers teasingly until you cried. 
It didn't help that some icing was still on your breast, dripping down when it mixed with your sweat. Jake had to bite down hard on his lips to prevent himself from melting on the spot. 
Call him juvenile, but it turned him on beyond reason at how pornographic the scene was, his slit dribbling out with more precum inside of you. 
You didn't understand the power you have over him, crying and choking in your speech as you grind over his cock shamelessly with your hands around your cute tummy. 
"Wanna taste this pretty set of tits." He said, and you pulled your legs apart as he sat up to fill the spot between your legs. 
He licks the swell of your breast before taking a nipple into his mouth, engulfing the peak with moist kisses and suckling. He kneaded the flesh tenderly with his other hand, flicking the other nipple with equal attention. 
"So sweet," He hummed, switching to the other pebbled nipple to tongue it as your mewls grew louder, rocking your hips to his pace. "My pretty girl tastes so good in my mouth." 
The lapping of his lips on your nipples had you hissing at the intensity, especially when he was still balls-deep in you.
His lips let go of your nipples after abusing the tender flesh, returning to lie down on his back, but this time, he made sure to keep your legs wide open, the sole of your feet resting on the surface for him to see your hole stuffed with his cock. 
"Ahhh—hahh–Jake–" You whined, leaning back to rest your palms on his thighs to balance your body. Although it did make you redden at how exposed you felt in this position. "Fuck, Jake. I can't— too deep….."
"I know, baby." He reassured you, holding your ankles to keep you at bay at his side. "But I need you to keep bouncing on my cock. My good girl can do that for me, right?" 
You nodded obediently, rolling your hips back and forth to continue fucking your slit with his cock. Your pace faltered with each minuscule movement of you going down on his dick, but Jake took this opportunity to thrust you up sharply to meet you halfway.
"Not yet," He groaned, noticing you show signs of slowing down. "A little bit more, baby." 
The loud and wet clapping of your ass hitting his thighs echoed in your shared apartment, and your face twisted in ecstasy when he took charge and slammed his cock into your sweet spot. He rammed the spot continuously, splitting your pussy open thrust after thrust. 
There was a reason why Jake needed you to be in this position; having access to play with your swollen clit as he pounded into you from below was sure to morph you into a blubbering mess. 
"So, close." You buck into his fingers when he thumbs your bundle of nerves, the knot in your stomach is keen to burst into millions of pieces as he switches between circling and tapping your clit with precision.
"Jake– Jakey, please fill me up." You break into a fit of sobbing, rolling your eyes back. 
Jake sighs in desperation as well. "Wanna see you cum, baby." He did everything he could to keep you high in the clouds with pleasure— his hips and fingers never ceased even for a second, utterly devoted to making you undone. "Wanna fill this sweet pussy nice and full with my seed." 
His voice coaxed the earth-shattering orgasm that ripped your body into shreds; the view of the ceiling was the only thing you see when you throw your head back when you come on his cock. 
Jake took a few more thrusts before he released his milky load into your cunt— your brain could barely register any ounce of rationality in your brain, body going limp as he rode your orgasm steadily. 
You lay down on top of him, feeling him pull his cock out to let his cum drip out of your tight hole. His hands found themselves around your body, pulling you into a sticky pile of embrace with him as you basked in the relief washing over you. 
You felt completely raw and fucked out that you could barely keep your eyes open. It was warm and sweaty, so different from the cold winter that prevails outside. 
"Jake," You swallowed, breathing through your nose as you tried to calm your beating heart. 
"That was…." 
"Intense?" He asked. 
You shook your head. "Amazing." 
His chest vibrates as he laughs, kissing the top of your head affectionately as pride swells in his heart at how spent you looked. 
The smell of cinnamon slowly wafted through the kitchen, reminding the two figures that they still had dozens of freshly baked gingerbread cookies that needed to be decorated. 
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A Holiday Special: ➜ Jake
| ➜ Heeseung | ➜ Jay | ➜ Sunghoon |
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dewywrites · 8 months
school play shenanigans! — isaac x theatre member reader
you were backstage helping isaac get into his costume
his shirt looked a little loose, so you grabbed a safety pin and leaned over by his waist
despite the background chatter, the two of you were silent
when you grabbed the shirt to tighten it, your hand touched his waist and it was like electricity ran between the two of you
you felt shy, but held up a confident act. you just had to do your job, and you were behind him. he couldn't possibly see your warmed face.
"alright, i've fixed it," you said as you stepped away
he turned his head back and smiled, heading off to his scene
five minutes later, he approached you again, tugging and gesturing at the shirt
"sorry, the pin seems to have fallen out. you think you could fix it again?"
ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀɪʀ:
isaac sat in front of the vanity as you were working on him
you grabbed some hair spray since some strands were falling out of place
"don't mind this, i just don't want it getting in your face," you whispered as you cupped your hand over his eyes, spraying the can
his skin was warm, but you tried to ignore the contact
once you finished, you removed your hand and decided to start working on the makeup
you grabbed light red lipstick and applied some to his lips
despite your intense focus, you couldn't help but notice through the corner of your eyes that he was looking up at you, almost as if he were analyzing your face
you glanced for a second and made eye contact. you looked away, heart starting to beat faster
"the stage lights wash you out, so that's why i, um, have to put some makeup on," you stammered trying to break the tension
"oh, i don't mind at all. you're really good at this, you know?"
you were taken aback and had no clue what to say, when the director was your saving grace
"hurry up now, we're going to start!"
isaac looked disappointed, but then said, "i guess that's my cue to go. i'll see you around, yeah?"
you had to admit that you were maybe just a little bit disappointed too
it was the opening night of the play. fate was on your side, as you and isaac had gotten the lead roles
you knew the moves and lines. the audience was loving the show, and everything was going well
that is, until it was time for the big confession
the other characters left the scene, leaving you and isaac alone, facing one another closely
"i love you," he spoke, intently looking into your eyes
you opened your mouth to recite the line, but nothing came out. your mind blanked
this was the first time you messed up. all the previous practices were perfect, yet something was clearly different about this one since you stood there flushed and speechless
was it because there was an actual audience now with all their eyes on you and isaac confessing, even if it was just an act? but how could it be with the soft way he was looking at you?
then again, the rose colored stage lights shining on his face weren't helping one bit
the line still wasn't coming to you, and you were pretty sure isaac could tell. he knew he had to improvise
he pulled you in and closed the distance between your faces, turning your heads away from the audience.
your heart beated faster as he pulled away. you knew you couldn't continue in a daze, and thankfully snapped out of it, returning back to your professional self for the rest of the show.
afterwards, a lot of people came up to you, complimenting your work. throughout this, you couldn't get the kiss out of your mind. when he held your face, he put his thumb between your lips to make it seem real. you still felt his touch on your face
you looked over at isaac and overheard danny talking to him
"i see you used my acting tips. i really thought you guys kissed," he said to isaac
"yeah, i got caught up in the moment and decided to do that as improv."
"but i do wish we actually had kissed."
a/n: i'm sorry i took a little long on this! i got busy with exam season. i wrote the first two in under twenty mins, but got stuck on co-star for so long. (i did not plan on it being that long ahh) still, i'm glad i was able to finish it. i'm happy with how it came out and i feel so accomplished!! i hope you enjoyed it. if you'd like me to expand on any of these to make them a full oneshot let me know! feel free to also tell me which one was your favorite :))
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animasola86 · 5 months
Doubts and Distractions
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Notes: This is another part of my Scars-Series (“Sexy Times with Sharp”). Can be read individually, though. Read the whole collection on AO3. [PREVIOUS PART]
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x f!reader (with face scar)
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Smut // Words: 6.5k // [READ ON AO3]
Synopsis: You fall into a carousel of dread, overthinking everything, but once you're back in his arms, all seems forgotten.
WARNINGS: NSFW! Explicit sexual content. Size difference. Age gap. Established student/teacher relationship. The cure for depression is sex, at least in this story.
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Doubts and Distractions
It was one of those days. Winter was still heavy in the Highlands, snow everywhere, only a few hours of sunlight each day, it was dark and cold and damp and icy, especially inside the castle. And while it was the perfect season to cuddle up in front of a fireplace, you couldn't quite enjoy it.
Because you'd never be able to do what your classmates were doing.
The coldest season was just another excuse for those pesky couples to show their happy love lives to everyone caring to look (or too slow to look away). You didn't want to see them giggling, holding hands, hugging, snogging in dark corners, bodies pressed together as if they were one, with no care in the world for who might witness those very public displays of affections.
At the end of the day, nobody cared about a happy pair of sixteen or seventeen or eighteen-year-olds. It wasn't as scandalised anymore, nothing out of the ordinary. The castle was big, they'd find their place to make out, and they weren't really bothering anyone, but still you felt as if they were rubbing it in, reminding you of what you wanted to do but never could.
You had to fall in love with an older man, with a teacher no less, with whom it was indeed still very scandalous to engage in these activities (and more), and you knew you didn't want to risk either his job or your expulsion, but the need to parade him around was growing stronger and stronger, especially since everyone looked at you as if you were the odd one out because you didn't have anyone to snog in dark corners.
Or so they thought. And every day the looks seemed to become more pitiful, some even hostile, because you kept looking at them, longingly, not for their significant other, but because you wanted to do this too. With him.
It would never happen, and you had to live with that realization – on top of the growing dread of what might happen after your graduation. You already spent barely any time together, and the exams were approaching fast, and you knew you'd have even less time then. It pained to think about, it hurt so much you spent your days wallowing in your own sorrow, barely paying attention in class, running into other students because you were so deep in thought, and while they distanced themselves more and more from you for your strange behaviour, you fell deeper and deeper into this carousel of fear and sadness.
Come evening, you'd be so tired from overthinking, you sometimes even fell asleep in your own dorm room, in a bed you hadn't used in quite some time, and come morning, you could add guilt and regret onto your growing list of problems because you'd ditched the one good thing in your life. And the spiral continued.
Sometimes he'd call you to his desk after class to check up on you, and once the last student had left his classroom, you'd silently throw your arms around him and cry into his shoulder. He'd hold you quietly, his strong arms around you as he pulled you onto his lap. You couldn't even explain to him what was wrong with you. “Seasonal depression,” you called it once, and he didn't urge you to elaborate further.
You gave him a quick kiss to the lips and stood up again, wiping at your wet cheeks. He looked at you with even more creases on his forehead, one hand caressing your lower back soothingly while his other hand moved up to trail his thumb over your scar. His dark eyes were warm and compassionate. As usual you didn't say much, you just forced a small smile and hugged him once more, before you excused yourself to leave for your next class.
Reluctantly he let you go, watching you with a deep frown, being none the wiser. He had no idea what was wrong with you, why you were so tired, so sad. Did they bully you again? Were you sad you couldn't engage with those boys who seemed to have an interest in you? Were you starting to regret your relationship with him?
He knew he couldn't give you everything you desired. He was older, he was your teacher, there were so many obstacles between you, and he couldn't even hold your hand in public, as much as he wanted to. Unbeknownst to you, he shared many of your concerns. What would happen after you graduated? How could he be there for you more, show you how much he needed you, making you feel loved and cherished without being able to parade you around publicly?
His own thoughts took over, and he found himself lying in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, waiting for you to join him, yet the gnawing doubts got the better of him. You might not come again. Were you actively distancing yourself from him because the thought of losing him at the end of the school year was too much to bear?
He fell asleep with his heart heavy and a tight knot in his stomach.
You had spent your day thinking too, dodging those couples, ignoring their carefree laughter, but they seemed to be everywhere you looked. It was a strange phenomenon: if you see one, you see them all. And they were all around you, looking deep into their eyes, caressing each other's faces, tucking strands of hair behind their ears, teasing one another playfully, smiling, giggling, moving closer, oblivious to where they were.
Dinner was the worst, as the lights dimmed and they felt safer in the shadows. Sighing deeply, you left the Great Hall, mindlessly walking through the dark, cold corridors, dodging those kissing sounds like they were venomous spiders ready to pounce on you. Your head was spinning with those same sombre thoughts, and you were almost at the entrance of your common room when you stopped walking, forcibly turning around, shooing those thoughts away, focusing on the light amongst them.
You'd almost missed the chance to see him again.
It was later than usual when you sneaked through the Faculty Tower under the Disillusionment charm. Even the prefects seemed busy cuddling up and seeking out warmth on their patrols, so you made it to his door without any run-ins. But when you entered his quarters quietly, locking the door behind you, you noticed the dim lights.
He was already asleep.
And he needed his sleep, you knew that. Still you moved on, shedding the cloaking charm and your clothes on your way to his bed. His gentle snores echoed through the room, and he stirred slightly when you crawled under the covers, carefully pressing your body against his, finding your way into his arms. Inhaling deeply, you settled beside him, savouring the warmth and comfort of his taller frame.
You were about to fall asleep as well when he turned slightly, wrapping his arms more firmly around you, pulling you tighter against him. His nose nuzzled against your cheek, and you turned your head to him, looking at him out of hooded eyes, pleasantly surprised to see his dark gaze meeting yours.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, a short, gentle kiss, then rested his face close to yours afterwards, breathing deeply against you. Your hand found his rough face, your fingers trailing his scar and his bearded chin. Seeing him this close made your heart swell – and tighten at the same time.
Suddenly you were back thinking that you only had so long to see this face, this man, before everything changed. Soon you had to leave, leave this school, leave him, expected to lead a normal life without him. A single sob escaped you before you buried your face in the crook of his neck and let the tears flow freely.
He held you closer instantly, trying to squeeze your sorrow out of you. “Sweetheart, what's wrong?” he murmured deeply against you, his voice vibrating through you.
“N-nothing,” you croaked, forcing the tears away but the lump remained in your throat.
“This is not nothing,” he replied quietly. “Every time you see me, you burst into tears lately...”
“Oh,” you said after a moment, considering his words, your heart skipping a beat. “Oh!” You leaned back, staring at him with wide eyes. “It's not because of you!” you said quickly, cupping his face and giving him a frantic kiss. “I'm just... I...” you stammered, unable to get the words out.
He watched you closely. “You can tell me anything,” he whispered, rubbing his hands over your back in soothing circles.
“I miss you,” you said quietly, holding back a new batch of tears.
He frowned at that. “But I'm right here...”
“I... I know, but... I do, and every time I see you, I miss you even more...”
“You miss me... pre-emptively?” he mused.
You nodded shyly. “I suppose...”
“Sweetheart, I know you worry about graduation, and... your life afterwards,” he said quietly, pulling you slightly closer. “But there's still a lot of time before that. You shouldn't concern yourself with that just yet. Enjoy the time we have...”
You pursed your lips and stared at his chin, breathing deeply. His sigh almost sounded like a groan, and you looked up timidly.
“That's not all, is it?” he asked. His voice had that edge to it that he always uses in class, right before he takes house points from a student for not meeting his expectations. Yet there was a twinkle in his eyes, and you knew he liked to tease you with that voice sometimes.
You nod gingerly. “I... always miss you, not just pre-emptively, thinking about the future, but also during the day, because everywhere I look there are these... couples... and...” He sighed again, but you kept going. “I know I can't do those things with you, and I've accepted it, but it's so hard to not think about it when there's snogging people all around me...”
“Yes, winter time is the worst for that, hm?” he mused with a low, almost bitter chuckle.
You press your face to his neck, inhaling deeply. “And because I think about that all the time, I get tired and I forget that I could do all those things too, just in the safety of your room. I'm sorry I forgot about you last night, I didn't mean to...”
“I know, darling,” he said softly, kissing your cheek. “You're here now...” He held you closely for a moment, just feeling your warmth and soft breaths against his skin. “Is there anything else bothering you?”
You sighed, suddenly feeling childish even admitting your worries. “Well, most girls think I'm a pathetic loner because I don't have anyone to snog in dark corners like they do on the daily...”
His laugh was low and almost harsh, but it made you look up at him in surprise. “Oh, love, I told you you shouldn't worry about anything these girls say. I can't believe they found something new to pester you about, those wretched girls...”
He shook his head slightly, his face hard, eyebrows furrowed. His hand found your face, and he caressed your cheek softly, his eyes warming as he looked at you.
“Do not let them bother you, let them say whatever they want. At the end of the day, you know better, you have me, alright? I might not be able to... snog you in dark corners,” he said, and you smirked at the way he said those words, “but I am here for you, every night, and in between, if you need me. Never forget that.”
You nodded solemnly and swallowed the lump in your throat. The guilt for almost doing that still gnawed at your insides. He was right, of course, he was there for you, waiting every night. And wasn't that just as good as having a boy pin you to a wall in a dark corridor? Or better? Oh, it was better, because the things you were able to do in the safety of his quarters was beyond anything a snogging student could ever do, unless they had a private room on their own.
You didn't have to worry about roommates listening in, about sneaking into the boys' dorm at night and back into yours in the morning, or spending your nights in whichever broom closet just to be close to a lover. Your lover had a big bed and a large room, and all the amenities you could wish for (even a secret hobby room with a quite comfortable table). And all of a sudden you felt silly for being jealous of those girls who thought they had it all.
You had it much better. Leaning in, you pressed your lips to his with a happy smile. “Thank you,” you murmured against his mouth, locking eyes with him. He gave you a wink and deepened the kiss, rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him. You settled there, savouring his warmth as much as he savoured yours, feeling the tension in his sore muscles easing under your comfortable weight.
For a moment you just kissed under the covers, exchanging body heat and gentle caresses, until he let out a groan, and with a sudden jolt, he rolled you around until he was lying on top of you, leaning on his elbows, his healthy leg angled slightly, while the rest of him pressed you deeper into the mattress. Despite not being able to breathe as deeply as before, you loved having him pin you down like that, his weight was a comfort you needed sometimes, and tonight was one of those nights – and you were lucky he knew exactly what you needed.
His large hands cradled your head, dug into your hair, tugged on it gently as he kissed you demandingly, while your arms wrapped around his back and pulled him even closer, your legs slowly inching apart to allow him to lay between them as you lost yourself in the kiss. His deep groans mixed with your soft mewls when he started grinding his hips against yours.
While you had sneaked into his bed already undressed, he still, like every night, had slipped into his pyjamas, a habit that was quite ingrained in him, so the only fabric between your clearly aroused sexes was the soft cotton of his trousers. It didn't stop you from feeling every hard inch of him, and normally, you would have been happy with grinding against him until you came, but tonight you wanted to feel him inside you, become one, feel that deep connection deep within you, preferably until the morning broke and you had to return to being just another student.
He seemed to read your mind as one of his hands slipped between your bodies and pushed his pyjama bottoms down enough to free his eager cock. You moaned softly when he used the same hand to rub at your clit, but you were already quite wet, so instead of preparing you further like he usually did, he just lined up his tip with your entrance, raising his hips only slightly, before he sank down and entered you in one fluid motion, though it took him a few more slow thrusts to slip fully in and bottom out inside you.
He paused then, resting within, letting you adjust to the stretch and fullness, while you kept kissing him hungrily, your tongue tangling with his. You welcomed the slight burning of his intrusion, your tense muscles screaming under it, but you knew how much he loved your tightness and how you initially strangled his cock with your walls until they slowly gave in, holding him comfortably.
The pain had always been a part of your love making, and you wouldn't have it any other way. He was so much bigger than you, it would always be like this, and despite your smaller frame, you were quite proud of how well you could accommodate him and his size. It was yet another thing you would never be able to brag about openly, but you slowly learned to cherish those things inside your own mind, for yourself, for him, knowing that it only concerned the both of you anyway.
When you hooked your legs around the back of his thighs, he knew you were ready for him to move, and while still kissing you almost lazily now, he started grinding against you, slow movements at first, gentle nudges, like soft little kisses of his crown against your cervix, before he pulled back more, arcing his hips, straining his thighs, then sinking in all the way again.
He repeated the motion for many moments, steady, slow but firm, his fingers back in your hair, while you pressed your hands to his shoulder blades, holding onto him, your heart pounding against his with how your chests were pressed together. Quiet whimpers escaped you every time he pushed into you a little harder, deeper, the mattress beneath you giving way with a slight bounce.
Eventually he braced himself on his elbows, leaning back only a little, his hot breaths ghosting your tingling lips as you looked up at him breathlessly. A hungry glint sat in his dark eyes, and you licked your lips while you watched him intently. The tension within your stomach built with every careful slam of his hips, and you snaked your arms around his waist, clawing your fingers into the thin fabric of his pyjama top to steady yourself against him as he finally started to move faster on top of you.
You tried to meet his powerful thrusts, and once you both found your rhythm, it didn't take many of those deep in and out motions within your tight walls to ignite the fire in your nerves that made your muscles even tighter, clamping around him needily, winding up that coil in your stomach until it burst into a million tiny lights, and you gasped and moaned beneath him, hands digging into his back as your body convulsed against him.
His noises grew louder, deeper, a steady thrum of sounds vibrating through your limbs, adding to the sensation, but he kept going, pushing hard and deep, pulling back and slamming down once more, over and over again, while the bed creaked around you.
And when he felt the same tightness in his stomach and lower in his balls, he let out a low grunt as he gave you that final thrust, deeper than anything before as he smacked right into your cervix and came, and you came with him once more at the sudden pain coursing through you, and while your walls tightened around him, milking him, he painted your insides with his seed, sharing his warmth, coaxing those sweet little mewls out of you as you moulded to his body, melting beneath him, your tiny frame spasming slightly as you succumbed to your second orgasm.
Your legs fell open, thighs twitching, your breaths slowly easing. He leaned his head on the pillow next to yours and kissed your cheek, closing his eyes as fatigue washed over him, his aching muscles silenced for the moment, but he knew the soreness would come back soon.
He grew heavier on top of you, pushing you deep into the mattress, his body relaxing slowly. You held him tightly, arms wrapped around his waist, breathing deep. Your connection was still intact, his spent cock resting just as heavy inside you, the warmth and wetness you both built up slowly seeping out, but you didn't care.
You wanted to feel him, all of him, as close as possible, and there was no way you could become any closer than you were right now. And despite the realization that you couldn't remain like this forever as the post-haze clarity set in, you tried to cherish the feeling now, enjoy the moment, not think about the future too much.
And somehow you fell asleep, a content smile on your face.
When you woke up the next morning, he had rolled off you, pulling you with him, nestling you in his arms, holding you close, but no longer as close as before, judging by the empty feeling inside you. You felt the slight aching and bruising he left behind, but that was it. Sighing deeply, you snuggled against his chest, hands gripping his pyjama top, never wanting to let go.
He stirred a little, issuing a deep grunt, his breath ghosting your forehead. Moving against him, you pushed yourself closer until you could plant a series of kisses on his neck and up his jaw until you met his mouth. To your surprise he was awake enough to move his lips against yours, a soft, lazy kiss to slowly wake up fully to. Humming into his mouth, you savoured the warmth of his touch.
“Can we stay in bed today?” you mumbled, your hands sliding into his hair, pulling him closer, as you deepened the kiss.
He let out a groan, a low noise deep in his throat. “Hmm... fine,” he murmured between kisses, and you had to lean back in shock and surprise as you stared at him, thinking you might have misheard him.
“Really?” you asked in excitement, a new wave of heat rushing into your stomach.
“Of course,” he replied with the hint of a smirk on his lips. You were about to compliment him for finally taking a break, giving his classes a rest for at least a day, he definitely deserved more sick days, but then he added: “It's Saturday, we can stay in here till Monday morning if you like...”
You let out a little groan of your own before you chuckled. “Promise?” you challenged with a twinkle in your eyes, and he laughed too, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Anything for you, my love,” he muttered against your lips.
You hummed happily and moved your tongue lazily against his, now content this wasn't about to end any time soon. Still you felt the urge to make the most of it, knowing it would be over eventually, and before you felt relaxed enough to allow the carousel of dread to spin once more, you busied yourself by gently rolling him onto his back and quickly climbing on top of him.
He watched you out of tired eyes, his hands on your waist as you settled on his hips, slowly grinding against him. “You're truly insatiable, aren't you?” he muttered in his low voice.
You smirked at him. “That's why you like me, right?”
“Love you,” he corrected, and you blushed deeply and dove in to press a quick kiss to his lips. “That's why I love you, yes,” he said again, smiling softly. You sighed contently and showered his rough face with little pecks, dragging your lips gently over his scar and down over his bearded jaw.
He closed his eyes and let you do your thing, relaxing beneath you. “How's your leg?” you whispered after a moment, with your mouth pressed to his neck, your tongue teasingly gliding over his pulse. “You've missed a few of my massages,” you added, feeling a pang of guilt as you mentioned it.
“Indeed I have,” he hummed back. “But it's alright, don't worry your pretty little head so much...”
You scoffed. “I will never not worry, and I want you to feel good.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
You were playing with the buttons of his pyjama top now, slowly revealing more of his skin as you kissed your way down his chest. “Let me make you feel good...”
“I feel good,” he grumbled, his hand moving along the back of your head as you slipped deeper down his body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his stomach now.
“You could feel better,” you whispered, your fingers hooking around the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. “Don't you want to feel better?”
He only grunted in response, leaning back, his hands falling to his sides as he gave in. You looked up at him with a smirk, pressing your lips to his lower stomach before you slowly pulled his trousers down. But instead of moving straight to his already hardening member, you moved lower, pulling his bottoms down all the way and discarding them somewhere on the floor before you slowly made your way back up, your hands closing around his left leg.
A shiver rushed through him as you started your massage, your fingers digging gently but firmly into his tense muscles. He closed his eyes and relaxed into your ministrations. Over the months you'd learned exactly how you could touch him, how to ease the soreness, how to make him feel like he had never felt before, or at least not for a very long time.
Your touch was magical, and he suspected you'd learned to pour your magic into it as well. Unbeknownst to him, you had no idea what you were doing, you just tried your best and just wanted to make him feel better, because he deserved it, because you loved him.
In the end both of you knew that love was a powerful thing, it gave you the courage to continue on this path that led into a dark, unknown future, and it gave him the peace of mind to enjoy these unsolicited touches without doubts and second guessing anything.
He groaned, his eyes opening lazily, when your hands closed around his thigh and pressed hard, thumbs and fingers kneading his skin, stimulating the tight muscles, squeezing with just the right amount of strength. He'd never have guessed what power resided in your tiny body, you were so frail and fragile compared to him, but met with the right obstacles, you very easily overcame them all, and selflessly so.
You looked up at him, your eyes searching his face for any sign of discomfort. Always so considerate. Sometimes a little too much even. You were kneeling between his legs, your hands so close to where he might need you just a little bit more. He flexed his leg slightly to show you that your massage had worked already, but you kept your fingers wrapped around his thigh, pressing them rhythmically into his sore flesh.
His hand moved down to brush against your knee as he watched you, how your hair fell over your shoulders, covering the top of your breasts, and he wanted to reach out and tuck it away to get a better look, but he felt too relaxed to do so. His eyelids became heavy again, and eventually he succumbed to the effect your touches had on his body.
You watched him as he closed his eyes, his breaths deep and calm, and you pursed your lips as you realized he'd fallen asleep once more. Or was about to. A mischievous grin spread on your lips as you moved your hands from his thigh to the limb you'd ignored so far, lying tall and proud on his lower stomach, definitely ready for the taking.
A little chuckle escaped you as you saw his eyes flutter open in surprise when you closed your hands around his cock, continuing your eager massaging by pressing your fingers against the hardened core before you moved the hot skin up and down with gentle motions, but you only teased at his sensitive tip. His eyes were almost black as he stared at you, a certain hunger on his gruff features.
And before you knew it, he sat up and grabbed your wrists, prying your hands off him, before he hooked his own hands under your arms and spun you around. It all happened so fast, he was so agile all of a sudden, that you merely issued a surprised yelp as you ended up lying on your stomach while he slowly climbed on top of you, straddling your hips until he lay down fully on your back, pushing you deeper into the mattress and all air out of your lungs, his hard cock resting in the cleft between your arse cheeks.
His lips found the back of your neck, then moved around until he kissed your cheek, his hands cradling your head, turning it gently so you could look at him out of the corner of your eye. You were surprised by how nimble he was this morning, but it was a very welcome surprise. It made you remember that time he took you to (and in) his secret hobby room for the first time...
A little moan escaped you at the memory and when he nibbled on your earlobe. “I told you I feel good,” he whispered into your ear, causing goosebumps to ripple over your skin. He leaned back then, his big hands on your shoulders before he shrugged off his pyjama top and sat down firmly on your thighs. “Let me take care of you today,” he said softly, his fingers digging into your unusually tense nape.
The groan that came out of your throat when he started massaging your shoulders was low and raw, and you shuddered slightly under his tight grip. He was strong, and you knew he held himself back for your sake, but he was still applying enough pressure to make you whimper in a pain you hadn't known before. But the more he kneaded your muscles, the better it felt, and your pained whimpers turned into soft mewls that made his heart beat faster.
You felt him pausing, his hands resting on your warm skin before they moved lower, along the sides of your body, around your hips and back to your plump cheeks where he continued his kneading for a moment, coaxing more noises past your trembling lips. His fingers slipped lower then, testing the waters as he dipped some between your wet folds, teasing at your entrance.
Shivers crashed down your spine but you remained completely immobile beneath him, even when he pushed a finger into your tightness, sinking it as deep as his knuckles allowed, prodding your walls and curling it inside you until he brushed against that sweet spot that made you gasp and squirm slightly.
Instead of assaulting that spot further, he retrieved his finger, making you mewl in disappointment, but he was too generous to leave you hanging, and when you felt his tip pushing between your thighs as he shifted on top of you, you braced yourself for his intrusion, your pussy clenching in anticipation.
He pushed in slowly, so slowly you writhed in impatience, as he made you feel every inch of his hard cock, from the bulbous tip to the ridges and veins of his shaft as he gave you those tiny slams of his hips, pressing deeper, stretching your walls, filling you out, until he was finally completely seated inside you. The prone position of your body allowed him to hit your special pleasure points differently, and you mewled when he scraped past your g-spot and cried out softly when he hit that other spot deep within.
This time he didn't let you adjust to his size, he moved back immediately, arching his hips, pulling out almost all the way, before he slammed back in, smacking his pelvis against your cushioned rear. You moaned loudly, and you kept moaning as he kept repeating the same pattern, and the more he moved in and out, the more light-headed you felt.
And it got even worse. His hands moved around your hips and pulled them up slightly before he grabbed them tightly, the new angle allowing him to really pound into you, and pound he did, rapid thrusts, no longer as deep, but fast and shallow, and every single slam pressed straight into that special spot.
You were barely able to process what he was doing as your first orgasm crashed over you like a tidal wave, completely catching you off guard. You cried out, spasming beneath him, stars dancing behind your eyelids as you pressed them shut. And he kept going, pushing you further, never allowing you to come down from that incredible high.
Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, knuckles turning white, your body arching and convulsing, that tension within building and erupting over and over again, your cunt fluttering around his cock helplessly. You quickly lost count of your releases, and only the obscenely wet squelching sounds echoing through the room made you realize how often he had made you come. And he wasn't done yet.
One hand held your hip up, his other hand moved around to your front and started pinching your clit, making you scream in bliss, as he continued smacking his hips into you hard and fast. You felt dizzy and delirious, forgetting everything around but his warm body, his hard cock rutting into you and the tight grip of his hands.
He eventually eased his assault on your clit and moved his hands up your body, snaking them around to grab your breasts that had been squished to the bed before. His large palms cupped them easily, and he pulled you up slightly as he gripped them. You felt like a puppet in his hands, overwhelmed by all the sensations rushing through your body, barely able to breathe at this point.
Let alone wonder how he was able to take you like this, with his knees tightening around your hips, holding you in place, as he strained his thighs and kept slamming his pelvis hard against your rear, each thrust sending shock waves through your body. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth hung open, your face contorted in pure ecstasy, unintelligible noises forming in your throat and tumbling past your lips.
He watched you with glee, desire and love as he kept going at a speed that surprised himself. But as much as you wanted him to feel good, he wanted to give back and make you feel incredible. And by the way your body convulsed and twitched beneath him, and how those sweet sounds that were like bird song in his ears came fluttering out of your mouth, he knew you felt good enough to forget about your worries.
He knew he couldn't wipe away your sorrows completely. As soon as you left his room and became a student again, you'd be back to worrying about the future, about what others said about you, about wanting all those things he could never give you, but as long as you were here, in his bed, pinned down by his body, he'd give his all to distract you properly.
His thrusts became slower and deeper, allowing you to catch your breath after his relentless assault on your g-spot, and he even let go of your sensitive breasts, gently putting you back down on the bed as he lay down on top of you, his hips continuing to pound into you, but at a slower pace, the mattress bouncing slightly with every downwards slam.
Kissing your warm cheek, he snuggled against you, his hands cradling your head before his fingers dug into your hair and gripped it just enough to let you feel his desire for you. You whimpered beneath him, breathlessly and spent, face flushed and lips trembling, but your eyes were still open, slightly at least, and you watched him out of the corner of your eye.
He leaned his rough cheek against yours, one hand in your hair while the other moved along the slender column of your neck, long fingers wrapping around your throat gently but firmly when he pulled you close enough to capture your lips. The kiss was messy with how he was still slamming his hips into you and how you twitched against him, but you still managed to meet his tongue in a heated dance.
Your moans echoed in his ears, fuelling the fire burning within him, driving him further, faster, harder, and while he felt your walls clamping down on him for yet another orgasm that crashed through your tiny body, his own muscles tensed as well, his balls tightening, and with a loud groan that you swallowed with your mouth, he pushed deep before he stilled inside you, erupting almost violently as he emptied himself deep within your tight space.
Your own release came with such a force that he slipped out mid-eruption, making him lean back, and while you pressed your flushed face into the pillow as your juices flowed freely, he pressed his still throbbing cock back into your clenching cunt, coaxing more mewls out of you. He continued moving within you, giving you those tiny thrusts that drove you crazy with bliss as he pushed one hand on your lower back while the other guided your hip.
He thought he'd be done by now, spent, exhausted, but he slowly kept going, despite your strained whimpers and breathless moans. Eventually your body went limp beneath him, and he eased his relentless assault as well, stilling within you, feeling your walls still tensing around him, strong enough to make him hard again. But he ignored the tension building up in his stomach, and gently lowered himself on your back once more.
You let out a last little gasp before you succumbed to the overstimulation. He kissed your cheek and nuzzled his nose against your ear as he settled on top of you, slowly relaxing, his own rapid breaths easing eventually.
Before you slipped completely out of consciousness, a weak smile grazed your trembling lips, and you had to think about those poor girls who had to spent their nights in crowded dorm rooms, hiding behind Silencing charms, hoping to get at least one orgasm out of their sneaky encounters before their inexperienced lovers would fall asleep on them.
Now you pitied them, because your lover didn't just have the experience and expertise to grant you mind-blowing releases you weren't even able to count, but also exerted himself past his limits – only to make you feel good. You didn't need to snog anyone in dark corners when you could have this in the comfort of a real bed.
You didn't need to hold hands in public when you could spend the entire weekend pushed into the mattress by a strong, tall body, warm and cosy and fucked out of your mind.
And maybe you could continue this adventure way past your graduation. Because in this very moment all you could think about was him and how you would do absolutely anything to keep this going, no matter what. No matter how.
You'd find a way, you were sure.
(At least once you regained control over your limp body.)
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End notes: More dialogue? They can actually talk, in full sentences no less? I'm surprised too!
This came out of my brain as my own way of dealing with seasonal depression, and writing smut is indeed a good way to cope, somehow.
And even though there are not really any life-altering changes or solutions in this chapter/oneshot, this'll pave the way for more. And more is coming. I'm in too deep now, these two live in my head rent-free, and I can't seem to get them out anytime soon.
So, I thank you for joining me on this little Sharp-detour, but don't worry, I will not change the focus of this blog. Sebastian is still my muse, I'm just giving him a little break after having him do all those things in my other smut oneshots. He needs it too.
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snowbellewells · 2 months
Self Promo Sunday: @cssns19 MC "Face to Face in the Broad Daylight"
(This week in reruns celebrating previous @cssns works, we have a sequel to my werewolf, alternate season two and beyond fic from 2018’s @cssns offering. This one partially exists just because I wanted to revisit these couples and enjoy a bit more of their fluffy happily ever afters. However, they also get into some new surprises and challenges, and: is Rumplestiltskin still under control, or is he back to his usual scheming and plotting? If you weren't around back then, I hope you will give this a try and enjoy.  If you read it back then and choose to revisit it, I hope you'll enjoy the walk down memory lane!! Either way, I'd love to hear what you think!
Complete in 9 Parts
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(Thanks once again to @branlovestowrite for the stunningly lovely cover art she did for this story as well. I still absolutely love it!!)
Also available on AO3 if that's your preference...
Summary: After finding one another and triumphing against the machinations of the Evil Queen and the Queen of Hearts, Killian and Emma, and their friends and family are ready to enjoy the happiness they've earned. However, a new threat is about to rise that may put those happy beginnings in grave jeopardy.
by: @snowbellewells
~~ prologue: altogether in one place
As a cooling breeze blew in off the water of the harbor to combat the bright heat of an early May afternoon, Killian Jones smiled easily, enjoying the trace of air over his neck and ruffling his dark hair as he headed back up the street from the docks toward the center of town. It was a perfect day for the celebration he was on his way to attend, planning to meet Emma and Henry at the pretty little two bedroom cottage not far from the harbor that they moved into some weeks past, before the three of them walked the rest of the way to Granny’s together. The rest of their family and several friends were doubtless already gathering at the diner’s outdoor tables for the planned picnic. It was Mother’s Day, and the first which Emma would be able to spend with her mother, and with her boy as well. Killian smiled fondly at the tentative joy mixed with nervous anticipation on his love’s face as they’d spoken of it laying side-by-side that very morning. His heart had warmed right along with dawn’s first rays peeking through the curtains, glad that Emma could have her loved ones surrounding her, as she always should have. Though his own mother had been gone so long that he only retained the barest memories of a gentle voice singing to him and the twinkle in kind, loving eyes, he still felt not a fiber of his being to be jealous or begrudging of the wealth of love and belonging his lady had found. Emma deserved it all, and more besides.
It helped, he admitted to himself as he neared the front walk, their yard surrounded by white picket fence that he could now see Emma leaning on casually with Henry at her side, that he too had been welcomed into the fold gladly. With the wolf born inside him, his horribly checkered and painful history, and how long he had wandered alone in the world, Killian could never have imagined being accepted as a part of something so good, nor feeling that he mattered to others again. Despite his stunned disbelief, however, he could only continue to be grateful.
As he drew nearer, Henry caught sight of him and waved enthusiastically, a wide grin stretching across his face. “Hey, Killian!” the youth called out. “Are you ready for this?”
“Aye, lad, of course,” he answered with a chuckle, smiling to Emma as well, his heart swelling still further at the blush which rose on her cheeks as he waggled his eyebrows playfully. He turned his attention back to Henry quickly, not wanting the young man to feel dismissed, but instead leaning forward to whisper secretively to Henry, “We wouldn’t want to miss your grandma’s famed cherry chess pie, now would we?”
Henry agreed emphatically with Killian’s winking query, then scampered on ahead of them as Killian pulled Emma into a quick embrace while she stretched up to press a chaste kiss to his lips before they joined hands and followed her son the rest of the way to Granny’s before they were late.
Not many minutes later they were turning into the front seating area of the diner, entering under the arch and being greeted from all sides by family and friends. Ruby bounded over to gleefully wrap Emma in an exuberant hug, whispering in his love’s ear that she wanted to hear what they’d been up to at the new house in a blatant enough way to have the blond blushing once again. Killian followed Henry’s urging over to his grandparents’ table, shaking David’s hand and easing into conversation with Emma’s father thankfully.
He liked the people gathered around him very much, but so often in the past he had kept to the shadows, on the outskirts of society, either due to prejudice and ostracism or his own attempts to insure others’ safety from the beast within him. Having at last found his home in Storybrooke, and also a peace within himself that he had rarely known, Killian felt as stable as he had ever been in both parts of himself. His wolf had room and freedom to run, even a pack of sorts with Ruby and Graham nearby, and he rarely feared the howling need to break free he had sought to hide or contain in his youth and throughout his years of bitter, aimless wandering.  All that being true, he still sometimes preferred to ease into larger groups one person at a time. Once Emma’s slightly overprotective and traditional father had gotten to know him, Killian found the man quite easy to talk to and good company, so he naturally went to speak with him first.
Their friendship hadn’t taken long to develop once things had settled down around the holidays, some six months ago, after Regina, Cora, and Rumplestiltskin’s defeat. Both David and Killian served as reinforcements to the sheriff’s department when needed (though in sleepy, calm Storybrooke they rarely were) and so had spent many long afternoons when there were no calls sharing long chats, wadded up paper ball free throw contests in the desk trash cans, endless one-upping games of darts, and - if they grew truly desperate - filing of the somehow never ending stacks of paperwork. Their little town had been free of most trouble beyond cats in trees and neighboring fairy tale characters’ squabbles since Thanksgiving. None of them had forgotten that Gold was still simmering impotently in his shop (surely wanting revenge, but hands tied by the fact that his dagger forbade it, thanks to Emma’s brilliance).  In fact, the citizens were enjoying an everyday normality most of them had never been able to experience before - in either this realm or the Enchanted Forest.
So, though there was often hardly enough work to keep one person busy, Graham had remained Sheriff, and kept Emma on as his deputy. Killian’s eyes found his sandy-haired fellow wolf amidst the happy crowd of partygoers, attentively leaning to whisper something in Belle’s ear where she sat talking to Granny Lucas herself, along with Nova, Leroy, Bashful, and Doc. The Sheriff was clearly happy to watch over his girlfriend, glad just to see her in high spirits, having brought her a drink and standing behind her chair to listen and look on. Graham had always been a good and competent lawman, but now that he was completely free to act of his own will and as he saw fit, it became even more clear just how kind, compassionate, and worthy a man he was. He no longer had to glance over his shoulder at each turn, fearing retribution for his choices. The townspeople liked and trusted him even more than they had before, seeing how dedicated he was to their causes and thorough in handling problems immediately and lawfully for the good of all to the best of his ability.
Watching just a moment longer, Killian saw Belle pause in her conversation, looking up over her shoulder at Graham with an adoring expression in her eyes, resting her hand over his where he had placed it on her shoulder. Something passed between them wordlessly, so slight that it went unnoticed by most around them, but to Kilian’s honed and heightened senses, it sent almost a frisson of intense feeling all the way across the space to where he stood. He didn’t know what it meant, but he found himself more than a little curious, and happy for his friends whatever the cause of their joy.
His attention was drawn back to his own immediate circle when David threw his head back in a booming burst of laughter as Henry finished relating how Killian had recently taken he, his mom, and his friends Grace, Nicholas and Ava out fishing and swimming on the Jolly. It wasn’t the first time Killian had dropped anchor in the harbor where the preteens could dive off the bow and bob in the waves to cool off while he and Emma sat in the sun watching over them and talking, but what had gotten such a reaction from his grandpa was the mental image of Ava’s disastrous practice at casting and somehow catching her hook in Grace’s hair. The ensuing noisy melee had caused quite a commotion until they’d gotten Grace free from the painful tangle, reassured Ava that they all knew it was an accident and gotten back to catching fish rather than each other.
As the afternoon wore on, Killian relaxed into the atmosphere of easy camaraderie around him, graciously complimenting his hostess on the lightness of her dinner rolls and the fine quality of her rum - to which he earned a sniff of begrudging thanks but also a sidelong smile. He exchanged a few words with Belle on the last book she had recommended to him and what he thought of it so far, and though she carried an obvious glow of satisfaction and practically radiated good humor, he was no closer to the reason that it seemed so especially prominent today, even after conversing with her. He exchanged pleasantries with Graham, and let Henry drag him into a ridiculous game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey that Snow had organized to hilarious results with the assorted dwarves’ poor aim and inebriated states by that hour of the waning day.
Despite what else he was doing however, his eyes were continually drawn back to Emma wherever she was. There was the simple fact that he couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty, for one thing. Her golden hair stood out like a beacon in any gathering, this one no exception, and the very sight of those flowing waves cascading down her back against the red leather of her favorite jacket made his hand itch to brush through its silky softness.  Her long, lean form, her throaty chuckle, and the sparkle in her jade green eyes all made hunger rise in him that had him aching to pull her out of the party and into the first empty room he could find. A long life of practice made him able to rein in his desires, but it certainly didn’t slake them in the least.
He remembered too that it was nearing the full moon, which made all his more canine traits closer to the surface. As intensely protective as he would have been anyway, because he loved her, the animal instinct within demanded he be aware of his mate and her safety at all times. Especially when they were out in the open and not alone, whether or not those with them were friends and the gathering innocent. There was possessiveness as well that he could contain, but not vanquish completely. Between those two impulses warring inside his average human faćade, Killian was rather proud of himself for managing to eventually retreat to a corner table with his drink, lean back in a chair and observe the goings on around him with at least the air of calm.
Still, needless to say, he was relieved when the festivities did begin to break up an hour or so later. Many called out a friendly goodbye to him, and he waved back jovially to them.  Some, like David, came over to say ‘good night’ and make plans for when they’d get together next. When Emma finally came up to him with an easy smile and an outstretched hand, asking him if he was ready to head home for the night with a teasing tilt of her head and playful “Captain?” he was on his feet in a moment. With Henry in tow, they headed back toward their house on the shore as the stars came out above.
A deep sense of satisfaction warmed Killian once again at the very idea that this could be his life, while Emma leaned into his side as they walked and Henry pointed out the various constellations that he had learned to recognize through Killian’s tutelage. It was more happiness than he once could have imagined having in his life on a regular basis. In a few days he would need to prepare for shifting about three nights in a row, as was his monthly due, but for tonight, he could sense it was still safely far enough off to take his time seeing the two most important people in his life home safely and enjoy that they saw him as one of their own.
Once they reached the front gate, Henry hurried on up the walk and into the house with a “See you tomorrow!” for his mom’s boyfriend. Alone at long last, Emma turned to him, her face tilted up to his with a devious glimmer in her expression. Only moments ago, he wouldn’t have imagined things could get much better, but when she ran her hands up his torso to rest on his chest and whispered invitingly, “Wanna come in for a nightcap, Sailor?” she blew his mind all over again. 
A couple of drinks, an entire bowl of popcorn and a movie later, they were cuddled together on the couch in Emma’s living room, making out like two teenagers.  Killian didn’t leave his love’s arms again until the next day dawned. Slipping out to his boat before Henry could walk up and begin scavenging through the cupboards for his breakfast cereal, Killian stooped to place a kiss on Emma’s groggy forehead as she mumbled a sleepy farewell. No one else in the house was stirring as the former pirate headed away down the walk, and he was too cheerful and relaxed to be on his guard, so the eyes watching his every move from the shadows as he moved toward the docks, went unnoticed…
Far removed from the cheerfulness and revelry of the rest of the town and their holiday celebrations, Mr. Gold was holed up in the dim, shrouded back room of his shop, scowling silently at a clouded orb with its contents swirling inside. He hadn’t bothered to unlock or open his shop doors today, not wanting to see the idiotic smiles of the townsfolk, nor to waste effort pasting on a smile and haggling to make sales that mattered little to him, all things considered. No, all that mattered now was possessing the one item which could free him of the Savior’s binding order stoppering his Dark One powers to set things right. He would be loosed of her interfering magical hold; it was merely a matter of tracing the artifact to its hiding place and summoning an accomplice he knew was powerful enough to aid him in the ritual needed to slip the noose of his Dagger’s control, and therefore Miss Swan’s meddling command.
All the pieces were in place; once the crystal showed him where his former compatriot could be found, he would set the ball rolling.  He would make Belle see sense, return her to her place by his side, where she clearly belonged. That Sheriff who had dared to try taking his place in Belle’s affections would rue ever having his heart put back in his chest. And that wretched cur ...that wolf he had nearly finished off before - and the woman who had prevented it, who had the audacity to tangle with him and think she could defeat the Dark One - both of them would pay, once and for all.
Tagging a few who might enjoy: @kmomof4 @searchingwardrobes @jennjenn615 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi
@jrob64 @apiratewhopines @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @xarandomdreamx
@motherkatereloyshipper @booksteaandtoomuchtv @anmylica @stahlop @myfearless-love
@teamhook @revanmeetra87 @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @darkcolinodonorgasm
@elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @the-darkdragonfly @bluewildcatfanatic @xsajx
@undercaffinatednightmare @caught-in-the-filter @drowned-dreamer @jonesfandomfanatic @kday426
@lfh1226-linda @linda8084 @resident-of-storybrooke @optomisticgirl @tiganasummertree
@belovedcreation @eddisfargo @zaharadessert @laianely @goforlaunchcee
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Good morning, friend. So that was weird, huh? I keep thinking about Breaking Point and how we didn't like it (to put it mildly) at the time, but how it ended up being important. How liking it was entirely beside the point. How maybe Breaking Point and Peer Pressure are...evil twins of sorts. Or maybe underappreciated work-horses? How they both had work to do, things to reveal, character development to set in motion, messy emotions to unpack and leave unresolved, wounds to lay bare...
I'm thinking about Breaking Point and the running themes of Buck and Eddie just missing each other, which continues apace in Season 5. How they are orbiting closer and closer, how their emotional intimacy is so fascinating right now — so very close and yet...How now instead of just missing each other — which they are absolutely still doing — there are the things they are actively (if subconsciously) avoiding. The big, terrifying things.
What's bouncing around your head this morning? 
good (now evening) @yramesoruniverse, nice to see you in my inbox!
Honestly, I was surprised to log onto Tumblr and see so much dislike for the episode. I actually really enjoyed it. As far as this season is concerned, it seems to be a culmination of unresolved trauma being forced to the forefront of every character's mind. It's a messy, nonlinear, and complicated process dealing with that, and I don't know if it's intentional or not, but this season (and 5.05 especially) makes it feel that way. Everything is two steps to the left of the way it should be. Maddie is gone. Chimney is gone. Buck and Eddie are temporarily not partners. Hen lost her partner. Athena is in survival mode. Harry is on the verge of losing his fucking mind, I think.
And yes, I know 9-1-1 is not perfect and sometimes I give more credit than credit is due but for the most part, they can carry a plotline and appropriately revisit previous arcs and stories. For a primetime procedural show that has to cater to the casual viewer who is not nearly as invested as the galaxy brains on this site, I think they fair better than a lot of other shows on the same slate.
I am still of the firm belief that 4.08 laid the entire fucking roadmap for us. My buddie goggles are on but even if they weren't, I don't care what anyone says, Breaking Point was entirely about Buck and Eddie. Down to the individual emergencies. Buck and Eddie's scenes were spliced consecutively with the other. Transitions connected their scenes together. Their struggles and plotlines paralleled. in that episode like this one, there was a solid undercurrent of domesticity and understanding between the two that undermined the focused couple (eddieana in 4.08, BT in 5.05).
I have no hindsight to work with so I can't say what function 5.05 will serve in the long run, but in terms of where we are right now with the characters, a disjointed episode with them feeling like they're struggling to play a role, to fit into a skin that is not their own, and with Buck revealing how much he Has Not Coped with his abandonment issues, it is all very in line with the themes of this season.
In terms of Buck and Eddie . . . . I think hindsight will show this to be a doozy for them, just as 4.08 was. I am going to operate via giving the show the full benefit of the doubt on their direction/writing choices, and it is interesting that 1.) this ep with heavy BT focus follows the ep that had a heavy buddie scene, 2.) they were not subtle with the parallel between how Taylor and how Eddie handle Buck's insecurities, and 3.) the overall vibe of the episode was literally about asynchronous communication and feeling pressured to pursue things for some perceived benefit that actually ends up being a detriment.
Idk. Maybe I'm just a twentysomething with too much burnout for proper critical thinking, but I enjoyed the episode! I'm excited to see the uhinged plot threads that will spin out from the roots laid in these first 5 eps.
(Sorry this got so fucking long *throws back vodka shot*)
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette: the wedding
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an: h-hey guys😅 a whole month w/o rhe bachelorette. y’all prolly forgot about it. fortunately, i haven’t😭 sorry yall, i’ve been up all night for the past month reading about nasty white men instead of writing for the bachelorette. this chapter has 4768 words, so i guess that’s a plus.
tags: black, fem reader. i don’t have any triggers off my head, if something does trigger you, do let me know
taglist: @taybird
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5:00 am
You had plans to send Levi to his grave. How dare he wake you up at like four in the morning only to start your makeup and hair an hour later? The makeup and hair team were completely respectful towards you and respected your space, considering today was going to be full of emotions.
As your face was getting beat, there was a knock at the door. The makeup artist working on your face stopped so that you could address the person at the door. "If your name is Levi, don't bother coming in," you say. The door opens and your heart jumps because
Her Royal Highness Princess Historia and her girlfriend, Ymir, were in YOUR room.
"Oh sh*t, Your Royal Highness," you let out. Members of your team start to curtsy and bow to Historia. Ymir stands awkwardly behind her. She must have been getting used to the royal bs around her.
You stand to curtsy as well but Historia raises a hand to stop you. "Today is all about you. Ymir and I are going to be your bridesmaids today! Levi called us and we decided we would support you today!" she says cheerfully.
So, Levi probably wasn't going to die today. Now, you couldn't bring yourself to be mad at him but you still side eyes him. He was a powerful guy- you were still under the impression that he said something to Mikasa during the show and caused her unusual behavior.
"Yeah! Ymir and I will get changed but we'll see you in your dress."
And with that, the princess and her girl left your room. It was like a dream.
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5:30 am
Weeks before the wedding came, you went dress shopping. However, it didn't go how you wanted it to go. Ideally, you would be dress shopping with Sasha, Mikasa, and Connie. There was no way in hell you would call Sasha and ask her to go with you. You called Connie, who refused to pick up. You thought about calling Mikasa but you felt uneasy about it. So, Levi and his husband, Erwin, went with you.
Erwin was a complete angel. He asked you respectful questions about your life and even made you laugh. Spending time with Erwin made you realized how...dark Levi was and even made you question why they were even together. But your thoughts couldn't stop you from seeing how Levi melted under Erwin's touch. They loved each other. You hoped that You and Jean would be like that.
With their help, you managed to pick the perfect dress.
Slipping it on for the second time was just as magical as it was the first. Your team awed and cooed over how beautiful you looked. Historia and Ymir entered in matching pink outfits and immediately started fawning over how good you looked.
You felt your face redden up and you couldn't help but smile. But all of that went away when a familiar face entered.
"You...you look good, y/n."
"Mikasa...what are you doing here?"
Mikasa was standing in front of you in the same pink color that Ymir and Historia were in but her outfit was a sleeveless wide-legged jumpsuit. Her bangs were brushed away from her face and the rest of her hair sat behind her ears- well, mostly.
"Levi called me. He apologized for everything and told me to come over to apologize to you too. And then he forced me to be your maid of honor," Mikasa explained.
Levi forcing her to come over sounded like him but apologizing? He must have realized he went too far, especially since Mikasa was his niece. Levi was too caught up in creating and entertaining drama that he probably forgot Mikasa's relation to him.
So, you decided to let everything go.
You walk towards Mikasa with arms open and she's shocked but she doesn't hesitate to envelop you in her arms are well.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I know was so out of line. I'll never let any man get in the way of our friendship again," Mikasa said as she squeezed you harder.
"Same here. If things don't work out with Jean, I'll marry you instead," you joke. You can feel Mikasa's laughter vibrate against your neck. She pulls away first and you proceed to ask another question. "Have you been in touch with Sasha?"
Mikasa purses her lips and shakes her head. "She's been radio silent. I can't tell if she got more backlash than me. She's off social media and just unwilling to speak with anyone. The hate probably got to her and she's just hiding for now."
You weren't too surprised. Mikasa was doing a job- a terrible one- but Sasha went out of her way to sleep with one of your guys...but she was drunk. You could imagine Sasha being the most discussed and debated online. Without speaking to her, you wouldn't know what was really going on in her mind.
"Oh! You never said hi to Princess Historia or Ymir. They're my bridesmaids for the day," you point out. The color leaves Mikasa's face when she realizes who's in the room with her. "Sh*t. Your Royal Highness," Mikasa curtsies. Historia lets out one of her signature giggles and begins to introduce herself and Ymir to Mikasa. As that goes on, your team starts helping you with your dress again.
You were slightly glad Mikasa was by your side today. The situation between the both of you was awkward but you were willing to give her another chance.
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7:30 am
In the last two hours, you've done photoshoots and chat with everyone around you. Now it was time for Jean to be yours and for you to be his. You did question the early wedding time that Levi gave you but this would probably be the last time you saw that man so let's just let him do what he wants.
You were visibly nervous. You were gripping onto Mikasa's hand like it would be your last time doing so. "Hey, just remember, he's not your real husband. At least for now. This is all show," Mikasa reminds you. She was right. Jean may have been romantic with you but also he got his hour of fame, he could possibly leave you. Maybe he would get married to Connie.
You started to take a few deep breaths as you pulled up in front of the venue. Levi had rented a beach (not the one you and Connie were on) for your wedding.
From what you could see in the car, there were multiple seats and people were filling them up. You hoped that Connie's family had no ill-feeling toward you and decided to show up. It would be a shame since you were caught on television talking about how you would love for them to be there.
Your car came to a slow end. "y/n, do not worry. Remember, THIS is all fake. Only you decide if it's real," Mikasa reminds you. Levi opens your door and offers his hand to you. "It's go time." Mikasa helped you with your veil making sure that it wouldn't hit the ground.
"y/n, I know I may have been a menace but I'm happy for you. You might have had the most popular season yet," he says. Him bringing up ratings was no shock to you. You don't reply and Levi have his moment.
You like to think that Jean would like to spend the rest of his life with you. You knew that wasn't the case with many Bachelorettes and Bachelors but you look at Levi and Erwin...ah well, that wasn't a good example, considering that Erwin wasn't a contestant. He was the previous host. 'CALM DOWN,' you tell yourself, 'YOU AND JEAN WILL BE GOOD. AND IF HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU, ITS WHATEVER BECAUSE I'M THE BEST THING EVER.'
Minutes later, you're at the end of the aisle. Jean has his back turned and he's pacing back and forth slightly. Next to him is Connie. You know this because you recognize his big egg head. You're happy he put everything aside to support the both of you.
Mikasa takes her place in front of you and the music starts. Levi offers you his arm and you take it.
This was really happening.
You looked into the audience with a smile on your face but everything was moving so fast, you couldn't recognize their faces.
Before you knew it, you were by Jean. He still couldn't look at you- not until Levi gave you away. The marriage officiant clears his throat and begins to talk.
"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Jean and y/n. Welcome friends and family! We're glad to have you with us.
Today is the beginning of a remarkable journey for this couple. Drawing on their mutual admiration, respect, and trust, they are ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives. We celebrate the love and light evident in their relationship and wish them well on this joyous occasion.
Who gives this woman away?"
"I do," Levi answers. He takes Jean's hand and places it on top of yours. Jean then moves his under yours so that he could hold it. He looks down at Levi and mouths 'Thank you'. The shorter male nods and takes a seat.
The officiant gives you and Jean a moment to face each other. Jean had the biggest smile on his face when his eyes landed on you. "You look gorgeous," he whispers. "You're not so bad yourself," you reply.
The officiant continues. "If anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." You look over Jean's shoulder to see Connie. You couldn't see his whole face, thanks to Jean's height, but you could see his eyes. They were narrowed and looking straight at you.
You wanted to feel bad, but you couldn't. YOU decided that Connie would not be your spouse, and that was final.
No one responded to the officiant's request, so he continued.
"Marriage is an integral part of the human tradition. Let us remember, as we stand here before the Universe, that the vows taken today hold great importance, just as they did to our ancestors. As individuals, we choose to enter the union of marriage to share all aspects of ourselves with our soulmate. Today, this is true for Jean and y/n."
Soulmate. You hoped that was true for you and Jean. You did meet him on a tv show.
"There are few greater joys in life than finding someone with whom we truly "click." In that spirit, I will now share a short reading on soulmates from author Richard Bach:
"A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
Under the eyes of Ymir, together we take a moment to acknowledge the seriousness of the commitment being entered into today. With great joy, we also recognize the special bond shared by Jean and y/n.."
This...this was a special bond indeed. Not only that, it was completely random. The next part of the wedding was your vows. The next part of solidifying your relationship.
"I will now invite the couple to share their vows. Jean and y/n, the promises you make today are sacred; they are the groundwork from which your marriage will grow and blossom over time.
Jean, would you like to begin first?"
Jean nods and squeezes your hands. "y/n, hopefully by the end of this ceremony, you will be my wife. I know there's a lot that you're worried about but I'll do everything to make you happy. I'll always protect you and keep you satisfied."
"y/n, your turn."
"Jean. I'm not too sure what to say...you've out-speeched me," you joke. Jean chuckled. "But...I too promise to love and protect you. I'll also make sure we're on the same page because that's very important for our relationship. I'm willing to fight for us."
You look at the officiant, letting him know that you were done.
"Let us proceed. Jean, before your family and friends, do you take y/n as your beloved Wife, to have and to hold, through laughter and in sadness, through challenges and successes, so long as you both shall live?"
Jean is silent for a moment. He's rubbing the back of your right hand and staring straight into your eyes- almost as if he was reevaluating everything. This made you nervous. Jean was a smart guy. You know you couldn't hold him down and force him to do anything he didn't want.
"I...I do," he finally answers. The weight on your chest dissolves.
"y/n, before your family and friends, do you take Jean as your beloved Husband, to have and to hold, through laughter and in sadness, through challenges and successes, so long as you both shall live?"
"Yes, I do," you answer quickly. You hear small laughs coming from the audience.
The officiant gives you a small smile before continuing. "Wedding rings are a traditional symbol of the strength of the bond between two soulmates."  Connie comes from behind Jean with the wedding bands and gave you both one.
"This bond is never broken, and continues in a perpetual circle, glowing with the warmth and eternal light of two souls in a perfect union. By wearing these rings, you will be always reminded of the connection you share and the vows you have made today. Jean, please, repeat after me;
I, Jean..."
"I, Jean..."
"present you, y/n, with this ring..."
"present you, y/n, with this ring..."
"as a symbol of our everlasting love."
"as a symbol of our everlasting love."
"Let it never lose its luster..."
"Let it never lose its luster..."
"just as my love for you will never fade."
"just as my love for you will never fade."
Jean, still gently holding your hand, slips the ring on (whatever finger your culture uses for weddings!). He can't help but admire it for a moment. He looks back up at you with the biggest grin. All you had to do was place the ring on his finger and your marriage would be "official".
"y/n, repeat after me. I, y/n..."
"I, y/n..."
"present you, Jean, with this ring..."
"present you, Jean, with this ring..."
"as a symbol of our everlasting love..."
"as a symbol of our everlasting love..."
"let it never lose its luster..."
"let it never lose its luster..."
"just as my love for you will never fade."
"just as my love for you will never fade."
You slip the ring onto Jean's left finger.
"By the power vested in me by the Ymir Life Church and Paradis, under the eyes of the Ymir, I happily pronounce you Husband and Wife! Jean, kiss your bride."
At that moment, everyone disappeared. It was just you and Jean. Jean places a hand on your waist and pulls you in. You find your hands riding up his chest and resting on his shoulder as you get closer. You and Jean connect and all of sudden, you're not in that bubble anymore.
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, I give you Mr. Kirstein and Mrs. l/n!!."
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You and Jean left together as "spouses". The first thing you did was official wedding photoshoots that were to be spread all over Paradis and all over the world- thanks to social media. Y'all kinda look like Meghan and Harry tbh.
You both got an opportunity to change in your reception outfits. After that, it was another car ride to the reception venue. Jean held your hand and couldn't stop talking about how beautiful you looked. You were so flustered, you couldn't get a response out. When you reached the venue, the driver helped out first and Jean slipped out of the car after you. He took your hand and entered the reception venue with you.
When you entered the dining hall, you were welcomed by cheers and claps. It was extremely overwhelming- not in a bad sense, however. You looked around the room and caught some familiar faces. You saw Bertholdt and Reiner sitting at a table with another unfamiliar girl. Across the room, Mikasa is seated with Connie, Historia, and Ymir. Everyone else is family that Levi most likely reached out to.
You and Jean take a seat and the cheering calms down. You lean on Jean's shoulder and sigh. The day wasn't over yet, but you were already so tired. Jean places his head on top of yours. "I can't wait to just be with you. I don't know what you had planned tonight but to be honest, I just want to sleep. I haven't realized how tired I was until now," Jean says quietly. "I have to agree. Let's just take a shower, cuddle and just pass out."
Jean brings his head up and smirks at you. "A shower? Together?" You only roll your eyes jokingly. "Oh, look, I think Levi is gonna call us up to have our first dance." "Don't worry, I'll get my answer sooner or later, y/n. You can't run from me." Jean pokes your arm teasingly, which causes you to squirm a little bit. Levi calls you up and Jeans takes your hand to lead you to the dance floor.
(Song of your choice) starts playing and you're not even sure where to start. Jean has a hand on your waist and is holding your free hand. You have a hand on his shoulders. "I'm not even sure where to start, we never practiced," you whisper. Jean smiles softly. "Don't worry about it. We're in this together aren't we?" He begins to move, taking full control. You stumble a bit but your reception dress hides your clumsiness. After a bit, you weren't stumbling anymore. You rest your head on Jean's shoulder and he pulls you even closer. Your movements get even slower. The music slowly disappeared and so did everyone else. It was just you and Jean.
When the music actually came to an end, you pulled away slowly. "You did great," Jean says softly. "So did you." You both go back to your seats. Waiters started to come out and take everyone's orders for dinners and started to pour drinks- meaning a toast would be coming up.
Mikasa comes up to the dance floor and awkwardly clanks her glass, trying to get everyone's attention. Everyone turned their heads and it wasn't because of the awkward clanking of the glass. There were some 'What the hell is she doing here?'s and 'Eren's b*tch?'s. You could visibly see Mikasa's nervousness so you attempted to lock eyes with her. It took her a while but she could finally look you in the eye. Mikasa clears her throat. "Um, hi. You're probably wondering why I'm here but today is not about me. It's about y/n and Jean. I was once y/n's closets friends until I was pressured to do something that I wouldn't normally do." Mikasa gives Levi a side-eye. The shrimp man crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.
"y/n is absolutely amazing...I can't really put it into words but there's something about her that just make people want to be around her. I can see why Jean fought so hard to be with her."
Jean squeezes your hand when she makes that comment.
"I often think to myself about how y/n could have easily met Jean at a café or a movie theatre or something rather than on TV show. But at the same time, this was good for her...and all of us. Here we discovered the lengths of our friendship and who we really were as people. I believe these ups and downs helped y/n find Jean- her true love. Honestly, I wish you both a happy future. Make it worth it."
Mikasa raises her glass and everyone clinks their glass with their neighbors. Connie begins to walk up to the dance floor as soon as Mikasa leaves.
"I'm going to be really honest with you. This is was unexpected. I honestly thought that today was going to be about me." Connie raises his eyebrows at Jean, who furrows them.
"But I guess it's a good thing I didn't marry y/n. I wouldn't have been enough to handle. So, congrats to you, Jean. You're tolerable."
Connie gets off the dance floor without giving you or Jean a look. You look at Jean and he's hurt. "H-hey...maybe he's drunk or something. In his feelings, you know? Don't let him make you feel bad," you say. Jean gives you a small smile before sipping down his drink.
Moments later, it was time for parent dances. Jean got up to dance with his mom. It was a little bit uncoordinated than yours but they looked like they were having a lot of fun.
Next was the bouquet and garter toss. You started with the garter first. You sat in a chair with your legs cross. You knew this was going to happen but it wasn't rehearsed. Jean could see your uneasiness, so he started doing a silly sensual dance. It made you laugh and your laughter got louder once he started shimming down to the floor. He got closer to your thigh and you felt your face heating up. You slapped your hand over your mouth once he starting biting the garter and pulling it off. As he continued, you cupped your face. When Jean was finally day, cheers erupted and you uncovered your hot face. Jean closes his eyes and throws the garter into the crowd and it lands in the hands of Reiner. The guys cheer even louder for him as he awkwardly glances over at Bertholdt, who is a few people away from him.
Next was the bouquet throwing. You closed your eyes and the guest counted you off. Once you heard the number three, you threw the bouquet. You open your eyes and turn around to see that Bertholdt had gotten the flowers. His face is so red...he look like a tomato.
After your guest settled down, it was time to cut your cake, meaning that your wedding day was almost over. You picked a (cake of your choice) for tonight. "It looks delicious. I can't wait to try it," Jean whispers in your ear. "It is. You'll love it," you respond. You pick up a knife. Jean wraps his hands around yours. You both gently place the knife on the cake and pushed it down. You lean back to give Jean a kiss and he gives you one. Jean grabs two forks by the cake and hands one over to you.
Jean scoops a piece of the cake first. He places a hand on your chin and you open your mouth. "Ladies first," he says as he places the cake in your mouth. You take a minute to savor the taste before swallowing. You also take a piece of the cake and get on your toes to feed Jean. He chuckles softly at your struggle before taking the fork from you and feeding himself. "You're right, it's good," he says after swallowing. He bends down slightly to give you another kiss.
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The night was slowly coming to an end. There was no sight of Connie after his stupid speech and Levi and Erwin were getting ready to get home. Historia and Ymir had left right after the cake cutting ceremony but had promised to call you once everything had settled down. You and Jean formally greeted your guest and started your goodbyes.
Mikasa had gone up to you with a slightly awkward face. "Today wasn't so bad, huh?" she starts. You give her a kind smile. "It wasn't. Did you enjoy yourself?" Mikasa pauses to answer. "Your wedding was beautiful...however, I can't get upset over the reaction about me being here. y/n, I have to apologize again. What I did was completely wrong. I shouldn't even be blaming Levi for everything. I could have told you at first and-"
You pull Mikasa into a hug to shut her up. "Mikasa, move on. Come on, we're adults! At least you're apologizing and trying- unlike someone we know," you joke. You pull away. "Hopefully, if Jean and I have a real wedding, it won't be as awkward for you." Mikasa nods. "I'll see you around. Congrats." As Mikasa walks off, Reiner, Bert, and this mystery blonde come up to you. Inside Reiner's pocket is your garter sticking out and Bertholdt is clenching your bouquet.
"Hey," you start," Thank you for coming. Who's your friend?"
Bertholdt looks over at the blonde. "Thank you for inviting us...um...this is Annie. My dad thought you were her."
Now, why did Bertie's dad think you was this yt girl?😟
LMAO. "Nice to keep you, Annie. You Bertie's girl?" you ask.
Annie shakes her head no frantically. "OH, NO. Never in a million years, no. Yuck!" she answers dramatically. Reiner throws an arm over Bert's shoulder. "He's actually my boy now," he says proudly. "OH-! Congrats! So we're having a wedding for you soon, yes?" You tease. Reiner nods and Bertie tries to hide his face in Reiner's hair. "When did this all happen...? I just eliminated you like...two weeks ago?"
"Well...Reiner and I were still in contact and when I left, he reached out to me. We met up a few times and we hit it off," Bertie explains. "Congrats. I'm really happy to hear that," you answer. You turn around to look for Jean. He's talking to his mom. He gives you a small glance before continuing his conversation with her. "I better go catch up with Jean. It was nice to see you...and finally meeting you, Annie." The trio say their goodbyes before leaving.
You make your way over to Jean but you're stopped by the human fit of annoyance- Levi. You were so tired of him but you threw on a smile since Erwin was walking over as well. "Yes, Levi? I thought we were done here," you say in a singsong voice. "Aw, you're ready to go?" Levi says sarcastically. You open your mouth to answer but he cuts you off. "For starters, thank you for adding on to mine and Erwin's paychecks. We really appreciate it. Arrangements for your hotel and honeymoon have been put together. You're tired of me, but don't hesitate to call me if something goes wrong. Besides that, I wish you luck. Make everything worth it."
Levi walks past you and Erwin stops to hug you before following his husband.
Jean makes his way up to you, his mom following behind. "Everything good? I saw shrimp talking to you." You take Jean's hand. "Everything's good." Jean pulls you into a side hug. "Aw, you guys are so cute. I really do hope you last," Jean's mom comments, "I've always wanted a daughter."
"Mom, nothing's official yet-"
"I'm glad you think of me as your daughter, June."
"Well, I'll see you later. Jean, take care of her tonight. Be good to her and listen to her. Don't be rough, she's not a rag doll," June warned her son. She had a finger up in his face and everything. Seeing their relationship on the regular was going going to be hilarious.
Jean swats his mom's finger out of his face before waving her goodbye. He then fully wraps his arms around you. "No offense. But I'm glad this is over. We'll get to know each other one on one now," he says. You can't help but agree.
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ITS FINALLY OVER. well not exactly. i have one more chapter to write and y’all will never hear about levi, 12 guys, and dates ever again😭 but since this series has reached its goal (you getting married) please do me a favor and rate my series, it would be appreciated!
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spoopingbitty · 3 years
Do you still like Doctor Who?
If you mean: Do I still enjoy previous seasons of Doctor Who, sure!!
If you mean: Do I enjoy the current season and the past two of Doctor Who, Hell no.
Look, I still adore the series. It was something that helped me through my rough days when I was a teenager. I still love the creativity in the classic series, and the first ten seasons of the newer series. While Moffat definitely wasn't my favorite in terms of continuity or overall story arcs, at least his stories went somewhere. When he changed the past or retconed something in the series, the stories eventually got to the point. Was he perfect? No. However, his execution of the story and events lead the audience down a more narrow path. Sure, there were still unanswered questions that he left us, but they weren't pivotal to the plot itself.
Chibnall on the other hand? It feels like his entire arcs are hastily thrown together. I can safely say this season finale of Doctor Who was literally the worst that I've not only seen, but the worst finale since the shows return. Why is this? Well, there's a lot of different reasons why the series is doing so poorly. But a lot of these flaws land at Chibnalls feet.
I could go on for way too long on the issues from season 11-13. To keep it simple, Chibnall is trying to rewrite the history of a show without giving said show decent episodes. He places too much emphasis on pointless characters, only to retcon his own work. It honestly reminds me of a 12 year old writing a fanfic at this point, and that's extremely disappointing considering he did so well with Torchwood.
If any of my followers like the current three seasons, that's fine! I'm not here to talk shit about it (hence why I never posted about it in the first place) if you take enjoyment out of something I don't like, good for you! But now y'all know why I don't post about DW anymore.
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Am I the only one who thinks that Chris's 'weak' acting in 5x14, particularly YMMFSY, was intentional? I thought the whole point of that sequence was to show that things weren't as perfect as either of them thought. Plus Kurt was already annoyed at Blaine due to the bedbug incident of the previous night and hadn't gotten any sleep. I have always thought that him looking a little disengaged (but not too much) was on purpose.
You are not the only one! 
I absolutely believe Chris’s acting choices were intentional.  I think he (and Darren) knew what was going to happen in season 6 (I believe there’s an interview somewhere that confirms this), and knowing what happens in season 6 adds a new layer to what goes on here.  
One of the unfortunate things about not having a full season in New York is that we kind of skipped past Klaine’s honeymoon stage, and went straight into their struggles of living together.  Add in the fact that Glee often does broad strokes with its stories, we don’t get smaller, happier moments, which I think, had they been allowed in, would have balanced what was going on during the NYC arc much better.  Case in point -- Kurt’s rather happy at the end of the episode as they’re walking hand in hand and looking at flowers.  Their life together isn’t terrible, and Kurt does love Blaine, but the situation they’re in is not what they wanted or expected, and they both still had a lot of growing to do -- with themselves and their relationships.  
And yes, when you take YMMFSY in context, it is after that dreadful night of bedbugs, layered on top of the fact that Kurt’s already feeling claustrophobic, layered on top of the fact that Blaine’s trying way too hard to make them an old married couple when they’re still in their early twenties.  They’re skipping a good three or four decades, and Kurt’s just not ready to be there --- even as Blaine’s pushing him to be.  That doesn’t detract from the fact that there are happier moments in the song (the pillow fight!).  It’s awkward, but intentionally so.  Kurt’s not happy.  And that’s a deliberate acting choice on Chris’s part --- having nothing to do with whether he was annoyed or not.  
I also like to point out that there are other reasons Kurt’s annoyed that aren’t just tied with Blaine.  Rachel has been obnoxious, and obnoxious for a while, and Kurt’s irritation with her outweighs anything having to do with Blaine (why he continues to live with her, eesh, idk).  He’s also genuinely annoyed with Sam, who lives on his couch, and prevents him from sexy times with Blaine.  And then there’s everyone not taking things like Artie’s mugging seriously.  Kurt’s life is a jammed mess full of needy people, and he doesn’t have a moment alone to just be himself -- hence his conversation with Elliott.  
And all of this bleeds through the entire New York Arc.  Kurt is not happy.  And he won’t be until the end of season 6, really.  
Definitely a character thing.  Not an actor thing. <3 <3 
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jung-snoopy-woo · 4 years
How I Met Your Grandfather
~Chapter 8~
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(Gif Credit: @huiracha​ via tumblr, your gifs are super cute!! Please let me know if it’s not okay to use them 🙏🙏)
Other Chapters: Masterlist | First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | ninth (coming soon!!)
Pairing: Bang Chan × Fem! Reader, Twin brother! Felix Lee.
Genre: Mostly fluff, a tiny bit of angst.
Word count: 1.2k.
Warnings: mentions of the same insecurities from the previous chapters.
Summary: After saving her from drowning, Chan and y/n could finally(!!!!) start their date, watching the sunset together. In the meantime, the boys who stayed in the dorms decide on who’s going to do the dishes, but Felix can’t focus as he feels like something doesn’t feel right...
A/N: I’d like to start with thanking the beautiful anon for motivating me to continue writing. I was very very busy lately since exam season started, and I really didn’t think anyone still cares about this fanfic anymore so I was sure I wouldn’t continue writing, but your message really motivated me to write, and I’m so glad I did because it was so fun!! 
Also, I don’t know if it’s good enough but I really like the sunset and going to the beach so basically this is my dream date I guess?? 😂😂 
Hope you all enjoy reading!! 🥰🥰🥰
"Are you sure you're okay?", Chris asked you as the two of you were sitting on the warm sand, eating the cookies and the fruits, as the sun was beginning to set, the sky filled with beautiful shades of pink and orange. "I can drive you home immediately so you can rest and maybe some other time, if at all.. I mean... if you want to, we can--", your laugh interrupted his words.
"Yes, Chris, I'm fine now!", You said with a smile. You then looked at him, "Thanks to you... Mr. Keeper?", this nickname made him blush and finally he could join your laughing.
“Wait, so you baked these cookies??", Chris asked. “Yup”, you answered with a smile. “They were super easy to make actually!”. "Wow, really? those baking skills really do run in the family, huh?", he said, and you could only laugh in response.
"Oh, I almost forgot!!", He suddenly called. He opened his backpack and took a huge plastic bag out of it that seemed pretty full. He took out all the candies and snacks out of it, and your eyes widened because these were your favorites back in Australia and you missed eating them so much. He opened all of them and said "Ta daaaaaa".
After you two finished eating, you decided to have a walk on the beach. Chris got up first, and being the gentleman he is, helped you standing up.
"The sky looks so pretty at this time of the day", you said, trying to start a conversation. For some reason, it didn't feel awkward walking quietly with him like this. But you still wanted to know him better... and you liked listening to him talk, too.
Chris wanted to say it so badly. 'You're so much prettier'. But he didn't, as it was too cheesy and would probably make it too weird for you. And he didn't want to do that, of course. When talking to other people, he always felt like he has to start conversations, but to him, walking like this with you- the sea water touch your legs as the two of you walk side by side... It was perfect. He let his hand get closer to yours and finally held it.
You were a bit surprised at first (I mean, he was so quiet you thought you said something wrong??), not expecting him to do what you wanted to do so badly yourself, but his hand felt so warm and nice in your hand that you immediately held it back, looking at him with a smile. He returned a big smile and you could see how his ears turned a soft shade of red again.
"Y/n...", Chris started. You two were walking for a while when you finally found a nice bench, so you decided to sit there and look at the sunset together as some stars were showing. "I had a really great time with you today... I mean, it was scary at first. Very scary. But after the scary part, it was amazing"
You smiled. "It really was amazing for me too", you said, eyes meeting his. "And thank you... for saving my life and for making this date so great...", you let your head rest on his shoulder. He looked at you with the softest look omg you left him speechless... His ears couldn't get any more red right now.
"Y/n", he finally said. Gosh, how you liked the way he said your name. “Hmm?”, You turned to look at him, head still resting on his strong shoulder. "Is it okay if I do this...?", Your confused look changed to a smile in a second as he leaned forward, his soft lips touching yours, both hands cupping your cheeks gently, as warmth started spreading in your body.
Oh, it was a lot better than okay...
"Felix?", Seungmin's voice interrupted Felix's thoughts. "Hey, Felix, it's your turn... Is everything okay?"
The boys were sitting around the table, with snacks and soft drinks on it, as they were about to find out which one of them is going to do the dishes this time. And so they did it in the same way they have always made important life decisions like this- by playing card games.
"Yeah... I'm just...", Felix started. What was he feeling? He wasn't even sure himself. He was happy for his friend and his sister, of course. He trusts Chan to be the best boyfriend for y/n. But it doesn't mean this whole thing wasn't strange for him... which probably was the reason why he felt this strange pain in his chest that made it a little hard for him to breathe for a few seconds...
"He's just worried because Chan hyung is on a date with his sister right now, and..", Minho said, with a smile, but once he saw Felix's worried look he stopped joking, amusement leaving his face. "Oh, come on, It's going to be okay! We already talked about this- Chan hyung is a good guy, and I'm sure y/n can take care of herself...".
"I know, I know", Felix said. "I trust Chan hyung, and I trust my sister to make the right choice. But still... I have a bad feeling for some reason..? "
"Your twinny-senses are tingling?", Jisung asked, shoving two potato chips in his mouth.
Of course, that's how you two called the way you could tell when the other lied, and when you just knew stuff, but they weren't REAL...
"Well, I don't know, I just feel like--", Felix started.
"It's the twinny-senses", Jisung continued, still chewing.
"Uhmmm, I.. it's not like--"
"Just tell him that it's your twinny-senses", Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes. "Jisung hyung wouldn't stop it if you don't", Jeongin added with a nod, whispering.
Felix sighed. "Yeah, it's my twinny-senses", he said, looking at Jisung who looked at him as if waiting for him to continue. "And.. they're tingling?". Felix said with another sigh. Now Jisung finally looked satisfied as he nodded with a proud smile.
"I'm sure it's alright", Changbin said, patting the younger's back. "This situation is probably just a little weird for you",
"I think so too", Jeongin added. "I mean, Channie-hyung is coming very soon and you sleep in the same room with him so... It's probably going to be even weirder for you two".
"Oh no...", Hyunjin covered his mouth with his hand, not able to hide his smile.
"Oh, our Jeonginnie...", Jisung said with a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Felix, don't listen to them, everything is going to be okay", Seungmin said.
"And you don't have to talk about it to him, you know", Changbin added. "I sleep in this room too, so if the situation gets too awkward, this hyung will help you!", He pointed at himself, gaining some snorts of laughter from the others.
But it did lift up Felix's spirit. "Thank you Changbin hyung--", he said, smiling. 
The sound of a key turning in the lock made them all freeze.
Chan was now standing in the living room, with a smile on his face. "So...", He started. "Who's doing the dishes this time?"
Everyone was quite at first. Chan's hair looked curlier than usual, meaning it was soaked and dried in the cool air, which makes sense as he probably couldn't help it but swim, being the sea-lover he is. But what caught their eyes was his clothes that still seemed a bit damp and were pretty wrinkled. Now, why wouldn’t he take off his shirt to get in the water?? It could be a great way to impress y/n as they all know how great his body looks... 
"It's Felix", Minho's voice finally broke the silence. "Felix is doing the dishes this time".
A/n: Hope you all have a wonderful day, please stay safe and happy! In case any of you is also insecure about the way they look, please know that you’re beautiful, loved and very important!! 
My DMs are always open so feel free to message me  💖💖
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dani-halfa · 4 years
Danny phantom season 3 rant
So i have been thinking about writing and explaining why season 3 felt so weirdly paced and why i think it's writing is mixed bag.
I'm aware this has been covered hundred of times. Despite this i would like to share some of my thoughts.
Firstly, i thought about what people like when they talk about this series. The conclusion i came up with it's:
Characters and character development
The worldbuilding
Episodes about mature and dark themes (Think about The ultimate enemy)
Good and funny antagonists
Ghosts and ghost dimension
Then i thought what made season 3 fail and the reason why it didn't work.
So for starters:
One of the main highlights of Danny phantom is strong characterization and character arcs. They may be not perfect.. Nevertheless,the characters are well defined and each one feels unique.
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What went wrong in season 3?
The answer to this, I believe, it's the lack of internal conflict. In all of the 13 episodes which this season has maybe only 2 of them the characters really change.
I'm talking about D-stabilized (Valerie and Dani) and Forever phantom (About popularity and how gaining too much attention can be dangerous)
The rest of them is main conflict it's beating the bad guy of the week. Not too much else.
This is when i talk about Danny and Sam.
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I have nothing against this pairing. They have decent chemistry together. My issue is that in season 3 is the only relationship that seems to develop and many episodes which focus on Danny are about this.
It would be fine if it was a subplot or there were other things happening in the same episode.. but when it's your only arc.. it felts empty.
Other thing that i like about danny phatom is the villans. Every villain has their own personality, design, motives, likes and dislikes. No one it's like the other.
Some of them have backstories and actual explanations of why the choose to attack Danny. Like Ember, Vlad, Valerie...
Then season 3 came and the main antagonists became forgettable.
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Their designs are really cool. The problem was that they lack motivation beyond destroying the world. The were more like big monsters which existed for Danny to show his powers for rule of cool.
I don't remember too much about them except for design and powers.
The only new antagonist i liked was Amorfo. He was someone who didn't have his own identity so he copied others to gain attention.
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Mature themes
Now what lessons did season 3 have?
Because if you leave D-stabilized and Forever phantom.. you have nothing worth of analyzing here. Maybe.. Eye for an Eye, about how we can get carried out with pranks.
Still the lessons and themes weren't as interesting as season 1 and season 2.
Think about Danny learning to overcome his insecurities. Think about Valerie falling for Danny. Tucker and his phobia of hospitals.. Season 3 didn't have these things.
Worldbuilding and ghosts
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The worldbuilding in this season it's actually not that bad. There are few new cool interesting concepts that were introduced. First, the ghost core and second, the infinity map.
In "Boxed up fury" we get to know about the pandora box. It's a shame it only was for one episode.. i found it's lore very mysterious. They could have written an arc with this.
I wasn't very fond of Danny being "the chosen one". He is great because he fights without having a destiny. He knows he can use his powers to stop evil ghosts from hurting innocent lives.
I forgot to mention the detail that some ghosts consider Danny as a hero for freeing them from the Ghost King. That's nice continuity.
Vlad's characterization
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One of the main reasons i really like Vlad is for his motivations. He isn't your generic villain that wants to conquer the world or power.. he has already all those things and more.
His wants Maddie and Danny to be his family. He wants to get revenge on Jack. Even if revenge it's a little cliche.. i prefer this over "generic bad guy".
For him, it's very personal. He thinks Jack ruined his life with the ghost portal accident. He was his friend and Jack "betrayed" him in his mind.
And in season 3... he's nothing of these things.
Like, his motivations are changed. Suddenly he's a different character who only cares about power and money.He becomes a dull typical saturday cartoon villan
Some fans believe he snapped after "Kindred Spirits". I think it's a good explanation for this change. The problem is that is never justified in the series.
First he makes pranks on Danny, then he wants the infinity map, after that gaining popularity and then he wants to create more Danny clones...
Not saying it's bad he has more than one goal.. but make up your mind,please!
So there you have it, i explained my points of why this season is a bit weak in comparision to Season 1 and 2. I didn't hate Season 3. It's decent at least. It just is not as well written as the previous seasons.
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H.Shinsou x S.Todoroki, H.Shinsou x I.Midoriya, S.Todoroki x I.Midoriya, I.Midoriya x O.Uraraka, and various hints to other ships
Warnings: Slow burn(?), unrequited love, brief breaking of the fourth wall lmao
Have been writing since 03/07/2019
Word count 2810
Reblogs > Likes, pleasepleaseplease–
Lengthiness under the cut!
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xx/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Outside ; Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi shuddered, hands instinctively reaching to cup over his mouth in some attempt to warm them through his thick gloves. He gave warm, drawn out breaths that helped to spare his lips from the almost burning cold, however otherwise, the gesture proved fruitless– Even more than the occasional, leafless trees that he passed. And so, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and gave a somewhat frustrated sigh that easily converted into Winter fog.
He hated almost everything about the season– Shivering in the snow, persistent carolers, and the pressure to buy gifts for people that he barely knew. At least he had the excuse to take a break from school and hide inside during the whole of said break.
Regardless, however, the purple-haired male was there: Walking through the snow, toward the mall– clad in two-and-a-half layers of clothing–, with the intent to buy a Christmas present for a bush.
Said bush's name was Izuku Midoriya, one of the famed former students of class 1-A who not only survived multiple villain attacks, but also managed to help get Hitoshi into the hero course. Maybe it wasn't the achievement that he was most recognized for, but it was the one that truly spoke of his sincerity and kindness, in Hitoshi's heart.
...So what if he had a crush? Izuku already obviously had his own on a certain brunette from 2-B, so he knew he didn't have any chance– Having fallen for a straight boy.
As he continued to walk, a bitter taste was left in Shinsou's mouth.
xx/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Shouto Todoroki
A gentle sigh flitted from between the heterochromatic boy's lips as he laid on the sofa in the commons room, scrolling through a website that he'd found on his phone. As if to loosen the tense feeling that only Shouto seemed to experience, he hummed to himself, searching through lists upon lists of gifts upon gifts.
And still, nothing.
He wanted to find the perfect gift– Something that conveyed his feelings to Izuku without needing to use words; Something unlike anything else that he had ever even seen; Something special and completely unique, made only for him. That was what Shouto wanted to give his classmate; That was what Shouto wanted to give to his favorite person;
That was what Shouto wanted to give to the boy that he loved. While he was aware that his feelings weren't returned, and while he was aware that they never would be, he was going to tell him, come Christmas. And, with their relationship becoming deafeningly awkward, he was going to ruin the holiday for everybody in class 2-A. And he'd run back to his mother, and cry, and hide from the rest of the world until somebody other than Enji would inherit the agency– And then he'd become a hero through that and never have to see the pro hero Deku, again. He could already see it happening.
The boy with bicolored hair blinked before shaking his head, turning to pick his dead phone back into his hands.
As he stood to charge the pocket-sized computer, a solemn, cold feeling spread throughout Todoroki's veins.
25/12/xxxx ; The morning ; Commons room ; Neito Monoma
Neito was somehow of the first up, slipping down the stairs to see a pajama-clad Tooru, Mina, and Denki. The electric blonde was sitting at the table, 'recharging' himself with some oatmeal topped with whipped cream and banana slices– A combination that the former 1-B student saw disgust in. Tooru and Mina, however, were sitting near their bad excuse of a Christmas tree– of course, bless Ibara for growing it for them, but she admitedly could've done much better–, snooping around to see who got the most presents and guessing what said presents were. And Monoma, of course, was going to be the one to put a stop to it.
"Ashido, Hagakure! Don't be so childish as to peek through the presents! While it is to be expected of you 1-A brats, those are saved for later when we're all up together!"
"Omigosh, Monoma, you're starting to sound like Iida–" Ashido's attention was immediately captured by the boy, albeit not for the reason that he'd been looking for. Monoma's frown grew.
"That isn't the point!–"
"Eh?... 'S too early for this..." An all-too-familiar voice complained tiredly, an open yawn sounding from the same direction. "...Why not be Christmasy 'n cheery 'n stuff, instead?" Hitoshi sounded half asleep, as he always was before his usual morning coffee– Bitter and black, as he often described his soul.
A steel-haired boy– having previously gone unnoticed– then gave his hum, sending a sunshine smile from the kitchen to his classmate, "Coffee's on the pot if you need some, Shin!" Tetsutetsu called, being one of the few 2-A students who could easily bear the early hours.
A thin, lazy smile found its way onto Hitoshi's face. "Perfect timing. Thanks."
25/12/xxxx ; The early afternoon ; Kitchen ; Momo Yaoyorozu
The bushy-haired boy hobbled downstairs with a yawn, fuzzy sock slipping at the bottom– But, of course, a tall ravenette was there to catch him.
"Good morning, Midoriya." The young woman called softly as she gripped his shoulders, easing him into more of an upright position. She chose not to comment on it, as based on the shorter's expression, the near incident was enough of a wake-up call. "Did you sleep well?"
"Um–" Izuku began as they headed toward the kitchen, still recovering from the split-second panic. "Y-yeah. I was really excited, last night, so I think I went to bed, too late, though..." His voice trailed off into more of a tired mumble, which was always adorable– Sometimes, Momo was convinced that she was surrounded by a litter of cute, rambunctious puppies and not the future's greatest heroes.
"Yes. I think that you're the last one up, actually." She commented matter-of-factly, reaching into a cupboard to retrieve a pouch of caffeinated tea. "Would you like some tea to help wake you up?" She asked before her friend had the chance to feel guilty.
Sometimes, Yaoyorozu very easily read her peers. More than just Izuku knew this, as he nodded with his "Mmhm, thank you."
25/12/xxxx ; The early afternoon ; Dorms ; Fumikage Tokoyami
Quite the diverse group was walking through the snow, making the short trek from class 2-B's dorm building to class 2-A's– Said group consisting of an explosive boy, a bubbly brunette, a horned blonde, and a bird-headed boy. Katsuki Bakugou and Ochako Uraraka were exchanging their comments, as the frenemies often did, while Fumikage Tokoyami and Pony Tsunotori kept to themselves.
That was fine, however, as the trip was short– It wasn't long before a sharp redhead was opening the door, laughing at something that his twin-like friend had said. "Come on in, guys!" Eijirou'd said between chuckles.
Of course, Fumikage gratefully accepted the invite to come in, happy to shed his thick scarf and jacket– Even if he enjoyed the cold, he could only take it to an extent. The crow-like boy made a point to leave his garments on the coat rack, for later, before perching onto one of the arms of a couch.
He only observed, for a time– How Ochako easily found her way toward Momo and Izuku, and how two other boys also seemed to be carefuly regarding the group. How Mina and Denki seemed to momentarily deflate when they'd been told their tape friend was celebrating off-campus. How festive Yuuga looked, with his Rudolph-inspired makeup and fake antlers. How Tooru and Nirengeki seemed to really enjoy decorating Ibara's head.
25/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Ochako Uraraka
Eventually, conversations around the sofas seemed to float toward Ochako's distaste with being separated from her previous classmates. "Yeah, I've gotten to know lots of great people in 2-B, but kinda miss sharing class with my friends from last year, y'know?" She'd pointed out, which had lit flares of passion in those such as Katsuki and Eijirou.
"I miss my friends, too." Izuku chimed in, at some point, which seemed to easily halt Ochako and Katsuki's oncoming argument. "But, I think it's just natural that we.. Mm, I don't know how to put it. Expand? But, also, well..." The green-haired boy paused, trying not to spiral into a moment of muttering. "And, we can all still see eachother, after classes." He pointed out with a smile, and that was that.
"Such is the way of life." Fumikage added as somewhat of a word of advice.
Ochako couldn't help but notice how Pony folded her hands in her lap, leaning back into the couch as her blank stare and almost wistful smile faced nobody in particular. "I have no idea what you just said." She commented, which did cause some giggles and snickers to sound around their sort of cirlce– Ochako's sweetly humored one, included.
25/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Eijirou Kirishima
Everybody who said they'd attend the gathering seemed to be there, and most importantly, everybody seemed to have relaxed. The faux-redhead gave a shark-toothed grin as he carefully slid a headband onto a blonde's head– Of course, as soon as said blonde felt it, his hand lifted for a deathgrip around Eijirou's wrist.
He was glad that his quirk easily resisted his friend.
"Can you guess which reindeer you are?" He gave suppressed giggles as Katsuki's grip lightened, hand soon dropping into his lap. It was nice that the explosive boy's temper seemed to have lengthened– Even if only somewhat, at least something had definitely changed between his first argument with Tenya, and now.
Katsuki shifted slightly, his expression more of a neutral sort of grumpy. "Rudolph?" He guessed the obvious one, an eyebrow raised.
"Nope! I'm pretty sure Aoyama's got that covered, haha."
"...None of the other names are important." The blonde mumbled lowly, head leaned back to ensure only the boy behind him heard that. It was his way of admitting that he had no clue what the other reindeer's names were.
"Blitzen–" Kirishima couldn't help bursting into laughter, and admittedly, a small smile did tug at Katsuki's lips. "Because– Y'know–" He tried to speak between laughs, as he imitated the sound of an explosion.
25/12/xxxx ; The late afternoon ; The kitchen ; Rikido Satou
"Hey– Where are Midoriya and Todoroki?" Rikido asked, just about finished with handing out his festive sugar cookies– Only a little candycane and bushel of holly were left. He set his tray onto the counter as he glanced around the kitchen, no Izuku nor Shouto in sight.
"I saw them head for the elevators," Ochako chimed in, finding her seat atop the corner of the table. "Maybe Deku's giving Todoroki another present? Or– Y'know, the other way around?"
It made sense– Not long after the bushy-haired shounen protagonist had woken up, the group took their turns around the tree to hand out gifts. While they both received their abundance of presents, it'd seemed Shouto was still somewhat anticipatory, an emotion unlike his usually stoic self. Though the brunette gave a shrug, deciding to dismiss that detail, for the time being.
"Oh, well– Todoroki can reheat them, when he gets back, if they're cold by then."
25/12/xxxx ; The late afternoon ; The hall ; Mina Ashido
She didn't mean to eavesdrop, she swore to herself– She'd only been headed to the bathroom, when she'd overheard Izuku mentioning something about how much he loved something. And Mina, being the occasionally less-than-polite person that she was, couldn't help but to stick around, pressing her back to the wall and listening to two boys, around the corner.
"I'm glad– I wanted to make sure that my gift for you was special." She could tell that that was the deeper voice of Shouto, albeit uncharacteristically warm. And maybe Mina was somewhat upset that she didn't have the chance to know whatever the supposed special gift was, but she wasn't going to risk compromising her position in what sounded like a private moment.
"Well, thank you, Todoroki. I... I really appreciate you, y'know."
"And I–" Shouto cut himself off, though, and the pink girl physically recoiled as she realized that now was the moment that he'd finally be attempting a confession. She may not have been the most academically exemplary girl, but she'd been damned if she hadn't noticed every fleeting touch, every shy glance, every missed opportunity that her peppermint peer had suffered through.
She decided to walk away, though, keeping quiet as not to alert the boys. Part of her felt guilty, feeling as if she'd tainted the secrecy of the special interaction.
But as she stepped away, she did catch a quieter, forlorn phrase. "...You're my best friend, Izuku."
30/12/xxxx ; The morning ; Dorm room ; Kyouka Jirou
"The original is a lot less shitty." A certain Katsuki Bakugou commented gruffly, as the plumette experimented with her playlist. At current, she was playing some song called 'Hey There Delilah,' albeit sung in the Japanese that she knew, as opposed to its originally English version.
Kyouka raised a brow, ony briefly letting her attention flit toward the other. "Sure, but none of us can really understand the lyrics." She spoke nonchalantly, pushing herself up to fiddle with one of the speakers that Momo had previously helped her set up.
Katsuki gave his little "Tch," as he turned away, mentioning something about how he had no problem understanding English. And knowing the overachiever, that was likely true, she figured as he left the conversation.
This year, part of class 2-A– and even some 2-B students– had decided that they would be staying at the dorms for the New Year, watching whatever festivities and celebrating behind the safety of their tv. As such, Kyouka, Momo, and an unexpected Katsuki had banded together in lieu of decking out the Heights Alliance, for the upcoming holiday.
They mostly spent time cleaning and setting up a dorm sound system, but if all went well, every second of effort was going to be worth it.
31/12/xxx ; Shortly before midnight ; The commons room ; Izuku Midoriya
His peers had really done well with decorating, Izuku acknowledged for the umpteenth time as he chose his spot beside Ochako. Admittedly, he's been set on confessing for a while now, but never quite found the courage to voice his feelings.
But that was okay, as he gently tapped the brunette on the shoulder– Her cheeks grew rosier than usual when she noticed his outstretched hand, taking it after only a second of overthinking.
Maybe he didn't need words, after all, because he already had a passion in his heart and what seemed to be reciprocated feelings. Their fingers intertwined as the television flashed, counting down to a moment that both anticipated dearly. And Izuku couldn't stifle his shy grin, watching tentatively as Ochako's attention flitted between his face and the brightly-colored screen.
Neither had to say anything. Not now. Not until the rest of the small group cheered "Zero!", and not until they shared a wonderfully perfect kiss.
01/01/xxxx ; Shortly after midnight ; The roof ; Hitoshi Shinsou & Shouto Todoroki
After that, Hitoshi found himself fleeing the scene. Of course, he knew that it was inevitable, but that didn't stop him from hurting as much as he did. He rode the elevator and then climbed the stairs, stopping only once he stood atop the roof.
Shouto couldn't help but trail the plumette up to the top of the building, masking his similar need to escape with curiosity and concern. Considering they were heroes-in-training, it had been unusually easy to do so, to slip out of the room and follow him. Almost concerningly so, as the bicolored boy paused to eye the other's silhouette– To anticipate his next move.
Now, he wasn't stupid. He knew that much as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the roof's railing. Hitoshi glanced over his shoulder to acknowledge the other's presence, sending a silent invitation to join him. With the way that he strode beside him, it was apparent that the youngest Todoroki was reluctant.
But neither had to say anything, for a long time. They simply stood beside one another, gazes focused on the moon or the sky or the city below them. Or maybe even one another. Shouto found comfort in this moment, but he did eventually break away, wanting to allow the plumette to mourn in peace.
But as the other turned, Shinsou reached and gently gripped his forearm. "Hey," his voice was smooth and gentle enough to coax Shouto back, to make him want to return to that moment. And he did, standing closer to his peer, now.
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purplerose244 · 6 years
... wow. Just wow, I'm processing everything that happened and I gotta say, this episode was incredible 🤩
Let's see if I can put everything
First of all, thankfully, the oni talked in a way I managed to understand 😅 Also somehow Garmy saying "It's complicate" makes me think of how much it really is... "You know, I was meant to be an evil lord, but I met this woman who is now weirdly into my brother, had a son that defeated me, saved me, banished me, kinda killed me and defeated me again..."
I remember when "Lloyd" Garmadon was just a pun of Lord, look at us now 😂 Sometimes I need a reminder of how unusual is the Garmadon family
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WE HAVEN'T SEEN THAT ARMOR SINCE THE BEGINNING SEASON 4!!! And the Sword of Santuary, I love that thing, in my group of RP I have something similar, very useful 👌
Can I say that Lloyd being so clumsy kinda weirded me out? But I guess in complete darkness with beings made to kill and your evil dad as the only companion... yeah, now I kinda understand better 💚
... yeah, I'm getting there 😓
The NTV tower, does anyone remember it? Like, I rewatched "The Day Ninjago Stood Still" just the other day, so glad we see buildings that comes from other seasons!!
Gale is being a good journalist I guess 😅 Still can't see why Dareth is so into her...
... I really have to, huh
First of all, Ninjago crew, Jay and Michael, you are cruel. You can't use a tone so similar to the soundtrack Cole whistled before, it's like with Zane death's one... I still feel my heart aching every time I hear it and that moment broke me 😭😭
Jay's scream is 😢 The way he holds onto the ladder, that face, that is the expression of someone that just lost his best friend I have so many bruise vibes right now not sorry
To be honest it kinda pissed me off at first that Cole's fall happened because of a simple mistake, but then I got to think that Nya is "perfect". Or at least she tries to be. And it is well shown how much it hurt her, and how she blames herself. They didn't lose Cole because of an epic battle, they did because of something she could've avoided. That thought might torture forever
And finally... THIS
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If you know me, you know I love Kai. In all of this flaws and qualities. And this scene, man, it's so amazing for him. Of course he immediately tries to go back, showing his temper and determination. Then comes the realization, hard and painful. And then he just let go, heartbroken, because we all know how much Kai suffers every time his family is hurt... or worse.
Also Zane being the one that console him makes me remember of Skybound, when Nya died and Frosty put a hand on Kai's back (THAT SCENE OMG)
I really, REALLY loved that moment. And choosing not to have voice gave it a nice vibe, like something extremely personal
Well, back in track 😅 It hit me here that we weren't even at half of the episode
I like the darkness thing, but it feels like the battle scenes are clearer in other situations. Also Garmy protecting his son, I'm not hoping, you're hoping 😟
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Okay the guys rushing to see if Lloyd and Pix were okay, MY HEART
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Happy to see Kai helping Lloyd directly, they are still my BrOTP ❤💚❤💚 Also Pixane being the purest thing as always 😍😍😍
And wow. WOW. Besides Mark Oliver that is a blessing in every single line, Sam Vincent is KILLING his role!! The emotions are so well delivered, and he is able to show how much Lloyd cares, like he is actually the one that went through all those seasons with his friends
Bless our voice actors. Really 👏👏👏
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"There is more to life than survival!!"
During this season I often thought about what exactly prevent Lloyd to become evil, to be like his dad and follow his ways of letting go his emotions and affections. This is the reason.
Garmadon survives. Lloyd lives.
Also Garmy going for Zane as the rational one, I felt how heavy it was, especially after reading @thewingedguardianalanshee 's post it. Coming to realize how much the others suffered when he was gone, and also seeing the golden armor... MAN. Needed a reminder that Zane had a crazy ride as well back in the days. You go Mr. Roboto 👍
Okay, Garmy looking at the photos, trying to smile, hearing voices, I felt my heart aching for real 😭 I love that they actually use pieces from episodes of the old design, it gives so much more continuity
That moment with Vinnie though 😂 I'd say it felt a little clumsy, but at the same time they did good, choosing someone outside the situation to give Garmy a new point of view
Okay unless something incredible happens on episode 98, I stan that this is officially my favorite episode of the season 👊👊
Like, I'll be honest, I half expected a moment between Jay and Nya, him conforting her and getting her to know how much he loves her. Which I would've liked it, don't get me wrong, but it would've been predictable
What we got instead?
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I'm a huge fan of Nya's silver suits, I love the fact that she has her own color, so I was a little upset when it got back to blue and maroon (just a little, she looks gorgeaus no matter what). But seeing this I'm happy, it's similar to Kai's and for this scene it's a nice choice
So, Kai is a disaster 😂 Like we don't know that
But he always does his best, especially when it involves his lil sis. I loved how supportive he was, telling her how much she's important for this team (100% true) and how Cole would want them to go on
And just when I thought "They gave me so much of my two passions, references of past seasons and KAI. I'm satisfied." They said it. Finally they did.
Finally blacksmith Kai is back 😎 It's something I really wanted to see for a long time, always silently wondering "Did Kai make that? Does Kai know how to make that?". And now, NOW IT'S A REALITY!!!!!! 😍😍😍
Me: "Wow, what a ride! I gotta say I'm really intrigued, I wonder how they're gonna end all of this and how the Golden Weapons will..."
The episode:
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So, I definitely saw this coming, no way they were gonna kill a main character like that 😆 But him being okay like that... Lloyd struggled to breath there, and survived because of his oni side. Well Pix did to but because she's a droid... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK
What scares me the most is the fact that Cole does the intro this season, just like Wu, Lloyd and Garmy... all of them had such a hard time 😓
Phew, I made it! I did not expect to come out alive from this episode 😁 Really well done, I can see that they are still connected with the seasons before, which is great for me. Us fans recognize everything!!!
Can't wait to see mah flame being all blacksmithy! ❤ Is it too much to ask having Ray and Maya around, since they are professional blacksmiths? Let me dream Lego, sooner or later I'll need to know what happened to them 😚
Wow, feels like I wrote a lot! But I feel a lot better know! Thanks for reading me freaking out, and thanks a lot for all the notes in the previous one! 😁😁
I think this is it, my only question is: since Cole is still alive but far away, and the Golden weapons are coming back, who will yield the Scythe of Earthquake? Are there gonna be new Golden Weapons? Something for Nya and Lloyd too? Considering Kai's blacksmith skills, maybe they won't be that similar to the original ones 😅
Oh boy, I'm done for real!! Let's calm down until the new episode destroys us once and for all 😎
See ya!! Byee!! 😊
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