#the prepoints are so................................................................. yeah
sleepyblr-heart · 7 months
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lil guys (mostly prepoints ::3)
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farewell-in-veil · 2 years
Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. D
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cadilver · 5 months
intro post :)
this is cadilver!
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they/he. nicknames are cool (cad/caddie/whatever)
they're a normal Point with normal Hobbies and a very normal Not Too Dangerous World that is Hospitable to Visitors. Definitely! they don't know why Cyalm Named it Night of Nightmares it's just a Graveyard and a Haunted Mansion and a Catacombs with no Nightmares to be found Anywhere not even in their Vault. um. well they might be Lying about That but it's really not your Business anyway.
// will be the ooc marker for this blog. and yeah cad talks like That (not in 3rd person) and the Capitalizations are worse when he's nervous/lying.
Asks are open! I'll probably make/write stuff even if no one asks anything, but hey why not.
run by @p7agu3 btw
Lore/Design/Backstory infodump below (may contain spoilers, if i end up actually doing anything with this storytelling wise)
cadilver is a portmanteau of "cadaver" and "silver". his aspects include, predictably, metal and general undead shenanigans, though he was also really into Halloween for backstory reasons when he was. alive? (complicated) so that carried over as well. he gets to join the holiday gang (compale and arrolin). stuff happens :) that i may write about proper if i get the motivation
his true form symbol is a concentric cloverleaf pattern, in the orientation associated with metal jewelry and not highways. mostly cause i thought it looked cool and not for deeper meaning. their normal symbol is more. interpretable. it's his prepoint's 'eyes', yes, but also infinity, cool sunglasses, ouroborous, venn diagram. you can really go crazy with it. it's mostly just them big ol eyes.
oh yeah! prepoint lore. i haven't fully decided how much of the p7v plague lore i want to use for him (some of it is insane and wouldn't fit AF well) but what's definitely sticking is the facts that he was undead (if cyalm can pointify a robot then reanimating a reanimated corpse is light work. also, name), cavorted around in a plague doctor costume, was powerful enough to at least hold out against cyalm in a fight, and [definitely something i wanna reveal later].
interestingly, they're more "alive" now than they were before, having a complete kinda-organic body, fully functional senses, and the capability to experience emotion normally. cyalm did some witchery fr. on the downside they just "die" as a extreme stress response now. like a possum. apparently that's called "thanatosis", which is a really good word. usually it takes specific triggers to set him off that badly.
cad's world is functionally the 9th because ixol has been pretty much exiled from the Emporium. the two have never met (cad was Pointified later), and (probably) won't meet until AF2's events. ixol has yet to draw the message or their symbol on the walls to indicate their location. the other points knew ixol somewhat but unanimously (some more reluctantly than others) agreed to exile them once they started hearing voices.
the world is called Night of Nightmares (double reference lol) and is located in the same area as Battery Canyon, maybe on the right side.
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peculiar-shardscape · 2 years
honestly tho, can you list all the aus that you had made? its ok if you dont im just curious how many had you done.
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You say this like I can remember them at the top of my head (I cannot)
Uhhh I also have a LOT of scrapped ones too but the Not scrapped ones are
-Invertedverse (everything is inverted and Stratosfear is an asshole)
-Walk Beyond Insanity (prepoint storyline, i am Not using the prepoint names though out of spite but basically Ulipse finds out they can use dark magic, runs away from maytown, comes back years later and all hell breaks loose)
-Future/Past (Stratosfear fucked shit up and everyone has to go and fix it, timelines are fucked but who cares at this point)
-Insomniac (los animales)
-Dreams and Memories (MY FIRST EVER MADE ROBLOX AU ACTUALLY, basically af2 but you travel through Memories of the Points and also Sterneedle is there)
-Dreamcatcher!AU (on edge about this one because an exfriend associated with this one SUPER heavily /neg. but erm. Asshole oc Detelle fucks shit up, everyone's symbols can turn into cool weapons and also Detelle should kill themse-)
-PROJECT FUSION (fusions. lots of fusions. technically not an AU but I like fusions. A lot.)
-Colourdrained (Octave goes batshit)
-That one Antagonist Aaron au that i never gave a name (self explanatory)
-Substantial Consequences (i literally NEVER spoke of this EVER but 1x and Sphara has this fucked up goop in a jar that was too dangerous so they hid it away but years later 1x accidentally lets fucked up goop out and shit goes wrong)
-Spiral Out of Control (One of my favs, kind of hard to explain though... Magic and ... Racism. Yeah)
Bonus crossover is Fight or Flight which is a crossover of AF and SPR (It's kind of like. tied into my Game Changer species that I made but basically everyones forced in a team game and they need to survive and shit. everyone has a partner and if One partner dies, the other is eliminated, also they share pain so if one gets punched in the stomach, the other feels that punch too. Shit's cool. Game Changer guy is actually a dad)
-Colorverse (My dumbass didnt know what colors meant so basically every class is a species and everyone is in colored teams and I have a whole entire google slide about it)
-COLORBARS but that's also Colorverse so idk (Copybox goes apeshit and everyone gets brainwashed)
-That one apocalyptic AU that I literally never touched ever again (los animales but violent but also they like people who have some sort of physical "deformation" (broken horns, missing limbs etc))
If anyone wants anymore lore on certain aus, feel free to ask. im ill
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sorry-im-just-weird · 4 years
okay so i drew plush sheldon (prepoint shallare i believe) and my brain went : yo what if you made an au out of this so uh yeah i have another adventure forward au it’s plush tho Stars = thread / Spool of thread (might change :/) Red Coins = Buttons Symbol = Pin Everybody is p l u s h idk what cyalm is but I think everybody is plush
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ceruleanwarbler2 · 4 years
so what i get from this is some of you are generalizing everyone who disagrees with you guys as either being a) horny for a lego figure b) too cisgender to understand? and that for some reason celesteal decided to ONLY pointify nonbinary folk in maytown.. so either celesteal has a bias towards enbies and only saw them as perfect enough to become points (I shouldn't have to explain why this is actually straight up horrible) or everyone is nonbinary in maytown (wouldn't it be seen as normal then?)
the.... the ulipse thing was a joke........ and idk where you're getting the to cis to understand thing from but wherever its from it was probably a joke as well!
and, yeah, would you rather have celesteal specifically target all nonbinary people or the devs take canonically nonbinary characters and change them to be binary for no coherent reason?
and maybe celesteal didnt pointify only nonbinary people, maybe the points decided "oh i dont feel like a girl or a boy!" even though their prepoints felt like a girl or a boy! research shows that gender identity is tied to experiences and if the prepoint experienced different things than the point then maybe they'd be a different gender and maybe they had a bias towards being nonbinary bc they aren't human and maybe some points identified as binary after strat told them and some didnt and i could talk ON and ON about this because this stuff is super interesting to me but that's probably better suited on discord
but the main thing is that it's been established that the points are nonbinary for a LONG time. i dont actually know why you think they aren't. i can send you the old screenshot saying it if you havent seen it
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