#the potential showed itself in forbidden friendship
juniemunie · 2 years
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I like to think before new tail and see you tomorrow Toothless still had internal arguments with himself about Hiccup
he warms up to him in time of course
And thus begins toothless' instinctual eye dilation when he looks at hiccup
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flanpucci · 6 months
Hello and welcome to my TED talk today I have decided to write a wall of text about why portraying Dio and Pucci’s relationship as manipulation is actually taking a lot out of Pucci’s agency and character, and diminishing him. Disclaimer that this is not shipping discourse, this is media analysis. I don’t want to talk about whether it is moral or not that they get along, I don’t care, I only want to comment on the media.
So someone sent me a DM telling me that Dio was manipulating an emotionally distraught and vulnerable Pucci into following his plan, and that he exploited him to do all sorts of crimes (framing Jolyne, killing people, stealing discs) by presenting himself as a trustworthy, God-like figure, and called the Heaven plan ‘Heaven’ to get Pucci to follow it by exploiting his religious beliefs.
First of all Dio met Pucci before he was distraught about his sister's situation. After the situation occurred, it is Pucci who seeked him for answers as to why he was alive and not his sibling/s, like he seeked answers from God a few years before by becoming a priest student. Dio left a door open, nothing more. Of course Dio was seeking to be admired, he was also seeking companionship as he has always done ever since he was young, and someone to carry his plan. Pucci was looking for answers, for self-growth, for someone to push him towards the top, towards what he believes is the destiny that was designed for him (the reason he’s alive and not his twin).
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Is it forbidden to look for something in someone? Does it make it not genuine? No, we all look for something in a friendship. And this seemed like a fair deal for both. One needs a trusted friend, an ally, but not a blind follower, and as we’ll see later, he needs someone to help him transcend his human? vampire? condition again. The other one needs a reason to live, a quest to fulfill, and hope that he could one day obtain the ‘happiness’ and ‘peace of mind’ that Dio wants so much too. He’s also someone who strives for greatness, who wants to ‘step outside human boundaries’.
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Not forgetting that Pucci is someone fueled by a profound curiosity and rationality, it is only natural that he’d side with someone who has the abilities and ambition Dio has. Framing Jolyne, killing people, stealing discs, it is all out of Pucci's agency, long after the death of Dio. He's actually the one who suggested he could store and use Survivor, and he’s the one who asked for it! Dio thought Survivor was useless, that it was only a weakness, and Pucci convinced him with the idea that it could be prove itself useful.
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Pucci is shown to have ‘lost’ faith in Christianity very early on, maybe not really having true religious belief at all (as in, the actually believing there’s a God sense.) He got into priesthood for philosophical reasons (seeking answers to an existential question). He seems to be a very pragmatic christian with interests in science that contradicts some of the scripture’s theories.
I don't think calling the plan ‘Heaven’ was a bait based on Pucci's religious beliefs. Over Heaven isn't canon, but it shows Dio having a very Christian mother. He's an intelligent man, born in a very christian time and place, and thought ‘Heaven’ was the name of the kingdom promised to the legitimate ruler of the world, himself. If anything the first time they meet he makes it very clear they're not striving for anything Bible related but for realizing their full potential and finding happiness.
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Dio saw very early on that Pucci was not a very faithful catholic, judging by the book he's reading when they meet in the ossuary, and then Pucci commiting crimes even before seeing Dio again (hiring someone to beat up his brother, leaving his brother as dead). He then commits blasphemy by calling him King of Kings and comparing his love to the one he has for God. Pucci does not think of Dio as the christian God, he loves him as he loves God, but he's not blind and misled. He refers to him with proximity terms all throughout the manga (even when he's young), never used honorifics like the henchmen do, calls him 'kimi' (casual/informal ‘you’), 'my close friend'.
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Even Dio uses ‘kimi’ instead of the ‘omae’ that shows inferiority that he uses with Vanilla for example. In the way they talk to/about each other, they're protrayed as equals, which once again is very unusual for Dio. All throughout their scenes Dio is shown slightly seductive at first, then not as overtly seducing as he usually is, he’s talking about the plan, and strategy (even though he still maintains physical contact, I mean, it’s still Dio), and then seems to relax progressively by doing activities and chit-chatting, to the point of Dio becoming paranoid that his weakness is known. Yes, Dio was pretty nice and not as big an asshole as usual because he needed someone for the plan, but what did he need? A "friend that he can trust from the bottom of his heart" (信頼できる友), so he tried to make one by not being an asshole, and guess what? He did! And he got scared that he managed to do so, because it's freaking Dio lol. Dio’s life has only been him trying to show dominance, and facing rejection. Heck he was rejected and degraded even when he won that chess game against an adult in the first minutes of the show. But everyone wants friends for a reason! Be it not to be alone, to be loved, to have someone to talk to about certain topics... And we all make efforts and try to be nice to make friends. That's not manipulation that's called not being a dysfunctional piece of shit like Dio usually was shown to be before he met Pucci. Why was he different with Pucci? I'm bringing up the parallel with the Jonathan and Dio scene which really shows that Dio hasn't changed and is acting the way he always has, testing people, he just has never been met with trust and acceptance, only with rejection, unlike what Pucci has done from their first meeting and after :
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Scene plays out very similarly at first, except that this time Dio hasn’t done anything wrong, but he was expecting to be betrayed and wasn’t, which led him to get paranoid and set up Pucci so that he’d attack him, which he didn’t. And what did Dio do? Apologize and give him a part of what's literally the most important thing he has, 'his' body.
The fact that Pucci kept his 'sentimentality' towards his friend (I quote), his obsessive affection for Dio, and hope in his plan for such a long time is easily understandable, he had everything to win from Dio's plan (which is very different from nothing to lose, he has quite a lot to lose!). He could be cleansed from his sin, or at least put everyone on his level, be granted the reward of unconditional love, he could grow to a close to godly status or be a messiah carrying god's will (be special, push the boundaries of being human), and maybe, just maybe revive his loved ones too. He could rewrite his destiny at best, and at worst, obtain peace of mind. If anything helping Dio might even have been an excuse for Pucci to lie to himself about his real intentions with this plan (unconsciously : finally accomplishing his destiny of being special over his sibling and basically everyone else, consciously : giving everyone the chance to prepare for tragedy + opening everyone's eyes to the fact that what he did, cause his sister's death, was not really his fault since it was written by fate all along.)
Now if you really have a high esteem of Dio's intelligence you can argue that he did it all on purpose, he gave out his weakness on purpose to mellow Pucci, he called the plan Heaven to cater to Pucci's faith, he talked him into doing crimes, pretended to feel equal/inferior so that Pucci would give him his trust... But 1) Dio's not that good at it, has too big trust issues himself and has other means for submitting people to his will (as seen with Kakyoin, Polnareff...), 2) it's literally written this has to be built on trust which in my opinion completely disqualifies a manipulation aspect to it. Of course there are many other sources that further the idea that they were really friends, I'm thinking about how their relationship is described in interviews or the Jojo Mag, but I wanted this post to focus on canon interpretation.
Thank you for reading my essay, I’m always happy to chat and comment on the dynamics between characters in the material. I am not willing to talk about morality or shipping discourse here so please refrain from sending me such comments.
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americanoddity · 3 years
All about Asteroids- Astrology Notes #1
Asteroids are influences of feminine energy in the natal chart, with Pallas being the least feminine energy of the asteroids. 
Chart owners can be more sensitive to the energy of specific asteroids when they are found:
-On the angles IC, Midheaven, Ascendant, Descendant
-Conjunct North or South nodes
-Conjunct or in dynamic (the big 4- trine, conjunct, square, opposition) aspectation with the luminaries (Sun and Moon)
-In water houses: 4th, 8th, 12th
*Retrogrades in any asteroids can signify karmic tie-ups in these placements
Juno- placed between Mars and Jupiter. One of four major asteroids. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner.
Where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. Shades of Pluto, Venus, Scorpio, Libra, 7H and 8H. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. Clues as to how we make most of our connections. Tells us what way or which area we’re deeply bothered if we aren’t treated properly. May not work well in Scorpio
Chiron- Association with Pisces and Sagittarius. What your biggest wounds are and how to heal them, inner soft spot
Hygeia- placed between Jupiter and Mars. One of four major asteroids. Personification of physical health and mental health in chart, agreement is a sign of holistic healing, casting out disease, how we incorporate healing, wellness, nutrition, and health in our lives. In transit, Hygeia can show medical intervention, surgery, sickness, and imbalance if aspected poorly. Can show healing, wellness if aspected positively. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. 
Eros- in the orbit of Mars, Mars, Aries, Scorpio. Sexual objectification, passion and desire, creativity, can be reckless in pursuit of desires, creative passion, creative joy
Sappho- poetic or artistic ability, graceful self expression, friendship, same-sex attraction, aptitude with words, true sexual character, smarts, more subtle than Eros
Psyche- Venus, Taurus, Libra. Soul, mind, inner self, where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved, self actualization, raising consciousness, totality of self, integration
Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. Strife, discord, discontent, regenerative planet, feminine side of aggression, of war, of assertiveness, of anger, and of moving out into the world. 
Pholus- small start of a major event, turning point, situation involving three generations at a time, curing certain addictions, something that happens and you can’t get ahold of it, the catalyst
Sedna- ultimate freedom of spirit, tendency to fall victim to our own vulnerability, deceit, betrayal, isolation, aloofness, inaccessibility, having too high an opinion of oneself, aloofness, arrogance, refusal to grow 
Chariklo- Wife of Chiron, the wounded healer. Graceful enforcement of boundaries, grace, how one heals themself and others, compassion, spiritual awakenings, expansion of self care that comes with individuation, astral travel, awakening, tempering boldness and harsh honesty with thoughtfulness and self respect
Pallas- Daughter of Jupiter. Wisdom, creative intelligence, healing, genius qualities, masculine energy, how you make difficult decisions, how you temper instincts with reason, strategy you use to navigate new environments, strategy in life, intellectual alertness, relationship with fathers
Ceres- Earth mother, food, cooking, nutrition, gardening, how you feel nurtured, how you nurture others, where you easily provide love and comfort, depth of love, natural world, rhythm of reasons, womanhood, fertility, parenting, reproduction, attachment in relationships, self-care, relationship with mothers
Vesta- Daughter of Saturn, association with Virgo and Leo, weaker in Libra or Pisces. What you’re devoted to, how sexuality will develop, sacrifice, commitment, service, light inside of you, what is most sacred to you, how you express your spiritual devotion, where you’re willing to work hard, how you keep your home, how we feel towards home, how we feel towards family, concern with self
Icarus- Mercury, Aquarius, Gemini. Rash decision, reckless actions taken without heed for consequences, not heeding advice, energy of youth, impulsivity, inability to accept or follow advice, desire to escape restrictions and limits, inflation, freedom, risk, defiance, the fall, death
*There are multiple liliths, all signifying different things. I’m just going based off of the information I’ve been able to find on these two. Black moon is just a black moon symbol in the chart, whereas black moon Lilith will have the cross at the bottom of the moon. 
Asteroid Lilith- Association with Scorpio. Rebellion, dark side of human psyche, human potential, being gifted and how you use the gift in reality, innovation, confrontation, unconventional, instinctual 
Black Moon Lilith- forbidden fruit, you at your worst, intuition, seduction, supernatural, psychic ability, psychic healing, charisma, addiction, obsession, drive, impulse, sexual attributes and tendencies, dark emotions
You can find your asteroid placements here: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/asteroids-astrology-online-calculator
Readings are open. 
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evilzoldyck · 4 years
Fiancée II
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part I
The floral scent hanging in the humid air had become particularly nauseating, the mixed flower petals that complemented the oils poured into the bathwater had all sank before you while the water itself had turned lukewarm.
Looking down at your fingers, you noticed that your fingertips had pruned horrendously. Normally you wouldn’t take much of your time disengaging with reality but recently, there was something in your mind you couldn’t quite comprehend. Just a few hours ago you were subjected to your mother-in-law’s favourite pastime which was holding a tea ceremony by the garden. Except it had a special twist, for every crucial detail that you missed, a melting hot iron would be pressed against the palm of your hands.
You didn’t miss the slight turn on the corner of her lips, her hidden smile behind the paper fan every time the torched metal would melt onto your skin, reminding you that will never be worthy enough to be accepted by her. And for every time your skin healed, your scars disappeared, your blood stopped seeping from your skin, she will be the one to make sure to replace them. Asserting her position and making sure you knew who the true matriarch of the family is.
Living with in-laws was a truly dreadful ordeal.
However when a butler with hard lines etched onto his face interrupted the unfortunate event, his sunken eyes that held the deepest sympathies only gazed at yours. He came forward with an ill-bearing news of your mother’s recent passing.
You knew this day would come, but you hadn’t anticipated it to come so soon. Though you had the resources to finance her health with the best doctor money can buy, you knew there was nothing you could offer death for an ailment so monstrous. The more times that you visited her in the hospital, the more and more different she looked. 
You almost didn’t recognise her. She looked like a corpse, barely breathing through her tube encasing her mouth, her hair you used to comb religiously every night was mostly gone. You knew that she was barely alive.
The only times that you were allowed to visit her was once every full moon as the rest of your days were filled with torturous training all for the sake of building your strength. You were barely considered family to them and so your own Mother visiting you at the Zoldyck estate was unimaginable. Sometimes in the darkest hour of the night you could almost hear her hoarse whispers, blindly pleading repeatedly to the nurses for you, why her daughter was nowhere to be found.
She fought for your next visit, begging at death’s door to see you one last time but alas, death was cruelly fair and her time was rightfully due. And so the feeling when you completely missed her burial, when you were refused a visit to her grave to pay your respects, when you were forbidden to grieve for it was a sign of weakness. The feeling of such accumulated events…
What was it you were supposed to feel?
You knew your heart nor mind could never be so numb, you weren’t anything like the Zoldycks at all, so detached to even a sliver of morality and compassion. So then why didn’t the news of her death send you to your knees? Why couldn’t you feel anything? Could it be a temporary shock- perhaps that’s why your cheeks were dry.
Just when you were lost in your thoughts with a tight frown pursed upon your lips, your personal handmaiden politely intruded herself inside the bathroom, announcing the arrival of master Illumi from his recent mission abroad. You lifted your head from your trance as her soft voice ricocheted off the black marbled walls, a gentle reminder to you of exactly where you were before your mind took you someplace else.
Upon seeing her, she was diligently prepped with her arms open wide, holding your robe before you.
The strange family had rightfully encroached all rights that you previously held, your freedom, your dignity, pride, and even your last name; privacy was the least of your concern. Rising from the cold waters, you allowed her to tie the warm fabric around you. She was always so meticulous and gentle, as if the slightest movement of her gestures or the flicker of her gaze could potentially be taken as an affront.
There were ample times that you searched for at least some kind of warmth in this forlorn and dreary estate, some kind of companion to show a little humanity and compassion with. You should’ve known that pursuing friendship on this mountain was pointless. The myriad of maids and butlers that they have at their disposable offered no comfort to your despair as they were always sickeningly polite but never friendly, leaving a gaping hole in your chest to fend this loneliness for yourself.
At the threshold of the gargantuan door, Illumi stood impassively while one of the butlers of the estate came to lighten his load. He had come back rather early from his departure, the extensive tasks assigned to him was nothing he hadn’t done before and yet with so many undertakings he was obligated to finish he had forgone rest when it was deemed necessary, opting to continue on to the next job effective immediately. Perhaps it was his habit of having a tireless and dedicated focus during a mission or maybe it was just his overzealousness to see you again.
“Welcome back, master Illumi. I trust that you found our services to be adequate on your journey back.” Gotoh pleasantly bade a congenial welcome as he gracefully placed his right hand across his chest and bowed his head slightly before the eldest of Zoldyck’s son.
He simply hummed in reply not sparing another glance at the man for Illumi’s vacant stare was occupied, searching the premises based on his peripheral vision for any sign of you awaiting him without fail like you do every time he arrived back from his assignments. “And my wife?” he curtly inquired after seeing no sign of you.
Descending from the stairs, you face your personal demon with a pathetic palpitating heart. The robe that you adorned did little to cover the coldness of his gaze for the room froze every time he was near. Nevertheless a stretch of a satisfying smile formed across his lips as you made your way towards his arms. 
Embracing him always felt like the first time, your shoulders tensed every time his elongated thin fingers squeezed your sides as he enveloped you in a mockingly sweet embrace. If it bothered him, Illumi never spoke of it. The locks of his midnight hair brushed against your face as you placed a quivering kiss upon his cheek, uttering a small greeting for him. 
Just like clockwork he began to led you away from the foyer and into your shared quarters with his lithe hand burrowing itself into your waist. 
Though it felt like years had passed once your fate was intertwined with his, you could never get used to his presence. This saccharine coated reality could never delude you to construe this as something more meaningful than a means of escape from your financial poverty and his obligation on fulfilling his filial piety. The carefully rehearsed charade always played out the same where in the end of the night you would find yourself in a familiar predicament. 
Inside the cimmerian chamber dim flickering candle lights illuminated the tenebrous darkness around you. The satin beneath your naked skin easily shifted as Illumi handled you attentively from above. As he moved to discard of his clothes your eyes absentmindedly wandered to the same spot on the ceiling that you’ve gazed upon countless of times. However once you heard the gentle rustle of his garments join yours into the floor, your attempt to seperate your mind from your body ended in vain. 
Illumi hovered above you leaving a scant space between your lips. You wished you knew why he searched for your eyes every time he began to kiss you, taking a pensive moment for you to finally look at him, to be the centre of your attention. You didn’t know why he bothered taking his time with you for every night you spent with him you had only demonstrated compliance and obedience. Prolonging such affair was only counterproductive. 
You felt him dragging his nails softly into your skin as he brought his hands up slowly from your thighs to your neck, grasping the rhythmically beating point and finally placing a soft kiss. 
Closing your eyes you unconsciously balled the sheets beneath you with your fists. The kiss was timid and placid on your lips as his hair fell and entangle with the pool of your own. Illumi finally released after a few languishing moments and began to trace wistful kisses along your neck. 
You knew better as to why an apathetic assassin that left a trail of crimson behind him for equity would give you the time of day to leave obsequious pecks. 
Illumi was a man of pure objectivity, each action he took had an ulterior motive behind it for no lift of his finger went by without it having some kind of incentive for him in the end. And so his adoring kisses and unctuous attention did little to move your amoral perception of him. 
He only indulged in such idle debauchary for he believed it was what you enjoyed, hence allowing the intercourse to go smoothly and successfully with the benefit of your arousal. Illumi was especially persistent in his countless endeavours in carrying out his bloodline with you. The details surrounding the child were kept quite vague and undisclosed, the only emphasis now was centred around the health and condition of your mental and physical state. 
Perhaps that’s why Illumi always handled you selflessly, as if he missed you terribly every time he went away for his delegated tasks. His efforts to please you easily began to grow more apparent, especially under an auspicious moon. 
Suddenly his hand encapsulated your small shivering ones, making your breath hitch just slightly as he rose up to meet you once more. “You’re still shaking, what’s the matter?” 
Were you? You hadn’t noticed the state of your body for your mind was running wild with endless thoughts. Sensing the tension in the air you quickly placated his growing trepidation with a weak smile. “Forgive me, tonight is just particularly cold today, perhaps I’ve left the window open again.” Avoiding his ruminating gaze Illumi released a ghost of a sigh before nodding, indicating that he took your word for it despite you knowing deep down that he did not. 
“Shall we go by the fireplace?” He suggested innocuously. 
You, however, couldn’t prevent the heat from rising up to your face as you couldn’t even begin to fathom engaging in such activity beside a roaring fire. Not only that but you would be rid of the protective barrier of your sheets and most of all, the wavering waves of red would cast a glow onto his face, forcing you to glance up upon him and seeing more of what you’re already comfortable with. 
A prude is the word most women back in your town would describe you as, however you would staunchly argue to such claims when the eyes of death has its attention solely on you. 
“No,” you gripped onto his hands. “Here is just fine.” 
Illumi gathered you into his arms, pulling you upwards along with him as he pressed more kisses against your lips and slowly trailed them down to your chest. You hesitantly wrapped your hands around his shoulders, careful not to tip the centre of balance he had on you as you nearly straddled his lap. 
“Very well,” he murmured before flipping you back on the bed and making you land onto your front swiftly. “Then I shall hold you instead.” 
Encapsulating you wholly with your back pressed against his chest, he held onto your chest tightly against him with one arm as the other gripped your hips firmly, raising it up to meet his. His head burrowed itself into the crook of your neck to leave more discoloured marks, and just in time as you felt the stretch commence. 
You were nowa Zoldyck, as you often reminded yourself, nothing could contain you not even pain, not even death, not even love. 
Roughly a year had passed and the same moonlight shined through the darkness upon the mountain peak once again. The Zoldyck estate was in turmoil. Nurses ran frantically from across the halls carrying fresh pristine white towels only to have them drenched in blood in the next second. 
You knew what you signed up for the moment you stood before theTesting Gate, it was just simply your time to fulfil your end of the bargain.
The journey of your pregnancy was a stark contrast to the treatment you had been subjected to in your time here. Instead of poison laced meals to the verge of hospitalisation and endless hours of enhancing your strength endurance, you were finally given some form of a break. 
Those little mercies such as extra hours of sleep, the vitamins and protein back in your system and the permission to acquire rest when you needed it were like heaven to you. 
Your health along with your baby’s progress was greatly monitored, not a day goes by that your daily intensive checkup went by carelessly. 
Everyday you gazed down in front of the mirror and saw yourself grow progressively. The size of your belly began to expand with each passing time that came closer to the due date. Though despite the baby being attached to your very self you couldn’t feel a sense of attachment to it, the very kind your mother had for you. 
And so when you first heard him cry from your extraneous labour, you were stricken by a sudden powerful force. Months of him stirring inside you and it took you this long to realise the being inside you was alive. 
The obstetrician and the nurses all cheered and cooed at the successful delivery of your newborn baby, making excessive notes of how handsome he was. Their faces damped with their efforts to ensure the health of the mother and the baby was maintained paid off for the delivery was a success. 
The burden finally left their shoulders as one should feel when it was a Zoldyck’s turn to employ and entrust an imperative job such as this. 
Once the umbilical cord was cut, you were able look upon his face. Blood stained your hands and cheek as you held him close to your chest, his tiny hand already reaching out for your face, finally tempering his cries into charming babbling nonsense when he sensed that you were near. Everything about him reminded you of Illumi, his midnight hair that was twisted in tiny wisps, his complexion, his small but sharp features upon his face.
But those eyes, they were yours. 
The warmth of such gaze possessed you to crumble down before your son for it wasn’t until his arrival that your humanity was finally restored. Emotions flooded your senses to the point that you thought you couldn’t feel anything else but harrowing pain and guilt. Your separation from your only family, society, your own mother’s death, the excruciating pain that was inflicted upon you- you’ve felt it all. 
The mental fortitudes that you’ve built up over the accumulating years all came crashing down when you looked upon a face so innocent and pure. Something that was truly incapable of harnessing any  bloodshed as per the family designed of his future.
And after all this time you were carrying him like a pig to slaughter. Partaking in this corrupt pseudo-experiment to create the cold and hard perfect monster, subservient to the wills and orders of the family.
Just like his father. 
Suddenly, one of the nurses took him away from your embrace consequently making you panic at the thought of your son being alone without you. The feeling that compelled you to care for another was one that felt so familiar and yet so foreign, plucking an untouched chord in your heartstring that you’ve forgotten a long time ago. 
All your life you were living for someone else; when you lost your mother you were at a loss for your purpose was amiss, living as an empty hollow shell of a human being. Now that the birth of your child had come, an epiphany struck you like a blinding flash of lightening. 
He was your new profound purpose.
“Where are you taking him?” You gasped out, already reaching out towards the nurse who held him around a blanket. She briefly replied that she would be taking his measurements but her words of comfort fell on deaf ears for it did nothing to placate the fact that you were separated from your baby. 
“No, no- please! Give him back to me!” Now you were crawling across the maroon soaked sheets, wincing at the fact that you were still bleeding but still keeping a staunch arm out in front of you. 
Your frantic actions forced the nurses nearby to restrain you, holding you back onto the bed while urging advices to calm down. However their grip upon you nearly fell for you could see nothing but red in your eyes, there was no amount of force in this world that could withhold you from being without him. Your beseeches and tenacious struggle quickly came to a halt when you felt a sudden jolt of pain from your side. 
Looking down with your tear stricken face you saw that you were haphazardly injected with a strange transparent liquid to sedate you. Usually you could easily persevere over simple liquid anaesthetics that could even wipe out an entire five adult men but this dose was a new thing entirely, you’ve never been exposed to such a heavy medication that edged on it being lethal before.
However you knew that the fate of your son would be compromised if you stayed, if you didn’t fought for him. 
Consequently, the only necessary action you needed to take was to escape. Gathering your bearings from the Jenny that you’ve rightfully championed two summers ago, you’ve decided that the amount would guarantee him and you a stable future. 
That is why after two moons have passed when you’ve conjured enough strength to gather yourself from your deep sleep, right before Illumi was scheduled to come back to witness the scion of the house of Zoldyck, that you would take off when the moon was at its peak. 
There was no leaving it up to chance for there was no telling when you would see you son again. There was much conviction in your assumption that Illumi would haste his training program to become an elite assassin, just as the family intended from the start. 
The Zoldycks were unrivalled in their system of securing their property. A fortress that the brave or the foolish dared to try to penetrate, though their attempts would always end up in vain; along with bruises and a few broken bones if they were smart enough to retreat soon. However, they weren’t quite as adept at keeping someone in than they were at keeping everyone out. 
Glancing back the faint sight of the distant mountain on the horizon, you slowed your pace as you decided you’ve made satisfactory progress in distance. Looking around perilously and tuning your ears to the sound of even the faintest landing of the leaves in the autumn breeze, you relievedly deduced that you weren’t followed- well at least not yet.
Releasing small huffs from your over exertion of energy, you gazed down fondly  at the sight of your son bundled up in a large cloth in which you tied tightly onto your back. You relievedly let out a soft smile when you found out he was still sleeping soundly, gripping onto some of your loose hairs unconsciously. Setting him down inside a hollow tree you figured you could take a few minutes to decipher where True North lied. 
However, a sudden change in the atmosphere made your blood freeze. Staring out into the darkness, you fixed your sights in the direction of the energy with your fists clenched in anticipation. 
You felt him before you even saw him. Your heart dropped when you sensed whose aura emitted belonged to. 
Illumi came out of darkness with an air of calmness surrounding him. This sense of composure completely shifted yours, you knew he could easily overpower you for his nen abilities reigned supreme over yours, nonetheless you couldn’t allow a fight for freedom to go unchallenged, not when you were so close to the finish line. 
His ambiguity costed you valuable time to quickly devise a plan. Should you fight or should you flee? There was no telling he would kill you and steal your son away if you opposed him and yet given his nature, Illumi was quite capable of putting up a façade to front his murderous intent. 
When he came too close for comfort, you realised you could never outrun him with this distance, thus you had to strike before he could. Unsheathing a small dagger that you carried just in case you ran into some trouble, you cursed at yourself for carrying a short range weapon. 
Nevertheless you missed his shoulder by just the width of a hair. Illumi’s speed, though something to be marvelled at, was the only aspect that you worried most about. 
As if in slow motion you fell forwards and from the corner of your eyes, you saw him shift easily from your reach. Illumi began to extend his arm out to impede your efforts, however you caught sight of his advances and immediate retreated back. 
He blinked in mild surprise before exhaling a jaded sigh. “Fighting me is futile, you know very well that you cannot defy me in battle.” He stated matter-of-factly. “This victory brings me no satisfaction.” 
“Bring the child forth and end this foolishness now.”
“You monster,” you spat out the words like venom. “You’ll kill him.” 
Lashing out in anger you attempted another strike but narrowly missed again. Gritting your teeth in frustration you were so blinded by hatred that you failed to notice his hand reaching from your blind spot to restrain your dagger. 
Wrapping his long lithe fingers around your wrist Illumi gave a warning squeeze, enough to make a grown man fall to his knees. When you refused to yield, he gripped it into a blood cutting bind until you heard your bones shift and crack. You gasped out once your hold slackened as the dagger fell into the soft green grass below.
“No, I’ll make him stronger.” Illumi confidently promised. He just broke your wrist but oddly still, you couldn’t sense any intention of harm from him as you presumed. 
Your body went rigid when he uttered your name softly, pulling your weight into him almost comfortingly. “We’re still a family,” he spoke so lowly you thought you heard a sense of betrayal and hurt from his words. “I know it’s hard, but we only have each other.”
This imitation of kindness pulled you back into reality before you could cry into his chest and take you back to the mountain. Jerking from his touch disgustedly you began to prepare to lunge at him despite your broken hand. 
“You know very well that I will pursue you even to the ends of the earth.” 
You lurch out in a punch at his direction but Illumi hastily blocked your attacks. Dodging your strikes he only ever defends, hardly even trying to challenge you. An approach that was more pacifist as opposed to practical.
“I’ll stop at nothing to bring you both home, there is nothing you can protect him from. The boy will watch many deaths before him. He will know the true meaning of threats and violence, they will fall under mine. He will never know peace.” 
You almost cried when you heard him spoke of your son’s future in a manner that was so casually cruel. Forcing yourself to block his torturous lies and vitriolic taunts, you eyed for your weapon inconspicuously. 
Catching a glint from the blade of the dagger in the tall grass, you reached out to briskly seize it. Before you could even get close, Illumi kicked it swiftly to the point where it was no longer visible to you. Looking up at him with a gaze gaunt with pain and humiliation as he said your name once more.
“Listen to reason.”
In a fit of rage you blindly fought him with your moves only consisting of attacks and albeit not very coordinated for you could barely even see your hands in front of you. You could sense that Illumi willingly took some of your punches as he winced a little when one of your attacks coincidentally targeted his weak points. 
You hadn’t realised you were crying until he balanced you upright just as when you stumbled forwards due to your eyes stinging with blurry vision. Why had you expressed yourself at your weakest point in the midst of a fight? Were you really this weak? After such gruelling years of training did they amount to nothing when you couldn’t even compare to the man you willed yourself away to? 
You already lost before you even began. 
Locking a grip around his neck you managed to successfully pinned him to the ground floor. His eyes blankly looked up at your dishevelled state raw with pure emotions in contrast to his cool and composed self. It took you this long to register that he wasn’t fighting for your submission but for your sake. 
Illumi easily reverted to being the dominant position when he was about to receive a lethal strike from you. Pining both of your hands to the ground as he restrained your legs with his knees.
Illumi studied your trembling form underneath him, appearing like a feral cat caught in a cage, ready to lash out from any sudden actions even one out of kindness. 
“What can I do to get you to stay?” He persuaded exasperatedly, as if he was tired of you looking at him like he’s the enemy. Meanwhile, you glared at the ludicrous question. 
“I want a normal life for him. I want him to see the world, I want him to go to school, to make friends.” Your throat tightened when you brought him up. Proposing your wishes in vain knowing truly he could never fulfil what you desired. “You’ll have to kill me first before you could ever get to him.” 
“An unnecessary sacrifice.” He quickly corrected, as if such a thought had never crossed his mind.”How could I endanger the one I love most?” 
Your face twisted in detest at his hypocrisy. “What do you know about love?”
Illumi merely blinked at your question, in which the answer was one that he thought was already apparent 
“I love you.” 
And yet a thousand needles could never the change the way you feel for him. You only saw darkness within Illumi, death was the only thing drilled into his mind for his purpose was designed only for murder. 
But then why couldn’t you see any deception in his eyes? Why did he possess such sincerity when he declared his feelings for you. In the midst of constant exposure to inhumanity was it truly possible for hope and love to endure for Illumi?
At the cold realm on top of the mountain you have gazed at numerous celestial wonders of the universe, but none could compare to what you saw in his gaze. You recognised the fragments of humanity inside him and it was far more powerful than anything that you had ever witnessed before. 
To have seen compassion for another being in a state of infinite chaos, Illumi was truly a wonder.
“We can have that, you know,” Illumi gently said. “A house for our own far away from here, school, friends, whatever you want.” 
“But... not for him?” Your breath stopped when he nodded slowly, sympathising your disappointment at your speculation. 
“His siblings may lead the normal life you intended for them, but it’s critical that the eldest Zoldyck carry on the family’s name and status.” 
Like an echo through history, you really can’t stop the Zoldycks’ legacy. Nevertheless, the question still rang in your head alarmingly.
Could you do it? 
Doom your firstborn to save the others? 
After what you’ve been through was it the only logical choice?
“You can’t hurt him.”
Alas, the only natural rational course of action was to naturally comply. Illumi graced a genuine smile as he closed the distance between you and sealed the deal with a chaste kiss. 
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hfepro · 2 years
twitter's down so i have to avoid my WIP here instead
basic gist of the scenario: the dovahkiin's in middle-earth.
longer gist of the scenario: it's actually a fae who's been to skyrim and is now adventuring in middle-earth... the grand adventure... of friendship! and learning how to fight without magic.
content notes for food scarcity and skyrim's goddawful housing prices.
Fethurin: Woodelven Sindarin, Secret Soul.
Project's current title: Winterleaf.
(text starts here).
As they walked through the hall to Legolas's bathing chamber, Fethurin asked, "How long are you going to keep me your forbidden secret by the way?"
"For as long as it takes to ensure Captain Tauriel that you are no threat to our kingdom," Legolas answered. "If I cannot even convince her, my father's heart will be unwinnable. She is one of our key officers in matters of security. He will trust her judgement."
"And why won't he trust yours?" Fethurin asked.
"Because, tithen thurin…" Legolas sighed, clutching his heart in one hand and enveloping his junior's shoulders with the other―telegraphed, of course. As with the hug, Fethurin hesitated, but once inside Legolas's affections, he leaned into them like the kitten he was. "My father considers me yet a child. The minute he discovers you, he will have you tossed into our dungeons and the key thrown away. Afterwards, I will receive a lecture about how naive I am every day for the next five-hundred years of my life."
Fethurin had no immediate reaction that Legolas could discern. He seemed more concerned with matters of cuddling than his potential impending captivity. Legolas couldn't help but smile at him. Perhaps this cat wouldn't be so feral if he received more affection. And since Thranduil wasn't exactly super cuddly these days…
For whatever reason, Fethurin fell under the impression that he had to disentangle from his host in order for the door to open. Legolas made short work of reeling him back in. He had more than one arm, after all.
Legolas collected his favorite soaps and scrubs while Fethurin took in the room.
"Fancy," he said in a way that got Legolas believing it would not take any additional arguments to convince him to bathe more often; for indeed, this room was much more elaborate than the shower closet. Leaves swept across the tiles in a spiraling pattern towards the drains which formed the cores of sunflowers. Lanterns filled the room with soft, warm light and a delicate floral scent. The basin itself could be sat in for a good, long soak―which is exactly what Legolas intended to do. His muscles ached for it.
After collecting towels and robes, he showed Fethurin how to temper the waters and where to set his clothes. Normally, he'd have servants prepare the bath for him, but the less people fluttering about his room during this time, the better. The less he gave them to speak of Fethurin, the better-kept secret he'd be.
Once again, Legolas was unnerved by how many ribs and spinal knobs he saw on Fethurin. He intended to tell the servants to increase his portions whenever possible. If Skyrim's housing prices were any indication, food could not have been easy to acquire either...
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The Dax Debacle: Re-Imagining S7 of “Star Trek Deep Space Nine”
*This post came about after a few discussions with Lee @creativilee on how the stories of Jadzia and Ezri could have been adapted to better serve both of those characters and respect the work of both actresses! Thanks to them for all their help, encouragement, and serving as a springboard! Anything in italics is theirs!
For all of us DS9 fans, the finale season can be rather fraught for several reasons, many of the biggest revolving around the transition from Jadzia Dax to Ezri Dax, henceforth called “The Dax Debacle.” Many folks seem to love one and hate the other, which is a huge shame because both characters brought amazing potential and storylines to the table, but the writers really fumbled in some key aspects. This sure-to-be-long-winded meta is an attempt between myself and Lee to fix some of those fumbles and give both characters the storylines they deserved. So, let’s get to it!
First, a little behind-the scenes context.
Why Two Dax-es?
To begin with, it’s important to acknowledge that the Dax Debacle was largely unplanned, and the writing often reflects the ways in which Nicole de Boer was shoehorned in as Terry Ferrell’s replacement, just as the character of Ezri was deliberately put forward as Jadzia’s replacement as the next host of Dax. What happened?
It is widely believed, based on various interviews Terry gave during the show’s run, that the set of DS9 was inhospitable to her, placing her in situations of harassment and abuse. By the time of S7, due to this as well as the sheer grueling schedule of the show, she wanted to be moved from a permanent member of the cast into a reoccurring role like that of Andrew Robinson. When it proved fruitless to negotiate this, Terry decided to leave the show, though she explicitly stated she had not wanted Jadzia’s character to be killed on her departure.
Though the writers went through with the decision to kill Jadzia, they still wanted the character of Dax to remain on the crew, and due to the way Trill physiology was designed, they decided to do this with another host, similar to how Jadzia was initially seen as the continuation of Sisko’s old friend Curzon.
Enter Nicole de Boer as Ezri Dax, a young unjoined Trill who had never intended to be a host at all, and the story of her adjustment to carrying on the Dax legacy.
The Story’s Seed
It’s definitely worth noting that the initial conception of Ezri’s story, the young suddenly-joined Trill joined under trying circumstances who has to re-discover herself has a lot of potential! It could have been extremely poignant and moving, in something of the same vein as Seven of Nine rediscovering herself on “Voyager.” Unfortunately, the choices made regarding how she became the next Dax make it hard to appreciate Ezri on her own merits. Both we as the audience and the other characters are constantly seeing Jadzia in her place. It stymied who she was able to be as a character and how the audience was able to receive her. The way she was written invites constant comparisons, often to Ezri’s detriment in her initial interactions with the crew.
Lee said some things extremely well here: “Ezri as a character was hindered a lot by being made ‘Jadzia's replacement’ instead of ‘the next Dax,’ a Dax in her own right. While Jadzia definitely had Curzon's legacy to live with, it was absolutely not all she was, and she interacted with it as such, but Ezri wasn’t written with the same care. She isn't ‘Ezri Dax’ she's ‘Ezri, the one who replaced Jadzia.’ She was entirely written as a replacement, and it shows.”
Fumbles, Fumbles, Fumbles
Let’s review some things that went sideways in Ezri’s arc, so we can see it for the purposes of our rewrite.
The “I'm the new host of your dead friends symbiont" aspect is very difficult to watch. It’s hard to say if the writers wanted to lean into this aspect deliberately, but even if they did, I don’t think they ended up hitting the emotional notes they wanted to.
Ezri doesn’t seem to get much training from what we can tell, and being joined is a huge change! We learned from Jadzia’s arc that initiates often train for years. It’s wartime, but she still really did get thrown into the deep end!
The audience can’t approach Ezri on her own merits, but quite often, the crew isn’t doing that, either. There’s the caveat that they’re grieving and it’s an odd situation to be in, but! Sisko initially tries to interact with her in the same way he would Jadzia (calling her old man, which upsets her a great deal,) Julian flirts with her with the same intensity he did Jadzia in early seasons, Worf seems to only be seeing his dead wife any time he looks at her.
Ezri is given a role as ship’s counselor when she is in no way emotionally able to handle the psychological difficulties of others when she’s going through so much herself.
Her return to Deep Space 9 (the station) seems to contradict what we know about Trill culture. Joining is meant to give the symbiont as many life experiences as possible, and re-association (to various degrees) is anything from strongly discouraged to forbidden. Ezri goes right back to living Jadzia’s life in some ways, in the same place with the same people. Jadzia wasn’t able to resume her relationship with Lenara Khan, but Ezri finds herself being intimate with Jadzia’s widower.
Our alternatives and fixes for the arcs of Jadzia and Ezri fall into three broad categories, which we’ll break down here:
1. Ezri Not-Dax? (Ezri is still joined unexpectedly, but rather than the Dax symbiont, she is host to another symbiont which needed her.)
2. Where in the World is Jadzia Dax? (If Ezri isn’t a Dax, we have to figure out what to do with the Dax we know!)
3. The Legacy Question (The age-old Trill questions of new hosts, old hosts, and interpersonal relationships.)
Ezri Who? Ezri Not-Dax!
The best solution Lee and I were able to find was the idea that Ezri was joined under similar circumstances to canon, but not to Dax itself.
This is still largely workable for the story we want to tell, because, as Lee explains: “The Dax symbiont isn't key to her character, except to affect her relationships with the crew. Her main personal conflicts are about being joined before she was ready, not about being joined to Dax. She still would have worked without the Dax symbiont.”
For the sake of convenience, let’s call this hypothetical new symbiont Nal. So, Ezri Tigan —> Ezri Nal.
Where in the World is Jadzia Dax?
Theres 3 different paths we could take with Jadzia!
If Terry was made a reoccurring member of the cast, the writers could easily have put Jadzia into the position of being given a transfer assignment. Though Jadzia might initially struggle to accept this because of her loyalty to her friends, “with things picking up in wartime, it's believable that Starfleet would want the people more familiar with what dangers are on the other side of the wormhole to be spread around and maximize the number of ships and stations that are prepared for it. Maybe Jadzia acts as a representative and goes around giving lectures/debriefings on that stuff. This situation puts us in a position to get frequent updates about Jadzia, even if we don't see her again!"
If Terry did not stay on at all, Jadzia as a character could still have died, but the Dax symbiont finds a new host back on Trill, away from the station. Maybe we get updates about this Dax because Ezri trained with them for a bit, or the new Dax reaches out to Sisko from time to time, since he was well-acquainted with two previous Dax-es.
The option I like best for purely self-indulgent reasons would be if Terry stayed on for one more season and was present on the station when Ezri arrived, serving as a mentor to her.
The Legacy Question
Since the “TNG” days, Star Trek likes to experiment with Trill, and what happens in relationships between joined Trill and non-Trill, particularly in the case of a symbiont with a new host. We might assume this was part of the writer’s intent with the Dax Debacle, but it went over much better in the move from Curzon to Jadzia then it did in the move from Jadzia to Ezri.
Other options for exploring “the legacy question:”
“If they wanted to explore the whole ‘new host when the previous host was close to you’ thing, they could have had an episode that went into detail about Sisko meeting Jadzia for the first time after the death of Curzon.” Or, just having Sisko reflect more on the changes and developments in their relationship as time passes. They did this quite well initially when Jadzia first came aboard, but dropped it soon after the first season for the most part and left it to our amazing fic writers to pick it back up.
The character of Curzon is often used as a vehicle for explaining Jadzia’s connection to Klingon culture, but he also gives us access to a wealth of relationships which could be used to explore the legacy question. “Curzon had so many friends, and we see a variety of reactions from them, particularly with his Klingon friends. Some of them immediately fall back into that friendship, some of them struggle to recognize that Jadzia may not be Curzon, but she is still Dax, and has a lot of Curzon in her.” Keeping that thread going would have been intriguing also.
The Life of Ezri Nal
Here’s how some elements of Ezri’s story might look with the “Nal” symbiont.
Ezri is joined rather unprepared when a medical emergency puts the life of a symbiont at risk and the host is unable to be saved. For convenience, let’s call this symbiont Nal.
Ezri was always interested in Starfleet Service, especially in working as a counselor (which she studied on her own rather than gaining the knowledge through the memories of past hosts.) She assigned to the station by the Trill Symbiosis Commission largely because there are people there who will know how to help a newly-joined Trill; namely Sisko, Julian, and Jadzia.
Jadzia+ Ezri
Being the only other Trill on the station that we know about, Jadzia puts herself in a mentor role to Ezri, helping her adjust to her new life and consciousness. Her personality and experiences make her perfect for the job!
As a bonus, we get to see how the mentor and mentee relarionships between joined Trill and initiates work.
We also set up some fun parallels! Take Jadzia, who had to try so hard to be joined, and it was a huge goal in her life (to the point where she applied again to the Symbiosis Comission after being rejected once, which is played as something that basically never happens,) versus Ezri who was perfectly happy to be just herself and ended up taking on this responsibility without being ready and without feeling like she had much choice because of how Trill culture regards symbionts.
From the little we know about Jadzia before she was joined, she was somewhat like Ezri-bookish, shy, anxious-and she initially struggled to adjust to the likes of Curzon. But now, she’s gown so confident in who she is, for the most part, and she’d be the perfect person to guide Ezri and help her find joy in her new life.
But, she also understands having difficulties with aspects of being joined, for example, her conflict in whether she should rejoin with Lenara Khan, or how she struggled in the aftermath of the discovery of the cover-up regarding Joran.
In short, Jadzia helps keep Ezri as mentally and emotionally healthy as she can be.
Being CMO, Julian helps look after Ezri and ensure she’s physically well; after all, it’s what he does best! “Having Julian as the Chief Medical Officer on board would be a big draw for the Trill. He's even performed a symbiont joining and removal procedure. He had to be very familiar with Trill biology, meaning a newly joined host would be relatively safe and well-cared-for on board. And, I’m sure that there's a big chemical change in Trill when the get joined, and adjusting to that would be hard!”
Julian can also sympathize having something done you didn’t want or weren’t ready for, and can help her process those feelings. “ They both have complicated relationships with their parents regarding their parents’ expectations and their own desires and feelings, which would be interesting!”
In some ways, Julian can serve as another mentor to Ezri. It would be an interesting shift to watch Julian, who is often portrayed as the the youngest or most “green” be able to mentor and guide someone else. “This is also a good way to show Julian has grown and matured, without having to have other characters just say it.”
If we still followed their romance route, having Ezri as Ezri Nal rather than Dax could have make the relationship between her and Julian sit a lot better with audiences. With a rewrite, Julian is not chasing the “ghost” of Jadzia; rather he’s meeting Ezri for the person she is, on her own terms. This also prevents a regression of his character back to the way he chased Jadzia in the early seasons, and instead honors the relationship of treasured friendship that Julian and Jadzia built.
As he is with many of his younger crew, Sisko takes naturally to the role of a mentor and father figure with Ezri, again meeting her for the person she is, on her own terms. He serves as a valuable guide to ship life and helps her get acquainted with station staff and residents.
Like with Jake, Sisko encourages Ezri to find herself by being her own person.
Ezri tries to take up cooking as a hobby with Sisko, but the experiences of past hosts mean her skills vary wildly depending on what they are making.
Other Relationships
Garak helps Ezri figure out how she wants to dress, often integrating different styles from past hosts. (He rather jumps at the chance.) Ezri still has her difficulties helping him as a counselor, but her additional training and the lack of complications from the Dax symbiont make things easier. They also get to know each other through Julian.
In this Ideal Timeline, Ziyal survives and meets Ezri. They relate well to each other, both of them not really knowing where they fit and grappling with someone else’s legacy, but they have each other for support. Ziyal has given her portraits as gifts.
She has a similar dynamic with Jake, who is trying to figure out how to honor his parents while being his own man. Ezri starts writing memoirs of sorts about her past lives on his suggestion.
Surprisingly, she gets on with Nog, too. They’re both doing things unexpected and feeling like they’re going to be the first in something big.
She isn’t especially close to Worf, but he assures her that the sacrifices she made for Nal are ones to be honored, and becomes rather fond of Ezri due to Jadzia’s influence.
Thanks for reading this super-long meta! Please tell Lee and I your thoughts on this rewrite!
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 years
Could you speak about Nick's heroic moment that impressed you? You mentioned Sabrina's heroic moment that impressed you (Lupercalia) and Harvey's heroic moment that impressed you (saving the witches) so I wondered if you had a Nick moment!
Buckle up kids, it’s time for me to get emosh about Nick Scratch!
Yes I do have a Nick moment, and I am happy that you asked about him! (Apologies for taking so long to reply to this and other CAOS questions I have in the queue, life has been a frenzied whirligig.) I know the rules of love triangles, and one must play fair.  
(It has been interesting writing a proper love triangle, which I hadn’t before, and seeing the many reactions to it. I have one friend who was for Harvey in book 2, but in book 3 she switched to Nick. I have one friend who still loves Harvey and was mad he only got one POV chapter in book 3. I have my father, who is scandalized by the thought of love triangles and wishes for people to Commit to Each Other, and is firmly Team Nabrina and Harvalind without knowing either of those ship names! I Cannot and Will Never tell my father about the sex demons.)
I think everybody noticed the moment where Nick Scratch sacrificed himself to Satan to save Sabrina and also the world. It’s such a big moment and a big sacrifice that it instantly makes many forgive him for all his mistakes. And it’s the very end of that part, and I’ve noticed with Netflix binges even more than with usual TV, the end is the bit that sticks most with people and leaves the deepest impression. You can’t just click on the next episode. You have to sit with what happened. 
That moment of heroism wasn’t overlooked. But early in Part 3, we see inside Nick’s mind in hell, and after weeks of torment he’s still fighting. Wrestling the fallen angel, as Jacob wrestled the angel, and saying no, he won’t give up. The kind of heroism that struggles on, and on, even when it’s tough and thankless, is more difficult than impulsively going down in a blaze of glory. It’s hard to feel good about that kind of fight. It isn’t glorious, it isn’t flashy, and it takes bedrock strength and rare courage. I was so impressed by that moment, and I did worry it would be lost, since Nick’s wild acting out from trauma and satanic possession follows. That inspired Nick’s plotline in Path of Night--to think about how Nick was tormented, and how and why he was able to resist the Dark Lord.
Writing Nick’s POV in hell in Path of Night was tricky, as I couldn’t save him and I knew he would be in a dark place even after being saved! Had I been told people would be reading about a fan favorite character being trapped and tormented while stuck in their homes due to pandemic... I don’t know what I would have done. (I mean, I would have asked the time traveler giving me these tips to give me lottery numbers, please.) I hope I would have been brave and written him the same way I did. 
Book 1 (Season of the Witch) is the family-focused book, because Part 1 is about family coming through for Sabrina, and ends on her toasting them at home. Book 2 (Daughter of Chaos) is the romance-focused book, because Part 2 has many people starting new relationships and exploring what relationships mean to them, and ends with Nick coming through for Sabrina. Book 3 had to be the friendship-focused book, as Part 3 had Sabrina on missions with her friends, who were coming through for her by going to hell and fighting monsters and knowing what was up with her at last. 
It couldn’t be about Sabrina and Nick’s romance, any more than Book 1 could really be about Harvey and Sabrina’s romance, because I was foreshadowing a breakup in both books. Both relationships were loving, but terribly damaged by lies (for which I blame Satan!). And all of these people need to find out who they truly are.
A character who only works in a romance isn’t a good character, and I think Nick is a good character. So when you’re examining a character on their own, you have to pose and answer these questions: who IS this person? What do they care about? How can they be taken apart, and put back together? Consent in CAOS is a big and thorny theme, (and a big and thorny subject generally!), and is discussed extensively in Daughter of Chaos, and that plays out in Path of Night, where Nick has his selfhood stripped away from him and has to try and claim it.
The epigraph for the book is a Dostoevsky quote: ‘Hell is the suffering of being unable to love.’ Nick says himself in Part 1 that Satan doesn’t want his servants to love, and hell is Satan’s kingdom, a place of utter loneliness. What do you do, in a book about friendship, with the plotline set in hell?
The truly lost are those who don’t realize they are lonely in hell. Lilith is ruling hell but missing Greendale, because Lilith underneath it all is a team player--she tried to be on Lucifer’s team for millennia until he made it clear there would never be any reward for her work, and in Part 3 she tries to be on Sabrina’s team, and goes to Zelda for help as an ally. There’s hope for Caliban, because in his reaching out for Sabrina, we see he can be lonely in hell. And what about Nick, in the lowest point of that lonely place? 
I like someone who’ll do epic things for their love, but I don’t like when a character only cares about their love--I think that’s small-hearted. Fortunately I don’t think Nick’s that kind of character at all. He undoubtedly loves Sabrina dearly, but he also had a breakdown about being expelled from school, and even under Satan’s dire influence he found a nice white shirt and came to a magic ceremony because he wanted to be part of it: he cares about community. But his is a community in which caring is forbidden, so caring about that community is a paradox in itself which many of the witches have to deal with, forcing them to lie to themselves and each other. (Zelda and Prudence, very much caught in this trap.) Nick and Prudence both project an air of confidence, but Prudence was literally willing to be consumed in order to matter, and Nick willing to be consumed in order to be loved. (But what is there to love, if you’re consumed?)
Nick’s acting out under the influence of Lucifer in Part 3 is like Harvey being impelled to his father’s violence by Lucifer, though it goes much deeper: that influence brings out the specific dark impulses you DO have, while you might never have acted on them. A lot of Nick’s dark impulses are based on insecurity and his terrible coping mechanisms for dealing with that insecurity: he was gutted when expelled because he doesn’t have a home to belong to. He was raised (and abused) by someone possessive and murderous, who told him as abusers do that only she could love him, and then tragically his community’s ethos confirmed that belief for him. He mentions in Part 1 that he envies mortals because they can love. He’s told by his community that what matters is Satanic power, so he’s instantly made insecure by Caliban Prince of Hell, but he’s also insecure about Harvey because of the idea only mortals can love and be loved, and he’s afraid he can’t be loved by Sabrina as she loves this mortal. Of course, that worry itself makes it plain to us Nick is fully capable of love and of being loved, but that is anything but clear to him.    
The witches are starving for love, and that’s love in all senses of the word. Sabrina does a ton to save and help Nick (to the point of overlooking her own pain and betrayal), but she can’t do it on her own because nobody can: everybody needs a net of community to catch them. 
I mentioned that Book 3 was about friendship because it sets up Part 3, in which friends come through for each other. Nick’s part of that. Sabrina isn’t the only one who comes for him in hell: the mortals came too, and that’s important. Nick’s the witch who is always talking about and interested in mortals, and it was interesting to explore in Path of Night how that came to be. He’s also protective of the mortals--all the witches know mortals die easily, it’s why they call them that--but Nick came to protect Harvey in Part 1, and in Part 2 argued with Sabrina that mortals shouldn’t be fighting Satan as Sabrina planned to fight Satan. Obviously he cares about Sabrina more than he cares about them, but he worries about the mortals in the same way you’d be much more concerned about a toddler toddling into battle than a ninja, even if you were in love with the ninja. It says something about a person, when their impulse is to shield the vulnerable rather than target them.  
In Path of Night it was interesting to explore the potential for friendship with the mortals for Nick. Roz and he have a lot in common, as the big readers of their groups, and were open to being charmed by each other in Part 2. Theo would be an amazing friend for anyone, as he’s ride-or-die for his friends, and also very clear-eyed about them. (Not being romantically interested in them helps with that.) It would obviously be good for both Nick and Harvey to start seeing the other as a person rather than an avatar for their own insecurity. And at the end of Part 3, when Sabrina was off in hell and he certainly wasn’t trying to win her favor, Nick showed up when the mortals called, stayed for them, and fought for them. In another time, he died for them. They came for him, and he came for them. Showing up is a good start. I always love a character who shows up: Sabrina constantly, Ambrose and Hilda and Zelda fighting their god for love, Harvey squaring his shoulders and going in to shoot his brother, Theo hurling his own body at the gates of hell.
But the mortals aren’t Nick’s friends yet: they don’t really know him, and Harvey is triggered by lies, which Nick has had to live by. There is someone, though, who does know him. The big romantic plotline of Path of Night is Prudence and Ambrose coming together on adventures far from home, and the thread about friendship there is that Ambrose is working out whether Prudence likes Nick romantically, or Ambrose himself. In Part 1, Prudence is spiky with Nick because he just dumped her and her sisters (as told in book 1). In Part 3, she’s mad at him and tells Sabrina they don’t work as a couple because she has no time for men who betray women, and Prudence is mad at him in Book 3 too. But in Book 2 and Part 2, she’s helping Nick, hanging out with him, and talking him up to Sabrina. It’s Ambrose, the oldest of the coded-young characters and one of the few with a loving home, who sees and names Prudence’s feelings for Nick, for whom she has a pet name. It’s complicated, in their world and with their respective pain, but he is her friend. She’s the one he opens up to at the end of Part 3.
But Nick doesn’t know Prudence is his friend. Lucifer, known as the Father of Lies, systematically takes apart Nick in Path of Night, to get him to the place he’s in when we hit Part 3. He has to convince Nick that what Nick always feared is true: nobody cares. There’s the physical torture element, which I touch on lightly but enough to be clear it happened, but wrestling with inner demons means more. To quote Faulkner, ‘the only thing worth writing about is the human heart at conflict with itself.’ Nick imagines sleeping a lot throughout Path of Night, imagines peace (another epigraph for a Nick chapter is Dante’s ‘Peace to your hungry soul’), but he’s not really sleeping and there’s never any peace--I deliberately made him more and more tired as the story goes on. Not only tired, but sick at heart as the devil tempts him: he’s offered books, a return to childhood and his mother, a return to school, the story of epic romance he wants to be the hero of, mortal acceptance and affection, and finally Prudence as a friend he trusts to tell him the truth. When he uses his sharp mind to discern flaws in all Lucifer’s illusion he’s shown just enough reality to hurt him. (Harvey and Sabrina have much pain and history to work out and there’s love there, as shown by the two names on Sabrina’s candle, but Sabrina and the Fright Club are all risking their lives to save Nick, and Lucifer sure doesn’t want Nick to realize that: Lucifer’s trying to induce despair.) 
When we see how someone is tempted we also see what they value. In Nick’s case it’s his mother’s love, his mother’s books, a home, romantic love from Sabrina, mortal connection, friends, his school and the opportunities for relationships and knowledge it offers. Then we see everything Nick wants stripped away from him, exposed as illusion. To quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of CAOS’s forebears in the genre and because I love Buffy, ‘Take all that away, and what’s left?’ The answer is ‘Me.’ When all that’s left is you, then you just might be enough. Even if you always feared you wouldn’t be.
At the end of Path of Night, I couldn’t have Nick be saved, or even have Nick realize he was worth saving, but I wanted the ending to be as happy for him as it could be, by showing my audience that there was hope for him to be found, in all senses of the word. I wanted the reader to feel they’d learned more about who he was, gained understanding of his flaws, that there was greatness in him despite said flaws. Sabrina and the mortals ARE coming to rescue him. Prudence DOES care about him. And saying no, in that loneliest and darkest place, meant something. 
So. That’s Nick’s hero moment for me. 
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
AEW - Best and Worst Booking Decisions from Double or Nothing 2020 to 2021
As I promised back in my WWE Post Reviewing the Booking of Mania 35-36 it is time for me to run down AEW's booking over the last year.
Double or Nothing 2020 was AEW's first PPV of the Empty Arena Era, which they pulled off with the inaugural TNT champion being Cody'd, Brian Cage's debut and murder of Darby Allin, Hikaru Shida began her mammoth title reign, Moxley and Brodie Lee put on a fantastic show with their short build and we finished off with the wacky Stadium Stampede. But since then, it's had some ups and downs.
As I said with the WWE one, these are my opinions: some of which will act within hindsight rather than within the moment.
There will also be spoilers from the Dynamite after DoN 2020 to the end of DoN 2021, you have been warned
May 2020 Best - FTR They told us one day they would wrestle the Bucks and the world shall rejoice, and after several teases on BTE following The Revival's release from the E, FTR arrived and the division got even more stacked because of it.
Worst - Mike Tyson loses to his shirt AEW did try with Tyson, pushing for some shared history with Jericho as they began to stand off with one another. But his struggle to cleanly tear off his shirt really made the confrontation awkward and it wouldn't go anywhere.
Best - Baker becomes the Roll Model Baker's injury was a huge blow given how she was finally getting over thanks to her heel turn and bloody battle with Shida. It would've very easily killed her momentum to be off TV, but AEW instead played into Baker's injury by making her flaunt her heelish hilarity, starting with her being a wheelchair-riding 'roll model', this would begin Baker's time entertaining in spite of injury.
Worst - Allie and QT begin What was this huh? Now Allie in a red dress was a sight to behold but the whole romance angle where a very married Allie had a brief period as a babyface and pairing with the also very married QT Marshall. We all knew it was gonna lead to Butcher and Blade jumping the Natural Nightmares, but it really overstayed its welcome.
Best - The TNT Open Challenge We will get more on this but Cody's win of the TNT title was met with concern given the monster push of Lance Archer - not to mention the dismal design of the championship itself. But Cody did his best to add prestige via the weekly Open Challenge, which would showcase a lot of talent in a similar way to Cena's US title Open Challenge.
June 2020 Best - Brodie goes on the Recruitment Prowl Being the leader of the Dark Order, Mr. Brodie Lee needed a new direction after being felled by Jon Moxley. What he decided was to add to his ranks; bringing in Dark Standout Alan Angels, enticing Colt Cabana and extending a hand to Anna Jay. These choices bolstered the Dark Order's ranks to last much longer, especially with their segments in BTE showing all their comedic flair.
Worst - Sammy Guevara eats his words The Speaking Out movement affected AEW just as it did most of wrestling, leading to the release of Jimmy Havoc. But Sammy Guevara also got done in by his egregiously vulgar comments he made regarding his attraction WWE's Sasha Banks in an old interview that had now surfaced. While this isn't a booking decision per se, it was the fault of AEW to have not caught this on their background check. Sammy would rightfully be suspended with a full apology, seminars taken and a direct conversation with Banks herself to make amends.
Best - Red Velvet stirs in Red Velvet would debut on Dark in June, showcasing talent which would later be enhanced and explored later in the year, adding Red Velvet did indeed bolster the women's division a bit more, showing AEW's dedication towards building new stars was still alive.
Best - Wardlow vs Luchasaurus rocks the house Lumberjack matches are more miss than hit, but the long-awaited match between Wardlow and Luchasaurus was a sleeper hit for the month. Big time spots of athletic hosses slapping meat and flipping feet continued to showcase Wardlow's dominance with a big win over the Dino-man, just a good wrestling match worth the wait.
July 2020
Best - Open Challenge Opens Doors Cody's open challenges started with the AEW roster, but they soon expanded to being for indy talent and cross-promotional challengers too: Enter Eddie Kingston. The Mad King made an instant impact in his hardcore challenge against Cody, which quickly earned him a contract with the company. Also among the challengers was Ricky Starks - who would also get a contract - and Warhorse, who had rallied the fans into giving him a shot - and AEW did play into his popularity, having an answer for a lot of Cody's offense until he hurt his leg for the finish. It was smart booking even if Cody was bound to win.
Worst - Cardona's time is Radio Silence You gotta feel bad for Matt Cardona, he has all the makings to be a great star, but he just suffers from either company disinterest, injury or poor timing. The latter was the case for his AEW time, since AEW were having to deal with WWE's COVID outbreak by extension of any partners, Cardona only had a rare appearance backing up Cody a few times and while he did find himself in Impact, it's sadly not as green as the other side.
Best - Sue is Over The Best Friends as babyfaces walk the line perfectly of being a group of goofball man-children but also legitimate and talented wrestlers. The cherry on the top though was the Friends' entrance to Fyter Fest in Trent's mom Sue's mini-van for their tag title match, immediately getting Sue over with fans. Sue would also be a cult figure for BTE in her skits with the Dark Order, being the only person ever to make Brodie Lee break character and corpse.
Worst - Cody cannot elevate Hager Cody's defenses led to Hager (and his wife) looking for a title match, the sale of it being a more legitimate bout with the weigh in and packages didn't pull off in the match though, being quite slow and simplistic. Hager still remains a wrestler who lacks any more potential than what he has now but knows the right people.
Best - Taz promos around Mox's COVID absence Due to the aforementioned outbreak, AEW were forced to reschedule their main event when Renee Young had contracted the virus, exposing their world champion Jon Moxley by extension. This meant that Brian Cage would have to wait longer for their match (though not as long as UK fans are waiting for AEW to come overseas), so AEW decided to let Taz carry them over this predicament, which he did marvelously by reviving his FTW title and handing it to Cage. It added some extra heat and something for Cage to carry around as if he had won the personal victory over Moxley already, and it would lead us into the following week's rescheduled Main Event at Fight for the Fallen.
August 2020 Best - Brodie Destroys Cody After a lot of defenses and Cody getting the 'finished product' TNT title, fans wondered how Cody's defense against Mr. Brodie Lee would go. And boy did we get a spectacle, the Exalted One demolished Cody, Anna Jay then choked out Brandi as the rest of the Dark Order held the Nightmare Family at bay, and we were left with the visual of Brodie on top and Cody and Brandi at their feet, covered in the shredded remains of the old TNT title that Cody had reigned with. It was great storytelling and a great way to elevate Brodie as well as finally putting the Dark Order over, the stable rode the highest they had been since their debut while Cody disappeared to film for the Go Big Show.
Worst - Bea and Sadie get released, Mel stays AEW did their best to keep as many people they could during the Pandemic, but due to the travel restrictions Bea Priestley was very much land locked and Sadie Gibbs was not getting a second chance at her botched debut. It was a shame because of how talented both women were, Bea especially since rumor has it she might be en route to the E. What was baffling was that Mel, of the failed Nightmare Collective, remains on AEW's payroll despite not having appeared for over a year, hard to add that up.
Best - Thunder Rosa makes her challenge Before the Forbidden Door, NWA opened their doors to AEW while the pandemic prevented them from filming shows. With champion Hikaru Shida lacking a built-up challenger, fans were interested in Thunder Rosa's intrigue about Shida's challenge, and would be pleased to see AEW roll with it too. Rosa and Shida made for a great cross-promotional feud which'd lead to a great match in the following month. To this very day, Thunder Rosa's appearance on AEW is one of the brand's most vital steps in terms of strengthening their women's division.
Worst - The Deadly Draw is on Youtube Speaking of the Women's Division, AEW had also decided to have an all-women's tournament called the Deadly Draw. 'Random' tag teams would be forged in a tag tournament that'd give women some time to show their stuff. Unfortunately, this would mostly be on Youtube - save for the Finals - and be dominated by Fans' disdain that Allie and Brandi were making the finals. The method of picking was not handled well since we didn't really get any mismatch teams aside from Nyla, and the amount of women we got were not all spectacular with Rache Chanel and the former Cameron being a part of it. While Ivelisse and Diamante would win too they only got some crappy medals, all of which leaves a bitter taste following Ivelisse's release.
Best - Deadly Draw gives us Conti, Diamante and Savoy That being said, the Deadly Draw had its saving graces. For one the use of Veda Scott on commentary, Madusa as the host and Shaul Guerrero as the announcer were nice touches, we also got to see Tay Conti, Diamante, Ivelisse and Nicole Savoy wrestle - the middle two win. Conti would turn out to be the most important of the lot with her team and friendship with Dark Order's Anna Jay, getting over because of their chemistry and making it to the semi-finals.
Worst - Conti to Dark Order doesn't develop Conti and Anna's friendship meant that soon after, Jay had extended an offer for her friend to join the stable. For weeks we saw Conti carry around this invitation but then: nothing. Conti never joined Dark Order and this didn't beget any friction between the friends either - in the end it became a missed opportunity as Conti dances on the edge of being supported by the Dark Order but not a part of the Dark Order.
Best - Jericho and Cassidy Debate With Mike Tyson unable to appear more to feud with Jericho, AEW slotted over-as-fuck Orange Cassidy to face Jericho. While Jericho got the win in the first match, we were graced with a fun 'debate' hosted by Schiavone and with a guest appearance of Eric Bischoff. Cassidy's monologue during the debate was great too.
Worst - Cassidy's first win over Jericho isn't as big as it should be Unfortunately, when Cassidy did get the win over Jericho was not as good as the first, getting clunky at times with some miscommunication and slow pacing. They would have their rubber match in the gimmicky Mimosa Mayhem which would also be a bit of a mixed bag.
Best - Hardy and the Mad King Squad Up Despite solid starts, Private Party, Lucha Bros and Butcher & the Blade had struggled a little to find success in AEW, but they would gain some benefit by associating with Matt Hardy and Eddie Kingston. Hardy worked well as a mentor to the similar styled tag team to his younger years, while Kingston's evil grin to the camera did signal that Kingston's new squad would be up to no good.
Best - Moxley and Allin make another classic Allin and Moxley somehow just click, they click so well that you could put them in a match every week and people wouldn't complain, hell there's fanart of Moxley essentially adopting Allin in the same vein as Shota 'Shooter' Umino. Anyway, Allin vs Moxley is always fantastic, and it made sense for the feud that was growing.
Best - You're Out of the Elite! Hangman's slow burn storytelling has been sublime, and it was at a new height when FTR started sniffing around Hangman like lions around a wounded gazelle. Feeding into Hangman's alcoholism - established since his inability to beat Jericho or PAC in his hunt to be world champion - FTR exposed doubt within Page that the Bucks were ousting him out and would soon turn on him. All of which were mind games to sow discontent between him and Omega in their bid for the tag titles. The cherry on the top came with Hangman's removal from the Elite, after a stellar feud in Revolution being brought up, Hangman impulsively screwed out the Bucks from getting another title match, after a dressing down and being kicked out of the group we pan to a shot of Hangman staring into a mirror cracked - perfect storytelling.
Best - MJF campaigns against Moxley MJF had been undefeated and fans have wondered when rather than if he would get his shot. And when he set his eyes on Moxley it is spectacular. The faux presidential campaign was right up MJF's alley as he looked to write out Moxley's go-to finish of the Paradigm Shift, this also had great easter eggs like MJF emulating Samoa Joe's shove on him to one of his entourage, as well as his lawyer Sterling being a good addition for the feud.
September 2020 Best - Allin/Starks, Johnson/Carter are bangers September came out with some very impressive matches, for Dynamite it was the culmination of Allin and Starks' feuding but on Dark we got unsigned Lee Johnson and Ben Carter blow the roof off, immediately both names were a topic of scouting and it remains a top level match.
Worst - Billy Mitchell's cameo Early into Miro's debut we got some vignettes of 'The Best Man' enjoying his other past-time as a gamer. While this wasn't the right way to go in hindsight, the cameo of Billy Mitchell - a controversial figure in Arcade Gaming - was quite out of place for AEW as well, many having to look up who the dude was anyway and why many gamers were disgruntled about it. 'Celebrity' Cameos can only really work if you know who they are.
Best - Kingston stories a weird finish into a Title Match It would've been a Worst moment on this list when Eddie Kingston lost a battle royale for a title shot by being pushed off the turnbuckle despite leaving to the apron via the middle rope. However, when winner Archer came down with COVID, AEW was put in a reverse Fyter Fest scenario, a champion but no opponent. This allowed Kingston an in to use the fact that he never technically went over the top rope to barter a title match, which he used to impressive effect.
Worst - Sydal Slips The Shooting Star Press is a difficult move to pull off, and dangerous to botch. It had also been the staple of Matt Sydal, who was the Joker in the Casino Battle Royale of All Out, but when he did his Shooting Star he slipped and faceplanted. While it's not a booking decision it is a sore spot, Sydal has partly recovered as a full time worker and a mini-feud with Nakazawa to save face on the botch, but he has only once tried the move again.
Best - Will Hobbs impresses When Sydal botched and hit the floor though, Will Hobbs was the one you saw roll over inconspicuously to check he wasn't hurt. The youngster had already been impressing on AEW Dark on a regular basis and his appearance alone in the Battle Royale was an encouraging sign. Hobbs would also put on a strong performance in that match, which would lean in on being more utilized on Dynamite, his momentum would also carry to Double or Nothing with another strong run in a Battle Royale mostly pitted against Christian Cage.
Worst - The Matt Hardy incident Perhaps the lowest point of All Out was the Broken Rules Match. Hardy and Sydal had overshot their spear spot from a forklift to a table and Hardy hit his head hard. Hardy wobbled with signs of concussion as the match to and fro'd about being called off, Hardy though was having none of it - since the stipulation would have him retire had he lost - he would continue for a scaffolding spot for the finish but it did put a lot of heat on Guevara and AEW for allowing the match to continue. Matt would make a recovery and have a cinematic match with Sammy to finish the tainted feud, but from there BROKEN Matt Hardy was seldom seen.
Best - Deeb arrives Serena Deeb is one of the most technically gifted women on wrestling. Someone so grossly underutilized by WWE that it's baffling that the best thing they would do with her on the main roster is shave her head for the admittedly great Straight Edge Society but then release her for not keeping up kayfabe in her personal life. This was the month though that the current NWA Women's Champion debuted on AEW Dark and would later get signed, Deeb adds veteran experience and technical mastery to AEW's women's roster and she is a cert to be AEW Women's Champion someday.
Worst - Fans fight Tooth and Nail but Swole/Baker doesn't deliver Despite Britt Baker's rise to superstardom, her return feud with Big Swole became a bit of a mishit. The build was fine with Swole often getting the better of the wheelchair-bound Baker, so for Baker's return AEW had set a cinematic match in her dentist's office. The match was placed on the Buy-In, which pissed a lot of fans off and had them strong-arm Khan into putting it as the opener, and it didn't pay off. The match was par at best, ending with Baker losing as well, while the quickly-put-together match of Private Party vs Silver & Reynolds shone brightly on the Buy In in the spot this match should've taken. Listening to fans is of course good but AEW had the hindsight to judge whether the match was worth it in the eyes of the fans and they picked wrong.
Best - Parking Lot Brawl But for every par match AEW has they always sneak in a blinder, and it was Best Friends' 5-Star Parking Lot Brawl against Santana & Ortiz that pulled it off. With Orange Cassidy coming out of the boot of the car, Santana & Ortiz's Dead Presidents' appearance and Sue getting a brand new minivan and flipping off the Inner Circle duo at the end, the match was a fantastic closer for the night.
October 2020 Best - Brandon Cutler gets the W Brandon Cutler had AEW's longest losing streak, and they loved to ham it up, except Peter Avalon also had AEW's longest losing streak too. They had tried working together but couldn't find the common ground, so when Avalon turned on Cutler we were set for one of these men to get the win. After two no contests due to double count outs and double disqualifications, Cutler and Avalon had a no rules rubber match on Dark and it was great. Cutler got his win in probably AEW Dark's best feud storytelling - though it probably should've been on Dynamite or even the Buy In of the PPV - giving a payoff years in the making.
Worst - Nyla/Shida II is built on Dark Hikaru Shida had gone through the majority of the Women's Roster, so with new manager Vickie Guerrero, Nyla Rose wanted her title back. The problem however was that all of Vickie's calling out of Shida after a Nyla squash was on Dark, so the match was poorly built. You feel bad for Tony Khan because he tried this so more eyes would go on Dark but it was also a reminder that title matches should be built on the Main Show.
Best - MJF and Jericho get musical MJF had decided once again to try and get in with the Inner Circle, only this time he was faring better thanks to his chemistry with Chris Jericho. What we got was Le Dinner Debonair, a pompous, broadway-esque musical scene that fit the larger than life and delusional heel aura of both men's ego. While some people called it 'too goofy', it was also named one of the best TV moments of the year.
Worst - Miro feuds over an Arcade Machine Fans wanted one thing from Miro: the beast, but AEW did not lead with that. Instead they had him feud with Best Friends because they were thrown into an Arcade Machine he was playing. While it's not the level of feuding over shampoo, it was still rather dumb and contrived given how the rest of this weak feud was telegraphed leading up to Kip and Penelope's wedding - despite Miro's attempts to subvert Wrestling Wedding Tropes.
Best - Leyla legitimately impresses In October, 'Legit' Leyla Hirsch came out of nowhere and made the best of her moment. A non-title debut against champion Hikaru Shida on Dark proved an extremely entertaining affair as Hirsch got to showcase her physicality, and then that was followed instantly by a NWA Women's Title shot against Deeb on Dynamite - which she also really impressed in. While it took a while for AEW to announce Leyla as a signing, it was a definite plus to see Olympic qualities in the Women's Division.
Worst - Jericho can't get Luther over When Jericho got a whole Dynamite to celebrate 30 years in the business he had a lot on his plate, several cameos from Slash and Hiroshi Tanahashi made it a special moment but the Main Event didn't work. Luther is sadly another one of those Brutus Beefcake cases of knowing the right people, and while Luther could probably go when he was younger, currently he isn't the best. People wondered if Jericho could carry Luther in his match with Chaos Project but unfortunately it didn't land, Luther after all has his place on the undercard throwing Serpentico around, he doesn't need any more than that.
Best - The Cleaner shows signs of returning After an Anniversary Show meant that Moxley had gone through another opponent in his mammoth title reign, AEW had set up a tournament to name the new Number 1 Contender. At this time as well FTR had already dealt with Hangman and Omega but their post-match embrace was not reciprocated by Omega, who had more or less washed his hands with his partner. The two were in different places, Page had descended further into the bottom of a drink without any of his friends while Kenny had become focused upon being a singles competitor again. Metaphorically winking to the hard cam, Omega would enter in an over the top fashion with cheerleaders of the Jacksonville Jaguars dancing with brooms to hark the slow arrival of the Cleaner. His disgruntled face after squashing Sonny Kiss was also meme quality.
Worst - Brodie's Reign is cut short Brodie Lee's TNT title reign was great, it had put the Dark Order on top and his segments on BTE were extremely entertaining too. An emphatic return of the dark haired Cody Rhodes did invite a rematch which would be a more brutal affair than Cody's prior squashing, but sadly Brodie would not retain. His reign only lasted a month and in hindsight that would be the only time Brodie held gold, while he stated he had no regrets on how short his reign was it was not great booking to put it immediately back on Cody as if Brodie only held it because Cody had another show to record.
Best - Dog Collar Match was great Result notwithstanding though, the Dog Collar match proved as brutal as it was entertaining. Another match that elevated the TNT title's prestige, Lee and Cody tore into each other in a match that could've easily screamed Vince Russo late-WCW failure. But the men pulled it off with their raw talent and nobody looked bad out of it.
November 2020 Best - Kenny vs Hangman I Since AEW's inception, Hangman Page has been on a slow course to squaring off against Kenny Omega. This came to a head in the finals of the No.1 Contendership Tournament, the confident Kenny vs the angsty Page proved an effective opener which further spiralled Hangman into depression while Kenny would return to the top of the card.
Worst - Hornswoggle in a nappy? The Inner Circle's Vegas skit was probably too much, it had some good moments like Hager and Wardlow continually staring at each other as they beat up people in the club, also the appearance of an Elvis Impersonator and Konnan. But the bit finished on a weird note trying to homage The Hangover by having WWE's former Hornswoggle appear in a baby's nappy, it was just weird no ways around it.
Best - Cargill and Top Flight make an impression November saw the debuts of new members of the Women's and Tag Division. The Martin brothers impressed as the new vibrant and athletic tag team, putting on a wild show against The Bucks. Jade Cargill would start AEW by confronting Cody with the tease of one Shaquille O'Neal, but the moment the camera panned to Cargill she had one word printed on her and it was 'Star'. While Top Flight are halved by injury, Cargill has continued to show her growth.
Worst - Shida vs Abadon has a short build When Abadon debuted on AEW Dark she put on an impressive match with then-not-champion Hikaru Shida, the story being that Shida was weirded out by the Living Dead Girl. Since then, Abadon had been undefeated in her sporadic appearances - partly delayed by injury - so she was put on a course to reignite this storyline with Shida. However, they didn't get enough time, only a couple segments of Shida trying to prove herself not scared and an AEW Dark segment when Abadon jumped Shida and hit a Cemetery Drive on her. A decent match would follow, but we could've done a lot more.
Best - Hobbs turns to FTW Will Hobbs had grown more and more impressive with each appearance, put over as well in promo by Jon Moxley too gave him a lot of credit. During Darby's feud with Team Taz, Hobbs had often come to make the save to prevent Darby from being injured, however he did have a habit of arriving a little late. This proved to be intentional when Hobbs turned heel, aligning with Team Taz to learn under the ECW Legend. While Hobbs has yet to taste gold, he has of recent found himself elevated by the feud with Christian Cage and should Brian Cage move away from Team Taz, he would clearly be the top choice to take the FTW belt from him.
Worst - Cody Hogan's his title loss When it was time for Cody to drop the TNT belt again, fans would hope that it would be a similar case of Cody putting someone over red hot like he did Brodie. However, instead Darby defeated Cody with a series of roll ups which Cody kicked out in 3.1, a very Hogan vs Warrior title change with Cody also having to keep the spotlight on him by handing the belt to Darby before Darby's moment was further interrupted by Team Taz's attack.
Best - Darby has gold At the very least, Darby being crowned TNT champion after finally beating Cody was a perfect narrative for the talented and albeit batshit crazy masochist Emo Skater Boy. Darby's reign would also be consistently good and maintain Allin's star aura against opponents of all shapes and sizes.
Best - PAC is BAC Due to COVID, several of AEW's international talents were land-locked and unable to appear, but when the UK's borders loosened slightly The Bastard PAC made an emphatic return to reestablish Death Triangle. This had also come off the heels of Eddie Kingston trying to sway Penta away from his brother and kick Fénix out of his group. PAC's mini-feud with Kingston would remind the world that AEW had some world class talent to put in against Kenny Omega as well as reminding the world that PAC is just amazing as a wrestler.
Best - Bunkhouse match blows the roof off Dustin Rhodes seems to have carved an interesting spot for himself as the 'Obscure Gimmick Match Master'. Currently teasing a Bullrope match with Nick Comoroto, he shone brightly in the culmination of the long-winded QT/Allie storyline which lead to a Bunkhouse Match against the Butcher and the Blade. It had old school qualities with amazing spots that continued a long chain of AEW pulling off impressive gimmick matches even if the feud wasn't as impressive itself.
Best - Mox and Kingston, Feud of the Year 2020 You know what was an impressive feud though? Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston. Imagine winning feud of the year for something set up in September to November? And most of it was promo, but these were two of the best promo guys in the world, touching on their roots, their former friendship, the lengths either would go and all coming to a head in an I Quit Match. Kingston made you believe every word he said when he declared that he would never quit and he wouldn't stop until he was champion but come the match Moxley proved more resilient than words can be. Getting Feud of the Year is not bad going for what originally started as a one-off title match because Archer got COVID.
December 2020 Best - Brodie Lee Memorial Show Near the end of December the wrestling world was shocked by the death of Brodie Lee, the Exalted One was someone fans really wanted to see be a major world champion someday, but he had tragically succumbed to a Lung condition. At this time too AEW were promoting a 2-part special of New Year's Dash, but delayed the shows a week to put on a memorial show for Brodie. With matches picked by Brodie's eldest son, AEW did perhaps the perfect tribute show, with a perfect blend of clips and tributes paired with matches that honored the Big Rig. Brodie's influence was shown with Silver emulating Brodie's outfit, Eric Redbeard appearing, FTR renaming their Goodnight Express to the Big Rig, and the TNT title being handed to Brodie Lee Jr. - who became AEW's youngest signing - and a special t-shirt being the highest selling t-shirt of 2020, with proceeds going to Brodie's wife, Amanda. Brodie's influence still reigns in AEW as the Dark Order have become somewhat gatekeepers to the TNT title and the quote 'It's [day], and you know what that means' being frequently used or displayed via signs to start off an AEW show.
Worst - Ben Carter slips through their fingers Ben Carter had proven a sensational talent on his AEW showings, quickly having rose to having a match on Dynamite. However, AEW did not get his signature on the dotted line, and the E came a-callin'. The loss of the now-Nathan Frazer was a rough blow for AEW business since it showed that WWE could still outbid them if they wanted someone enough, and AEW made the mistake of not signing him before other companies started sniffing around.
Best - IT'S STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! The 'Winter is Coming' special had many big things happen, but one of the biggest of all was the return of Sting. Instantly Sting's T-Shirt sales broke records in AEW (until the Brodie shirt would break Sting's) as the WCW legend had made his return to TNT in a veil of snow staring down Darby Allin, nostalgia was high on this moment.
Worst - STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING does nothing for a month But. There was a problem with Sting's arrival on AEW, he wasn't exactly spry in his 60s and AEW were cautious in wanting him to come back into the ring despite being classed as an active talent. AEW did miss a mark by promoting Sting to just do the same interview over and over, more than once in fact, you gotta do something with Sting to get the fans excited.
Best - Taz chokes out Cody While feuding with Darby, Cody became involved when he dropped the TNT title to Darby and got attacked by Team Taz all the same. When this led to a verbose conflict between Cody and Taz over the legitimacy of the FTW championship, Cody made the mistake of turning his back on Taz after diminishing his philosophy because Taz's son Hook was training under his factory rather than his father. Jake the Snake did warn him not to turn your back on someone you respect, but maybe he should've warned him to not turn your back on a Human Suplex Machine, because Taz immediately put him in the Tazmission - to a huge pop from fans - choking out the younger Rhodes to further personalize their feud.
Worst - Dynamite Diamond Ring doesn't change MJF had used the Dynamite Diamond Ring sporadically as a weapon to cheat in matches, but it anything it was a glorified brass knuckles that had limited prestige. When AEW had the chance to give it new prestige by having it fought over a year after MJF won it, they decided to simply keep it on MJF's pinky finger. As a result we had a battle royale and a match that kinda went nowhere narratively, and AEW should've really just made the ring a one-off or given it to someone else to signify a young up-and-coming talent getting a rub.
Best - The Acclaimed prove they're not all talk Not to be outdone by Top Flight, who they seem destined to have an eternal rivalry with, The Acclaimed put on an impressive showing in their title match with the Bucks too. Max Caster's diss tracks continue to slowly win fans over but this was the moment the Acclaimed turned into a mainstay of AEW's tag division.
Worst - TNT ask for no more surprises While reported months later, fans were alerted that after Sting's debut, TNT had asked AEW to not do any more surprises. Business-wise it made sense since they wanted to promote any big moments on the show for a greater viewership, but Wrestling-wise eliminating the shock factor would be a detriment to the business as a whole. AEW have managed to work their way around such things by promoting 'mystery entrants' or debuting surprise characters between other promoted segments but it is still a questionable decision by TNT to request such a thing.
Best - This is Bear Country Next on the 'XX impress on Dark, get signed up' is the tag team of Bear Country. Different to Top Flight's flippy talent and the Acclaimed's knack for mind games and more technical wrestling was two big hoss men running roughshot War Machine-style, there's not much else you need to sell with that, Bear Country was just good stuff and provided another style AEW's tag division could use.
January 2021 Best - Negative One With Brodie Lee Jr. now signed to AEW, he started to make appearances as Dark Order's new leader 'Negative One'. And instantly, Brodie Jr had become an excellent presence. With great understanding of the business for such a young age, Negative One would delight audiences on Dark and Elevation be it on commentary or simply being the feral prince that often accompanied Preston Vance, Anna Jay and/or Tay Conti. The kid was having the time of his life too.
Worst - TNT title doesn't get revamped enough With the original finished product of the TNT title handed to Brodie Jr, there was an opening to make a new TNT title which learned from the criticisms that the original had. Unfortunately we did not have this, we mostly just got a Black strap. Granted COVID would've been a part of that but given how long Darby's reign was, we could've put work towards giving us a better looking TNT championship.
Best - Dark Order turn face, help the Hangman On BTE Dark Order found their feet with their flair for comedy, one of the segments that began this was Evil Uno's selling of Brodie's throwing of papers, the bit originated from Lee discovering that Hangman had once reached out to the Dark Order website sometime at the beginning of his depression spiral. Because of the rejection, the Dark Order had fostered an animosity against Page with frequent 'Fuck Hangman' chants, and yet Hangman would sporadically appear in their hangout, starting his own 'Fuck Hangman' chant when kicked out of the Elite in a brutal show of Page's self-loathing. From there though the Dark Order had softened to the Anxious Millennial Cowboy and after a face turn they had grown to become AEW's most popular faction and a much-needed friend for Page. While Hangman wouldn't officially join the Dark Order, it definitely proved to be an entertaining chapter in Page's story from an unlikely source.
Worst - Team Taz will jump Darby, but not Sting During their feud, Team Taz were seen to jump Darby Allin whenever they could, didn't matter if he had Cody or Moxley on his side they would still try to get the upper hand on the TNT champion. But now that Sting has arrived, Team Taz decided to stop doing that. As much as it was AEW protecting Sting from bumps, it really diminished Team Taz as well because five men that included Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs and Brian Cage were scurrying away from a lone 60 year old with a baseball bat.
Best - Bullet Club in AEW Tama Tonga might refute it, but the appearance of Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in AEW was big, and their arrival to aid Kenny and then to two sweet him with the Bucks was an image definitely worthy of closing the night. From Gallows and Anderson's arrival to AEW led to Impact's doors being opened, which has recently led to Omega being the Belt Collector.
Worst - Callis' feud with the Bucks is gimmicky When Kenny won the AEW World Title at Winter is Coming, he had began a full on chaotic turn with Don Callis as his manager of sorts. The Young Bucks however were still firm babyfaces and were perturbed by Callis' actions that were ousting the Jackson brothers out of Kenny's social circles. Some bits were good, Callis really laying in thick the fact that he felt the Bucks had lost their edge, but the majority of it was a bit too much soap opera for my liking, the fake shiner was probably where it jumped the shark.
Best - Tay Conti shows her improvement against Deeb Tay Conti had grown a lot as a wrestler since her debut, and when set to challenge Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's Championship we had the story of 'Jack of All Trades vs Master of One'. Leaning more into her Judo and martial arts background, Tay Conti showed the wrestling world that she had arrived as a wrestler thanks to the AEW machine. WWE's loss had officially become AEW's gain as Tay Conti continues her rise to perhaps being one of the biggest female stars in the company.
Worst - Archer can't win a feud Having lost to Cody in May and then Moxley on the Anniversary episode, Archer was put in a no-win situation by feuding with Eddie Kingston. Now Kingston is great, but the problem was that both men desperately needed to win a feud for credibility, and Archer was the one who lost. Archer continues to be sold as a monster but also someone who will lose all his major feuds. Suffice to say, more can be done with the Murderhawk Monster.
Best - MJF sows seeds of discontent Having officially gotten in with the Inner Circle, MJF now had Chris Jericho's ear and he was ready to spread his poison. This started with the ousting of Sammy Guevara - Jericho's protege of sorts - before moving on to sowing tension between Jericho and Santana & Ortiz. This would be the beginnings of an excellent swerve by AEW, which we will get to later.
Worst - Santana and Ortiz aren't even the Inner Circle's tag team? Because of MJF's sowing though, we had a weird scenario where the Inner Circle were debating who was their official tag team? Debating between Jericho and MJF the singles competitors, Sammy and Hager the singles competitors or Santana & Ortiz the tag team. In this as well MJF and Jericho won, which was more sowing on MJF's part but it does still leave the worrying sense that AEW's tag division is perhaps too big as Tony Khan waits for the right moment to introduce a Trios title.
Best - Wardlow vs Hager was surprisingly good Another recurring narrative of MJF joining the Inner Circle was Jake Hager and Wardlow staring each other off whenever they could. In order to 'bury the hatchet', Hager challenged the War Dog to a match, and surprisingly this was Hager's best match in an AEW ring so far, big men slapping meat with the right conclusion of Wardlow winning.
Worst - The Waiting Room fades out While Britt Baker was injured but not Wheelchair bound she had started an interview show on Dark called 'The Waiting Room', it had a few flaws here and there but eventually it showed on Dynamite to decent effect. But after that it was gone, which is a shame because it could've easily been a longstanding segment for either of AEW's shows at the time to give some promo segments or interviews to AEW's talent.
Best - Private Party are leeched After working under the wing of 'Big Money' Matt Hardy, Private Party turned heel to compliment Hardy's newfound persona as the Company Leech. The heel turn has somewhat revitalized the once-promising tag team and proved they can play either side, it even got them an Impact Tag Title shot and an impressive match on the PPV.
Worst - Whatever Snoop Dogg was doing Snoop Dogg made an AEW appearance where he was insistent on doing a spot, but it didn't really work - much like it didn't really work when he tried it in WWE. Snoop as a guest wasn't the worst idea in the world and it is good that he's willing to bump on the show, but could does not always mean should.
Best - Jungle Boy and Dax put on a masterclass In the middle of FTR's midcard feud with Jurassic Express - the one that'd involve Marko Stunt being kidnapped - Dax Harwood and Jungle Boy crossed paths in an excellently technical match. The match received high praise that'd further put Jungle Boy over while also giving worthy praise for Harwood's wrestling ability.
Best - Jungle Boy gets some Baltimora While on the subject of Jungle Jack Perry, Tony Khan had decided that he had a library of songs he owned or could own and use as entrance themes for some of AEW's more earmarked talent. This would begin with Jungle Boy, who was given Baltimora's 'Tarzan Boy' per the suggestion of Joey Janela. Immediately Jungle Boy had something the fans could use to rally behind, a chantable song that embraced all that Jungle Boy's character was.
February 2021 Best - JD Drake makes an impression JD Drake does not look like AEW's typical wrestler, but that's the point. On his debut on Dark he surprised many with his great offense and agility, even able to pull off a moonsault. Quickly Drake was signed and becomes the odd one out but also the oft-ignored voice of common sense in the Wingmen faction of prettyboys. He's having a lot of fun with it too and has put on good matches, recently against Rocky Romero.
Worst - Women's Eliminator Tournament partly goes on Youtube The Women's Eliminator Tournament opened up the Women's Division in a big way, but COVID meant that not all of it could be filmed in Jacksonville. So like the Deadly Draw, the tournament had to spend some of its time on Youtube. Now I have no problem with Youtube being used, it's a wider medium that can be accessed at any time, but it did mimic the downsides of the Deadly Draw and alienate the TNT-only audience, especially since Dynamite rarely showed highlights of the tournament progress.
Best - Women's Eliminator Tournament exceeds expectations That is however, the only criticism with hindsight one can give the Eliminator Tournament. Because not only did it give us the return of Riho, Yuka Sakazaki, Ryo Mizunami, Emi Sakura and Aja Kong, but it also graced us with the talented debuts of Maki Itoh, VENY (aka Asuka, who also wore Hana Kimura's robe) and Mei Suruga. In addition Shida provided Japanese commentary for the Joshi matches sporting a strikingly beautiful white suit. The tournament did not have a bad match at all; with VENY vs Sakura, Suruga vs Sakazaki, Sakazaki vs Sakura (which had Sakura perform a fantastic entrance), Serena Deeb vs Riho, Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa, Riho vs Rosa, Baker vs Nyla, Conti vs Nyla and the finals were all great and unique matches. The non-tournament 6-woman joshi tag match was also excellent and so was the surprise winner of Ryo Mizunami and her title shot against Shida at Revolution.
Best - Moxley brings the IWGP US Championship Jon Moxley may've lost the AEW World Championship, he still had a title on hand he could use: the IWGP US Championship. While NJPW had intended to keep it mainly on NJPW Strong during COVID, New Japan also allowed Moxley to bring his title on rare occasions to AEW, later to the point where he could defend it. It was definite good business and the next thing is why it was such a big deal.
Best - THE FORBIDDEN DOOR OPENS! 'New Japan will not work with AEW' - that was what we were told in the early stages of AEW, but we held out hope. We got more hope when Harold Meij stepped down from NJPW but still the 'Forbidden Door' remained shut, all the way until Beach Break when a hooded figure came up to Jon Moxley, hit a GTS and revealed himself. KENTA, the holder of the IWGP US Championship Briefcase he won in the inaugural New Japan Cup USA tournament. The internet went wild, the forbidden door was open and there was no way fans will let it close again.
March 2021 Best - Sting debuts cinematically Team Taz's feud with Darby came to a head with a Tag Team Street Fight. It was Sting's first AEW match and fans were concerned on how many bumps he could take - memory of his 'career-ending' match with Rollins echoing in the mind. AEW though would not make that mistake, deciding to go cinematic to protect Sting and give him time to recover from any bumps caused - as well as win the match like one HHH refused to do - the match itself was fantastic with Team Taz and Darby fitting in a ton of extreme spots and Brian Cage just flexing all over the place.
Worst - Archer feuds(?) with Sting After said Street Fight though, Sting continued said momentum with: Interviews. Worse yet these interviews started being interrupted by Lance Archer, who wanted to take Sting's TV time from him. This amounted to nothing as well because after Sting put an endorsement on Archer, the Murderhawk Monster would decide not to fight for a spot and come in to save Sting and Darby from time to time. If we were gonna establish this alliance we could've done more with it, sadly AEW keep on following up Sting wrestling with a ton of Sting talking.
Best - The Pinnacle debut MJF's snaking in on the Inner Circle was paying off dividends, but after an unsuccessful challenge for the tag titles, the Inner Circle had announced a 'War Council' to discuss their future. It looked as though MJF was gonna completely oust out Jericho from his own group, but out came Sammy Guevara. Absent since leaving the group, Guevara had unraveled MJF, revealing that the Inner Circle was wise to MJF's plot all along: except they weren't. MJF had played 5 steps ahead of the Inner Circle, because he wasn't trying to steal his faction, he was setting up his own. FTR, Spears, Wardlow and MJF swarmed the Inner Circle for an epic debut which would be known as the Pinnacle.
Worst - Cody beats Penta despite a shoulder injury At this point fans were beginning to wonder how Cody Rhodes would write himself off of TV. His wife Brandi was halfway through pregnancy and the Rhodes had announced a Miz & Mrs-esque reality show too. So when Cody was kayfabing a shoulder injury and pitted against Penta El 0M, fans were hoping that this time Cody could not finagle his way into defeating a charismatic and popular member of the roster who could use the rub and has a history of kayfabe breaking arms, and yet he did. The feud set up ended up being a one-off that harmed Penta more than it did good, he had done the arm breaker but Cody just shrugged it off and won anyway. It was growing all too apparent that clean Cody losses will remain to be few and far between.
Best - Penta Says that Alex is a Great Hype Man There is one saving grace to the Penta/Cody mini feud though and it's that pseudo-Dark Order member, Spanish announcer and interviewer Alex Abrahantes had been paired with Penta as his translator/hype man. Sporting some Rollins-esque outfitting of gloves and jackets, Abrahantes added extra venom to his translations which of course gave Penta a lot more vibrance. Alex as well seems to be having a whale of a time doing so.
Worst - Team Taz Dissension starts, but will pause for 2 months In the aftermath of their Street Fight defeat, Cage had drawn the ire of his Team Taz comrades by showing Sting some respect. This led to some light tension between Cage and the rest of the team, especially Ricky Starks. While this could've worked towards a Cage face turn, the tension fizzled out, only reigniting recently.
Best - Jade, Velvet and Shaq impress at a Crossroads The special episode 'The Crossroads' had been set up to promote a mixed tag match which served as Jade Cargill and Shaq's AEW wrestling debut. Competing against Cody and Red Velvet, the match did put fan minds at ease by keeping Shaq's spots simple but classic, while Velvet and Cargill ran the show in the ring. Shaq took a table bump as well which was cool and the match started Jade's star-level momentum on a high.
Worst - Shaq just, disappears In the aftermath of the table spot Shaq was put on a stretcher and into an ambulance, but when we went backstage to get some comments from Shaq before being sent off we found that the ambulance was empty. A weird thing considering that in a few days Shaq would be back on TNT anyway like that had no continuity, it was a strange decision nonetheless.
Best - Exploding. Barbed Wire. Deathmatch! AEW and their penchant for gimmick matches is an interesting relationship, but the moment this match was announced it had garnered a lot of hype. I mean it's not every day you see an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch, and Kenny and Mox had already tore into each other in Full Gear to the point where they legitimately broke state laws. The match was every bit as brutal as promised, homaging Onita many a time through Mox but also with the wired up baseball bat, 99% of the match was freaking awesome.
Worst - Fizzling. Barbed Wire. Deathmatch. Sadly, that 1% that wasn't would be the final visual of the PPV. Moxley is defeated and the whole ring is gonna blow, Kenny and co have scurried and Mox is handcuffed and KO'd in the middle of the ring. Disregarding the warnings of the Butcher, Blade and Bunny, Eddie Kingston rushes in to help his former friend, past enmity be damned, he cannot free Mox in time and in a narratively pivotal act of self-sacrifice drapes himself over Moxley to take the blow. And all we got was a fizzle, a few sparklers and fireworks would end the night unfulfilled, undoing all the good the match had delivered. It would be AEW's most unsatisfying moment caused by a botched ending that could never be undone.
Best - Mox and Kingston reunite to rule the promos Although they could not take back the botched finish, the storyline still allowed a new dynamic of Moxley and Kingston reuniting as chaotic street brothers eyeing up the Elite for a fight. One King of Promo would be enough but two was just fantastic, you could watch Kingston and Moxley bounce off of each other all day and still remain thoroughly entertained.
Worst - Kingston doesn't get a crack at Kenny It was however a shame that draping your body over your friend to protect him from an intended explosion was not enough to validate a feud between said person and the creator of the explosive device. Kingston looked all but set to try and avenge his friend by facing Kenny, but it would not turn out to be. The closest we got was a jump and a One Winged Angel, which is a shame because Kingston vs Kenny would've been fantastic - but alas, Mox and Kingston jumped over Kenny and just went for the tag teams instead.
Best - AEW support Cezar Bononi and his wife Cezar Bononi was doing fine as part of the Undercard faction of the Wingmen with Pretty Peter Avalon, Ryan Nemeth and JD Drake. Behind the curtain though Bononi's wife Camila was suffering from Leukemia and needed a Bone Marrow transplant, her sister was a match but she was in Brazil so they needed an emergency visa so to do the transplant on time. Thanks to the collective efforts of fans and the continued exposure AEW provided for Bononi, Camila's sister would make it in time and Camila herself got her transplant and seems to be doing well.
Worst - Big Money Matt loses his quarter, but it doesn't go anywhere In the conclusion of the chapter where Matt Hardy tried to leech his way into Hangman Page's profits, Hangman had defeated Hardy in a 'Big Money' match which meant that Page had won all of Hardy's money over the last quarter. This opened an avenue to see what Big Money Matt could be like with No Money, but it amounted to very little. In fact the worst we got from Matt was eating olives, a missed opportunity for sure, we could've even had Matt be hounded by loan sharks and debt collectors but alas, it didn't dent his money in the end, at the very least Hangman got his lawnmower.
Best - Elevation elevates Mizunami, Leyla and Limelight In March, AEW debuted a more canonized version of Dark called Elevation, which'd be used to show off a bit of the undercard and allow more opportunity to climb the rankings. In the first month of Elevation, we were graced with several good matches, usually including one of three Elevation Regulars. The Eliminator Tournament Winner Ryo Mizunami would go on a series of bouts with female talent such as Tesha Price and KiLynn King where she effortlessly fit into the role of AEW's women's division gatekeeper, meaning that whoever beat her would get a solid rub - and Abadon did. When Mizunami returned to Japan, one of the people she felled took over from her duties and that was Leyla Hirsch, Hirsch had teamed successfully with Mizunami a couple of times as well and has effectively used her spot to get some wins in. On the men's side, NJPW Strong regular Danny Limelight was given his namesake with some high profile matches including Jungle Boy, Frankie Kazarian and Dark Order's 10, not to mention Takeshita, Omega, Kingston and Moxley in later months, the Team Filthy member definitely taking the show's name to heart.
Best - Cassidy wonders where his mind is Not long after Jungle Boy had obtained Baltimora, plans had been made to give Orange Cassidy a new theme too. The pick was an inspired one with The Pixies' 'Where is My Mind?' - which many would be familiar with as the ending song to Fight Club - the song suited Cassidy really well, and after positive testing on Dark it was used for the next Dynamite to close off the night.
Best - Arcade Anarchy delivers in spite of a weak feud It should probably be a word of caution to not face the Best Friends in a gimmick match in AEW, because they hit a new gear whenever they do. The feud with Miro and Kip was poor, and fans were more than happy for it to end on the PPV when Miro got his win, but AEW insisted on one more match: Arcade Anarchy - agreed to by Kip. In spite of fears this match ruled: Trent's return with Sue was great, Kris Statlander's return was a huge surprise, it took all 3 Best Friends to keep Miro down and we finished the night with Where is My Mind playing us off. Despite the weak feud, AEW had finished strongly which made reheating Miro a lot easier.
Best - Tully Blanchard wrestles in 2021 The culmination of Jurassic Express vs FTR came in the Crossroads in a 6-Man tag match. Made extra bonkers because Tully Blanchard was FTR's third man in the match. They of course limited his spots and a Shawn Spears return would prove the difference, but it's an entertainingly ridiculous thing that Tully Blanchard both wrestled in 2021 and won: wrestling is just crazy.
Best - Final 4 of Casino Tag Royale put on a Show AEW have played around with the 'Casino' concept for a few stipulations; regular battle royale for men and women, ladder match, and then tag royale. This royale finished strongly though with the final 4; John Silver, Fénix, PAC and Jungle Boy. Four absolutely over stars brawling out in mini-matches that left fans salivating for more, after Silver and PAC were eliminated Fénix and JB put on an absolute treat of a finale, which ended with Fénix getting the win for Death Triangle to face the Bucks.
Best - Silver earns Sting's respect with a Dislocated Shoulder John Silver was voted by Dark Order to take Darby Allin's open challenge for the TNT title - offered because it was the anniversary of Brodie's debut. Silver vs Allin became a great match, made even more impressive since Silver dislocated his shoulder early in the match and kept going. While Silver couldn't bring the title home to the Dark Order, he got a show of respect from Sting - which in turn would lead to the Dark Order coming to Darby and Sting's aid at times.
Best - Maki Itoh breaks America Fans of TJPW or twitter's tdegifs were very familiar with the charismatic foul-mouthed hard-headed former idol Maki Itoh, and seeing her in the Women's Eliminator tournament paid dividends despite her first round elimination. Itoh's popularity skyrocketed, she had an It factor which pissed off Jim Cornette for extra adulation, and come Revolution's Buy-In, Maki Itoh had arrived in Jacksonville for one of the biggest pops of the night. Itoh proved charming and entertaining even though she was aligned with the heels, to the point where she even main evented the inaugural Elevation against Riho. Sadly Itoh would have to return to Japan and unsuccessfully challenge for Rika Tatsumi's TJPW Princess of Princess Championship (her tag partner/former longstanding rival/sauce boss/Pink Striker Miyu Yamashita would however win), have her twitter hacked and set up a new division of her faction 'Saitama Itoh Respect Army 2021' with Yuki Kamifuku and Marika Kobashi, but she had made her mark and then some, the world was a simp for Maki Itoh, and she allowed it because she needed the monies.
Best - Rosa/Baker break the ceiling Itoh vs Riho wasn't the only cross-promotional women's main event AEW gave us, because 2 days later on St. Patrick's Day Smash, Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa's unsanctioned match would deliver on one of the highest rated matches in modern women's wrestling. A bloody and fantastic affair instantly rose Baker and Rosa's stakes in a fitting end to their rivalry, but one that also didn't cost Baker any standing because it technically 'didn't count'. It remains to this day AEW's best match in the women's division.
April 2021 Best - Miro ditches Kip After months of hanging with Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford, Miro had become fed up with Superbad. The acceptance against his wishes to fight the Arcade Anarchy proved the last straw as Miro set his focus on capturing any and every title within his reach, with or without Kip. After a few weeks of not seeing Sabian, Miro attacked him, writing Sabian out of action with a legitimate wrist injury while Ford was dealing with an allergic reaction to her eyelashes, with Kip gone Miro could finally be who we were waiting for: at freaking last.
Worst - Interference finishes beget questions of Faction Bloat Although not as bad as WWE, many matches on AEW seemed to end one way or another with factions fighting one another, clean finish or not. This did of course grind on fans and cause questions to arise that perhaps there are too many factions in AEW, they have a point, though easily fixable without splitting any factions up.
Best - Bucks descend to heeldom Don Callis had been a thorn in the Bucks' side for a while, but his words had got in their head, they were indeed the most successful when they were cocky assholes. Although they did save Moxley from being swarmed one time, the six-man tag proved too much for them: they didn't want to see the feral Moxley take out their old and storied friend and so they chose Kenny over morality. No longer annoyed by Callis, the Bucks became absolute shiteating heels again, which benefits the climate of the tag division.
Best - Jade is elevated by being sought out While Jade Cargill would only sporadically appear for squashes, AEW have done well to slow burn her star power by having managers try to get her as a client. It's simple storytelling but effective, because people want Jade it means that Jade is desirable and that makes her more important as a talent.
Best - Baker DeManDs her title shot Because the Unsanctioned Match 'didn't count' Britt Baker had carried the acclaim of that match even in defeat. Baker had stopped dossing around too, legitimately rising up the ranks to the Number 1 spot like a looming shadow to have her crack at Shida's title. It could've been easy to give her a shot by virtue of her performance but AEW did it right - and gave Tay Conti her shot in the process - which made Baker much more valued in her title hunt.
Best - Cage upsets the Hangman At the Number 1 Spot, Hangman Page looked like he was on course to fight Kenny Omega, but when asked about this prospect Page dodged the subject entirely. The thought though would weigh on his mind in his match against Cage, where he was practically squashed in an upset fashion, it was a surprising plot twist and delays Page's clash with Kenny while also adds to Cage's reputation.
May 2021 Best - Varsity Blonds add some Hart The Varsity Blonds had done well considering that they started as being an undercard pair-up and grew into a talented young combo homaging Brian Pillman and Steve Austin's team of the Hollywood Blonds. But adding Nightmare Factory upstart Julia Hart just added the missing piece for the blonds, as a trio they look the part, and their rise feels earned as they put on a great showing against the Bucks.
Worst - QT loses to Cody after all that Cody's Ace Problem had transitioned to the point where QT Marshall was picked to turn on him next, collecting a small portion of the Nightmare Factory who felt that the students were secondary to Cody's ego. When it came to the exhibition Cody won by DQ, but got assaulted by the Factory, so when they had a proper match we had a choice: elevate this new faction or have their leader lose, guess which they chose? QT tapped out to the Figure Four and Cody prevailed.
Best - SCU put it on the line For several months, SCU had put a challenge on themselves that if they lost in tag competition (not singles or battle royales) they would split up. It had worked well because they were undefeated since, but being at the top of the rankings with a heel Young Bucks signalled the inevitable clash between the two teams. The question would be could the Bucks really end the team they welcomed to AEW on Day 1, their friends, the first World Tag Champions of their company, and the answer was yes. A bloodied affair of near falls and the Bucks hamming up any emotional bonds they once had led to a fantastic match that has put a tragic end to SCU.
Worst - SCU's embrace is cut short But immediately after that we cut to Mox and Eddie trashing their locker room. AEW would return to show SCU's final embrace but a 'previously on' is not as effective as seeing it when the wound is fresh, it was the end of a partnership that had spanned a decade, all the way back to Fortune, Bad Influence and then The Addiction, it deserved the time to linger.
Best - Blood and Guts! Last year it was planned that the Elite would face the Inner Circle in a WarGames-esque match called Blood and Guts. But COVID had prevented this, so we changed to Stadium Stampede. With the Inner Circle feuding with the newfly formed Pinnacle, AEW made the right call in bringing Blood and Guts back a year later to clash the two factions against one another. And it truly did live up to its names, a brutish match which cemented the Pinnacle as one of AEW's top factions.
Worst - Blood and Guts (nor Stadium Stampede II) doesn't finish the feud Big gimmick matches like these should be feud enders, but AEW wanted to put the two factions at odds again. With the threat of disbanding, the Inner Circle got a rematch for Double or Nothing for Stadium Stampede and while it wasn't bad fans did feel that the feud should've ended at Blood and Guts. In addition, Stadium Stampede wouldn't even finish their beef as they look to divide into 3 mini-feuds again.
Best - Miro crushes Darby Without Kip, Miro was a monster and he immediately went for gold. A perfect usurper for Darby Allin's TNT title reign, Miro destroyed the fearless and near-indestructible daredevil - who was protected from the squash because Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky had thrown him down some stairs last week - his look over to Sting as they both accepted that they were likely losing this match was a great moment between Miro's destructive force. And as TNT champion Miro is great, his thanking of God for various things are both charming and hilarious but he also manages to pair it with psychotic menace, long may the Best Man reign.
Worst - Cody's American Dream wins over Ogogo's valid points After submitting QT in his match, Cody's celebrations were cut off by Anthony Ogogo, the Olympic Bronze Medallist and former Boxer in QT's Factory, who KO'd Cody and covered him with the UK flag. A feud with Ogogo could've been the saving face moment for the Factory but instead Cody opted to zone in on the flag thing. Painting Ogogo as the 'Anti-American Foreign Heel' did not sit well for anyone who wasn't an uber-American 'Patriot' since the concept was heavily outdated, in addition Ogogo was making real valid points about why he disliked America: pointing out the gross flaws in the country's healthcare system and Cody would reply with how his pregnant wife and unborn daughter were black, choking up his words to garner sympathy. This all falls flat given how Ogogo is also black and never once implied that Cody was a racist. With the chance to put over the Factory with a charismatic young competitor, Cody instead decided to win without even using a finisher - because it was Memorial Day Weekend and America always wins, at this point the Factory remain pretty tainted now since Cody has beaten every member he's faced (and Dustin beat the other one). Saying things worked out on 'Focus Groups' didn't help Cody's defense as to why the feud went the way it did either, it was an outdated narrative with a result that all but screws over the Factory.
Best - The Forbidden Door opens again While none have risen the heights of KENTA's shocking arrival, the Forbidden Door did remain open for some more appearances from NJPW's personnel. Yuji Nagata made a big return to TNT to fight Moxley for the IWGP US Championship but also Ren Narita and Rocky Romero made appearances, the latter having a mini Roppongi Vice reunion with Trent. AEW had also extended the forbidden door to DDT with Konosuke Takeshita impressing on AEW's first house show and on Elevation, and recently a Joker Card appearance for Lio Rush.
Best - Shida gets recognized, and a revamped title After a year of holding the AEW Women's Championship Hikaru Shida had been the subject of criticism from neckbeards acting like she was the 'female Brock Lesnar'. Some were annoyed that Shida's title reign had lasted so long and were blind to the fact that this was clearly intended so Baker could win in front of a crowd. The Dynamite before Double or Nothing though AEW did right by recognizing Shida's work ethic and title reign and by presenting her with a new and larger Women's Championship. While people may complain that they could've unveiled this new title at the PPV I felt it was right to at least let Shida enter the PPV with this title considering how long she had held the Women's Division down. Some poor builds aside, Shida had carried the division with strong matches and worked behind the scenes as well for improving the division, as well as producing the Women's Eliminator Tournament. In this house we do not disrespect Hikaru Shida.
Best - Double or Nothing 2021 And we end on the crescendo, and what a crescendo. The full-time return of fans were graced with an excellently feel-good PPV - aside from Cody beating Ogogo - which had all the competitors perform at a high level. Starting hot, giving Jungle Boy a big unexpected win, Mark Henry debuting and topping it off with Stadium Stampede signed off a big and entertaining year for AEW and closing off with the returning crowd chanting Judas: masterful chef kiss level idea.
The aftermath of DoN while mentioned will probably not be touched on next year because damn were these posts long, but at the very least I did it for WWE and AEW as I said I would. Let's hope that both companies can rise to higher heights and avoid lower lows in the next year when we retread these ppvs again.
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jonthethinker · 5 years
Expositor Beauregard And The Mighty Nein
Others have said it before, but because I think it should be screamed from the mountaintops everyday, Beau’s growth is so fucking good!
I think back to the runaway monk we met at the beginning of this campaign, all sharp edges and curt words and no roots, committed to convincing the world she doesn’t care about anything and she’s fine on her own (but the loneliness already showing as she asks Jester and Fjord whether they’re going to leave town without her.)
Then we have Beau now, who has deep friendships with every member of the Mighty Nein sans possibly Caduceus and Yasha (who still fall under the domain of her protective instinct, and who she still very much considers her people.) It could be argued that Beau is the sturdy foundation of the Nein, offering each other member of the Nein some sturdy ground to stand on to grow themselves:
Travis has mentioned Beau’s commitment as first mate as a comfort for Fjord, and when he was deliberating whether to reveal his accent to the group, He never doubted that Beau would continue to support him if he told the group the truth. Their easy relationship is among my favorites on the show, and when the action starts they’re never out of sync.It is safe to assume that to the half-orc orphan who very much attended the school of hard knocks and has every reason to distrust others, having a friendship in which the only thing that is asked is a willingness to call Beau on her bullshit and an openness to Beau calling him on his, is an immeasurably important feature in Fjord’s current life and one he wouldn’t trade away for anything.
Beau is undoubtedly fiercely protective and supportive of Jester, and made it clear to her that she will support Jester being more honest about negative feelings she has, while also standing up to Jester when she thought she was making a reckless decision in how to confront her father if it meant keeping Jester safe and the door open for a healthy relationship with said parent. Jester has in Beau someone who will continually encourage and support her through thick and thin, and have a good time along the way. I want to say a hell of a lot more about their friendship and the parallels of their lives, because their friendship is the most precious thing to me in all of critical role, but that’s not what this meta is about, so I’ll save it for another time.
Her sisterly relationship with Nott is something that is easy to forget about, but I imagine it means more to Nott than is let on; Nott was a bit of an outsider even as a halfling. Since the Iron Shepards (And arguably before, in Hupperdook,) Nott has had an easy relationship in Beau, with Beau being about as judgement free as Nott has ever experienced. The two are playful with each other in a way I imagine Nott wishes she could have been with her brothers, and Beau’s willingness to forgive Nott for any harmful decision she has made (a certain bullet in the ass comes to mind) can’t be underscored in its importance towards the goal of keeping Nott’s beaten-up heart healthy.
While I disagree with some in the fandom who think that Beau’s friendship with Caleb is the single most important relationship in his life right now (which to me has been unquestionably, from the beginning, Nott, and is nowhere near changing to anyone else in my humble opinion,) to say their friendship has not been a critical step in his growth as a character is absurd. Caleb perhaps had not planned on one of the keys to his success in his wizardly pursuits as well as the reclamation of his humanity being a rough-and-tumble friendship with a blunt, somewhat aggressive monk with a knack for getting him to admit to things he never wanted to admit to, but life doesn’t often go according to plan. Despite a rocky beginning, their friendship has evolved into something beautiful, with Beau always there to keep Caleb grounded, whether he risks letting his thirst for knowledge drag him into trouble, or his past begins to eat him alive. And it’s certainly nice to have someone around who can help him find that book he’s looking for.
Beau’s relationship with Yasha has been interesting from the get-go, what with Beau immediately seizing on the opportunity to flirt with the giant, introverted barbarian. While shipping discourse tends to dominate the discussion of their interactions, we shouldn’t ignore the chance to take a crack at what these moments mean to the characters as individuals.
With hindsight and insights Marisha has given on Talks, I’ve gathered that to Beau these moments were driven by this weird relationship in Beau’s mind between sex and power. She uses these casual, almost doomed to fail, encounters with women as a band-aid to avoid confronting her actual problems with developing intimate, meaningful romantic or platonic relationships with women she’s physically attracted to. She sort of game-ifies the encounters into a power struggle between her and her potential conquest; the end goal not being the sex or denial thereof, but of the buzz of the conflict itself. On the outside it looks like a pure expression of ego, and some of it may be, but I interpret it mostly as a deflection from Beau’s clear struggles with self-loathing and her fear of abandonment; I speculate that to Beau, after how things ended with Tori, has not allowed herself to feel the same about anyone else (With the recently revealed exception of Jester, who is all too conveniently deemed inaccessible; “She has a thing for Fjord, and so it’s not a possibility,”) for fear of utterly letting down yet another women she loved.
With Yasha I take these moments as a sort of siren’s song. Here she is, having lost the most precious person in all her life, a love she knew was forbidden but pursued anyway, and clearly blames herself and her desire for Zuala as the very reason she died. To Yasha, the lesson she learned from all of this is not that her tribe was wrong, but that her desires are wrong, that she can’t trust herself to want anything, and can’t trust herself to love without getting someone hurt (A feeling only exacerbated by the death of Molly trying to save her from the Iron Shepards.)
So she feels all this and then there’s this monk who relentlessly flirts with her. Their first interaction indicates to me that Yasha has had some experience handling this sort of thing since joining the circus, and with arms like those, how could she not? But Beau just keeps going and going the more time they spend around one another, and Yasha has eyes, and Beau does indeed have those abs, and is incredibly persistent and almost admirably self-assured about herself, and okay maybe eventually even the tough Barbarian might be flustered and stutter a little bit.
And that would be that, if that’s all their relationship was. But Yasha being the quiet one who looms to the back in social interactions and group planning watches the others, Beau included, and maybe begins to see another side to the monk. The side that clearly cares a great deal about this group. Who looks out for the others and will gladly put her body on the line to protect them. Beau isn’t as sturdy as Yasha, can’t take as many hits and depends on avoiding being hit in the first place, but still there she is, tanking a Hydra, rushing to the front lines and protecting her friends. There she is, reassuring party members in a well-meaning if a little rough around the edges sort of way. There she is, comforting Yasha after she reveals her past to the group, seeking a way to relate to her even when it’s clear Beau doesn’t share personal details often.
So to Yasha, Beau is a few things. She’s someone who she can rely on to keep this lovely found family alive no matter the personal cost. She’s someone who can be leaned on and relied on not to judge. And she’s someone who makes her feel like a person, not just a tool or a wall of muscle, or a burden to be dealt with, but a person. I think Beau will be second only to Jester in the importance she will play in Yasha’s recovery and victory over her grief and guilt, which, let’s face it, is a long road yet to be traveled, but a road made all the easier due to Yasha’s friends of the blue persuasion.
Caduceus sees in Beau potential. Where he may get frustrated or confused by many in the Nein, I think in Beau he finds a reliable and easy to understand set of motivations. Beau wants to keep the Mighty Nein happy, healthy, and most importantly alive, and maybe make a positive difference in the world along the way. While her gruff demeanor can sometimes grate him the wrong way, I feel her actions have spoken for her in Caduceus’ mind. I take that he feels that while he may be the only adult in the room, Beau is definitely the rather mature teenager that can often be trusted to make decisions in his absence. Condescending? Of course. But a delightfully Caduceus-like thing to think.
This long diatribe is not me saying that Beau is the be all end all of the Nein, but just my way of illustrating the impact of her and her growth on her friends, and the role she plays within the Nein. The other members have had just as much of an impact on her. From Fjord’s trust and charm training, to Jester’s love and support and faith in strangers, to Nott’s open ear and sisterly banter, to Caleb’s ability to establish goals and remind her of both the forest and the trees, to Yasha’s fierce protectiveness and soft treatment of their friends, to Caduceus’ encouragement to tell the truth and be open and the successes that attitude has led to.
And to Molly, who arguably, made this growth possible, or at least as quickly progressive as it has been. Without him pushing her towards making the world better than she found it, it’s hard to imagine the road she would have had to travel to get to where she is now, fighting to save the world, standing up to and earning the respect of her Cobalt Soul mentors, sharing her feelings with the group, and allowing herself to love.
Beau is my favorite character on Critical Role. She has been for a very long time, but my love for her has only aged like a fine wine. From barely being able to meditate at all, to mentally transporting herself to a beach in Nicodranas in order to escape Obann’s thrall. From telling Jester she didn’t worry too much about her well-being, to telling her on several occasions that she loves and cares about her. From being incredibly antagonizing towards Molly, to getting a tattoo in his honor very visibly on the back of her neck. Her Journey to become the Expositor she is today has been an absolute delight, and her journey towards forging the ties she has with this beautiful found family have been heartwarming and some of the best storytelling I’ve ever seen. And she has so much potential for growth and I just can’t wait to see more.
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lollyholly99 · 5 years
Ineffable Valentines - Day 5: Hearts
day 5′s prompt: hearts! @ineffable-valentines
AO3 link
What makes a the hearts of occult and ethereal beings race?
Demons don't have hearts, not naturally, neither physical nor metaphorical.
One in particular, though, has both - a physical one in his corporeal human body, and the capacity for love.
Angels don't have physical hearts either, but they are naturally inclined towards loving all of God's creations. Again, though, one certain angel added one to his human body, for authenticity's sake, and feels more love than any angel one might meet.
So, what makes a demon's heart race?
A declaration of rebellion, intentional or not, from a newfound angel friend, on top of a wall of a garden now-abandoned.
An unexpected meeting, pale blonde hair spotted amongst a crowd in the moments before a devastating flood, and while witnessing the death of a messiah, and sitting with a drink in the middle of a now-ancient city.
The repeated denial of a partnership, then acceptance, an angel's relenting to a multi-century agreement, and the multitude of smiles he provides as the demon carries out good deeds to the angel's whims - so long as the angel returns the favour.
In that same regard, the thought of the angel returning the favour. The image of the angel committing sinful deeds, first mental, then real as he proves he can tempt humans and fulfill his part of the arrangement.
Acting the hero to the angel, the unease at being thanked, his stubbornness about his ruffled clothing, the pleasant joy of a shared meal with him, and a different kind of joy at watching him eat, hearing the content noises with every bite from a plate of crepes.
Rejection. Rejection in a public place, a safe place, where meetings happened with the angel. The sight of the angel walking away, huffing in frustration. The fear that this will be the last occasion to meet him.
Nerves, just before entering enemy ground. The first step, which burns, lightly, but enough to have an effect. A great demonic miracle, enough to level a church, and an angelic one in return, to save a pair of supernatural beings. Yet another demonic one, to rescue a bag of books, the slightest touch of hands with a forbidden friend whilst handing it over, and a quiet drive to a book shop with a grateful angel in the passenger's seat.
The plotting of a heist, interrupted by a sudden angelic presence. A tentative gift with the potential for great destruction, but with intent of only the reparation of an allyship - no, a friendship. A declaration of hesitance, and a promise of a friendly outing. The sudden disappearance of the angel.
Outings with an angelic friend. Excitement, even in the calm before a world-ending storm.
The end of eleven anxious years. Ups and downs, more ridiculousness and repeated rejections of allyship, culminating in freedom from old homes, both opposite and oppressive.
The first meal together with the angel, unwatched by heavenly and hellish eyes.
Mornings, waking up beside a beloved angel, already awake and having not even slept, enthralled by a new book. The touch of hands, and lips, and entire bodies, every time a new rush of joy.
A love, finally returned, finally vocalised, finally shown.
What, then, makes an angel's heart race?
The nervousness of admitting disobeyal. Millennia of unsure feelings towards a demon, an adversary, the only one of his kind to show a form of goodness within him. Second-guessing his goodness as a potential form of misdirection, of temptation, of something for the demon to get his own way.
A multi-millennia friendship. Partnership. Acquaintance. The fear of admitting to anyone what it might be.
A request for a self-destructive power, treated as casually as any other meeting between the pair, harshly declined.
A gun, ready to fire. Its nazi owner, interrupted by... a demon. Demonic miracles, saving not only a supernatural pair, the bare-bones requirement for an arrangement to continue, benefitting the demon, with a redirected drop of a bomb, but also saving a collection of books, so precious, so dear - not precious to the demon at all, but rather his friend. A lingering touch of hands as the books are received again. A casual offer of a lift home, as though an entire world had not been turned upside down, as though feelings had not finally bubbled to the surface and realisations made themselves clear.
The seconds before entering a certain car, to hand over a flask, filled with liquid deadly to its recipient. The handing over itself, done with shaking hands, and another denial.
A great subversion of a higher power's Plan. Fear of consequences. Denial, multiple more times, of a friend. One final disobedience, and then... freedom.
Inviting a friend - no, not a friend, someone far more than that - to move away from the city, to move into a cottage together. Intimacy, previously forbidden, now unrestrained. Kisses and touches and words of affection shared with the demon. Millennia culminating in togetherness at last, at sweet long last.
What makes the hearts of angels, heavenly and fallen, race?
Love, among other things.
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niksixx · 5 years
Pancakes and Vodka
Requested: By an Anon!
Pairing: The Dirt! Mick Mars x Reader
Description: You’re Mick’s assistant who is too shy to confess your feelings but you end up doing it anyway!
Warning: Smut, angst kind of??
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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“Just tell him; It’s not that hard.”
Oh yes, because telling the man you work for that you’re madly in love with him was just the easiest thing in the world. Work relationships were frowned upon normally and confessing your love for none other than Mötley Crüe’s Mick Mars was forbidden. At least in your mind anyway.
Clicking your pen, you spun in your desk chair, eyes focusing on Nikki’s assistant, Jennifer, who was slumped in your bean bag chair. Jennifer and Nikki had slept together a few times, but Nikki was always pushing Jennifer away at the end of the day. She didn’t mind. Nikki was a rockstar. Why try to tie him down?
“Jen, I care about Mick. Telling him I love him would ruin everything.” Okay well it might not ruin everything, but it would potentially ruin the friendship you had. You’d rather have Mick as a friend than nothing at all.
Jen rolled her eyes. “Why are you so negative? He could be at home right now trying to think of a way to tell you he loves you, for all you know.”
“Or,” You sighed, “He might not be thinking of me at all.”
“I took about five phone calls this morning, one being from your cousin. Let’s see, oh! I scheduled an interview for you as well, and,” Smiling, you handed Mick a brown paper bag. “I got you a cheeseburger with curly fries.”
Mick accepted the bag gratefully, noticing how you pulled your hand back rather quickly. He’d gotten extremely lucky with you as his assistant but he never considered you just his assistant. You were his professional associate, close friend, and the occupant of his mind’s wildest dreams. And during the last week, you had visited his dreams more than once.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/N.” It was true. When life got to be a little too hectic for Mick, you were by his side in an instant. The aura around you was calm, serene, and Mick always felt at ease knowing you could handle any problem.
He was attracted to your relaxed personality; It reminded him of his own laidback nature. Mick had pictured you together before, but ever since his feelings became more prominent, he found himself thinking of you all the time.
You gave Mick a shy smile, tucking your hair behind your ear and pressing your clipboard against your chest. Mick didn’t fail to notice the slight perk of your breasts in the pink blouse you wore. He placed the brown bag in his lap, hoping it would cover his growing erection. He knew he shouldn’t’ be having dirty thoughts of his assistant topless on her knees in front of him but he couldn’t help himself. You were sexy and sweet, and he craved the day that he would feel your body against his.
It happened the very next night. You had gone to a bar with some of your closest friends, drinking and chatting and dancing the night away. As much as you were having fun, you missed Mick, spending much of the night wondering what he was up to.
You weren’t fully drunk but you were feeling good. After chugging the rest of your pint, you snuck out the bar doors and headed down the street, making it your mission to tell Mick how you felt.
His eyes widened when he opened the door, revealing you in a body hugging purple dress, the smell of beer wafting in the air around you.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? Do you need a ride home?”
Giggling, you pushed yourself closer to Mick’s body, lips lingering by his ear. “I am home. I’m with you.”
The words sent heat straight to Mick’s cheeks as he closed the door. Was it the alcohol talking? Or did you have complete control over your words?
He watched you saunter through his house, kicking off your shoes and flopping down onto his bed. You had a look in your eye, a mixture of apprehension and lust. “Do you think about me?”
Mick didn’t know where the conversation was going. “W-What?”
Grinning, you began sliding the straps of your dress down your shoulders, watching as Mick’s eyes turned dark. “I think about you all the time.” Dropping your dress to the floor, you reached behind you and gently unclasped your bra before sliding off your underwear. You were completely naked on his bed, ready for him to make the next move. “I want you to touch me.”
He couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. All those times he had pictured what your body looked like under your clothes, and you were even more perfect than he dreamed.
He jumped at the chance to please your body. You moaned breathlessly as his hands explored every inch, every curve of your body. Mick’s touches were gentle but needy, and soon he found himself not being able to resist you any longer. He curled two fingers inside of your heat, ignoring the pain he was feeling from the tightness of his jeans. Using his thumb, he teased your clit, still pumping his fingers rapidly, hitting your spot unceasingly. He used his other hand to fondle your breasts, pinching your nipples slightly.
The sound of your inaudible whimpers had driven Mick to undress himself, fully naked on top of you. His mouth kissed you fiercely, grazing his teeth over your bottom lip teasingly. His fingers found yours and roughly held your wrists above your head before slowly entering your core, filling you to the brim.
You tried burying your head in his neck to muffle the sound of your whines, but Mick grabbed your chin in his hand. “I know you can be louder than that,” he muttered, grounding his hips into yours. “I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
So you obeyed, letting your voice be heard. He threw one leg over his shoulder, angling deeper into your flesh as you cried out, the sensation shooting tingles up your body.
“Let me cum,” you pleaded, nails digging into the sheets. “Mick, please let me cum.”
“Oh, I’ll let you come baby,” he groaned, using his thumb to rub your clit. “All over my cock.”
Your legs shook violently as your orgasm crashed, Mick digging into your hips as he released inside of you. It took you a minute to realize what you had just done, and then your eyes widened in horror.
“Oh my fucking God.” You shoved Mick off your body, scrambling to put your dress back on as he watched from the bed, baffled.
“Wait, what’s wrong?” Mick himself struggled to throw his clothes back on, chasing you as you sprinted toward the front door, heels in hand.
Turning around, you faced Mick, your tears mixing with your mascara. “This is going to ruin everything between us. I’m sorry Mick.”
He lunged for your hand, pulling you back inside the house. “Wait! Baby, no it’s not. No it is fucking not.”
“I am your assistant,” you hissed, shaking your head. “I shouldn’t have come here. I’m sorry.”
She’s nervous, Mick thought. How could he put you at ease? Show you that you hadn’t made a mistake? Because Mick didn’t think it was a mistake at all.
“Come here,” he said, pulling you into his arms. Reluctantly you placed your head on his shoulder, letting the soft feel of his fingers running up your back soothe you. “This wasn’t a mistake, don’t think of it like that. Why don’t you stay the night, all right? C’mere, I’ll take care of you.”
The next morning you woke up wrapped in bed sheets that weren’t your own. You looked around the room, taking note of the many guitars hanging from the wall, and then you shot out of bed.
Creeping around the house, you finally found Mick in the kitchen by the stove. You figured he heard you because he turned around and flashed you a smile. “Pancakes are almost ready.”
He thought you were staying? You couldn’t. Not after the stunt you pulled last night. Truthfully you were shocked Mick had let you, well, made you stay the night.
“Why are you making breakfast?” You asked cautiously. “I’m not staying. I’m heading home.”
“Not on an empty stomach you’re not.” Mick guided you to the table with one hand, balancing the plate of pancakes in his other. You warily grabbed a pancake as Mick poured you a glass.
“Vodka? For breakfast?” You couldn’t help but laugh a little. Mick never went anywhere without having a spare bottle of vodka, but you wouldn’t have guessed he enjoyed it for breakfast.
“It’s the only thing I have,” he smiled sheepishly. “Plus, I heard that drinking more alcohol is the key to curing a hangover, but I’m not sure how accurate that is. I usually ignore Tommy when he talks.”
You ate in silence, flicking the pancake around the plate. After last night’s shenanigans, you couldn’t help feeling the slightest bit embarrassed. You had come to his home uninvited, stripped naked, and then tried to leave. You felt dirty, sleazy, and utterly horrified, although Mick didn’t seem to mind. He was chewing his pancakes and sipping his vodka happily.
“Mick I have to talk to you.” Even if it was wrong, you had to tell him. You had kept your feelings to yourself for so long they’d been the only thing consuming your brain. “Last night…”
“Was incredible,” Mick finished, downing the rest of his drink. “I know you don’t think so, but you also have no idea how long I’ve waited for last night to happen.”
“I don’t want you to regret anything,” he continued. “We had sex. It was fun. I want to do it again. We’re two consenting adults.”
“Mick, you don’t understand,” Frustration laced in your voice. “I’m your assistant! Don’t you know how bad that will look for me? It’s hard already being in love with you and keeping that a secret.”
Your eyes enlarged when you realized the words had slipped. Well, fuck.
Mick’s eyes lit up as a smile etched itself on his face. “Now, what was that?”
No use in trying to cover it up. With a heavy sigh, you dropped the fork on your plate. “I love you Mick, but I don’t want to complicate things. I’ve been your assistant for three years and I’ve loved every second of it, but I don’t want to lose what we have.”
You kept shooting him down, but the smile never left his lips. “Sweetheart, me and you together is the only thing that has ever made sense. You’ve been by my side and I trust you with my life. There’s no way you or me or anyone else can mess this up.” Mick stood up and walked around the table, crouching down to hold your palms. “I want to be with you. Don’t be afraid; Let go. We can have something beautiful if you’d let us be together.”
Would people judge? Maybe. At the end of the day, Mick made you happy. It shouldn’t matter if you were his assistant. You loved him, he loved you, and he was damn right. Together, you could have a beautiful relationship. You deserved to be happy, and so you followed your heart, taking the leap of faith straight into the arms of Mick Mars.
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syxjaewon · 4 years
part 2 ; a candlestick
the next time lianna blackhound sees her niece, the girl is a dream of lines and curves, young for her class, small for her age, a heartful face and doe-like eyes, stepping onto the stage as graceful as the dawn, as light as a feather, as demure as a swan, all white and pearl lining, her clothing clinging and cascading off her body like liquid, with silk and chiffon dressings. she is the pride of her teachers at the academy, careful and considerate, beautiful even at eleven years old, a promising debutante, a joy to the guild, liked by her peers, all praises and prayers left in the wake of her dove-like footsteps with every step she takes, because they all know the path she will walk, the glory she will bring them, the honor, the renown, the grandeur.
she takes center front before the other girls, the music playing around her as the lights dim in the great hall, lianna’s eyes lost in the crowd of many, all polished, all beautiful, all wealthy, the gala reception golden and dripping with class, paused for a momentary respite of beauty. it’s a simple dance, nothing too alluring or drawing about it, but the young girl performs it with ease and confidence, every gesture a blessing, every look and toe-point a gift, her eyes deep, her skin radiant, her hair long and dark as a midnight river; all of these she spins and uses like the casting of a web, a spell upon every heart in her audience, all their attentions glued, all their notices ensnared.
and lianna feels a deep sinking sensation in her gut.
she knows that’s her blood, she knows that’s her kin by more than just supernatural connection but also because, gods, she looks so much like vera, but also because her danna leans over towards her in the darkness and whispers that the child’s name is chaerin devereaux, and the last name sticks into her skin like a thousand needlepoints, a torture chamber prickling from her insides out. she fights herself desperately to stay still, to remain muted, to nod and smile and blink into the fantastical beauty of this girl-child, trying not to feel as though she’s betrayed everything she once promised her own sister.
she hadn’t been able to keep a connection with the baby, with vera’s baby, not when her father was so powerful and so dedicated to owning her, as though it were a competition, as though it were a vengeance plot, as though he held some sort of vendetta against vera and anything that scented of her, anything that resembled her, anything about her he could still reach and strangle. there hadn’t been anything lianna could do, no channels to call down, no favors to call in, an unsuspecting woman in a hurricane of forces much more powerful than her. once the baby had left her grip, that was the last time she’d ever touched her.
but now, here the baby is, insinuated into the guild, given to the very house that her own mother had fled from, tried to save her from, dedicated to a list of ideals that would turn her into a celebrated creature of loneliness and half-life, of pretences and false loves and ceremony only for others’ sake, forbidden to be a mother, a wife, a queen. and she is perfect at it. even still a child, lianna can tell, from the brimming, gleeful looks of her house mistresses standing nearby, her teachers, from the greedy, hungry stares of the men in the assemblage, their mouths dropping open as if to swallow her up before she’s even fallen through puberty, lianna can tell this chaerin is going to be a goldmine, a diamond, a flower to bloom, to kiss, to fuck.
lianna excuses herself from the great hall with as much dignity as she can muster, after the dance is finished, to vomit in the bathroom. and then she builds her plan of attack.
it takes a year of transfers and connections, a year of careful steps in the right direction, every move made to bring her closer to that temple on sihnon, every development mindfully advanced to garner her further down a specific path, and sometimes things get messy, sometimes things get dirty and despicable and horrible, but when lianna makes it past that threshold, when she finally earns her posting in ‘the house of the blooming rose,’ she enters the estate with her pride and her determination at the forefront, the signature of a blackhound woman if ever there was one. she becomes ordained and appointed the house mistress of the shrine without contention or confrontation, adhering to her new post with grace, control, and balance, and the first thing she does is introduce herself to her new pupils, the young girls and boys who will be the companions of the future.
at her first house dinner, she embeds herself in the minds of all her students as a lady of composure and elegance, her beauty displayed for all to see, her status clear and secured as the set companion of a powerful scientist who has recently moved to sihnon for study, her danna and his family settling in nicely and comfortably, everything in accordance, everything in harmony. and when lianna looks down the table, she sees her girl, chaerin devereaux, like a beam of light from heaven itself, and has to utilize every inch of self-control and forbearance not to bleed out of her seat and scoop the child up, hug her tightly, mourn her endlessly.
her resolve is simple for the first few years. to culture her, to acquaint herself with her, to become a trusted advisor and friend, always willing to lend an ear, lend her office, lend her space. chaerin lives up to her potential and all the eminence that had cycled around her before, her serenity dimmed only by her inclinations for running, her tendencies to laugh too loudly, to frighten too easily, to fall prey to meanness too unguardedly. there is a love in chaerin that blossoms unabashedly, the garden of a girl growing greener with every passing day, her limbs lengthening out, her figure maturing, the fluorescence of her design evolving into loviness. lianna can’t tell if vera would be heartbroken over it or not.
but she does her best in her sister’s place, raising the girl as well as she can with as much focus as she can, teaching her the sharper ways of existence that still caters to the guild bylaws of conduct; martial arts, swordplay, psychology. her accomplishments in dance and calligraphy are challenged by no one else in the house, the young girl a pinnacle object to the guild, a representation of all the wondrous, amazing possibilities for younglings in society; she becomes the zenith of charm and delight, the darling of sihnon.
lianna does her best to coach her in a way that allows her what she wants, but protects her from the hells that she knows exist outside these hedges.
“mistress blackhound?” chaerin’s voice breezes into the small wall-less room, each side held up by pillars and wafting curtains, a large dias with candles and incense to one end, the door on the other. lianna looks over her shoulder to the intruding girl, still small for her age but undeniably beautiful.
“ahh my love,” she responds, smiling gently as she relaxes slightly, her posture folding down as her knees ache against the pillow on the floor facing the altar, her kneeling body sensual and balanced with every maneuver. “what are you doing here? shouldn’t you be asleep? it’s late.”
“yes, mistress, i know,” chaerin responds, even as she steps closer and joins lianna on the kneeling pillow, the wind blowing in to graze against her face, tickle her hair, ruffle her clothes. “what are you praying for?”
lianna watches her for a moment before reaching out and brushing a strand away from her niece’s ear. “you, darling.” five years since their first encounter, four since their official meeting, and now lianna only has a few more months. “for your naming ceremony tomorrow. are you excited?”
“does nervous count? it’s a synonym.” chaerin turns back to the candles flickering in the open air, her voice lilting and soft as a lily, verging on a whisper as though she could disturb the thoughts that have been poured in here, every devotion bestowed on this place for a hundred years. “i don’t want to mess up.”
“you won’t mess up,” lianna assures her, reaching for her hand in comfort. “i’ll be with you every step through it. and afterwards.” afterwards, when the lessons change, when the reality of what the guild has turned chaerin into, what they have tricked her into becoming, what they have molded her to be, finally sets in. it’ll be months, near to a year, and then… “until your graduation.”
“will i be forced out then?” she asks, letting her uncertainty show, her meandering thoughts, her worries. lianna knows this is only for her, these troubles are their secret alone; chaerin never reveals her weaknesses to anyone else, their bond of friendship solidifying stronger than she could have ever hoped. “will i be made to leave the house?”
the lump in lianna’s throat threatens to choke her. “for a little while. for your first client meeting. yes.”
the silence that breathes between them is agony.
“you’ll be a registered companion then,” lianna continues, because she must. “you’ll be under contract and have to abide by all the laws and rules we’ve covered already. but then, after some time, you’ll be allowed to come back.” the glance chaerin gives her nearly destroys her resilience to get through this, nearly convinces her this isn’t worth it, this isn’t what either of them should be doing. “you’ll have more freedom to come and go as you wish, as long as you follow the established conduct.”
freedom. a word that means so much. a word she isn’t sure she’s ever truly felt.
“i have a favor to ask of you,” chaerin says, inhaling deeply and bringing herself up, changing the subject. “as a gift, for my naming ceremony.”
lianna tries to smile. “yes?”
“every companion is offered the chance to continue as they are or become anew at this stage. take a new name for themselves, take on a new persona for themselves.”
“i would like to take yours. lianna. if that’s alright.”
again, the silence spreads between them like a wasteland, dry and empty of all words, all thoughts, lianna as wretched as a witch on the outskirts of the rim planets, starving for things unmade.
chaerin continues, obviously noting the way lianna’s voice has failed her, her excuses tumbling off her lips in a nervous jumble, hoping to convince, hoping to persuade. “it’s just that-- it’s such a lovely name, i’ve always loved it more than ‘chaerin,’ chaerin sounds too childish, and i think lianna sounds graceful and exquisite, like you, and i, i wish to be more like… you.”
the last word is really what cracks lianna open, splits into her like a explosion, the sharp sting of it crashing into her fortified mind as though she is made of glass, as though she has always been a fragile creature, a china doll in a world of hammers, and the sob that falls from her lips is painfully loud and catastrophic. her face crumbles like a dam, her stance deteriorates, and she heaves herself up to her feet, backwards, away from the girl, away from her niece, throwing herself against one of the pillars that hold up this house of rose and ruin, her eyes shutting, her equilibrium upended.
chaerin is distraught, standing up immediately, her eyes wide and confused, while lianna cries, while lianna digs her fingers into the stone, while lianna burns herself out on her sorrow and regret. “mistress?”
“i’m so sorry,” lianna begs, pressing her cheek  against the cold, unfeeling surface of the pillar. “i’m so sorry. i’ve done you so much diservice.”
“no!” chaerin approaches her quickly, her hands outstretched as if to catch her, fingers wrapping around her lady’s elbows. “no, i greatly respect you. i’m thankful to you, mistress blackhound. i will always be--”
“you don’t understand.” lianna wipes at her face, her tears and her past and her betrayal staining her, rotting her heart as it beats against her chest. it takes her a few moments, but she gathers herself up enough to press her back against a pillar, her eyes pinned to the world outside, the world at her fingertips, all of sihnon beautiful and disgusting. “i’ve been lying to you. i’m not who you think i am.”
“what?” chaerin asks, timidly. “who are you?”
and now for the brunt of it, now for the truth. “i knew your mother.” chaerin is about to say something, but she lifts her hand for quiet. “your real mother. mrs devereaux married your father, and he is your real father, but the woman who birthed you was--” her voice hiccups, breaking and then scratching onward. “she was a companion at the time. her pregnancy meant she had to be excommunicated, but your father wanted you, wanted to raise you.” the watery cadence of her tone begins to bleed into her words. “or at least i thought he did, i thought he planned to raise you, not give you to this, send you to the guild like some sort of joke.”
“you think the guild is a joke?”
“i think you deserved a better life!” lianna snaps out of desperation, finally really looking at chaerin, looking at this girl,  at this child on the eve of her adulthood, and understanding that vera had been right all along, vera had known this would happen, had wanted lianna to stop it, to protect her daughter from it. vera, who is somewhere out in the verse still, hopefully in her freedom.
freedom. vera had always said the guild doesn’t give freedom. lianna finally understands what that means.
chaerin’s face takes on a distant, shattered look, empty and forlorn, knowing there isn’t a reason for lianna to be lying, there isn’t a reason for her to believe or disbelieve her. these words are set before her feet, falling between them like petals and it’s her choice to either trust in them or not. but something in the way chaerin’s face fractures and darkens slightly makes lianna guess that chaerin has had these inklings with her own family for a while now. what sort of manner has devereaux raised her in, what sort of questioning leering must she have endured from his wife? when chaerin speaks, it’s little more than a murmur against the wind. “who was my mother?”
lianna swallows even as more tears fall, breathing out the name she hasn’t spoken in sixteen years. “vera noriko regalis mon blackhound. she was my sister.”
“sister…” chaerin repeats, as though the sound of it is echoing through her mind, down a deep tunnel, down a dark well. she doesn’t look up at lianna, her gaze pinned to the grass. “you’re my…”
lianna nods, feeling the weight of the universe and all its stars bearing down on her, unworthy of the word ‘aunt,’ unworthy of her kin, her lineage, her family, unworthy of the storm that was her sister. “i’m so sorry.”
behind them, the candlesticks flicker and shift and burn, dwindling down and down into dribbling wax, their dim flames of light casting long shadows, as the two women stand motionless for what feels like forever, what feels like a pocket of space untouched by time, the both of them silent and lost inside themselves, rectifying what they’ve always known with what they know now, what they had once with what they have left. and it’s excruciating.
“chaerin,” lianna tries after a while.
“please excuse me, mistress, i should get some sleep.”
the next day, chaerin devereaux changes her name to lianna blackhound, in reverence to her favorite teacher, and begins her ascent into a proper registered companion. 
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animebw · 5 years
Little Witch Academia: Series Reflection
I started my watch of Little Witch Academia by saying that I’m a sucker for a good magic school story. Seraph of the End, Blue Exorcist, Beyond the Boundary, My Hero Academia, and Soul Eater are all shows that reach a very special place in my heart. They speak to archetypes and storytelling values I have a deep amount of respect and love for, nostalgia for the good old days of the past and respect for the potential of the future. They allow for so much creativity, so much imagination, and so much sincerity, all in the same central location with the same closely interconnected web of characters and ideas. I will always appreciate a story that can whisk me away to a plane of fantastical learning and get me invested in the stories it tells within those walls. So LWA was already starting off on my good side just by virtue of how whole-heartedly it embraced that ethos. But now that I’ve actually experienced the entirety of this show, I’ve come to a conclusion that might ruffle some feathers, but I feel is completely justified.
Little Witch Academia is the best magic school story I’ve seen since Harry Potter.
The simple fact is, this show is dedicated to recapturing everything about what makes the concept of magic school stories so special to me. It’s slavishly devoted to the traditions of its genre, but not out of cowardice or laziness; it seeks these charms so intensely because it clearly loves them just as much as I do. I live for the contrast of fantastical learning environments and the inescapable drudgery of heavy schoolwork no matter what subject that work is about. I adore the forbidden forests, the hidden chambers, the secret magical artifacts with wild and wondrous abilities. I’m a slut for the friendships and rivalries, the sporting events and dark invasions, the trials and tribulations, the wonder of discovering things that dazzle the imagination. I love these stories because they fundamentally understand why diving into fiction can be so, well, magical. And Little Witch Academia is magical from the tips of its toes to the top of its pointed hat. It’s bursting with whimsy and imagination, aided by possibly Trigger’s best-looking production yet, a cavalcade of imaginative, heartfelt setpieces that seek to inspire and delight in equal measure. And thanks to the story’s overwhelming sincerity, it achieves them all with aplomb.
But that’s not what makes Little Witch Academia a masterpiece. What makes it such an incredible piece of fiction is that as devoted as it is to the past, it’s equally devoted to the future. Its story is all about the balance between the old and the new, finding a way to keep the spirit of the things we love alive when pulled in two directions. It understands how both the limitations of the past and the uncertainty of the future can be equally destructive, and it pushes its story to synthesize those two extremes into something far more powerful than either of them could be on their own. And in doing so, it allows itself to break from the limitations of its genre in the second half, even as it still embraces them, and become something far more daring, far more inspiring, far more shocking, and far more beautiful. It’s a story of moving forward while keeping an eye behind you that melds the warm nostalgia of the past with the blistering excitement of the future, supercharging the traditions of the magic school genre with the dynamic, eccentric determination of Trigger’s forward-thinking philosophy. And the result finds the perfect sweet spot between comfort and chaos, between recapturing the love of the past and finding new, brighter love right around the corner. For as much as I’ve struggled with Trigger’s sensibilities in the past, never before have they felt so earnest and worthwhile as they have here.
If I had any criticism to make, it’s that being so beholden to the magic school tropes means it inevitably runs into a handful of said tropes- the make-or-break test, the love potion, the villain who really should have as much free reign as they do- that it could’ve tinkered with more. This show walks such a precarious balance of past and future, and perhaps it could’ve done more to compensate for the sins of the past upon occasion. But that complaint is dust in the wind against everything else this show has to offer. Little Witch Academia is a triumph. From the dazzling action scenes to the stunning character animation, from Akko’s powerful maturation to Diana’s fantastic position as the rare sensible rival, through a powerful narrative that managed to genuinely shock me out of my comfort zone on more than one occasion, this show is truly special, a never-ending spectacle of delights old and new that reminds me of the deepest loves of my past while pointing me towards the loves of my future. This is everything I want anime to be and more, and I know I’ll be thinking fondly back upon this show well into the future, just as I now look back upon the likes of Harry Potter. A forward-thinking love letter to nostalgia, a comfortably familiar beacon of progress, Little Witch Academia is entrancing, soul-enriching, and nothing more or less than magical.
And when all is said and done, I give LWA a score of:
What a beautiful experience. Thank you all for joining me on this journey, my friends. I’ve still got the original OVAs to go through, so I’m not bidding farewell to LWA quite yet. But once those are done, I hope you stick around for the show that will take its place:
Happy Sugar Life
I imagine this will be a very different experience. Well, see you next time for the conclusion of this lovely journey!
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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In fair Verona, our tale begins with KATARINA DU PONT, who is TWENTY-NINE years old. She is often called KATHERINE by the CAPULETS and works as their SOLDIER. She uses SHE/HER pronouns.
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What is DOOMED to look on forever, admired and sparkling and forbidden from participating in the fancies and follies of man? Stars, strict-upright roses in a crystalline vase, girls in pearls, and a painting hung over the fireplace. What is Katarina Du Pont? Not a star, a bouquet, or a godforsaken fucking PORTRAIT. From the time she was born, the girl was a pearl in reverse: instead of coming from a thing tightly bound and rough to the hands of man with the beautiful thing beneath, she was the unbreakable, opalescent gem with something sharp and coarse melted inside. Every child is meant to be a story, and with each day that Katerina aged, she took her plotline further away from the synopsis her parents had intended: in the beginning it did not matter much that she was a precocious, serious child, nor that the fits she threw - unlike the average spoiled, silver spoon-poisoned youth - were not only a matter of unreasonable want, but indisputable ARGUMENT. All that mattered in her beginning years was that she was a pretty representative of her last name, willing (albeit contemptuous) enough to put on the frilled dresses that were asked of her when the monthly dinner parties rolled around. When years later, her younger sister – the princesse – would stamp her ball-jointed ballerina ankle for a new toy and dew her eyes until the product was achieved, Katarina had made a habit of presenting undeniable reason as to why this thing was owed to her with aggressive FERVOR and a sophistication well beyond her years.
Katarina was a girl that had forsaken METAPHORS by the time her high school English teacher leaned over her pretty porcelain shoulder and whispered an allegory about the colour of her eyes during an exam on Wuthering Heights. She had him fired for improper conduct 36 hours later, and received a 98% on the test. Following a brief interlude after class with the substitute, she had argued her mark up to 101%. In place of metaphors, the soft-silk innuendos and allegorical whispers of other blue-blooded girls her age, Katarina was all skin, bone, and vein. She felt things VISCERALLY, did things with her body, and made no apologies or excuses by pretending what had been done - usually something awful, usually something with teeth - was because of an iridescent shimmer inside her forged by the mating of wealth, intelligence, and beauty. The simpering faux-ignorance of socialites and the general stupidity of men enraged her to an unnatural degree, and her seeming inability (read: unwillingness) to clear her face of evidence when these feelings of disdain crossed her was a blaring LIABILITYfor the Du Ponts. As she aged from girl to young woman to tempest, her parents were faced increasingly often with the embarrassment of finding their eldest daughter had insulted a potential business partner and their second-largest shareholder within the time it took her to finish her first cocktail. There was a bitterness inside her whose origins she could never quite place; it seemed that for as long as she had existed, there had been some mean black stone inside her named resentment, called RAGE.
Just as if she had been a man, Katarina had been indulged in the finest education and the highest expectation - to inherit the family business and continue its greatness - and perhaps that was the fatal FLAW in her raising. Even if the woman had been left unattended and locked away as a child, her mind would have forged itself into the glass-edge it was now on its own – after all, all it takes to make a sharp piece of glass is to break a mirror. But instead that intellect had been honed into something even larger than her heart and more dangerous than her face, and shatter the looking glass Katarina did, along with glass ceilings alike: upon finding out that the ascent to company CEO was meant to be hailed as little more than a poster-girl and placeholder, leaving the decisions of the Du Pont bank to the board of aging and bigoted white men, Katarina’s path changed VICIOUSLY. While this was not the axis upon which her entire life upturned itself, it was the last push that the pendulum needed in order to swing. And so like all aspects of her life, Katarina did what would unnerve the greatest amount of people, and subsequently give her the most pleasure: she took the most literal blue-collar job possible.
She joined the police force.
Men in particular - whether they be criminals, affluent businessmen, or both (the two are not mutually exclusively) - have had a fondness over the years of questioning how a BEAUTIFUL daughter of money had found herself in such a pedestrian aggressive job. And Katarina always answers the same manner; in the most CUTTING way possible, decrying the individual for their attempt to pinhole her and chopping down their own frivolous career in the process. Despite the shock factor of her vocation choice, there is a swelling, even dangerous pride that Katarina fosters from knowing she is a source of dynamite and justice in such a damning city – and in the knowledge that she’s potentially the best shot in all of Verona. True to her teenage self, Katarina is still no metaphor, nor is she a trope, an archetype, or one slim edge of a preset dichotomy: she is a WHIRLWIND, everything at once, and a danger from every angle. She makes no concessions and cuts no corners of herself, donning her uniformly pressed work slacks at daybreak and Harry Winston diamonds by night — and Verona can be sure she that Beretta Model 92FS strapped to her hip shoots with as much ACCURACY as the wicked pink slip of her tongue.
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BERNADETTE DU PONT: Sister. In the rule of righteousness, it is the younger sister that should spend her life in her elder’s shadow – and yet Bunny has seemingly been born backwards, casting her shadow in front of her rather than behind. Though the primary emotions slanted towards her sister are annoyance, distaste, and regret for all the things her kin could have been but never will be, there is also a mean sliver of resentment under the nails of Kat’s soul. While the attention of her parents - or anyone at all - has never quite been a driving force for Katarina, that her intelligence and ambition should have favour lost to the falsely doe-eyed ministrations of her sister sets her alight. Katarina’s bitterness has always been her defining factor, and no more so is it present than when conversing with darling Bunny dearest.
MIKAEL FALCO: Achilles Heel. Kindness does not come easily to her, whether it be by word or action. But no one can say that she isn’t a generous soul. When she sees a bird with a broken wing, she can’t help but give a small cluck of exasperation and do what any other might – which is to say, nurse the fallen dear back to health. Perhaps there is something within her that calls out to the Falco man, something just as broken as he. But when the two talk, it is as if that hum of pain is drowned out, momentarily, briefly, fleetingly, but drowned out all the same. Her logic tells her that a wounded creature is a creature meant for slaughter. Her heart tells her that their stories are the same, somehow, some way. Verona isn’t kind to those who show weaknesses. When it comes to the Falco man, she can’t help but guard both his and hers.
LILLIAN WEN: Best Friend. They had grown up on opposite ends of Verona, yet found their way to each other as if tied by red string. In their younger years, when her fire was especially potent and without control, here were times that Kat had felt as if Lillian was the only existence in all of Italy that she could tolerate. The pair has been an unconquerable and known duo since childhood, and together they form a diamond: Lillian the glisten and shine, Katarina the sharp-cut edges unbreakable content. More recently tension had arisen between them due to their discrepancies with each other’s career choices, and while Kat will never quite understand (or like), Lillian’s status as a living clothes hanger, it’s better than the shadow-clad second job Katarina has turned a blind eye to for as long as possible – her best friend’s status as a Capulet consort. Perhaps there had always been an expectant part of her longing for her best friend to be the only consort she would ever know…
LAWRENCE VERNON: Old Friend. He abandoned her, left her for desolate at a time where she would such abandonment most keenly. Since then, she has forcibly forgotten what secrets were passed between them, what tender moments were shared. It would be nice to say that she can rise above and forgive, wipe away, repair. But, alas, not even she, with all her righteousness, can do such a thing. Friendships that have been abandoned by one side, are often to be resented by the other. She cannot help that it rises in her, nor can she stem the flood of old aches that quickly follows.  A Capulet and a Montague, what bitterness always follows – and they? They are simply another chapter to add to the book that holds so many tales.
Katarina is portrayed by SARAH GADON  and was written by TARYN. She is currently TAKEN  by VICTORIA.
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frostyviking · 6 years
httyd to me
I know this was a thing a while ago, so technically this is really late. But it feels more appropriate to do it after I’ve seen all the films, you know?
I remember watching httyd1 in the theaters way back in 2010. the forbidden friendship scene blew me away. It was the first time I’ve ever seen a movie where I notice the music, and man was it a stunning score. I don’t think I need to go on about how wonderful that entire scene is. fast forward to 2012 and I had a friend in middle school who was constantly humming or playing the main tune from httyd, and I was wracking my brain for months trying to figure out where that familiar tune came from. I eventually figured out it was from httyd and the memories came flooding back. I found the fandom soon after, and really came the birth of this blog as you all know it as.
For the next seven years, httyd became like my entire life. Everyone that knew me knew that I loved the two movies and everything about it. this movie inspired me to go to college and learn animation, because dang if I want to also make a movie one day that could mean as much to someone as httyd did to me. Even now, 5 years since httyd2, friends I have in college that never knew how obsessed I was with httyd in high school, can still see the old obsessions and excitement bubble up when they talk about it around me.
And today... today I saw httyd3. The final movie of this entire adventure. Here comes potential spoilers. I have to say, httyd3 didn’t blow me away like I hope it would. imo, it kinda fell flat for me. I’ve mentioned many times before, but yeah I didn’t like the romance (hiccstrid or the furies) and I feel like it kinda detached me from the movie. I probably need another rewatch but I didn’t feel the weight of the decision with the dragons needing to leave. 
Anyways, I really enjoyed being able to grow up with this franchise. It felt like the movies were growing up with me. I will always think it’s funny that by the time the next movie comes out I finally reach Hiccup’s age in the previous movie. The genre of the story for each film is definitely different and honestly, I like that. Rather than a sequel that’s like “here’s the characters you liked dealing with a different problem but it has the exact same feel as the first movie” it feels like the story and genre itself is growing up with the characters. If that makes any sense....
While the ending of httyd3 didn’t make me feel emotional as I hoped it would, I basically lost it during the credits. Showing all those scenes from the other two movies felt like reliving the last 7 years of my life. Though I may not be that happy with httyd3, this entire franchise means so so much to me. I’m kinda sad to see to end. I’ve made so many awesome, irreplaceable friends from this, and really I am who I am today because of these movies. 
Thank you, Cressida. Thank you, Dean. Thank you, Chris Sanders. Thank you, everyone who worked on these movies. httyd is the world to me, and an amazing adventure to have experienced
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WIP Intro
Planet of the Lost #1
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Genre: science fiction, fantasy 
Audience: young adult & adult
Themes: tecnolgy vs nature, friendship, clasism, corruption of the soul
Features: lgtb+ characters, non white characters, talking animals, magical cratures
Summary: Ikanai lives in the Lower Sector. Nriya lives in the Middle Sector and works on the farms. Billuh and Tsciva live in the High Sector. They weren't supposed to know each other, the system was designed to make that impossible, but it happened. Higher forces united them and for that reason they begin to be persecuted. No one knows exactly why or by whom, they just know that they should continue to escape. In this world, technology beat nature, in this world humans dominated other animals until they were extinguished. In a world where no one knows more than technology and inequality, four young people must find the answers that no one else has the courage to look for.
Content warning: torture, mature language, dead, human experiments, slavery, very extreme poverty
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Between 25 and 30 yo | Trans woman | Farmer worker | Middle Sector 
Family: mother, 4 older brothers, 2 minors. All men except her. The mother does not care about her gender identity as long as she brings food to the table, whether earned by work or stolen.
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Between 20 and 25 yo | Male | Lower Sector | He actually has grey eyes, but I did the image at 3 am and didn’t remember 
Family: his parents are dead just like his two little sisters
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21 yo | Male, gay | Student of biology | High Sector 
Family: father (doctor), mother (politician), twin brother (Billuh)
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21 yo | Male, bisexual | engineering student | High Sector
Family: father (doctor), mother (politician), twin brother (Tsciva) 
The twins dye their hair so they can be recognized.
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The continent is like Europe and Asia combined. The free city space would be equivalent to the Iberian Peninsula plus France. The islands aren’t know to humans.
Lower Sector
It’s the poorest sector of the city. Small and precarious houses, with barely four walls and a roof that hopefully are made of mud. The streets are trampled earth. There is no electricity, gas or running water. You barely get food and aren’t allowed to work.
Near Ikanai’s house there’s a stream, small in winter but that grows during spring and summer, lightly flooding the surrounding streets and leaving everything even more disastrous than before. However, the people who live there are already use to that and take this event as the warning that the time comes when they can sleep peacefully, since in summer they don’t run the risk of dying frozen while they sleep.
Ikanai usually wash his clothes in the stream, letting it dry on the rocks while sunbathing, and then put them back on. There are no fish or any animals living in its waters. You don't see large animals, but neither small mammals as rats, only insects. Most people in the lower sector don’t know the animals, they have no memories of them and no access to anything that can remind them. Nor do they exist on farms, there is only agriculture.
The punishments for the lower sector are the worst of all. If someone takes something from the farms without permission, they will most likely disappear to never return. If someone from the low sector is seen in other sectors, the death penalty is directly imposed. There are even reprisals for those who try to work on the farms. Likewise, if someone leaves the city limits, they’re kidnapped to never appear again.
Middle sector
It consists of huge buildings that cover the sunlight most of the day. Its inhabitants are strongly indoctrinated, they are sent to school when they are young until they are ten years old, at which time they have to start working. Originally, they used to start at 12 or 14 depending on how many children the family had, but since the lower sector was banned from working, everyone starts at that early age. They don't receive more education than that, so they don't know anything about the world.
They don't lack food, but they don't have much either. They have what it takes to survive. The entire sector is completely covered with cement, there is no natural space in sight and only those who go to work on farms know what a plant is. Those who don’t work there have to work in other sectors, especially industrial. The sector is the workforce of the entire megacity, they produce both the food and materials used by the high sector to create technology.
They have technology, but precarious, which in the high sector is considered obsolete. They can't ask questions, they can't try to get more technology or books than they are given. They are punished if they are seen on farms during non-working hours and have a curfew in which everyone must be inside their buildings or else disappear forever. They are prohibited from climbing to the rooftops.
High sector.
It’s the only sector of the city that can live without worries, even the “poorest” within the sector have the latest technology and food to spare. They have a complete schooling, from the age of six to the university, where they can opt for several careers to study. Even so, knowledge is controlled by the government and if someone tries to know something that doesn’t belong to them, they will most likely be severely punished. The punishments for this sector can range from being forced to move to the middle sector to losing some part of the body or serving time in jail.
This sector is made up of huge skyscrapers that lose sight of and reach even higher than the clouds. Most of the life is given in the air, since the floor level, the part of the original city, is prohibited and in disuse. This sector is known as Level Zero and it is said that it is forbidden to go down there due to structural problems.
The buildings are connected by large platforms and pedestrian bridges, while the means of transport range from flying cars to elevated trains. The technology is amazing and everything is automated. They are the only sector in the city that knows about the government and have a democratic system. However, everyone knows that the real heads of government are three people that nobody has ever seen, but that everyone fears that they call themselves NAK.
They only know animals and plants through books and old illustrations, since in those areas everything is cement, glass and technology. A huge wall separates them from the Middle Sector and they don’t know the existence of the Lower Sector.
(I found this question on some page that I don’t remember but I think is pretty easy to find on google)
1. How do you learn it and how is it executed? Formerly: it was learned in schools, with teachers, knowledge was passed from the elderly to the young. Currently: the three bosses learned it from their parents directly, but they also have the old books where they explain how to use it. It is executed through body movements, gestures and mental acuity.
2. How do you access it? Connection with nature, mind control.
3. Do it have own will? Formerly, yes. Currently, it is very weakened and although it still has a will, it doesn’t show much. In those who don’t control it completely, you can do things autonomously.
4. Is it restricted in space and time? At the moment of starting the story almost nobody can use it. Bosses can, and know that others may have the capacity, but nobody knows about it, so it is limited to them. As for space, it is stronger in natural spaces.
5. What can it do? Manipulate nature and its objects. Create, control the elements.
6. What’s it relationship with the character, plot and theme of the book? Its re-discovery is the main plot of the story. With the characters, It's what will open their eyes and help them take control of their lives as citizens of the world.
7. What is the price to pay for using it? Body and mental weakening.
8. What can't be done with it? Relive the dead, manipulate life itself. The magic used for destruction is weak and is punished by the gods, especially that used to destroy nature. You cannot go back in time, but you can go forward.
9. How long do its effects last? It depends on what has been done.
10. Who can use it? Those who have a special connection with nature or possess the knowledge of the ancients. Also, those blessed by the gods themselves. Currently, only the three bosses can actively use it for having the knowledge. The citizens of the lower level are potential users because they are more connected to nature. The protagonists will be able to start using it little by little both for their connection with nature and for the subsequent knowledge they will gain.
11. How do others react to it? In fear of pure ignorance.
12. Why has this power not been used to conquer the world? It was used for that purpose and only when the bosses stopped fighting among themselves and joined together could they truly control the entire known world. Now, they try to find the gods that originally provided the magic to finish conquering the few remaining natural spaces and extend their domain.
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