#the pinned wrists and arched back........... god
satorusugurugurl · 8 hours
Thank God for A.C!
Summary: Gojo loves it when the AC is blasting in the hotel, because he sees your pretty little nipples.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x AFAB!Reaer
Word Count: 1,031
Warnings: Nipple play, dirty talk, orgasms, heavy kissing
A/N: Just a drabble because I needed to write Satoru sucking on tits!
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“Haaah—oh god,” you sighed softly as Satoru caressed your breasts, “that feels so fuckin’ good, Toru.” Your boyfriend smirks, his lips moving against your neck as you arch against him. His large hands grab your wrists, pinning them above your head.
“Good~ I want you to feel good, Sweetheart,” Gojo whispers lovingly against your skin. Long fingers brush against your nipples, peeking through your shirt. “You look so damn cute in this tank top.” You laid your head against the wall, taking in shallow breaths as his fingers continued to tease your sensitive buds.
Had did you even get into this situation?
You and Gojo were sent on a mission, which, thanks to dating the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, you’d completed it in record timing. This means you both get to stay in a fancy hotel before returning to Jujutsu High. The only problem was that it was fucking freezing in the hotel room, and you had just gotten out of the shower.
So, of course, your nipples were going to stand at attention under the blasting AC. When Satoru saw them hard peeking through the flimsy fabric. Satoru’s mouth watered, his eyes glued to your chest before he pinned you against the wall, slamming his lips against yours, trailing them down your neck with small nibbles, before bending in front of your tits
He gently grabbed one of your nipples, tugging it through the fabric, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. His tongue darted out, licking his bottom lips as his eyes flicked from his ministrations to your face. Jolts of pain and pleasure rush through you. Sleep and the mission were suddenly the last thing on your mind. Right now, all you wanted was Satoru.
God, you needed him so fucking bad. So much so that you struggled against his grip, attempting to get closer to him, to meld yourself against his body. There was nothing more that you wanted than to feel his body against yours. Your boyfriend, however, wasn’t having any of that. Because he wanted to taste you, tease you, torture you, and those sweet nipples, Gojo kept a firm grip on you, moving back slightly to avoid your needy touch.
“Whoa, easy there, sweetheart,” his fingers kept rolling your nipple between the pads of his fingers, clearly more fascinated with your body's reaction than your needy desperation. “Where's the fire?” He smirked through his heavy breathing, his arousal evident both in his face and the hardness prominent in his boxers.
“Stop teasing me!” You whined breathily, giving him a desperate look, which he didn’t react to. “I want you-you inside of—next—I want all of you, Toru.”
No matter how much you begged and whined for more, he just stood there. Wetness had begun to pool between your legs with every twist and pitch against your sensitive bud. You found yourself growing more and more frustrated with the lack of friction and connection that you were longing for. Gojo was teasing you, and you weren’t sure how much more you could take. If he kept this up, you were going to cream your panties just from nipple play.
The frustration made you tilt your head back, allowing him to lift your shirt far enough to expose your bare breasts. He bent down, releasing your nipple from his fingers and allowing him to push the cotton fabric of your tank top up, further revealing your breasts. Satoru glanced up at you before a smirk curled against his lips. You watched while biting on the inside of your cheek, watching his tongue loll out, swirling it around your nipple. While he suckled on one, his fingers teased the other, intensifying the pleasure of this simple action. His tongue swirled around you, areola, slowly before he took the nipple between those amazing plump lips, keeping eye contact with you the whole time.
He sucked and moaned around it as his tongue stroked the tip of it. You grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging at it gently as he continued to suck at you. He buried his nose into the swell of your breasts as he sucked harder, his moans only intensifying your pleasure. Your mouth was dry as you pressed your legs together; every nerve was exploding under his touch. Gojo Satoru and his talented mouth had you withering against a wall, desperate for more. He would not give you more; he wouldn’t stop until you shook and pleaded with him.
“Toru,” Your body started to tremble and shake more, “Toru fuck! Please, baby! God, I need more.” He shook his head, tickling your heated skin, leaving a delicious burn in his wake. “Satoru, please, it isn’t funny anymore!” You trembled as he gently bit down on the bud, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. He increased his speed as the coil inside of your watch tightened and tightened until it snapped. “Oh fuck me, fuck ah— Toru g-gonna~ Gonna—nngh!!!” Tremors pulsated through you from your nipples to your soaking and throbbing core. Your body twitched and convulsed as Satoru’s began to slow down; his beautiful eyes widened, watching your every move as you moaned loudly, parting your lips.
He pulled away, holding you up as you attempted to catch your breath. A pleased and cocky smile across his face as you exhaled heavily. “Did you have a nipple orgasm?” All you could do was nod, the throbbing between your legs intensifying with every second. “Hell yeah! I am the strongest!” Gojo picked you up and tossed you on the bed before he stripped you of his shirt. “Not only am I the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, but I also have the most talented tongue.” Satoru crawled up on the mattress, shoving your legs apart as he did. “Let’s see what damage I can do with that sweet little clit of yours.” He grabbed at your shorts and pulled them off before he placed a one-mouthed kiss along the inside of your thighs.
“Oh fuck,” you had a feeling it was going to be a very long and pleasurable night. But then again, it always was when you were with the Gojo Satoru.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
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arkaniist · 24 days
hey sebaciel nation. c'mere. yeah get in here. real close. got a question for y'all.
so we all agree that demonmode sebastian sneaks into ciel's bedroom to give him erotic nightmares and get him off in his sleep, right?
hear me out:
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i rest my case.
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screampied · 5 months
boss at work and lovers in private w hiromi? He was very strict with the user at work and acts a bit rude/mean sometimes with reader.
But once they got home he fucks her nice and slow in bed as an apology for being mean at work <3
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 higuruma who’s strictly mean in the workplace but makes sure to make it up to you at home.
warnings. fem! reader, dirty talk, unprotected, doggystyle, praise.
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higuruma was a man who always took work seriously…
a workaholic if you will.
you always found yourself trying to tease him sometimes whenever he’d be working, and he’d just give you a glare. oftentimes, he’d be a bit stern and perhaps rude. although you couldn’t deny the bass in his tone whenever he spoke to you with such seriousness made you feel a bit…tingly.
just the rough rasp in his tone whenever he spoke directly to you, withholding intimate eye contact and telling you to stop fooling around and focus at the job at hand.
nevertheless, he did feel a bit bad, in fear that feasibly he was a bit too mean to his pretty baby. so he promises to make it up to you once the two of you get home. and that’s exactly what he does.
you couldn’t wait and neither could he. higuruma remained with his work clothes on, long black slacks pulled down briefly and the only sounds you could make out was the clanking of his belt. letting off a choked whine, you were willingly taking him from behind, and his touch..
higuruma stretches you out continuously with such ease, he’s got both of your wrists pinned behind your back before muttering, “i’m sorry baby. was i annoying you earlier?”
“y-yeah.” you moaned, feeling his tip brush right against that spot.
amorously, he slides a tongue across his lips while drilling into your cunt—you’re a stuttering mess. with a low chuckle departing from his lips, he hums.
“good,” and you bite your lip, his thrusts fulfilling you entirely. each sloppy hit that went against you time and time again, it left your mind completely dumbfounded. a quite perfect synonym to define your current state after all. “oh, don't whine all cute like that, y’know ‘m just teasing..”
higuruma’s words were so smooth and his tone was wholly soft spoken.
for a second, he dips his hips against you and you whimper, running your restrained fingers against his.
“god, you’re so pretty from behind. you know that, sweetheart?” his words went straight towards your pussy, that never failed to twitch on constant repeat. “such a perfect view. wish you could see for yourself, my love.”
“h-hirooo,” you’d mewl out, the right side of your cheek pressed down against the plump mattress. he knew just where to strike you with his dick, not too rough and not too soft.
just right. immensely, your toes curled each time he’d run his tip against your g-spot for a good two seconds, eliciting a loud moan from you. “fuck, f-fuck.”
“baby, you’ve got quite the mouth on you, huh?” he pokes fun, and you shiver once you feel the cold band of his watch trail against your skin. he presses a hand down your back, making you arch for him just a bit more and your eyes roll back yet again. “you’ve been pestering me at work all day, ‘s this what you wanted hm? wanted some attention—?”
the pleasures that pierced through your body was indefinable.
all you knew was that it felt so good, the way he pivots and smacks his hips softly against your ass, rolling and rotating them to where your head’s spinning like a merri go round.
“no,” you lied, and he huffs out a breath, grinning at you still having some brat left within you. once he deepens his thrusts for a short second, your mind pauses—you’re dumb, cock dumb if that even was a correct term for it, and you moan out. “y-yes.. you’re right, you were just so m-mean.”
he groans, feeling your slick start to stick against him throughout each movement he makes by rutting in and out of your greedy pussy.
“if i make you cum one more time, will that make up for it then, sweetheart?”
“m-mhm,” you’d nod, strings of your own spit falling against the sheets — oh, how much of a mess you were for him. only higuruma could have you like this, in this position. face nearly pushed against the mattress yet he’s presenting you with soft gentle thrusts. “make me cum, please hiromi.”
“pretty girl, you know i will,” he murmurs, and you let off a muffled moan once you bite your teeth into the pillow that remained underneath your chest. it was just the way his thickness dragged so easily against your folds. you could never get enough, his size had you drooling with such lewdness. “relax, don’t wanna strain that cute voice with all that moaning do ya?”
he watches you shake your head, and he chortles.
“sweet thing,” and his hips were so sensual against you, it was unfathomable to how good it made you feel. how good he made you feel. in the pit of your stomach—you felt something stirring, brewing up inside. butterflies perhaps, you pulsed between your thighs before he feels your leg start to jitter in utter anticipation. “ooh. ‘s coming isn’t it? you feel it too, my love?”
“r-right there,” you’d squeal, and by this particular point, your legs grew limp. his movements were unpredictable. higuruma’s jaw tightens as he’s balls deep, gawking at you clawing your nails down the white silkened sheets before bawling it up into the palms of your hands. “gonna c-cum, hiro. hiro.”
he slides a thumb against the corner of your back, maintaining a gentle tip against your hips before uttering in a husky voice, “yeah you are. c’mon baby. just let go for me. ‘s okay to be a little messy, yeah?”
“okay,” you’d babble, such thick inches that remained inside of you. your knees grew weak, he had such a grip against your waist that the pads of his thumbs pressed lightly down before caressing. higuruma always knew your most tenderest bits, the spots to drive you crazy. “h-hiro, ‘m cumming..”
a gasp exits from your mouth once you felt it, your entire body paused and juddered as a response.
your lips parted and the feeling made you grow quiet for a moment — ears, the very tips of them reaching such warmth of heat before you moan out his name once more. “t-thank you, thank you.”
“don’t thank me yet, gorgeous.” he whispers, leaning in to press a kiss against your back. “we aren’t done,” he says, and your legs still shook, sensitive before he turns you over to face him, pressing a wet kiss against your mouth. “i need more of you, and you need to be reminded of your place,” and his words were filled with such flirtatiousness yet was delivered so sweet. “so, just lie back and let me fond over this body just a little while longer.”
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What You Need | Lando Norris⁴
Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Warnings: smut
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"God, you're such a spoiled little brat. Who spoiled you like that? Was it me? Did I spoil you like this?" "Yes, sir."
“I missed you so much,” Lando spoke in your ear as he slowly moved in and out of you. Every thrust was a reminder of how much he craved you and how good it felt to finally be together again.
“I missed you too,” you whispered back, gripping at his shoulders, your nails clawing at his back muscles.
He barely even put his travel bag down when he stepped into the apartment before he swept you in his arms. It's been only two weeks since you last seen each other and even though you spoke on the phone and exchanged countless messages, nothing could compare to the feeling of having your bodies pressed against each other’s.
“Lando…” you moaned as he kissed the side of your neck, your back arching into him. It was like an unquenchable thirst, the longing for him that gnawed away at the corners of your soul during his absence. Every touch, every whispered word was like a balm soothing the ache within you.
“Tell me,” he murmured against your skin, his hands sliding down your sides and leaving goosebumps all over your skin. He moved his head to kiss the other side of your throat, and you threw your head back, allowing him more space.
“Need you…” he still stroked in and out of you in that slow steady rhythm and you were getting squirmy, the burning need escalating with each passing second.
“Need me how?” Lando’s teeth gently nibbled at your earlobe as he whispered into your ear. You shivered and let out a long moan. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, nails leaving small, red crescents.
“Harder…” you choked out as he deeply sucked on the skin of your neck, and then left a trail of wet, sticky kisses. His eyes met yours, burning with fierce intensity that only grew with each word.
He pulled back slightly and with a raspy voice said, “Harder than what, baby?”
He took both of your arms and pinned them above your head. His hands were so large that he could easily hold both of your wrists with just one hand while the other went under your knee and grabbed your thigh, pulling you closer into him.
“Need me to fuck you harder? Like this?” he forcefully thrusted his hips into you just once with such intensity it sent waves and waves of pleasure coursing through you. Your breath hitched and hips bucked against his.
“Yes,” you cried out, your voice ragged and desperate. “Need you exactly like that.”
Lando smiled cruelly, his eyes dark with passion and possession. But he went back on fucking you slowly, earning a moan of protest from you.
“And what if I need you exactly like this?” he whispered, his lips grazing along your jawline.
“Lando, please…” you breathed, writhing beneath him, your body screaming for more. You wanted him to dominate you, to take you with a fierceness that would leave you trembling and begging for more. But he was toying with you, playing his own version of a sexual game, trying to make you crave it even more.
He still held your wrists above your head and with a sly smile, he began to exert more pressure. Your arms ached from the strain, your fingers going numb, but you didn’t resist. You wanted this. Needed this.
“I need you to fuck me like you mean it,” you said hoarsely. “I need you to take me hard and fast until we both can’t breathe, until we are both drenched in sweat. Fuck me like you want me—”
He kissed you. Deeply, hungrily. His tongue invaded your mouth, tasting and exploring the already familiar ground. His hips started picking up the pace, rewarding him with a satisfactory moan from you in his mouth. He thrust into you harder and faster, each stroke sending jolts of pleasure through your body that you thought you might never recover from.
“God, you’re such a spoiled little brat,” he broke the kiss, breathlessly panting and resting his forehead against yours. “Who spoiled you like that?”
He thrust into you, his hips moving faster and harder now, his breath hot in your ear as he spoke. You whimpered in response, the exquisite pain and pleasure somehow heightening your arousal.
“Was it me? Did I spoil you like this? Careful what you say, baby,” he growled, still thrusting into you with an intensity that left you breathless.
“Yes, sir,” you gasped.
“Fuck, you know exactly what to say to keep getting what you want, don’t you?” Lando grinned wickedly as he heard your soft submission. It turned him on in ways he didn't fully understand, but he knew that his body was responding in a way that made him harden even more.
“Yes, sir,” you repeated more loudly.
Your eyes met for a moment before he leaned in and captured your lips in another searing kiss. Hands gripped each other as you kissed passionately, tongues entwining in a dance of desire and need. Lando's hips continued their frenzied pace, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge. You tightened your legs around him, urging him deeper, faster.
"Ready for me, baby?" he murmured, his voice low and husky.
You nodded, not trusting your voice, your eyes conveying your desperation and need. His eyes darkened, and he began to move faster and harder. You could feel each pulse of his cock as it slid into you, your walls tightening around him. Sweat dripped from his brow onto your skin, mingling with the sweat on your own body. Every movement was a demonstration of his dominance, of your submission. It was intoxicating, addictive and you couldn’t get enough.
With one final, powerful thrust, Lando groaned your name, release flooding through him as he filled you completely. Your own release followed, waves of pleasure washing over you as your core clenched around him. He held you tight, his body shaking with the force of his own orgasm as you both came down from the high.
The room was filled with the sounds of your panting, the wetness of your skin, and the thudding of your hearts. You knew that this wasn't the end. There would be more nights like this, more moments of raw, feral connection, but for now, you savored the aftermath, the feeling of being completely taken by him.
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graphicpepsi · 26 days
violet (nsfw, mdni)
what about König who's too tired from a long mission to fuck you proper?
" 'm sorry, liebling," he pants, his broad figure slumped over yours as he twitched inside of you. he looks at you with lidded eyes, his cock leaking into you.
"it's okay, Kö." you say lovingly, stroking his cheek softly, smiling at the way he leaned into your touch. your pussy was throbbing around him, begging to be fucked like it usually was- but König was far too tired tonight.
It only took a few short pumps in your tight cunt before he shuddered inside of you, cumming inside your eager pussy.
He came hard, too- the sudden relief flooding his body like a relapse. His head tilted back as he pushed his cock further into your warm cunt.
The feeling of his cum inside of you made you squirm, desperate for any sort of relief.
His eyes had dark bags underneath them and his body was sore, but he wanted to take care of you.
He pulls out his cock from your aching pussy, murmuring soft apologies. You're about to protest when two thick, calloused fingers press into your cunt.
It's almost embarrassing how quickly his fingers are sucked into you, but you're too wet to care.
"Mm, please König," You arch into his fingers, hands fisting the satin sheets below you. It's not long before a wet spot forms below you, your slick running down the inside of your thighs and around his wrist.
You look down to see his veiny arm flexing more fingers into you, plunging into your gummy walls rough and fast.
He smiles tiredly at the whines coming from your lips.
"You like this, ja? What about this?"
You don't even have time to respond before you feel his tongue on your cunt. His warm, wet tongue licking around your pussy felt like heaven. He lapped at you like a man starved, slurping your sweet slick into his mouth without hesitation.
He pumps his fingers into you harder, his tongue only pausing to briefly spit on your cunt.
God, you loved him like this; stoic eyes focused on the way your cunt squeezes around his fingers, his tongue.
He pins your hips down against the mattress so you can't buck them up against him, licking and fucking into you further.
"God, König, I'm gonna cum-"
He spits on your cunt, slaps your clit with his wet hand.
"Go on, love, cum for me."
He pushes his thumb against your clit and the friction pushes you over the edge. Your body shakes as you cum around him, his tongue eagerly lapping up every drop he can get.
It takes you a few moments to come down, and when you do he's still cleaning you up with his mouth.
"Fuck, Köni," You pant, watching as dark red hickeys begin to bloom across your inner thighs.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fuck you proper, schatz." He had genuine guilt in his eyes.
"It's ok, Kö, you're tired," You sit up on your forearms as he tilts your head towards his, "You know I love it when you use your tongue."
He presses a hard kiss to your lips, the taste of you still on him.
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chuluoyi · 2 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 12:34 A.M 」
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18+ suggestive content! cw. fingering, bindfold play, squirting, p in v. sorry for being mia :') a lot happened during my trip so... a little filth as i hop into my vacation :D courtesy of blindfold and thirst nonnies in my askbox~
a part of gojo's love entries
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“it’s... dark.”
“heh. of course, wifey~”
“and i’m cold...”
satoru’s plush lips curved into a sly smirk at your whine. you were undisputedly the most adorable thing he had ever laid his honored eyes on.
because now, under him, you— so pliant and so pretty in your nakedness glory, with both your hands tied and eyes covered by his blindfold, you were his to feast on.
“don't worry, sweets. you’ll get warm soon~ i’ll help you, yeah?”
“…why did i agree to this in the first place?” you wanted to curse your afternoon self for complying to this just because you couldn't bear to see satoru’s glassy eyes. he had just come back from an intercity mission, rambling about how much he missed you during the three weeks he was away, and insisted that he deserved his reward—tying you up with his many blindfolds.
“heh, you won’t regret it, i promise.” you couldn't see your husband's face, but you could sense his gaze on you, predatory like a lion eying a small cat.
and yeah, of course you were that small cat... about to accept its fate.
“first thing first... let’s start with this...”
he took a hold of your bound wrists pinned them above your head, causing you to arch your back. and damn, this position somehow made your heart thump faster. you started to feel hot too. deprived from your eyesight, your other senses heightened, which meant each touch satoru landed on you would, well...
he traced your body, from your nipples, down to your stomach, and over your hips. his touches were so featherlight, they almost tickled you, but then—
“ahh—!” you gasped when he put his nimble finger into your pussy so suddenly without warning. your breath caught when he pushed that one finger deeper, and then, against your will, you moaned unabashedly.
“look at you,” he chuckled darkly. “my precious little wifey... so freaking cute. just feel, yeah? it’ll feel good soon. you know it already.”
he pulled his finger in and out painfully slowly, and it made you squirm. “w-why so... slow?” you blurted amidst pants, feeling each stroke of his index finger being engulfed by your walls more vividly than you expected.
“oh? you want it fast? i thought i was being considerate to prepare you first, sweets~”
and again, without warning—or because you couldn’t see him at all—suddenly he picked up the pace, causing your jaw to drop. it was overwhelming— so much that your body spasmed and you screamed out his name, “ah... ah! ngh! satoruuu!”
you were so beautiful, like this. satoru felt himself hard already seeing the sheer bare beauty of your body, how wet you'd become, and how helpless you were under him.
and as if mesmerized, he almost didn’t catch himself inserting another finger and scissoring you almost immediately afterwards, making you squeal.
“o-oh god—!” you writhed pitifully, straining your body. your legs shook at the immense stimulation your husband imposed on you. with your vision taken away, everything felt so intense. you moaned out his name again in a flurry when he hit that one spot inside you.
“t-there!” you heaved a breath. “right there—! oh, satoru, you—!”
and then, right then, a pressing urge to—you didn’t know what—drove you almost to tears, and you felt it—
“shit, are you—” satoru widened his eyes as soon as he felt your wetness drenching his entire hand in one spray.
you’re squirting. “damn, blindfolds sure work wonders, huh.” he licked his fingers clean, very satisfied by how things were coming along.
“ah... hah, mmnh...!” your voice sounded more like a sob. you couldn’t believe this. all of that... just because of his fingers? the darkness must’ve driven you mad.
you were most sensitive right after an orgasm, and it felt like it was doubled by your lack of sight. you were still shaking from the aftershock of it and as if to soothe you, satoru peppered kisses on your entire body—which turned into sucking you and leaving his mark.
“you know… you look good covered by my hickeys too.”
his lips was everywhere—your neck, above your breasts, your left nipple, your stomach. you could only squirm helplessly at the heightened feeling. and true to his words, your body soon was littered with his little marks.
you could only pant and moan when he finally inched his hardened member inside you. the way your walls took him inside made a tear slip past your covered eyes—hells, he grew this hard by just watching you bound and blindfolded?
and for the next half an hour, you changed positions—you were now riding him. your bound wrists were now wound tight around his neck, and your legs locked against his waist snugly. through the haze of darkness, you blindly bounced on him.
it took you no time for the coil in your stomach to burn again.
“you’re doing so well—hgn—” satoru groaned and latched his mouth on your chest again, both hands securing your waist. “damn, i’m close—!”
and you felt him do. suddenly the familiar feeling of his hot cum filling you was the only thing you could feel. you were a mess of incoherent moans as he creampied you, trembling as you leaned on him.
you were almost there too. you wanted to cry at the over-sensitivity of all this was— and you didn’t know if you were imagining things or not but your belly felt like it was bulging too just because he had filled you up.
“satoruuuu—!” your moans were the loudest yet as you burst, and you could swear you blacked out due to sheer exhaustion as the next thing you knew, you could see him and your husband gathered you into his arms.
“hey, you okay?” he wiped your tears, a frown on his face. “too much?”
you slumped in his hold, your head lolling to his chest. “mmhm...”
. . .
“i can’t believe you passed out just after two rounds,” satoru giggled as he combed through your hair. “usually you last more than that.”
you huffed. “you’re the meanest of the mean.”
“no? i granted your wish. you told me to touch you there and i did~”
truthfully, you felt so exhausted afterwards. it felt like all your energy was sapped away.
“well, and i get to see you sleeping like a little kitten now. it’s a good deal.” he bopped his nose with yours, before squeezing your smaller frame against his. “my cute wife is fragile. i have to go easy on her~”
you pouted and buried your face deeper in his chest. lord, yeah, you admitted that your lovemaking earlier was possibly one of the best. the feeling of his skilled fingers on you… you sighed. if you were a cat, you would be purring already at the sheer thought.
perhaps sensing that you were thinking back to earlier session, satoru suddenly hummed.
“well, how about we try tying me up next~?”
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mamsbaby · 6 days
when they fuck you so good that you accidentally say “oh my god” during sex.
pairings: lucifer, satan, simeon x gn!reader (separately) contents: nsfw (+18), unprotected sex, praise, silliness, rough sex, degradation (satan), oral (m!receiving, satan), pet names: baby (lucifer, satan, simeon), little lamb (lucifer), love (satan), name calling: slut (satan)
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sometimes, lucifer fucks you so good that you think you might actually be seeing those pearly white gates of heaven. the way his cock drags in and out of you, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot as he throws your legs over his shoulder and presses you down onto the couch in his secret study.
you gasp and writhe underneath him, clawing at his back, and all you can think is lucifer, lucifer, lucifer as the sound of your breathy moans and skin meeting skin fills your ears.
lucifer buries his face in the crook of your neck, murmuring praises into your skin that makes your walls flutter around his cock. his hands are wrapped around your body, caging you underneath him.
you think you might die. the knot in your stomach tightens, and you push your hips up in frantic movements, meeting lucifer’s thrusts, chasing your peak.
lucifer kisses your throat before putting his forehead against yours. ruby eyes pierce through you as you knit your eyebrows together.
“you gonna cum?” he asks, feeling your walls clench around him. you nod weakly, and lucifer clicks his tongue.
“use your words, baby, come on,” he says, and you whine, your mouth parting open in an “o” as lucifer’s hand snakes down to play with your genitals, pushing you further to the edge.
“yesss, fuck, i’m gonna cum, luci,” you reply, arching your back into him. your eyes roll back, and you can practically taste your orgasm. you’re such a babbling mess, so lost in the waves of pleasure that you don’t even realise when the words slip from your tongue.
“oh my god, luci, i’m–“ you gasp when lucifer immediately withdraws from you. a pathetic whine leaves you as you reach for him, feeling your orgasm slip away.
“why did you stop?” you ask, pouting at him with lidded eyes and lucifer huffs with knitted eyebrows.
“repeat what you just said,” he says, and you blink at him once, twice, then the realisation hits you.
“oh, i’m sorry, luci, i didn’t mean–“ you stutter through your apology. lucifer shakes his head and grabs your hips, turning you around.
“repeat what you said,” he says, and you try to brace yourself on your hands, only to have him grab your wrists and pin them behind your back. your upper body sinks into the couch as you attempt to look back at him.
“luci,” you gasp, and you’re rewarded with a playful smack on your ass. “come on, little lamb, you can do it.”
“oh my god?” you say, and it comes out more like a question than anything else. lucifer hums behind you, and you feel his tip prodding at your entrance.
“hmmm… what a silly thing to say. i guess i’m going to have to fuck you till you can't remember that foul word, huh?”
next thing you know, lucifer thrusts into you in one long, mean stroke, and you moan loudly into the couch. he doesn’t ease you into it, as he begins to fuck you at a toe-curling pace that makes tears roll down your cheeks.
he doesn’t relent until you're reduced to a whiny ah! ah! ah! whenever he bottoms out, along with shaky calls of his name.
satan bounces you up and down on his cock, his eyes trained on where your bodies meet. you’re a whiny, sensitive mess and you’re not exactly sure how long he’s been fucking you, as his hands are digging into your hips, and he uses you like his own personal toy.
you love it. it’s dizzying the way he uses you as he likes, fucking you to orgasm after orgasm until you can do nothing but wrap your shaky arms around his neck and moan into his chest.
satan laughs, and he watches you come apart on him, splitting you open. your bodies are sweaty and sticky, and your combined cum drips down onto the sheets underneath him.
“you look so perfect like this, love. you’re truly made to take cock, aren’t you?” he says, and you pull away from his chest to look at him with lidded eyes. the sight of your fucked-out face makes him groan, and he lifts his hips to fuck into you at an even rougher pace.
you cry out and desperately cling to satan’s shoulders as you feel your last pieces of sanity slowly slip from your grasp.
“satan, oh my god, you’re so big,” you cry out, and satan groans as you feel his dick twitch inside you. “what the fuck did you just say?” he asks, and you shake your head, moaning into his shoulder.
“oh my goood,” you whine, and satan groans before pulling out of you. you eyes fly open, and you try to take him in again, thinking it was an accident, but satan swats your hands away.
“you little slut,” he says and guides you down on your knees between his legs. you pout and look up at him with doe eyes, but you don’t complain when he slaps the tip of his cock against your lips.
“why are you saying his name when you’re with me, huh?” he asks, green glinting in his eyes like pools of poison. you stroke his cock with your hand. “i’m sorry, baby, i didn’t mean to,” you reply, and satan glares at you.
“guess i’m going to have to fill that mouth, huh?” he says, and threads his fingers through your hair, guiding you onto his cock. he forces you down on his length, ignoring your choking and the tears brimming in your eyes.
“can’t run your mouth when your mouth's full of cock,” satan says as he guides you up and down his length, smiling at you. “now be good and take it, alright?”
simeon thinks you might have ruined him. every moment spent not fucking you is time wasted, if you ask him. you feel so heavenly, so warm and soft. with you underneath him, gripping his sheets, and moaning into his ear, he thinks you might be his true salvation.
you look up at him with stars in your eyes, your lips parted as soft moans slip from you. “fuck, sim, you’re doing so well for me,” you moan, and simeon whines as you feel his dick throb inside of you. you flash him a fucked-out smile and simeon's dick twitches again. in this moment, he thinks you might be the angel out of the two of you.
you run your fingers through his hair, tugging it slightly. “such a good boy, always fucking me so well,” you sigh. your legs are wrapped around his slutty little waist, and you tug him closer to you, feeling his cock reach depths that make you throw your head back. pleasure courses through your veins and your legs are beginning to feel like jelly.
“nnngh, yes, right there, baby,” you say, and simeon kisses you as his cock repeatedly hits your sweet spot. he tastes sweet, as your lips languidly move against each other, before you pull away, gasping for air.
“feels so good,” he whines into your mouth, and you coo. you pull his sweaty hair out of his eyes and cup his face.
“hmmm, baby, keep fucking me like that, yes.” you gasp and thrust your hips up, meeting him in the middle. you choke on a moan, your eyes rolling back as you get closer and closer to your inevitable end.
“oh my g– god, sim,” you whine, and simeon buries his head in the crook of your neck, crying out your name. his thrust grows meaner as he fucks you into the sheets. you gasp at the sudden change of pace as his hips slam into yours. your nails dig into his shoulders as you try to stay sane, but it's impossible. “sim, s– slow down,” you gasp, and he shakes his head. his hands dig into your hips, keeping you still as he loses all sense.
your orgasm washes over you unexpectedly, and you arch your bag into him as simeon fucks you through it, crying into your shoulder.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” he whines as he cums inside you, filling you to the brim with his hot cum. he keeps thrusting at an erratic pace, riding out his high, before he practically collapses on top of you, still holding you close.
“you good?” you ask, still breathless, and simeon shifts so he can look up at you.
“please don’t ever say his name while i’m balls deep inside you again,” he replies, and you giggle at his words, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “shit, baby, i’m sorry, it just slipped.”
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perse’s note: obviously you can go the angsty route with this as well, but i don't feel like writing angst, so here’s this unserious piece instead. <33
masterlist | ao3
divider by cafekitsune
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ghouljams · 3 months
Goose leg locking Viking!ghost…. Ghost holding goose down and fucking her dumb…. Ghoul I’m gonna smooch ur brain
You bounce on Ghost's fat, weeping, cock. Every drag of it, the way the thick head catches against your opening, making your eyes roll back. The angle of your hips, the way he pulls you down to meet his sharp thrusts, you can barely breathe through each deep stroke. You choke on your moans, listening to the half murmured dialogue of your partner. "There you go," he tells you, "taking it so well, just-" he groans, his head tipping back against your pillows. You curl your fingers against his chest, head dropping forward as he keeps hitting something desperate and aching deep in your cunt. You can feel him pounding against your womb with perfect precision, punching the air from you as you shake and shiver on his lap.
More. You shiver, grind your hips more eagerly against him, feel him dragging you back and forth, forward and back, hitting the perfect spot every time until your vision goes white and you squeak with pleasure. More. Ghost grips your wrists and pins them back by your side, forcing you to sit back, your back arching as he fucks up into you. You think he likes seeing you like this, your tits bouncing with each thrust of his cock, and your orgasm shaking through you. His eyes are trained on you with rapt devotion. More. His brows draw together, and he groans as you tighten around him. He's quick to switch his grip again, grabbing your ass and trying to lift you off of him, off the perfect sinful cock that is going to have you coming again if he'll let you. You're quick to fight against this affront, pushing your pussy back down his length, holding you hips down firm against his.
"Sweet'art," he groans, "need ta come, you gotta let me-"
You cut him off with a roll of your hips, fluid and wanting. You press forward, bouncing in shallow strokes up and down his length, laying yourself against his chest and murmuring in his ear. "Inside, inside," you don't care how desperate you sound, it's what you want, what you need, "inside please, please Simon," he stiffens at his proper name but you push through, "want a baby, want you to breed me, please."
His hand wraps around your throat, pushes you back. You scramble to get your hands under you as Ghost flips your positions, pressing you down into the bed while his cock nestles itself against your cervix. He gives a hard deep thrust and your back arches, your hips jerking at the feeling of tight heat ricocheting through your body. "Then we gotta make sure it all stays where it's suppose to, don't we?" He asks, his voice rough, tight with something, it sounds like he's been dragged across rocks.
You cross your ankles behind his back, locking his hips against yours, making his shallow thrusts shallower. Ghost groans low, the sound rumbling through his chest. He closes his eyes, head dropping forwards as his breathing grows heavier. After a second of thought he reaches a hand between you, his thumb brushing against your clit. You jerk in his hold and he chuckles. You get a half second to draw a breath before Ghost is resting his weight on you, his stomach pressing against yours, his body holding you down and forcing your legs to follow where his hips lead.
"Can't let you squirm away," he tells you, "gotta do this right. Gods-" Ghost drags his lips against yours, your mouth open and panting, stuck trying to draw in a breath when every thrust of his hips seems to push the air out of you, "-look'it you, be so pretty fat with my son."
Daughter, you think fleetingly, it'll be a daughter. The thought, just like every other, is pushed far from your mind along with your breath as Ghost's hips snap, his cock punching your cervix before flooding your cunt with warmth. He's kind enough to keep your hips tilted up, his own locked tight against you with the help of your legs and his own stubborn determination.
He all but collapses on top of you when he'd finished emptying his full balls into you. Wraps his arms under you to hold you tight as he sinks his teeth into your neck. You yelp, feeling the sharp points of his canines just break the skin. You don't know what you expect when he pulls away but it isn't his tongue rolling over the blood starting to pool against your skin, or the gutteral, "Mine," that seems to rip from his throat.
"Get to keep you now," Ghost growls, and you can't think of anything to do but nod. You get to keep him too.
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raitonsfw · 4 months
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𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: Aizawa wasn't really the one to keep you tied up like one of his captives, his scarf only delicately wrapping your wrists every now and then– but when you just wouldn't keep still...
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, fem!reader, tired!aizawa, bondage (aizawa's scarf), positions: missionary & riding, p in v intercourse, slight dirty talk & praising, mentions of cunnilingus, creampie, bit of frustration (reader squirms and he slips out), aizawa fucks reader after a mission basically (he's v blunt).
a/n: haven't thought about him for a minute so i took the liberty of watching a couple scenes of him in action and- yeah i'm still obsessed haha. wc: 600ish. v-day m.list | m.list
thirst count: 1
divider credit: @hitobaby & @firefly-graphics
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Aizawa had you pinned– binded up in his scarf with his cock driving you up a wall. He was still in his pro hero get up, his goggles pushed up into his hair so he could see you properly and his hands tightened their grip on the scarf as he picked up his thrusts. You had your legs wide for him, trying desperately to keep up with his stamina, but the idea of his scarf wrapped around you made you squirm. 
You felt like you were one of the villains he’s captured, completely immobilized in a way that made you so fucking wet. Your pussy squelched every time he fucked into you, your legs shaking around him as you tried to wrap them around his waist– but you just couldn’t and ended up arching your back a little too much, causing him to slip out.
A sharp groan escaped him, his grip falling away from the restraints and you fell back onto the bed with an exasperated sigh. You wanted to be closer to him, but he made it difficult with his scarf. “Sho–” 
“I won’t say it again, Y/N.” You heard Aizawa say above you before flipping you both over, forcing you to straddle his waist. “Stay still this time.” 
Sometimes you needed to fuck the tiredness out of him– not this time though, his body was reeling for more of your dripping cunt and you were making it nearly impossible for him to get anywhere with you. Not with the way you squirmed at every little thing he did, your pussy so incredibly sensitive tonight that it made him huff in frustration. 
Maybe if you were in this position– hoisted on top of him, he could actually get somewhere.
His cock slipped back inside you with ease, your walls fluttering around him as you took him deep once more and a guttural moan was drawn from him as you sat down fully. “Good girl– stay like this for me... Let me do all the work.” 
He drew the scarf around you, binding your chest, waist, and arms together in order to lift you up more steadily. You pouted at him once he resituated himself, the cloth holding you hostage as he aimed to bounce you on his cock. 
And he sure fucking did, the first thrust sending you spiraling with ecstasy as he rammed into your sweet spot. God, he felt so much bigger this way– he was sooo deep in you, kissing your cervix everytime he fucked up into you with harsh pants falling from his lips. 
Looking down at him past the hazy pleasure, his hair splayed out against the pillow and his eyes were lidded with desperate aching. He looked so tired– but with the way he had you rocking your hips down onto him, you wouldn’t be able to tell otherwise. The stubble on his face had grown out considerably, plaguing you with thoughts of him between your legs; lapping at your entrance afterwards. Maybe you should ask him– your impending orgasm rushing up your spine as his scarf got tighter around you.
You watched his wrists curve around the scarf, pulling it taut and his muscles flexed as he held it in place. “S-Sho–” 
“Clean me up afterwards?” You whined innocently before spasming around his cock, your eyes rolling back as you were pushed over the edge by the stutter of his hips. Aizawa groaned out as you clenched his cock harshly, his movements stilling as he came inside you from your dirty question.
“Cum on my tongue quickly now– I’m tired.” You knew it wasn’t going to be quick, his tongue had to caress every inch before he’s ever satisfied.
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nishiyako · 5 days
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Someone reposted one of my Kenji fics and said "ugh he'd so love doggy style", now that I read this, yes, “he’d so love doggy style”. So here's some Kenji doggy style brain rot/Drabbles.
Tags : Doggy style (duh), Creampie mentioned, Pulling out, Dommy Kenji, Praise n sweet talk from Kenji <3, Degration too, Spanking, Kenji puts out a cig on you (can't get over it, srry), not proofread, written in 20 minutes.
Ever since he's seen you he just knew you would look perfect on your hands and knees for him, his hands maybe with a handful of your hair forcing you bounce against his hips while he absolutely spoils you by finishing on your skin.
His chest right against your back, feeling his warm skin against yours and his heavy breathing right beside your ear cooled by the cold gold dog tag necklace he wears that's pressed between your bodies (obviously the necklace stays on)
Everyone knows he's the type to talk you through it, humming the sweetest praises and treating your insides like its his god, rubbing that spongy spot inside you only making you get that much closer, the type that makes you light headed, out of breath, questioning your worth, y'know?
“You like that? Yeah, bet you do.” or “Doing so fuckin’ good for me, yeah?” his words always followed with the most needy, lustful, most porn hub worthy moans you’d ever hear.
Believe he has an impeccable pull out game, pulling out of you just before finishing, using your lower back as a canvas of his warm sticky seed, seeing the build up of stressful days and hard practices painted over his lover while your thighs are absolutely stained and sticky.
While you’re still panting and irrational he asks to take a photo, not a few days after you see it as his phone's home screen.
You want him to be mean? if it's what you're into he’ll absolutely bully you if you want him too. A hand covering your mouth as he complains that “You’re too loud” and while he calls you a slut. He can’t help the fact he’s into you. He’ll even ask you to put your hair in pigtails or a ponytail just so he can hold you like that, seeing that little arch in your back just for him? Does wonders to his ego.
Get's a bit rough here...
He has no problem being rougher than that too, playing into that sick and twisted bad boy fantasy (some of) you have of him, scene being something like a cigarette in his mouth and him ripping your fishnets open. 
Railing you into next week with red hand marks on your skin from his spanking fueled by the cute little yelps you let out. Your eyeliner streaming down your face as your eyes roll back, white starting to stain your ruined (once was) black fishnets, something straight out of a porn hub video. He doesn't mind finishing inside you either if you ask nicely.
His hand pinning your wrists against the bed as the other one took his almost out cigarette and taping it, putting it out on your skin, some of the ash sticking against the shiny sweat on your body, finishing inside you with no warning, the feeling of getting filled up to suddenly pushing you over the edge.
(But no matter which kind of fannon Kenji you prefer, I hope y'all enjoyed hearing out my little doggy style Kenji fantasy.)
Repost in question :
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@gotosleeeep love you sm <33
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ohimsummer · 8 months
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— minors dni, suguru x fem! reader (+ implied satoru x reader), virgin! reader, gojo and geto are fighting over you lol, suggestive/smut?, biting, hickeys, some dryhumping, reader is a sensitive little virgin and came in their panties, everyone is around 21-ish
the sequel: …i can do better
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Having the attention of the Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto is both a blessing and a curse.
It’s overwhelming sometimes the way they tag-team making you increasingly flustered; Suguru dropping blatant hints with that silky smooth voice of his, cascading through your ears like warm, melted caramel. And then Satoru, who can never keep his hands to himself and leaves frisky, fleeting touches on any unprotected part of your body. You’ve since realized it’s such a bad (albeit tantalizing) idea to wear those cute little camis that hug your figure so nice or, God forbid, those fuzzy, blue, cotton shorts just asking for him to pinch at the exposed skin of your thighs and ass hanging out the bottom.
The way they’d compete for your affections (even though you had more than enough to go around) was both humorous and also troublesome for your willpower. How many times would they trap you between their bodies, wandering hands creeping beneath your clothes to pinch and rub at anything they could reach because they were just so, so fucking obsessed with the way you squeal and whine when they do. And the way you can’t contain all your low, desperate moans but continue to pray that their continuous spat will drown it out. They both tug at you from either side, until sometimes Satoru will just yank you by the waist into his lap and now Suguru has to gently spread your legs and scoot closer, hooking one around his waist and caressing the other laid upon his lap. And now you’re stuttering an excuse to escape inside your room with extraordinarily soaked panties and an agonizing ache between your thighs. The two were idiots but they’re far from dumb, and you mentally curse both Geto and Gojo for playing games with your pussy the way they were.
So, yeah, though they’re both terribly awful in their own way, you think Suguru is worse than his best friend. Satoru would pin you to the wall with your wrists above your head, pull you into his embrace and kiss your temples, all because he was so blatantly obsessed with you, yes, but also just to spite Geto who would always be sitting nearby. But Suguru, Suguru was far worse. It was like he made a mission out of toying with Gojo through you. Geto gets to amuse himself with a pissed off Satoru, and he gets to privately indulge in you. Like right now.
“Sug–uru..!”, you cry into his hair, arching into his chest and pussy throbbing against the thigh tucked between your legs. It's embarrassing how just the slow drags of his tongue over your neck and collar is enough to get you riled up like this.
He hums in response but never halts his movements. Teeth graze along your skin as Geto searches for that perfect spot to leave his claim on you, all the while peppering soft kisses in his wake. One hand pulls you harder against his tense thigh, slowly massaging your sobbing cunt against his leg, while the other has a solid grip on the back of your neck. It’s taking everything in him not to fuck you right then and there, especially when you sigh so prettily and whimper Suguru’s name into his ear like it’s the only thing you know. So stunning and so needy when he gives you the slightest touch and your pussy leaves a growing stain on his dark sweats.
"Mmph, g-god-! Su- Suguru-, ah—!"
Your voice comes out a jumble of moans and whines as teeth finally sink into your skin, followed by a harsh suck along your neck. Your grip will be sure to leave those crescent marks in Geto’s shoulder blades, even through his shirt. Quivering legs squeeze around Suguru's thigh, and you feel like such a dumb dog humping his leg so hopelessly the way you are. You've only ever been touched like this in your dreams, and it feels a million times better when it's by someone like Suguru. His steady movements don’t reveal the way he’s almost falling apart at the seams. You can’t tell in your drunken haze, but if you paid the slightest bit more attention, you’d feel the solid outline of his weeping cock against your leg.
His motions remain soothing and calm, like Geto had this all planned out for ages and knows exactly what he's doing. He’d like to chalk it up to just being a pro, but really it’s because all these lewd gestures are so new to your body. You're obviously inexperienced and his touch is like a gradual, warm fire trailing over your skin; it leaves you so excited and craving for something, anything more from him.
Suguru pulls back to admire his handywork: a nice dark blemish on the sweet spot of your neck that would surely be a prominent display (unless you planned on rousing Gojo's suspicion further and wearing winter clothes in the blistering summer heat), the shivering of your limp limbs because no doubt you just came in your panties, and that adorable, blissful look on your face. He can see the faintest of perspiration forming on your skin. Eyes squeezed shut, nipples erect beneath your top, and panting like you’ve just been fucked senseless.
Suguru chuckles at the sight. Aren’t you cute? He can't wait to have his way with you, really give you something to lose your breath over.
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neuvistar · 9 months
— featuring ┊ jing yuan x fem!reader x blade (poly!jingren comeback !)
— warnings / content warnings ┊ all consensual. not proofread, mentions of pregnancy, unprotected s3x, oral (m!receiving, most specifically bladie <3), s!ze k!nk again if u squint hard enough, reader implied 2 be a lil smaller than them <3, she/her prns used once(?), petnames used, bladie referred 2 as “yingxing” like once or twice idk, overall suggestive content. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
— a/n ┊ poly jingren thirsts make a comeback! >:) i might turn this into a series called like whqt.. babymaking marathon LMFAO like separate hsr, genshin, + jjk characters to celebrate 2000+ but i’ll think abt it! wrote this during ovulation too guys this is NOT good.. anyways i don’t have a specific theme for this, it’s just.. them.. being them! ur on ur way to heaven AND motherhood !! (jokes.. unless..) god bless ur hips and waist ! goooodddd blessss you! <3 reblogs n feedback r appreciated <3
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you were sure that time itself seemed to have stopped. how many times have you came, two times? three? four? you couldn’t even count anymore.. your mind and your thoughts were a mere blur to you, your lips locked with jing yuan’s in a moment of love as your breath grew more and more shallow by the second. your mind was blank, only filled with one thought.. blade and jing yuan’s soft caresses all over your body. your body moving in perfect harmony and rhythm with jing yuan’s as he attacked your mouth with his own.. tongue tangled with yours while blade kept one of your wrists pinned down to the pillow, his lips working on the flesh of your stomach as his arm kept your legs spread all nice for them. he was good with his fingers.. you can’t deny that. you can’t deny the pleasure that flows through your body when he thrusts his fingers deep inside your now-soaked cunt, it was a sight to see for both of them.. blade couldn’t help but let a smirk sneak through his lips as he curled his fingers, gazing up to see a reaction out of you. your hands clutched the general’s shoulder tighter, eyebrows furrowing at the mere curl of blade’s fingers in your walls, you weren’t complaining.. it felt nice.
you were a mere cocoon of love.. all thoughts, senses and senses, forgotten for you only focused on the present. you only focused on the three of you in this very moment.. how slowly your tongue danced with jing yuan’s, how fast blade was plunging his fingers in your pussy, it was too much to handle but you couldn’t complain no matter how hard you wanted to. no matter how hard you wanted to scold both of them, you were always silenced by the general’s lips. “spread your legs more, dove. he can’t fuck you with his fingers any faster if you keep closing them now, can he?” jing yuan broke the heated kiss between you both as he cooed inside your ear, his voice deep and filled with honey.. you were sure that they were filled with lust as well.
your back arched as you came all over blade’s digits from jing yuan’s lewd words. blade swiftly pulled his fingers from your insides, moving them in a scissoring motion as he stroked his cock, glancing over at jing yuan who pressed chaste kisses along your neck. “i think she’s ready enough, look how much she came.” the dark haired man hummed, slapping your cunt harshly as he earned a sharp gasp from your lips. “y—yingxing!”
“mm.. you sure did come a lot, dovey. it’s a shame we’ll be making you come a lot more today.” with a deep groan, jing yuan slammed his hard cock inside your soaked hole as a soft soft moan left your lips in an instant, he gripped your thighs to keep your legs from moving any further. “oho.. would you look at that.. your cunt’s already sucking me in. you’re a naughty girl aren’t you?” he taunted you further.. before you could even say anything, your words were silenced by blade’s cock. “come on.. you know how to suck right, pretty? go on. suck. suck it like you mean it.” you wasted no time as you allowed your tongue to swirl itself around his dick using one hand to stroke the areas you couldn’t reach, the warm feeling of your hot mouth around him was enough to drive blade absolutely feral.. oh how much he loved those sweet facial expressions of yours, how much he loved it whenever you tried your best not to gag.. how much he loved how easily his cock can twitch and slide itself inside your pretty little mouth. “that’s it.. f-fuck! keep.. sucking me off like that..”
your mouth moves against blade’s cock, taking him in so good and so well just as he wanted you to.. the male savoured the moment like you were a sweet treat, using your mouth to pleasure himself as he presses himself closer to your lips to thrust the rest of his length further down your throat, his fingers running through your hair. another other hand moves towards the side to wrap you in a tight embrace, jing yuan’s body shifting towards yours as the heat from your skin mixed with his.. his hips repeatedly slamming themselves against yours as some of your cum formed a ring around his cock. you felt so sticky already and they weren’t the ones cumming inside of you, your cheeks heated up at the mere thought of both of them filling you to the brim once more.
jing yuan stared down at your smaller frame beneath him, swallowing the single lump in his throat as his cock twitched inside of your gummy walls by the sight of you gagging on blade’s length. you were.. so small compared to the both of them.. it was enough to even turn him on! jing yuan shook his head, increasing his pace as he held your thighs down to your stomach to see more of your glistening and wet cunt. if only you knew just how much you were making him crave you further from how small you were, taking him and blade’s dicks like it was nothing. jing yuan’s thoughts began to wonder, how much can you take until he and blade break you? how much more can you handle? it was a question worth answering, his nails digging into your skin as he was determined to breed you and fill you up, maybe get you pregnant.. he wanted to see how much more you can handle.. how much more you can take until you can’t anymore. “if only you could see what i was seeing, lovely. y’know, you’ll make me cum faster with all your lewd facial expressions alone.. such a good girl. taking yingxing’s cock and mine so well now, are you?”
sweat was almost trickling along your forehead, your entire body was drenched in sweat.. catching sight of blade’s satisfied smirk on his face, his dark yet long wavy black hair was scattered all over the place, but he couldn't care any less at this point.. he gathered all your loose hair as he used them to keep your head still. blade kept a firm grip on your hair, thrusting his cock further into your mouth. honestly.. you weren’t even sure if your jaw would be alright the next morning.
your felt your legs shake. your own heart begin to flutter. your body trembled in your husbands’ holds, jing yuan continued to nibble on your skin as he lightly wrapped it around his fingers, moving them up and down your thigh. his kisses that danced along your tits were soft and tender, your heart raced and your breath grew heavy at the pleasure they both provided for you at that very moment. blade reached down to cup one of your breasts as his large hand engulfed it whole, twisting your hardened nipple to force a whine out of you. “pretty tits you have here, [name]. look at them, aren’t they pretty?” he glanced over to the white haired male as he replied with a nod, “indeed.” you squirmed under blade’s touch, a whine was the only thing that passed from your lips as your head tilted to the side, pulling away from his cock. your moans grew, an indication you were close.. you felt blade grabbing onto one of your hands as he made you stroke his dick at a fast pace. jing yuan bit his lip at the sight, watching his cock slide between your legs so smoothly, picking up the pace of his thrusts, slowly losing himself in your cunt. “it’d be a miracle if you gave us a baby or two, sweetest. do you think you can handle that?”
“a baby or two? why stop at that? if it were up to me, i’d fill her up with a dozen.” blade scoffed, his breath hitching as he grew close.. your thumb teasing his tip. jing yuan playfully rolled his eyes at blade’s bold claim, running his fingers through his hair as he placed his hand over your stomach. “mm.. we’ll see what she thinks. how about five, princess? is five good enough for you?” he rubbed your stomach gently, subconsciously feeling his cock thrusting in and out of you.. his lips curving into a sly smirk. “right here, beautiful. just imagine, your belly filled up.. all swollen and full of five little baby birds,”
“can you handle that, our sweet dove?”
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chosocutegf · 3 months
morning sex with your boyfriend ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Choso x fem!reader
cw: p in v, unprotected sex
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The morning light shines through the curtains, gently illuminating the room, while a pleasant breeze rushes from the open window, cooling the sticky summer air and making the curtains ruffle. In your haze, you mentally swear about going to sleep naked when the air brushes against your skin, making you shudder. You stir slightly before cuddling up against the warmth coming from your side.
“Should I close the window?,” Choso murmurs against your hair, his voice groggy and sleepy as he holds you closer to him, curling his hand against your lower back. You bury your face in his neck, letting out a soft sigh, his voice lulling you back to sleep. On the background of the soft morning, you hear the chirps of birds and the sound of the rain, interrupted only by your soft breaths, “no,” you shake your head slightly against him.
Your boyfriend hums and kisses your forehead, letting you nuzzle your nose against his jaw. His hand traces circles on your bare back, and your eyes grow heavy again when his other hand reaches the back of your head to stroke your hair. You yawn softly and Choso’s low chuckle rumbles against your chest, “are you falling asleep again?,” he murmurs against your skin, peppering soft kisses on the top of your head.
You hum and cuddle even closer to him, keeping your eyes closed while your boyfriend moves his hand away from your back to cup your cheek, and pull back slightly to look at your face. He smiles when he sees the little pout on your lips and your disheveled hair, before leaning closer to peck your lips, “why the pout, baby?,” he murmurs, even if he already knows the answer. You whine softly and tilt your head again towards him, kissing his lips softly, “because you woke me up”.
Choso laughs and raises his brows, observing as you furrow yours and, when you open your eyes, you playfully glare at him, “me? I think you are the one who woke me up because you were cold,” he explains softly, and you roll your eyes as he states the truth. “I still am, smartass,” you murmur, before burying your face back against his neck and raising his arm to wrap it around you.
Your boyfriend smiles as you curl yourself against him and he brings you even closer, reaching down to playfully slap your ass, “you’re the one who said I shouldn’t close the window, stupid,” he tells you, enjoying the way you gasp and try to swat his hand away. When you don’t answer, he understands you’re trying to fall back asleep so he continues teasingly, “should I warm you up in another way?”.
“Oh, god, I’m leaving,” you say, suddenly awake, before sighing as you pull away from him. But, he doesn’t even let you move an inch that he is already pulling you back, holding you down until he hovers above you and pins your wrists above your head, “you are not going anywhere”. You roll your eyes at Choso’s teasing tone and narrow your eyes up at him, “you’re insufferable,” you tell him, trying to pull away from the grip he has on you. He chuckles softly and leans down to kiss your neck, biting gently before he looks back in your eyes, a grin on his lips, “Am I?”.
You huff at his words, feeling your cheeks involuntary flush at his confident behaviour. Choso’s smirk widens even more at your reaction and leans down to leave a trail of kisses against your neck, his lips lingering for a few seconds against each spot. Your eyes close as you answer him, a little breathless, “yes, you are.”
Choso tuts lightly at your words, and a breath leaves your lips when he releases your wrists and moves lower, kissing your collarbone and lower, grinning against your skin when he reaches above your breasts and you slightly arch your back. “Tell me more then, about how I’m so insufferable”.
You suck in your bottom lip at his words, your eyes closed as he teasingly kisses around your left nipple, his hand reaching your right breasts and squeezing it gently, purposely avoiding to pleasure you, “see? You’re annoyi- ah”. A moan leaves your mouth when he licks your nipple before sucking it gently, his fingers pinching the other one which stiffens under his attention.
“I’m what?,” he asks with mock innocence, looking up at you with a grin before moving lower and kissing your stomach. You roll your eyes at his teasing, and raise a leg, ready to kick him away but he holds your ankle, chuckling. He leaves a kiss there, positioning himself between your legs, as if it has been his target for all this time. Of course it was, “Choso-”.
“Can I fuck you now, baby? Seeing you so worked up made me hard,” he tells you, biting his lower lip as he takes your other leg and spreads them open, his breath hitching when he sees your bare cunt. You glance down his body and a wave of desire runs straight down your core when you see his hard cock, twitching at the sight your spread legs.
“Again? I’m still sore from yesterday, Cho,” you say exasperated because last night he kept you up until late, drilling in your pussy until tears were running down both of your faces. Choso huffs softly against your ankle, kissing down your calf while he keeps your gaze fixed on yours, “please, baby”.
You keep looking down at him in silence, both of you knowing that you will give up eventually. Your boyfriend keeps kissing higher, reaching your inner thighs and nestling himself between them, closing his eyes at the smell of your core so close to his mouth, making his salivate, “c’mon, baby, you know I’ll be soft”.
You roll your eyes at his words, and reach down to move away a strand of hair from his face, raising a brow at him, “we both know that you won’t”. Choso pouts at your words and playfully sniffles, bringing a hand to his chest, “are you saying I’m a liar?”. You chuckle softly at his expression and roll your eyes, stroking his hair before you guide him back to hover above you, “yes, and you’re also insufferable,” you joke, laughing softly when he fakes to be offended by your words. However, a grin spreads on his lips at the sound of your laugh and he leans down to kiss your lips gently.
“Be gentle,” you warn him against his lips and he nods before guiding his length to your core. You hold him close, sloppily kissing him, and feeling yourself getting wetter when his tip teases your entrance, slapping against your clit. You gasp and swat at his chest, making him smile as you murmur against his kiss, “stop teasing or I’ll break up with you”.
Choso kisses you harder at your words, silencing you. You whimper against his mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist when he finally bottoms out inside you. “Fuck, doll, you’re so tight,” he whispers, groaning when he tries to pull back but your cunt clenches around him.
He bring two fingers to your mouth and he groans at the way your lips wrap around them, your tongue swirling and sucking. His cock twitches inside you, and you moan when he pulls his fingers away and brings them to rub your clit in tight circles.
Your boyfriend pulls his cock back and slides back inside, whimpering when you clamp down on him, your juices creating a white ring at his base. “Baby, god… I fuck you everyday and your pussy is still so tight,” he growls, his forehead resting against your shoulder before he increases his pace, slowly forgetting to be gentle with you.
But your mind fogs at the pleasure that spreads all over your body, making your legs tremble and your pussy clamp down on him, your clit swelling under his fingers, “s’good, Cho,” you moan. Your nails sink down his shoulders and your eyes roll back as his thrusts get deeper, his cock abusing your walls deliciously.
Choso moves away, before gripping your waist and moving you to sit on his lap, guiding his cock inside you one more time. Your arms wrap around his neck and you throw your head back at the sensation of him hit deeper inside you with the new position. He wraps his arms around your back, breathing hard and whimpering as he thrusts back up inside you.
“You’re so good, baby,” he moans, pulling you even closer to latch his mouth around your nipple. You cry out in pleasure, feeling yourself getting closer as you cling to him, meeting his thrusts lazily. Choso moves his mouth away, licking your neck and biting it as he ruts inside you faster. “I’m close, fuck… I’m close, baby, please I need you to come first,” he moans, sucking on your neck before he reaches down to rub your clit again. A hiccup leaves your lips before you come around him, arching your back and burying your face in his neck, moaning his name loudly.
Your boyfriend swears when he feels your pussy tightening around him and he grips your ass tightly, slapping you down on him before he stills and fills you with his cum. Choso curls on himself, moaning against your skin as he sloppily rides his orgasm and fucks his cum back inside you. You relax against him as he caresses your hair, holding you close to him as he kisses your head. You shiver when another breeze hits your naked body, and when you look up towards the window, your eyes widen and you push away from your boyfriend, “it’s raining inside, Cho”.
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this one made me so soft and i miss summer (ᵒ̴̶̷᷄﹏ᵒ̴̶̷᷅)
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 8 months
Lessons learned
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: One fateful day R decides that teasing Wanda is a good idea and she receives exactly what she deserves for it.
Warning: NSFW, 18+, lesbian relationship, teasing, oral to a strap, magic use, strap on sex, enchanted strap, cockwarming, a tiny bit of breeding kink, Mommy!Kink, top!Wanda, Bottom!Reader
Masterlist with all my works.
It started as a typical day in your household, you and Wanda waking from the sound of her alarm. It took her a moment to untangle herself from you, her arms and legs firmly wrapped around you, just as they had been throughout the night, and finally stopping the ungodly sound.
You groaned, unwilling to wake just yet, and if the way Wanda quickly took her previous spot behind you was any indication, she was just as happy to sleep in a little longer. Of course that bliss didn’t last long and the two of you started your normal routines. You, addicted to coffee, ran to the kitchen in nothing but Wanda’s t-shirt and panties, while she started getting ready for her day.
When you entered your shared bedroom again, coffee cups in both hands, she was just getting dressed and you hurried to leave the cups on the nightstand and you threw yourself on the soft mattress, watching her select her clothes for the day.
She put on a comfy bra and panties, nice, short socks, to keep her feet warm, she had a suit laid out already too, somewhere near your feet, but to your surprise she didn’t reach for it. Instead she reached in her drawer and pulled out a harness, securing it around her hips, while you looked at her with a raised brow. Then came the dildo, flexible and skin coloured, easily attached to her harness with a smirk as she turned to you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She scolded, but her voice was giving away her amusement. “I’ve got 10 minutes. I have to get dressed.” She informed, looking at the watch already on her wrist.
“That’s so close to the perfect sentence.” You mused, turning on your tummy, your eyes following her hungrily.
“We’ll have fun when I get back.” She smirked, putting on her pants and tucking her shirt in.
“Tease.” You accused, your hand sneaking between your body and the bed, delicate fingers caressing your clit through your panties.
Wanda let you continue your little ministrations, perfectly aware of what you were doing, and happy to let you tease yourself some more, while she put on her blazer and picked out a few rings from her jewellery box, her eyes always darting towards you to keep an eye on your activities, but when you let out a little moan, signalling your pleasure, she was quick to crawl over the bed, turning you over and pinning both your hands above your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her gaze hardening as she looked in your lust filled eyes.
“Playing?” You responded with amusement. You knew Wanda always got worked up at the thought of anyone else bringing you pleasure, even if that someone was you.
“Not without me, you’re not.” She said sternly, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. “You better wait for me.”
“But you’re right here…” You said playfully, biting your lips, so you wouldn’t laugh at the dark way she was looking at you. God, you loved it when she got like that.
“I am leaving for work.” She emphasized. “And you’re not going to touch yourself. Is that clear?” She asked sternly.
“But you haven’t left yet…” You pouted.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” Wanda growled down at you. “We both know you’re not.” She reprimanded. “No touching. Am I clear?”
“Very clear.” You nodded, even if you made a show of pouting up at her. “But you better make it up to me when you get back.” You suggested, arching up under her, so you could press your body against the bulge in her pants.
“When have I not…” Wanda thought to herself, but chose to keep the comment to herself.
“That’s for me to decide.” She told you instead, pecking your lips one last time, before she pulled away entirely and made her way towards the door.
You only got up, when you heard the front door of your house close behind Wanda, her voice carrying as she said goodbye. You were feeling more than a little worked up by the whole situation, but decided that the best way to get over it is to go about your day. You just needed to distract yourself long enough for Wanda to come home. Unfortunately, you were feeling more than a little worked up and if you were going to suffer in your wet, ruined panties, so was Wanda.
The thing about her? She was masterful at teasing, prolonging your pleasure, edging, she was an expert at making you desperate and needy and she knew it damn well. She loved doing it too. But she couldn’t stand it when you teased her back. She was far more impatient than she liked to pretend and she hated having to wait for what she wanted. Which is why, on the days that you did, you often found yourself gloriously fucked out. And hopefully, today would be no exception.
When she checked in the first time, you were at the store, getting all the needed groceries, so instead of answering her text, you just opened your camera, pointing it towards yourself, pulling down your shirt, to make sure that it showed more cleavage than it did and you quickly snapped a photo, sending it to her.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” You quickly got a response, Wanda scanning the picture you sent her and seeing the expanse of your chest out on display for all to see. And sure enough, there was a man behind you, looking intently in your direction, something you might have seen, had you looked before sending it to Wanda.
She seethed, waiting for a response, but none came, since you preferred to ignore her, now that you had her attention. After all, she had done the same to you this morning. It was only fair.
None of it felt fair to Wanda though, as she watched the minutes tick by without a single response from you, and she was just about to send you another text, when you finally started to type.
“Sorry babe, I was in the car. I just got home.” You tell her, snapping another photo of yourself in your kitchen.
            “Fix that shirt, or I’ll rip it, when I get home.” Wanda responds, her hands squeezing her phone more than they should.
“I thought you liked that one.” You type in, playful smile on your lips.
            “Which is why I would feel terrible, having to rip it from your body, if you don’t fix it right this second.” She repeats, only to receive a third photo from you, this time, looking appropriate and she feels like she can finally breathe freely.
But the accidents continue, your photos getting more provocative and daring as the day goes by and Wanda finds it impossible to stay at work for much longer.
Taking one last look of the photo of you, sent an hour ago, with you naked under the covers of your shared bed, claiming that you’ll be taking a nap, Wanda had enough. She decided that you’ll be paying dearly for all your teasing tonight. Just as soon as she was done with her work, she would be heading back home and she’ll teach you what happens, when you provoke her.
By the time she steps inside your house, inhaling the scent of her favorite pasta cooking, she’s received 2 more pictures of you, one with you, prettily waiting on your knees with nothing but the thin sheet covering your breasts and a second, of you cooking in nothing but the t-shirt from this morning and a pair of panties covering your pussy.
Now, here you were, wearing exactly the same and looking even more ravishing in person, setting the table for her, a candle already lit. God, you looked beautiful. And despite your torturous teasing, it was hard for her to be mad at you, when you were being so thoughtful. Hard, but not impossible.
“Hi, baby.” You greet her, approaching her quickly and leaving a peck on her cheek. “Dinner’s ready.” You say as you take her bag and coat from her, feeling her eyes follow you intently. “And I’ve got some dessert for you too.” You winked at her and it seemed to be the last straw.
Wanda pulled you in a deep, heated kiss, her tongue invading your mouth quickly and her hands finding their way around your waist in seconds, getting you as close to her as she could, the feeling of her, her scent quickly taking over your senses and pulling small gasps of wanton pleasure from you.
Her hands roamed your body eagerly, exploring you and feeling you up, touching everywhere she could reach with fervour, hands easily sneaking under the t-shirt you were wearing and teasing your breasts. As soon as you moaned, she pinched your nipples, pulling on them slightly, only to have you gasping, but she was quick to soothe them soon after.
“You’ve been such a bad girl today.” She told you unceremoniously, pulling the t-shirt off entirely and attacking your nipples with her mouth.
“Wanda.” You squirmed, but she only sucked harder.
“Try again.” She told you, attaching her mouth to the other breast.
“Mommy!” You mewled, your hands gripping her shoulders, uncertain if you wanted to push her away, or pull her closer. Not that she gave you time to choose, because as soon as she could, she took them both and pinned them behind your back.
“What’s the matter, baby? Are those pretty nipples sensitive?” She asked with fake pity in her voice, her hands continuing to tweak the hardened buds, as she kissed you again.
“Yes!” You squirmed, your legs squeezing together in need.
“Well, you should have thought of that, before you decided to be such a tease!” Wanda countered, continuing her ministrations. “Luckily for you, I’m in a generous mood.” She decided, finally releasing you. “Take my pants off.” She instructed with a serious tone, pushing on your shoulders and guiding you to your knees in front of her.
You were more than a little eager to do as you’re told, dropping to your knees on the unforgiving floor and unzipping her pants, already knowing what you’ll find in them. It’s what you’ve been waiting for all day after all and you hastily pulled out the dildo.
“I said, take my pants off.” Wanda reminded you, swatting your hand away from the fake cock. “Have you forgotten how to listen to Mommy, hm?”
You were quick to shake your head, looking up at her from your position and starting to pull down her pants and helping her step out of them. Wanda finished the job of undressing herself, tossing her blazer and shirt off hurriedly, before unhooking her bra as well.
She made a show of taking hold of the dildo, stroking it up and down with a lazy smirk as she looked down at you.
“So fucking pretty!” She sighed. “Open your mouth for me.”
Doing as you’re told, you let your mouth hang open and your tongue to stick out, watching as your girlfriend made a show of dragging the dildo across your tongue a few times, before she took hold of your hair and pulled your face closer to her, pushing the cockhead past your lips and starting to move her hips.
“I hope you worked up an appetite!” She snarled at you, fucking your face eagerly, driving her hips deeper and hitting the back of your throat.
The way you gagged and struggled around her only made it sweeter for her and she held you firmly in place as she repeated the action, only stopping to give you small moments to breathe, before she started it all over again, watching the way your saliva wettened the toy.
It was only when you had started to squeeze your legs together and to moan around her dick that she stopped, looking down at your flushed face, wet eyes, full of unshed tears looking back at her with eager submission that she finally stopped and pulled you up to your feet.
“Get up, baby, you’ve made me such a lovely meal, it would be a shame if I let it get cold.” She stated bluntly, guiding you to the dining table with gentle hands, as you looked at her with a confused expression.
She took her usual seat and she patted her thighs, giving you room to sit on her erect cock.
“Come on, you’ve been so thoughtful, making Mommy a nice, warm meal. Now my cock needs warming too.”
Fuck, she looked both intimidating and hot, while her eyes fixed you with a stern look and you hesitated only a moment, before you followed her instructions.
You tried to take off your panties, so it would be more comfortable, but she didn’t let you. She pulled you towards her by your wrist and she bent you over the table, so she can move your panties to the side, teasing fingers probing your opening for a moment, finding you wet and throbbing for attention, before she pulled you to sit on her lap.
Taking her all the way inside you left you almost dizzy with arousal, but if she heard your needy whines and whimpers, she said nothing of it. She made sure you were comfortably settled, one of her hands firmly wrapped around your middle to keep you steady, while her legs kept yours from closing, leaving you fully on display.
“How does that feel, baby?” she asked, her husky voice next to your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Feels so good, Mommy. I’m so full.” You gasped softly, your head turning so you could nuzzle into the side of her neck.
“It does, doesn’t it. I bet your pussy is throbbing around me so much right now. What do you think? Should we find out?”
You knew what she was implying right away and the idea of it excited you even more, making you nod in anticipation, yet you still gasped, when you saw the red tendrils of Wanda’s magic swirl in the air. When they were gone, you held your breath for her reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
Wanda canted up her hips, holding you firmly against her as she did it, driving the dildo even deeper inside you and you could hear a moan that matched your own, as she felt the way the toy moved within you and made your walls pulse with need.
“Fuck, you’re so good, baby!” She gasped, nuzzling into you for a moment so she could calm down. “Mommy can’t wait to fuck all her cum into you.” She smiled. “But first, we’ll have dinner.” She explained, her head turning to the plate in front of her and almost laughing at your disappointed whine. “You made all this wonderful food, honey, Mommy wants to show her appreciation.” She chastised you softly, picking up her fork and taking a bite out of her food, before she offered one to you.
You wanted to beg her to please fuck you, but she had already made her intentions clear, and with the way you’ve been teasing her, you knew that your best chance at earning an orgasm is by doing what she said, no matter how much she teased you. And even then, she could still leave you hanging and that made it all the more thrilling.
Yes, you wanted to cum, but you knew that you gave Wanda control for a reason, knew that you had earned this treatment from her, knew you could stop her at any moment and that she’ll give you anything you ask, but you didn’t want it that way. You wanted to earn it. Her control was intoxicating to you both and you wanted to see this through.
Having to sit in Wanda’s lap, being fed your food one bite at a time, while she was buried deep inside you, was a harder task than you ever imagined. Every shift, every little move she made, you would feel and it drove you up the wall with anticipation and need. God, you preferred edging over this. The promise of so much more was driving you crazy, yet you had to sit still and wait for her to finally take you.
Wanda felt the burn of desire and anticipation just as much as you did. She could feel you grind on her, you’re your inner muscles try to milk her, whenever your patience wore thin and she had to force herself to hold back and make you sit still, just to prove her point. And it was so damn hard. Your pussy was pulsing and throbbing, squeezing around her deliciously and tempting her to forget all about her plans and just fuck you, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.
When dinner was finally over, she helped you to get off of her lap, something you were very reluctant to do and she bent you over the table once more, teasing fingers probing at your entrance and rubbing soft circles over your clit, while she inspected you. Fuck, you were desperate for her and she was loving it. Your wet hole was dripping with arousal and twitching at the smallest touch and she knew that only she could make it better. That was the ultimate aphrodisiac. That knowledge that only she could see you like this, only she could touch you this way, only she could make you such a mess… And only she could fix it.
For a moment Wanda considered giving in, instead of just teasing you and she had to remind herself why she was doing this in the first place, before her hands retracted, pulling your panties back to their spot. You whined so pitifully, knowing exactly what made her go feral for you, knowing that she could never resist fucking you when you got like this, but alas, you had to accept your fate as she instructed you to put on a movie while she cleaned up the table.
As soon as she joined you, Wanda patted her thighs, signalling for you to take your place on her lap, barely hiding her amusement at the cute pout you gave her.
“Oh, don’t give me that look now, baby. You started this.” She chastised you, her eyes growing hard as she took you in. “Come on, baby, don’t you want me inside you? I bet that pussy feels so empty without me filling it up, doesn’t it?”
You only gave her a nod, your breaths now shallow, as you pictured the feeling of her stretching out your little pussy again and it didn’t take long, before you were sliding down her length and feeling her arms keeping you down as you reached the base of the dildo.
“Mmm, I love the way you feel baby. So tight.” She murmured against your ear.
She was close to breaking and just fucking you, the way she’d been craving, but she knew you. You’d be begging for the same thing soon enough. And it was always so much more delicious, when she got to play with you, instead of just giving in.
Just as she expected, it only took you a few minutes, before you were already grinding in her lap, feeling the cock buried inside you move within you. It wasn’t enough in the slightest, it fuelled your desperation, rather than providing any relief, yet you couldn’t stop yourself. It felt so damn good.
Wanda tried to stop your slow grinding on her, her hands stopping your movements and keeping you still, but it never lasted very long. You’d start it up again, even more determined and more needy and eventually she broke. She grabbed you by the hips and she lifted you enough to slip her cock out, before she made you get off of her lap entirely.
“Get on your knees.” She demanded with a growl, bending you over the back of the couch in one smooth motion, leaving you open and on display for her, while she stood behind you with her cock in her hand. “Did I give you permission to ride me?” She asked sternly, landing a slap on your ass that startled you.
“No, Mommy.”
“No, I didn’t. You were only meant to warm my cock. But you’re such a desperate little slut, aren’t you? You can’t help yourself.” She stated with an icy tone. “Well, if you want to act like a mindless toy, I’ll treat you that way.” She promised, the head of her cock teasing your entrance once more.
She slid inside you easily, taking hold of a fistful of your hair and pulling your head back, helping your body lean against her as she started to fuck into you. She kissed your shoulders and neck, leaving small kisses and bites there that would have had you begging for more if you could form a single coherent word. But you had been so worked up, so deprived, that this felt like the first real stimulation you’d received in days and it was heavenly.
Wanda felt like she’s in heaven too. Your pussy was just begging her to be fucked, to be ruined by her cock and with each thrust, she was losing herself in the pleasure of it all.
“God, you have such a perfect pussy.” She gasped as she started to pick up her pace. “This pussy was made for me. To be fucked and worshipped and ruined by its owner.” She growled in your ear. “It was made for Mommy, right? For me to use it? For me to keep it all happy and satisfied?” She asked, her tone softening, while her thrusts grew harsher and more demanding, hitting deep inside you each time.
“Yes, Mommy, all for you. All yours.” You breathed, high pitched and shaking from the intensity of it all.
Her hands were gentle as she touched you through it all. She helped keep you upright with a hand around your middle, while the other cupped one of your breasts. She would tweak your nipple gently whenever she could, trying to focus all her energy on keeping her pace.
Desperate to feel her, you leaned into her as much as you could, her warmth providing comfort and security. You could feel yourself grow more submissive, your mind giving in to her control and letting her take over. She could feel it too. She could practically hear your thoughts quiet down and your body relaxing, turning more pliable in her hands.
“Yes, that’s my good girl.” She praised, leaning further into you, so she could kiss your neck and cheeks softly. “My sweet, good girl.” She removed a strand of hair from your face as she spoke. “You want my cum inside that needy pussy so bad, don’t you? Nice and deep, where it belongs.”
“Yes, Mommy, please.” You begged, trying to meet her thrusts as much as you could, feeling yourself getting closer.
“I shouldn’t be indulging you right now. You were a very bad girl earlier…” Wanda reminded, her movements never stopping. “But you can’t help yourself, can you? You’re so close, I can feel it. You’ll start coming as soon as I do.” She accused, smirking. “So I guess the question is… Do you deserve it?” She asked with a grin. “Do you think I should reward you, hm?”
But the question was rhetorical, and you both knew it. You were so wound up that if she didn’t pull out, you’ll cum, regardless if she allowed it or not. You were on the edge and there was no going back from it now.
“Oh, there’s that edge…” Wanda remarked, feeling your walls squeeze her in even more. “Go on, baby, you can cum for me. Mommy wants her pretty girl to feel good.” She gasped behind you, getting breathless from the effort and feeling just as close as you were.
Hearing her give you permission came as a relief, but it still took you a few long seconds to process it, letting yourself to really feel her ministrations, before your orgasm finally hit you. It crashed over you, more powerful than you thought you could take, your legs shaking and threatening to give out from under you. It was a sweet release and you let yourself feel every little tremor of pleasure, your moans growing louder and the chants of her name becoming indistinguishable babbles.
You could hear her do the same, you could feel the spurts of her cum as she filled you up with her release. Her hold on you only tightening, arms wrapped around you possessively as she continued to fuck you through your orgasm and hers.
When she was done, happy and satiated and knowing that you felt the same, Wanda maneuverer you both, so she’d sit on the couch and she pulled you back down on her lap, wrapping her arms around you once more and kissing your neck softly.
“There.” She sighed. “That’s better, isn’t it?” She asked as she settled more comfortably, turning her attention to the forgotten movie. “Now we can finish our movie.”
“But, Mommy…” You tried to draw her attention. You were feeling full once again and the orgasm she gave you, as mind-blowing as it was, did very little to help the neediness you felt. In fact, with each second she held you on her lap and plugged in her cum, you grew more restless and desperate for her to fuck you again.
“What’s the matter, baby? Feeling full?” She chuckled knowingly, watching you nod. “It must feel so frustrating, feeling me stretch you out, without being able to do much about it…”
“Mhm.” You hummed, nodding your head.
“Good. Maybe next time you’re trying to tease me, you’ll remember that.”
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fettuccin-e · 9 months
Like It Like That
Kinktober Day 16: Role-Reversal
Tags: Steven Grant x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls oh pls wrap it irl i'm begging you), rough sex, fingering (r!recieving), slight degradation, dom!steven my love my life (w/c: 897)
A/N: Another part of the rapid-fire Kinktober catch-up! This one is a tad short but guys we're so close to being fully caught up I can practically taste it oh my gosh!! And I needed more husband Steven, especially because I feel like I fluctuate between dom and subby Steven in all of my fics, so he's perfect for role-reversal! (I've been using these prompts from flightlessangelwings for the month!)
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He’s usually so good for you. Perfectly happy to whine beneath you as you do whatever you want to him. And he’s always so responsive, giving into your every whim without question, desperate for your touch.
Marc put the idea in his head, just like he always seems to. Steven supposes that he brought it on himself, asking Marc if he really liked being in charge as much as he seems to. He did.
“'Course I do, and she fucking loves it,” Marc had said, eyes going dark. “She gets so damn desperate for it. It’s like she’s in goddamn heat.”
Steven had watched you both that night, watched on through your bedroom mirror as Marc tore you apart, fucking into you harder than Steven has ever dared to. And you had cried with the force of it, dripping down Marc’s cock as he fucked you hard enough for tears to spring to your eyes.
Steven couldn’t get the image out of his head, needing to see you like that again, needing to be the reason for it.
He asks you one night, over dinner of all things, like he’s discussing the fucking weather, “Can I have control for a night?”
“What?” you ask, setting your fork down and scooching closer to him on the couch. “Like, in the bedroom?”
Steven’s face flushes bright red. He won’t make eye contact with you. “Yeah,” he breathes, “Want to see how it feels, if that’s alright with you.”
You smile at him, ducking to his lips to meet him in a gentle kiss. “Of course, Steven,” you murmur. “Of course you can take control, see if you like it.” And in the back of your head, you can’t help but wonder how Steven, the sweetest, most docile man you’ve ever known, could possibly be dominant.
A few nights later, you find out. You find out, spread underneath him, just how far he can take it.
 “Fuck, please Steven, need it so bad, please,” you whine, unable to help yourself as Steven’s fingers spread you apart, jamming into your pussy so hard your head spins. 
“God, that’s so beautiful, love,” he murmurs, “keep begging for me.” And you realize that you’ve never been the one begging for him before. It’s always him, writhing and pleading beneath you. The change, his dark eyes roving down your body as he plays with you like a fucking toy, is enough to give you whiplash, sending you into a tailspin.
“Please, Steven,” you gasp as his fingers jackhammer into your g-spot, sending your back arching as you bear down on his fingers. “Please fuck me, need it- need it so bad, baby.”
Steven grins, the same cocky, self-satisfied grin Marc always gives you when he’s got you like this. It’s fucking maddening.
“Marc was right,” he murmurs, “you’re fucking gorgeous when you get desperate like this.” You flush with heat at the compliment, throwing your arm over your eyes to escape from Steven’s unrelenting gaze.
Before you can even breathe, Steven grips your wrist, pinning your arm above your head. “Look at me when I fuck you,” he snarls, deep and dark and so unlike your Steven that it makes your entire body lock up, feeling like you’ve been struck by lightning. You’re lightheaded as you feel the blunt head of his cock push at your gaping entrance.
He doesn’t break eye contact, holding your arm above your head as he pushes inside without remorse, not giving you a second to recover before he’s pulling out, and slamming into you again.
You’re so used to the way Steven whines beneath you, his hips bucking uncontrollably.
Now, you’re the one gasping for air as he growls above you, fucking into you at a pace that is utterly obscene, practically ripping you apart, straight down the middle, with his violent thrusts.
“Steven, fuck, oh my god, Steven,” you slur between his harsh movements into your aching body. You can hear the sound of your pussy around his cock, the wet slapslapslap of your bodies meeting over and over again.
“God, you’re so wet for me, love,” he rasps. He pulls his hand away from your wrist to grasp your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he pulls you onto his cock. “You love this, don’t you? Being used?”
You choke on your moans with his words, gasping for air.
“Fuck! Yes, I love it, love when you fuck me like this, oh shit- Steven!” Tears spring to your eyes, leaking down your cheeks. The headboard slams against the wall, threatening to dent it, but you couldn’t care less. Not when it feels like you could pass out from the pleasure of it all, Steven’s cock jamming into your g-spot with every single thrust.
“You look fucking perfect like this, darling,” Steven growls, “getting fucked like a slut.”
And you’re fucking gone, trembling and gasping soundlessly as you squeeze Steven’s cock with your orgasm, your nails digging into his shoulders. He thrusts in once, twice before he’s following, leaning into you to lick into your mouth, his hips moving in aborted little thrusts as he floods your pussy with his cum.
As you both settle, Steven lets himself rest on top of you, his weight comforting and warm.
“Did you like it, Steven?” You whisper, running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
“Mhm,” he hums tiredly into the crook of your neck. You chuckle.
“Good, because I fucking loved it.”
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golden1u5t · 1 month
move your hand sex | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: having move your hand sex with spencer
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"Oh god-fuck, Spence!" You moaned, thighs starting to tremble and back arching off of the bed. Spencer hovered over you with his hands on your knees, keeping your legs spread for him.
"S'so much." You cried, hand moving down between your legs. Spencer was entranced with watching his cock disappear into your cunt, when you put your hand in between your legs you blocked his view.
"Move your fucking hand." He snapped his hips forward even harder, you whimpered but still moved your hand and grabbed onto the sheets instead. Spencer placed his hands above your head and started to fuck into you faster. Just as he felt your walls clamping down on his cock he pulled out, you gasped and reached for him to try and pull him back in.
Spencer flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled your hips off of the bed. He slapped your ass a few times before guiding his cock back into your cunt, he grabbed your arms and held them behind your back.
The bed rocked from the brutal pace of his thrust, creaking underneath you. Spencer could care less about the sound of the bed, all he could manage to think about was the lewd moans pouring from your mouth and the tightness of your cunt around his cock.
Drool spilled from your mouth and pooled onto the pillow your face was pressed against. Your eyes closed tightly as you felt your fast approaching orgasm, you started to push your ass back into him, desperate to cum on his cock.
Spencer's head tipped back with a low groan, his thrust starting to get sloppy. He let go of your wrist and instead pinned your arms above your head, his weight pinning you down underneath him. You rutted up to meet his thrust the best you could with him pinning you down.
You bit down on the pillow to muffle your scream as you fell over the edge, eyes fluttering closed. Spencer pushed you further into the bed, his fingers linking with yours, and pushed his cock as deep into you as he could. He thrust into you a few more times to ride out his high, once he finished he pulled out and rolled off of you and onto the bed beside you.
You pushed up on your arms and turned to face him and draped yourself over his chest, a droopy smile on your face. Spencer looked down at you on his chest and returned the smile, his hand coming up to smooth out your hair.
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