#the people's republic of everything
skywalkerthrawn · 3 months
"star wars is fucking horrible at queer rep" tell me you haven't picked up a star wars book or comic in the last 3 years without telling me
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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The Hetairia of Cassius, Luciano Canfora
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Cic. Phil. 2
(taps mic) so as we all know, conspiracy is a kind of seduction, and actions not taken can be just as loud as the ones that are. so. uh. fellas! hey fellas. heyyyyyy.
like, I was looking at the Dolabella-Caesar-Antony mess yesterday, but something really fun and vicious happened here and I will be rotating it around in my head at maximum volume for the foreseeable future
the red panels are the Assassination of Julius Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini (the pen and ink drawing, not the painting)
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toustik-blogs · 6 days
Tw eyestrain
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This is for the draw this in your style by @ricky-tiki-tah ^^
I wanted to do this wayyyy earlier but i was busy with stuff
Hope ya like it ^^
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I just find it mind-boggling that some people will reblog things like “Anakin didn’t care about Rex and his men, he wouldn’t listen to Fives just because he was friends with Palpatine” and then in the next post be gushing over Rexwalker/Rexanidala like???? so you agree. Anakin does care about Rex?
#some people will literally hate on either Anakin or the Jedi council for reasons that explicitly contradict the point of the prequels#and then YOU'RE either toxically positive or condoning abuse for liking all the characters and having a nuanced view of things#the takes I mentioned in the body of this post literally wiped out the fact that Palpatine groomed and manipulated him for Years just so-#-they could say “wow the clones didn’t deserve what that horrible guy Anakin did to them”#me: okay. so you’re saying they didn’t deserve for him to show kindness and friendship and help reinforce the mindset of individuality they#-already had and that the majority of jedi encouraged because they are a group who treasure individuality and have compassion on everyone &#-all things???#Anakin could be a shit person but he wasn’t to the clones and I will die on this hill#“he enslaved them” you’re pinning that on ANAKIN. a literal former slave. not the Republic or the Kaminoans?#he would have 0 reason to enslave them because he knows what that’s like. he’s been through that#why. WHY do people blame Anakin or the Jedi for 100% of everything going wrong instead of Palpatine.#you can blame Anakin for the choices he made and the Jedi Order for the oversights and legalism they started to have during the war#but enslavement of the clones??? not listening to Fives because of Palpatine???#if you want to blame Anakin for the clones being slaves you have to blame the rest of the Jedi too#and we all know how rare it is for ‘Anakin antis’ to also be ‘Jedi order antis’#quotation because there is a certain connotation and generalisation that comes with those phrases these days#I just don’t understand why Anakin is to blame for that specifically. blame him for being angry and violent and obsessive and turning to th#dark side logic+morals be damned to save one person yes but slavery??? he didn’t know about the chips and if he did you bet your ass he-#-would hate them just as much as the slave monitors on Tatooine#anyway#I want to see both sides of the debate i really do because some people have really good points on character motivations etc#but it’s getting ridiculous at this point. I always try to be a calm and positive space but some of y’all’s takes are contradictory bullshi#Fandom salt#swift talks#Swift rambles in the tags#vent#Jedi positive#meta#ish?#jedi positivity
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beverage-cowboy · 1 year
I think part of the reason people think that thrawns actions weren’t accurate or that thrawn isn’t really thrawn and “Dave filoni ruined him” is because thrawn isn’t the main character or even the main villain of Ashoka and therefore people haven’t gotten any sort of “real” context to his actions (besides everything we got in the show and rebels) because no one is saying “oh thrawn did this because of this” “I, thrawn, am doing this because of this” “I, other character, do not understand why thrawn is doing that but it’s thrawn so there has to be a reason”
Because it’s a fucking tv show, no one is going to say that in a tv show!! When reading a book, it feels normal for the character to ponder or guess at what the other characters mean when they say that or do something. It feels normal that the character is thinking things through on the page but thrawn is going to say out loud what the fuck he’s doing because that’s stupid and he barely talks to other characters in Ashoka anyways!
Go read an essay if you want to get an extremely detailed explanation of what someone is doing, if you’re not reading an esssay shut up about how you didn’t get the explanation
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
but seriously. vernestra really showed up to elzar’s (which used to be stellan’s) office, told him to sit his ass down and confront what he did. Like the gist of that whole scene was vernestra saying: “you can’t call me vern bc we’re not friends and will probably never be friends. i don’t like you, never have bc you’re a bad jedi. i don’t know what master stellan saw in you, and out of the three firebrands, you’re the least of them all.”
like elzar said, “i wish stellan were still here” probably expecting them to have a small bonding moment in their grief, and instead and she came back with “if he was, what do you think he would say to you?” like vernestra girl stop!!! he already hates himself enough!! he’s already dead you’re killing him!!
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
Asajj's "I emerged from misery and suffering only to find the Jedi I had once worshipped are nothing but weak, misguided fools. Count Dooku speaks true, the Galaxy needs a Jedi purge!" quote and her in Republic #52 in general always hit me so hard because it gives you so much information about the character while keeping so much else from the reader. whether or not you've encountered that character before (at the time it came out), it gives you such a strong sense of who she is. Shoutout to W. Haden Blackman's stellar writing and Tomas Gioerello's art (that references some early Asajj concept art) for one of my favorite Asajj issues.
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imogenkol · 7 months
Me trying to figure out what High Republic book I’m supposed to read after I finish the first one
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
My RepCom Musing: if there were (clone) strills everything would be much better
For me, the biggest missed opportunity & disappointment of the Republic Commando story is that NO ONE APPARENTLY CAME UP WITH IDEA TO CLONE MIRD. And I swear, everyone would be better off with strill puppies (kittens?) around. Like seriously. Vau? Mird is what kept Vau alive and happy for decades and is literally what makes Vau soft and caring. Now multiply Mird and Vau won’t magically change from hardened veteran & harsh training sergeant into overprotective, overemotional dad, sure, but it would definitely make it easier for him to show his care and deeply hidden emotions once each squad of his batch gets a cute lil clone!Mird to take care of (and be taken care of in return). Can you imagine all the cadets’ excitement and wonder for their own strill, for the unconditional love and loyalty of an highly intelligent and smart animal and for the Vau’s trust given alongside it? All the things boy!Vau must feel at some point too, when he was stuck with an abusive family or shortly after leaving them and be on his own in an unknown, uncaring galaxy? Can you imagine him swarmed by the puppies and clones with a thousand and one question on how to deal with strill so he could unleash all his love for Mird on everyone around?
Or Atin, after losing his first batch mates? Or even after Geonosis? No point for violence when you can drop an emotional support animal on a hurt, depressed human being. Deltas too could benefit from lil Mird. What could be better than a strill for emotionally stunted people with even more an emotionally shut down trainer? Beside the whole long-term therapy, I mean.  
Jango too should get a strill, the man is like one, walking trauma and Boba would be better to hang out with a loyal pet than Aurra Sing or other assholes.
Where is a cute lil clone!Mird for each squad of Vau’s batch, I demand to know?! A loyal strill  to make everything better? WHY NONE OF YOU in-universe SMARTASS THOUGHT TO GIVE MIRD A BUNCH OF SMALL PUPPIES (KITTENS) TO MAKE KAMINO A BIT BETTER PLACE FOR THE STRILL, VAU AND CLONE CADETS? Everyone would be mentally healthier!
Well maybe beside Kal who could have a heart attack once Jaing brought the strill puppy or two or a whole pack and Skirata was forced to explain how that happened to overprotective Vau & Mird XDDD 
UNLESS Vau wanted to do so but Kaminoans, remembering that this animal hunts them down out of boredom decided FUCK NO. Then I will accept the canon as it is, but only then…
(I do remember Vau sicing Mird on Ordo in book canon but I will admit I do not have a clue what was the point of this action besides making us, readers, to dislike Walon on the spot. I mean, killing people and physically trashing cadets? Sure, it makes sense within his characterization. But using Mird like that without any logical reason and just for fun? Nah, I will pass. Like Ordo lacked trauma and reasons to dislike strill and Vau when Kal had plenty of his own complaints about Walon to pass to his kids.)
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inthegardenpraying · 4 months
"Do you think I seek the death of all living things? There is no victory in such things. I do not want to win our war like this, little Jedi. When I win, I wish it to be because I was right, my teachings true." | "Direct action is not always the best way. It is a far greater victory to make another see through your eyes than to close theirs forever." | -Knights of the Old Republic II: Kreia/Darth Traya/Arran Kae
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
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kimmkitsuragi · 9 months
even the opposition is so fucking stupid im crying
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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same energy
Crassus, The First Tycoon, Peter Stothard / Crassus, Plutarch (trans. Warner) / Cic. ad Brut. 1.16 / The Romans in their Decadence, Thomas Couture
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lastwave · 1 year
HATE having a special interest in ancient rome bc i PROMISE im not one of those dudes that thinks they were the pinnacle of civilization or anything im just autistic and man. those dudes got up to a lot
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spokewar · 11 months
obi secrets pt. 2:
obi-wan hates the republic !!
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gothamcityneedsme · 10 months
finished swtor update earlier today and im still thinking like. tavon gripping petra by the shoulders: do not trust the empire. do not fucking trust the empire. DO NOT fucking trust the empire.
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