#the pace of the movie is abit off
lonely-night · 2 years
hello im listening to Idina Menzel’s Love Power on loop after watching disenchanted and yes im that predictable skdgfkshdflk
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Top 10 Sealab 2021 Episodes (Comission)
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Happy 2021 Everyone! After an utterly AWFUL fucking year, it’s nice to be in a brand new year with brand new possiblities, new projects you’ll see soon, finsihing the old.. and all that good stuff. And good friend of the blog and only patron and contributer kev had a great suggestion to comission to kick off the year. Since it’s 2021 it’s only fair ot honor one of the very first adult swim shows, one taking place in the same year and still one of it’s funniest and fucking weirdest, and as we’ve seen that threshold is vast: Sealab 2021 Sealab was created by the wonder twins of Adam Reed and Matt Thomspon, and if those names sound familiar.. that’s because their the guys who created Frisky Dingo, a cult classic i’ll defintely have to write about someday soon, and more famously and in Matt’s case still to this day, Archer. Yup, after adult swim jerking them around lead to the closing of their initial studio, the two moved to FX and here they are. So yeah this is where the roots of a lot of archers workplace shenanigans and petty dickery come from.  But even ignoring what it’d lead to, Sealab on it’s own is pretty damn good and holds up pretty well. Some jokes.. have not aged well, especially the treatment of Debbie as the villiage bicycle, but on the whole most of the humor is just really funny, really weird and really insane and I still love it after this revisit even if some episodes didn’t hold up so good, most of them held up good or even better than I remembered.  The show was THE first abriged series, taking bits of old forgotten and seemingl really damn boring hannah barbara show sealab 2021, and using the footage to tell the tale of a bunch of assholes, weirdos and what have you running an underwater research station.. and being so bad at it or getting into such other insane bollocks it often blew up. Continuity was loose, jokes were the priority, and dialouge was key since the animation was not great in any way shape or form, but the cheapness was enough of a charm and improved enough with time that it didn’t really matter. The show was good and set the bar for adult swim shows for better or worse alongside other greats like Home Movies, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and others. It also had a unique cast of mostly small time actors, and bafflingly one respected news pundit as local asshole idiot head Stormy, and broadway legend Henry Goz as series MVP Captain Murphy. It was good, it was part of my childhood and teen years, and I love it so. I bought the dvds, quoted it decently and will again now Kev’s brought my fire for the series back.  So naturally for a series like this since regular reviews just don’t.. work on something this insane sometimes, i’m instead counting down my top. 10 . episodes. Yes top 10 lists are comissionable, 5 bucks a pop. As long as I know the series well enough i’d be glad to and here I ws more than honored to. I also uped my game this time and rewatched every cantidate and thus I feel this may be one of my best lists yet. So without further adeu... grab your grizzlbees oninon burst , your bebop cola and your pitcher of whale cancer. this is the top 10 episodes of sealab 2021!
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10. Tinfins  This one’s a classsic just for it’s uniquness, taking the piss out of glitzy and vapid hollywood insider shows and their annoying hosts, while also being delightfully weird, from mocking the show’s own animation by having detailed cgi used to map the limited animation, to Erik Estrada’s interview where his fictional self is clearly having none of toni and is also clearly getting wasted, to the utter bizzarity of Kid N Play being the films directors.. it’s just a good time. 
But what REALLY makes the episode are two things: The first is a series of increasingly bizzare commericals for Grizzlebees, a fictional restraunt that would become a staple of the show: From a simple commerical showing off their onion bursts, to their kids meals with tonic water, to Henry Goz’s utterly bizzare farm based commerical for it, to finally a commerical about depression being okay because grizzlebee delivers that’s pitch black as it is utterly hilarious, it’s just one hit after the other.  The crown jewel of the episode of course is the trailer ofr tinfins itself, which is insane and includes great bit after great bit, the best being the titular mecha shark cutting the power “How the hell can it cut the power? It’s a shark. “ Holy Crap indeed. 
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9. In the Closet A bottle episode, which Sealab really excelled at and not the last on this list by a mile, as the show’s key was it’s dialouge the episode had a simple premise it quickly managed to have make some pretty insane turns. Marco, played by the glorious Eric Estrada and Muprhy, played by the late and very game Harry Goz, have been trapped in the suply closet for a few days, with Muprhy, being muprhy, having already married a bucket who has a history as a “Hookermop” named wendy. Soon other sealabians get caught inside too, and it results in plenty of hilarious gags, From muprhy sucker punching the hell out of everyone, to Sparks panicking under claustrophiba, to the repair guy getting sucker punched and no one caring much about his well being. This one lives off of Muprhy as while the others are good, Goz as he usually did during his time on this earh and on this series before his untimely passing, steals the whole damn show, and the ending, where it turns out Muprhy adopted and starved a bunch of fighting dogs, is a nice twist on everything. And the punchilne to it is utterly fantastic “It could be worse” “How in the hell could it possibly worse?!” “We could be out there.. with Stormy”. 
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8. The Legend of Baggy Pants Speaking of Bottle Episodes and Captain Murphy being awesome.... this one narrowly beat out the episode it’s a spirtual sequel too, the classsic all that jazz, but this one is easily better. Like that one it’s a bottle episode that’s almost entirely just Captain Muprhy on some sort of shenanigan, with only abit of other cast, in this case Hesh, Eggers, and an unfortunate phone operator. In this case the premise is simple, kind of nuts, and utterly hilarious and utterly captian murphy: Captain Muprhy is having a round of Golf in Sealab, which is weird but fits the character but what ratchets it up to funny is apparently this underwater research station, for no reason, has a pro shop. So after loosing his last ball in a reactor, and sending poor hesh in to get it leading to the advent of the glorious Monster Hesh, Muprhy spends the entire episode tooling around in his “Muprh Mobile” trying to find the pro shop. As a result it’s basically 11 glorious minutes of Harry Goz going absolutely mental as muprhy, and it is as great as that sounds. From Muprhy’s sudden hatred of pod 6, to his bullying of Eggers, a hapless sealabian he runs into and then tries to run over, his bullying of dolphin boy and then trying to run him over, to his compuance as eggers steals his stuff and then his muprh mobile, it’s just glorious riffing from one of the best in the buisness and Harry is still deeply fucking missed by yours truly. RIP you magificent stalion. 
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7. Cavemen One of the series final episodes, and easily one of it’s best. While the later Seasons get some flack. While season 3 is a bit weak,a s Goz’ tragic passing left them stumbling, Season 4/5... it’s complicated, is REALLY damn good and has some of the series finest episodes which many probably never saw. Case in point, Cavemen.  Cavemen is another spirtual sequel this time to lost in time, which also didn’t make the list, but this one is also better. Like LIT, it focuses on one of the series best dynamics: Brainy super scientest and often only sane man Dr. Quinn and all around idiot, moron and bane of everyone’s existance, Stormy, played by Brett Butler and Ellis Henican, both of who nail the two and this episode. The two are trapped in a cave after Stormy’s stupidity blew up sealab, and his trail of dead rabbits lead a shark to him and quinn. The result is a TON of great back and forth as Stormy tries to make Quinn see him as his best friend, Quinn rightfully shouts at Stormy for... everything, and Stormy tries to show off some ancient cave painting she himself made, that quinn quickly figures out because he left his paint around, and shows that off in a very clever gag I can’t convey correctly here. We also get knife fights and Quinn beating stormy over the head with a dead rabbit, an da surprisingly solem ending where the two hold hands as they die before heading up to heaven for a happy and weird ending. Overall an episode that’s really hard to dive into as it’s just relaly damn good and all in the performances, gags and pacing, as it’s done entirely in real time. Easily worth a watch. 
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6. Shrabster Another great late season episode and another really experimental one. This one’s told from back to front, then we’re given the ending. It ends up working really well as it not only jacks up interest but the story itself is great. Asj it ends up turning out over the episode Dr. Quinn’s created the solution to world hunger: The shrabster, a hybrid of crab, shrimp and lobster. Grizzlebees, naturally wants it and after finding out Sparks didn’t actually own the rights, have Shanks, muprhy’s replacement, try and steal it, only for him to fall in love with the creature and spirit it away to give it a better life.. before shooting it in the end and eating it himself. We also get some good runners as Sparks starts speaking in slang and gets his neck rightfully snapped for it by Quinn, Stormy keeps eating shellfish despite being allergic, and we get the glory that is dan and don, two grizzlebees reperceives played by reed and thompson who are just an utter delight. I also ALMOST forgot the fucking announcer whose just fucking hilaroius the whole damn time with his various segways. 
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5. HappyCake An early classic and damn worthy with a simple, batshit premise, which as should be clear by now was Sealab’s Bread and Butter. Muprhy’s happycake oven has been stolen, so he sends Stormy (who knows about the captain’s bedwetting and thus must be silenced) Quinn and a fishman out to find it in the ocean. Turns out it’s Sparks, in a character defining episode, fault as he’s working on world domination, and thus is working on driving murphy insane and thus stole it. He and marco discuss Marco becoming his henchman and getting metal teeth, Muprhy goes nuts, it’s a damn good time. Also a lot of talk of Michael Cain so that’s always a plus now I know who he is. And of course it has one of the series best lines period “Pudding can’t help the void inside” but it’ll help. Only this low because i’ts a bit structually messy compared to what’s to come and given it beat out two really damn good structurally episodes for this slot, that should say something. 
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4. Hail Squishface! No best of list would be complete without this one. Once again the show banks itself on a simple premise: Captain Muprhy buys a white blob, a gloop, from a vendor and gives it liquor and gremlins style his little buddy multiplies and he soon gives them out to the crew. Everyon’es on board except Quinn.. whos naturally proven right ot be suspicious as the gloops methane output will doom them all and only muprhy, whose gone insane and is wearing squishface like a fez as you’d expect, wants them alive leading to what you’d expect: a flamethrower battle between muprhy and the crew with murphy decked out like a transformer.  This one’s just endlessly creative, from the various glooptransformations to the finale to the gags, i’ts just great. The fart gags are also.. actually pretty funny, which given i’m not a fart gag guy most of the ttime, speaks to how well executed they are and use the gags of htem being fart machines. Also we get muprhy in a fez and that alone cements it as top 5 matieral.. but as for the top 3. 
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3. Moby Sick
Our last late season entry and the third to last episode of the show ever, this is top 3 for a reason, even above a classic like Hail Squishface. This one just has so many insane jokes packed in I forget quite a few despite them all being pretty damn great.  The premise is dour: A whale named Avalard shows up in Sealab wanting to die, as he has whale cancer. Stormy recognizes him as the star of the show “Gotta Have that Dick”, even saying “I gotta have that dick!”.. which of course they have a loop of ellis saying in the credits he correctly assumes will haunt him for the rest of his days. And if a whale starring in a cheesy 90′s tgif sitcom wasn’t enough we get the best gag of the episode as Marco eats some of avalard’s whale cancer leading to an insnae kool aid style add
And of course Marco later puts on a Mayor F Whale outfit and eats the cancer.. and his way out of avalard. But before that we get fights over wether the whale should die or not, including the guy on the pro whale side stabbing him, Debby’s rambling nosense and Shanks, who first builds a wooden whale to put his brain in .. that promptly sinks “and all my puppies were in there!” and then goes on a far right pundit show and gets into a giant robot phsyical challenge.. which frankly we need more of. Tucker Carlson would be .0001 percent more tolerbale if he were getting his ass kicked in a gundam is what i’m saying. 
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2. Feast of Alvis I’ll be brief here, which in an article where i’m already trying to be brief says a lot but since I JUST covered this one a few weeks ago for my best holiday special lists: Feast of Alvis is, like most of sealab, deeply creative, deeply batshit and deply fun as Muprhy pushes his violent frontier version of jesus on everyone, with predicably great results. I watch it every year for damn good reason, it has some of the series best gags, including “Cram a penny o nthere” And great satire about the supposed “War on christmas”. I’m only being so breif as I said pretty much all I had to say last time. Exxcept this: Adam Reed is a DAMN talented voice actor both as virjay (though in hindishgt he REALLY shoudln’t of been playing a hindu man, especially since otherwise the series actually cast poc), and in various rolls and kills it as alvis here. So what could top one of my faviorites? Wellll.
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1. Chickmate Another early one and as should be clear the best. It incapsulates the series the best, has the funniest jokes packed into it’s 11 minutes and in general is just an outstanding episode that throughly defined the cast and their rolls and chemistry.  Debbie’s biological clock is ticking and she wants to have a baby, and after mothering a dolphin dosen’t help decides one of the sealab men will be the father and auditions them. It goes as well as you’d expect: Muprhy thought she’d become his mommy, and not in a kinky way, Sparks provides one of the series best gags by giving her a modest proposal by jonathan twist and giving us the utter black comedy joy of him describing “ribs dripping off the bone”, Stormy’s tape gets interrupted by Hesh who clasically screams “Hesh wants some sex”, Marco freaks her out with his muscles and quinn seems sucessful before ultimately botching it and Debbie decides none of htem are worth it. We also get stormy’s untieontally racist and throughly stupid use of the term “Black debbie” to describe the other debbie, which he gets rightfully called out on. We also get this exchange as a result Quinn: What if everyone started calling you white stormy? Stormy: You mean there’s a .. black stormy Quinn: (Beat to take in the stupidity) no. 
It’s funny, it’s clever, and it’s just damn fun. Easily the series best outing and the reason it became what it became. And overall.. the series is just really good. it’s on HBO Max if your curious, and if you haven’t vistied that lab underneath the sea. maybe i’ts time to. Goodbye, Goodbye, goodbye for now, until then.. play us out marco and debbie. 
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calsgirll · 4 years
Brows - Calum Hood Fluff
Calum Hood X Reader
word count: 909
authors note: I just had this idea of doing Cals eyebrows after looking at his insta and seeing how big and bushy they are🥺I've been having bad writers block for a while but when I thought of this idea I couldn't stop writing. I know the endings kinda shitty but I wanna save smut till I have more of a plot idea❤️
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You and Calum were best friends and always have been since you where babies and like I mean “there’s photos of you guys together in the bath as toddlers” close. It was a usual night for you both relaxing on the couch, eating snacks and watching a movie. You had recently just moved into Calum’s apartment from Aus because you couldn’t deal with the long distance friendship thing and he had a spare room for you to move into so you both thought why not.
“Cal has anyone told you your eyebrows are super bushy” you say snapping him out of his gaze at the corny romance movie you insisted you both watched “what? that’s so mean y/n” he says now sporting a fake pout and puppy dog eyes looking your way, you smile moving closer to him inspecting his facial features “no seriously I’d kill for them brows but you need to groom them or something there a tad unruly” you laugh as his face contorts into a grimace as if it’s the worst thing you could’ve said to him at that moment “can you do them for me?” he asks staring into your eyes waiting for an answer “yeah sure I need my tweezers though” you tell him while getting up to go search for the small grey bag that contains your brow care essentials.
You plop downstairs and see Calum laying on the floor with a pillow under his head and a bowl full of ice next to him “hey Cal what’s the ice for bud?” you ask with an eyebrow raised “I thought you put it on your eyebrows before you tweeze them so it doesn’t hurt?” he says looking up at you with an inquisitive look on his face “no you just tweeze them it doesn’t hurt too bad I promise” you say sitting down on the floor behind him placing  the pillow on your lap for him to lie back down on, he gets comfy and stares up and you expectantly as you start brushing his brows with a spoolie “you ready?” you ask as your hand hovers over his forehead with the tweezers he nods and closes his eyes “can you countdown before you do it just so I know when its coming?” you giggle slightly at what he said “sure Cal its not gonna hurt though” you say amused at how afraid he is of something girls go through almost daily “okay 3,2..” you pluck a hair out and almost immediately he jumps up holding his hand to his eye “oh my god you told me it wouldn’t hurt and you didn’t even get to 1” you burst out laughing “dude your such a guy its crazy” you manage to get out while still laughing, you see him crack a smile at your amusement “you’re never doing that to me again” he says laying his head back down on your lap “why are you laying back down then” you ask puzzled “I don’t know its just comfy I guess” he says. You check the time on your phone its almost 3am “Cal its late” you say abit uncomfortable with the man in front of you laying on your lap with his body spread out across the floor only wearing a thin pair of basketball shorts and mismatched socks.
You started running you fingers through his short blonde hair as he opens his eyes and gazes up at you, you sigh as his chocolate brown eyes meet yours “your kinda beautiful you know” you whisper to him almost not wanting him to hear you “so are you, especially from this angle” he speaks up to you with an entertained look on his face. He starts sitting up and sits next to you leaning against the couch behind you “I’m serious you know y/n you’re actually really beautiful” He says his face now completely serious. His face is dangerously close to yours that you’re almost breathing his air. He starts to lean closer and before you know it his lips are smashed against yours. You lean into the kiss it wasn’t slow or drawn out it was needy and fast as if this had been a long time coming, which it had but that’s not something you wanted to say right now in case it ruined the moment. The fast paced kisses started to turn into sloppy, more reckless ones as you both started to get pretty heated you swung your legs over his straddling him but ruined the moment by sticking your foot right into the bowl of melted ice which was now just water and left you with a soggy sock. Calum just burst out laughing as you climbed off him to remove the sopping piece of clothing off of your foot. “I guess that’s that over for the night then” you smiled at him as he pulled you into his torso with his arm slung around you “our moms are gonna be happy” Calum says smirking down at you “I heard they’ve got a bet going on to see how long it would take for something like that to happen between us”. You smile slightly at his comment knowing how true it was and how long your moms have been wanting you guys together “we can continue this tomorrow after we talk about what just happened” you say leaning on his shoulder “we sure can” Calum says kissing your head.
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 4 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 4
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings For this Chapter: Mainly language I think
AN: Check out my Patreon to get access to this and other fics before they come to Tumblr!
Song for this Chapter: Starman by David Bowie
Dean’s Apartment
Austin, TX
Dean awoke to the sound of someone bowing before the porcelain throne. He reached over for (Y/n) and his eyes snapped open when her side was empty. Throwing the covers off himself he rushed to the bathroom and knocked softly on the door.
“(Y/n), sweetheart, you ok in there?” he called out.
He could hear the faint sounds the the toilet flushing and the faucet running before the door opened. (Y/n) stumbled out of the bathroom and groaned.
“Never let me drink blue long islands ever again!” she moaned.
Dean had the brilliant Idea to head to the store and make her some mixed drinks as he cooked for the three of them. (Y/n) and Dean pushed Sam to stay longer and eat and rest some more. Dean chuckled softly as he helped (Y/n) with the bottle of aspirin and a glass of water.  
“But you’re all cute and snuggly when you’re drunk,” Dean teased as he kissed her head. “So, hangover cure for breakfast?”
“Yes please,” (Y/n) moaned, “With lots and lots of bacon!”
“That’s my girl,” Dean winked at her. He looked at Sam out on the balcony, talking on an ugly cell phone. He was pacing back and forth, seeming to satisfy his need to be moving. (Y/n) looked over at him.
“Still can’t stay still?” (Y/n) asked with a laugh. Dean chuckled.
“Guess he can’t,” Dean breathed as he placed the finished meal in front of her.
Taking a strip of bacon, (Y/n) moaned as she took a bite, “all hail the king of bacon!” she sighed.
Sam took that moment to walk in and smiled.
“Thanks for letting me crash, I um… It was nice,” Sam smiled as he sat by (Y/n). “I really need to get back to Houston though. We don’t have much time.”
“Ok, well you need breakfast first!” Dean placed a plate in front of Sam, “Not sure what they are feeding you in NASA, but you look thin.”
“I don’t really get to eat much. Maybe one meal a day.” Sam admitted. Dean frowned a little, but Sam didn’t seem to notice. “So Dean, if you don’t come with me back to Houston, I’m going to have to take your spot on the shuttle and…” Dean raised his hand to stop him.
“I’m coming,” Dean chuckled, “on the condition that you eat.” Dean crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at his brother.
(Y/n) gave a small smirk and a wink at Dean as he placed a plate in front of Sam.
“Now, are you going to eat? Or are we going to do this like when we were kids?” Dean leaned on the counter and gave Sam a smile.  
“I don’t need the airplane trick.” Sam laughed. He ate his bacon and smiled some. It was nice having a home cooked meal. The last time he had had one was before his and Jessica’s relationship got rocky. “Thanks man. This was good.”
“OK,” (Y/n) stretched abit, “You two have a good trip,” She grabbed her empty plate and placed it in the sink. “I’m going to finish packing the rest of the stuff here and head to my apartment to pack.”
“It was great seeing you (Y/n).” Sam kissed her cheek. “Hopefully next time, you have more clothes.” He chuckled some. “You know, you can come with us if you want.”
“I don’t know Sam, I might be in the way,” (Y/n) gave him a quick hug before disappearing into the room.
“Dean, she’s welcome to come. I think she’d have fun.” Sam smiled at him.
“Yeah, and she could keep me distracted from Dad,” Dean breathed. “I’ll pack up the Impala and be on the road in five, I just have to convince her to come with me.”
“Okay I’m going to go ahead and get going. I’ve got a few things to oversee and stuff. And I’m good to go for another 48 hours at least.” He smiled. “I’ll see you in Houston.” Sam left then, heading to his car. Dean made his way to the bedroom and wrapped his arms around (Y/n).
“Babe, come with me.” Dean mumbled, kissing her. “It can be like a little vacation. Once I get those nerds trained, we can go have some fun before this big scary asteroid hits.” He chuckled a little. He didn’t know just how big it was.
“Dean,” (Y/n) sighed, “I don’t know,” She wrapped her arms around his neck, “I have a lot to do here and at my apartment and we …. oh no… don’t give me the puppy look please.”
“Please.” Dean said, giving her that look that made her melt. “We’ll have plenty of time to pack up. And we can always hire movers to help.”
(Y/n) placed her forehead against his taking his his scent, leather, whiskey, and the rig. “Fine,” she gave in, “But the minute, and I mean the minute I am in the way… I am coming straight back here, go it?”
“Okay, but you won’t be in the way.” He smiled at her. “Promise.”
Houston, Texas
“This place is trippy.” Ash said, looking around at the room. “Are we under arrest or something?”
“I’ve dealt with my fair share of cops mate,” Ketch explained. “And they wouldn’t have sent John by himself to get us.”
“Plus, we’re at NASA.” Garth added. Benny set there silently by John, looking around. The door opened then and Sam walked in, fresh from a quick shower after his trip from Austin.
“Sammy boy!” Ketch laughed. “Good to see you!”
John crossed his arms and shook his head, “I thought Dean would be with you?”
“He’s on his way. He should be here any minute.” Sam told him. “I was told that you had demands though you wanted me to deliver to the directors?”
“Yeah, we uh, wrote them down.” Ash handed sam a piece of paper. Sam scanned it.
“You want a stripper party before the launch?” Sam asked. “Let me guess, Ash?”
“Hey man, I got needs.” Ash said. “And my needs are for some hot, half naked ladies in my lap.”
John placed his head in his hands and groaned, as he heard the demands. He gave an apologetic look to Sam. However, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the imagination of his employees.
“Ketch wants a jet made out of gold,” Sam sighed. “Ketch, we can’t make a jet out of gold.”
“I am a man of refined taste,” he smiled and gave Ash a high five.  
“Benny wants an island in the Pacific?” Sam asked at him and Benny just shrugged.
“I want a place to launch my fishing boats from.” Benny explained.
“Garth wants marijuana to be legal.” Sam sighed. “Dad...wants a key to the Playboy mansion…”
“That’s right John, up top!” Ash said, raising his hand for a high five but just got a glare from John, so Ash slowly lowered it.
“And none of you ever want to pay taxes again. Ever.” Sam smiled a bit. “I’ll see what I can do.” Charlie came in then, smiling awkwardly at everyone.
“Uh, Sam, there’s a guy claiming to be your brother here.” She told him. Sam smiled.
“I’ll take these to Director Singer. I’ll be right back.” Sam left the guys sitting in the room. Charlie gave an awkward wave before following him out.
Garth leaned in towards Ash, “are we going to duck and cover when things explode?”
“Hey man, that turtle from childhood taught me all about that.” Ash laughed. “I think I got that mastered.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be in here when Dean and John start taking blows at each other,” Ketch breathed as he sank down in his chair.
“This is why marijuana should be legal.” Garth laughed. “Everyone would be so mellow.”
Sam walked in with Dean and (Y/n) right behind him. Dean sat at the opposite side of the table from John. Sam could just feel the tension in the air.
“Right, so Director Singer is going to come in and brief you all on everything,” Sam told them.
“Good to see you finally made it Dean,” John drawled as he glared at his son.  
“John,” (Y/n) warned.
“Anyone want anything to drink?” Sam asked. “Water, soda, tea, whiskey? God knows I could use that.” Bobby came in then and smiled at Sam.
“Hello gentlemen,” He rubbed his eyes as he walked in, “As you know, we have a bit of a situation that needs to be dealt with.” He took a seat at the head of the table. “Now, you all should have been briefed about the asteroid that is on it’s way towards us.”
“More or less,” John leaned on the table.
“Each day it’s getting closer.” Sam told them. “If we don’t do something soon, then we’re all dead.”
“So, we will send you guys up into space, to help our guys drill onto the surface of the asteroid,” Bobby said as he stood to show them the diagram of the operation.
“Wait, wait. Hold up.” (Y/n) said. “You’re sending them into space?”
“I thought we were just teaching your nerds how to use the drill.” Dean added.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have time for you to teach our… nerds… how to use an enormous power tool,” Bobby drawled. “We are going to train you to go up there with them.”
“Then I’m adding to my demands.” Ash said. “Strippers aren’t just going to cut it.”
“Yes, I believe my gold jet might need a few adjustments,” Ketch added.
“Guys, just calm down.” Sam told them. “It’s not that bad. You don’t have to do spacewalks or anything like that. You’re just drilling, but in space. We’ve set up a zero gravity simulator for you to test it out.”
(Y/n) felt Dean squeeze her thigh. She knew how he felt about flying, and now he was asked to go into space. She could see his eyes focusing on a spot on the table. She leaned in, close to his ear.
“It’s going to be ok,” she whispered before kissing his cheek.
“We’ll be introducing you to the astronaut team after your physicals,” Bobby explained. “Sam will be available if you have any questions. I’m putting him to work on our bomb that we are taking up there.”
Dean stood up and headed to the door grabbing Sam by the collar and taking him outside. Rubbing his hands on his face he took a deep breath.
“When were you going to tell me you were going to put me on a rocket to space?” Dean crossed his arms as he looked at Sam.  
“I thought I told you.” Sam said. “I honestly wasn’t sure if they were going through with it though Dean. I’m sorry.”
“I can’t,” Dean shook his head, “ I can train the guys, but I can’t go up there,” Dean croaked. “Hell, (Y/n) has to practically knock me out to get on a normal plane, or even on the chopper to get on and off the rig.”
“I mean, I can go.” Sam told him. “It won’t be a big deal. I just need you to train them and I can go in your place…”
“Uh, NO! No way,” Dean glared at Sam. “You are going to stay right here, because if anything happens up there…. I know I can count on you to watch (Y/n).”
“Nothing’s going to happen.” Sam said. “But if I go up there instead, you’ll be here to be with her. And you won’t have to worry about the rockets or anything.”
“Yeah Dad would love that idea,” Dean muttered, “I’ll do it… just… you need to stay safe ok.”
“Okay, okay.” Sam patted his shoulder. “I’ll let you and (Y/n) stay at my house while you’re here so you don’t have to do the hotel. And Sadie misses you.” Sam smiled. “I need to get to the testing range for the bomb. You have my cell number.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean sighed, “At least (Y/n) is going to have fun with Sadie….” Dean smiled, “Hey you still have that jacuzzi?”
“Yes but please clean it after you do your nasty thing in there.” Sam sighed.
“What? Us? Do nasty things, in a jacuzzi?” Dean feigned innocence.
“Don’t you remember when Jess and I bought the house and you were in the tub with the next door neighbor?” Sam asked, crossing his arms. “And I think there were some bathing suits missing. And her husband wasn’t exactly happy.”
“Oh… yeah… Let’s not tell (Y/n) about that… that was way before we started going out….” Dean rubbed the back of his neck.
“I won’t. It’ll be a funny story for your bachelor party.” Sam laughed, elbowing Dean. “Anyway, I really gotta go. Call me when your done and I’ll give you the key to the house. I had to have the locks changed after someone broke in.”
“Why am I hearing about this now?” Dean asked.
“You were busy. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.” Sam shrugged and headed towards the bomb range. “We’ll talk more over dinner!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Deam called after him.
John walked out of the room. He froze seeing Dean pacing back and forth. John knew that his son was nervous. If they weren’t fighting, he might have told him a few words to calm down. He wasn’t sure what to say. Dean looked up as he saw his dad.
“Did you know Sam’s house was broken into?” Dean asked, staring down his dad.
“It was no big deal, he handled it,” John crossed his arms.
“It’s Sam!” Dean said. “He’s still my little brother!”
“What do you care? You’re going to be working for Crowley anyways! You’ll be in Louisiana, long gone and away from Sam.” John bellowed.
“Well if someone would realize that me and Sam aren’t the same person, maybe I wouldn’t be going!” Dean yelled back. “I don’t know if I can work with you on this!”
“Well jokes on you, they said I’m too old!” John turned and stormed off, leaving Dean standing there.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278 @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove @princessofthefandomrealm
Armageddon Tags:  @thefaithfulwriter
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Can you please write about a virgo sun/sag moon combo? I don't find it particularly fair that my bf got to examine me under a microscope. Hahaha. 😂😂 And then sent u an anonymous msg to let u know his thoughts and screenshot it to me after he did that. 😅 He needs to be dissected too!!!! 😤😘😏 (Please open him up fully like how u'd eat a fish and remove its bones. Thank u.)- pisces sun/gemini moon gf speaking!!
I promised I’ll do this earlier on today so here I am 💕💕💕 
[Below Cut: Virgo Sun - Sagittarius Moon ☯️]
These people may not seem like they’re excited for anything, but in reality they’re like a kid bouncing and giddy at the thought of seeing their favourite movie
If they’re reaally reaaally nervous they’re the type to not sit still. Would rather pace around, check their phone, bounce their legs-- they do not care if they’re in public thEY’RE NERVOUS
See the thing here is that Virgo has self-preservation, has tact. They feel awkward showing/expressing that they care for something even when they KNOW it’s ok to care or that it’s expected of them to express it outwards.
(They may mumble, or try to not make eye-contact when they know there’s attention/expectations of people on them. It makes them nervous skdjfn) 
The Virgo/Sagittarius person makes for someone who internally would be having a melt-down but is kind of holding it together on the outside fairly well (poker face/functioning on automatic response)
If they’re really really effected, they become completely flustered on the outside (they feel their senses, like heat and sensory stuff would completely overwhelm them and shut down their brains sometimes) 
Embarrassment in particular, is an emotion they’re very familiar with the response to (feels strongly/intensely about-- cringe factor lvl 1000)
This is more to do with Virgo trying to control the main/body and it’s functioning responses. While Sagittarius is unable to process affectionate feelings in anyways besides explosive (earth/fire)
So while they may be having a complete melt down-- note that if you just take a deep breath, steady/meditate the mind to focus on one thought and then look straight in the face of someone else/something. You can gain control/power over the situation by being unexpectedly truthful and straight-forward about your feeling ONCE (1) in your life.
It’ll completely throw other people off-guard as well, all you need is a moment where the tide is turned in order to quickly grab onto the opportunity and slip back into your calm and smooth facade again.
Aaaah these people. They should realize that they’re actually rather sensitive (emotionally) people. Your environment, tension, stress daily behaviour affects you. If you don’t have enough balance and stimulation between all of those-- you may be prone to getting weak, fatigue, sick or vulnerable often.
Best way to do this is to focus on Virgo first-- Virgo is receptive to their environment, it detects tension and that activates it’s nervous nature. In order to help with this, try to NOT suppress -- let the emotion/anxiety be channeled into a concentrating/meditative state where you can think, analyze, feel or organize these things quickly instead.
Like,, it’ll feel like the emotions are overwhelming you and your first instinct is to shut down/push down-- that’s suppressing-- don’t do that (it’ll make you insensitive or unable to recognize emotionality later)
When it overwhelms you, think of it as like being underwater looking up at the water surface. You may have to hold your breath but if you’re underwater then you can be in a state of complete isolation where you’re only in your own head (that feeling) so you’ll have a better time organizing and recognizing feelings/emotions, knowing how they feel and in turn--- being able to let them past and wash over you instead of suppressing them on the first try.
Sounds good? Ok!
Next is Sagittarius Moon. Who is Always going to make it harder for you not to just be like ‘i g2g’ and abscond without your Virgo ‘wait--’ coming at them.
With Sagittarius Moon-- it’s best to balance it by taking pre-cautionary action. Balance is the key. You have to take some alone time and a ‘change in environment’ some what. Being in the same place or with the same people are stressful for you, because you are receptive to their energy and the exterior environment is where you gain your moods/emotional help as well.
Take walks, schedule a time where you can be alone and have time to contemplate or think about stuff. Have time to take in environments, the trees, the birds, anything at all. Recognizing your sensitivity and receptiveness to others in this way, helps you also acknowledge that you are more sensitive than you realize.
(The thing with Virgo/Sagittarius is that they are so dense to their sensitivity sometimes. Like just as sensitive as a Pisces. But they don’t think they are. Geminis are even less sensitive than them. 
The whole point of this is for them to identify the extent of their sensitivity so they can go ‘oh shit I really am that bitch’ and then learn how to accept that as part of their identity. It’ll help them a lot in humanizing themselves, and being ok with NOT being awkward expressing emotions/vulnerabilities as well. )
 You can’t-- however, walk away from a situation/confrontational fight by changing your environment. Technically you can, and it’ll help you with calming down a lot. But the whole point of this is a release of your inner tension, your internal emotions you may have kept bottled up. You are delicate and very sensitive, yet you don’t allow yourself to get in touch with your femininity as well. (Or rather, everyone has feminine/masculine sides to them. But Virgo/Sagittarius are more used to/prone to exerting their ‘masculine’ side that their feminine side gets completely ignored/swallowed up by it) ---Make sure to check yourself.
These people are generally very considerate-- with Virgo wanting to help others productively/practical things and Sagittarius being a generous sign. These people may have an abundance of personal popularity from others flocking to them (as healers) -- but watch that these people who flock to you aren’t going to take advantage of you (especially since you have loyalty, and be reluctant to doubt those you’ve already committed yourself to) nor getting into bad situation/habits because you don’t want to leave them.
Virgo/Sagittarius people also make for someone who’s quite thoughtful, often has acute minds and able to bring big ideas into smaller details.
They are cautious somehow-- yet also exasperatedly terrible at keeping it completely serious. It’s like when they thought the moment is ‘too stressful’ they have this need to ‘lighten’ the atmosphere-- which can be good, but also bad. 
Because if the situation is ‘heavy’ and needs a confrontational style of approach-- they can be triggered into running away form it again (has to find an escape route ready, can be prone to redirecting or averting attention away from then in confrontations-- something they may need to work on in accepting criticism about themselves especially. ) 
These people would rather show you through action and demonstration, than their words which can sometimes be too heavy/burdensome for them to bear. Despite being a Mercury sign, Virgo native are quite awkward and timid (shy) inside as well. 
Virgo/Sagittarius combination has large pools of tolerance, patience and methodical approach to others. Yet they can also be impulsive, striking out or acting out when they feel like they’ve been ‘cooped’ up for too long.
Finding balance--- again, between getting in touch with both your feminine and masculine nature is good for you. Yin and yang, this will help you further since your Sagittarius is idealistic, and Virgo is pragmatic. In figuring out the bigger scope of your self-development. And that is to become something with your life, no?
You have passion, but you have no where to put them. You have the willingness to work hard, but what for. Only by stabilizing yourself can you figure out how to tie these two things together in a way that doesn’t distinguish each other’s significance. You don’t have to sacrifice anything, either your fire moon or your earth sun. You just have to learn how to let it work best intertwined with each other (united as your strength)
If impulsivity is your issue, then integration of fire x earth and understanding your reason for impulsivity-- your sensitivity is your cure.
Do you see what i mean? It’s more than just meets the eye with you. if you have trouble with something, it’s coming from your inner depth that you’re out of touch with.
Not anyone can take you/help you with soul-searching, but you can definitely learn and grow from others who are more in-touch with themselves than you are (especially Pisces)
(one last note: you may find it hard to NOT express your opinions/beliefs and may be too straight-forward about it sometimes. This might compromise your considerate nature abit. Make sure to keep in mind that you ARE considerate, so that you can act like it and maybe hold your tongue a little. If you feel uncomfortable with it--- good, that means you have more soul-searching to do!🐝)
That’s it!! 💕💕 Ahh I hope this is helpful and I hope you got something out of it?? If it sounds like something you might not be familiar with....I hope you can give it a few more reads later on in life and maybe reflect on it a lil anyways 💕 
sdkjnkdngfknksknf im glad to help you out and get you this analysis so you can roast your boyfriend 💕 I feel like (to the gf) if you can help him with this too, it’ll be really nice for both of you since you may have a productive avenue to exert some of your pisces/gemini energy into as well 💕
Good luck!! 💕💕💕 
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embexen · 5 years
Possible Venom/Spiderman Game Idea??
Ok so. First of all.. This ain't legit or anything but I just had to throw this wild idea out there. I don't wanna have any arguements or stupidity over this one post I make cause I don't like arguing. I really believe I had this idea ever since I found out that they were pulling SpiderMan from the MCU and I was so excited to see him in extra movies and to see him in a possible crossover movie. I wanted to see Tom Holland and Tom Hardy in the same scene.. Darn you Disney!
I had a totally crazy dream where they made a Venom game. This game wasn't based on the movie though..
So here is the plotline my friends.
Eddie Brock who would be voiced by our amazing Tom Hardy would continue working as Venom and keeping his identity secret as he continues working on reporting news.
Over time our lovely venom symbiote has an internal conflict with themselves about if they should've killed Riot or not as they continue patrolling through the city until they encounter a popular Marvel character.
You guessed who they would've encountered. The one and only..
Felicia Hardy!! AKA, Black Cat!! (Spidey will come in soon don't worry believers) :>
So now that I'm awake I decided to edit this part of the dream cause most dreams skip certain scenes for me ;^;
So since this would be their first encounter with a female enemy (cause I don't believe I saw any female villains in the Venom Movie nor would I think they would've encountered one before this game) I feel like Venom would try and attack her before Ed comes in saying a quote into our first cutscene
Eddie: "Wait she's a woman you can't hit her!"
Venom: "So?!"
Eddie: "It's unmanly of us."
Venom: "She's robbing the store Eddie and we've patrolled for months. She knew we would've came after her sooner or later!"
Of course Eddie would want to be the voice of reason but as Venom whips her with his.. Symbiote Whip? Screw it I am calling it the SymWhip!
She dodges so quickly but with a serious expression on her as she paces herself and continues stealing jewelry from the store. Before she leaves she introduces herself as Black Cat. Venom is furious as Eddie is trying to process the information and think how she is so capable of being so quick on her feet and escape Venom.
Next morning. Eddie is having some chocolate and beer. Oh my bad. Some good ol water in his home as Venom is still slightly peeved about how Cat escaped from them.
Eddie soon recognizes in the newspaper how their seems fo be a new webswinger in town.
Now we at a golden point boys.
The cutscene soon cuts to spiderman who was thrown into this world by like a wormhole or some sort of magic.
Our boi Tom Holland swings into action!!
He questions how he got here again and recollect his memory of fighting a villain or trying to turn off a machine and being sent to this dimension after successfully doing so.
So you start swinging around as Spiderman for the day. Fighting criminals for a week or so and looking into clues on where you could be until you also meet Black Cat as Spidey. Due to this being farther into the game after you got the hang of Venom and now Spidey you get your first chance to fight her and she doesn't seem so easy. She strikes from above and uses gadgets to mess with our web swinging hero.
Once you defeat her though she mentions some sort of work she is doing for Kingpin and how he wouldnt be happy she lost (which would be a perfect boss since he is filthy rich and has more control of the city)
So now you can alternate between Spider-Man and Venom.
One timeskip later and Venom and Spiderman meet. You can choose how you encounter eachother due to the character pick option you can do in-game.
In the end after you both fight you figure out about Kingpin and both decide to form an alliance and take him on.
On the way there Felicia comes in the way. Spider-Man decides to take her on and you go onto the tower to find and fight Kingpin.
You beat Felicia as Spidey and she books it.
The scene alternates to Venom and confronting Kingpin.
He introduces his ultimate weapon on defeating you. Anti-Venom. He is fused with Kletus aka Carnage and you both begin to fight.
Though it seems like you were winning Felicia comes in an attacks you with a sonic weapon.
Both Venom and Anti-Venom were hurt and Anti-Venom leaves Kletus but not before saying "Need.. Better Host.." and bonds to Felicia.
Symbiote Felicia defeats Kingpin as he was still in shock about Anti-Venom separating from Kassady.
Venom soon recovers abit from the sonic attack and both Felicia and Venom have a fight on the rooftop. She is very powerful and it seemed like all hope was lost till Spiderman swooped in. You play as Venom and try to reach to help yet Venom and Eddie are both very tired from the previous fight, yet struggle with all their might. Once you enter the broken wall building you find Spiderman against the wall and Felicia soon attacks you once more.
Venom falls to the floor and sees her turning Spiderman into a symbiote minion. Spider- Crawler. Incapable of speech or the will to fight part of anti-venom. Spiderman is forced into combat with Eddie Brock and Venom. With all their might the two fought until Venom gained the upper hand. With the defeat of Spider-Crawler, Venom takes in the Anti-Venom and becomes more powerful.
This is when my dream stopped cause I have life to get up to and do things. So the ending is more fun and extra game content ideas would be cool. Though this idea may never happen, but to share for the world would be totally cool to me.
Thank you for taking the time to read!!
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jungblue · 6 years
Lol I’m actually scared to have sex or even do any penetrative masturbation. Which is okay. Actual sex is not something that’s gonna happen for a long time. I’m 20 and haven’t had a first kiss too 😂😂 I’m also scared to get drunk.
that’s okay. sex can seem scary. you being completely bare in front of someone when you’ve never done that is understandably nerve wracking. just take everything at your own pace and do what you’re comfortable with. as for the penetrative masturbation that’s totally your decision. i would say that there’s nothing to be scared of, but if it’s not something that you want to do then that’s perfectly fine! and eh getting drunk isn’t for everyone. it’s very easy to lose a handle on yourself if your overdo it. so it’s not something you need to do if you don’t want to!
Anonymous said: I just want to say you are a HUGE help from all this sex talk you are giving and that helps a lot coming from a virgin who doesn’t know a lot about sex but I would like to ask if it’s true for your first time that you would probably bleed and hurts a lot? or there just exaggerating from saying that so you wouldn’t lose your virginity at a young age?
i’m glad it can be a bit helpful! but as for your question, no it’s not supposed to be like that. if you’re properly aroused and there’s foreplay involved beforehand it shouldn’t be this life-ending pain that movies and stuff like to describe it as. it might be uncomfortable certainly bc most won’t be used to the stretch that’s going to happen, it’s nothing awful. as for the blood, i won’t say that there won’t be bleeding. personally i’ve had one incident where i bled during sex (and this was years into me being sexually active). the thing was i wasn’t hurting at all. like it felt good and i didn’t even notice until the guy said something. i was freaked out obviously bc it wasn’t my period, so i went to the doctor and they said that everything was fine. it was just being stretched a bit further than i’d usually been that did it. so you might experience bleeding. but the pain is definitely something that shouldn’t be fought through just bc you think that it’s how it’s supposed to feel bc it isn’t 
Anonymous said: This is kind of a funny sex story that I actually oddly feel comfortable telling you. Well, I had sex with my boyfriend and was very tired afterwards and really just didnt want to do anything okay? And I look up at him and tell him I have to pee and he laughs and we start talking about something until he remembers what I told him and I completely forgot until he literally pushed me out of the bed and said "go pee you beautiful human you!" 😂😂 -mognut anon
aww that’s really cute though! uh i hate the fact that you have to pee after sex. like the human anatomy is really fucking up my cuddle time lol
Anonymous said: ive had girls come up to me and tell me they had a lot of sex with a guy but didnt cum and i ask them if they masturbate and they dont? I feel its important to let girls kno exploring their bodies and knowing what they like helps them communicate the things they like during sex with their partners. I used to also believe that penises would magically make me cum but you really have to let the other person know what you like for them to hit that good!
yeah i think that letting yourself relax is a big part of being able to orgasm regardless of if you’re doing it yourself or actually having sex. which masturbating is the perfect practice for this bc you’re alone and there’s no pressure. you can learn so much about your body by masturbating concerning what you enjoy, to which you can then convey to your partner. i do think that it would be difficult to achieve an orgasm during sex in front of another person when you haven’t learned to relax and let it happen while you’re alone. not impossible of course, but it would certainly be easier if you already knew what you enjoyed beforehand
Anonymous said: i honestly have no idea why im even saying this but i have like,, a super high sexual drive and am constantly masturbating (ik tmi) and i read a whole lot of smut,, but when ive been given the chance to actually have sex, which has happened a couple of times,, i kinda, shut down?? idk if that makes any sense. i basically stop everything and tell them that i can't have sex with them and that kinda scares me,, like, am i broken or smth?
oh no please don’t think that about yourself! i promise that’s actually very normal. porn, smut, ect are all very contained. you experience that in your own privacy, which is completely different than opening yourself up to a person during sex. i promise that what you’re experiencing is completely fine. you don’t have to force yourself to be intimate with someone just bc you feel as though that’s what you should do. take your time and wait until you’re comfortable with the idea!
Anonymous said: omg i read through all the “sex” questions and omg i feel so much better about myself. i had a question though, i tried to finger myself once but it didn’t do anything it literally just felt like a tampon or a diva cup. what do i do? bc i’ve never been able to finish other than with like clit simulation
well most girls don’t get off from penetration alone actually, so the fact that you’ve only ever been able to get off from clitoral stimulation is completely normal and actually more common. it’s perfectly plausible that you just don’t enjoy self-penetration. but as a tip i used to also be this way until i started stimulating my gspot and that was how i eventually started reaching orgasms via penetration. you just have to rub against the front of your vaginal wall against the spot that a lot of people describe as uneven or ridgy. just make sure you’re decently aroused beforehand and experiment with different motions until it’s you find one that works for you!
Anonymous said: Honestly can u explain to me what squirting really is ?? Like i read it and i kinda know it but also abit lost about it !! Help
i mean i personally have never squirted, so the only info i have is also just from what you read online and stuff. and from those sources it’s usually just described as a combo of female ejaculate (it comes from some gland or something but i can’t remember) and urine. it’s usually happens when you stimulate the gspot
Anonymous said: hey! you’re so sweet to answer all these questions! i wanted to ask how exactly to shave down there. bc it like grows everywhere and i’m so scared to go anywhere with my razor lol 
Anonymous said: I've tried every trick for shaving, but I get so many ingrown hairs. Like my hair, even just on my legs, doesn't seem to be meant to be shaved. I like the shaved feeling but it's almost not worth the tons of ingrown hairs. The only way I can avoid them is using an electric razor, but of course that doesnt do a completely clean, smooth shave.
shaving can be tricky bc sometimes it seems you can follow all the steps that anyone tells you and the razor burn still happens. there are tons of youtube videos on this actually if you want to go look those up. but as a general run though lots of them will tell you to get a good razor (one with lots of blades. the more blades the smoother the shave and the less it catches the skin), shave in the direction of the hair follicle. also this is just from personal experience, but after you shave you might itch really badly down there. i know it’s tempting but don’t do it. you’re gonna be covered in razor bumps right after if you itch it. so just try to fight through that lol
Anonymous said: Honestly I think I started getting sexual urges pretty late bc I didn't start getting turned on until I was 17 and even then it was super hard, but I just figured out what worked for me. I'm a virgin now and only one person from my group of friends isn't and they're not pressuring me or anything but I just feel kind of left out you know? It just feels like a right of passage that everyone (and that one person) is experiencing except me. I'm going to Uni in 2019 and I'm kinda worried about it lol
i understand that there’s definitely a pressure to experience sex, especially when everyone around you is, but i promise it isn’t something that you should feel the need to rush into. everyone is different and goes at their own pace. sex changes nothing about who you are as a person. just do what makes you comfortable!
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curutquit · 3 years
Rattatoulle. Fast-paced and stunningly animated, Ratatouille adds another delightfully entertaining. Зарубежные, полнометражные. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд, Ян Пинкава. В ролях: Пэттон Освальт, Иэн Холм, Лу Романо и др. Добрый, семейный и комедийный м��льтфильм. Язык: RU. Ratatouille movie reviews & Metacritic score: Despite his sensational sniffer and sophisticated palate, Remy's dreams of becoming a chef seem hopeless due to. Ratatouille initially seems to be used merely as a double meaning title; however, it later carries significance as the meal.
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Hey everyone, it is John, welcome to my recipe page. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, rattatoulle. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Fast-paced and stunningly animated, Ratatouille adds another delightfully entertaining. Зарубежные, полнометражные. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд, Ян Пинкава. В ролях: Пэттон Освальт, Иэн Холм, Лу Романо и др. Добрый, семейный и комедийный мультфильм. Язык: RU. Ratatouille movie reviews & Metacritic score: Despite his sensational sniffer and sophisticated palate, Remy's dreams of becoming a chef seem hopeless due to. Ratatouille initially seems to be used merely as a double meaning title; however, it later carries significance as the meal.
Rattatoulle is one of the most favored of recent trending foods in the world. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It's enjoyed by millions every day. They are nice and they look wonderful. Rattatoulle is something that I've loved my whole life.
To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have rattatoulle using 14 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Rattatoulle:
{Get 2 cups of Boiled beans.
{Get of Assorted bell peppers.
{Get 2 of medium tomatoes.
{Get 2 of medium Onions.
{Make ready 2 of carrots.
{Get 2 of courgettes.
{Prepare 1 cup of french beans.
{Make ready 2 tbsp of cooking oil.
{Take 1 tbsp of Tomato paste.
{Take 100 ml of tomato sauce.
{Take 1 pc of chilli fresh.
{Prepare to taste of salt.
{Take 1 tbsp of grated garlic n ginger.
{Prepare 1 pc of beef/ chicken cube...optional.
Steps to make Rattatoulle:
Clean all your vegetables n chop/ dice them into cubes/ Diamond shape. Set them aside. For tomatoes kindly ignore the inside part of it but don't throw it away. just chop it well..
In a frying pan/ sufuria, add cooking oil n heat it abit. Add onions n cook them till almost brown..
Add the chopped tomatoes n abit of green pepper..
Add salt, garlic, beef / chicken cube, green fresh chilli n mix well..
Add tomato paste then boiled beans as u mix..
Reduce the heat n cook on low heat for 10 mins..
Add your diced carrots still cooking on low heat..
Mix your tomato sauce/ ketchup with some water n make a good paste..
Add it to your beans n bring them to boil..
Add all the other diced mixed vegetables apart from tomatoes..
Cook for only 5 mins then add tomatoes. No over cooking..
Put off the heat immediately after adding tomatoes n cover your meal for few minutes. Can sprinkle some dhania at this point if you have it..
Serve when ready n enjoy it with some Rice or chapos..
So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional food rattatoulle recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm sure you will make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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deacahya · 5 years
Hey! March 3rd
This kinda week i feel abit introv and off. Dunno what the reason. It just nice to spend my slow pace life and more closer to my small circle. The circle that not asking or complaining too much about me.
I'm little back off from the friendship that i have to try a lot ( buying their product, gift giving every month, try to be okay to listen a harsh comment about me that only leads to insecurity, try to be dress up really pretty and not be myself). Honestly, i'm just tired to be someone i'm not for gaining friends or anything. To fake it, about "oh, i'm okay, chill bro" but IJUST CAN'T CHILL and thats's exhausted.
Friends come and go, like the old days. Nothing worry about. Right now i'm just spend my days with music and movie. Take my time , be the whole version of myself. Don't overthink, just let the time flows. Calm.
I want to go abroad or holiday to somewhere alone. See the photo of my last holiday, really miss it. Sydney really brings thousand memories. That is my 1st alone holiday btw. And i know myself more that time. And suddelny i wanna be photographer (?).
But since the corona viris is on hype , better at home 😭
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bowsandcandles · 7 years
Flying Fry-pans
It’s admittedly been a tough week as I approach the two week mark of quitting cigarettes later this week. Yesterday I got so frustrated at the fact that dad had eaten my beans that I snapped into this blind rage and started throwing cookware all over my kitchen while screaming and crying. After pacing the house crying for a while longer I abandoned the messy kitchen and drove to maccas for dinner instead. Somehow after my intense breakdown I felt kind of better like I’d gotten something off of my chest. My new male co-worker gave me a sympathetic look when I got into work later and put his hand on my shoulder like he knew I’d had a rough day. Im anxious that I’ve had my shifts knocked down to one a week. I’m stressed I wont get my four assignments all finished before the deadline. Im frustrated with my lack of free of time and how messy the house is. And I’m breaking down. To help myself through it all I have been watching a movie every night and reviewing it over facebook which has been fun at least. My parents are helping me with money yet I’m still losing my sleep over it all. I’ve also been put on placement at a high school on the outskirts of Melbourne quite a commute from where I live which is seriously annoying. So again more stress and more anxiety to have to deal with. Yesterday my best friend/old housemate spontaneously came over and we had this amazing talk. We could just sort of relate to one another alot because of our anxieties and the kinda thoughts you get in your head and such. There’s been a few great friends supporting me through the past week which has severely helped me through everything. One of those people has surprisingly been my ex boyfriend. Another one is a new guy friend I have which I think I sorta have an interest in. In a way I can see part of myself in him as it seems we have abit in common. His so nice only he already has a girlfriend which sorta sucks to be honest. I hope by the next blog post I start to get some of my sanity back as I’m really starting to have enough. Peace x
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curutquit · 3 years
Rattatoulle. Fast-paced and stunningly animated, Ratatouille adds another delightfully entertaining. Зарубежные, полнометражные. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд, Ян Пинкава. В ролях: Пэттон Освальт, Иэн Холм, Лу Романо и др. Добрый, семейный и комедийный мультфильм. Язык: RU. Ratatouille movie reviews & Metacritic score: Despite his sensational sniffer and sophisticated palate, Remy's dreams of becoming a chef seem hopeless due to. Ratatouille initially seems to be used merely as a double meaning title; however, it later carries significance as the meal.
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Hello everybody, it is Jim, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, rattatoulle. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Rattatoulle is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It's enjoyed by millions every day. It is simple, it's quick, it tastes delicious. They are fine and they look wonderful. Rattatoulle is something which I have loved my entire life.
Fast-paced and stunningly animated, Ratatouille adds another delightfully entertaining. Зарубежные, полнометражные. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд, Ян Пинкава. В ролях: Пэттон Освальт, Иэн Холм, Лу Романо и др. Добрый, семейный и комедийный мультфильм. Язык: RU. Ratatouille movie reviews & Metacritic score: Despite his sensational sniffer and sophisticated palate, Remy's dreams of becoming a chef seem hopeless due to. Ratatouille initially seems to be used merely as a double meaning title; however, it later carries significance as the meal.
To get started with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook rattatoulle using 14 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Rattatoulle:
{Take 2 cups of Boiled beans.
{Take of Assorted bell peppers.
{Prepare 2 of medium tomatoes.
{Take 2 of medium Onions.
{Prepare 2 of carrots.
{Get 2 of courgettes.
{Take 1 cup of french beans.
{Make ready 2 tbsp of cooking oil.
{Get 1 tbsp of Tomato paste.
{Take 100 ml of tomato sauce.
{Prepare 1 pc of chilli fresh.
{Make ready to taste of salt.
{Get 1 tbsp of grated garlic n ginger.
{Prepare 1 pc of beef/ chicken cube...optional.
Steps to make Rattatoulle:
Clean all your vegetables n chop/ dice them into cubes/ Diamond shape. Set them aside. For tomatoes kindly ignore the inside part of it but don't throw it away. just chop it well..
In a frying pan/ sufuria, add cooking oil n heat it abit. Add onions n cook them till almost brown..
Add the chopped tomatoes n abit of green pepper..
Add salt, garlic, beef / chicken cube, green fresh chilli n mix well..
Add tomato paste then boiled beans as u mix..
Reduce the heat n cook on low heat for 10 mins..
Add your diced carrots still cooking on low heat..
Mix your tomato sauce/ ketchup with some water n make a good paste..
Add it to your beans n bring them to boil..
Add all the other diced mixed vegetables apart from tomatoes..
Cook for only 5 mins then add tomatoes. No over cooking..
Put off the heat immediately after adding tomatoes n cover your meal for few minutes. Can sprinkle some dhania at this point if you have it..
Serve when ready n enjoy it with some Rice or chapos..
So that is going to wrap this up with this exceptional food rattatoulle recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm sure that you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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