#the outlanders are too fun to mess with
devilsrecreation · 3 months
I may or may not have a problem with TLG incorrect quotes
Piga: We grow stronger, the world grows more dangerous, life has a funny way of keeping things balanced
Ucheshi: Dad, do you ever say anything encouraging?
Piga: ….I encourage you not to die
Little Kiburi: I’m older!
Little Ucheshi: I’m younger!
Kiburi: I’m longer!
Ucheshi: I’m shorter!
Kiburi: I’m smarter!
Ucheshi: I’m…..not falling for that!
Kiburi: Try this first page. Sound it out.
Tamka: Duh….o-one fiss-huh…twoah…fiss-huh…
Kiburi: Are you serious?
Tamka: You picked a hard one on purpose!
Kiburi: It’s a Dr. Seuss book, you fuckin’ dipshit!
Janja: I don’t hate skinks. I just think they’re lower beings, I don’t think they’re important at all
Shupavu: That means you hate us all! You look down on us!
Teaching Wema and Tunu how to drive in a human/Zootopia AU
Janja: Look kids, you have to treat a car like you treat a woman
Jasiri: *glaring* Go on
Janja: …..No. I’m sensing I’ve made a mistake of some kind…
Kifamilia means Family:
Chungu, seeing his dead bio parents: What is this?…Who are you?!
Kicheko: I am-
Chungu: WHO ARE YOU?!
Karimu: I am-
Chungu: W H O A R E Y O U?!?!?!
Chungu: You’re ugly when you lie, Tano!
Tano: I’m not lying!
Chungu: Then why are you ugly???
Cheezi: *seeing Dogo in the Outlands* He’s cute, and sticky looking!
Janja: Cute? This is a serious threat to our clan!
Cheezi: It’s just a baby. *frantically waving to Dogo* HI, BABY!!!!!
Tamka: *gets a thorn stuck in his leg* OWWWW! Thornbushes got me! *falls dramatically* Croc down! Croc down! The darkness….it’s closin’ in! I’m so cold…
Kiburi: Will you hold still, you big baby?
Kiburi: ….I didn’t touch it yet….
Kiburi: *telling the traumatic story of his father’s death*
Wema and Tunu: *thinking* Today, we saw a balloon :)
Pua: You mustn’t tell anyone, not even your closest friends and family
Njano: Sir, I won’t tell a soul
Janja: Can I rizz you up?
Jasiri: Sure
Janja: Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-
Ucheshi: What could be better than serving up smiles? :D
Kiburi: Bein’ dead
Reformed Kenge be like:
Kenge: I love aggressive positivity
Kenge: *at Sumu* Hey, you! You’re fucking wonderful, okay? You’re beautiful and you’re doing great and I’m very proud of you. FUCK everyone else! You’re a beautiful arachnid and you deserve love, BITCH!
Some random female about Neema: He’s got such kind eyes, the jaws of a prince, and scales that just glisten! I just can’t take my eyes off of him~
Neema: *thinking* Get them checked
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argisthebulwark · 5 months
"Would You Kill For Me?"
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summary: asking your partner the most intimate question of all - would he kill for you? gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Cicero, Teldryn, Vilkas, Miraak, Brynjolf, Erandur, Farkas, Mercer warnings: obv allusions to violence, nothing explicit. alcohol.
"I already have."
Cicero giggles, slapping a gloved hand on your shoulder. "Of course I've killed for you! Silly Listener, asking your poor, beloved Cicero such a question." Rationally, you know any other person would be upset - but it's endearing. You know deep in your heart that Cicero would slice through anyone who even looks at you wrong without a second thought. "Would you kill for your Keeper?" He asks coyly, sliding closer. It's too difficult to resist his charm. You find yourself grinning, remembering the many threats of bodily harm you've inflicted upon any initiate who breathes a negative word about your beloved. "Any day, my love."
"Why? You offering to return the favor?" Teldryn smirks before taking a drink from his mug. The tip of his boot knocks into yours under the table, earning a nice flush in your cheeks. You've clearly had too much to drink but Teldryn looked so pretty in the low tavern lighting, the alcohol loosening your tongue enough to voice all those silly little questions you've had floating around. "You have?" You urge, leaning so far over the table you're practically laying on it. Teldryn grins, bowing toward you and his voice conspiratorially low when he speaks again. "Of course - why do you think all that chatter about you being an untrustworthy outlander stopped so quickly?" "I thought my good deeds were enough to earn their trust." You pout, thinking back on the sudden shift in opinion. "Oh yes, yes - that too, but a few well placed jabs never hurt."
"I'd die for you."
"Isn't that better? To die for you?" Vilkas laments, lips stained red from his third glass of wine. The question had hardly been in your mind before it slipped out - late nights toasting to the Companions often left you tipsy. "I'd rather you lived for me." You hiccup, leaning closer to him. Those dark eyes still track every little move you make despite the intoxication. "A happy, long live if I have any say in the matter." He lapses into silence but you know his mind is still chewing on that question. Swirling the wine in his glass Vilkas reclines into his seat, staring earnestly into the low burning fire. "Vilkas, it was just a silly question." Those eyes cut straight through you, blinking away whatever retort he'd come up with before simply placing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"I would die in your stead." Miraak's hands cup your face, each word soaked in adoration. "I've died in your arms once, my Dragon. I would gladly do it once more." You will never truly grow accustomed to this version of him - stripped of the malice he'd lived with for so long, he's become devoted to you. Too many pupils gaze lovingly into your eyes, the crooked bridge of his nose bumping yours. You've never known a love like his and doubt that many ever will - he's had lifetimes to yearn, to want something more and hone a vocabulary that often leaves you a flustered mess. "You're far too serious." He grins at those words, the ones you've said dozens of times. "I would tear the world to shreds for you, my love. I would tear myself to shreds."
"I cant."
Brynjolf's words carry a silent apology - of course you knew his answer but watching him squirm can be fun. "I'm sorry, love - I know it isn't the romantic answer but I don't think I could bring myself to do somethin' like that. Not after -" "Bryn." Grasping his face, your heart still skips a beat when those green eyes find yours. "I know that blade you wear is simply decorative, I would never ask you to draw it." "It is not merely decorative, it serves other purposes." "Such as?" "It's fairly useful for intimidation. And breaking windows." He huffs, pressing a kiss to your palm. He pauses for a moment, eyes falling closed and nose nuzzled into your hand. "Truth be told, I like to say that I wouldn't - hell, I tell myself I won't take a life every day, but after Mercer takin' you away from me, I'm not so sure."
"I swore against such actions, my love." Erandur murmurs, forehead pressed to yours. "Lady Mara may have forgiven my past transgressions but I took an oath to bring no further harm to her people." "Of course, dearest." You smile, a bit entertained by how easy it is to get him talking. Erandur's fingers play across yours, rings bumping into your knuckles. "Would you kill for me?" You're a bit shocked by his question, even further surprised by the little hint of hope buried in his words. "Without second thought." It's the easiest answer in the world. Of course you would kill for Erandur - you would fight through hordes of enemies to ensure his safety. "I can only pray that your Lady's forgiving attitude extends to me."
"Of course."
Brows raised, Farkas assesses you across the training yard. He sucks in a deep breath, wiping the sweat from his brow before heaving the giant practice sword over one shoulder. "Any day." He says easily, a quick kiss pressed to your brow. No matter how long you're together this sight still seems too good to be true - muscles glistening in the midday sun, his hair tied back and an easy smile on his face. "Why, you need someone killed?" "Not at the moment." "If one of those recruits gets too mouthy, you come find me." He grins before turning his attention back to a battered training dummy. You notice after that question that his sword strikes just a bit harder, hammering that point home.
"No." Mercer lies, kicking his feet atop the desk. You mirror his position - boots on the desk and arms crossed, though the scowl is hard to mimic. He's perfected it. "Yes you would." You counter, fighting back a laugh when he rolls his eyes. That little divot appears between his brows - it's cute. You'd tell him but fear being assigned some awful job across the continent. "Why bother asking?" He grumbles, shoving a stack of paperwork toward you. "If you insist on hanging around asking inane questions, least you could do is make yourself useful." "I'd kill for you." "Lovely." He mutters, though you note a bit of color rising in his cheeks when he turns to some parchment he'd pointedly ignored all evening. It's too easy to get under his skin.
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Come ho già detto non ho copiato o memorizzato quelle foto viste le mie scarse attitudini tecniche. la foto estiva ricordo che era in un gruppo di foto insieme ad altre degli interpreti di Outlander, come se ne trovano anche adesso quando si cerca sotto S e C o C e T. In quei momenti non eravamo alla divisione del fandom come ora e il signor T non era ancora diventato famoso .La foto della festa durante la quale C era seduta sulle ginocchia del signore di cui ho parlato sono state messe in rete dai blogger molte volte , anche se non tutte, e credo che quelli di quel periodo possano ancora ritrovarle. Ho solo messo mano ai miei ricordi e ho voluto condividerli.Spero che ciò non provochi altri rumori . So che quando si dice qualcosa la prima parola è “provalo!” ed è giusto. Se ci saranno critiche lo capirò ma non mi faranno male perché la mia coscienza è tranquilla.Grazie, grazie davvero .
Dear @findanserwers,
Grazie per la tua risposta e grazie per il tuo coraggio!
Traduzione e dopo, reazione:
'Like I already said, I did not copy or save those pictures, on account of my very limited technical abilities. I remember the summer picture was included in a bigger batch, together with other photos of the OL cast, like the ones you can still find when you look for S and C or C and T. At that time, we didn't have these fandom wars, like nowadays, and Mr. T was not famous yet. The picture of the party when C was sitting on that gentleman's lap has been shared many times by bloggers and I think the more senior bloggers could still have it or find it. I was just revisiting my memories and I wanted to share. I hope I did not start even more rumors. I know that every time someone says something the first reaction is 'prove it!' and it's only fair. If this post will be criticized, I will understand, but I will not be hurt, because my conscience is clear. Thank you, truly thank you.'
I am now wondering if this mysterious summer pic is not one of the series taken for RDM's birthday party and if memory serves (and I can, of course, be awfully wrong and sure - always correct me, please), it was a whole flurry at the time about S being cut off some pictures. That would mean you have somehow seen a picture that was not very widely circulated. As for the lap pic, still no clue - but many pics of C with many other men (dr. Colbert comes to mind, too) are very affectionate, whereas with McIdiot - flat cardiogram and blink twice if you want us to rescue you.
Maybe one of the veterans could help? At the moment, I feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack and there is nothing more irritating for someone like me (granted, chronically curious - a detail that, remember, got me here, LOL).
I will never blame you for not finding those photos, by the way. I think it was incredibly brave to step out with your handle and own your thoughts and words: it is rare and for this, my dear, I do admire you! And I can only look back, with my historian glasses, this time, and think of all the tiny details that were forever lost with each and every deactivated or erased blog, all those comments and all those tidbits that once kept this community on tenterhooks every single day. Back when this place was lively, and fun and smiling and young and naïve.
A time I never knew. But a story I can relate to and understand maybe as well as our veterans, who lived through the sorrow and puzzlement and are still here, with us. And I feel incredibly honored to see you found this page to be a safe haven. It will always remain so, for all the shippers who will engage with me. You have my word.
Please don't be a stranger. Grazie, grazie mille e un abbraccio per te. Pace e Bene! 😘
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s3a-s1ug · 1 year
Enkivaldr confession scenario part two
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You can read part one here
It took Enki a while to even process the fact that someone confessed their feelings to him- HIM!? Let’s say he never really thought this would happen to him. Let alone it all coming from Ragnvaldr- the brute- the outlander- the northerner!! They were practically opposites!! But he couldn’t deny that he did feel… comfortable with him
The next two days consisted of Enki trying to avoid any form of contact with Ragnvaldr out of sheer embarrassment and dare I even say shyness. Enki was stuck- how does he even reciprocate these feelings? He’s not sure he can even show the right amount of affection because of his naturally cold nature.
Meanwhile Ragnvaldr is kind of a mess. He straight up thinks Enki is ignoring him on purpose- ‘gods what if Enki really hates me…’
He goes outside to clear his head and sits beside a tree ‘…I must seem like a fool…’
He closed his eyes and sighed as he relaxed against the tree, taking in the sound of nature
But then he heard the sound of grass being pressed on just by the other side of the tree. Someone sitting down?
He opened his eyes and moved his head ever so slightly to get a peek at whoever was on the other side of the tree.
Long light hair draped down to the ground, sharp green gloves pressing against the grass. Enki.
They both sat in silence at opposite sides of the tree for what seemed like a while until Enki cleared his throat
“Ragnvaldr of Oldegård… I have considered your- confession…”
‘Well this is it’ Ragnvaldr thought ‘I just hope he isn’t too harsh about turning me down’
“…and I believe I- reciprocate those…feelings…”
‘Wait…what..?’ Ragnvaldrs thought, his mind starting to run. He nudged slightly over to the other side of the tree
“Spending my time with you has been…different. I’ve felt different. Even if you are just a brute- you make me feel…uhm…appreciated”
The backhanded compliment brought a smile to Ragnvaldr’s face
Enki nudged closer
“…… but I do warn that I may not be able to… show as much affection… as you might show to me- I suppose I’m just- not used to it…”
Enki’s voice was trailing off a bit. Not sure how or what to even say. They both were now almost touching shoulders until Ragnvaldr took one of Enki’s gloved hands with both of his own
“Enki… I promise you this…”
He squeezed Enki’s hand and leaned closer
“I will be there for you and with you every step of the way. You already make me feel so appreciated and when I’m in your company I feel at home. And I will make sure you feel the same way as I do you with you…”
Enki looked at Ragnvaldr being struck with some odd emotion he’s never felt before.
“...Jag lovar”
Their faces were nearly inches apart. Ragnvaldr leaned in more and…
…hugged him..? Tightly.
What a warm embrace. Enki truly felt comfortable, appreciated… loved.
At least for the first three seconds due to him feeling his own bones being squeezed
“Gh! A-alright… brute- gh -…t-tight-!”
“åh! ursäkta!”
He quickly let go of Enki and chuckled.
Enki sort of missed the warmth of his embrace but then Ragnvaldr placed a hand on top of Enki’s. Both of them starting to relax as they listen to the ambiance of nature. Comfortable in each other’s presence
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Hope you guys enjoy my first finished fic!! I had so much fun writing this jsksjsjks
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blissfullyapillow · 2 years
Angel with a Shotgun
Angel with a Shotgun
Wanderer x female reader
wc: 3,158
Notes: Yet another fic with my oc in mind but it reads like an x reader (I’ve been inspired what can I say lol), speaking of inspired this was inspired by the song Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab (specifically the nightcore version), fun fluff with the reader constantly threatening the Traveler (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚
“Ehehe, Paimon believes that Paimon’s miles better than- Traveler, who’s that?” Paimon shrieks as she hides behind the traveler. 
Huh. That’s not the reaction I expected, but I’m not surprised by it.
I am approaching them as I wield my sword after all.
I thought our first meeting would be different, and nothing like this. But I know what I must do. “Traveler. You have crossed a line that should never be crossed. The Wanderer…” I trail off, the venom in my voice creating a tense atmosphere.
The Traveler steps back slightly, shielding Paimon from me. I don’t give them a moment to ponder my words before I’m lunging forward with my drawn sword. The Traveler manages to parry my blow, but I manage to cut off a small strand of their hair.
I grasp the strand and hold it in my open palm, smirking all the while as I ignore Paimon’s frightened squeals.
“Funny, I thought you were a person of many titles. ‘The Honorary Knight.’” Our blades run along each other as my sharp blade attempts to slice through their neck.
“The Captain of the Watatsumi Island Special Operations Unit.” With a grunt I lower myself to the ground and swipe beneath the Traveler’s feet. with my agile one’s. They dodge my first foot, but they trip over the second one that makes a swift follow up. They fall to the ground, but before my blade can slam down on them they’re quick to roll over.
I groan when they use the element of geo to knock me down from behind, but I quickly recover with the assistance of the wind. “The Outlander.” I encase the Traveler and I in a circle of Ice, the pointy edges almost piercing Paimon. That’s when the Traveler’s eyes truly darken, and a sadistic smile makes it way onto my lips.
“The First Sage of Buer.” The Traveler’s eyes widen and they falter for a moment at my words, and I take the opportunity to freeze a slippery path below their feet. Paimon yells for the Traveler to watch out, but it’s too late.
They’ve already fallen into my trap.
I never cared for Signora, but I mimic her technique as I enclose the Traveler’s feet where they stand. The strong gust of wind I’m summoning has Paimon struggling to stay in our enclosed arena as I make my way over to the struggling Traveler.
They’ve grown stronger from their experiences in previous nations so I can’t underestimate them; it won’t be long before they break free from my icy prison. I can’t help but chuckle when I realize they’re using a similar method to the Anemo Archon to escape the ice.
The Traveler uses the wind and earth to chip away at the block of ice encapsulating their feet. Unfortunately for them, my resolve won’t yield so easily. “You should’ve kept to yourself; stop butting your head in place it doesn’t belong. The Wanderer is not an individual to be messed with, and neither am I. If you ever lay a hand on him again, I will not be so merciful. Maybe I should give you a demonstration of what’s in store if you dare to play with magic.” I don’t wait for a response as my blade slashes down to scar the Traveler’s arm. Paimon’s scream is as piercing as the beginnings of frostbite that nip at the tips of my fingers.
My blade stops mere millimeters from my target.
How frustrating.
My blade is stopped by a hand and a strong gust of wind, and I look up to come face to face with the man I’m currently fighting for.
My entire demeanor shifts as my eyes light up and my heart pounds loudly with joy in my ears. “Wanderer!!” I engulf him in a hug, and he grunts. “What did I tell you about attacking people over stupid rumors you hear about me!?” Wanderer scolds me harshly and he wacks the back of my head.
I let out a cry of dismay before I pull away enough to stare into his eyes. The ice around us ceremoniously breaks and the wind slows to a calm, soothing breeze. A beautiful flurry of snow now surrounds us, and Paimon flies over to the Traveler to check up on them as the ice encapsulating their foot finally breaks.
“But- but this time they said you died!! They said the Traveler successfully put an end to-“ “Don’t listen to rumors you dimwit!” Wanderer wacks me again before he pulls me roughly against him.
I sniffle as he soothingly smoothes my hair back. I feel more than hear him chuckle as Paimon screams at the both of us. “Tell that small floating child to shut up. They’re giving me a headache.” Wanderer bursts into raucous laughter at my words while the Traveler sounds unamused and quite angry.
“Rest now. I’ll explain the situation for you, but don’t get your hopes up.” I allow myself to finally relax knowing Wanderer is actually safe and not deceased like I previously thought he was.
The last thing I feel are his soft lips against the crown of my head.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“And that’s the gist of it. So? How do you feel? You almost lost something valuable to someone of extraordinary power, yet all you can do is stand there with that dumb look on your face.” Paimon’s loud voice wakes me up from my restful nap, and I stir as the unconscious world fades from my mind.
Damn. I was having a good dream too.
“You’re being too loud.” Wanderer scolds Paimon as I shift in his arms. Paimon continues shouting nonetheless, and I fully wake up with a disarming yawn. My blurry eyes finally focus and the Traveler and Paimon’s annoyed expressions are the first thing to greet me.
“What?” I ask. “What do you mean, what!?” Paimon asks incredulously. “Well, I told them the basics. You really need to stop acting so irrationally when things concern me, Y/n.” Wanderer’s words are rough yet sincere, and I know he’s right. With a sigh I remove myself from his arms to stand and bow before the Traveler. “I apologize for attacking you based on false rumors, but if you so much as try to lay a hand on Wanderer I-“
“I apologize.” “That’s better.” I refuse to rub my head even though Wanderer’s smack left a stinging sensation.
“THIS GIRL IS RIDICULOUS!” Paimon screeches.
“Everyone, calm down and try to understand where the other is coming from.” Wanderer’s blunt words cause my lips to quirk up into a blatantly smug expression. “Oh? That’s surprisingly reasonable coming from you.” I taunt Wanderer. His eyes burn holes into mine, and I send a flirtatious wink in his direction.
He returns to stand by my side from his previous position, and he huffs as his hand purposefully bumps against mine in a silent question. I intertwine our hands in a comforting answer. “Huh, it looks like I wasn’t the only one who missed the other.” I muse.
I take joy in Wanderer’s flushed cheeks and annoyed expression that acts as a face to mask the bashful feelings that lie underneath.
Paimon looks so flabbergasted it causes me to laugh. She sputters as she tries to find the accurate words to say that truly expresses her exasperation with Wanderer and I. In the end all she does is stay silent, for once, as she turns to the Traveler to take the lead.
“Ah, that’s more like it. Thanks Paimon. Traveler, I apologize. I have nothing against you personally, but I owe many things to Wanderer. He’s special to me in a way no one else ever will be. Anyone who wishes or inflicts harm upon him will meet a fate worse than death, by my own hand.” I spit out the last sentence and Wanderer gives my hand a squeeze in warning. The traveler quirks a brow at my words, but they continue to remain silent.
A beat of silence passes before the Traveler finally speaks up, “Okay. I don’t completely understand.. everything, but I can see you don’t personally have any ill intent against me. You just seem to be very stubborn.” I guffaw at the Traveler’s words as Wanderer laughs. “That’s the perfect description for her.” He dodges my elbow, and before we know it the tense atmosphere is broken as Paimon fails to hold back a delighted giggle.
“Paimon’s still angry with you, but if you buy Paimon food she’ll forgive you!” I chuckle at Paimon’s words. “Okay, how do you feel about sticky honey roast?” I tease. Paimon gasps before adamantly agreeing to my proposal.
I don’t miss the way the Traveler’s gaze follows me with evident concern in their eyes.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Once everyone is full from the good food the atmosphere  is much lighter, and everyone finally relaxes their tense body language.
“So, how do you two know each other? Paimon’s never seen the Wanderer so… so…” Paimon fails to think of a sufficient word to describe his current demeanor. “Docile?” I jest. Paimon laughs, in agreement with my suggestion, and the  Wanderer scoffs.
“Anyway, you seem to know a lot about me. Why’s that?” The Traveler doesn’t beat around the bush. Wanderer also looks a bit curious as he waits for my response. “That’s on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know.” My words cause the once cheerful atmosphere to become tense yet again, but my fit of giggles is quick to dispel the atmosphere. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Gosh you should’ve seen your face!” I laugh and motion towards the Traveler’s now dumbstruck expression. 
“I’ve seen you around. I’ve been to every nation of Teyvat, and I often see you around and am privy to all the rumors surrounding you. That’s how I know about all your endeavors.” I surmise. The Traveler elaborates on their question by saying, “But that doesn’t explain how you know about me being the first sage of-“ “Paimon, how’s the sticky honey roast?” “Mmmm, Paimon loves it! Y/n’s a good cook Traveler!” Paimon gulfs down another serving of Sticky Honey Roast, and I can’t help but softly smile at the scene.
When I look at Traveler our eyes meet. They study me for a moment before changing the subject. Whatever they saw in my eyes must’ve quelled their worries enough to dismiss their unanswered question.
It’s not like they aren’t used to unanswered questions anyway.
“Y/n has always been like that. Quick to anger with matters involving me. It began a few months after our meeting….” Wanderer trails off, and I recall the time I destroyed an entire treasure hoarder camp after we were both caught by surprise and Scaramouche took a hit intended for me, which resulted in him needing repairs by the doctor.
Ugh, the doctor.
“I hate that Doctor.” I grumble under my breath. Wanderer snorts and the Traveler’s eyes shoot in my direction. “You know the doctor?” Traveler asks, clearly fishing for information. “I said that doctor, not the doctor. There’s clearly a word difference there.” I smirk at their now furrowed brows. “I see why you two get along now.” A beat passes before I double over in laughter. “She’s usually more friendly. You two just got off on the wrong foot.” “The wrong foot? That ‘foot’ was more like a sword!” As the others bicker I calm myself down enough to speak.
“We’ll definitely be seeing more of each other in the future. Then, you can make your own judgment of me. You can decide whether I’m someone you’d like to keep around by your own means. As long as you don’t hurt the one’s dear to my heart, I see no reason as to why we can’t get along.” I extend my hand towards the Traveler to shake after my little monologue, and I feel satisfied when they only take a moment of hesitance before shaking my hand.
“Alright. It’s a deal.” “Great! Now, Paimon’s eating the Traveler’s share of food!” The Traveler maneuvers their plate of food around Paimon as Paimon attempts to eat their share of food, and I giggle at the scene before me. “How gluttonous.” I hear Wanderer murmur under his breath.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Once Paimon and the Traveler give Wanderer and I time to “catch up,” it’s silent.
but it’s a comfortable silence.
I blissfully sigh as I sip the last few drops of tea remaining in my cup. This tea tastes especially good since Wanderer was the one who brewed the cup of tea for me.
I smirk as I recall the other’s flabbergasted expressions since he only brewed one cup.
“You really are…” I turn to study Wanderer’s conflicted face as he tries to articulate the message he wishes to convey. I sit in silence as I patiently wait for him to voice his thoughts.
It’s funny since I’m not a very patient person, but for him I’m effortlessly patient.
“You really are something, huh? Stop.. worryingmelikethisdumbassyou-“ He coughs into his fist, his words coming out jumbled together and rushed.
I understand the meaning behind them regardless.
A goofy smile presents itself on my face, and I don’t dare hide it from him. He notices my expression, and it seems to give him the courage he needs to continue speaking. He takes a few deep breaths before he continues. “You may make an enemy of the wrong person one day. I… appreciate your loyalty and sincerity, but stop being a blockhead and rushing into things! Especially when it’s for my sake, you moron.” I predict his movements and dodge his swing this time around.
He looks visibly aghast that I predicted his movements. He comically glances at his hand as I reply, “Honestly Wanderer, when we first met I found you interesting. I don’t know what it was, but I was undeniably attracted to you. I think it was your energy? Like, I could tell you may not be a… ahem, pleasant, person to be around..” I shoot a glance in his direction. I admire the scowl he sports on his lovely lips. “But I had a gut feeling that there was more to you than what meets the eye; I just knew there was something.. inherently good about you beneath the surface. Call me a naive fool- wait no, don’t actually do it because I know you will!” I thankfully say that right as he opens his mouth to do just as I had said. He reluctantly shuts his mouth as he rolls his eyes. “Go on, before I change my mind.” He grumbles more to himself than me.
I feel a sense of nostalgia as I remember when the man before me went by the name of Scaramouche instead of Wanderer. “Anyway, I’m glad I followed my heart and basically forced my way into your life. We all know we wouldn’t be here together like this if I didn’t.” I giggle when he opens his mouth to deny what I said, but yet again shuts his mouth moments later.
“I guess what I’m trying to say with my long winded speech is…” I suddenly turn around to fully face him, and I engulf both of his hands within my own.
I feel my eyes prick with unshed tears as I recall a time I’ve done this before. “After learning about your past…” I close my eyes and recall  the day of our reunion, the day the man who no longer referred to himself as Scaramouche finally confided in me. I was beyond grateful and really touched. He isn’t the type of person to tell someone something so personal of his own accord, and it makes my heart swell with my pride knowing I’m the only one he’s ever told.
“It’s clear to me that you’re not just a puppet. You’re someone with feelings; you have a heart. You may not be the best at expressing said feelings..” I snort when he crinkles his nose and his face conveys absolute disgust at my sincere words. “But just like anyone else in this world you deserve to be happy and to be loved. Others may not agree, and that’s okay. I’ve never cared for what others think. You are all that I adore, and if love is what you need, a soldier I will be. I know you have your own baggage to carry and your sins weigh heavily upon your conscience, so let me help you stand up tall and carry that burden. You don’t have to wander alone. …Although we all know you’re more than capable of loving yourself, if you’ll let me, I’d like to love you too.” I squeeze my eyes shut as my chest rapidly rises and falls with panicked breaths.
It took a lot of courage for me to say all of this to him. I hope he doesn’t misunderstand me and think I’m jumping to conclusions. Maybe I am. I hope he doesn’t hate me for it. “Wanderer, I-“ My words are cut off by a surprisingly soft pair of lips against my own. I jump in surprise, then immediately feel embarrassed that I did. A cold hand rests against my cheek, and as I lean against it his lips retract from mine.
I look into his eyes, and all the words he needs to say are found within the depths of his irises. “You’re an angel in this abysmal hell.” His breath fans over me, and I can’t contain my smirk.
“Can I say it? Just this once?” I prompt. His eyes narrow as he knows where this is going. “We’re in the middle of having a sentimental moment and you choose now of all times to be like this?” “I’m not hearing a nooo…” “No.” “But Wanderer it’s literally the title of the fic-“ “I said no.” I let out a dejected sigh and concede with grace.
“Okay…” I mumble. Wanderer blinks at me with a blank expression.
Then full belly laughter erupts from him as he throws his head back and covers his beautiful smile. I quickly reach a hand out to grasp the hand covering his expression of happiness in mine, and he weakly fights against me as his melodious laughter blesses my ears.
“Is that the Wanderer!?” I can hear Paimon’s loud voice outside the door as the Traveler hushes them.
I knew they were eavesdropping. I’ll have to lecture them on the importance of privacy later.
For now, I relish in the alluring sight before me as I feel a peaceful veil of comfort envelop me. This is the happiest I’ve ever seen you since we parted ways on that snowy night.
I know he’ll scold me for thinking this way, but I can’t help but feel that our fates have been intertwined.
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tinysweetnight · 6 months
Thinking about it. Might as well do a world-building updates once in a while, just talking.
So what’s TinySweetNight up too? Let me tell you about it in small bullet lists containing updates about each world I have (if can be applied).
Newest world-building project to date. I seriously haven’t actually created a world I plan to stick with since STC and Pantheon like.. 4 years ago? I think Pantheon might be older but that is debatable if you go by which has the oldest character.
This world is like a perfect balance of interests for me personally, it’s an alchemist steampunk world that has almost like a Jim Henson crossed with treasure planet vibe. Homunculi, stained glass windows, bright open skies, and a bit of evil science.
First time I am experimenting with standard fantasy races like Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, etc.
I’ll have to dedicate a post solely for this because it’ll take me a while to explain the magic system here.
Everyone gets animal hands!!! And also an animal form unless your Calypso. I think this ties things better than having very strange specific rules about everything, this is supposed to be fairytale-like. Plus I should make the gods stronger.
Maybe removing Kostas and Aegeus. I love those suckers but, again, they make things too overly complicated and their influence has only been in backstory stuff, never in the main story- besides from a small one-off story with Mars, heir to Alynth. But I think I can remove them if I just say magic is just a bitch like that, monsters are might be Locke’s fault since he’s the god of magic. (But oh, Aegeus banter headcanons are so so funny) I would also have to figure out a different skill set for Charis if I do remove them.
Hydra finally got a title, aka what they were supposed to be the god of. Judgement!
Maverick is still not a catboy and never will be a catboy.
Honestly, still pretty burnt out from this. Everything doesn’t seem.. good. Too edgy. Maybe I’m growing out of aahhhh blood, gore, fun spooks, etc. That usually doesn’t bother me as I’m a fan of campy slashers, but all the time it feels like the characters aren’t acting right. I can’t get them right when I think about them or plan anything with them, especially pertaining to Zstlo. There’s too much I want him to be but it’s all conflicting.
Maybe there is too much stuff going on in the STC, but that’s the point since it’s my sandbox do what I want, I’m not limiting myself to rules world. I have been thinking of boxing storylines into named stories so I can better manage everything.
But there is also the side that everyone else.. seems to like it way more than me. Maybe because I interact with people way more about it, and I found that people seem to like it way more than Pantheon because you get these crazy cool ideas, the setting itself is awesome, and the characters I come up with are cool in concept. But idk. I wish Pantheon or I hope Vivarium gets the same attention. Maybe it’s because Pantheon is more of a story than a setting other people can mess around in. Idk how Vivarium will turn out.
Outlander that is physically apart of the STC and rips open reality.
WhatsMyFace? Added.
Shepard got edgier but same problem as Zstlo.
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mizimugrove · 4 months
Tano, did you had to deal with the fire too when you were a cub? How did you end up in Janja’s clan? (from anonymous)
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Ah, the fire. Now there's something he hasn't really cared to recall for about... well, years. Probably because he didn't like to think about it. Wasn't exactly a fun time for him. Or any hyena, for that matter.
Tano puts a paw to his chin and considers his words carefully. He speaks slowly and without his usual sass, "...Yeah, I was there. Nne, too, because our moms were friends, see, we all ran away together." their moms were smart and quickly recognised how south things were going, "They took us and escaped the fire. I could see a lot since she carried me in her mouth. Fire. Hyenas. Lions. Her and Nne's mom, they... we got cornered. By lions. Next think I knew I was on the ground alongside Nne and—" he stops suddenly and all that's heard is a deep gulp.
Claws, teeth, blood, roars, grunts, cries of pain of hyena and lion alike.
It was a horrid mess his eyes were forced to witness. Last thing he remembers were shouts of 'run away' and 'save yourselves'. And well, his mom was a pretty stern lady, so of course he listened to her. Nne, too.
Nevermind. He doesn't want to tell this story anymore.
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"...Janja!" Tano exclaims rather loudly, "Nne and I found him, Cheezi & Chungu in the Outlands when we were cubs. What idiots. Don't know how someone like him became leader, but we were having none of it. Well..." and he was loathe to admit this, "the three of them had us beat. Physically. Oh trust me we tried overthrowing him, but it was three stronger hyenas against us two. Didn't stand a chance."
He stifles a laugh, "We don't get along, obviously. But we stuck around because..." it was terrifying to be alone and it was just the two of them and they had lost everything they'd known and they didn't want to be scared anymore and—
"Strength in numbers."
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to-myalphonse · 1 year
How did we get to Inazuma? Chapter 1
Heizou x Outlander! Reader
This is a re created version of my other Heizou fic, I tried to write him more in his Canon personality this time.
The original story of this I hated it, so I had to do him justice.
Can Rene write Heizou correctly this time, let's see ^^.
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 "Thank you for coming!" The lunchtime rush had the restaurant where you worked completely swarmed. While some left with their meals, others lingered in the chairs and carried on a conversation. When you hear your name, you look up to see your employer glaring at you irritably.
 "Can you not work faster?" He started berating you for being careless just as a client needed assistance.
 "Look at what I'm doing! As he approaches the consumer with a kind grin, his passive aggressive demeanor fades away.
  "How can we help you?" You were watching mindlessly when a coworker rushed into you, knocking over a dish of food. 
“My bad.." They make fun of you as they take the dish away and walk away. Rude comments were made as you cleaned up the mess.
      You had never dealt with consumers in your past employment, so this one was a learning experience. Because the manager could see you were desperate for work, they hired you on the spot and promised to show you the ropes. You've just been here a week, yet you're already making errors. The boss's anger against you seems to be increasing. 
You grumbled and walked to the kitchen to grab another dish. As you make your approach cautiously to the front, you catch sight of a guy with red hair and jade eyes scanning the employees. 
Setting the plate down, you give him a quick look. Half of his uniform was visible through the kimono that he had wrapped around his waist. You must have been watching too intently, as he met your gaze. He stared at you with narrowed eyes until you moved to help another client. Going back to grab a new plate for a customer, he called you over.
 "I can help, Y/N is just a little busy right now."He shook his head giving your boss an apologetic look. "I'm okay with waiting, since I need to ask them some questions." Your boss nods to the man, as you return to the front of the house. 
"He wants to have a word with you, Y/N. I'll take care of this for you. " You cautiously approach the redhead who has pulled up his badge. 
"I'm detective Shikanoin Heizou, may I have a moment?" You nod and leave through the side door, where you find him waiting. 
He arose and led you away from your place of employment to a secluded area behind the stores. Before continuing, he takes out a notepad. 
"Before I begin, can I have your name ?" You looked at him confused seeing you did nothing wrong. 
 "Just that I can't recall ever seeing you before. Foreigners come to Inazuma, but they never live here. Up until now, we have no record of you ever having resided in Inazuma." You nod and give him your name. 
“Name, now Name, have you passed Inazuma's Security Check?" You stop, recalling how a blonde female found you unconscious in a nearby bush. He makes a note of your hesitation and moves on to the next questioning.
 "Have you been sick or been in contact with anyone who has been sick before coming to Inazuma?" Your head shakes in disagreement.
 "Are you related to anyone from Inazuma?" As the length of his inquiries increased, you shook your head once again. Your anxiety level increased as you answered more questions.
 “Do you have a travel permit?” Your bewildered expression seals your doom. 
"Okay, you'll have to come to the police station with me. As he approached, your expression became white. 
"I  just need you to answer a few questions."  You were afraid to go with him to the Tenryou Commission, but you realized you had no choice.
 As you go by, your coworkers give you the cold shoulder and some even make statements about how they know you can't be trusted. 
However, after giving you the position without checking with your former employers, your boss glanced at you incredulously before averting his gaze. 
Judgmental looks from passersby followed you as you made your way to the Tenrou commission. Some of them hissed, while others, who had never seen your face before, stared at you in bewilderment.
You lowered your gaze in an attempt to avoid more scrutiny. After all, you didn't choose to wake up in this world. You attempted to recall the events that led to this predicament, but the sheer thought of them caused your brain to ache. The sight of the building ahead startles you out of your thoughts.
 The sight of the building and the number of steps gave you anxiety as you drew near.  What would happen if you were to be sent out of Inazuma?  Where would you even go?
 As you pass by the bridge and entered what seemed like a miniature of the palace. Heizou slows down matching  speed to keep you in sight. His hands tapping his pants leg absent minded as you enter the police department.
The two gate guards examine you with interest, particularly since you are not wearing handcuffs. He waves off their concern telling them that he'll explain after.
The department was larger on the inside. Different rooms reaching to higher departments. Some Co workers pass him as they unlock the door and gestures for you to come in, then locks it behind you and takes a seat across from you. 
"Do I have to go through a certain procedure?" He nods and rummages through his papers to locate the one you need. 
"Please review this and sign below." 
Before reading through his assignment, you seize his pen. You would be sent back to the main island, since you don't have proper documentation. You pause thinking over the events that happened.
You arrived in Inazuma City; does he assume that you entered the nation illegally? Or is he just assuming?
“Return? I awoke in Inazuma City."
"You Just woke up?"
"You didn't sneak into Inazuma, did you?"You shake your head. 
"I see. You must be an outlander then." 
“I see. I had no idea there were any other "outlanders" besides them." His expression brightened briefly, and then he kept digging around for proof. He then reached into his bag and produced a heavier form, which he gave to you.
“This document is for housing, this is for a travel permit, it allows you to leave Ritou." He continues explaining the other documents you need to sign. After hours of paperwork, he takes the documents from you. 
"Stay here, I'll go submit these."  
You honestly thought getting Isekai would be easier like those stories you read. The main character gets isekai'd, and they end up in this unknown world. They somehow join the ranks of guards in a corrupt society and end up having a decent life. 
You didn't think you would work for a corrupt person, but you did believe you would have a decent life as a fisherman or some low income job in this society. 
You vaguely know where you are other than this country being called Inazuma. You met a blonde girl named Naganohara Yoimya who gave you shelter for a bit as you adjusted to this new world. Getting on your feet, you thanked her and tried to keep your head low and get a job to support yourself. 
Until he came by the restaurant. After hearing that you got taken to the police station, there's a likely chance that you'll be allowed back to work. 
There was barely anywhere in Inazuma that would hire you, what would you do then? You sigh heavily into your hands. You had no fighting experience, no vision, you were useless stranded on an Island in the middle of nowhere.
Low talking was heard from the next room. A familiar woman's voice spoke low as the male responded.
"Yes, I'm handling the situation." Their words were difficult to make out bit you assumed she was scolding him. 
Just as the conversation created more tension, the door opened. Heizou re entered the room followed by a young woman with dark medium hair wearing a scowl on her face. She was going to say something jubtil she landed on you.
"Madam Kujou this isn't the best time. I'm taking care of business with this Traveler." She stared assessing you and your outfit that you wore. She let out a small sigh leaning against the wall.
"We'll finish this later Shikanoin." She walks off closing the door to his office.
"Now, here's more papers I need you to sign."
After more scribbles and going over things, he handed you copies.
"Since it takes approximately up to 15 buisness days for this to be finalized, you need somewhere to stay in the meantime." 
"I have somewhere to stay at, don't worry." He raised an eyebrow staring in confusion. 
"The person who helped me get that job is allowing me to stay with her for the time being." He nods standing up from his seat again. 
"Well seeing that you fell into Inazuma, that still needs to be investigated." 
Of course you would have to talk to him again. Just when you thought you were out of the park, you were sent a few feet back.
"Let me walk you out Y/N." He opens the door for you.
Taglist: @teyvattales @endlessmari @y2k-apocalypse @iruiji @watatsumiis
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indraste-darktalon · 2 years
The Wedding (Indy)
Word count: 850 Summary: Indy and Blix get hitched, pre-timeskip! I had her vows written and I was on a plane today and figured I’d write out a little thing so I could show them off to Blix’s player. So here’s a little glimpse into the wedding for everyone. :D Mentions: @blixvoronin @celesterunewhisper @ranekvilmas @mekandawn @xarianazphel (I'm not gonna double ping for those of you who have multiple characters.)
It was strange, having every different little section of her recent life finally gathered into one place. First, the location: a river delta in Nagrand, beneath a large tree, which used to be her favorite place to fish. Second, her friends: Celeste, who had coordinated everything for her and Blix; Ranek, who had agreed to be her best man; and Caythaes, who had written an entire ceremony to marry them by. Twist, too: he had actually arrived early to help her get ready. And then Xarian, whom she’d met in a tavern brawl while Blix was missing, had even agreed to come even though there would be no fighting. Last but not least, her family: her brother had agreed to spend time around their parents to be there for her. And her mother and father had agreed to give him a wide berth.
That was as good as it was going to get for the Darktalons, at least for now.
Her old home. Her closest friends. Her newly rediscovered family. And then, most importantly: her wife, who was also surrounded by her own family and friends. It was the most positive gathering of people she’d been in in decades.
Blix looked stunning. (Indy honestly thought that she looked stunning in almost every situation, but today there was a brightness around her that had been less common since she came back.)
Indy, for her part, had tried: her hair was in a looser, much less severe braid down her back, leaving hair to frame her face. Twist had helped her weave pale yellow flowers into the braid, which was a step up from her usual mess of feathers. She was in a sleeveless dress that she had been working on for months; a soft green, made of leaf-shaped panels of varying sizes layered atop one another to form the bodice and the skirt. She was still barefoot, but she had lip stain on; red, to match her tattoos.
Today wasn't a day for stress. She could get through it without talons and feathers ruining her look.
There was a twinge of stress, though, when the ceremony began and Cay had her and Blix stand in front of them beneath the tree. She felt all the guests' eyes on her, and had to remind herself that every single person there was there to support them. So she held Blix's hands, and smiled down at her, and waited for the time to say her vows. She was going first, and she desperately hoped what she had to say wouldn't turn out to be too long.
Cay indicated it was her turn to speak. Indy took a deep breath, met Blix’s eyes, and squeezed her hands.
"I'm going to start this on a sad note, which is probably not surprising to anyone who knows me." There was the faint sound of scattered laughter, but that was fine; she'd meant it to be a bit self-deprecating. "But you'll soon understand that this time, it's good to start sad."
Blix raised an eyebrow, and Indy continued: "Two decades ago, I lost my hope. Two years ago, I lost my faith. After Outland and Teldrassil, society became unbearable for me. My instinct was to fade away into the wilderness and not give the world a second chance."
No laughter, this time; the only sound when she paused for another breath was the wind in the grass and the branches of the tree above them. Blix was staring up her, expression earnest.
"But then I met you by chance, and within minutes you'd turned one of my most stressful days since coming back into something light-hearted and fun. And then… you just kept doing that."
Indy smiled and reached out to cup Blix's cheek in her hand. "Blix Voronin, you make me want to greet the day again. You make me want to improve my health, and rebuild my connections to other people. And every moment I'm with you, I find something else about you that's worth loving. You've given me a reason to come back to real life, and work through those days that are struggles. You've been endlessly patient with my quirks: my sometimes-talons, the feathers always on the floor of our home… and with my kids, who hopefully haven't flown off with the rings by now."
More laughter, and she and Blix both looked over at Ranek and Kenorian, who had both been tasked with being a perch for Asha and Tilly until it was time for them to fly the rings over. Each of the men had one of the darters on a shoulder.
No crisis so far.
Indy turned her attention back to Blix, and they met eyes again. "By the Night, Blix, I swear to you that I'm going to do everything I can to be just as wonderful to you as you are to me. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you well. I'm your healer, and I'll be at your side every time I'm needed."
She squeezed Blix's hands again, and said the last part of her speech: "I love you, Moonfire. And today, I'm standing here to link myself to you, and tell everyone present that I will always cherish our bond."
Indy's shoulders relaxed, and she exhaled deeply. She'd made it through without stumbling over or forgetting words. The hard part was over; now, all she had to do was listen to what Blix had written, put a ring on her hand, give her a kiss… and then go dance, drink, and party with people who loved them.
Things were good, and while she knew it wasn’t going to be easy… she had faith that they were going to stay that way.
((Indy's wedding dress ref:))
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Jarrok: 👀😍 💞🔥🧸 (I need to know how xyraan gets to tease him ok)
Agonia: 👙👂💘
Leika'le: 👃💌💐
Khi: 🚲🦴
Piping Hot OC Asks || @oolathurman
👀 Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?: Yes. Absolutely, yes. And, again, yes to the utmost; he has used his attractiveness to his advantage to manipulate. Well. Everyone he's ever needed to manipulate lmao. Not like an Agent-level of seduction prowess, but throwing out a subtle flirt or a well-timed smile if necessary to lower someone's guard. This was definitely more of an Academy days thing, though. Outlander Jarrok is admittedly too tired(TM) to bother, because if someone is already going to disagree with him, they can kriff off. He still has an ego though, because he is still very, very pretty.
😍 What does your OC find irresistible in others?: Confidence. The ability to speak one's mind and damn the consequences (very intriguing for this particular Sith Lord tbh). Someone taking charge is very attractive to him (unless it's taking away his charge lmao).
💞Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?: For the most part, he treats it very casually. Long term relationships weren't very common for him, especially when he was younger, but man-- when there is an emotional connection, he treats sex as something sacred... in his own personal way that probably wouldn't even be perceived by his lover.
🔥What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?: I had to think about this omg. He likes lace, especially in all the right places. Being threatened. Whispering in his ear, light kisses behind the shell of the ear. Collarbone kisses. And, because he's a messed up Sith that needs therapy, a little bit of violence/prowess on the battlefield. Actually, that's not even just because of his... issues... but Jarrok is a duelist. He finds form and balance in fighting to be very attractive -- definitely a thing that drew him to Agonia in the verse where they're briefly together.
🧸 Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?: He's neutral about it, tbh. I think it depends more on his partner's preference. That said, he'd never shy away from public hand holding, kissing, makeouts... or even things that border on public indecency.
👙What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?: Most functional. She has a lot of scars from her torture on Varadan and do to disobeying her master as an apprentice. While she is very sex-positive and a lover of FWBs, she rarely wears lingerie, because she thinks it'd be wasted on her scarred body. :(
👂Does your OC have an attractive voice?: I think so. I headcanon almost all of my OCs voices as something way different than SWTOR canon (except for Jarrok's because Mark Bazeley is a fiend). For Agonia, I've always heard her sounding a bit like Cecilie Stenspil's portrayal of Eivor (example here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) but a bit lower and raspier. She does have some vocal chord damage. The mask that she's almost always wearing distorts everything even more, of course.
💘Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?: A good flirt? I'd give her a B+. Charming? Absolutely not. She tries, but her inability to connect with other emotionally makes this pretty tricky. There is a charm about her, but it's something that's really seen after spending some time with her. It's definitely not something that people remember her for lmao.
👃Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?: This is weird and I have no idea why, but I've always thought that Lei would have a very light vanilla and sandalwood scent about her. So... yes?? Aside from times when she simply can't, she's showered and has a good hygiene regiment (especially when her hair is really long!). Fun fact: her shampoo of preference is Alderaanian flame-lily scented.
💌How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?: Lei is not good at planning. It's not because she doesn't care to or anything, she simply finds most of her ideas to be subpar and, well, just not good enough. So, instead of something extravagant, she'd plan something small and intimate, like a dinner and then a walk in nature/under the stars, or a night in watching bad holo-movies.
💐What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?: Lei's poke-type is chaotic lesbian, so her way of courting is: Sparring as a way to flirt! Smashing Corellian beer cans with her forehead before recycling! Fighting the guy that accidentally spilled a drink on her potential gf's clothing! Blurting out "you are so kriffing pretty!" at the most random and inopportune moments!
🚲Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?: I'd say she's more monogamous. Khi isn't the jealous type and she probably could be involved with more than one person at a time (she has a lot of love to give) but... she's way too tired for that. One relationship is exhausting.
🦴Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?: Not a lot of experience, no. Most of her time has been spent focused on work and survival, and honestly her libido isn't high. So, she's a bit shy in bed, certainly more submissive at this point in her life, but that could change.
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devilsrecreation · 4 months
Thinking about my Outlands spinoff idea again and the black monsters (or “two-leggers” as everyone likes to call them) are EASILY the biggest threat to the Outlanders since they represent poaching and other illegal activities involving wildlife. So I thought I’d make a list of times the Outlanders (feat Makuu) had run-ins with them
Disaimer: TW for mentioned animal death and implied darker themes
- Chungu, Cheezi, Goioi, Tamka, and Nduli being kidnapped one by one to be sold to zoos. I’m not gonna go into TOO much detail about their time as prisoners since I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but let’s just say it’s not fun
- I will say that Cheezi goes absolutely APESHIT the minute one of their captors messes with Nduli. The rest are mad enough but Cheezi goes feral
- Jasiri, Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Sumu battling the same poachers who took their friends (and winning, courtesy of Sumu stinging them so everyone could get away)
- I know I said Sumu’s mom, Nge, was dead by that time, but I wanna give Sumu more of a happy ending. Instead, she’s miraculously alive as a wild caught pet used for scare. The most they did is clip her stinger off so she won’t kill anyone. It’s okay though cuz not only does Sumu help her escape, but he promises to hunt some food for her like a good son :)
- Njano and Hodari getting kidnapped to be a part of The Reptile Pet Trade
- As stated before, Makuu, Kiburi, Kenge, Shupavu, and Kinyonga distract/attack the poachers while Hodari and Njano make a run for it
- Hodari also helps other animals escape in the process :)
- While being trapped, Njano begins to suffer from zoonosis (it fortunately wears off the minute the cage is open but it still freaks Hodari out)
- Remember how I said that Kenge and Hodari teamed up to save Makuu and Kiburi once? I like to think the poachers are to blame for that. They don’t fight the monsters this time (as helping their croc friends is more important), but I like to think one of them makes eye contact with Kenge and Kenge manages to scare them off
- Kujivunia dies at the hands of the poachers. She knew they were bad news so she told Makuu (who was probably a teen at the time) to get Pua, but when they came back, it was too late
- Kiburi and Ucheshi end up fighting back to back to fend them off as part of their Trail to Udugu
- I have a feeling they would be the antagonists in “Kifamilia Means Family”. They’d see Chungu all alone and try to capture him in order to be given to a shitty zoo.
- I like to think Chungu would be oblivious at first, but throughout the story, he learns the dangers of the two-leggers and actively tries to avoid them while on his quest
- Bonus if, like Kion with the Season 3 villains, Chungu is the reason the poachers became a threat in the first place since he inadvertently leads them to the Outlands
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katlakitty · 2 years
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Ich habe 551 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 551 more posts als 2021!
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543 Einträge gerebloggt (99%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 482 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 13% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#dbh – 163 Einträge
#detroit become human – 123 Einträge
#detroit: become human – 77 Einträge
#gavin reed – 74 Einträge
#dbh connor – 62 Einträge
#dbh rk900 – 53 Einträge
#reed900 – 52 Einträge
#dragon age – 48 Einträge
#dbh gavin – 48 Einträge
#rk900 – 34 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 83 characters
#traveling across half of thedas apparently doesn't take months on foot or horseback
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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3 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. August 2022
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4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 29. August 2022
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I made Connor on Picrew
4 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. August 2022
Get to know me tag
I totally missed the tags from @cptjh-arts and @yayen-chan. Better late than never I guess?
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better
favourite colour: have to say blue. Although I like violet as well.
currently reading: do fanfictions count? ;) I haven't picked up a book in ... months. Oh my. Jumping between different fanfics and fandoms atm. Detroit Become Human (d'uh), Cyberpunk 2077, Dragon Age and Mass Effect for the most part.
The last book I read was a manga version of Pride and Prejudice if I remember correctly.
Last song: Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups. The song is part of a Spotify playlist I often listen to when I'm writing.
Last series: I usually jump from series to series depending on my mood. Last series would be: Queer as Folk, Outlander, Virgin River, Afterlife.
Last movie: last movie I put on in the background while I was doing something else was probably Frozen or Moana. Last movie I put on an was actually paying attention to it would be Detroit Evolution from Octopunk Media. I just can't get enough of those two.
sweet/savory/spicy: oh no, so I have to choose? I'll probably go for sweet then. I love crêpes suzette and cinnamon rolls, so...
currently working on: way too many things for brain to handle. Wips for basically everything I'm interested in. My first multi chapter dbh fanfiction should be finished and ready for beta reading soon. If I don't get distracted by another wip in the meantime. They are all in a state of an unfinished and unpolished mess right now.
tagging: Sorry if you've already been tagged by someone or don't to tags. I probably missed while looking through the posts. @klayr-de-gall @kgrsgmr @deadlilmoon @elvhenfaer @elisa897 @nock-and-bolt @knuttydraws @dudewheresmynug @hanatsuki89
5 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 17. September 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Awkward first meeting between Nines and Gavin?
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11 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. August 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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FFXIV Write 2024 #24 - Bar
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More often than not, people within Shaaloani would ask me the same question when I mention my home in those parts. "How did an outlander managed to get a hold on an old joint?" That story is as fun as it gets, and I admit I never get old sharing that adventure and my early days in Tural. It all started when I got my hunting and travel permit from the old Dawnservant, three years ago.
At the time, I was already known amongst Vipers as someone who would hunt anything as long as it was a paid work, and this fact did not changed. Pay me, and my blades are yours... unless you try to cross me. I hunt, crimes is not in my alley. This is how it started. A crew of "treasure hunters" hired me to clean off an old ruin in Shaaloani, nicknaming themselves "the Sandchasers". A peculiar group that sounded and looked more like common bandits than treasure seekers, but I went along for now. They offered a part of their loot as pay and an early bonus from the start, it would have been folly to refuse... and I must admit my pockets were a bit empty at the moment.
And so, we made road to the mentioned ruin, a place unexplored even by the tribes littering Xak Tural. Whatever was hiding in those buildings could be dated from a time where the Yok Huy were rulers of this land, of even earlier, according to one of the people who hired me. How come someone versed in history ended being a mere treasure hunter, I wondered, but the question did not went in the table until we settled a campfire at the entrance of the ruin. They asked about my story, and so we shared a tradition of my clan.
"One who shares its saga shall do with pleasure, but for a story told, another shall follow."
The Sandchasers were indeed bandits, at first. People who were stranded on Tural, snuck in Shaaloani and lived off the pockets of others, and often caught by the Dustwatch without a stop by the bar and without enjoying their freshly caught pel. They decided to have a change of pace and see if an old ruin could bring them a better reputation, using their knowledge for better than snatching pockets. One knew of Tural history, another was an unsuccesful hunter. Each of them had skills who were useful in their own way, but not enough for the daily life of Tural... Then I had an idea.
We never went into that ruin. Instead, one of the Chasers lead us to an abandoned saloon at the fringes of Shaaloani, further past the old ruin and its mysteries. According to her, it was a family heirloom they never had the chance to restore, and they never really wanted it to begin with. Yet, with their choice to change path while it wasn't too late, restoring that old joint would be a first step towards a better life, and we went to work. Days, weeks even passed until we managed to restore that old saloon into a more respectable place. As we finished, she decided to give that old building to me as thanks... and also offered to work here too. More surprises. She was a barmaid in a saloon until she beat up the owner to a pulp after he was wildly inappropriate with her, and was roaming the sands since. Indeed, she gave me an idea...
And this is how I became Rayne, the Sandchaser's leader and owner of a saloon somewhere in Shaaloani. I still own it, and they still work for me to this day. We offer bandits a second chance, and if they waste it, they are hunted like any other prey. More often than not, they fail to seize their chance and try to turn the Sandchaser against Shaaloani or even me...
... But nobody with sense would mess with a resting predator, right?
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usually, the astral express had a good record when it comes to making a landing upon a planet or another world. however, there were times where a certain trailblazer found it a fun idea to do the sky dive when they entered the planet's atmosphere, very much like this one. it would've been an ordinary day in teyvat if it weren't for a ... foreign space raccoon literally dropping from the sky and ... well — heading right down towards the tallest person she could spot.
" WATCH OUT — " too late.
This just in: Raccoons can skydive
"What the?"
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Perhaps it was a good thing the Oni was alone when he heard a voice coming from above him. He'd blink a few times as he lifted his head and saw someone coming straight toward him. Now, he'd caught plenty of people who fell from great heights before, but the speed with which this one was falling he wasn't sure it would work very well. It wasn't going to STOP him by any means, he couldn't merely let someone make contact with the ground after all. He was much softer of a landing, plus he was tough, he could handle it.
He'd judge the distance between them and make his way to where he'd discerned that she'd likely make contact. He was used to holding or carrying a lot of heavy things, and he used a claymore as his weapon - catching someone plummeting from the sky wouldn't be too hard, right? Luckily for her, the tallest person she happened to see was a Yokai and he was likely bigger than he looked. Which she would find out should he manage to catch her.
If he managed to catch her, he'd likely be sent sliding backward, using his considerable size to his advantage so they didn't smack too hard into any of the nearby trees. The force with which she likely made contact would send him tumbling instinctually he'd wrap his arms around her, that way if either of them got injured it was him. Should he somehow manage to remain standing he'd likely have slid a considerable distance.
"Man, I've seen lots of grand entrances in my time, but that was AWESOME."
Of course, he wouldn't know if she could understand him yet. After all, not every outlander or otherworlder that came to Teyvat could understand the locals immediately. His hair was likely going to be a mess but he was likely more concerned about the person who literally crashed into him from the sky.
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spoilertv · 1 year
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Lily was listening to Ruby answer all the questions. A bit of pain came to her chest when he said his first meeting with his father was not a happy one, she thought of her own experience and how she met her dad. It was so scary and terrifying to say the least. Tears was gathering in her eyes but she hurriedly wiped them a way before she leaned into the ship's chef for some comfort "dear~, are you sleepy~?" Asked the lady as she pulled the girl in her lap now "yeah~, but I want to see the stars~" she answered to hide her sudden change of emotions and also to get the chance to see the night sky again upon the ship.
"Alright then~, when you finish these two last bites~, I'll take you myself to the ship's surface~" Susu told her with sweet smile and Lily nodded taking the bite that was waiting for her on the spoon in front of her mouth.
The crew was at awe of all the answers "so, is it safe to assume you can swim too?" "Oh wait! Did you get along with the Specters? What do you think of them? They are annoying to be honest, but I would like to know about their point of view, are we being like, outlander to them?" "Of course, you idiot. We do walk in their territories, that why they attack in the first place!" Another member answered that one for Ruby.
The Captain laughed at the whole exchanges as he eat, calm and relaxed before he patted Lily on her head gently "cheer up, sea lady. I bet you will have a fun dream tonight after seeing the sky!" He told her and that got her to smile happily at his words. He did notice the shift in her bright aura and could tell. After all, he did help her Father sneaking her out of that whole mess.
He looked at Ruby and said with big smile "naaah, ignore them now, boy! Eat so you can go and rest from this long day! Tomorrow you can talk with them all you want!" Then he turned to frown at his crew "shut it, you idiots! The boy need to rest at night! You too! Finish your meal, there is another team waiting! Let alone the preparation that needed for the storm passing by night" he told them but more like scolded them and they answered with laughs and nods leaving the boy to breath and eat too.
Vincent chuckled at Nigredo's threat and nodded before he playfully replied "maybe you should feed me~, my son~. After all, my old bones can't hold the fork for long~" he teased back with a chuckle that was barely held back before he took another bite.
Rubedo gave the captain a grateful smile. “Thank you, sir. I’ll be happy to answer all of your questions tomorrow,” he promised. “Ah, I hope the storm won’t be too bad. Papa might get seasick…”
“Alright, you little smartass,” Nigredo said with a cheeky grin, snatching Vincent’s plate and fork and holding out the next bite for him. “Say ahhh~”
Albedo just shook his head with a small smile as he quietly finished up his small portion and dabbing his face with a napkin.
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