#the original intention for this gifset was
mydaylight · 1 year
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If you listened, and in the overflow of pain, the giving in to wanton drunkness, the tears, oh would deny all to me if you saw them and still you say you have loved me
Maria Polydouri - Who knows...
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thelvadams · 2 years
nobody will care but i love how bayonetta origins seems heavily influenced by irish mythology
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the-tenth-arcanum · 1 year
oh so it wasn't just me lol
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bethanyactually · 4 months
I don't wanna @ anyone because I understand how fast things seem to move in today's landscape of streaming shows dropping entire seasons in one day, and networks pumping out new series constantly to try to attract more subscribers with no intent to actually maintain those shows over time but I just saw someone self-deprecatingly lament that they are still thinking about a show that ended almost a year ago, making fan art and playlists for it, and I want to be very clear:
you can still create fanworks when it comes to old media!! PLEASE do!! there are always going to be new fans who will appreciate it, and veteran fans who are dying for new content and new perspectives. also, less than a year is NOTHING. the original Star Trek series was on TV six decades ago and there are still people losing their minds over it, writing stories and reblogging gifsets daily, and that's only one example.
a fandom lasts as long as there are people who love a thing, even if it's only a handful of people. love what you love and write and draw and make gifs and playlists about it!
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2sw · 4 months
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"Dean physically hitting/beating Sam" requested by anonymous
I had this same themed gifset in my drafts for quite some time, but since anon requested it, I remade it to finally post it. I excluded the occasions when dean was under the influence of MoC even though the show explicitly stated that the mark only amplifies what's already there. I also excluded a few other scenes for obvious reasons because I know how to take context into account, so I think this is a fair gifset. now apply the same standard to sam and do the math. and my original intention was, and still is, to show sam's reaction because everything I post is about sam. I don't even consider this as a dean crit post, this is just how he is and it is part of the show you can't deny.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I'm assuming you're talking about this gifset I reblogged. Honestly I think that Eddie was supposed to be queer from the beginning. I know people think Buck was but I'm not sure if that was necessarily the writers intention. It might have been Oliver's intention to play him that way, I can't remember what he said word for word but I think it was something about how he's always seen Buck as bi. But I think in scenes like the season 1 tapeworm episode where Buck seems to bond with the gay couple it's supposed to come off more like Buck is just being his himbo self more than anything else. I mean I do think when we're looking back on the show there are definitely signs of his bisexuality (the tapeworm scene being one) but I don't know that the writers wrote him at the time with that intention.
But I think there's a good possibility that they brought Eddie in always wanting to have him be a character that comes out eventually. I mean look at how we're introduced to Eddie. Then look at how everything with Shannon was handled. They easily could have kept her around longer and turned their relationship into a will they/won't they. They could have made it so we saw how in love with her Eddie has always been but that's not what happened. They let us know right away that the main draw to that relationship for Eddie was familiarity and the fact that Shannon is Chris' mother. These factors have continued to come into play in Eddie's other relationships too. Like with Ana there was a familiarity in that she was Chris' teacher and Eddie was mostly looking for someone to fill the mother figure role for Chris.
While I think that Eddie was always intended to be queer I don't think they wanted him to come out immediately like they did with a character like Michael. I think the plan was to tell his story slowly and have him come out later. The Ana storyline I think was supposed to be the lead in to having Eddie come out. The main reason I believe this (apart from just look at how that storyline was handled) is the person on twitter with inside info to the show said as much.
I also think that around s3 they started to really notice the chemistry between Buck and Eddie and how much people were shipping them because that's when we got scenes like "there's no one in this world I trust with my son more" and "you want to go for the title" and the grocery story fight which totally read like a lovers quarrel. Or how they had Eddie seeing images of Buck flash in his mind when he almost died in the well. Or having Buck scream for Eddie when he almost died in the well.
I think by the time they got to season 4 there were serious discussions about putting Buck and Eddie together. We know from Oliver that the plan was originally to have Buck come out in s4 and presumably Eddie in s5 along with Buddie going canon. But Fox put a stop to that. If you go by what the insider said and by how season 4 was handled especially the shooting (which is incredibly romance coded) there's no way that Buddie wasn't in the plans by this point.
Plus you had Tim leaving around this time likely at least in part because he was frustrated with how Fox was stifling his show. You can also see remnants of where the story was supposed to go in s5. All that stuff with Eddie and Ana and the panic attacks and Buck being worried about him that was definitely supposed to be a part of Eddie's coming out arc I'm positive on that. I also think that Taylor (when she came back in s4) was originally just supposed to be a friend who helped Buck figure things out but instead Fox pushed for her to be a love interest. This would explain Oliver's dislike of the relationship and complete lack of supporting it. Similar to how he's been with B/T.
Anyway sorry I went off on a ramble. I could talk about these guys all day. 😅
Oh and I leave you with this anon Eddie in s3 checking out a hot guy's ass. (and Chimney clocking him doing it😝)
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peridyke · 8 months
ok the way dni banners have progressed over the years is crazy to me cause like. okay. when I was like 18 I started running a kidcore/sensory themed blog cause those things were comforting for me and something that was a bit of an issue when you posted that stuff was that there were a Lot of ddlg based blogs who would kinda co-opt anything based on nostalgic kids media (especially very cute stuff like sanrio) and pass it around in their circle often leaving sometimes very explicit comments focusing around a form of roleplay that is uh definitely not for everyone especially if you have csa based trauma. so like if you wanted to avoid seeing cute stuff you posted passed around with people who often left explicit and triggering commentary the best way to avoid it was putting a banner at the bottom of your gifset or whatever that said ddlg blogs don't reblog. just cause like I mean if you have one of those blogs its very obvious when you aren't listening to the wishes of the original poster if you still reblog it and it's also something that kinda kills the aesthetic a little bit. NOT a perfect system obviously but like you know when it worked it worked. when I was running my blog I didn't want to use banners cause they made me feel dorky but one time I didn't and I posted a gif from a hello kitty cartoon I watched when I was 6 and it got passed around heavily in those circles and someone left a comment about it being them when daddy puts them in the punishment closet. so like you know I didn't make that mistake again LOL. but anyways nowadays they seemed to have devolved into like...something very weird where it's not really about keeping your stuff from entering an explicitly sexual circle and more like...I don't know how to put this. weird misplaced moral signaling? not that the groups that people ask not to interact with them are great but there is something very silly about posting a slime gif with a giant banner underneath telling every group with potentially offensive opinions not to reblog it especially when the stated groups get progressively esoteric and niche. and it gets especially useless when it starts including stuff that people don't self identify as like no one is going to see "racist pedophiles dni" and be like ohhhhh shit that's meeeeee fuuuuck!!!! I don't know like you know at the end of the day people can put what they want on their posts and to be fair I think people who get really wrapped up in that stuff tend to be younger anyways but it is still like. very silly and very far removed from the original specific intentions of using banners
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ca-suffit · 3 months
Something that I read a lot randomly in the fandom but lately more and more, is amc Armand being called gremlin. Am I overthinking this or is not plainly racist? If the show cast a white auburn haired younger actor to play Armand would he also be called gremlin or is he being called a gremlin now because he's dark skinned? It always made me uncomfortable to see Armand called gremlin esp if in the gifset or shit post it's Lestat calling Armand a gremlin , even if it's haha a joke. The fandom thinks it's so hilarious. A white man calling a dark skinned desi actor a gremlin.
I don't *think* it's meant to imply racism or has any known racist origins, but he isn't called that in the books so I'm not sure if they'd have done that otherwise if he were white. Anyone else can give feedback btw, if u have thoughts or information on this.
This post also just showed up while I was looking into this and gets into some WWII history about the term (its main origin, apparently). I think this is the metaphor the show was aiming for. but again ppl can share comments about it, cuz intention and how it lands with the audience can obviously be different things.
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esther-dot · 10 months
lysa wanted to marry sansa and robert arryn, does that debunk the ashford theory?
I haven't read the Hedge Knight so this isn't my thing, anon, but Martin has talked about how much he knows regarding the as yet to be written story, and it is a lot. Not only do we know of certain mysteries he's unraveling across the series (R+L=J), he's spoken about how he likes to have things readers will catch on rereads, so it makes sense to me that Martin knew Sansa had been betrothed to to Joffrey, would be marrying Tyrion, that he also knew her endgame romance, and that while writing the novella, he created a little nod to it. Aligning it completely doesn't need to be the goal, anymore than we would expect a carbon copy of pre canon events replaying in canon in any other scenario, but we certainly see the echos and references of pre canon in canon, and I have to think that's the case here.
Also, Sansa is about to be present at a tourney in TWOW, she's talking about her favor, there's this whole pre canon thing about a Stark girl and Targ at a tourney, so it doesn't feel weird to think maybe Sansa was on Martin's mind. And of course, in canon, Sansa is the maiden fair which is interesting when the Ashford girl is referred to as fair maid, and this idea of a revolving door of champions is very reminiscent of Sansa's unfortunate experiences thus far, with men who help her, fail her/hurt her, and then on to the next (the Hound, Tyrion, Dontos, LF...).
A potential match with Sweetrobin doesn't feel like an obstacle to everything that does make this feel like a thing, especially when, it is not merely the matching names that connect the two, it's the details that create all sorts of parallels with Jon, making him seem like the canon Targ this will ultimately be about. Let's revisit that revolving door of "champions" for Sansa, who is the guy who killed her monster in canon? 🤔 butterflies-dragons wrote a lengthy meta in 2021 about all of the Jon hints, and I find there's too much pointing to it all as quite intentional, even with a missing Robin.
Since I've been digging around in old posts and saw a bit of the evolution on this theory, I'll just point out, a lot of people were happy to consider this foreshadwoing for Sansa and Aegon, but the "Sansa is going North" fans rejected that, and it's funny that when people started to consider that her likely path, the theory had to be abandoned when, there's a Targ in the North too.
I'll go ahead and link to a several more posts I saw about it, in case anyone is interested. 2017 post (show verse), possible reference to it in GoT, and a 2018 meta that also considers Jon.
These two 2015 gifsets use the Ashford theory for the Sansa x Aegon pairing (1, 2), these two use Jon or Aegon (2016, 2018), and here's a Jonsa one.
There's also a Jonsa fic inspired by the theory, originally posted in 2016.
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ranchthoughts · 9 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @lurkingshan (here) and @wen-kexing-apologist (here). Thanks for the tags!
In 2023, I made 175 original posts, including 45 metas about 12 different shows and two large scale projects (the GMMTV Multiverse and the GMMTV Kissing charts). It was interesting to see what meta (and how much) I had written in which months. It's also fun looking back as I approach my one year anniversary of watching and writing about BL - I'm so grateful for all the wonderful people I've met and gotten to chat with over these past months!
January and February [0 metas]
I wasn’t on BL Tumblr yet! Any and all meta came in the form of thoughts, texts, and powerpoint presentations.
March [6 metas]
My BL Tumblr debut! I started this blog with the intention of 1) more easily gathering and archiving posts for future reference, and 2) collecting my thoughts somewhere other than text threads and my notes app, so I began posting meta the day I got here.
Most popular: what started as me thinking about Win’s rock t-shirt from ep 11 and then grew from there… - reading a lot into a random Thai ql shirt choice? Me?
Favourite(s): Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and coming out (part 1, part 2); Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and music - My first meta ever posted! I keep returning to Tinn and his mother's relationship in My School President...
April [1 meta]
By default, the most popular (and favourite): Gun's feelings are realistic - I love when MSP subverts our expectations
May [13 metas]
Oh damn! This was a big meta month for me. Some of my favourite metas I've ever written were posted this month.
Most popular: The Eighth Sense and Missing Pieces - I am really proud of this one. It also made me laugh that I apologized for the length at the beginning when I would go on to post much, MUCH longer metas.
Favourite(s): Thoughts on genre, tropes, Bad Buddy, and My School President (aka my Bad Buddy and MSP thesis, which began life as a powerpoint presentation... now here's one of those much, MUCH longer metas in question); Wai as a faen fatale (which also began life as part of that same powerpoint presentation and I think perfectly encapsulates my analytical style); Conversations in ITSAY that are about more than they seem (I am really proud of the analysis I did here and the writing style I used to present it). This was also the month in which I started my deeply self-indulgent GMMTV Multiverse project, which later inspired my mission to record all GMMTV kisses.
June [11 metas]
Oh nooo another bunch of my favourites. This is cruel to make me choose.
Most popular: Thinking about Pran's "Pat, you've got to stop doing this to me" (I love this one! and this was the first of several times I've gotten to collaborate with the wonderful @dudeyuri)
Favourite(s): An analysis of the baseball mom shirt, Bad Buddy ep. 5 (my entry into the venerable field of Bad Buddy/ql shirt analysis and also encapsulates pretty much everything I try to do in my metas); An impassioned defense of the Bad Buddy ep. 5 rooftop kiss (combines many of my favourite things: reading deeply into the minute details of Bad Buddy, an analytical framework that just clicks itself together as I write, and literature reviews); and Thinking about Snow White as the engineering play, part 1 (shout out to the two other people going ham on Snow White as an allegory during the Our Skyy 2 madness - @chickenstrangers (here) and @letgomaggie (here))
July [3 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): Thinking about Pat, Pran, and pursuit (I think this was my first time articulating the idea of Pat and Pran's commitment to the bit, a concept which continues to circle in my head. This was also another collaboration with the wonderful @dudeyuri!)
August [7 metas]
Here comes Only Friends... and the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse project.
Most popular: GMMTV Kissing Multiverse updates 1, 2 and 3 (this is so much fun to track and analyze, and I've been really touched by everyone else's excitement for the project too); Various thoughts and musings on Only Friends and ephemerality (the Ephemerality Squad assembles!)
Favourite: Thinking about Boston: a study of episode 3 - I find Boston's mind a fascinating place to explore
September [8 metas]
Oh look! It's more Only Friends!
Most popular: Mansplain, Manipulate, Manwhore: Ray confronting Boston - once again, I love getting into Boston's head. This post was inspired by @wen-kexing-apologist's scene breakdowns, especially their Fight Night one
Favourite(s): The above, and also The Mundanity of Meanness
October [5 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): The first fist bump in Bad Buddy - oof. I've gotta come back to this idea sometime.
November [3 metas]
Most popular: The Latest Update to the Kissing Multiverse - the hotly anticipated post-Only Friends update to the kissing charts
Favourite: the kissing charts, and Thinking about Pat, Pran, and competition - again, I love to think about Pat and Pran. I consider this one to be part of an ongoing series, along with my earlier metas on pursuit and the rooftop.
December [1 meta]
Most popular (and favourite): Not Me and earrings - technically an addition on @chickenstrangers' post, but was a relief to get my months old "Not Me is about ears and earrings!" thoughts out.
some no pressure tags: @chickenstrangers, @distant-screaming, @dudeyuri, @neuroticbookworm, @slayerkitty, @telomeke, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
What this ask is missing, a bit, is that Death of the Author *does* mean that the author’s take on things is no more or less valid than anyone else’s. It’s about decentering authorial intent in analyses of media. Barthes is pretty clear and quite pointed about it in the original essay.
What bothers me about misuses of it and what I think this anon means to say is when people start decentering the actual *text*. The idea behind Death of the Author is also that the text stands alone. You don’t need to look at any extra shit to understand it. As you said, it was a response to a mode of analysis that obsessed over plumbing through author biographies.
The issue with what people do in fandom is they ignore the text. “I don’t like this element of canon, so it doesn’t exist.” (Which is different from arguing that it’s there but it sucks because of XYZ reasons, so I’m going to consciously ignore it in my fan works. This is when people just act like it isn’t there in the text in the first place.) “You have to take my bizarro world out-of-nowhere headcanon that is based on nothing except that I want it to be true, that I love this character and I wish they were XYZ therefore they are” and take it just as seriously as headcanons that actually engage with what’s in the show/video game/book/movie/whatever and use that as their basis (like building off something that is subtextual in the original work).
Granted we all do this to some degree, we all come to a text with our own biases and you can’t *always* easily separate those out, and that can affect, for instance, your interpretation of what the subtext is, but I think the irritating fandom behavior is when this kind of ignoring-the-text-to-substitute-your-own-reality is this very deliberate sort of laziness. The annoying thing in my current fandom is people who are fans of this one ship that they insist is the most progressive and other people just don’t see the scintillating “subtext” of because we are bigots or whatever, between two characters who don’t interact that much for two MCs and when they do it’s not at all shippy (but these characters both have very shippy subtext with different characters), but where these people think the ship *should* exist because of their identities. And their “evidence” for the ship is always gifsets taken way out of context and not including the dialogue that makes the non-shippy context for that scene very clear (including that it might actually be shippy for conflicting pairings). It’s like this bizarre version of “close reading” that strips out the largely context *deliberately* in order to make a particular conclusion seem more compelling than it actually is.
Anyway, all that ignoring-the-text stuff is STILL bad analysis per DOTA. Since the point of DOTA is to go based on the text, if you’re obscuring the text you’re kind of just installing yourself as a new author.
This is why DOTA doesn’t mean “anything goes.” It just means “authorial intent is just one interpretation that doesn’t have to matter.” It doesn’t mean other stuff we use in analysis doesn’t matter, and if anything the point is to make it even more text-centric than the older author-centric analyses were. People can still disagree about what the text says, of course, but they should both be going back to it in how they construct those arguments, and not, like those shippers, deliberately ignoring chunks of the text that weaken their arguments.
I don't think all of them are consciously throwing out actual canon, but they are often throwing out all context that would help evaluate subtext.
Like... if you're analyzing a Marvel movie, you might ignore what the director said in an interview, but you probably shouldn't entirely ignore the fact that it is a Marvel movie and apply assumptions that make sense for some arthouse film.
And, yes, if you're arguing for shippy subtext, even unintentional on the part of creators, "I like this ship because..." needs very little, but "This ship has more support than this other ship" requires going back to the actual text and looking at it in its totality.
There's a lot of faux-intellectualism around garbage like TJLC where people try to make themselves feel smart by using the language of close reading while having the media literacy of a bucket of rotting fish.
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etherealspacejelly · 2 months
hi!! you seem like a very chill and kind person so I thought I'd ask you. I'm fairly new to this website and I don't know how to make friends on here or how to engage and chat with people? if that makes sense. (I'm also autistic so maybe I just have a hard time picking up on The Rules if there are any). I was wondering if you could maybe perhaps give me some tips? tysm in advance! (also: hope you're having a nice timezone :) )
absolutely i can give you some tips!!!
the first thing you want to do is make sure you're posting things. no one will want to follow you if theres nothing on your blog! make original posts about your thoughts on things you care about (and make sure to tag them appropriately!), and reblog things you like, and likeminded people might give you a follow!
follow some accounts that follow you, especially if they have shared interests. making mutuals is the best way to make friends. write friendly/funny responses to things in the tags of their posts, send them asks to get to know them, and tag them in things you think they'll like
i would advise sending asks first before any direct messages, as this is a more public and informal space so it makes people more at ease with interacting with you. if you dont know what to ask, find some of those ask games that people are always reblogging and take one of those questions (thats what i do!)
if you want to direct message someone and start an actual conversation, this is usually pretty universally welcomed if you are already mutuals with the person and have been exchanging asks and comments in tags for a while. if you are Not mutuals with the person in question, make sure to introduce yourself and state your intentions Straight Away. dont just start messaging them as if you're already friends. if you arent mutuals, its pretty likely they have no clue who you are, but they might still be interested in being friends if you tell them thats what you're after!
my last piece of advice is, dont jump into a conversation with nothing to talk about. if you are initiating the conversation, it is on You to bring something to the table to start things going. otherwise you're putting a lot of pressure on the other person to make the conversation engaging, when they didnt even choose to start the conversation in the first place! think of it like you're auditioning to be this persons friend, you want to make a good impression!
go to their blog first and look at what they post about. have they reblogged a bunch of gifsets from a show you dont watch? ask about the show! whats the plot about, who is their favourite character, what do they like about it, etc.
thats pretty much it! this is the way i have made most of my friends on here. i hope that helps. good luck!
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thegreymoon · 11 months
Every time I try to imagine the original timeline I cry bc they could’ve been so happy together without all the trauma to fuck them up if only Shi Mei didn’t decide to go for the burn the world route, but I just tried to imagine how it would have gone if CWN was the one with the flower? And honestly I’m not sure? I’m pretty sure he would be terrifying but nothing else comes to mind.
So I gotta ask how do you think a CWN who got the flower would break? Is he as obsessed with MR as MR is with him (I kinda wanna say yes) but idk if he would go the same route or what he would do if I’m being honest?
Ooof, this is a tough one 😬 Yeah, I do think he would have been just as obsessed with Mo Ran as Mo Ran was with him because Ranwan is so reciprocal. They match in energy, in intensity, in the depth of their attachment. Both of them committed to each other so early on. The time they had before the flower was so brief, but nothing that happened later broke that love in the slightest. I don't think that Chu Wanning would have imprisoned and raped Mo Ran the way TXJ did with him because it is against his character and the flower cannot change the fundamentals of a person. Also, Mo Ran would probably still be willing to be with a dark!CWN, especially a young Mo Ran, so there would be no conflict there. I think the true tragedy would be that they would succeed in destroying the world and destroy themselves in the process. I also think that CWN's path to darkness would start with righteousness. Mo Ran was angry, so it makes sense that he was out to destroy everyone, but I think that CWN would have tried to create a perfect utopia where everyone behaves 'virtuously' and 'righteously' and punish those who step out of line. He would start killing with good intentions, to keep everyone in line, in the service of a greater good. Even building that bridge of corpses would probably stem from a sense that the BBBFs were wronged, and therefore owed their oppressors laying their lives down to build a path for them into a better world. IDK how Chu Wanning loving Shi Mei would work out, though. Chu Wanning loved him to begin with, so the curse would probably amplify that love to an unhealthy degree. But as we saw with Mo Ran, while the curse does cause an unhealthy obsession, it does not create sexual attraction, so I think that would play out in pretty much the same way on Chu Wanning's side, too.
Also, I cannot talk about dark!CWN without mentioning this series of gifsets.
These gifsets are what introduced me to this book 😭 2ha is a trap and Luo Yunxi is the bait.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 6 months
How do you feel about fandom/ships that you have not interacted with the source material? I personally enjoy a few fandoms/ships that I have zero interest in or intention of interacting with the source material. If you have some you enjoy, who got you into it? Do you plan to read/watch/listen to the original material at some point?
*Asks are for fun, if it doesn't strike your fancy please feel no guilt in not answering. *
Hi Lovely!
Oh what a fun ask! Ah, it's actually not often that I ship something without knowing the source. I tend to need to know character dynamics and chemistry before I feel the seed of shipping plant itself in me. I think the ONLY fandom I ever shipped before I engaged with it was Detroit: Become Human's Hank and Connor. I shipped them through gifsets, and then I played the game and shipped them then LOL. Another one was Zuko and Katara, and I was TORN when they didn't get together at the end (*cough* I think they had better romantic chemistry than Katara / Aang *cough*). So yeah, very minimal shipping until I get into something, hahah.
I ship stuff from afar sometimes, but again, I don't tend to seriously ship characters until I know who they are as characters, LOL.
As for who gets me into them, it's if I decide to watch something on someone's recommendation, and even then that's rare because the more someone recs something to me, the less likely I am to watch or listen to it (sorry all). With Avatar, for instance, I didn't get into it until like 5 years after the show aired... I remember vehemently NOT watching it because it was so popular. I only watched it because I visited my sister and they were watching the series when I was over. I got into Sherlock during the S2 hiatus, because I went to my friends' house and they wanted to watch it, so I watched it.
So yeah, LOL. Just whenever I feel like it, I get into it.
AND funnily enough, if the property is GOOD, it can enhance the level I ship a ship... like Loki S2 is better than S1, and only then did my brain kick into hardcore shipping Lokius... because ANOTHER weird thing I have is if a ship feels like it might go Canon, then I ship it even HARDER. I mean I always get burnt in the end (Johnlock, Lokius, Zutara...) but I have a good time with it, hee hee.
Anyway, thank you for this ask, it was fun. I like fandom asks <3
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khaotunq · 9 months
Beloved Esme @itsallaboutbl tagged me (her post so u can see it done right) :))) thank you <3
Most popular / personal favs gifsets
I have published 222 gifsets this year, which is fun and possibly a bit insane. I've made gratuitous use of the archive feature so I've linked that on the weird chance anyone but me is interested in every set I've posted. (December link, and then scrolling down will take you back month by month)
As usual, I've done this entirely differently to how I imagine it's supposed to have been done (nobody else is doing numbers, for example), but I have no self control at all and I'm currently really fucking low so I'm concentrating on this to keep from The Thoughts :)
21 in January Most popular: the first of my First Kanaphan as Ryu in Wake Up Ladies sets, by a bit of a landslide. This did nothing until about summertime, at which point the notes went from about 150 to 700, lmao Personal fav: Akk (Eclipse): there's one dog that won't get to see me smile (immediately smiles) because that smile will always kill me (Honourable mention to this Ryu set because my own tags make me laugh, and this set that nobody liked but I can still hear)
17 in February Most popular: 2023 is the year of our Lord, Mark Pakin Personal fav: Jimbo, AKA: Moonlight Chicken's main character and there was also this because I'm a funny fuck
13 in March Most popular: Obnoxiously long real-to-me kiss gifset (Eclipse) Personal fav: Honestly probably the same as above, but perhaps S101: Tall being dragged by Tiny, and also Akk's hair looks excellent in those.
14 in April Most popular: S101: Do a barrel roll!Ayan Personal fav: wet Khaotung but also this progression of shots that nobody else liked (also, also this one because THE HUG ok i'm never ok about it)
10 in May (20 posts show up, but 10 of them are gifs/gifsets I sent in asks to Chiara) Most popular: Your World, My World Personal fav: Navigate edit because I'm still so pleased with it, though I think the 3rd gif's text should be brighter and I probably should've made the twinkling stars more obvious, and also the One Life edit for Akk I did because it's important to me and I spent so long making the text work... and I'm still not sure it does.
14 in June (16 show up for June but 2 are tutorially/gif process things) Most popular: Bold Gays: Ayan Personal fav: Enneagram Type 8: Sean but honestly all the Enneagrams were my favs they were fun, and I keep meaning to revisit the idea
23 in July (24 show up but one's a gif explanation) Most popular: Ray from the Only Friends official trailer Personal fav: Khaotung Thanawat personally coming for my throat or my continued slow breakdown over Sean or the first OFTS/SandRay edit I did with the original teaser trailer orrrrrrrrr Ayan being unable to keep his hands to himself
28 in August (hello, Only Friends and Eclipse Anniversary, lol) Most popular: Sand being a whole mood Personal fav: Ray mad in a car because it's still funny and also First Kanaphan's personal character arc
27 in September Most popular: Only Friends / Bad Buddy parallel that got me the most glorious threats &lt;3 Personal fav: I can't pick. There's Ray's naa-ing, this single gif that lives in my head forever, the Brotherhood of the Travelling Bruise, and Sand AM/PM because thiiighs
17 in October Most popular: K H A O A L A (which is still the funniest thing I've ever said) Personal fav: SandRay calendar because I'm fucking proud of it, even if there are a thousand things I'd change about it now, but honestly all my sets for October were personal favs I enjoy all of them immensely. I really loved my SandRay Kesha edit. Mostly the first gif, but the rest were fun and only mostly maddening to make.
16 in November Most popular: Yok & Mond and their shared braincell Personal fav: Boston and Meredith Brooks
22 in December Most popular: Twins characters/tag yourself meme/still haven't figured out what my intent was behind this set but I'm glad everyone's having fun with it Personal fav: Bold Gays: Yok even though the yellow one makes me mad and I want to redo it, and also Alan because kfdsjkhgfdh
Tagging! As ever, feel free to ignore: @raypakorn @sollucets @chinzhilla @theedorksinlove @chickenstrangers @5racha @khaotungsfirst
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booasaur · 2 years
Hi! I didn't know where else to put this since I'm not a big blog, but i realised that, before Avatrice kissed, Beatrice had the intentions of putting the crown on Ava to stop her from sacrificing and Ava stops her with her left hand. During the kiss, Ava caressed Bea's cheek with that same hand, so that means she trusts Bea to not put the crown on her head, she knows Bea understands what she's about to do, and she just wanted to convey her emotions one last time. Me crying 3 days later...
And now I'm answering 21 days (when I originally started answering this it was just a few days later but it kept on getting pushed down) later... :p
Anon, you could post your thoughts in the tag from your blog and you'd still reach a lot of people! Especially right now when the fandom is so active and checking these tags with a ferocity (the fact that this hasn't changed in the time since I started this reply in mid-November and now).
But as you sent it to me, I'll respond anyway, because lol, I didn't even realize that Bea was trying to put the crown on her? It's so clear now, but at the time I was just like, wait, what? What? Whaaaaatttt?
In my defense I watched the show once and then giffed a few scenes and that's been it! I've missed so much. :x Okay, right, so I'm watching my own gifset now, and ooh, I see, she's trying to put the crown on her and then Ava stops her! It's super intimate and then the softest kiss in the history of kissing. And yep, the hands let go from clutching arms and waists (me sadly remembering Ava wanting to go off together with Bea and dance 😔) and you know, I'm not even sure it's a conscious decision? They just seem so lost in the desperation and relief of this thing they've both quietly wanted for so long and which might be their first and last time getting it.
Another thing I'm realizing watching this is how quickly Ava caught Bea, clearly anticipating her. I really like that by the time this happened, they're so much more equals, because from s1, at the analogous point in the big final mission, Bea had to give Ava a little lecture on what she should be doing as the leader, which a chastened Ava had to absorb even when she thought she'd been doing well, a sobering lesson (not to mention that they had the explosives as a second option). From the start Bea's been training Ava to be the leader she knew she could be, when literally everyone else thought the Halo picked wrong (including Ava at times!) and it's really cool to see that Ava has taken that advice fully to heart and even surpassed Bea's expectations.
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