#the orbz
the-orbz · 1 year
Why? Why does this have to happen, why must everyone leave? What did I do to pay for the sins of Illusionist? Why must I be blocked? Lie to whoever, hurt who ever, but them being hurt causes me to be punished? Am I seen constantly interacting? Or do I just watch? I had ONE character interaction with RAYN and their characters, not even myself. What the hell is the point in running this blog to find new people if I will just be punished? Why am I running a world with a flawed creator? Fuck Illusionist's decrepit ways, they have caused harm.
The worst part? They are already gone, what the hell can I do? Tell them I cut off the bads? Make accounts until they listen? No, to everyone I am a living reminder of Illusionist's sins.
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has anyone done this
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artificialflav · 22 days
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👽 Scanning Vibes 👽
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theballoonguyinkorea · 11 months
(Dec. 20, 2022) 2022 Christmas Event Anagram Orbz Balloons are displayed at Hyundai Premium Outlets SPACE 1, Namyangju, Korea
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These beautiful Anagram Orbz Balloons are installed for 2022 Christmas Event(PEACE AND LOVE) for Hyundai Premium Outlets SPACE 1, Namyangju, Gyeonggi, South Korea
Location : Hyundai Premium Outlets SPACE 1, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Balloons Used : Anagram White Orbz (Anagram Item No. 40307), White Gold Orbz (Anagram Item No. 41869)
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Katsuki BKG + Neurodivergent Reader
(random rambles and hcs)
Buys CLEAR glass containers to put leftovers in the fridge and puts a cute sticky pad on the fridge to remind you that they’re there !
Helps you label everything to avoid doom boxes
Biweekly clean outs to get rid of any clutter you’re getting anxious over !! Yea !!
Keeps big beautiful display cabinets for your favorite items (toys, figures, fossils, bugs, etc!)
Sees sensory overload from a mile away and offers to take over to let you cool down. Reminds you where the earphones/headphones are !! Also keeps weighted blankets, etc in the house
Speaking of sensory he memorizes your favorite sensory toys and remembers to buy a few here and there! Moon sand ! Slime ! Orbz! Whatever ! Yea!
Is not afraid to watch the same movie/shows over and over with you. He still gets time to watch his own shows with you, of course, you’re more than happy to but he doesn’t mind watching your favorites!
Reminds you to eat when he knows you’ve been fixated on something. Whether it be one of your favorite things or something new you’re obsessed with, he’s already prepared with easy to make, little prep meals in the fridge/freezer.
Keeps safe foods in the house at all times. Not negotiable, they stay in the house and if you run low he stocks back up immediately !!
Takes you on nature walks/zoos/aquariums/whatever your favorite thing is to do/ dates ! If he knows you’ve been struggling lately with motivation, it’s a no brainer to take you somewhere you’ll feel the happiest. Let’s you pick stuff from the gift shop easy!
GIVES U THE MENU BEFORE U GO ANYWHEREEEEEE!!! He’s literally got menus printed to hand you before you go so you’re not anxious!!
Always asks you if you’d like a booth or table !! Does the talking so you don’t feel awkward!! Ya!
Remembers what textures you like/dislike! Microfiber/microfleece he never makes u touch!! Cause what the fuck is with that texture making my teeth itch
Let’s you help make weekly meal plans so neither of you get too caught up and forget to eat ! Yup yup!
CARRIES FIDGET TOYS IN HIS POCKET!! I said what I SAID! In the center console of his car he keeps a spare of noise cancelling headphones, teethers for when you need to chew, fidget spinners/cubes/pop it’s/ etc!
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friend-of-furbies · 1 month
Finished customizing my first ever littlest pet shop!
Introducing ORBZ
(plz clap)
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Orbz is so so cute in my humble opinion, of course I'm biased, but it's also just a fact! I customized a blank knockoff lps ferret base for my friend @artificialflav !
To see progress pics and the concept art please look under the cut 👽
Concept art: Look how precious!
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Obviously I didn't get the little neckpiece done before taking the pictures, but I do still plan on making it!
Some progress photos:
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"got any games on your phone?"
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magoranzz · 11 months
27. They're OK :)
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yeah two gay orbz are in peace :)
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trillobyteart · 8 months
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4realevildoer · 6 months
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Lite orbz
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lioncunt · 2 years
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*hissez at u* *gigles and blushss then looks up at your green orbz* O.o
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the-orbz · 1 year
"Will I shatter your harmful cycle by revealing its truth? Or will I shatter like before for trying, hurting another for what? Is there any escape to your harm?" The voice trails off from translating to native tongue, but the ill intention of harm carries through any language. Still, in a magical plane such as the legendary realm, one does not need words to understand emotions, as black magic crawls around the bitter spoken Anthoid. It seems to mimic the true pain behind the words of the successful translation, trying to dig into the kill-able flesh of the semi-mortal and fighting itself to show the urge of protection. All black though, no matter the intention, the harm of the magic will still apply.
"We all represent a problem ourselves, Orbz, even in this nightmare free from the control of Illusionist, we still operate." He draws his scythe, pulling the magical mask off his face and the purple magic forming into the weapon. Dark magic, no concern of the issues they face against others. The scythe glows with a purple shine before fully gaining its metallic color, it needs no magic to cause harm.
"You are wrong, Dark Crystal of Rayn, Illusionist always watches, no matter my user. You still represent his issue and Keith's issue, but together." The Dark Orb activates in the hand of the truth, the sphere shooting out dark magic and returning to its spot in the minimizing armor. The weapon forms into an odd choice, one few are aware of how to even use, a hand-type scythe attached to a chain. "Not here to fight though, are we? Otherwise you would not be let in to be a nightmare."
"No, to show the others. Even Chu had a counter though, do not hold all your pride in your counter-defensive bubble." He steps back, holding his empty right hand out and pulling a spirit, crushing it to cover himself. The spirit infuses into his flesh, leaving his boots and wrapping around in a similar fashion to the magic, only removing his presence completely as it climbs up through the non-existent air, leaving nothing left but the hollow memory.
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matty-from-megalos · 5 months
Wrote out a thread on twtr about this and thought maybe I'd share it here too.
I was thinking about how I like the modularity of pf2e runes, but also the specificity of magic weapons & armor Being A Specific Thing, and resolving that into something that's kinda-sorta like an anonymized version of Destiny 2 catalysts.
1. Magic items have a specific feature
2. Increases in power/maybe adds new effects as you bond greater & greater (or just more & more?) Magical Orb Things to it.
3. Remove Magical Orb Things & put them in something else when you want or need to, to suit a tactical need.
I think that, on instinct, i'd go with "greater & greater" Magical Orb Things rather than just shoving an increasingly large number of Item Coupons into them. So you'd have like Grade 1, 2, 3 "glyphs" you could craft from specific pieces of monsters or something.
One key, I think, would be to award something like 50+% more items than glyphs, and stop awarding glyphs entirely at some point.
Kinda generalizing for the thought experiment, but it would be something like:
* People (thinking/spoken) drop magic items. So you get magic items by fighting against villains & lieutenants.
* Monsters (otherworldly/animalistic) enemies drop stuff you can make into Magic Orbz.
To create more sense of ownership over the Orb Thingies, you could make it so that they tier up by being used, rather than being crafted at a given tier. This has the (possible) downside of narrowing the number of high grade Orb Thingies you could get later in the campaign.
That's only a possible downside because it may be an explicitly desirable feature. The Orb Thingies the party has had for ages are the Most Beefed Up, and so late game they have to make potentially engaging choices about which item gets the coveted Grade 5 Orbs & which can make do with less.
🤔idk still thinking this one through
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artificialflav · 22 days
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Orbz has arrived!!! I'm so happy :D!!!! He arrived safely and looks amazing!!! To hold my son in my hand is so amazing :3!! Orbz looks so good!!! AAAAAHHH
Thank you again, @friend-of-furbies, for the amazing work you've done in making this custom!! ;) YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!! ⬇️(more pics of orbs below)⬇️
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theballoonguyinkorea · 11 months
(Nov. 5, 2022) 2nd Anniversary Event Anagram Orbz Balloons are displayed at Hyundai Premium Outlets SPACE 1, Namyangju, Korea
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These orbz balloons are installed for 2nd Anniversary Event.
Event Date : Nov. 4~13, 2022
Location : Hyundai Premium Outlets SPACE 1, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Balloons Used : Anagram White Orbz (Anagram Item No. 40307), Red Orbz (Anagram Item No. 28203)
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rotom-anon · 6 months
[Pin v2]
…Urgh why did I type like that… Anywayz!…
Hi, Call me Roto. (Not my name, but… I like my privacy.) I’m a rotom hybrid, not naturally but becauze… Well there’z Lore™ down at the bottom. They/Them, Pleaze.
I’m L-LUA, I have some… m-missing data… and don’t r-remember much, but I’ve been d-dubbed (by a friend of the blog) as a P-porygon-1.5… I use He/Him, If it m-matters.
(Alzo Pelipper Mail, Muzharna Mail, the Malice varietiez etc. Etc. Are all on, magic anonz az well. I want the chaoz it bringz to my life. It’z boring otherwize)
Oh yeah, finally there’z 🍵, while they don’t actually have an account, they’re an anon that popz up here a ton, so I’ll talk about them…
Bazically 🍵 waz there when I got rotom’d (again explanation below) and got well… purpled. All their text is purple, and they apparently taste purple when they talk (whatever tf that meanz) they have a zineztea (and a litwick now!) Alzo make cool magic orbz.
//🍵 is not me! They’re a different person, so that’s cool- oh yeah I’m the mod. He/they. Text surrounded by double slashes, hell if I’m giving you a name for me. Nevermind I have intentionally revealed myself :3 (@jackwastakenx2)//
Lore™ under the cut, cuz it’z kinda long.
So You want to know how I got here? Well… I waz being an anon, az… well you’d azzzume becauze I’m Rotom Anon, and due to reasonz I zent a Blank Magic Anon, thoze reazonz being that it made a full zentence when read out. However it turnz out that doing that triggerz a bug… feature… thing within the zite that allowz the uzer that receivez the blank M!A! To use one, mildly weaker, M!A!. (Which Haz been dubbed a magic uzer or M!U!) then I Made a typo With a Z at the end of a zentence becauze… I guezzz that’z where the period iz… like when uzing the number row? Anywayz, they replied with “you’re a rotom now” and… it triggered the M!U! But due to M!U!z being weaker than a regular magic anon, I’m a rotom hybrid which is… better? I guezzz?
//Yeah no I am way too committed to the bit, mans got rotom’d lol.//
//forgot to say this before but I’m basically gonna use this blog as commentary on stuff I interact with, as well as asks and stuff.//
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or8bluez · 2 years
hello ! you can call me orbz. i am a fairly experienced role player and am looking to get involved with the community again. i am not picky, please feel free to contact me!
i roleplay through private messages strictly, and you can contact with interest in private messages :)
i am 18, and prefer to roleplay with people who are 18+ even if the roleplay isn’t inappropriate itself. however, for strictly SFW role plays, i’m fine interacting with 17+. on that note, i am more than okay with 18+ roleplays!
i write in 3rd person, semi to fully lit, depending on what you’d like. i write both for OCs and canon characters, depending on what you’d like to do!
my current fandoms are: JJK, genshin impact, twisted wonderland, pokémon and haikyuu.
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