#the only thing on my mind is dinostar
negligentbabysitters · 5 months
Everyone talking about the "is Brooklynn ACTUALLY Sydney" theory meanwhile my brain is still here.
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Am I the only one kinda very much NOT looking forward to the reunion with Brooklynn? Mostly pretty much entirely cuz of the whole love triangle clearly coming.
Kenji x Brooklynn? Let’s gooo I hope they have more development in their relationship than they did in jwcc
Darius x Brooklynn? Not in jwcc but jwct is opening my mind to dinostar wayyyy harder than I thought it would
Darius x Kenji? Kinda ish about it cuz of the whole “my family basically adopted you” thing but they weren’t young enough and it hasn’t been long enough for me to be thoroughly disgusted by it 
Darius x kenji x Brooklynn? Meh I don’t see any of them as poly but maybe I’m just biased. It could have potential though
The three of them in a messy love triangle while they’re fighting for their lives? Ewwwwwwww kill it with fire
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cartooncreep · 4 months
Speaking on the Darius,Brooklynn and Kenji drama.
Now when I first started this show back during Camp Cretaceous I was fond of dinostar, i thought it was a given that they would end up together, I mean its a tale as old as time; main guy ends up with main girl (excluding the lesbians). However, as the show went on and the probability of dinostar becoming cannon withered I ended up having a growing respect for the Camp Cretaceous team. For me at least, and for the general audience I would say, they subverted expectations. However small of an act it was, making dinostar not cannon was monumental in children's story telling not pushing an ideology that men and women can't be platonic friends.
Darius being one of the only one's without even a hint of a romantic subplot was also incredibly refreshing as too often storytelling gets bogged down by romance plot that are so badly written it makes me want to cry as to why it took precedent. It was also so comforting to finally have a character in western children's media that could be feasibly headcannoned as arospec without having people use their romantic interests as an argument against.
The introduction to Darius's feelings towards Brooklynn I thought was well handled and very mature, the writing team knocked it outta the park with how they made the characters mature with the way they handled emotions and tension, Darius's confession to Kenji felt so real. I swear I've seen/experienced one to one scenarios in my own adult life. It is despite this the confession felt like I watched the first cannonball blow through the hull of this story.
As most of you know the fandom was far from pleased with the pairing of Brooklynn and Kenji in the first series so I am grateful that they show not only allowed us to experience a glimpse into how wholesome their relationship was and how they genuinely DID work together only to have had them break up. It made it feel less like a retcon and more like a realistic path for a teenage to young adult romance to follow. Another thing that was important about their relationship was that Kenji was the one to end it.
Too often in this series Kenji has been dismissed as "the dumb one" by not only his friends but his own family. It occurs to a point where Kenji would have likely ended up agreeing with everyone else as to avoid being laughed at for having his own opinions. To have Kenji take matters into his own hands and put his own wellbeing first, to have him be the one to end things, makes me genuinely love and appreciate how these characters have matured and changed with time.
Now, back to Dinostar. I wouldn't have minded Darius and Brooklynn having a romance this series if there wasn't a previous relationship. Having a found family trope is one of my favourite things, but a trap that media falls into way too often is creating an incestious friend group dynamic. The reason why these sort of friend groups don't work out in highschool (which is where you will most commonly come across this dynamic) is because of the incurring jealousy. Jealousy breeds contempt. Having the original pairs maybe swing apart and then back together wouldn't cause as much as a rift as different friends falling for each other and causing strain on past and present couples.
I believe building up this relationship between Darius and Brooklynn will muddy this beautiful found family trope this show has built. Maybe the characters themselves will be fine with the end solution however I can't help but think the audience will be able to look at this show through a lense of reality and be sobered by the fact that having dinostar become cannon causes irreparable rifts.
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maisiesbike · 6 months
The only thing thats pissing me off is how now that we get so much Benrius content (which i dont mind at all) i realise that i chose to write the “wrong” ships in my story (Dinostar and Benji).
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