#the only ones that arent are all the tfa characters
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Dang robots ruining my life
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months
[accepting the sleepy posting] tfa made the bold decision (it made several. in service of being a Good Cartoon. and not just. Good TF) to not super explain MUCH lore lore. techincally speaking its in the future. so all that other shit happened. except no it didnt it wouldnt make any sense if that was true. unless we keep making the same guys i guess. which. IS possible. but no cmon. anyway.
IT MADE the decision NOT to overly explain the goals of the factions. BUT showed things that HAPPENED. namely. oh my god so much autobot, post winning the 'great war' governance thats just like. OH! wow! yall suck FOR REAL! 1 of our main characters has ptsd about it. others, directions of their lives changed by it. including. one being ARRESTED. FOR DRAFT DODGING. guess theres no. um conscientious objection (he got called a PEACENIK).
so in comparsion we know like. BUBKIS about what the badguys want. well. power. ruling the planet. and um their obviously fine with. Murder. tho okay are the good guy government NOT? hmm? but also like. oh u wanna take over the planet with the government that sucks. so bad. and has actively harmed our mains. no yeah. thats. terrible. and its a lack of hmm. suggested governence ideals. not a lot of ideological goals pitched that arent just 'everyone will listen to ME'
But ASIDE from the aesthetic of obsolute cartoon evil they also gave megs the aesthetic of. not revolutionary. but hes playing the game. their phrase is transformer and RISE UP. which neat and tidy, their mostly flying types not driving types. but regardless. Fucks Severly. absolute class act. roll out. where? to drinks? the store? RISE UP. its got connotation dont it.
they show megs playing the fucking game too. he knows how to be a propagandist. he gets the P.R. doing the charming, convincing rhetoric thing. also sexy. duh. tf has a running thing with dealing with guys that are Today Years Old. fully formed 'adults' [altho this show also pushed the hypothetical of robot babies]. well anyway. the heros drop the ball severely and consistently in a way that makes u think. is this? not a thing u have to deal with. culturally. and its VERY fun to see the villians, you know, handle it. Oh they told u we were evil. Oh no no no. its a misunderstanding. lets discuss over high quality. sustenance? LIKE.
not even pulling the g1 trick like. autobots created this new live we wish above all for it to have self determination and true viturous characteristics. [while still being greated in service of this war]. FACTIONALLY. tfa bots are either making shit for war no regards for their life, or just like. eh. oh some new guy happened by accident. i dont care. individually. only the peacenik and the ptsd guy have vested idealogical interest in doing otherwise. and even then mostly just to the ones they like. vibe with. THIS ones my friend. THESE ones fit well with my world view on nature and technology. i guess techically a third was tryna help sorta but also he just kinda wanted some buds. wanting some buds isnt DEVOID of prinicipled idealogy.
i GUESS all to say well the made hero characters who WERE NOT. at the top position of their society. but obviously we know like. hes Oppie... hes... SUPPOSED TO BE. he infact. WILL BE [if they, uh, got to finish the show]. so the powers that be have to hmm. SUCK? and say. like okay i dont wanna say fascist lightly i just. constantly commenting on what 'MUST BE' in someones programming. not as like a factor of. ur a truck u have wheels. but like. 'I thought you were going to be worthy of a position of status but u have failed my imposed expectactions which are not actually of a material nature but a social one' im mean. is that... robot??? eugenics??? "positive eugenics" not "negative eugenics" (<- i believe those are the real terms).
so and like i guess the show would slow [ish] to build to. our guys address the wrongs of their goverment? (~3 specific guys, and a suggested culture) or? maybe some. we cannot fix THERE but we can do good HERE. some sort of. juster society in absentia. right but they didnt quite. get the. what YOU DO get is learning "to be a leader/hero u gotta do. xyz". but thats like. personal scale. what about the absolute historic shit pile of ur planet. ah. unfinished show.
so again im just saying. it invites a stragetic compairson u know. the bad guys got Vision. Got a Scale in mind. it sucks. obviously. but its funny. ur guys also suck, so im not sad if. King Asshole gets Killed. oh he was killed by the people with bad polictics. boo. (you would say that. person of a certain ideology thinking about the polictics of ur toy company kid cartoon)(yup. i would say that. am saying it. now)[<- got my own self commentary coverted again thanks]
oh also to make a running joke about the Meat Heat main guy getting into art (smth smth more tfs thrust into iteration in a world that is not build for their bodies). they kept having the other mains imply theres no cybertronian art. HUH? WHAT? no. theres no painting? maybe. sure (is that natural pigmentation?). maybe. no human like visual art forms? yeah...... okay. but... surely you.... create?? and convey meanings? thru? forms of medias? u have. works of study? smth? maybe all the mains are just kinda. unstudied? being mean? but like. uh. hhhuh? where u all come from sounds like it sucks.
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baebeyza · 4 years
Megastar for the pairing ask
Thank you ~
You know, Starscream and the MegaStar pair are the reasons why I got into Transformers in the first place. Watched some videos on Starscream, learnt about his dynamic with Megatron and thought: “Sounds interesting! ~”
I enjoy dynamics with some hostility, they tend to be way more intense than friendly dynamics and getting feels is what I am here for!
And I did get what I was promised and I still like it a lot, though after watching a lot of shows I actually only really like in G1.
Their G1 dynamic is a lot more nuanced than people give it credit for:
1. They have this whole Starscream wanting to kill Megs 2. They have episodes in which nothing bad happens between them and they work together just fine 3. They have this rare moments where you’d think they actually like each other 4. Starscream sure does shine as a second in command bychallenging Megatron, giving his opinion and whatever 5. They have Megs being fucking mean on his own, but also as retaliation
Comparing it with their bullshit with other shows:
TFA: 1. Starscream tries to kill Megatron and Megatron reacts in kind And tbh, that’s it
TFP: 1. Starscream tries to kill Megatron 2. Megatron tries to kill Starscream and doesn’t do it 3. Starscream becomes loyal at some point 4. Starscream is afraid of Megatron
Now the thing with TFP is also that a lot of their dynamic comes from Starscream while Megatron himself doesn’t contribute much to it. He’s simply being himself and Starscream acts and reacts, it’s kinda one-sided.
And TFA is almost just Starscream tryna kill Megatron, we barely ever see him doing anything else and we never see him as the second-in-command either.
Compared to those shows G1 just has more to offer in terms of interesting interactions. And it’s not as one-sided as TFP, Megatron contributes to their bullshit a lot more. Also they seem on much more equal footing in G1 - where TFP Starscream usually cowers before Megatron, his G1 counterpart is way quicker to challenge his leader, criticize him and question his leadership and decisions.
Not that there arent moments in G1 where Starscream is afraid of Megatron, but even then it’s not as extreme as in TFP.
Don’t get me wrong, their dynamic is a mess in every case, but the interactions in G1 are just more compelling to me thanks to it’s variety, and therefore it has more room to explore and play with.
The question as to why Megatron never fired or killed Starscream in G1 is something I find important to the dynamic as a whole, because as far as I can tell, that is what a lot of fans like to explore and it’s what the writers of shows to come explored as well in their attempt to make their shows make sense.
And that is what I wanna do when shipping (romantic or non-romantic), explore the relationship of two or more characters based on what I am given in canon!
And G1 just gives a lot of room here!
As for other shows:
I always see Megastorm from BWII as a version of Megatron, so I can go with it here too: Here the dynamic is different in that Megastorm isn’t the leader of Predacons, but Starscream still has a desire to kill him and take his place as second next to Galvatron.
This dynamic is noteworthy in that Megastorm has way less power over Starscream, especially when Galvatron is around. Then they do seem more like equals than in any other version. It also helps that Megastorm seems much younger than Starscream.
If you want a dynamic about these two in which Starscream doesn’t get any beatings, this one doesn’t have any! They still try to kill each other at least once, but apart from that nothing happens.
Personally I am more neutral towards BWII in general and don’t ship them here, because while the dynamic is different, it’s not as intense. And both have more meaningful dynamics with other characters anyway. (Megastorm with Galvatron and Starscream with BB. Starscream and BB are fucking adorable btw, another reason to watch the show when you love Starscream.)
Prime Wars really doesn’t have much to offer tbh, I admit that Starscream was kinda done dirty in that show. They really could have done more with him than just make him be the plot twist for shock value. 
Though I did like this exchange:
Megs: “Should have killed ages ago!” Starscream: “But’chya didnt!”
Aaaand last but not least, Cyberverse!
Just gonna repeat what I said about MegOp: I am not a fan of this show and therefore ship nothing, also I hate this version of Megatron with all my heart </3
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reyloohno · 5 years
The Trilogy of Kylo and His Mask
In The beginning, Kylo Ren has his helmet on. The first shot of him is with him, wearing the helmet, possibly some to keep the audience from guessing about his character, but he does take the helmet off in the movie.
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In the Force Awakens, the only time he takes his helmet off is specifically because someone has mentioned the mask to him (or he’s talking to Darth Vader). Though I would like to note that Poe also points this out by saying “that it is very hard to hear Kylo with all the apparatus” anddddd Kylo leaves the mask on. (NOTICE, troops here, helmet on)
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^look guys he even has a place to put it
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Helmet! He’s going into battle, got his helmet on, ready to go out and fuck it up.
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BUT he takes it off for Rey when she makes a comment about “being haunted by a creature in a mask,” and she and Poe are equals at this moment, both people he wants to get the map from but he obliges to her.
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And again when Han tells him “take it off you don’t need it.”
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In this scene NO helmet, when it would have been most beneficial...
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This is all I’m putting with Last Jedi, because in this scene he destroys it so in the rest of the movie he does not have the helmet. Which could point to the fact he is more himself and not hiding in this one....
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p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}
He just walked into the room, Helmet ON. Seemingly ready to fight.
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Saber ignited, we know he doesn't just walk around like that, so he has to be getting ready to fight something, but NO Helmet.
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Battle, with NO helmet...? Also would like to point out the alien behind him look just like the ones Rey saw Kylo Ren saving her from in her vision in TFA
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NO helmet. You’d think for the epic duel he’d have worn his helmet.
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NO HELMET ON BUT IN HAND. Basically, I made this to point out that he took it off TO TALK TO HER. He doesn't take it off for the sake of the troops, IT’S FOR HER.
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kadywicker · 7 years
ok look..... all those ppl that r like “sw fans just dont like tlj bc its not what they expected and didnt live up to their fanon!” ........ im sorry but like ?? tfa wasnt what ppl expected. ppl had spent years w/legends and had predicted for years up to it that rey was han and leias daughter and was still actually jaina. no one expected/wanted han to die or for luke to only show up for 2 seconds. rogue one wasnt what ppl expected either. they wanted jyn to be reys mom and no one expected everyone to die. it was also much darker in tone than other sw movies AND didnt focus on any of the “main” saga characters. and there WERE ppl who complained abt tfa and r1. for sure. but the audience scores on those r still overwhelmingly positive.
then u take a look at tlj... boiling it down to “oh ppl r mad reys a ‘nobody’ and luke died and poe isnt fanon poe” just... rlly arent getting the point bc weve SEEN those things before? rey wasnt han & leias daughter and jyn wasnt her mother. han died and so did r1. no one thought or envisioned leia and han splitting up. and there was nowhere near this much of a backlash when those things happened. maybe actually listen 2 the criticisms of it thank u 
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smitsv · 7 years
hey so i saw the last jedi and i personally didnt think it was too bad; however i see how people arent happy with it and how the characters were written, but im a little confused i suppose on how (in one post u reblogged) these three dimensional characters were stripped away from us? is one example of how poe got demoted in rank? i guess i just dont fully understand what ppl are upset about with it. i agree that there wasnt the best writing but i feel like im missing something bigger abt it??
i’ve posted a lot about this and you can go on my tlj spoiler/anti tlj tag to read more about it but basically rian has written the characters that we loved in tfa (more specifically poe, finn, and rey. p much the main characters and protagonists) to be sidelined throughout most of the plot. none of them really had much depth given to them. we still have no information about finn’s backstory/family, he was heavily sidelined, and stripped from any heroic acts (he tried to use a ship to bring rey away from the first order, and also tried to sacrifice himself to save everyone yet he didnt). it wasn’t like how he was in tfa (whereas he had many scenes, hints to him being force sensitive, and wasn’t treated like comic relief like he was in tlj). he also got slapped by hux who is literally a white nazi parallel???? like??? that’s fucking racist and degrading to finn??????? mind you, the only characters who got degraded or pointlessly hurt were the characters of colour. rey was also rarely explored? (i honestly dont believe the bullshit of her being a random) in tfa she is written as a strong and clever girl but in tlj she’s just. naive?????????? poe was also extremely out of character????? his real character (as portrayed in the comics) is selfless and brave and respectful, yet in tlj he’s written as this brash selfish asshole who doesn’t respect his authorities………… all of these three dimensional characters were just. trashed of their potential and emotional value. it’s personally really fucking upsetting and draining because as you know, finn and poe are two of my most favourite characters. i was hoping for finn to maybe rise in his force sensitivity and even start a stormtrooper revolution–yet he was reduced to a pointless side plot and comic relief. poe was SUPER out of character and that just made me so sad to see one of my many boys done dirty.
tl;dr – all these charas were stripped from their potential and were given nothing interesting or new or uplifting to them
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telnaga · 7 years
subjective tlj opinions under cut
i think the arguments on how finn and poe were slighted hold water. TLJ had a lot of offshoot plotlines that were going everywhere all the time and just seemed to be saying too many things with too many pieces that didn’t fit. and they really did just kinda throw away all of finn’s growth from tfa to start over again in tlj?? the rose storyline was good with the wretched hive of scum and villainy being rich people. comrade rose. COMRADE ROSE. and the little kid pulling the broom to him at the end was arguably the most powerful scene in the whole movie. & the salt and red dirt planet scenes were beautiful. 
and for the leia/poe/uhhhhh purplelady storyline it rly kinda sucked and was weird, there was no reason for purplelady not to tell poe her plan, there was no reason for poe to do a good and justifiable thing and then have it turned around like “oh purplelady was right all along :) sweatie :)” unmmmmmgh. i really kinda feel like that was either entirely purposeless and out of nowhere, or something racist i dont know much about bc im white and not latinx. bad. also though, purplelady is leia’s girlfriend. thats facts
ok but as for the actual main storyline, the luke and ren and rey bits, i thought they were good. i thought THAT was a good story. it was about how you can recover from failure. how your past doesn’t define you. how it doesn’t define your future. how you have a CHOICE over who you are through what you do. luke’s not all powerful, infallible. kylo ren will never make a choice to be good. the skywalker line isn’t the only thing in the universe that matters. the jedi texts arent important, nor is the jedi order itself. (kinda subverted by rey taking them ... like uhhh... ok.) spaceyak tit bad, potential for reylo reading bad but not really on the fault of the movie itself but on ppl who will read reylo into it because this movie showed indisputably that kylo ren will never choose to be good, and so will never be redeemed. even when he turned on snoke it was not because snoke corrupted him, but because he was using him, and kylo wanted to be the one in charge. HOWEVER that whole scene and battle was fucking amazing absolutely stunning really incredible and good. their connection was good because i feel like rey really understands kylo ren, and allowed herself hope that that could mean he could be good. obviously it didnt, and shes always hated him, and she hates him even more now. but idunno how to explain it i just saw myself in rey a lot in that. wanting to give people even the smallest of chances bc you understand where they came from on some level, who they are. it also kinda somehow made me for the first time hope rey is related to the skywalkers on some level. because her relating to kylo would really just kindof completely mirror my life. you know.
point is, i liked it overall. definitely could use some work. but the rey parts? the luke parts? and by extension, the kylo parts? amazing. good. wonderful.
also kylo’s a good villain, a good character. i fucking hate him. hes awful, terrible, irredeemable. but thats why hes good. he completely mirrors that type of man that exists today and is often the greater evil. the man who feels persecuted through their own fault. who throws away everything good by choice. who grasps for a legacy that was nothing but lies and evil. who is volatile, violent, and certainly comes off as whiny and pathetic until they do something awful and youre reminded that doesnt make them less dangerous
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merrysithmas · 7 years
"rose and finn's plotline was pointless"
actually it was the most important part of the whole movie bc they inspired those enslaved kids and thus ensured the resistance will live on but k
"they character assassinated finn"
no. they developed his character. in tfa he went from fn-2187 to a person scared of their identity/past so he lies ("im 'with' the resistance") and has allegiance just to one person ("im only here to get rey"). in tlj he went from that to a proud rebellion fighter who got to face and defeat his tormentor, all the while gaining possibly the best understanding of the eternal Star Wars that plague the galaxy. he saw dj (dont join) as the only truly 'free' person, yet came to understand him as a despicable opportunist no better than the war profiteers. both the ambivalent and the warprofiteers contribute to the constant dichotomy btw dark and light. finn is the only one with that knowledge. and standing up to phasma and hux and returning to the first order as FINN was the most bamf thing that happened in the film. and it sets him up to be a liberator in IX. finn reclaimed his status as a deserter as powerful not shameful. which. is. b o s s!!!
"luke wasnt himself!!!"
luke has been a sucky ass mary sue ever since his inception. he finally got some brain and development (yet was still the same know it all asshole) and ppl hated it
"what abt poe!!!"
poe got like the most screentime and was epic the whole fucking film? he had like so many scenes and matured into the person leia will give the command of resistance to? he went frkm believing he was best-suited for the role to understanding he could never possibly be, and thus finally became a real leader. the whole movie was abt the characters each slipping into their own personal 'dark sides' and gaining knowledge from their failures and so rising out of it to become well-rounded ppl. poe saw that sacrifice is sometimes letting people think you are an asshole (which can be applied to a bunch of other characters) and appearing like the villain (like holdo) rather than the hero
"it shoulr have been poe that saved them not general holdo"
yeah calling bullshit. an older 60+ canonically pansexual woman allowed to be a hero in a film is pretty damn cool. my starving for rep pansexual ass is not letting you all erase that.
theyre my main ship of this trilogy and they talked literally the ENTIRE film, had a line where poe was jealous of rose, gave finn and rose the most platonic one-sided kiss on earth, and touched each other constantly. came to one another's aid several times. disney prob had a vice around their balls the whole time and they still gave so much even though disney will never let them be canon before IX for fear of losing the audience... just facts.
"reylo wah wah"
rey literally... rejected him? she was a badass the whole time and rejected luke too. she thought for herself, tried what she thought was right when luke archaically told her not to (even though...he did.... the same thing... to vader... and it worked but k), left to fight the first order even after luke did fuck all to train her bc she's brave af, and closed the door in kylos face after he went apeshit and decided to blow up the resistance. she met him in the middle and then refused to do more to "save" him and the narrative made it clear he needs to do that himself if he ever wants to meet her/anyone in the middle again. she stood up to snoke and caused his demise by influencing kylo to the light, however temporary: aka she learned to become a jedi without the help of anyone and the scene about her being "nothing and no one and not connected to the story" was a direct fuck you to all the ReySky ReySolo fuckboys who couldnt believe she was relevant on her own. she also realized the power/possibility of the darkside in the hands of a good person which is a concept never before explored in the boring af star wars philosophy? (which yoda legit burned lmao).
"kylo ren sucks"
he's legit the only interesting dark side character in star wars history. his scenes with rey are allegorical and are meant to represent the journey of all the other characters in the film (touching their own darkness and having to face themselves to become better). he is fun to analyze esp given his connection to luke, leia, and han. i love that they failed him and thst alone makes him a sympathetic character (in allegory people) bc viewers themselves even outright refuse to believe luke, leia, and han could have not been perfect people athough it is displayed on screen several times. this is like fictional gaslighting and its cool to see that phenomenon play out as a fan. and his fight scenes are epic af cinematography also the actor is amazing??? he is just a fun to watch "bad guy" with actual depth which makes his actions interesting??? tumblrs random on/off boners for bad guys gives me whiplash, if you enjoy watching his character like all the others in sw, you arent a bad evil person you might just have a rare commodity which is critical thinking skills. also?????? it is fucking cool to see a villain who is genuinely tempted toward goodness!!!!! that is a timely and current and important concept!!!!!!
"x scene/plot was pointless"
tbh if anyone's plot was pointless to the plot it was rey and kylos, bc it was just pure allegory. all the actual plot was through finn, poe, rose, and leia.
tbh i didnt even thinm this movie was that good. i thought the pacing and editing was really bad also, directors. shouldnt. write. movies. they. arent. writers. the. dialogue. always. sucks. but still i refuse to sit here and let people act like the fucking PREQUELS (the worst movies ever made with NO DIVERSITY AND RAMPANT SEXISM and the worst writing ever done in the history of humankind) are better than tlj.
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ezool · 7 years
on the subject of The Last Jedi, i guess here’s my thoughts (spoilers of course)
i liked what it was trying to give but yeah the delivery could have been much much better
my problem with The Force Awakens is, although the pacing was much much better, it relied a lot on rehashing the same plot idea as A New Hope. so yeah, TFA felt more Star Warsy, it didnt feel too new. with The Last Jedi, the story was newer, so it’ll take time for people to warm up to it.
but anyways, this is mostly just me putting to words of “i understand what they were trying to do but they did it poorly” sort of thing
Rey: help her figure out her purpose and place in this war with this newfound power she’s come to grow fearful of. when she sees a chance to save someone, she takes it, but her naivety get the best of her and she has to learn the hard way that things arent black and white when it comes to moral compasses.
what i didnt like about how it was written though was her story revolving so much around Kylo’s tragic backstory. we didnt learn much about her other than she impulsively went to Kylo in hopes to turn him to the light. it’s generous of her to want to help give him the opportunity to turn back to Ben Solo, but it was reckless of her to think she could do it on her own just to prove a point to Luke. she couldnt seem to accept that both Ben Solo and Luke’s memory of that night could have been true, and she could only seem to think one was true, and chose Kylo over Luke for some reason??
Poe: has to learn that being a hero doesn’t always mean going in guns blazing and that you have to remember that being a leader means thinking about your entire team and what’s beneficial for them.
if he didnt try mansplaining to holdo or distrust her just bc he was used to being spoiled by leia, a lot of unnecessary casualties could have been avoided for fucks sake. he’s a good guy, and he really wanted to do leia justice, but oh my god just trust your lady leaders. like im glad he became much more of a leader in the end, dont get me wrong, but it shouldnt have been at the expense of holdo’s martyr suicide rescue at the end there.
Finn: needs to realize he can’t just hyperfocus on Rey’s protection and safety all the time. he has to figure out a better reason as to why he’s decided to help the Resistance, especially when he finds out that both the First Order and the Resistance get their weapons from the same sort of sellers.
his mission ended up a complete waste in the grand scheme of things. literally in the end, him and Rose’s mission to taking down the tracker was a failure and there was no point to them doing what they did. need the best hacker dude? they got a hacker dude, shady but a hacker nonetheless. need to take down the tracker? turns out the resistance already had a plan to avoid that so Poe basically sent Finn and Rose on a suicide mission. Finn regressed in that he went from wanting to run from the First Order, to basically disregarding orders of the Resistance to throw himself into a cannon in hopes of destroying it. and he got a kiss scene with Rose??? wtf???? that was way stupid.
Rose: ...?
literally she is a new character to the cast yet she was just sort of. there. but like, didnt do much for the plot other than 1) establish that there are rich people benefiting from both sides of the war 2) she likes animals 3) to kiss Finn 4) basically die in his arms. she was just there for Finn’s sluggish growth and then get in critical condition thanks to saving Finn’s ass. she was just there for Finn’s plot and Finn’s plot was wasted in the film, so she was double wasted in the film. that was all i got from her character and is fucking sucks bc i was so excited for her to be a new character.
Kylo: after harping on and on to Rey to let go of her past, he finally puts to practice what he preaches with his own in hopes to settle the inner turmoil he’s been going through. he kills Snoke but doesn’t plan to take the position of a new Sith, to parallel Rey (despite having the potential of being the newest jedi) not being qualified to take on the role of a true Jedi.
tragic, misunderstood bad boy trope. altho he took up like 40% of the movie, and his backstory was interesting, i still don’t like how the script made it out to be as though i was suppose to sympathize with him. it definitely explained why he does the things he’s done but it felt like it was trying to validate/excuse it?? it did feel as though he was returning to the light, but just like what the movie was trying to get at, not everything is black and white. but he still feels like some whiny kid and i really hope this movie wasnt trying to set up a redemption arc for him.
Luke: to show the difference of the Legendary Luke Skywalker and of what he’s become. the husk of the man he once was, his hope having diminished because of the shame of what he almost did and what he could have done but didnt. after Rey’s appearance forcing him to reflect of the past he wanted to escape, he ultimately chooses to face his mistake (Kylo Ren) to help his beloved sister who never lost hope in him.
now im not a huuuuuge star wars fan, so im not nearly as attached to Luke as everyone else, but even i thought it was out of character for him to draw his lightsaber on Ben Solo that fateful night. Luke, the guy who was willing to face his own father after sensing a light in him still. like idk, if he could do it for his own father, im sure as fuck he could have done it for his own nephew. and then that plays into Rey’s whole thing of “sensing a light in Kylo and taking the chance to turn him back to Ben” but because it was weird that Luke didn’t try, it felt odd that Rey did try. like it felt hand in hand of this whole situation being a muddied mess. i did like the scene of him talking with Yoda, like im sure it felt nice to talk to his old master with something he was unsure about. and i loved the fight scene between him and Kylo, and the twist in the end of that. but with the whole backstory thing, the beginning part of the film didn’t feel like Luke, ya know? also that weird breastfeeding part was weird.
Leia: after fighting for so long, she never gave up hope for the Resistance and hope in her brother’s return. despite having just lost her husband, and having to face the reality of losing her biological son to Snoke, she fights every day with the hope of the day they no longer have to fight.
listen, i love my princess with a blaster but i doubt she would have actually wanted to shoot Poe, her surrogate son, even if it was on stun. that’s all i really wanted to say about her in the film. i wish she was in the film more tho, but also given the circumstances, im sure they had to rework a lot of the plot and scenes to compensate for the tragic loss. RIP Carrie Fisher
Holdo: a foil for Poe, who up until now had been spoiled by Leia.
she basically was just there as a hurdle for Poe to jump, or a wall for him to climb. and then she dies when all was good and settled. I mean, she and Leia definitely dated at some point too, lesbihonest. but like that was it.
Phasma: a foil for Finn as he faces the authority he once served for.
was there for like maybe 5 minutes, including her fight scene with Finn. and then she just straight up died. like okay i see how it is Rian: you just hate women in power, huh?
Like, Phasma: 5 minutes tops and dies. Holdo: played out to the a traitor but is actually good but not long after that she sacrifices herself and dies. Leia: almost dies but for the most part of the film is absent and then shoots her fake son. Rose: is just there for worldbuilding, kisses Finn, and is almost dying. Rey: no backstory revealed but her growth revolves around two men’s dramatic past.
Hux:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he was just the twink nerd being thrown around by both Snoke and Kylo. it was sorta like that in TFA but at least in TFA he contributed to the dynamic of him and Kylo. i was hoping for a bit more from him. idk what exactly, but this was just lackluster.
so yeah for the main-main characters, i get what they were trying to do but at the same time they delivered it poorly.
like with all the subplots going on, and with Finn and Rose’s mission being a bust in the end, it especially made the casino scene seem useless and dragging despite the fast pace of the film as it cut from one plot to the other. With Poe, Rey, and Kylo’s character growth depending on their masters passing on the torch in some way, Finn and Rose’s subplot felt out of place.
what i did like tho was the aesthetic of the Red/Black/White color scheme. that was really pretty to look at, especially the mining planet in the last part of the film. i thought the scene of Rey looking at that repetitive mirror reflection of herself was really cool. and lastly despite the plot being all over the place, i was relieved it at least wasnt another rehashing of previous Star Wars film.
anyways, those were my thoughts
dont @ me
i don’t care
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baebeyza · 4 years
I've finished watching TFA and I got 5 episodes into TFP, but I'm not so sure if I'm into it. Do you think I should keep watching TFP or try something else, and if so which continuity would you recommend? I was thinking of doing either the G1 cartoon or G1 IDW, but I'm sort of warming up to other stuff like Cyberverse and I could use comments/opinions from someone who's watched more
Oh well dear, depends on what you didn’t like or missed in those first 5 episodes!
For me TFP was my first transformer show and it was good enough for me to go full into the whole franchise and I would recommend it for newcomers.
For newcomers it has a small cast to get invested in, has a good grasp on the general conflict of most transformers shows and a good story to follow. I at least never felt like I needed things explained to me or that it’s something you get more off if you already know the franchise.
But there is always a difference between “this show is objectively good” and “I enjoyed it”. I do think that Prime is pretty well written, not perfect, but still awesome with great moments. Also the animation is EPIC, with some of the best fight scenes I’ve seen in years!
But there are other TF shows I enjoyed more, despite not exactly thinking they are better written. TFA for example! That show I enjoyed more because it was more fun and the characters had better dynamics and development. But the general plot wasn’t as intriguing as TFP in my eyes.
What I personally didn’t like about it (TFP) were:
1. The human characters arent really all that great. They get better and are important, but they can be annoying, especially Miko. (though she develops more than the other two)
2. The heroes lack good character interactions, they mostly feel like people stuck in a group project without much friendship behind
3. There are sub-plots I didn’t care much for (like the human villains)
So I dunno if you should watch the rest - remember that the first 5 episodes were it’s own little plot, and that with episode 6 the real one starts. Maybe that will be more to your liking! 
Personal enjoyment really depends on you and what you like too see though.
I for one like great character interaction, intense moments but also fun. Fun as in funny but also lighthearted, non-serious moments.
TFP does have good character writing and good character interactions with the villains at least. Not as much fun as TFA, but there are still some hilarious moments and characters. And the serious moments are actually really great! This show did have me on the edge on a lot of occasions, there is a lot of good escalations and “oh shit” moments.
But if you like really great character writing with great character interactions and dynamics, watch Beast Wars! It has some of the best character writing I’ve seen and also a really great plot! It takes a while to fully get into the meat and most of season 1 is built-up to that, but once it starts its a truly epic ride!
Beast Wars also has a good balance between fun and serious. If a show is just serious it gets tiring, but if it’s just fun and lighthearted it gets a little boring. Beast Wars has some truly intense moments that make me feel like crying thinking about them, but also a lot of funny scenes, mostly through character interactions, but also slapstick comedy.
The one contra people always bring up is the “bad” animation. And YES it’s bad for todays standards because we are used to seeing better, but just because it’s outdated doesnt mean it’s not good! Like give it a chance people, once you get used to it it’s not as bad. It won an award for outstanding animation back when it aired!
G1 is my favourite show though! Not because it’s actually good, quite the opposite - it’s silly and stupid, it makes no sense and it’s completely shameless in that regard and that way it is just a fun ride!
With no overarching plot each episodes has it’s own plot and drama and while most episodes follow the same format (for season 1&2 at least) it barely gets boring! The creativity of the show writers knows no bounds ~
G1 also made me love a lot of characters! Some I learnt of only from that show and some I already knew but didn’t care for before. (Like Hot Rod for example)
G1 also has great dialogue and interactions as well :D
Headmasters is a japanese show that continues after G1 season 3 (and ignores the american season 4) and personally I really liked it! Unlike G1, Headmasters has a plot and a really good plot that made you come back for more. I still had my issues with it, but those were mostly because of the changes they made from the G1 cartoon. Still recommending it though! Especially if you feel like you need something a little more sophisticated after G1 :D I mean it has death scenes, character depth and development and redemption! (PS: the hong kong english dub of it is shit, but people like it as a “so bad it’s good” kind of comedy. would still watch the japanese version first)
Robots in Disguise 2001 is also a show for newcomers, given that it’s the first one to have it’s own continuity after G1. Though know that this one is more for really young kids. There isnt much escalation or truly serious moments, it’s more fun and lighthearted. So as an adult I found it a little boring, but it’s still good if you like lighthearted stuff! And most of the characters were really cute! It has a lot of brothers too, so as a person with lots of siblings I enjoyed that aspect :D (PS: I watched the original japanese version here)
Beast Wars II (you don’t need to have watched Beast Wars for this) is similiar to RiD01, as in really lighthearted with little escalation and depth. It’s a little jarring though, the heroes are really bland and the plot doesn’t really start until halfway through the show. The first half being about introducing various character groups that end up being important in the end, but most of these episodes aren’t really entertaining, especially when you don’t care about those characters like I did. I’d say the best thing about this show are the decepticons with a really sweet Galvatron as the leader and his idiot little brother Megastorm (who can be read as a version of Megatron) and a Starscream whose a little shit like always but also has a friend he cares about!
If that’s enough for you, go for it xD
Oh and Optimus has a son here - the best and only character arc the heroes have to offer. Found it pretty cute in the end ~
Cyberverse was a “meh” from me though, mostly because it feels like fanfiction. Fanfiction doesn’t need to explain to you who the characters are, it is able to assume that beforehand. And Cyberverse does that, it assumes that you already know the characters and world. And like that it doesn’t really try to write things with depth, it feels all shallow. To me at least, I am aware other people love it.
It just didn’t vibe with me because I want the media I consume to shake me and make me feel things, I wanna be at the edge of my seat, I wanna be anxious about what’s gonna happen next!
That is a thing Prime Wars was able to deliver - the third season, Return of the Primes, at least. 
Though the Prime Wars Trilogy isn’t popular and has many flaws in storytelling, voice acting and animation (+ other things that have to do with expectation, which I don’t really consider flaws of the show itself), but I cannot help it, I still enjoyed it a lot ~ Also the whole thing is pretty short - 28 episodes, 8 of them 5-6 minutes long and the other 10 minutes. It doesn’t take long to finish it all. 
The only shows I truly didn’t enjoy are Robots in Disguise 2015 and Beast Machines - RiD15 is the sequel to TFP and mate if you already don’t vibe with TFP, just skip this one. I didn’t like it much because:
- The decepticons are all badly written, either completely forgettable, not given enough screentime or just kinda having their potential ignored. 
- The heroes never really develop - it’s a show with a lesson in every episode that get’s forgotten in the next. So you have the characters learning the same lessons all the time and I hate shit like that
There are decent episodes sure, and some really sweet characters, but overall it’s just not really good
And the last show I watched is Beast Machines, the sequel to Beast Wars with most of the same cast and some new characters.
And this is a show were I say that it had a good plot with good structure and conflict, but I didn’t enjoy it!
And I do try to divorce it from Beast Wars, but even then the flaws are still there. The biggest complaint I have is that the heroes are never in good terms with each other, almost every episodes has some of them being angry and fighting and that’s TIRING! NO FUN ALLOWED IN THIS SHOW! There is only one character who enjoys being in the show and he dies screaming.
The plot is also really philosophical and not really for kids that way. As an adult I did try to enjoy it, but the show has some flaws in it’s good vs evil conflict.
That would be it with the shows I watched!
As for IDW, I’m not really far with that so I cannot talk much. 
Hope it helped ~ But I would recommend that you give them all a shot, at least for a few episodes. I cannot claim to always be objective, even if I try my best at it
And yeah, my no. recommendation is Beast Wars, it’s really good!
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