#the only one i agree with is “stupid ravenclaws” being lockhart
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It makes me SO MAD when people say "there are kind Slytherins 🥺🥺🥺" and show a picture of fucking SLUGHORN
Slughorn? You mean "oh I didn't think a muggleborn would be this talented" Slughorn?
Slughorn as in the Slughorn who told Tom Riddle, a child KNOWN for being a lil twisted, about HORCRUXES just to look good?
Slughorn who didn't even notice a fucking cult being formed in his own house???
People like to blame Dumbledore for the cult, but tell me why it's his fault and not the HEAD. OF. HOUSE? Dumbledore isn't an all powerful all seeing wizard! He's a human who happens to be intelligent and skilled at magic but NOT All Seeing! How is he gonna know Tom Riddle's forming a cult when one) he wasn't even HEADMASTER and two) SLUGHORN was Tom's head of house and should have been aware of it happening UNDER. HIS. NOSE?
Like, even in Snape's time, where the fuck was Horace Slughorn? Where was he when the Mauraders were abusing his own student? Where was he when Lucius and the others were grooming the younger children? Where was he when all of this was happening?
Yes, McGonagall should have disciplined her students. But Slughorn's under a greater responsibility to protect his. Yes, headmaster Dumbledore should have probably intervened in the cult forming. But Slughorn's under a greater responsibility to intervene and inform the headmaster.
For fuck's sake, he wasn't even a good teacher! How did a 16 year old child manage to correct all the incorrect potions in the book and not the FUCKING. TEACHER?!
Horace Slughorn is NOT a "kind Slytherin".
He's the worst one.
#horace slughorn#anti horace slughorn#professor slughorn#horace slughorn you can never make me like you#all these posts about “kind slytherin” like DID YOU READ THE SAME BOOKS AS ME?#“twisted Gryffindor” and they only show Peter like he's the only twisted one james and sirius were too#“brave hufflepuffs” WHEN DID HUFFLEPUFF MEAN YOU WERE A COWARD???#the only one i agree with is “stupid ravenclaws” being lockhart#AND EVEN THEN I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE LOCKHART AS ONE OF US#WHY DID WE GET MOANING MYRTLE SYBIL TRELAWNEY AND GILDEROY LOCKHART????!#im claiming rolanda hooch as ravenclaw you cant stop me she's a ravenclaw now im sick off all the lther houses having cool rep#hufflepuff has tonks slytherin has snape and say what you like but slytherins have this cool aura#gryffindor has fucking EVERYONE#WHO DO WE HAVE? JUST LUNA AND CHO AND FLITWIK!#they're CUTE yes but not the COOL ONES#okay I'm losing my mind down here imma shut up now
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Hello! Maybe, It's a bit stupid question but how do you think in what House Peregrine could be? Personaly, I think he could be Ravenclaw(similar to Lockhart).
Hm. It seems that the game puts him (and the Mother) in the same House as MC and Jacob. And I think I’ll actually agree with this decision because I can see him in pretty much every House. Well, maybe except Hufflepuff… Although I also have to point out that we don’t really know much about Peregrine yet, so these are not super solid guesses. But it’s absolutely not a stupid question! So, let’s see what we know.
I can definitely see him as a Ravenclaw. We’ve heard many times that R is all about knowledge (or “enlightenment”), and Peregrine seems to value it as well. He apparently was a good student, and Dumbledore told us:

… which again is a rather Ravenclaw characteristic.
By the way, Lockhart is a great example here since he’s known for his specialization being a Memory Charm, and let’s be real: it’s most likely Peregrine who was messing with Olivia’s memories (and maybe not just hers).
Now, I have to say that Gryffindor was actually my first instinctive answer. And one of the reasons for that is how proud Peregrine is about “helping people”.

Sure, you could say it’s more of a Hufflepuff thing, but… it depends. See, I think that the crucial aspect here is that Peregrine sees it as a mission. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks of himself as very noble. And that’s a Gryffindor approach. Hufflepuffs help others because that’s simply a decent thing to do. With Gryffindors, I feel that there’s often a little bit of arrogance.
Another thing is Peregrine’s short temper we’ve seen in the recent chapter. I’m not saying that all Gryffindors are hot-headed, but in general, they’re probably the most impulsive out of all Houses. And he apparently has a tendency to some recklessness, too.

Moving on to Slytherin. The desire to overthrow the government is rather ambitious, and on top of that, he is a leader. Admittedly, it’s rather difficult to judge whether or not he’s actually good at leadership, but I assume that he gained his position not by terror only. Moreover, he is pretty cunning, even if Jam City’s kind of failing at showing it. Still, we do have Dumbledore’s words to support this idea:

Alright, but why not Hufflepuff then? Well, I’m not sure if I could call his ambition being hard-working in general, at least based on what we know so far. His idea of justice is rather subjective, and he’s not particularly loyal to anyone. That being said, I admit that he might’ve been sorted into Hufflepuff. Let’s keep in mind that the Sorting Ceremony takes place when you’re eleven, and as Dumbledore himself once said, perhaps it’s too early in some cases. I imagine that Peregrine wasn’t always as corrupted as he is now. I mean, we have these lines, too:

Yes, I said above that Peregrine’s current idea of helping people is closer to Gryffindor, but who knows – maybe as a teen, he was closer to Hufflepuff’s mindset? Or maybe it was a cunning act to make both students and teachers like him more? Hard to say. It’d be nice to hear more opinions, especially from his peers (including MC’s mum).
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'There's a rumour going a around that, that Warrington got up early and put his name in, Dean told Harry. 'That big bloke from Slytherin who looks like a sloth.'
Harry, who had played Quidditch against Warrington, shook his head in disgust. 'We can't have a Slytherin Champion.'
After the representatives were chosen for the Triwizarding Tournament, many began leaving the Great Hall.
A fourth year Hufflepuff student shoved a sixth year Slytherin into a hidden corridor. Following behind was a Slytherin third year who was checking over their shoulders.
If anyone saw the interaction they would completely taken aback.
The Hufflepuff student was Susan Bones.The youngest of the trio was Poonima Shah.
The eldest of the group, Cassius Warrington, a Chaser for the Slytherin quidditch team.
Susan elbowed Cassius in his side.
"Fuck." Look I -
No! First you, now Potter! "At least your name didn't take but that was really stupid Dearborn" whispered Poonima.
"Tch, whatever Fenwick."
Poonima Shah's father, Benjy Fenwick and Cassius Warrington's grandfather Caradoc Dearborn were former members of the secret organization known as the Order of the Phoenix.
Poonima and Cassius had been enrolled at Hogwarts under their mothers maiden name to avoid unwanted attention.
Both their mothers Chandramani Fenwick (née Shah) and Allene Dearborn (née Warrington) were allies of the Order of the Phoenix. Mrs. Fenwick a Hit-Witch and Mrs. Dearborn a Healer.
Only a selected few at Hogwarts knew who the two were which of course included the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
Susan Bones' uncle Edgar Bones was also a former member of the Order of the Phoenix but unlike her two companions she didn't have to hide her identity. Her name was as well known as Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom's.
Cassius saw it as a double edge sword, but ultimately unwanted attention and expectations.
The wixen community proped Harry up on a pedestal that he clearly didn't want. Along with the moniker The Boy Who Lived" he was also called the "Chosen One."
To Neville's grandmother and great-aunt and uncle there was much at stake with him being the only son and heir of the Longbottom family. They wanted him to exceed and be as great as his parents who were once renowned Aurors.
At every turn Susan was constantly reminded by peers and teachers alike about her family being massacred during the First Wizarding War.
A gust of cold wind blew through the three Hogwarts students. A ghostly figure briefly appeared.
They exhaled a sigh of relief as the intangible apparition disappeared.
"What do you mean why!?"
Why did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
"Did Professor Dumbledore ask you too?"
Cassius was silent.
"Voldemort is back and like or not Potter's going need back up."
"Of course he's back, you remember Professor Quirrell!?" Susan exclaimed.
Whose that? questioned Poonima.
"I forget Poonima, your first year was when Gilderoy Lockhart become Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."
"I can't believe I thought he was cool" Susan rolled her eyes.
Well Professor Quirrell was a sorry bastard. He was the DADA professor in my fourth year and Bones first year. He put on a convincing act. Long story short apparently Voldemort had been leeching off the man's head like a parasite. Literally."
"Ew." Poonima grimaced.
"Ew is right, now back to you", pointed Susan and Cassius.
"Did you not attend the same meeting with your parents and grand-aunt as I did with my father and aunt three years ago? Susan voice rose but still in strain whisper."
Albus Dumbledore had called a gathering of the surviving relatives and members of the Order of the Phoenix in 1991 after death of his DADA professor and the destruction of the Philosopher Stone.
"How does this help anyone!? You purposely tried to put yourself in a dangerous situation and now Harry is in thick of it by himself!'
"Did you see Potter face. That was genuine shock. I don't think put his name in the Goblet. Someone else did." Replied Cassius.
"I don't know."
"But you voluntary put yours in, am I correct?" Poonima stated.
"Yeah." Cassius said softly.
"They'll be talking about it in the common room. People will question you, especially your teammates Bletchley and Montague." Plus they are your dormnates so there's no way around it.
"I'll make up something. Keep up with appearances and what not." Shrugged Cassius.
"If your name had took, I would have gladly supported you. They're saying that a student in Slytherin house should not represent the school. Hogwarts is made up of four houses not three. Susan said sincerely."
"If people only knew how ignorant their comments were" scoffed Poonima.
I don't care about that. Anyways I'm not trying to be a champion or hero."
I just got bad feeling about this Tournament in general."
"From Professor Quirrell and the Chamber Secrets being opened. To being taught by Remus Lupin and Sirius Black breaking out of Azkaban in the same year. Learning the true nature of Peter Pettigrew. "
"It's one thing after another" sighed Susan.
"Nothing is a coincidence." Poonima agreed.
"Another thing something is definitely off about Professor Moody."
His teaching style is certainly different than Professor Lupin's that's for sure.
Remember he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix as well. Also a former Auror.’
"What if I talked to him after class” suggested Susan. I saw him conversing with Neville a few times."
You might catch in the Ravenclaw tower on weekends. I hear he plays chess against some of the Ravenclaws sometimes."
"Didn't know Moody was the chess playing type."
“Who knows things change over the years. Last time I saw him I was four four years old and he had two eyes and two legs intact. ”
“Emmeline did mention you attended meetings with your parents and grandparents. What was that like? What was everybody like?” Poonima fiddled her fingers.
Susan waited with baited breath.
Cassius paused and studied the two girls. He ruffled Susan’s hair and flicked one of Poonima’s braids and smiled.
"I’ll tell you two next time. “Come on let’s get going”
#hp headcanon#cassius warrington#susan bones#poonima shah#grandson of caradoc dearborn#daughter of beny fenwick#niece of edgar bones#triwizarding tournament#top caption is an excerpt from harry potter and the goblet of fire
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Why Slytherin Should Not Be Used To Classify Every Bad Person
A think Piece by Me
(Before I begin please don’t take this too seriously, it is merely a bit of light hearted fun on my part. It’s only a half-serious discussion;) If you aren’t interested in this post, no offense taken, but if you like to be sorted into Hogwarts houses please scroll to the end for info!)
Why Slytherin Should Not Be Used To Classify Every Bad Person- A Think Piece by Me
It’s not uncommon in the world of the Harry Potter fandom to see Slytherin hurled as an insult to various members of the community or celebrities when they are seen as bad people. While it’s true that many of the traits embodied by the Slytherin House can lend themselves to evil acts, it’s not quite as simple as that. Hagrid tells Harry “There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.” However, this statement is disproven by the existence of Peter Pettigrew (Gryffindor), Gilderoy Lockhart (Ravenclaw), and Professor Quirell (Ravenclaw).
Many of you have heard this before. It’s been stated and restated in a million different ways. I know some of you not in the Slytherin House are rolling your eyes. And yes, this is not an important matter considering all that’s going on in the world. You’ll hear no arguments from me there. However, I enjoy writing and I need something to distract myself, and also I’m sick and tired of reading Slytherin as an insult to every bad person in the world.
That being said, if you don’t want to read because you find this silly, then scroll on. I get it. But if you do want a bit of a distraction in the form of a light hearted tumblr post, then please continue reading.
1. Villains of the Harry Potter Universe
Hagrid’s statement to Harry about Slytherin, wasn’t completely true. Hagrid would not have been wrong had he amended his statement and said “The majority of bad witches and wizards come from Slytherin.” That statement would have been 100% true- a majority of Harry Potter villains do come from Slytherin.
“So what’s the big deal then?” You ask. “Why can’t we just keep calling people we view as villains, Slytherin?”
Well for starters, not every villain in Harry Potter was a Slytherin. As I mentioned previously, Petter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, and Lockhart and Quirrell were both Ravenclaws. Why does that matter? Because....
2. People are not one dimensional
Before we launch into that, let’s discuss sorting. Sorting is a way for assigning individuals with certain personality traits a “house” where they can share a community with other similar individuals. Gryffindors are said to value courage, bravery, and chivalry. Ravenclaws value intelligence, learning, and wit. Hufflepuff value hard work, patience, and loyalty. Slytherins value ambition, determination, and cunning.
“Yes, we know.” You say, “Get on with it.”
I bring up the House traits and sorting for a reason. Most criminal or villainous acts have motives. Motives, like ogres and onions, have layers. Let’s look at an example.
A man rides into battle, and because he is such a great warrior, he is able to slaughter a hundred of his enemies. Is this a villainous act?
Your answer would most likely depend on what side you’re on. To the man’s side, he is a hero and just in his action. To his enemies’ side he is a monster, a murderer. What house would we sort him into?
Maybe you’ll say that he’s a Gryffindor for his courage in battle. Perhaps you’ll consider if this was a strategic, intelligent move and you’ll classify him as a Ravenclaw. Maybe you’ll consider if this man rode into battle for his loyalty, or the ideals of justice that would make him a Hufflepuff. Or maybe you’ll consider him a Slytherin for his determination and cunning strategy to defeat his enemies.
Human beings have depth. All Gryffindors are not only brave, just as Slytherins are not only ambitious. All of these traits make up human personalities, and all people at some time or another have utilized these traits. Slytherins have been hardworking and loyal, Gryffindors have been smart, Hufflepuffs have been cunning, and Ravenclaws have been brave. People are not just one thing.
“Yes we know this too. Why is that relevant?”
3. You must consider the motives
Bad or villainous acts are definitely perspective based, but if we’re going to look at someone we’ve determined to be a villain, we must examine their motives. Arguably, yes, on the surface Slytherin House traits seem to lend themselves towards more villainous acts if you focus on the negative connotations of their valued traits. Someone who is power hungry would use cunning and ambition to climb to the top, but they would also be hard working, intelligent, and brave.
So yes, these are personality traits, but they aren’t motives. Why am I hammering this in? Let’s take a look at our non-Slytherin villains.
Peter Pettigrew is a Gryffindor coward. He does what he does because of this cowardice. But none of the houses value cowardice, and his own house is the antithesis of cowardice. So if Pettigrew is a coward, why is he in Gryffindor? You could argue that it’s because he values bravery the most. Perhaps because he never had it, he covets it more than anything, and places bravery on a pedestal. The truth of it is, it doesn’t matter what his house is. Pettigrew is a coward, which leads him to team up with the bad guy and commit crimes out of fear. He’s a villain not because of his house, but because of his crime. Because of his motives.
Lockhart is a Ravenclaw who takes other people’s knowledge and achievements for himself so he can have fame and fortune. He isn’t capable of doing these things himself mentally or physically, so he steals the work of others. He utilized his intelligence to get away with this crime, cunning to figure out plans, hard work to maintain his lies, and one could argue courage to do something so risky. Villain? Yes. Slytherin? No.
Quirrell is also a Ravenclaw. He hides himself behind an unthreatening facade to do his master’s evil bidding. It can be assumed that he shares Voldemort’s ideals and wants the power promised to him from his service. Again, you would find that he would have to utilize a multitude of various house traits to pull this off, but he’s still not a Slytherin.
See what I mean? Traits are the how. They are the reason something gets done. They are utilized to carry out an action. But motives are the reason why. Motives defy Hogwarts House classification, not only because they are so layered, but because......
4. Traits have no moral alignment
Ambition is not inherently good or bad. Neither is cunning. Determination is hardly ever classified as something negative. Ambition is an environmentalist saving the environment, a black politician climbing the ranks to bring change to their community, or women banding together to demand change. Cunning is figuring out the best way to distribute funds various organizations, deciding on the best strategy to implement free birth control, or solving the water crisis through vigorous strategy. Determination is fighting constantly for these changes, it’s grit, never giving up on what you know is right.
Any personality trait or ideal can become negative and can be abused. Intelligence can be used to keep a group of people in poverty. Bravery can be someone running into a crowd with a gun. Justice can be a murder. Villains do not think that their actions are wrong. They idealize them, thinking that killing someone of a different race is justice just because they could have harmed that person. Racists often believe they are just for hating people of a different race.
Traits are not good or bad, nor are they defining of a person. Our above mentioned villains often utilized traits that were not valued by their house to commit their acts, but that didn’t make them belong any less to the house they were sorted into.
5. Defining an act as good or bad is more complicated than that
Evil is a hard thing to define in the world. There is so much that goes into determining if something is evil or if someone is bad. Motives, societal moral belief, and personal ideals are just a few concepts that shape what we determine to be good or bad. That’s not to say people don’t have set things they believe are evil. I have those too. However, it would be impossible to settle on a universal definition of an evil act that everyone agreed with.
As I stated earlier, perspective is a huge factor in determining the moral impact of an action. Our enemies think our acts evil, while our friends agree that our acts are good. These acts themselves defy Hogwarts House classification. It is the person’s personality and beliefs that should classify them in a house. Not just whether they are a villain or hero in our eyes.
So why is this whole argument relevant?
Because it’s annoying as a Slytherin to see every bad person sorted by people into your house. Yes it’s a stupid thing to be annoyed with, but for a lot of Harry Potter fans, a huge source of enjoyment comes from the community of your house. Being able to identify and bond with others over your shared house creates a sense of community. It also helps many people understand themselves, just as personality quizzes do. Sure it may be meaningless in the “real world,” but it helps you learn about yourself and have fun.
Yes there is no Hogwarts, and the houses don’t mean anything in real life. But they do in our community and fandom. It’s time for us to intellectually grow and start to discuss people and villains in terms of overarching personality. You won’t hear me arguing that a majority of them may come from Slytherin. However, it’s time for us to take back our house, and it’s time for Slytherins to be given respect.
We are not all evil, we are not all bad. Our valued traits can be used for as much good as any other house traits. Evil people and evil acts do not just have to be Slytherins by default. It’s 2020 and Slytherin is no longer a bad word. We are ambitious as hell, ferocious, and badass. But we are not villains.
Thank you for listening to my Slytherin-positive rants, I really needed to write something out today. Nobody take this too seriously, it’s just a think piece. I hope that you all are and continue to be well:)
On the sorting that I do: If you would like to be sorted, all you have to do is message me and say you’re interested. I don’t require any information other than “I want to be sorted.” I will send you a questionnaire, and you will message me back your answers. I really like to do in-depth sorting, so most of them will be long. I do people of all ages. I don’t post results of sorting, they are kept between us in private messages, so you can be brutally honest about your answers. However, if you’d like me to make a post, I will with an edited version that removes anything private. I love to do sorting and I hope to hear from you guys soon.
On the writing that I do: I also love to write. I will take fanfic requests, questions, and think piece topics. If you have any questions about which fandoms I write for check my bio for a short list, or just send me a message! Chances are I’ve probably watched or read whatever it is enough to write about it!
#slythergirlimagines#slytherin horned serpent capricorn#slytherin#think piece#rant#harry potter#harry potter fandom#fanfiction#ask me anything#house sorting#i do house sorting#harry potter sorting#gryffindor#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#slytherins arent evil#intj
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Wig and Valentine

Wolfget and Awilda both feel it is something odd with Gilderoy Lockhart. Especially how he act with his hair.
An adventure that leads to Awilda never had the chance to go on a Valentine Date with Tulip.
Wolfget Furtwrängler belongs to @meadowslittlebug Word count: 3 329 English is second language
Awilda rested her chin on her hand and sighed as she saw the crew of students flocking around Gilderoy Lockhart, everyone had read his books, everyone wanted to be like him, everyone wanted one look from him. He got his looks and a big smile and laughed when students asked “did you really do it?” Honestly it looked stupid. The girls and boys sighing over how great Lockhart was, they all admired him. Lockhart smiled big at them and touched lightly his hair, making sure it wasn’t messy. “Sitting here and admiring from afar?” Awilda looked up to her left and saw Wolfget Furtwrängler. He took a seat across from her and put down his bag on the bench. The Great Hall is usually empty between classes but now when Lockhart was here, it was rather filled up. “I think he doesn’t need my admiring, he gets it from all the others.” “You don’t like him either then?” “I don’t like old men who tries to impress others with golden lock hair,” she answered. “He is just four years younger than Professor Snape,” Wolfget pointed out. “No way!” Awilda glanced over at Lockhart with a confused look. “Imagine everyone surrendered Snape like that and admired him. That would look so damn weird.”
Wolfget just snorted at it and Awilda looked back at him when he spoke. “Expect he look old, why don’t you like him?” “I don’t know,” Awilda bit her under lip and tapped fast with her fingers on the table. “Lockhart is all about, ‘oh look what I did! Give me now your attention!’ It is all about him and his adventures.” Wolfget rolled with his eyes but had a smile to it. “I feel the same, a big talker but you don’t see him doing it.” “What if he lies about his adventures,” Awilda raised her eyebrows. “Wouldn’t surprise me,” Wolfget took a glimpse at the students who begged now for an autograph from Lockhart. “but people who has been on journeys with him would have said if he were bad, now they praise him for saving them.” “They do? I haven’t read his books,” Awilda has never bothered about Lockhart’s adventures, if they make history then she perhaps would read it. “Me neither, but that’s what they all say about him,” Wolfget sighed and in front of him appeared a glass of juice and he drank it. “Rough day at potion?” Awilda joked, knowing he got it after her. “What?” he dried his mouth with the sleeve and seemed sceptical at Awilda. “We had the ‘love potion’ like you did.” “Yeah? Was it rough?” “No… or well it seemed to work but you know,” Wolfget mumbled as he held the glass near his mouth. “It worked indeed,” Awilda said low too, it did smell flowers, lake, clean laundry, some kind of animal too? She knew she had smelled Tulip but she rather keep it to herself, she doesn’t want to ruin a friendship. “but the rumours are that Lockhart,” They both look over at Lockhart, it seems he wanted to leave the group of students, he held up his hands as he talked about how other students probably wants to meet him. Took back his head when a student wanted to feel on his hair. Awilda looks back at Wolfget and leans over to whisper; “that he tries to help students who had that Potion class, with the ‘love’!” “What? That can’t be true!” “It is though! He asks everyone in our year if we need any love tips.” “Who have you heard that from?!” “Talking about me?” Both Awilda and Wolfget jumped. Behind Awilda stood the one and only, Gilderoy Lockhart. He had a big grin that his shining white teeth could almost blind them, his golden hair looked newley brushed, and his golden suit was spotless from any dirt. With both of his hands on each of his side, he looked at the two big eyed (of fear) students. “I almost have super hearing when people whisper when I’m near them,” he chuckled. “Oh,” Wolfget said, making an exchanging look with Awilda, wondered if he had heard them. “Well no worries, I want to make sure all the students get a chance to talk to me, want me to sign your books?” Lockhart pointed at the books that Awilda had put next to her. She looked confused at the books and opened her mouth, small sounds just escaped of unsureness. Was surprised by the question, but even more surprised when Lockhart golden suit arm passed her and grabbed the book that were on the top and opened it to the first page. In his pocket he had a feather and started to sign. “And your name was?” He asked and peaked up from the book. “I never told you my name,” Awilda said low, still shocked over the act. Lockhart stared at her and then laughed loudly, making Wolfget look around, pretending he didn’t know Lockhart. “I’m sorry miss, what is your name?” “Awilda Flamel…” “Flamel,” Lockhart said and narrowed his eyes but still had a smile. “are you related to Sir Robert Flamel?” “I… I guess? But I have no idea who it is? Flamel tree is pretty big.” “Ah I see, but one of you are always famous for one thing, isn’t that right?” “I honestly don’t know about that,” Awilda almost whispered as she stared at him. Lockhart let out a humble and closed the book, a bit too hard, still had the big smile and handed over the book back. Awilda took the book and Lockhart turned to Wolfget, now it was his turn. Wolfget held his breath when he got eye contact with Lockhart. “Should I sign one of your books?” “Oh no it is all good,” Wolfget said. “I don’t want any doodles in my books.” “Nonsense, don’t be shy,” Lockhart said, leaned over and grabbed one of the books that poked out of the bag, opened up the first page. “ah, at least you write your name who the book belongs to.” “You don’t?” Wolfget looked at Awilda. “I don’t lose my stuff,” “What about that time you-” “I learned a lesson there to not forget them.” “Furtwrängler?” Lockhart felt that he didn’t get all the attention from the two students. “Aren’t you pretty involved with the Vaults? I have read a lot in the Daily Prophet.” Wolfget just leaned his head to left and right and shrugged. Well it wasn’t like he wished for being involved in it. He got simple dragged in to it. Everyone suddenly said he would help out and solve it. “I wished I could be there and help you,” Lockhart said while making his big sign all over the first page. “but it seems my needs is needed around the world and I can’t stay too long in one place, the work gotta go fast and then it is off to the next place!” “Maybe your needs are needed somewhere else right now,” Awilda said low and quiet, tapping her fingers at the table and looked over at Wolfget and he only nodded slightly. “Surely they need my help probably right now,” Lockhart hadn’t catch that he should leave. “but I would like to help out you two, I can’t let a Flamel nor a Vault seeker without some love tips.” Awilda raised her eyebrows at Wolfget with a small smirk, the rumours were true and Wolfget let out a heavy breath when he got back the book. He looked at the first page and sure enough, Lockhart’s sign were so big it covered half of Wolfget’s lastname. “I have heard your year got to know about Love Potion,” Lockhart said and grinned at them both. “and I know everyone can’t be quite as charming as me, but with a small help from me, your lover will swoon over you!” Wolfget and Awilda looked at Lockhart for a long moment before both of them got up. “Gosh would love that help,” Awilda said as she tucked her books in to the bag. “But we are late to Charms,” Wolfget filled in and Awilda pointed at Wolfget and nodded in agreement. “Exactly! We can’t be late,” “Well I take you as company there,” Lockhart said and seemed to be ready to walk with them. “you know I was also in Ravenclaw-” “Uh oh,” Awilda looked at her clock. “all this talking with you made us very late, would love to continue but we seriously have to run. Or else we get detention.” “I’m good friend with Professor Flitwick, I’ll explain to him when we meet him-” But before he could say anything more, both Wolfget and Awilda were running out of the Great Hall. “Is he behind us?” Awilda asks as she runs up towards the stairs. Wolfget took a glance back before continue the running. “Not what I can see.” They both stopped in the middle of the staircase as it moved. Both took their time to catch their breath. “Something with that man,” Wolfget said between his breaths. “makes me not trust him.” “The whole him is like,” Awilda rolled with her hand, trying to find words. “fake!” “I agree, even his hair seems oddly fake.” A silent fell over them and they looked first behind, to see if Lockhart was still after them, and then they looked back at each other. “Do you think-” Awilda was cut off. “I mean, he takes good care of it.” “And he doesn’t let anyone touch it.” “Seems very careful when it comes to his hair.” Awilda grinned at Wolfget and he held up his finger and shook his head. He knew that face too well. “No, I know what you are thinking and I’m not coming with you.” • • • Later that day, Lockhart stood near the lake with some of the few students, talking about how he swam across the lake and more of his silly adventures at Hogwarts when he was a student. Behind a tree stood Awilda and Wolfget. “I can’t believe I actually came with you,” Wolfget said low as he narrowed his eyes at Lockhart. “We are just going to see if it is actually a wig or not,” Awilda whispered and leaned back behind the tree. “and what is better than a powerful wind!” “Are you going to cast a spell?” Wolfget raised his eyebrows, his Prefect instincts was on, but he wanted to see how it all ended. He didn’t care at all what would happen to Lockhart. “I asked Professor Flitwick what spell makes a powerful wind and it is Ventus. I got to only see how you are suppose to flick with your wand.” Awilda showed the movement for Wolfget. “But I didn’t have time to actually learn how to cast it so Lockhart is the first victim for this spell.” “This seems like a bad idea,” Wolfget said, worried that the spell could backfire at them two. “It is only bad when it goes bad,” Awilda held her wand ready and glanced behind the tree. Lockhart stood with both of his hands on his side, proudly told more the students about himself and told them some vampire stuff from what Wolfget and Awilda could hear. Awilda raised her wand and flicked with with it. “Ventus!” Nothing happened, Awilda looked down on her wand and shaked it. “Stupid wand.” “I think you made the movement to aggressive,” Wolfget took his wand out and stood next to Awilda. “Do more like this, Ventus.” And it worked. But he hadn’t point it exactly at Lockhart but it went in his direction. The students closed their eyes to the hard wind that came, their hair flew in the wind and they got the dirt up in the face and on their clothes. And Lockharts hair also flew. Actually flew. High up in the sky, flew a blonde wig around. Both Wolfget and Awilda had their mouth open as they followed their eyes on the wig that flew above the lake. With a shout, Awilda and Wolfget had their eyes back on the ground, Lockhart had been fast to pull up his cloak over his head to cover his boldness. “Quick students,” Lockhart said to the students who hadn’t had the chance to see his lack of hair. “a dangerous spell has been casted on us. Hurry inside while I take care of it!” Awilda and Wolfget were fast to hide behind the tree again as the students ran past them to the safety. They both bent down to the ground and made sure they wouldn’t be seen. “Merlin’s beard,” Wolfget mumbled. “Holy shit! He is actually bold!” Awilda said and shook Wolfget. “We should totally catch the wig so we can show it to the others.” Awilda poked her head out from the spotting place. She couldn’t see either Lockhart or the wig. “Where did he go?” Wolfget looked as well. The spell had went down and they couldn’t see the wig flying in the blue sky anymore. “You,” The two teenagers looked behind them. Lockhart stood there with the wand in his hand. His hair were back on his head but it looked wrong, as it sat not how it should. Wolfget and Awilda had big eyes on him. If not his wand was pointed at them, they perhaps would have laughed at his hair but now they were worried what a grown up would do to them. Awilda pressed her back towards the tree, they couldn’t run away. “Trying to ruin my reputation? Don’t you think I recognise a Ventus spell?” “We practiced some spells,” Awilda were quick to say. “We didn’t know you would stay in the way,” Wolfget followed along with the lie. “we are sorry sir.” “Won’t happen again!” “From the first moment,” Lockhart spoke slowly. “I saw you in the Great Hall, I knew you two didn’t like me. You two sat far away and looked at me weirdly. And now you try to pick on me, huh? Is it also you two who has been through my stuff? Taken my rings?!” Both Wolfget and Awilda shook their heads, but they knew probably one who took them. Sickleworth. Rakepick had left Sickleworth behind at Hogwarts after disappearing, and now Sickleworth take stuff that he thinks is shining. “I suppose you also read through my stuff,” Lockhart had a threatful tone. “how much do you know?” Wolfget and Awilda looked at each other, this wasn’t according to the plan. And they didn’t know what he was talking about either. They glanced back at Lockhart, confused and waited for an explanation. “Don’t play stupid! You saw I stole from another wizard about fighting the werewolves!” “You stole!?” Wolfget repeated. “You stole about fighting the werewolves and published it as your own?” “Is that why that useless spell didn’t work?” Awilda followed along. She remember the first halloween when werewolves came to Hogwarts and Barnaby’s uncle came over. He used a spell that was invented by Lockhart but it didn’t work. “Did you make that spell up?!” “His version wasn’t all excitement,” Lockhart had an unpleasing smile on his face. “one spell I do know though, is about to make you two forget about this.” They both got big eyes. He was going to oblivate them! “You have no right to do that!” Awilda spitted out, leaned forward now. “You end up in Wizard Court and perhaps Azkaban as well,” Wolfget narrowed his eyes. “Do not worry,” Lockhart chuckled. “I know how to do this spell, I have done it plenty of other times on those who follow on my journeys. And I know already what I will tell the others when I get back with two students who doesn’t remember a thing.” He had a grinning face as he said it. “I can already see the headlines by Rita Skeeter; Lockhart saved two students from the dangerous wizard who seek the Vaults! I told you two, I follow very along with Daily Prophet and thanks to the gossip children, I know about the Wizard in White Robes. You two should thank me for making you famous.” “Right,” Wolfget said with a growling voice, annoyed by this villain talk. “but I think you forget one thing.” Wolfget held up his wand against Lockhart and so did Awilda. “Expiliarmus,” Wolfget were quick to say and Lockhart’s wand flew high up in the sky. “Ventus!” Awilda shooted at the flying wand and it flew far away, so it would be hard for Lockhart to run after it. “Oh wow, did you see I could cast it now?” Wolfget stood now straight up from the ground and he was much taller than Lockhart, Lockhart looked up on the young boy and a nervous chuckle came from him. “I think it has been some misunderstanding here,” Lockhart trembled with his words along with some laughs in between. “Thought you would say so,” Awilda also stood up and held her wand towards Lockhart. Before any of the teenagers could say anymore, Lockhart were quick to leave, holding one hand on his head and towards where his wand had flew. Awilda grabbed Wolfget and they ran towards the castle, to there it is a lot of people and there Lockhart can’t do any harm. • • • “We have to tell someone!” Awilda whispered when they were in the library, hoping Lockhart wouldn’t look there. “He were about to oblivate us, and he admitted he stole from others and have oblivated them too! Claiming he is the one who did all the great stuff!” “But you forget one thing Awilda,” Wolfget shout whispered. “we have no evidence! We aren’t even sure if he were going to oblivate us or if he simple threaten us.” “That is worse,” Awilda pointed out and Wolfget nodded, couldn’t deny that. “but we could tell McGonagall.” Wolfget sighed, he had rather kept this a secret but now he were about to tell Awilda, to make sure he won’t be in any sort of trouble. “Awilda, I have a date on Valentine’s day. I actually for one day want to have something nice and different for once. To forget the Vaults, all the adults who betray children, to forget about my so supposed-” He stopped himself and Awilda looked down. She knew he meant his brother. “But I suppose I can’t even have that date peacefully,” Wolfget mumbled. “now I got to tell Barnaby that…” He toned out, he didn’t mean to tell who he was going with. But what did that matter? Now when Lockhart is at their throats he would have to cancel the date and rather stay hidden to make sure to not rush in to Lockhart. “No you are going on that date,” Awilda whispered, making sure that Mrs Pince wouldn’t get upset. “I put you in the situation. If you are worried about Lockhart coming after you, then you forget that I happen to know three of the biggest troublemakers on Hogwarts.” “You surely don’t mean you going to keep him busy the whole time?” Wolfget sighed and already knew who she meant, Tulip, Tonks, and Jae. “Of course I mean that! I will be his biggest threat, and I’m sure Tulip and Tonks want to see who first of them can take off his wig.” Wolfget turned to look at Awilda and she smiled at him. “I can make sure you will have a calm date, Lockhart will be running after me, not you.” “You’re sure you can do it?” “As long you don’t stop me with your Prefect duties,” she jokes and Wolfget only rolled with his eyes. “I am pretty sure I can do it.” “Right,” he nodded. “maybe in the future after all of this, we can expose him.” “Hopefully no one else get the chance to expose him before we do.” “Or worse,” Wolfget smiled a little. “oblivate him.”
#fanfic#hogwarts mystery#Wolfget Furtwrängler#awilda flamel#writing stuff you know#gilderoy lockhart#very cliche ending but oh well these children need to have some good in their life#I hope I caught Wolfget personality right qwq I think he is an amazing OC and super intreresting#btw this idea was as a joke but then I was like wow I wanna write this tho and now it is written#oh btw I'm still sad over Rowan but hey maybe this will light some people up?
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 11: The Sorting Hat’s New Song
“Harry did not want to tell the others that he and Luna were having the same hallucination, if that was what it was, so he said nothing more about the horses as he sat down inside the carriage and slammed the door behind him. Nevertheless, he could not help watching the silhouettes of the horses moving beyond the window.” – Really though how likely is it two people would have the same kind of hallucination? After all those years in the Wizarding World Harry still hasn’t learned there is always a logical explanation to everything. If anything he should have told Hermione about it, who would have read about Thestrals (and maybe they are even mentioned in “Hogwarts: A History”), and would have told Harry what they are. But Harry being Harry rather keeps this to himself, and thinks it is just another weird thing that happens to him.
‘I’ll be quite glad if he has,’ said Luna, ‘he isn’t a very good teacher, is he?’ ‘Yes, he is!’ said Harry, Ron and Ginny angrily. Harry glared at Hermione. She cleared her throat and quickly said, ‘Erm … yes … he’s very good.’” – I mean Luna is not wrong, because they are probably people more qualified than Hagrid for the job. And Hermione, with all her love for Hagrid, knows that as well. And Harry to some degree as well, but he is loyal to a fault.
“She looked, Harry thought, like somebody’s maiden aunt: squat, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair in which she had placed a horrible pink Alice band that matched the fluffy pink cardigan she wore over her robes.” – First of all how do you wear a cardigan over your robes? Second, Umbridge is described as someone who dresses overly feminine, even more like a young girl than an adult woman, and Harry describes her voice as girlish as well. This follows a theme where unsympathetic characters are described as vain and dressed in an overly feminine way: Lockhart, Rita Skeeter, and now Umbridge. Compared to positive female characters like McGonagall, Hermione, Ginny or Tonks, who either don’t particular care about their appearances or appear very tom-boyish. And Harry himself is annoyed by girls who cry, or want to talk about their feelings, or – God forbid – giggle. And Ginny in contrast is described as tough, as fierce, someone who doesn’t cry or openly show her feelings. And I am very conflicted about this, because for one it describes the whole crying and talking about your feeling thing as something typical feminine. But also as something negative. Harry constantly keeps things to himself, he doesn’t talk about his problems until someone forces him to, he doesn’t want to appear weak or that people worry about him. And he appreciates if others act like this as well. And it is not very healthy.
“Said Slytherin, ‘We’ll teach just those Whose ancestry is purest.’ Said Ravenclaw, ‘We’ll teach those whose Intelligence is surest.’ Said Gryffindor, ‘We’ll teach all those With brave deeds to their name,’ Said Hufflepuff, ‘I’ll teach the lot, And treat them just the same.’ “ – Look, there is a reason why I think Hufflepuff is the best House, and it is not just because it is my house. It is based on what the Sorting Hat says here. Which is that all the founders only accepted students with certain qualities, all of them except Hufflepuff, who said she would teach everyone and treat everyone the same. Which, you know, is how it should be. Everyone should have the same right for education. And Hufflepuff’s poor reputation is based on the thinking that it is the house where everyone is sorted who is not good enough for the other house, whose ancestry is not right, who is not smart or brave enough. But Hufflepuff believed that you don’t have to special, you don’t have to be extraordinary in order to belong to Hogwarts. And despite Hufflepuff welcoming everyone, not everyone has what it takes to be a Hufflepuff. I believe the defining quality of a Hufflepuff is their kindness, and in a very competitive environment this quality is often overlooked and considered as a weakness.
“And now the Sorting Hat is here And you all know the score: I sort you into houses Because that is what I’m for, But this year I’ll go further, Listen closely to my song: Though condemned I am to split you Still I worry that it’s wrong, Though I must fulfil my duty And must quarter every year Still I wonder whether Sorting May not bring the end I fear.” – I think nobody has thought as much about the sorting system as the Sorting Hat, because that is after all its purpose, and he does nothing else all year than to rhyme a new song. But even the Hat admits that the sorting system might be wrong, that it doesn’t do good to divide people into houses and to let them compete against each other. And that instead of being united it would only strengthen prejudices. And people like Voldemort will always use the already existing hate among people for their own goals.
“For our Hogwarts is in danger From external, deadly foes And we must unite inside her” – Also Hogwarts presents as female.
“‘And it wants all the houses to be friends?’ said Harry, looking over at the Slytherin table, where Draco Malfoy was holding court. ‘Fat chance.’” – I know Draco is a dick and all, but imagine the Potter books if at some point Harry had reached out to the Slytherins? It is implied that Harry changed his view on Slytherin (and the sorting system as well) to some degree as an adult, in the way that he reassures his son that being sorted into Slytherin is not a bad thing. But I would have loved to see more of Slytherin in the books, in the form of allies, not as the outsider house, which is something a lot of fan fictions explore.
Umbridge constantly treats all students at Hogwarts like they are little children, who should not have a mind of their own, but are expected to follow the rules given by adults. Despite the fact that some of the students are already of age, therefore legally adults, and even those like Harry are no longer children. Of course you are not an adult once you reach a certain age; it is a process that takes some time. But most of the students are in this process. They are in the middle of becoming their own person, of taking responsibility over their lives and choices. And yet Umbridge belittles them and never treats them with the respect they deserve.
“The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the wizarding community must be passed down the generations lest we lose them for ever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching.” – The way Umbridge talks already shows her anti-Muggle attitude between the lines, something we will see in full bloom in book 7. She sees wizardkind as something special, as something superior, and that the knowledge of it should only be passed down to those worthy of it. She never directly says so in book 5, but it is already clear that she would consider Muggleborn wizard and witches as not worthy, and that she has a great dislike to everyone she considers not human. Umbridge is not a Death Eater, but she agrees with Voldemort’s philosophy. She is not a monster in the way Voldemort is, she even appears at first like a joke, a caricature. But that is why she is so dangerous, and that makes her such a good villain.
“‘I’ll tell you what it means,’ said Hermione ominously. ‘It means the Ministry’s interfering at Hogwarts.’” – Thanks for Hermione and her expert reading skills. And obviously Hermione often functions as exposition character, explaining Harry (and therefore the reader) how to read a certain scene. And there is a small degree how much exposition you should use as an author. If you explain everything you underestimate the intelligence of your audience. In this case however it makes sense. Harry says Umbridge’s speech sounded like a lot of waffle to him (we don’t even hear the whole speech because his mind drifts away). If it sounds like waffle to Harry it will sound like this to a lot of the (teenage) audience as well. But it is important to know for Harry (and therefore the reader) what Umbridge’s arrival really means. And this why Hermione needs to explain the situation for us.
“He knew that Seamus’s mother was a witch and could not understand, therefore, why she should have come over so Dursleyish.” – Durseyish is an official word now, I guess.
In the whole encounter with Seamus Harry acts like a dick. Seamus asks what actually happened the night Cedric died, because he is of course curious and doesn’t know whom to believe: the Daily Prophet and his mother or Dumbledore and Harry. I don’t think he is to be blamed to be confused about that. But Harry, instead of trying to explain, attacks Seamus’s mother. Obviously Harry doesn’t want to talk about that night, but people need answers. He expects everyone to simply trust Dumbledore and himself, when all the evidence they have is their word.
“‘My parents are Muggles, mate,’ said Dean, shrugging. ‘They don’t know nothing about no deaths at Hogwarts, because I’m not stupid enough to tell them.’” – Dean’s parents probably also don’t know that in his second year a giant snake tried to kill all Muggleborn students or that the year later a mass murderer had entered their school. And Dean’s decision not to tell his parents about all the dangers of the Wizarding World make me wonder if Hermione did the same thing and kept her mouth shut, fearing they would no longer allow her to return to Hogwarts if they knew half the stuff her daughter was involved in.
“‘My gran says that’s rubbish,’ piped up Neville. ‘She says it’s the Daily Prophet that’s going downhill, not Dumbledore. She’s cancelled our subscription. We believe Harry,’ said Neville simply. He climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin, looking owlishly over them at Seamus. ‘My gran’s always said You-Know-Who would come back one day. She says if Dumbledore says he’s back, he’s back.’” – It is never stated if Mrs Longbottom was a member of the Order, but she sure had been involved enough in the anti-Voldemort-movement to know to trust Dumbledore and to know that Voldemort would return one day. Considering how much she lost during the first war, it would have been hard to bear to know that there would be a second war one day, and that might explain why she always was so strict to Neville, in order to prepare him for what would come one day.
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Have you been re-introduced to DOLORES “DOLLY” UMBRIDGE? last we heard, the HALFBLOOD was most familiar with TIMELINE THREE. I don’t recall if they were always a SLYTHERIN, but I’ve heard the SEVENTH YEAR is still DRIVEN, ANALYTICAL, ENGAGING and HIGH-STRUNG, MANIPULATIVE, AND DECEPTIVE, so that’s familiar. at least SHE remembers their way around the castle.
Personality Expanded
[ + ]: Analytical: Every line of every conversation and every action she sees another person take is broken down into its minutiae and studied for hidden intent and insight into the picture of the person. It’s measured against what is already known and applied to planning future interaction and assessing strengths, weaknesses, the likelihood that the other party will become a problem or an asset, and how to handle them if they manifest as one or other—leaving room for if they turn out to be one then the other.
Engaging: There is nobody short of Gilderoy Lockhart that can weave a more dramatic or entertaining tale when they desire then Dolores. The believability could be questioned and increasingly so considering the frequency with which Dolores raises a fuss and turns a small event into a public spectacle, but the added spice of moans, groans, shouted accusations, passionate denials, and the occasional forced tear or fainting spell create impressions that are not soon forgotten all the same.
Dedicated: Once she has set her mind to something there is no dissuading her. She may not be loyal to very many people, but she is unfailingly loyal to herself and her goals and no amount of hardship will make her forget what she is really working toward.
[ - ]: High Strung: All the people she has already wronged or wounded as well as the wounds already done to her, both real and imagined, have made Dolores paranoid. That, her innately nervous nature, her near solitary existence during school breaks, and her own budding propensity to lies she then worries about being found out at, and increasingly warped worldview about dangerous muggles and halfbreeds have joined together to keep Dolores consistently with one foot hanging over the abyss of a breakdown to the point where loud, unexpected noises and the like rattle her regularly.
Deceptive: Dolores’ current life is built on lies, from the pureblood parentage she began to profess, to her attempt to convince each side she harbors sympathy for their cause, and there will only be more lies as she now does something much similar with the visitors from different tiemlines. She lies near every time she breathes and with the same automatic response as well as frequency until even she believes what she says.
Manipulative: This is where the weaknesses and strengths Dolly assesses in friend and enemy alike come into play. The point of knowledge for her is exploitation and exploit she does. She is not above blackmail in the slightest, but it’s such an ugly concept and she prefers to fill her life with beauty, so her preferences are to play on sympathy, good will, charity, sense of duty-- the better natures of people--though she’s quick to move on when this tactic does not work, the person she is trying to move is much lower than her and assumed to have no reliable better nature to appeal to, or her target’s sense of what’s right differs from hers and refuses to be altered. Still before blackmail there is the harsher beauty of the very rewarding art of intimidation to get what you want.
Boggart: Used to be people milling around in clothes like they had just been to her funeral and talking about how she had never accomplished anything worthwhile in her life, but currently re-enacts her mother and brother leaving (albeit a version where they say things far more caustic than they did in real life about how she drove them away, how unloveable she is, and how glad they are to never have to see her again). She would muse that her boggart may have actually shifted again after witnessing that and fretting over how mortifying it would be for anyone to see that those dumb creatures the boggarts think she’s broken up over those stupid muggles she doesn’t miss at all.
Amortentia: Freshly bound books, sugar cookies, and cilantro
How she spent the summer: Interning at the Improper Use of Magic Office, a position her father got her by agreeing to do some private maintenance work for the department head who is hopeless at household spells, but Dolly thinks she got on her own merits. Since she still had the trace on her for much of the summer she was relegated to little more than fetching coffee and organizing files the muggle way, but in her mind and even more prominently in how she would spin the story for others, she was an invaluable asset to the department and the workers there learned to trust her instincts and take her advice until she was practically running the place by time the summer came to an end and the unfortunate incident at the Department of Mysteries occured.
Her Name: She hates her name. Dolores sounds like a sixty-year-old spinster. She used to like Dolly but lately it has seemed infantilizing and it is too much of a reminder of her muggle bitch mother who started the nickname before Dolly could even choose for herself whether she wanted to be anyone’s “sweet faced little china doll.” She would go by her middle name, but she can’t seem to train herself to answer to it, and she wouldn’t want to be mocked as “Plain Jane” either. She finally chose to transition from Dolly to Dolores over the summer, introducing herself as Dolores to her supervisors at the Ministry so they would take her seriously, though her stupid father ruined it the first day--ruined her day twice actually since she had forbade him from talking to her in front of other people. She planned to keep it going once she returned to school, though now everything is confused and it’s hard to know whether insisting on her full name marks her as belonging to this timeline, will make people think she’s from a different timeline, or whether they won’t care either way and it’s the perfect time to slip in one extra change
In Timeline One: Dolores is very similar to timeline three’s, excepting her sorting into Ravenclaw, but has learned to be much more subdued about her anti-muggle opinions and has, in fact, truly become much more moderate while faking it because there are less people who reinforce the idea that muggles and squibs are inferior and undeserving or at least are thought so by all “proper wizards”
In Timeline Two: Timeline two’s Dolly would be horrified by timeline three’s as will “Our” Dolly once she learns about her counterpart, a hufflepuff who is vocal about muggleborn and squib rights to the point of foolishness no matter what hardship or treatment she has to endure. Dolly’s alternate does have the close friend group and significant other “Our” Dolly craves, but they are hardly what she would call suitable people. You see, In timeline two, the increased urgency of the losing war, far more violently anti-muggle public opinion of those in power in mainstream wizard society existing for years, and the recent blood status registration instead of hastening the decline of Dolly’s parents’ marriage or preventing it from happening in the first place, drew Orford and Ellen much closer together. Orford clung to and protected his muggle wife instead of blaming her for his shortcomings and Ellen saw Orford as a knight out of storybook instead of a struggling failure. Dolly was taught family over self, everyone as a part of a loving whole that banded together all the more in adversity. They tried to hide that Ulysses, Dolly’s little brother, could not perform magic as long as they could. Dolly even offered to follow him around, faking spells for him, but when his Hogwarts letter never came, they couldn’t anymore. Dolly’s mother and brother still left when she was fifteen but they were sent away to a secret keeper guarded safe house run by family friends for their own protection. The vastly different home life created a vastly different Dolly who diverged even more during her Hogwarts years in Hufflepuff.
History Facts
Dolores likes sweets to the degree she does because sometimes she experiences a bitter taste flooding her mouth and clinging to her tongue even after she scrapes it against the roof of her mouth and either extremely sweet or almost too spicy to tolerate foods can cover it up--and she’s always had a bit of a sweet tooth naturally. The bitter taste now comes any time she trying to maintain a calm facade while feeling emotional, one day she feels it will linger all the time, though originally it only came every time she felt the urge to use particularly vulgar language. Her father used to wash out her mouth with soap when she was younger. Nobody ever knew when he was doing it either, not even her mother. Soap bubbles he could do wandlessly. A discreet wave of fingers inside his pocket and she would be struggling to not vomit frothy, bitter bubbles. She can never forget that taste. She’d swallow, her stomach would churn, and her father would ask her later if she’d learned her lesson. He didn’t like correcting her, he’d always make that clear, but naughty children must be punished. Naughty daddies who had other secrets too and were mean behind everyone’s back must be punished too—and one day he would be--but that was how the preference for having everything sweet enough to mask the flavor of lye (or coppery blood in her mouth as she bit her tongue to keep from calling after mother when she walked out the door for the last time, not because she wanted to say she made a mistake and beg to be taken with her. Not the way she remembered it now. The stupid muggle bitch had made her so mad and insulted her so gravely by suggesting she may want to go with her in the divorce that Dolores had to bite her tongue to avoid cursing her into oblivion, since she was the more evolved creature and couldn’t strike a dumb animal that way) began.
Dolly loved to garden when she was younger despite the risk of dirtying her clothes, but it certainly isn’t an option anymore ever since her father moved them to a small flat in London. Her cat Vesuvia, before Dolly had to get rid of her, would knock about pots and track through window boxes and make a frightful mess. Plus something so small and limited as a window box makes a room dimmer not more lively for the disappointed heart of someone who grew up used to a full garden to tinker about in. The smell of freshly turned soil also reminds her of her mother who taught her both how to tend a garden and how to sing (and how the two were meant to be mixed), which is every reason to avoid it. She does still sing, however, though her songs of choice are not the upbeat, silly muggle songs her mother raised her on until she spurned them, but lofty opera selections as she imagines herself one day not awing a packed auditorium as a star but entertaining a small but appreciative crowd who didn’t know their Minister of Magic possessed hidden talents.
Dolly never knew she was allergic to cats, through years with Vesuvia and adopting several strays that came and went, until her father revealed to her after she shouted in a moment of anger that he was so useless she might as well have left with her mother for all the good he ever was to her, that he had been charming away her cat allergies her whole life. It was one of the only times Dolly could remember ever hearing him say he loved her--that broken hearted, stunted man who had mistreated and lost everyone who he loved but her. She didn’t say it back. She got rid of Vesuvia the next day. She wouldn’t be beholden to anyone. Besides, cats are too messy and too fussy. She didn’t love them that much.
At first, she didn’t believe the story of those that claimed to remember a different version of history other than the “proper” one. It was some sort of large scale trick or publicity stunt that she didn’t approve of one bit. She could only thank her lucky stars that her father, as much as he failed in other areas, was not part of this mass hysteria. He was still very much himself as was she. Then, once the Ministry statements supported these outlandish claims, and she saw the chaos it was devolving into when she next went into her internship after a few days off, she quickly got over her suspicions and disbelief...and started to think of how she could twist events to further herself.
Her first though was to parlay the amount of workers who didn’t remember who they were into stepping into one of their positions, but those that remained in power at the department just saw her as a girl only just barely over seventeen that still had a year left of school and she saw quickly she would have to come up with an alternate plan. So she offered herself as a spy after convincing her department head one was needed. Who knew what really had happened in the Department of Mysteries or if these newcomers to the timeline had some nefarious purpose? There were official Ministry inquiries but who would share information willingly if they were actually on a sabotage mission to derail the natural world into one of their “dark timelines?” Veritaserum was known not to work on everyone and the Ministry couldn’t use torture so there was no way to trust even information given under interrogation--and they hadn’t even gotten that far, just trusting friendly interview and treating these timeline jumpers like victims. Honestly, Dolores wasn’t sure of she did think the timeline travelers did have ill will or that they had traveled willingly, but weaving a story of paranoia could only help her. She claimed someone as quick thinking and skilled at reading people, gleaning information, and winning trust as she claimed to be could easily get in with those that had been displaced from their timelines, pretend to be one of them--take on whatever personality each person expected of her and stop those that knew conflicting versions from talking to each other about her or come up with some excuse of why she was lying to others but not them--and find out more about not just where they came from but what their true purpose was in crossing over, details that would not be shared with anyone they knew was trying to get information from them. She would only have access to students and school staff, but once should never underestimate what such people could know or accomplish, and think of what would happen if there was evil-doers infiltrating Hogwarts? She would see it didn’t happen. She could report all findings back to the Ministry, her own special position. No need for pay, just the promise of a job once she graduated. The department head agreed to her proposal. Dolores wasn’t sure if it was because she had won him over or if he was just trying to humor her and get her out of his office, but, either way, she was now working for the Ministry while at Hogwarts. The timeline confusion may just be the best thing that ever happened to her.
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Oh, I love me some Quidditch talk *rubbing hands together excitedly*
First things first, I absolutely know that everyone is biased to their own House, naturally. I believe the Quidditch squad was intentionally written that way, to have them fit in all Houses in a way, although some more than the other. But that's the beautiful thing about writing isn't it? It's all up to interpretation.
So, I'm a Hufflepuff. My OC Lizzie is a Hufflepuff as well. Let's talk Hufflepuff.
First of all, Orion. I don't think I have to say too much about Hufflepuff!Orion, do I? If there's one thing we can all agree upon I think, it's that Hufflepuff would be Orion's actual House, he just fits all the traits down to a tee. He's a gentle, friendly soul, hardworking, loyal, has a strong sense of ethics and is just our most adorable sweet sunshine man 💛. I basically write him as I perceive him. While my version of him does have his insecurities and bad sides (although I haven't explored those that much... yet), he overcomes them through the strength he draws from his found family. I could definitely see him as a Ravenclaw as well, with his unconventional way of thinking outside of the box. I agree when people say he's leaning into the same direction as Luna.
Second, Murphy. Funnily enough, Murphy is the one character that would fit the least into Hufflepuff, I always saw him more as a Ravenclaw (wonder why @kc-needs-coffee) or Slytherin, but when I'm writing him, I try to make his dedication to his passion stand out and the hard work he puts into not only his statistics but also creating new manoeuvres. Although he's supposed to be impartial, he is as loyal to his House and his friends as they come. He'd rather stay out of conflict but is not afraid to speak up if he feels one of his friends is treated unfairly. But he is also kind and has the wish to help, which is why he is sharing his brilliant strategies with people from other houses as well. You could argue that's furthering his own profile which would be much more of a Slytherin trait, but like I said, it's a lot down to personal interpretation.
Now, Skye @indigobackfire . My lovely, complex, bull-headed Skye. I totally see why many people argue Skye would never be a Hufflepuff, I feel the same way about Slytherin!Orion. But like @carewyncromwell showed, with the right interpretation, it can totally work. I think the main problem with Syke and Hufflepuff is the image Hufflepuff generally has, with them being all the nice guys that are always happy and fun and couldn't hurt someone even if they wanted to. And yeah, many Puffs are like that, don't get me wrong. But it's not all sugar, spice 'n' everything nice. Think about Zacharias Smith (*cough* jerk *cough*) for example. Think about GILDEROY STUPID MF LOCKHART. There are unpleasant Hufflepuffs and as much as I like Skye, she definitely isn't an uncontroversial character. But hear me out.
The core aspects of Hufflepuff House are a strong sense of ethics, the will to put in the hard work, loyalty, dedication and kindness. Let's work these through (oh boy, I'm sorry this is getting so long)
Sense of ethics. Okay let's get the strongest point against Hufflepuff!Skye out of the way. Given, Skye's morals are a bit questionable from time to time, to put it mildly. But in her own head, her moral code makes sense and she's sticking to it and acts coherently. And while she did behave like a spoiled kid in S1+2, her kind of narrow sense of perceiving things is mellowing down and we see her growth now as S3 is playing along.
The will to put in the hard work/dedication. You can say a lot of things about Skye but not that she isn't dedicated and willing to work the hardest to achieve her goal. You could argue with her studying habits but I think that's not really fair because she makes it very clear that's not something she values that much. Again, Hufflepuffs aren't all these nice, well behaved kids that are good at school and never get into trouble. Her goal is being a Quidditch player and she's working her head off to be good at it, training by herself as well with the team and once she matured a bit even willing to put the dealings with Rath behind her to further her team's success. Yes, you could argue again that's a kind of Slytherin thing to do and you wouldn't be wrong about that. I actually think, in a way, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs have more in common than you give them credit for. She is ambitious and she is resourceful but she also never shies away from hard work if she deems it helpful (aka degnoming the pitch for example).
Loyalty and kindness. I can see people screaming at me already 'but S2! And Rath! And she ditched us!' and yes, you're not wrong, but hear me out. Something many people forget is one line Skye said rather off-handedly in S2, but I think it's really important to her character. She told us, she never had friends as a kid due to her dad and his travels and doesn't know to handle them really. Enter us, being their first real friend because we put in the effort of getting to know her. She even refers to us to her family as their 'best mate'. Talking about being kind, she wants to give us her old Comet 220 when she gets a new one, a Parkin family broom she told us has a tradition of being passed down for some time now. She's literally offering us something that has a history in her own family. And when it vanishes and she (wrongly) blames Rath for stealing it, she gets incredibly worked up because she is angry at A) the situation itself and B) at the opportunity being taken away from US. She could very well be like 'well, tough luck mate, I tried' and be done with it, but she wants us to have this broom so bad that she comes up with her one (very wrong, oh Skye...) theories. Now put yourself in her shoes. We're basically her best and only friend, someone she trusts and values and then we come around and make friends with Rath, her 'nemesis', so to say. I don't want to justify her actions because I do think her reaction is wrong, but I think we can all relate to this awful feeling of realising someone we care so deeply about doesn't do quite as much in return. I can imagine her being so hurt about this. She even told us she's not happy about the situation in the beginning (remember, they are all teens and she is a bit of a hot-headed character), but we continue befriending Rath anyway and her first instinct about us 'betraying' her friendship is lashing out. It's not a good reaction but no one said she's perfect (who is?).
Tl;dr: While Skye does have her flaws and doesn't look like a Hufflepuff on the surface, I think she would absolutely fit in if you take some time to look past Skye's brusqueness and take care to really look past that super nice, glossy impression Hufflepuff tends to give off and think about how the core values of this house can be manifested in different, sometimes not entirely positive ways.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, I think I'm done 💛😅😂
Okay – question for all of you.
Orion, Skye, and McNully are – at least in the game – in whatever house your MC is in. If that is the case for your own personal headcanon!Quidditch squad, do you imagine/write them in a particular way that accents their house placement?
Me, for instance, my Orion, Skye, and McNully are all Slytherin. Therefore, I have them embody one of Slytherin’s core values more than any of the others: Skye as ambition, McNully as cleverness, and Orion as resourcefulness.
Like in canon, Skye’s sole focus is on winning the Quidditch Cup, so for Slytherin!Skye, I tend to write her as even more judgmental than in canon, being very much to type to stay close to “her kin” (namely, only spend time with other Slytherins), which also explains why my Skye (like the rest of the Quidditch Squad in canon, for the most part) doesn’t interact with the rest of the HPHM cast much. I also write her as being closer friends with both McNully and Orion, who are in her year and have been with her in the Quidditch world pretty much since the beginning, and more active, long-term rivals with (Ravenclaw Beater) Erika Rath. As adults my personal headcanon Skye and Erika end up teammates when they both are accepted onto the Wigtown Wanderers professional team! It takes a while for them to bury the hatchet and come together.
McNully is the strategist, but when I personally write him, I accent that he’s also very focused on the results. He doesn’t put forward all those statistics and ideas just to theorize the way a Ravenclaw might – he has a goal, namely helping his team win, and those strategies are a means to that end. And in the end, for my McNully, the ends justify the means. This is why my McNully is more likely to give Orion the benefit of the doubt than question his methods, for he’s known him long enough and is close enough friends with him to know his methods both have merit and some kind of logic to them, even if they seem completely ridiculous at first glance.
And finally, Orion. In the game, Orion shows MC how to use Inspired Broom-Surfing – but with my Orion, it’s not just about being one with the broom from a “Zen” point of view; it’s about showing unflappable confidence and getting into the other person’s head. A fearless, effortless display of talent like Inspired Broom Surfing can intimidate an opponent enough that they doubt themselves, which can result in them losing their own center of balance – and so can speaking in riddles and leaving other people guessing. Orion loves to think deeply, yes, but he also knows many other people don’t – and so he can weed out those who don’t think as he does and throw them off-balance and better pinpoint kindred spirits. If people want to get to know him, they will actively try to engage and understand him, and eventually learn to trust him. And although Orion knows he has a lot to learn as a captain, he can use the skills he has – namely, great interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, or intelligence regarding himself and how he relates to others – to bring his team together in a way no one else can. Orion is also incredibly patient because he knows a level head and a good center of balance makes it easier for him to pinpoint other people’s weak spots without giving them an opening to do the same to him. My version of Orion relishes the mystery that Slytherin house tends to promote and is very happy to keep people guessing and even underestimating him. That only ends up giving him the high ground, when dealing with formidable opponents.
So what about you all? Any thoughts on how your Quidditch squad’s house placement affects them? 💖💛💙💚
#hphm#hogwarts mystery#quidditch#skye parkin#orion amari#murphy mcnully#the quidditch squad#boy that was long#sorry#but I have very strong feelings about skye#and about hufflepuff#because#hufflepride#hufflepuff can be made so much more complex#it's not all shallow and nice#and I do think skye would fit in a weird way
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Hey! So I've always wondered about this. Lately there's been a crusade of arguments held upon the idea that the houses choose you by skill and not values. I'm for it but there's one thing that holds me away from it. Gilderoy Lockhart. As seen in pottermore articles of his childhood aswell as how we know him from the novels, Gilderoy embodies the negative connotations of the slytherin house quite well. But his raw intelligence got him into ravenclaw. How is that so?
AHHHHHH I’m hardcore ignoring all these asks cause I’m tired. Ok, anyway.
Honestly? I think firstly we can all agree that he would neither have fit in as a Gryffindor nor a Hufflepuff. After this, you have to separate extreme narcissism from Slytherin glory/fame seeking. Since Pottermore’s article gives us a nice insight into him, I’m going to just go through the article piece by piece and analyze different aspects.
“In Lockhart’s own mind he was already a fully-fledged hero and genius, and it was a most unwelcome shock to discover that his name was unknown, his talents were unexceptional and that nobody was particularly impressed by his naturally wavy hair” Ok, so he is already shown as a narcissist, and yes, slytherin hates being mediocre, but then again, ravenclaw values individualism, and also hated being one of many. According to just this, he seems like a bit more slytherin. However….
“He was of above-average intelligence and ability, and that, with hard work, he might make something of himself, even if he fell short of the ambitions he shared freely with classmates (Lockhart told anyone who would listen that he would succeed in making a Philosopher’s Stone before leaving school and that he intended to captain England’s Quidditch team to World Cup glory, before knuckling down to becoming Britain’s youngest Minister for Magic).” Alright, so at first glance, this seems slytherin; he has ambitions. But really, this isn’t slytherin at all! Why? Well take a look at it, it’s all far vaguer than a slytherin’s ambitions, and it was more dream-like and less tangible. He didn’t truly care much about doing anything about it, just narcissism made him want to be thought of as impressive. Take Tom Riddle/Voldemort as a comparison. Tom Riddle wasn’t about talking and dreaming about things, he decided clearly what he wanted (be the most powerful wizard in the world) and took decisive steps to get there. Slytherins find not achieving their ambitions to be a great shame and disappointment, so they DON’T. For a ravenclaw, the fun of it is in the dreaming a bit more than the doing.
“If he was not first and best, he would rather not participate at all. Increasingly, he directed his talents towards short cuts and dodges. He valued learning not for its own sake, but for the attention it brought him.” Ok, most of this isn’t ravenclaw, it’s just a very unhealthy person. Slytherin and ravenclaw both tend to go to things where they’re better, and slytherins definitely have the need to be the best. Slytherin tends to be more attention craving, and might take a shortcut, but not if they see it’ll affect them in the future. Here sounds slytherin.
“He nevertheless achieved his primary goal of school-wide recognition through repeated, attention-getting exploits. He received a week’s worth of detentions for magically carving his signature in twenty-foot-long letters into the Quidditch pitch. He managed to create a massive, illuminated projection of his own face, which he would send skywards in imitation of the Dark Mark. He sent himself eight hundred Valentine’s cards one year, which caused such a pile-up of owls in the Great Hall that breakfast had to be abandoned.” Just…. God no. Slytherin wants positive attention (understand positive is not the same as good) and positive attention is attention that reinforces the behavior. All attention is not the same. Ravenclaw tends to care less about the opinions of others, but a slytherin would NEVER do this, they’d rather die. Make yourself look stupid and potentially isolate yourself from people who could help you in the future???? Most slytherins try to stay on at least ok terms with people, because they care about their reputation as well as future use. Think of this as Luna Lovegood with the Lion hat, but as a narcissist doing it only FOR attention. Ravenclaws tend to care a little less about what everyone else is doing while slytherins determine how far they can go by others (can you imagine Draco Malfoy, Snape, or even Slughorn wearing a giant snake hat? No. Ravenclaw is more eccentric naturally and slytherin values traditionalism, even to a negative extent).
“The truth was that Lockhart had found his true calling at last. He had never been a bad wizard, only a lazy one, and he had decided to hone his talents in one direction: Memory Charms. By perfecting this tricky spell, he had succeeded in modifying the recollections of a dozen highly accomplished and courageous witches and wizards, allowing him to take credit for their daring exploits, returning to Britain at the end of each ‘adventure’ with a new book ready for publication which retold ‘his’ feats of bravery with a wealth of invented detail.” Alright, either a morally dubious slytherin OR dubious ravenclaw could do this and take credit, but I don’t really see a slytherin letting everything else go…. Like ravenclaw tends to focus energy on the things they care about while slytherin focuses energy on things they see as having ANY potential benefit, so really a slytherin would have maintained the magic skill, at least to some point.
“His classes quickly became a charade, as he was revealed to be completely inept at everything in which he claimed, in his books, to be expert.” Ok, honestly, every slytherin cares about their reputation and how they’re viewed by others, and, if they were in his position, would turn down the job with some nice excuse. They wouldn’t never let themselves be humiliated, or choose something where they couldn’t succeed, because doing well is the center of who they are. Lockhart is just blinded by narcissism OVER doing well.
Honestly, you have to bite the bullet that there are people in every house they just make you wonder why they’re there and really challenge the stereotype for good or for bad. If Lockhart had been a slytherin, it might have gone something more like this: Here are my ambitions (understanding of realism in relation to self) and I have achieved them or if I haven’t here is why I really decided I wanted this other thing. Want validation-work for top marks in classes or, like Tom Riddle, Draco Malfoy, or even Severus Snape, suck up to a teacher and be the ideal student. Don’t return to hogwarts unless you knew you could be a fantastic teacher and receive positive attention.
#ravenclaw#Gryffindor#hufflepuff#slytherin#hogwarts#houses#hogwarts houses#the sorting hat#Thesortinghatinreallife#fantastic beasts and where to find them#gilderoy lockhart#Harry Potter#the cursed child#asks
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