#the only line i'm not sure abt is the last that one is still under šŸ”
aelyosos Ā· 1 year
what does your heart look like?
tagged by @katsigian & @swanfey to take this quiz for some oc's of my choosing. thank you both, this quiz hurtttt. šŸ—”ļøšŸ©ø
tagging, no obligation: @bunfey + @turbulentpumpkin43 + @venusmage + @detect-thoughts + @lilactiefling + @lichposting + @littlebirdofprey + @rhyiona + @desnas + @ghoulgeists + @vape-president + @lesbiandice + @death-ward + @three-of-crows + @liurnia + @halkuonn + @telumendill + @swordcoasts + @tokkionline + anyone else who'd like to šŸ’›
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a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You arenā€™t sure, but you know that you arenā€™t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It canā€™t be untangled from the red strings theyā€™ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You donā€™t have to be everything to everyone.
commentary below āœ‚ļø
initially i wasn't sure how i felt about these results as i read thru em, but i quickly realized it's very, very ocean. i feel he puts up a lot of diff faces when he's w somebody vs being by himself. ocean is quite down-to-earth, but he also hides behind lies, esp when it involves feelings. he's not honest bc he doesn't want to get too close.
the line, 'it canā€™t be untangled from the red strings theyā€™ve attached to you', is when i really realized this quiz had him. bc i feel on the outside, ocean makes likes he doesn't want the commitment. he doesn't want any attachments. but that's in fact, very much what he needs and wants.
this result, i felt, had a lot to do with isolation and loneliness as well, which r key themes for ocean.
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eggyrocks Ā· 1 month
chapter two: outline
"mercy on me, would you please spare me tonight?" -bag of bones by mitski
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All it takes is one look at Akaashi for humiliation to burn in her throat. He doesn't look at up at her as she approaches the library table he's reserved for them. She takes a steadying breath as she slides into the seat across from him, dropping her bag by her feet and crossing her arms over her chest. "Let's get this over with."
Akaashi looks up from his own spread of notes and an opened textbook, mouth in a thin line and eyes disengaged and disinterested. She tries not to flinch under them. Akaashi always looks at her like that, like she's nothing. He has this real talent for making her feel so viscerally hated with just a subtle once-over.
Her head is banging, a likely combination of a hangover and dehydration from all the gut-wrenching, body-wrecking, sobbing she's been doing. There is still smudged black liner darkening her eyes and dried out foundation flaking on her skin. The library lights are bright and yellow, and sitting under them makes her feel vulnerable, exposed.
It's kinda the same way she always feels around Akaashi, for some reason.
He flicks closed the smooth, glossy pages of his textbook and pushes it to the side. "Let me see your essay."
"I don't have an essay," she retorts, mouth dry. Sure, she has essays due. She has assignments printed out and stapled together that are crumbled at the bottom of her bag. But the only thing she has to show for any of it is a mostly blank Word document with four words written out: I don't fucking know.
Akaashi offers no reaction to this. That's the scary thing about Akaashi, she's learned in all of her time being hated by him. He doesn't have to do much for you to feel the weight of his hatred. Akaashi doesn't groan or yell or cuss or roll his eyes or snap at her. He just reaches down into his bag, grabbing something as if she were not there, and she can feel it.
He pulls out a folder, black and plastic, as he says to her, "Don't bother coming to a session if you don't have anything prepared again."
She bites down on the inside of her cheek and feels something awful churn inside of her chest. "Well, you bitched about me not showing last time, so."
Akaashi pauses, and looks up at her, the only indicator of emotion being the slight narrowing of his eyes. "We're not here for my benefit. I'll pass if you show up or not."
She doesn't say anything to this, she just taps her fingers against the skin of her arm, and tries not to cry in front of him.
Akaashi pulls a sheet of paper out from his folder and slides it in her direction. One page, Times New Roman, font size eleven. "Here's a guide on how to write an outline for an essay. Make one for every essay you have due and bring them back next time. If you don't, I'm emailing your advisor and telling them you're not showing up to your sessions."
"Yeah, but I am showing up," she argues.
"If you're showing up with nothing to work on, then you might as well not show up at all," he reiterates, as if he's talking to a small child. He then makes a point of looking her in the eye when he says, ā€œAnd for the record, you should talk to Bokuto. Stop punishing him for not wanting to date you. It's not like you can blame him."
And with that, Akaashi scoops up his remaining textbook and notes, and he leaves. She watches as he marches towards the front exit, and does not look back at her once.
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tendou gets really into pasta dinner
yn is friends with like everyone. like almost every single person on campus has either met her, hung out with her, or has heard of her. she has a lot of friends and its rare for someone to not like her
which akaashi finds baffling
yukie and akaashi were closer in high school but pretty much stopped talking once it became clear to yukie how much akaashi does not like yn
she does not play abt yn she absolutely chose her side and will die there
same with kaori though she is a little less intense about it
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @bedeater @deluluforcarlos55 @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @causenessus @kawaii-angelanne @thatonecroc @v1oletfury @lonesomedrive @nnnyxie @crownj1min @frvppe @mollyrolls @karasyuu @ciderscape @phoenix-eclipses @s1ckntw1st3d @cnnmairoll @soobin1437 @worldgyu @snail-squasher @dragonictears @ferntv @reignsaway @Lisoozi @staygoldsquatchling02 @gsyche @yuminako @spicana @hermaeusmorax @shoyostar @whorefornoodles @hqsimprevival2024 @atsumuenthusiast @lemonocityyy @itsdragonius @robinphobia @aboveasphodel @savemebrazilhinata @lllaw @dreamingofyeo @milesmoralesluvs @miliondollagirl @kitnootkat @soulfullystarry @bows4life
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just-null Ā· 1 year
your yan!noritoshi is so wisnwonwpwjw RAAAHHHH going absolutely feral ... i want him . ive had so many thoughts abt him as like a yandere n then i saw your art n absolutely lost it /pos
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IM ALL EARS, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
[disclaimer: im not a writer, but I want to get better. think of this as my practice. it ended up being so fucking long, but i swear it's just rambles, not a fic]
[warning for blood under the cut? keep that in mind for future posts]
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Bro ok so. if I'm not too delusional (yet) and donā€™t see him as a yandere, then this guy (Noritoshi) is still a strict fuck. he'd put you on the same level of importance as his clan if not a bit higher. but only by a bit. Your relationship would gradually bloom into something meaningful to him that heā€™d cherish you wholeheartedly. Only then would you grow in importance to Noritoshi significantly. He'd keep his resolve and all those healthy green flags. Because honestly? Noritoshi is just a green flag, he's so sweet..
But let's twist that into a yandere setting. I don't even need to twist too much, Noritoshi as a yandere is way too fitting.
Noritoshi was abandoned by his mother as a child, thereby fueling his lifelong goals to do as she said and bring her back. He didn't even think on his own accord, nor did he try to find a different way, or even follow her! He accepted his fate and made it his mission to accomplish the goal he was given. Despite the intense pressure of his worth being determined by an ability he was born with and the high expectations from the Kamo clan, he perseveres. That is until [spoilers] Noritoshi is exiled by his clan because of some Kenajku shit. All his hard work and future goals were ripped away from him without a second thought in an instant. Noritoshi was always the second thought time and time again, and now left as a man with nothing but the failure of his desired future.
That wasn't even the yandere part, that was all canon, what the fuck.
Yandere Noritoshi is the type to cling to scraps... He reminds me of an obsessive and protective yandere. obsessive about you because you become his everything.. his goal, his will to keep going, the light at the end of the tunnel. he wants all of you, from the best parts of you to your worst. He's also protective, because he cant handle losing yet another person so important to him. He'd rather tear himself apart than lose you.
He also seems mostly self-aware but can overthink to the point of delusion. For example, you pat him on the back and tell him he did a great job on something. He knows it's nothing to dwell on, but why does he feel like there's more to your words? Should he read in between the lines? but there's only one line! From then on, his mind would reel until he landed on a favorable conclusion. You meant that he was the only one who did great. The others paled in comparison in your eyes therefore you must favor Noritoshi in some way.. right?
Since Noritoshi was pretty deprived of any emotional support, you won't even have to try too hard to get his heart thumping. If you were to give him even just a bit more attention and care than the average person, like making sure he's eating alright or remarking that he's paler than usual after restocking his blood bags, he's hooked. He's self-aware enough to realize his blooming fondness for you is one-sided, so he simply admires you. that is, at the start. Note that Noritoshi is still new to these feelings so he's.. awkward. It's really cute.
Though these moments were cute to you, they slowly became horribly blissful to Noritoshi. Poor you, completely unaware of how you're slowly corrupting him in, what he thinks, is the best way possible just by giving him your attention. He thinks you're the last and only person still believing in him, so much so that everything and everyone else slowly becomes minuscule in the grand seam of things. He feels happy around you, like he matters, like he has someone to trust, like he has someone who won't abandon him. Because of this, he sees you as a new goal. A new hope. Failing you is not an option. Disappointing you is not an option. Hell, even a frown from you is unacceptable in his eyes.
Noritoshi tries to cling to you at this point in his own way... He enjoys it when you speak to him, or even sit next to him, so much so that he seeks you out when you're not there. You'd feel eyes boring holes into the back of your head, a sense of being followed, sometimes seeing your shadow accompanied by another, every time you turn around to be surprised by a familiar face. His footsteps are so quiet that you barely notice Noritoshi walking around.
Unfortunately, due to Noritoshiā€™s inexperience, the only way he knows how to impress people is by being ā€œperfectā€ a.k.a. his strict, pain in the ass, annoying heir shtick. He would be the type to get on your case, scold, coddle, nitpick, correct you, and practically look like he's trying to bully you when in reality he's trying to hear praise from you for "helping" you. Heā€™s waiting for you to see the affection and adoration behind his nagging, is he not being obvious enough? oh well, at least your eyes are on him for now. When most people in Noritoshi's life have either put him second or flat-out abandoned him, he's satisfied with anything he can get from you. Though he'd prefer praise, the thought of your attention being given to another even for a second makes his stomach feel like it's tying in knots, so he settles for your annoyed tuts and glares.
Of course, after a while, you'd get tired of this and tell him to knock it off. Or some variation of what a decent human being would do like, ā€œDo whatever you want, but don't meddle in people's business.ā€
You KNOW he's going to be picking that apart in the middle of the night while looking up at the ceiling. What did you mean by that? Do you mean ANYTHING he wants? As long as he doesnā€™t bother anyone? Were you talking about yourself and everyone in general? Were you talking about someone specific? Did you leave it up for him to decide? Thoughts and questions circle in his head until he twists your words enough into something that he favors again. Ah, you allow him to do whatever he wants so long as he doesn't get in your way. But he wants to be alongside you... Did you mean in your way to the point of annoyance? Noted. From then on, Noritoshi's strictness softened into light nagging and bearable hovering. He'd knock it off completely through gritted teeth and furrowed brows if you threatened him with the silent treatment. He'll slowly start it up again until you begin ignoring him, only then will he get the hint and relax a bit. only until next time, of course.
The intensity of Noritoshi's coddling can fluctuate depending on your actions. (recklessness, obedience, shyness, etc.) it's his love language.
It's a completely different story if someone else decides to nag you as Noritoshi does... If someone scolds you, Noritoshi's on the offense. He's known for his occasional bluntness and sassy remarks, but this time... He's contradicting himself all in an attempt to get the other person to back away. If the one scolding you brings up points Noritoshi used in the past, he firmly denies them all and stands by your side. He'd rather sound hypocritical than let someone else care for you the way he does. Noritoshi stands in front of you, almost guarding you with his body and begins his barrage of deflective comments through his clenched jaw such as ā€œThat's not your place to sayā€ ā€œShut it, they did no wrong.ā€ ā€œYou don't know the reason why they did so, leave them alone.ā€ and other things similar to that. Jeez, take your advice Noritoshi.. Heā€™d argue and become antagonistic towards someone scolding you, even if it's exactly what he was about to do.
The same goes for someone who tries to be gentle with you to a lesser degree. It's nice that people see how wonderful you are, but having your smiles and kind words directed at anyone else other than Noritoshi is... Upsetting. The resentment gradually pools in the pit of his stomach and suddenly finds himself impulsively moving towards you and this "friend." He stands in between you and the kind person, trying his best to conceal his sneers. He wants nothing more than to have the third party get swallowed up by the ground or hit by a car, but he keeps his composure. Noritoshi sternly states how heā€™ll handle everything from then on and gives the third party a glare that's much more hateful than usualā€¦ Finally! Noritoshi has you to himself again! All is right in the world once more...
Noritoshi has always been on a very tight rope... Any wrong step and itā€™s going to snap. The more Noritoshi gets attached to you, the easier it is to convince himself that it's okay to cross certain lines to make sure you're safe with him. Even if that line heā€™s crossing, includes murder. It'd happen quicker if he caught feelings after the whole incident with the Kamo clan. You'd be the only thing he has left, the only thing he'd cling onto with every fiber of his being, emotionally and sometimes physically.
And like every fairy tale, a problem unconventionally shows itself much to Noritoshi's dismay... Noritoshi is shown to be prideful at times. Because of this, he'd try to conceal his more embarrassing emotions and reactions towards you. He wants to be seen as someone strong you can rely on, a steady pillar to your stability, someone who will do anything you wish at the drop of a hat, but itā€™s almost impossible to execute when he feels like he's nothing but putty in your hands at the slightest sign of positive reciprocation.
If Noritoshi felt his face heating up because your laugh caught him off guard, he'd turn his head to hide how that simple action made him nearly melt into mush. If your hand brushed against his, he'd quickly swipe it away. Not because he doesn't want to touch you, but because you'd feel how shaky and sweaty his palms got with just a graze. Noritoshi's gaze always lingers on his bow if you ever touch it causing his aim to decline in accuracy significantly.
He mentally curses himself out every time he pulls away from you because he knows he's sending mixed signals. Noritoshi loves you endlessly, but please spare his fragile heart. Your presence overwhelms him like no other, and he's utterly conflicted on how to act. He can handle being by your side like he wants, but the second your 100% focus is on him and only him, heā€™ll start to squirm under your gaze. Noritoshi wants to impress you! Stop being so mesmerizing for just a second so he can gather his thoughts and not embarrass himself! A-ah, but don't look away!!!
Tl;dr Noritoshi as a yandere is needy and petty as hell, but will explode if he gets an ounce of affection! Heā€™s also! A creepy hopeless romantic who sends you mixed signals!
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v3nomly Ā· 1 year
hiii saw your post abt modern au astarion and how you have requests openšŸ¤­ first of all i'm begging you please give us every single astarion thought you have........ kinda obsessed with modern au astarionšŸ¤­ could you please give us something about that where astarion still works in the justice system?? i'll never understand why people say he would have a different job, boy is literally born to be a lawyer/judge!! also have a lovely dayšŸ˜½šŸ˜½šŸ˜½ if you plan on keeping tabs on your anons may i be a šŸ“ anon teehee
Ooo, I love the idea of modern lawyer Astarion. Instantly my brain went feral and threw my mind into the hyperbolic gutter. NSFW additions and a surprise appearance from ascended-adjacent Astarion under the cut. As always let me know if you want me to continue! Either as more thirsty ramble of an actual fic! Also I created a tag for you šŸ“ anon! ā™”
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Astarion is just so charming and beguiling. He has everyone wrapped around his finger in that courtroom. Hanging off every saccharine word he says.
God, heā€™s just about lying through his teeth, but no one seems to care. He's spinning a careful web of truths and mistruths so intricate and show-stopping that he knows he has the jury right where he wants them.
Youā€™re a bottom-of-the-food chain lawyer. New enough to the scene that you get stuck with all the shitty cases like this one. But veteran enough in the art of assholes to know the type of man Astarion is the moment you see him. The worst type of lawyer, one more befitting the name of a conman. Happy to line his pockets with the misfortune of others.
You couldnā€™t lie he was captivating. Every utterance of a word was a performance. Every gesture was a dance, and he played the part so well. It is what he does best.
It is when you utter one simple word that he finds his show comes to a halt.
ā€œObjection,ā€ you state voice almost meek, all eyes turn to you, and suddenly the spotlight has shifted.
Of course, the judge dismissed your claims, but it was enough to throw Astarion off his game. Sure, this wasnā€™t the first time someone had called 'objection', nor would it be the last. Yet, even with your voice as meek as it was your eyes held something he hadnā€™t witnessed in years. Clarity.
You saw through him, and the revelation almost made him want to laugh. You were refreshing, like an ice-filled cup of water on a sweltering summer day. For the rest of the trial, he gave you a chance to match his dance and god where you beautiful.
Maybe you stumbled or stepped on his toes, but you were merely unpracticed and the thought of you honed, your skills sharpened like a knife, brought a fiery excitement he hadnā€™t realized he was missing.
I could see him being subtly flirty every moment you were alone during the trail. Something that flustered the hell out of you, but you never let it affect your performance, which only furthered his interest.
When all is said and over, with the defense winning, a very proud and victorious Astarion comes over to shake your hand. Taking the opportunity to pull you just a step closer and invite you for drinks.
You knew better. Certainly knew that a guy like him was trouble, but you didnā€™t say no. While you wouldnā€™t admit it, you were somewhat eager to see what else Astarion was capable of. So much so that you had practically brought up the idea of him fucking you in the alley.
Your hands braced you against the wall, allowing you enough resistance to push back into each thrust, allowing Astarion to hit you deeper. His hands held firmly onto your hips, no doubt leaving the imprints of his long fingers on your skin.
"Fuck," you utter your legs wobbling, slowly turning to putty as he brings you closer to the edge. Astarion pauses his hold shifting to better support you. You hear him pant behind you, and you can only assume he's trying desperately to catch his breath. Just as caught up in the steamy exchange as you were. Before he steps back, allows his cock to slip free.
"Turn around, wanna see you, beautiful," the pet name speeds up your already racing heart. They were nothing new, something you had grown used to when his flirtatious remarks had started up, but the cadence of his voice felt more real, intimate.
Turning was a blessing and a curse, and both for the same reason. Astarion was handsome, there was no denying that. An air of royalty surrounded him, so perfectly pristine with so little effort. Now replaced with something just as gorgeous. White curls lay jostled, a few strands stuck to his forehead, pupils blow wide with lust, and lips swollen and bruised with the faintest strain of your lipgloss.
It isn't until he had you in his arms, a leg thrown over each one that you realize how strong he is. In the dim alley, you had only been able to make out the makings of what you assumed were abs, and while you had run your hands along his chest plenty during your initial makeout session you hadn't pegged him to be this fit. Nor did you realize how much you liked being picked up as if you were nothing but a small toy.
Astarion simply asks if you are ready, only waiting for your nod before he's once again buried deep inside you.
He kissed you sloppily, swallowing every breathy moan you let escape your pretty little mouth. Only pulling away to rest his forehead against your own.
There was little regret to be had when you let your gaze linger on him. Even as someone walks past the alleys threatening to expose your rendezvous. You think that you wouldnā€™t mind having him fuck you senseless again.
Dark Astarion
Imagine being his little Legal Secretary who deals with all his boring administrative issues.
Late office hours where he has his hand fisted in your hair, pulling tight, as guides you to choke on his cock. The deep laugh that would rumble through his chest right before he begins to mock you. Astarion would start off sweet with a little tease about how cute you are. Before his mouth would twist into the cocky smirk he wore so often. Heā€™d make you look at him, mouth still placed around his aching length. You meet his eyes and moan around him. In the light, they almost appear red, like a predator ready to devour its prey. A sly fox and his dumb little rabbit.
You think for a second heā€™s going to praise you. Tell you how good you make him feel, so you look up at him eagerly with big doe eyes. Ready for whatever compliment would slip from his perfect lips.
ā€œYou're my personal little pet. Arenā€™t you darling? Only good for serving me,ā€ he says, with little room for argument. Demeaning and possessive and the best compliment he could ever bestow upon you.
His smirk grows as he observes you squeeze your thighs together, cock growing impossibly harder when he thinks about how wet youā€™ll be when he has you bouncing on it later.
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Ā© 2023 v3nomly do not plagiarize, translate, or repost my writing to any other site.
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heich0e Ā· 5 days
hewwo liv i think you mentioned you read nonfiction so i was wondering if you had any recs? i'm trying to widen my repertoire a bit more and start reading more nonfiction (as much as i love fiction i think my brain has started regressing a little), but the only nonfic ive ever dipped into are my econ textbooks haha
also i hope you're having a good day !!!!!
HI GUY!! i think one of the best parts abt non-fiction is how nondescript that classification is, and consequently how enormous and diverse your options are within it. i think it's easy for people to generalize non-fiction as being boring retellings of fact or history, because most people's first introductions to non-fiction reading are academic. but in reality there are so many different types of nonfiction, and so many different styles of presenting it in writing. (for the sake of simplicity i'm gonna just limit this convo to narrative nonfiction, but if u wanna read something expository like a text book or instruction manual power to ya.)
my recommendation would be to start with something like a biography or memoir. to me, reading a really good biography doesn't feel very different from reading a novel. you're still following someone's story, they're just a real person and not a character. from where i'm sitting right now i can see trevor noah's biography 'born a crime' on my bookshelf, and i remember really loving that one the first time i read it. having been a fan of his comedy, his narrative voice felt authentic and familiar throughout the book. setting aside his demonstrated talent for storytelling, it's also just a very interesting look into life in south africa under apartheid, along with its lasting impact, and as a mixed race child, noah's personal perspective is extremely compelling.
(keep in mind, i read that book as someone who was already a fan of trevor noah's so i immediately had a personal connection/interest to the story. if you have any comedians/musicians/actors/artists you really enjoy, maybe see if they've done any writingā€”that could help find something you connect with! i also recently read david mitchell's 'unruly' and i really enjoyed that one tooā€”but i find him funny, and like learning about the history of monarchies. 'crying in h mart' by michelle zauner is also great.)
true crime is another popular non-fiction genre that i find people have an easier time getting into. i'm not a huge true-crime reader myself, but i've read a few interesting ones! i tend to go for ones that are more local to me, so i won't necessarily give any recs for this one.
i also had a weird phase where i was reading a lot of books about boats and shipwrecks. not sure what that was about. i read walter lord's 'a night to remember' when i was like 10 and i think that really is what it can all be traced back to. 'the wager' by david grann was fantastic (he also wrote killers of the flower moon which was very good, and not about a boat) but i recognize this is a very niche area of interest that u probably do not care about.
i also really like essay collections!! they tend to sort of cross or blur a lot of lines when it comes to genres, because while some would consider 'essay collection' a genre in and of itself, the essays themselves usually as collected around a particular topic or theme. another added benefit of essay collections are u can kind of leisurely pick away at them, or jump around in the book, since you usually aren't beholden to reading them cover to cover and following a single narrative thread. less pressure!!
a couple other recommendations, though at this point i'm sure you've given up on me (fair):
'the patriarchs' by angela saini
'i want to die but i want to eat tteokbokki' baek sahee
'persepolis' by marjane satrapi
ok i'll shut up now!! i don't even think this was helpful!! my advice to you would be to think about something you're already passionate about/interested in, and find a book about it!! or think about something you'd like to know more about or be better educated/informed on. it's out there i promise <3
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notmyprey Ā· 25 days
Short story probs will never have pt 2, but yall can dream.
Not many tw's: just panic, sfw vore obv, and eh not happy abt said vore for either party
(Btw, no edits have been made, + I'm tired. Excuse any incomprehensible words)
I am breathing, rough, and heavy. My eyes are burry. With only one question ringing in my mind.
What happened?
I try to get up, but a strange weight in my middle makes me fall back down to my knees. It is sickening, whatever it is.
I start to blink frantically, hoping to clear my eyes of the tears long enough to see what is happening.
The last thing I remembered was.... what was the last thing I remembered? I thought, maybe my friend was there? Where were we, though... my room? I felt around underneath me, recognizing the familiar carpet. Yes, I was in my room.
Where did she go, Clair? She was... near me last I remember. Is she ok? I dont think she would have left if she was fine.
I bring my hands up to my eyes, wiping away more tears. Something is wrong. My stomach twisted like it agrees with my suspension. I need to make sure she is ok.
I try to get up again, the uncomfortable weight still clinging on to my abdomen, prompting a quick gasp at the unnatural force tugging on my lungs. I slowly stand upright, my knees feeling like they are on the edge of buckling out from under me. I slap my hand against many of the surfaces around me, trying to gauge where I am in my room. I finally find my bed and flop down on top of my mattress, the bed echoing the flop due to the extra weight on me.
The longer I lie on my back, the more uncomfortable I feel, and the more ill I become. Finally, the uncomfortableness outweighs my tiredness, and I force myself to roll over, facing the side of my room where I knew my door was.
Slowly, the room became sharper, the lights shifting from lines to glowing orbs, and the cabinets and tables becoming whole once more. I sigh in relief, now that I can see, perhaps I can find my phone.
I look down onto the floor, seeing nothing but the raggity carpet. Something else, though, catches my eye. As I look for my phone, I see a glimpse of what I can only assume is my stomach poking out from under my shirt. In fact, it isn't just poking out. It is large enough that my shirt is now ridden up, exposing my newly bloated middle.
I start to open and close my mouth in a failed attempt to speak through the disbelief. What has happened to me?
I hesitantly place a hand on top of my stomach, to which it responds with a long, loud gurgle. I press into it, surprised to feel that, although my stomach was still soft to the touch and easy to move, there is something under my skin that isn't. My heart is thudding in my chest, my ears ring, and my eyes start to water up once more.
I feel a small flicker of sickening motion start from beneath where my hand was placed, something that made me nearly puke.
"Alex?" I hear a muffled voice ask.
I could hardly get the word out of my mouth, straining even to speak her name, "Clair?"
The tears start to flow again as I feel more movement start from what I have now, a hundred percent, identified as my stomach. The sensation is unlike anyone before has felt. It is like a thousand fingers touching every small crevice of my insides, like she almost was made to fit perfectly, to fill in any gaps I may have had.
"Alex," I feel a sudden larger pressure push against me, perhaps her hand, "please let me out, please." I can hear the pleading in her voice and the way she sounded like she has been crying, making my heart shatter.
I can't respond. My heart is beating too quickly, and my lungs couldn't get any air in them. I sit up, shaking with guilt, which quickly devolved into me crying, in turn clogging my nose and making my breathing worse.
Through this, though, I start to try and heavve her back into my throat. Once, twice, again and again, until I have to stop to breathe. I try again, but this time, I also press up from the bottom of my abdomen. Nothing I do helped.
Choking back sobs, I manage to say, "I-I can't. I can't get you out." I instinctively try to bring my knees up to my chest, but I was blocked by my abdomen. "I'm sorry." I wisper before becoming insoluble. "I'm so, so sorry"
Ye, I've got lots of time for a few days, so yall get to decide
(All these stories can be found in my writing masterlist if ya wanna find it)
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little-cereal-draws Ā· 2 years
Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 3
I always get too invested in the story at this point to notice any details so this list is making up for several detail-oriented rewatches. It got so long I'm going to split it into two parts. This is going to cover everything from the pocket full of posies to when the bears are in their cabin. It also includes lines I wish were talked about more lol
I think it's so funny when Kitty and Puss are trash talking Perrito as they go through the pocket full of posies. "Ughh, his path is so corny." "And cheesy." "And lame." "And weird. Like him." "Yeah. Why are you so ridiculous, dog?"
Jack has to push off a baker's face with his foot to pull Excalibur out of his magic nanny bag
When Jack's tank gets stopped by the posies, he says, "Well?? Start chopping!" There's this one baker who says, "On it! You don't have to tell me twice! I'm going to chop the heck out of this Ficus lyra-" He then gets eaten by a flower and another baker falls to her knees and goes, "Jerry, no!!" I think the fandom should appreciate Jerry more; the baker who was overeager at his job and knew a lot abt flowers lol
Jack has basically no eyebrows (they're a very light purple that's only visible in close ups) and crow's feet
When Jack is using the phoenix as a flamethrower, it cries a single tear
Jack also sets one of his men on fire when he's flamethrowing
Kitty has gold embellishments on the end of her sash
Kitty sees Puss scratch at his beard twice before he tries to get her to say he should shave it so she definitely knew he didn't like it
When Kitty's shaving him, there are some hairs that stay longer even after she went over that area. It really gives it the look that he's being shaved by a dagger on a boat lol Not the most precise shave, but it gets the job done
Kitty brushes Puss' fur off her hands as he gets rid of his stick sword after the shave
During the fight on the bank of the river, Puss sneezes out a bunch of confetti after the second unicorn horn explosion
During his panic attack, Puss lightly pets Perrito's head. I'm sure this is common knowledge but I always thought that he just put his hand on his head, not actually pet it too
When Mama bear says that they're a "crime syndicate family," it triggers the map to bug out. Goldi's holding it at the moment and the map could probably tell the confliction between her wish and her reality
The map's message right after also has more foreshadowing for Goldi's wish. "To find your wish, adjust your view. What you seek may be right in front of you." It's trying so hard to tell her that she already has her wish but she doesn't get it lol
It must be winter wherever the bears are from. They keep bringing up hibernation, their cabin is covered in snow, and both Baby and Papa are asleep in a matter of minutes of entering their house
The library stamp in Goldi's book reads "Crying Tears Orphanage Library." What kind of name is that??? Also, it proves that Goldi was at an orphanage first and then probably wandered into the woods on her own accord; her parents didn't leave her there. It does still have lots of angst tho because everyone in the town/orphanage probably assumed she died
The other kids who checked out Goldi's book were Hansel and Gretel
Mama has a scar on her nose. It's pretty big too
I love Baby's line after they find Puss hiding under the table with the map. "Oi! You crime-ing us when we just crime-ed you? No. No crime backs!"
Part one, Part two, Part four, Part five
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sourcoded Ā· 1 month
Okay alt timeline kenshi has been spinning around in my head like a microwave soo here's my personal take on his childhood and back story etc.
( most of this is stuff i've posted on twitter but i doubt half of you follow me on there LOL and no one really saw it anyways... sooo ill put it here to, also no character limit so i get to explain shit in detail yippie!)
tw for child abuse mention under-cut
* He was isolated and secluded for most of his childhood due to his family's general paranoia about outsiders and there family linage etc which from that point on made it tremendously difficult for him to connect with his peers. He was home schooled, only ever allowed to mingle with the few children among his extend family ( but unfortunately most of them were already older teens so he barely got much fun out of hanging around them any how.) * But at the same time he grew up way to fast due to the irresponsibility of the adults around him and eventually was forced into the world at a young age. His mother had rather poor health and was horrifically codependent, his father was mostly uncaring of this, neglectful to both her and kenshi's needs but especially controlling, and saw kenshi as nothing more but a tool to orchestrate his vision of the future for there clan and practically worked him to death whenever it came to training. * This endless cycle went on from the age's of 7-16, up until his mother finally succumbed to her poor health and passed. grief stricken and traumatized kenshi finally made the decision to run away, but not without his father putting up a fight. after a tireless battle that almost ended his life, still kenshi came out on top and ironically beating his father with everything he's ingrained in him for all his life, but whether or not his father survived is unknown, kenshi presumed he died from his injuries and kept on his way immediately after. * kenshi picked up any work he could to support himself afterwards, moving place to place, and for the longest time not really sure on what he's searching for exactly, his past still weighing on him heavy. though he found genuine connections through proving his skills and finding worthy opponents and such, he still had a tendency of keeping most ppl at arms length.. more intricate hc's: - due to his mom's codependency and his fathers neglect he is CHRONICALLY independent and tends to bite off way more than he can chew. - He's super avoidant of big emotions and reactions, almost having a sort of flat effect. which can make him appear rather detached, cold and brief, or when in better moods he puts up a front that's rather witty, dry and even a little bit of a mischievous sense of humor. - he is vry autistic if this wasn't already obvious! ( all kenshi's are fight me..) he lives on a rather strict routine for himself and again due to the abuse this made the chronic independence even worse. - guilt and grief eat him up a lot, its super hard for him to navigate either, with suchin's death, he had a tremendously difficult time confronting these things with takeda and finding closure in a healthy manner, so imo this is why he chose not to visit ..i truly believe he wanted nothing but the absolute best for takeda, but again with his circumstances things were just to much (but esp in the moment with red dragon on his tail lmao..?) ( and i esp feel like he didn't want to hinder takeda's growth in anyway either)...big believer in sometimes the parent being there is WORSE! so imo i think this is along the lines of what kenshi was dealing with all those years he left takeda with hanzo. ( i'm super passionate abt this can you tell ...sorry this got so wordy LOL) - last but not least i believe suchin was among the vry few people he let in and became THAT close with, prior to that he's only been with like a few men here and there but only 1 of them were sort of long term.
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Helpless part 15, every single warning should be listed on this one
Warning/taking abt sh
Warning/taking about rape
Warning/underage drinking/smoking
Warning/talks about suicide
I think that's all but I'm not sure
Annaneth was standing behind the door, "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?"
"I was bored and also Kayla's looking for you."
"She forced Will to take the day off but he said you still have half a day in the infirmary so she's plotting to kidnap you."
"Course she is, um...Annabeth."
"Do you...know how to do eyeliner?" Nico asked fiddling with his fingers.
"Can you teach me?"
"Sure, let me guess Piper gave it to you?"
"How did you...?"
"I have my ways." Annabeth grinned before walking inside, "Why does it smell like smoke in here?" Nico ignored the question and handed her the eyeliner, "The first one easy enough, just getting the second one to match is annoying."
"Alright." Nico half whispered before being half pushed on the bed. Annabeth knelt down in front of him and started drawing a line.
"Nico stop moving so much, I'm on the verge of messing up."
"Shit sorry."
"I mean you'll be the victim."
"I guess so." The son of Hades laughed,
"I'll show you how to do it yourself in the mirror, anything else you want me to show you?"
"Honestly half the things in the box I have no clue how to use."
"Lucky for you I have nothing to do today."
"Thanks Annabeth." The two got up, walking towards the mirror but Annabeth tripped over something. "Are you alright?!" he asked kneeling down beside her,
"Yeah I'm fine, just what's this?" She asked not waiting for a response before lifting up the floorboard, the box had been left open and unlocked. "Nico what's this about?" The daughter of Athena sifted though the box seeing everything Nico had desperately tried to hide, oh shit, he thought to himself. "Nico why do you have alcohol and cigarettes hidden under your floorboards?" Tears fell from his eyes, his breathing was short.
"Please don't tell anyone." He curled up. Annabeth grabbed his shaking hand,
"I won't." She pulled him forward into a hug, stroking his hair.
"It... helps- me cope." Annabeth tightened the hug letting the small boy cry into her shoulder.
"It's not healthy but I won't judge, it's better than what I did. But how much?"
"Not that often, I'm... better than I was a couple years ago."
"When did this...?"
"I was maybe twelve, it was the only thing that made me feel okay. Then... something happened and... well I-I wasn't so keen on not being drunk or high while I was alone." She ran her fingers through his hair.
"Do you want to tell me or not?"
"What did you do to cope?" Nico asked desperately trying to change the topic, she rolled up her sleeve.
"After Percy went missing and when we all thought he died, I... almost jumped once."
"Do you want to tell me?"
"He'd been missing for so long, practically no hope in finding him. I was depressed and half dead, thought I would finish it off."
"What made you stop?"
"Someone else was there, for the same reason I was. We talked each other out of it, I'm so happy we could save each other."
"I'll let them tell you that story if they want to."
"It was around a year ago, after the battle of Manhattan. Got drunk and high, I was walking around trying to not feel anything. I could barely walk, got stabbed with a needle, woke up an hour later. Well I think you can put two and two together. Anyways can you please teach me to do makeup now? It scares me."
"Ghost king scared of doing makeup, sure let's go. But I'll be making sure you're okay and not getting addicted."
This and the last chapter we're meant to be one lmao
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tenten18282 Ā· 2 years
I mean I cried bc poor Time has been through so much and had so little choice about his role in any of it, and then on top of that he feels like he doesn't deserve companionship :') (plus he's gonna be through MORE WHY did he have to get his eye mutilated HASNT HE BEEN THRU ENOUGH *shakes fist at the sky*) but I did smile when Wind half-teased him abt acting tough and held out his hand to help him up and the four reunited! So I do think it was comforting :D just also sad, and not likely to last bc they have their own individual journeys to get to in the end (though I really hope they'll keep contact!)
But I've also seen some really bitter takes about Time, in the "your past was awful and your future will be filled with its regrets and you can't do anything about any of it, you won't get a happy ending" kind of way, and yours strikes a lot sweeter :) like... "you might be hurt, and lonely, and not certain if you can make this happiness last, but as long as you're with them you can breathe easier, and the memory will carry you through the hard times." If that makes sense? In general you just set the atmosphere and emotions really well! I felt like I was right there with the Links, deeply worried with no way to show it and nothing but dark thoughts for company as Wind waits for Time to wake up, or sitting by the fire and watching it crackle, listening to Time and Wind's quiet conversation, the silence of the night creating the illusion of being the only ones awake in a sleeping world...
You've single-handedly made me love Wind and this possible relationship of his with Time so I dare say you're utilizing him very well!! And yeah you really get that feeling across, that he's very worried about Time but doesn't want to overstep because he gets that Time is more than capable and doesn't want him to think he's implying otherwise... like all the help he offers is strictly of the practical kind and only just hints about feelings, to make sure Time knows he can reach out any time he wants :D That multi-layered "let me help"... It's really sweet. And ooh I really love those headcanons! The elegy of emptiness and Link being the last one who needs to heal is so lovely and so in line with his character :D
This got overlong again so hopefully you weren't joking about the asks XD and a blog about your thoughts on the kid quartet would be awesome! Yeah comics take so long and so much work to make, but honestly I'd just love to hear about how you write their characters in whatever way is easiest for you :) though the way you have of showing-not-telling with the comics is truly breathtaking! Also it's rlly funny to imagine them growing up into LU and Wind suddenly going from eldest to youngest lol, I keep getting the mental image of him still trying to big-brother them while being like half their size XD
Welcome backā€¦..!!!!!!!! [Reply under read more]
Ah, that makes more senseā€¦ yes the hero of time indeed is a really tragic character. It's an aspect i really like drawing about him!!!!!!!! I guess it's one reason all my stand-alone pieces of him are mostly somberā€¦..
Wind probably called him out on it directly as i feel like he's probably tried to pull the "strong guy" persona at least once during his adventures, so he gets to be cheeky about it hahaha I like the idea that they keep contact, but i really doubt itā€¦. though they won't mind much! Even if they're apart they know they're all going to take care of themselves, and have fond memories to keep them company, like you said! (Ignoring that i hc that two of these links die early in their livesā€¦.. but that's not really relevant at the moment, ha haā€¦..)
I'm glad you like my specific interpretation of time! I always want to follow zelda's wacky horror, where in the games there's both tragedy and happiness, so i hoped the same went for all of these characters (even if i also understand some of the more bitter interpretations of Time, I get seeing him be vengeful... but maybe that's because I felt the need to be bitter about it in his stead lololol)- im quite happy you felt so immersed! and the more wind fans the merrier, he deserves them and i really dont mind people sending asks like these, i love talking and hearing about this topic, i have a lot to sayā€¦.!!!! and i really agree with what you say here, it makes me super happy ā™Ŗ
I'll probably make a blog soon-ish so i can talk about my ideas and some extra stuff without interrupting this blog, i have some stuff to take care of first before i can continue drawing these four,,, In any case, your last sentence reminded me of this doodle i did a while back, so i thought to send it here lol
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lovelyjasmari Ā· 1 year
Awhile back you mentioned that you think Vil shares a lot of traits with Adam/The Beast. Why is that? (I can see some similarities, but I'm curious as to your reasoning.)
Hello! šŸ’™
First off, apologies for delayed response. Iā€™ve been thinking more about this for a while anyway for my own writing and wanted to give you the most thorough answer I could.Ā 
Beyond the obvious similarities between Vil and Beast/Adam, namely their noble spirits masked behind harshness, the largest similarities between them that I see is how they see themselves and how itā€™s juxtaposed with their actions. Both good and bad.
Full answer under the cut because this is LONG
I canā€™t speak for how Adam is before heā€™s cursed or before he meets Belle (donā€™t talk to me abt the midquels, lol). But one thing Iā€™ve noticed is that at some point, Beast came to genuinely see himself as a monster and despise himself for it. Itā€™s true some of his early traits are pretty monstrous, he imprisons Maurice, heā€™s extremely childish, and has a violent temper. But behind that harsh exterior lies a very tortured soul desperate for the curse upon him and his companions to be lifted but feels like it never will. And worst of all, itā€™s his own fault.Ā 
I like to imagine that being a beast for a decade, Adam has had ample time to contemplate his fate and his part in bringing it about. Because he was so young when he was cursed, heā€™s likely internalized a lot of self-hatred. And self-hatred can often cause people to do terrible things because they donā€™t think they deserve better. There are many moments in the film where right after Beast does something bad, he has a moment where he thinks about what heā€™s done and regrets it. Thereā€™s this one scene in particular right after he rages at Belle and she runs off, he crumpled up in despair because he realizes what heā€™s done. Once again he screwed up his hope to break the curse, maybe even the last heā€™ll have.Ā 
So Beast rightfully sees himself as a monster and everything he does before the confrontation with the wolves only confirms it to him. Yet at the same time his arrogance doesnā€™t allow him to see the error of his ways right away and he doesnā€™t really know how else to be until Belle brings him back to the castle to tend to his wounds. Only then does he realize he has to do better.
While these moments with Vil are more subtle, he also has similar moments where itā€™s shown that heā€™s internalized his vilanous persona. Theres one moment at the start of Book 5 where Vil is scolding Epel for not practicing and he says ā€œoh, so Iā€™m not the villain?ā€ or something along those lines. Even though he wants to make sure Epel isnā€™t slacking off, he goes about it rather harshly and he might even be aware of it, but doesnā€™t know how else to be. Thereā€™s another scene after Vil snaps at the other NRC Tribe members and then goes into the hallway to talk to Mira and when she confirms that Neige is still more beautiful he dispairs, that scene in particular kinda reminded me of when Beast was looking into his own magic mirror, and disparaging when he saw that Belle didnā€™t want anything to do with him.Ā 
And then thereā€™s his overblot, or better yet the moments right before it happened. Vilā€™s moment of anguish when he realized what he could have done, not so unlike Beastā€™s moment of anguish after he scared Belle off and he realized he could have very well ruined his last chance. And like Beast realzing in that moment what a monster he was, Vil realized that in trying so hard to prove to the world that he wasnā€™t a villain, he became just that. He was the ā€œvillainā€ to his teammates, to Epel, and now to Neige. And after his overblot, Vil appeared to more or less fully embrace his ā€œvillanryā€ with his boasts right before NRC Tribe took the stage.Ā 
However, both Beast and Vil have their moments of redemption. I have a lot of opinions about Book 6 (most of them negative) but it canā€™t be denied that Vilā€™s plunge into the underworld to save Idia, Ortho and Grim was incredibly heroic and noble. And Beast displayed his own heroism when he rescued Belle from the wolves. And hiis nobility shone through when he was fighting off Gaston but didnā€™t kill him because he didnā€™t want Belle to see him as a monster, nor did he want to become one.Ā 
And even with their less-than-ideal traits, both Vil and Adam have even further moments of nobility. Beast gifts Belle the library out of a genuine desire to see her happy and understanding of her interests. And he sets her free once he realizes how much she wishes to be with her father, and the understands that he canā€™t bear to keep her prisoner any longer because he loves her. For all of Vilā€™s harshness, he truly wants to see those around him become the best versions of themselves. He teaches the other students about cosmetics and makeup and even gifts them products of his own creation, He takes notes of all of his dorm mates' credentials so he can better help them become stronger and more beautiful. Even with Epel, Vil is implied to at least try to help Epel be his best self in a way that Epel doesnā€™t completely hates. And all of this he does not because he wants people to like him, but because he wants to.Ā 
Though I think thatā€™s where the similarities end. Sadly, Vil is likely to continue internalizing the false, villainous perception of himself if the end of Book 5 and Book 6 are anything to go on. And Beast only learned to stop being such a jerkass when he realized that wasnā€™t going to help him break the curse upon him. But Iā€™d like to imagine that with the right influence, Vil might also learn not to be so harsh and critical because 99.9999% of the time, he has good intentions. He doesnā€™t have to shed his entire personality since I also imagine Vil is even harsher on himself. But maybe come to realize that itā€™s possible to get his point across without coming off as cruel.Ā 
As always, Iā€™m not sure if I was able to explain myself adequately. Most of the time my thoughts stay in my head until itā€™s time for me to write but you can probably see that I spend a lot of time thinking about Vilā€™s character. lol
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chaoticsaints Ā· 1 year
I find it pretty funny that Keith David is a president/vice president in Rick and Morty and Saints Row 4. Do you think their universes could be connected?
To be honest with you, I do. ive thought about this since i was like 16, but i also thought the idea was slightly cringe (at the time, now i let my cringe free). i could soo totally see boss and rick getting along so well, the fact theyre both reckless and flirty, the way they both act like "im tough, i dont care about anyone" but in reality they care so much that theyre willing to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. plus cmon, the fact they both can not only avoid authority so well, but the fact theyve both been able to get out of jail with little to no actual punishment for their crimes? oh thats best friends right there i think. plus we can imply that saints row has some sort of canon/lore connection to adult swim tv show lore anyways, since jimmy - the guy who makes Johnny tag in the clones dlc for saints row 3 - is clearly supposed to be the nerd from robot chicken (literally even featuring the same voice - which iirc is done by seth green)
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additionally with the fact that a song from the tim and eric show (the sports theme) as well as the aqua teen hunger force them and a MF doom song being included on the radio sound track? i mean i know adult swim did contribute to the game, but its not entirely clear in what way the adult swim universe is tied into saints row. especially cos they drop nearly all references to it outside of the fact im pretty sure you can have johnny tag and clone aisha as companions in sr4 (not entirely sure though since its been months since i played sr4 last and you do have to unlock them).
plus the line that the president has in the "get schwifty" episode' "...I'm the goddamn president of the united fucking states"... totally sounds like something he'd say when being confronted by boss for his backstabbing...
which honestly not to be tangential but i have to talk about that now bc im sooo realizing how genius it is to make keith backstab boss.... especially because he does it right before you get put into a simulation where you have to fight Julius little? i may hark on saints row 4's writing but goddd the fan service they give to us can be soo good. It almost makes me wonder if keith david is a clone or hologram that zinyak made specifically to betray/trick boss - especially since hes the only one (other than Benjamin king, but this you could argue Ben wasnt immune to it, since it was teased in the cutscene, plus you could make the point that boss doesnt see Ben the same way they see someone like johnny whos been a long time friend and companion and even someone like matt miller, who may be a genuine threat - posessing skills boss doesnt have/understands - but boss still sees him as "lesser" or equal to them bc of who matt is outside of his keyboard) who rejects boss' advances in the ship. especially because his bitterness not only towards boss, but zinyak. He makes a mention of originally campaigning to be the president before "zinyak kicked the stool out from under him", and since hes aware earth is gone... why would he care abt being president of holograms? some of the plot points they make in sr4 are a tad annoying for the reason that they love to set up stuff like this, and the audio log collectables tell us so much, yet, they wont do anything with it unless its inherently funny.
dont get me wrong, love saints row's humor but i just wish they wouldnt sacrifice interesting plots and characters for it. And i wish they would solidify canon more.
TLDR; i do think saints row and rick and morty are connected in some way yes. the way i think the saints row universe is indeed intertwined with other adult swims shows due to saints row 3 giving us plenty of hints that the universe are connected in some way.
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starlightkun Ā· 10 months
okay my superlong ask part 1/3 (i could do it in 2 but i decided to do it in paragraphs so it makes more sense and is easier to read)
https://www.tumblr.com/warmau/734555744763035648/this-is-how-all-the-men-i-write-are-like?source=share ^^ changer and buzzer beater sungchan be like
FIRSTLY the new masterlist is GORGEOUS and so well thought out! it just looks so organised and the notes about the inclusivity and how you're going back to fix old fics is so professional im really impressed and its really kind and generous of you to take such an initiative by taking the time to do so. Also the note about how you may say that certain members are taller than reader insert with sicheng only if you're feeling extra nice had me ROLLING
also the bite updates are so funny, like mark is so losercore and the fact that reader is going to be a loser as well is so up my alley and so endearing. like flirting about FAX MACHINES?! only the highest quality loserxloser content.
- āœØanon
under the cut <33
the post u linked to was deleted šŸ˜­ im sorry im sure it was very funny and true to my sweet baby boys changer!sungchan and bb!sungchan
thank youuuu abt the masterlist! i was contemplating abt reorganization and everything for a while and i knew i didn't want too complicated of a key, but i wanted to be able to delineate a little more than i had in my last one between my more serious fics and my more silly fics a la dr_magic lol (and i also wanted to take the opportunity to unofficially "archive" some older fics of mine that i feel like aren't as representative of me as a writer anymore but i also didn't really want to delete either, so the old mlist is my "archive masterlist" now with all my fics pre-love bites) ;; and on that height inclusivity note, i myself am 5'8/172cm ish, so i know when i personally read fics where like kun is supposed to be towering over the reader it completely takes me out bc like. i am not delusional that man is 1 inch taller than me. i would be taller than him with some thick-soled shoes try again lol. i put on my platform doc martins and its OVER for him. i don't consider anybody "tall" unless they're noticeably taller than me (which is usually 5'11ish, but i call it at 180cm international for good measure. sicheng's official height is like 179cm/5'10.5" so if i'm feeling nice i'll include him in the tallies club. esp now that he's the tallest wayv member and he just absolutely towers over wayv tinie line lmao). i know it's the sort of heads-up i'd like as a reader, esp considering how some writers seem a bit. obsessed with the reader-insert being absolutely tiny and smaller than every member (which hey! some readers are actually 4'11 and dejun would be huge compared to them!) but when it's mentioned not only in every fic but in fics w members who are canonically shorter than me irl it just so detracts from the moment for me.
i've been going back to edit stuff for moments where i thoughtlessly mentioned the reader blushing/turning pink or gripping smth so hard their knuckles turn white, in addition for the random dozen cameos that are in quite a few (don't get me started on sleepless cinderella,,,, idk what i'm doing with her yet other than fixing skin tone refs). i got an ask a couple years ago abt the blushing in one of my fics, actually, and while i changed the specific instance right then, as well as made sure not to reference skin tone in my future writings, i know that people still find my older fics and i personally just kind of,,, idk cringe? when i revisit old fics and they've got skin tone refs in them like that. bc it doesn't represent the writer i am now, and i hate for people to think that it's representative of me and my fics currently. so yeah, i'm slowly working through fixing old fics for those bits and the dozen references too
the bite is actually a kun fic (u may be confusing it w baby fangs? which is a mark wip, and i can see how the titles would get confusing) but we do in fact get some loserxloser content in BOTH the bite and baby fangs yep yep i love writing losers in love its trueeee. they flirt about fax machines and it's truly soulmate behavior im afraid (the bite!mc literally says "i think men with fax machines are sexy, especially personal fax lines" like somebody COME GET UR BESTIE SHE IS CRINGEFAILING ON MAIN RN!! and kun adores her and her cringefail flirting ehhehe)
okay long ask part 2/3 now onto LOVE BITES omg i know its only been a few weeks since changer was released but i missed these two so much. your description of sungchan as a weighted blanket was so cuddly and delicious i just love him he's such a big puppy even though you said jenos a puppy and sung is a wolf hes still just a little guy to me (he is 185 centimetres, taller than most refrigerators) the way you write sungchan is just so great, the way hes just a big sweaty guy and has little insecurities that him and reader work through makes him feel so real and so vulnerable in an endearing way. also when reader pulled out the old photos of sung and taro from mr jung i was DYING. like "little dweebus uniform" is so relatable, we all have skeletons (terrible photos from primary/elementary school) in our closets (parents houses) when reader and taro are texting and reader is like "my little guy :( so uwuw" and taro is like "that fucken TREE OF A GUY?!" and "IS THIS YOUR MANS?!" with the horrifying close up i felt very seen and also got a very helpful reminder to burn all my group photos from school. honestly there are so many quotes from love bites that i want to frame but umā€¦ā€¦. mel what is this "You didnā€™t deserve to ever feelā€¦ an aching hole, because of me.ā€ šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ i KNOW you know what you did and honestly i was so close to screaming and throwing my phone across the room when it happened. but you know what? changer sungchan unintentionally saying the craziest innuendo whilst trying to make a sincere apology is probably the most fitting thing for his character. anyways, thank you for slotting in dirty jokes for us because its so unexpected and funny. i think thats all i have to say about love bites! thank you for taking the time to write the most amazing, comforting, sweet and funny story. - āœØanon
changer sungchan IS a big puppy but don't say that to his face or he'll pout abt it </33 also idk why "taller than most refrigerators" made me laugh so hard but it did. comparing men to refrigerators for height reference is just a very funny concept to me.
i also LOVED writing taro and reader's continuing bickering friendship throughout the fic i thought they were fantastic and i did in fact make myself laugh a couple different times, esp writing out the texts with the mathletes pictures. i also loved being able to show that reader was just as delusional whipped IN LOVE abt sungchan as sungchan was for reader. like being absolutely endeared and heart eyes abt your s/o's dorky old school pictures while simultaneously roasting your mutual friend who is also in those same pictures for being dorky. mwah, chef's kiss, i love them and rip taro
I TRULY DID NAWT REALIZE THE INNUENDO UNTIL U SENT THIS ASK OMG. i was just trying to write sungchan being the sweetest lil guy ever but alas........the aching hole that i will never be able to UNREAD now. but it is sooo in-character for him that i truly was overtaken by the spirit of changer!sungchan in that moment and had no clue what i was writing good lord
OKAY FINALLY PART 3/3 for the timeline question hmmmmmmm i dont know i think i kind of just assumed that the fics were coming out in chronological order but now im not sure????? like obv for the ones with sequels the sequel is after the first but like the rest its all kinda up in the air for me. so like, changer is after pupsick because in sung got with changer!reader because of pupsick!reader and friends. dr magic i assume is happening between pupsick and changer or at the same time as changer because renjun seemed very much single during pupsick because he was at the cafe FAST when pupsick!reader called him and during dr magic, renjun was very much busy between meeting drmagic!reader to witness her pepe silvia arc, being dr magic and studying. tdhea imo is before pupsick just cause all the dreamies have way too much time on their hands to tease and get frustrated about jisung and tdhea!reader and imo that's peak single behaviour because like i said before, renjun was a BUSY BOY during dr magic and jeno was literally sick during most of pupsick so he wouldn't be as spritely as he is during tdhea. for romance is dead and strawberry sunday i literally have no clue, i just assumed that they were both early on considering they were released first. its also just a lot harder because theres only one strawbsun fic for 127 and wayv each so there's less overlap in the members and just less context clues to go off of. but i'd love to know just how wrong i am in my assumtions (if you're willing to give up such information) and compare it with what everyone else thinks - āœØanon
okay so ur timeline looks like:
rid/miracle/strawberry sunday > tdhea > pupsick/abh > dr_magic2303 > changer/love bites
which isn't too far off other than the placing of rid/miracle, which makes sense bc that one kind of has the least context with the other fics. here's my official timeline (sans some unofficial wips) that i've been working off of as soon as i realized this was going to be a lot more than 3 fics. i based the general years off of strawberry sunday!reader/jungwoo's college career (they're in sophomore yr in their fic). the whole crew is generally all the same year, though, so the years are pretty accurate for everybody
they uh, they get busy junior yr huh...
also i feel like jeno didn't do too much meddling in tdhea to be considered single behavior, he was just kinda there......bc he had nothing better to do while pupsick!reader was at study sessions šŸ˜” very conveniently-timed study sessions and bakery shifts without jeno that leave jeno completely free to be in every relevant scene for tdhea... aw shucks šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” and her very convenient bakery shifts in changer2 like wow šŸ˜”šŸ˜” minseok is rlly working pupsick!reader to the bone huh šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” pupsick3 is just gonna b reader and jeno unionizing against minseok
one thing to know abt strawbsunday universe!renjun is that he is going to be BUSY and BOOKED between school, running an online persona solving people's magical ailments, meddling in his friends' relationships, and falling head over heels for his academic rival who is currently in her pepe silvia arc. do NOT underestimate his multi-tasking abilities. he's built different
but im rlly so happy that you liked the fics so much to send me SO MUCH abt it and have all these little thoughts like you truly keep my writing heart fed. like i write for myself but i post for others, and actually knowing that there's a human out there reading them and coming to interact with me and give genuine feedback rlly makes posting worth it so THANK YOU so so much truly šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
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astrolavas Ā· 2 years
What do you consider to be the ā€œbig plansā€ for Hunter? I was expecting it to be something along the lines of him used as a vessel for Belos/the day of unity magic or are we just saying that the big plans were a lie to make him compliant and so Belos could have a soldier?
pretty sure there were no big plans. it was just a way for belos to manipulate hunter further, make him listen, make him think he has a specific use, that he's "special" therefore should be more worried abt disappointing belos. he never even spoke to the titan but because he was thought to speak to the titan, he even used that to make hunter more loyal to him. "titan has big plans for you" as a way to make him more dependable, more under pressure, easier to mold into what belos wanted him to be. and it's.... oof, yeah
there wasn't even any big reason for him to make grimwalkers. like, sure, they were useful as his little helper assistants, but besides that? he was creating them from his own selfish desires. he was mad that his brother, upon coming to the demon realm, realized they were all wrong about witches, and grew to like magic as well; and then he fell in love with a witch, and with this place. belos felt "betrayed" by him so not only did he kill him, he made it his own personal mission to just..... keep creating clones of him. versions of his own brother that would be better.
he wanted to have a version of caleb that he could make actually listen to him, actually do what he was told and.. yeah. he never saw any of the grimwalkers he'd created as people of course, just as these...... things that he could make and then destroy for any reason with no repercussions or feelings involved whatsoever.
i'm pretty sure he realized that making a grimwalker that wouldn't "betray" him wasn't possible after the first few tries, though, because, at their core, every single grimwalker was a good person. like i'm sure they weren't all identical copies of each other, each one differed in some ways, but we DO know every single one of them decided to betray belos after finding out what he was actually like, that he was evil. we see that goodness in hunter too, we see that the thing that he'd always wanted was to just... do good; and that's what he'd thought he was doing, all his life, he'd thought he was helping belos do sth good as well (obviously..... not the case but OOF LMAO). and we know belos thought hunter would last longer than the others, maybe because of just how loyal and devoted he was, because of how assured he was of the fact that belos actually cared for and loved him; but belos still knew he'd question and betray him eventually. because they all do when they find out the truth, and he knows he can't change it.
also even the fact that belosĀ planned the day of unity, and still gave hunter the sigil. like hunter could turn out to be the most "loyal" and "perfect" grimwalker ever, never question belos, remain at his side through it all, and that wouldn't matter, belos was going to leave him for dead for the day of unity no matter what. he'd just..... DIE.Ā belos knew that when he was putting the sigil on him all those years ago and didn't care. he knew he wouldn't need him after.
so yeah, uh, belos creating grimwalkers stopped having any sense or end goal or a reason really, really quick. he started treating it as this weird, entertaining experiment he was doing on the side; and all the manipulation, lying, the control he had, the power to shape all the grimwalkers into who he wanted them to be, into someone whoā€™d think belos loves them but be subconsciously terrified of him anyway? he found it all FUN, he was having a great time! and then, to add onto that, look at how his demeanor changes when luz sees through him in elsewhere and elsewhen, or how he acts in hollow mind. not only does he love manipulating people, he enjoys seeing them piece it all together. he loves the shock, the surprise on their faces; he feels superior that heā€™d managed to fool them for so long, he feels in control of the situation. so iā€™m convinced that every single time a grimwalker questions belos, he finds both that and the aftermath (which is..... killing them in a quick yet brutal way) entertaining, pleasant. no reason for it all except getting some enjoyment out of it.
i hate him
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little-nobody Ā· 2 years
guys i'm abt to start drawing Mike to cope bc i like this idea i had a bit ago that Will compares Mike's freckles to the stars and i came up with some stupid cheesy line that isn't stupid and i love it and ended up writing some short thing for it....
and now i'm impulsively copy pasting the thing i wrote for it...
The grass tickled my cheeks as I stared up at the clear sky, stars mingling with one another. It was such a beautiful, peaceful night, perfect for stargazing. Alone or otherwise, it was a wonderful night to be out watching the stars- I never would've known things like these if I hadn't met him...
"Do you remember the night you flirted with me?" My voice cut through the silence, earning a small hum from the boy laying next to me. "You mean when I was drunk?" His voice was soft yet sure, not an ounce of anxiety or doubt slipping into his words. It was always so refreshing whenever he spoke like that.
Still, I couldn't hold back a small laugh as I leaned up a bit. "Yes," I looked down at him, his gaze shifting from the stars to my own "that night." He smiled up at me, but not just any smile- it was that soft smile, the one he gave me when he was focused on what I was saying, when he was genuinely listening to me.
"Do you remember what you said to me?" I heard him let out a huff through his nose, one of his brows raising as he looked me in the eyes. "I said lots of things, Mike," his gaze was focused, not wavering "You'll have to be more specific." I couldn't help but sigh, resting on the arm closest to him.
"About how the most beautiful things happen during the night," I heard him hum, urging me to continue. "How there are secrets only the night sky can share," I let my eyes shamelessly rake over his face, taking in his features as I did so. "Saving them for people who will appreciate the memory?"
He nodded his head slightly, smiling up at me. "Yes, I remember," he reached his hand up to move some of the curls from my face, tucking them behind my ear. "Starry-eyed angel," his hand rested on my cheek, caressing it gently with a soft, teasing tone in his voice.
I could feel heat rise up on my face, dusting my cheeks as he stared me in the eyes. "Freckles like stars," he continued, sitting up slowly as he got a little closer to my face. "Eyes with galaxies in their wake," his eyes dragged across my face, his hand tracing down my shoulder- I'm guessing he saw my freckles there too.
"The universe spilling all across your body," he leaned forward some more, glancing down at my lips for a brief moment before looking back into my eyes- his breath didn't smell like last time, it wasn't tainted with that fruity alchol- he wasn't drunk this time, neither of us were.
"The more I touch you," his fingers traced down my arm, hazel eyes shifting to track his own movements, tracing patterns on my skin that I never knew were there. "The more of you I see," he let his fingers move on my side, looking me in the eyes as he slid them under the back of my shirt, a silent request to see if he could proceed. I stared back at him, hoping my gaze would be enough of a 'yes, please' for him.
I couldn't help but let the red that dusted my cheeks spread as his hand reached under my shirt, trailing up my back. His movements were so delicate and fluid, his fingertips calloused and warm. My breath hitched lightly when they would press down and trace patterns, almost like he was burning constellations into my skin.
"The more I begin to realize," my eyes shifted to focus on his lips- so soft and pretty, colored like one of those pinkish sunsets you see in the sky. "Realize what, Will?" I shouldn't have been shocked at the way my voice shook, but a small part in the back of my brain was. Curiosity flowed through my being, scorch marks traced along my skin as two of Will's fingers moved to touch my bottom lip.
"You didn't steal the stars from the sky, Mike," for a moment I was confused, something tugging at my heart as his fingers moved down from my bottom lip. It faded as they found their way behind my neck, letting his next sentence ghost over my lips.
"The sky stole the stars from you"
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soiituko Ā· 3 years
Mitsuba's Name isn't Sousuke
I hate tumblr. This is my third time having to retype all of this omg. Anyways, This was originally a highlight I made on instagram, but I've decided to post it on here.
To start off, Mitsuba who lived and died as a human, and Mitsuba who is a supernatural are not the same person. They are separate beings and will be referred to as M1tsuba and Mit2uba respectively.
Now, M1tsuba's name is Mitsuba Sousuke. There is not doubt about that. His first name is Sousuke and his last name is Mitsuba. That is just that.
However, my take is that Mit2uba isn't "Mitsuba Sousuke" and instead, simply just "Mitsuba."
This is important because it separates their identities, while still relating them. Mit2uba is his own person, but he is still a part of M1tsuba.
Reasoning-wise: Unless M1tsuba had either told Tsukasa, or Tsukasa was able to find out through supernatural means, Mit2uba wouldn't have been aware of the name Sousuke until he figured out his mirror powers. In which by that time he would have been used to being just "Mitsuba", and taking on the name "Sousuke" would be inappropriate for a number of reasons. It would have been out of character as Mit2uba is jealous of M1tsuba, and seems to have a general distaste or guilt whenever he is seen as the other.
Even if Tsukasa had known about Mitsuba's first name, he never calls Mit2uba "Sousuke", so the reasoning still stands.
Evidence-wise: there is a lot. The reasoning is, well just reasoning, but the evidence is able to push this narrative a lot more forwards.
To start. Whenever Mit2uba introduces himself, He always does so as "Mitsuba" and never "Mitsuba Sousuke." There are many instances in which it would make more sense to refer to yourself as your full name, or even just your first name, however Mit2uba always just says "I'm Mitsuba." We even see other characters constantly introducing and referring to themselves with their first or full name, so it isn't just writing style.
exhibit one-
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exhibit two-
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exhibit three-
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As you can see, he is constantly calling himself Mitsuba in his introductions, and inner dialogue.
The only time Mit2uba has ever been referred to as "Mitsuba Sousuke," or "Sousuke" in general was in picture perfect arc. This makes sense as in the picture perfect world, Mit2uba was trying to become M1tsuba by playing his role. In a picture perfect world, Mitsuba Sousuke would have never died.
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Now onto the next evidences: Kanji.
Now I don't speak or read Japanese, however I have a surface level concept of how it works and google on my side. So take this section for what its worth, it may not be a 100% accurate, however I'm pretty sure the general information is correct.
Now as far as I'm aware, kanji is basically characters that have meaning to them based on how they're written.
Sousuke is spelled like: ęƒ£åŠ©
and Mitsuba is spelled like: äø‰č‘‰
There are alternate spellings, however this is the kanji.
In the name Sousuke as I've understood it, The first character is the one with the meaning, amd the second character is there for support.
In the following exhibit I have highlighted the characters used to construct the name Sousuke. And in the next, the kanji for Mitsuba is shown.
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As you can see, Sousuke means "whole" or "all." This is in reference to Mitsuba's soul. M1tsuba is whole, until he has to pay the price for his "wish" and his soul is ripoed apart later making him "unwhole." This name would not fit with Mit2uba because Mit2uba isn't whole and instead only a part of M1tsuba.
Mitsuba just means "three" and "leaf." This is clearly in reference and foreshadowing to Mit2uba becoming school mystery number three. The name Sousuke fits more with M1tsuba and Mitsuba fits more with Mit2uba.
Now the next section is miscellaneous evidence of Mit2uba being referred to as "Mitsuba" ,or exclusively M1tsuba being referred to as "Mitsuba Sousuke."
These are not chronological.
And a side note should be: Hanako is generally referred to as "Hanako" over "Amane Yugi" and Tsukasa is sometimes referred to as "Tsukasa" over "Tsukasa Yugi." Whenever I say "everyone" I mean everyone excluding the Yugi twins, and characters without a last name.
exhibit 1-
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The Hanako of the Opera Event occurred when M1tsuba had been long gone, and so we can assume that in this AU we are looking at Mit2uba.
Mitsuba's Art has his name under it, however it has the name "Mitsuba" and not "Sousuke." If you look at everyone else's art, their first name is written down, not their last. For example, Yashiro is Nene, and Minamoto is Kou and Teru. A weird exception to make, unless Mit2uba's name is just "Mitsuba", and not "Sousuke." Similar to how Amane is called "Hanako."
exhibit 2-
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(mitsuba's name is second row first column)
The 77th chapter celebration character diagnosis!!
Mitsuba's name is recorded down has "Mitsuba" and not "Mitsuba Sousuke" even though, once again everyone else has been out down as "Last and First." We're clearly talking abt Mit2uba because of the image shown at the end.
exhibit 3-
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The ghost hotel! This timeline also lines up to when Mit2uba existed and not M1tsuba.
As you can see the characters are referred to by first name, minus mitsuba.
exhibit 4-
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In this image Tsukasa is talking abt a holiday in which you eat things with the character "恆" in it. Therefore talking abt wanting to eat, Natsuhiko, Sousuke, and Kou.
During this time of post M1tsuba was already dead and Mit2uba was generally depicted in the arts.
However when talking about the "恆" in Sousuke AidaIro choose to bring back M1tsuba for this art. Implying that drawing Mit2uba would have been wrong, as he isn't Sousuke, and doesn't have a "恆" in his name.
exhibit 5-
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This is art of M1tsuba based on the line on his scarf, and he is referred to as Mitsuba Sousuke.
However if that is not convincing enough, the text that accompanied this art included him talking about how his introduction wasn't available in sample chapters, and that if you wanted to meet him you'd have to buy the volume. This art was created in promotion for either the print or repreint of volumes 1-3, in which M1tsuba is introduced, but Mit2uba is not.
That is all for now :)
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