#the only flag he's had in the show is an lgbt flag and honestly thank you
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specialshinytrinkets · 2 years ago
The weirdest gripe I have with Mr Small enjoyers part of the fanbase is as to why he was unanimously agreed to be Canadian
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Is it some sort of American thing I don't understand or?????????
[textless & "template"] under cut
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years ago
Good morning from where I am! I have a request and 3 headcanon to give you:
As a thanks for your headcanons I have a headcanon to gift you (and 3 coupons for fanart/headcanons/writing prompts of your choosing),
Every Next Gen.'s bedroom has colors everywhere. Even the ones who might fall in a gothic/emo phase. All thanks to the parents pride flags and their own as well as their parents' dorms and their's. In the poly house holds it's chaos with colors since it'd be even MORE colors of LGBT and dorms pride.
Second headcanon would be they all love the song Villain by PattyCake Productions and I can see if either A) NRC becomes Co-Ed, or B) They do a girls school and a boys school mix up one day they'd sing this song or a song inspired by it during the VDC performances, Vil honestly crying when seeing his kids performing their all with their friends
Third headcanon is when they're a bit older (like 10 or 13 depending on when they were born/adopted) the parents would show them their overblots through pictures by MC (which they were mildly annoyed they had pictures of), and they were nervous hardcore when it came to this until-
"Whoa! Dad, You look so cool!"
"Snake hair?? Wicked!"
"But look at my dad, he has coral growing on him and he looks so pretty!"
"If we're talking pretty look at my daddy!"
They all sighed somewhat relieved when their kids began going all fan gushing over them. Riddle even took some pride when Leona's kid said he looked like a bad ass from a horror game. ^^
And request; I've been listening to Heartbreak Honeymoon by Mad Tsai so here's the prompt. . . One of them gets their heart broken, wither it's a break up or rejection or a friend asking a crush out depending, what would the families and the friend gang's reaction be to comforting / knowing this?
This one got me thinking! I really like the 3rd headcanon it has a lot of potential for a comic like thing or a fanfic, they'd both work very well! But they are all fantastic u-u Anyway onto your request
Jamil x Kalim
This was the only time Jamil has seen Kalim actually pissed. Like "I am gonna commit a murder" pissed and Kalim was more pissed then Jamil which just hammered that point home
When their kid first told them about the break up/rejection Kalim did one of those laughs you do when your mad at something, he tried to understand both sides but turns out the other person was shitty sooo yeah that persons gonna be shitting enough bricks to build a city when Jamikali is done with them
I swear Kalim will be going off on the partner, Jamil would let out a sigh and go, "Lets just go get lunch, he's gonna be at this for a while." Then they leave and when they come back Kalim has this guy backed into a corner
Lots of pampering afterwards
The asshole prolly also has to deal with Najma wanting to kick their ass (Not any of Kalim's family tho I feel like they cut ties with them for the most part)
They don't have any personal experience with break-ups tho, Kalim did get a lot of love confessions over the years but hes always just said, "Y'know, that's sweet but... Jamil is... Jamil." And Jamil just never had interest in anyone else
They try their best tho :D
Ruggie x Leona
So y'know how midwestern-ers do that knee slap when they're about to leave a place?
Leona does that, stands up and goes, "Ruggie! Be prepared to bail me out of jail!" then walks out the door with Ruggie trying to catch up
Not to stop him, no no! That'd be idiotic! No, Ruggie is gonna join him
Ruggie actually has some experience helping with breakups since he had to help some people with that back in the slums cuz they thought he was their therapist at that point
Leona on the other hand doesn't, he gives his kid(s) an awkward pat on the back says, "Don't worry your partner was an asshole" and goes on his way. Not because he doesn't care cuz he does! He just doesn't have any god damn way knowledge on how to show it
Since Leoruggie adopted multiple kids (like 3) the kids siblings are also there to comfort and fight the person who DARED to hurt their sibling
Leona will also buy a bunch of ice cream in his kids favorite flavor and leave a note on the container like, "Here's some comfort food-Leona p.s. Ruggie, if you want any of the ice-cream, there's another container behind it for you, this ones for *kid name*."
Overall I would say they know what they're doing :D
Vil x Rook
Rook will prolly see the kid crying, get a bottle of wine with 3 wine glasses and go, "I know you're underage but, if you round *age* it could be equal to *drinking age* so you'll be fine, we're turning on bad romance movies and relaxing, mon bel enfant."
They go have a spa day the next day. Hair, nails, facials, the whole nine yards
Vil's idea of getting back at an ex is being so beautiful that they'll be blinded away and regret that they'll NEVER get you back
Somehow word gets out to uncle Epel and he is NOT happy about it and goes to do some ass kicking
I feel like they'd be the type of parents with the partners number also in their phone incase anything happened and after the break-up Vil straight up blocks them but Rook keeps the number, changes the nickname to "trou du cul 😊" and pesters them every now and then
Vil calls up the model agency he works at and asks if they can have the kid do some photos with their kids new partner (lets just assume they get another one) and put them all over just so the ex can see them
I'd be careful if I were you if you'd even think of breaking Rookvil's kids heart cuz Rook is a very good hunter and Vil has popularity to cancel you everywhere and also h e e l s
Riddle x Floyd x Cater
We all know how Floyd can have a lot of mood swings so uh, good luck to that partner
Riddle had to really consider what to say since the one time this conversation happened with his mother she just turned away and said, "I told you so" But Riddle knew that wasn't right
Cater helps him... Then goes to help Floyd murder that ex
Riddle actually stays behind from this murder party and helps comfort them, rubbing the kids back while they cry, telling them its ok, putting on movies, etc.
Cater and Floyd come back with Chinese food and ice cream
Cater cancels the ex on Magicam
Floyd takes them to karaoke at the lounge (They opened up a non NRC location after college) to let their kid sing out their feelings, its a nice bonding experience
A lot of Fallout Boy is sung that night
I feel like the kid would hide in their room for like half a day and Riddle would drag you out saying, "Kid, I love you and I am not letting you live in your room for the week. We're doing self care today."
Cater will buy a shirt that says, "Bad Bitch" on it
Riddle would just be standing there, head in hands and not being sure if he should scold Cater or laugh
I feel like they would have a little trail and error but at the end of the day they're all doing their best :D
They're not much, just lil snippets but I like them anyway :D I hope you do too!-Amber
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years ago
She-Ra S5 E09 - An Ill Wind
In which the Best Friend Squad’s back on Etheria and I’m back to writing up my thoughts about it. (The real question is whether I’ll manage to finish these posts before season 5’s one-year-anniversary.) I probably really don’t need to say this anymore, but there might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post.
- I think it’s funny how Catra can’t stand teleporting, but what’s even more important is how visibly concerned for her Adora is each time. Have you seen how she touches Catra’s shoulders and looks at her with such a worried expression? D’awww.
- “Wow, you don’t trust the princesses? I am shocked.” No Glimmer, Catra’s 100% right. This has nothing to do with trusting the princesses; you really don’t know who’s chipped and which places are occupied by clones. Perfuma literally told you the rebellion was compromised.
- “Catra’s right.” THANK YOU, ADORA! (Also, I love Catra’s satisfied little smirk in the background when Adora says this.)
- I just paused the episode when they arrive in Erelandia and counted the Horde flags you can see hanging all over the town: 14, plus one giant Horde sign in the sky and a spire not too far away. Prime, are you compensating for something? (Also, Adora has an arm on Catra’s back again. Cute.)
- Is it a little disappointing that all the rebellions against Horde Prime on other planets got reduced to one brief exposition scene where a clone mentions they’re happening and a few quick images? Yeah. But I also get why the show just didn’t have the time for more and wanted to focus on Etheria.
- Speaking of, are those the magicats we see in the second image? Interesting… I’m not sure how I feel about the idea of Catra potentially being an alien as well. But then again, the show never clearly answers it one way or another, and there’s no reason magicats couldn’t have existed on multiple planets.
- Also, am I understanding this right: The Star Siblings started the intergalactic rebellion after meeting the Best Friend Squad? And now there are already rebels on several planets? Nice job, Star Siblings!
- “My heart aches for these misguided children.” I’m not sure if I’ve ever properly addressed the heavily religious symbolism around Horde Prime and his cult, but… that right there is *such* a Christian-extremist-coded line, holy hell…
- So Prime says he wants to use the Heart of Etheria “to bring peace to all the universe” and at this point I’m not entirely sure what his exact goal is. Does he just want to destroy all the planets with the Heart? Because I’ll be honest, I tend to find “I just want to destroy everything” a bit boring as a motivation in villains. What’s the point of him ruling the universe if there’s no one left to rule over? I mean, I know Prime had his whole “If there’s no one left, there are no wars, etc.” speech in an earlier episode, but that’s also just so dumb.
- Where did the Best Friend Squad even get those cloaks? Either way, Catra looks adorable with the outline of her ears showing under the hood. 🥺
- “I hope you, too, are full only of love for Horde Prime… and have no crippling doubt eating at your soul.” / “Brothers, there is nothing to see here!” Like I said in an earlier post, all of Wrong Hordak’s lines are absolute winners. Also, I love how the other clones just keep falling for his very obvious bluffs.
- Wrong Hordak learning to wink so quickly makes me jealous because I can’t wink. (No, I really can’t; I’ve tried. Whenever I try to only close one eye, I always end up closing both. If anyone has good advice on learning to wink, let me know.)
- I love the character designs of the mushroom people.
- Catra wasn’t wrong about the locals selling them out and not telling them anything useful. The others should listen to her more.
- Bow posing as the “average traveler passing though” is especially funny because I’m pretty sure there are no “travelers passing through” in times of Horde Prime.
Catra: “A town that hates princesses? Should I buy property here?”
Everyone else: *glares*
Catra: “Is what I would have said before I joined you. Go, team.”
😂😂😂 Catra’s quiet little “Go, team” in the end is what gets me most about this moment 😂. She’s adorable and trying her best, okay?
- I love how Wrong Hordak just calls everyone “brother” regardless of gender. Also, Adora’s little “Did you just wink at me?” / “That’s not how winking works!” moments are hilarious and adorable.
- “You’re wearing hooded cloaks, it’s highly suspicious.” Okay, mushroom lady’s not wrong, though. And I love how someone finally points this out, since hooded cloaks are so often used as “undercover” disguises in shows like this.
- That said, both she and mushroom guy earlier did try to sell the Best Friend Squad out super quickly. Like, I get that the locals are scared, but still… They could have tried to stay safe without running towards the clones to tell them everything right away.
- I’m just noticing that Erelandia has mushrooms everywhere. Obviously the people are mushrooms, but there are also mushrooms growing outside in the streets everywhere, and the shop they’re in is selling mushrooms and clothes with mushrooms on them as well.
- Both Bow and Glimmer blowing their covers almost immediately and Adora just quietly shaking her head at both of them in the background is amazing.
- Love Catra (and Melog) just casually stealing a mushroom from a mushroom lady.
- So Catra’s just chilling in a tree and eating stolen mushrooms and Entrapta wants to analyze samples that’ll be ready in 4-6 weeks – neither of them’s really helping right now. But then again, Catra wanted to leave in the first place because she thought the locals would sell them out (and she was right about that), so she probably thinks it’s not worth the effort.
- Also, you know who this scene with Entrapta and Catra is missing? Scorpia. If there is one problem I have with season 5, it’s that we didn’t get any Super Pal Trio reunion / moments with all of them on the same side now. (Or just in general, that we didn’t get to see Scorpia and Catra properly talking things out.)
- “That’s the windy one, right?” Okay, am I the only one who finds this line weird? Spinnerella literally has Adora, Bow and Glimmer trapped in a tornado as Entrapta says this. Obviously she’s “the windy one”? Entrapta can literally see that??
- “Lord Prime has given me peace.” Oh, I’m just realizing that’s just what Catra said when she was chipped. That’s got to be awful for Adora to hear again.
- Glimmer grabbing Bow and Adora’s hands and teleporting them out of the tornado was badass.
Adora: “How are we supposed to fight our own friends?”
Catra: “It never stopped you before.”
OMG. I love that Catra still considers their time as enemies as “being friends”.
- I really love Netossa’s entrance. What makes it really cool to me is that at that point the Best Friend Squad didn’t even know if there were any unchipped princesses left, so Netossa jumping in there with a casual “Welcome back, guys” was just an amazing moment.
- Also, I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I really like that this season finally made Spinnerella and Netossa more important characters. (And I wonder how much network censorship of LGBT+ storylines had to do with them not being that important earlier on.)
- Hordak getting flashbacks of Entrapta again (while Prime looks at his older body’s memories) is just 🥺. I like how Prime talks about Etheria while Hordak slowly remembers more and more about his own life on Etheria.
- “So, the only person I’m fighting here is… my own wife.” I love the on-screen confirmation that they’re married! But also, Netossa wanting to attack Catra and Wrong Hordak at first was pretty funny.
- Catra and Glimmer’s respective expressions when they hear about Scorpia and Micah being chipped are a gut punch. Also, Netossa talking about how she has to get Spinnerella back is making me tear up.
- “Where are the rebels?” “Right beside you!” 😂😂😂 Amazing, just amazing.
- Love to see Catra taking out those bots. She’s so badass ❤️.
- “Be careful.” “Always am.” I wonder at what point Netossa started to realize what’s going on between Catra and Adora.
- Love Netossa whistling at She-Ra’s new look. Your wife’s right there, darling. But then again, who wouldn’t whistle at She-Ra’s new look?
- Honestly, why did anyone ever say Spinnerella and/or Netossa were weak? Their fight here really shows how powerful both of them are when they don’t hold back.
- “Stop holding back. She won’t.” Looking past how hard this must be for Netossa, this line really sums up why so many characters in shows like this seemingly become more powerful when they turn evil (or less powerful when they turn good): Because the bad guys have no reason to hold back.
- Adora firing a rainbow beam from her sword was amazing. I wish we’d gotten to see a bit more of She-Ra’s new powers this season.
- “Please. I love you. Come back to me.” I’m crying 😢. That’s a nice first taste of all the “I love you”s to come in the finale. And I love that it works (even if just for a bit). The whole “power of love helps you break free from mind control” thing might be a cliché, but it’s a cliché I love, so…yay, awesome!
- But also, and I’ll probably talk about this more when I get to the next episode (that I had a few problems with), I like how Netossa doesn’t only rely on the power of love, but still realizes she has to first fight Spinnerella without holding back to get her into a position where they can even have this talk.
- Yay, mushroom town is saved!
- Catra reassuring Netossa that Spinnerella will be okay was so sweet. She’s really trying to be nice and I think she’s doing great 🥺. (Also, Adora looks at her so proudly.)
- I just noticed that when She-Ra replaces the Horde symbol in the sky with her sword symbol, all the Horde flags around town are already gone, too. Did Catra, Glimmer and the others just like… take all of those flags down in between fighting the bots? Or did Wrong Hordak maybe walk around taking off the flags while the others were fighting?
- That said, the rainbow sword in the sky looks amazing.
- “I think Horde Prime is going to know She-Ra’s back.” “Good.” Love Adora’s determined expression here.
- Geez Horde Prime, no need to punch the screen. The screen didn’t do anything to you.
- Okay, so Horde Prime finally decides to go to Etheria himself, and when he announces that, Hordak looks at the crystal in his hand – it’s all coming together.
- “This is where the rebellion is hiding out?” “Yup. Why, have you been here?” The looks on Glimmer and Catra’s faces here are amazing. People have of course already written all kinds of amazing metas analyzing their expressions, but the short version is that Glimmer seems to remember their fight fondly, while Catra seems embarrassed.
- Perfuma trapping them all in vines and demanding to see their necks is not only hilarious, but also shows that the rebellion has learned from their past mistakes. 👍
- All of their reunions (Bow and Perfuma, Glimmer and Frosta, Adora and Swift Wind, Entrapta and Emily) were super sweet – I like big reunion scenes 🥺. Wrong Hordak meeting Emily was adorable. Perfuma clinging to Bow and crying about how she doesn’t want to be in charge anymore had me laughing so hard 😂.
- Okay so, I know Frosta’s punch breaks the mood a moment later, but I really think Adora wanting to officially introduce Catra to everyone after seeing her standing there alone while everyone else was having big reunions was super sweet. The way her face falls when she sees Catra standing there sadly, the way she asks her to come here so gently… it’s just so sweet. 🥺
- Also, unpopular opinion, but am I the only one who didn’t really find Frosta punching Catra funny? (And the same goes for Scorpia electrocuting her in the next episode, by the way.) I know these moments are meant to be cathartic “drag the former villain because some people are still mad at them” moments, but Catra’s whole story is largely about being a victim of physical abuse. Wasn’t there some way for the story to make fun of her without having other characters physically assault her? I like how Catra’s redemption was handled overall, but moments like those kind of rub me the wrong way. (Netossa trapping her in a net was fine though, because that didn’t actually harm her.)
- That said, Adora’s “Catra’s with us now. Okay? Hmm.” was hilarious. I love how she just gives the briefest explanation and then turns away from Frosta with a smile and little “hmm”, just completely expecting Frosta to be fine with this now.
- That ending shot of all of them together is epic.
So, what changed this episode is that Erelandia was freed, the space group has reunited with the remaining princesses, and Horde Prime is heading for Etheria. Good episode!
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bleedinglovehes · 5 years ago
liam payne sucks tbh
This compilation is for my dear friend, who goaded me into making a comprehensive list of every time Liam Payne has been openly homophobic in the past ten years, with a couple of bonuses at the end! Because he has been. A lot. He’s displayed his privilege and offended LGBTQ+ people on multiple occasions and shows no signs of even attempting to educate himself or empathize with those his words have hurt. On that note, let us begin this journey.
Let’s start with the obvious, shall we? The infamous Duck Dynasty's Family Values tweet. Anyone who’s been in the One Direction fandom should be able to easily recall the incident, but I’ll break it down for you. On January 18th Liam tweeted about how he loved the “family values” on Duck Dynasty. By that time, it was know that the family was openly homophobic. Just one month prior, in December 2013, the families patriarch (Phil Robertson) was suspended from the show following homophobic remarks that received backlash. (He compared homosexuality to beastiality).Liam immediately received backlash for the tweet, for good reason, so later that day he took to twitter to claim that “Being a fan of someones show and the way they still hold a family together doesn't mean i am ok with all they say”. (https://twitter.com/LiamPayne/status/424679109634314240) That was his “apology”. Now, Liam’s association with the Robertson’s did not end there. 8 months later he posted a happy birthday message from Willie Robertson (Phil’s son) on his instagram. Though his interacting with the Robertsons had upset many LGBT+ people, Liam continued to openly support the family.The very next month he, and close friend Andy Samuels (pay attention to that name, we’ll reference it later) went shooting in Louisiana with the family. Andy and Willie Robertson’s sister in law both posted about the event at the time, but the posts have since been deleted.
Now if you were one of the delusional people still convinced of Liam’s membership in the LGBT+ community, you may find lot’s of faults in my logic. Him supporting a family sticking together doesn’t mean he shares their homophobic values, and you’re right, to an extent. But a queer person would not be so careless. Liam is displaying his privilege as a straight white man by ignoring the disgusting homophobia displayed by the patriarch, and likely shared by his sons and grandchildren. So, with that incident we have, at the very least, hopefully shown the audience Liam’s blatant ignorance when it comes to the LGBT community.
Let’s continue. 2014 was the start of a startling trend of tasteless comments Mr. I-Used-To-Be-In-1D-Now-I’m-Free has made in relation to the community. In August of 2015, Liam said that Girl Almighty (a One Direction song he wrote on) is about "trying to find that number one woman of your life” which would have been fine, except he went on to say that “none of [the fans] can relate to, because most of you are girls. Except for the boys in here, you know what I'm talking about." Almost immediately, his remarks were under fire for being too heteronormative, and he was accused of being homophobic. Instead of using the incident as a learning experience, Liam took to twitter to first clarify he is “in no way shape or form homophobic that's a ridicules thing to say and I'm not here to offend people so take it as you will”. Essentially, rather than apologize to every LGBT girl at the show, he decided to say since he’s not homophobic the comments weren’t offensive. He went on in another tweet and called the statement that deeply offended his non straight female fans “throwaway”. All I can gather from his little twitter tirade is that Liam was upset that his “throwaway” comment hurt LGBT people and that those people would not let it go. He finished by tweeting “crap end to a good day”, blaming the backlash rather than his own ignorant comment. All of the tweets are still on twitter and a quick search will bring them up for you.
2015 was a big year for Liam in terms of casual homophobia, and just one month after the Girl Almighty Incident, he was back at it again with… The Pride Flag Incident. Now, to provide some background, pride flags started making appearances at the shows in large numbers thanks to The Rainbow Project. The project was started to promote a safe space for LGBTQ+ fans. It garnered a lot of attention and the starters of the project clarified several times that it had nothing to do with the infamous “Larry” ship, which I will not discuss as frankly it’s not relevant to my main point. So a month before the Pride Flag Incident The Rainbow Project was getting attention from the media. Anyone who took two seconds to research the project and motivation behind it would know that it was only to support queer fans.
Okay but seriously, the Pride Flag Incident was a big deal. Let me explain. In the summer of 2015, gay marriage was legalized in the US. LGBTQ Americans were absolutely thrilled, for good reason, and pride flags were seen in abundance. So here’s what happened. Liam was interviewed by Attitude, a UK gay magazine. Now he started off alright, claiming that he found it, “funny that being gay is still something that’s talked about as though it’s not natural”. The use of the term “funny” is… troublesome for me, but that’s not the issue with the article. It’s his next statements that, once again, show his ignorance. He talked about there being an increase in rainbow flags at One Direction shows following the legalization of gay marriage. He made the correct point and he should've stopped there. Unfortunately, he continued, saying “I think that was mainly because people think of the Louis and Harry thing, which is absolutely nuts and drives me insane.” Once again he ignored the huge queer fanbase One Direction had amassed at that point and was subject to backlash. He, once again, took to twitter and, once again, stood by his ignorant comments rather than make a real apology. I won’t bring up Harry. I won’t bring up Harry. I won’t bring up Harry. I won’t bring up Harry… ok fine I have to. Harry actually waved a pride flag at the next concert they had. AKA, the one right after Liam’s comments were made public. Harry was, according to Liam, one of the people being disrespected by the pride flags.
I’m sensing a trend here. Liam makes an ignorant comment that offends people, Liam goes on twitter and stands by the ignorant comments, Liam claims people offended are in the wrong. Moving on, I'm honestly not sure what Liam did in 2016. I think that’s when Strip That Down was released. Anyways he only offended…. every one direction stan with that.
2017 though, that one was big. That’s when Liam made The Clothing Comments. So in May he was on the radio, probably promoting something, and was asked which members of One Direction he would let watch his child. He said that he’d pick Louis, because he’s a dad, and that neither Harry nor Niall made the cut. The issue? His reasoning behind why Harry wasn’t a suitable babysitter was that, “I couldn’t rely on Harry because I feel that my child would come out dressed in something that I just wouldn’t understand”. Yet. Another. Ignorant. Comment. Harry had, beginning in 2014 and continuing to 2020, been dressing in a non traditionally masculine way. 2014 had him sporting pussy bow blouses while 2020 has gifted us with a lace jumpsuit equipped with matching lace gloves. Now, therein lays the issue with his comment. Harry doesn’t dress in a traditionally masculine way. That was apparent in 2017. That’s what Liam had an issue with. Also, Liam has been making comments about Harry’s fashion sense on a semi consistent basis since that article dropped so… yea.
2018’s… incident… is almost funny to me because once again Liam display’s absolute ignorance when it comes to the LGBT community. It began with Liam taking place in Adidas’s Prouder campaign in June. It was sponsored by a bunch of celebrities and an article was released where each gave a quote about what makes them proud, obviously in relation to Pride. When Liam was asked the question he answered “I think since I’ve had a little boy, everything changes in life. ‘I’m aiming more for him to be prouder of me, and already he’s making me a better man, which I think is incredible.’” He did not reference the community he was supposedly supporting. He received immense backlash for his “straight pride” comments on twitter and gay news outlet Pink News.All in all it was just insensitive. He was dragged on twitter for not knowing the meaning of pride and the movement he was supporting.That’s not where the incident ended though. On July 7th London hosted the annual Pride Parade, that I’ve heard Liam promised to attend. I do not have receipts for this, so my next point may seem a little weak at first, but stay with me. Instead of attending the event, Liam attended a Dolce and Gabbana fashion show. Why might that be an issue? Well, since 2015, the fashion label has been called homophobic after two directors made insensitive comments about same sex parenting. So, if you don’t believe he promised to attend the show, the fact that he attended a show for a homophobic brand should upset you.In fact, Liam has shown no indication of distancing from the brand. In contrast, Harry has only been seen wearing Dolce and Gabbana once since the comments were made. (Performing on the Jimmy Kimmel show in Nov. 2015). Liam has worn D&G several times in the years since the comments were made.
2019 was a bad year for Liam, and not just because he took Zayn, Harry, and Niall’s number ones and slapped them together to debut at #111 on the Billboard Hot 100. In July he was paid by the Saudi Regime to perform in Saudi Arabia. The issue? In Saudi Arabia being gay is a crime and women’s rights activists are jailed. Nicki Minaj was also set to perform at the festival but backed out due to the Saudi Regime’s blatant homophobia and sexism. Once again he displayed his ignorance and privilege. He’s not queer, he’s not a woman. So he accepted the money and performed. Now I know he had fans there excited to see him, but he made the wrong choice. He should’ve backed out and not accepted any money from the Saudi Regime. July was just not a good month for Liam.So he was asked whether or not he planned to vote in the election. His response? “I think I will vote but I am always out of the country. We need a mobile app where we can vote with our thumbprint or something. I mean, in regards to Boris or Jeremy, I don’t think we give people enough time. Same with West Brom football club. They always change their manager every week it seems and we never get time to gel with anybody.” He’s just so ignorant. As a rich white straight man, the election had no effect on him. He seemed to indicate a preference for Boris Johnson, a racist sexist homophobe. December was by far his worst though. So his debut album, LP1, dropped at the beginning of the month. Immediately, Liam was attacked for his fetishization of bisexual woman, seen in the song “Both Ways”. It’s just disgusting, and made worse by his history with the LGBTQ community. A straight man singing about how hot it is that his girlfriend likes girls is just… so bad. That whole incident speaks for itself in my opinion. That brings us to the reappearance of his comments about Harry’s clothing. He claimed that “I couldn’t put myself in that. I’d look fucking… It’d look weird.” Now, has anyone seen what Liam has worn over the years? Liam’s issue is that the Met Gala look was feminine. He’s claimed to be the antichrist version of Harry, and you know what? I see it. He’s a straight man uncomfortable with men wearing feminine clothing and gay people in general. Harry is a queer man who thrives in feminine styled or women’s clothing. They really are opposites.
So what have I established? A pattern of ignorance that have hurt LGBT people on multiple occasions. Now, ignorance does not equate homophobia, so here’s how we know. Remember his friend Andy Samuels? Well he’s been openly homophobic (and sexist) on his social media. He’s been friends with Liam for over a decade. Remember when Harry made his iconic “not that important” comment? Liam’s reaction is… troublesome. He does a short laugh, and then glances off camera with an uncomfortable look on his face. Take from that what you will. There are UNCONFIRMED rumors of Liam using homophobic language backstage at One Direction concerts. Like with his reaction to Harry’s “not that important'' comment, there is no proof, but, based on his other actions, I am inclined to believe it happened. So there you have it. Liam’s history of ignorance. Homophobia is defined as a “dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people”. I think it’s safe to say that applies to Liam. He’s uncomfortable with feminine styled men, supports homophobes (The Duck Dynasty family, Dolce and Gabbana, Boris Johnson), and makes ignorant comments that are extremely offensive to LGBTQ people. He may not go around screaming slurs, but he is homophobic. He’s the type of homophobic person who claims not to be because he knows a gay person. Who claims the pattern of ignorance is simply the fault of the one getting offended. That’s who Liam Payne is. Look, you don’t have to agree that he’s homophobic, but you have to agree that he’s ignorant and refuses to get educated. And you have to admit that there is no way he’s LGBT. There is no way anyone could orchestrate a smear campaign that relied on so many casually ignorant statements and incidences.
This post was not my fault. Really. It’s wasn’t. It’s actually my friend’s fault. She told me that there were people on tumblr who actually believe Liam Payne is LGBTQ+. Shocking, I know. She also said that some people were comparing the experiences of Liam, a straight man, to Harry, his queer former bandmate. Which, no? And because I am so sure people will deny everything I have presented, a link to a google doc with links to each article and tweet I referenced has been included. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i2lWQPr0oQeA_MYLdkmp6G19waj9KSYaQgcBek8O2OE/edit?usp=sharing
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paramedictk-archive · 5 years ago
it’s hard to put into words how much skam france has disappointed me this year but s6 is finally over and i felt like i needed to kind of... say goodbye to this shitshow and get a few things off my chest.
s3 will always hold a special place in my heart, it came into my life when i really needed it and honestly, it was their only genuinely good season from start to finish. i will always be grateful for s3 and for eliott and lucas and for all those little moments we got to see with the grew in that season as well as in s4 and s5, when they actually acted like teenagers, when they were there for each other, when actions had consequences, when subplots weren’t abandoned just after 2 clips and when they used this show to educate teenagers and give them hope... those very few moments that actually made me feel like i was watching a skam remake.
it’s hard to make peace with the fact that this remake gave us so many good moments but also managed to completely ruin this entire experience for most of us this year. i think if skam france was genuinely, consistently trash from s1 to s6 i wouldn’t be half as angry as i am right now. but truth is, it wasn’t all bad. that’s the worst thing. we’ve seen they can do better, they just chose to be lazy and use the popularity s3 gave them to churn out mediocre and half assed plots time and time again because they knew they had devoted fans who would defend them no matter what.
when s3 was airing i actually felt like they listened to us sometimes and cared about us but something changed after s4. it no longer mattered what we wanted to see or what we thought about a scene, we were simply told what we should be feeling. and that’s a huge red flag. i don’t have to be a scriptwriter or a director to know that good storytelling isn’t about throwing excuses and explanations (and then damage control pictures) at your audience. it’s about them engaging with the content you put out and bringing their own perspective to it. otherwise, what’s the point?
and you know, this isn’t even about what’s ooc and what isn’t. it’s about the people who were supposed to finally get their representation but instead ended up being too triggered by the show to continue watching it. it’s about muslim, deaf/hoh people, people dealing with addictions or self harm or eating disorders speaking out only to be silenced by david and his fans just because their opinions weren’t always supportive and positive. it’s about us saying that they should have never used sexual or domestic abuse for shock value and then being told to shut up because a few pacifists in this fandom seem to think we’re ruining the show for them this way. it’s about david and niels flat out lying to us and promising so many things in order to get us to watch s6. it’s about being disrespected by the creators of your favourite tv show so badly that you end up having to distance yourself from it and the fandom. you obviously can’t please everyone, but the least you can do is listen to the people whose stories you’re trying to tell.
i obviously can’t tell any of this to david even though i wish i could. not because i want to rub it in or prove that i’m right, i just simply want him to know how much his childishness hurt the very people who once fought so hard to get his show renewed for him. i can’t tell him any of this because he would never read my messages since i’m not one of his certified bootlickers singing his praises all the time. because he blocked one of my insta accounts last week for a comment i posted under one of his pictures during s5. because that’s the kind of person he is. someone who would rather hide and ignore constructive criticism and let his little fans fight his battles for him. someone who stayed quiet for weeks while said fans kept sending death threats to people. and yes, you could say he’s not responsible for other people’s actions and that’s true in a way. but when you create such an unhealthy and hostile environment within your own fandom by playing favourites and silencing anyone who has a different opinion than what is considered acceptable, you do encourage that kind of behaviour.
despite all this, i still stayed and tried to put up with all the bad writing because i cared about the grew that much, maybe even more than niels himself, it seems. i don’t have a reason to stay now. the concept of having female showrunners sounds good, sure, but i know francestvslash and i know skam france. it’s the good old bait-and-switch. during the last two seasons, they kept baiting marginalized communities to earn woke points but a season that was supposed to be about arthur’s deafness entirely got turned into some cheating fest and lola’s season was pure misery porn with wlw rep thrown in there as bait. 
david and niels leaving won’t solve this problem. francetvslash needs a reality check too. they used us to renew the show and then turned around and called us obsessive. they blocked my comments under the live because i asked them why wasn’t the sexual assault plot mentioned again. they joked about addictions. they don’t care, okay? not about us, not about giving people representation. the only thing they care about is money. so them suddenly hiring female directors and writers after they saw us complaining about the way this show treats women? bait. the same kind of bait niels and david used when they tried to throw all kinds of rep in s6 because they knew lgbt people want to see themselves represented so badly that they would watch it no matter what. i would love to be proven wrong, obviously. i want to believe the new showrunners have nothing but good intentions but their hands will obviously be tied by francetvslash to some extent. and i’m done being used by them and then being forced to settle for the bare minimum.
all in all, both s5 and s6 fell flat and were extremely disappointing. skamfr under david and niels will always remain a one hit wonder, nothing else. it’s a good thing they are leaving now because at least characters like max or sekou have the chance to be treated with respect by the new writers and directors. and i’m happy for all of you who decided to stay... i wish you guys the best. i honestly hope you guys will get the stories and the representation you’re looking for. i really do. i want to be proven wrong about francetvslash and the showrunners... but i don’t have the energy to dedicate so much of my life to this show again, not after them breaking my heart so many times. 
and i guess i’m a petty person. the grew deserved great stories too, not just lamif. arthur deserved a great season, deaf/hoh people deserved to see themselves represented, instead they were forced to watch niels disrespect noée and camille and then act like they never existed in s6. and after everything wlw have done for this show, we deserved a great season too, not to be baited like this. maya was in 18 clips out of 83 (!!!!). if niels and david didn’t want to give the grew a chance to have a good send-off, then i’m not giving this show a chance again. why would i?
anyway. i’ll stick to rewatching s3 every now and again. and i will miss the way the grew made me feel. thanks for all the good memories and let’s hope we’ll forget the bad ones soon. this is what we’ve come to.
alt er love and all that crap i guess.
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domreaderrecs · 4 years ago
Oh boy do I have some kink discourse for you. Here’s a wholeass list:
1. A female dominant does not need to be a sadist who is always torturing and abusing their sub. They can be soft and kind and caring.
2. Findom is a valid form of domination and is really a kink, it is not just women faking it to get money.
3. Online domination is possible, although there are more risks involved, it is still a valid form of domination.
4. Submissive black men are allowed to refuse to be called slave and their dom shouldnt be annoyed they can’t used their preferred honorific.
5. Kink and fetishes can be incorporated without the use of the power dynamic found in BDSM.
6. BDSM is still BDSM if the rope is pink and the outfit is white lace instead of red and leather.
7. It should be standard practice for there to be a safe word that means everything is fine so that the Dom can check in on the sub easily without breaking the scene.
8. It is only BDSM when both parties have discussed before hand, otherwise it’s sexual assault (yes that includes Chad who brought out the rope without warning and now Bethany is just going along because she likes him)
9. BDSM has always and will always be driven by the LGBT community.
10. Under 18 year olds do not have a place in the BDSM community. If they wish to learn, then they should do so by finding articles and books, not by asking people involved in the scene.
Yeah that’s about it for now. I’m realizing you probably didn’t want this much but oh well. We’re here now. Let me know what you think!
whewww so much to unpack here lets go its essay time
1. !!!! this is probably one of the most fundamentally misunderstood parts of femdom. it don’t gotta be ball crushing and whipping and calling him a worm all the time, or even at all. this is probably what turns so many women off from trying it or thinking they might be into a more dominant role. gentle femdom is way more palatable for beginners and for me personally, just way more enjoyable (even tho i definitely would wanna make a boy cry from time to time)
2. I used to be one of those people who looked down on findom. I still don’t understand why anyone would be into it tbh but findoms get a lot of shit for no reason... being a sugar baby is so glamorized but if you’re a findom you’re cold, or a bitch, or taking advantage. even though they’re both just people who get money from men who have money to throw at them for sexual favors... but one’s demonized and one’s all the rage... hm i wonder why
3. I have no real/successful experience with this... more on that in number 10
4. 100000%!! the stories i’ve seen from black subs in kink (mostly black women but still) are horrendous. a lot of doms will try to enforce a master/slave relationship, and try to exercise their authority to make subs agree to it. i know it’s a common dynamic, but that shit is wayyyy different to black people... any dom should know that. forcing your sub to do anything is wrong, but especially something so racially, historically, and culturally insensitive. and don’t get me started on the surprise “race play” stories i’ve heard... like i said doing anything without your sub’s consent is wrong but THAT kind of thing requires double consent with a cherry on top. this is part of the reason I’m so scared to enter the kink scene... this shit scares me. thats why the title mistress and master/slave dynamics in general just isn’t for me. it makes me think of my ancestors :/
5. again, 1000% agree. i’ve said this on my blog before, but i’ll say it again. not everything has to be dom/sub stuff. if you wanna peg your bf you don’t have to tie him up and call him names or boss him around, you can just peg him. i feel like ever since FSOG this whole dom/sub thing has grown way out of proportion, but that’s a whole other essay for another day
6. yessss I hate the stereotype of dom outfits as black, latex, leather, way too high to walk in boots... like does it look fire?? yes of course but pink and lace and knee high socks would make a fit that’s just as fire. 
7. this is non-negotiable to me. whenever I hear someone say “I don’t like safe words” or “I/We don’t need a safe word” it’s just a red flag to me. idc what anyone says safe words are mandatory.
8. Yes. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this but with the rise of the popularity of “rough sex” (again, thanks FSOG) there’s seems to be a rise in people who just assume their partner may be into something, or who just try to experiment on their partner without asking them first. I’ve heard a lot of friends and other girls talk about guys just going straight into choking them, spanking them, and pulling their hair without even asking if they like it (another reason I’m scared to get out there and do stuff, as a person who is very much not a sub or into being treated roughly or tossed around, it’s a big fear of mine). I’ve also seen a lot about girls just randomly trying to finger their boyfriends. If it’s not vanilla, and y’all haven’t discussed it, do not assume it’s on the table. We’ve gotten to a point that kinky stuff is so talked about and normalized (especially with young adults) that people forget it’s actually kinky. 
9. period.
10. okay so story time, around the age of 15/16 is when I started to realize I was into kinky stuff. The preference had kinda always been there, but I couldn’t really place a name to it. I had always felt like an outcast among my peers when it came to the way they would talk about romantic and sexual relationships (I was a year ahead, so all my friends were 1-2 years older than me, so they started to do that stuff earlier than I did) because the things they talked about and liked were way different from the stuff I would think/fantasize about, so I always stayed quiet (teenage girls are very vocal about having choking/daddy kinks but that’s definitely indicative of a much larger problem that i will not get into bc that’s a whole other very very long essay that I will definitely write on here one day but not now). So when I found out what gentle femdom was I felt like I had a community that understood me, and everything just clicked. I would lurk on online communities and I lived for the discourse on there but I could never actively participate because every community had a strict “no minors” policy. They would say exactly what you said, “If minors wish to learn, then they should do so by finding articles and books, not by asking people involved in the scene.” I didn’t want to make anyone catch a case and I didn’t want to get targeted by predators so I tried to follow their advice. i found nothing. There honestly just isn’t that much educational stuff for “kinky teenagers”, or at least none that fit me. There was no femdom oriented stuff. I mean sure there was the standard “consent is important especially in bdsm relationships” but like that didn’t really help me. I had so many questions, that I could never feel comfortable asking my mom or a therapist, and especially not my friends. I didn’t know how to express this part of myself. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it and I couldn’t even watch porn like a normal teenager (we all know the state of femdom porn. its bad) so I was this ball incredible frustration and confusion and i didn’t know what to do with it. So I unfortunately turned to twitter. There I made a little like minded friend. he was also 16 so i thought “this is good, a non adult also kinky teenager who I can relate too. what could go wrong :)”(I’m sure you see where this is going) I was so excited to have a new friend, but ofc, our convos soon took a turn. However, since he was the first person to ever show interest in me, and the only person my age who i could talk to who understood me, i started to catch feelings. But he was a teen just like me, just as horny and confused and sooo immature. He started to pressure me into domming him/becoming his domme, but I refused because I wasn’t ready (i saw on one of those online communities I used to lurk in that its not healthy for your first sexual experience to be bdsm and I took that to heart). he ghosted me. needless to say that “friendship” was toxic. i realized too late that he only saw me as a kink dispenser, and didn’t care about me on a personal level. it also made me realize how not “mature for my age” I was. i say all this to say, NO, teenagers should not be participating in kink. they are not mature enough. however education and resources for them are not where they should be. if we want to discourage them from putting themselves in these situations, we need to better provide them with education and healthy ways to relieve these urges/feelings (i eventually took up writing, it helped me a lot). i feel like had i found a healthier and safer way to express/explore that side of myself, I would’ve never gotten in that situation to begin with. That experience has kinda put me off from dipping my toe into the actual community (well that and the lack of diversity but we’ve already talked about that)
ALSO the amount of very young children i’ve seen in the kink “community” on twitter is alarming... you’re not a little you’re 12
anyways, thanks so much for this essay of an ask and sorry i wrote an essay in response to each one lol but like I said I could discuss kink all day
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wolvesofinnistrad · 5 years ago
On AO3
          When Hen shoves the tickets in Eddie’s hands last minute he doesn’t get to ask much beyond “What are these?”
         “Baseball tickets. Got them for Karen and Denny and I but, well, shit came up.”
         Eddie looks at the tickets then back to Hen. “These are really good seats…”
         The look Hen gives him says more than her words. “I know.”
         “Sure you won’t be able to make it?”
         “Definitely not. I don’t want them to go to waste though, thought you could take Christopher.”
         “And Buck.”
         That makes Eddie pause. He’s forgiven Buck for all the drama, and they are back to being friends, but a day out with him seems a little more daunting than it would have last month.
         “No buts Eddie. That boy needs a little fun and relief after all he’s been through. All three of you do.”
         Eddie starts to say something but decides against it, nodding and smiling.
         “Thanks Hen.”
         “Don’t mention it. Have fun.”
         “We Will!”
         He waits until later to talk to Buck, avoiding it like the coward he’s apparently turned into. Finally, knowing he needs to do this before Buck makes plans or Hen finds out he’s a chicken he swallows his pride, sighs and heads over to Buck.
         “Hey Buck.”
         Buck looks up at the sound of his voice, a smile instantly passing over his face, albeit still a bit apprehensive.
         “H-hey Eddie.”
         He’s packing up, shift over and Eddie’s glad he caught him honestly.
         “So, uh, Hen had some baseball tickets and, well, they can’t make it anymore so she gave them to me.”
         “That’s great!” Buck pats him on the arm, though it’s clear by his expression he isn’t sure what this has to do with him.
         “Well, uh, I thought you could come with us. Me and Christopher?”
         It’s then Eddie realizes how different the smile Buck gave him before is, because this time it seems to engulf his entire face, lighting up his eyes in a way that makes Eddie feel like he’s staring at the sun.
         “You want me to come with you guys?”
         His voice is so hopeful and happy that Eddie can’t bear to say Hen all but forced him to do it. And in that moment as he nods and Buck grins and shakes his head up and down like a golden retriever Eddie forgets why he was so worried about this.
         It’s just Buck. Buck his best friend.
         Buck nearly jumps on him giving him a hug.  Eddie winces, but tries not to flinch away like the last time, he doesn’t need Buck to notice his sore body.
         Luckily, Buck’s too distracted with the idea of going to the game with the Diaz family to notice because he bounds out of the station with more pep in his step than Eddie’s seen in months.
         Christopher is, of course, overjoyed.
         Not so much about the tickets themselves, he doesn’t care too much either way about the game.  
         But a day with Buck?
         Christopher doesn’t stop talking about it the entire day.
         Or the next, or any of them really until its the day of the game.
         When Buck arrives he runs over, picking Christopher up and swinging him around for a big hug.
         “I missed you buddy!”
         “I missed you too Bucky!”
         Something pulls in Eddie’s chest when he sees it, its something he’s been noticing for a while, and after the tsunami even more, but then with everything that had happened with Buck after he’d kind of forgotten the way his stomach kind of swooped as he watched Buck so effortlessly show affection for his son, so genuinely enthused to be around him.
         Eddie didn’t bother looking anything up about the tickets, so he doesn’t notice anything different about the mess of fans swarming into the stadium along with them.  At least not at first.
         It’s only when the fifth rainbow flag passes by him that it starts to click, just the tiniest bit.  His eyes scan the crowd and there’s the usual fans milling about, talking and laughing or running off to the bathroom or their seats, but there’s also a ton of families.
         Families that look a lot like his family right now.
         2 men are swinging their daughter, he assumes at least, between them, they both have on Dodgers jerseys with a rainbow color scheme.  Another two men kiss briefly before one runs off to the concession stand.  2 women and their three children are waiting in line to buy funnel cake.  Another 2 and their son are carrying beers while their son swings a memorial foam finger around.
         His throat feels dry as he stares back at Buck and Christopher who are walking back towards him.  Christopher is riding on Buck’s shoulders, a little Dodger’s hat on his head that has a rainbow on the side.
         “Where’d you get that buddy?” Eddie asks, just to have something to say because his mind is kind of reeling from how this must look to everyone else.
         “Bucky bought it for me!  Isn’t the rainbow pretty!”  Christopher swings the hat around wildly, giggling like mad.
         Buck’s looking up to him, hands braced on either side of him to make sure he doesn’t fall and Eddie sees it, how clearly from the outside they look like every other couple here with their kid.  He doesn’t know how to describe the feeling he gets, so he tries not to think of it.
         Fumbling with his wallet he grabs a couple bills.  “How much was the hat?”
         Buck shakes his head, pushing the wallet away, his hand resting over Eddie���s for just a moment and sending a jolt up the older man’s arm.
         “Don’t worry about it, it’s my gift to Chris for not seeing him for awhile.  Sorry about that again buddy.”
         “It’s okay Buck.  I missed you.”
         “I missed you too Chris.  SO much.”
         Eddie has to turn away because his stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies and he really doesn’t know what the fuck is going on with him today.  He tells himself its just the weirdness of the entire situation.
         That’s all it is.
         It has to be.
         “So uh, let’s get to our seats, yeah?”
         Eddie leads them down to their seats, which he still can’t believe are this good.  He’s going to really have to thank Hen after this.
         They pass quite a few more gay and lesbian couples, and others that he thinks might be straight ones before seeing little flags in different colors on them that he doesn’t quite recognize all of them.
         They take a seat, Christopher in between them and Eddie smiles, taking a breath of the fresh air, looking up at the sky and then back to Chris.  To Buck.  His boys.
         He doesn’t know where the thought comes from but it makes him smile, and when Buck turns towards him, he smiles too.
         If Buck has noticed anything odd about the huge amount of LGBT couples and their kids he hasn’t said anything, and Eddie’s at least glad for that.  Of course, Hen bought these tickets so it wouldn’t be on Eddie anyway he reassures himself.
         But then again, Eddie questions why he feels like he would even need to reassure himself if there’s nothing abnormal about any of this.  It’s just him and his best friend taking his son to a baseball game.
         The fact it must be, like, Pride night or something doesn’t mean anything.
         He’s certain of it.
         They laugh and chat, explaining some things to Christopher, when Eddie’s thoughts get a bit too uncomfortable he excuses himself to go grab them some drinks and food.
         As he’s walking towards the concession stand, which is pretty crowded with lines snaking down the interior hallway, one of the merch booths catches his eye.
         He stops for a moment, not sure why since he doesn’t really want to buy any of this overpriced stuff.  He feels pulled towards a board with a bunch of enamel pins on it and he realizes this is where all those people with the flags must have gotten them.
         He’s not sure why he keeps looking, but up close he can tell it’s not exactly a flag, or rather it is, but instead of a flagpole the flag is hanging from a baseball bat.  He sees the rainbow one which he recognizes, but there are so many others.  A blue, pink and white one that he remembers seeing someone wearing earlier, a mostly black and gray and white one, a couple weird ones that look like a desertscape and a police flag, but they have strange animal symbols and a heart on them.
         Then he notices underneath they say what they are and he goes back and rereads them.  He’s not really sure what it means under the Bear and Leather ones, or really half of them if he’s honest, but as he keeps scanning his eyes stop one and he feels his stomach clench.
         He’s seen it before, he can’t quite remember where, but he knows he has. The little pink, purple and blue lines seem so straight, even if he mentally laughs at the way that sounds.  His fingers reach out, wanting to touch it, feel it beneath his fingertips but he stops at the last moment, not sure why he should do that.
         That’ s what the little sign under the flag says, he stares at it, maybe for a bit too long.
         He hears the words, and for a moment he thinks he’s said them himself before there’s a hand pointing past him.
         “Sorry man, but yeah, I want a bi flag for my boyfriend, and then a gay one for me.  Thanks.”  The voice comes from a shorter guy beside him.  His skin is deep and dark, he gives the guy a bright smile as he passes him his card back and forth before taking the pins with him.
         Eddie follows him with his eyes, watching him walk over to a veritable tower of muscle.  The second guy, his boyfriend he guesses, picks him up and spins them both around after he’s been given the pin.  Eddie looks away when they start kissing, not sure why he’s stared so long.  When he passes by them on the way to the concessions he sees they’re putting the flag pins on their jerseys and he shakes his head.
         Get it together Diaz, he thinks.
         Once he has the food he takes it back, both relieved and weirdly disappointed he doesn’t see the two guys from before anywhere around.  Eddie shakes it off, walking back to his seats, seeing Chris yelling along with Buck, albeit a moment or two after, taking his cues from the man.
         He laughs, grinning as he slides into his seat and passes them their food.  Christopher immediately starts eating his mini donuts out of the little hard plastic baseball cap they’re sold in.  It was stupidly expensive, but he figured Chris would be excited to keep it as a memento.
         When he looks over to Buck his eyes are on the game, taking his hot dog and putting it to his mouth.  Eddie chuckles as he watches Buck shove far too much of into his mouth before finally biting.  He’s surprise the man doesn’t choke.
         And then his eyes shift sideways towards a guy sitting a seat down from Buck who’s staring at Buck like he wants to devour Him.
         Eddie narrows his eyes at the guy, giving him a royal stink face and once the guy notices he puts his hands up, flushing and turning away in embarrassment.
         A little surge of pride or satisfaction flows through Eddie and he’s not sure why.  He studiously ignores that seeing that guy so openly staring at Buck felt a little like jealousy.
         But that’s stupid.
         So stupid.
         He just didn’t want Buck to feel weird or uncomfortable.
         Not that Buck had even noticed or probably would have, his eyes seem to only go from the game to Christopher, although as he’s staring at Buck, and he can admit he is staring now, the man turns to him and gives him a quizzical look.
         “D’I got sumfing on my face?” Buck says with a too full mouth and Eddie cracks up.
         “Yeah Buck a bit of mustard.”
         Buck wipes at his mouth with his wrist but doesn’t get it.
         Again Buck wipes, and once more and neither time does he manage to eradicate the stray topping.          Eddie sighs, taking pity on his idiot best friend and reaches over, swiping his finger over Buck’s chin, his thumb catching for just a moment’ on Buck’s bottom lip and tugging at it.
         It’s only when he meets Buck’s eyes, or rather notices that Buck won’t meet his, cheeks subtly pinking that he realizes that was kind of weird.
         Do friends wipe the other’s mouths?
         Is that a thing bros do?
         God he hopes so.  He really, really hopes that’s a totally normal thing that guys do.
         After that Eddie busies himself with his own food, with Christopher who needs to go to the restroom after a while, and later with grabbing some peanuts from a vendor that’s yelling what he thinks might be a bit more suggestive slogans than is entirely necessary.
         Buck of course has laughed at every one of them which makes Christopher and then Eddie laugh like a domino effect.
         In fact Eddie’s almost forgot about the weirdness of earlier, getting out of his head and just enjoying the game, enjoying this day with what are honestly two of his favorite people.
         And that’s when he hears Christopher squeal between them and he looks down to see Chris frantically pointing up at the big screen.
         “We’re on TV!”
         That makes Buck and Eddie both look up, noticing at the same time what’s currently on the hugest screen in the stadium.
         It’s a camera zoomed in on Eddie and Buck and Christopher, and there’s a big rainbow colored heart overlayed on top of the image that surrounds all three of them.
         Eddie, quite frankly, wants to murder Hen in that moment.
         He turns to Buck and sees him blushing furiously, and he’s at least thankful someone is as embarrassed as he is.
         And then the chanting starts up.
         “Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!”  It feels like it’s coming from everywhere all at once, he flicks his head back to the screen and it’s still on them, waiting.
         Oh God it’s waiting for them to kiss.
         For him and Buck,
         To kiss.
         On live TV in front of thousands and thousands of people.
         “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” Christopher chants now between them, joining in with the rest of the stadium.  With seemingly the entire world it feels like.
         His eyes turn to Buck and he expects to see that same embarrassment, maybe even anger, but instead Buck just smiles, laughing.
         Then Buck shrugs and grabs Eddie by the front of his jersey, dragging him into a passionate kiss.
         Eddie’s entire world stops, sound rushing out, eyes closed, and it feels like the only thing that exists in the world is Buck’s lips pressed against his, the hand that’s snaked up to cup his cheek.
         Then the sound comes back in like the tides, a roaring crowd clapping and still all he feels is Buck.
         Buck Buck Buck.
         He kisses back, maybe a bit more eagerly than he intends to because this is the best thing he’s felt in years.
         God he forgot how good it felt to kiss someone.
         To kiss someone you really cared about.
         And it’s right as that thought passes through his head that Buck let’s him go, Eddie collapsing into a puddle of goo in his seat.
         Faintly he hears more whoops and catcalls, out of the corner of his eye he sees someone clapping Buck on the shoulder from behind.  Eddie’s mind is having trouble processing hat just happened, he feels like he’s drowning in endorphins though, his stomach bottomed out like he just went on a roller coaster.
         When he can finally move his head he turns to Chris, needing to check on him, to make sure that he isn’t freaking out, but he’s just, sitting there laughing and smiling.
         “Hey daddy!  We were on TV!”
         “Yeah…  Yeah we were kiddo…”
         Eddie feels breathless, he looks over at Buck and notices he’s staring at the field, or trying to anyway, his eyes slide towards him but as soon as he notices Eddie is watching him he casts them back out to the field.
         There’s a blush high on Buck’s cheeks.
         Eddie can’t believe that just happened.
         In fact, by the end of the game, after the fireworks have gone off, to Christopher and Buck’s utter delight, he almost thinks that maybe it was all some kind of dream or trick of his imagination.
         That is until he feels someone tapping him on the shoulder as they’re waiting for some of the crowd to die down before chancing taking Christopher out of the stands.
         “Hey, I thought you should have this.  It turned out really well.”
         The woman is smiling serenely, her hair is graying and she’s got a camera around her neck and another in her other hand.  IN the hand held out to Eddie there’s a photo, one of those instant ones, but a really good quality one he can tell just by glancing at it.
         “Me?” He says, a little confused.
         “Yes, you and your partner and son just looked so…  Adorable, I couldn’t resist,  I hope that’s alright.”
         He takes the proffered photo, and there it is in brilliant color.  Buck kissing Eddie, their lips locked together, a look of utter bliss on both of their faces.  Just beneath them is Chris with his head bent back screaming or laughing, clearly overjoyed.  And in the far back is the big picture on the screen, partially obscured, but just enough to see the opposite angle of them that everyone else saw.
         Eddie’s breath leaves him for a moment and before he can say anything a second woman is at the other’s side.
         She’s about the same age, but her hair is done up differently, or was before the heat of the day had messed with it.
         “We have to go honey or we’ll be stuck in even worse traffic.
         “Alright I’m coming, I just wanted these wonderful boy to have that photo.”
         They leave and all Eddie can do is shout “Thank you!” to them after they’re already halfway up the stairs.
         The woman stops and gives him a little wave before leaving with her partner.
         “Well that…  was a wild game.”
         “Yeah, it really was.”  Buck is smirking now, and since when did Buck’s smirk make Eddie’s mind stop working.
         Probably when he learned what it felt like to be kissed within an inch of his life by Evan Buckley.
         “You have a good game buddy?”  Buck is conversing with Christopher as the rest of the stands empty out into the hallways and lobbies.
         “Best day EVER!!!”  Christopher yells, laughing and smiling.
         Buck and Eddie share a glance, Buck biting his lip, Eddies eyes drawn to them before he breaks away.
         “Well let’s, uh, get going, yeah?”
         “Yeah, yeah.”
         They have to wait in a crazy line just to get out of the stands, and as they’re finally breaking into the main area he spots the same vendor from before, or just another selling the same things, he can’t be certain.
         His eyes catch on the pins again and his mind is chanting at him not to do this, that it’s stupid, that he can’t take this back if he does it. But his heart is just aching to touch the one from before.  
         “Can I have one of these?”
         “Which one you want?”
         Eddie turns, sees Buck coming towards him carrying a dozing Christopher who’s worn out by now.
         “The, uh, the bisexual one?”  Eddie’s certain his voice raises two octaves as he says it, but he doesn’t back down.  His eyes meet Buck’s and there’s recognition there, but no reproach, no disgust.
         Buck stands besides him, their eyes locked on each other, and as the man’s reaching for the pin Buck says “can you make that two Bisexual pins?”
         Eddie feels a grin splitting his lips.
         Buck smiles at him, and he realizes it’s one he’s never seen before.  It’s shy, private.
         Just for him.
         And really, the fact he knows Buck’s different smiles maybe should have clued him into some things before this.
         Buck puts the pin on Eddie’s shirt, and Eddie puts the pin he bought on Buck’s baseball cap.  He’s reminded of the two men that he saw before doing a similar ritual and he can’t help but smile.
         When they walk out of the baseball stadium they look like any other family there.
         Right down to their interlocked hands as they head to the car.
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theamateurblogger · 6 years ago
Hewwo I love your stuff. Can you do a male s/o with all them slasher boys. Hcs but if you want you can do like, Tommy for a one shot. Idc if its sfw or nsfw
Thank you!!! I hope you like this!!!
Otis Driftwood
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Otis is a thirsty ass fucker, not gonna lie
From an outside perspective, it would be easy to assume that he’s only with you for the sex
But let’s be real, if he wanted just sex, he would’ve stuck to his corpses
He loves you, whether he wants to admit it out loud or not
Constantly has his arm around you or touching you in some way
Just a way to stake a claim around others (and to prevent you from running)
But deeeeep down, he does it to make sure you’re okay
Always has to keep you in his sights “to make sure you don’t do something stupid” (like run)
Hugggge exhibitionist 
Seriously. It’s an issue. So, you’ll need to get real comfortable around the rest of the family
Chop Top
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Chop Top is an actual dream to be in a relationship with
Plenty of arguments about who has better music taste and who gets to pick the playlist/radio station 
Out of everyone on this list, he’d be the most likely to propose 
He’d want a full on wedding with the family watching and victims’ bones used as decor
Kind of a traditional guy (besides the whole cannibalistic and maniacal tendencies ya know)
So expect some hesitancy from him to get serious with you
His knowledge of the LGBT+ community is very slim
But let’s be real, he had some fun with his fellow soldiers during his time in the war 
When he does give in to his love for you, he is absolutely obsessed with you
He’d tell victims stories about you and compare everything to you and things you do 
He likes your ass
A lot.
Expect to have it groped, slapped, and ogled at constantly
Would probably be super into roleplay (*cough* the Sonny wig *cough*)
He’s not good at it.
Michael Myers
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Michael is…Michael?
You’ll be pretty confused with this guy
He just keeps following you around and you’re not dead yet???
You become more comfortable around each other and it just turns into comfortable silence and occasional situations where you need to ask him to hand you something
You’ll have to be the first one to initiate sex
It’ll be very awkward at first because you’ll have no fucking clue whether or not he’s even into it so you’ll just stop and walk away
And he kind of just doesn’t acknowledge any of what happened??? For like a week???
You’re aggravated and confused. (Told ya)
It takes you both a long time to navigate through your relationship
It doesn’t help that you can’t just…talk it out?
It’s all trial and error, but eventually you have a pretty domesticated relationship
He’s like a cat that is gone all day but comes home to you when he wants a nap
Freddy Krueger
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Much like Otis, Freddy is a nasty fuck
And it would be hard for me to believe that your relationship isn’t prodominately about sex
We all know the backstory of Fredster and he’s not afraid to take what he wants
Very little boundaries
He’d go after nearly anyone who you come into contact with
It’s like a game to him
You’d honestly have to be just as batshit crazy as this guy
He really appreciates the element of surprise
Taking a bath? Now, you’re getting raw dogged at 3am, water splashing out of the tub
Trying to take an exam or you’re waiting in line at the DMV? He’s fucking with your mind the entire time
Walking down the hallway, trying to get a glass of water? BOO! Now he’s laughing his ass off at how much of a pussy you are
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
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Chucky is genuinely kind of an asshole
And I don’t think you’d change that
Buuuuut, that’s kind of what attracts most people to him right?
He’s kind of new to these feelings toward you
And it really fucks with his ego
Internalized homophobia anyone?
It’ll take time and patience for this guy
But I think it’ll be worth it in the end
He’d steal you all kinds of cool stuff
Plus, Chuck’s a total switch and I think it’d be fun to finally take him down a peg in the bedroom
Bubba Sawyer
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Such a sweet baby
Please don’t ever hurt him
Bubba would bring you flowers and little trinkets he made from bone constantly
When he first meets you and wants to impress you, he makes sure to fix up his mask realll nice with his favorite lipstick and wears his best clothes
Even now that you’re his, he still just wants to make you happy and make sure that you know he’s putting in effort because he cares ya know?
Constantly needs reassurance from you
As much as he likes giving you affection and gifts, he nearly cries when you do those things for him!!!
Please spoil that man!
Loooves listening to music! Chop Top, Bubba, and you almost always spend your nights together listening to the radio
From everything I’ve read online as well as some choice scenes from the movies, I’m a full believer in the fact that not only is Bubba 100% pan and open to alllll kinds of lovin’, but he also has the biggest oral fixation known to mankind!!!
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is a very different man than Bubba
He’s more rough with you and has full knowledge of what he’s doing
Definitely knows his size and will pick you up whenever he pleases
At the end of the day, he makes the rules
Doesn’t mean you can’t persuade him to do things that you want to do though
You’ll just have to make it up to him so he won’t be in a foul mood
Is a bit awkward with things
Especially around his family
I’ve said this already but Thomas definitely grabs things off of victims that he thinks you’d like!!!
Will probably try to wrap the items up! Will probably fail!
Nubbins Sawyer
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Nubbins is such a cutie!!!
He loves you so much
I’ve said this before too, but Nubbins would definitely have a box full of photos he took of his S/O
He treasures them the absolute most
You know those little cute polaroid walls? He def has one of pictures of you and him
He’s also the most likely out of all the slashers to have a Pride flag hung up
He’s also an absolute handful.
Expect to wake up alone pretty often, because this dude just wants to take impromptu trips throughout Texas allllll the time
Sometimes you go with though
As he picks up cool roadkill from the side of the road, you pick up cool plants and maybe a lizard
As far as sex goes, he’s an absolute goof
He’s just so excited to have someone who wants to do these things with him
Lots of laughter
The Collector
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Definitely a bit of a strange one
Literally. Stranger danger.
He first met you at a wildlife museum
And he just kept following you around
He even started targeting people that looked like you?
He just wanted the body parts to add to his collection
Without having to ruin the original
Eventually, he would kidnap you and lock you in his own personal “museum”
He’d show you his pieces every time he completed one
He’d bring you your favorite foods though which is nice
Then he’d watch you from the security cam he set up in your room
Brahms Heelshire
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Such a needy boi
He likes to watch you
Secretively, in the walls
Orrr just sitting across from you, cross legged
You could be changing or you could be reading/watching TV
It doesn’t matter.
He’s always so infatuated by you
I really wish I could get behind the idea that Brahms is a huge sub and would call you daddy
But I just can’t???
He likes to have control.
There’s no way he’d want to give that up
You essentially have to trick him into doing anything around the house
So enjoy being his slave
The Other 
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I guess this kind of depends on how far your relationship has been established
You probably started off as neighbors or maybe just acquaintances that ran into each other at the grocery story every once in awhile
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that he appreciates a good age gap and has more than enough experience with the opposite sex *wink* 
def a bi boi
His attraction to you didn’t go far beyond sexual at first, but then he seen how well you interacted with his daughter and that’s what broke him
I swear it’s like he has two personalities
When he’s out with you and your guys’ daughter, he’s a typical suburban husband/dad
Has a retirement plan, pays the bills, works his ass off in an average blue collar job, drinks beer with the bois and complains about your nagging
Also brags about how good you are to him and has no shame in his game
Purely domestic
But then??? When it’s just you two, it’s like a switch goes off where he doesn’t need to put on the act
He controls every aspect of you and your body; much like Brahms, he won’t be able to give up his control
He’s an absolute dom
Christian Grey ain’t got shit on what’s in his garage.
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sweetheart90210 · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Jikook
So, I have been lurking for the past 2 months on anything/everything jikook related and when I tell you I have never ship ever in my life ever, especially when it’s two people not even cartoon characters. OMG ok before I get into my thoughts here a Disclaimer: I have never done this before so excuse me if there’s any grammar errors also, this just my thoughts and opinions on everything that i have consumed  so whoever reads this your a god and I don’t blame anyone if just you scroll past this lol.
. What’s funny is that this started out of boredom lol, ok so since October, I have fallen into the rabbit hole that this ship is. So I was on youtube just doing usual stuff and I don’t know why till this day, but I search BTS funny videos so as i watched some vids, and  I see my recommended list and there’s this shipping video about Jikook on this youtube call black&white couple, and at first I’m like “uhh ok well lets just see what this is” it was jikook lowkey exposing themselves i think that’s the title so after watching i wasn’t convinced 100%, but I had questions that needed to be answer.
So the first thing that stood out to me was the GCF thing in the video cause it said it was a by an openly-gay artist( I didn’t know who Troye was) and in my head i was like that’s impossible like a korean idol using an openly gay artist’s song in what world considering how south korea is with the LGBT community and as a gay person who finds fanservice not so enjoyable because to me, it's like “ooh looks at us we almost kiss hehehe” you know its cringy and it's obvious the idols don’t like but do it anyway, I’m probably on the minority but I digress. My point is majority are not so open about the gays or even touch on the subject or even acknowledge a gay artist, so when I lookup Troye sivan and his boyfriend all up on instagram and how JK openly admires him and did a cover with Namjoon, rainbow flags, rainbow flags everywhere. And to add more fuel to the fire, I come to find out JK planned the whole thing without any managers, or staff an actually took JM on trip just by themselves.
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Now what really bothers me is how a lot of the fandom likes to turn a blind eye for Jikook and Jikook only. it’s the only pair that gets the most hate. and I honestly think it's because it’ has the most probability of being real and a lot of people aren’t ready to accept that maybe your oppa likes dick. I have a twitter and I only follow 5 jikook accounts and they have a lot of followers but it’s crazy how nasty and ugly the replies/quotes are when they post a Jikook moment, the one that really took me out was the Ice block gift. OMG i have never seen so many people try to disprove something that’s literally in there face with no subtly what so ever like why are people so triggered, and ready to pop a vein, and foam out the mouth lol. I don’t get it. Also recently with the new GCF that dropped there was a post about Namkook with 20k likes pointing out how the video got warmer when Namjoon smiled and basically celebrating the editing, however the same can’t be said when the black border turned white when JM’s scene came on, because a lot people where like “it’s not about ships”, but yet the Namkook post can get 20k likes and everyone can go goo goo gaga gaga over it.....OK. My point Jikook is a threat to these people and unless they come out which I highly doubt they will, no one is gonna want to see the how JK and JM are subtle yet obvious and are showing us to there best to their ability. Speaking of coming out If they were too I would honestly love it if they did after their enlistment cause I don’t want them to ge treated over there differently just because of their sexual orientation. you know how the military is over there the hyper masculinity and don’t ask don’t tell BS. safety is the most important.
Ok Last thing cause this is getting too long and messy. The video was my catalyst( lol I had to) into diving deep into this, so the second thing that caught my eye was the member’s reaction when Jikook did something or where in there own world. Basically Jikook have the ability to turn people into third wheels. like the awkwardness that oozes from the other members when these two start. I’ll never forget the Japan interview like WTF was that shit and the “arrest me”......*sigh* I can’t. there’s so much more and don’t get me started when I found MMA 2018 and Rose Bowl, especially Rose bowl, like my man really gonna suck his ear like that in front 50-60k people like.... do you have no shame at all lol. Season’s greeting, Bon Voyage( all seasons), the winter package preview. like y’all don’t understand these two are ruining my life(in a fun way). What makes this more interesting is not only the dynamics Jikook had in the beginning but also the consistency, and they have extra loud this year as well. so yea these are my thoughts I wanted to share I’m not an analytical person but this not rocket science,  I think JK is the main reason why is so obvious lol bless his heart he truly wears his heart on his sleeve, JM is hard to read but he has his caught of guard moment too. OOHH and the TATTOO!!. THE FUVkcing tattoo
OK listen I don’t know who came up with that OT7 bullcrap about “representing all the members bs, but let me tell you something if you have to explain something that is so obvious, you might as well agree that you see what we see, cause the reach in that idea has to many inconsistencies, So he got the A an upside down V to represent Tae, RM for Rm, Y for Yoongi????, PAUSE THE MUSIC. where his stage name at? where’s Suga also J is for Jimin, Jin, J-hope, and JK....???? you mean to tell me that one J on his ring finger is suppose to represent the rest of the members???
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He might as well tattoo “BTS” on a different section of his hand cause the way this theory reaches beyond the great wall of China is sending me lol. Ok I’m ending this now cause I’m turning this into a rant and I don’t want this to be rant so yea based on what I have seen not only from the past and recently Jikook are 99.9% a couple, leaving that 1 percent cause you never know, maybe they really are just close bros, but the probability is high for sure. Thank you for reading if you made it this far, it’s long and messy, but these are my thoughts I’ve had for a while.
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dailudannos · 5 years ago
Character Analysis!!
Jeremiah James Walker; aka "The Walker"
I wanted to do a character analysis for each of the kids and their personalities
Jeremiah James Walker; the son of a police man, and the product from both mother and child, and sadly a death for a life
Better known as "The Walker" the sheriff of crime-fighting home invaders and stealing thiefs
He's as sweet as he can be for a southern kid, born and raised in North Carolina, until he and his dad moved to Amity Park five years ago, when he was nine years old. He honestly didn't think it would change anything, but the dysphoria of living in such a hostile environment with people who hated him would be the difference that his dad made
The vitiligo on his face and body makes it hard for him to interact with anyone without them asking what his nationality is, especially when he is half African American, and his mama was white
He'd only known Braden for almost a year, the other times he didn't talk to him any. He was afraid he'd be caught or bullied for being...different than the other kids, but Braden just glanced at him every once and a while. But once the bullying and ghosts came around, they had each others' backs
Middle school wasn't hard, but as soon as high school came along, he hated it. All the older kids didn't seem to get that he was what he was, and that's it. To make matters worse, he's a late bloomer, and sounds more girlish and is only 5'8"
JJ is a transgender male; his dad fully accepts it, since he has a son now that he can relate with. He tries his best to comfort his boy when the going gets tough, and will buy him what he needs
JJ became close friends with Penelope, seeing that she wasn't what she seemed, and got along nicely with Arthur and Peter, after they apologized for being jerks to him, Damien came to his house with a container full of brownies apologizing for being rude and not thinking that he wasn't half-black
Amber and Nicolas took a liking to him very quick. Amber calls him 'babypop' ause she thinks he's so innocent and cute. Nicolas was happy to have another ally in the lgbt+ community around Amity, and would sit and talk for hours on end. Nicolas even made him a little bead bracelet with the transgender flag colors on it
Arthur & Peter both went out of their way to become closer friends with the cowboy, even taking him to the mall to show him around and even indulge in some of the little luxuries
His cowboy hat is the only thing that he has left from his mama, being that she passed away giving birth to an only child, and wears it to remember her and comfort himself
Dahlia loves the little boy so much, he's just as cute as a button, with his blonde curls and his mismatched colored skin, it makes him unique. Penelope treats him like a younger sibling, showing him what to do and how to do things in the best way possible. Charlie likes sitting down and just have the boy talk, listening with every intent of getting to know him better, and how he'll turn out. Nova adores JJ, like a child he protects him from oncoming danger when he doesn't see it, and makes sure that he didn't forget anything
(In my defense I made him almost like how Danny is and I'm not sorry for it)
JJ has Nicolas, Penelope, Arthur and Peter to thank for his last birthday; They each came up with the idea to surprise with things he's always wanted. Penelope, Arthur, and Peter being rich kids, it was too easy using Dad's credit card to pay for JJ's full transition. Nicolas & Arthur bought him binders, Penelope with top surgery, and Peter started him on testerone shots to help with his hormone therapy. That day JJ cried so much his face was red and his nose was stopped up. Arthur got scared that he did something wrong, but JJ only hugged him and said thank you
JJ remembers the incident quite well, and doesn't really mind blatantly talking about it. It's trauma to him and it's good to get it out
With an entire team of halfas, he coordinated a list to help keep down the number of ghosts trying to wreak havoc on Amity; based on the chronological order of when did everyone become a halfa, so thay way nobody gets sleep-deprived
Omg I love my sweet cinnamon roll of an au son so much; there's so much sweetness it might just give me a sugar rush or diabetes
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getalittleclosey · 5 years ago
i have a kind of random, long-winded question. i'm someone who, when i first got into the fandom just after x factor, didn't think there was any substance to the larry suspicions. a few years later looking back, i definitely felt like there was something undeniable there, even if it was just an intense relationship with feelings of some sort between them. there's so much that points to larry, from body language in interviews to hidden moments to lyric changes during shows. and i still love (1/?)
reading/hearing about how things pieced together (like the correlated tattoos, lyrics about princess park, two hearts one home, etc.) point to the reality of it at some point or other. in my heart, i feel like this has to have been real even if it isn't real at the moment (which... debatable). but like... sometimes i feel conflicted about believing in this thing they had? i so badly want to believe it is/was real and support them if that's the case. but then louis has said that the larry (2/?)
theories interfered with his relationship with harry, that he thinks it's disrespectful to eleanor, etc. at the end of the day, i just want them both to be happy, regardless of the truth. but sometimes i feel weird about believing this thing that supposedly upsets him. i know everything that he and harry say/do gets broken down and analyzed and sometimes i just want to take them at their word... am i the only one who feels conflicted about loving larry? thinking about it a lot right now. (3/3)
oh p.s. other people can totally chime in, you're just my fav 1d/larry blog so i thought i'd direct the question to you first!
hi anon! low key forgot how to screenshot on a laptop...guess this is what happens when you live off your phone for 5 years oops. anyWAY also sorry this is so late!! i was just thinking about it a lot!
i think, right off the bat, i’d say that if something starts to give you more unhappy/stressed/guilty/etc feelings than happy/interested/entertained feelings..it’s time to take a step back from it. whether that’s fandom, a hobby, a friend, literally anything!! you always have to put your mental health first.
i also want to say that everything i’m writing are my opinions and my feelings and if whoever reads this has different ones THAT IS OKAY!! just don’t feel like i’m trying to push anything onto you!
i mean..i’ve been actively in this fandom for almost 9 years now and been in the larry fandom for about 8.5 years of that time, so i’ve seen the fandom change and grow with the boys and their situation. i think i’ve seen WAY too much craziness at this point to ever change my mind about believing that louis & harry are together. this fandom is so much a part of me; i’ve made wonderful friends, figured out my sexuality, and enjoyed growing up with the boys and it’s definitely impacted who i am as a person. without larry, i might not have that, so i’m thankful to be a part of such an accepting community. (i’m also very careful with who i follow because i 100% won’t stand for drama or hate on my dash lmao)
i feel like at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you believe, how much you believe it, or if you change your beliefs, as long as you stay true to yourself and stay KIND about it. the big issues i see within larry fandom is the pushing of beliefs onto people who frankly..don’t care or don’t want to hear it, shaming other people for what they believe, and talking about said beliefs to harry & louis’ family, friends, beards, etc on social media. it’s 100% not our place to do that!! i think that if you stay within fandom itself (especially on tumblr where things are least likely to be seen by the people in question), i personally don’t see a reason to feel guilty about it. (cause nothing makes me more uncomfortable than seeing “touch your nose if larry is real!” on like a daisy & phoebe twitcam like..please stop. this is why people don’t like larries)
i think that larries DO bring a lot of positivity and support to the fandom though!! nothing makes me feel more safe and comfortable than seeing rainbow flags at shows and seeing people happy to be WHOEVER they want to be. larry being apart of one direction happened to make one direction shows one of those safe concert spaces for queer fans and that’s amazing. and an artist does NOT have to be a part of the lgbt+ community for their concerts to be a safe place for lgbt+ fans (for example: carly rae jepsen concerts are just pride lite). which means that you are not PUSHING A SEXUALITY on someone by being prideful of your own. so in that sense, i would assume, believing that harry and louis are the good, accepting people that they have proven themselves to be, that they would be happy to be a safe place for a community that doesn’t always feel safe. and if they are also a part of that community, then they would feel loved and accepted by their fans in return. and i think that it’s beautiful that we can do that for each other. (i think harry said something about that when talking about hslot?)
on yet another note, the “larries ruined harry and louis’ friendship” thing. oh my god. i’m sorry but this is about to be blunt as fuck...if you let fans ruin your friendship with someone, then your friendship wasn’t that strong to begin with. and we know full well harry and louis’ friendship was strong af. and if you paid attention from 2013-2015 (when people started saying this), harry and louis were still messing around, joking around, playing off each other. they were just less physical with each other than they had been previously...and to be fair previously they were embarrassing with how much they couldn’t keep their hands off each other lmaooo. it’s also very hard to judge the friendship levels of any of the boys at this point because they’re not with each other 24/7 like before and we see maybe 1% of their daily lives. (besides niall who’s never off instagram live)
also literally any time i mention my best friend to my family or friends, they ask me if i have a crush on him, when we’re going to start dating, when we’re getting married, why we AREN’T dating, etc. this has been going on for two years now and it has not changed the way me and my best friend act with each other or altered our friendship in any way so like....friends can make it through dating rumors imo hahahahha
now when it comes to eleanor. i’m going to put this both ways just for funsies.
1) if she and louis are dating, i honestly don’t see how rumors would be impacting their relationship. she doesn’t use twitter anymore and barely did anyway, keeps most of her life private, barely uses instagram and has limited who can comment on her posts. i don’t think she sees much. she’s also dating a famous person and has been for a while, including 1d’s peak years. she knows the drill and knows what comes with dating louis. ESPECIALLY after getting back together with him
2) if she’s louis’ beard...she’s getting paid to do a job. she knows what comes with it and how it’ll effect her personal life and she definitely doesn’t care about rumors because again..not a real relationship lmao.
oh and i also love seeing how things are pieced together! it’s so interesting to me i love that shit hahhaha but i totally get what you mean in the sense that some things are just...what they are and don’t need to be over-analyzed. sometimes i feel like an overzealous english teacher trying to figure out the symbolism behind the blue door and taking a step back and being like...maybe they just liked the color blue hahaha
and thanks for calling me one of your fav 1d blogs WOW ily!!!
hope this helped and feel free to ask me anything else, whenever!!
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lemonadelyric · 5 years ago
1. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? I use he/him pronouns, please! And I have a lot of identities so uh, be warned. I'm nonbinary! Not really sure on gender, or any specifics. I'm pretty fluid between andro/masc/fem so??? It's a big Question Mark. I'm polyamorous! I'm in a handful of relationships but they're all important to me. I'm also pretty open about loving and appreciating my friends too! I'm pansexual! I'm also panromantic and nebularomantic! I know people debate on pansexual/polysexual/bisexual all the time, and honestly I just go with pan cause I like the flag colors xD But also, it's basically me saying I feel attraction not based on gender/presentation! 2. How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story? Oh oof okay so. I noticed it since I was YOUNG. I always thought girls were cute?? I'm AFAB, for the record. But I always figured that was something everyone was into. Then some people were talking about lesbians and such, and I was like "Well yeah, I'd kiss a girl" SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW WELL THAT WENT OVER. People asked me if I was gay, and I didn't think I was? I liked boys too! Wasn't until probably high school that I finally settled on "Yeah, I'm bi." and then discovered the whole gender spectrum and being nonbinary and so much just fell into place 3. Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it? So I present pretty andro, I think! I don't try to fit a masc/fem scale but like, in person I don't really make a big deal out of it. There was a stretch of time where I went by she/her still, even as a nonbinary. But I switched to he/him about a year ago and it's just GOOD for me. Well.... Someone I really don't like joined the chat where I first decided to go by he/him. They joined, and they bitched to the mods about not liking me, but they called me "she/her" EVEN WITH he/him being in my intro. The mods were friends of mine and corrected them and were DEFINITELY on edge and asked me if I ever went by she/her or if they were purposefully misgendering me. 4. Who was the first person you told, how did they react? I'm pretty sure it was my boyfriend, Eric! They didn't give a shit HAHA, and have been all respectful and everything. 5. Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel? So I don't actually remember when I told them? But it wasn't a big deal actually. 6. If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react? Oof so, I don't think I ever straight up told my mom. But I don't really care what she thinks anyways LOL I did have to tell Eric's parents, though! When we were poly and dating our qpp Reina. (Didn't want to explain those details and shit to them). But telling them that meant telling them I'm gay haha. They totally didn't care and have been so welcoming and accepting, i love them so much ;;w;; 7. What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality? "Why do you need to be polyamorous do you not love your partners does that just mean you want to sleep around you're just using it as an excuse to cheat on your partners" All said from people who don't know shit about being poly. 8. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear. Oh god this is so boring. I just wear jeans and tshirts xD Nothing special or SUPER GAY. 9. Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships? ROSE/PEARL FROM STEVEN UNIVERSE I don't consume a lot of lgbt media apparently, huh. 10. What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any? Sometimes! Usually no, though. I like eyeliner most of the time. 11. Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you? YES. So with my chest it's more frequent, I also just don't like being as fat as I am. SO that's half my body problems. Bottom stuff is less frequent but usually during That Time Of The Month (Which, I actually haven't had for YEARS, but I started getting again recently, I hate it.) 12. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community? "Oh yeah I'm inclusive of ace/aro people in the LGBT community!! You have a chemical imbalance in your brain which makes you just like us!!!" Like.. what the fuck. 13. What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? I love how we're all THERE for each other! You join a chat, go "Hey I'm gay" and we're like "GAY??? GAY???? GAY???? GAY????" we're like dogs LMAO 14. What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? Sick of transmeds and terfs and ace/aro exclusionists and shit, fuck off my blog. Also??? Can we stop making jokes about MOGAI identities and shit??? "Lmao this gender is based on being a special snowflake" cool shut up, let people live damn, it's not that hard to just respect people. 15. Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not? Nope :c Everywhere I've lived either 1. there wasn't any close to me/I wasn't out, or 2. ITS TOO DANGEROUS TO GO, or 3. I don't have a car lmao. 16. Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity? Lil Nas X, hands down. He's a great dude. 17. Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet? I'm in three right now!! So the first is Eric, we met on an online rp chat website thingy! Second is Chander, we met through a mutual friend and we knew each other like a year then within the span of like two months we started dating and now we live together, 2.5 years later xD Third is Jay! I met him through a kin Discord, we've been friends over a year but it took a few months before we started dating! 18. What is your favourite lgbt+ book? Y'know I don't think I've ever read one. Uhhh... I mean the Black Dagger Brotherhood has a gay couple??? Does that count??? xD 19. Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened? Slightly! Most of mine is about being polyamorous. I have people tell me "That's not enough to be lgbt" paying 0 attention to me also being nonbinary and pansexual. Also had people tell me I'm not trans enough to be nonbinary because I don't want to transition. 20. Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show? One Day At A Time? That's about the only one I can think of LOL 21. Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers? Uuhhh I don't really follow bloggers. 22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim? QUEER and gay itself. People act like "gay" was never used against the lgbt community like, bitch, if Hillary fuckin' Duff has to tell some stupid teens in a PSA to not use "gay" like that, then I'm reclaiming it, shut up. 23. Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it? Nope and nope. 24. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you? I'm nonbinary! I use he/him pronouns and it pretty much just means I don't wanna be a boy or a girl. I don't mind being called like "You're a good guy" or whatever. 25. Are you interested in having children? Why or why not? Not really? I'm very selfish and self-centered, I don't think I could handle having a child xD 26. What identity advice would you give your younger self? "You don't have to figure this all out right now! You have time! Also, make friends with gay people. They're not some closed community where if you join and you're wrong they abandon you." 27. What do you think of gender roles in relationships? Eh, nah. Like I'm a big "Yeah sure I'll do laundry and dishes" or whatever. But I'd rather share responsibilities! 28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender? I've been questioning and trying to identify my gender a lot more and get more specific, but I'm in no rush. 29. What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+? We're just people, man. That's it. That's all there it to it. You don't have to have the same feelings as us, but just give us the right to love and marry who we want, or not do that, or have our relationships look however we want. 30. Why are proud to be lgbt+? I'm proud to be LGBT because it means I'm in a community of people who are accepting and caring. It's like a family wherever you go.
Thank you for the asks <3
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growingpaynes-art · 6 years ago
Far From Home Initial Review: What I Liked and What I Didn’t (Spoilers)
I saw Far From Home yesterday and jotted down some of my immediate responses, and then took some time to think on those points. I do intend to see the film again in the next few days and I may be adding to or amending this list.
Major spoilers below.
(CW: sexual harassment, victim blaming)
What I Liked:
That scene in the jet where Happy stitches Peter up was A+. Not just regarding the expert acting, but how the filmmakers decided to handle the scene. Peter’s fear, stress, and self doubt briefly shifts to anger, and he snaps at Happy for telling him to “relax.” He immediately apologizes, saying “i’m sorry, I shouldn't shout.” Happy in return responds by choosing his words more carefully. Happy then gives him a gentle and encouraging pep talk in which he recognizes Peter’s emotions, encourages him, and explains that he doesn’t need to live up to the legacy of Iron Man and that he only needs to do his best. He remains on task and pragmatic, but never rushes Peter or forces him to do anything he’s not comfortable doing, offering support all the while. 
Peter is allowed to cry at several points throughout the film in front of other male characters, including Nick Fury and Happy. He is never judged for this and he is never made to feel like his emotions are unreasonable or invalid. Continuing this from the previous films even as Peter gets older and takes on more responsibilities further normalizes male emotion in action films. 
Peter consistently voices his concerns and asks for help instead of overwhelming himself and internalizing.
Peter was noticeably shorter than MJ in most of their scenes together, including where they kiss or hold hands. Peter’s height is never made into the butt of a joke, which I had feared might happen. No one even mentions it. Marvel did have Tom wear shoes that made him a little taller than he actually is, but I do appreciate that they didn’t drastically increase his height like they always did to RDJ. 
JK Simmons returning as J Jonah Jameson was a great surprise, and it gives me hope that we may yet see Peter as a photographer
Peter walking out from behind that car carrying a sign and a light as a reference to Steve wielding the shield and mjolnir.
Peter calling his dick his “webshooter”
MJ stepping in and providing some real help several times throughout the movie 
The movies on the flight to Venice “Heart of Iron: The Tony Stark Story,” “Chasing Hydra” etc
The terribly edited movie maker tribute set to “I Will Always Love You” with “in memoriam” in comic sans was the funniest possible way to open the film
Bucky being included in the Thank You Avengers collage in the Midtown Tech news video
Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell were definitely dating and i’m here for it. 
Seeing Peter fight without a suit was cool. I’ve always thought there was a kind of disconnect when characters like spiderman or black panther fight with their masks on, like they feel separate from the actors. But seeing Peter fight in his civilian clothing made it feel more real to me that this kid really has these powers and can do all these amazing flips and feats of strength. It also let us see more of his creativity and quick thinking.
I’m impressed that they were able to make Mysterio’s mo-cap suit look cool instead of completely ridiculous like they do in real life.
Peter closing his eyes and fighting the drones with his spidey-sense to avoid the illusions was so badass. 
The violence felt real. Every time Peter got hit, the audience felt it. Several times he was unable to stand up, he limped and winced and cried. It felt like the consequences of such heavy action were realistically considered when Peter couldn’t just pop back up and shake it off. 
"If you were better, maybe Tony would still be alive” “You’re just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit” 
“You got me?” “I got you.”
“lets get a drink” “i’m- i’m not 21.”
Peter going to a parent figure wearing an oversized shirt and crying while confessing his self-doubts was an oddly specific parallel that i didn’t expect to get again but i’m certainly not complaining
What I Didn’t:
The “rest stop hookup” scene was deeply inappropriate. Peter, a child, is commanded to undress in front of an adult female agent. He initially resists but is intimidated into compliance when she repeats the order. One of Peter’s classmates, Brad, walks into the room and Peter is literally caught with his pants around his ankles with an adult stranger. Brad makes the assumption that Peter is hooking up with her, and takes a photo for evidence with the intention of showing it to MJ in order to ruin Peter’s “chance” with her. Peter is blamed for a situation in which he is the victim, and the audience is meant to find this entire scene funny. Instead of what could have been a really cool scene in which this agent presents the new suit she’s made for Peter, we are given this very uncomfortable scene of sexual harassment played for laughs.
Peter and Brad competing for MJ’s affection and actively sabotaging each other is unnecessary. 
The use of old footage from previous films was lazy, especially when Marvel could have easily recreated those scenes from the perspectives of the new antagonists. I’ve always found this distracting, especially when the quality noticeably drops between two clips, though this is more of a personal peeve than anything I see as a legitimate problem.
The list of characters who become villains because they feel personally or indirectly slighted by Tony and Howard is getting too big. Honestly I think it’s lazy to keep using that as backstory/motivation for new villains after over 10 years, especially now that Tony isn’t even alive.
The multiverse being made up by Beck was disappointing.
The monsters being the Elementals instead of Sandman or Hydroman was also disappointing.
I wish that the spidey-sense was represented by some creative audio or visual cue, like the goosebumps in iw or the ringing noise in spiderverse
There were several lgbt characters/actors on the class trip but they weren’t very visible. You really don’t notice them at all unless you were aware of who was cast beforehand and were watching closely for them. I’m not asking for Peter to swing through new york with a rainbow flag screaming “trans rights” but I would have liked to have seen a queer couple holding hands or a student with a trans patch on their backpack or something. I had been hoping for Peter to actually interact with one of them, to refer to them by name. Obviously having such a diverse cast with queer characters being played by actual queer actors is a huge step up from Joe Russo’s “grieving man” but like that shouldn’t be where the bar is at this point. 
Tbh the headstone and zombie iron man were cliche, and i think it would have been much more impactful if Mysterio had made an allusion of Tony himself instead.
Why would Dr Strange not be available to fight massive elemental monsters from another dimension bent on consuming the earth like dude make yourself available??
I wish the new suit included Karen so that we could see how she and Peter’s interactions have changed now that he is expertly familiar with the functions of the suits. Additionally, the spider-drone would have been cool to see again.
The illusion to Uncle Ben with the “BFP” initials on Peter’s suitcase was great but I do wish we could get some actual information about him. We don’t need to see his death or the “with great power comes great responsibility” speech- we’ve already seen that enough times- but a little clarification on what officially happened to him in the mcu would be interesting. 
Honestly I thought it was too convenient that May, Happy, and all of Peter’s closest friends also dusted. I had wanted to see how interactions between Peter and May or friends such as Ned would be tested emotionally due to the five-year gap.
The BARF tech being invented by Beck and stolen by Tony detracts from it being used in Civil War to establish Tony’s feelings about Howard and Maria’s murders. If it isn’t Tony’s invention, that takes the heart out of it. 
I had really hoped that the glasses were going to end up revealing Tony as an AI, or at least some kind of message from him, and i thought was weird that Tony would give Peter access to a system that allows him to order drone strikes on his classmates.
Also...  so the drone strike on peter’s bus was faked by Mysterio’s team because they needed to get the EDITH glasses from Peter? Because the EDITH glasses give them access to the satellite that deploys the drones? But they already have the same drones? and use one them to fake the bus attack? so why do they need EDITH? Maybe i missed something but that makes no sense to me. 
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eyebright-iris · 6 years ago
Review: Met Gala 2019
Good morning to girls and gays only.  Straight men can perish.
Well, the Met Gala has rolled around once again and all I can say is: I’m so glad I’m a lesbian. The theme for this year was ‘Camp: Notes on Fashion’ and my GOD did some men decide that this was the perfect opportunity to come in a bland black tux or worse.
Some of the biggest disappointments of the night for me have to be Rami Malek and Taron Egerton, who, having both just played some of the most iconic men in recent history who lived, breathed and ate the essence of camp, saw fit to turn up in black tuxes.  Taron’s was kinda sparkly though and I still respect the dude for his general lack of typical masculinity elsewhere (more men commenting “phwoar” on their mates’ Instagram, please).  Shout out to Frank Ocean who showed up looking like any bouncer you might find outside one of my local clubs on a Saturday night.  He collaborated with James Charles to prove that while some gays showed their best, others certainly did not.  The theme was CAMP, James Charles, and you still couldn’t deliver.
I appreciated the change in pace from Darren Criss and Harry Styles, but to be honest, Harry’s had camper looks in concert and Darren Criss…well, I loved his look, but it also took me a solid ten minutes to work out that it was him and not just Brendon Urie in his regular concert gear.  Glittery jackets and statement eyeliner do not a camp icon make, I’m afraid, though you certainly did better than so many others.
Kim Kardashian was certainly…there.  I’m impressed with the way she managed to make herself look like she’s just stepped out of the ocean butt-naked and dripping wet, but girl.  You’re rich as fuck.  There’s more than bodycon dresses out there.  Also please smack your husband, he’s a dick and he’s wearing a black tracksuit.  Kendall and Kylie were a little more flamboyant but honestly, they were single-colour knockoffs of things I would say you could find at a Rio street festival, except that would be an insult to Brazil and all the ways Rio festivals embody everything the Jenner looks were not.  And to be real with you?  For all the colour that was there, they were boring.  What is it with these women and being afraid to be #Iconique? It’s sad that all they seem to know how to do is emphasise their boobs and hips in dresses with very little fabric to try and be daring.  If they weren’t so rich and influential no one would pay them any mind because you can see the same look on anyone else.
While I don’t like Cardi B, I can appreciate her attempt to get into the spirit of the Met Gala, which she pulled off so well last year.  I only wish her skirt hadn’t ended up looking like rows of theatre seating.  Katy Perry was there as both a chandelier and a hamburger, which, while a step up from the Jenner-Kardashian contributions, leads me to wonder if she knows what ‘camp’ means, or if her foray into queer culture stopped once she was done appropriating sapphic sexuality for male consumption in 2008.  Special mention must go to Benedict Cumberbatch who saw fit to show up dressed like some bizarre visiting cousin of Colonel Sanders who maybe definitely owned a plantation.  It wasn’t a black tux but somehow I just wish it had been.
To get to the real stars of the night, I think it’s only fair to start off by saying this Met Gala was once again, Black Excellence.  I cannot BREATHE for the number of incredible, powerful black icons taking to the pink carpet in works of art.  Let’s begin, shall we?
Billy Porter showed up (and showed everyone else up) with six hot half naked slave dudes decked out in gold carrying him in on a black-and-gold chaise-lounge like a modern-day Cleopatra and, once he had both feet firmly on the floor, threw up the massive golden wings of Isis and owned the entire space around him.  The crown.  The wings. The copious gold sparkly shit. The gold bedazzled stuff on his face. Every other man should be ashamed of his failure to measure up to the king. Also every man in a tux found DEAD by the side of the road thanks to our Lord and Saviour Billy Porter.
If Billy Porter is the king, then surely, there are too many queens to choose from.  From Laverne Cox’s strikingly shaped black dress with her brilliant blue-white hair and statement makeup, to Lupita Nyong’o showing up in the full neon spectrum of the rainbow, black women showed up to take the crown every single time last night.  Janelle Monáe’s stunning artsy dress blew me away, from the Picasso-like features to the multitude of hats that I have no idea how she balanced, she’s a masterpiece.  Lizzo stepped out looking like the Empress of Flamingos and I am absolutely here for every second of it.  The colours are loud, bold, and the outfit is as large-as-life as Lizzo herself.  Her hair was so stunning, I swear I thought it was a crown at first.
Black hair certainly had a starring role on the red carpet as well, from Tessa Thompson’s insanely long braid (she was carrying a WHIP to complete her outfit RIP all wlw) to Lupita’s impressive afro with its many golden combs.  I adored Danai Gurira’s hair and especially loved her Oscar Wilde-inspired outfit: here is a woman who understands her brief and works from it to great effect, and I loved Keiynan Lonsdale’s gorgeous hair and butterfly gown – seeing him embracing his queerness with both arms since Love, Simon led him to come out has made my heart big.
I can’t move on from the black dominance and excellence of the night without mention of two of my favourite looks: Zendaya and Lena Waithe.  If Billy Porter is the king and there are too many queens to count, then Zendaya stands out yet again as the living, breathing princess of the lot of them. I can hear the white tears over black girl magic Cinderella from here.  She arrived in a whole Cinderella dress that expanded and glows from within, a pumpkin-carriage purse and her own fairy godmother to transform her with a little bibbity-bobbity-boo?  She even lost her damn glass slipper on the stairs. A true artist.  As they say in the LGBT+ community: um, wig.
Speaking of which: Lena Waithe.  The lesbian icon herself, who showed up to last year’s Catholic-themed Met Gala in a pride flag cape, and who went hell for leather this year as well, putting every man in a tux to shame by not only out-classing them in how fantastic she looked in her lilac suit, but also paying homage to the origins of camp, with the back of her jacket boldly stating “Black Drag Queens Invented Camp” and the pinstripes on the suit actually being cleverly displayed lyrics to iconic drag queen songs.  She really Did That yet again and I’m knocked dead.
This review is already long as hell and it’s about to get longer because there are more looks that I want to mention.
First of all: Lady. Fucking. Gaga.  My girl did four outfits on the pink carpet in the space of 15 minutes and holy shit did she kill it.  Starting out in a voluminous hot pink ballgown, followed by a more sedate but still impressive black one with a matching umbrella, then down to a slim hot-pink number, huge sunglasses, and statement telephone, and finally ending up in an iconic mesh and underwear set, all while sporting the most gorgeous gold false eyelashes that made the whole thing pop.  The creativity and flair of everything Gaga does has made her iconic throughout the years and this event was no exception.
Ezra Miller FUCKED IT UP. Pinstripe suit with the sweeping train, glittering cage corset on top and a myriad of imitation eyes all over his face, carrying an eerie mask of himself on a stick?  Phenomenal.  The confidence in his walk as he moved and the way he displayed his look was so striking and seeing him own it so much made my night.
I loved Jordan Roth’s take on Billy Porter’s wings, allowing him to show up as a literal whole theatre. I loved Ryan Murphy’s sparkling pink champagne tux and high-collared cape.  Florence Welch absolutely slayed in her glittering wing-collared cloak.
However, one of the standout looks for the night was Hamish Bowles.  The embodiment of camp, with that magnificent fur-trimmed patterned cape. The look is absolutely dominating even when he’s standing still, and when he moves, the whole thing comes alive. Watching some of the dynamic shots taken of him having fun with his outfit, I felt like I was watching a bullfighter in a lion’s mane – and all of that is good.  I can’t quite put my finger on why I felt he looked like a fabulous Mrs Doubtfire (maybe it’s the shoes) but the outfit was one of the best and definitely set a bar that so many men fell short of.
Final Words:
Can someone please tell cishet men to step their game up?  Or men in general (I see you Frank Ocean and James Charles letting the damn side down)?  They can stay boring if they want, however.  The rest of us will be having far more fun without them, and the plain black tuxes certainly are no talking point of the evening.
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 years ago
Trust Me: Chapter 5
Hello again! I know it’s been a while- things got crazy with the holidays and my birthday, but things are calm now. Here we go!
Chapter One Chapter 4 AO3 Chapter 6
Warnings: mentions of violence, descriptions of torture
Word Count: 1865
Tag List: @ren-allen @ccecode @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @ilovemygaydad @bloodropsblog @funsizedgremlin @raygelkitty @roxiefox23 @thomasthesandersengine @spookyingarbageisland @band-be-boss-blog
Virgil made his way to Dr Vincent Nigel-Murray's lab with a bad feeling in his gut. He hadn't been able to meet with the pathologist about the first victim, as the doctor had left town suddenly shortly after Virgil arrived. But he was back, and it was time Virgil met the man he'd heard so much about.
"Doctor Nigel-Murray?" He knocked on the doorframe, peering into the lab. "Are you here?"
"Ah! Yes! You must be Detective Mason, yeah?" Virgil wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but a 6-foot-tall Brit with dark hair and startling blue eyes who was practically bouncing with excitement was not it.
"Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, doctor."
"Please, call me Vincent. Or Nigel. I also go by Vin, Vinnie, Vincenzo, any of those. My ex used to call me Vino Delectable."
"I'll stick with Vincent. And you can call me Virgil."
"A lovely name! Did you know that the famed Roman poet Virgil was homosexual and included erotic homosexual themes in two of his famed Eclogues?"
"I, um, didn't know that. Why would you bring that up? Have people been talking about me, gossiping about the gay new guy? I thought San Francisco was going to be better than this." Virgil narrowed his eyes, preparing for the worst.
"You're gay? I did not know that. What a coincidence! Fun fact-  in 2017, it was estimated that 8.2% of Millennials identify as LGBT+."
"You didn't know? Then what's with all the facts?"
"Facts are the stitches that hold the fabric of the universe together. I apologize if I'm being annoying; I've been told it's a rather bad habit." Vincent looked down and put his hands in his pockets; Virgil relaxed, suddenly understanding.
"It's an anxiety thing, right? Things get overwhelming sometimes, but facts are grounding."
"That is exactly right! If I may ask, how could you tell so quickly? Almost everyone gets there eventually, but it's only been a matter of minutes."
"I was one of the FBI's best profilers. Also, I do the same thing with sarcasm and hostility."
"It truly is a pleasure to meet you, Virgil. Now, follow me, I have two bodies with stories I think you'll want to hear."
Virgil followed the doctor into his lab. He was no stranger to morgues and autopsied bodies, but he could never get over the weird feeling in his gut when they were rolled out of the cooler. As always, he ignored the feeling and followed Dr Nigel-Murray to the first body.
"This is Orin Scrivello, the first victim. You can see the ligature marks on his wrists and ankles, and the scabbing indicates that he was tied up for quite some time and struggled a lot. This is just conjecture, but I'd wager it happened while the killer was inflicting these wounds." He pointed to the deep cuts on his legs and chest.
"Those look really deep. Cause of death?"
"You'd think, but no. The killer stayed clear of any major veins and arteries."
"So what's cause of death?"
"Blood loss."
"You literally just said-"
"He didn't bleed out through any of these wounds; he's got a single slice right along his brachial artery."
"Do we know what was used to cut him up?"
"Standard kitchen knife. Dime a dozen, available anywhere knives are sold."
"Great. Anything else interesting?"
"A couple of things. First, there were signs of dehydration, but not malnutrition."
"Any idea on how long they had him?"
"About two weeks, probably."
"The killer kept him fed while they tortured him for two weeks? Why would someone do that?" Virgil muttered. "The second interesting thing?"
"Particulates indicate that he was held in a warehouse. Nothing more specific than that, unfortunately; the killer did a really good job of covering their tracks."
"Just not good enough. Okay, let's talk about the second vic?"
"Indeed. Kyle Ren. Just finished his autopsy, in fact."
"Cool. Okay, let's start with what's the same between the two."
"Same ligature marks, although it appears that the killer kept him longer; I'd say closer to three weeks. He was also dehydrated but not malnourished. He was also tortured, but very differently."
"How different?"
"Orin had a relatively few, deep cuts. Kyle's arms are covered with dozens of shallow cuts.  Obviously, he was hit in the fact repeatedly, and the killer removed some of the flesh on his chest. Two rectangles, one on each pectoral."
"That's so weird. There was no flesh removal on Orin?"
"What was going on in this guy's head? Anyway, what are these on his thighs?"
"Electrical burns."
"So the killer cut, beat, and electrocuted him, sliced part of his chest off, and finally strangled him while also keeping him fed?"
"That's consistent with what I've found, yes."
"This guy is smart, angry, and escalating. Damn it. Okay, thanks, Vincent."
"My pleasure, Virgil. Hopefully we'll see each other again under better circumstances?"
"Maybe. By the way, and you really don't have to answer, but how did you decide you wanted to be a coroner?"
"Oh, it's quite the story. I was studying to be a forensic anthropologist in DC, and I got shot by a serial killer we were closing in on. I survived, obviously, and when I recovered… I don't know. Flesh and blood was a lot more interesting. So I finished my anthropology doctorate and went back for pathology."
"That's nuts. I'm glad you made it, and even more glad you're out here. You're a cool guy, Vincent. I gotta go talk to Kyle's next of kin. It was great meeting you."
"You too!"
"Mason!" Virgil flinched when his captain's voice echoed through the bullpen. He took a deep breath before answering the summons.
"Yes, sir?" He asked once he reached Captain Sanders' office.
"Come in, it's time we talk about the case."
"Yes, sir." Virgil took a seat in one of the chairs across from Sanders' desk before continuing. "I met with the second victim's parents today- they confirmed the killer's assertion that he was a fascist. The pieces of flesh removed had swastika and Confederate flag tattoos. Apparently his grandfather was a high-ranking officer in the German military in World War 2. The victim was very vocal about his beliefs online; we have a tech team looking into his online interactions for potential suspects."
"Good. Now, tell me about the killer."
"He's wicked smart and almost certainly has a medical background. He's what we call mission-oriented, and his mission is vengeance. He's detail-oriented and covers his tracks well, but I don't think he has a criminal background before these kills."
"Killers usually do. Why not him?"
"How he treats the bodies after killing them. The things he did to his victims before killing them were violent and messy, but he cleaned them up and covered them carefully with leaves like a blanket. Yes, the cleaning served the purpose of eliminating most of the particulate evidence, but the clean clothes in the right size shows an extra step of care. He also kept the victims well-fed. He wanted them healthy, aside from the torture. It may seem illogical, but he has very high empathy. He punishes his victims because he genuinely cares about people.
Once he's punished them as he sees fit, they're human again, and deserving of respect and care. The violence is tied to the victim's crimes or sins, however he chooses to label them. Our killer isn't violent or malicious outside of the conditions that triggered the killings; he's probably perceived in his community as perfectly normal. Not creepy like Dahmer or manipulative like Bundy. Just an average person. He's probably lived in the area a long time, if not his entire life, and has a stable, long-term job."
"Sounds like he's going to be hard to catch. What's with the puzzle pieces, though?"
"He will make a mistake sooner, rather than later. The puzzle pieces are a taunt, daring us to solve the puzzle of who he is. He wants our attention, he wants to prove that he's smarter than we are. And that's what's going to hang him. He sees himself as an avenging angel, but he's just an Icarus."
"How does that help us catch him?"
"Honestly, sir, I'm still working on that part. I want to consult some papers from an old colleague before I add any more details to my official preliminary profile. I have a few ideas, but he was always better with mission-oriented killers than I am. I know it isn't the answer you want, but I learned the hard way how dangerous jumping to conclusions can be when dealing with someone like this."
"Mason…" Sanders started, softly.
"With all due respect, captain, don't start with that. I'm fine. I just want to make sure we do this by the book. Like you said on my first day- 'we can't let this become another Zodiac fiasco'."
"I can't say I like you using my exact words against me, but your work has been above reproach. I'm officially declaring this case yours and yours alone- I won't pressure you to partner up anymore. Just keep me in the loop okay?"
"Of course. Thank you, sir."
"You've earned it. Now shoo, you've got more important things to do than sit here with me."
"Okay." Virgil chuckled as he stood up and left.
"Patton don't do this. It's not a good idea. You don't know who this guy is, how much of a threat he might pose to us and our work."
"You do realize you sound just like them, right, Logan? Thinking you know best, trying to tell me what I can and can't do because of how it might affect you instead of thinking about what I want and need."
"That's not fair. You know that I love you, and they never loved either of us. I want you to stay safe; I can't protect you if I don't know who you're associating with."
"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to protect me any more? I know you mean well, but you have to trust me. You said yourself that I'm better with people than you are." Patton paused. "This isn't about protecting me at all, is it? It's about how you know that without me, you're alone. You have nothing without me, and you can't handle that."
"I… you're right. I need you, Patton." Logan admitted, falling to his knees.
Patton reached down and cupped Logan's face with their hands, tilting his face up. "Logan, you are and always will be the most important thing in my life. But I can't shake the feeling that getting to know him could change everything in the best way."
"That's exactly what I'm worried about, but I'll trust your instincts. I love you, Pat."
"I love you too, Logan. Thank you." Patton walked to their room, leaving Logan on his knees in the living room, alone with his thoughts.
Patton's right; this date changes everything. If we are deviating from the pattern in favor of indulging other desires, well, I would be a fool to let this opportunity pass.
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leiaryes · 7 years ago
for anyone saying bi lance is dead
alright so this is probably going to get a bit long so i’ll put the bulk of it under the cut.
but let’s start with what’s caused this: the interview with jeremy and bex where they supposedly shut down bi lance and anything else that has to do with it. i don’t know what anyone else is seeing, but to me, they neither confirmed nor denied anything. all they talked about was the fact that many people in the fandom take what they say and blow it out of proportion. and, to be fair, they’re not wrong about it. it’s exactly what’s happening right now. they weren’t explicitly saying lance wasn’t bisexual, nor were they confirming that he indeed was. in my opinion, they said the only thing they could. they’re both professionals. they’ve both signed NDAs.  these are their jobs. they can’t just outright say whatever they want just because it’ll please us fans.
now let’s move onto what’s a little more important: THE ACTUAL SHOW ITSELF
look, i don’t know about you guys, but when i analyse this kind of stuff, i try and look at it from a logical point of view. do my shipping goggles sometimes cloud my vision? ABSOLUTELY. i’m a lance and klance stan first, so naturally, my view will sometimes be biased. but everything i’m about to say, i’ve looked at through a logical, storytelling point of view, so let’s get started shall we?
i’m not going to go too much into this first detail because there are hundreds of metas on this already, but if you guys have watched the show, you know how many hints there are of lance being part of the lgbt community. i mean, you could write a post just on the entirety of Taking Flight. The colour coding (the bi and gay flag colours), the looks shared between lance and keith (”hey lance! i got your lion back :) thank you, keith. now, can you come and unchain me?). 
voltron is an animated show. it’s not a live-action, where the way actors interpret scenes can lead people to find things that simply aren’t there (i don’t want to throw anything under the bus, but destiel from supernatural is a prime example of this). with animation though, every little second counts. and for a show like voltron, where each episode is only about 24 minutes, this becomes even more apparent. they wouldn’t waste time, money, and effort into drawing out and animating a scene if it didn’t carry importance. couple that with what JDS and LM have said about including certain facial expressions into characters if they know it plays a role later on, and i have to believe that these “hints” all have reason to be there.
this brings to me to my second point: the bonding moment.
i know this has been mentioned in literally every klance meta ever, but the simple fact that it exists, that the voltron crew took the time and money to animate it, is saying something. it served no purpose other than to establish a bond between lance and keith, in an episode where their friendship wasn’t even at the forefront. they didn’t have a mini arc like in Eye of the Storm, where they were at odds with each other at the beginning, but worked together better by the end. the bonding moment was simply that. a moment, which, from a storytelling point of view, was honestly kind of random. but it existed. the crew used up precious seconds to animate lance and keith grasping hands and smiling at each other, all the while bathed in soft, purple lighting.
if it didn’t mean anything, if it was in no way important, they wouldn’t have placed such a big emphasis on it.
but moving on.
i want to address the picture LM drew when voltron first came out. i’m not going to attach it here, but i know everyone knows what i’m talking about (the picture of the paladins with the signs: race, gender, and lgbt). in it, shiro and lance are holding the lgbt sign. when it first came out, and then especially after the arcs with keith and pidge occurred, many of us believed it meant lance was going to get an arc related to sexuality, and that shiro was going to help him through it. after today, with shiro being confirmed to have had a boyfriend back on earth, some believe that it means voltron has given us the lgbt rep they promised, and that there is nothing more to say. now, i’m extremely happy with shiro’s announcement, but i do not believe voltron is finished. 
everything else in LM’s picture has come true. keith struggled with being galra, and hunk played a role in his arc. pidge struggled with telling the team she was a girl, and allura played a role in her arc. shiro, from what it looks like, does not struggle with being part of the lgbt community. he had a boyfriend. LM confirmed that had it not been for the kerberos mission, he and adam likely would have gotten married. so, shiro is not the one needing help in that regard.
but who else was in that drawing?
lance, who from day one, has always been about “the ladies”. 
lance, who in my opinion, would struggle immensely if he came to the sudden realization that he also liked boys.
lance, who would indeed go to shiro to ask for advice and help on how to come to terms with it.
in the picture, lance has a very shy smile on his face. he looks as though he is nervous or hesitant, like he is unsure and vulnerable. shiro has a hand on his shoulder and a very calm expression. he is supporting him. 
but voltron would need a logical way for this to occur, and this is where klance comes in.
up until now, if you disregard all the scenes between him and keith, lance has very much been about allura. he likes her, far more than any other girl he’s liked before. if voltron does indeed have lance identify as lgbt, his arc with allura cannot solely be it. it does not make sense for lance to go to shiro, asking for advice on his new attraction to boys, if there’s no boy there to begin with. lance needs to like, or at least be attracted to a boy in order for him to realize that perhaps he’s not straight. and the only logical character for that?
why? process of elimination. it can’t be hunk, because he and lance simply do not share enough scenes to justify it. it can’t be shiro, because he will be the one to support lance, and i suspect that his arc with adam is far from finished. it can’t be matt, because like hunk, he and lance do not have enough interaction. and it certainly won’t be coran. unless voltron introduces a completely new male character (which at this point, although plausible, is doubtful), the only person left is keith.
and it gives lance another reason to seek shiro’s advice. he knows keith. they’re best friends. brothers. and lance knows it.
another reason it can only be keith?
because, from a storytelling point of view, their arc is unfinished. seasons one, two, and three gave us many interactions between them. they placed a lot of emphasis on their dynamic (”lance and keith, neck and neck”). they built it up from a childish rivalry to a place where both of them felt comfortable enough to go to the other with their insecurities. and then season four came around, and all that growth came to a halt. it left you reeling, because you were expecting their arc to continue as opposed to disappearing.
there was no closure.
arcs are supposed to have endings. if a character has an arc, you are meant to be able to identify the beginning, climax, and end of it. with pidge, her arc came to a close with her finding her brother and father. this does not mean she does not have any more important scenes coming, but from a narrative standpoint, her main conflict has been dealt with. 
with keith and lance, you cannot identify this ending. you can pinpoint the beginning, and you can pinpoint all that has happened after it, but there is no scene that gives us the sense of closure that comes with the ending of an arc. these boys have more coming. their relationship will progress, simply because not doing so would only be bad writing (which granted, voltron has had before, but this does not seem like the kind of thing that has not been thoroughly thought out). and even if they only remain friends, you will be able to feel it when their arc comes to a close.
and, i don’t know about you, but that leaves me feeling pretty excited for what’s yet to come.
so how do i see lance’s sexuality arc playing out?
if voltron does indeed have lance be a part of the the lgbt community, then the way i am about to describe is, in my opinion, the most logical way for it to occur.
the first half of season seven will see lance getting over allura. it will be hard, but he’ll eventually come to terms with it and move on. the second half of the season will see lance and keith’s friendship strengthening, with them interacting more and growing closer. during this time, we might see hints of lance beginning to like keith. he might go to shiro for advice sometime during the end of the season, but i do not see that being likely. not yet, anyway.
the first half of season eight will see keith and lance’s friendship becoming even closer. by this point, if we are getting klance, both of them should like the other, and we as the audience should be able to tell. during the end of this half, or the beginning of the second half of season eight, lance will go to shiro for advice, who will in turn support him and help him better understand his feelings. lance will gain more confidence after this, and the end of the second half of the season should see keith and lance getting together. 
now, all this is hypothetical, but i truly feel that if we are indeed getting lgbt lance and endgame klance, we will be able to see the beginnings of it in the upcoming season. there are only two seasons of the show left, and if we get no convincing klance interactions or lgbt lance hints in season seven, i do not know how likely either have of becoming canon. but i cannot deny the logic. looking at past episodes and seeing the patterns, i truly do believe there is a good chance for both klance and lgbt lance.
now, this has gotten much longer than i intended, so i’m going to end it here. i don’t know how much of this made sense (if any, LOL), but i hope you enjoyed it.
‘till next time, guys!
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