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sweetheart90210 · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Jikook part 2
Ok so before life gets started again cause the holidays are ending and work is around so I  go back to lurking, I want to share two more things. More on the Jikook hate and the living situation which is the only jikook theory that caught my attention.
So the Jikook hate train seems to going full force and no stops whatsoever like I said in my other post, people are scared of what might be real and their internalized homophobia shows just that, and also their narrative doesn’t follow suit. Now I don’t feel like I have a narrative or feel like I have to follow one I just see  what’s being put out there and what the members feel comfortable to share with the fans. I’m just observing two people who act very close with one another, a different type of close because all the members love each and are clingy, and touchy but I don’t see JK sucking on Yoogi’s ear or, JM taking a 15 hr flight to see Namjoon for his b-day and leave the next day to hawaii, or JK taking J-Hope to tokyo Disney lol can you imagine. And you know even if they aren’t romantically involve at least acknowledge that JK and JM have a special bond it’s not hard or difficult to miss, but people aka shippers and non-shippers refuse to see and act all holier than thou just because you ship, and they don’t, like you’re not special baby. I may ship but I enjoy BTS as group, as well as their music  and they’re making history while also breaking down barriers ok, and you can bet your ass i’m gonna enjoy their New Years Eve performance. I would love to support jikook like others but unless I’m 100% I’ll ship for now . Now I’m not saying everyone has to be a jikooker but at least appreciate the relationship they have, not every relationship has to be romantic it's not the only type of relationship, but Jikook themselves make it their mission because of their behavior and their actions. Now i take almost every concert moment with a grain of salt because it's in front of the fans and what really convinces me are the behind the scenes stuff, Vlives, and caught on camera moments.
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  Rose bowl and the one where JM runs to JK ,when Jk couldn’t perform. Those are the only two concert moments i don’t take with a grain salt, because of how spur-of-the-moment they are maybe JK planned it from the start but I don’t think JM was expecting a mouth chomping his ear. And the other one just shows how much JM cares for JK, like my man really put it into 5th gear and ran across to check on JK in the middle of the performance, now you could say he would have done it with any another member and you’re right because of caring JM’s nature is, but that doesn’t take the fact that JM was the only one attending JK’s medical scare soooo.
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Now the last thing the living situation theory. Now like I said before I’m not analytical and I’m not into theorizing, I like what’s in front of my face and not speculate but this one caught me, and the reason it did wasn’t because of the car sharing stuff or always leaving, and arriving together or the apartment JK bought, and JM’s cryptic 10:13 tweet on the same day that big hit address JK’s apartment news but, they didn’t do it with the other members who also bought apartments and news broke out . No no no it was Dispatch. Listen we are at that time were a new couple is about to be expose and dispatch just don’t give a fuck and enjoys putting idols career at risk. So it really caught my eye when a gossip news outlet known for notoriously putting out tea on famous idols, and they themselves have said they target popular idols, are not only dead silent, and were not  jumping on the bandwagon on the JK scandal like every other k-media was, you would think they would be the first to expose something like this but no, because let’s face it everyone is a waiting for a BTS scandal well I’m not, but with how crazy the media blew out of proportions the JK stuff yeah they are hungry, the car thing included. And the fact that dispatch doesn’t have a single bad article on BTS considering what happen not just JK but the JM paris situation. I know big hit and dispatch have a relationship considering all the exclusive big hit gives them. But listen I know about the rumored gay kpop couple of last year and it was just a rumor, but now when I saw this theory it really starts to makes me question. Did Big hit really came into a compromise with Dispatch about Jikook? there’s no real proof and this just putting pieces together I’m sure some of you have read it as well also feel the same way maybe. But to me this the only theory that caught my attention the Osaka one’s and The saudi one aren’t really convincing to me nor caught my eye like this one, for Osaka I agree that there definitely someone in that room we don’t know who but somebody was there, the Saudi one ehhhh he said it was his manager sooo i can’t argue with what JM said, he’s the one across the country in a hotel not me. 
OK ending this now,  really like sharing this and putting it out there my other post got some attention which i didn’t expect tbh i thought tumblr was dead since twitter is more popular with BTS stuff and this my old account from highschool I just changed the profile, the header and bio to fit what I’m doing now, I’ll still lurk and maybe make comments if i remember to open this app lol, but yea thank you for reading this long post and somewhat messy again. 
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sweetheart90210 · 5 years ago
Thoughts on Jikook
So, I have been lurking for the past 2 months on anything/everything jikook related and when I tell you I have never ship ever in my life ever, especially when it’s two people not even cartoon characters. OMG ok before I get into my thoughts here a Disclaimer: I have never done this before so excuse me if there’s any grammar errors also, this just my thoughts and opinions on everything that i have consumed  so whoever reads this your a god and I don’t blame anyone if just you scroll past this lol.
. What’s funny is that this started out of boredom lol, ok so since October, I have fallen into the rabbit hole that this ship is. So I was on youtube just doing usual stuff and I don’t know why till this day, but I search BTS funny videos so as i watched some vids, and  I see my recommended list and there’s this shipping video about Jikook on this youtube call black&white couple, and at first I’m like “uhh ok well lets just see what this is” it was jikook lowkey exposing themselves i think that’s the title so after watching i wasn’t convinced 100%, but I had questions that needed to be answer.
So the first thing that stood out to me was the GCF thing in the video cause it said it was a by an openly-gay artist( I didn’t know who Troye was) and in my head i was like that’s impossible like a korean idol using an openly gay artist’s song in what world considering how south korea is with the LGBT community and as a gay person who finds fanservice not so enjoyable because to me, it's like “ooh looks at us we almost kiss hehehe” you know its cringy and it's obvious the idols don’t like but do it anyway, I’m probably on the minority but I digress. My point is majority are not so open about the gays or even touch on the subject or even acknowledge a gay artist, so when I lookup Troye sivan and his boyfriend all up on instagram and how JK openly admires him and did a cover with Namjoon, rainbow flags, rainbow flags everywhere. And to add more fuel to the fire, I come to find out JK planned the whole thing without any managers, or staff an actually took JM on trip just by themselves.
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Now what really bothers me is how a lot of the fandom likes to turn a blind eye for Jikook and Jikook only. it’s the only pair that gets the most hate. and I honestly think it's because it’ has the most probability of being real and a lot of people aren’t ready to accept that maybe your oppa likes dick. I have a twitter and I only follow 5 jikook accounts and they have a lot of followers but it’s crazy how nasty and ugly the replies/quotes are when they post a Jikook moment, the one that really took me out was the Ice block gift. OMG i have never seen so many people try to disprove something that’s literally in there face with no subtly what so ever like why are people so triggered, and ready to pop a vein, and foam out the mouth lol. I don’t get it. Also recently with the new GCF that dropped there was a post about Namkook with 20k likes pointing out how the video got warmer when Namjoon smiled and basically celebrating the editing, however the same can’t be said when the black border turned white when JM’s scene came on, because a lot people where like “it’s not about ships”, but yet the Namkook post can get 20k likes and everyone can go goo goo gaga gaga over it.....OK. My point Jikook is a threat to these people and unless they come out which I highly doubt they will, no one is gonna want to see the how JK and JM are subtle yet obvious and are showing us to there best to their ability. Speaking of coming out If they were too I would honestly love it if they did after their enlistment cause I don’t want them to ge treated over there differently just because of their sexual orientation. you know how the military is over there the hyper masculinity and don’t ask don’t tell BS. safety is the most important.
Ok Last thing cause this is getting too long and messy. The video was my catalyst( lol I had to) into diving deep into this, so the second thing that caught my eye was the member’s reaction when Jikook did something or where in there own world. Basically Jikook have the ability to turn people into third wheels. like the awkwardness that oozes from the other members when these two start. I’ll never forget the Japan interview like WTF was that shit and the “arrest me”......*sigh* I can’t. there’s so much more and don’t get me started when I found MMA 2018 and Rose Bowl, especially Rose bowl, like my man really gonna suck his ear like that in front 50-60k people like.... do you have no shame at all lol. Season’s greeting, Bon Voyage( all seasons), the winter package preview. like y’all don’t understand these two are ruining my life(in a fun way). What makes this more interesting is not only the dynamics Jikook had in the beginning but also the consistency, and they have extra loud this year as well. so yea these are my thoughts I wanted to share I’m not an analytical person but this not rocket science,  I think JK is the main reason why is so obvious lol bless his heart he truly wears his heart on his sleeve, JM is hard to read but he has his caught of guard moment too. OOHH and the TATTOO!!. THE FUVkcing tattoo
OK listen I don’t know who came up with that OT7 bullcrap about “representing all the members bs, but let me tell you something if you have to explain something that is so obvious, you might as well agree that you see what we see, cause the reach in that idea has to many inconsistencies, So he got the A an upside down V to represent Tae, RM for Rm, Y for Yoongi????, PAUSE THE MUSIC. where his stage name at? where’s Suga also J is for Jimin, Jin, J-hope, and JK....???? you mean to tell me that one J on his ring finger is suppose to represent the rest of the members???
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He might as well tattoo “BTS” on a different section of his hand cause the way this theory reaches beyond the great wall of China is sending me lol. Ok I’m ending this now cause I’m turning this into a rant and I don’t want this to be rant so yea based on what I have seen not only from the past and recently Jikook are 99.9% a couple, leaving that 1 percent cause you never know, maybe they really are just close bros, but the probability is high for sure. Thank you for reading if you made it this far, it’s long and messy, but these are my thoughts I’ve had for a while.
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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Watch: In another clip, Sanders explains the real reason he got into politics.
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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(via anaverageraccoon)
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 9 years ago
A Little bit about me
Sooo for the past years that I have been here I never post anything about me or share a picture because of my insecurities and fear of not being accepted I know I shouldn’t think like this but its hard and not easy as people think it’s better said than done. I always been anti social and can barely stand goin out with friends I feel unsafe I feel uncomfortable like the world is crumbling in front of me. Im at a point in my life where I’m about to graduate high school and I don’t know what to I have no motivation to do anything I have no idea on what to do at least I just feel like I wanna die and it would solve everything my parents bickering at me but they understand they even took to some therapist but she can’t do anything she just says it will all pass by and just go out more like I said before easier said than done. In the end I’m really struggling with myself and I just wanted to post something personal once in website that I’ll admit it cheers me up sometimes thank you if you read this entire post I know it’s long and I don’t blame you but thank you.
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
Nicki: and now … back to this bitch
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Nicki: who was talking shit about me the other day at the press MILEY WHAT’S GOOD
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
when you need more words on your essay
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sweetheart90210 · 10 years ago
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