#the only difference is I know exactly how to play it with my uncle cause he's very ego driven
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my uncle is the kinda ~leftist~ guy who will say shit like 'DEI is essential to ensuring women are properly recognized and compensated' and 'I'm pro-choice and donate to planned parenthood' and then 30 minutes later will say the most vile, misogynistic shit about his own mother & sister with the ease of someone ordering off the dollar menu at mcdonalds
#kinda guy that says 'i'm a feminist' and then would get outraged if you asked him when the last time he did his own laundry was#man is 65 years old and my asshole would fall out if he's done his own laundry over 10 times in his whole life#he also talks sooooooooooooooo much shit about my other side of the family and how disgusting they are for being from the south#and it's like...... I'm sitting... right here you know. you're saying these things TO ME....#I just sit there with a dead-eyed smile like jfc#cause. for as much as he and my mom (his sister) hate one another and say omg such a dick!#they are the same person! they are NEVER in the wrong. they are always the smartest person in the room#the only difference is I know exactly how to play it with my uncle cause he's very ego driven#just sit and nod and smile and go hmmmmmm wow yeah#and he is happy. he is the grand master. he knows all#they're both of them fuckin stupid. and I feel bad my grandparents' kids turned into...... them#I had to get that all out before the holiday I had to I'm sorry I had to vent god I feel so much better now#delete later
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Hi Face, my video game loving friend!
Do you have any thoughts about the Gallaghers and Milkoviches playing Mario Kart? What do you think their go to characters would be?
Hi Sarah!! Thanks for the ask and omg I finally answered your ask! Sorry for the super delay…>< here I am!!
And yes I always have lots of thoughts about their gaming characters! But I only played mario kart on wii back when I was still in primary school and had played mario kart 8 on my bestie’s switch once or twice, and I don’t know the most of game terms in English, so I watched some videos and checked up wiki for reference. Hope I didn’t get anything wrong😵!
Ok so first, I tend to think that the first mario kart game for milkoviches will be Mario Kart: Super Circuit, cause teen Jaime or Colin would steal a GBA for fun (which was soon pawned by Terry, the younger siblings only got to watch them play). But for the Gallaghers it is more likely to be Mario Kart Wii, when Lip and Ian became teenagers and they got one from some dead people’s house. And of course they’ll play mario kart 8 for family entertainment after season11 hehe
And for their go to characters and in game personalities, here’s my thoughts:
Fiona: I don’t think she was very interested in video games nor she had time to play? But she’d join her siblings occasionally. She usually just picked a random character and played it as a driving game, using items once she got them and just vaguely knew what can they do.
Lip: He is definitely the kind of player who plays to win. And he’s also the only one who will change vehicles depends on the maps and pay attention to the stats of characters and vehicles. He knows a lot of game tricks and shortcuts, and will change his strategy to better counter his siblings (and later mickey, but at the time he would be too busy to deal with parenting and had no time to study the game like he used to do). His favorite character would be Donkey Kong, because he’s kinda meta in both mkw and mk8 (ok, I’m actually not very sure about this). And later for mk8 he liked Waluigi too, for the same reason. And sure, he prefers bikes than karts (his favorite bike is Flame Runner).
Debbie: She didn’t play video games much but different from Fiona, Debs has a gift in gaming. She figured out the best combo of characters and vehicles naturally, and found the playing tricks without playing much. She even won Lip sometimes, but her permanent enemy number one is Carl. Her game skills were better than him, but not her luck on items, especially when she was countering Carl. They keep recording the score between them from mkw to mk8 (it’s really close). Debbie’s favorite characters are Peach and Toadette, after Franny was born, she started to like Baby Daisy too, ‘cause she looks exactly like her baby girl.
Franny: Her favorite character is Dry Bones (She thinks they are cute), Yoshi (just like her uncle) and Inkling Girl (she plays Splatoon too!). And after watching The Super Mario Bros. Movie, she thought Peach is really cool too. Her uncle Mickey suggested she choose Tanooki Mario (raccoon suit Mario) to chase her uncle Ian once, they giggled together the whole game.
Carl: When Carl was younger, he thought Mario Kart was a game about speeding and crashing, so his to go character was Bowser. He liked to crash his siblings’ karts but soon found that he couldn’t touch them if he always fell behind. So, in order to crash more karts, he began to study how to drive faster. Then he found many shortcuts to facilitate him to chase up, and also found the fun of using items to attack others. And his favorite character became Wario and King Boo. Dry Bowser was cool to him, too. Carl’s a lucky player who always got nice items, but his game skill was not that good (he is more like a fps/fighting game player to me). And yes he seems Debbie as his biggest enemy in Mario Kart as well. Carl was also the best Gallagher in the ballon battle mode.
Liam: Liam is the one who always deliberately falls behind at first to get better items and prevent clashes, but suddenly boosts up at the last round and becomes one of the top 3. Just when you see the finish line and think you are winning, Liam will come from behind and silently drive past you. Liam is also the only one who will search for gaming tips as reference (Lip was too proud to do that). He always chooses Toad as character but his favorite one is Shy Guy, sometimes he uses his mii character too. He plays splatoon too!
Ian: idk why but my first impression is Ian will always move his whole body when playing video games, so for mkw, he always keeps tilt controls on while playing games and tilt his upper trunk sharply every time his kart drift. His favorite character is Yoshi, cause the cute dinosaur seems friendly and is easy to play. And later for mk8, he likes to use Villager (‘cause he seems like an Animal Crossing player) and mii with Mickey’s appearance (by pie @gallapiech) too. He knows the common tricks of the game and some of the shortcuts (learned from Lip) by experiences. Somehow Ian was always attacked by others unexpectedly (mainly by Carl and Mickey, sometimes Debbie when they trying to crash the other player, and by everyone when they use items trying to take down another player). His favorite item is Bullet Bill and every time he falls behind, he’ll keep praying for one in low voice (and he’s kinda jealous that Carl always got one). He is also the only one who will slow down a little to safely dodge all the obstacles on the track (that’s how he found that his crush and later his boyfriend and ex and husband looks exactly like a goomba).
It's another story when he plays against with Mickey though. They’ll physically harass each other, and since Mickey will always find him among all the players and use items on him deliberately, Ian has to become more aggressive to fight back. They always got place 11th and 12th in multiplayers game due to it (they still like to compete for the 11th tho, and winning the other one def feels better than be the winner of the game). Not only once Ian said they better play separately but the family love when gallavich play as a duo because that means easy win to them.
Mickey: Mickey’s favorite character would be Wario and Dry Bowser, because duh, he loves being a big bad guy (and Bowser looks a little dumb in his opinion). And later when he found out that Ian isn’t good with raccoon, he liked to use Tanooki Mario too. From all the Gallaghers and Milkoviches, Mickey is the best at using items. He was good at aiming other players, prejudging their movement, as well as calculating when to use boosting items to make the best use of them. He was also good at remembering shortcuts and mastered stealing others’ items (he mastered stealing in Ballon Battle too). But compared to winning the whole game, Mickey was always focusing at winning one people. Just, not letting someone to win is more fun to him.
While playing against Ian, his favorite things to do is waiting for him in front of items and driving sideways to eat all items up when Ian arrives, and bumping into him from time to time (in game and out game). He’ll use all the items on Ian (and he always accidently steps on the banana he set before because he is too focus on his lover). But every time when Lip is in game too, the highest priority will become “not letting Lip win” (and if Ian wins Lip, "that counts my win too ‘cause we are fuckin’ husbands").
Mandy: When Mandy was younger, she’s a Toadette/Daisy player, but later her favorite character had changed to Mario and Luigi (‘cause they are man with big nose?). Mandy’s gaming skills are quite alike to Ian, which makes them a perfect gaming duo. Her favorite item is super star (since all his brothers like to use items on others). She like to use physical harassment while gaming just like all the Milkoviches. Later for mk8, she got her love for Daisy back because she’s comfy to use. She also likes Link (“yeah he’s def the most handsome one”) and Isabelle (she plays Animal Crossing too, but not much as Ian, they often visit each other’s island).
Iggy: Surprisingly, unlike on other things, Iggy really have brain for video games, even Mickey had learned tricks from him. Iggy is the kind of player who can’t explain why he’s this good at the game, but he’s just good. He’s also lucky in game (and he believes the unluckier he was irl the luckier he will be in games), always gets the good items and dodges the attack from others. His to go character must be Waluigi, and he was one of the members who voted Waluigi to appear in the Super Smash Bros. He also loved Rosalina, she’s his first video game crush. But he’s too afraid to let Terry found out he’s using female characters in game so he never played as her back then (and he’s still confused about how’s that ”faggy” if you like a female character so you play as her just to gaib her more screem time). After mk8 came out, his favorite character became to Iggy (“Yo losers, none of you can play as yourself in game except me”).
And a little bonus about Sandy: I think she’s kinda like Debbie, has a gift for Mario Kart but not really interested in this kind of game, and unfortunately, she had never played against with Debbie in games (they didn't have time to). She likes to play fps games better and duos with Mickey sometimes (they play fps irl too lol).
Another bonus: young Milkoviches playing Mario Kart Wii!! (yeah I know mkw was released in 2008. But I just want chibi Milkoviches to play together🥺
Bonus after bonus that kinda digress: while I was writing the answer, Mario Kart Toys were back at McDonald's. I ordered happy meals for the toys and then started to think… Mickey is likely to be one who order happy if the toy in it is really cool to him. But he doesn’t want others to know he orders happy meal (even when he was kid) and he really doesn’t like the milk in it (other things are okay), so he always found another one to order happy meal for him and to steal their coke…
At last… sorry for let you waiting for so long Sarah…! Thanks for the ask again and hope you like the answer<3 I really love to imagine them playing video games🥰
#ask#gallavich#ian gallagher#mickey milkovich#shameless#fanart#ian x mickey#mandy milkovich#iggy milkovich#lip gallagher#debbie gallagher#fiona gallagher#liam gallagher#carl gallagher#mario kart#goomba#mario kart 8 deluxe#mario kart wii#and it's 4:30 in the morning here so I'm going to bed now... I'll reply and edit the typos and mistakes later!#...read all the notifications too!#sorry for dissappearing on you><
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Fake Uncle is brilliant! Love it!
Bruce: so the uncle was real?
Tim: yup
Bruce: but he's an evil uncle???
Tim: yup
Bruce: why did you never tell me??
Tim *blinks: it never came up. Duh.
Well, for the Drakes. I was thinking they'd be aliens as well. But even within their culture they were aloof. Like maybe as strategists but not someone with a family circle. They had no clue what to do with a child. But, their king handed them a baby with his final breath. Earth looked safe, so that's where they went.
I'm sure they were baffled by earth human customs. I imagine raising children is different on earth. They were, however, good at negotiations, so they worked their way up the social ladder, hoping to give Tim a better life (not quite princely, but close).
I really like the idea about them searching for artifacts to teach Tim about their home!!! Good idea!! I'll have to use that!
The Drakes tried, but I think they mostly threw money at Tim. New bike? Sure. Want to learn Mandarin? Why not? Want a new nanny cause the last one was rude? Of course, your highness! Immediately!
New nannies happened all the time because timbo was a brat and fired them for petty stuff as a little kid.
Kori would be a fun add-on! Maybe she offers Tim slightly wrong advice culturally.
K: -and do this! It's very important!
T: does it.
Staff: Noooooo! This is WRONG!
T and K: confused.
Tim was trained that he was a prince, but he also was taught that it was very, very unlikely that he would take the throne. (The Drakes died later)
EXACTLY! That's along the lines I was thinking, but I'm not super great at making up funny traditions yet. Lol.
You are CORRECT about Tim "not being able to change rules" and "unstable position". It makes sense for the AU.
Ridiculous subjects are in the plan!
Subject: I have brought you this gift Your Highness. *bows with jar of slime.
Tim*is concerned: it's moving?!
Subject *shocked: Of course, Highness! I would only bring you alive Grummk!
Tim: .....ok....thank you?
Damian would be fascinated and JEALOUS me thinks.
I am so vibing with the Drakes trying their best and being so clueless as well. I'd love to see a scene or two of Janet and Jack just arguing with each other as toddler Tim causes chaos in the background.
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree in the backyard?"
Jack: "Yeah. I saw an article about human kids and trees or something."
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree that the gardener sectioned off for safety?"
Jack: "Yes?"
Janet: ".... I'm sure it'll be fine."
Tim ended up with a broken arm.
I liked the court scene you had! Stuff like that would be hilarious to read ^^
Are there any differences between Tim/the Drakes and humans? It would be funny if it's something small, especially that all humans have (like the ability to taste cinnamon or something). Just traits that Tim is able to get away with by leaning into his "I was neglected by my 'parents' and thus have no clue how to do normal human things like the human I totally am." Any physical traits (like a blue birthmark) could be cool as well.
Tim, if you wanted, could also bond with Kara and Clark about being an alien raised on Earth.
I think Damian could become an advisor for Tim. That would be kind of cute to see. They could also bond about being heirs of empires that they thought they would never actually inherit.
Dick could charm/be a court performer if he wanted to do that. Alfred would definitely get his hands on the kitchen staff to ensure Tim is properly being fed. Barbara would beef up Tim's security.
Cass would probably play pranks on Tim's "army" while Steph gathered blackmail on the planet's high society (and pull pranks on the ones that pissed her off).
I don't know enough about Helena Bertinelli, but maybe she would treat it as a fun vacation to intimidate rich people?
Duke might be interested in learning more about Tim's home world and what it's like to space travel. He would also be the one to accidentally set half the castle on fire.
I don't know if you'd like your AU to have all the Bats, but there's some stuff they could do.
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Deja Vu
Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Prompt: Part 2 to Past Misunderstandings, Tyler getting the reader to go around a horses again
Notes: gender of reader, italics are actions and thoughts.
-With that said it's all under the cut-
It had been about six months since the rodeo incident and you and Tyler had fell back into that 'Peas in a Pod' attitude. The two of you inseprible again, Layin in the back of his truck in the middle of his dad's damn near ten acres. His feet played with yours, his cowboy boots pushing against yours.
Tyler didnt know exactly what had happened to Moonshine due to the fact he left and the fact you both didnt talk to eachother. He was curious asked about the gunsmoke colored horse and you told him what happened....
Bobcats weren't overly or exceedingly uncommon for the area but they usually stayed away from livestock in this area due to a lot of the farmers killing them or scaring them off with shotguns.
Unfortunately, a few years back one of them ran straight right for your horse, of course your sweet boy got scared and tried to buck you, a foot stayed trapped in the stirrup for a few feet before you came loose.
Regrettably, for you and Moonshine the bobcat kept going right after that horse, that sweet horse you'd had for damn near almost your whole life. There was nothing you could do but leave him because as soon as they had latched onto his backside another came out of nowhere and went for the neck...All you could do was save yourself. Everyday you wished there was something more you could have done.
After you explained what happened to Tyler he rubbed your back with a sad sympathetic expression on his face.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Tiny. You loved that horse..." He smiles as a memory crosses his mind as he gazes at the clouds.
"You remember when we took him out to that field after we ditched school and we laid in the grass on that blanket all day. It was cloud watching, right?"
You smiled sadly, you know Tyler was just trying to make you feel better. Tyler always had a habit of knowing exactlt what to say to distract you.
"You cant say every cloud looks like a penis!" A laugh left your throat as you repeated what you had said to him, it wasnt just cloud watching...your had head spent that whole day on Tyler's bicep cuddled into him like he was your favorite teddy bear, not too different from how you were now.
The way your eyes light up just made Tyler feel so much better about how you felt right now over Moonshine. His heart swelled at the laugh that left you, music to his ears. He was so glad to have you back.
"Hey, I know you might not be ready for it but...My dad's just came into possesion of a horse who's really skiddish and he can't get her to come near anyone. I know your dad's horse Whiskey was pretty skiddish when y'all got him and you were the only one that got him out of that shell, you and your dad...Uncle's (You both called eachothers dads Uncle cause of the way you both grew up together) tried with this horse and she just wont budge. My dad asked me to ask you if you'd try."
"What's wrong with her?" You looked up at Tyler with a bit of worry as you spoke.
"He said something about her buckin' and stompin'. I think he also said something about her tryna bite." Tyler massaged your scalp as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"Yeah...I can. I can try." You told him with a bit of nervousness in your voice. Not only were you scared with how wild this horse seemed but letting a horse in seemed bittersweet after Moonshine. Cantaloupe (your brother's horse) was different cause you'd known that horse all your life but you know Tyler's dad and he wouldn't stop tryna break this horse, if done wrong he'd hurt her or himself bad at least.
A few days passed and Tyler picked you up and got you to his dad's farm. This barn was the same from that night but now the memory was fond because you knew it really had meant something to Tyler. He winked in acknowledgment of the spit you two had done it, which earned a blush from you.
You held Tylers hands with nerves as he guided you down to the horse, every step closer and noise that was made riled the horse up even more. You squeezed his hsnd with nerves, you knew horses like this were dangerous. Tyler's dad slammed something down in pure anger as he left the stable, his eyes fell on you. He had a black eye which you assumed was from the horse.
"TT, if you can get that damn horse to calm down then you can have the damn thing. I've had it up to here with the damn bitch!" Tyler's dad wasnt one to curse a lot but he was clearly pissed as he stomped off.
"You dont have to do this, Tiny." Tyler told you, he was clearly nervous about this after seeing his dad the way he was and hearing the commotion inside the stable.
"If I dont then what happens to her? Huh?" You asked, it was like all nerves had been stripped away and you went into savior mode. This was how you were when you were younger, determined and didnt back down from a challenge.
"Okay." He backed down cause he knew how you were, he grew up with you like this and it was good to see you step back into yourself.
You took a deep breath as you closed your eyes before opening them on exhale. You slowly slipped into that stable. 'Oh, she way beautiful' you thought, a Leopard pattern to her fur. She looked at you like you were a challenge but as soo as you saw that you bowed you head and bowed infront of her.
"Hey...Hey, Beauty....It's alright...It's okay, Mama. I aint here to hurt you." You spoke softly and stayed in place by the door. Invading her personal space without permission is clearly what Tyler's dad fucked up on.
"I know, Uncle was an asshole. He came ib here acting like he owns the place." You said with a smile, that day you didnt even get close enough to touch her. As much as you loved your uncle, he could be impaitent.
As weeks passed you and her got closer as did you and Tyler. You and Tyler had started sleepin at eachothers places, innocent little kisses and hugs turned into showers together. The two of you didnt have sex or anything, it was just intimate and close. His body pressed to yours as you leaned your head back as he pulled you closer to him with his arm around your torso.
You got closer and closer to this horse, your 'uncle' had given the horse to you. When she was ready for it you had saddled her up and rode around with her.
Tyler had been asking after the beautiful white and black spotted horse so you introduced her to him, made him go slow and respectful and before you knew it she'd cuddle her face onto Tyler's arm to get him to pet her.
Tyler was so damn proud of you, he pulled you close to him and kissed you deeply pushing you against that same interior wall of the barn like he did in highschool but this was more. It was more languid and passionate, your hands found his face as he kissed you.
"We doing this again?" You asked against his lips with a smile and whisper.
"You wanna do this again, Tex?" He asked just to make sure you he wasnt pressuring you.
Your eyes flitted back and forth as they ran through the possiblities, 'Was this a good idea? Should I?'
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Who do you think are the best actors in gmmtv?
Oh Cheez Whiz on a cracker, what kinda ask is this, Anon?! Do you know what you have requested from me? The impossible! But I'm gonna make it possible with some strict criteria:
It has to be GMMTV's current roster, so actors like Singto and Toptap are out (😩)
I'm only choosing from the male squad because if I get the ladies involved, it'll never end so no Jan and Aye (😥)
They must have acted in at least three BLs under GMMTV, so people like Mond and Perth are out (😪)
I'm not touching on if they are problematic because I'm trying to be like Jesus's mom and forgive triflin' heifers
I'm capping it at ten because . . . damn, this is gonna be hard
Know that if this list wasn't exclusive to GMMTV, it would be only one name - MaxTul
Okay, so working within these parameters, here are the actors I think are the crème de la crème of GMMTV in no particular order:
Ohm Pawat
This man can do it all, and then some. He was in 2016's Make It Right which is required BL watching, he matched Singto's energy in He's Coming to Me, and he has my entire dash in a frenzy again over Bad Buddy.
Gun Atthaphan
He has played multiple characters, at once, three times now, so at this point, he could be the entire cast of a show if GMMTV wasn't a coward. He is beautiful yet scrappy, and I truly believe he could beat any of these other men acting-wise and physically. In a street fight, my money would be on him every time.
First Kanaphan
My babygirl only serves the best performance each and every time he is on the screen. 2022 finally gave him the spotlight he so rightfully deserves with Not Me (where he played with Gun) and The Eclipse, but he held down the wacky plot of The Shipper against Ohm back in 2020, and had me rooting for him, the square, in Moonlight Chicken. Stay hydrated, babe!
Sing Harit
The Warp Effect and 3 Will Be Free added together equal one BL, so he has done more than the requirement, really, and he has been doing it almost a decade since 2014's Love Sick! Watch this man be a puppy in The Warp Effect, then play Todd in Not Me and tell me why a guy with this range hasn't been a main lead?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!
Neo Trai
Neo is a mini Sing. He played a clown so well in Cause You're My Boy where he was a love interest to Phuwin only to play his clown brother in Fish Upon the Sky, and played another clown in Tonhon Chonlatee. So when he got serious in The Eclipse, he demanded my attention. He played two different characters in Vice Versa, and now he is about to enter his villain era in Only Friends. He kills every role he is in, and I'm sure him and his abs will kill me and my mutes by the end of the year.
Fourth Nattawat
This baby got in by the skin of his teeth based on his two-minute moment in Bad Buddy. I'm counting it because he deserves to be here. He acts with his entire physical body. When Uncle Jim told his character not to be poor AND a homo in Moonlight Chicken, Fourth's whole demeanor captured exactly how the audience felt. I can't wait to see what this tiny toddler does next.
Khaotung Thanawat
I cannot write about this man and be rational. Just know he is pretty AND talented. I was rooting for him in A Tale of Thousand Stars and Moonlight Chicken, yet I don't even think they were actual possibilities. Once he starts to tear up, it's game over for these hoes. Cause understand, if Khaotung is acting in it, I'm supporting his character's rights and wrongs. BRING ME ONLY FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!
Fluke Pusit
I've already stated my case for him, but let me recap the highlights: he kisses like his energy is restored with each lip touch, and he has kissed the most GMMTV's boys. He has acted well in even his smallest roles, so I remember him each time, and he carried his weight against Ohm and First in The Shipper. He has chemistry with anyone, and it's by high time he got a lead. The Warp Effect was sooooo close = Sing x Fluke, anyone?
Mark Pakin
Look at at our man's resume: I Promised You the Moon, Bad Buddy, My School President, Moonlight Chicken, and The Warp Effect. Oh, and he is an actual world badminton champion. The directors I trust with my life, Jojo and Aof have each used him TWICE (Only Friends loading), and Aof is about to get him a third time in Last Twilight. He is being paired twice with Neo to prove they can hold their own against the OGs OffGun in Cooking Crush, which I have faith that they will exceed expectations. This man does not miss. Never. Not ever. Not fucking once.
Nanon Korapat
Nanon may be a nepo baby, but nobody puts baby in the corner. This man can ACT, and he isn't afraid to look ugly doing it. The way his face contorts to show every single emotion as he is feeling it should be studied. The way he moves his neck, hands, and overall body to exude his character's thoughts is marvelous. Oh, and The Gifted? That series was gay solely because Nanon decided to make it gay. That's powerful acting.
Bonus round: Because they aren't technically under GMMTV, but I love older men who have done their duty.
Nat Sakdatorn
Daddy. Sexually and figuratively. He played in 2016's Fathers about two gay men trying to raise their child in a country with no legal protections for queer folks, then he played Chopper's dad in Never Let Me Go. I want to see Perth act against him again because their emotions show on their faces so well, but first I want to see him kiss another man like Friend Zone or 609 Bedtime Story. However, if I'm being honest, I just simply want him to take off his clothes again like in Mama Gogo. God, this man is fine. Oh, and he can act.
Kob Songsit
I can only see him as Kinn's manipulative ass father in KinnPorsche, but Kob has been acting for 34 years, and played in the queer staple The Love of Siam. He has played supportive fathers in Until We Meet Again, Chains of Heart, Don't Say No, and the ongoing Be My Favorite, and he played the older gay version to younger Khaotung's character in 55:15 Never to Late. He has gone on the record stating that he wants to show people being gay is okay and being SUPPORTIVE of the queers should be the norm. He earns his paycheck every damn day. Thank you for your service, sir!
I gave you a dozen amazing actors, but I would love to know who some of y'all consider the best of the best and why.
And also, remember, if my back is up against a wall, and I had to answer . . .
#GMMTV'S best according to a rando on Tumblr#ohm pawat#gun atthaphan#first kanaphan#sing harit#neo trai#fourth nattawat#khaotung thanawat#fluke pusit#mark pakin#nanon korapat#nat sakdatorn#kob songsit#MaxTul above everyone else!
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In Between
Summary: Dany and Jon reflect on their lives while preparing for their next challenge; a.k.a. how much meta can Stargareed cram into a single fic?
(Jonerys fanfic) (Warning: smut)
Jon and Dany laid in bed in opposite directions, both staring at the ceiling, their heads parallel and almost touching. Jon cocked his head as he tried to estimate the distance between the ceiling beams, lightly brushing against Dany’s face and neck. Dany hummed, so Jon gently nuzzled against her soft skin. “Mmh, Jon,” Dany whispered. He felt dainty fingers lightly scratch the top of his head, as he began to melt like his old surname. They stopped just before he became a puddle.
Jon turned his head and looked at the large, ornate hourglass on the table against the wall. He was surprised to see the upper glass bulb was almost empty. It seemed full the last time he glanced at the clock. How long ago was that? An hour ago? A day? A week? He always seemed to lose track of time when he was with his aunt. The upper and lower bulbs separated by a narrow neck reminded him of Westeros. Unlike his uncle, Jon could say with certainty he was glad he ventured South. It was there he met the other half to his hourglass, with whom he’d forever be joined, as they each alternated filling the others’ emptiness with every turn in life.
“I’m not sure I’m ready,” Dany broke the silence. Though she was still staring at the ceiling, she knew exactly what her husband was looking at.
“There’s still time,” Jon responded, instinctively raising his sword arm to lightly squeeze Dany’s hand that had given him relaxing tingles moments earlier. Dany squeezed back against Jon’s smooth grip, basking in the feeling of security only her nephew could provide.
Jon raised his head slightly and glanced at the large, closed door that led out of the room. It seemed bigger and closer than it did the last time he looked. He could’ve sworn he heard faint whispers.
“So, Nephew. There’s still so many nooks and corners I’ve yet to explore when it comes to you,” Dany said, a hint of mischief in her tone.
“Believe me, Aunt, you yourself have plenty of crannies and crevices I would love to probe,” Jon retorted, not even bothering with the hint.
Dany snorted. “Fair enough. So . . .” she began, pausing to collect her thoughts. “Who are some people whose lives contrast well with your own?”
“I thought you were going to ask my favorite color?” Jon japed.
Dany huffed. “Black, white, red, gray. In that exact order. Come on Jon, nooks and corners,” Dany chided, clapping her hands together twice.
“Aye. Crannies and crevices, understood. But still, that’s a pretty broad question.”
“I like to cast a wide net. You get more fish that way,” Dany explained.
“Fine. I’ll bite,” Jon said in a gruff Northern burr. “Let’s see . . . well, Robb, first and foremost.”
“How so?”
“Well, we had the same father, supposedly, yet our lives were quite different. Seeing the disparity in how we were treated taught me what it meant to be a bastard.” Jon began thinking of someone else, that is until he saw Dany’s mouth turning toward him out of the corner of his eye.
“I need examples, Jon.”
Jon noticed Dany’s upside-down eyes. They looked strange. Thick silver lashes lined the bottom, rising to overtake the sparse top lashes every time she blinked. Despite the peculiar position, her eyes still somehow looked gorgeous, causing him to chuckle.
“What?” Dany asked, slightly annoyed.
“Your eyes look queer because they’re upside down, but they’re still beautiful somehow. You Valyrians don’t play fair.”
“You’re one to talk, Nephew. You may not have the coloring, but you took after my brother.”
“How would you know?”
“Uh, I saw him in the House of the Undying, remember? I thought he was Viserys at first. And while at first glance you two look different, upon closer inspection you both share certain traits. Like the shape of your eyes.” She clumsily draped a hand over his eyes, moving by touch alone. “Your nose.” She lightly tapped the tip of his with her forefinger. “And my personal favorite, your lips.” She placed her finger against Jon’s mouth, refusing to move until he kissed it.
“Speaking of nose,” Jon stretched his neck to look at Dany’s upside-down nostrils which were about level with his eyes, “I must say, sweet Aunt, you have impeccable nose hairs.”
“Seven Hells, Jon!” Her nostrils flared as she vigorously flicked the crown of his head.
“Oww. Fine, your nose hairs are less than impeccable. Better?”
“You. Are. An. ARSE!” She tugged on his hair, causing Jon to flinch, then instinctively rubbed the spot she just made sore. “No more distractions. I need examples.”
“Of? Oh, of Robb. Well,” Jon stroked the bottom of his chin, “the obvious one is when he and I were little boys. We trained together every morning in Winterfell.” Jon smiled as he remembered. “We would pretend to be famous swordsmen: Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, Florian the Fool, Daeron the Young Dragon, Ryam Redwyne. We would shout and laugh, and even cry when no one was looking.” Jon’s smiled faded. “But then one morning I called out that I would be the Lord of Winterfell, which I’d done a hundred times before. But this time, Robb had answered that I couldn’t be the Lord of Winterfell because I was bastard-born, and that his lady mother said I could never be the Lord of Winterfell.”
“Oh Jon,” Dany said sympathetically, and scratched his head.
“I don’t think he was trying to be mean or anything. But the reason I remember it so vividly was because it was the first time I truly realized I was different than Robb. And though we spent almost all our time together, there would always be a wall between us separating who we were, and a ceiling over my head separating who we could become.”
“And it was Lady Stark who told Robb?” Dany asked with a flat, annoyed tone.
“Aye. She didn’t like that we were so close, but there wasn’t much she could do because Uncle Ned insisted on it. So, she’d make comments like that. I mean, there was nothing inherently wrong with telling Robb how the world worked, and what he stood to inherit.”
“But I have a feeling she neglected to tell him to never rub it in your face. After all, seven-year-olds aren’t know for their tact,” Dany said with a frown.
Jon just nodded and gave a sad smile. “She always used to glare at me with her deep blue eyes and hard cold mouth, whenever I bested Robb at swords or sums or most anything. You see, not only were Robb and I best friends and constant companions, we were rivals, always competing. Her look seemed to say, ‘Who are you?’ ‘This is not your place.’ ‘Why are you here?’” Jon imitated Lady Stark’s Southern accent. “But it would never stop me. Even though her stare made me feel uncomfortable and unwanted, I felt like I had to prove myself—to show the world I was worthy of being Lord Stark’s son, even if only a bastard. I hoped that if I did so, one day people would say Ned Stark had four sons, not three.”
Dany turned around so that she was laying her head on Jon’s chest. Then she rose for a moment so the tips of her hair kissed the parts of Jon’s chest not covered by his tunic, causing Jon to grin. “And what would Lady Stark do if she knew you were married to a queen?” Dany asked with a smirk.
Jon reached for a pillow and put it behind his head. “That would probably earn a scowl or three,” Jon answered, causing Dany to giggle at her favorite dragon reference as she laid her head back down on Jon. “But yes, not being allowed to sit with my siblings during the feast when King Robert visited Winterfell caused some resentment. Looking back, I’m not particularly proud of the thoughts I had as I watched Robb escort Myrcella to the feast. Tyrion said Myrcella was nothing like her mother, and of course Robb was the best brother I could’ve hoped for. But I was just upset at the situation. Oh, and I remember Prince Joffrey insulting Robb in the training yard, but completely ignoring me. It seemed bastards were beneath even his contempt, though of course, he turned out to be one himself.” Jon grinned.
“Gods, Cersei’s farce of a marriage to the King was such a disaster. I’ll never know how she could possibly think she could get away with fucking her brother behind the King’s back for years and passing off Jaime’s bastards as Robert’s heirs, when they looked nothing like him.” Dany lifted her head as Jon flipped his pillow to feel the coolness of the other side against neck and face. That was fast. I must be making him warm, she thought. She laid her head back on Jon’s chest. While Jon was warm, it was worth it because she loved hearing his heartbeat, something you could never enjoy with even the coolest pillow. Though now Jon’s heartbeat was so faint she could scarcely hear it.
“But back to Lady Stark,” Dany said. “What would you say was the worst thing she did to you? Telling you that Bran’s accident should’ve happened to you?”
“That was pretty bad, admittedly. Though I also think she was grieving and not in her right mind. Honestly, her attempts to poison any relationship I had with my siblings, and never calling me by name, only ‘bastard,’ were more painful because they weren’t a one-time thing. But the worst was when she kicked me out of Winterfell when I was four-and-ten. And Uncle Ned couldn’t take me with him to King’s Landing. The only other place I had family was the Wall, with my Uncle Benjen. To be honest, it was my idea to join the Watch in the beginning. I assumed the men there were like my Uncle Benjen, and it’d be a place where even a bastard could rise high. But once I got there, I realized Tyrion was right. It was mainly criminals who barely knew how to fight and knew even less of honor. I wanted to go back to Winterfell, to be with Robb, Bran, and Rickon. But I knew Lady Stark wouldn’t allow it. So, I said my vows and swore my life away, for better or worse.”
Dany threw an arm and leg over Jon and hugged him with her entire body. “I’m sorry the world is such an awful place for a lot of people,” she said in a muffled tone, her warm breath tickling Jon’s chest.
“Granted, when I got to the Wall, Donal Noye and others helped me realize how good I had it at Winterfell. Most of the common-born men of the Night’s Watch would’ve loved being raised as a noble bastard alongside trueborn half siblings. But it was still surreal when Robb became king. I mean, Robb and I played together, fought together, shared our first cup of wine. But because we didn’t share mother’s milk, he became a king who I imagined would be sipping summerwine from jeweled goblets, while I was kneeling beside a stream sucking snowmelt from cupped hands. I still remember what Lord Commander Mormont told me after Robb’s ascension: ‘They will garb your brother Robb in silks, satins, and velvets of a hundred different colors, while you live and die in black ringmail. He will wed some beautiful princess and father sons on her. You’ll have no wife, nor will you ever hold a child of your own blood in your arms. Robb will rule, you will serve. Men will call you a crow. Him they’ll call Your Grace. Singers will praise every little thing he does, while your greatest deeds all go unsung. Tell me that none of this troubles you, Jon, and I’ll name you a liar.’”
Dany laughed. “He had the right of it.”
Jon nodded. “Aye.”
“I’m curious, as you’ve gotten older, has your opinion of Lady Stark changed?” Dany asked, running her fingertip along the edge of Jon’s tunic.
Jon took a deep breath. “I think, for the most part, her actions were understandable. She had a duty to her Tully family to make sure Robb would inherit Winterfell and that her other children would have favorable matches. It was also rational for her to be wary of me, a bastard who, unlike her trueborn sons, looked like her lord husband. Seven Hells, just think of the trouble the Blackfyres caused our family over the years. And Ramsay Bolton likely murdered his trueborn brother who was nothing but kind to him. According to Lady Dustin, Domeric Bolton almost sounded like a Northern Rhaegar, with his love of books, harps, and horses.”
“Well, I don’t think all bastards should be judged based on Ramsay’s actions. He was definitely the worst of the worst,” Dany said, peaking underneath Jon’s shirt.
“I’m not sure, everyone knows bastards are wanton and treacherous by nature, having been born of lust and deceit,” Jon said sarcastically. “I had once meant to prove them wrong, to show my lord father that I could be as good and true a son as Robb.” Jon gave a bitter laugh. “But then Robb became a hero king, while I became a turncloak murderer.” Jon cracked his knuckles.
“But you were ordered to slay your superior to prove your loyalty to the wildlings so you could infiltrate their ranks, right?”
“Doesn’t matter. Truth is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is how things are perceived. Me and Robb’s divergent paths almost remind me of two leaves floating next to each other in a river. Once they take different paths around a rock, they can quickly find themselves on opposite sides of the river, at the mercy of currents beyond their control. It’s a shame more people don’t pause to consider whether bastards’ supposed behavior is the result of everyone treating them with suspicion and never giving them the benefit of the doubt. It’s easy to become how people treat you, even if it really isn’t who you are.”
“Regardless, I still don’t understand why Catelyn didn’t adjust her level of suspicion when she saw how close you were with your siblings,” Dany said, running her fingernails along Jon’s bare chest.
“Well, even Theon showed how someone who was treated kindly by a family could turn on them,” Jon said sadly. “But you’re right. I would’ve hoped that, because my love and loyalty to my trueborn siblings was obvious to everyone, I wouldn’t be viewed as a potential traitor.”
“I guess even if Lady Stark was not concerned about you, she still had no idea if your loyalty would be shared by your sons, and their sons,” Dany said.
“Aye.” Jon took a deep breath and stretched his arms, momentarily causing Dany’s head to rise. “That’s why I think the crux of our conflict was based on how custom and inheritance laws pitted us against one another. I’d like to think that, under different circumstances, we’d have gotten along. For example, if Rhaegar had won at the Trident, and I had grown up in King’s Landing and then went to Winterfell to foster with Uncle Ned, I believe we would have been on friendly terms.”
“Are you kidding? She would’ve been your best friend and probably would’ve begged you to marry Sansa!” Dany japed, running her fingertip beneath Jon’s tunic until she found a nipple, which she proceeded to tease until it stiffened.
Jon snorted and grabbed Dany’s hand so he could speak. “Aye, I believe it. Wait, would I be a legitimized bastard or a trueborn prince in this imaginary world?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Dany said. “Sansa would want this either way.” Dany moved her hand to grab Jon’s cock through his small clothes. Then she leaned forward and whispered, “But I’d fly up to Winterfell on Drogon and tell her to leave you alone because this,” she squeezed his cock, “is all mine.”
Jon closed his eyes and moaned. Then he scrunched his face. “Wait, how do you have dragons in this imaginary world? You would’ve never met Illyrio.”
“I have dragons in every world, real or imaginary. It’s what I do. It’s who I am,” Dany replied, lightly stroking Jon’s cock through the thin fabric.
“Maybe so. But ‘Drogon’?” Jon opened his eyes and cocked his brow.
“No, obviously he wouldn’t be Drogon in this imaginary world,” Dany said, beginning to get annoyed. “I’d probably name him after someone I loved who had passed away. And if you keep it up, he just might be named Jongon,” Dany playfully threatened.
Jon shook his head and gave a half smile. “We need to work on your fictional names, my love.”
Dany made a face at him, wrinkling her nose in disdain, like Arya used to. Then she laid her head back on his chest. Her satin night gown felt cool against his side as his tunic had ridden up.
“That said, not everything Lady Stark did with regards to me was based on protecting her family. She clearly had a grudge against me. Which, again, is understandable to an extent, though not necessarily justified,” Jon said.
“Not justified at all, but I agree, we’re only human,” Dany said sadly.
“After Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover arrived in Winterfell with Robb’s Will which named me King in the North, Maege confided that Lady Stark argued for some distant Vale cousins to inherit Winterfell over me. And Catelyn kept worrying what would happen if I ever ‘bred.’”
Dany rolled her eyes. “According to Ser Barristan, King Robert was also worried that I might ‘breed,’ which is why he sent assassins against me after I married Drogo. Isn’t it great to be viewed as an animal?”
“Aye, though I can’t say I’m surprised Lady Stark used that language.” Jon smiled. “But apparently Robb refused, told her that Ned Stark had four sons, and said I should be the heir over some Vale lordling who had never even seen Winterfell.” Jon paused and swallowed as his vision began to blur.
“He really was a good brother, wasn’t he,” Dany said, looking up at Jon.
Jon nodded and wiped his eyes. “Aye. He always treated me as a brother, as an equal. He never made me feel lesser, especially the older he got and began to realize how unfair things were. He would’ve made a great King, Warden, or Lord of Winterfell. He had the best qualities of Ned and Catelyn. Though it’s a shame those good qualities got him killed by turncloaks desperate for power. The irony for Catelyn is that, by treating me badly to protect Robb, she actually sowed the seeds for his demise. Now, I don’t know this for sure, but I suspect the reason he insisted on marrying Jeyne after taking her maidenhead is in part because of Ned’s honor, but also because he didn’t want any potential child he had with her to grow up a bastard and be treated like his mother treated me.”
“That may very well be true,” Dany said. “Life is fully of sad ironies.” She removed the golden ring with the dragon signet Jon had given her and started playing with it. My mother’s.
“Speaking of metals,” Jon said, looking at Dany’s ring. “While Robb and I show the differences in how bastards and trueborn are treated, Theon Greyjoy and I show the different ways someone can react to being an outcast. We were both raised in Winterfell but were never part of the real family. Theon because he was a ward, me because I was a bastard. We both struggled with feelings of envy and not belonging. But, while I remained loyal to my family, Theon betrayed the family that had treated him well by sacking Winterfell and allegedly killing Bran and Rickon. Granted, I don’t think Theon owed the Starks loyalty like I did. After all, he was, essentially, Ned Stark’s hostage, whose life could end at any time based on Balon Greyjoy’s behavior. But he was well treated during his time in Winterfell, and to repay that with the level of betrayal he engaged in is inexcusable.”
Dany rotated the ring with her fingertips. “Even he admits that. But, of course, he suffered greatly for that betrayal,” Dany said, wincing.
“Aye, that he did. The gods don’t always reward the just and punish the wicked, but they did in Theon’s case.”
“Why do you think he did it?”
Jon scratched his nose and thought for a second. “From speaking with Asha, Theon initially tried to get the Ironborn to fight with Robb. But after being rejected by his father, humiliated by his sister, and enduring mockery for being a Northerner, I think he wanted to prove his blood was still salt and iron. So, he went along with Balon’s plan to attack the North while most of the North’s fighting men were South of the Neck. Ultimately, a young man concerned about his place in the world is a dangerous thing. While it sometimes leads to acts of bravery and heroism, it seems to equally lead to acts of shameless killing, though no doubt viewed as heroism by the killer in his desire for glory. I think the latter occurred with Theon.”
“And the former occurred with you,” Dany said in a sing-song voice, rising to kiss Jon on the cheek. She rested her head beside his own and stared at him with hooded eyes. Her kiss caused tingles to rush down Jon’s neck, while her praise reddened his face.
Dany looked at Jon’s unblemished eye. The eye I would’ve seen a thousand times had we grown up together, had Rhaegar won at the Trident, she thought. Jon lifted his hand and began lightly caressing her cheek with his thumb. Dany leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, a soft smile forming on her lips. Then Jon took the ring and slid it back on to Dany’s finger, studying the dragon.
“Speaking of dragons, black ones anyways, what about Aegon the Pretender?” Dany asked. “I feel like his life contrasted well with my own, but I’m curious if you think the same as to your own life.”
“Yes to both,” Jon said. “As for my life, while we were both ‘hidden,’ I didn’t realize I was being hidden, while he was very much aware.”
“But in a way he was being hidden from his true identity as Illyrio’s son and descendant of the female line of Blackfyres through his mother, Serra,” Dany pointed out.
“True. That’s because his hidden identify wasn’t actually his identity, while mine was. Also, I was being hidden for my own protection, not to take back the throne, while he was hidden so his handlers could gain power. That became obvious after speaking with Tyrion, who said Varys told him ‘power resides where men believes it resides. No more and no less.’”
“Don’t forget that Illyrio actually told Tyrion that ‘black or red, a dragon is still a dragon,’” Dany said, shaking her head. “Of course, I knew Aegon was fake when I saw my vision of a mummer’s dragon.”
“Another contrast is that many in Westeros accepted him as Rhaegar’s son—because he had the look, the sword, and other trappings—even though he wasn’t,” Jon said.
“It was strange that he carried Blackfyre, all the while insisting he wasn’t a . . . Blackfyre,” Dany joked.
“By contrast, I never proclaimed I was Rhaegar’s son, even though I was.”
“Do you regret not telling more people?” Dany asked.
“No. I told the people who needed to know: you, my Stark family, and our closest advisors. There was no need to make a formal announcement to the lords at large because they were already allowing me to lead the fight against the Dead. We didn’t need to be distracted by questions of paternity and legitimacy.”
“Well, I think most people realized the truth by the end. After all, not many Starks could have mounted Rhaegal. And the quartered sigil you took into battle likely put any doubts to rest.”
Jon grinned. “Aye, the sigil I used as King in the North—Ghost on a black background—was relegated to one quarter. House Targaryen’s sigil occupied two quarters. And a blue winter rose on a white background filled the fourth square. I still think I should’ve used the Knight of the Laughing Tree to honor my mother.
“No,” Dany insisted. “As I said then, a blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice filling the air with sweetness was a vision I had of you back in Essos. It was sentimental to me.”
“You also dreamed of me being your shadow lover,” Jon said with a wink.
“True, but that’s probably not something you should have on a sigil,” Dany japed.
Jon chuckled. “But, back to Aegon, I think my biggest contrast with him was that, while he claimed to be the rightful heir, even though he wasn’t, I never claimed to be the heir, even though I very well may’ve been.”
“Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Lord Commander Gerold Hightower seemed to think so when they gave up their lives to protect you instead of fleeing to Dragonstone to protect Viserys,” Dany said.
“Aye. They knew about my parents’ marriage. And I don’t think they were the only ones. When I became Lord of Winterfell, I received notes the prior Maester had written before his death. Maester Luwin’s detailed writings went back years, discussing all manner of things, but there was a section for each of the Starks, including me. Most of it concerned illnesses and physical examinations, but Maester Luwin was also concerned with other matters.”
“Gossip?” Dany asked.
Jon laughed. “Not quite. Just, important information detailing the development of each Stark, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.”
“What did it say about you?”
“It mentioned that, a few times over the years, Lord Stark had to put the issue of my mother’s identity to rest. He would never say who my mother was, but would say I was his ‘blood’ and that was all anyone needed to know.”
Dany laughed. “Well, that was true.”
“Aye. Lord Stark hated lying and avoided it when he could. Which makes me wonder . . . you see, years later, according to Maester Luwin’s account, when Lady Stark insisted that I couldn’t stay in Winterfell, Ned Stark called her ‘damnably cruel’ because she knew ‘a boy with a bastard’s name’ would be shunned in King’s Landing. When I read it, I thought it strange that Lord Stark didn’t just say a ‘bastard’ would be shunned.”
“Because you weren’t a bastard; you were a boy with a bastard’s name,” Dany said, anticipating Jon’s line of thinking. Jon nodded, then he smirked. “What?” Dany asked, grinning.
“When I learned that my parents married, so that I arguably had a claim to the throne, it made many prior statements I and others had made deliciously ironic. For example, when Arya asked why I wasn’t sparring with Joffrey and Robb when King Robert came to Winterfell, I told her it was because ‘bastards are not allowed to damage young princes. Any bruises they take in the practice yard must come from trueborn swords.’”
“Which was a true statement, it just applied in the reverse,” Dany said with a broad smile.
“Aye, the gods surely have a sense of humor when they’re not killing people,” Jon said. “Speaking of Arya, she said a guard once told her that a certain black cat that roamed the Red Keep, whom he referred to as a ‘black bastard,’ was ‘the real king of the castle.’ Arya had forgotten about it until she heard people in Braavos refer to me as the ‘Black Bastard of the Wall.’ I couldn’t help but laugh because I’d been called that by Tormund and other wildlings numerous times."
Dany laughed. “I think I’d like to meet that cat.” She absent-mindedly rubbed her thighs together as she thought of something to say to fill the silence. “Wait, Ser Barristan said my niece Rhaenys had a black kitten she called Balerion. I wonder what happened to him after she died? Do you think it’s possible they’re the same cat?”
A line appeared between Jon’s brows. “I don’t know. That would be fascinating if it were true. I’d have a connection to my half-sister through Arya and the cat.”
“Balerion,” Dany reminded him.
“Aye, Balerion.”
“You know, you two are also connected because you share the same father,” Dany added with a slight smirk.
Jon just shook his head and tapped Dany’s nose, though he had to retreat when his aunt tried to bite his finger. They were both quiet for a bit, and then Jon chuckled. “Back to the ironies, I also remember telling Sam it would be folly for Melisandre to burn Mance Rayder for a king’s blood sacrifice because ‘Mance’s blood is no more royal than mine own.’ I told Gilly not to kneel for me because ‘that’s just for kings.’ And Mance even told me that the skinchanger, Varamyr, asked if he could try to steal Ghost from me because Ghost ‘would be a second life worthy of a king.’”
“Well, was he right?” Dany asked with cocked brow.
Jon’s forehead creased for a moment. “Considering Ghost protected my mind during death and showed me who my mothers was, I’d say he was. Oh, and then there was Mormont’s raven who would always call me ‘king.’ Though, according to Bran, the raven was controlled by Bloodraven, who’d been guiding me, Bran, and others.”
“He was your Quaithe,” Dany said.
“Aye,” Jon agreed with a smile. “Another thing we have in common.”
Jon got up and poured them both some wine. There was only one cup, so they both sat cross legged on the bed, alternating sips.
“And then there’s you,” Jon said.
“Me?” Dany asked, genuinely surprised. “You may need to be careful, Lord Commander,” she half-japed.
Jon chuckled then took a sip. “No, just because you contrast with my life, doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. It just means you contrast with my life.”
“I’m a woman, you’re a man. I have silver hair and purple eyes, you have brown and gray. You grew up in Westeros, I grew up in Essos,” Dany rattled off.
“True, those are differences. But I was thinking along another line. A big contrast is that you always knew your identity, whereas mine was hidden. And you accomplished so much early on, whereas, at least compared to you, I was a late bloomer.”
“You mean you didn’t single-handedly bring back dragons into the world at four-and-ten?” Dany asked with a smirk, taking the wine from Jon.
“No, I was too busy getting drunk because I wasn’t allowed to sit with my family at a feast,” Jon joked. “And it wasn’t quite singlehandedly.” Jon raised his brow. “Wasn’t there some blood magic involved?”
“I may’ve had a little help.” Dany shrugged and took a sip. “Mmm. This is good.”
“The things you did fit the Azor Ahai prophecy, almost exactly,” Jon said, taking the cup back. “You were born in Dragonstone, a place of salt and smoke. You walked unharmed into flames to wake dragons from petrified eggs, which were like stone, all the while a comet, a bleeding star, streaked across the sky.”
“The Dothraki word for the comet actually meant ‘bleeding star,’” Dany added.
“And just in case Dragonstone wasn’t enough, because you were walking into a funeral pyre, there was smoke, and no doubt salt from the tears,” Jon said, sloshing the wine around and inhaling the scent.
“There was also sweat,” Dany noted with a sheepish grin. “It was hot.”
“While you didn’t have a flaming sword, you did have three dragons that were even better.”
“Xaro actually once referred to my dragons as a ‘flaming sword above the world,’” Dany said, reaching for the wine.
“Though I guess you weren’t literally reborn, only figuratively.”
“You’ve got me beat there,” Dany said, taking a gulp.
“Regardless, then you went on to do amazing things like freeing the slaves. Benerro proclaimed you Azor Ahai, and our Great Uncle Aemon, who knew a thing or two about prophecies, became convinced just before his death that you were the Princess That Was Promised, at least according to Sam.”
Dany nodded. Jon snorted. “I wish you could’ve seen the look on Melisandre’s face when she learned about you: a Targaryen, born on Dragonstone of Aerys and Rhaella’s line, who hatched dragons from petrified eggs beneath a comet.”
Dany sighed and shook her head. “Poor thing. But I’ve said this before, I really think the gods showed her what she needed to see to help you become who you were meant to be. In the same way, Benerro didn’t see you in his flames, only me, because he was closer to me and more able to offer guidance through Moqorro.”
“It’s strange that both were so convinced there was only one hero. It’s like they never considered the possibility of a second Targaryen,” Jon said.
“Didn’t you say Melisandre would ask to see Azor Ahai, but R’hllor would show her you instead, and she would get frustrated because the gods were hiding Stannis from her?”
“I found that amusing as well. It’s interesting how questioning our assumptions is the last thing we think to do sometimes, even when everything else is telling us our assumptions are wrong.”
“How did she become so convinced it was Stannis in the first place?” Dany asked, showing Jon the empty wine cup when he asked for a sip and pretending to be sad for his sake.
Jon frowned. “She saw Dragonstone in her flames, and he was the current Lord of Dragonstone. She also saw a man in black armor with a burning sword leading the fight against the Others, and assumed it was Stannis.”
“But it was you,” Dany said, with a lazy smile.
“Aye, just like my dream. Armored in black ice with a sword that burned red hot in my hand.”
“Ice and fire,” Dany said. “I also had a dream, that I was mounted on a dragon and saw the Usurper’s rebel host armored all in ice at the Trident. I bathed them in fire and they melted away like dew.”
“I didn’t know you also dreamed of our fight against the Dead,” Jon said. “I wonder if Stannis had any dreams? I doubt it. It was so obvious to everyone that it wasn’t Stannis. Maester Aemon noted Stannis’s sword produced light without heat and was merely an empty glamor. Mel obviously knew that as well because she was the source of the magic, but she fooled herself into thinking it was legitimate. Seven Hells, Davos said even Stannis questioned the efficacy of his glimmering sword when he complained that, on the Blackwater, his magic sword was no better than common steel, and that a dragon would’ve turned the battle. And I remember telling Melisandre that Stannis wasn’t actually born on Dragonstone. But she wouldn’t listen to reason.”
“But her stubbornness worked out for everyone in the end because she was in a position to help the real Prince That Was Promised: you.” Dany pointed the empty wine cup at Jon.
“What is the saying? Prophecy is like a half-trained mule who bites your prick off?” Jon japed.
Dany laughed. “No, Nephew, it’s a treacherous woman who kicks you in the head!”
“That’s right! I’d forgotten,” Jon said, grinning like a fool and taking Dany’s empty cup. My fool, Dany thought as he walked away.
Jon started to pour more wine. “Me being Azor Ahai is also amusing. Sam said that Maester Aemon once asked where the Prince That Was Promised was, and Melisandre replied, 'He stands before you though you do not have the eyes to see.'”
“Well, she wasn’t wrong. You were there the whole time,” Dany said, trying to guess how full the cup would be.
Jon sat down on the bed and took a big gulp before passing the cup to Dany. “Even before my resurrection, I knew that I’d be fighting the Others. Tormund once asked me, as his people were entering Castle Black to escape the Others, if my sword could ‘cut cold.’ He said it was one thing to fight the dead, but their masters—white mist, shadows with teeth, air so cold it hurts to breathe, like a knife inside your chest—were another thing entirely. Sam had discovered in a book that Valyrian steel could kill the Others. Though I knew books were different than battle, I had a strange sort of confidence. I also remember watching the wildlings enter Castle Black and observing how afraid they were of the shadows, of the night, of the Others. For some reason, at that moment, I heard Alys’s words in my mind: 'Dance with me.'”
“Dance with me? Like fight with me?” Dany asked, enjoying the wine’s fruity scent.
“Aye. I knew I was destined to cross swords with the cold shadows. It was also in my vows, now that I think about it. I swore I’d be ‘the sword in the darkness . . . the fire that burns against the cold . . . the light that brings the dawn.’”
“And then you were resurrected,” Dany said. “And everything changed.” She cocked her head. “Or maybe it didn’t, and everyone else just learned what you already knew: you’d save the world.”
“Aye. Melisandre had been warning me about daggers in the dark. But she’d been wrong about so much else, and I had other things to worry about: making sure we had enough food for the winter, making sure the wildlings, brothers of the Watch, and the queen’s men didn’t kill each other, making sure we were ready when the Dead came. And then I got that letter . . . Arya . . . it was too much.”
Dany gave a sympathetic look. She knew all about the strong desire to protect.
“My last words were ‘Ghost,’ and then the next thing I knew, I was inside the Lord Commander’s chambers. The door was locked. I’ve never felt such rage. It was all consuming. But then Melisandre somehow opened the door. ‘Go,’ she said. ‘You’re needed.’ I barked at her. Her eyes widened in shock because—"
“Ghost never barks,” Dany finished his sentence. She took a sip and handed the cup to Jon.
“Aye. She knew then what had happened. I ran down into the yard. Everything was chaos. The wildlings, black brothers, Northmen, and queen’s men were all fighting, swarming each other. I was able to cut through and find my targets. I could smell them. Wick was already dead, his throat slashed. But Bowen Marsh was still somehow on his feet, fending off wildling blades. I bit his sword arm and was surprised when it came off in my mouth. I then jumped on top of him and bit his neck. His blood tasted sweet. As I watched the life leave his body, I remember thinking: You killed me, I tried to save the Watch, the North, everyone, and you killed me for it.”
Dany straightened her legs out and leaned back on her hands, a concerned look on her face as she’d never heard all the details of Jon’s death and resurrection.
“The next day they placed my body, Ser Patrek, and the others who died on a funeral pyre. Ser Patrek’s body had been mutilated by Wun Wun, so they covered it with his cloak of stars that had been turned red with his own blood. His cloak was so big it partially covered my body as well. Tormund and Melisandre insisted that our bodies burn to prevent us from rising as wights. The dead weren’t the only ones the red woman insisted on burning, though. Shortly after I received Ramsay’s letter stating that Stannis was dead, Castle Black received another letter, from Stannis, saying that should he perish in his battle against the Boltons, Melisandre should revive him with a King’s blood sacrifice, even from his own daughter, if necessary. Once it was discovered that Mance’s son was no longer there, it became necessary. So, the red woman had Shireen tied up next to our bodies, to burn along with us. As she cried out, and begged her mother to save her, Melisandre began asking the Lord of Light for Azor Ahai to rise. She was sacrificing Shireen to save Stannis.”
“Her mother allowed it?” Dany asked, horrified. She sat up and covered her mouth with her hand.
Jon put the wine cup on the bedside table. “Aye. Her own mother. It shows the dangers of religious zealotry. The Wildlings allowed it as well because, to them, Shireen was unclean, and a risk to everyone. Now, I wouldn’t have allowed it while inside Ghost, but I wasn’t there.”
“Where were you?”
Jon smiled. “Half a league beyond the Wall, resting in a grove of weirwood trees. It was there I finally finished my dream.”
“Your dream?” Dany furrowed her brow.
“I had a recurring dream, where I would go into Winterfell’s crypts filled with its stone statues of past kings of winter and lords of Winterfell. Though I was scared, I knew I had to go anyways. I would scream that it wasn’t my place because I’m not a Stark, and at times the stone statues would tell me the same in their heavy granite voices. I’d sometimes hear Uncle Ned or Robb’s voices, as if they were at a feast, yet there was a wall between us, and I knew they did not prepare a place for me. As I kept going deeper and deeper, the crypts grew darker and darker, until I’d finally wake up.”
“What do you think it meant?” Dany asked.
“I didn’t know at the time, but now I believe the crypts represented my death. I didn’t want to go into the crypts, just like I didn’t want to die, but I had to. That the stone kings would tell me I didn’t belong, and there wasn’t a place at the table with Ned and Robb, who had already passed, meant that I wouldn’t stay dead. It wasn’t my time, at least not yet. I believe it also meant that I wasn’t a Stark, though not in the way I originally thought.”
Dany smiled. “How did the dream finally end?”
“I kept walking deeper into the crypts, as it got darker. But then a queer thing happened. I began to see. At first, I could only make out the shapes of the statues, but then I began to see more and more detail, until I found myself looking at Lyanna Stark’s statue. It’s strange, because she, and my Uncle Brandon, were never kings of winter or lords of Winterfell. Yet Uncle Ned gave them statues all the same. Uncle Ned would sometimes bring Lyanna’s statue blue winter roses. But in my dream, she wore an entire crown of winter roses, and they were fresh and vibrant. Then she spoke to me. ‘My son,’ she said. ‘I have something for you.’ I was still trying to understand why my aunt Lyanna referred to me that way, and why her statue had come alive, when she reached behind her and pulled out a box. I remember wondering if there was a hollow portion of her statue. I tried to open the box, but I couldn’t as my hands had already turned to stone, as if I were becoming a statue, and were too clumsy. I remember telling Lyanna that I shouldn’t be turning to stone because I wasn’t a Stark. She said, ‘I know, you’re a Targaryen. You’re a dragon. And it’s time to wake, my dragon.’”
Jon paused and cleared his throat. “And then I opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by flames. I sat up, confused, and heard shrieks and cries. It was only when I walked out of the fire, and saw everyone’s look of confusion, that I realized I was no longer in Ghost, and that I had somehow been resurrected.”
Dany narrowed her eyes and moved her lower jaw back and forth. “Now that I think about it, I may’ve had a vision of your resurrection in Essos. When Mirri was doing her blood magic for Drogo, I was taken into her tent, and saw many strange things, including the shadow of a great wolf, and another like a man wreathed in flames.”
“I didn’t know that,” Jon said, furrowing his brow, before allowing his lip to curl. “I love how we had visions of each other across continents. Melisandre later said she also saw my resurrection in her flames, though she didn’t know it at the time. She saw a vision of a man, then a wolf, then a man again.”
“What visions did you have of me, Nephew?” Dany asked, batting her lashes.
“There was one time I swore Val’s honey-blonde hair looked pale silver under the moonlight.”
“I’m the moon,” Dany said excitedly, and held out her hand for more wine.
“Aye. Maybe that’s why Ghost has always been drawn to you? I remember one time Melisandre was flirting with me, I think she wanted me to help her make a shadow baby?”
Dany’s face fell flat. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Well, I didn’t make a shadow baby with her. But I bring it up because she explained to me how every man who walks the earth casts a shadow on the world. Some are thin and weak, others are long and dark. Then she told me to look behind myself, because the moon had kissed me and etched a shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall. I’ve always considered that our first kiss.”
“Oh Jon,” Dany whimpered and kissed him, lingering on his lips. When they finally parted, she saw a look of hunger flash across his eyes. It gave her an idea.
She got up from the bed and padded across the floor, knowing full well which part of her was being closely watched, and adjusting her walk accordingly. She came back with a candle, which she placed on the bedside table.
“All right, Nephew, I want you to move a little this way, mmm, not quite, why don’t you scoot down a little, yes, perfect!” Though Jon had a confused look, he still eagerly obeyed because he knew what his reward might be.
“What?” Jon finally asked after Dany’s unbidden grin lingered.
“You’re the shadow lover from my dreams!” she exclaimed. “Well, that is, until you move out of the candlelight, then you’ll be just Jon.”
“Just Jon?” he asked with a pretend pout as he began to crawl to overtake her.
“Aye, just Jon. Though, he’s not so bad I suppose,” Dany mewled the last word when Jon began kissing her neck. She laid down, then sat up again to remove her satin night gown, before slowly sinking back into the bed. She watched Jon’s eyes darken as he gazed at her nude form. He slowly removed his tunic and small clothes, his fully-hard cock seeming to flex before her.
Her knees were bent and touching, so Jon wedged his fingertips in between and began to firmly pull them apart. As her knees slowly fell to the side, he ran his fingertips along her inner thighs until his hands met at her womanhood. Jon let the back of his knuckles brush against her curls, then ran his nails along her unmarked belly. He reached underneath her and massaged her cheeks, then dipped his finger into her slickness, coating her peaking nub in her juices.
Jon sucked his finger, savoring his wife’s taste, then began kissing Dany’s foot, which she eagerly extended to him. He moved to her ankle, then her shin, massaging her calf as he went. When he reached her knee, he pivoted and began leaving a trail of kisses down her inner thigh. He was just about to kiss her nub when he felt a steady hand stop him.
“Mmm!” Dany moaned, grabbing a fistful of his hair and then scratching his scalp. “I want you up here kissing my lips and sucking my nipples,” she whined. Jon looked at Dany’s ethereal face, her enlarged pupils no doubt matching his own. He obeyed, though not before moving Dany’s leg so she was no longer straddling him, which she did not like. But he made up for it when he began kissing along her jaw line, down her neck, and across her collar. She felt a finger enter her, slowly moving in and out to the rhythm of her soft whines.
Jon left a trail of kisses down Dany’s chest, straight to her nipple. He used his tongue to push her nipple flat, then sucked to make it erect again. He felt Dany’s hand grab the back of his head, her breaths becoming more staggered.
Just as Dany was focused on Jon’s mouth, she felt his finger begin to play with her clit. Soon, the two were moving in tandem, with Jon alternating between rubbing his finger across her swollen nub, then his tongue across her erect nipple, and then doing both in unison. Alternating, unison, alternating, unison. “Fuuuuuck!: Dany cried out. Soon, her whimpers died down, replaced by moans that became higher and higher pitched until she screamed, “Goooooooods!!! Mmm . . . Stop! St-- . . . mmm . . . Whew.”
She looked at her husband, a faint grin on his lips. Aye, I guess you’ve earned it, Nephew. He moved her leg so that she was once again straddling him, and she positioned her hips so she lined up with him. The look on Jon’s face when he first entered her was a mix of relief, relaxation, and pure joy. It was one of her favorite parts about coupling. She enjoyed watching Jon’s pleasure almost as much as she enjoyed experiencing her own.
“You all right?” Jon asked. When Dany nodded, he sunk down even further, causing her to whimper. As he slowly moved in and out, he watched her eyebrows knit in concentration as she chewed her bottom lip. She wrapped her legs around him, scratching his back with her nails, and then moved one hand so she could squeeze her breast while he fucked her.
He began slowly moving inside her, enjoying the little sounds she made in response, almost as if he were playing her like an instrument. After a few minutes, he felt his cock begin to tingle. “Dany, you feel so good, I’m not sure I’ll be able to last much longer,” he warned.
“That all right, love,” Dany reassured. “You can finish any time you want. You’ve already given me my plea-- . . . pleasure.” She grabbed Jon’s arse and squeezed.
Jon increased his pace for a few moments then quickly pulled out and took himself in hand, shooting his seed across his aunt’s stomach and chest. “My love, you don’t have to do that. You can always finish inside me,” Dany insisted.
“I know, I just felt like painting you with my seed,” Jon replied with a lopsided grin.
“Seven help me,” Dany responded, though she failed to suppress her own grin. She caught the towel Jon threw her and clean up Jon’s "paint." Then she took Jon’s outstretched hand as he helped her up off the bed.
“Time to wash up, love,” Jon said, as they padded over to the basin. Though the water had been sitting out for a while, it was still perfectly warm. Jon took a clean washcloth and dipped it in the liquid, the dripping sounds it made as he squeezed the excess out was music to her ears. He began on the relatively clean parts of her body. Her face and neck, which included rubbing her ears with the warm cloth which gave her tingles. Then he had her turn around and washed her back while he whispered into her ear and let his hot breath cascade down her neck, resulting in more chills. After wetting the cloth again, he did her arms, then knelt down to wash her legs. He asked her to stand with her feet further apart so he could better reach her inner thighs, which she dutifully obliged. He slowly worked his way up one leg, then the other, teasing her with his deliberate pace. He dipped the cloth in the water again, and this time cleaned the part of her that he had dirtied. He wrung the cloth so the water fell down her chest and flowed off her breasts. Then he slowly changed the cloth’s position until the water was split by her nipple, forming two separate streams around her teat.
“If you make a puddle and I slip—” Dany threatened.
“I’ll just catch you and pick you up, then you’ll be completely at my mercy. Would you like that, my little naughty aunt?” Jon held her with one arm and spanked her so hard she gasped. Then a wicked grin spread across his face. “I said, wouldn’t you like that?” he whispered in her ear.
“Mmm hmm,” she whimpered. A memory flashed in her mind from a few weeks before the final battle. That night, for some reason, an animalistic lust came over Jon, and he ripped her clothes and threw her over his lap. He then spanked her so hard her eyes watered. But gods, it was the sweetest pain. Being so vulnerable to someone she trusted with her life was a thrill she couldn’t put into words. She’d done a lot of things with the men in her life, but never that. She hoped Jon would ask to do it again, as she planned to roll her eyes and act like she was doing him a favor, though of course she’d secretly enjoy it. But he never did. Instead, he apologized for the hunger that came over him, and said it was a result of being in Ghost for so long. A part of her wanted to ask him to try again, but she was too embarrassed. I wonder if this means he enjoyed it like I did? If so, we have plenty of time to practice. The thought made her almost giddy.
He finished washing under her arms and across her chest and stomach. Then he washed between her legs, and lastly between her cheeks.
She returned the favor, enjoying kneeling down before her king. She couldn’t help herself, so she gave a small kiss to the tip of Jon’s semi-hard cock, causing it to twitch. This amused her, so she took the tip into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, as Jon moaned in between staggered breaths. She could taste herself on Jon as he began to grow. She gave him a look which asked if he wanted her to continue, but he shook his head and ran his fingers through her hair, causing her to hum in contentment. While she preferred to clean him with her mouth, she made sure to thoroughly wash her juices off his glistening cock with the cloth, though she was strangely pleased to see he didn’t grow nearly as much with the cloth as he had in her mouth.
After they finished washing and drying each other off, they climbed back into bed, still naked. The two then assumed one of their favorite positions: lying on their sides facing each other with Dany resting her head on Jon’s arm while straddling Jon’s thigh like a pillow.
“What about you?” Jon asked abruptly.
“Who do you think contrasts well with your own life?”
Dany thought for a moment. “Viserys. He was a good brother at first, when I was little. But I think the stress of always being on the run and never having any money broke him. Especially after he had to sell Mother’s crown. At that point, he frequently abused me, and viewed me as a pawn to take back the throne.”
“Selling your only sibling to a slaver who didn’t even speak her language just to get an army is something I’ll never understand,” Jon spat.
“He once told me he’d let the entire khalasar fuck me, all forty thousand men, even their horses, if it meant he could get an army,” Dany recounted sadly. Jon’s jaw clenched. “Do you think he’ll be behind?” Dany asked, glancing toward the door.
“I don’t know,” Jon said. “But if he is, I’ve a thing or two to say to him.”
Dany took off her mother’s ring and began twirling it in her fingers again. “I was alone for a long time. All alone but for my brother. I was such a small, scared thing. Viserys should have protected me, but instead he hurt me and scared me worse. He shouldn’t have done that. He wasn’t just my brother, he was my king. Why do the gods make kings and queens if not to protect those who can’t protect themselves.”
“Aye,” Jon said, impressed by his wife’s wisdom. While Jon knew he was a Targaryen before he ever met Dany, it was only after meeting her that he felt proud to be one.
“That’s why I tried to stop Drogo’s khalasar from raping the Lhazareen women. That’s why I protected the remnants of the khalasar that followed me. That’s why I freed the slaves, even if it meant more mouths to feed. That’s why I tried to be like an older sister to Missandei. I wanted others to have the protection I never had growing up. And I was fortunate the gods gave me the power to do so.”
“To this day, I’m still amazed at how, in the span of less than a year, you went from being a meek girl scared of her brother and husband, to gaining authority and respect as Khaleesi, to becoming the Dragon Queen, defying your brother and the fiercest Dothraki warriors along the way. You know that’s not normal, right?” Jon grinned.
Dany rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress her unbidden smile and the warmth on her cheeks. She got used to being flattered in Essos by Xaro, Daario, Hizdahr, and countless others. But when praise came from someone like Jon, it actually meant something.
“It’s ironic,” Jon continued, “because, while Viserys threatened that you’d wake the dragon, he wasn’t wrong. It just turns out you were the dragon, and somewhere along the Dothraki Sea, you woke yourself up. And the world has never been the same since.”
Dany smiled. “When I first learned that you literally died to protect your sister, it made me feel . . . it’s hard to put into words. For a moment, I remember wishing that you were my older brother, instead of Viserys. And this was before I even knew you were a Targaryen. I found myself being jealous of Arya that Ned Stark’s bastard was her older brother, not mine.” Dany laughed.
Jon smiled sadly. “I don’t think that’s strange at all. It’s what you deserved.”
“I remember when you turned down marriage offers for Sansa and Arya. You said, ‘At the risk of disappointing thousands of years of Brandons, I care far less about House Stark’s legacy than I do about the safety and happiness of its members.’ You said your sisters would choose whether they married, and to whom.”
“Aye. We’d all been through so much. It’s the least they deserved.”
“Lord Tyrell was disappointed,” Dany said, with a slight smirk.
“He got over it,” Jon said, shaking his head.
“Before or after you made him cry?” Dany asked with a cocked brow.
“I didn’t make him cry. He made himself cry with how foolish he was acting,” Jon grumbled.
“Jon, you berated him in front of everyone. When he initially balked at fighting in the ‘Northern War’ as he called it, you got up in his face and handed him a shovel and made him start digging Margaery’s grave.”
“Well, he needed to understand the consequences of his choices.”
“You told him that if he’s going to fail as a Warden of the South, Leige Lord, father, husband, grandfather, and human, the least he could do was provide some much needed cheap labor. I think you hurt his feelings, Jon.”
“I merely bruised his ego.”
“Gods, and don’t get me started with poor Lord Tarly after you overheard him criticizing Sam. I’ve just never seen a good person bully so well. Usually good people are meek, and bad people are the successful bullies.” Dany tried to place the ring on her thumb, which made her stoutest finger look like it was wearing a collar.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jon defended himself, though he knew it was a lost cause. “I may, on occasion, act a little less refined as a result of spending so much time in Ghost, but I’m perfectly pleasant.”
“You bully me all the time,” Dany retorted.
“When have I ever bullied you?” Jon asked, feigning offense at the accusation.
“When you were washing me,” Dany said, studying Jon’s eyes to see if he understood her meaning.
“You mean what I spanked you?”
“But you enjoyed it?”
“Doesn’t matter. It was still bullying.”
Jon wrapped his hand around Dany’s throat, causing a slight gasp. “Do you want me to stop spanking you?”
Dany hesitated a moment, and then shook her head.
“So, you want me to continue spanking you?”
Dany nodded. Jon released his hand and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Dany said, humming. She got up and walked over to the wine table, grabbed a bowl of pecans, and brought them back to the bed. She gave a handful to Jon, and then when she went to grab a few for herself, noticed that one was broken in half. She stared at it for a few moments.
“What are you thinking about?” Jon asked, mouth full.
“I still love him. Viserys. It’s why I named one of my dragons after him. For the man he once was.” Dany looked up to Jon and gave a sad smile. She felt Jon’s hand embrace her own. “He used to tell me stories when I was little. About House Targaryen. About the Seven Kingdoms. He taught me to be proud of our family. I want to see him again one day. Despite everything. I even sometimes wonder if I’d give it all up, the dragons, being queen, if it meant I could have the old Viserys back.” A tear fell into the bowl. Dany felt Jon take the pecans from her and guide her to lay on top of him, her head on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair while she cried.
“I hope you get to see him. I want him to know what you became,” Jon said, raising his head to kiss her crown.
Eventually, Dany raised her head, resting her chin on Jon’s chest. “Hey,” she said, admiring her nephew’s stormy eyes in between sniffles.
“Hey,” Jon replied, with a lopsided smile.
“Euron would be another one.”
“Another contrast?”
“In what way?” Jon took another handful of pecans.
Dany sat cross legged on the bed next to Jon. “He was very powerful, with a dragon, kraken, even greenseer abilities according to Bran, yet he always used his power for evil, to cause chaos.”
“He was like a magical Littlefinger,” Jon said, grimacing.
“The gods saw fit to give me a lot of power, and while I certainly didn’t wield it perfectly by any means, I always tried to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves.”
“And you did,” Jon said, smiling. “I mean, you also caused a bit of chaos as well, but it was always for a good reason. Not to enrich yourself, but to save others.”
“I still can’t believe Euron proposed to me. He was shocked when I said ‘No.’ For some reason he thought I’d be impressed with the fact that he destroyed an entire city. The look he gave me was like a hurt child whose mother wasn’t impressed with his drawing.”
Jon sucked in air through his teeth. “He may’ve gotten lucky with Oldtown, but he failed miserably to destroy Casterly Rock with his dragon. And then he lost his dragon because, unlike Targaryen dragon bonds, horns can be broken.”
“And then his brother killed him. Turns out when you’re cruel to someone their whole life, they sometimes grow to not like you,” Dany japed.
“Who would’ve thought?” Jon asked sarcastically. “Certainly not Tywin or Cersei.”
Dany snorted. “Aegon would be another. He had everything handed to him. He had a father figure, a half-maester, a septa, a knight at arms, seven hells, he even had an army given to him and he didn’t even have to get fucked for it!”
Jon chuckled. “Sorry, I’m imaging Young Griff ‘earning’ his army by coupling with some large, bearded, tattooed sellsword captain.”
“He’d probably enjoy Daario,” Dany said, then immediately regretted it when she saw Jon’s face. “Sorry,” she winced. Dany needed to change the subject quick. “Tyrion was right when he told Aegon that showing up to Meereen with his hand out wouldn’t have gone well for him. After all, unlike Aegon, I spent my childhood in exile, impoverished, living on dreams and schemes, running from one city to the next, always fearful, never safe, friendless, but for a brother who was by all accounts half-mad, a brother who sold my maidenhood to the Dothraki for the promise of an army. The Dothraki despise weakness, and if I had been, I would’ve perished with Viserys. I crossed the grasslands and red waste, survived assassins and conspiracies and fell sorceries, grieved for a brother and a husband and a son, and trod the slaver cities to dust beneath my dainty sandaled feet.”
Jon nodded, but still didn’t say much. So, Dany continued, “Varys loved to talk about how much of a different ruler Aegon the Pretender would’ve been. Aside from the fact that he wasn’t actually Aegon, even just looking at his abilities, everything was just so . . . inauthentic. He was shaped for rule since before he could walk. He was trained in arms, as befits a knight, he could read and write, speak several languages, and studied history and law and poetry. A septa instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith from an early age. He lived with the fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned how to wash his own clothes. He could fish and cook and bind a wound. All of that is great, but he was served those skills on a golden platter, he didn’t have to endure hardships to learn them.”
“I don’t know,” Jon finally spoke, “didn’t Varys say Aegon knew what it was like to be hungry, hunted, and afraid?”
“I doubt that very much,” Dany said. “Varys and Illyrio wouldn’t dare risk their precious Aegon, after all he was their path to power.”
Dany held out her hand and Jon gave her the remaining pecans, which she quickly started nibbling on. “Finally, there’s always you,” Dany said, raising her brow in challenge.
“Me?” Jon said.
“It’s only fair, I was one of yours.”
“All right, this should be good. Let’s see if you can dig the hole deeper after your Daario comment,” Jon said and sat up in the bed, rubbing his hands together.
Dany rolled her eyes, but she knew it was best not to respond. “I know in some ways you’ve had a difficult life,” she began. “Even though your life was better than most, it still must’ve been hard to be treated as an outsider by your own family. It’s like you were reminded everyday that you were lesser.”
Jon nodded, interested to see where she was going. “But still, I’m envious of the mentors you’ve had in your life. Ned Stark, despite his role in the Rebellion, was a good man. Especially now that I know he dishonored himself and risked his life to protect you, and even stood up to King Robert to protect me,” Dany explained.
“Aye. I was very fortunate to be raised as his son. He always made sure to teach me, right alongside his own heir, Robb. That’s why I have such a loud voice, you know.” Jon grinned. “Uncle Ned taught Robb and I that a captain’s lungs were as important as his sword arm, because it does not matter how brave or brilliant a man is if his commands cannot be heard. So, Robb and I used to climb the towers of Winterfell to shout at each other across the yard. Though, I still think Donal Noye had us both beat.”
Dany smiled. “And there’s no doubt that Ned instilled in you a sense of honor, which is another thing that attracted me to you. The men I knew in Essos were definitely lacking in that regard.”
“Speaking of, it seemed I got the honorable Mormont to guide me, while your Mormont had ulterior motives,” Jon said with a grimace.
“Whatsoever do you mean, Nephew?” Dany asked facetiously. “He only wanted to spy on me for Robert and fuck me even though he was old enough to be my father.”
“Admittedly, Lord Commander Mormont was a tough son of a bitch, but he never tried to kiss me,” Jon said. Jon handed Dany a pecan that had fallen on the bed and took the empty bowl from her and placed it on his head. Dany rolled her eyes, but then narrowed them and threw the pecan into the bowl, though Jon had to move slightly to make it happen.
“We make a good pair,” Dany said as Jon took the bowl off his head. “Defeating the Army of the Dead, throwing nuts into bowls, is there anything we can’t do?”
“No, the nut thing was the final test. We officially can do anything now,” Jon joked.
Dany grinned. “So, while Jorah had bad motives, he did provide me some mentoring, especially early on. And then when Barristan came, he provided even more, without any improper motives. But at that point, I was his queen, so he would always hesitate to tell me things, such as, you know, the extent of my father’s madness.”
“I think you being a known Targaryen was both a blessing and a curse,” Jon said. “It was a blessing because it gave you power and recognition that I obviously never got as a bastard. But it was also a curse because the people in your life, especially after Viserys and Drogo’s deaths, were always your subordinates. Whereas, with me, Donal Noye had no problem telling me I was bullying the other recruits and that I’ve had it better than most, nor did Qhorin Halfhand have any issue letting me know I shouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice my honor to keep the realm safe. Also, because you became so powerful early on, people always wanted that power for themselves, and so any advice they gave you was likely tainted.”
“Believe me, I was well aware,” Dany said. “Though, I think the mentor I’m most jealous of is Maester Aemon.”
“Gods, he would’ve loved you,” Jon said. “And you would’ve adored him. In the end he was also convinced you were the chosen one. But yes, he gave me some of my best advice: ‘Kill the boy, and let the man be born,’ ‘love is the death of duty.’ He also supported me as Lord Commander. The irony is, even though we grew close, he never knew I was a Targaryen, and instead only knew me as the bastard son of the man who helped bring down his family.”
Jon took the bowl and began moving it in a small circle, causing the nut to race around the bottom. “I’ll say this, though. One of the most impressive things about you is your instinct. No one taught you how to be a Khaleesi, so you taught yourself and earned the Dothraki’s respect. No one taught you how to hatch dragons, but you figured it out. No one taught you how to effectively govern a foreign city, but you did. The things you’ve just discovered on your own regarding magic and ruling are impressive. I can’t help but wonder how you would’ve done if you had the education and mentors you deserved.”
Dany smiled and blushed at Jon’s praise. “But I’m glad one of us was taught how to follow orders. I agree it makes you a better leader than you otherwise would’ve been. And your experience made us a stronger ruling pair.”
Jon nodded. “Well, I think we should probably get dressed.”
“Aye. It’s getting close to time,” Dany said. They got up and put on the formal clothes the maid had laid out for them. Clothes they would have worn to the coronation they never had.
Afterwards, they both sat on the bed as the last remaining grains of sand were falling from the hourglass’s upper bulb.
“Do you think our family will resent us because we didn’t take back the iron throne?” Dany asked, breaking the silence. “For years, I thought it was my duty to take the throne back for my family, to reestablish my House over the Seven Kingdoms.”
“You did,” Jon said, looking at her slightly confused. “Everyone followed us. We led the entire army of the living. For months, we were the undisputed king and queen though we never sat the iron throne.”
“But now House Targaryen is no more,” Dany said sadly. “It’s like all the work to protect us that your uncle and Ser Willem did merely delayed the inevitable conclusion of Robert’s Rebellion: the end of our House.”
“No!” Jon said emphatically. “Uncle Ned and Ser Willem’s brave actions allowed us to fulfill our House’s purpose: saving the world. I’ve been thinking. Maybe the gods only gave Targaryens the ability to bond with dragons for a reason, and not to accumulate power. Maybe we were the ‘fire’ that would counter the threat of ‘ice,’ and once we defeated that threat, we had served our purpose?”
“That’s depressing,” Dany said, picking at her nails. “But you may be right.”
“It doesn’t matter whether I’m right. What matters is we won. We fulfilled Aegon the Conqueror’s 300-year-old prophecy. Would it have been nice to survive and rule for another few hundred years? Sure. But I’m not sure Targaryens necessarily make better rulers than anyone else. But what we do better than anyone—using fire to defeat ice monsters—we did. And no one else could’ve done what we did. Without us, the entire world would be slaves in an eternal frozen night. As great as your victories in Essos were, they were just practice for the slavery we abolished, which was much worse because it would’ve enslaved the entire world for all eternity.”
Dany sighed and laid back to stare at the ceiling, not caring if her dress got wrinkled. Then she poked Jon’s side. “Hey, I’m just glad the gods let us spend some time together, just the two of us, before we had to face our family, friends, and others who’ve passed. Will everyone we had a connection with be behind the large door?”
“No, just family,” Jon said. “Friends, lovers, first husbands from arranged political marriages, can all be visited through the separate, smaller doors.” Dany grinned at Jon’s reference to her Sun and Stars and glanced at a handful of smaller doors that she assumed were closets. “There’s even a door that allows us to watch the living. Oh, we’re also allowed to come back to this room as often as we like, we just can’t stay in here without visiting our families first. At least, that’s what the serving girl who filled the water basin, brought us the wine and pecans, and laid out our clothes said.”
“Where was I when she said that?” Dany asked.
A concerned look appeared over Jon’s face. “Remember, love, you had a hard time when we first got here. You had a lot to think through. I’m at an advantage because this isn’t my first time, though it’s the first time I’ve been here.”
“I just felt so guilty when I realized what happened. So many people depended on me, and I felt like I abandoned them. How long was I--?” Dany asked.
“It’s hard to say. I can’t keep track of time here. But I held you while you cried for a long time. It may’ve been a few hours, a few days, it’s hard to know. When the maid got here, which was right in the beginning, you were curled up on the bed with a pillow over your head.”
Dany nodded. “Everything is such a blur.” Then her eyes widened. “Wait, do you think I’ll be able to see Rhaego?”
Jon nodded, smiling. “Yes, the maid said unborn children are here as well, though they will be grown when we see them. Everyone here is our age. It’ll be queer to see a young Maester Aemon.” Jon laughed.
Dany nodded. “And an adult Rhaego. Jon,” she grabbed his arm, “I need you to mentor Rhaego. I don’t know what he’s been taught since he’s been here, if he’s only been with Drogo learning Dothraki traditions, or if he’s been allowed to see my Targaryen family. But I want you to be his Uncle Ned. Please, Jon.”
“Of course, love. I’ll teach him everything I know,” Jon said with a wistful smile.
Dany noticed Jon’s look. Poor Jon, he always wanted a child of his—oh no. “Shit! Jon, I’m so, so sorry. Please don’t hate me. Please—”
“What? What is it?” Jon asked.
Dany gave a staggered sigh and held out her hands in a placating fashion. “I don’t know how I’m just now remembering this. So much has happened, and it’s all just so overwhelming, you must believe me, Jon, and . . . gods, Jon, please don’t hate me!”
“What, just tell me!” Jon said with furrowed brow, taking Dany’s hands in his own.
Dany began rubbing the back of Jon’s hands with her thumbs. “Three days before the great battle, I wasn’t feeling well.”
“Aye, I remember. I sent Sam to your chambers. He said it was something you ate.”
Dany bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Uh huh. That wasn’t completely a lie. It was caused by something I also happened to eat, though that I ate part of it was completely coincidental and unrelated.”
“I was with child, Jon.”
“Seven Hells, Sam! I can’t believe he kept that from me!” Jon abruptly got up from the bed and began pacing the room.
Dany got up and began following him. “It wasn’t his fault. I threatened him. I, I didn’t want you worrying, and trying to keep me from battle, or trying to change our detailed war strategy on my account. I was going to tell you after the battle. It was going to be a surprise!” She hugged him tightly, hoping it would facilitate his forgiveness. When she looked at him again, his face had softened a bit.
“I just think, if Rhaego is there, there’s no reason our child wouldn’t be,” Dany hoped. Jon closed his glistening eyes and swallowed. Dany raised herself on her tip toes, kissed Jon’s cheek, and whispered in his ear, “What do you think? Brown hair or silver? Gray eyes or violet?”
Jon smiled. “Aye, the possibilities are endless. Long face or normal face?”
“Shut up, Jon!” She smacked him on the chest. “What about single child or twins? Or maybe dragonrider and warg, or only dragonrider?” she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Ghost?” Jon said.
Dany thought for a second, wondering if this world was big enough for her dragons. “I think I know which door he’ll be behind,” she encouraged.
They both sat down on the edge of the bed, holding hands. Dany glanced at the hourglass. It still somehow had a pinch of sand left in the top bulb. Has time slowed down?
“I’m most nervous about our reunions with those we haven’t met, like Rhaegar and Lyanna, Rhaella and Rhaego. I imagine my reunion with Uncle Ned and Robb will likely go how the reunion went with my other Stark siblings once we took back Winterfell from the Boltons,” Jon reasoned.
Dany needed a distraction to calm her nerves. “I’m not sure you ever told me the details, only that they returned.”
“Well, I met Arya through Nymeria first. Nymeria and her pack helped my army defeat the Boltons and their hounds. Nymeria and Ghost played together and made up for lost time. But then she walked over to me and just kept staring at me and whimpering. It took me a second to realize it was Arya inside. When I did, she started barking loudly and running in circles.” Jon chuckled. “I told her to get her arse home!” A month later, she showed up. When I told her the Boltons were no more, she replied, ‘So are the Freys.’”
“I keep forgetting your sister is far more formidable that you are,” Dany said.
Jon snorted. “Aye, you’re not wrong.”
“I feel like you’re leaving a part out,” Dany said, narrowing her eyes in mock accusation.
“Oh, you mean the part where I openly wept and showered her face with snotty kisses all the while squeezing her so hard it’s a miracle her head didn’t pop off? Yes, that also happened,” Jon said with a grin.
Dany laughed. “What about the other Stark reunions?”
“My reunion with Sansa was nice. Littlefinger introduced her as his daughter, Alayne. She couldn’t even meet my eyes at first, but once she did, I knew. So, I told her I thought her name was pretty, which caused her eyes to widen, though she quickly composed herself. I apologized for being so forward and mentioned that my half-sister, Sansa, recommended I say that whenever a lady told me her name. I asked if she thought it was sound advice. Tears filled her eyes and she nodded, then I embraced her and said, ‘Welcome home, Sansa.’”
Dany smiled. “That’s sweet.”
Jon nodded. “Bran was just so quiet when he first arrived with Meera. But once he started talking, we quickly realized that he’d possibly had the strangest journey of us all. He put a lot of the pieces together, about my parentage, and about the events that led to the downfall of our House, particularly Littlefinger’s role in everything. It wasn’t long after that Sansa entered the solar where Arya and I were speaking and simply said, ‘Littlefinger is no more.’ It was also clear we would need Bran and his abilities to stand any chance against the Dead.”
Dany nodded. “I was astounded at some of the things he said, and what he knew. He truly had an important role to play, as did many others. And Rickon?”
“He was so young when he fled Winterfell, so his time in Skagos and warging Shaggydog slowed his development. Sansa and I both took on more of a parental role with him.”
Dany thought for a second. “I assume Bran and Rickon’s ages, coupled with everything they endured, played a role in you becoming King in the North?”
“Along with Robb’s Will,” Jon said.
“Aye, can’t forget about that,” Dany replied.
“And I’ll never forget the day I was chosen to be King. Arya told me to kneel and placed Robb’s crown upon my head, that she’d received from her mother. It was, until then, the best moment of my life.”
“What? Lady Stark died at the Red Wedding?” Dany asked.
Jon nodded. “Not many people know this, but Catelyn was resurrected a few days after her death. She wasn’t in a good condition, physically or mentally. She couldn’t speak. But apparently she, along with a group of men known as the Brotherhood Without Banners, had been seeking revenge for the Red Wedding, killing those involved one by one. Arya found her in the Riverlands. She gave her the gift of mercy, but not before receiving Robb’s crown.”
Dany pursed her lips. She turned and looked at the few grains that remained in the hourglass. “Do you want to talk about what happened? In the end? Before we . . .” she nodded toward the large door.
Jon took a deep breath and looked at the hourglass. “From what I remember, we were winning. Our dragons were keeping the wights at bay. Then I went to the ground to help those armed with Valyrian steel and dragonglass spears and daggers. The Others fled when they saw my burning sword, but we chased them down one by one. We had almost slain them all when Viserion somehow fell.”
Dany had a pained look as she began to remember. “Blue-eyed Viserion was unstoppable, killing people by the hundreds. I met him first in the air. Though Drogon was bigger, Viserion seemed unaffected by Drogon’s bites and cuts, even Drogon’s flames. But the damage Viserion inflicted was taking its toll on Drogon.”
Jon nodded. “Aye. I saw you battling in the air, so I mounted Rhaegal. Once he latched on to the other two dragons, the three dragons began to fall. I knew, even if we crashed at a speed that would kill Rhaegal and Drogon, Viserion could keep going, wreaking further death and destruction. And our dragons’ fire didn’t seem to pierce his skin. So, I jumped onto Viserion and plunged my sword as deep as it would go. Smoke and steam poured from Viserion’s mouth, as his eyes melted and dribbled down his cheeks. But by then it was too late. We were about to hit the ground. Maybe there was a small chance we could’ve survived—”
“But Viserion’s body burst into flame,” Dany said somberly.
Jon was silent as he wrestled with feelings of regret, second guessing his actions. Then his eyes widened, as if he remembered something. “You grabbed my hand, right before we . . . how?”
Dany smiled and bit her lower lip to hold back the tears. “I jumped onto Viserion after you stabbed him. I knew there was a good chance we weren’t going to live. And I wasn’t sure anything would be waiting for us after we died. So, in case it was our final moment together, I wanted you to know you were loved. I wanted that to be the last thing you ever felt.”
Jon stared at her, his eyes welling with tears and seeming to display a thousand different emotions. He looked down, as if trying to fully understand what she just said. Jon blinked, and a tear streaked down his cheek and vanished into his beard. He sniffled and began breathing through his mouth. Jon looked back up at her, eyes red and glistening. He peered into her eyes, subtly shifting his gaze from one to the other. Then his chin began to tremble, and he swallowed. She felt a cool drop slide down her own cheek. Watching Jon cry was the surest way to become a sobbing mess herself. She hugged her nephew and felt wetness on her shoulder as she and Jon both continued their chorus of sniffles. When they finally parted, they both began laughing and drying each other’s tears.
Jon glanced over her shoulder. “Times up,” he said. Dany nodded. She was finally ready.
They slowly walked to the largest door, which was rimmed in light from the feast on the other side. They heard loud talking, laughing. Even singing. Jon pulled the door, but it wouldn’t budge. He gave her a sheepish grin. “It’s probably a good thing the door was locked, considering . . . .”
“Aye,” she said. Her heart would’ve been pounding had she been alive. Though I feel more alive now than I ever have.
Jon took a key from a nearby hook, unlocked the door, and slowly opened it. The conversations got louder as they were greeted by a sea of silver and brown hair, often spilling out from beneath crowns, all feasting together. Suddenly, the conversations died as Jon and Dany were finally noticed. An eternity seemed to pass in silence as Dany’s eyes darted from face to face. “Jon—” she began, but she couldn’t finish as they were met with deafening cheers.
Dany breathed a sigh of relief. She felt Jon grab her hand. With their fingers interlaced, they stepped forward together into eternity.
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Bet you thought I'd never do it Thought it'd go over my head I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter Be somethin' easy to forget...

Zaldrīzesdōron (dragon Stone)
There was something heavy in the air that morning. Alyssane realized this when she woke up at dawn, after a nightmare in which her half-uncle, Aemond, hit her with his dark sister, the sword that slept next to her stepfather. It had been a while since his nightmares had disappeared, their return should mean something important, but with everyone asleep, it was kind of unnecessary to go after any meaning. So, she tossed and turned in bed for the rest of the morning, her sleep only returned when the first rays of sunlight entered her chambers revealing the morning, she knew there was no more time to sleep, so she waited for her lady-in-waiting to come to her .
The young woman from the Blackwood house came late, there was something in the look and the way she looked after the princess, it was different that morning, but Aly didn't know exactly what it was. She allowed herself to be bathed, perfumed and have her hair braided.
"It's different this morning, what happened?"
Despite rumors of cruelty, Alyssane was very similar to her predecessor, the Good Queen Alyssane, wife of Jaeherrys, she cared about the people around her and took care of them, often this care was not gentle, but that did not erase the value of it.
"There's nothing to worry about, your highness…"
Alyssane turned around, staring into the lady's black eyes as if she were trying to see through them.
"Do not lie to me…"
"I don't my princess. There is nothing to worry about."
Joanna looks at Alyssane in the mirror, affirmation in her eyes.
"I will believe you." Aly said finally, offering Blackwood a half smile. "Besides, I intend to fly to Driftmark, I believe my grandmother is arriving from Kingsland, and I want to be there to welcome her." The Targaryen turned to the lady, face to face now. "Would you like to accompany me?"
"To fly?" The lady questioned, a little surprised by the suggestion.
"And how more serious?" There was a certain irony in Alyssane's response.
"I'm better suited to being a spectator, princess."
Alyssane walked to the stone table room calmly, she had had her breakfast with Joanna in her quarters, leaving the entire morning free after that, the princess decided that she would like to spend time with her mother, and if she was dismissed , he could spend the rest of the day flying and running away from his septa Aura and the endless lessons about the greatest houses in Westeros.
She went about her everyday life without focusing on the people around her. Given the time it was obvious that Luke and Jace were training swords supervised by Daemon or some white cloak, the youngest Joffrey, youngest Aegon and Viserys must have been playing or causing panic to their nurses and nannies. The footsteps echoed across the stones of the castle, the dream still seemed very real and that didn't please her at all.
Silence was her worst enemy. And that morning, not even the dragons were roaring.
When she arrived at the hall, a pair of white robes she didn't remember the name of opened the Valyrian steel doors with almost no effort. The scene inside would remain etched in his mind forever; her lady grandmother, Princess Rhaenys dressed in her leather armor and Valyrian steel, speaking to her mother with great seriousness in her voice, Alyssane didn't catch the words at first, just the look of pain, thick tears that seemed to struggle not to fall from her eyes of Rhaenyra.
"She commanded you to kneel for your son?"
The words gave the youngest princess some idea of what had happened, it was like a stab in her chest, a sharp, deep pain in her chest, something that if it were physical would make her body double over. Daemon shouted curses in several languages, offending and cursing Otto, Alicent and their children.
"Daemon is not the time to offend!" Rhaenyra said sharply, as if she wanted to be stronger and more sensible than the pain that broke her inside.
“They stole your throne!” Her stepfather quickly defended himself.
"And Viserys is dead; we have much more to do than curse the wind." Rhaenys said.
Her words were wise, but that wasn't what Alysanne noticed, it was confirmation that her dearly beloved grandfather was dead, gone forever.
"With Aegon sitting on the Iron Throne, what will we do?"
Rhaenys asked, at this very moment Rhaenyra groaned in pain, her hand running to her womb. "It's time." she murmured, and even inexperience would not blind that fact, her little brother was coming into the world, and by the old Valyrian gods, it couldn't be at a worse time.
The next few hours were the worst. Alyssane did not accompany her mother in her labor, nor her stepfather in the work of gathering his closest and most loyal vassals. She went in search of vermithor in order to clear her head, understand everything that was happening around her. The great bronze dragon, the conciliator's former mount, felt his tension, not approaching with affection as he normally did, but with caution. She climbed up in a hurry, not caring about securing herself safely in the cell, just gliding quickly tearing through the sky, when she reached a height good enough for no one to hear her, Alyssane screamed at the top of her lungs, with force, finally letting go of the pain. of loss hitting her hard. Her body shook like crying convulsions, thick tears streaming down her face. Her dragon roared too, as if they shared the same pain, and who in the seven kingdoms could say they didn't?
The bond between Alyssane and Vermithor was like magic forged in their blood, since the death of Jaehaerys Targaryen, no creature that approached him came out alive, the bronze beast seemed to live in total torment until the day of the birth of Rhaenyra's first daughter, when he was first truly cared for by the guardians of the moat, and until she rode him, there was nothing capable of calming him.
And like that afternoon in 112 AD, Vermithor released flames and roars that could melt a castle.

#hotd#house of the dragon#fanfic#hotd fanfic#house of the dragon oc#rhaenyra targeryan#queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Sonic Underground Stuff/Ramblings(Lost Prince AU)
It's been a bit since I worked on posts about this, thought I'd post some more.(Link to AU's master post)
So yeah this is about the Sonic Underground version of my version of the Sonic universe. Some stuff is going to be reworked, some stuff might get removed(the Egyptian ancestor episode is getting replaced).
I'm not fully sure what I'm doing but I want to give the characters some character development & bonding moments.
I dunno how to word this but I guess I'll start with Sonic.
Sonic use to be an adventure loving child playing in the woods he & his adopted parents lived in until Robotnik took everything. He became more like Nicky(ironically had no idea who that was when I set this up years ago) thanks to being haunted by losing everything which made being bullied/shunned for being different by kids/people living in the resistance worse.(Luckily he has uncle Chuck & members of the resistance he eventually worked with) By the time Sonic met his siblings he was trying to hide how he actually was by pretending to be confident & at times mimicking Manic's behavior due to not wanting to seem out of place. As time goes on he learns to actually be confident(even if he can still be nervous) & open up more to his siblings as the three grow close & gain each others' trust.
Manic is pretty relaxed & doesn't seem to care but has issues stealing whatever he feels like taking or thinks has value. Manic also trusts people even less than Sonic does who wants to trust but struggles due to the past. Manic is also slightly bitter due to Sonia's background living with the rich. Manic while still a gremlin goes on to learn to trust his siblings & learn you shouldn't steal everything especially after an incident with a music box necklace. Manic manages to be someone his siblings can lean on to talk to with Sonia talking to him when worried or needing advice & Manic noticing issues Sonic struggled with & sneakily helped him out.
Sonia is smart, confident & often serious however she's sheltered due to living with the rich & being spoiled. Manic is street smart & read people at points, Sonic knows his way around stuff thanks to working with the resistance & living in the woods, Sonia is book smart but doesn't exactly have experience leading. Luckily Sonia has a little experience in combat thanks to some of the classes she took & sometimes getting practice when she use to sneak out with friends. Sonia learns to be more careful with who she trusts & has learned how to be a better leader thanks to experience. When possible she uses her aristocrat status to help her siblings & sometimes whatever team they're working with if needed. While she doesn't enjoy getting dirty still she's learned to deal with it when she has to but also see that somethings that cause her to get dirty can be fun sometimes.
Here's the triplets when they unite at the start of the Sonic Underground. Admittedly I kind of gave them outfits they had as kids but I want to keep the Sonia's outfit(and my designs for later) from the actual show for time has changed over time like they eventually get them.(Admittedly I also messed up young they look, they're like 13) Sonic's bangs are weird cause Sonia had to fix them after he cut them, he also lost his glasses(the broke) & was too nervous to tell his siblings until they started to trust each other more.
I plan to turn the music gimmick into a family thing so instead of the triplets just randomly getting these are amulets each member of their mom's family has.
Also want to mention that in this Manic's real name is Maurice & Sonic's real name is Arthur.(Outside of the AU Maurice is Sonic's name though that depends on what's going on so Nicky might be used too) This is based off a fanfic called Sonadow Alliance, also kind of helps as who names their kid Manic(I'm aware people have odd names in this franchise) & I know in some stuff it's implied Sonic isn't Sonic's name.(Sonia is the only one with a normal name)
I'm also saying the events of Sonic Underground happened on Christmas Island since in the past that was Sonic's birth place so may as well shoe horn it in some how. That place is also has the biggest population of weremobians so wonder what the triplets will find.
Here's the preview images of Sonic to show how time passes
Left to right
Sonic during the events of Sonic Underground(Lost Prince AU ver), timid & unsure about how life is going thanks to Robotnik's actions
Sonic during a time skip & near the end of Sonic Underground, more confident & more comfortable with stuff now
Modern Sonic who is picking up the pieces of his scattered memories
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Reasons for considering ocs an extension of you:
Blobby: Very philosophical ideologies that (I assume) are similar to your own
Skullina: ✨️T r a u m a ✨️
and you are so valid for this
yea akfhfhgj. Blobby is more based on just like, facts? that i gotta cope with? ig philosophical facts, maybe, it depends on how you veiw it.
Imo while yoy experience similar things, eat the same foods, laugh at ainilar jokes, itll never be exactly the same as the first time. Nothing ever is. Everyone is constantly changing, veiws and perspextives and ideas, and the world is constantly changing to reflect this. Time moved foward, people changed and others left, and thus it is different.
Like talking wirh yoy is still the same but its still different? Im older, my dreams have shifted, we play stardew together. Stuff like that. Cause yk. Time only ever moves foward, never back, never holding still.
(Also her uncle killed the god of time)
(also also her uncle kills HER. then she gets revived. and all she wants is to go back. where ahe knew nothing, ans her uncle loved her, and everything made sense. now shes sitting on her other uncles couch with maggots pressing into her skin and tear tracks down her face. the blood may be gone, the ichor isnt there anymore, but the stench lingers. the grimy feelibg lingers. blobby lingers, stuck gazing at the past thats never going to return and dreading a future that while she doesnt know it yet, will outahine the past with somerhing brilliant and new and loving. ans thats so mecore fr fr)
Ans skullina yeah janfnfnfnf just oure trauma babbaeyyyy
#did i use this as an excuse to guah abt Blobby and her Uncle(s)? yes.#youre a v supportive friend so im not worried :} !! 💜💜💜💜💜#if you want me to gush abt skullina too i am open to the prospecr of doing so 👁👁#shes a little clown girl#and blobby is part blobfishie hehe#tacos askbox#tacos internet family#yayy#amie tag#amiiee i lvoe you
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His Favorite Case (Spencer Reid x Reader)
A/N: omg i’m so sorry it took me this long for another chapter. ik i’m not popular but i really hope yall like this chapter <33
warnings: mention of guns, breaking and entering, stressful situations
word count: 1368
Part one
Chapter 2:
It was strange having a man you had met yesterday in your apartment. You were both sitting on your couch, your cat Kotik coming and laying on Reid. You held your cup of tea close to you, your knees up to your chest.
“Whose this little guy?” Reid asked after taking a sip of his own tea you had made. You chuckled, reaching your hand to pet Kotik. “This is Kotik, my sweet boy.” You couldn’t hide your smile from seeing your cat, he was the best thing you had. “Kotik, isn’t that russian?” Reid looked at you, curious now. You nodded, humming a yes. “It means kitten. I grew up in Russia after my parents died.” You shrugged, your parents’ death wasn’t something you would bring up often since you never fully processed it since the man who did it was still out there. “What was that like? I’ve never been to Russia.” He shifted, making Kotik jump off him and scurry off into your own bedroom. You yawned gently before taking another longer sip of your Earl Grey. “It was fun, very different from America.” You shrugged and hugged your knees. “Right, that makes sense…” Reid kinda shut down, worried he was keeping you up. “You should get some sleep..” You shook your head. “I don’t really want to.. Nightmares and stuff.” You looked away from him, setting your mug on the side table of your couch. “You can sleep though, no need to tire yourself out.” You added to him, smiling and making eye contact. Spencer hummed before shaking his head, he shifted to put one of his legs over the other. He still held his mug but it rested on the uplifted knee, looking at you, examining you. He knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help but feel attracted to you. It was wrong to express these thoughts and feelings while the case was still open which is why he just decided to get to know you. Maybe keep in touch once the unsub was found. He didn’t really want a repeat of Lila though. You noticed his long and thoughtful stare and smiled, he was definitely cute and your type but it was probably inappropriate to have a crush on the agent that was taking care of you. You stretched your legs out, sitting normally before crossing them again.. “Wanna play a board game?” You poked, looking over at Spencer who was watching your every move. His eyes made your heart speed up and you could feel how warm you now felt just knowing he was looking at you. “Sure, do you know how to play chess?” He asked, looking you up and down before catching your eyes again. “Yeah! My uncle taught me when I was little, he was in a lot of famous matches actually.” You smiled at the thought, you really adored your uncle even though he and your aunt had a less traditional marriage. You stood, placing your mug down and stepping towards a shelf that had various games and boxes on it, a few books laid there as well, most catching dust. You pulled the chess board out and walked back to the couch where Spencer sat. You gently set it between the two of you and sat across from him. He eyed the board with a certain intensity. “This is a really nice board..” His voice was filled with admiration. You chuckled at his pure admiration for the board. Though you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t admired the board when you were young. Spencer had moved the board after getting beaten by you a few times. The two of you had talked, flirted a bit, then put on a movie. Though it only took the first 15 minutes of the film for you to fall asleep, leaning on Spencer’s shoulder. Spencer froze when he felt your weight but he couldn’t exactly move you. He shifted ever so slightly which caused the rest of your body to lean against him. Cusses slipped from under his breath, he just needed to move enough to get his phone. He began to move, tilting his body so he could grab the small metal phone but you fell, your head landing in his lap. His arms went up in defense and he tensed. Slowly he breathed out and rested his arms away from your body.
The next morning you woke up on the couch. You looked around but didn’t see Spencer, you couldn’t exactly remember when you fell asleep or what exactly happened. You soon stood up, you rubbed your tired eyes and hugged yourself. Your eyes fell upon a sticky note on the chess board. You moved to it, gingerly picking it up and reading the neatly written letters. Reid had written to you that he was going out to get coffee and would pick you up something to eat. You smiled and held the paper between your thumb and index before walking back to your room. You heard your front door opening and assumed Spencer was back, you pulled your shirt over your head before walking back to the living room where you found a man. But it wasn’t any man, it was the man who killed your parents. You stumbled backwards, fear filled your lungs. “Hello Y/N.” He said, a gun coming out from behind his back. You felt tears sting your eyes and you turned, running back into your room and slamming the door. You heard heft footsteps bounding behind you before a large bang sounded at your bedroom door. He jiggled the locked handle as tears streamed down your cheeks. You moved to find your phone but realized it wasn’t in your room. You cussed, panic truly setting in as you clawed at the window. You finally got it open and looked down, on the sidewalk you saw Reid with coffee and a little pastry bag. You silently basked in your joy, you were still scared but seeing Spence made you feel better. You quickly move half of your body out of your window. “REID REID” You scream, his nerdy hair flops as he looks for the voice. He eventually looked up to see you. You wave him to your apartment and he notices your tears. He immediately began running, the food and coffee being an afterthought. You turn back at your door, the man is still slamming his fist against the door. “Y/N! Y/N come on out sweetheart! I won’t hurt you!! I just wanna see ya dance!” He screamed. Your cries grew in volume and you managed to get a shaky plea for him to leave. Soon you heard Spencer get to your apartment. You heard the usual cops yell, hands up, gun down, the whole shabang. Things settled down after a few minutes. You heard rustling for a while then Reid’s voice. “You can come out now Y/N, we got him.” You slowly unlocked the door and rushed into Spencer’s arms. He was incredibly taken aback by your affection but he slowly wrapped his arms around you. You swayed in his embrace before remembering you were in his embrace. You pushed yourself back and smiled awkwardly. “Sorry..” You said gently, looking up into his eyes. His eyes seemed to be so sad, though in reality he was just longing for you. He barely knew you but he knew he was attracted to you. You noticed his eyes tracing around your face and you let your eyes slowly fall to his lips but you both tensed and moved away when Morgan came in. “Alright wonderboy, say bye bye to your girlfriend, we gotta get back.” You frowned a little at the news before straightening and dusting yourself off. Spencer looked at you like a wounded puppy dog and your heart began to melt. “I’ll text you, maybe we can play chess again. Y’know so I can beat your ass a few more times.” You tried to lighten the mood. Spencer made a small chuckle through a straight mouth smile before nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.” His voice was soft and vulnerable. And with that he left your apartment.
#mgg#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid criminal minds#dr spencer reid#spencer reid#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds#criminal minds imagine
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Ooooo, now that I'm thinking about her, maybe with Aiko, because she was always a battling trainer, she thought that battling was just throwing strong moves against the opponent and win. I mean, it has worked for Kenji, so it would work for her right? Well. Not exactly. I think by Ecruteak City, Aiko only really has 4 pokemon on her. Most of which she hasn't really trained or battled with outside of any encounters with Team Rocket. And again, she isn't taking the gym challenge either. Most of her battle experience is with team rocket or watching Kenji do his gym challenge.
I point this out because Ecruteak City is where I want Aiko and Kenji to have their first battle. Aiko is tired of Silver being a jerk to both people and pokemon, and challenges him to a battle. Originally, I wanted Silver to deny her one, not even sparing her a glance, but I think, just to prove his point, he would battle her. And absolutely destroy her in it. It's one thing to be actively ignored by the jerk. It's another thing to be ignored, then acknowledged, only to be told that "you were always weak, so don't even bother". Like that must have shattered Aiko's confidence at the time. And thus kick-starts her training. And going back to the beginning of this post, she genuinely struggles with it. Her marill, Louie, is arguably her strongest pokemon, but it's not as battle ready as the starters are. She doesn't have any gym badges either, so while her pokemon do love her, they aren't so easy to command in battle. And on top of all that, she just thinks she has to hit things until it dies. Not a bad strategy mind you, but it doesn't always work, especially for a newbie trainer like her. So she's losing way more than she's winning. And to tie all of this in a neat bow, Aiko starts to wonder her purpose in general. She's not a gym challenger like Kenji. She's not a professor's assistant like Beryl. She's not even some strong jerk like Silver. So what good can she do? Is she really sullying her dad's name by not taking interest in his work? She doesn't know. She doesn't know what's so special about Aiko Elm. ( Thanks a lot Silver...how the fuck did you two end up dating for a bit, like damn)
Also I should mention, Kenji also struggled with the " I should hit things until I win" mindset. The difference between him and Aiko is that 1) it still worked out for him well and 2) by Ecruteak City, he's been traveling and training enough to realize " oh I probably should think more when battling" , plus the general experience of the journey so far has helped him greatly.
Also also, when Kenji finds out how Silver treated Aiko in the burned tower, it quickly elevates things to " man, I wish silver wasn't so mean, but I respect him as a rival and potential friend!" To " fuck you, you treat your pokemon like shit and made my best friend cry, catch these hands" which is honestly very based of him.
Finally, I think after her loss against Silver, is when the kimono girls start to come into play. This could potentially lead to a group split....Kenji goes to face Jasmine and Chuck ( though admittedly it would be weird if Aiko wasn't there to see her uncle), Aiko gets picked up by one of the kimono girls ( one of them finds her crying) and Beryl heads to Mahogany Town get more pokemon for the pokedex/ check of Pryce, since Morty mentioned having not heard from him in a while( cause Rocket). Still, a big maybe, since Beryl was in charge of Aiko and Kenji by Elm, but I think she trusts them enough to go on their own.
Okay I think I got all my Aiko rambles out, I like where this is heading!
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Hi I would like to know about your teen wolf characters (both the ones you are all about rn and the ones you want to work on) Tell me one important fact about each one and one fun fact please and thank you!
Yes yes absolutely as you wish
Avalon Ridley
Important: She's known about the supernatural aspect of Beacon Hills her whole life, cause she's always known she's a witch
Fun: She's been besties with Lydia since the second grade
Beckett Grove
Important: His birth parents didn't technically abandon him but he doesn't know that until (so far in my ideas) about s4
Fun: He was on the basketball team with Derek for like, half a season before he quit
Candace Monahan
Important: She's taken care of Gilead her whole life, but obviously it was more official when their parents died and they moved to Beacon Hills
Fun: She was a gymnast when she was younger
Caylin Hale
Important: When Peter came back and first saw her, he was planning on recruiting her for his pack
Fun: Her and Jackson have movie nights every week
Devin Parrish
Important: His parents are absent at best which is why he chooses to move to Beacon Hills with Jordan
Fun: He pretends to need Kira to tutor him to talk to her
Dylan Bradford
Important: Dylan's known about the supernatural since he was kid and saw a hunter shoot at a werewolf in the woods
Fun: He only started playing football cause he didn't make the lacrosse team and now that's why he actually has a lacrosse grudge
Ezra Brady
Important: Erica originally only was flirting with him to get to Scott
Fun: He only joined the lacrosse team cause Scott and Stiles were joining
Gilead Monahan
Important: He was the closest to his dad's best friend before his death
Fun: Gilead usually goes by Gil
Guinevere Bates
Important: She does ultimately remember who killed her uncle, which is what jumpstarted her banshee powers
Fun: She likes photography
Griffin Browning
Important: He's never been super dedicated to the hunting lifestyle the way his family wants
Fun: The only thing Griffin really likes about hunting is the traveling
Henrietta Atwood
Important: She's going after Scott because Peter asked her to, though around this time she has a huge crush on Peter that he is aware of and uses to manipulate her
Fun: Lydia and her had sleepovers every weekend in middle school
Julian Knights
Important: Despite the age difference, he really does see Chris as his brother and Kate as his sister
Fun: He does call Allison his niece which, while technically true, does kind of annoy her
Leon Hastings
Important: So far I'm thinking his mom chose to move to Beacon Hills on purpose, that with her mythology research she somehow found how much was going on in Beacon Hills
Fun: Jackson had a small crush on him
Serena Morgan
Important: Since I don't think it's been technically mention yet and just alluded to in her initial ask, she's a Siren. But I might change whether or not she already knows that
Fun: Isaac's dad does not like when she's over because she does not exactly hide her distaste for him
Vivian Bell
Important: Her name is on the dead pool which is how she really gets involved in everything
Fun: Mason is her neighbor
#answered#cecexwrites#avalon ridley#beckett grove#candace monahan#caylin hale#devin parrish#dylan bradford#ezra brady#gilead monahan#guinevere bates#griffin browning#henrietta atwood#julian knights#leon hastings#serena morgan#vivian bell
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Coming out again, because sometimes that’s important.
Hi. If you know me already, you can skip this first chunk. If you don’t, I’m Ben. I’m a teenage boy from the great midwest. I write, read, play DND and different video games. I like Splatoon and fried rice and fantasy and different futuristic aesthetics. I grew up on dystopian fiction and that’s part of the thing that’s made me so optimistic for a future for people like me. For the minorities, the marginalized, the attacked and abused. We’ve won before and we’ll win again, no matter how long the fight.
I’m a transgender, gay, and asexual boy. It took me a very long time to reach these labels, but now that I have I’m comfortable with them. They may change in the future, but for now, this is who I am.
I came out as bisexual at eight years old. I wasn’t ‘groomed’ into it- I was raised in a straight family with straight grandparents and straight aunts and uncles. None of my neighbors were openly queer and I almost solely consumed straight media. The only reason I was able to figure this out was because I had friends who were already figuring themselves out. The labels they used taught me that there were other options than straight and cis. I was curious and confused and a little hesitant, but that’s normal when you come across things that aren’t common to you. I learned and that was that. I sat down with my mom and told her I was bi and she said “me too.” That was my first realization that people like me were everywhere. We’ve always existed, just maybe not so openly.
I tried different labels and gender identities for years after that. Different pronouns, different names, but nothing quite stuck. Somethings felt better, but nothing felt good. I wrestled with attraction for a while. I’m autistic, and that can cause me to struggle a little with understanding my own feelings. The boys in the area I grew up in were downright cruel, too. I didn’t know any of them that I could possibly be actually attracted to. I was bi, pan, lesbian, aro/ace, pan again- it kept changing. There’s nothing wrong with that. I was testing out labels until I found what felt comfortable and that’s okay. Most self exploration isn’t linear.
And then I grew older and I started meeting boys who actually were decent. Around that time, I was starting to dip closer and closer to he/him pronouns. I was slowly learning that masculinity and boys aren’t inherently evil; the place I was raised in had a strong ‘boys will be boys’ culture. They were expected to be loud and rough and cruel. Then I found boys who wouldn’t make fun of you for your identity or your race or your mental or physical disabilities or simply just for being different. Masculinity isn’t inherently evil and I was allowed to be masculine.
So I let myself try he/him pronouns and a boy’s name and I let myself admit I’m attracted to boys and more masculine people. I still remember how it felt like a weight off my chest when people started using he/him pronouns for me. I started looking at gay ship art and reading gay fiction and once I’d had my fill of projecting myself onto one of those guys, I moved on to just generally queer media. I watched people like me thrive and create and exist exactly as they were.
We were always here, we always will be here. Coming out is one of the scariest queer experiences I can think of, even when it’s just coming out to yourself. But it is worth it, even if you’re the only one who knows. It’s okay to not come out to other people or to only come out to specific people. This is a beautiful, personal part of you and no-one is entitled to it. Never let anyone tell you your identity makes you less deserving of a gorgeous, beautiful, happy life.
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The King
(Warnings: This is pretty angsty but not in any major way, there’s a slight recalling of some slight SA experiences but again, I will never write the R-word. Not even in a flashback, I might mention it but I will never write it in explicit details)
“Well, I think I’ve made my position very clear-”
“Oh, you have. You’ve made it more than clear,” Daisy stepped forward, ignoring any boundaries as she stepped closer, and closer, and closer, until she was just on the other side of the desk, in front of him as he sat in his fancy chair behind his fancy desk “you’re a spineless coward. You live in a big, comfortable house, all by yourself, not wanting to share it with anyone, just like Negan. You force people to do whatever you want, provide whatever you want, while you sit with your feet up, just like Negan. You think you’re better than everyone else, just like Negan-”
“And what do you think you know about Negan, little girl?-”
“My name is Delilah. And I’ll tell you exactly what I know; Negan is a psychopath. He lets everyone else do his work, forcing the people he thinks are ‘below’ him to work and provide for him so he doesn’t have to lift a finger. The only difference I see is that he’s got more balls and brains than you could ever imagine. Unlike you, he’s not a coward, and unlike you, he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. I bet you force Jesus to give you a manicure when he’s not busy saving lives. You don’t even know how many people are in the Hilltop. It’s just like my uncle said; either you’re with us, or against us, and if you’re against us… I’ll bite you” she stated calmly, Gregory laughing at her last words, except no one else was. “Turning him into a walker is not the answer” Jesus stated softly, Daisy scoffing quietly at him “at least then he’d have a use.”
“And why do you think biting me would turn me?? You’re not one of the dead” he asked through his laughter, once again being met with silence, his smile fading, his laughter dying down and his eyes widened a little as he leaned away from her “you’re the one Simon told me about…” he muttered, Daisy tilting her head at him before taking a few steps back, still keeping her eyes on him “I think I need some fresh air, I’m still healing” she stated without looking away from him, turning around, casting a brief glance at Carl before walking out of the office, Gregory swallowing the lump in his throat, his heart beating against his chest at the thought of her, a girl no older than thirteen, being able to turn him with a single bite or scratch.
“‘King’ Ezekiel?” Daisy asked with raised brows, looking at Jesus who nodded with a smirk, Daisy scoffing quietly, the movement causing a fiery pain to shoot through her side, her hand reaching for it, covering the wound and Carl stepped a little closer, making her force a smile up at him “I’m okay” she whispered softly. As the car stopped and Rick and Jesus got out, Daisy turned to look at Carl, studying him before gently reaching for his hat, tilting it upwards a little so she got a better look at his bandages “you changed them… about time” she muttered, Carl smiling softly at him “I’m not as good as you, I barely managed to wrap it around my head” he admitted and she chuckled lightly “I’ll see if it needs to be adjusted, alright?” she asked and he nodded, just as Daryl opened the door and popped out “hey, what the hell’re we waitin’ on?” he asked, Jesus pointing in a direction “waiting for them” he stated, pointing at-
“Are those-... horses? And a sword?...” Daisy asked hesitantly, a frown on her brows as she tilted her head a little in confusion. As they were asked (ordered, more like it) to get out of the car, Carl noticed Daisy’s hesitation, a small smirk forming on his lips “what? Are you scared of horses?” he asked teasingly and she scoffed, shaking her head and playing it off, but he saw the look of genuine fear in her eyes before she got out. Had it been a different situation, and not one involving horses, he would’ve taken her fear seriously, but this? Horses? He allowed himself a quick laugh, a quiet one, before getting out of the car as well, Daisy standing well behind Daryl, which he noticed. “Line up” the man, Richard, ordered, Daisy’s heart starting to race and she shook her head “this is a waste of time” she stated loudly, turning to the others “come on” she stated in a calm and even voice, but her eyes were pleading. The last time they were lined up, two from her family died, she thought another one had died and her and her uncle were taken, Carl’s arm was nearly chopped off by his dad and she found out that her mom was alive, which she still put on the negative side of the list.
“Maybe you’re right. The King is a busy man, and it’s a dangerous world,” he stated, Sasha moving to line up, looking over her shoulder at Daryl and Daisy, who seemed to share the same sentiment that this was a bad idea, a waste of time. “We’re prepared, this time” Sasha stated softly, reaching a hand out and Daisy was actually shaking, her hand gripping the knife on her belt and she swallowed the lump in her throat, shaking her head “no-”
“No. No, I will walk back if I have to, I’m not getting in another line” she hissed at Rick, tears forming in her eyes, shaking her head “no” she muttered, turning around and walking off, Daryl studying her before whistling, catching her attention, watching as he tried to nod her over but she stayed in place. “Delilah-”
“No. The next thing that’s gonna happen is that one of us dies or is forced to cut off an arm… and I can’t watch that again… I memorized the route, walker’s aren’t a threat to me unless they tear me apart and they won’t. I’m going back, I won’t watch my family be executed again” she called before turning back around, continuing to walk and Richard frowned “you’re just gonna let her walk alone? What if she gets bitten or scratched??”
“I wouldn’t worry about that” Rick muttered under his breath not-so-quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, gently shaking his head and he looked at Carl who nodded, running over to her, jogging to catch up to her. “Daisy- Dais- Delilah!” he called and she stopped when he called her real name, her heart racing and she turned around to face him and he finally caught up with her, stopping in front of her “it’s not going to happen-”
“We said that before, didn’t we? And we lost Glenn and Abraham, you almost lost an arm! I thought Maggie and her baby were dead! My uncle was taken! I won’t stand in a line ever again, you can’t make me, none of you can make me-” she was cut off by Carl hugging her, her tears ran down her cheeks and onto his shirt but she hugged him back, forcing herself to wrap her arms around him, a frown forming on her brows as she felt a hint of discomfort, the image of that doctor creeping into her mind and she quickly parted from him, eyes shut tightly as she tried to ignore the clammy, horrible feeling that she felt. “Don’t make me watch you be executed” she begged quietly once she had suppressed the feeling enough to look back at him, her eyes searching his face desperately for any proof that he felt the same as her, maybe they could convince the others? Remind them that it wouldn’t work. That it would just be like last time. That they were signing up to be executed just like before. “It won’t happen… I won’t let it-”
“You can’t-”
“I can” he interrupted, Daisy about to shake her head again when he dropped one of his hands from her face, taking her hand into his own, interlocking their fingers and her lower lip trembled, she convinced herself it was because of her fear and sadness but the disgust build up in her throat again, and again, she suppressed it as much as possible “I don’t want to live in a world without you in it” she admitted in a whisper and Carl leaned his forehead against hers, the action making his hat tip back a little “you won’t. I won’t… we won’t” he put more pressure on the ‘we’ and she let out a shaky breath, closing her eyes in regret and Carl could read her like an open book, slowly walking backwards until their interlocked hands forced Daisy to follow him back to the others as they talked. As they arrived, Rick looked at Daisy, the empty look on her face, as though she was already mourning them “we have to hand over our guns-”
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!!” Daisy snapped, a semblance of life returning to her “have all of you lost your fucking memory?!”
“Delilah! Listen-”
“No! No, fuck that! This is exactly what Negan did! He lined us up, took our guns and then he-...” she couldn’t even get the words out, breath heavy as though her body was getting ready to fight or flight, and knowing her, it’d be one hell of a fight “it won’t be like that-”
“The hell it won’t!”
“I’m handing mine over, too” Carl spoke softly and she looked at him as though he’d gone insane, shaking her head “don’t-”
“Delilah” she turned to look at her uncle as he finally spoke, her eyes wide in fear and she shook her head “no… not you, no…”
“Daisy, it’s okay” Carl stated softly, his hand still locked with hers as he got out his gun and gave it to Richard, who was still staring at Daisy. “We’re all walking into this like everything is going to work out!” she snapped, Richard’s face seeming to soften a little, as though he had just now understood how scared this girl was. This teenage girl. Not an adult, not a woman, but a teenager, still a child. “I promise, no harm will come to you or your companions, Dai-”
“My name is not Daisy to you, it’s Delilah” she snapped, looking up at her uncle, expecting him to be on her side when he gently shook his head “ain’t nothin’ like that ever gonna happen again” he whispered softly, reaching over and taking out the gun that was hidden behind her, Daisy staring at him with an open mouth and in shock as he handed Richard the gun. “Can she keep her bow and arrows?” Rick asked after taking in the look on Richard’s face and he nodded softly “just until you’re in front of the King” he stated and Rick nodded, walking over to Daisy “this is how we fight back… for Abraham… for Glenn” her entire demeanor changed when he said the last name, her hand squeezing Carl’s and she looked down, a frown on her brows but it was obvious that she was going to comply.
For now.
“That’s a tiger.”
“It’s alright.”
“That’s a tiger.”
“We know, Daisy-”
“It’s a big tiger.”
“Holy shit…”
“Daisy, it’s okay-”
“That’s a tiger” she kept mumbling, eyes wide, body completely frozen in shock, Daryl looking awkwardly at the others, seeing as they had all walked a little closer while she remained frozen at the entrance. “Delilah-”
“It’s big.”
“Tigers usually are.”
“It’s really big…”
“I thought your mom took ya to the zoo when you was little? You ain’t seen a tiger before??”
“Momma was busy yelling at daddy and a horse tried to eat my hair and yanked me like five feet away from- it’s really big, uncle Daryl…” she interrupted herself, holding her breath and Daryl sighed softly, reaching for her, gently guiding her forward to join the others. “Fear not, fair maiden. Shiva will not hurt you-”
“Nope, no, no I’ll fear. I’ll fear. Definitely fear” she muttered to herself, still as stiff as a board as Daryl practically had to drag her towards the others, her feet stiff and almost rooted in place like a board. As Shiva huffed at her, she flinched, her heart racing, lungs aching for air as she felt like she was going to pass out. “Fair maiden, I give you my word-”
“Mm” was all she could say in response, an attempt to shake her head was made but she couldn’t move, her lips in a thin straight line, eyes still wide. “It’s okay, Daisy-”
“I’d rather take a needle to the arm” she admitted quietly, flinching as the ‘King’ stood up. “Please, approach” he asked and Daryl hesitated, gently shaking his head “nah-”
“It’s quite alright. I promise you, she will not harm you. I swear to you on my life, she will have to rip off my arm before I allow her to do any harm onto you and your companions” King Ezekiel stated softly, Daisy swallowing the lump in her throat as she nodded, settling behind Rick and Daryl. “You do realize I’d let it eat you so I can get away, right?” she asked in a whisper, still looking at the tiger and Daryl hummed with a small nod “better run fast, then” he muttered and she glared up at him, making him smirk and she sighed heavily, shaking her head as she tried to hide her amusement. He managed to make her unfreeze… or whatever it’s called. “This is Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria, and these are some of his people, and this is his son, Carl, and his… ‘companion’, Delilah.”
“Delilah, that is a most beautiful name” King Ezekiel stated and Daisy was quiet until she was nudged by Tara, making her hesitate before opening her mouth “thank you, sir- I mean, your-... h-holiness? Your-... excellency?”
“Be at ease, fair maiden, you have nothing to fear here” he stated and she let out a shaky breath, nodding to herself, wanting nothing more than to bolt out of the theater. “I welcome you all to the Kingdom, good travelers. Now, what brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek an audience with the King?”
Rick hesitantly stepped forward a little “Ezekiel- King Ezekiel” he corrected himself, “Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom… All three of our communities have something in common. We all serve the Saviors. Alexandria already fought them once, and we won. We thought we took out the threat but we didn’t know then what we know now. We only beat one outpost. We’ve been told that you have a deal with them, that you know them. Then you know, they rule through violence and fear” Rick stated, Ezekiel looking at Jesus with a slight glare. “Your Majesty, I only told them of the-”
“Our deal with the Saviors is not known among my people. For good cause. We made you a party to that secret when you told us of the Hilltop’s own trevails, but we did not expect you to share-”
“We can help each other!-”
“Don’t interrupt the King.”
“We brought you into our confidence. Why did you break it?”
“Because I want you to hear Rick’s plans” Jesus admitted softly and honestly, King Ezekiel turning his still burning gaze to Rick “and what plans have you, Rick Grimes of Alexandria?”
“We came to ask the Kingdom, to ask you, to join us in fighting the Saviors, fighting for freedom for all of us.”
“What you are asking is very serious” his words made Daisy frown as she walked closer “several of our people, good people, my family, have been murdered brutally by the Saviors, by Negan himself… he took a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire,” her voice was shaking, her jaw clenched as she composed herself “and beat in the heads of my friend and one of my uncles, one who has been with us from the start, in front of his pregnant and sick wife. He nearly forced Rick to cut off his own son’s arm, he forced Carl to walk around others without the bandages around his face, mentally torturing him with it. He forced me to infect someone to turn them into a walker. He handed me periodically over to a doctor who had me take off my pants every now and then to-... ‘examine’ a wound I’d gotten- that he insisted should be there and not somewhere where I didn’t have to take off my pants!” she admitted through clenched teeth “he kept my uncle a prisoner, had him beaten, fed dog food, locked in a dark cell, forced to submit and kneel. He forced Carl and I to watch as he burnt the side of a man’s face off, he has multiple wives that he controls with fear as they’re forced to do whatever he wants and tell him that they love him, just so their loved ones are provided for if they need medicine, a doctor, food, if they’re pregnant or sick or old” her voice was shaking by now, as was she, her fear of the tiger long gone as she stepped a little closer “he gave me no choice other than to do what he said, making me a lab rat, having his doctor draw my blood so much that the crook of my elbows started to look like my drug addicted mother because I knew if I didn’t do what he said, he’d kill my uncle. He’d kill Rick, he’d kill Carl. He’d kill my family. He’d find out that the pregnant wife of the man he killed was alive and he’d murder her and her unborn child. He has his people kneel whenever he walks by, and if you don’t kneel? If you don’t follow his ‘rules’? Then you get the side of your face burnt. He forces ‘workers’ to work on the fence where he has walkers tied up, he has them mop up piss and blood and guts and has them maneuver around walkers with no weapons or protection at all and they’re not allowed to kill them for their own safety. They’re treated worse than vermin” she finished, still shaking, the tears in her eyes clouding her vision “he only cares about himself, he doesn’t care about if his ‘wives’ are happy or not. If his ‘workers’ get bit. If a thirteen year old girl has to take off her pants so his creepy doctor can-” she cut herself off, jaw clenched so hard that her teeth might break “Negan is a monster’s worst nightmare. I understand making a deal with him for the safety of your people, I do, and I respect that, but now you have another option. Freedom. A tiger doesn’t make you King, it just makes you it’s handler. Protecting the freedom and happiness of your people, looking out for them, keeping them safe, keeping them happy, that’s what makes a King” she finished, letting out a shaky breath as she kept shaking “if you’ll excuse me, I’m still healing from a gunshot wound, I think I need some air” she stated softly, turning around and walking out of the theater.
The second she was outside, she leaned against the wall, she felt like her throat was closing, her eyes shut tightly as she felt like she was back there. In that chair. Having to endure feeling his hands around the scratch on her bare thigh. She shut her eyes even tighter to try and wash the image away, shaking her head, as though it’d shake the memory out of her brain and she felt like she would collapse at any second now, everything was spinning and she could feel his hands again, see his smirk as he told her of how good her wound looked, how perfect it was at healing. How she was taking being away from her family so well. So good.
She felt her stomach turn at the memories and she quickly leaned to the side, holding her ponytail out of the way as whatever was left in her stomach came back up, the sour and bitter taste left at the back of her tongue and she spat to try and get rid of it, looking down only to groan in annoyance. “Fuck” she muttered, wiping her lips as she shook her foot, trying to shake off some of the vomit that had gotten on it. She groaned when it didn’t work, wiping her mouth again before leaning back against the wall, bending over, her hands on her knees to support herself as she shut her eyes tightly. She could almost hear him… his voice… that creepy voice, so she shook her head, shutting her eyes even tighter, frowning a little as she tried to block it out. She jumped back as someone touched her shoulder, her heart racing as she looked at Carl, only for a brief moment, before she looked away, going back to leaning against the wall, Carl eyeing the vomit on the ground next to her, and on her boots “are you okay? Are you sick??”
“You just threw up-”
“She what?” Daryl appeared out of nowhere, walking over to Daisy, placing a hand on her shoulder as he leant down, trying to look at her face, which she had turned away. “I’m fine” she muttered, shrugging off his hand before looking up at the others “what’d he say?”
“He wants us to ‘sup’ with him, he says he’ll answer us tomorrow” Rick admitted, Daisy letting out a heavy sigh of frustration, running a hand over her face before turning her head to the side, spitting, trying to make some of the horrible taste in her mouth go away “I hope they have toothpaste” she muttered bitterly before walking off, needing to be alone for a while.
#the walking dead#daryl dixon#twd#days gone by#daisy marston#Days Gone By-The King#The Walking Dead fanfic#TWD fic#Carl Grimes#Maggie Rhee#Delilah Marston#Judith Grimes#Rick Grimes
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You Can't Always Be Your Own Knight In Shining Armor
Five hours.
Five long hours.
That's how long you had been stuck in a room with dozens of other terrified omegas. That's how long it had been since the league broke into the college you were visiting and kidnapped a bunch of people. Students, faculty, visitors. You were all the same now, omegas shoved into a small, dark room, waiting for whatever would happen next. You weren't exactly sure what was being planned but you knew it couldn't be good. You had recognized several different League of Villain members.
The door opened up and in walked Dabi. The pyromaniac who looked like he spent way too long in a sun tanning booth. His eyes scanned over the group of you before he stopped at the front of the room. "YN." He called out your name, causing your pulse to race. Why on earth were you singled out? He made eye contact with you, his piercing blue eyes staring down into your soul. "Come here" He ordered. You felt yourself slowly move forward, unable to really feel your legs beneath you as fear ran through your body.
"The rest of you will follow Kurogiri and Compress out to another location. Your families are all coming for you." He watched the other two villains lead everyone out before grinning, bringing a hand onto your shoulder. "You, however, are so much less fortunate. You see we kidnapped you all to entice the heroes to come and play with us, but I figured we may as well get something else out of holding you all here. So, we send ransom letters out to everyone's family. It is a college known for the powerful and wealthy to go. However, you don't attend the school, do you?" He grinned as he let go of your shoulder and began circling around you. "You had no records. The only thing we could find was an application to be an apprentice to the school's healer. You have a decently impressive resume. Graduated top of your class both in Highschool and college. Lots of volunteer work. I imagine you could have had any position you wanted. Unfortunately, you have no record of any family history. No parents, siblings, uncles, nothing. No social media presence to speak of. If it weren't for your resume and public records, we'd have had no idea who you were. It's a shame that your hard work is all going to go to waste all because you're unwanted."
You narrowed your eyes and reached out to slap him, the offensive comment causing you to be a lot bolder than you'd ever been before. Before you could make the connection, he caught your hand. A sadistic grin spread over his face as he tightened his hand, crushing yours beneath his. You screamed out in pain, yanking your hand back to cradle against your chest as he released you.
"Try that again and you'll wish you hadn't. The heat houses have plenty of healers that will put you back together once I'm finished with you." His grin widened as he saw the look of horror wash over your face. "Did your situation finally sink in? No one is going to come searching for you. No one knows your here." He stepped closer, running a hand down your cheek. "Maybe I'll just keep you instead. Keep you as my little toy, my plaything." You squeezed your eyes closed, begging for all of this to be over, for it to have been a terrible dream that you could wake up from.
He took a step away from you and you felt your body relax ever so slightly. "Oh you're going to be a fun little thing to break." Dabi smirked before looking over as Mr. Compress walked back into the room. He was a bit less threatening as Dabi was, being a beta who was a bit smaller than the alpha who had been threatening you. Dabi walked over to him and the two spoke in hushed tones. "Alright little Omega, my friend here is going to make sure you get hidden away for me to have my fun with. I'll be back for you soon." He winked before making his exit.
Alright this was your chance. You could do this. The door was not too far away from you. If you ran fast enough there was a chance you'd be able to make it through before Mr. Compress got ahold of you. You would just need to wait for the right moment. You watched as the villain came closer to you. You knew what his quirk was, anyone with a half decent television would have known all about the different LOV members. There was no doubt that Dabi was going to have Compress put you in one of his strange marbles before relocating you. You couldn't let him get his hands on you, but you'd use his attempt to catch him off guard.
Just as you'd predicted he reached for you. You waited until he was moments away from contact before grabbing his arm and using his own momentum to send him into the wall. It caught him off guard. Clearly he wasn't used to civilians, especially omegan civilians, fighting back against him. It was perfect. You bolted for the door, going as fast as possible.
It was a short-lived victory. You should have known the villains would be too smart to leave a hostage alone with only one other person to guard them. There were two other guards right outside of the door. That was it. This was your only shot at escape and it was already over before you could really even try. You heard Mr Compress groan as he got up and came back over to you. "Don't make this difficult." He spoke as he reached out for you again. This was the end. Game over. There was no hope for your escape now.
#mha x reader#omegaverse#ao3#fanfic#mha#bnha#class 1a#big three#tamaki amajiki#mha mirio#togata mirio#nejire hado
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@certifiedhorror (sam)
it's an odd sort of evening, the quiet sound of leaves rustling outside her window in-between crashes of distant thunder; the window is open, fractionally-- just enough-- for the breeze to flow through yet not allow rain inside. clouds turn the darkening skies a deep shade of gray, sunset soon to follow. the day had been contemplative, a needed break after the stress of everything life had thrown upon her over the course of the last few weeks. she had had a plan in mind for herself and her life when she'd decided to return to new jersey. she would be close to uncle nik (close enough to visit the estate and ride sherlock, the horse he'd gifted her upon her return) yet far enough to maintain an air of independence from the life he'd chosen to live and her own. she wasn't the type to let his choice of business and her own line of work obstruct her loyalty or cause her to abandon her family. they were separated entities on the professional front and anyone who truly knew her, understood that. still, she was aware that declining the initial offer to live at the estate when she returned was a needed separation for professional appearances. plus, frankly, she needed her own space. her own dwelling to make her home in the wake of some much loss. loss of her best friend, though not in a morbid sort of way-- he'd left her not died, and loss of mehmed. her move was supposed to be a rebirth of sorts, a new beginning inside of the shell of something familiar to build off of.
yet, that's not exactly how things had played out had it? no.
devin had been there, that first day at the medical examiners office and a great many truths had come to light in the weeks after which had made ariadne question her understanding of many things including them. "you know. it's really strange. mehmed never saw this house. the whole time we knew each other was in london. six months that felt like a lifetime... and yet, all these months later, somehow... a part of me still expects him to walk through that door. i'm not sure that ever will go away on days like this."
her voice isn't melancholy, just... perhaps, tinged with a kind of resigned acceptance of a simple fact. she has grieved and sought to continue forward. she understands life will continue and maybe one day she will love again. but one love does not erase another. just as reuniting with devin did not mean she still held onto the hopes she once had for them. perhaps their time had passed and only friendship would now remain.
life was complicated like that.
it was only going to grow more complicated now that a winchester was standing in her living room. a different sort of complicated; a kind of complicated that had become increasingly present in her life lately-- given her work with the bprd on occasion-- even if the supernatural had tinged it since her mother. "if you need to get in touch with my baba you'll have to get in line. haven't heard from him in over a month. uncle nik is a lot easier though. he's just a short drive away and i think he always had a soft spot for you when your father brought you by."
ariadne had known sam was coming though the reason had appeared unclear as of yet. somethings were best left off of a text chain papertrail. or maybe he was just coming to see her now that she was stateside. she didn't mind either case, such is why she'd told him to let himself in when he got there after he'd texted her to say he was twenty minutes out. "alright, i've done quite enough internal musing today." she states, slapping her hands on her knees before rising from where she'd been seated near the window, her expression becoming bright as she crossed the short distance to sam and offered him a hug in greeting. that gesture coupled with the fact she'd allowed her door to be unlocked and him to come in without a knock was a surefire signal he was someone she trusted well. "now tell me what's brought you here. i know it wasn't just my radiant smile."
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