#the ones who‚ even if they were in the same dangerous position as crazy:b‚ worked hard normally and still got results
yume-fanfare · 1 year
but you guys know that alkaloid are not revolutionaries right. that's trickstar. alkaloid are normal well-behaved idols who started from the bottom and got to where they are by working diligently in traditional idol things. they get mentioned in the same sentence as ra*bits as example of good kids. mayoi was advised to stay away from trouble during the graduation tour because it'd be bad for alkaloid's image. even if their music sounds more aggressive, they're soldiers who follow orders, they do not oppose authority (again, that's trickstar)
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twilightmalachite · 2 years
Twin Peaks - division by zero 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Hiiro, Kaoru, Hinata, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofers: 310mc & feesh
"Hmm? What do you mean, “too”? No way, Hakaze-senpai, did you...!?"
Season: Autumn
Location: Starmony Hall Common Room
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That night…
Yuuta: And so, this calls for a family meeting!
Hinata: Yup. We felt that there was no point in continuing from where we were, so we should rethink details, courses of action, and such.
Kaoru: And for some reason, we’re being pulled into your family meeting too...
Anzu-chan can’t enter the Starmony Dorms, and I’m in too deep to have the heart to leave, so now I’m here to accompany you guys.
Hiiro: Heheh, well, we live under not only the same roof, but in the same rooms as well, so I think we count as family in a broad sense![1]
Hinata: Yes, Hiiro-kun said something great once again! You’ve earned 50 Hinata-kun points! There’s somethin’ I like about the way you put things... ♪
Yuuta: Y’know, he’s perfect for you, Aniki—strong and simple. You’re too reckless, you’ll end up breaking anyone who needs to be handled sensitively.
Hinata: Oh no~, you’d even call Onii-tan something like brutish?![2]
Yuuta: It’s not like I’m any different, but I’m talking about how you keep up that act of yours…
Hiiro: Haha, I don’t fully understand what you’re talking about, but I’ve finished preparing our dinner for tonight. Why don’t we continue talking while we eat? Besides, even if nothing else, we all need nourishment to keep living.
Hinata: Thankies! Usually it’s Shiina-senpai makin’ something even if we don’t ask, but he’s on some expedition today, right?
Hiiro: Indeed. Crazy:B is still in a difficult position, so he’s been pretty busy as a chef.
He flew to Alaska because he apparently said he has to gather ingredients for cooking contests and the like.
Hinata: Why Alaska, of all places…? Though considering we’re talking about him, it’s likely he just blurted it out without thinking.
Hiiro: Yeah, Shiina-san tends to say thoughtless things when he’s hungry.
Kaoru: Alright now, I get you guys might not like facing your problems, but let’s talk about ourselves rather than other people, ‘kay?
Though I am a little concerned about Shiina-kun, too. We’ve worked together before, so I feel as if we’re friends.
Yuuta: Personally, I don’t really care about Crazy:B... I’d prefer to not involve myself with them as much as possible. It’d be a problem if they pour poison in me again.
Hinata: But Yuuta-kun, you think that poison is so delicious that you always slurp up every last bit of it!
Yuuta: Zip it...
Anyways, what should we do? I don’t think the idea of whoever wins a showdown between Aniki and I gets to appear on Volcano Island was a bad one by itself, though.
Hinata: Well, it doesn’t seem like the both of us making an appearance is an option, so we can’t really escape choosing which one of us gets to perform. They won’t wait for us to make a decision, either.
Yuuta: Yeah, the program originally had a policy to not let idols appear, so…
If we keep dawdling about some problem, the mere possibility of appearing on the program will likely go up in smoke.
Hinata: If we come to the conclusion that it won’t benefit us in any way, then that’s a way to solve this issue, as well. A wise man keeps away from danger, so we could ignore it, and move on.
Yuuta: But if we do that, it won’t be a good look for us regarding music programs, and even the Vice Prez. Going “Oh, we can’t do it after all” after we’ve already taken something on is just going to make them think, “The hell?”
Hinata: Mhm, not to mention, we practically forced Anzu-san into this mess, so it’s not gonna impress her if we don’t give her anything to come back with.
Actually, never mind, I don’t think anything would change, considering it’s her we’re talking about.
Maybe it’s ‘cuz of my move during the Repayment Fes, but I feel she’s even more stubborn than usual…[3]
The line drawn between idol and producer is starting to feel more like an impassable valley.
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Kaoru: Huh, what? Did you do something like confess your love to her at Repayment Fes too, Hinata-kun...?
Hinata: Hmm? What do you mean, “too”? No way, Hakaze-senpai, did you...!?
Kaoru: No no no no, it’s not anything like that![4]
...Ahh, would you look at that! Anzu-chan’s calling me!
Hinata: Don’t change the subject, now~! How’d you propose? “I want to be your Yuuta-kun”, perhaps?!
Yuuta: You would confess like that, wouldn’t you? Do you really think that’ll make someone’s heart flutter?
Kaoru: Okay, quiet down a little! Anzu-chan’s voice is soft and quiet, so it’s hard to hear her over the phone—
Hmm? Ah, yes! I’m talking about the matter with 2wink and Hiiro-kun over dinner right now!
Hinata: Ah~... Did Anzu-san call because she was concerned about us?
Yuuta: Then why is she talking to Hakaze-senpai instead of contacting us directly...?
Does this mean you’re able to talk freely about even more sensitive matters? Congrats to the newly wedded couple!
Kaoru: Don’t tease… She’s genuinely worried right now…
It’s probably just because of what happened at the Setsubun Festival that she’s too nervous about interfering with 2wink directly.
Hinata: That’s gonna affect us forever, huh…
Yuuta: I personally feel like it had to happen, though. But okay, I get it now—she contacted you instead of Hiiro-kun, since he doesn’t know anything about the Setsubun Festival. So it was just a process of elimination.
Kaoru: Uu...! I’m happy she picked me, even if it was only just that…!
Hiiro: Hmm, at this point, even a process of elimination would be okay—we just need to decide who from 2wink will perform.
Kaoru: Yep, that’s why we’re discussing the matter together right now—To find the best way to do that.
Two heads are better than one—And we have four people with us now, so I’m sure we’ll come up with really nice ideas! ♪
Uhyah!? Anzu-chan says “there are five people!”
Should we let her participate in the meeting using HoldHand’s telework function, then?
Yuuta: Oh yeah, there was a function for that, wasn’t there? It was some sort of video call function like Skype’s. Then, let’s go ahead and invite Anzu-san to our room...
Hiiro: I see! Since the dormitory doesn’t allow women, Anzu-san can’t enter, but using data it becomes possible to invade and explore. You found the rule’s blind spot, huh?
Kaoru: Yep. I doubt we’d be allowed to do this in private rooms, of course, but this is a shared space, so it’s okay. ...Oh, it’s connected!
Hinata: Heheh~! Welcome to the rumored men’s dormitory! ♪
Yuuta: Ahaha, good evening, Anzu-san~! ♪ Are you at home right now?
Kaoru: Ggh, Anzu-chan looks so cute in casual wear...!
Wait, is that... is Anzu-chan in her room right now?
Oh right, you commute to ES from your home, right? I-Is this really alright for me to see?!
Yuuta: Get a hold of yourself, Hakaze-senpai. What happened, I thought you were supposed to always be reliable...?
Hinata: Hehe. But y’know, I’m happy. There’s all sorts of people thinking of us. It’s not just the two of us anymore.
Yuuta: But that’s also what makes it so hard. We can’t be burdening the people around us...
Though that doesn’t mean I want to return to that simple mindset where it’s just you and I, and everyone else are our enemies…
Hinata: Yeah, especially since we now have to fight amongst ourselves. I doubt we would’ve been able to survive this.
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Another reference to Ainu culture! Unlike large historical Japanese families, Ainu families would live on a single plot of land among one another, and reside in a single house. For example, upon marrying into a family, that person would move onto their land and into their house. If a couple had children, the house would be expanded to make room, so on and so forth.
The return of “Atai Hinata!” Refer to last chapter’s TL note.
During the Repayment Festival of the previous year, Hinata made a subtle move towards Anzu, asking her if she had a crush on any of the idols in Yumenosaki. She responded firmly that a producer/idol relationship is unprofessional and she cares about her work, as well as her idols, very much… It embarrassed Hinata a lot.
It is.
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ibarap · 9 months
[Event] A Match on the Sugoroku Board / The Die is Cast 1
Madara: Mikeneko-chan?
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Rinne: Yaawn, fuu... Aah~, I'm sleepy...
I'm real happy Beehive took off. Never woulda thought I'd actually stay hyped up 'til mornin', but that ended up bein' a nice change-a pace for me too.
Now, my head's poundin' after stayin' out the whole night, so time for me to head on home and sleep.
Madara: Good moooooooorning!
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Rinne: Shut up...?!
The hell? Are ya goin' home after a night out? Don'tcha know the cops arrest bad kids like you?
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Madara: Hahaha, my bad. I just happened to see a familiar face is all.
I was pretty riled up by what you pulled during SS, so I wanted to get back at you for that! [1]
Rinne: Oi, oi. Don't tell me ya took it seriously, Mikeneko-chan. [2]
That was all staged. Don'tcha know I can't stand ya yellin' at me everywhere I go?
Madara: Mikeneko-chan?
Rinne: I'm free to give ya whatever nickname I want, can't I? It's cuter than gettin' called a 'dangerous bee that's out here stingin' humans'. ♪
Anyways, why're ya here? I ain't a fan idols wanderin' 'round entertainment districts.
Madara: Sorry, but it's not 'cause I was out having fun last night.
MaM tends to get snubbed in comparison to Double Face, but I've been getting more and more on that front lately.
Now that I'm on a roll, I've been hanging around the area looking for any work opportunities.
Since this is downtown, it looks like there's also a lot of workers returning home in the morning just like you are.
Rinne: I gotcha. I was wonderin' if you were hyped up 'cause ya stayed out all night.
But gettin' fucked over in the idol industry, huh... That rings a bell.
Ain't society harsh on outsiders in all kindsa ways? Rinne-kun's tired of y'all...! [3]
Madara: Even Crazy:B gets snubbed, huh. Kohaku-san told me all about it.
You cause trouble whenever you guys have work, so the only jobs Crazy:B do get are the weird ones anyone else would've turned down.
Rinne: Yeah, yeah, and I'm real sick of it. Even if I surround myself with nothin' but good kids, it straight up ain't fun~.
That's why I've also got yer back, Mikeneko-chan.
Alright, lemme treat ya to some gyudon since I'm the onii~san here!
There's nothin' better than eatin' gyudon after stayin' up all night. That's my goodbye gift to ya, so c'mon, let's eat!
Madara: Gyudon? No thanks, I'm not really hungry.
Rinne: Huuuh, ya don't wanna eat the gyudon I'm treatin' ya?
You're so cold~. Are ya turnin' down a senpai who wants to go somewhere with ya?
But I wanted to go eat with Mikeneko-chan~.
Madara: Okay, okay. I'll go with you if you insist.
We make an unlikely pair! It must've been some kind of fate that I ran into you here, don't you think?
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<30 minutes later.>
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Rinne: I'm stuffed. ♪
Damn, ya boy got a good dose of nutrients and the poundin' in my head even went away! Thanks, man!
Madara: Don't thank me, it was your treat.
Well, I should get going. I was kind of in the middle of my walk, you see.
I'll be looking around for some interesting jobs.
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Rinne: The hell's up with that? Why'd our phones sound off at the same time?
Madara: Rinne-san, it's a Sparkling Message. Apparantly, we got a new job offer. [4]
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Rinne: "A Match on the Sugoroku Board — A competition between agencies, with idols from CosPro and NewDi joinin' in," huh?
"Fight by usin' dice in an Open-world Sugoroku game..." I dunno what that means, but that's pretty much why we're fightin' agency by agency.
I was plannin' on hittin' it off with ya, but it ain't gonna be that easy, huh.
Y'know what they say, "Yesterday's enemy could still be an enemy today." ♪ [5]
Madara: Hahaha, what a perfect way for things to end between us.
Considering the final round of SS, it's like my enemy from two days ago is my enemy once again.
Either way, this is the job we were waiting for.
I can't even say I'm disappointed that my search led me to someplace surprising, so I'm going to reply positively.
Rinne: Aah, 'course I'm gonna join in on the fun too. Not like I've got a ton of work headin' my way.
Well, it's about time for me to head home. Next time I see ya, all I ask is for ya to go easy on me. ♪
Madara: Sure thing, I'm looking forward to it. Let's have a fair and square fight.
Rinne: Gyahaha! ♪ Of course you'd be the type-a guy to say that!
Well now, I'm lookin' forward to it in more ways than one. ♪
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Reference to the !! main story SS Finals. Rinne interrupted Ryuseitai (red) and Double Face's (white)'s decisive round to call out the SS' voting system for being rigged and pinning the blame on Nagisa specifically.
Mikeneko-chan (calico cat): A play on Madara's cat-themed family name, Mikejima.
異物 (foreign contaminant): Translated this as 'outsider' for brevity. I figured this was worth noting due to Crazy:B being being branded as a 'poison to the idol industry' & etc. before.
Sparkling Message: I have no idea what キラキラメール (kirakira mail) is called in the wider fandom. If any of you know what it is, please let me know!
Yesterday's enemy could still be an enemy today: A spoof on the saying 昨日の敵は今日の敵, "Yesterday's enemy could be a friend today."
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