#the ones i've seen want you to have like 5 years of experience and baby 5 years ago i was in high school lmao
bohemiandeer · 7 months
You know what hits me hard? When 5 to 6 year old children, all the way in Southeast Asia, knows about what's happening in Palestine right now. That children their age is getting bombed, that they're starving to death, that they're getting shot at, and sniped in the head. Because, just this past 2 or so months, I heard some of the little ones in the Kindergarten classes I'm TAing in as an Intern talk about it. Hell, one of the little boys downright said he didn't like Israel, because Israel is bad, because they do scary things. Another was questioning whether Palestine was bad too, because, "why else would they shooting at them?". A little girl in one of my classes doesn't want to finish her food at all, because she wants to save at least half her meat and rice for kids in Palestine, because she heard that, they don't have food. And that's just the ones I remember. Namely the inciting cases before their classmates slowly follow suit. The littles are fricking SCARED. We had to sit these kids down, and tell them that the topic is too mature for them at the moment, that they shouldn't even be concerned because they're KINDERGARTNERS, they're not even old enough to properly understand. The one teacher I was TAing for had to make a class announcement saying that. What gets me is, these are 5 to 6 year olds, the youngest I've worked with in this specific age group is 4. 5 years old on average, and they've already been exposed to the worst horrors genocide has to offer through the news and snippets of conversation among adults and hell, considering how many of them say they like to play games on Mama's phone, or their IPad, even from fricking social media. And the fact that, these literal babies, from all the way in Cambodia, has more empathy in their entire body and soul, than full grown fricking adults have in the nail of their pinky finger, gets me. FFS we as adults could LEARN from them I feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what to feel about it anymore. On the one hand, this is the next generation I'm working with. And if the next generation's default response to a tragedy such as Palestine, is what I've seen come up on occasion so far? Perhaps there's some bloody hope for this world after all. At least in this country. Especially since a majority of them already come from families who survived a genocide. These are the 3rd - 4th generation descendants of those who survived the Khmer Rouge. They've got grandparents at home, who no doubt are more than intimately familiar with what Palestine is going through right now. And it shows.
But on the other, it makes my heart sink because these are CHILDREN, these are LITTLE KIDS, they should be playing with their toys and watching cartoons and talking to their friends about everything from Spiderman to Speakerman to Kuromi and her friends, and be worried about whether or not they can go to playground that day, guranteed they're well behaved, or if Mama remembered to pack in their costume for swimming lessons that week. NOT JUST MY KIDS. But the little ones in Palestine too. They deserve better. They all deserve, so much better. Hell, it's come to the point that whenever I look at my kiddos right now, whether they'd be working in class, playing, doing something as mundane as eating lunch or getting ready for their nap. I think of the children their age in Palestine that didn't even get the chance to survive. I think of the ones whose memories from this age, is nothing but absolute horror and pain, rather than what has slowly become my normal, who never got to experience what my littles do on a daily basis right now.
Children shouldn't even be concerned about "War", about a Genocide. The last thing that should be on a 5 year old's mind, is pain, and suffering, and the worst horrors imaginable ever to be inflicted on a human being. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S INFLICTED, ON OTHER CHILDREN THEIR AGE. And for that alone, the world has failed them. Especially the kids in Palestine who didn't ask for any of this. They just wanted to carry on with life as kids do, the same way as my littles do on a daily basis no doubt, learning, playing, chatting with friends over their favourite cartoons and characters, worrying about whether they'd get to go to the playground or not that day.
I apologize for talking about this on this blog. I know my blog tends to be lighter in feel, a lot more unhinged and light hearted typically. I mean, I'm just a fricking nerd who likes to draw and write, and lurk about her favourite fandoms to consume and support what is shared among other nerds who also like to draw and write. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About contemplating it, especially since I'll be back on a roll tomorrow, working with my kiddos again after not seeing them for 5 days straight because of Holidays. And, I just had to talk about it. This is something I felt I couldn't keep to myself this time, I don't think my soul'd be able to carry it. I had to talk about it.
FREE PALESTINE. Our children deserve better.
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fentysinterlude · 2 years
my major goal for quarter 1 of 2023 is to get a new job
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Online haters (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
This idea came to me while I was at the gym suddenly thinking on the words that my classmates on elementary and intermedia school used to say to me (I was a victim of bullying and the school didn't do a thing, fortunately I switched schools in my last year of intermedia school), and I used that awful experience as inspiration
The next chapter will be posted on my birthday (is in may, I'm a taurus)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
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something feels off about this relationship
maybe this is for publicity
yeah, besides she isn't THAT pretty
she doesn't seem as in it as Jack does
she looks a little fake, don't get me wrong, she seems nice but...
maybe she is with him for fame
she's a nepo baby, you know how they are
That were some of the replies you saw on a tweet that appeared in your timeline during the night when you openned Twitter due to not be able to sleep, a part of you wanted to report the tweet for spam but the other wanted to keep reading the rest of the replies
That was the part that won
Reply after reply was more hurtful than the other, seeing people doubting your relationship with Jack and posting "proofs" just increased your sadness
The caption that made you burst into tears was a whole thread called "proofs that Y/N and Jack's relationship is fake"
Since you entered the world of social media at the age of thirteen, you knew that the hate comments were a daily thing, you saw it when you spend summers in the Riverdale set on how most of the cast commented having them or the way Melissa recieved them after Scream 5, but you didn't know how it felt
Until now...
Deciding that you've seen enough of that, you turn your phone off to get to sleep but you still couldn't because anytime you closed your eyes, the only thing you saw was all that tweets again and again
During the whole night you only played with baby dragon Jake while looking at your celling, noticing it was a new day when the door of your room was openned by your father
"Good morning, tornado", Skeet greeted entering the room to open the curtains, "You woke up early?"
"I couldn't sleep", you sighed sitting in your bed
"What? Why?", Skeet answered sitting in your bed, "What happened?"
Without saying a word, you took your phone to open Twitter and show him the tweets that you saved, for the next minutes you saw how your father's face scrunched in anger for the words on the screen
"How did you find these?", Skeet interrogate you returning the phone to you
"Last night after videocalling Jack, I couldn't sleep and I went into Instagram and then Twitter, and after scrolling for a while, they appeared in my timeline"
"You know, the people who write this kind of stuff, are jealous and they don't know what to do with their lives, so they just spread hate everywhere, and we don't listen to them or take them seriously, understood?"
"Yes dad, but I sill feel awful, why the sudden hate? All my life I've been your little shadow and I haven't done anything controversial or bad"
"I know, but people like to hate on people who are gainning relevance, and you kid, are on the way to become one of the best VFX make up artist in the industry"
"You think?"
"In the five classes that you already had, I can see awards in your future"
Feeling emotional, you hug your dad at what he responded in the same way tightening the hug
"Hey, today is my flight to go to the convention, but I don't want to leave you alone after this"
"My passport expired last week, mom lives in London, and Jakob and Naiia are travelling"
"Kid, let me find a solution, just get up from bed and go get some breakfast, listen to your old man"
Laughing for his last comment, you were about to get out of your bed your phone started to sound at the notifications of a few messages making you smile because you knew who was sending them
my champ
my beautiful girl
good morning love
are you already on the set??
my champ
since five in the morning
I can't believe it's snowing in the middle of april
I wish you were here
my beautiful girl
I wish I was there with you too
That's what I get for not checking my passport
my champ
hey, are you feeling well?
your texts feel a little off
For a moment you consider to tell him about the tweets but you didn't want to distract him from the filming of his new movie
my beautiful girl
yeah, it's just that I didn't slept too much
I had a little insomnia
my champ
you should sleep a little after getting breakfast
to feel better
my beautiful girl
definetely I'm going to take that advice
my champ
and if I have free time during that we could facetime
my beautiful girl
yes to everything
my champ
it's a date
Smiling for the conversation, both of you continued chatting until he was called to film
"Kid, pack a suitcase for four days", Skeet announced appearing in your door with his phone on hand
"What? Dad, my passport is expired"
"I already know that, you are going to stay in Anna's house"
"I thought she was with Jack on Canada", you frowned
"I talked to her, she said she needed to come back for work, so you are staying with her until I come back, now get up and pack your things"
Finnally getting up from bed, you change into some of you regular clothes with Jack's favorite pink hoodie on top, to start packing some clothes, personal stuff plus your laptop and the materials to keep practicing your VFX make up on you
Once your suitcase and backpack were ready, both of you went to the car that was waiting to take them to their destinies
Thankfully, Jack's house wasn't so far from yours so after a thirty minute drive, the car stopped in the driveway where Anna was already waiting in the entrance
After getting your luggage and saying goodbye to your dad, you walk towards the house meeting with Anna in the middle
"Hi angel", Anna greeted while hugging you, "Skeet told me you weren't feeling well, want to talk about it?"
"Hi Anna", you responded, "Yeah, I would like to"
When your things were inside Jack's room, you and Anna went to the kitchen where the both of you started to make breakfast
"So, what happenned?", Anna asked while the waffles were being cooked
"Some nasty tweets about me that I found last night", you sighed
Taking your phone out, you entered to Twitter and showed her the tweet with all the responses
"Honey, I don't want to read them because I know that everything they say is false", Anna said causing tears to start pooling in your eyes, "You are one of the most wonderful girls that I've ever known, and I'm glad that you are in mine and Jack's lifes, have you told him about this situation?"
"We talked earlier but I didn't told him, I know he's filming and I don't want to distract him, he's excited about this role"
"You'll have to tell him at some point"
"I know, it's just that I don't want to distract him"
"If you don't tell him, I will", Anna joked serving the waffles
Laughing for that phrase, you help to bring the rest of the things to the table for breakfast
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After finishing breakfast and helping to clean the kitchen, you went to Jack's room to unpack some things and have the nap that he suggested early in the morning, including the facetime that both of you agreed to do
"There she is", Jack exclaimed making you smile, "Wait, is that my room?"
"Yeah, dad didn't want to left me alone while he's at the convention because I didn't felt good, so he talked to your mom and here I am"
"Is because you didn't slept all night?"
"Yeah, and I didn't slept for some things that I read", at that point you felt tears starting to fall out of your eyes which you tried to clean, "Some tweets about me, about us"
"There's no death threats fortunately, but it still feels awful to read those things"
"You are none of the horrible things that people say on the internet, you are the sweetest and most gorgeous girl I've ever met, and I'm happy that we were the only minors during Scream 6", that phrase made you laugh, causing Jack to feel proud for getting a smile from you, "Don't let those type of comments get to you, they don't know how you are, they don't know you how the people who love you does, like I love you"
"I love you too", you smiled
Seeing how your eyes were closing due to the lack of sleep, Jack convinced you to take the nap he suggested, staying in the videocall the whole time, even reading a fairy tale with fun voices causing you to laugh loud, until during the second story you finnaly managed to fall asleep
When Jack noticed that you were asleep, he took a screenshot because he tough you looked cute sleeping while hugging baby dragon Jake, before hanging up to enter Instagram and post something about the theme
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yn.ulrich, masonthegooding, misstrinitybliss and 156, 530 more
jackchampion I remember the first time I saw Y/N, it was during the welcome reunion before fimlimg Scream VI, we were the only "kids" in there and we started talking, at that moment I realised that she was chaotic, good soul and heart, the purest vibes that I ever felt, kind, humble, gorgeous, cares about every living being, intelligent, creative and much more adjectives that aren't enough to describe how wonderful she is
Seeing the girl you love crying over nasty tweets about her and about our relationship was heartbreaking, she doesn't deserve any of that, she doesn't bother anyone, she doesn't mess with anyone, nobody should suffer things like this because some of you think things that are completely false
So, pelase, if you are one of the people who posted those tweets or responded to them, delete it, because you are messing with the mental health of someone I love
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heloflor · 2 months
So this was supposed to be part of my other fop post but it got way too long (both posts did tbh) and is a different topic than the other one. So yeah here’s a bunch of random thoughts about the show in general from what I’ve seen of it. For context I’ve only seen the first 4-5 episodes + “Battle of the Dimmsonian” + the Cosmo-Wanda-Peri scenes in “Lost in Fairy World” and “Operation: Birthday Takeback”.
SPOILERS for “Operation: Birthday Takeback” for the last three dashes (2.4k words below):
- Putting it in first since it’s still related to Peri but I’m pretty amused by the whole “Tumblr sexyman” situation. I mean, less than two weeks ago all canon pics we had of him were baby pics. It’s the same deal when I see people call him a father figure to Dev, I can’t help but be like “wdym father figure? He’s barely an adult! He’s too young!”
It’s like imagine you have a neighbor who have a baby when you’re 9-10, then they move out and 20 years later you meet their kid as an adult. You can clearly tell they’re an adult and treat them as such but also it’s a bit weird bc your last and only memories of them were of a baby. Idk, I see Peri’s character as an adult but also he’s still a bit of a kid, you know? I feel like I explain this better in the other post tbh.
- In retrospect it’s also very funny to see how, when people talk about the decline of fop, they point at the inclusion of the new characters, including Poof. Yet look where we are now! If you thought the baby was the problem, apologize to him, now! /j
But yeah more seriously, personally I never minded Poof. He was definitely a useless addition, like outside of the handful of episodes focused on him he mostly just stands there looking at the other characters, but he was also a cute baby, so I’ve always been fine with him being around. He’s a useless but inoffensive addition, and I think the decline of the show around that time had less to do with him and more to do with the writing as a whole.
- Last thing about Peri before moving on to the show in general, which tbh I could've put in the other post: I've seen people talk about the idea of Hazel and Dev switching fairies and I kind of agree with it.
Not only because Cosmo and Wanda have the experience needed to help a kid like Dev (though it wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows) while Hazel's situation is easier for Peri, but also it's worth noting that Dev needs a parental figure, which Cosmo and Wanda can be, while Hazel misses her older brother, who Peri is around the same age of. Idk, I feel like this could work, or at least make things easier for everyone involved (but also especially for Dev).
- Something I originally wanted to put in the tags of the other post but fuck it: I’m really not a fan of them releasing the episodes so soon one after the other. With serialized shows, I’m always been more of a fan of having an episode a week you can chew on and theorize about, rather than being given everything at once. Also it takes a while for the cargo to get on the ships if you catch my drift.
I’d also complain about seeing all those plot-related episodes one after the other with none of the more casual stories in-between that give us more character moments, but honestly that’s on me for looking up spoilers.
- Going to the early show, I think the first episode is such a good introduction! I especially like the amount of focus on Cosmo and Wanda, it’s good to have them reintroduced given how flanderized they became in the og show. I’m especially happy with Cosmo! He arguably had it worse than Wanda in the og and it’s so good to see him shine this much in this first episode (also I love his human form having a bit of a gut)! On that note, they did a fantastic job having them around a lot while still giving Hazel enough time to be introduced properly and get us to care about her as the MC!
But yeah I really like this first episode, fantastic beginning to the show! The only issue I “really” have with it is the way Cosmo and Wanda go back to being godparents just because Hazel made a strong enough wish or something, it felt a bit arbitrary rather than them just telling her who they are.
And on that note, big fan of that one scene where they immediately notice her trying to run away and try to talk her out of it. I love the contrast between them starting off as disasters being barely capable of passing off as humans at the beginning of the episode, and them being perfectly in their element the second they start talking to Hazel about her running away in this scene. It’s such a good way to see how much experience they have with taking care of kids!
- I’m not going to go episode by episode but one thing that bothers me a lot in the second one is that rule of “kids should get whatever they wish for”. Doesn’t that...go against the whole concept of having rules in the first place???
They should’ve replaced it with something along the lines of “a kid should always get the fairy that fits them the best”, not only bc it would work perfectly well for the episode, but also from what I’ve heard Foop (now Irep) is coming back and I could 100% see him use that rule to his advantage given Peri and Dev were such a bad match (I’m guessing anti-fairies don’t actually follow Da Rules but maybe they could still use it as an excuse regardless since fairies do have to follow them or something?)
- Call we talk about the fact Hazel is clearly autistic? Like is this a canon thing in the show? Are there people out there talking about it? No because seriously:
The fidget toys (Cosmo and Wanda’s disguises), her special interest for rocks, her anxiety over making new friends which is reinforced as uncommon when that one girl she befriends comments on how easy and not scary it is to approach other people (also Hazel’s “what am I supposed to talk about with them? School lunches?” comment in the teachers friend episode), her liking for fries which could be seen as her being potentially picky (bit of a stretch tho), her comment about liking the DMV if only for the reaction she gets that makes her seem “different”, her struggles to come up with a wish on the fly with minimal/vague instructions (episode 2), her character arc throughout the show apparently having to do with her not wanting things to change (me too girl), her being considered mature for her age, the angry outbursts when things don’t go how she hoped, pretty sure there’s also a lot of stimming that I have yet to pick up on (see if any of them repeat often). Like, there’s no way ALL of that was a coincidence!
I’d also like to mention at the beginning of the Dino episode, when her dad is explaining things to her, he starts talking louder and louder in excitement until his wife tells him to quiet down. Makes me think her dad’s likely neurodivergent as well. Also this moment hurts my soul a bit, as someone who’s both been on the receiving end of it and done it to someone else, in both cases it sucks.: /
- Took me until like episode 4 to realize the town she lives in is named after the Dimmadomes, with the hat in it (the very first shot of the intro). Also you can see their infinite house in the background, both in that shot and the show in general, and I absolutely adore that they committed so hard to this joke! That giant ambiguously-shaped-like-a-hat skyscraper that we never see the top of is just *chief kiss*.
- On that note Dev’s introduction in the first episode made me laugh, if only for the references. I also find it kinda funny he has such a big speaking role considering he doesn’t do anything for the rest of the pilot and the next few episodes. Then again I guess it’s in character for him to make such a show of introducing himself.
- Still on general stuff, I’m a bit curious about how the timeline went in regards to Cosmo and Wanda retiring and going on vacation “right after” Timmy (iirc they don’t voice it like that in the show). Like I’m having a hard time believing they would just ditch their then-child son to go on vacation, and then come back when he’s an adult. So I ended up having a bunch of headcanons.
Basically, after leaving Timmy they do take what was supposed to be a short leave to think of their future since it feels strange to get a new kid after so long with the same one + I like the idea that Cosmo and Wanda’s marriage did suffer while living with Timmy and they want to work on it before getting a new kid (the whole thing about them feeling confined, made worse if the “stopping time for 50 years” wish is canon) + Poof/Peri is struggling with the reality of having to leave Timmy behind and is nervous about his parents having a new godkid because of it.
Eventually they decide to retire, got to marriage counseling, possibly get Poof/Peri into therapy, and raise their son until he’s an older teen/young adult, at which point they leave for their vacation. And while the vacation is 10 thousand years for them, it’s like, 5 years at max in their present. And in that meantime, Peri starts his godparents studies (or however it works), leaves the house and changes his name.
Btw Cosmo and Wanda would 100% invite him to the vacation, he’d just refuse in a mix between wanting to be away from his parents for once, wanting to maybe surprise them a bit with his work and/or just get started with work, and not knowing how long the vacation would be. He’d also probably tell them to just use this time as some new honeymoon to finish rebuilding their marriage (though by that point it must’ve gone back to being strong). Oh and Cosmo and Wanda would send Peri postcards every so often, which would also let him know how long they’ve been gone.
Once they come back from vacation, I’d imagine there’s like less than a month between them “moving to the human world” and meeting Hazel, hence why they didn’t reconnect with Peri. They didn’t really know how to contact him and were busy with the move, and afterwards they had a godkid to take care of so they couldn’t exactly go back to Fairyworld.
As for Peri, he hears through the gravepine that his parents are back, and would be happy until he realizes they’ve been gone for 10 thousand years, hence him freaking out about meeting them again (he doesn’t know how much they might’ve changed with how long it’s been). Also he can’t contact them bc he’d hear about them coming back due to them taking in Hazel, meaning they’re in the human world and he doesn’t know where. Also he might be intimidated to contact them, which doesn’t help his decision-making.
So yeah, that’s all for how I could imagine this whole vacation thing going and how it fits with them having a child.
- Since I’m talking about Cosmo and Wanda’s marriage, I’ve heard about the whole “they fixed their marriage” before watching the show and oh my god I can’t get over how fucking adorable those two are in this show!!! I fucking love them.
- And on that note I’m incredibly amused that this show had the balls to reference the mpreg. Twice. Especially since it doesn’t even specify the whole “that’s just how fairies work”! In the eyes of people who never watched the og show, “A New Wish” just casually dropped the fact that Cosmo’s a trans man (bc let’s be real, how else are you supposed to interpret those lines if you haven’t watched the og show?) or you get the vibe that the writers wanted to make him trans (+ Wanda by proxy since she’s Peri’s bio mom) but weren’t allowed so that’s how they got past the censors.
And I love this because you just know Hartman would be furious about it! With our current society more aware of trans people and how men can in fact get pregnant, I could definitely see him sweep the whole mpreg thing under the rug, hoping people would forget about his “”accidentally-progressive”” (and also very sexist 😒) episode, but nope! New show said Cosmo was pregnant and gave birth! And better yet it didn’t even elaborate further! It just goes “btw this guy has an uterus and was once pregnant, here’s his bio child if you need more proof” and then walks on like nothing happened, I love it!
- Going back to the episodes talk for the last three dashes, there’s that shot at the very end of “Operation: Birthday Takeback” that I really dislike. It’s the one when Dev lashes out on Peri, with him hovering over Peri who’s laying on the ground in fear.
Really not a big fan of this shot bc 1. It makes Dev look way too much like a villain, especially with the way Peri’s laying like a servant that gets beaten up, and 2. Peri, honey, you’re a grown ass man; why are you so scared of that 10 years old scarred kid that’s lashing out while in a very vulnerable mental state? What are you doing on the ground buddy? I’m not asking for him to fight back but at least stand up! Don’t act like that kid can actually hurt you! Btw I’m completely fine with Peri afterwards looking like a dejected puppy (after Dev makes his wish), it’s just that one shot with him on the ground that I dislike.
- Obviously I’m genuinely curious to see how things are going to go in the next episodes (which apparently air tonight?). Like obviously Dev is going to spiral but if you have a scene at school how will it go? How will Hazel feel about the whole thing? What about Peri? Is he going to be gone for a few episodes? Be a temporary third fairy to Hazel? Crash at Cosmo and Wanda’s for a while?
(Personally I’m hoping for the third option, it would be a good way to still give him appearances to show the main plot’s still going without giving him to much screentime, which could take away from Hazel. Also given how much he wants to appear independent, I don’t see him being a third fairy to her, though I think he’d be ok with staying at his parents for a bit, if only for emotional support (though tbh I doubt they’ll do that, most likely he’ll be doing his own thing off-screen for an episode or two). Also I want to see a “human” design for him)
OK so I wrote this yesterday before the Irep episode came out, so on one hand nevermind all that but on the other hand I’m letting it in bc I AM curious as to how things are going to evolve with our main cast, especially with Dev spiraling and pushing both his bestie and fairy away.
- Btw is nobody going to talk about how Vicky’s dress might be a reference to one of the “Oh Yeah” shorts?
- VERY LAST SECOND ADDITION, SPOILERS FOR IREP: So yesterday before I finished both this and the other post the new episodes dropped, with a few clips shared on Tumblr. And OH MY GOD IREP’S DESIGN!!! The fact that they kept him as a cube makes me so happy!!! I was HOPING at least ONE part of him would be a cube and they delivered!!! He looks like absolulte dogshit I love it!!! Bc yeah for some reason I remember Foop as a character you’re not supposed to take seriously at all? And as a result I really like how stupid Irep looks. A+ design right there! /gen
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
I have a hot take and it might piss some people off specially the ones who believe Nesta didn't need a redemption arc (???) so please don't read this if you have this mindset
You saving your sister at death bed doesn't have redeeming quality. Because anyone in that room, specially Rhysand, would've jumped to help her without hesitation if they had the power. Nesta herself would've helped even if she hadn't finished her healing journey and was still distancing herself from everyone.
I'm not talking about how in those 12 days she didn't help the IC to find a solution, I'm talking about her seeing her baby sister at death bed. Because she didn't helped Feyre for 5 years and let her put herself in danger because Nesta knew she would survive. But the moment Tam/in took her, Nesta goes after her and searches for her. And this is exactly what happened, Nesta thinking IC would find a solution so she didn't even bother to offer a little help. Or even think about it...
In both situations the moment Nesta sees Feyre in absolute danger and is sure there's a huge chance that she might not make it alive, she makes a move to help/save her. I don't want one single person to come here and tell me it's not her job or responsibility- just shut it... don't embarrass yourself
You know what would've been redeeming?
The moment she realized Feyre might die during the labor, she should've started searching alongside the IC, she was literally working in a library at the time.
She should've talked to them and convinced them to let Feyre know of the danger.
She, talking with her sister, properly apologizing and try to bond with her and mend the bridge that's been broken between them.
Not sucking your trainer's d*ck the moment you find out. Not climbing down 10000 steps because you were so "angry" of the injustice you were facing and tell your sister she's about to die and made it about yourself. Because you wanted to show her that IC doesn't "respect" her as much as they don't respect you. And put her in danger in the process because you knew how the stress might hurt the baby but again you were thinking about your own hurts and pains.
I love Nesta and her book helped me to understand her so much better and realizing how similar we are and how much I share trauma with her. Not my trauma response tho.
I just hate the way sjm wrote her healing journey because she made it about herself lol. She projected her trauma and her experience during her process of healing and wrote it into Nesta's story and never cared how it might look at the end. Now Nesta saving Feyre, her blood sister, sounds more like a favor she gave and give *some* people the opportunity to make what Feyre did for her sisters a chore, a responsibility, something she enjoyed to do because she wanted to hurt herself. (and that's definitely not true) Don't even try to deny I've seen it many many times and I have proof.
And that's my problem with her book. I love that she made friends along the process and had her own found family, it led us to meet two beautiful characters. Her book gave us context of the reason behind some of her actions. We get to read how ashamed and hateful she is toward herself for neglecting Feyre. But the rest? No.
Sjm could've give us Nesta, fixing her relationship with the people around her and making new friendship with her found family at the same time but instead she wrote so many smut scene that has no purpose and doesn't help the plot moving. I'm throwing hot takes after hot takes jeez
In conclusion acosf didn't help people to forgive Nesta. Understand her? Yes. But forgiving her and give them the opportunity to considee her as their favorite character? No. I'm not talking about all but the majority, because as you see even now people can't seem to forgive her even tho they understand her much better.
To be honest acosf is one of the weakest book sjm has ever written and she hasn't wrote one single good book ever since... I wanted to make all these takes in different posts but fuck it, we ball<3
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backgroundagent3 · 5 months
for the character ask, daisy johnson!
Thank you so much for the ask! 💜 I love any excuse to talk about Daisy Johnson.
First impression: I'm trying to squeeze my brain here, but all I remember was trying not to like her at first because I knew se was a double agent for the Rising Tide. It goes without saying I failed miserably about three episodes in.
Impression now: She is my favourite character of all time.
Favorite moment: I really can't choose, but one that comes to mind was the final fight of season 5. I think it's a very underrated fight scene, because it's the end of the world, her dad is dying, she has been recently betrayed and tortured by her friend, and she still goes into battle BY HERSELF against Talbot, and if that wasn't bad enough, when she's about to die a horrible death she realises that the only way she can save the world is if she takes the serum and basically condemns the person she loves most to his death. It's so heartbreaking and poetic, but very cool to watch, and I just love so much it, idk.
Idea for a story: This is angsty but I would love to read something where the events of 5.14 are properly dealt with. May watches the security cameras and goes ballistic on Fitz, and Daisy gets time to grieve and heal. They get Coulson back and he's horrified, and Jemma is so conflicted but she's there for her best friend.
Unpopular opinion: Since apparently I can't stop thinking about season 5, here's some more. I think she actually did a good job of leading the team in season 5b. Especially if you consider that she's been recently tortured, her family doesn't seem to care, she has no experience, and hasn't gotten a good nights sleep in about 5 years. She might be tough, but hello? IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD?? You have to be at least a little bossy if you wanna make it through that. Also if you're gonna be a baby and call her a hard ass maybe you should have thought twice before joining SHIELD.
Favorite relationship: If it's romantic, then Sousa. I love them so so much, they're literally perfect and despite my obvious outrage at season 5, I will forever love the AoS writers for somehow pulling that off. As for platonic relationships, I'd say May. She's the perfect mother figure for her, and I love the parallels between them. I think Daisy has the best relationships in general, but this one is my favourite. Honourable mentions go to Coulson for being the most unhinged dad ever, and to Jemma for being the sweetest friend in the earlier seasons.
Favorite headcanon: before she goes off to space at the end of season 7, she rebuilds Afterlife with the help of Sousa and Kora. I've said this before, but I think they are actually the perfect team to do this. Kora has lived in Afterlife her whole life, she's seen Jiaying help people go through Terrigenesis, and she's been though it herself in a much healthier and safer environment than Daisy. Sousa is reasonable and calm, which are good qualities to have when you're helping someone who's terrified and potentially dangerous. He has experience leading people, which I think would make him a good mentor for the Inhumans. So Kora has the experience, Sousa has the qualities, and in my opinion, Daisy has a nice combination of the two. She has a different and much more horrifying experience of Terrigenesis that people who accidentally go though it can relate to, and she has spent years exploring and controlling her powers, so she knows what the deal is. And she's also a good leader, so where Sousa can help the Inhumans pre-Terrigenesis, she can train them after if that's what they want. Because that's another thing, SHIELD may be funding Afterlife, but they've learnt their lesson and they're not sticking their noses where they shouldn't. They accept new recruits and help train them, but if that's not what the Inhumans want, then SHIELD helps them get settled back into their normal lives. Anyways this got long but it's one of my favourite headcanons, so there you go.
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry for rambling, but I have a lot to say about Daisy. 🌼💛
Character Asks.
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lilwifeynextdoor · 5 months
Your blog is amazing!
Imagine: You are a former feminist, a stay at home mom of many kids, and I'm your feminist friend who visits you one day. I am worried about you and ask if this is really what you want even as I rub your belly and smile. You listen to me rant, all the while thinking that what I really need is some cock and a baby or two of my own. That would keep me happy and see, part of me loves rubbing your pregnant belly already. You decide to slowly corrupt me into becoming an antifeminist breeder, friends don't let their friends remain sad. How would you manipulate me?
Thank you so much!! I'm sorry I took so long to respond! I've been a busy mommy and I wanted to find the time to give this a well thought out answer. Short story below:
I freed myself of feminism what feels like so long ago, but to some five years isn't a long time. Five years ago, I had fallen pregnant with my husband's first child. I dropped out of college and became a stay at home mom around my 7th month of my first pregnancy, upon my then boyfriend now husband's request. He didn't have to do too much persuading as I was already considering it due to struggling with fatigue, waddling, and brain fog. He was right, it was only going to get more difficult for me to walk to classes not to mention trying to think once in the classroom.
It was the right decision for us and his growing baby. But, most all my friendships faded now that I wasn't on campus anymore. You were the only one that came and visited me sometimes, we were best friends and we had met in women's history class. You were so inspired in that class, I could see the passion in your eyes when you spoke about feminism. I was inspired by your spirit, and for a long time I held on to the idea that feminism is about a woman's right to choose, and I made the choice to be a stay at home mom.
Our lifestyles are so different, years went by and our friendship faded more and more. Until one day you showed up at my husband's doorstep. It had been a long while since I had seen you, last we met up my husband and I had 2 children and now we have 5 with his 6th on the way.
Of course I invite you in. My husband is at work and my children are all down for a nap except for our current youngest who I am holding and nursing as we sit at the kitchen table.
You had been so worried about me recently, but now that you are here you take pause. The house was lovely and tidy, the tea I served you was comforting and delicious, and on top of that I was absolutely glowing. Then you notice, the bump I'm sporting moves as the baby inside rolls and kicks. Without thinking you start rubbing my belly, like some sort of strange magnetism, your hands were drawn to it. I scoot closer to you to invite you to continue.
"I've been worried about you" the words you've been meaning to say all this time spill out of you.
An incredulous gasp leaves me when I ask you why you've been worried about me.
"I see your posts on social media, I know this is your sixth in just as many years... congratulations by the way" You stumbled through your words. "Is this what you really want?" You look up from my belly to search my eyes for an answer.
"Of course! This is my choice" I gesture to my home. Which is to you: my cushy prison.
"No it's not, you can't tell that lie to me! I was there, I know what really happened!" You stand up, outraged. "He knocked you up and told you to drop out, he's controlling you and has kept you stuffed full of babies ever since so you can't leave! So you can't live your own life!" The passion in your voice was tinged with some kind of hurt, or jealousy?
"well hold on, you're right our first was a surprise to me. But, I am so happy. I really feel like my experiences have shown me this is the way life is meant to be." I try to soothe you, to call you down from the edge you've gotten yourself onto. "So no need to worry for me okay?" I smile to you, hoping you'll smile back.
When you smile and sit back down, I notice how worn thin you are. Your skin and hair is dull, the way you conduct yourself is full of sloppy and tired movements.
"How are you, are you happy? Have you found your calling?" I ask, but already see the answer.
"Well I'm fine. Work is okay but it's not what it was cracked up to be. All the guys at work are losers, and they are always pissing me off. I do wonder if I haven't found my calling, yeah, maybe I majored in the wrong thing." Your sharp defensive tone falls to a nagging grumble as you go on and on.
"it's a little late to start all over like that and go back to school." I point out.
"You think I should keep sticking it out and climb the ladder?" You try to muster some hope into your voice.
"Actually I was thinking the opposite, you should quit that job. Look for something easier and part time. Do you have a partner? Surely he makes more than you and wouldn't mind you leaning on him for support." I ask, thinking surely you can't have stayed single all this time.
"What do you mean surely he makes more than me?! And no I don't have a boyfriend!" You bolt up again, feeling attacked.
You stormed out on me that day with your ego bruised. But you came back around. My words still stung, because I had a point. It gnawed at you and you couldn't help but try taking my advice. You did get that part-time job, and you spent your new found extra free time at my house helping me with my children and to-do list. With working less you were already doing so much better, not near as stressed, cleared skin, and your hair had shine again.
You slowly but surely stepped away from being career focused as I got you more and more comfortable with domesticity. Women belong in the home, so it was naturally very easy for you to fit right in to the lifestyle. My husband took us shopping as I needed bigger maternity clothes and you definitely needed something more becoming of an available young woman.
Then one day, I had you stay over for dinner and my husband brought one of his colleagues home with him to have dinner with us. The match making game had begun. Now that you were completely ready to settle down and assume the natural role of a woman beneath a man, serving him and birthing his children, any man would be so lucky to have you. You've become such an enlightened woman in these modern times where so many silly girls still cling to feminism like you once did.
Today you're absolutely beaming and radiant. You've announced your pregnancy! Your husband's first baby is officially on the way. I'm so happy for you and I hug you best I can with my husband's 7th due any day now. I'm truly proud of the woman you've become and will continue to grow to be.
(I'm so sorry I'm a confrontation person and not a manipulation person, I did my best, it's still something, I hope you enjoy!)
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thoughtsandfiction · 2 years
I've seen some people say that Claudia kinda bumped for them because she acts a lot younger than she is, seeming more 5-7 than 14, and I just had some thoughts that felt too long for a YouTube comment section.
Yes, Claudia does regress when she's turned. It's all very "There was basically nothing before this, so let's start at square one." And that's how Louis and Lestat treat her too. They don't really seem to relate to her from a real world (human) understanding of her age (beyond her ability to talk) rather they seem to consider her with the facts of her vampire age; she is a fresh baby to them. It's really shown in how they address the material concerns of Claudia's life; they don't think to get her her own coffin or room (as you would for a 14 year old) until much later because she is a baby, and babies sleep with their parents. They even do it in developmental stages: from Louis's coffin (sleeping in their bed), to her coffin in their room (like a bassinet or toddler bed), to finally her own space. They pick out her clothes and don't dress her like a teenager, it's all bows and polka dots and babydoll dresses. Existence is beginning again and the framework for this beginning is being set by Louis and Lestat, so yeah she's gonna act like she's 5.
Then add to that being stuck in her body. I think we underestimate how much a changing body influences how we "act our age," especially as a pubescent . You need new things to accommodate it, people relate to you differently, there's often a sense of added responsibility. It's a very visible reminder that you should be moving on to other stages. If that's not happening for you (and you think that it's going to,as the necklace scene suggests), and the people around you are happy to just keep things as they are, and you don't really feel time, and you have no adolescent peers..... yeah there's gonna be some arrested development
Plus there's also the joy of living an existence where she doesn't have to be worried about being beaten or sent away like in her previous life. This life is with wealthy parents who adore her, cater to her whims, want to shield her (Louis) and encourage her to act with little regard for others (Lestat). She's gotten the chance to experience early childhood again from this vantage point, and she's taking it.
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
This is the Story
Chapter 5
A/N: Here it is: the long-awaited Halloween chapter! Another thanks to @ccab and @elvisfatass for some of the ideas that went into this one. Also, things are finally starting to heat up a bit, so I hope you enjoy it!
Also also, I'm not sure if you all have noticed, but I've been switching perspectives with each series of stars (******) between Elvis and Grace. This is important for this chapter especially, so I thought I would mention it.
ICYMI: this is about Elvis and the author OC Grace Dubois, 35yo single mother of 6yo Wendy. Want to catch up? Here are links to the other chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI! Cussing, flirting, fantasizing, masturbation (m & f), mentions of oral sex (m & f), mentions of p in v sex, mentions of unprotected sex, mentions of creampie.
Word count: 2.5k(ish)
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"Now how about you tell me how you really feel about your time in Hollywood." He smiles and leans his head back.
"What are your plans for Halloween?" Elvis asks on the Monday before the holiday as Grace packs up her things to leave.
"Oh, I hadn't really thought about it. We don't really know anyone here."
"You know us. I have Lisa Marie. Come over and we'll put on a movie for the girls."
"I don't know..." He knows why she's hesitant, but he hasn't given up yet.
"Come on. You said we could be friends. Lisa needs someone to do Halloween with other than me."
"Alright, fine. We'll come over after dinner. But we can't stay too late. It's a school night." She smiles and Elvis tries to hide his excitement.
He walks her to the door and it takes everything in his power not to at least hug her, but he contains himself. Once she's out the door and it's closed behind her, though, he smiles widely and sighs. There's still a chance.
On Halloween, Grace stands in her closet fussing over what to wear. She knows why she cares so much, but it seems silly considering the nature of their relationship now. He's just a friend and it's essential that he stay that way. Still, she chooses a tight black dress to wear with her witch's hat, knowing that the low neckline is overtly tempting, but rationalizing that she doesn't have another black dress. She swears it's not on purpose that she wears heavy black eye makeup and puts contacts that she hasn't worn in years in her eyes. They hurt, but she thinks it'll be worth it for her costume. Wendy comes around the bathroom corner in her butterfly costume.
"Whoa, mama. You look really pretty."
"Aw, thanks baby. You think so?"
"Is this because you like Mr. Presley?"
"Oh, honey, no, it's just Halloween!" Wendy gives her a look but doesn't argue. They finish getting ready and get in the car to head to Graceland for movie night. Grace's stomach is in knots for some reason as they walk up to the door. It's strange because she was here earlier, but this is different.
"Mama. Knock." Wendy prompts her after they stand there for a bit. She does and they wait for a minute as Elvis comes to the door. When he pulls it open, her breath catches. He's dressed as a cop, complete with hat, badge, and gun in a holster. She always thinks he's attractive, but this sparks something new in her.
"Hello." Elvis is completely caught off guard by Grace's outfit. Her dress is form fitting and low-cut, more so than anything he's seen her wear other than her bathing suit. She has on black kitten heels and a pointy hat. Her glasses are gone, and he misses them a little, but seeing her deep brown eyes unobstructed is a different experience. Her hair is cascading down around her shoulders, and he didn't realize how long and straight it is. They stand for a bit just taking each other in.
"Daddy. Let them in." Lisa Marie pulls on his hand.
"Oh, yes, come on in." He steps to the side for Grace and Wendy to walk into the house. Wendy and Lisa, who is dressed like a ballerina, grab each other in a hug. They're very excited to see each other again.
To lead them to the TV room, Elvis puts his hand on the small of Grace's back. The electricity is there again and he doesn't want to stop touching her. Once the girls are settled on the floor with It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on the TV, Elvis asks Grace if she'd like to help him make some popcorn. She nods and they head to the kitchen. Again, he puts his hand on her back. It's completely unnecessary, but she doesn't argue. When they get to the kitchen, Elvis realizes he has no idea how to make popcorn. Grace smiles softly and takes over, her hand grazing his as she does. His heart skips a beat and he wants to run his hands up her arms and down her back, but he doesn't. Instead, he steps away carefully, watching her as she pulls together all the necessary things to make popcorn. His whole body is screaming at him to walk up behind her and put his arms around her. He wants to bury his face in her hair and kiss her neck. He wants to feel her ass against him as he presses into her. He wants to run his hands up her front and squeeze her breasts lightly as he teases her with words. He aches to do these things, but he knows he can't. She catches him staring at her.
"What?" She smiles and it takes his breath away.
"Nothing. You're just good at making popcorn." It's a stupid excuse to be looking at her like he is. He wonders if she can feel his hunger for her.
When the popcorn is finished, he gathers bowls for both girls and one for them to share, pouring out the popcorn accordingly. They walk back into the TV room and he sits in the middle of the couch, so she has to sit close to him, no matter which side she chooses. She settles herself on his left side with their arms touching. It feels like he's on fire where they make contact. He puts the bowl of popcorn directly on his lap for two reasons. First, it covers his growing erection. Second, the visual of her reaching her hand into the bowl directly above his cock is driving him insane. He wants her to touch him so badly that it almost hurts. Part of him wonders if the tension he's feeling from her is all in his head. But then she takes her hat off and leans across him to get some popcorn, pressing her right breast into his arm. His breath catches and he knows she isn't doing this on accident. He can smell the light lavender scent of her hair and it's intoxicating. He feels her take a deep breath and move away from him with a handful of popcorn.
The movie continues on the TV and Elvis does everything in his power to focus, but all he can think about is laying Grace down on this couch and...
"Daddy, can we have some candy?" Lisa's voice pulls him from his steamy reverie.
"Sure, baby." He adjusts himself as he stands up, so that his dick is tucked up under his belt. He offers his hand to Grace.
"Would you like to help?" She takes his hand and stands up.
"Sure!" They walk together to the kitchen again, where Elvis digs out a couple of bags of candy. She walks up next to him and leans her back against the counter.
"Thank you for inviting us. Wendy is having a great time." She takes a piece of chocolate and pops it into her mouth. When she does so, she gets a little bit of chocolate on the side of her mouth.
"Oh, honey, you've got..." He points to the side of her face.
"What?" He smiles, licking his thumb to wipe the chocolate away. When he does, though, he takes her chin in his hand. They stare at each other for a few seconds before her eyes flick down to his lips. He starts to lean in painfully slowly, running his thumb along her bottom lip. His mouth is almost to hers when both girls come bounding into the kitchen.
"Daddyyyy where's our candy??" Lisa's voice breaks the trance between them and Elvis pulls away quickly.
"It's right here, sweetie." He turns and hands her the bowl of candy and the girls skip off back to the TV room. Grace stands up from where she was leaning against the counter and follows the girls back to the TV room. Elvis takes a deep breath and looks at the ceiling. So close.
As the girls settle onto the floor again, Elvis and Grace sit back on the couch together. She kicks her shoes off and pulls her feet up onto the couch, leaning against him and reaching for more popcorn. Elvis breathes deeply and tries to relax. Then, they both hear the girls chattering.
"Lisa Marie, what is it like to have a daddy?" Wendy asks.
"It's pretty great. You don't have one?"
"Nope. It's just me and Mama." Wendy looks down at the floor. Grace is about to step in when Lisa does first.
"You can share my daddy. I'm sure he will take care of you too."
"Yes, please! I would love to have a daddy and I like yours a lot."
Elvis and Grace look at each other and laugh nervously. He can't help but think they make a charming domestic scene, all of them there in then TV room together. He wonders if Grace is thinking the same thing.
The movie comes to an end and the girls pop up off of the floor.
"Daddy, can Wendy and Ms. Grace stay the night?" Lisa Marie asks eagerly. Grace answers.
"Oh, no, sweetie, we have to go home and go to bed. But thank you for inviting us!" She laughs cheerfully. Elvis sighs deeply. He wants nothing more than for Grace to stay the night. But he understands why she says no.
They all move to the door and the girls say their goodbyes. Before she heads out the door to the car, Wendy wraps Elvis in a hug and hollers, "Bye Daddy!" He looks up at Grace and she laughs again. He mouths "it's okay" and makes a reassuring face. Wendy backs away and moves to walk through the door. In a last second impulse, Elvis grabs Grace and pulls her to him in a hug. At first, she freezes, but then he feels her relax and she puts her arms around him too. He wants to keep holding her, but the girls are waiting. Wendy and Lisa look at each other and smile knowingly. Finally, he lets her go, clearing his throat.
"Thank you for coming."
"Of course. Thank you for inviting us." They stare at each other longer than they should.
"Okay, Mama, let's go. It's bedtime." Wendy pulls her over the threshold. At the car, Grace looks over the door and waves at Elvis one last time before she settles behind the steering wheel.
As she drives, Grace thinks about the evening she just had. She wasn't intentionally trying to drive Elvis crazy. Or was she? It doesn't matter. All she knows is that she was desperate to feel his hands on her. Every second that she was pressed up against him on the couch made her core burn with desire. And then he almost kissed her again. She knows she should've stopped it, but his thumb on her bottom lip made her absolutely weak with need for him to put his lips on hers. Something about the way he was dressed made her want him to handcuff her to a bedpost. She was reluctant to admit it, but she wanted him. More than she's ever wanted another person in her life. Even as she drives home, she can feel the arousal between her legs gathering.
Wendy falls asleep on the way home and Grace carefully carries her up to her bed. Once Wendy's settled, she closes the door and tiptoes to her bedroom. There, she lays on her bed in her black dress, trying not to think about Elvis. But her mind wanders and she longs to feel his hand on the small of her back, sliding down to her ass and squeezing it gently. The wetness continues to gather between her legs and she considers doing something she hasn't done in a long time...
Elvis gets Lisa Marie settled in her bed, kissing her gently on the forehead, and then walks back to his own bedroom. He thinks about Grace in the low-cut dress, pressing up against him as they sat on the couch. He takes his hat and gun holster off and sits on the bed, his erection reappearing by the second. Thinking of the way it felt to have her body pressed against him in that last hug, he closes his eyes and thinks about giving himself a way to release the tension he's feeling...
Grace slowly slides her dress up over her hips and slips her fingers under the edges of her panties to drag them down her long legs and off.
Elvis leans back against the pillows, unzipping his pants and freeing his throbbing cock. It twitches as he thinks about what Grace would look like naked in his bed.
She moves her hand down to her core, feeling the wetness already gathered there. She thinks about Elvis's long fingers and how they might feel running up her slit to the place that makes her feel wild.
He puts his hand on himself, thinking of Grace's slim, beautiful fingers wrapped around his dick. He begins to move his hand back and forth, laying his head back.
Grace slides her fingertip around and over her clit, imagining Elvis's mouth on her, licking and sucking her, his beautiful lips wet with her desire.
Elvis lets out a soft moan as he strokes himself, thinking of Grace's soft, wet mouth wrapped around his cock, pulling it down her throat as she plays with his balls in her hand.
Grace slides two of her fingers into her pussy, imagining Elvis's cock inside her, moving in and out as she moans his name. She feels the tightness of her orgasm gathering between her legs...
Elvis moves his hand faster and faster, imagining Grace on top of him, bouncing harder and harder on him, grinding on him as he pushes deeper and deeper. He feels his release building...
Grace alternates between fucking herself with her fingers and rubbing circles on her clit, thinking of Elvis running his hands over her, filling her with his cock as his mouth wanders on her neck and chest, running his tongue over her hardening nipples.
Elvis moans deeply as his hips buck up into his hand, thinking only of Grace and the way her beautiful curves would feel pressed against him as he fucks her, hips slamming into each other passionately.
When Grace reaches her climax and the waves of pleasure wash over her, crashing into the edges of her body, she whispers Elvis's name, imagining what it would feel like to have him fill her with his release as he shudders on top of her.
Elvis comes hard into his hand, moaning Grace's name as he imagines what her face would look like as she comes with him, her breasts bouncing underneath him as he pushes into her one last time.
Grace lays on her bed sweating, in shock at what she just did while thinking about Elvis. She wishes that the orgasm had been enough to satisfy her, but she longs to know if her imagination did him justice. She blushes, remembering that she'll have to see him tomorrow to work on the book. It's getting harder and harder to ignore how she feels about him.
Elvis leans back against the pillows on his big bed. He's a little embarrassed at how he just jacked off like a teenager dreaming about a woman he could never have. Grace fills his mind and he's not sure how he'll face her tomorrow knowing what was in his head tonight.
Both Elvis and Grace get ready for bed and attempt sleeping, trying and failing to think of anything but each other.
The End,
until Chapter 6!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @mykievolturi @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts
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gatheredfates · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Aww, I love positivity asks! I can't say mine are in any way profound, but:
My loved ones. Cheesy, I know. Shout-out to my partner who does have a Tumblr account but refuses to be perceived because I know he'll read this and appreciate the fact I didn't tag him. I've been asked before how on earth I've been in a relationship with one person for over half my life and that's simple: I fell in love with my best friend. 💖 Also huge shoutout to @riftdancing who will be perceived because she's the platonic love of my life and, without her, I would not be who I am today. These two have seen me at my literal worst and stuck by me — I love them to bits! There's also my FC members/close friends @lightwrought / @gaygentofchaos / @whirlwyrm / @snakemoltsiren / @swingbeard / @dragons-ire / other people I have missed and/or wouldn't like to be tagged but know you are included because I love you. IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. Also everyone in Seafloor!
Music. I've always loved music, but I really only got into music and listening to different things later in life! Sleep Token fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and I will thrust them on anyone who will listen (start with Sundowning through to Take Me Back to Eden if you want the whole ~experience~ but Jaws is also a good separate introduction). I've also come to love Crywolf, Ashnikko, Bad Omens, as well as old faithfuls like Red, Evanescence, Halsey, etc.
My cat. She's not really my cat, but she adopted me. Ratticus le Catticuses the third of her name; brat cat, rat cat; little goblin; my little baby girl, love of my life. (Her name is Lucy).
Graphics design/creativity. I make it no secret my favourite part of my irl work is when I can make a brochure/pamphlet/poster. I don't profess to be an absolute master in it, and I'm entirely self-taught, but there is something about making something better. It's the same with GPOSING and the like. I don't do it often, but my edits are there. There are people in the community that use the little dividers I put together in Canva. It makes me happy!
My current mental health/personal journey. I'm in a really good spot mentally. My diagnosis has changed my life, and I was already on a good trajectory with my personal mantra/outlook on life prior to it. A few years go I was extremely depressed/anxious, I had a lot of trauma/paranoia around my spaces, and acted in ways I'm not proud of. I've reached out and reconciled a lot of it, and it's allowed me to engage with this community and my personal projects in a manner that's healthy and engaging for me. I was in a spot of ~drama~ recently (which I won't get into — that's another personal choice I made to keep things between relevant parties) and, rather than freaking out and thinking everyone hated me... I just dealt with it. I took all sides, formulated my opinions and blocked the people I didn't want to deal with. I was SO proud/happy with myself — I still am! It's not world-ending like it used to feel and that's so freeing for me as someone who used to be a chronic people-pleaser/conflict averse. I still want to try to be the latter, but I really believe the manta of 'be kind, take no shit'. It's done wonders for my happiness.
This got really long, I appreciate anyone who got to the bottom! I'll send these out to ten people from my permanent interaction call because I think that's nice. Thank you @disciple-of-frost for sending this in!! ✨
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local-limebug · 21 days
1, 5, 8, 12 for the dbd ask game :)
omg hi thank you so much for the asks !!!
1. Who is your favourite character?
i cannot choose between the core four i'm sorry 😭 they're all such interesting and well written characters, i feel like it's impossible to choose between them. they're all super fun to watch and analyze, especially in regards to my own personal experiences and how i relate to each of them on some level. but if i absolutely had to choose, it would most likely be edwin. i just love him so much as a character, and how well he's written. he's so kind and so bitchy at the same time. i absolutely love edwin. i've also never seen a queer character's arc of coming to terms with their sexuality written like edwin's, and i just absolutely adore him as a character.
5. Which character do you relate to the most?
edwin again. i relate to all of them on some level, from charles' anger to crystal's "mean girl who got nicer" arc to niko being a shut in (all things i've been through) but that experience of feeling immensely lonely despite being loved and having friends, of being through trauma that's made you guarded and quiet and kind of bitchy, of being surrounded by supportive people but still being affected by growing up in a homophobic society, all just hits really close to home. edwin's "you can't just do things based on how you feel at the moment" and his reliance on logic is also something i really relate to, as someone whose emotions lie to them quite a lot. i just really relate to edwin on so, so many levels.
8. A headcanon you have (that you havent seen talked about yet)!
i am a firm believer of the "niko has siblings" agenda. she gives me youngest sibling vibes, like the baby of the family, yk? in my head, she definitely has one older brother, and maybe an older sister too. i've been picturing her brother as ~20 years old, and her sister maybe 17 or 18? but yes, i very very firmly believe niko has older siblings, or at least an older brother. i recognize this holds no bearing on the story but it's important to me.
12. If you existed in the universe would you hang around as a ghost? (What would you do?)
i mean, if i had a choice, then yes. i wouldn't want to be a ghost forever, but definitely for some time. not sure how long before i decide to move on but probably at least a few years. so long as i had a friend with me, i think i'd really enjoy it. i would miss sleeping and eating, i think, but i definitely would not miss having to maintain my body or whatever. and i would do a lot of stuff but especially mirror travel around the world. idc if it takes me years to master, i would love to just walk around seeing new sights and people. i would go to so many concerts of my favourite bands and musicians, and since i would have an eternity, i'd probably pick up some new skills while i'm at it. learn a new language, maybe some magic. i also recently moved countries, so i'd definitely go and visit home. haunt the city i grew up in, yk?
again, thank you so so much for the asks, i loved doing this !! feel free to send me any more if you'd like <33
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An Idea
So, I saw those leaked pictures where Spider appears to be in Avatar link unit and I've seen some discussion about if this means that Spider will get an Avatar or not. Honestly, I have to side with the "no" crowd. As much as I want him to have an Avatar, from a narrative perspective it feels like a cop out of sorts, since I personally think it would make the most sense to his story if he embraced his humanity (at least first, before potentially getting one). 
So, an idea: Spider sometimes sleeps and naps in the avatar links. If Spider vanishes for a chunk of time and no one has seen him go out, the first place to check is the link units. Chances are, he’s sleeping there.
That being said, I thought to myself "hey what would a little kid do if he saw adults climb into link units and reappear as Avatars?" And then I thought "what would a lab of scientists do if the little kid they were taking care of just straight-up vanished on them?" So, here's the 5 am product of that. Somehow, Norm ended up being the parental figure here? Apparently, Spider collects those like they're Pokémon cards.
I know that this might not fit into the Avatar narrative from a canonical perspective, especially considering the comics, but I still had fun writing it!
Anyway, those of you who would like to read said product of 5 am, please enjoy!
At five years old, Spider was a ball of energy, bouncing off the walls, falling off high places, running in between people's legs, and constantly getting involved with things that he should not be anywhere near. Like basically everything on Pandora, the lab had never been baby or kid-proofed, because no babies or kids were meant to spend time there. So, time and time again, someone had to save Spider from electrocuting himself, eating something that would certainly kill him, or tumbling into a concussion, all while he giggled and squirmed, unaware of his own peril.
Norm, who had wanted kids some day and definitely not here, thought he was going to have a heart attack every other second. Somehow, by some God-given miracle, Spider always ended up completely fine after each near-disaster, not a scratch on him, but Norm could practically feel years being shaved off his life. Spider wasn't his kid, but Norm had been relegated to primary caretaker, somehow. Probably due to his non-threatening aura. Regardless, Spider's safety had become important to him, so each harrowing experience made Norm's head pound from the whiplash changes in his blood pressure.
Still, the chaos was somehow comforting. It kept everyone from ruminating for too long on their losses, on their distance from home, or on the deaths of dear friends and family. When the darkness was encroaching, Spider would somehow come barreling in to either brighten everyone's day or, at the very least, pull their attention to his dangerous antics. He was never gone for long, so time for wallowing was barely existent, these days. Norm found himself thankful for that.
Then, one day, Spider had up and disappeared on them.
At first, Norm only noticed the strange silence that had settled over the base. Then, he noticed that it was well past time for Spider's breakfast, and the kid hadn't come to pull on his pant leg, whining for freeze-dried apples and the small rations of the cereal he liked. Finally, he ended up checking the kid's room. He had found it empty, the bed made, as if no one had slept in it at all. The kid was missing.
And now it had been hours, and Spider was nowhere to be found. 
Norm was well past worry, and well into the beginnings of panic. He wasn't the kid's dad, but he was the one who cared for him, taught him, tucked him into bed each eclipse. Didn't he have a right to worry? 
Did he tuck him into bed last eclipse? No, he had samples to run, so he had handed off the responsibility to Judy, one of the other scientists. That was, apparently, a mistake.
"What the hell do you mean you don't remember?" He had screamed into her pale face. "You don't remember if he got into bed?"
"I did what you asked me to do! I took him to his room!" She had yelled back at him. "He said he wasn't tired yet, so I told him to do whatever, as long as he stayed in his room!"
"Stayed in his room- ?" Norm started, then cut himself off, grabbing fistfuls of his hair, "That kid can barely sit still when he's eating. Judy, do you really think he'd listen to that?"
"Well, how was I supposed to know that?!" Judy had snapped back.
In retrospect, she was probably also terrified. She was watching the kid grow up too, but not like Norm. Norm participated in his growing up.
"You should have known, because he's a kid! He's just a -" Norm stopped, choking back a surprise sob.
What the fuck, was he crying now? What had gotten into him?
"Drop what you're doing. We're finding him. Now!" He had shouted towards the rest of the lab.
Shockingly enough, everyone mobilized without so much as a grumble and began searching the base from top to bottom. They checked under tables, in cabinets, the deserted base rooms, hell, even yelled into air ducts.
Then, someone brought up the unthinkable.
"Did the kid leave the building?" Someone had asked.
"He doesn't know how to wear a mask," someone else had reasoned. "Plus, they're too big for him."
Voices had started sounding like they were underwater. Who the hell was speaking? He wanted to throttle them, make them shut up.
"But what if he managed to get out?"
"He doesn't know how to do that, either."
"Maybe he watched us doing it or something."
"Even if he did, he's too small to get to the controls."
If Spider left, he'd be unconscious in seconds. He'd be dead in minutes. Dead before his life could really begin. Dead because Norm had to test some stupid goddamn samples instead of ensuring the kid made it to bed, safe and sound.
Norm wanted to throw up. He felt high, he felt drunk, he felt like the room was spinning out of control.
He took deep, shuddering breaths, trying to get himself to think. Where would the kid be? Where would his kid be?
It was no secret the kid wanted to go outside. The scientists made sure he knew that wasn't possible, but Spider would still ask, probably hoping for a different answer.
Two days ago, Norm had gone to visit Jake and his family. He had wanted to see how they were doing, get some time away from the lab, and eat some (frankly delicious) Na'vi food. Spider had followed him into the Avatar link room, asking him a million questions about a million different things. Unsurprisingly, the dreaded one came up, yet again.
"Why can't I go outside?" Spider asked him.
"Because you're too little and it's too dangerous," came Norm's practiced response. "You can't breathe the air."
"Then why can you go?" Spider pressed. "I wanna go outside, too!"
"Because I'm big enough," he had responded. "And I have an Avatar."
The kid knew the purpose of the room. He knew what Avatars were, and had a basic understanding of how they worked. He also knew he didn't have one.
Before the kid could go on his "it's not fair" and "when will I be big enough" tantrum, Max had mercifully scooped the kid up and distracted him with the promise of playing common room board games.
Back in the present, Norm's eyes widened. Panicked, desperate hope filled his chest. The units were practically sound proof, so yelling wouldn't penetrate their walls all that well, and the room was some distance away from the main lab where most of the scientists spent their time. The kid wasn't allowed in the room alone on account of the delicate machinery inside, but when was the last time a five year old gave a damn about rules?
Without even asking if anyone had checked the room, he sprinted in its direction, probably faster than he had ever run in his entire life. He skidded around corners, almost slamming into walls in his frantic hurry.
He whipped the door to the link room open, looking around. Then, not seeing the kid anywhere, he started whipping the units open, one by one.
Just when he thought all was lost, and that perhaps the kid did slip outside and suffocate, he pulled open the last unit.
And there he was.
Relief flooded his veins, sweet and sharp, making his legs feel like they had the structural integrity of a Twizzler. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Norm stared at the kid, drinking in the sight of him alive and breathing.
The kid was still asleep, his little form small enough to curl up on his side in the unit, under the metal cage. One of his hands was curled into a loose fist, while the other was bunched in the too-big shirts they had been dressing him in. His curly hair had fallen into his face, a golden strand sticking to his mouth.
He was still here. 
Giddy, insane laughter bubbled in Norm's chest. Tears pricked his eyes. His hands were trembling.
One of the laughs escaped his chest, wet and hysterical-sounding to his ears.
Spider stirred, stretching his fingers, scrunching his face, and uncurling from his fetal position. He reached one of his hands up to rub his eyes before looking up at Norm, blinking blearily.
Norm couldn't believe his eyes, fearing what he was seeing was a lie. He needed to hold him. He needed to hold the kid, make sure he was healthy and safe and not outside.
Norm whipped the cage off of him, probably with more force than was strictly necessary, and yanked the little boy into his arms. He gathered him to his chest, sobbing his fear and relief into the precious, miraculous, wonderful kid's head.
He wanted to say something, something important, but he couldn't. It was too much. It had too much weight, too much meaning. He feared it was too soon to release into existence, a claim he knew couldn't be taken back. Hell, he wasn't sure if he really meant it, or if it was panic that made him think crazy things.
"Jesus, kid," he whispered instead, between sobs, "Jesus, don't scare me like that."
He would scold the kid later, maybe send him to time-out, maybe ground him, give him some form of consequences for the horrific ordeal, but right now, Norm would hold the kid close, bury his face in his curls, and bask in the feeling of the warm, living, beloved kid in his arms.
God, who the fuck was he kidding? Who the hell did he think he was fooling?
When they eventually asked Spider why he slept there, the kid had simply shrugged and said that he wanted to see what it was like. They didn't press much further. Deep down, they all knew the real reason. They didn't need to hear it and Spider didn't need to say it. It was painfully, heartbreakingly obvious.
Years later, if Norm couldn't find Spider, and the kid wasn't with the Sully family, he would check the units first before letting himself panic. Nine times out of ten, the kid would be found there, napping comfortably on the gel packs. Norm, and eventually all the other scientists stopped bothering to scold him for it. In return, Spider would get up without complaint if someone needed the link for its intended purpose.
Then, one eclipse, an eclipse like any other, but still somehow not like any other, Jake had ran to him, panicked and terrified, and told him what had happened to his kids. He told Norm that Spider had been taken by the RDA, by a somehow revived Quaritch.
After Jake left, Norm went directly to the link room.
He had hoped, against all odds and common sense, that he'd find Spider in one of the links, curled up and sleeping peacefully, just like that day, just like so many other days.
Instead, he had found nothing but empty units. 
His worst nightmare had been brought to life.
Spider was gone. The kid was gone. His kid was gone.
And this time, Norm couldn't save him. All he could do was weep, uselessly and painfully, into the silent, empty room.
A parent's worst nightmare had been brought to life.
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misericordel · 26 days
(comes to the toa anniversary munday late with starbucks)
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: leon
Pronouns: he/him or they/them. idrc
Birthday (no year): august 30th!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i was born in virginia but spent like 90% of my life in the midwest ✌️ i'm central time
How long is your roleplay experience?
i've been roleplaying since i was a kid! i probably have around 10 to 12 years of "roleplay" experience
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole?
i started roleplaying on gaia online before the inflation really hit in the late 2000s (iykyk), and then i moved to deviantart took a break from that and now i'm here!
How were you introduced to TOA?
found it on twitter through a moot i think. the details are foggy at this point LOL
Do you have any pets?
yesss my two beloved chichis beethoven (bae for short) and skippy. yall may have seen em in the server but they're my babies and i spoil them so much. i've had them for around 7 — 8 years and my family adopted them from owners who neglected them a lot.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period)
late spring early summer you will always be my it girl
What is your IRL occupation?
i have a fancy title for it but for simplicity sakes i'm a university receptionist
Some interests and things you like/enjoy?
hmmm main interests are probably fire emblem, j-pop and vsynths/vocaloid/pjsekai (spongebob holding his hands out meme) I WAS A VOCALOID FAN STARTING IN THE LATE/MID 2000S
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?
other than fire emblem i play a lot of jrpgs. i've been really into balatro and fields of mistria lately! (ooo you want to buy fields of mistria so bad) also project sekai as mentioned above. gacha is a curse though
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon:
i've always liked most psychic and dark types. my favorite pokemon is blaziken bc of nostalgia haha
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself!
much of my time spent writing here in toa is on company time bc i just happen to have access to a computer my entire work shift and it's generally quiet enough to do so
How did you get into Fire Emblem?
like a lot of people i first saw fire emblem in smash bros, then later on i think a year or two after awakening released i saw it on the shelves at my local gamestop and bought it because i recognized the namesake. of course i fell in love with fire emblem from that point haha (i have 100+ hours in awakening. lol )
What Fire Emblem games have you played?
i've watched playthroughs of a lot of em. for properly played though genealogy, blazing blade, sacred stones(never finished), awakening, fates conquest (never finished), three houses (golden deer + never finished blue lions), and engage!
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games:
first: awakening
favorite: genuinely a tie between engage and genealogy
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series!
veyle, sigurd, edain, caeda, tie between timerra and eldigan (yeah sigurd was actually beaten out by veyle. crazy times we live in.)
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
the very first one was cherche from awakening! very much was attracted to her weirdo onee-san vibes when i first played, and every playthrough after i would always put in extra effort to make her really good in my army haha
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳
y'all already know i go fucking rabid for sigurd von chalphy
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: chrom (BY CHOICE) - Fates: xander - Three Houses: claude - Engage: alfred bc hes a sweetie pie, though i almost s supported diamant instead
Favorite Fire Emblem class?
mage knight beloved
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable?
villager that needs a lot of extra planning to get anywhere good, or like a merlinus merchant type haha
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran)
golden deer hehe
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
all banes. all of them. every single one. if you manage to reclass me they all go to neutral instead
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon)
firene bc i'm just a little guy. i'd die at port florra though.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?)
toe-uh. always have and always will
Current TOA muses:
veyle. feels weird to be a single muser.
Past TOA muses?
lesse iin order from my very best knowledge : sigurd -> cherche -> edain -> arthur (fe4) -> caeda -> askr -> timerra -> here i am now. that's probably a little worbled of a timeline though
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again?
my first toa muse was sigurd! i certainly have been weighing in my hand if i want to pick him up again recently
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?)
i gravitate to any character who suffers from the empathy disease i think if i were to give an answer that were all encompassing LOL i do like muses that are a little stupid though
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could?
i cant handle the stoic type or the intelligent type. it's a running gag for me at this point that i'd be interested in writing laurent or miriel if i were smart enough to do so
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?)
i love writing anything with/in relation to romance. it's like my bread and butter haha. i think i do conversations between characters best and have always struggled with writing things like fight scenes (though i have improved since i started)
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”?
i'm pretty satisfied with what i've been able to write for veyle here. i do like when i get to write veyle getting angry/fighting back though!
Favorite TOA-related memories?
0 days since our last food discourse
Present or past tense?
present tense! started writing in it and it just kinda stuck with me.
Normal size text, small text, no preference?
small text girlie for lifeee
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 
wouldn't you like to know weather boy
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pryings · 27 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
thank you neffi for this template!!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: ruaidhrí (said pretty much like the english name rory and if you want to spell it that way that's fine too, ik irish names throw people off)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): 25th of october!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i live in colorado and my timezone is MST
How long is your roleplay experience? i don't know exactly how many years since i sometimes have years where h don't rp but i've been rping on and off since i was 11-12.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? oh gosh, so ff.net used to have (maybe still has, i literally have not been on that site in ages) these like... forums? and i joined one for elder scrolls rp a little after oblivion came out. i was far and away the youngest one there but everyone was so nice in helping me turn my character into a proper oc with like... backstory, a real personality, etc. after that, i spent a lot of time using it to try and grow my creative writing skills.
How were you introduced to TOA? honestly i just stumbled across it randomly! i had just replayed a few fe games and was looking through some tags and thought it might be fun to try fire emblem rp (i'd done some on indie tumblr back in the day, as well as in an mfrp a little bit, but never fire emblem exclusive rp) so i sent arden to check it out and, well, here we still are.
Do you have any pets? simon (mini poodle), john hancock (tabby cat), and tim & geeb (fluffy black cats)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) early spring! i also like late fall for its temperature, but i dislike snow/sleet/wet socks so spring is preferable because it's not very snowy here!
What is your IRL occupation? blessedly unemployed (health issues have prevented me from working aha)... i used to work IT though!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? i like birdwatching, reading academic articles about ancient civilizations, and making espresso drinks
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? currently enjoying bg3 + doing a dragon age replay (in preparation for veilguard). outside current, i really like most single-player rpg type games (esp. with customizable character), stealth games (dishonored favorite), and Identity V is the first asymmetrical horror mobile game developed by NetEase for
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: my favorite pokemon ever is alakazam (and its whole line) i've loved alakazam foreverrrrr! favorite type is steel, though! apart from my psychic baby most of my other favs tend to be steel types
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! oh gosh i'm so bad at fun facts...
- i can put both my feet behind my head but i can't touch my toes - my favorite non-ancient empire to read about is austria-hungary - my cat tim was rescued from Outside
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend's cool older brother was playing a bunch of the games in a seemingly random order. when i'd hang out at that friend's house sometimes we'd sit and watch. i asked him to lend me some and he did!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? i have now played all of them! (last year when i answered this i hadn't technically played them all, but i'd seen playthroughs and watched let's plays of all of them at the very least)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: a bad translation of fe4 was first, por is still my favorite—but tbh there's not really one i dislike
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! - KNOLL (promoted to number one he's my special guy) - reyson - canas - ashnard - pandreo
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! QUAN—i have such a distinct memory of seeing him come in but i don't remember my initial thought, only that he would have my heart forever
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 vander. duessel. hardin.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: first was sumia! i don't have a set nowadays because i've done a different one on each playthrough - Fates: first was xander, would probably still do xander if i were to replay - Three Houses: first was seteth, if i replay i'll go for hanneman - Engage: first was pandreo! next time i plan to do ivy though
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like shapeshifter classes! beasts, dragons, laguz, etc. i just think they're fun to play with
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? oh gosh, i'd be an infantry axe unit probably. middling starting stats but high growths if you really work at making me good (there would be heated debates over whether the necessary time investment would be worth it)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? axe boon, heavy armor bane, budding talent in faith magic (could be classed into an fe:a style war cleric and it would be my suggested goal)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? i want to say brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toh-ah
Current TOA muses: just knoll <3
Past TOA muses? robin, niles, almedha, reyson, hardin, iago, perceval, lachesis (i think that's all?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? my first muse was m!robin and thankfully i am spared any temptation on picking him up as he is currently being written.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) i'm kind of all over the place, aren't i? i like characters where i can poke at hidden depths but ones who aren't too closely guarded. i like characters who are shy, withdrawn, standoffish, guarded, etc. in some way but who open up when spoken to. i don't think this has changed since last year, i've been writing for a long time and kind of know my comfort zone.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? boisterous/loud and over the top characters always challenge me, but i've never really managed to make them work, which is a shame because i tend to enjoy lively characters!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) -i love writing threads where setting/scenery is a focus, where i get to sort of use the landscape as a bit more than set-dressing - i enjoy throwing my muse at characters who mistrust him for whatever reason, and like to explore the kind of slow, mutual understanding that comes from two people getting to know one another - i really just like putting him in situations in general, forcing him to socialize—he's a very withdrawn character so any excuse to have him meet new people is very enjoyable
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? nothing specific! i have kind of an arc for him but it's loosely-defined right now
Favorite TOA-related memories? HAPPYLAND WAS SO MUCH FUN. sincerely i loved the interactions he had there <3
Present or past tense? i default to present, but adapt to what my partner prefers on this!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text, bolded dialogue. just easier for my eyes to take it in that way.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 oh gosh. i recently had to go down to just one muse because my health is not so good, but i will admit i already have a few delusions. if i can get myself back to a spot where i feel like i can write a second, someone may return.
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510amy5 · 6 months
On April 8 I got to experience something absolutely incredible: a total solar eclipse. Its hard to express just how exciting this was for me but here goes.
I have always loved space, ever since I was a kid. I played the Magic School Bus planets game, I read about how the moon affects our tides, I learned how to make a pin hole projector for watching a partial solar eclipse at 5 years old. I started learning constellations (my fav has always been Cassiopeia) and could find north using the stars by the time I was 8. When I was 10, our family Christmas gift was a very large and fancy telescope. Suddenly I was no longer limited to my naked eyes. We spent a couple nights a week all summer looking at anything interesting we could find in the night sky. I learned to use a star chart, locate the planets on the ecliptic and of course operate our telescope (which was powerful enough that the rotation of earth was noticeable over the course of a couple mins). This is when I came up with my space bucket list.
Some items were ones I saw before the list was created, but they were amazing and helped inform my items yet to be experienced.
Space things I've seen:
Rocks on the moon
Craters on mars
Rings of Saturn
Jupiter's spot
Binary star system
Total lunar eclipse
The international space station (through telescope)
Moons around Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
Venus transit of the sun
Total solar eclipse
Space things I want to see:
Shuttle launch
Aurora borealis
Rings of Neptune
An asteroid
A comet
I was over the moon (pun intended) when I found out that I was near the path of totality for this eclipse. 20 mins drive to move an item from the bottom list to the top one. That's what this started as for me, a box to check and an opportunity to say "that was cool".
So I drove with my parents and my baby and we setup our lawn chairs at the community centre in the town south of us. Its a tiny, middle of nowhere town where everything closes on Sundays and they only have 1 traffic light. Suddenly it was on the map as people traveled in to experience the eclipse. It felt like a big picnic with people chatting and sitting out with their families, pulling out their special glasses every few moments to look up.
I watched as the moon sliced away at the sun. Bit by bit the light got darker and weirder and the temperature dropped. It was exciting but there was also something viscerally unsettling about it. My mind knew this was fun but my body knew something was WRONG. The sun is such an easy thing to take for granted. Its always there, shining away just the same. But when something so fundamental changes, your body notices. This was a duality of experience I never expected.
Then we finally reached the point of totality. This was the moment I had been waiting for, my check box experience. But it was way more than just cool. The world went dark, street lights coming on and birds breaking out in sudden confused song. The people around me cheered and hugged. And I, as I so often have before, I looked up. Understanding the mechanics of an eclipse and having it described couldn't come close to what I was now looking at. I expected a hole in the sky but you could still see the outline of the moon. Not like a "ring of fire" eclipse, but just because the sun puts out that much light and power. The tendrils of the corona reached as far into space as the sun was wide, waved and curled into lines way more organic than the sun beams I always imagined. I had heard the corona was going to make a good show due to this year being the solar maximum but that was an understatement. It was like being on an alien planet orbiting a weird star. I took a quick video for a friend and then just soaked up the moment. Totality only lasts a couple mins and too soon a diamond spark appeared on the edge. No longer safe to look at. We donned our glasses and just stared in awe. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Other groups started to pack up around us. We waited though, watching as the sun slowly regained purchase in the sky. The birds stopped singing, the light normalized. I changed my baby's diaper before we hopped in the car to drive home.
In history and media, a total eclipse is often seen as the beginning of the apocalypse or an omen of some kind and I can see why. It is an experience so alien and rare that it must have some deeper meaning right? I agree. In my case however, what I see is the beauty of God's creation. I see all the factors that lined up to give me the gift of this experience and I see His hand. Now I sit and work to find the words to convey an indescribable event, hoping I can share some of this experience. I can only hope I live to see this sight again.
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imaginespazzi · 6 months
alright nivi baby a couple of question i want your thoughts on
do you think anybody else transfers? i've seen speculation for both q and yanna but idk it seems unlikely and if it was anybody else that would really surprise me
twitter is saying that maybe ines and amari got asked to leave so we can have more scholarship spots open for the transfer portal do we think that's true
now that we have scholarship spots who do you want and do you think it'll be two forwards or a guard and forward (that timea gardiner option looks pretty great)
how much truth do you think there is to the chen rumors? im sure she's great but i really want pg paige next year and we already have kk to run backup point so idk
bestie did you finally start writing part 5? (no pressure but im so desperate for it)
love, 🐞
Hi lovely, haven't seen you in a minute <3
I don't think anyone else is going to transfer. Q seems pretty adamant on how much she loves this team and Ayanna transferring right after an injury also seems unlikely. Everybody else is pretty much locked in as you said.
It could probably be a bit of both? A little push from the coaching staff and their own desire for actual playing time. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a little bit of that but in the end, I think it's good for everyone involved.
Personally, I want two forwards, specifcally someone 6'5+. Timea Gardiner would be nice but I'm also curious to see who else ends up there (here's looking at you Kiki). But we really, really need frontcourt players. Jana hasn't played a season and achilles injuries are rough and putting that much pressure on her is just not a good idea. Same goes for Ayanna. We don't know when Aubrey will be back. And while I have immense faith in Sarah, again putting pressure on a freshmen is not the ideal scenario. So I really need us to get some experienced frontcourt players like we did with Dorka.
I think it's always a possibility but I don't think so. I think it's hard for Geno to guarantee her a starting position and I'm sure wherever she goes, that's one of her expectations. However, I'm actually not completely against us getting another guard. I do think we need to focus on forwards but honestly an experienced guard wouldn't hurt. Beyond Paige, our backcourt (whole team really) is missing a fair amount of experience. Azzi's likely to be on limited minutes to start and I'm not fully sure about Caroline either. Obviously KK and Ash have proven themselves but they're still just only sophomores. And obviously the freshmen are the freshmen. I don't think having a strong experienced guard would hurt but the focus should still be on getting a big, and I don't think Kaitlyn Chen is the right option.
I did lmao everyone can put the pitchforks away now
Sorry babes, that got really long but clearly I have a lot of thoughts.
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