#the north won
the-physicality · 21 days
thinking this labor day about all the athletes in women's sports who didn't have a stable league, who were only making decent money from a spot on their national team, who had to fight to get even a fraction of what they deserve. who spent their prime without a club league or the infrastructure to propel the sport. who came of age after title 9 in the usa [forcing schools to fund women/girls’ sports], the ones who fought for cbas and are only seeing big change at the end of their careers or after their careers concluded. who didn't have the media attention before, but are now showing just how much they can sell out stadiums and arenas. the players who played year round because overseas teams paid athletes what they were worth. athletes who endured and reported harassment but the league never took appropriate action. athletes who never had the media attention or ability to monetize their talent but who had careers that were just as impressive as the stars of today. who did it without the help of the science, technology, and medicine we have today. who set records with less support and fewer games in a season, which will be broken by kids who have had personal trainers since high school. athletes who played great games that are no long available to view, their talent no longer archived and accessible for young or new fans. athletes who still don't have a league or are just getting one in 2024. athletes who took it upon themselves to create change for which they will never reap the full rewards.
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focsle · 1 year
I hate and love that my comic scratches the ultimate itch of the sort of narrative I want to consume because on the one hand, I love working on it and it is fully my Essence. But on the other hand, when I want to unwind and am craving a particular Type Of Story only to remember that it doesn't exist I'm just like......do I gotta do everything myself?
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pierregaslays · 3 months
girls be like “i miss him” and it’s just jeremy corbyn
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
New Scarlett Johansson movie where she’s dating a WOMAN
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nowerewolves · 1 month
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Your honour, I have a crush on her!! 🗣🗣🗣
To celebrate my unhinged binge of my favourite new podcast Canada By Night, please have @delborovic's character Val Miller!!
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racingliners · 3 months
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Her job is beach ⛱
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ll-but-its-random · 3 months
I rememeber being so mad at Ivan while reading Adam's novella, mostly because I thought he'd be a good character, then he came along and I was like:
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Also, Adam's fantasies about Washington DC were amusing.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
And you realize, after your uncle Edric dies, that your husband Jonnel is going to name not Edric’s son Cregard his new heir, but his other brother Barthogan as his heir. He is doing this specifically because “Cregan died after Rickon, so since Rickon wasn’t a Lord, it passes to Cregan’s next born son. Since Edric wasn’t a lord, it passes to Barthogan.” You are very mad because you and your sister Serena have been raising Cregard to rule and now you’re worried about her daughters, and her sons, and what becomes of you if Jonnel also dies, and you’re still mad you were passed over, so you decide “yeah fuck it i’m not just going to set myself up well, i’m going to make sure i have the ability to take the lordship, make myself ruling lady, and make things easier for a woman to inherit because now i’m pissed off”
What do you like. Do. Marrying all of Serena’s kids well is important but what would “marry well” mean. Someone rich and southron who comes with money & a household that is loyal to the two of you? Someone Northern, who will back your claim because they have a vested interest in you ruling? A mix of both?
You have to get the King on your side right. Have an in with him so if someone complains he’s like “well a daughter before an uncle blah blah blah.” You want LYANNA and HER husband on your side, and you want all of ALY BLACKWOOD’S daughters and THEIR HUSBANDS on your side because if your ultimate goal is ABSOLUTE PRIMOGENITURE you want the older sisters on your side right. You want the people of Winters Town to like you more than Barthogan and Jonnel. You want to do good things for them, so you want money (again - good marriages for Serena’s children). You want to be more competent or at least seem more competent. You probably want like….what Barthogan and Brandon like Not In Winterfell with you…….
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souplover-69 · 6 months
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officialbillhader · 2 years
If eagles win then mac and dennis will kiss while celebrating. Mark my words
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
The Minnesota Wild are haunted?
Every hockey team is haunted
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area51-escapee · 3 months
I hate the attitude people have of “oh this group I don’t care about at all/as much as others is speaking up about their oppression and the problems they face, I can’t believe they think they’re the most oppressed people in the world 🙄” like speaking about about the issues we face isn’t claiming we suffer more than jesus or some shit, especially when those issues largely go ignored by the same people who consider themselves progressives! People in the southern U.S. are oppressed actually! There is so much racism and classism weaponized against those from the south, and the people who are hit hardest by that will always be those in marginalized communities, southern people of color, southern queer people, southern disabled people, you get the fucking picture! And yeah I think we should be allowed to speak up about this, because self righteous liberals up north will lock their car doors when a person of color walks by and then preach to southerners online that we’re all just too poor and stupid to be as good as them! They’ll blame us for our own oppression and tell us to just pack up and abandon our homes and everything we know otherwise we aren’t worthy of their sympathy. Of course I ain’t saying that southerners are the most oppressed group in the whole world but we should still be allowed to talk about the problems we do face, not just from our governments and our neighbors but from people elsewhere who would rather blame us and mock us and leave us behind than DARE to associate with us.
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wolvertooth · 9 months
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ok so i bought this even tho it has nothing to do w sabretooth(cuz apparently my life consists of paying 4 bucks for pieces of paper now) and decided to give it a read anyway--
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and was reminded how ben percy is the biggest wolverine/maverick shipper of all time. sabrevine nation aint gonna get SHIT in the sabretooth war😭😭
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mummer · 2 years
hi! so im super curious about this post and what you mean by blood curse? could you talk more about it? it’s a very interesting take and I want to hear more of what you think
hmm yeah! it's kind of more of a figure of speech than anything lol— i don't think there's like, a literal magical Blood Curse physically destroying anything— but it's more of a thematic curse. there's something to be said about how the red wedding is kind of the Definitional Asoiaf Moment right. asos is a book very much concerned with breaking taboos and natural laws-- breaking of guest right at the red wedding and at craster's, the kingslaying of robb and joffrey, tyrion's kinslaying of his father, bran's possession of hodor (maybe more that i'm forgetting). but the red wedding is like. The moment. it's such a moment, in fact, that it ripples backwards in time through asoiaf's prismatic dreamscape. theon sees the red wedding months before it happens in his dreams, dany sees it at the house of the undying, jon and bran (iirc?) both see it in their dreams as/after it happens. it's such a genuinely heinous act against nature it bleeds through time. bleeds through the book itself!
tywin orchestrates it to win the war "cheaply" but the rent comes due in affc, a book about examining the consequences of a world whose enforced codes and ideals (the chivalric paradigm itself!) are so deeply unnatural, so contradictory and dissonant that they are destined for collapse. where asos is about the breaching of natural law, affc is about unnatural law being laid bare as a result (why affc feels more thematically concerned with gender, for example). tywin is not a figure of perfection but just a rotting body. more rotten than usual. they keep telling me that house lannister won this war! all those honour codes and norms and stories are only hiding deeply entrenched violences (eg. if gender norms are so natural why must they be enforced through violence?). beneath the golden sheen of chivalry is just a nightmare of blood. the red wedding is so foul an act that it can't be covered up in shrouds like rhaegar's children were. the emperor has no clothes now! you cannot look away from it, look without seeing, or go away inside forever. the curse is blood begetting blood, like lady stoneheart's wraith, who can think of nothing but feeding on death. it's something that begs to be witnessed so powerfully that it rips through the psychic realm. yeah alright i read this over and it makes no sense and im talking about like four completely different things ah well Siri send post
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allyriadayne · 11 months
what are your thoughts on jace/sara snow?
hii. while i don't actively ship it, i don't have anything against it. if it is true, and not another one of mushroom's exaggerations, i think it's a really fun scenario and ship, both as a cover for jace/cregan and as for jace/sara itself.
jace's journey to winterfell serves several purposes. one of them is the obvious one of gathering allies for rhaenyra's cause; while another serves to present jace as the skillful diplomat. sara, to me, is a fun wedge in the perfect prince perfect diplomat machinery that is jace, how could he cheat on baela, he who has been betrothed since he could remember? well grrm does love to destroy archetypes and i'm here for the journey. i will support jace's slut era in any way i can.
as for the cheating arguments....idgaf.
tho i do think it doesn't make a lot of sense if jace and sara indeed were married. slept with, yeah, married? i don't think so. why would cregan promise their children would marry then? the stark logic is that jace honors sara and their possible children, not that he goes back to war and baela. so i think that if sara did exist and met jace they might have just slept together.
thanks for the question!
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coochiequeens · 11 months
Good job Reduxx!
Female martial artists refused to participate in a tournament last weekend after men took over the women’s category. In an interview with Reduxx, the female athletes expressed a fear for their safety as male competitors have repeatedly infiltrated their sport.
And it worked: As of Saturday, the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) has officially changed its policy regarding transgender athletes.
The Georgia Grappling Championship saw an all-male women’s podium on Oct. 21 as trans-identified men Cordelia Gregory and Corissa Griffith took first and second place. Griffith won four total gold medals in women’s events that day.
The female athletes reportedly were not notified they would be matched up against males.
See rest of article
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