msjpegsclass · 1 day
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msjpegsclass · 1 day
Concern - Closed two player roleplay
@worldslastredemption @xxrobotessaxx
Jpeg hadn't heard much from J in a couple days, not since she had been over to drop off a few things at the landing pod. She had been worrying a lot about if J was alright with her side project, but now she had gotten a text saying to bring a harp.
Ms Jpeg didn't have access to the high school side's harps, but she was able to grab a 15 string harp from the elementary band room and had brought it just like J had asked of her. She knocked with her hand that wasn't holding anything on the landing pod door rapidly, worried if J was even still okay.
"What if she is starving because she hasn't come by for oil? Oh dear! " she thought before the teacher pushed her fears away, "And if she has to drink some of my oil, so be it, she's my friend and anything to keep her alive."
Jpeg really cared about the disassembly drone that had tried to kill her years ago in the big arts and crafts store, and she was ready for almost anything J could ask of her. I mean, she was a teacher, she was asked for things all day.
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msjpegsclass · 3 days
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Artist: 📸 The Pulp Girls
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msjpegsclass · 3 days
“as you get older, you realize that you’re not always right and there’s so many things you could’ve handled better, so many situations where you could’ve been kinder and all you can really do is forgive yourself and let your mistakes make you a better person.”
— Unknown
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Zoey proudly shook J's hand before swishing her tail out infront of her. "I was a prototype... then connection broke to this little eye, and I was kind of fired? Eh, it's no biggie, you and N and V were always the breadwinners of JC Jensen... well, mostly you. If you ever need anything I wouldn't mind lending a hand," the drone with the rabbit ears looking bow offered happily before softening her tone and replying, "Sorry for looming. I heard Peggy had a new friend."
Jpeg smiled and laughed cheerfully, "Wow, small world! J knows me from Michaels, and Zoey knows you through her old job"
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Jpeg shrugged, "I'm a teacher, I give stuff to drones every day. Someone loses a pencil, I got. Kid gets a good grade, I give a sticker. This feels pretty much like that. You wanted to share what was on your mind, I didn't mind listening and offering something."
She glanced over to Zoey and then called out, "Hey, sweetie, it's kind of rude to stare, at least come over and say hello, carrotcakes!"
The observer drone heard Jpeg loud and clear despite having turned her hearing down, which she adjusted so she could join a conversation. She walked over, her fluffy tail swishing. She smiled politely to J and greeted, "It's a great honour to finally meet one of the prime models built."
Jpeg paused and remembered. "RIGHT! A friend and I found Zoey in that Cabin lab at the edge of town." She giggled, "J, this is Zoey, formerly Serial Designation Zed."
Zoey bowed her head slightly out of respect.
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Jpeg was smiling in shock. "Wow, who would've thought huh?" She then got kind of sad, "I always kind of wanted to meet her... I heard from the few teacher drones that met her on the assembly line that she was a real gem."
Jpeg looked to her new friend and offered, "You can have this if you'd like, J. I wouldn't mind it at all. She means more to you."
Zoey watched curiously from the corner of the classroom, not saying anything, but still doing odd little jobs like replacing broken pencils and wiping down a chalkboard, she turned down her listening so she wouldn't be eavesdropping out of the respect of her wife and J.
Jpeg offered warmly, "I will gladly listen to anything you have to say about Tessa, if you want to talk about her more."
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
The drone art teacher kept hugging J from the side reassuringly but asked inquisitively, "Tessa... like... THE Tessa. The Elliott's little girl."
Jpeg ran to her desk and got out a scrapbook of things she kept from her old classroom, she flipped through pages until she found it, a Christmas card from corporate. She hurried back over to show J, and sure enough, on the christmas card was a grey eyed girl with black hair done up in bows with a pair of drones by her side, one stern looking girl and one cheery looking boy standing infront of a christmas tree. Jpeg stopped and looked at the picture and then at J.
"Oh my goodness..." she handed the Christmas card to J, "Is this her, and is that you?"
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Jpeg put her hand reassuringly on J's shoulder. "That's beautiful, J.. though.. I'm sorry about your job though," She remembered blue jays when Copper 9 had life and humans had brought over earth wildlife, "I'm a fan of pink finches myself, but blue jays were really cool,"
Jpeg wanted to hug J, she side hugged the pretty disassembly drone girl from the side.
"I'm so sorry for your losses, J, dear, just know you're so strong for persisting."
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
"She sounds like she left a big impact on you," Jpeg soothed, she smiled reassuringly at her disassembly drone friend, she noticed J had looked at the drawing of the dove, "Did she like birds?"
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
"Of course," she answered as she put the pretty sticker on the folder, pressing firmly so it wouldn't fall off. Upon hearing J mention about the shadow girl, Jpeg was coloured curious.
"Of course, I'd love to hear about it. You put a lot of love and effort into that one I can see, she must have been someone really special to you," she held her hand out in case J needed to hold it for courage in case she needed strength to say.
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Jpeg looked at all the drawings, her LED eyes getting slightly brighter with each one until she saw the one of a girl in shadows. "These are all beautiful, J! Especially the one of the girl in the shadows and the self portraits."
She took a sticker out of her pocket, a 3D golden star gem sticker, it was about the size of a one dollar coin. "Your art is truly remarkable, J. I'm proud of you for sharing this with me." She was wary of pressing about the drawing of the human girl, but she could tell this was someone very special to J.
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Jpeg was excited, she hurried over, sitting down by J to see the art. "I'm glad your day was fine. It was fun running into you at the store today," She noticed J trying not to fidget and chimed in, "You don't have to do that here, I have lots of students and I myself have a slight glitch in our system that makes us move slightly when enduring emotions." She didn't want to open the folder herself to respect J's boundaries. "Whenever you're ready, J, but no pressure."
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
continuation from here
"How was your day?" the ginger-haired robot inquired eagerly, she wanted to hear how J was doing
The bunny-looking drone who was cleaning up some cubbies in the back of the classroom glanced up to the talking, seeing Jpeg and a new face. Zoey looked at her gauntlets on her forearms, her tail curling around her slightly, the all-seeing eye on it blinked curiously. She stood back and would only approach if she was called over
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
Mun: help me decide please =3
What should I make next for a Murder Drones AMV
I am looking for which should be first.
Here are the songs in question:
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
I love you people who show kindness because "it's what you're supposed to do". I love you people who show kindess because they like being thanked. I love you people who show kindness because it makes them feel good. I love you people who show kindness because they were shown kindness first. I love you people who show kindness for "selfish" reasons. I love you people who show kindness for the "wrong" reasons. I love you people who show kindness in a body that rejects the very notion. Your kindness is not any lesser because of its motivations. The good you added to the world is just as valuable as someone doing it for the "right" reasons. Your effort is seen. Your effort is valued.
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msjpegsclass · 4 days
No girl should ever be ashamed of her body type, all girls of all body types are so pretty it’s breathtaking and those are facts.
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