#the next two are so emotional and are mostly just jim and reader
stuckonmain · 2 years
Midnight Comics (And other fun things/s)
ROTTMNT Donatello x Yokai!reader
A loose part two to The Junkyard at the End of the World
Part three is here
Part four is here
Part five is here
This takes place in the bad timeline, a bit after the Krang invasion. There's mentions of blood and light angst. Reader is forced to read comics.
3k words
  I sat cross-legged on top of my office desk, struggling with the campus’s laser cutter.
  Donatello sat across the room, perched on a spinny chair as he messed around with chemicals from April’s school. The glowing blue substance had apparently been found to permanently damage the Krang’s organic matter, and Donnie was running tests while April led a party out to get more.
  I was doing something far less noble- trying to laser-cut gears out of acrylic for my lamp design.
  I had set the base a few feet away from me. It was an old lamp from the 1920s that I took from an antique store a few weeks into the apocalypse, and if my Donnie-approved blueprints worked as planned, I’d be able to turn it on and off with a series of gears, like a tiny Rube Goldberg Machine….Also known as a normal manual machine.
  There was a crackle of electricity, and I followed the sound to the comm-link I had left on the ground.
  “Commanders present in the base, come in.” Said Leo’s voice over my comm-link.
  “What is it, ‘Nardo? I’m on the brink of something important, so this had better be good.” Donnie scowled, speaking into his wrist panel.
  “Actually, both ‘Tello and I probably need a break. We’ll be there in a sec.” I interrupted, leaning over Donnie’s shoulder to speak into his comm-link.
  “Rad.” Leo answered, and disconnected.
  Donnie shoved me off his shoulder, eyes wide. “What’re you talking about? We don’t need a break, we need to focus!”
  I held my hands up innocently. “Forgive me, but you were working on this when I went to bed last night. And unless you have proof over the security cameras of you leaving to take a break between when I left last night and when I returned this morning, then…you need a break.”
  He rolled his eyes. “(Y/N), thus is the life of a brilliant scientist!”
  “Your left eyebrow is mostly wiped off.” I said, flicking his forehead. “Besides, we’re going to a meeting. That’s still kind of work.”
  He flicked me back. “No, no, you go, fill me in later.”
  I sighed, shaking my head in resignation. “Leonardo is gonna be mad…”
  “...Hm...He’ll manage.” Donnie answered, grabbing a sharpie and a hand mirror to re-draw his smudged eyebrow.
  I frowned, crossing my arms. “What if the meeting is important? What if, uh…they found some kinda….Krang infection antidote…. or something?” 
  He spun around in his chair, eyebrow back in place. “Highly unlikely. But just in case…fine. I’ll go if it gets you off my back.”
  “Good.” I sighed. “Finally.”
  “Oh. You just called us up for comics.” I said disdainfully as Leo proudly showed us what he’d found.
  “Just comics?!” He gasped, shoving me closer to the stack of Jupiter Jim comic books he’d found on a scouting mission.
  “Uh…yeah?” I said weakly, looking at the dusty pile. “I mean…I love Jupiter Jim as much as anyone with mediocre taste in sci-fi, but was this…really worthy of a meeting?”
  Mikey was the one who gasped this time, grabbing my shoulders in shock. “Is this worthy of a meeting?! Who raised you?!”
  “Uh…” I shoved Mikey off of me. “Please don’t do that, and uh…yeah no, I thought this would be…important-er? More important?”
  “GASP!” Said…Donnie? (What hath the world become?!) “I’m not usually one for feeling emotions, but ohmigosh!” He exclaimed, running towards the stack in excitement.
  “...Huh, I didn’t know your face was capable of expressions beyond mild amusement. What’re you doin’ with your mouth, ‘Tello? I hardly recognize you.” I teased, but he barely reacted.
  “Okay, okay, you’ve convinced me boys. Tell me…what exactly is so great about these comics?” I sighed, sitting down next to Leo as he aggressively jotted his name down in each of the ‘this book belongs to’ pages. It was almost impressive.
  Leo grinned. “Oh, you’re at the right place, (L/N). These babies have so much secret lore in ‘em, it’ll knock your socks off.”
  I looked down at my clawed feet. “I can’t wear socks.”
  “See? You’re already witnessing the effects!”
  “I’ve never worn socks. Or shoes, for that matter.”
  Leo’s grin didn’t waver. “Neither have we!”   
  I sighed, and picked up a comic book. “Jupiter Jim versus Saturn Steve…part forty-four. Wow. I am truly taken aback by this…work of art.”
  Donnie grinned, clearly missing the sarcasm. “Oh, you think that trash is good? Wait ‘till you read my favorite- and by far the best and greatest part of the franchise- Atomic Lass!”
  I nodded half heartedly. “Um…great?”
  He shoved the book into my hands, grinning. “You’ll love it.”
  I smiled weakly. “Uh…okay! Rad.”
  They were right.
  Ohmigosh, they were so right. 
  These stupid comics were freaking brilliant and I was maybe a bit in love with Atomic Lass. I hungrily flipped to the next page as the stack of already read comics grew ever higher…I was finally onto the fifty-ninth and second-to-last installment of The Atomic Trilogy, and I wasn’t ready for it to be over- oh wait I just finished the last page, shit.
  I sat in silence for a minute, and checked the clock.
  It was midnight. I’d been reading comics for the past four hours. Goddamnit. Luckily there was only one more book in the series, I noted as I reached for the stack of unread books.
  Wait what? 
  I tried to reach for it again, only to find that it was…gone?
  A chill settled in my bones as I realized the inevitable. I’d never had the final book.
  …Donnie probably has it?
  No, don’t bother him, it’s midnight.
  Actually, he’s probably awake. I vote we bother him.
  I smirked and stood up, slipping out the door as silently as I could as I headed down the hallway towards the Engineering Building.
  It was nice out on the campus when people were asleep, I noted. Obviously there were still a few people awake, that was inevitable what with the sheer amount of people, but still. It was…peaceful. I was almost tempted to sing, but I resisted the urge for fear of waking someone up or being seen singing my heart out in solitude.
  (I was really tempted to, though. It’d be perfect for my ‘being a real-life Disney princess’ checklist.)
  I shoved open the door and stepped outside of Huo Hall, my dorm, and into the midsummer night air. What had once smelled of vague thoughts, falling stars, and foggy dream-like movements had been burned into the rotten stench of the world falling apart around us like everything else the Krang had destroyed.
  It was moments like these that I was reminded of what I was perpetually trying to forget, and my Disney movie shifted and warped into a Shakespearian tragedy. Suddenly my throat wasn’t bursting with a rhapsody about the stars and the sky, but a requiem of lost hope and fallen dreams and fear of the future and I wanted to cry-
  I sighed, taking a final glance at the smog-filled sky before ducking into the Engineering Building.
  I was lucky, I told myself. I was surviving. That was more than most people could say. I had survived this long, and a few bouts of hopelessness weren’t gonna get in my way of locating the sixtith chapter of The Atomic Trilogy, building a rad lamp with my brand-new friend, and saving humanity.
  So I forced a smile that slowly shifted into a genuine smile as I neared the Lab.
  I grabbed a few drinks from the vending machine and knocked on the door.
  No one answered, but I saw purple lights flashing from under the door.
  “Donnie?” I called, knocking again. “Donatel-lo! Open up dude, I wanna fangirl about Atomic Lass!”
  Still no answer. I frowned and shoved the door open.
  He was passed out on his desk, wrapped in a purple hoodie. …Hm. I…should probably not bother him…sigh. 
  I shook my head and turned to leave, but paused first as I noticed the thermostat. 50 degrees fahrenheit..It was cold in here, and he was a reptile…that means he’s cold-blooded, which means he’s probably freezing, right?
  I shook my head, and against my better judgement, I tossed a blanket over his shoulders. It probably wouldn’t make much of a difference, but hey, I was gonna do my part at keeping my new lab partner from turning into a turtle–sicle. 
  And with a moment of hesitation, I reluctantly decided to leave him one of the vending machine iced teas. Maybe it would just encourage him further to not leave the shared lab, but well…it just seemed…like a nice gesture, I guess.
  I sighed, audibly this time. “You, sir, owe me an iced tea.” And with a final eyeroll at my failed quest, I slunk back outside towards Huo Hall.
  Donnie cracked his eyes open at the distant click of…footsteps. (Y/N) footsteps, judging by the sound of claws on linoleum. His heart sank a bit- he wasn’t in the mood for interaction, especially not if he was just gonna get told off for ‘not taking care of himself and blah-blah-blah…’
  But no, the footsteps had faded? And there was a blanket around his shoulders… 
  He slowly sat up, and glanced at his desk to see a bottle of tea and a threatening text message.
  Jerk-face dragon: Hey, what the HELL did you do with chapter sixty??? I am going to HUNT YOU DOWN if you don’t surrender it soon.
  Jerk-face dragon: Also u owe me a drink (kidding, it’s free lol)
  He smiled, shaking his head. He’d respond later…
  Oh wait, (Y/N) didn’t have the final chapter of The Atomic Trilogy?!
  You: What did you DO WITH THAT COMIC?! I lent you all of them, you had BETTER not have lost it.
  Jerk-face dragon: WAIT YOU DONT HAVE IT???
  You: ‘Don’t’. Don’t forget the apostrophe. 
  Jerk-face dragon: Oh piss off with that, we’re in the midst of something important!! I NEED to know what happens next!!
  You: Well then you shouldn’t have lost my comic!!
  Jerk-face dragon: How are you italicizing words in text??
  You: I’m using my own tech. I can italicize words because I designed the software.
  Jerk-face dragon: …Oh that’s actually sick
  You: How is that ‘sick’??
  Jerk-face dragon: *Cool. Sick as in cool lol
  You: Oh
  You: Also WHERE’S MY COMIC?!
  Jerk-face dragon: I wish it were the good old days when you could just pirate comics :(
  You: Well it isn’t, and you owe me my comic.
  Jerk-face dragon: i don’t freaking have your comic.
  You: Scoff.
  Jerk-face dragon: Oh yeah?! Well scoff right back at you, grape-boy!
  Oh. Because of the whole…purple thing. What a weak comeback. 
  You: that isn’t even clever.
  Jerk-face dragon: ‘That’. Capitalization is important.
  You: Hypocrite
  Jerk-face dragon: Likewise.
  Donnie sighed, opening the bottle of tea. He would definitely be needing the caffeination if he planned on  staying up longer… Oh. He reached for his phone.
  You: Thanks for the sustenance. It is, perhaps, less refined than flavorless juice, but I appreciate the caffeine. 
  Jerk-face dragon: No problem lol
  Jerk-face dragon: Also you should get some sleep you nerd
  You: Hypocrite.
  Jerk-face dragon: Okay, okay, fine :( 
  I sighed and turned off my phone, stretching out on my bed to the best of my ability. It was a tiny twin-sized bed, and if I stretched my claws out, they scraped the baseboard. Not only that, but there was only about a foot or two of floorspace beyond the bed. 
  I scowled, picturing the days when I first sealed the campus- It was just six months ago that the invasion happened, and three months ago that I had my nice bedroom. I sighed dreamily, picturing my old room- It was the fanciest suite on campus, clearly made for some rich famous fool who was probably devoured by the Krang.
  I had unfortunately given it up for Splinter. 
  He deserved it, and I didn’t regret it, but I was still kinda salty about past (Y/N)’s empathetic-and-in-the-moment-decisions…
  My comm-link blared.
  I panicked, trying to reach for it and getting tangled in my blankets-
  “(Y/N), Miky, Donnie, come in! Come in now!” Leo yelled over the speaker.
  “Standing by, sir!” I yelped.
  “Oh, you’re calling me sir now? I could get used to that- okay but seriously you guys, meet me in the med bay now!” 
  “Yessir- er, yes Leonardo!” I squeaked.
  “What’s going on?” Said Donnie’s monotonous drawl, quickly switching to a more panicked sound as he spat the next part. “The MED BAY?!”
  “On my way, ‘Nardo!” Yelled Mikey.
  I ran out into the hall, tripping over my claws as I tried to sprint faster. I busted through the doors of Huo Hall, barely registering the sound of Mikey behind me, and darted across the courtyard toward the designated Imfirmery. 
  A cold dread washed over me as Mikey and I approached the building, making nervous eye contact.
  “You don’t think it’s April’s chemical-recovery party….right?” I said quietly.
  Mikey shrugged, sweat dripping down his brow. “I hope not…”
  “I don’t think there were any- huh-any other parties out today, so unless someone’s sick…” Said Donnie between breaths as he caught up with us.
  I swallowed and shoved the door open.
  “Guys!” April exclaimed, pulling the two turtles into a hug. “Oh god, guys…Cass got hurt, we tried to fight it off but she’s losing blood and-”
  Donnie and Mikey hugged her back, murmuring things about something-
  I maneuvered past them towards Leo, Splinter, Raph, and the mangled body of Cassandra Jones.
  “Oh my god….” I whispered, eyes trailing over the mess of bloody gashes all over her. “What happened? Where’s the rest of the party?!”
  “The Krang zombies…” She groaned, voice cracking. “Infected…they know we’re here…”
  “Oh shit oh shit oh shit- is she infected?” I exclaimed, examining her wounds. “Fuck where’s her pulse…”
  “I don’t know, I don’t know-” Leo said, setting her down on the infirmary bed.
  I took a shallow breath. Okay, okay, blue protocol. Cool cool cool, cool cool cool. I closed my eyes and sorted through the hydrogen and oxygen in the room, combining them into cool water.
  “Donnie, go get the alcohol. The medical alcohol.” I ordered, floating the water towards a towel. I caught it in the towel and went to work at cleaning the cuts as best as I could, and Donnie returned a second later with the medical alcohol.
  “Okay, okay, okay, okay-” I said in one breath, running a trembling hand through my hair, “Uh…uh…do we have any doctors onsite? Uhm-”
  Leo frowned. “Raph, Mikey, Splinter, go find a doctor. April, clean her wounds with the alcohol.”
  I nodded. “Leo, find the medical supplies and set them on the table. Donnie- you’ve got your metal arms on, right?”
  “Cool cool, you’re coming with me.” I ordered, turning towards Huo Hall. “We’ve gotta find my mom’s spells.”
  He frowned, following me. “I don’t know. ‘Magic’ and ‘Donnie’ don’t always get along.”
  “Well lucky you, you’re just a glorified purse right now, grape-boy.” I spat, picking up my pace as I broke out into the night air. He scowled but kept following me.
  “That still isn’t clever,” He said helpfully. “And my battle shell is an amazing piece of tech, far beyond your primitive ‘purse’-”
  “Well y’know what bud?” I snapped, clenching my fists. “I’m not in the mood for clever witty one liners. I’m tense. This is tense, and I’m scared. Cass is a human, and I barely know what to do- I just vaguely remember how I used to heal stray cats a lifetime ago! And did you hear her?! They know we’re here and if they catch us, we’re dead, and a hundred humans that trust us are dead, and we need my mom’s magic that I barely know how to use!”
  Donnie didn’t reply immediately, though his stupid sharpie eyebrows furrowed.
  “Maybe you’re less like Leo than I thought.” He said finally. “Look, I’m not good with this whole…’feelings’ biz.” He did air quotes, “But if it makes you feel better or something, we can fly there and back. It’s faster.”
  I sighed, the tension slowly lessening as I got more oxygen into my lungs. “It’s okay.” I finally sighed, shoving open the door to Huo Hall. “We’re already practically there…but the gesture is appreciated, ‘Tello. Really.”
  He nodded wordlessly, and we dove into the dorms.
  I practically broke my door down as we reached it, and pulled out all the boxes out from under the bed.
  “Ha. Whaddaya know, it’s The Atomic Trilogy chapter sixty!” Said Donnie’s voice from the head of my bed.
  I shot him a glare, and he coughed. “See, I was right. You did lose it.”
  “Segue- Here.” I said, handing his metal arms the bigger box and his organic arms one of the smaller boxes. “I don’t know which ones we’ll need, so I’m just gonna bring all three.”
  He nodded. “But for the record, (Y/N), I’m not a purse. I’m a per-son. And my advanced tech would prefer if you kept that in mind.”
  I scoffed. “Sure. Whatever.”  
  By the time we returned to the Med Bay, Raph Splinter and Mikey had found a human doctor who tended to Cassandra while April hovered over her in a panic.
  “Okay.” I sighed, setting down my box. “April. Cass said that the Krang know we’re here- I assume that that’s accurate.”
  April nodded, swallowing thickly.
  “Theoretically, they shouldn’t be able to get through the current shields so long as these scrolls are intact.” I swallowed, and fidgeted with my sleeve. “But theoretically isn’t really enough right now…back to you, Leon.”
  Leo nodded, a nervous yet hollow look in his eyes as he assessed the situation. It was almost scary how it was so similar and yet so different from how he’d looked this afternoon, and for a second I was reminded yet again of the fact that he was just as much of a confused kid as I was. 
  Damn. He was the same age as me, yet he was our leader…
  And I thought the scariest part of this year would be keeping a solid GPA, not stressing about our dwindling population. I couldn’t imagine how it all must be for Leo.
  “Okay. Don-Tron, you make some kind of…I don’t know, tech-y safe to lock the scrolls into. Mikey, you’re the best magic-user here, so start reading those scrolls as if they’re limited edition Jupiter Jim comics, ‘kay?”
  Donnie and Mikey nodded, getting to work.
  “Everyone else…” He sighed. “You guys can get to bed. The patrol is patrolling and the magic seems to be intact. Maybe read some of the comics we got today or something.” He shrugged, attempting an only sort-of convincing smile.
  I nodded, body suddenly overcome with fatigue as red sunlight glinted through the windows.
  T’was bedtime.
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Return - Part 13 - Jim Kirk
Part 12
Summary: series following the events of loot– takes place during events of star trek beyond. in this chapter, jim doesn’t let you say it.
Warnings: language, violence (but it’s canon) 
A/N: the beginning of this chapter is all beyond but the SECOND reader comes in, y’all. i’m livin’. i love the reader character. also, this id definitely one of my favorite parts
Jim ducked under the partially agape doorway as he exited the crashed Franklin. He did his best to dodge any and all peaks of broken pavement tiles and ship shrapnel, immediately looking to the sky in the hopes that the atmospheric regulator had stopped its continuous spinning.
A sigh of discontent left his lips as he followed its motions with his eyes, his hands digging his communicator from his pocket. “Mr. Scott, why is that thing still on?”
He ran past the Starfleet officials that entered the Franklin with the intention to help the remainder of the crew, his shoulders bumping into the panicked pedestrians that seemed to not hear his racing breath and heavy, quick footsteps.
“We’re working on it, sir,” Scotty replied, his voice doing little to calm Jim. “But, as you can imagine, there’s a lot of safety protocols surrounding the thing that, you know, keeps everybody alive.”
The Starfleet officers leaving the maintenance tower seemed to understand Jim’s urgency, quickly moving from his path so as to let him pass. Jim wanted to smile at them in appreciation, but there was no smiling at a time like this, not when his chest felt so sore and empty and the panic forced his stomach to flip upside down.
“Figure something out,” he told Scotty, finally giving himself the time to catch his breath as he slid into an empty lift.
“Be careful, Captain. Gravity’s gonna get a bit screwy the closer you get to the center.”
Jim tapped the toe of his boot against the floor nervously as he felt the lift rise. He placed his hands on his hips and took several breaths.
He kept his mind blank as the lift continued to ascend, nodding to himself and jumping twice on nimble feet.
“Captain, you’ll be needing to take the stairs next. It’ll put you closer to the regulator’s controls.”
When the lift shook a bit and halted at the highest level it could reach, Jim ran through the metallic doors and to the stairs. He took the steps two at a time, his lungs contracting in his otherwise vacant chest as he reached the white doorway.
Entering the code that Scotty read out to him, Jim heard the door beep twice and shoved it open. He ignored the warning stickers plastered on both sides of the door and kept his eyes on the command gold tunic before him.
He held his phaser up and shot the figure once, Krall grunting as his more human-like form fell from the circular compartment he was attempting to crawl into.
“Stop!” Krall said in a wet voice harsh from pain. He struggled to stand upright again, holding the Abronath before him as he fell against the glass compartment barrier behind him. His breaths were quick, shallow.
Jim’s phaser was still raised. “What happened to you out there, Edison?”
Krall, his features resembling that of the man Jim had seen in the captain’s logs but scarred and less defined, seemed to perk up at the sound of his former name. “Edison,” he repeated. “I have to say, Kirk,” he met Jim’s eyes then, piercing brown finding a calmer blue, “I’ve missed being me.”
Jim swallowed. He never thought such an admission could be so menacing, so off-putting.
“We lost ourselves,” Krall continued, shouting, “but gained a purpose. A means to bring the galaxy back to the struggle that made humanity strong.”
“I think you underestimate humanity.”
“I fought for humanity!” as his volume increased, so did his height. He was able to stand a bit straighter, his hand still supporting him against the glass barrier. “Lost millions to the Xindi and Romulan Wars. And for what? For the Federation to sit me in a captain’s chair and break bread with the enemy,” Krall spat in disgust.
“We change. We have to. Or we spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles.”
A blaring alarm punctuated Jim’s sentence, the sound of a door opening far above them drawing his attention from a bent Krall.
Suddenly, the Abronath met Jim’s hands and the phaser flew from his grip as Krall slipped through the circular doorway into the compartment, carried by the lack of gravity.
Jim followed, grabbing onto the man’s waist and climbing over his shoulders to take the ancient weapon.
Krall shoved Jim against the wall, straddling his waist as several punches were thrown and each caused another cut to Jim’s face.
Both men grunted as the fight ensued, each throwing a punch the other struggled to dodge, each getting hit more times than they would ever care to admit.
The gravity seemed to set back in and Krall rose to take several steps back. Upon noticing that, Jim stood and lunged at Krall, sending both men through the glass and into the gravity-free atmosphere that threw one left and the other right.
Jim shouted as he was thrown about by the wind, finally maneuvering himself in a way that he could grasp onto the narrow peak of a tower, holding onto the white border wall for dear life.
Krall took advantage of the wonky gravity and stood upon the white wall that formed the peak, turning his back to Jim and wiping the command gold sleeve against lips coated in saliva.
Jim attempted to stand as well, crawling with difficulty onto the same wall and staring ahead. “You lost! There’s no way you can make it back there. Give up!”
“What, like you did?” Krall turned and watched as Jim managed to stand. “I read your ship’s log, Captain James T. Kirk. At least I know what I am. I am a soldier.”
Jim, face littered with bleeding scars, bruises, and abrasions, stared at the man before him incredulously. “You won the war, Edison. You gave us peace.”
Krall did not meet Jim’s gaze, his eyes on something behind Jim, following it intently. “Peace is not what I was born into.”
Krall jumped off the wall then, launching himself into the same force that was guiding the shards of glass from the former barrier to propel himself forward.
Jim flipped his communicator open. “Scotty!”
“Captain, he’s using the gravitational slipstream to carry him back to the center.”
Jim shut his communicator and stuck it back into his belt, shaking his head at the sight before him. “Nah,” he sighed out, running and launching himself forward to soar across the skies that were once so far above him.
He screamed a bit as he flew to the black tile wall, grunting as his body connected with the hard surface and rolled. His hands struggled to find something he could grab onto for stability, eventually finding a pipe embedded in the building’s wall.
He climbed to the compartment in which he saw Krall, grunting as he took steps upwards and shouting, “No, no!” as he saw his most loathed artifact soar from Krall’s hands to the compartment above, nearing the processor.
A black smoke, opaque and organized in its chaos, surrounded the Abronath and Krall attempted to shut the doorway below it to prevent Jim from reaching it.
Krall’s hand found Jim’s neck as the latter pushed into the compartment. His back was shoved into the wall and a small smile found Krall’s lips.
Jim, baring his teeth and using all his strength, pushed off the wall and wrapped his hand around Krall’s neck instead. He squeezed with all his might and the part of him that could still see every bruise lining your neck enjoyed the sounds of struggle coming from Krall’s parted lips.
Scotty’s voice came through the speakers against each glass wall. “Captain, we have to stop the processor now or everything breathing in Yorktown is dead.”
Krall landed a backhanded punch to Jim’s jaw as Jim punched his stomach, both men groaning into the scuffle.
Jim then shoved Krall’s arm away and punched his ribs three times with enough strength to hear a crack, grabbing the yellow-sleeved wrist above him and twisting until he heard another— the part of him that could still hear your hisses as he wrapped your wrist with the sleeve of his uniform cheered in enjoyment. He went on to punch Krall’s temple, sending the man several feet away so he fell against the glass wall and onto the transparent floor.
“You can’t stop it,” Krall struggled to say, his back flat against the glass floor. His teeth and lips were the same shade of bloody red as he craned his neck to say, “You will die.”
“Better to die saving lives than to live with taking them. That’s what I was born into.”
Jim stepped away, flipping his communicator open again. “Scotty,” he said hoarsely.
“Captain, I think we can redirect it. There’s a sealed construction hatch that will let you vent the weapon into space.”
Jim began climbing up to the goal compartment as Scotty continued. “Now, we can override the locks from up here, but you will have to activate the hatch.”
“So I just have to hit a button,” Jim said as he soared through the circular entryway. 
He paused for a moment, though. The loud, sudden beating resetting and echoing in his chest forced him to grab onto something when he heard your disbelieving, humorless laugh.
“It’s not a button, Captain,” you said, your voice thick and shaky. “It’s a silver lever under a white panel.”
“You made it off the Franklin,” he said, still flying through the compartment and narrowly avoiding the black haze surrounding the artifact. There was relief in his voice. “You should’ve gone to medical first.”
“Captain, you need to focus. There are four levers.”
“Go to medical.”
“Jim!” you shouted, frustration sharpening your tone. “I’ll go to medical when that piece of shit artifact is launched into space.”
“Yeah, it seems to have come back,” you said, clearing your throat. “Listen, Scotty says once you’ve primed the hatch, you’ll have to exit the chamber immediately.”
“If the hatch is open when the processor cycles and you’re in it,” Scotty added and Jim couldn’t hide his disappointment as he pulled the first white panel open and flipped the lever, “you’re gonna get sucked into space.”
“What happens if the hatch isn’t open?”
“You’re gonna get sucked into a big fan, with the weapon, and we all die.”
“Damn it, Jim, you won’t make it out in time,” came Leonard’s voice from another channel.
Jim sighed loudly and flipped the second lever. “(Y/N), angel, could you pass Bones some of your optimism?”
“‘Angel’? You seem to still have the wrong idea about me,” you said, your voice thick again as he flipped the third lever.
“You have the wrong idea about you, angel.”
Jim was smiling a little as he soared to the final panel, pulling on it twice when horror set in.
It wouldn’t open.
“Scotty, the last panel won’t open!”
The loud hum of the artifact behind him and the alarm suddenly echoing through the compartment sent his heart into his flipping stomach, as did the radio silence from the other end of his communication line.
He continued to pull at it, loud grunts leaving his lips as he did so. “Scotty!”
“Work fast, Captain, time’s running out.” Jim could hear Scotty say in a softer voice, “He’s not gonna make it.”
“Jim,” your voice was calmer now, less imbued in the emotion that disturbed his chest just moments ago. You were placating his heart with your words this time. “Work faster. You can get it open, just hurry.”
Jim heard Krall grunt behind him and looked over his shoulder to see the man somehow floating just inches away with a shard of glass in his hands, poising it in a fashion that would allow him to jam it into Jim’s side easily. “You expect that thief to help you?” Krall asked, seemingly recognizing you by your voice. He laughed. “You’ve placed your trust in a no-good, common thief. Humanity is weaker than I thought.”
Jim kicked his foot back, connecting with Krall’s chest to send him into the black haze. “Sorry you had to hear that, angel.”
“Capt— Jim,” you sighed out, a disbelieving and sad laugh in your voice. “Jim, I l—”
“No!” Jim shouted, hearing the barrier below him slide open and watching Krall soar through it. He continued to struggle with the panel, finally pulling it open but fighting the suction forcing him out. “No last words, nothing ends here,” he shouted.
He nearly growled out as he struggled against the forceful suction, using all his strength to pull himself an inch up to finally flip the switch with the slap of his hand. The moment he released the panel door, though, he soared to the opening.
He grabbed onto the frame of the opening, holding himself there and shouting out his struggle as a computerized voice announced, “Manual override engaged.”
Jim, unable to hold on against the force pulling him any longer, shouted as his hands waved before him in an attempt to gain some sort of traction even as he soared through the sky. As he neared the opening to the vacuum of space Krall had just flown through, his only wish was that he would’ve let you say what you were going to, that he didn’t let foolish optimism get the best of him. He had an idea of what it was, he had a hope of what it was.
He had to imagine your voice saying it— I love you. As if any bit of his imagination could do justice to what your actual voice saying that would do to him.
Before he could drift through, a bee-like ship soared below him and his body slammed against the roof, his hands reached out again as a doorway opened atop the ship and a pale hand reached for him.
He took the clammy hand and grunted as he was pulled closer to the doorway of the ship by Spock, grasping onto anything he could.
When they finally fell through the opening and Jim’s back connected with pipes and lights, he shut his eyes.
“Whoo hoo!” he heard Leonard yell before the ship took off again.
Jim, his breathing coming out in the form of loud pants, leaned to support himself with his hands. His blonde hair had fallen over his half-lidded eyes, his jacket now uncomfortably hot. “What would I do without you, Spock?”
“Float into open space,” Leonard replied. “Not hear the person you love say they love you, miss out on the opportunity to say it back. List goes on, Jim.”
Spock’s lips quirked into the tiniest smile as he glanced at Leonard. “I concur, Doctor.”
tagging (tell me if you’d like to be added or removed):  @outside-the-government@daughterofthebrowncoats @multifandom-slytherin @buckyy3s @cinema212 @caaptain @dani-fae  @wonders-of-the-enterprise @imaginesofdreams @the-witching-hours12-3 @kaitymccoy123 @anyakinamidala @vevsee @afluffykiwi @curiositywillbethedeathofme @arielsimaginess @captain-what-is-going-on@micheladakenzo@avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes @eufeme @buriedinfandomsandfeels@ididntmeantobutiaccidentally @avoidthoseeyes @emmkolenn @heartofdixie14 @thnk-you-fr-th-venom@captainveromendes@wickedsingularity@vadersdaycare@samaxraph99 @hiimangelique @boldlygo-ing@infinite-exist-ence@cinnamonrollwithit @pabegay1 @red-shirts-always-die4444 @artboysteve
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A heavenly reunion pt. 1; Queen x reader
*Author's note*
This is it guys. After almost 3 years of writing this series it's FINALLY come to the end.  Like all good things, they must end eventually so here it is. The LAST chapter of my Rock Angel series.
I first want to point out the YEARS (except Freddie's death date) DON'T MEAN ANYTHING. I'M NOT TRYING TO PREDICT THE FUTURE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I just picked these random years to represent when the remaining members of Queen will pass, AGAIN THESE AREN'T REAL DATES AND I HOPE THEY AREN'T.
Pt. 2 will be up in just a few minutes so until then, enjoy this first part.
*3rd Person POV. June 23rd, 2051*
Rock star, animal rights activist, founder of organizations like ANGELS CURING AIDS, WORDS CAN HURT TOO; Victims and survivors of emotional and verbal abuse, and the ANGELS AGAINST STALKING that helps protect people from violent stalkers. Also apart of charities like the Mercury Phoenix Trust foundation. The Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline had lived a full life.
She continued to tour with Queen as they got many other partnerships throughout the years. But she most enjoyed collaborating with Adam Lambert as he reminded her of him, bright and ambitious just wanting to share his music with the world and he knew he could never fill in Freddie's shoes but he sure as hell made a name for himself in his own way.
She was also a part of the "Bohemian Rhapsody" film that had been made and got to know the actors playing the men that she had grown up with and came to see them as her true family. Ten years after the film released, her own story got to be told thanks to the rights of Paramount and the brilliant mind of Dexter Fletcher, who had directed the story of her boys and Elton John, another one of her dearest friends and mentors.
But now at the crippled age of 90, the Rock Angel now lived in the privacy of her home in London. She was forced to stop touring because just 3 years ago she was diagnosed with a form of dementia.
It was hard on her family and her 4 children and dozens of grandchildren even great-grandchildren to see the once strong woman they had once admired for so long and looked up to as a role model not only in music, but life.
In their current home of London, her husband of over 70 years Jack who had made a name for himself. After the whole stalking incident, Jack joined the ranks of the LAPD. He worked himself all the way to the top and became Chief for over 30 years before he retired by the time he was in his 60's.
He sat there by his wife's bedside stroking her long white hair as she lay there forced into bedrest. She looked up at him and whispered.
"I'm here baby."
"Where are they? Where are my boys?" she asked.
"Our sons? They're just downstairs."
"No, no. I meant my boys." At those two words, Jack's heart broke as he looked at his wife sympathetically.
"Baby they've—they died. It's been so many years since they all left this world." At hearing her boys were dead, tears fell down her face but Jack held onto his wife and kissed the top of her head. "But I can show you their videos, if you'd like."
"Please. I need to see them. To tell them goodbye." Jack then reached for the I-pad and opened up the Youtube app and began typing in the very song that he knew he would need.
He knew his wife didn't have long and he wanted her to have one last happy memory of hearing the perfect song written by her boys.
Together they held the I-pad and soon the music video "These are the days of our lives" came on.
"Why does Fred look so sick?" she asked worriedly. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to explain.
"He was suffering from AIDS, and it—really affected him love."
"I wish I could've taken care of him." She said as she stroked the screen every time Freddie came on screen. At the instrumental break as she watched Brian skillfully play the guitar, she smiled and said. "Bri....he was such a good guitar player."
"He was, but nothing compared to you." Jack praised obviously playing favorites. He then took notice of his wife growing tired as the song ended.
It was time.
"It's okay baby, you can rest now." And she did just that. Her breathing slowed right as Freddie spoke the last 'I still love you' line and the video ended. "Goodnight my Rock Angel. Be with your boys once again." He then let out a sob as he leaned against his deceased wife.
At 10:45am on June 23rd, 2051 (Y/n) Kline was pronounced dead at the old age of 90.
Everyone who had collaborated with the Rock Angel or had looked up to her all gathered at her funeral. Close friends and family all came to mourn at the loss of the last of the greatest Rock and Roll singers. She was buried in her birth town of Leicestershire, right next to her real parents.
*My POV*
I felt peaceful. My mind was no longer hazy. I could remember everything once again, but what confused me was where I was. I found myself walking through a long corridor but as I passed a mirror, I stopped and backed up to find a shocking surprise.
I was young again.
I looked to be about the age of 19, when I first met the guys. My hair was in the same long wavy fashion I once had before I cut it. I stroked along my cheek just to see if this was real or a dream, but as I stroked it I found that it was. Suddenly a door opened before me and I don't know why but I found myself walking toward it.
Now I was in what looked like an office with everything you would see. Filing cabinets, a large desk filled with paperwork but what caught my attention was the abacus that stood at the front center of the desk.
"Ahh (Y/n) Kline, please come forward." I turned to see a man around his 60's with short black hair, a grim like face with sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes. He wore a black business suit and he was intimidating but for some reason I came forward toward the desk.
He sat down and pulled out a file and began reading through it humming to himself then he said.
"Place your hand over the abacus." I looked at it to see that the color code was white and black. White at top and black at the bottom.
"What is this?"
"This shall determine your next step. Just place your hand over it and let fate do the rest." I didn't know what this was gonna mean but again I saw myself place my hand over it and the second I did, it started going frantic.
Moving up and down frantically with no one even touching it. It was mostly balanced most of the way until it finally majority of the counters went white. The man smiled and said.
"Give my regards to those Rockstar friends' of yours. I'll be looking forward to your next concert." He then snapped his fingers and everything went bright.
Next thing I knew, I heard the sound of birds chirping and felt the sun beaming down on me. I was then greeted with wide open fields and a giant house along with several barn-like homes. It was like Garden Lodge and Rockfield farm mixed into one.
As I stood a few feet away from the main mansion-like house I swore from the second window of the white satin curtains I saw movement. I walked towards the house and placed my hand on the doorknob, I paused for a few seconds before I finally opened the door. I walked in and it was exactly like Freddie's home of Garden Lodge.
I walked through the threshold to see the grand staircase to my right, the long corridor ahead of me and the entrance to the living room to my left.
"Hello?" I said as I stood there. It was then I felt something nuzzle between my legs and I heard a meow. I heard it again and I looked down to see a very familiar face. "Hey, Delilah." I picked her up and held her as she purred and nuzzled my face. I scratched under her chin and she lowered her head to lick my hand.
"No it should be more like this." I heard a low, smooth baritone voice say.
"No, no and no Mr. tuxedo! Bernie has it like this and it shall remain this way. He and I are the genius piano and songwriting duo and it'll stick to this rhythm and timing." Another voice boasted out.
Oh my god.....It can't be. I set Delilah down and she took off running up the stairs as I crossed the living room into the parlor where Fred kept his piano to see two men that I had not seen in forever.
"David? Elton?" I spoke up. The two men turned toward me. David looked so much healthier than last I saw him and he looked younger just like me, in fact he looked about the same age he was when he did Live aid as well as working on the Jim Henson project 'the Labyrinth'.
Elton on the other hand looked about the age from when he was first starting off, back before he began experimenting with all the drugs and all that. The vibrant ginger hair but he still had on those flamboyant sunglasses he always loved to wear.
"Is that—really you?" I asked bewildered.
"Oh shit it can't be. The high angel herself, the Rock Angel?" Elton dramatic tone.
"Yes, it's me."
"Ohh darling. Welcome home." David greeted me with a wide smile and open arms as he walked up to me. He embraced me as he chuckled warmly and said, "Did you have a good life darling?"
"Uh-huh. I had the best life." I said, my voice muffled within his blue suit.
"It looked like you did love." We separated and I couldn't help but admire just how healthy he was.
"How have you been David?"
"Much better darling. No more chemo, I can finally breathe again."
"That's good."
"Alright you overgrown smooth talker, let me at her now." Elton proclaimed as he shoved David aside and immediately came up and kissed both of my cheeks before embracing me. "Oh darling we sure have missed you."
"And I you Elton. Life just hasn't been the same without your music."
"Been practicing those scales I taught you?" he asked pointedly.
"Yes, whenever I could."
"That's my girl." He hugged me again and I buried my face into his shoulder.
"(Y/n)?" a choir of voices soon rang up. I felt my heart stop as I lifted my head, not believing what I was hearing. Elton let go of me and both he and David with soft smiles on their faces told me to go and see who it was. The four voices called out my name again.
I crossed through the parlor, ran across the living room until I came to the door and just halfway up the staircase, I felt my smile widen and tears fill my eyes.
"My boys."
"You're finally here!" Freddie proclaimed. My legs raced directly up the stairs and Freddie, Brian, Roger and John all gathered me at the center in a long awaited Queen group hug.
All I felt were arms wrapped around me tightly, kisses all over my head and face and gentle hair and back strokes. I don't even know how long we were in that hug for but I didn't care, all I cared about was the fact my boys were here all together. When we finally separated I finally got a good look at all four of them.
They were all so young and vibrant just like how I first saw them back in concert long before I became an intern, I would like to think they were now the same ages they were when they first played at the Rainbow back in 1974. Long hair and all.
"I can't believe you four are here." I praised.
"And we can't believe you're here. And with your long hair again, was this when you were most happy?" asked Brian.
"If by that you mean when I first became Miami's intern? Yeah, best day of my life. Do you guys hate it?"
"No darling we've loved you no matter what your hair length is." Freddie said as he stroked the ends of my hair.
"I only just hope you didn't bring along any extreme surprises. Belly button rings, more tattoos." Deacy teased me. I chuckled but felt tears fall down my face.
"Aww lovie what is it?" Roger cooed as I felt him rub my shoulder. All four of them looking at me with those concerned puppy dog eyes they all knew how to do.
"I'm sorry. It's just—I missed you four so much." They all awed as Freddie first took me in his arms and said with his head leaning against mine.
"I know darling. It seems like it's been forever since the five of us were together."
"Coming from you Fred you have no idea." I wept as I gripped onto him as tight as I could, burying my face into his long black hair which softly tickled my face.
God if there's anything I missed about Freddie, it was his warm hugs. They were always so warm and inviting, anyone who was lucky enough to be given any sign of affection from this loveable man was considered lucky, and I was fortunate to be one of those people, and now finally after almost 60 years, I was able to feel that affection once more.
We were now upstairs in the master bedroom to do some private catching up.
"Alright sister dear, come here you." Deacy said. I smiled and immediately went into his arms and he embraced me. As all of you know, after Freddie's death, Deacy was the one to take it the hardest. So much so that he hardly played at any Queen gigs except for maybe three occasions then by 1997 he officially retired and no one had heard from him since.
The guys and I respected his decision so in order to make sure he was alright, I kept in contact with Veronica and would occasionally ask how Deacy was doing as well as the kids. I had learned that the two of them had two more kids, Luke and Cameron and the two of them had been successful in their own ways, all of the Deacy kiddies had, especially Luke who followed in his dad's footsteps and played in a band of his own.
In fact with the permission of the parents, I had allowed my nephew Luke to play at a few of my tours, and god just seeing him play reminded me so much of his dad, not to mentioned he looked so much like him.
And it was an honor to play with a second generation of Deacon.
The sad news of Deacy's passing came to Jack and I from Laura on a cold November day in 2035. Out of the two of us, Jack was the most heartbroken because he not only lost a brother but his idol and mentor.
We were invited to the burial by decree of the Deacy clan but I made sure that through some makeup and wigs that Jack and I weren't recognized by press because we wanted this to be private. As Deacy would've wanted that.
"Ohh I've missed you so much (y/n)."
"Not as much as I missed you brother mine."
It was then my attention turned towards the last 2 members of Queen, the remaining members I kept working with till the end. Brian May and Roger Taylor.
Together in our lives after Freddie's death and Deacy's retirement, I had been there for everything Queen got to accomplish, and they did the same for me. In fact it was Brian who bestowed upon me my plaque to be initiated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before I was given my star right above Queen's.
I was also involved with some of the work they did for a little movie called "Bohemian Rhapsody", and they helped become a part of my movie "Set it all free Angel". I first turned my attention to Brian.
It had been almost 10 years since my movie came out and 20 for Queen's film Bohemian Rhapsody. I was in my home studio working on my next upcoming album when I had received a call from Anita telling me that Brian had passed away at the age of 93. It was a peaceful passing so he wasn't suffering or in pain which I was thankful for in a way, he's suffered through so much that if I wanted him to go out, it would have to be peacefully in his sleep.
The world was devastated at losing such an inspiring man. Not only in the music industry, but for his work in astrophysics, as well as the animal programs that he's helped funded and laws he helped raise awareness for.
When he died, I took over the business in his name and within 3 years; I finally helped get laws of abusing, harming or killing animals to be illegal and anyone caught doing that wouldn't get misdemeanors. They would face legal full sentencing of 20-50years in Federal prison. On the night the laws passed and I along with Brian's partnering animal rehab centers signed off on the law, I went to Brian's grave and told him everything.
I immediately glomped him into a hug and held onto his waist tightly. He embraced me back just as tight as I was holding him, me humming lovingly as I buried my face into his chest feeling him stroke down my hair. After what felt like forever, he separated from me and stared down at me with those loving hazel blue eyes of his as he placed both his hands at the top of my head before stroking them downward against each side of my head and ending by cupping my face in his hands.
"I am so proud of everything you've done (Y/n). I saw it all, thank you for continuing my legacy for animal rights."
"You taught me everything I needed to know about being kind and caring towards all creatures, so much so you helped inspire me to do my own animal rehabilitations and rescues. I just—wish I could've been there for you when you......"
"It was beyond your control love. But I didn't suffer. I knew you loved me, and would've done anything to come see me had you known. I never blamed you, so stop blaming yourself." I nodded as tears slipped down my face but with his thumbs he wiped them away before hugging me once more. I felt him kiss my temple before cupping the side of my face once more to kiss my nose.
Even as I got older and we were both in our senior years, he never once stopped with the nose pecks. I smiled and Eskimo kissed him before he pressed his forehead against mine. It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to my right to see Roger standing before me.
Besides Freddie's death, I think the most devastating thing for me was when Roger died. It was about a year after Brian's death when I had gotten a frantic call from my godson Rufus that Roger had been taken to the hospital because of a stroke. Without hesitating, I got into the car and raced to West London Medical Hospital, where I met up with the Taylor pride.
I was frantic with anxiety and fear that I would lose yet a 3rd member of Queen. Over 48hrs passed when Rog finally regained consciousness and I was sitting right there by his bedside holding his hand. He spoke so softly it was like whispers on the wind and the only thing he wanted to do was go outside.
Reluctantly the doctors allowed it so my godchildren, and his wife Sarina took him out to the hospital garden and allowed me some one on one time with him. But I didn't know that that would be the last time they would ever get to talk to him. The last words he ever spoke to me were and I still remember it to this day, even up here in heaven.
"Brian and Freddie have come to collect me, they send out their love to you and Deacy. Look after the old bastard for us." And I literally felt his life slip away from my hand as he died right there in front of me.
For months I was depressed. I was allowed to go to the funeral and speak my eulogy and I sang at his funeral, this time my own rendition of Phil Collins' song 'You'll be in my heart.' It was also because of his funeral that Deacy and I got even closer than we had in years.
He had secretly gone to both Brian and Roger's funeral but it didn't take till Rog passed for him to physically approach me and we both just wept and cried from losing a father, a brother, a great friend together.
Finally when I finally gained the strength, me and the Taylor children all took a picnic up where Roger was born and just looked out beyond the fields of where his childhood home was and reminisced on all the wonderful memories we had of our father.
And it was from his death I produced my album 'Papa Lion' and dedicated it to him; 'To my Papa Lion, and all the other father lions out there. Keep protecting your children no matter what'.
"You gonna get into these arms or what love?" he asked me. I spoke not a word but felt tears in my eyes as I raced up and buried myself into his neck and dirty blonde almost brunette hair. He held me and spun me around, kissing all over my face humming and moaning lovingly.
When he finally set me down, he cupped my face just like Brian did but he gently leaned forward and very gingerly headbutted my forehead and the two of us nuzzled each other, rubbing our noses together.
Like a father lion and his cub reuniting with each other at last.
I held onto his wrists which still cupped the sides of my face and just allowed my tears to fall out but I couldn't stop smiling.
"I hope those are happy tears." He said to me. I sniffled and nodded.
"Yeah the—these are....ha-happy tears." I choked out.
"You know you don't have to be so strong around me, right lovie?" It was then I just broke down and wept as I embraced him. "Shhh, shh. I'm here my lion cub, I'm here. Papa lion is here." He whispered in my ear.
"God I have waited so long for you to say that." I whimpered out to hear him softly laugh and just hug me tighter.
"Oh my darlings.....my heart.....it's too full!" We heard Fred exclaim out dramatically. We both laughed as I nuzzled deeper into my papa lion's chest, happy to finally be reunited with them.
After finally calming down, we were all just sitting around the master bedroom. I was up against the couch leaning against Deacy's legs as he was currently brushing and braiding my hair.
"So you guys continuing to rock it out here in Heaven?" I asked.
"Don't you know it darling. Every good singer who has helped made a difference comes up here and we continue to live a peaceful eternity doing what we were born to do. Be performers." Freddie stated.
"In fact we just had our concert the other night. We got to perform alongside the Beatles." Said Roger.
"Shut up! The Beatles?!"
"You know it love, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr." Said Brian.
"Wow, I wish I could've seen it." I said.
"You will darling, we perform our concerts every single night. And it's always a mix mash of artists and bands collaborating together to perform the Greatest Heavenly Rock 'n Roll concert." Said Fred.
"Now that you're here poppet, you'll get the chance to perform with the best of the best." Said Deacy. I was flabbergasted.
"Holy......" I couldn't even finish it because I was just so shocked to think that I would be performing with the greatest artists long before my time and bands I wish I had the chance to record or perform alongside with. The guys all chuckled at me and I said.
"So that's why David and Elton were here."
"Mm-hmm. We're all performing together in tonight's show. Three artists of the 70's decade for the first time ever sharing the stage together." Said Brian.
"Ohh man what people would've killed to see that in person. I mean yeah you guys performed at the same venue like we did with Live Aid or did some recordings together but never all three of you guys on stage at once." I said.
"That's how it works around here." Spoke Deacy as he finished the last strand of my braid. I thanked him and observed the braid he had done and I commented.
"You've gotten better Deacy."
"Laura was good practice. My baby girl always wanted her hair braided."
"She may have gotten that from me, sorry." He playfully scowled at me but I cheekily stuck my tongue out at him. "Say Fred, where's Jim at? I figured if you were here, he would be too."
"Oh that man of mine, he's out tending the garden, come have a look." He escorted me to the back window and there I saw a field of flowers as far as the eye could see.
"Whoa. He's done all of that?"
"Been doing it since 2010 darling. Always a hard worker my husband. When he first came, I was worried he wouldn't like this appearance of mine, after all I didn't have my tache and my hair was much shorter than when I first met him."
"Jim loves you Freddie. He loves you no matter what you'd look like."
"And I did know. Turns out he's got a long hair kink." He whispered to me which made me choke out a laugh.
"Seriously?" He nodded ecstatically and that's when Deacy spoke up.
"We're still here Fred, no need to hear any of that."
"Oh god Deacy don't act so innocent. After all you were the one who wrote a song about pre-ejaculation." Deacy's mouth just gaped before turning stoic, and of course Rog and Bri were laughing their asses off. He turned to me and I shrugged saying.
"He's got a point."
"Okay yeah ha-ha fuck all of you."
"Oh come off it John. We mean no harm by it." Roger teased
"At least it's better than a car fucking song." Deacy fired back.
"That's not funny!" Roger proclaimed.
"It is kinda funny." Deacy sassed back.
"Okay, okay enough both of you. I had enough of your arguments to last an entire lifetime. I don't need to relive it now when I just got here." I stated.
"Sorry love." They both choired out.
"Oh (y/n), I do have a surprise for you though." Brian spoke up. I looked at him and said,
"What kind of surprise?"
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said as he walked right up to me.
"If you tell me, I'll still act surprise." He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.
"C'mon love, let's head outside." We soon went down the stairs and headed out of the house.
Brian lead me to an open field about a half mile away from the house. There was nothing but green for miles ahead.
"Brian what's this about?"
"You'll see." He then took his index finger and thumb and curled them inward like pinchers before placing them against his lips letting out a loud whistle. We stood there for a moment that was until I heard a bark. A very familiar bark. No it—it couldn't be.
Soon jogging up the hill about a mile away was a German Shepherd. His familiar traditional fur coat shined under the sun as he looked right at me. He let out a couple of barks and soon several more dogs came running up beside him.
They consisted of a golden retriever, 2 pit-bulls, 3 huskies (1 traditional black and white, another grey and white and the last one an auburn coloring), a collie, and 4 Labradors (2 blacks, a tan and one brown).
With each dog that this pack had, I knew every single one of them. I turned to Brian baffled and he just grinned at me before nodding telling me that they were who I thought they were. I turned back around and the German Shepherd let out a bark. I then let instinct take over and ran as I cried out.
"Bucky!" He soon came running after me, as did all the other dogs barking and panting as they all ran down the hill towards me. "C'mon kids! Come on!" I proclaimed. Each dog was running as fast as they could but Bucky and the black and white husky Shasta were leading the pack. "C'mon kids!" Bucky let out some barks as he raced ahead of Shasta and we met half-way.
Bucky leapt with both paws to my shoulders knocking me down onto the ground.
"Ohh Buck. I can't believe it's you! Ohh look at you boy! Good boy Buck!" A second later Shasta came up to me whimpering happily as his tail wagged. "Oh Shasta baby boy look at you! Hi~ Hi baby boy~." Soon enough my entire dog pack was all up on me grunting and whimpering happily as they all began to tackle me, wanting my attention and love.
Now while you all know I've had Bucky and Sammy as the family pets for Jack and the kids. The other dogs have a different story. The two pitbull brothers that I had named Titan and Bear were rescue dogs when I was a part of an actual rescue mission with one of my animal charities in saving dogs from a Mexican dogfight.
Whenever I was free from touring and recording, I made sure they were well taken care of and even let them stay at my home for awhile before they were finally adopted by a good family.
My triple threat huskies Shasta, Maya (the grey and white) and Eevee (auburn) were actually Kelly's dogs. Shortly after she left for college, she wanted to fill her house with dogs so she adopted these three and very often when she would visit or we would visit her, these troublemakers were always there. Sweet and loveable but stubborn little buggers but I wouldn't take them either way.
The Labradors were also rescue dogs that I helped out. The black one Raider and white one Rowdy were just left abandoned tied up in the backyard of their owners homes. The owners had abandoned them and left them for dead in the hottest summer of the year. But thanks to my team we got them out, sheltered and good homes but I occasionally checked in on them since I couldn't let them go.
The brown lab Cleopatra and the other black lab Midnight were once stray dogs till my son Freddie found them and gave them some food and water. Since he didn't have the heart to turn them to the shelter he adopted them. They even started their own little family since Midnight and Cleopatra were mates together and had many puppies together.
And finally the beautiful Collie was Jezebel. Jezebel was something special because she was actually my nana's dog. I hadn't seen her since I was probably five years old, she was already an old girl growing up but from what I remember, she was so maternal with me.
Whenever my nana was busy with something, she knew she could trust Jezebel with me.
After giving every single dog my attention I finally managed to stand up and see all the dogs in my life standing in a row.
"Jezzy, Bucky, Sammy, Titan, Bear, Shasta, Maya, Eevee, Cleo, Midnight, Rowdy and Raider. I don't believe it. Good doggies. My lucky dog pack. I can't believe you're all here. How did you find them all?"
"I was out strolling wanting to observe the stars when I found Bucky and Sammy. They immediately recognized me and just came running right for me. Soon enough they brought me to meet the rest of the dogs you've known and rescued. I was surprised about the collie but I knew she wouldn't be among them if she wasn't a part of your family."
"Yeah, Jezebel was my nana's dog. I called her Jezzy cause I couldn't quite pronounce her name. She was like my guardian dog angel. Always maternal until she passed away of cancer when I was just 5 years old." I walked up to her and pet her head and she leaned up against me. "She even saved me from almost being attacked by a stray dog one summer."
"Well I'm very glad she did." Brian said as he walked up and stroked her head and she gave his hand a friendly sniff and lick.
"And you took care of all of them?"
"Well I'm an animal activist through and through. If Freddie takes care of every cat that comes to Heaven, I thought I should take care of the animals I've grown fond of, but also the animals my little protegee has taken on herself. As well as the family dogs." I smiled and Brian and thanked him with a hug and he gratefully hugged me back.
As the day drew to a close and nightfall came, the boys had escorted me over to the Heavenly Concert hall. If we want to look at it scale wise, imagine it as Wembley Stadium during the time of Live Aid back in 1985. We drove in a royal golden carriage fit only for her royal majesties themselves.
"Wow, it's just like Wembley stadium."
"It is in a way, but it can fit an infinite amount of people. Any and all are welcome to watch us perform." Said Deacy.
"And we won't need to do soundchecks or anything?"
"Nope. This is heaven darling. Up here everything works to the full capacity and capability. No have to worry ever again about sound checks or power outages." Freddie stated. Our carriage soon stopped at the back entrance and the doors magically opened.
I stepped out first followed by Deacy, Roger, Brian and Freddie. Deacy wrapped his arm around me and guided me into the building and the five of us followed the sign down to the basement level where the dressing rooms were.
And it was like they said, I saw dozens of stars with the names of so many artists and bands before and during my time. Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, David, Elton, Led Zeppelin, REO Speedwagon, George Michael, Phil Collins, Bob Dylan, and everyone and anyone you could think of.
"And here we are darling, your dressing room awaits." Roger said as he stood before a red door with a golden star with wings on each side that read in bold black letters my stage name ROCK ANGEL. He opened it up and I was in awe.
Inside was a very large room filled with furniture, a huge makeup station with large mirror decored with lamplights around the perimeter of it.
On the left side of the dressing room were hundreds of different outfit's I've worn throughout the years. Everything was there on hangers along with some of the hats I wore, fedora's, cowgirl, and my famed flat caps of various different colors and styles.
While on the right; I could see just music instruments like the Red Special Brian had made for me up against a special holder up along the wall right by my makeup stand.
"Is this my....."
"Go on and have a look darling." I heard Freddie say in my ear.
"Okay. I finally have my own mall." I walked in and was just in awe at everything. It looked like heaven had taken my master bedroom from my first home I had after becoming the Rock Angel and just put it all here.
I walked inside and said.
"Ooo, very nice shoes." I pointed out on the shoe wrack seeing some of the styles of shoes I've worn. From combat boots, to Adidas', flats, and even the high-heeled boots that Deacy always wore during the 1970's.
"We're glad you like them darling. Why don't you go around that corner and press the black button along the dresser." Deacy said. I walked further in and reached a dresser and found the black button. When I pressed it, a couple of shelves slowly opened up revealing almost every pair of sunglasses I've always worn.
"Oh my god! I've missed wearing these." I picked up a pair of my ray ban black and gold framed sunglasses. "Didn't I make these look good?" I quickly turned to see the guys were gone. "Guys?"
"Over here love." I heard Brian's voice say. I walked towards the right to see my boys standing or sitting along some of the foot stools.
"Oh there you all are. Ohh nice amps." I couldn't help but see the amps up along the wall. "I—I'm just...." Before I could continue a remote was tossed over at me by Roger as he said.
"Before you even say anything else. Type in combination 2-1-2." I muttered the combination to myself as I pressed the numbers and soon the closet before us opened and soon revolving around were various guitars and bass guitars, shelves soon opened revealing several pairs of drumsticks each imprinted with my name on them.
I had no words.
"Umm....this is.....I can't—" I jumped back a bit as the top shelves suddenly opened revealing two different microphones. One was a basic black but it was bedazzled with red gems while the other one was pure gold with golden gems.
"Elton and I had a little hand of having your microphones designed." Said Freddie with a modest shrug.
"I mean....guys this is......unbelievable. And this is all mine?"
"Oh darling you should see ours. It's practically the entire mansion back home."
"Each star that comes here is given the full custom of what they've enjoy back on Earth. And since you've favored how you once had your rotating dressers back in 2011, it's all here for you but advanced into your instruments as well." Said Roger.
"And if anyone has any suggestion like if they're close to another artist, they can submit some suggestions of what should be in said artists dressing room." Brian spoke up.
"Aww you guys, I love you." I said as I came up to them and we got into a group hugged.
"We love you too (Y/n) darling. Now hurry up and get ready, the concert is about to begin." The boys left me to my own business. I walked up to my clothes rack and went through every style and decided that if I was to do my first concert in Heaven, I might as well wear exactly what I wore for my first concert as the Rock Angel.
After getting ready and doing my makeup the same way Freddie had done for me that day in Madison Square Garden, I picked up my Red Special and put it around my neck and left my dressing room.
"The Rock Angel is back." I looked up to see the boys standing across me in front of their dressing room, dressed to the T like they had at the they did at the Odeon theater Christmas Eve 1975. I smiled and said.
"Well look at you guys, it seems like only yesterday I was sneaking my friends into the house while Joanna and Graham were at their Christmas party just to watch you guys live at the Hammersmith Oden theater." I sassed.
"Thank you love, now c'mon time to head to the stage." Roger said. The lads cheered and I followed behind as we all walked back up the stairs and went through the corridors of backstage. Hundreds upon hundreds of artists were getting themselves ready to go up and perform.
I watched as the boys did their typical body warmups to get themselves pumped up when I felt a nudge at my arm.
"You seem quiet poppet, everything okay?" I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
"You said anybody whose anybody comes to see these shows right?" He nodded and I said solemnly, "Do....do you think my family, like my mum and dad know that I'm here now? That I'm here performing?" I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and he said.
"It's possible. Anytime a new artist or band comes here, it's fully announced far and wide throughout Heaven. So there's a good chance they might be out there in the audience."
"I hope so. I just want to show them what I've achieved, I want them to be proud of me."
"They are poppet. Just like we are." He embraced me in a one armed hug leaning his head against mine.
"I really have missed these moments between us Deacy."
"So have I. And I've got a hell of a lot of comforting to catch up on."
"Well now's a good start."
"Oi you two! Are we going to perform or not?" The two of us smiled as we heard Roger's voice cry out to us. My brother looked down at me and he said.
"C'mon, let's go do our thing." I nodded and we headed towards the guys.
*3rd Person POV*
Once again it was concert time. Every soul that had passed into heaven that was a fan of Rock and Roll or music in general came from far and wide to come to the concert of concerts, even bigger than the Earthly event that Live Aid gave the world.
Generations of artists and musicians that had come from around the world from many different backgrounds came to this very stadium to give the performance of their afterlives. Thousands, almost a million people poured into the stadium as the lights were flashing and doing their test run for each artist that would perform that night.
Soon Bob Geldof came onto the stage and everyone applauded for him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome once again to the Heaven's Rock and Roll concert." Everyone applauded and cheered holding up signs of their favorite artists or bands that would be performing tonight. "It gives me great honor to announce that we recently were given a new arrival, but I won't give it away on who it is." The audience crowd because they wanted to hear who it was as Bob continued, "I'll leave that to the band who know her best. So without further ado I would like to bring up on stage the first band performance of this evening's festivities. These lads I knew personally and they helped make one of the biggest rock concerts even greater than I could ever imagine. These four individually talented young men rose to the stardom in the early 1970's before exploding into the worldwide phenomenon by the 1980's. Ladies and Gentlemen please bow before her royal majesties that is Queen!"
The crowd roared with applause as Bob left the stage and the stage grew dark. Soon the opening notes for "Now I'm here" began playing and everyone cheered louder as they began clapping in rhythm. Those who have seen and grew up seeing Queen live, knew exactly how to react and behave during a Queen concert and those who got to know Queen up here in heaven got a taste of what it would've been like had they seen them in person with all four of them up on stage.
Soon Freddie's silhouette and voice echoed through the speakers as he began to sing the song. When the song began to pick up, the lights on stage exploded as did fire from the sides of the stage as all four members of Queen were finally revealed to the crowd.
Freddie lead with the vocals and his mates and brothers backed him up on not only the vocals but their instruments, and ever the frontman he was, strutted the stage like it was his as his voice overpowered and reached out into the audience with a force unlike anything.
By the end of the song, Freddie proclaimed into the microphone.
"Thank you! Thank you, good evening everybody!" The crowd cheered as Freddie continued, "Oh it looks magnificent out there tonight. Okay my darlings, right now. Right now, we're going to take you for the first time ever we're taking you all to the battlefield. This is called Ogre Battle!"
The boys continued to play a few more songs like 'White Queen', 'Killer Queen', 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Don't stop me now' and 'Son and Daughter' included with Brian's famous guitar solo giving Deacy and Freddie enough time to change clothes for the next half of the performance. Freddie now wearing the famed black satin outfit with his chest exposed and diamond fingernailed glove as well as the chain glove on the other.
"Yes thank you, thank you very much. Featuring Brian May on guitar!" Brian took a bow as the spotlight shined on him and the crowd cheered. "Now then my darlings, as I'm sure everyone's heard we have a new arrival. A very special girl to all four of us. How would you all like to meet her?"
The crowd roared with applause and soon Roger began doing one single rhythmic beat. Hearing the beat made the entire audience clap in that single beat rhythm.
"She first rose to the spotlight in the summer of 1981. A bright, charismatic young woman whose music has touched the lives of millions. To us she wasn't a shadow of our fame, she was an equal partnership. The like of which we had never knew we could ever ask for. Ladies and gentlemen and everyone up in the balcony give it up for Heaven's very own Rock Angel, Mrs. (Y/n) Kline!"
From up on the catwalk above the stage, the silhouette of the Rock Angel herself came up and it appeared that she actually had angel wings sprouting from her back as she began the first verse of her famed song "Set it all Free".
By the chorus, the screen lifted up and she hopped off the catwalk and gratefully fell from the 10ft catwalk onto center stage playing her Red Special as her boys backed her up as they always did whenever they performed this song together.
And seeing the two artists perform together, Queen and the Rock Angel, the crowd was in pure excitement bouncing up and down and crying out the lyrics to the well known song that the Rock Angel's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
But none were more happy to perform once again than the artists that were on stage. It had been forever since it was the five of them together up on stage and they couldn't help but look at each other. As the guitar solo came up, it turned into a guitar battle between the Rock Angel herself and Brian May which got the crowd really pumped up.
By the end of the song, everyone was chanting out 'Angel! Angel! Angel!'
"Hello Rock and roll heaven how's everyone doing tonight!?" The crowd welcomed her with a roar of applause. "God I can't believe I'm here performing with my boys once again. And right now we'd like to bring out a special guest for this next number." She turned to Deacy who nodded and began playing his bassline for "Under Pressure" which got the crowd applauding louder.
"This man is a well-known legend and the birth of a true 'flamboyant' hard rocker. And a very close friend of mine." Freddie started.
"Six time Grammy award winner, 4 time Brit award winner, actor, musician. Everyone put your hands together for Mr. David Bowie!" (Y/n) proclaimed into the mic.
It was then Freddie and (Y/n) began singing the first part of the song as at the center stage a circular hole began to open and soon rising up onto the stage was David Bowie himself. He wore a royal blue suit with a black undercoat suit shirt as well as the business white shirt. A light blue tie and black shoes.
He soon began his line of the first bridge as Freddie and the Rock Angel backed him up. When the second part of the song came up after Freddie's little vocalization, David gave the gesture for (Y/n) to take the second part of the song. And as she always performed it, she would lowly sing in her alto range before suddenly belting out to the perfect volume as she would hold the note out for as long as she could letting the two legends back her up.
Just like the record Freddie and Roger softly sung the first part of the break, then David came in before (Y/n) belted out the why vocals before the song picked right back up. It was something that could only be seen in Heaven. Three legendary singers performing one song.
David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and (Y/n) Kline the Rock Angel.
The three lead singers stood side by side with each other with David on the left, Freddie in the middle and (y/n) to the right. The three in almost rehearsed synchronicity began to sidestepped across the stage as all three voices blended the bridge that it could give one an eargasm.
Agreeing with each other and knowing what she could do to close the song, both David and Freddie stepped back with (y/n) completely unaware as she just allowed the song to consume her.
At the final note, she let out a proud controlled belt that was first heard at Freddie's tribute concert and it almost seemed like the sun was rising as the stage was lit up in a heavenly glow as she held the note. The entire audience was in an uproar as they gave a standing ovation to the Rock Angel herself.
She turned around and saw the five older men smiling at her and applauding her for a phenomenal performance that they have missed so dearly.
The concert continued as Elton John soon came up on stage and together he, Freddie and (y/n) sang 'I'm still standing' a song that was personal to all three of them in some shape or form but they knew this was the perfect song for them all to sing.
After a few more Queen songs, with the allowance of their beloved Rock Angel since her set was about to come up after theirs, she allowed them to stay and be her band as she would perform her hit songs before the souls of Heaven.
Songs like 'Who I am', 'So good,' 'Bridge of light', 'Rock angel', her rendition of 'Somebody to love', 'We'll be together', and with her boys already up there with her they did a few more duets of Queen songs like 'Friends will be friends', 'Spread your wings', 'Fat Bottomed girls', and 'Jailhouse Rock'.
Finally their time was up and as 'God save the Queen' played through the speakers, all five of them stood side by side each other and bid the crowd a goodbye and thank you.
After watching several performances from backstage, and when the concert finally came to a close it was time for the after party. So just outside in the back a beautiful garden was set up with refreshments and plenty of drinks to fit everyone's needs and all the performers of the night came out to talk amongst one another and to celebrate another well-performed concert.
As well as to welcome their newest achievement.
*My POV*
Oh my god. That was a thrill rush, and now being here at the after party I saw literally everyone. Elvis, Janis, the Beatles, Little Richard, Elton, David, Hendrix, everyone in rock and roll big names were gathered around this beautiful garden.
As I went to go grab some water I felt a hand tap my shoulder and there stood John Lennon himself.
"So you are the famous Rock Angel?" I swallowed my water and was completely star-struck.
"Y-yeah I.....Mr. Lennon I....."
"Please call me John."
"Okay, John. Can I just say.....just between us that you were always my favorite Beatle out of the group."
"Coming from you that's a huge honor. And now I can finally rub it into Paul's face the bugger." I laughed and that's when I heard a female voice say.
"Alright let me at her, where is she?" And there donned with her famous fur coat, tall Russian-like hat and red circular shades was Janis Joplin herself. "And there she is. The one female rocker better than me." She spoke as she came up to me.
"Oh no Mrs. Jop—"
"Ah-ah. Mrs. Joplin is not my name. Call me Janis baby girl." I blushed and she wrapped an arm around me and said, "You know, you and I aren't so different kid."
"How so?"
"Well we both struggled in our families and personal lives, got together with some male rockstars to form a partnership before splitting off to have our freedom. The only difference is, is that I wish I had your strength. I decided to call it quits with heroin being my way to kick the bucket."
"You were someone I did look up to. I mean yeah you had your struggles, but hell you didn't take shit from no one. When conservative minds at the time wanted you to do it their way, you said....."
"'Fuck you. I'm doing it my own way!'" She finished off which made the two of us laugh. "Yah know something baby girl, I like you. Promise me for Lady's night you'll do a song with me?"
"It would be an honor Janis." She smiled and hugged me tightly.
"Alright my darlings, may we have everyone's attention?" Freddie's voice soon spoke up as he was now standing on top of a table. Everyone looked up and as the boys of Queen stood up front Freddie continued, "First of all magnificent show all of you. So cheers my lovely darlings." Everyone of us raised our glasses in the air saying 'cheers'.
"We'd also love to specifically say a wonderful show for our newest arrival," Brian spoke up. He turned to me and extended his hand out for mine. I took it and he gently pulled me up front so that everyone could see me.
"Our beloved Rock Angel herself, (Y/n) Kline." Roger spoke up as he smiled warmly down at me.
"To the Rock Angel!" Deacy stated as he raised his cocktail glass in the air.
"To the Rock Angel!" Everyone choired at me. I bashfully smiled and said.
"Thank you, it was an honor to see most of you perform tonight, and it was great to perform with someone of you once again after so many years. I hope I have the privilege to perform with every single soul here." I said.
We then raised our glasses once more and the mingling and partying continued long into the night.
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fbfh · 4 years
percy x reader hcs - you fall asleep on him
ship: percy x gender neutral reader
words: 857
requested: yuh (thanks bc this is so fucking cute??)
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You’ve almost fallen asleep on him a few times before
His presence is just so comforting and life is so hard
You can relax when you’re around him
That's really important
So in quiet moments together
When your head is on his lap, or you’re laying in his arms
What’s to be expected?
He’s like a human antidepressant
The way his chest rises and falls feels like floating on gently swaying water
Everything about him is comforting
His smell, his mannerisms, even the way he hums when he thinks you’re asleep and can’t hear him
“I CaN’t SiNg!1!1!” sure bud
He always smells like the ocean and or petrichor 
He smells more like petrichor the further inland he is
And more like the ocean the closer he is to the coast
 He's also warm
But like the kind of warm of sunshine on your face
If you're cuddled together and you've been quiet for a few minutes he knows you've probably dozed off a little
Never ever ever wakes you up unless he absolutely has to
Because he almost has a fucking aneurysm you're so cute
Like his heart swells 
He's biting his lip 
Literally trying not to giggle
And he doesn't giggle often
[Spoiler warning for the office]
Do you remember that face jim made when he found out pam was pregnant 
That's Percy’s whole mood
That kind of elated
He might have his hand gently running over you back or side
You’re just kind of curled up next to him
Like a little kitten
Your breath is softly hitting his skin and his emotions are overwhelming 
He didn't know he could feel this much love for a person, but here you are
Head on his lap, holding his thigh, asleep while his fingers graze over your shoulder
It's times like this when everything creeps up on him
Thoughts of cozy apartments and discussions of what color keurig you should get start flashing through his mind
He tries to chastise himself
It's too early to think about that
But he can't stop it
Or ignore the serotonin it gives him
He can see you like this every day
Asleep on his chest laying on the couch
A movie continues, ignored
All his attention is on you
Or first thing in the morning, hugging your pillow, tangled up in the cozy blankets
Even hugging his back drowsily as he makes breakfast 
All of it fills him with a strong warm love like nothing he's ever experienced before
If he can get some stealthy pictures, you'd better believe he will 
He'll never show anyone if you don't want him to
He just looks at them and remembers how your arms feel around his waist
How your cheek smooshes against his shoulder 
There's a really specific smile he gets when you fall asleep on him
You're the only one who can do that
Half of the time he spaces out it's because he's thinking about wrapping you up in his arms as soon as he sees you
He loves when you fall asleep on him so much that he starts having cozy blankets on hand
You know 
Just in case
Sometimes you wake up not realizing you fell asleep 
And there's a blanket draped over you two
"I got a little chilly"
He's not slick but you let him have it
Honestly the best part to him
Or one of the best parts
Is how comfortable you must feel around him
He knows how hard sleeping can be
Especially with the dreams y'all tend to get
Not to mention how hard sleeping is with adhd to begin with 
And the fact that you can just nod off from cuddling with him??
Fills him with a sense of pride and love like nothing he's ever experienced 
Saving olympus?
Yeah that was fun ig
But like 
Having you snuggled into his chest?
No amount of drugs could replicate that high
It takes everything in him not to smother you with kisses and cuddles
He's accidentally woken you up one too many times from that
So he tries extra hard not to wake you
The amount of self control it takes not to just start making out with you as astronomical 
But like
Be real
Would being woken up to make out with Percy Jackson really be that bad??
I don't think so
That's the best impulse control he has
Is when it comes to not waking you up
Take the feeling of a tiny kitten or puppy sleeping on you
And amplify it
Times like
A billion
That's the mood for Percy
You're just so
[Loud aggressive my heart is melting noises]
And you just make him
[Loud aggressive smooching noises]
He really genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself 
You fill him with so much love
And a little makeout juice
But mostly love 
He didn't really like napping before he met you
Now he'll nap with you any time any place
Even if he doesn't really sleep and just lovingly admires your beautiful face 
Which is the case most of the time
It's still really nice
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Reader w/ wings headcanons(Markiplier Alter Egos)
ty @fancybootm​ for the request!
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A/N: i just did all of them. every-all-everyone. Except Yandereplier, Silver Shepard, Ed Edgar... maybe others I’m not aware of at the moment... I tried to stick with a certain number of egos, but my hands just... they just kept moving. It is 11:00 pm when im writing this ya boy is TIRED. there are 1.6k words. It seems longer than it is bc bullet points. Bear with me. You can find the egos that you want easily. The reader is gender neutral. i am so sorry if this is not what you meant lol. on the bright side this is a good reference for all the egos i am open to writing for(also maybe others idk) so uh im keeping it enjoy. I’ll say... a T rating for cursing and also a bit of violence but literally like 20 words. mentions of injury. that’s it.
Requests are open!
Y/N(reader) with wings hcs
No one knows what the fuck you are, not even you
Ya got wings. That’s it.
Are you an angel? A faery? A phoenix? Who knows
You woke up one day in a forest remembering nothing
But you had wings
And then you got shot with an arrow
You ran away and hid in a cave
Darkiplier spends most of his time around you studying you
To see what you could possibly be
He still doesn’t know
He’s settled for calling you a “cryptid”
He’s slightly annoyed with the feathers you leave around the manor
He won’t tell you bc you can’t control that and it’d be rude
You read together in his study on occasion
You sit on the floor bc your wings get uncomfortable in chairs
In sympathy, he also sits on the floor
You think it’s sweet
You told him so and he sputtered out a “shut up and read your book”
He’s fairly fond of you
You’re good company to keep around
Wilford was the one who found you
He was walking through the forest, as one does, when he saw GIANT feathers
Naturally, he followed them
He found you in a cave with an arrow in your shoulder
He took you back to the manor and patched you up
He begged Dark to keep you there
He promised not to kill anybody for a month
He made it 15 days, which is a record
He’s very protective of you, not letting you out a lot since uh… hunters
You are his Sweet Little Songbird, light of his life, wind in his sails, 
if anything happens to you he will kill everyone in the manor and then himself
He helps you preen a lot
His hands are very gentle, surprisingly 
He spends the most time with you out of everyone
You play games, talk(well, he talks to you), and just hang out
He loves and adores you with his whole heart
Actor tolerates you, or so he says
He’s jealous of your wings
HE’S supposed to be the mysterious, sexy one!
But ok, yeah, you’re pretty interesting
He uses you in short films sometimes bc… well… wings
There are alot of things you can do with wings, surprisingly
He took you out into town one night
He shoved the wings under a thick jacket
You guys bought some clothes and food
He cut holes in the clothes for your wings, grumbling about a “waste of money” and “you never go out anyway” 
but he enjoyed spending a bit of time with you
Wilford nearly killed him(again) when he found out
He likes venting to you bc you just nod without really listening
As I said, you’re good company
Yancy thinks you’re nice
He felt a bit… threatened at first
Ya got WINGS, of course he’s cautious
But they are very pretty
And he likes to use you in choreography
People always comment on how realistic the wings are as Yancy leads you away
You don’t judge him for killing his parents, he likes that about you
You don’t know. You could’ve done something bad. You don’t remember
He likes cuddling bc you wrap your wings around him and he feels safe
He also helps you preen… sometimes… 
He’s… really bad at it...
You like listening to him sing
He sings you lullabies at night
You’re very close
Illinois is very fascinated with you
He’s convinced you’re a fairy
He’s seen quite a few of those
You tell him you don’t know, and he goes “a LiKeLy StOrY”
He likes drawing you
You’re very angelic
“Oh, maybe an angel then…” He says, like an idiot
He takes you with him on a few adventures to fly him over pits and stuff
He’d never admit it but he has a… THING about heights
It’s called a phobia, you egotistic maniac
You try to help him with it
You never get that far off the ground before he’s screaming to be put down
He appreciates the effort
He gives you things he finds on adventures that are pretty or remind him of you
He infodumps to you about curses, and archaeology, and adventuring, etc.
Magnum is uh… well, he’s Magnum
He figures you’d be useful out at sea
You can find nearby land, ships, or treasure by flying, of course
He didn’t take into account the fact that you don’t really… fly that often.
So it turned into you just stretching your wings instead of looking for loot
Once you fell overboard
Everyone was like “eh, they can fly, it’s fine”
Then they realized that you probably can’t since your wings might be wet
Magnum LEAPED into the fuckin water and THREW you back on
He doesn’t take you on the sea as much anymore
sometimes you talk about life, treasure, love, y'know the usual
He’s very Father Figure-ly
Bim isn’t sure how to feel about you
You are a person. With wings. What’s he supposed to do about that
He’s friends with Wil, so has to tolerate you at least.
He tries to make conversation, but it doesn’t always go as well as it could
You don’t have much to talk about, and some of his topics worry you
Mostly you two just kinda… exist in the same general area
Sometimes he’ll discuss what he should do on his show
You don’t have many ideas
But you’ve gotten an idea of what it is, and sometimes give a suggestion or two
He appreciates you for that
He tried to get you on the show once but Wilford refused
You kinda wanted to, but whatever
You’ll hang out sometimes too
He’s very entertaining, he has to be
Eric is kind of scared
Not that you’ll hurt him, that he’ll hurt you
That happens a lot to people he likes…
He eventually starts hanging out around you
You don’t ask bad questions, and you distract him from his dad
He talks about animals with you a lot, and how he wanted a farm
You bought a cowboy hat and gave it to him and he cried
You also gave him a stuffed cow one day
He hugged you for a long time
You two cuddle a lot bc the boy needs SAFETY and SECURITY
You wuv each other(platonically or otherwise)
Dr. Iplier doesn’t bother you, mostly
He appreciates that you keep to yourself
He has his work, that’s what he’s focused on
Sometimes he’ll see you when you try to find Wilford or get some food
He tries to get a good look at you without looking suspicious
It doesn’t work, he always falls over
He once gave you a “physical”
It was mostly to just figure out what you were
You seemed mostly human based on the results
But goddammit you had WINGS
They had their own function but were sort of like an add-on to your body
He was slightly disappointed you weren’t gonna… turn into a whole bird
You tolerate each other
Google fuckin’ hates you
He’s completely perplexed by you
Which he is never because he is the most intelligent being on the planet
So he assumed he could figure out what you were
Turns out google fucking sucks at figuring out things people don’t already know
So he hates you. Like a lot
He’s tried to kill you multiple times
But his objective is to destroy MANKIND
You are not included in that
Also Wilford almost killed him for it
So yeah he just kinda hates you
You’ve tried to get along with him but he just wouldn’t
He finally talked to you when Bing called him a little bitch
Still hates you, but can tolerate your existence now
Bing fuckin’ adores you
You are just wonderful to him
You can FLY??!! You have WINGS???!!!!!
You don’t really care that he is an artificial BEING????!!!!!!!!
You’re perfect
He does Sick Tricks™ to try to impress you
They never do
You appreciate the effort
You don’t see him a lot, but when you to it’s very entertaining
He taught you how to skateboard
You kinda sucked but he’s very supportive
He likes just hanging around you
It’s the only time he ever chills the fuck out
Everyone’s thankful to you for that
Your entire dynamic is “what if... i put... my minecraft bed... next to yours? haha just kidding... unless?”
The Host doesn’t really care about the wings??
I mean, he can’t see them, so… what’s the big deal
You appreciate that
He still does the uh… narration thing… with real people…
The stories end better now
You convinced him to make the stories end better
You sat with him to make SURE the stories end better
He also started writing novels recently
You help with plot and character development
He appreciates that
The Jims… don’t really care about you
I mean you’re interesting, of course
But they physically Cannot get a clear picture of you
Even if you agree to sit still, it just doesn’t happen
It is always, ALWAYS blurry
They eventually give up and leave you alone
They do spend a bit of time with you
You help them with demon episodes sometimes
You don’t do much, but they like the emotional support
King of the Squirrels is… well, he’s him
He doesn’t… he doesn’t do much
He hangs out with his squirrels. That’s pretty much it.
You just started hanging out with him one day
He didn’t mind
You two feed the squirrels while sitting by a tree
He lets you wear his crown sometimes
He draws his squirrels, and lets you see the pictures
He teaches you how to draw them
You two don’t talk, really
You just sit. And hang out.
He doesn’t really smile, but you can tell when he’s happy with you
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infernwetrust · 4 years
Never Enough [Jim Mason x Fem Reader] Pt 1.
Summary: The one where you and Jim have been dating for about a year and a half. And even after a year and a half, he still feels like he’s not enough for you, but of course you know he’s more than enough. 
Warnings: drug use, swearing, mentions of drug use, mentions of drug abuse, teeny bit mentions of domestic violence, mentions of smut, (don’t worry it’s coming)
WC: 2.1k 
A/N: First time writing about Jim. Honestly, he came to me in a dream a few nights ago and I just had to write something. Part 1 of a 2 part series. Thank you for reading! -Juno
Jim had finally convinced you to come to a party hosted by one of his friends. The music was loud and the only thing that lit up the room was a set amount of strobe lights. As you danced next to Medina, you watched your boyfriend closely. It made you warm to see him so happy. Drink in his hand, joint between his lips, he shared laughs with his friends. His hair was a sweaty mess from dancing all evening or engaging in stupid stunts.
He noticed that your eyes were burning into him. He looked up from his cup, his blue eyes meeting yours in a haze and whirlpool of emotions. You could tell sober Jim was far gone, but he was still your Jim. Jim has had sex with you not sober more times than he was sober. Shrooms were his favorite. He liked how sometimes he felt like a feather and sometimes he felt like a brick.
Removing his lips from his cup, he smiled at you, motioning for you to come over, but as you told him, this was his night. You two spent most of the days wrapped up in each other and decided that a few hours not being down each others throats were okay. You shook your head no, biting your lip at him.
"Have fun with your friends." you mouthed causing him to give you a drunken grin.
"You are my friend." he mouthed back, motioning for you to come over again and of course you shook your head no again, turning your attention from him and back onto Medina. It's not that you didn't want to be around him, because trust me, you did. You wanted to walk over there, take a sip of his drink, and press your lips to his. You wanted to jump into his arms and carry you away, but, you meant what you said.
"He can't get enough of you, can he?" she asked, running her hands through her hair.
"I would hope not." you replied. "But it's also good to give the boy some space. We haven't had any time apart really and I know he's been wanting to hang out with his friends."
"Well, I'm getting pretty tired of being inside. Beach house, beach party. Did you remember to bring your surf board?"
"I did! It's in Jim's car and he has the keys.. which means I would have to go ask him for the keys."
"And you know that comes with 21 questions."
"Orrrrrrr, you could go ask him."
"Where's the fun in that?"
"It's not gonna be fun when I get trapped with Jim."
"As if you don't want to. I know you've been staring at him all night."
"Will you please just go get them? Pretty please." Medina giggled knowing that she was just messing with you. She made her way off to Jim, engulfing her brother into a hug before engaging in conversation. After what about 5 minutes but seemed like 30 due to your own mild intoxication, you assumed she asked for his keys because he darted his eyes back and forth between Medina and you. He took his keys out his pocket, placing them in her hands before running his hands messily in her hair and sending her on her way.
"Okay, come on." she said, grabbing your hand. "Let's go get that surf board and change into our suits." Changing, you and Medina stood on the beach, staring at the ocean as the sun set.
"I'm glad I met you." you say to her. "And I'm glad you introduced me to Jim. Surfing was never something I thought I would be doing, but look at me now."
"Do you always have to make me cry, Y/N?" she asked. "We love you, so much. I'm glad I met you too and that you haven't turned your back on Jim and I. Especially, Jim. He's so fragile nowadays, especially with, you know. I don't like to bring it up at all. You convinced Jim to stop abusing those pills, something I've been trying to do for a while. You saved his life, Y/N."
But all of that came with its consequences. In the beginning of your relationship with Jim, the two of you fought constantly. Argue, fuck, and then makeup. And that's all it was for about 2 months into your year and a half relationship. If you were fighting Jim about his pills or trying to throw them away, he was fighting you about another boy that talked to you that day. No matter how many times you tried to reassure Jim that you weren't going anywhere, for the first 2 months of your relationship, he didn't believe you. And of course, that crushed you, but it wasn't enough to make you leave him.
Jim has only ever gotten physical with you once. High off of whatever he did that day, he shoved you a little too hard, causing you to hit your head on the side of the door frame a little too hard. You saw stars before you blacked out and from that day on he never touched you in a way that wasn't caring. Of course you forgave him. When Jim wasn't acting crazy, he was the sweetest boy in the world. Beach campfires, dinners, shopping sprees, Jim showed you nothing but love, because you did the same for him. In reality, you and Medina are all he has.
But Jim doesn't know how much he's helped you either. He was your first. Your first love too. You love him. You are in love with him and he knows that. Because he feels the same about you. Yes, you've dated other guys, but they were no where close as worthy as Jim was to having you. He rushed nothing. You didn't want to be touched right now? He was okay with that. You wanted to make out all night and not go any further? He was okay with that. You wanted to dry hump him just enough for the itch even though you weren't ready? He was okay with that.
4 months. You made Jim wait 4 months for you and when you finally told him you wanted to go all the way, a fire ignited in him. He took care of you. He made it all about you. He made sure you came first and more than once. You still remember his sweet voice asking if this and that is okay or if he was hurting you, but all you kept telling him was that you need to feel him and that you need to feel him now. And once the pain turned into pleasure, you got lost in him. For the next week, all you wanted was Jim inside of you. He was covered, back, chest, arms, and ass, in scratches that stung like hell to touch. He would laugh as you apologized for it, kissing on them, cleaning them up so they wouldn't get infected, but he loved that you loved to mark him up. The two of you caused a great concern, being covered in hickeys. Your parents thought he was abusing you and Medina thought that he was on the streets fighting, but the both of you know why. Jim, he was, he was made for you.
"Medina." you said, snapping yourself out of your own thoughts.
"Hmmm?" she questioned as the two of you continued to stare off into the water.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Everything. Now let's go hit these waves." The evening, well into the night was spent with you and Medina laughing as you toppled over on your surf board a few times. You played in the sand, drawing random things, even playing tic tac toe. As soon as the two of you dried off and decided that you wanted to get back in the water again, just to swim, you felt a strong pair of hands around you. Whoever grabbed you smelt heavily of beer and weed. You were about to freak out when you saw the pair of hands that were wrapped around your body. Jim.
"Heyyyy." he slurred in your ear, wobbling as he struggled to hold himself up. "You two enjoying the ocean without me?" You turned around to meet him, he was so sweaty, not just his hair, but his whole body. His eyes were super red and bloodshot.
"Jim." you said. "Are you okay? You're burning up. Let's get you out of these clothes. Medina you can go ahead and get back in the water, I'll be out there with you in a minute."
"I'm fucking thriving, baby." Jim answered you, almost falling back into the sand, but you grabbed his shirt to hold him up.
"How many have you had and what did you have?"
"Shit, I don't fucking know. Maybe like 9. I smoked a little green. Just kidding, I smoked a lot of green and I took a shroom, baby, I am on cloud nine right now. They tried to get me to take a pill, but I said, no no no, Y/N wouldn't like that." He started to giggle.
"Jim you look like you're about to expire."
"Expire from happiness!" You sighed, getting Jim to sit down in the sand. You took his jacket off, followed by his shirt, moving his hair out his face so it wouldn't get into his eyes. You fought for a little bit to get his pants off, but he did let you take them off of him.
"Come on." you said, struggling to pick him back up. "Let's sit a little closer to the water, cool you down."
"Mhmmmmk." was all he said as stumbled getting up, falling back down hard into the sand. "Mmmph, shit. I'm okay. I'm okay."
"Is he gonna be okay?!" Medina shouted to ask you from the water.
"Yeah!" you responded. "He's just fucking out of it!"
"Hey, don't you talk about me." he slurred, finally getting back up on his own two feet. "I'm doing just fine." You wrapped your arm around his waist and the both of you, mostly because of him, stumbled closer to the water, sitting on the beginning of the sand bar. "You are so fucking pretty, has anyone told you that? Well no one besides me should be telling you that anyways."
"You do, all the time, baby." you replied, giving him a warm smile. As the waves came on shore and went, you made sure that Jim got wet to cool his body down. You got water in your hands to put on his hair, making sure none of it got in his eyes, because it is ocean water after all. And all while you were doing this, he was sitting there thinking how he didn't deserve you. He was sitting next to you, a drunken and high mess in the sand, wondering how he got so lucky.
"Why do you do this for me?" he asked, swaying a little bit.  
"Because I love you, Jim. No matter what. We all still have some demons to fight and we're going to fight them together."
"I'm so tired of fighting my demons." You could hear that he wanted to start crying. "I'm so fucked up. I feel like I'm never enough for you. You deserve so much more than what I give you."
"Jim do you remember what we said to each other the first time you ever spent the night at my house?" Well he probably doesn't because he's too intoxicated. You questioned yourself as to why you even asked, but then he gave you answer.
"If it ever gets too much, or you want out, or you feel like you can't do this anymore, the first sign, so we don't hurt each other, say something."
"And I haven't said anything and I don't plan on saying anything. Jim you are more than enough for me. Behind your hard exterior, is a caring guy and that's who I fell in love with." He sighed, slowly laying back into the sand, not caring how many times the water brushed up against him. You did the same, turning your head to meet his gaze. You ran your hand across his cheek, running your thumb over his perfectly shaped jaw. You could tell his was trying to calm down, trying to ride his intoxication, rather than letting it ride him. His breathing slowed from being erratic to almost normal. He grabbed onto your hand, giving it a gentle kiss before placing it on his chest.
"I love you so much, Y/N. And I know I'm a little fucked right now, but I mean that. Sober or not sober." he slurred. "I m-m-m" He hiccuped.
"Ssssh." You put your finger to his lips, just wanting him to focus on calming himself down. "Relax, baby. Close your eyes if you need to. I know and I'm right here with you."
I'll always be right here with you.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid
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poptod · 4 years
The Game (Baxter x Reader)
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Description: You’re either a weirdo or a psychopath. Or both.
Notes: so this is um. kind of weird. but i guess thats kind of my thing at this point WC: 1.7k
"Didn't think this was how it'd go, did'ja?"
"I would really like it if you took these handcuffs off."
"Why? Cause they're yours?"
You stepped closer to his chair, dragging your gaze over every knot you tied around his body. The rope around his ankles and chest, the metal handcuffs behind the back, the gag unceremoniously hung round his neck ever since he wrestled it off.
"Does that bother you?" You asked as you bent in front of him, a wide, toothy grin spreading across your lips. "Being tied up by your own tools?"
"Shut. The fuck. Up," he hissed out beneath his breath, staring straight forward with a glare that could kill. As usual he completely avoided your own eyes.
"Aww, tiny cop is a little testy today, isn't he?"
Shooting up from your position on the floor, you wandered into a darker corner of the room, where the fluorescent light shining over Baxter couldn't quite reach. There you kept your bookcase stocked full of a variety of your tools. Mostly books, but several of the shelves held cases for knives and bug specimens, two of the most beautiful things you imagined one could have. The white light reflected off the glass case and into the detective's eyes.
"I think you need to calm down," you said as you dug into one of the bookcase drawers, feeling around for a lighter and cigarette. "You smoke, right?"
He remained quiet, that glare still piercing the wall in front of him.
"Doesn't matter. I've seen you smoke. I watch you a lot, you know," you spoke through the cig, clicking on the lighter in your hands before a flame burst.
The steps you took towards him were small, calculated, and gentle with your tapping shoes on the cement floor. This room didn't have the best sound quality, and every little noise was magnified by the stone walls. The minimum amount of furniture had made way for the same echo.
"You're very interesting to watch. You're the only cop that's actually interesting. Did you know that?"
With how low his seat was on the ground his face was right in front of your hips, and you spared him no mercy. Instead you stepped even closer, till he was forced to lean back with uneven breath, ire lacing his stare that had nowhere else to rest but you now.
"I've met a lot of cops in a lot of different countries," you admitted thoughtlessly, taking a long drag from your cigarette. "But you're fun. And so fuckin' pretty."
You knelt once more, this time nearly sat between his legs, and blew smoke into his face. His nose scrunched up as his eyes shut, annoyance clear on his pursed lips.
"What the hell do you want from me?" He said in a low, quiet voice that you had already come to know quite well. The moment you recognized it another smile spread across your face, big and unsettlingly happy.
"A good time, hopefully," you said, raising your hand to his face. At first he flinched, twitching away from you, but your need was relentless. Your palm landed on his cheek, allowing you to stroke the small cut along his cheekbone.
When at last he raised his eye to meet yours, the first thing you noted was fear. Fear permeates every emotion––it raises itself above all else, tells on itself before any other emotion can. There were other things beneath that, of course; anger, contempt, the usual when someone is forcefully tied to a chair in the middle of a nondescript room with no windows.
"Don't worry," you chirped. "I won't hurt you. Much. I just... I have these cravings."
Before turning back to your bookcase, you took another slow drag from your cig, watching the end burn till it nearly touched your lips. The smoke you blew out was half in his face and half not, though by his expression it might as well have been all of it.
You reached into your pocket, pulling out the key to one of your glass cases. It wasn't a terribly secure location for the contents, but that little bit of danger was always thrilling––never knowing if your prey will manage to reach those knives. 
Your largest was closer to a sword than a dagger, and though it did its' job of intimidation, the easier tool was the small silver knife engraved with cuneiform. The most painful was the jagged-toothed blade, who tore at skin instead of slicing it. That was for another time.
With the silver knife in hand you turned back around, a knowing smirk on your face as you once more approached the detective.
"Jim Baxter. James. Jimmy-boy. How ya feeling? Good?"
No reaction from him. Perfect.
"You want to know something? Little tid-bit of information. Little fun fact about me," you said with a sigh as you knelt. "I don't like your line of work. Not just because you guys are always tryin' to bust my ass and ruin the fun, but I don't like the government in general. The perfect society is an anarchal society. It's probably too much to ask what your leaning on this is, right? I think I know anyway."
You fiddled with the knife in your hands, toying with the handle and picking at the blade.
"White-picket fence boy," you added.
"The hell does that mean?"
"You know exactly what it means. It's just––I think it's a little funny. All around you're such a law-abiding person, so nice, so plain, and you've got all this flavor on your face."
By the way his eyes widened, you could tell what came to his mind. It was what came to most people's minds when you tried to explain the essence of flavor in human personality; cannibalism.
"I'm not going to eat you," you clarified, chuckling when his breathing returned to normal. "I could, though. I have no qualms against it. Peel off the skin of your face, fillet that shit... probably taste like chips."
"Why are you doing this? What – what even are you doing?" He finally asked, succumbing to the confusion and curiosity that had plagued him ever since he woke up here.
"Intimidation. Kidnapping. Those are still illegal, right?"
"Right. Well, anyway, those are just some crimes that I by no means on purpose committed. It was just the only way to get what I really want," you said as the tip of your knife pressed into his clothed knee, running down the fabric and leaving a small scratch mark in his pant leg. He jerked away, but you only pressed harder, keeping him in place with a tight hand around his ankle.
"Don't be shy now," you grinned.
"You think you're hot shit –"
"I am."
"– but I'll find you, and –"
"It seems to me you already have."
"Would you shut the fuck up?!"
"Sorry. Go on."
"I'm gonna put you in jail, where creeps like you belong," he said through gritted teeth, his jaw set as he met your awaiting eyes.
"You think I'm a creep? I'm the most sane out of all my friends. Though, I do suppose we live in two different worlds," you said with a shrug.
His type lived in the light. Sunny-day type people, warm homes to come to at the end of the day, dark green grass and clean highways. Yours is more in the style of broken down street lamps––burning rubber from car wheels and the warmth of a lighter. At least that's the way you liked to put it, romanticized into the sweetest fashion so it's easier to swallow.
Honestly, most of your friends are coke dealers. There's one that sells guns to minors, but he's not a friend of yours. Just someone you know. All of them are good people, you can't deny that, but it's not a gentle environment.
Not that you're any bit unlike them. You do, after all, kidnap people and taunt them for fun.
"Alright. Question for you. Ever had sex?"
Nothing. You giggled, crossing your arms on his knees.
"Ever kissed someone? You don't seem like the person who would like any of that stuff. I'll still be surprised if you haven't, though. The idea that no one tried to jump your bones? Yeesh. I don’t think that's possible," you rambled on, making a few vague hand gestures as his glare never faded.
The surly twist in his face reached a high point, ending with him spitting onto your face with a deep irritation in his expression. It took a second or two before you quite processed what had just happened, but when you did you had no hesitation in your response; licking the flat of your tongue up from his jaw to his temple.
"You like that? Into that kinda thing?" You asked in a booming laugh as he spluttered, desperately trying to worm away from you. "That was on you, buddy. Come on. Admit it."
"I'm not going to –"
"Come on, say it! You deserved that. Right?"
You grabbed his chin in a tight grip, forcing him to look at you.
"You get everything that's coming to you. You deserve everything you'll receive within the next... hmm, let's say, three months? Depends on when I get bored of you," you hummed, glancing to the side as you thought.
"The next three months? What are you gonna do in that time?" He asked almost softly, brow furrowed in the same consternation as his eyes.
"Have a little bit of fun, for once. I hope you prove to be more entertaining than the last girl," you said with a grunt, pushing yourself to your feet. "In the meantime... you can't be missing for too long, baby."
"Wh –"
With the butt of your dagger in hand, you whirled back around, hitting him right in his temple. The hit of the massive gem on his skull knocked him out, muscles untensing as he fell limp in his restraints.
You smiled and breathed a sigh of happy relief, as though you had finished swimming in the brisk water of a lake.
"Ah... he seems nice."
Thirty minutes and he's waking up, waves of pain throbbing from his cranium. He hissed as he tried to sit up, realizing with much comfort that he was back in the linen sheets of his bed, the comforter all tangled and mussed beneath him. By the look of the clock, it was the morning of his first shift of the week.
And the first thing he has to tell his boss is that there's another psycho on the loose.
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queenismyprimejive · 4 years
This storm too shall pass – 80s Roger Taylor x Fem! Reader – Part 2
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Synopsis: After a huge fight with Roger, reader contemplates whether her relationship with Roger has any success at all. For her sake it has to, because the secret she’s been keeping from him will surely change the future for both of them. Luckily, Freddie is there to bring some calm after the storm.
Perspective: You-perspective, reader-insert, use of Y/N. I plan on putting this in each of my future fics, just because I tend to switch between the two perspectives in writing.
Warnings: Nothing really serious. Some swearwords mentions of implied pregnancy. Overall fluff, drama, angst, the usual.
A/N: None.
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“Pregnant….. are you sure?”, Freddie asked slowly as he watched me pacing around his living room, trying to make sense of the situation.
You looked at Freddie in exasperation. “No Fred I’m not at all sure, why else would I say I think I’m pregnant?”, I fired back, not caring at all how frustrated I sounded.
“So that is why you didn’t want Roger smoking in the house”, Freddie concluded, not at all fazed by my small outburst.
You stopped pacing around and focussed your attention on Freddie, letting out small breaths of air in an attempt to calm yourself down. You nodded slowly as you plopped back onto the couch.
“For how long have you felt like this?”
You stayed quiet for a few minutes because you weren't sure if you had to tell Fred everything in detail.
“You know you can tell me anything…. right love”, Freddie said, as if he sensed my hesitation to open up to him, “I’m not grossed out by the female body”.
You raised an eyebrow at him and promptly burst out laughing.
“I’m not grossed out by pregnant women”, Freddie clarified as he laughed along with me. “Come on, shoot”.
“Well, I guess I felt it a couple of weeks ago. My period comes fairly regularly, it changes by one or two days….. but when it stayed off for almost two weeks I was beginning to worry. Plus, everything feels different Fred, more sensitive I mean, and I feel queasy in the morning…. All the signs are there Fred”, you continued on.
All the while Fred remained silent, intently listening to your story.
“Fred…. I’m scared”, you said with watery eyes.
“Oh darling”, Freddie said sympathetically as he enveloped you in a tight hug, “everything is gonna be fine you’ll see. Why didn’t you tell Roger why you were struggling with this?”
“Because….”, you sniffled, “If I told him I suspected I was pregnant, and I turned out not be, he’d be disappointed in me, and if I turned out to be pregnant and he didn’t want the child I’d lose him anyways”.
“Don’t think so little of yourself Y/N”, Freddie tutted, “the man worships the ground you walk on, better yet, if the opportunity would arise, he’d probably commit murder for you, and knowing Roger, he’d actually be capable of doing so”.
You chuckled as you wiped a few stray tears away with your sleeve, “yeah that’s probably true”.
“And”, Freddie continued, “he’d want nothing more than to start a family, he told me so himself”.
“Really?”, you were a little surprise you heard him say that, since Roger never explicitly told you so himself.
Freddie nodded in confirmation, “Really love, and what if you really turned out to be pregnant Y/N, how would you feel about that?”
You lovingly placed a hand on your still flat belly, “I’d want nothing more than to start a family with Roger, I just…. I just don’t know what to do”.
“That’s what I’m here for darling, don’t you worry about a think, so here what’s we’ll do”.
You breathed a sigh of relief; Freddie always had a way with words, words that could always calm you down.
“First, I’ll have someone pick up some pregnancy tests for you, just to be sure. Then in the morning we’ll make an appointment with your doctor, and in the meantime I’ll call the guys to see if they can locate that stubborn, hot-headed boyfriend of yours, how does that sound?”
“That sounds good Fred, thank you….. for everything”
He dismissed your words of gratitude with a wave of his hand. “Nonsense darling, Roger is my friend and so are you, it’s the very least I could do”.
You felt a fresh wave of tears coming up, but this time they were tears of gratitude.
“Be right back darling”.
“Freddie?”, you asked softly as he was halfway through the door.
“Yes darling?”
“Can I stay here tonight?”
Of course, you can Y/N, you can stay here any time”.
As Freddie left the room you gazed down at your belly and smiled softly to yourself. For the first time this whole ordeal started, you finally felt everything going in the right direction.
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Less than an hour later you found yourself sitting on the couch again with Freddie, with three different pregnancy tests in front the two of you on the coffee table. You were relatively calm at first but now, in anticipation of the result, you couldn’t keep your nervous jitters to yourself anymore. You glanced sideways at Freddie and caught his gaze filled with barely concealed amusement.
He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I think it is time to look darling”.
You let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at the tests in front of you, because if you did, it would all become real and you weren’t sure if you were ready for that.
“You look for me Fred, I can’t…. I can’t look, you do it”.
All right darling, want me to tell you if they’re positive or not?”
“You can tell me anything as long as I don’t have to look at them”.
You turned your head away and waited anxiously until Fred had taken a look at the test.
When he didn’t immediately say anything, you were beginning to worry if there was something wrong, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
“Well darling”, Freddie spoke up, “I believe congratulations are in order.”
“What?”, you exclaimed as you looked up from your lap at Fred, who at this point looked like he couldn’t contain himself.
Well, look for yourself darling”, he grinned and placed the three tests in the palm of your hand. You tried to summon up all the courage before looking at the tests you were holding firmly in your hand. And indeed, Fred was right, on all three tests you could see two noticeably clear lines.
“I’m pregnant”, you whispered softly, mostly to yourself. The reality of it all had yet to sink in. Your lip was wobbling a little and different emotions were swirling through your mind, however, happiness prevailed.
“I’m pregnant Fred”, you said again, smiling, but this time you couldn't hold back the tears of joy. You looked up at him and he was also grinning widely, but you saw he too was sporting a few tears in the corners of his eyes.
“Congratulations darling, I am so happy for you”, he exclaimed and once again he enveloped you in a tight hug.
Thanks Fred”, you whispered into his chest as you hugged him back.
Moments later he pulled away, saw your tears, and wiped them away with his thumb. “But are you happy darling?”.
You nodded. “Yes Fred, I’m happy, it just needs to sink in….. that’s all”.
“So, do you still want to go to the doctor’s office tomorrow? I mean it’s quite positive already but….”
“Yeah I still gonna go to get a check-up, just to be absolutely sure, you know?’
“Of course, darling, I’ll go with you”, he said as he softly squeezed your hand.
Distantly, you heard a phone ring, but you payed no attention to it. Freddie however jumped up at the sound. “That might be Brian or John calling about Roger’s whereabouts. I have to take this call, be right back”.
As Freddie left the room once more you slowly sagged back into the couch. The argument you had with Roger earlier this evening had been forgotten, and the sadness over that argument had made place for something else, nerves and excitement from how you were going to tell Roger about your pregnancy, and whether he’d accept it.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Freddie re-entering the room. He looked slightly out of breath.  “Well…. that was Brian”, he started, “thankfully Roger is fairly predictable, so they found him in one of his to-go-to clubs,. He was drunk and high on something else than adrenaline so they’ve taken him home so he cannot do anything stupid in the meantime, and they’ll try and sober him up as quickly as possible.”
‘Well that’s something at least….”, you started.
“No worries love”, Freddie said, “Brian and John have more than enough experience in sobering Roger up, you just get some rest and we’ll talk about it all tomorrow, you’ll see, it will all turn out fine”.
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The next morning you found yourself in the examination room of the doctor’s office, anxiously awaiting your results. You had convinced Freddie not to come into the doctor’s office with you, figuring he would draw a little too much attention to himself, so instead he remained in the car with Jim until you were ready to go home, back to Roger.
The doctor re-entering the room pulled you away from your musings.
“Well congratulations miss Y/N L/N, you most certainly are pregnant I’d say about 7 or 8 weeks right now, do you wish to see the ultrasound?”
You nodded vigorously and he gave you the black and white picture and showed you where exactly too look; you could barely contain your happiness at this point.
“So, is everything ok doc?”, you asked.
“Well there isn’t much to see at this point, but everything is looking good so far. I do suggest you to be careful as there still is a higher rate of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. I suggest another check-up in about a month but for now you are good to go”.
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 Clutching your purse which held the ultrasound pictures, you felt your nerves spike up as Jim turned into your street and parked the car a little further down the street from Roger’s and yours place.
Freddie turned around in his seat and grasped your hand in his.
“Are you going to be ok Y/N? If you need anything don’t hesitate to call all right?”
“I won’t Fred thank you, and thank you too Jim, I know I haven’t exactly been kind you these days”.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N”, he said, “I’m only glad I could be of help”.
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 As you watched them drive away you made the way towards your front door. You took one final breath of air before you turned the key in the lock.
When you first opened the door you heard nothing, but then you heard the shuffling of footsteps coming from the living room, and a while later the figure of a man you knew very well appeared in the doorway.
His hare was still wet from the shower, so he looked relatively freshened up, however, his bloodshot blue eyes and the bags beneath them betrayed what he had gotten up to last night.
“Y/N”, he breathed out; he looked positively relieved.
You smiled softly at him. “Hey Rog”.
You weren’t sure what to say next, but when you looked up at Roger and caught him looking away, he didn’t know what to say either.
“Listen Y/N, love, I’m sorry about last night I….”
“Don’t worry Rog, you’re forgiven, but we do need to talk”.
When you noticed the fear in his eyes you thought he assumed you were breaking up with him so in order to erase that thought from his mind you closed the distance between the two of you and carefully grabbed his hand in yours, and for a moment you revelled in how good it felt to be close to him again.
“I’m not breaking up with you Rog, don’t worry, but I do have something important to tell you”.
Visibly relieved he carefully tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “What then love?”
“You might want to sit down for this Rog”, you said as you led him towards your living room.
As you sat down on the couch opposite of Roger he grasped your hands in his and rubbed slow circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. Your heart pounded in your throat, you were nervous, so nervous, but you had to get it out of your system.
“What’s wrong love?”, Roger asked, and you looked up at him, his blue eyes filled with worry.
“Nothing’s wrong Rog, I’m just a little scared.”
“Scared about what?”
“About how you’re gonna react.”
“React? To what?”, he looked confused.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. It really was now or never.
“Rog…. I’m pregnant.”
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dapperappleton · 4 years
I’ll Be Seeing You Part 2
A/N: I know this is a Moriarty x reader series and he wasn’t really in this one or part 1, he’ll be in the next part, I promise. I am so sorry for taking so long to write this, I just sorta forgot.
Part 1
Pairing: Implied!Moriarty x reader, platonic!Sherlock x reader, platonic!John x reader, platonic!Mary x reader, Mary x John
Word count: 1,487
Summary: Sherlock’s back
Warnings: Mild violence (John attacking Sherlock), like one swear word
“John’s got on with his life.” Mycroft looked ever so slightly smug that he got to tell Sherlock this. “Y/N’s about the only one who hasn’t entirely moved on.”
“Why wouldn’t they have moved on? They knew I wasn’t dead didn’t they?”
“Well, brother mine, they are still upset. I will not tell you why, you must find that out for yourself.”
“What does that mean Mycroft?” Sherlock spat, he always hated when Mycroft spoke in riddles. “Why are they upset?”
“Goodbye, blood.”
Sherlock walked into the busy restaurant. He looked around, and without even looking at the man, told the host that his wife’s contractions may have started. He kept walking before “accidentally” spilling someone’s wine glass in order to take their bow tie. He grabbed a menu and some glasses off another table and eyeliner from a lady’s purse.
“May I help you sir?” Sherlock’s French accent was bad, but apparently just good enough to fool John.
“Hi, I’m looking for a bottle of champagne.” John didn’t look up like Sherlock wanted. “A good one.”
John continued to not look up even when Sherlock kept trying to hint at things, calling a particular champagne “a face from the past”. Sherlock didn’t know what to do, so he just kept talking about it. It didn’t work and he decided to just go off anyways.
John sat at the table and looked at the ring for Mary. She came back, looking stunning as always. John was nervous, that much was clear, but he was confident that he was going to pop Mary the big question. He started talking about how important meeting Mary was to him and how much he loved her.
He was just words away from actually asking Mary to marry him when Sherlock rushed back with a bottle of wine. It was impeccably awful timing, exactly Sherlock’s expertise. Sherlock really didn’t know when to stop. He kept talking in that weird French accent and kept hinting about “the face of an old friend” and other things that any person wouldn’t think twice about, particularly if you were trying to ask such an important question as John was. Mary actually found it funny.
“No, look, seriously. Could you just...” John finally looked up at Sherlock.
“Interesting thing, a tuxedo. Lends distinction to friends and anonymity to waiters.” Sherlock had messed up, but he couldn’t even see it.
You could see so much in John’s eyes. So much emotion.
“Well, short version, not dead.”
Sherlock had messed up, so badly. John was losing his cool, and Mary, bless her, was trying desperately to help him. John was breathing heavily, fist grinding into the table. He had to whisper in order to not shout. John tackled Sherlock to the ground, choking him in the middle of the restaurant.
They left to go to a deli to talk, and Mary asked Y/N to come, knowing they would keep both John and Sherlock (mostly) in check. The four of them sat at a table, John still angry as ever.
“I don’t care how you did it, Sherlock, I want to know why.”
“Why? Because Moriarty had to stopped.” Sherlock took in the look on John’s face. “Oh. Why as in... I see, yes, why. That’s a little more difficult to explain. Actually, um, that was mostly Mycroft’s plan.”
“Oh, so it was mostly your brother’s plan?” John asked sarcastically.
Mary piped up, “oh, what, he would have needed a confidant... sorry.”
John looked up at Sherlock again. “But he was the only one? The only one that knew?”
Y/N tensed up before Sherlock listed off the people that knew. Molly, Y/N, and twenty five people from his Holmes’s network. John didn’t even register that Y/N was mentioned before again tackling Sherlock. New deli, same conversation.
“Wait, Y/N, you were in on this?” John finally turned to them, fire still burning in his eyes, but much less because it was Y/N. “That whole time, you knew? Well, then. I suppose I always guessed that you were hiding half your pain because you were hurt twice as much as us, but you were really only upset over Moriarty?”
“Yes, and I am sorry John. I would have told you, or given you some sort of hint, but they wou—“
“I’m sorry, hold on a second.” Sherlock looked very confused. “You were upset over Moriarty dying, but not me?”
“Sherlock, I’m sorry about that too, but you weren’t here when I told everyone. That is not my fault. I, well, how do I say this without you getting mad at me since you’re the only one who doesn’t know? I was dating Jim Moriarty, starting about four months before that pool thing happened.”
Sherlock looked very confused. He wasn’t used to not noticing things like that, particularly when it had to do with important people like Y/N and Moriarty. He had never even suspected Y/N was dating anyone, let alone a psychopathic murderer. He was brought back to reality by John’s screaming. John was still very angry and an angry John is not good. Of course Sherlock had to go and say some bloody stupid thing about John actually missing cases with Sherlock. They got kicked out for the third time that night when John smashes his head against Sherlock’s face. He did deserve it though.
“I still don’t understand.” Sherlock pinched the bridge of his nose, head tilted back. “I said I’m sorry, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”
“Gosh, you don’t anything about human nature, do you?” Mary was looking up at him, she seemed very interested in him and his odd personality.
“Nature, no. Human? No.”
Mary laughed. “I’ll talk him ‘round.”
“You will?”
“Oh yeah.”
They looked up as John called to Molly, a cab waiting in front of him. Y/N hugged him before walking back to Mary and hugging her goodbye as well. They stepped beside Sherlock, both of them looking straight ahead.
“Why is he so mad?” Sherlock’s face scrunched up. “And what did you even see in Moriarty?”
“Well, John’s mad because if your best friend jumps off a building and you accept their death, if they show up two years later after not giving them a sign, of course they’re going to be mad.
“As for Jim, well, he was smart, fun, chivalrous, and surprisingly caring. He really did love me, by the way. I wasn’t a pawn like your brother thinks. He’s an utter ass sometimes, by the way.”
Sherlock scoffed before starting to walk. He muttered a “come along” to you without stopping to wait. Y/N took large steps to meet him.
“You like being back, don’t you?” Y/N looked up at Sherlock. “I mean, you don’t really understand that people change, but you do enjoy being back and around everything you knew?”
“Yes, I do enjoy it, but you can’t tell anyone else. And I don’t understand why everyone’s saying John’s changed. He can’t have changed, he can’t have moved on because I was gone. It’s just... no.”
Y/N hummed in recognition. They understood that Sherlock’s autism made change like that hard to comprehend and accept. But he would adjust eventually.
“I’m glad you’re back. Really. I knew you weren’t dead, but it was still hard without you.”
Both of them kept staring ahead. The two of them walked in silence until they reached 221B Baker Street. Sherlock opened the door and let Y/N in first, using what little manners he had.
Y/N had been to the flat a few times in the last two years, but it felt good to be back with Sherlock. They walked up the stairs and into Sherlock’s dusty, but still exactly the same, flat. The smell of old books and stale air greeted them. It honestly looked like a mood board from Tumblr, Y/N noted mentally. It felt like home.
However, being back there, seeing Sherlock again. It brought back memories of Jim. Good ones, bad ones, memories that didn’t even have any relevance or emotion attached to them. It still hurt Y/N, knowing that he was gone.
“I miss him, Sherlock. I really do.” Y/N looked down.
Sherlock tilted his head and scrunched his eyebrows together. Were they talking about Moriarty? He straightened his head and his eyebrows lifted again. He didn’t really understand emotions, but he did understand what it was like to miss someone.
“I know, Y/N, I know.” He pulled Y/N into him and rested his head on theirs, a display of affection that he saved only for Y/N.
They stayed like that for some time, Y/N sniffling every once and awhile. Sherlock placed a kiss on the top of their head and pulled them even closer to him. He didn’t understand why Y/N liked Moriarty, but he’d be sure to make sure that Y/N was alright regardless.
Moriarty stood across the street as Sherlock and Y/N walked into the flat.
“I’ll be seeing you.”
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hey, babe! I'd like to submit a request for a Roman Godfrey x female reader work. He and the reader are still in high school, and food friends (with benefits) but nothing more. He normally drives her back to his house after school once a week to 'study' and then maybe spends the weekends at her house when her parents/family aren't home (maybe some car sex as well?) but when he sees another guy (anyone, either character or hypothetical) start to talk to her more and more often he gets possessive.
(A/N): Hello lovely!
Thank you for this ask, it low key got me quite good and exploring some darker side of writing...
Also since I know that I low key might have gone a bit outside of this ask (you said “car sex” and I was like... fainting at the ground), so please if it sucks or anything, just let me know and I’ll write something better!
Thank you for the ask, I honestly loved it!
And keep them coming!
WARNINGS: Rough Jealous Unprotected (You know the drill boys: no condom, no sex) Sex, Creampie, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Light Choking, Restraints (hands restraining) and just generallly car sex and Roman being an asshole, but we love him for this!
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Whenever you would wear that skirt, Roman wasn’t able to contain himself.
And you knew it.
So, he knew that whenever he would see you with that black pleated skirt, you were teasing him to his death.
But that day, after he had graciously put his hand under your skirt, you had immediately screeched and backed up, in the little space of his vintage car, which you loved almost more than Roman, himself.
You had sent him a glare that usually would have frozen anyone on the spot, except Roman, who had grown some kind of immunity to your glares, since he received many, each day.
He tried another attempt, but this time you slapped his hand away, before humming annoyedly something about an appointment.
“… what is that, sweetheart?” he asked jokingly, raising your chin to meet his eyes, staring deep into you, seeing your annoyance, although he could totally also see some kind of interest on your part.
“I can’t fool around today, I have a project to create” you repeated, spelling anything slowly, as if you were explaining to a child, which got Roman to roll his eyes, but what gave him an heart attack were the following words you spoke “… Jim should come by in a few minutes”.
He wasn’t sure her had heard you right and sent you a dumbfounded look.
“What is it?” you asked, adjusting yourself, since before he tried to sneak his hand in your panties, you had been making out passionately, since he was sure you would be continuing this in her home, since your parents had left for the weekend, and you had an empty house.
It was tradition for him to spend every night when your parents were out, at your house, at first just as friends sharing a pop-corn bowl and watching a movie, but as soon as he had noticed you growing up and blossoming into a woman, your plans together where certainly less chaste.
You had always known each other since you were just children, since Roman had been pulling on her braids and he kept on doing that, but in a much more pleasurable way…
“You are having a boy over?” he asked, clearly hoping he hadn’t heard right.
Their relationship wasn’t exclusive, but half of the school knew better than to bother who was universally recognized as “Roman Godfrey’s girl”, and the other half didn’t seem interested in you or had been threatened by Roman, himself.
Also, since your “agreement” had started, Roman, himself had stopped hanging out with any girl that wasn’t you, although flirting wasn’t off the limits, and he still felt your annoyance, whenever he would be doing it, straight up next to you.
But it was all worth it, whenever you would push him, almost jumping on him, in the first secluded area, you could find.
“I am not having a boy over” he breathed down a big huff of relief, but before he could bring himself to breath properly again, you spoke again “… he is just coming over this afternoon so that we can work on a project”.
“What kind of project?” he mumbled, harshly, although he knew which project Jim, or whatever his name was, wanted to work on: nobody dared to make a move on you, because Roman was there but he knew that you were one of the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“… the English Literature project” you huffed out, a bit annoyed, as if you didn’t sense Roman’s jealousy “… you were paired with Peter, so I had to choose another, and Jim seemed to need help, so…”.
He could detect, still, a bit of jealousy on your side, mostly because he had been working a lot with Peter, lately, not because he actually liked spending time with the werewolf (well he did, but he didn’t want to admit it) but because he was actually busy trying desperately to solve the mysteries around the murders happening in Hemlock Grove.
That was also why, he didn’t want another male near you, knowing it might end up being the murder who was targeting girls mostly.
“Are you jealous of Peter?” he tried to tease you, to alleviate the annoying heavy mood which had set through his mind, after the news about Jim.
You simply rolled your eyes and shot him an annoyed look, mumbling:
“No, I am not” and then you, as the little minx you were, moved your hand towards his crotch, in a teasing attempt, meanwhile Roman was too taken aback “… why should I be jealous, when you always come back to me?”.
And then you leaned in for a soft kiss, just a chaste push of your lips against his, and as soon as it had started, it was over, and you opened the door to Roman’s car.
He thanked his strange reflexes, for his ability of reaction.
He grabbed roughly your wrist, making you whine at the rough grip, and pushed you back into the car seat, locking with his other hand the door of the car, meanwhile he crowded you against the door.
It took you a moment to react, screaming at Roman about what the hell he was doing.
“I have an appointment in five minutes with Jim” you reminded him, trying to push him away, kicking and twisting your arms, now in his strong grip “… you better release me before I kick you in the balls, Godfrey”.
“You aren’t going nowhere, (Y/N)” his voice had gripped a dark point, but as he moved a knee against your legs, to prop them open, he found a pleasant discovery: wetness coated your thighs, meaning that even more coated your core “… you are soaked, and certainly not for Jim”.
“It is very bold of you to assume that it is for you” your blush showed your true emotions, and as Roman brushed his knee closer to your molten core, you tried to straddle it, in a useless attempt to relieve the pression inside yourself, just to hear a dark laugh leave Roman’s mouth.
“And you still manage to rut on my thigh as a bitch in heat…” the blush on your pretty cheeks became even darker, and he felt the warmth on them as he leaned down for a kiss, much less chaste than the one you had shared before, pushing his tongue in your mouth and biting roughly on your upper lip, drawing blood.
It hurt, and it showed on your eyes, but you didn’t seem to care, spitting on his face, which got him to react roughly, switching the grip of both your arms to one hand, so the other could push itself between your legs, finding your panties full of wetness, and your core definitely warm and aroused.
You pushed yourself against his hand, moaning softly, rutting indeed like “a bitch in heat” into him and his hand.
“… you say have an appointment, but I don’t see you dying to meet your beloved Jimmy” he made fun of you, finishing his discourse, delivering a sound slap to your clothed core.
You whined lowly, trying to keep your tone down, due to being in an extremely public space.
You were thankful your little black skirt covered Roman’s big hand; the road wasn’t trafficked mostly at that hour, since everyone was either at their work or already at home, but you didn’t want to show yourself to a noisy neighbor.
But you weren’t able to contain the following moan, high-pitched and free, when Roman moved two fingers into your womanhood, slipping them easily due to all the slickness he had collected, setting a rough pace, but that kept you unable to breath, only able to groan gently into Roman’s ear, meanwhile he teased her both with his fingers and words.
“Are Jimmy’s fingers making you feel good, right now, sweetheart?” he stated, puncturing each word with a sharp thrust of his fingers, which hit you deep and teased that spot inside of you that got you mewling of pleasure, biting your bloody lip.
The taste of iron in your mouth made you ecstatic, but it was Roman who was looking at you as if he hadn’t seen anything more delicious.
“I am going to make sure that it is only me you are going to yearn for, from now on”.
And before you knew it, his fingers were out of you, and you pouted, just to be pushed onto Roman’s laps.
His hand went around your throat, loosely, and his other took himself out from his pants and boxers, after he had barely pushed aside your panties.
You welcomed him warmly and certainly, if the hiss he let out was any indication, he appreciated it, almost as the startled but pleasured moan that escaped your lips, before your hips started bouncing on their own on him.
As he got back from the initial shock, he pushed into her with much more violence, his grip around her throat becoming tighter and he smirked at you, eyeing the way your body was reacting to his thrust, the only thing that could be better was your naked body against his.
But running against time, you didn’t have the luxury of undressing, completely.
“You should be studying with dear Jimmy Boy, and you are here,  bouncing on my cock, like the little pretty whore, I know you are” he taunted you, pushing himself deep inside you, in a slow thrust that made you feel each inch of his adored length “You better hurry up, or he might catch us”.
The thrill of it had you almost coming in that moment, but you were stopped by Roman’s dark glare, and an intimidation of his words, ushering you to come back before you went too far.
“… don’t you dare finishing without me” and he pushed you closer to him “… you are here just for my pleasure don’t you forget it”.
And you couldn’t help but nod, into his grip, pushing yourself to slow her rhythm, completely feeling him against her, in a slow dance, till he indeed let out an hazy whimper, falling and pushing himself over the edge, but worst of all coming in you.
You screeched and immediately pushed him out of her, taking advantage of the loosened grip on her throat, and saw half of his cum leave her center, staining his expensive pants, meanwhile he looked at her sheepishly.
“Did you just cum in me, asshole?!” you replied, angrily, seeing half of his seed, falling down her legs.
“Thank God, you are on birth control!” he mumbled jokingly, meanwhile he reached out for his lighter and his pack of cigarettes, just getting a roll of eyes from you, before you grabbed him by his shirt, regaining the upper hand and forcing him to face you.
“You are nothing but a jealous spoiled boy” and you bit his lip, before pushing yourself off of him, trying some kind of damage control on your body and clothes with your paper tissues, before you readjusted your aspect, checking yourself in the mirror of the car.
Roman stared at you for the entire time, amazed by that daily ritual, but he was snapped back by the deaf sound of the mirror of the car being put back in its place and the car door being opened, meanwhile she put her backpack on one shoulder.
“At what hour, tonight?” he joked, just to receive the infamous “bird” and for her to move away, meanwhile he laughed, trying to clean himself up, although the stain would have stuck till it got washed, but it got him an infinite amount of satisfaction to know that you had some of him inside yourself.
He spied in the mirror on your side, you meeting with a disgruntled boy, who immediately lighted up as you smiled at him, but what got him to smirk and leave happy and satiated, was the little trick of cum he saw on her inner thighs, as she moved to go up the stairs.
His work there was done.
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Somebody To Love { J.M | Soulmate AU} Chapter One
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before the beginning of time, it is believed that whomever created love was a lonely man, who was denied of love and lust for his entire existence, so he swore to the heavens that no one would be denied the chance to feel love; and thus the soulmates were created. Everyone when they are born, are born with an imprint of what researchers have concluded to be; song lyrics. Joe Mazzello was born with the words, “somebody to love.” imprinted on his skin, but well into his 30′s, still has not found the person with the matching lyrics.                  inspired by
             somebody to love ; queen 
paring : fem!reader x joe mazzello
     warnings -
this is all fiction, and just a story. swearing, mentions of dead loved ones, a little angsty.
a/n | hi! Got this idea at work, It’s gonna be a fic because I really loved the idea and tbh I need something to dedicate some of my depressing time to. Anyway, this is all fiction and I hope you enjoy. Please comment for a part two! Also this will be in both perspectives but mostly Joe for now.|
                                                     Chapter One ; 
‘Each morning I get up I die a little. Can barely stand on my feet;  Take a look in the mirror and cry;  Lord what you're doing to me.’
“ Joseph! You’re wanted on set!” Joe sighed at the calling of his name, almost cursing Dexter in his mind. Today was not going well for Joe. They were halfway through filming at this point, and Joe was tired beyond belief. Rami and the guys had insisted on going clubbing the night before, Joe reluctantly said yes to his friends; so here he was, hungover and on set in his fluffy wig, attempting to focus on his lines in the makeup chair. 
“ Long Night?” y/n, his makeup artist asked. Joe gave a dry laugh, “ I guess you could say that.” He got up, excusing himself from, y/n. Though it wasn’t just his hangover that was bothering him, no, there was something else.
You see, Joe was going through a revelation, he had just turned 34 during filming, and his golden years were continuing to slip away from him. The chances of having kids got slimmer, and the chances of finding his soulmate became less and less. 
The story of the soulmates is that of mystery, but it is said that before the beginning of time, whomever created love was a lonely man, who was denied of love and lust for his entire existence, so he swore to the heavens that no one would be denied the chance to feel love; and thus the soulmates were created. No one knows exactly why or even how it works, but researchers have come to the conclusion that the words imprinted on your body, that connect you to your soulmate are that of, song lyrics. Meaning that Joe Mazzello was imprinted with the lyrics, “Somebody to Love.”  He didn’t even understand the meaning until the song came on the radio, yelling that it was the words he had on his skin, thus prompting his parents to tell him the lore. 
When Joe was young, the lyrics turned him into quite the hopeless romantic. While others found girlfriends and partners for the time being, waiting for their soulmates to show up, Joe backed away from every girl he could, not wanting to get to close, scared that if he did, he may never find the person with the matching lyrics. And while all of those students eventually did, Joe was one of the only guys at the end of College, to be a virgin, and not find his soulmate. He found it quite ludicrous. He had been in films since his youth, and yet no one seemed to every ask him what his lyrics where on his arm, making it impossible for him to find the match unless by chance. 
During his directing and acting for Undrafted, Joe had gotten so antsy about meeting his soulmate that he would blast, Somebody To Love on the cars stereo every morning, hoping it would prompt his soulmate to suddenly appear, but that never happened. 
The Next year, he got a call about the biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody. They wanted him to depict the famous bands, bass player. John Deacon. At first he was ecstatic, I mean, it couldn’t just be a coincidence that he got the part, right? Maybe his fake wife would end up being the girl of his dreams? What if it was Lucy Boynton? That would be a real shock. But as Joe met the cast, asking them about their lyrics, almost obsessively to every person on set (including Ben.) there was still no sign of the soulmate. Only Joe had forgotten about a lot of important people; the crew themselves. Which was over 200 hundred people, who could, just maybe have his lyrics. 
Though, he wasn’t completely alone. He had his cast, his family and Brian and Roger. Both Brian and Roger were extremely supportive of Joe and would talk to him constantly about love and their views on the soulmates, both of them marrying people who were not their soulmates to begin with, due to wanting children and lives of their own before they couldn’t anymore. “ I say you start dating around.” Roger would tell Joe, though Joe was reluctant he agreed with the drummer, that he would go on one date, and see how it went. 
As Joe came onto set, he tried to push all those thoughts away, the ones that were creeping up on him. He felt like he was going to have a panic attack, how could he go on a date, knowing that who ever he went on a date with wouldn’t be the person he would have forever? Maybe, Joe just wasn’t meant to meet his soulmate though. He had to put his soulmate aside and think of his needs and wants for once, though feeling bad.
After filming for the day, Joe once again got into the makeup chair, this time to take everything off for the day. After his thinking over the course of the day, he now had to find someone he could ask on a date, and as y/n walked back up to the chair to take his wig and wig cap off, he realized that he had somewhat of a strong attraction to her. Though her physique was incredible in his perspective, she was so nice to Joe. She would pick him up coffee in the mornings on her way to the locations, she would text him the night before about how amazing he would do and that he needed to wash his face in the morning for preparation and constantly gave him advice on his soulmate, even though she hadn’t found hers yet, and they both hadn’t told each other their lyrics. “ y/n?” Joe asked as she picked the plaster off his face, “ Yes Mazzello?” y/n giggled at his serious tone, a tone that never usually occurred with Joe. “ I’ve never asked, but- what’s your lyric?” Joe asked, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, looking down. 
“ I don’t like telling people,” She admitted, “ I’m not going to find them anyway. Twenty Five years of my life have gone by, all my friends have met theirs and people are starting to get married now, so what is the point? My Mother always told me not to get my hopes up, so I’m not.” She spoke with much emotion in her voice, that of annoyance and disappointment.  She then continued as silence danced among them, “ I’ve spent so long believing in him- the god of love. But it seems I can never get relief, the opposite of why he apparently created the soulmates anyway.” Joe took in her words, maybe she had a point, but Joe wasn’t having it.
“ Well, I’m 34 and I haven’t met mine yet, does that mean I should give up on love entirely? I don’t believe so. I hate to say this, and I hope the lord of love forgives me when I do, but I believe we can fall for those who are not our soulmates, just as well as we can with our paired person, don’t you? Freddie fell in love with Jim, yet not sharing the lyrics. All I’m saying is that- sometimes- the lord makes mistakes, and maybe you and I are one of them.” Joe shrugged, as y/n gleamed at his words. “I think you’re quite right Mazzello. Maybe someday, we’ll both find somebody to love.” Joe almost shivered at her words, his eyes went wide, could she be the one? He tried to laugh it off, “ like the Queen song? Somebody To Love?” y/n looked at him, confusion settling on her face, could he be? then reverting back to reality, “ Yeah- like the Queen song.” She laughed, “ anyway, you’re all done Joseph.” She smiled at the Auburn Haired man as he got up, “ Yeah, I should be going-” He awkwardly stood in front of her, looking for a sign within her eyes, but nothing. He turned around to walk away, but decided he needed his moment, his moment to find somebody to love, even if they weren’t born to be his, “ Hey y/n?” He turned around, calling back to her, “ are you busy Friday night?”
Well, that’s it for part one! Thanks for reading everyone! Please comment for a part two! 
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the-obsession-ship · 5 years
New in town (Jim Hopper x Reader) -Part 3-
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Pairings: Jim Hopper x female!reader
Warnings: Abusive Ex, Mention of abuse in the past, Language.
Type: Fluff and more fluff, with a slice of domestic!Hopper
Word count: 2,000+
Read the other parts here: Part one, Part two.
Long-time no Hopper, I know! College started and my brain and hands have been mostly on coding, but I cannot neglect the man who has kept me going and writing this has been a really nice mental break! I appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten on this fic, It continues to shock me on all the love from you guys, so thank you so much.
Dropping your heavy backpack down by the door when you walk in, you huff out a sign and stretch your tired back. Hoppers cabin was a lot deeper into the woods then you initially thought and you spent a good amount of time tripping over the uneven forest path to get to the porch, You thought it was perfect, though a little dirty and dusty, potato chip bags and beer cans everywhere, it had a charm to it you couldn't quite place exactly.
Hopper dropped the rest of your luggage on the floor next to your backpack, Flo had helped you pack and insisted on giving you sheets, pillows, and she even bought you enough toiletries to probably last you for the rest of your life, so the small number of things you brought from Adams had now tripled by everything Flo thought you might need and you couldn’t help but be warmed to the core by her kindness.
“Alright, I think that’s all of it” Hop stretches out his back after bringing in everything Flo bought you, “I know it’s not much and I’m sorry I didn’t have time to clean up a bit” He goes to pick up the leftovers on the coffee table and tries to casually shove some dirty magazines under the couch, probably hoping you didn’t see him do that, although you can’t help but smile at the large man clumsily cleaning his cabin for you.
“Your rooms right there, you can go unpack if you want” Hopper pointed you towards the small room next to you with a badly painted green door.
“Thank you” You leave the Chief to his cleaning, not wanting to impose on anything else he might want to shove under the couch, smiling to yourself you pick up a couple of bags and push open the old green door that leads to your new room.
“Lysol? Dish soap? Hell, I’ll even take oven cleaner at this point” Hopper huffed under his breath as he threw open cabinet after cabinet trying to find any cleaning supplies, he had. A beautiful woman is staying in his home and he wanted to make everything as comfortable as possible for her and yet he couldn’t even find a standard household cleaner.
He decided to clean any dust off with a wet kitchen towel and made a mental note to pick up cleaning supplies on his drive home tomorrow.
Hearing you softly hum ‘Takin’ care of business’ that had played on the radio, when you were driving to his cabin; smiling to himself as he finished cleaning the kitchen, he could hear you opening and closing the drawers of the dresser while you unpacked and could only imagine you swaying to the tune in your head.
Having you live with him was definitely going to be a new experience, he hadn't had a woman live with him in years, most women he was around didn’t even stay the night. A warm feeling was brewing in his chest just thinking about his little cabin actually having life in it for the first time in probably decades.
Pushing thoughts back down that Hopper didn’t want to think too hard about, you needed a place to stay and he wasn’t about to ruin whatever relationship you both had with bringing too many emotions into it. 
Tieing the last trash bag and tossing it outside with the others for the time being, Hopper sighed while he looked around his small cabin, it was far from being spotless but it would have to do, for now, hearing you starting to go quiet in your room, presuming you’re close to being done unpacking Hopper decides it’s time to bite the bullet and make something for dinner, he knew you probably would want more than just chips and salsa.
“Shit..” All he had in his fridge was beer and leftovers from a party that Flo held at the office, he doesn't even remember when that party was or what holiday it was for, probably need to throw that out as well, he thought.
Pulling back from the fridge to look over at you, watching you take in the place you’d be staying in, he hoped he cleaned it enough for to make it at least feel comfortable “You cleaned up, it looks nice Hop”
“Thanks. Uh I didn’t have any time to pick groceries up before we got back” Hopper scratches the back of his neck and looks at you sheepishly “So, I don’t know what to make you for dinner”
“That’s okay, let’s see what we have here” Hop watches you move around the kitchen, brows furrowed in concentration, he knows you’re probably wondering just what to make with the little supplies you had, he considers just ordering pizza and hoping it won’t take the delivery guy hours to find his cabin, when you speak up.
“How about spaghetti?” He watches you pull out pasta and a can of tomato sauce, things that Flo probably bought him on one of her health kicks, trying to get him to at least cook himself a meal every once in a while, of course, that never worked but he appreciated Flo’s efforts. “I make really good spaghetti, trust me” 
Hopper couldn’t help but smile as you bounced around his makeshift kitchen, boiling water, setting timers, and measuring pasta. You looked actually at peace, “That sounds great” This wasn’t exactly what he had planned for your dinner date to be when you originally offered to make him pasta, but he damn well wouldn't trade seeing you happily make dinner in his kitchen while you both talked and drank beers together, laughing at some stupid joke he had said.
“Hopper, I’m back!” You shook off the heavy coat that adorned your shoulders and hung it up on the rack next to Hop’s huge blue one. 
“Hey, how was your day?” You heard him call from the kitchen, walking in there to greet him and noticing he was actually attempting a new recipe for tonight's dinner. You finally got him started on cooking and since then you have both learned he could make a mean meatloaf and now you never ate much else, he found it simple enough and it made leftovers for you both so it was your normal supper, but tonight he was clearly trying to make lasagna, emphasis on the ‘trying’ part.
“It was good, slow for most of it, but me and Joyce had fun” When Joyce found out you were staying with Hopper, she insisted on helping you find work, Melvalds wasn’t hiring at the time but Joyce pulled some strings and got you on part-time at the Kodak booth, which put right in front of where she typically worked. Luckily your hours always coincided so she picked you up in the morning and dropped you off at night.
“Did you stop any bad guys today?” You tried not to ask what the burnt smell was, assuming this was his second attempt at making dinner.
Hopper looked up and smiled at you before returning to his work on the counter “Oh yeah, Mrs. Mayfield’s pomeranian is quite a tough case” His voice got deeper, making you laugh at his faux seriousness “But, I took care of it”
Still smiling at Hoppers silly comment you took to setting the table, although it had only been a little over a month of staying with Hop, you both fell into it like it was normal, he cooked, you washed the dishes, he took out the trash, you cleaned up after meals; it felt really domestic, even though you and Hop were no more than good friends. 
Hopper came in and set the pretty lasagna down on the table, “Well, I’m impressed, it looks edible!” You joked while he cut sizable slices for you both.
“What? You doubted my amazing chef skills?” He faked being offended at your words.
"No, not at all Hop” You both laughed while he cracked open beers for you both.
You didn’t want to ask, but it came up every night, Hopper knew that, so while you picked at the other half of your lasagna and Hop went for seconds, you spoke up “Did anything come in the mail today?” Your voice always sounded like an ashamed kid asking for another cookie and you hated it.
“No, nothing today, I told you it might take a while, especially if they have to track Adam down” Hop always tried to let you down nicely, never wanted to hinder the mood but knowing just how important this was for you.
You nodded at that and started on the rest of your remaining lasagna, it was actually really good and Hop had done a great job on it. “Hey” You looked up at him, he could always tell something was wrong, guess that was what made him such a great police chief.
“You’re safe here, even though you work in town I’m always right down the road, I will never let anything happen to you, okay?” 
“I know that Hop, thank you” You reach out and take his large hand in yours, hoping it conveyed how grateful you were for being here with him even just a little bit.
After dinner, you went to go wash up from the day, while Hop picked out a movie. 
Now you can actually wash your face without wincing from your swollen eye, your face went from a deep purple bruise that faded into yellow that seemed to never go away, but now as you looked at yourself wiping off the remaining water and makeup, you can’t even tell that you looked like a wreck just weeks ago, well over a month ago really.
Hopper reassured you every step of the way that your bruises didn't look “that bad” which you were grateful for, but you knew it looked rough enough for old lady’s to glare at you while you picked up dinner at the grocery store, sometimes you’d forget why they were staring and stare back at them causing an awkward impromptu conversation from the stranger that usually resulted in you mumbling “You should have seen the other guy” under your breath and walking away.
Sighing as you felt the hot water hit you from the shower, you stepped in, remembering that it wouldn’t take long for Hop to find a good movie for you both.
You quickly washed up as you could smell popcorn being made, you laughed at just how well he knew you, how you needed the popcorn to watch a movie even after finishing a large slice of lasagna.
Hop hummed an old favorite as he melted some butter for the popcorn, hearing the shower shut off he quickly turned the stove off and went to put the VHS in, he knew you were getting sick of his Clint Eastwood movies so he asked the teen at the Family Video store to recommend something so Hop ended up walking out of there with ‘Night of the comet’ It wasn’t something he’d ever watch normally but he knew you’d enjoy it.
Setting the popcorn down on the table with freshly poured butter and salt, he fluffed the pillows on his couch a bit and sat down to wait on you. Everything he did for you made him feel like a teenager again, he always got butterflies in his stomach just thinking about you being happy because of him, although he pushed those feelings down at every turn.
The smell of your favorite shampoo and sleepers shuffling across the old wood floor alerted Hopper to your presence, “What’re we watching tonight?” You jumped onto the cushion next to him.
“Night of the comet, it’s newly out I think you might like it” On the small couch with Hop’s arm being lazily thrown around the back of the cushions, the soft hum of the VHS beginning to play the tape, and a hot  bowl of popcorn on your lap; you could forget all about Adam, the pending restraining order and your slightly uncertain future in Hawkins, at least for the next hour and thirty-five minutes.
I hope you enjoyed! The movie I picked for them to watch is a 1984 cult classic known as ‘Night of the comet’ If you want, you can watch it here.
I can’t promise when the next part will be out, but since I’m finally starting to settle into College, it probably won’t take as long as this one. Feedback is always appreciated, thank you, everyone. Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next one. 
Tags: (Love you guys so much)
@eleanor-gillespie @l0ve-0f-my-life @kate110199 @happy-hopper @souls-rain @alumiinikuu @cainanelea
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vsullivan · 5 years
Lucky 7 | Steve Harrington x Reader - pt. 1
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Okay, so I wrote smthn for stranger things?? I haven’t written in a while pls forgive badness pls and thank. Idk if i’ll do more parts ihfoiqsdhfei I just fell in love with this show and Steve. 
She remembers looking into his eyes, searching for the tendril to connect her mind to his own. When she did, she grasped it tightly, for not a second later she was harshly sucked into another world entirely. Before her stood he, stiff as a board. His eyes were vacant, non-searching despite the wave of light that began to stream into this realm of darkness.
                                            Chapter 1: The Experiment
 She remembers looking into his eyes, searching for the tendril to connect her mind to his own. When she did, she grasped it tightly, for not a second later she was harshly sucked into another world entirely. Before her stood he, stiff as a board. His eyes were vacant, non-searching despite the wave of light that began to stream into this realm of darkness.
This light took the form of memories, all of his own. From birth till’ present, everything his eyes have seen are now on display for viewing. She’s done this before, so she knows full well how long it could take to find one particular moment amongst a grown man’s entire lifetime. As it would be, all she had in both worlds was time.
  The process allows her to learn more about the person than that they, or anyone close to them, have ever known. She sees firsthand how this man passed his fifth-grade math test by side eying the paper of a young girl who sat beside him. She witnessed the moment he became a father. She also felt this excitement; experienced the pure joy he felt after receiving that C+, and the sense of ultimate adoration upon viewing his son’s face for the first time. She was also filled to the brim with a mixture of dread and ultimate shame as his wife burst into their shared room to find him in bed with the vice principle of their son’s elementary school.
Eventually, she came across the scene she’d been searching for. She watched as one of the men in long white coats handed this same man a sheet of paper. It listed a series of random words, alongside one sentence that read: When you wake up, list these words in the same order they are written.
And then, she opened her eyes. The blood dripping from her left nostril went unattended as she stared ahead, through a glass pane, into the eyes of the same man she’d seen cheat on his math test and on his wife. “Unrequited.” She began slowly, “Wilderness.” Her leg began to shake, “Representative.” She remained careful to announce every syllable, “Kettle.” Then, she inhaled sharply, “Infidelity.”
She then exhaled, blinking for the first time since she’d awakened from her journey through the stranger’s mind. On the other side of the glass, the man in the white coat nodded his head as he recorded the time it took for her to find that moment in the man’s memories. She noticed that the stranger was wearing a different outfit, alongside having a cleanshaven face from what she’d seen in his mind, while he now adorned a thick beard and clothes that seemed to have come right out of the 60’s.
She jumped as a voice sounded from above, it got her every time. “Your timing has improved since the last experiment.” It said. “Continue this progress.” She resisted rolling her eyes – a facial movement she’d picked up from an elderly woman who as a teenager, would use it to symbolize annoyance when her younger siblings would complain about her to their parents. What she wouldn’t give to have parents to complain to about these experiments she was forced to partake in.
“Now, reapply your eye mask.” She did as she was told, for no one could enter a space with her until she put the mask on, and she was all too eager to be escorted back to her room - the only place she was somewhat able to be alone.
As she placed the fabric over her closed eyelids, the sleeves of her long shirt rode up to reveal the lettering on her wrist;
She then settled both arms down her sides. And with that, the door to the room opened before she felt two strong hands on her shoulders begin to push and guide her towards the next destination.
“Seven!” The loud call of her name startled the young woman out of her flashback-induced trance. For that she was grateful - she hated reliving the years she spent as an experiment for the twisted wackjob she used to call “father.”
The door to her room swung open, revealing the owner of said voice from before. “Please come talk some sense into El, I beg of you.” Now the only twisted wackjob she had to listen to was the lovely Jim Hopper, who’s current facial expression was a hilarious cocktail of desperation and exasperation as he stood in the doorway. Seven bit her lip to stop a smile from forming at the sight.
“Come on kid, it’s not funny.” He huffed before turning his head to look across the small hallway, aka the location of El’s room, before turning it back to Seven who was currently sitting cross-legged on her bed with a book in her hands and small grin plastered on her face. “Those two are seriously way too close, she needs an older sister to snap her out of this puppy love.”
Seven shook her head lightly as she closed the book she held and placed it on the space beside her. “Now, you know I can’t do that.” She spoke as she stood up from her seat and headed towards her adoptive father. “But I can try to prevent teen pregnancy.” Hopper grimaced at the sentiment but still nodded in agreement as he stepped out of her way.
“It’s something, I guess.” He sighed and rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand. “God forbid the chance of another screaming child around here.”  Seven snickered at the thought, turning her head to look at him before she twisted the doorknob to El’s room. “You know you can’t live without us.” He signed again before saying “Yeah, well sometimes I feel I won’t live much longer because of you two.” This caused her to chuckle before she opened the door and stepped into what could only be two teens up to no good.
Seven heard two gasps as she looked down to find El and Mike scrambling away from each other. She couldn’t help but grin in amusement while watching the two settled down at opposite ends of the mattress, both of their faces flushed red from both the kissing and someone other than Hopper walking in on them.
The room was silent for a few moments, Seven not uttering a word as she crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow at them. Finding the silence unbearable, Mike decided to speak first. “Uh, um, we weren’t doing anything bad, bad.” Eleven quietly nodded as the boy continued his nervous explanation. “And-and, we would never do a-anything that crossed the line.”
Seven looked between the two of them, that eyebrow of hers not wavering as she continued to give them an expectant look – for this is not the first time Hops has begged her to intervene in a teen makeout party in El’s room. “We’re sorry.” The younger girl then spoke up, her brown eyes filled with worry and slight embarrassment – Hops’ scolding has never really phased her, but Seven’s really get to her. Whenever she’s reprimanded by her older sister, which isn’t often, El’s mood hits rock bottom and won’t get better until she and Seven have made up.
“It’s okay, we just really don’t want you two to get carried away.” Seven replied, uncrossing her arms as she moved to sit next to Mike at the end of the bed. “Do you know how hard it is to take care of a baby?” El and Mike both grimaced and made the typical ‘ewie’ sound. “Gross.” Mike stated, “You don’t have to worry about that.”
Seven smiled and patted his shoulder before standing up. “I better not.” With that, she told the two to keep the door relatively ajar and waved them adieu. As she faced the door to her own room, an idea suddenly popped into that big brain of hers – the same one that rears its head every day. That idea being she wanted some Scoops Ahoy ice cream, or really to have Steve Harrington serve her the ice cream, or actually just see Steve in general.
At the beginning of summer, she’d gone to see Steve at his new job in the mall. The two had become relatively, kinda, but still not really good friends since saving Will Byers from the flayer? Hops had absentmindedly pointed out that she was going to the mall an awful lot. He was joking, but she perceived that to be a sign that she should slow down her visits, not wanting to make herself look creepy. Mostly because prior to summer break, the only time she and Steve spent together always consisted of the six kids, Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers, alongside Hops and Joyce Byers or anyone in on the supernatural shit they were all dealing with. It was also spent with a lot of Steve, as Dustin had put it, making “goo-goo” eyes and flirting with her and her not realizing it in the moment so she accidentally makes situations awkward. A perfect example would be when she was cleaning Steve’s wounds after his fight with Billy and he looked up at her with a pained, yet grateful expression. His eyes were twinkling, filled with an emotion she’d couldn’t place as he said, “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” And you know what she said to him? She said, “I fell over Billy, but I landed on you, so it didn’t hurt too badly. I’m sorry about that.” Somehow, he found it in himself to slightly laugh at her response. Choosing to keep quiet as she continued her work.
It was later when Nancy told her that it was a pickup line, which Seven quite literally wanted to kick herself for not realizing that in the moment. In her defense, she was worried about the boy and all of the new friends she’d made, she wasn’t in the headspace to recognize any form of flirtation. Actually, let’s just be real. She doesn’t know how to date. She doesn’t know how to take compliments. She doesn’t know how to flirt. When Steve smiles at her or tells her she’s pretty that poor heart of hers just melts while her brain self-destructs. He’s asked her to go places with him, which she assumes would be considered “dates.” And she really, really wants to go, but there’s always something preventing that “yes” to leave her lips. Something always stopping her from verbally reciprocating his advances.
She knows what that something is. She pretends like she doesn’t, but she knows. She knows she feels like he deserves someone “normal.” Someone who can’t look into your mind, can’t talk to you without even opening their mouth, can’t ‘mind control’ (as Dustin put it) people into doing what she wants. She doesn’t want to acknowledge it because if word ever got to El that she thought this way, she knew it could very well effect how Eleven looks at herself, not that Seven thinks she should. Because she doesn’t, her adoptive sister deserves the world – period. However, everybody is a hypocrite in some sense, and this is where Seven is the definition of. Despite Steve already knowing of her powers, she just can’t bring herself to let him insert her weirdness into his life. She would prefer him never seeing her use her powers at all, thank you.
Shaking herself of these thoughts, she decides it wouldn’t hurt to go see him. She wouldn’t even need to go in and get an ice cream. She would be perfectly fine just glancing at him as she passes the store.
Guess she completely forgot her goal was to not look creepy.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
So there’s this little cartoon you may have heard of...
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As I’ve said on this blog before, I’d never watched all of SatAM. This might be shocking to hear from someone who runs a blog dedicated to Archie Sonic and one of the top twenty Bunnie Rabbot fangirls in the world. But it’s true.
SatAM was very difficult to track down compared to other Sonic cartoons when I was a kid, and I just never got around to watching it as an adult. So for the longest time, I had only ever seen the first episode, which I found uploaded in parts on YouTube in 2007. As the one cartoon featuring the characters I liked from the comics, it became sort of this holy grail of Sonic media for me as a kid, especially with people online always talking it up as the best thing ever and petitioning for a revival. Hell, to this day, a lot of people hold it up as this masterpiece and act like the Archie comics were a complete mockery of it
Anyway so I finally got around to watching the whole series with my boyfriend these past couple weeks, and it was pretty good. So instead of covering a comic today, here are some thoughts on the cartoon that started it all
General Thoughts
SatAM is a pretty good show. It isn’t the greatest piece of Sonic media ever, unlike what some older fans will tell you. It might not even be the best Sonic cartoon (you could easily make a case for the Japanese version of Sonic X, or Sonic Boom if you’re looking for something more comedic). It hasn’t aged the most gracefully, in some ways. The animation’s cheap, the stories sometimes bland. But for a DiC-produced video game cartoon from the early ‘90s, it’s really solid
I think that in many ways, SatAM is carried by the strength of its ideas over its actual execution. The darker, more serious tone is a really cool idea, even if at times it can get a little dull, and even if the show actually gets silly as hell pretty often. (This is a show where Snively literally tortures a captive Antoine by preparing French cuisine improperly.) That opening scene of Robotropolis in the first episode actually sets the mood really well and feels like it came straight out of some cyberpunk anime from the ‘80s or ‘90s. The concept of Robotnik turning people into robot slaves is really cool, even if surprisingly little was done with this aside from Uncle Chuck’s storyline. And I think the Freedom Fighters make a great supporting cast for Sonic, even if the writers didn’t use them to their full potential
Interestingly, I’d often heard from fans that season one was the stronger of the two, when I’d say that the opposite is true. Season one episodes were pretty samey, usually involving low stakes missions to Robotropolis with no real continuity, and Sally ended up being a damsel in distress more than I’d like--hell, so did Bunnie in a few episodes. It wasn’t bad, but it was highly repetitive, and I got a little bored at times. Season two had a few real stinkers (the Antoine episodes) and Dulcy was an unwelcome addition, but I thought the heavier focus on continuity gave the season some real momentum and more emotional weight, which made it way more enjoyable overall
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Things I Liked
Sonic. I quite liked this version of Sonic, actually! Jaleel White is a great Sonic, and he was written pretty well. At times the extremely tubular ‘90s lingo was grating (I never wanna hear “Gotta juice!” again), but I was surprised to see that this version of Sonic had a lot of heart. He really cared about the well-being of his friends and Uncle Chuck, and they even let him cry a couple times. I thought they struck a good balance between snark and sincerity with him
Sally. I don’t think SatAM Sally was perfect, but I liked her. I’m still of the opinion that she should have been given more ways to defend herself physically (maybe some kind of power of her own) so that Sonic didn’t have to save her as much, but I liked the banter she and Sonic had. Unlike the early Archie comics, Sally doesn’t come off as the bossy girlfriend who ruins Sonic’s fun. Maybe it’s Jaleel White and Kath Soucie’s performances doing most of the work, but they had a fun back and forth dynamic, with Sally’s sarcasm keeping Sonic’s ego in check, but there still being clear chemistry between the two of them
I also liked the greatly reduced emphasis on her being a princess compared to much of Archie’s material. Like yeah, it’s there. Her dad’s the king, and left her some classified info via Nicole. But her status doesn’t really affect things much. They don’t talk about her having this grand destiny and being the next in line to rule. It’s clear that she’s in charge of the Freedom Fighters not because of her status, but because she’s smart, brave, and gets shit done. That’s the Sally I like.
Plus! In the finale, Sally insisted upon going with Sonic for the final confrontation, and was a crucial part of the climax. Her powering up with Sonic and matching his speed and strength ruled. Compare that to the climactic defeat of Robotnik in Archie, where she was fucking dead
Robotnik. I don’t think much needs to be said here. Jim Cummings rules as Robotnik, like everyone has always said. He’s just so evil and so much fun to watch
Snively??? I’ve never cared for Snively as a character, but Charlie Adler rules and his over-the-top performance made the character way funnier than he should’ve been. Just something about all the little noises he makes, and the way he almost shifts into the Red Guy voice at times
Nicole. It was fun to see Nicole start to get more of a personality in season two, having some banter with Sonic and also picking up some slang from him. It makes the later decision to turn Sally’s computer into a full character (which would have happened in season three, and obviously eventually became a big subplot in the comics) make a lot of sense
King Acorn. While he was only around briefly, I liked that he wasn’t a huge dick, unlike Archie’s King Max
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Things I Didn’t Like
The misuse of the other Freedom Fighters. This is, by far, the show’s greatest crime.
I already write approximately 100k words a week on this blog about how I think Bunnie Rabbot is amazing and criminally underused, so I’ll keep this brief, but I was shocked to see how little she was used in this show. People tend to say Dulcy stole her screentime in season two, but she didn’t have much to do in the first season either! We somehow never got a single episode focusing on her. The one where she got temporarily deroboticized focused much more on Uncle Chuck. We never got to learn the story behind her roboticization, or delved into her feelings on the matter much. She mostly just served as a positive, lighthearted supporting member of the team who acts cute and gets some funny lines, but usually stays home
Antoine might have been even worse, honestly. Like, they used him so much! They had multiple episodes focusing entirely on him! And yet I’m not sure he ever really helped. Sonic and Sally kept taking him along, but every single time it felt like it would’ve been a wiser decision to bring Bunnie instead. The jokes about his broken English were just dumb, and god, the way he constantly hits on Sally and starts kissing her hand at the most inappropriate times is just SO fucking creepy. SatAM Antoine is just a horrible, one-dimensional stereotype. There’s a reason why readers of the Archie comics wanted him out of the series until later writers majorly rehabilitated him
Rotor also didn’t get much use, which was a shame, but it at least felt like he was used efficiently. I got the vibe that Rotor was much more bitter about the war with Robotnik than his friends, and it would’ve been interesting to see this explored more. At least we got that one fun episode where he went to space with Sonic
Dulcy. Oh my fucking god. I wanted to like Dulcy! I really did! But most of the time she was just a clutz used for comic relief, and they kept reusing the same joke where she crashed, bumped her head, got dizzy, and thought she was talking to her mom. This happened in almost every episode she was in.
The other miscellaneous Freedom Fighters. Like in the early Archie comics, none of the other miscellaneous Mobians they meet were as interesting as the core cast. They just always felt very bland and I was never as invested in them as the writers wanted me to be. Ari was boring, and that episode where they found the underground city and this other dude started hitting on Sally was a drag. Lupe’s cute though
Rings. This is a common problem in Sonic adaptations, but the fact that rings always serve as Sonic’s instant win button kind of sucks. Basically any time Sonic’s in a pinch, he pulls a ring out of his backpack, powers up, and wins. Not exactly a recipe for suspenseful action
Oh, also, I did kinda find it weird how much Sonic and Sally kissed? Like, all the time? Often while their friends just stand there and stare at them? Not something I’d expect from a Sonic cartoon
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Things Archie Did Better
I’ll limit this to the first 50 issues or so, since I don’t think it would be fair to compare two short seasons of SatAM to the highlights of nearly 500 issues of comics
Tails. Tails is okay in SatAM, Archie just used him as Sonic’s sidekick way more. He was barely even in the show. Poor little guy only gets to play dirt hockey all day
Bunnie. Again, Bunnie was underutilized in both series, but the Archie comics did her better. They actually showed the story of how she got roboticized (even if it was a silly story), and they got to flesh her out a bit more. Gallagher showing that she was a carrot farmer before her roboticization and saying she wanted to be a hairdresser was at least something. And as I keep harping on, Rich Koslowski’s backup story in #37 where we find out Bunnie has recurring nightmares about her robot parts taking over and making her a threat to her friends? This single backup story did more to flesh her out than all 26 episodes of SatAM combined
Antoine. Not hard to do better than SatAM here, really. He was really bad early on, serving as little more than Sonic’s punching bag, but eventually they started to set up a romance between him and Bunnie and explored his past a bit, saying that Antoine’s father (his personal role model) was a member of the royal guard who was roboticized in the war. While he still had a long way to go, these were important first steps towards him being a decent character. Hell, these days, being Bunnie’s love interest is one of Antoine’s defining characteristics! And it doesn’t come from the cartoon at all
Roboticization in general. I was surprised how little this came up in the cartoon! In the comics, it’s such a central element. We see more of the heroes’ loved ones turned into robots, and we even got some fun stories where characters like Sonic and Sally were roboticized temporarily. The Freedom Fighters’ efforts to reverse the process was a major part of the plot for quite a while. Bunnie’s fear of losing control is a pretty important part of her character (even if it was only touched on briefly), and after they’re rescued, the rest of the Mobians fear that the “Robians” (including Sonic’s entire family) will turn evil again. It comes up a lot! There are interesting things to discuss here! But SatAM only really talks about Uncle Chuck. We never even see what happened to everyone else
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Closing Thoughts
SatAM is not the best show in the world, but it is a solid and enjoyable one. It’s easy to see why people who grew up with it are fond of it, even if I think that it’s long past time certain fans quit acting like it’s the only valid take on the Sonic source material and petitioning for a third season. At the very least, the concepts and characters introduced here are strong ones, and it’s easy to see how they spawned over 20 years of comics exploring said ideas in greater detail. While I’m not sure I could recommend it to non-fans, I think it’s definitely worth checking out for Sonic fans who missed out on it (especially fans of the Archie comics)
Anyway I got to see Bunnie dropkick some Swatbots twice her height so I had fun
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Jim Kirk x reader (10)
“You’d think a Queen, who functions not only as a civil and political leader, but also as a military one, would know how to not fire a phaser when she didn’t mean to,” you grouched, as Bones fussed over your vitals. “I mean, come on, Bones. I’m a bookworm turned diplomat and even I can handle that.” McCoy grunted something that might’ve almost been a laugh. “Consider yourself damn lucky, kid,” he answered, eventually looking away from your monitor. “She only skimmed your ribs. Any further across and we’d be looking at a heart or lung shot.” “I feel so lucky that the woman who accidentally fired at me didn’t have better aim,” you scowled, making grabby motions at him until he helped you into a sitting position.  “(Y/N)! You’re awake!” Christine smiled, poking her head in. “Tea?” “Please!” you almost begged. She laughed, disappearing for a moment, then returning with two steaming cups of tea, and taking the seat beside your bed.  “How’re the ribs?” she queried, as you clutched your cup of tea like a lifeline. “Well, they were better before some dictatorial ass decided to shoot them,” you huffed, pouting at her, and earning a laugh in return. “But Len was just telling me how many lucky stars I have to count. Even if it does mean I have to spend the next twenty four hours with him.” “It’d be longer if not for your grandparents, so you keep that up and it will be,” Bones snapped back from the other side of the room.  “Oh, you’ll have to release her for the ceremony tonight, McCoy,” Nyota protested, entering the room. “After all, it’s mostly in her honour.” Bones shot her a look, muttering something under his breath, but conceded. “Fine. But I don’t want to see you unattended all night, understood, kid?” he threatened, waving a hypo maniacally. “On pain of hypos, sir,” you mocked, ticking two fingers off your temple in a half-salute. He scowled, but there was no heat behind it.
“And here I thought I was special when Bones threatened me with hypos,” Jim’s familiar voice whined from the doorway. “I thought we had something, Bones. How could you?” McCoy just rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, Jim,” Christine piped up, grinning. “He still keeps the extra large hypos just for you.” “I knew it!” Jim exclaimed, conspiratorially. “Well, I just came to check in on you, (Y/N),” Nyota smiled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Christine and I are off to get ready. We’ll be back to pick you up?” “Beat me to it, Uhura,” Jim protested, his smile broad, but almost shy. Nyota’s smile widened. “We’ll see you there, then,” she finished, as Christine took her hand and pulled her from the room.  “Only if that’s alright with you, of course?” he double-checked, as Bones stalked out, muttering about the true function of a medbay. “Sounds perfect,” you answered, happily. “Although I can’t promise to be ready on time until Len lets me out of this bed!” The response sounded suspiciously like ‘Captain Loverboy can help you perfectly well’, but you ignored that, as Jim held out a hand to help you up. Your legs were a little shaky as you stood up, but the biting sting in your side had subsided. “You’re dressed up already?” you queried, still leaning on Jim’s arm as you made your way towards your quarters. He was wearing a black suit, with a blue shirt that glinted off his eyes. “Well, I, uh,” he stammered a little, rubbing the back of his neck, “I was hoping you’d take me up on the offer. And Bones had already insisted that you shouldn’t be unattended.” “Planning on watching me change, Captain?” He flushed a delightful pink, hurrying to protest at your words. “Relax, Jim. I know what you meant.” You opened the door to your quarters, ordering the lights to a gentle glow. “I’ll wait outside,” he offered, as soon as you were safely holding on to the closet door. 
“S’alright.” You fished through the cupboard. “Have a seat anywhere you like, I won’t be a moment. How posh are we talking?” You drew out a long, dark green silk dress and a short, black a-line. “Posh,” Jim answered, looking over the two dresses. “Green. It’ll do wonders for your eyes.” The corners of your lips tugged upwards as you returned the black dress to its place, and moved into the bathroom. You stripped off the hospital gown and removed the black contacts, grimacing at the broad bandage wrapped around your torso. You fiddled with the strap of your bra, wincing as you reached back to pin it around, the wound catching you halfway. “Jim?” You poked your head out the door, the silk dress pulled up, unzipped, over your front. “This has potential to be an incredibly awkward request, so if you’d prefer to call Ny or Chris, I won’t be offended.” He appeared from the other side of the wardrobe, raising an eyebrow.  “What do you need?” he asked, warily. “I can’t fasten my bra strap or zipper without pulling on the stitches,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks heat.  “Oh, sure, come out and I’ll do it.” He visibly relaxed. You stepped out, clutching the dress to your chest. He made deft work of fastening the two garments, warm, rough fingers brushing briefly over your bared skin. “There we are.” He spun you slowly around to face him. “Magnificent.” You smiled, reaching across to straighten his collar. “You clean up pretty well yourself, Captain.”
“An’ ‘ere’s the woman of the hour,” Scotty announced, dramatically, as you and Jim entered the transporter bay. “An’ the Captain, I s’pose.” Jim slugged him in the arm, good-naturedly, then pulled you forward to present you to the room, with a careful spin. “Cleans up well, too,” Sulu commented, throwing an arm around you, softly. “Welcome to the Enterprise life, (Y/N). Reckon you’ll patch up alright?” “She bloody well better,” Bones threw in, the remark softened by a smile. “Oh, I think I’ll manage.” You looked around at all the smiling faces. “After all, I’m with the best crew in the Fleet, aren’t I? Can’t ask for any better than that.” “Stop, stop,” Uhura argued, her arm still slung over Christine’s shoulder. “You’ll make us blush.” “Alright, alright,” Scotty interjected, eventually, as the discussion devolved into cross-deck banter. “First lot o’ ya on the pads.” Jim guided you across the floor, taking up his position next to you, with Uhura and Christine on your other side, and Bones beside him. Chekov and Sulu stood off to the side with Scotty. “Energise.”
Rixx was even more fantastic at night than it had been in daylight, with sonic lights casting a gentle golden glow over the streets, the rest of the marble city glinting silver in the moonlight. Five queens greeted you all this time, Atraxa smiling benevolently from the centre of the line, dressed once again in the flowing purple robes of the queens. “Your Majesties.” All of you bowed, politely, before Deanna stepped forward. “Rise, crew of the Enterprise,” she instructed, as though the command came from her very nature. “We welcome you. You do not bow to us. You have saved our people and our government today. We feast in your honour.” In front of all of your astonished eyes, she bowed to you, each of the other four queens immediately following suit. Eventually, another of them stepped forward. “I am Queen Ztali,” she said, gesturing several pages to enter. “We present you these gifts of thanks on behalf of our people.” Each page standing in front of one of the senior crew opened the box in their hands, revealing small rings, lined with precious Janaran crystals. “And for the Ambassador, who was injured in defence of one of our children,” Atraxa continued, bringing forward a slightly larger box and presenting it to you. A delicate silver chain sat inside, holding a single, long point of Janaran crystal. “Janaran crystals are powerful healers,” Ztali explained, as each of the pages removed the rings from their boxes and placed them in the hands of the receiver. “They will serve you well.” “May I?” Atraxa requested, lifting the gorgeous necklace. You nodded, turning so that she could fasten the chain around your neck. “I am honoured,” you assured her, clasping her hand. “We all are.” “As we are to have had such beacons of true character among us,” she answered, simply, her old eyes swimming with emotions you weren’t sure you could ever understand. Then she stepped back, and held her arms to the sky. “Let us feast!” 
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mcuspidey-archive · 5 years
Well it's more like an outline. But reader and Tom are costars and they're being interviewed for their film on a late night talk show. The host starts teasing Tom saying, "I heard you improvised a certain scene with y/n. Do you want to share which scene that is?" And Tom gets sooo embarrassed but says that there's an emotional moment or something in the movie where he felt like his character should kiss you (also he really wanted to). And at the end he and reader agree to go on their first date.
reader is mj in this, sorry z! also also this is in NO WAY an intended spoiler for ffh bc i genuinely have no idea about anything but i’ll still tag it
“I’m here with the cast of Spider-Man: Far From Home which hit theaters yesterday…” Jimmy stated as the show came back from a commercial. “Guys, it’s incredible. Truly. I was blown away.”
You smiled, taking in the applause and yelling coming from the live audience. This was not your first talk show but it was for your first big film so it was causing your nerves to get the best of you a little bit. As you sat on the couch next to Tom, you listened as he spoke first, hoping that his voice would help you relax before the attention inevitably shifts to you.
“Thank you, Jim. We had an absolute blast filming it and it’s just… this one’s massive compared to Homecoming. Very special.” As usual, he was suave and perfectly content in the spotlight. He grinned, waving toward every camera as the uproar continued.
“Now we have to talk about a certain scene… Yeah, you know the one.” Kimmel says, his gaze falling on you as everyone else follows, including Tom. But he was giving you a knowing smile because you had talked about this. That it was bound to happen and you didn’t really mind, you would answer any questions that you could and move on.
“That scene was… it was perfect. I mean it really took Peter and MJ’s relationship a little farther than I think everyone was expecting but,” you laughed, feeling the blush on your face as Tom listened and nodded.
“Was the kiss scripted?”
And there it was.Everyone ooh’d and aah’d, waiting for one of you to answer but you honestly wanted to hear what Tom was going to say so you let him take it.
“It was not.”
“WHAT? So how did it-“
“Fine. Alright, alright. It was me. Y/N just looked so beautiful and I had to. But look at her…” Tom turned so he was completely facing you, his knee from the way he had been sitting, bumped your leg and he patted it gently to make sure you were okay before continuing. At this point, the audience was going wild, everyone agreeing with him and cheering. So much that you were left speechless, mostly because of what he said.
Of course you had managed to fall for him as you filmed. You spent nearly all your time together and somewhere between the first script readings and the kiss that was never supposed to happen but did, you realized that it was more than a “just friends” situation. For you at least.
“How could I not?” Tom asked, his smile literally radiating as that same pinkish tint grew under his eyes.
“Okay, stop.” You chuckled, nudging him playfully with your shoulder. “Yeah it was all him.” More laughter exploded through the studio. “No but it was definitely very special and ended up making it in the movie and… I’m glad.”
“Sooo are you two official yet or?” Jimmy leaned forward, toward Tom who was still just staring at you.
“No, Jim. I haven’t asked her out yet…”
He said it quietly and as if he had already been wanting to and now he had no choice, but you were happy for the push. Because both of you were far too nervous to make the first move and it never came up again until now.
“Well…” The host, along with the audience and the entire world, waited anxiously.
Tom laughed, the sound lighthearted and soft as he raised that always unruly eyebrow toward you. “What’dya say, Y/N?”
Your cheeks turned hot again, watching his smile grow and bringing out the little eye crinkles you couldn’t help but always notice. The studio was almost quiet, patiently waiting for you to give him your answer.
“Alright, Holland. A date sounds great.”
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