#the new tag is for organization purposes
lonelimbless · 10 months
Ly, Ashlen, Betina doing Yoga.
Ly is effortlessly in a complex yoga pose balancing on one finger. Meanwhile Ashlen kinda confused cause she’s limbless so there’s not much to stretch and Betina is struggling to so much as lift a leg.
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I tried with the poses, not most familiar with yoga.
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mantisgodsart · 6 months
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We have finally finished this project, and thus, The World's Worst Dating Sim is finally DONE! Just in time for April Fools Day. Now, with our six new contestants, choose, uhh... who's dateable? Or not dateable? This last batch was determined almost entirely by People Telling Us Who To Add, contains multiple AUs, and is... hmm. "Unconventional" may be a good term? Half of these are probably undateable but you can still shoot your shot.
As previously, it can be a platonic date if you want, you just can't be neutral. Deadlander Lambda belongs to @cordycepsbian and has been moved into our studio for duration of this poll. Profiles below the cut.
(we're linking the first poll here)
Deadlander Lambda - Maybe - Deadlander - Good question - At least a little bit
This, uhh...
...is this safe? We don't think this is safe. ..."Already had kids before"? What do you mean it's a parent?
...well, we can't get it out of the studio, so it's an option now? We guess? This... really doesn't seem like a good idea.
Rogu - He/him - Ant drone - Very rude to ask a gentleman that, don't you think? - I wouldn't worry about that.
A charming mystery from somewhere only described as "a faraway land", though he wasn't quite scheduled in this lineup, we think we can make an exception. This silver-tongued bug seems to be able to say just what's needed to get under your skin... and from the look of it, he's angling to take you somewhere private.
...come to think of it, haven't we seen that face before? On a poster, maybe? Well, it's not a surprise he's been modelling for things, he's certainly got a pretty enough face for it, but why do we feel... nervous, all of a sudden?
Carmina - She/(scribbled in)it - (illegible) - (illegible) - (illegible)(scribbled out with "No longer relevant" written in its place)
...where is she? She was meant to show up hours ago. What on earth could have held her up this long?
Pebbles - He/him - Moth ("iterator") - Juvenile (estimated) - Unclear
Right out of surgery, this one. While we're not sure if it's entirely responsible to include this one, and we certainly don't speak whatever language he's speaking... he's cute, isn't he? And looking for a home? Well, maybe if you're the sort of person who might want to rescue a domestic moth in a bad situation...
Wereweevil Vi - It/its (wereweevil form) - Wereweevil - 19 - Aro
Pre-existing hangups mean that you can only date this one in wereweevil form. Good luck.
Kina - She/her - Mantis (big) - Haven't asked - Also haven't asked    
Well, we assume that you can do less lethal than the bandit who people mostly know thanks to her former job as a corpse disposal unit, but some people might be into that sort of thing, honestly. Are you, perchance, also a mantis?
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kiwicosmic · 11 months
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yo (+ potts)
i have a bunch of redesigns for my AU but not enough confidence to post them, so ill drip feed Echoes content into my content
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gorvamp · 3 months
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i'm earning back my title as number 1 celeste fan. hello nauseatingly beautiful woman in my phone screen
celeste (she/they) belongs to @signiko !
+ lineart below the cut :3
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beantothemax · 3 months
I know you don't really care much for elden ring, but there is this one character in the new dlc that you would love
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He's an old ham and he screams a lot and very loud and his voice acting is incredible
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catalystnick · 1 year
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gnorp gnarp 🐝
I can’t NOT draw her??? I love her design so much. Kesha fox-bee-fly real.
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camels-pen · 7 months
gang you're not gonna believe what i just found looking through my google drive
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thegeneticopera · 1 year
Amber gifs please!!!
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everyone always requests amber what is wrong with you all !!!!! ☹️💔
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
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old Leo vs Usagi doodle from start of october (this month) but idk where I was going with this (cept that maybe this is some mindcontrolled leo)
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lottieurl · 3 months
does anyone know if tumblr does smth to posts tagged as donations?
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cordycepsbian · 1 year
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sort of theory that each of the downpour slugcats is the last one reincarnated (stolen from youtube comments)
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lazereyez · 1 year
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nientedal · 1 year
I just saw ANOTHER post lamenting this change, so I'm just gonna say "fuck it" and make a how to do the thing post, and if I'm misunderstanding the outrage... lol, this is tumblr, I'm sure someone will tell me.
Currently, if you want to go to a post in the middle of a reblog thread, you have to click the empty space in what I call the reblog header. The reblog header is the space that holds a user's name and reblog details, and on desktop, it turns a different color when you move your cursor over it. It's this space:
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It doesn't change colors on mobile, obviously, because no cursor, but I think tapping is a little more intuitive on mobile anyway and afaik this particular thing has been this way here for a while now...? Whatever. Anyway, that's how you get to a mid-thread reblog!
(I actually do kinda like this new setup. It's not perfect, it can be annoying if someone's URL is long or if I accidentally click "Follow" instead of the header space. But overall, the space to click into a prior reblog is bigger now and I like that. I don't think I'll have to worry as much about mouse precision or drowsy coordination issues, which is nice. Maybe I'll be able to use the desktop version more.)
However, this means that in order to see "prev tags," you apparently have to click into the notes view and scroll until you find them. That's annoying for those who want to see them, and I can't blame anyone for being irritated. If you're new here you may be surprised to learn "prev tags" is fairly recent, so my recommendation (if you're looking for an alternative) is to put the actual tags from the user you're reblogging from, instead. This was normal prior to the "prev tags" trend if you wanted to share tags without screenshotting them, and it seems like tumblr has made it super easy now. The mobile app now automatically suggests the previous tags, and on desktop, they show up in a dropdown when you click to tag your post. Personally, I like to put "<-borrowing your tags bc funny" or "<-stole your tags for truth" or something right after, so I don't feel like I'm taking credit for someone else's phrasing. But either way, it's handy for your followers to be able to read the tags you liked without having to click to a different blog.
I'm hoping this particular change will be seen as useful after the rocky adjustment period is over.
All this being said, I personally like these particular changes, but I wish Tumblr would not roll out changes as rapidly as they seem to be recently. Either change everything at the same time or give it a rest, holy shlamoly! I stopped using Facebook because it seemed like every time I opened it, something was different, and it became jarring and uncomfortable to try to use. I'm starting to have a similar feeling about tumblr, and I don't like it.
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townslore · 2 years
im gonna start adding a pro/ship dni to all my shuake art from now on, nothing triggered this so far but i wanna stay on the safe side
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andnatiabrosca · 2 years
very suddenly obsessed with the way that videogames, thru using a dialogue wheel, can inform the player of different dimensions while also allowing the player character freedom of expression*
specifically, I'm thinking about how dao can allow the warden to be horribly kind and polite when speaking to Cailin/talking to Duncan afterwards, while also emphasizing how foolish Cailin's optimism is, and tension between races. (Iirc these specific lines are along the lines of "He's a fool, isn't he" and "You're no king of mine, human/shem lord")
*to the degree allowable by confines of coded interactions
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bunbun206 · 6 months
Seeing that height post about mobians. It kinda weird how I’m taller now. If I think about it it feels weird. Kinda like that one night I swear I felt like I had quills but I didn’t.
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