#the name was changed in december 1992 either way and the show is set in 1991 so the change might happen in the show
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alicepao13 · 5 months ago
I think it's funny that the show is called NCIS: Origins but it's actually about NIS because NCIS doesn't exist yet in this timeline.
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catalinaroleplay · 4 years ago
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Gender & Pronouns: Gender non-conforming, he/they
Date of Birth: February 29th, 1992 (28)
Place of Birth: Quebec, Canada
Neighborhood: Avalon
Length of Residency: Since 1997 — Returned December 2020
Occupation: Street Performer and Delivery boy at Red Dragon
Face Claim: Avan Jogia
TRIGGERS: Divorce.
The journey from Quebec to California was a long and tiring one, but lucky for Miles, he slept most of the way. His journey began when he was 5 years old, when his mother made the bold decision to move for not only a change in scenery, but for a change in lifestyle. Miles was much too young to remember the details of his parents’ divorce, but he knew enough to know that his mother was not happy taking care of two children and run a house. Miles had a solid excuse though, he actually was a child, his father on the other hand was a full-grown adult that acted like a child. A divorce and a flight later, Miles and his, now happier, mother landed in California.
It was a calculated decision from his mother, Catalina was the home to her parents, and they welcomed their daughter and grandson with open arms. The now four-person household did struggle for a while, between his mother trying to find decent work and his grandparents adjusting to having more people in the house than it could accommodate, money was tight but they managed with what they had. Growing up around his grandparents meant that Miles grew up in a very relaxed atmosphere, there was no shouting, no fights, just plenty of good food and good memories. With the beach as a backyard, life was a lazy Sunday stroll, and that defined his personality.
Miles never had the urge to contact his father, from all the things his mother told him, he seemed like a dead-beat and Miles was more than happy to take his mother’s advice and not reach out. When his mother re-married, he was the best man, and his step-dad filled all the missing gaps his biological father left behind. Miles had nothing but good things in his home life, but good things were not happening in his school life. Barely scarping through school, Miles struggled to get decent grades. It was through sheer luck he graduated high school and though he preferred not to, college was the inevitable next step and it took him away from the resort town. Never the studious type, Miles preferred to hit the green stuff (thank god for Cali) after school than books, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he was not made for higher education. His parents did try to convince him, and even force him at times, but that went nowhere and they’d much rather have him working and earning than flailing class after class. So, before he got kicked out of college, he dropped out after a year. But that one year at college was enough for Miles. Experimenting with everything, he soon figured out life was more than rigid social structures; the decision to rid himself of gender binary came as easy as breathing.
Not much of a planner, Miles took on problems as they came and went with the flow most of young and now adult life. Moving out was another obstacle they had to deal with. While living at his grandparents was nice and all, they needed their own space and Miles wasn’t about to crash at his parent’s house forever either, he needed to find a place for himself but that was a mission. Like a true vagabond, Miles never could settle down in a place for long, the constant need for change took his all over the country, a few months here, a few there, home was wherever he wanted it to be.
To support themself, Miles worked many jobs (mostly due to his inability to stick a job), Miles jumped from being a personal assistant to a dog-walker, and everything in between, but his favourite and by far the most entertaining was being a street performer. Entertaining people with his magic tricks and seeing the wonder in their eyes made Miles the happiest. His magic started off as a little thing to make his grandparents and his mum smile, but the more he did them and took on their encouragement to learn new tricks, the happier he got. While it wasn’t the highest paying job it was the one that he spent most of his time on. Tips could only afford him a hot meal and that too only sometimes, if he wanted to start saving for better things, Mason knew he had to get his act together. Finding a solid paying job without a degree was hard, but he found his saviour. While in college, Miles decided being in a band was a better worth of time than getting a degree, they had to disband after Miles dropped out, but years of floating around unsteady jobs and nothing to show for it, Miles contacted his old bandmates and they started playing again, but in Vegas this time. Their band, Fever Dream, was finally discovered and they went from busking, to getting random gigs at local bars, to playing at small indie festivals and soon had a solid following which prompted them to release a full-fledged studio album. Touring the country seemed like a good decision at the time too, and it went rather well until creative differences broke them apart. Three years together fell apart in less than 3 hours.
That feeling of loss hit harder than expected. Miles never had a plan B, no backups or a safety net to catch when they fell, but by some stroke of luck, or pity, their manager found Miles another musical gig. Wolfe Harwen’s name was talk of the town, and it was a stroke of luck Miles had this opportunity to play under the rising star, or well at least he was told that. An attempt was made, but Miles loved the easiness of Fever Dream; they had no set practice times, you show up when you do and play what you can, it was chaotic and messy but they worked well. Rigidity and structure went against every cell in their body, but it’s what the new label required.
‘It would be best of both parties if Miles stepped down’
That made them laugh. Miles had been fired multiple times, but that was by far the most polite way of it. No harsh feelings though, his heart wasn’t in music that demanded seriousness.
Returning to Catalina was supposed to the ‘all hope lost, last stop’ and knocking on their parents door felt a bit like defeat, but funds ran out and homesickness sunk in, forcing them to settle down for the foreseeable future.
Positive: Creative | Optimistic | Easygoing
Negative: Lazy | Forgetful | Gullible
Miles Mahir is portrayed by Pace.
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redsoapbox · 4 years ago
Now that December is finally here, the McGrath household can upgrade the nightly Christmas movie from Hallmark seasonal romance to accepted Christmas classic. (Although in admitting defeat on winning the girls over on Miracle on 34th Street - either version) - I have to acknowledge that the list of films that we can all agree on as festive classics is a little shorter than I would like.
Here is my list of top ten Christmas movies -
10. The Santa Clause (1994) - John Pasquin
John Pasquin’s cinematic debut, he had previously worked on numerous T.V. shows including Newhart and Thirtysomething, opens with the risky gambit of having Santa fall to his death from the roof of Scott Calvin’s home. Calvin (Tim Allen), believing his home is being burgled, confronts Santa and startles him into plummeting to his doom. Before you know it, and after much urging from his son Charlie (Eric Lloyd), Calvin has donned the big red suit and his transformation into Santa has begun.
The Santa Clause combines rather broad comedy - there is much fun to be had with Calvin’s overnight weight gain and Charlie’s class presentation on how his Dad is actually Santa - with the usual Christmas sentiment. In this particular case, the healing of Scott’s relationship with Charlie and ex-wife Laura (Wendy Crewson).
A pre-Buzz Lightyear Allen gives a virtuoso performance as the would-be St Nick, and that went a long way to making the film a hit at the box office, spawning two sequels The Santa Clause 2 (2002) and The Santa Clause 3 (2006).
9. The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) - Bharat Nallur
I reviewed this thought-provoking film on how Charles Dickens’ saved Christmas at the time of it’s release -
8. Get Santa (2014)  - Christopher Smith
When the always over-generous Empire film magazine only gives a movie two stars, then you know that you are going out on a very thin limb indeed. Still, a lot of what I want from a Christmas movie - a story about redemption, likeable characters with likeable lead actors, a splash of humour, a touch of Christmas magic, and, finally, a guaranteed have-to-make-a-quick-exit-to-the-kitchen-to-compose-myself ending - are all present and correct here. And Get Santa really delivers - like a hard-working postman trudging through six feet of snow on Christmas Eve just to make sure that your Auntie Maureen’s card can take its proper place on your mantelpiece.
Get Santa has a best of British cast too; Rafe Spall as ex-con Steve, Jodie Whittaker as his estranged wife and Jim Broadbent as a banged up Santa. Throw in Stephen Graham, Warwick Davis and Joanna Scanlan and you have the second best cast Christmas movie ever (nothing is ever going to beat Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore and Henry Travers in IAWL).
This may be the film on the list that you are most likely to have not seen, so in an effort to shore up support for this selection, I call my star witness - Mark Kermode who had this to say in his three-star Guardian review ‘It’s sweet -natured fare, boosted with spirited comic performances (Broadbent is a particular treat) and served up with plenty of DIY sparkle’.
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Henry Selick
Tim Burton’s unique vision of Christmas/Halloween is brought to life by Henry Selick, a gifted animator who had worked for Walt Disney Studios and in a freelance capacity before making his name with this masterpiece. I simply didn’t get this on release (my admittedly old-fashioned notion of what constitutes a Christmas movie forming a great big mental road block to a full appreciation of the imagination, visual style, black humour, gothic charm and exquisite pathos on display here), and it was only through a recent viewing with my children as part of our Halloween movie get togethers that I finally saw the light. Jack Skellington (voiced by Chris Sarandon) is a captivating character, brought to life by Danny Elfman’s songs and Selick’s ground breaking animation, and his desperate quest for belonging is one that we can all sympathise with, especially at Christmas. 
6. Remember The Night (1940) - Mitchell Leisen
This is a golden-age of Hollywood classic screwball comedy, starring the legendary Barbara Stanwyck, arguably the greatest comedienne in Hollywood history, Fred MacMurray, arguably the nicest guy in film history (at least until his turn as the murderous Walter Neff in Billy Wilder’s terrific noir Double Indemnity), and penned by arguably the funniest man in film history, Preston Sturges.
James Harvey in his 700-page opus Romantic Comedy in Hollywood (From Lubitsch to Sturges), which is, arguably, the best ever book about Hollywood, reveals that it was the shabby treatment (in Sturges’ not so humble opinion) of his screenplay, and the slow pacing of Leisen’s direction, that drove the screenwriter to extraordinary lengths to gain control of his own movies - basically making a deal with Paramount that he would sell them his next screenplay for a nominal sum of ten dollars as as long as he got to direct the picture. That deal changed movie history, setting the precedent of a writer / director that Orson Welles was soon to follow with Citizen Kane (1941).
The plot is a unique one, not that it truly matters in a Sturges movie, and centres around hardboiled career criminal Lee Leander (Stanwyck) having to choose between spending jail in Christmas or being released into the custody of her prosecuting attorney John Sargant (MacMurray). Hey, I didn’t say it made any sense! Of course, the season works its magic and, hey presto, one reformed criminal later Christmas love is in the air!
5. The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) - Brian Henson
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is the greatest Christmas story ever written, and arguably the main reason that Christmas in Britain is celebrated in quite the way that it is today (see The Man Who Invented Christmas above). There have been all manner of adaptations down the years, and here it is re-imagined as a vehicle for Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzy and co in a way that works beyond anybody’s wildest expectations.
All the human drama, the pathos, the cry from the heart for social justice that Dickens conveyed in his peerless book survives this, the most unlikely of screen adaptations. Much of the credit must go to Michael Caine, who despite sharing top billing with a bunch of muppets, emerges as a genuine contender for the crown of greatest screen Scrooge. Throw in a script by Jerry Juhl, which has The Great Gonzo as Charles Dickens, narrating his ghostly tale with a straight face, and Paul Williams’ super sing-along songs  “Marley and Marley” “One More Sleep ‘Till Christmas” and “Thankful Heart” , and you have an all time Christmas classic that can be enjoyed by everyone from 1 to 92. Bravo!  
4. ELF -  (2003)  John Favreau
Elf is the Shawshank Redemption of Christmas Movies - no matter who, where  or when you poll an audience, this charmingly comic celebration of Christmas always punches above its weight, getting the better of some very famous films in the process. Elf finished 10th in the IMDB poll for Greatest Christmas Movie and came 2nd in both the Time Out and Radio Times polls. It’s A Wonderful Life always, always comes top, but as someone who is still reeling from Citizen Kane losing first place to Vertigo in Sight and Sound’s celebrated Greatest Movie poll, I can see a time when Elf goes one better too.
Elf has a career-best performance from Will Ferrell, a winningly elfin turn from Zooey Deschanel and a series of fine cameo’s from Bob Newhart, Ed Asner, Faizon Love and Peter Dinklage as “angry” elf Miles Finch to recommend it, but it’s the hard to beat combination of laugh-out-loud set pieces, father and son second chances, and an opposites attract love story to top them all that makes this a genuinely affecting festive treat.
3. A Christmas Carol (1999) - David Jones
Of the umpteen takes on Dickens’ grasping miser, of which Alastair Sim’s turn as Scrooge (1951) is by far the most celebrated, I just prefer Patrick Stewart in this excellent T.V. movie. This may seem a deliberately obscure choice, but that is far from the case. Firstly, there is an A-list cast featuring Richard E Grant, Saskia Reeves, Dominic West and, at the top the bill, Stewart himself. 
As Screen Rant describes it, ‘Stewart plays a far more blunt, bitter and straight forward version of the miser... without feeling maniacal’. In short, he underplays the part, keeping the mugging down to a minimum. The clincher, though, is Stewart’s handling of the scene when he awakes to find it is still Christmas morning and that the spirits have granted him a second chance at life after all. He tries to emit a happy, life-affirming laugh, but is so unused to the sensation that he almost chokes himself. Wonderful stuff! There will be all the usual Scrooges to choose from this Christmas - Sim, George C Scott and Albert Finney amongst them, but the Stewart version will be there somewhere in the middle of the night on ITV3. If you peruse the Radio Times long enough you’ll find it.
2. Miracle on 34th Street - George Seaton (1947)  &  Les Mayfield (1994)
Okay, a bit of false accounting going on here in grouping the two films together. The original is the better version, but I’ve always loved the re-make too. After all, who can’t bring themselves to believe in Dickie Attenborough as Kris Kringle! Both films are perfectly cast - the romantic leads John Payne and Maureen O’ Hara are convincing enough in the black and white original, but are probably just shaded on the chemistry front by Dylan McDermott and Elizabeth Perkins. The unhappy children are sensationally cast, with Natalie Woods and Mara Wilson coming out even. The unthinkable happens, though, when it comes to the playing of Kris Kringle, because although Dickie scores a fab 9 out of 10 on my Santometer, Edmund Gwenn, who picked up a best supporting actor Oscar for his Kringle, scores a perfect 10.
The Oscar-winning original story, by Valentine Davies, must be known to just about everyone by now - a perfectly nice old man, given to the belief that he is really Kris Kringle, becomes, more by accident than design, Macy’s famous department store Santa. No sooner is he in post, than Kris begins to challenge the corporatisation of Christmas, directing customers to other toy stores all over town, where hard up parents can buy their presents at discount prices. He is about to face the sack, when Macy’s realise that he is a great loss leader for them, prompting arch rivals Gimbles to try and nobble him. Kris is committed to an institution for the insane on cooked up charges, and a battle rages to secure his release by Christmas Eve, so that the children of the world won’t be disappointed on Christmas morning! Each film uses an interesting plot device to allow a judge, desperate not to be seen as the man who gives a court ruling that Santa doesn’t exist, a way out without losing face, and there is a happily romantic final scene to round things off in the accepted festive manner.
1. It’s a Wonderful Life - Frank Capra (1946)
I reviewed this seasonal great for Wales Arts Review last Christmas -
The next best Christmas films - The Bishop’s Wife, Arthur Christmas, A Christmas Story, Christmas in Connecticut
Merry Christmas to all.
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lunamanar · 7 years ago
Hey, Luna, are you still doing the ask thing? If so, I was wondering if you had any headcanons regarding the Leonhart and Heartilly extended families? As in, do Squall, Linoa or Ellone have other still living relatives? People always talk about the parental issues in this game, but the rest of their families possibly being around never gets brought up.
I’m always “doing the ask thing,” haha~ 
(pardon me I’m gonna ramble real quick and then I’ll answer your actual questions)
I actually used to do this quite a lot before I got a new job and had to move my entire family of three people and eight(8, VIII) cats 500 miles northbound. Which was…incredibly stressful, and I just had no energy or brainspace left at the end of each day to communicate much, if at all, with large groups of people. So this stuff was right out. It pretty much tore me away from tumblr for a year and a half. I’ve been really bummed about that and kept trying to “get back into it,” but my several meager attempts at jumping back in got sidetracked by life responsibilities, and especially with tumblr’s new restrictions on external links not being searchable, the whole trawling for art thing I used to do just isn’t as feasible at this point in time because I have to edit each post very carefully so it will still show up in a search. That’s time-consuming. Maybe when I go back to 3rd shift in December (I hope) I’ll be able to art-hunt “full time,” again, but I just have a limited space in which to do that, now. 
However, I can still do asks! And I really enjoy them, they’re fun and engaging and, hell I admit, I like it when people want to hear my opinion on things. But I was having a hard time, uh…asking for asks, haha. It felt too much like I was begging for attention. But then stuff happened and I had the worst pain spike I’ve had all year, and I kinda just broke down and said I needed a distraction. My chronic pain issues can be absolutely debilitating, and can lay me flat in bed for days (I had to take two days off work last week). But if I can manage to engross myself in something creative, it’s like a shot of cortisone. I think I get something of a rush, an adrenaline/endorphin kick out of it, and it does a lot to mitigate whatever the hell it is that causes my problem. I mean, that’s probably true of a lot of illnesses; you get attention and positive feedback and your brain rewards you with pleasant chemicals. But whatever, it worked and now I feel like I’m getting back in the game. I just have to keep the momentum up, now. 
*cough* Ahem. So you asked me a thing. I will answer. 
I do have headcanons about Squall’s extended family, specifically. I’ve not built out Rinoa’s yet…partially because it just never really comes up in the stories I’ve either plotted out or written. So I can’t answer that part of it–yet–but I can talk about Squall’s. 
Working backwards: starting with Laguna’s side, Laguna is the oldest of two siblings, and not one, but both of them are kinda “black sheep” in the family. Partially it was their upbringing; Their mother, Elga Loire, was overworked and underappreciated, often working two jobs to keep food on the table (which she did very well). She didn’t have a lot of time to spend with her kids because of this, and the main reason for it was that their dad, Sevren Jr., was…kind of a loser? I mean, no, that’s not a good word, but a lot of people would call him that. He was an inventor. And always, always on the verge of the one that would make it big, this time. Automated chocobo saddles, “sliding” shoes to make walking more efficient, paramagic-powered chairs….yyyeah. You get why they were broke all the time. Sevren often traveled to demonstrate his newest creations, so he was absent a lot of the time, too. But when he came back, he would always bring the boys–Laguna and River (you must see where I’m going with this double-entendre)–some new toy or strange item from whatever country or town he’d visited. 
This was fascinating to Laguna, in particular. Even as a kid, he dreamed of traveling the world. When he got older, joining the army seemed like the fastest way to do that, soooo….he roped his two best friends into joining with him. Heh. 
Now, River…wasn’t into that stuff so much. He thought it was silly. He preferred to help Elga when she was at home, and even when she wasn’t, he ended up doing a lot of the house chores while his older brother went out and nearly died repeatedly trying to do dumb things. River was ‘fine’ just keeping to himself, reading and listening to music when he could get the radio to pick something up. As he grew up, he became a bit of a…punk? Like, he would be listening to Bad Religion in 1992. On the other hand, maybe Dream Theater when he was feeling happy. I imagine him looking a lot like Leon in KH2, but with hazel eyes (Sevren’s were brown) and no Griever all over his clothes. He cut his own hair so it always looked a bit jagged and unkempt, and he left it semi-long. Just generally prescient. He became pretty resentful of authority because he saw how it treated his mother and conspired to keep them all poor, and him too, when he got old enough to get a job (Laguna never had one until the army). It made him all the more determined to help his mother (and father, to an extent) weather the storm until the tides changed. 
But then…well. They changed. But not for the better. Their dad died, and very suddenly, of an embolism. And, bitter as she was about having to support the family nearly single-handedly, Elga Loire loved Sevren quite a bit, and fell into some pretty deep broken heart syndrome. Inconsolable, she lost both her jobs. Laguna had already traipsed off to the army with his friends, and wouldn’t be aware of any of this for several weeks. River was left to care for their mother alone, and although they owned their small home, she had to sell it just to make ends meet. She moved in with a friend, and River…well, she sent him to the army, too. She insisted, thinking it was the best way to get both her sons out of this mess. Laguna already seemed to be doing well. 
River did not do so well. He survived boot camp, but deserted his first year in service. 
Laguna never heard from him, after that…and their mother passed away not too long afterward. 
So…that’s Laguna’s end of it. As far as anyone knows, River is still out there. But Laguna hasn’t seen him in nearly 30 years. So, Squall has a missing uncle out there, somewhere, maybe. 
Raine’s side…haha, geez, I might need to make a chart. In some ways, Raine is easier because she has no siblings and doesn’t know who her dad is. But I’ve traced her lineage back a bit further, and it gets…weird, in places. I might not be able to describe all of it, here. 
Raine’s mother’s name is Gale. Gale is still alive, and Squall does meet her, once. It’s a solemn, one-time meeting, more an acknowledgement than a reunion. But it’s good. Gale is very practical. She never married, and never told Raine’s father she was pregnant (she didn’t like him for a permanent fixture). She was also a businesswoman. She owned and ran a hotel in middletown Dollet for many years. That’s where Raine got a lot of her experience before setting out on her own. Gale has sandy brown hair that she keeps short, and looks a bit like a taller Ellone in business casual, haha. But, but–those blue eyes. She has those. Her relation to Squall is evident. 
It’s important to remember that although I enjoy both “he named himself” and “it’s Raine’s maiden name” theories, I’m pretty firmly in the camp of Raine’s last name being Leonhart. The story of Gale’s mother, Shiara (this is Arashi [storm] with the syllables reversed), depends on it, because she is the originator. I can’t detail the entire thing here–just too long–but the brief synopsis is that Shiara was a sorceress, in a time when sorceresses (”witches”) and “resistance” groups hell-bent on killing them all were in a state of cold war with one another. When Shiara became a sorceress, she panicked and ran away. She ended up being captured by one of these resistance factions, and had what I can only call a very complicated relationship with the faction’s leader, Dericho (this is the river Jericho with the first letter changed, making it phonetically very similar to Derecho, which is yet another type of storm). 
Dericho’s faction was called, yes, the Pride, and they operated under a familiar leonine emblem. Of all his ancestors, Squall probably most closely resembles Dericho facially. Dericho is slightly shorter, his hair is a bit darker, and his eyes are a bit more on the grey side, but his posture, the way he carries himself, his facial expressions, his voice, even the sweep of his hair and the length he tends to keep it are all very familiar. A lot of those qualities were apparently recessive and just skipped a couple generations before thy found a match and popped up again. 
How Shiara came to have Gale is a story I’d personally rather tell in prose, but I will say that it was Dericho who essentially named her, telling her in all his years of vetting people who want to be worthy of being called a Lion, Shiara was the only person he’d met with the heart of one. She carried that with her the rest of her life.
She is not, sadly, alive, having died at a ripe old age (and not terribly, since she was prepared with a willing successor nearby). She never actually told Gale about her powers, and to the very last, Gale never knew. The touch of sorcery ended there, seemingly. Dericho is also gone. 
But I’m not done yet. One more generation, and this time, Hyne’s power is quite evident. Dericho’s mother, Hanwei, was a sorceress, his father was her knight, and they were quite open about it, feeling safe with it in their particular neck of the woods. Dericho was very familiar with the touch of his mother’s magic–she used it with him the way any mother would use a gentle hand, soothing scraped knees, gently grabbing his arm to pull him out of trouble–from fifteen feet away. His father, Mael[strom], was quite happy in his service to his wife and sorceress, and both Dericho’s parents loved him very much. When they embraced him, he could feel their connections tangling around him, and it was a very comfortable, safe way to be a child. 
Of course, we can’t have that, can we?
When Dericho was about 5 or 6, they had been attending a fair that ran late into the night. Dericho started to nod off, so they went home early. It was a short distance, so they decided to walk instead of paying to ride a carriage to their home. Unfortunately, as you can probably guess, they were ambushed, by a particularly nasty faction called the Ridgebacks. Upon discovering Hanwei was a sorceress…well, let’s say the result was not pretty. At all. Dericho watched both his parents die, and his mother in particular, because she had no nearby successor. He was then “adopted” by the very faction who murdered his parents before his eyes. 
Without going into specifics, they took this traumatized child, a blank slate, and turned him into one of them. But…not quite. By 17, Dericho didn’t know any other way of existing than as part of the factions, anymore, but he knew he still hated the Ridgebacks for what they had done. He murdered his “mentor” of a dozen or so years, killed several people, and took several more boys near his age on his way out of that particular clan. He started his own faction, with his own rules, and one was a “special” way of dispatching witches without having to burn them to dust. The Pride made their name on this and other standards which set their bar just a tad higher. They’d been in operation for almost ten years when Shiara showed up. 
Then, as I said, things got complicated. 
I should also note that Shiara and Dericho both lived in Centra. It was not long after Shiara flew free that the fateful Lunar Cry occurred, which deposited the Crystal Pillar and destroyed a third of the continent. Shiara barely escaped that disaster with her life…and her newborn daughter. 
So….yeah, I think that’s about it, for now. If I ever get to working out my Rinoa’s tree, maybe I’ll put that up here as well, but for now, Squall’s all I’ve got, and his is hell in a handbasket. 
I hope you enjoyed it, though!
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junker-town · 5 years ago
TITLELESS: 16 NBA teams who were robbed of a championship
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Peja Stojakovic, Chris Webber, and Mike Bibby were an iconic trio for the Kings.
Enjoy this eclectic mix of NBA What Might Have Beens.
The cover art for our final Titleless division is meant to be taken figuratively, not literally. Some of these 16 teams were unjustly “robbed” of their chance to win a championship. Others were thwarted by unforeseen circumstances: injuries mostly, but also their own incompetence and other bizarre factors. They were “robbed” in the sense that cosmic forces conspired to destroy their title dreams or cut short potential dynasties.
Enjoy this eclectic mix of NBA What Might Have Beens.
16. 1996-97 Detroit Pistons
ERA: Young Grant Hill
RECORD: 54-28
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in first round to Atlanta Hawks (3-2)
KEY STAR(S): Grant Hill
COACH: Doug Collins
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Joe Dumars, Lindsey Hunter, Otis Thorpe, Terry Mills, Theo Ratliff, Aaron McKie, Grant Long, Michael Curry
With the Bulls struggling late in what proved to be his final season in Chicago, Doug Collins moved Michael Jordan to point guard and refashioned the Bulls’ offense. (Dan Devine of the Ringer has a wonderful summary of how that happened, why it didn’t continue, and how it was the precursor to the point forward movement of today.)
Years later, Collins found a new young star more willing to play along in Detroit, at least initially. He put the ball in Grant Hill’s hands and asked him to run the team as he saw fit. Hill, an often reluctant attacker in the past, thrived in his new role. Collins surrounded Hill with shooters and role-players, opened the floor for Hill to attack, and watched him emerge as a potential new face of the NBA. Detroit got off to a fast start and won 54 games before losing in a tight five-game series to a terrific Hawks team.
Alas, the run was short-lived because Collins’ grating got on Hill’s nerves the same way it got on Jordan’s. The Pistons fell apart the next season, and depending on who you believe, Hill either asked Collins to be fired or declined to endorse him. Two years later, Hill suffered the ankle injury that would forever change his NBA destiny.
15. 1990-91 Golden State Warriors
ERA: Run T-M-C
RECORD: 44-38
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in second round to Los Angeles Lakers (4-1)
KEY STAR(S): Tim Hardaway, Chris Mullin
COACH: Don Nelson
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Mitch Richmond, Sarunas Marciulionis, Mario Elie, Rod Higgins, Alton Lister, Tom Tolbert, Tyrone Hill, Jim Petersen
Meet Run TMC, one of the NBA’s all-time cult favorites. With Tim Hardaway, Mitch Richmond, and Chris Mullin forming a high-scoring trio, the Warriors upset the second-seeded Spurs in four games, using a funky strategy that involved stationing their center as far away as possible so David Robinson couldn’t provide help on their scoring studs. (Remember, this was the illegal defense era.)
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They fell to the mighty Lakers in five, but not before stunning them in Game 2 behind a torrid Mullin and nearly winning Game 4 at home.
Unfortunately, Run TMC was short-lived. The Warriors inexplicably traded Richmond to Sacramento for rookie forward Billy Owens, the No. 3 pick in the 1991 draft. Golden State actually won 55 games the next year, but were smashed by the underdog Sonics in the first round. The next few years were kinda bizarre, but let’s just say they did not go as planned.
14. 2000-01 Milwaukee Bucks
ERA: “Big 3” Bucks
RECORD: 52-30
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in East Finals to Philadelphia 76ers (4-3)
KEY STAR(S): Ray Allen
COACH: George Karl
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Glenn Robinson, Sam Cassell, Lindsey Hunter, Ervin Johnson, Tim Thomas, Jason Caffey, Scott Williams, Darvin Ham
The “Big 3” Bucks of Ray Allen, Sam Cassell, and Glenn Robinson were an annual tease except for one memorable 2001 playoff run. The Bucks finished with the second seed in the dilapidated East and nearly knocked off Allen Iverson’s 76ers in the conference finals. That series featured some, ahem, curious refereeing decisions, including a potential missed goaltend on Allen’s game-winning tip attempt in Game 5 and a surprising league call to upgrade a common Scott Williams Game 6 foul to a flagrant, thereby forcing him to miss Game 7. Allen essentially said the series was fixed without officially saying it.
Soon, the Bucks went back to being perennial teases. Milwaukee swung a big sign-and-trade for Anthony Mason that summer, thinking an upgrade up front was the missing piece. Instead, Mason threw off their chemistry and they missed the playoffs entirely in 2002 after a late-season collapse.
13. 2017-18 Boston Celtics
ERA: Brad Stevens’ Celtics
RECORD: 55-27
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in East Finals to Cleveland Cavaliers (4-3)
KEY STAR(S): Kyrie Irving (injured in playoffs)
COACH: Brad Stevens
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Al Horford, Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Gordon Hayward (injured all season), Marcus Smart, Aron Baynes, Terry Rozier, Marcus Morris
Classifying these Celtics was challenging because of all the dominoes involved. Gordon Hayward shattering his leg on opening night undoubtedly set the Celtics back, but Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown may not emerge so quickly otherwise. Kyrie Irving’s late-season knee injury killed their championship upside … or did it, based on the evidence of 2019’s dysfunctional season and 2020’s good vibes with Kemba Walker in Irving’s place? What’s the point of comparing 2020’s Celtics with the 2018 version, since Al Horford’s not walking through that door? And how can we possibly quantify the degree to which Tatum’s 2020 superstar emergence relates to the flashes he showed in the 2018 playoffs?
I dunno, man. Let’s just put them here.
12. 2008-09 Portland Trail Blazers
ERA: Roy-Oden
RECORD: 54-28
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in first round to Houston Rockets (4-2)
KEY STAR(S): Brandon Roy
COACH: Nate McMillan
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: LaMarcus Aldridge, Greg Oden, Nicolas Batum, Travis Outlaw, Steve Blake, Rudy Fernandez, Joel Przybilla, Sergio Rodriguez, Jerryd Bayless, Channing Frye
What might have been if Greg Oden only stayed healthy? Would the trio of Oden, Brandon Roy, and LaMarcus Aldridge really have dominated the league for years to come?
We’ll never know, but the 2008-09 Blazers are the closest we’ll ever get to an answer. After missing his entire rookie season, Oden stayed relatively healthy and showed dominating flashes in 21 minutes per game behind reliable Joel Przybilla. With Roy emerging as a superstar in his third season and Aldridge becoming a burgeoning sidekick in his second, Portland won 54 regular-season games and looked to be ahead of schedule.
Portland’s run ended that year with a disappointing first-round loss to the Yao Ming-led, Tracy McGrady-less Rockets, who stole Game 1 on the Blazers’ home court and beat them in six. Oden reinjured his knee in December of the following season and played just 23 pro games thereafter.
11. 2018-19 Philadelphia 76ers
ERA: Post-Process
RECORD: 51-31
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in second round to Toronto Raptors (4-3)
KEY STAR(S): Joel Embiid, Ben Simmons, Jimmy Butler
COACH: Brett Brown
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Tobias Harris, J.J. Redick, Wilson Chandler, Mike Scott, T.J. McConnell, Greg Monroe, James Ennis
The post-Process 76ers era is far from over, but maybe 2019 will end up being their best shot to advance deep in the playoffs. What happens if one of the 700 bounces on Kawhi Leonard’s buzzer-beating, series-ending game-winner goes in a different direction?
Do they beat Milwaukee, a team with whom they matched up well? Does Jimmy Butler stay instead of leaving for Miami and throwing thinly veiled shots at Brett Brown’s coaching? Does that mean the 76ers don’t make the mistake of signing Al Horford in the ensuing offseason? We have nothing but time to play the what-if game.
10. 1988-89 Cleveland Cavaliers
ERA: The team Jordan always beat
RECORD: 57-25
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in first round to Chicago Bulls (3-2)
KEY STAR(S): Brad Daugherty, Mark Price
COACH: Lenny Wilkins
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Ron Harper, Larry Nance, Craig Ehlo, Hot Rod Williams, Mike Sanders, Darnell Valentine
Before the Cavaliers became the franchise Michael Jordan tormented, they were a burgeoning young powerhouse propped up by the league itself. Ever heard of the Ted Stepien rule? It’s named after the despicable former Cavaliers owner who, among many other worse things, kept trading first-round picks for nobodies in the early 80s. The NBA eventually blocked him from trading first-rounders, but when that didn’t help, they forced Stepien out, even awarding Cleveland compensatory first-rounders to prop up the franchise’s value to potential buyers. They eventually found one in Gordon Gund, who restored normalcy to the franchise.
With the first rounders Stepien surely wanted to give up, Cleveland drafted key pieces like Brad Daugherty, Mark Price, Ron Harper, and (via a draft-day trade) Mark Price. A fifth future stud, Kevin Johnson, was traded for veteran Larry Nance. That young core stunned the league in 1989, finishing with the NBA’s second-best record behind Detroit. Because they were in the same division as the Pistons, though, they got the East No. 3 seed and a matchup with Michael Jordan’s Bulls. The rest is history.
Cleveland traded Harper just seven games into the next season for the rights to Danny Ferry, the No. 2 overall pick in the 1989 draft that refused to show for the Clippers. Ferry never lived up to the hype, and Cleveland was never quite the same.
9. 1987-88 Dallas Mavericks
ERA: Post-expansion Mavs
RECORD: 53-29
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in West Finals to Los Angeles Lakers (4-3)
KEY STAR(S): Mark Aguirre
COACH: John MacLeod
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Rolando Blackman, Derek Harper, Sam Perkins, Roy Tarpley, James Donaldson, Brad Davis, Detlef Schrempf
Even by this section’s standards, the rise and fall of the 1980s Dallas Mavericks was bizarre. The diverse cast of characters included outspoken owner Donald Carter, general manager Norm Sanju (who endorsed a Process-like rebuild before it was fashionable), talented but drug-troubled center Roy Tarpley, and the nice-but-not-superstar young core that included Rolando Blackman, Derek Harper, and Sam Perkins. But the two most notable ones were superstar Mark Aguirre and longtime coach Dick Motta.
Take the criticism Carmelo Anthony received during his career, amp it up a few exponents, and you get Aguirre. An undersized forward with remarkable scoring skills and an equally remarkable ability to leave you wanting more, Aguirre eventually wore out his welcome the year after Dallas finished one game short of the Finals. “Today should be an all-day party because he’s gone,” said Perkins on the day Dallas traded Aguirre to Detroit. Ouch!
(Related tangent: Aguirre has not had his jersey retired by the team. He was supposed to speak at Derek Harper’s ceremony in 2018, but no-showed. Fast-forward to this year, when now-owner Mark Cuban honored the late Kobe Bryant by declaring that no Maverick would ever wear No. 8 or No. 24 again. Aguirre’s number? Twenty-four.)
Calling the Aguirre-Motta relationship “combustible” is kind. For some reason, Motta decided the best way to reach Aguirre was to ride him constantly. “I’ve said things to him that I wouldn’t say to my dog,” Motta said during the 1982-83 season. (Motta later said the quote was taken out of context, supplying this odd defense: “I did cuss my dog out last night. I’d like to go on record saying that. He wet the floor … I’ve never kicked my dog once, and I’ve never had a player die on the floor from overwork or abuse. And my dog still likes me.” OK!)
Somehow, the two co-existed until 1987, when the 55-win Mavs were upset in the first round by the Sonics. Driven by his volcanic relationship with Aguirre, Motta abruptly quit after that season.
Aguirre initially welcomed veteran replacement coach John MacLeod and turned in his best season in leading Dallas to the West Finals, but after a few postseason benchings and a strange summer, he asked to be traded early in the following season.
Dallas fell apart thereafter and slowly turned into a joke of a franchise before Cuban purchased the team in 1999.
8. 2007-08 Houston Rockets
ERA: Yao and T-Mac
RECORD: 55-27
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in first round to Utah Jazz (4-2)
KEY STAR(S): Yao Ming (injured for playoffs), Tracy McGrady
COACH: Rick Adelman
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Shane Battier, Rafer Alston, Luis Scola, Bonzi Wells, Chuck Hayes, Luther Head, Carl Landry, Dikembe Mutombo
Talk about duos destined for star-crossed careers: Meet Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady! This remarkable guard-big star tandem missed a combined 179 games from 2004-2009, which is more than two full seasons! Their best shot to go deep in the playoffs together was in 2007, when they lost Game 7 on their home floor to the Jazz.
The 2007-08 team, fueled by a remarkable 22-game winning streak, was the best of the bunch. Twelve of those wins came before Yao suffered yet another stress fracture in his foot, which kept him out for the rest of the season. Houston won 10 more in a row with aging Dikembe Mutombo in Yao’s place, but were running on fumes. In the end, McGrady alone didn’t have enough to avenge the team’s 2007 playoff defeat to the Jazz.
7. 1985-86 Houston Rockets
ERA: Twin Towers
RECORD: 51-31
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in NBA Finals to Boston Celtics (4-2)
KEY STAR(S): (H)akeem Olajuwon
COACH: Bill Fitch
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Ralph Sampson, Rodney McCray, John Lucas, Lewis Lloyd, Robert Reid, Jim Petersen, Allen Leavell, Mitchell Wiggins
But for a fleeting moment in the 1986 playoffs, the Twin Towers Rockets were more a theoretical dream than a coherent basketball team. Whoever picked “The Greatest Team That Never Was” for Grantland’s giant oral history of the 80s Rockets deserves a raise, because that was always their destiny.
Ralph Sampson and Hakeem Olajuwon were never going to be a seamless on-court fit. The laid-back Sampson and drill sergeant coach Bill Fitch were never going to see eye to eye. Fitch’s hope that point guard John Lucas would stay sober was never going to pay off. Lewis Lloyd and Mitchell Wiggins were always threats to be the ones that’d get the book thrown at them to crack down on its players’ drug use. Sampson was never going to be the same physically after his scary fall late in the 1987 season.
But it’s fun to dream, isn’t it?
6. 2003-04 Indiana Pacers
ERA: Pre-Malice at the Palace
RECORD: 61-21
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in East Finals to Detroit Pistons (4-2)
KEY STAR(S): Jermaine O’Neal
COACH: Rick Carlisle
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Ron Artest, Reggie Miller, Al Harrington, Jamaal Tinsley, Jeff Foster, Anthony Johnson, Austin Croshere, Fred Jones
5. 2010-11 Chicago Bulls
ERA: Rose and Thibs
RECORD: 62-20
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in East Finals to Miami Heat (4-1)
KEY STAR(S): Derrick Rose
COACH: Tom Thibodeau
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Joakim Noah, Luol Deng, Carlos Boozer, Taj Gibson, Ronnie Brewer, Kyle Korver, Keith Bogans, C.J. Watson, Omer Asik, Kurt Thomas
Had I known Derrick Rose’s career would be forever altered by one knee injury, I’d have spent much more time appreciating his 2011 MVP season instead of grumbling that the award should’ve gone to Dwight Howard or LeBron James. Rose might have been a tad overrated statistically, but he was an incredible thrill to watch and an inspiring foil to the hated Heatles. Looking back on it, I should have appreciated how Rose’s production and the Bulls’ combination of defense and depth complemented each other, rather than use those forces to argue against Rose’s MVP case. Live and learn.
These Bulls fell short because a pissed-off James put Rose in a straight-jacket in crunch time of Miami’s five-game East Finals victory. With nobody else there to help him score, Rose was powerless to stop the Heat.
4. 2004-05 Phoenix Suns
ERA: 7 Seconds Or Less
RECORD: 62-20
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in West Finals to San Antonio Spurs (4-1)
KEY STAR(S): Steve Nash, Amar’e Stoudemire
COACH: Brian Hill
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Shawn Marion, Joe Johnson (injured in WCF), Quentin Richardson, Jim Jackson, Leandro Barbosa
Picking the best Suns team of the Steve Nash era was difficult. The 2010 team was a delightful surprise, the 2006 team inspired one of the best basketball books of the millennium, and the 2007 team got hosed most obviously. But the original 2004-05 version is still — Hot take alert! — the most thrilling and revolutionary basketball experience the league has seen since … ever? Let’s go with ever.
It’s easy to forget how many skeptics the Suns had while zipping through the league that season. They ran, ran, and ran some more instead of positioning themselves into set plays the coach diagrams. (I loved this Mike D’Antoni quote from a 2005 SI story: “I don’t know how you script against something when the offensive team isn’t even sure what it’s doing.”) They took threes in transition when nobody else did. They played “small” by moving Shawn Marion to power forward and Amar’e Stoudemire to center. They built their entire team around the spread pick-and-roll. They were the first to do so many things we take for granted today. But despite winning more games than anyone in the league, they were never seen as favorites and were often derided for promoting a style that wouldn’t hold up in the playoffs.
Those skeptics got the last laugh, but with mitigating circumstances. Everything changed when Joe Johnson fell face first on the floor after Jerry Stackhouse fouled him on a fast break in Game 2 of the Suns’ second-round series with Dallas.
Johnson missed the rest of the series and the beginning of the conference finals against the Spurs with a fractured orbital, only returning as a shell of himself after San Antonio took a 2-0 lead in the series. By then, it was far too late.
Why was this a bigger what-if than the controversial suspensions that doomed the Suns’ 2008 season? Well, Suns players say so:
”We should’ve won it all that year,” Marion said. “If it wasn’t for that (Johnson’s injury), I think we would have.”
The controversial suspensions to Stoudemire and Boris Diaw during the 2007 conference semifinals are the most cited bad breaks of that Suns era, but the Suns think Johnson’s bad break was worse, especially to lose his defensive option on Tony Parker.
”There’s no way you can tell me we wouldn’t have been NBA champions if I hadn’t got hurt,” Johnson said.
And I believe them. Before Johnson became known as ISO-Joe in Atlanta, he was the glue that held the Suns’ fragile ecosystem together. He shot 48 percent from three that season on four-and-a-half attempts per game. His non-stop running kept Phoenix’s transition attack going. He defended the toughest guards that Nash couldn’t. If the Suns’ main attack broke down, he provided the supplementary playmaking. We all love Boris Diaw’s game, but he was never as important as Johnson was to the Suns.
About that. Annoyed by Johnson’s salary demands, the Suns dealt him to Atlanta that summer and got Diaw back in the sign-and-trade. It wasn’t quite the James Harden trade, but it had a similar effect. Phoenix stayed in the mix for the rest of the decade, but in hindsight, the summer departure of Johnson, combined with Stoudemire’s microfracture surgery, doomed their title hopes forever.
3. 1994-95 Orlando Magic
ERA: Penny and Shaq
RECORD: 57-25
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in NBA Finals to Houston Rockets (4-0)
KEY STAR(S): Shaquille O’Neal, Penny Hardaway
COACH: Brian Hill
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Horace Grant, Nick Anderson, Dennis Scott, Donald Royal, Brian Shaw, Anthony Bowie
You already know about Shaquille O’Neal, Penny Hardaway, the 1995 win over the Bulls, the four missed Nick Anderson free throws, and the unceremonious end to the Shaq era the next summer. If not, watch the 30 for 30.
So let’s talk about the move that turned the young Magic into serious title contenders: the 1994 free-agent signing of Horace Grant. Cue Michael Buffer, because … let’s get ready to lawsuuuuiiiiitttttt!
In the summer of 1994, Grant, the critical third piece of the first Chicago Bulls three-peat, was a free agent. Tired of doing the dirty work without receiving enough credit, Grant wanted to leave and yearned to join up with Hardaway and O’Neal in Orlando. There was just one problem: Orlando didn’t have any salary-cap space to sign him. Kinda an issue.
But Grant and the Magic designed a clever, mutually beneficial way around this dilemma. First, Orlando traded point guard Scott Skiles and a first-round pick to Washington to open up Skiles’ $2.1 million salary slot. Then, they signed Grant to a six-year, $22 million deal that included a first-year salary of just over $2 million (fancy that!) and an opt-out provision after the first year. Left unspoken: Orlando would invite Grant to exercise that option and give him a much bigger contract thereafter. Convenient and successful. Everyone got what they wanted and nobody got hurt.
Unfortunately for the Magic, salary-cap circumvention was a growing concern for the NBA. The league tried to prevent the Blazers from doing a similar move with Chris Dudley the previous summer, but lost in court. Buoyed by the ruling, other contenders, most notably the Phoenix Suns, inked quality veterans for below-market contracts that were either for one year or contained opt-out clauses like Grant’s. (This is how Phoenix got perennial all-star Danny Manning to sign a one-year, $1 million deal.) Using evidence of a reported five-year, $20 million offer from the Bulls as proof that Grant signed below his market value in Orlando, the NBA voided Grant’s deal, along with two other giant new contracts for Toni Kukoc and A.C. Green signed one summer after agreeing to miniscule short-term deals from the Bulls and Suns the previous summer.
The Magic sued the league, and the case went before the same judge that ruled in the Blazers’ favor for Dudley. This time, the judge sided in favor of the NBA, making Grant a free agent again just weeks before training camp. (He did not do the same for Kukoc and Green because it would violate the precedent set in the Dudley case. Oddly, the Manning deal was allowed to slip through, as was a similar Magic one-year deal to bring veteran point guard Brian Shaw in to spell Hardaway.) The league said they’d allow Grant to sign with Orlando if the opt-out clause was after the second year instead. Two weeks later, the Magic and Grant agreed. That’s how close Orlando’s “missing piece” signing came to falling apart.
The epilogue to this story shouldn’t surprise you. Though O’Neal left Orlando after the 1996 season, the Magic still gave the 31-year-old Grant a new five-year, $50 million deal, even though he was coming off a devastating elbow injury. After all of that, they still successfully circumvented the salary cap. Glad the lawyers got paid, though. (Shaw, by the way, got a one-year, $9 million deal after the 1995 season, while Manning inked a six-year, $40 million deal with Phoenix despite tearing his ACL. These teams were not subtle!)
2. 2011-12 Oklahoma City Thunder
ERA: Pre-Harden trade
RECORD: 47-19 (58-win pace)
PLAYOFF RESULT: Lost in NBA Finals to Miami Heat (4-1)
KEY STAR(S): Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, James Harden
COACH: Scott Brooks
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Serge Ibaka, Kendrick Perkins, Thabo Sefolosha, Nick Collison, Derek Fisher, Eric Maynor, Daequan Cook, Reggie Jackson
We’re still waiting for the tell-all book or documentary that explains once and for all why the Thunder traded James Harden to the Rockets. We have many theories and circumstantial explanations, but no absolute truth. All I know is that these words from Andrew Sharp, published on our website on Oct. 28, 2012, were prophetic.
“So if you want to say the Thunder chose long-term flexibility over a short term shot at a title, that’s fine. Just don’t overlook the second part of that sentence. If basketball is a business, there’s a good chance this was a bad business decision. Because what happens if KD and co. aren’t good enough to win it all in the next few years? Doesn’t OKC end up spending to compete with the best, and eventually paying the luxury tax because of somebody else? And it may not work. There are no guarantees at finding a core that clicks on the court the way last year’s did.”
Every word of that paragraph came true, including the prediction that OKC would end up going over the luxury tax for a worse player than Harden. What might have been, indeed.
1. 2001-02 Sacramento Kings
ERA: The beautiful game Kings
RECORD: 61-21
PLAYOFF RESULT: “Lost” in West Finals to Los Angeles Lakers (4-3)
KEY STAR(S): Chris Webber
COACH: Rick Adelman
OTHER KEY PLAYERS: Peja Stojakovic, Mike Bibby, Vlade Divac, Doug Christie, Bobby Jackson, Hedo Turkoglu, Scott Pollard
Just watch this video.
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jeanettethibodeau · 5 years ago
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
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trandangelilber · 5 years ago
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
The post TBS (TV channel) appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/tbs-tv-channel/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615342677987360768 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/615344257646182400
0 notes
reneturgeon · 5 years ago
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
The post TBS (TV channel) appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/tbs-tv-channel/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615342677987360768
0 notes
iptvrestream · 5 years ago
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission's educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station's schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today's basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner's innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan's Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children's programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan's Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three's Company who's the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station's Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC's The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament's longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel's name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel's new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who's running terms may vary depending on the film's length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN's sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN's coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS's signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS's former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable's highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe's Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT's we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
The post TBS (TV channel) appeared first on IPTVRestream.
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theconservativebrief · 7 years ago
Throughout the first half of September, the Toronto International Film Festival screened hundreds of films for hundreds of thousands of moviegoers and launched more than a few awards hopefuls on a path to the Oscars.
Some of the festival’s buzziest films will hit theaters over the next several months. Not all of them will end up in the awards race, but many of them are worth your time and attention.
Here are 19 films from the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival to watch out for.
Release date: September 21
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Joaquin Phoenix and John C. Reilly star in The Sisters Brothers, a darkly comedic Western based on Patrick deWitt’s 2011 novel of the same name and directed by Jacques Audiard, whose previous films include the lauded A Prophet and The Beat That My Heart Skipped. Phoenix and Reilly play brothers who work as assassins in the Wild West; they’re set on the trail of a thieving prospector in 1851 in a story that’s as much about family as it is about the Gold Rush. Riz Ahmed and Jake Gyllenhaal also star as prospectors the brothers cross paths with.
Release date: September 21
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Fahrenheit 11/9, though sprawling and imperfect, is Michael Moore’s best film in years. It’s a sweeping broadside against Donald Trump, which is by no means an original approach in documentary filmmaking these days. But it also does what few political films seem willing to do in the Trump era: It powerfully (if unsystematically) dismantles idealistic notions about how much better things were before Trump took office. And when Fahrenheit 11/9 does turn to the election itself, it’s less interested in Trump as a cause than as a symptom of nationwide disillusionment, money-driven elections, and resulting apathy toward the political process.
Release date: September 28
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National Geographic Documentary Films is the distributor behind Free Solo, and that makes sense: It’s a film about free climber Alex Honnold, who’s planning to climb the 3,000-foot vertical rock face at Yosemite’s El Capitan … without ropes. The resulting film is both beautiful and harrowing, and it’s a thoughtful look at what drives people like Honnold to attempt feats like this. Those prone to vertigo should be ready to cover their eyes.
Release date: September 28
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In what he says is his final role before retiring from acting, Robert Redford stars as Forrest Tucker, a career bank robber who escapes San Quentin at age 70 and begins robbing banks again. Set in 1981 and styled to look like a film from that era, it’s the latest project from David Lowery, whose stories of love and longing (see: A Ghost Story and Ain’t Them Bodies Saints) make him a natural fit for the material. Sissy Spacek and Casey Affleck co-star with Redford in a fitting farewell to an onscreen legend as well as an archetype — the celebrity bank robber — that dominated the American consciousness for so long but is starting to fade.
Release date: October 5
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For his directorial debut, Bradley Cooper took on the much-adapted narrative of A Star Is Born, which first appeared in 1937 and then was remade in 1954, 1976, and now 2018. Cooper stars alongside Lady Gaga in the latest version, a love story about a fading music star who gives a talented newcomer the push she needs to break through — and then she begins to eclipse him. Laced with instantly memorable songs and outstanding performances, 2018’s A Star Is Born is the kind of movie that tries to harness all of its cinematic possibility to make your heart burst. And it more or less succeeds.
Release date: October 5
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Amandla Stenberg leads a truly outstanding cast in The Hate U Give, an adaptation of Angie Thomas’s best-selling novel. The film has a great deal to say and no apologies to make about its outspoken message, even as it presents itself as a straightforward family drama. But The Hate U Give strikes a perfect balance between being a coming-of-age story on the one hand and a social drama on the other. And in never sacrificing either of those two interests, it becomes a strong example of both.
Release date: October 12
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First Man, from director Damien Chazelle (La La Land) and screenwriter Josh Singer (The Post, Spotlight), is less concerned with delivering a triumphalist portrayal of the 1969 moon landing — which has been done before, we’ve all seen it — and more with telling the story of astronaut Neil Armstrong (played by Ryan Gosling) the way he saw himself.
Based on Armstrong’s authorized biography, First Man presents a historic moment through the lens of an intimate personal experience, reminding us that events that appear triumphant in history’s rearview mirror often come at the expense of pain and great personal sacrifice shouldered by real people. We’re allowed to see the moon landing through Armstrong’s eyes, but in return, the film asks us to respect what he went through to get there.
Release date: October 19
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Marielle Heller (The Diary of a Teenage Girl) directs Melissa McCarthy in Can You Ever Forgive Me?, based on Lee Israel’s memoir of the same name. McCarthy plays Israel, a successful celebrity biographer who falls on dire financial straits and later turns to literary forgery and theft. Richard E. Grant co-stars in the comedy, which probes the darker side of trying to make a living as a writer while also depicting a kind of delightfully misanthropic friendship.
Release date: October 26
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Burning, from Korean director Lee Chang-dong, has been one of the most critically lauded films at this year’s film festivals, topping many critics’ lists and drawing nearly universal praise. It’s loosely based on Haruki Murakami’s short story “Barn Burning,” which was first published in the New Yorker in 1992. The film is gripping and unnerving, a noir-style mystery that goes in entirely unexpected directions (and harbors a hint of William Faulkner), and featuring a cast that includes The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun. You can expect it to become a favorite at arthouse cinemas around the country when it opens later this fall — and if you love a haunting mystery, it’s one to watch for.
Release date: November 16
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Director Steve McQueen (12 Years a Slave) has made a heist movie that has all the trappings of a typical heist movie — the plans, the machinations, the twists — but a lot more too. After a group of women, previously strangers to one another, are widowed following their husbands’ deaths in a botched heist, they band together to finish the job against the backdrop of a corrupt election on Chicago’s South Side. Viola Davis leads a star-studded cast that includes Elizabeth Debicki, Michelle Rodriguez, Carrie Coon, Liam Neeson, Colin Farrell, Daniel Kaluuya, Brian Tyree Henry, Jon Bernthal, and Robert Duvall.
Release date: November 23
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Shoplifters made its debut earlier this year at Cannes, where the jury awarded it the top prize, the Palme d’Or. It’s an intimate and accessible drama about a family of small-time petty crooks from Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda. But as the story unfolds, a mystery seems to emerge almost imperceptibly from the family’s ordinary interactions, and it eventually becomes something else altogether. With strong performances and an engaging narrative, the movie is continuing to earn praise and capture hearts throughout its fall festival run.
Release date: November 30
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For his follow-up to Moonlight, which won Best Picture in 2017, director Barry Jenkins chose to adapt James Baldwin’s 1974 novel If Beale Street Could Talk. Set in Harlem, the story centers on a young black couple who grew up together and fell in love. But then conflict takes over — not originating from inside their relationship but pressing in from the outside world. If Beale Street Could Talk is a beautiful, lyrical film, at times feeling like a tone poem or lyrical plaint. It’s hard not to fall under its beautiful, somber, lustrous spell, and as a story about black American life framed as a love story, its images are indelible.
Release date: December 21
Tomasz Kot and Joanna Kulig star in Cold War. Cannes Film Festival
Cold War — a decade- and continent-spanning, pristinely shot romantic tragedy from Polish director Pawel Pawlikowski — was my favorite film at Cannes (where it premiered earlier this year), and it easily won hearts at Toronto as well. Set in Europe in the early decades of the actual Cold War, the film balances its captivating main characters and their fiery love with the grand sweep of the places and times they find themselves in. It shows how those two things intertwine, with country and ideology pushing and prodding the characters into shapes that ultimately determine their fate.
You couldn’t call Cold War a political film, exactly, but if the central couple’s stars are crossed, then politics had a hand in crossing them, and in the end, the tragedy of realizing that is almost too much to bear.
Release date: TBD
Robert Pattinson stars in High Life, a sci-fi drama like nothing you’ve ever seen. Courtesy of TIFF
High Life is a wild, visionary film from director Claire Denis about a group of convicts on death row who are sent into deep space for the sake of science. It’s not for the faint of heart — it’s about sex and reproduction and death and life — and it’s anything but sterile; in this case, sci-fi’s enduring quest to probe what it means to be human means that bodily fluids, violence, and deep loneliness all make their appearances. Robert Pattinson leads a cast that also features Mia Goth and Juliette Binoche, and gives a performance that’s equal parts unexpected and tender. All told, the film is confounding but wholly original.
Release date: TBD
Steve Bannon is the subject of Errol Morris’s American Dharma. Courtesy of TIFF
For American Dharma, documentarian Errol Morris sat down for an extended conversation with former Breitbart chair and White House adviser Steve Bannon about his ideological views, his interpretation of history, and his involvement in Donald Trump’s presidency, the alt-right, and the reemergence of militant white nationalism in America.
The result isn’t exactly satisfying; if you go into American Dharma hoping for a systematic and explicit confrontation or dismantling of Bannon’s often disturbing views, you’ll be disappointed. Instead, Morris is interested in revealing his subject as a farce: a deluded figure with fantasies of grandeur and little substance beneath the grandiose clichés — a grown man desperately play-acting at being the tragic hero he saw in the movies.
Release date: TBD
In Fabric is one of the strangest, most twisted films that screened at Toronto this year. Courtesy of TIFF
I’m still not sure I know what In Fabric is actually about, but it was one of the weirdest, nastiest, most fun movies to screen at TIFF this year. Director Peter Strickland (The Duke of Burgundy) tells a twisted tale of shopping — for clothes and for people — that centers on a red dress that keeps mysteriously killing those who come into contact with it. Shot in a self-consciously ’60s style with a hint of sexploitation, the movie feels like a waking nightmare, and it at least partly concludes that women’s fashion is more or less a product of hell.
Release date: TBD
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Roma is one of the year’s most anticipated films, and it delivers. In this lushly shot monochromatic domestic drama, director Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men) tells the story of a family in Mexico City and the girl who works for them. Focusing on the struggles and strength of the family’s women, Roma is funny, sad, and carefully told — a challenge to the viewer to simply sit and pay attention to people who find themselves overlooked in their own homes. The film will be released in select theaters and on Netflix later this fall.
Release date: TBD
Roberto Minervini’s What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire is one of the most challenging documentaries from this year’s TIFF. Courtesy of TIFF
Roberto Minervini’s documentaries — such as 2015’s The Other Side, about the often forgotten corners of America — are remarkable not only for the access they have to their subjects but also because Minervini is an outsider, an Italian filmmaker working in America who gains those subjects’ extraordinary trust. In What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire, Minervini quietly observes the lives of a handful of black residents in Louisiana, including a group of residents who are forming a chapter of the New Black Panther Party to address injustices in their own community that go unnoticed. It isn’t an easy watch, but it’s a vital one.
Release date: TBD
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A sort of darkly inverse A Star Is Born, Vox Lux is the story of Celeste (Raffey Cassidy), a teenage girl who’s wounded in a school shooting. She sings an original song at a memorial service for her slain classmates and becomes a national sensation, rapidly rocketing to pop stardom under the guidance of her older sister (Jennifer Ehle) and a new manager (Jude Law). But then the movie jumps forward in time to center on a grown Celeste, played by Natalie Portman, who has been hardened by show business and is attempting a comeback.
It’s a highly stylized, incredibly ambitious film that doesn’t quite hit its marks, but it tries hard to illustrate how the modern appetite for sensationalism and spectacle leads to both celebrity and self-destruction — and Portman’s performance as a strung-out pop star is appropriately hard-bitten and manic. Sia wrote a number of the film’s songs and serves as executive producer.
Original Source -> 19 standout movies from TIFF to look forward to this fall
via The Conservative Brief
0 notes
colorfulsuitdestiny-blog · 7 years ago
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
"How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
It's discrimination, not all under 25 y/o people are crazy drivers, even if they were it's way over board more then 3 times that i can get it for, i don't nescessarily think the prices for age groups should all be the same but i think it should be lowered because atm it is way too expensive.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Monthly insurance for a Mustang?
I'm a 17 year old male and was wondering what the monthly insurance would be on a mustang? And if you know if a certain years model is the cheapest post that to please?
What happens when you drive your friend's car withour insurance?
My nephew borrowed his friend's car that has no insurance. He was stopped by police for some reason and got summoned to court because the car was without auto insurance. What would happen to him? by the way he lives in L.A. Thank you!
How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?
Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you""
Cheapest insurance company for a young driver without the blackbox?
i want to get a car but i dont want to pay 3grand with the black box. any other cheap insurance companies which insure young drivers with pass plus. thank you
Car insurance information?
If you have full insurance on your vehicle and you was driving reckless and got into a accident is it covered.....
The cheapest way to change insurance to a new car whilst keeping current car insured whilst i sell it?
Hi, I am 20 years old and I have just bought a new car. I am trying to find the best and cheapest way to change my current insurance ( with one years no claims) to my new car and then i need to insure my old car whilst I sell it. My current car insurance policy on my car runs out on 15th February 2013 and I have cancelled my renewal. I have received the renewal which is proof of my no claims which will be transferred to my new car. Another question is... can I claim the one years no claims on my new car whilst it still runs out for a week on my old car? I have looked at temporary insurance for my current car but this was almost 400 for 28 days?!?!? If insurance companies want me to do it the legal way, they are not making it very easy! Any advice on the best way around this would be great. I know it's confusing! Thanks, Adam White""
How many of you cant afford health insurance? If not why not and how long have you been unable to afford it?
Could you afford it if you cut out frivolous expenses?
How much is motorcycle insurance?
If your 18 with no wrecks or tickets and the bike's engine is a 440 (not fast). Any cheap insurance companies?
Home Insurance/Replacement Cost of Manufactured Home?
Is it normal for a manufactured home to have a lower replacement cost limit calculated from a cost estimator than a normal home?
Insurance cost on Audi TT 16yr?
I currently drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002) to and from school but im in need of something that gets better gas mileage... I am currently very interested in an Audi TT because it is an inexpensive fun looking car and gets approx 28mpg. I am looking for around a 2000-2002 model Hard Top. How much would insurance cost for a 16yr Male Good Student while driving an Audi TT? Is there a huge difference between that and driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee? Thank You
Hey how much will car insurance be when i start driving at 16?
ok heres the thing,ill be 16 years old when i get my dl,our insurance is mercury,and i am gonna drive a 1991 civic hatchback,or a 1992 integra any clues o how much per month""
What's the best car insurance for a 20 year old female?
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for car insurance policies. I'm a 20 year old female, have had my license for 3+ years, never been in an accident. Could you give me an average monthly rate for insurance for a modest car (think college student income)? Either from personal experience or general knowledge? Thanks so much!""
Car Insurance and an accident?!?
So my parents are wanting me to get my own car insurance plan. Here's my question though. I got into an accident last December but my car insurance is under my dads name. Does this accident show up in my name when I ask for a quote from other insurance companies?
As a sixteen year old guy would a hyundai tiburon jack my insurance?
im about to get my first car. parents are worried that it will jack the insurance because they think it might be a sports car
""Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Buying a Car and Insurance Question!?
Im getting a car this weekend (hopefully) and my dad said he will set a date to go to a friend of his that sells good cars for cheap, but my dad wants it under his name. I don't trust my dad and I want the car under MY name, but he said that the insurance will cost more. If I put the car under MY name, but put the car under his insurance, will it cost more because the car is under my name or will it cost the same? I don't want to pay for the car and then when its finished, he takes the car saying that its under his name and I cant do anything about it. How much would I pay for insurance?""
Can somebody help me with Car Insurance?
Earlier this month I was added onto my Dad's car insurance policy as a named driver fully comp. Now I need to cancel it (long story) and was wondering, would I have to pay for the following months insurance? Or will I get some money back?""
""How much is insurance going to cost me, 18 and driving a Nissan altima?
How much will it cost to insure myself at this age?
Gender inequality CAR INSURANCE!! why?
Seriously why do guys have to pay more for car insurance compared to women? It is unfair. If this was the other way round, all the females will be complaining and protesting. Now obviously women expect men to bend over backwards for there so called 'rights'. Right i now most of the women who use yahoo answer come back will be 'Men cause more accidents'. Well in fact men do not proportionately cause more accidents, men have more accidents, but men drive proportionately far more than women at a given time 79% of of all cars being driven are by males, 71% of all accidents are by males. Same goes with young males (17-22), they tend to be the first to want to embrace there rights when they turn 17 to be able to drive an automobile. You could clearly use your imagination and see that the stats are true. In a traditional nuclear family who drives mostly? obviously the husband (male). How would women feel like if they lost the right to equal pay.. because of statistics that they tend to take more days off due to things like maternity leave.""
Who offer the cheapest car insurance? liabiliy or collision only?
Liability or collision
A question about gender and insurance?
I know guys pay more for car insurance, but on average how much more a year? and according to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more for health insurance?...but does anyone know why or how much more?""
Does anyone know if having your car lowered increases your insurance?
I have just got my new car and insured myself on it but it has been lowered. Do I need to tell my insurance and will it cost me more? :)
Buying a new/used car & insurance?
Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?""
Teenager boy Car insurance?
i am 17 years old and I just got my license. I try to get some quotes under my moms name and it came out to be around 3000 to 5000, in other words, 2 to 4 grand every six month just for me. How much is normal teenager boy insurance rate it NY State? One of my friends(they are twins) and they pay 20 total under their parents insurance. They own really creppy car costs like 1700 but still I thought guys under 30 pay the most expensive rate in car insurance. What exactly is the average rate for teenager boy? I DO NOT Want any recommendation to go get a quote in insurace companies or wutever.""
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
It's discrimination, not all under 25 y/o people are crazy drivers, even if they were it's way over board more then 3 times that i can get it for, i don't nescessarily think the prices for age groups should all be the same but i think it should be lowered because atm it is way too expensive.
Can i get car insurance in Cali. if my license is from NY?
I'm currently in Sacramento now and i live in NYC. I flew here on vacation and now i want to buy a car and drive back. How will i get insurance for my car?
How much does a 21 year old female pay for insurance on a 4 door car on average in Ontario.?
How much does a 21 year old female pay for insurance on a 4 door car on average in Ontario.?
Learner car insurance?
I will be supervising a learner with a provisional licence, i have been driving for more then 5yrs and hold a full Uk license.. Do i have to have the car insurance in the learners name too?""
""How can I find affordable health insurance that covers chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, or both?""
I live in Colorado. I only make slightly above minimum wage. I am not eligible for health care benefits through work. I have a chronic issue and am in pain if I do not go. I spend $250 on chiropractic and $250 on acupuncture for a grand total of $500 a month. Is there a health insurance plan that could cover either one or both kinds of treatments for less than $500 a month? If not, I will just continue to pay out of pocket although it is very expensive.""
Whats an estimate for car insurance for an 18 yr. old female?
No prior driving or anything Not in school(if that matters) What would be the best insurance in your opinion?
Does getting a parking citation raise your insurance rates?
I just got a ticket for parking near a fire hydrant and I wanna know if my insurance will be higher, i can't find any answers on my insurance website. And, does anyone know exactly what constitutes a no-parking zone, cause i have to pay 40 more for that too and the spot wasn't marked. Gahh i don't want my parents to know unless they absolutely have to!!!""
Is insure.com legit?
I was wondering if the site insure.com is legit and If they have good rates
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
Car Insurance for teens?
How much would it cost monthly for a teenage girl? You don't have to be exact but make an estimate.
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach).?
Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR Do you just say to the insurance company the donor car used to build the Replica(EX Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover only the car used and just treat the replica kit as just additon stuff(EX like adding more exspensive RIMS to a VW). Is the replica insurance cheaper then a real cars insurance. EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) VS. REAL 1988 Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche Engine) Do 21st auto Insuracne company have Replica Car insurance and/or will they cover just the donor car used to build the Replica.""
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
Cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I need the cheapest car insurance possible for my husband who rarely if EVER drives. His license is suspended, so I drive everywhere (except an extreme emergency), but since we are married, Geico insists we pay for both to be insured. Anyone get around this or find a great insurance company that could get me some reasonable rates in FL?""
Adding additional people to my car insurance?
I was wondering why it is recommened that I add my boyfriend to my car insurance policy, just because he lives with me? I've talked with my insurance company and I know that my car is still covered in an accident if someone else is driving it, so why would it matter that my boyfriend be listed on the policy?""
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
And from where can I get such insurance?
Car insurance ? Can my girlfriend be a policy holder on one car and named driver on another?
Can my girlfriend be a policy holder and main driver on her car and a named driver on mine? Will this affect her insurance in anyway?
Why do people hate Obamacare so much?
Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?""
OK here is one. I have a 2002 Dodge Neon 4 door. I need the cheapest insurance I can get. Where can I go?
I use it for work. It has never had insurance because I just got the job, So, I wasn't driving it. I used my sons truck instead. But, now I need insurance for my job. I need it fast and I need it as cheap as I can get it. Does anyone have any ideas on where to go? Please. And serious answers only. I need it by Monday.""
What do you think about my car insurance? Please help?
Hello, I'm an international student in the U.S. I've just bought Honda accord car (year 1999) and a driving license. I need your experiences to find the cheapest insuarnce. I've got two quets until now. One is from Geico company which offered about 700$ per six months, and Sate Farm which offered about 600$ per six months. I still see these offers expensive. Please help me to find the cheapest insurance. Thank you in advance.""
What is a cheap car insurance company?
I am currently 18 years old. I am getting my licence on June 16th 2010. My car is under my dads name and currently it is uninsured, he wants me to insure the car under MY name because he will not be driving it anymore. What is the CHEAPEST insurance company for someone like me? I have to get the car insured before June 16th so that i can take my licence test. Thanks in advance.""
State based insurance?
Trynna find insurance that only covers a few states . I need one that covers I'm Florida?
How much would this car cost?
Hello, I was wondering hypothetically speaking, if I bought the new 2012 Ford Mustang GT. Im under 18 (I would use my moms credit). And how much is insurance on a sports car when you under 18? Im looking for a range for the insurance. I know people say I can't give you an answer because of blah blah blah get a quote. Like I was told like 150 a month? I live in a town in Northern Ohio low crime rate. You people think it would be like 100-300 a month?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
What are the prospects of providing more Californians with health insurance in the future?
Considering we are producing more and more people without health insurance than other states, despite the fact that we paying the highest state taxes""
I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle?
Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?""
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
It's discrimination, not all under 25 y/o people are crazy drivers, even if they were it's way over board more then 3 times that i can get it for, i don't nescessarily think the prices for age groups should all be the same but i think it should be lowered because atm it is way too expensive.
Cost of health insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per year if I pay for myself instead of my employer paying for it? I would pay through my employer's group insurance and mine is a family of three (including a child of 4 yrs). I am a contractor and I will be moving through the country quite a bit in which case would the insurance rates be from the state from where the employer is from or should it be as per the state where i am residing? How does insurance cost vary from state to state?
How much is liability insurance?
I am going to be a new driver soon and I will be driving a 4x4 dodge single cab truck and I live in missouri and was wondering how much liabillity insurance would cost per month? Thanks!
How much does storage unit insurance cost?
I'm sure there are a billion variables but I'm just trying to get a loose ballpark figure. I'm renting a 5x5 climate controlled unit in one state but I live in another. I'm storing ~$5000 worth of stuff--black forest clocks my parents brought back from Germany in the late 40s/early 50s; figurines, etc., most more sentimental than material value. The unit itself is a name-brand secure facility in a decent neighborhood with gated access. I figure I'll have the unit about 6 months. Like I said, I'm just trying to get a rough idea, not an etched in stone quote. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. sbf""
Is this a good world to bring a child into?
I sometimes worry about having kids due to the world going down hill, theres so many bullies and bad people out there,i dont think I can handle my children getting hurt by someone or bullied,also how much will car insurance be in 18 years, a 19 year old at work keeps getting 5000 quotes for 1.1 cars,id like some opinions on this as me and my wife are planning to have kids soon,am I worrying about nothing or does anyone else feel like this?,i want my kids to have a nice life.""
What is the least expensive auto insurance company?
Currently have geico...
Do all car insurance companies need a deposit?
Im getting a car this weekend, i havent passed my driving test yet and im 18. But all the insurance quotes i have looked at need a deposit, can i get one that doesnt need a deposit, because at the moment i cant afford that one of payment for the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!!""
""If you buy a refurbished phone from at&t, can you get insurance on it?""
I am wanting to get the black blackjack II, and I was also wondering if it would be worth it to get insurance, since its only $60.""
Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?
I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??""
I need to find out what company offers affordable....PRIVATE INSURANCE...?
I am looking to buy private insurance for a short term. Does anyone know of insurance companies in Utah that offer affordable, decent health insurance for families?""
Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance?
Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance?
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
How much would insurance for a16year old male driving a 97 camaro?
V6 97 camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma what would it cost
Can i switch over car insurance to new car/ Montana to Wisconsin?
I had insurance for my old car when i was living in Montana, liability coverage or whatever is the cheapest. I got rid of my old car, moved to Wisconsin and bought a new (used) car. Can i switch my insurance over to the new car i bought? I got my insurance through AAA> Any advice would be helpful>thanks""
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
Cheapest moped insurance? UK!!?
I've just purchased a moped and would like to know what you people thought was the cheapest insurance provider for me to go with. thanks
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance?
What model Acura Integra is the best for customization and performance And based on your answer what would insurance be (16 yrs old) and how much is the car itself.
Help with car insurance?
im 17 and im buying a car but with the insurance i want to use you have to be 18 to et up a direct debit so i done a quote where my mum is the policy holder and im the main driver and my mum is a named drive am i allowed to do this and whos name would the car have to be in thanks for any help in advance
Car Insurance - Excess and Premiums after a bump?
I am asking this on behalf of someone else, not sure which ins company with but the scenario is- reversed out of a space and made a dent in this guys car- swap details and he has rung to say cost for repairs will be 500 quid. IT IS going through on insurance so we know its all legit and he cant mess us about. The excess on the car ins policy is 500 and the claim is for about 500. Will the insurance company just bill me that? As they will be paying the full amount of the claim, will it affect the premiums alot? (20 yr old male, pass less than a year!)""
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
Insurance for a 22 year old driving a new Z06 or a new viper?
I don't have one and i'm not 22, but i was just wondering how much do u think insurance would be if i get a z06 or a viper when i'm 22 and before you say anything negative, its because i hope to do really really well in school and make at least 65g a year out of college in finance. . . . . Also. why dont 22 yr olds drive around in realy nice cars like that out of college if theyre making 60-70g a yr??""
Insurance Question!Can ya help?
If i have a 2002 isuzu rodeo with 100k miles on it and i pay $150/month for insurance, how much would my insurance go up or if even at all, if i got a 2001 Audi A6 with 100k miles on it? Plus do you think thats a good car trade :)""
What do I need to do for self employed medical insurance?
I am 43 I am married. My hubby has medical and I'm on his policy. He has retirement. I will be on his retirement. But he is 44 what happneds to me being self employed, if something should happen to him. Will I still get his retirement money? Will I still be covered medical? I am looking at an IRA account at the local bank next week. I have only been self employed for 5 years. I have worked for an employee up until now. I need help. I need to plan for the retirement years. Thank you for your time. Plus we both have life insurance incase of death. If he goes first I'll have money to pay for the house. But what then? By the time I'm too old to work how will I buy things?""
Rental Car Insurance: Texas. How Do I Avoid Paying $23/Day?
In Texas renting a car. Back in California you rent a car, then you can either get 3 choices: I don't want insurance . This means its on you. They can't foce you to insure the car. $11/day . This covers the rental car only and not the damage you may do to other cars or property. $22/day . Full coverage. Covers anything that can happen. Now I live in Texas. And Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz...tell me the same thing... If you do not have your own car insurance, you must pay $23 per day for insurance which covers everything . How do I avoid this? Seems very expensive for a several week long rental....insurance costs as much as the car.""
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
It's discrimination, not all under 25 y/o people are crazy drivers, even if they were it's way over board more then 3 times that i can get it for, i don't nescessarily think the prices for age groups should all be the same but i think it should be lowered because atm it is way too expensive.
Kit car insurance for new driver?
how insurance companies are looking at new drivers that are thinking of getting a kit car, is it based on value of the car or just what engine it has or what it was made from? what it be higher then standard insurance? thank you""
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
Can anyone recommend a website that will give free quotes for multiple car insurance companies?
I'm trying to find a website that will give different quotes for comprehensive car insurance in Australia. Can anyone recommend one?
If my parents have insurance under all three of cars and I want to drive...?
Do I have to purchase a separate insurance or do I just add my name under theirs? I just wanted to know how much would it cost for me to drive per month or year. I'm 20 years old and I've had my license for about half a year now.
Criminal record for driving without car insurance???
I would like to know whether an individual who plead guilty for driving without a car insurance (UK) get his name put on criminal record list. It seems to me unlikely because people normally get points of their licenses and a fine.
Whats the average pay for Car or Auto Insurance ??
What is the average amount that people pay for Car Insurance a month for one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad and son - two cars insurance?
My family has two cars, and my dad and I are the licensed drivers in the household. We both live together. He can't be the primary driver on both cars (the insurance company doesn't allow it). Having me as a primary driver spikes up the insurance rate. Is it legal to have separate insurance companies for each car, and have my dad as the primary driver on both?""
Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases?
My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?""
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
Will my insurance rates go higher?
My friend with a permit got a ticket and I was with him. I forgot about the no left turn sign and the cops pulled us over and asked for my license and registration. My friend was the driver and he got the ticket. Will my insurance rates go up? because my dad will ***** at me and will the insurance company call my dad?
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
Insurance rate after a crash?
Today, I accidentally rear ended a car. I'm 17. How long will my insurance rates stay up?""
Will my car insurance rate be based on how long ive been insured or licensed?
I have been insured on several cars regularly since getting each permit (the law in my state, even though I only had a permit, and went through about five permits) and I just got my full license (finally). My license number is the same as it was before when it was on my permit. Which one will my future insurance rates be based on? Length of time insured or length with a full license? Thanks""
Why do i need car insurnace?
give me 7 reasons why i need car insurance
What is a good cheap Car Insurance Company?
I am 22 years old, single mother of two children ( 2 & 4 ), looking for cheap insurance quotes, I live in NC I'm not sure if that matters. I checked Allstate and that's the cheapest quote I've found, but I had them before and owe them money, so EX them out. Any other people, I checked with Progressive, State Farm, AND Gecco (sp). Who are you with what are your companies??""
Geico insurance: how so cheap?
geico's quotes are the cheapest. are their policy the cheapest also? whats the catch? how could State Farm, AllStates be so expensive and geico claims to be so cheap. Whats going on. I don't buy the every comapny is dift line they throw at you. How are they different? At claims time?""
What is a good first car that's cheap on insurance? UK?
I was thinking about buying a car, one that is cheap on insurance, good for a first time buyer? I dont have a huge budget so no new cars im afraid! any help?""
""Insure the box car Insurance, Why so Cheap?""
I'm a 1st time driver so insurance is always stupidly High, However I was checking quotes online and they were all near enough same price ish 2200 for a 1.2 engine, however I did a quote with insure the box and it was ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary Excess at 250. I know about the 6000 miles and the box and all but this is over 1200 cheaper than any other insurer. It just seems too could to be true and normally things are, or are they? Anyone give us a hand with this please, much appreciated""
Quick insurance quotes with no personal info?
Hi, I'm doing some research into what I want my first car to be. I've narrowed it down to the original Golf GTI, original Mini Cooper S and the Peugeot 205 GTI. I love all these cars but I need to insure them for a 17year old boy. I am a careful driver but you know how expensive insurance is. I live in the UK and want a quick insurance quote without having to put in all my details such as where I live. Any websites that can let me do this? Thanks!""
How does car insurance really work?
I've been driving for 6 years now, and carry car insurance. One thing about it that doesn't really make sense to me is this : If I get hit by someone without car insurance, my insurance won't pay. Why is that? They will pay if it's my fault, but if it's not my fault, they won't. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm paying to cover my car, so it shouldn't matter what insurance the other car has. Someone please explain this to me.""
Home insurance first year up front?
the bank is requiring us to get a year worth of Homeowners insurance . and i am asking what is the norm (interior wall to wall) without personal items included.. should i go with the condos exterior insurance companies to just have it uniform. ?
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance, as cheap as I can get. I have shopped around and its not helping. PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE AND I AM ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!!""
Car insurance. Confused.com?
Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I need help for my homework.
Affordable dental insurance for my two year old?
I am trying to find a good dental insurance online for my son. I have came across a company called careington, but heard their discounts are never to be seen after you get things done. Does Metlife cover children? Anything helps! I'm trying to find something that isn't tricare related, he has regular tricare insurance, but takes forever for paperwork to go through, needing somethign fast and cheap...thanks.""
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
It's discrimination, not all under 25 y/o people are crazy drivers, even if they were it's way over board more then 3 times that i can get it for, i don't nescessarily think the prices for age groups should all be the same but i think it should be lowered because atm it is way too expensive.
0 notes
takebackthedream · 8 years ago
There's a Big Hole in the Center of the Democratic Party by Richard Eskow
“I mean, have you seen the other guys?”
That’s one of the slogans that was recently proposed by Democratic Party strategists, presumably in a lighthearted way. But the joke, if that’s what it was, reflects an underlying belief among party leaders that Democrats’ best bet is to stand in contrast to Republican extremism, rather than take strong, affirmative positions or moral stands on the issues that affect people’s lives.
This belief is also reflected in other, presumably more serious suggestions, which were equally free of content or principle:
“Resist and Persist.” “She Resisted, We Persisted.” “Make Congress Blue Again.”
Where are the calls to restore economic justice, rebuild the middle class, raise wages, end pointless wars, or to protect the women and people of color who live under daily threats of oppression and assault?
They fell down the big hole in the center of the Democratic Party.
Hey, Let’s Find Out What THESE Guys Think!
Dems call this posture “centrism,” although the resulting milquetoast policies usually fall to the right of popular opinion. But the indefatigable Democratic Party’s well-funded “centrists” remain undeterred by either the unpopularity of their ideas of the failure of their candidates.
The poster child for this evidence-resistant posture is Mark Penn, the high-priced consultant whose bad advice almost certainly cost Hillary Clinton the Democratic nomination in 2008.
In what was presumably an unintended irony, Penn’s recent New York Times op-ed, a screed against among other things Democratic deficit spending, was co-authored by former Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein.
Stein personally contributed to government debt by declining to pay his own taxes, an act which eventually led to his conviction on tax-dodging charges. Stein was initially charged for allegedly profiting from a $30 million Ponzi scheme run by financial advisor Kenneth I. Starr, but, as the New York Times reported in 2011, “federal prosecutors dropped those charges in exchange for his pleading guilty in December to the single count of tax evasion.”
Penn has offered expensive but unsuccessful advice to Democrats for many years. He served simultaneously as Clinton’s campaign manager and as CEO for Burson Marseller, a public relations firm whose clients have included the mercenary security force Blackwater, and Big Pharma firm Amgen, which was accused of running a website that misled cancer patients (the site’s toll-free number was managed by Burson Marseller), and BP, the gas and oil giant whose negligence led to the Gulf oil spill that bears its name.
Penn’s corporate work led to the awkward spectacle of a PR firm becoming a public relations disaster for its most famous client.
Stein tried to run for mayor on the Republican and Conservative tickets in 1993 and endorsed Donald Trump in 2016, insisting rather unconvincingly that “Donald Trump is no racist.”
These two are hardly the people whose advice Democrats should be seeking, and their work brings to mind a comment Mary McCarthy once made about a fellow writer: “Every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.’
The Ideologues
This kind of truth-telling isn’t popular in the ‘bipartisan’ circles frequented by Penn and Stein, where comity between wealthy and powerful members of both parties is encouraged. But it is hard to describe their writing any other way when it plays so fast and loose with the facts.
“In the early 1990s,” Penn and Stein begin in their pitch, “the Democrats relied on identity politics, promoted equality of outcomes instead of equality of opportunity and looked to find a government solution for every problem.”
Everyone who remembers that Democratic Party, raise your hands. For the rest of us, here’s a refresher: Bill Clinton campaigned against identity politics in 1992, choosing a Jesse Jackson event to rail against a little-known rapper named Sistah Souljah in order to demonstrate to white voters that he could be ‘tough’ on black people.
In his inauguration speech that year, Clinton called for “an expanding entrepreneurial economy” and specifically repudiated the idea of “a government solution for every problem.” He was not subtle or indirect about it.  “There is not a program in government for every problem,” Clinton said.
Did Penn and Stein miss this, or did they deliberately set out to mislead their readers? Either way, the Democratic Party was already in their ideology by 1992.
It lost Congress in 1994.
Make no mistake: Penn has an ideology. Like many highly-paid consultants, he likes to adopt the neutral posture of a technocrat. But Penn and his group are fierce defenders of an ideology that seeks to reconcile the aspirations of Democratic base voters with the financial interests and modified free-market economic beliefs of Wall Street and other corporate interests. That ideology is sometimes called ‘neoliberalism.’ It has failed economically, just as surely as their political approach has failed at the ballog box.
Time is a Flat Circle
Penn and Stein have a loose relationship with truth – and the calendar. They falsely claim that “the last few years of the Obama administration and the 2016 primary season… created a rush to the left.” But, they add, “the results at the voting booth have been anything but positive,” citing the loss of both houses of Congress and over 1,000 legislative seats.
This is utter fiction. Those losses began in 2009, after Obama spent his first year governing as a centrist. After another year in which Obama ostentatiously attempted to “reach across the aisle,” Dems lost Congress in 2010. Obama pivoted to the left rhetorically in 2012, partly in response to the Occupy movement, and it probably saved his re-election campaign. (His numbers rose shortly afterward.) But he continued to govern as a Penn-style “centrist,” leading his party to another stunning set of midterm losses in 2014.
It’s true that Hillary Clinton shifted slightly to the left rhetorically in 2016. But her campaign ads shied away from progressive policy issues, focusing primarily on Trump’s character. She chose “centrist” Tim Kaine as her running mate. She mocked Bernie Sanders’ progressive ideas in the primary. And she said this in 2015:
“You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty.”
That’s the party Penn and Stein claim was in a “rush to the left.”
Left Out
Clinton’s fellow “centrists,” Penn and Stein, go on to say that the Democratic Party has embraced “sharply leftist ideas,” but they are the ones outside the mainstream. The Huffington Post’s Daniel Marans cites poll data showing that their policy ideas are out of sync with Democratic Party voters.
While Penn and Stein rail that Democrats must “reject socialist ideas,” another recent poll found that a plurality of Democrats would prefer a “socialist” over a “capitalist” for party leadership.  That’s consistent with a poll from 2016 that found a majority of Democrats believe socialism has had “a positive impact on society.”
The demonizations of the past don’t work quite as well in the politics of the present. In a shifting political landscape, the center is well to the left of Penn and Stein.
Penn and Stein argue that “bigger government handouts” – a right-wing euphemism for government social programs – “won’t win working-class voters back.” They’re wrong.
A poll conducted by the National Academy of Social Insurance found that most voters, including most Republicans, want to protect and expand Social Security. That finding was upheld by Lake Research Partners, who found that voters “overwhelmingly” favor expanding the program. And most Americans favor some form of Medicare For All.
Absurdly, Penn and Stein suggest that Democrats “reach across the aisle” to Trump on infrastructure “to show they understand that voters like bipartisanship.” But voters don’t like bipartisanship that leads to failed programs, as any Trump infrastructure plan will inevitably do. His “infrastructure” plan is actually a major giveaway of public resources to private corporations.
It is a measure of their dishonesty that Penn and Stein try to hide their own shifting positions even when they are forced to give way to reality. Democrats “need to support fair trade and oppose manufacturing plants’ moving jobs overseas,” they write. But they fail to note that, in saying this, they have adopted the “left” position on this issue.
“Centrist” support for NAFTA and other destructive trade deals has contributed to massive political losses for Democrats. Instead of openly conceding their error, Penn and Stein adopt this “leftist” idea as their own.
That’s victory, of a sort, if only because it shows how much the landscape has changed since Penn and Stein’s heyday.
Not Fade Away
It’s striking that Penn, who crafted his own reputation around his facility with voter data, studiously avoids citing any polling data on policy issues in this op-ed. The only finding he and Stein cite is one showing that only “a little more than a quarter of Americans consider themselves liberals” – they fail to mention that this number has risen – “while almost three in four are self-identified moderates or conservatives.”
Penn and Stein, who don’t cite their source data (it’s here), fail to mention the fact that the number of self-described “liberals” is growing while the number of self-described “moderates” is falling.
Conservatives are likely to remain out of Democratic reach and, when polled, many of those self-identified moderates embrace “left” ideas on a number of economic issues. (Aren’t everybody’s opinions “moderate” in their own eyes?)
Face it: this pair couldn’t find their own center with both hands. It’s tempting to simply ignore them, given their increasing irrelevance, but it would be unwise. Sure, their ideas have fallen out of favor. But there are a lot of deep-pocket funders who want to make sure that their ideology and their interest continue to control the Democratic Party. Don’t count them out yet.
Voters are embracing new ideas and new goals, and smart politicians like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Keith Ellison are helping advance the process. These are the people the party must look to if it is to become a meaningful political force once again.
Besides, we’ve already seen the other guys.
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