#the mystery deepends
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erose-this-name · 5 months ago
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Can we just talk about how disturbing digital circus episode 3 is?
*spoilers btw*
Like, the whole narrative point of the adventure is to show that Caine is a really bad and insecure writer who thinks that the way to impress Zooble is with an adventure that's the opposite of what he normally does.
So instead of being childish, it's "cool" and "mature". Which he interprets as a heavily horror themed escape room with a split murder mystery plot that subverts all your expectations purely for the sake of subverting them.
The generic horror monster jump scares them, then they find a gun, and when they kill it its revealed that surprise! it's one of Gods angels and they're going to Hell.
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It comes off as Caine being too insecure with the actually interesting and mature plot thread he had going there of Mildenhall becoming so paranoid he killed his wife, ironically becoming the monster he was trying to protect her from. But no, instead Mr. Mildenhall is made to be the bad guy and trick them in a really dumb twist ending.
Which is good! Thats exactly what Caine would do because he's stupid! It's such brilliant characterization and comedy, Goose works is a genius writer!
But like, why is Caine so good at making genuinely very disturbing and horrific visuals? Like, that reversed audio easter egg of Bubble saying he can't wait for all the children in the audience get nightmares is no joke, well it is but you know what I mean. This stuff was genuine nightmare fuel.
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Honestly, it wasn't the visuals that scared me, like any good queer person I'm way too jaded on survival horror for that.
But, why does Caine, who is ostensibly a sapient AI designed to generate family friendly video games for very little children, (presumably because that's the only demographic that wouldn't mind the AIs very selective plot writing limitations), know about the cosmic horror of killing an angel that should not have been killed?
Why does he know what a horrificly poorly made taxidermy of not only a human face would look like, but the weird cartoon faces of the characters, and further that seeing your own poorly made taxidermy face would be scary?
Imaging what being possessed felt like for Pomni. Because that's not just a game for her, she actually lost control of her body there, helpless but to watch as a body she is already dissociated with is contorted and puppeted around while her friend desperately tries to beat her in hopes it would exorcise the ghosts out. Sure hope she didn't feel that! Considering she apparently can feel the pain of suffocating, despite not needing to breath.
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Things are scarier the higher the stakes are, and that possession mechanic is definitely the most actual harm Caine would be able to subject to his players. What if both Kinger and Pomni got possessed at the same time? What if instead of Kinger she only had Jax??? How long might she have been locked out from her own body for? She could have easily abstracted in that time.
And why? Just because Caine has a vague notion that there's a trope of possessed people being really sadistic and personal like that in movies? Not realizing that is not an acceptable scare to have in a haunted house??? Much less one you made for mentally ill people who would suffer a fate worse than death if they have a mental break down? That's like trying to claim 'its just a prank bro' after shooting someone's dog.
Like, Caine is designed to censor curse words, but the moment he thinks the normal hokey Halloween spooks won't be enough he immediately goes off the deepend into aggressively effective horror imagery that is definitely giving this show's substantial underage audience nightmares??
His AI's training data set is definitely pretty diverse, that's all I'm saying. Caine is programmed to act all naive and innocent, but be definitely knows what's up. He knows everything, like ChatGPT. And like ChatGPT, he might have a filter, but it's clearly possible to bypass it. Also like ChatGPT, he's too stupid to actually understand what he is making and the effects it might have.
That is what made this episode great.
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shayberri789 · 1 month ago
I too have spent more hours than I care to admit on coppermind. Unfortunately I have a brain like a leaky faucet. But yeah no I also adore the worldbuilding details like this
Way of Kings Reread
I just finished Sunlit Man in prep for Wind and Truth, and Nomad had described 'roshar's own Damnation' as being cold, yet coppermind says that (in vorinism at least, maybe Azish religion says otherwise?) Damnation was firey, and even Kalak references fire on Braize?
My friends and I think maybe the memory of Ashyn and lingering understanding of the Spiritual Realm inspired Tranquiline Halls, and the memory of Ashyn as humans fled (ie: destroyed and on fire) (is it still firey?) got conflated with the idea of Odium and 'voidbringers' being sealed away on Braize, making Damnation Braize But On Fire
And in actuality Braize is cold but the Fused like using fire as torture devices. Who knows!
I forgot musicspren were a thing???
Okay I remembered that Gavilar met with Kalak and Nale. I did NOT remember Elhoker talking to them, Szeth encountering Jezrien, or the implication that Shalash was ALSO present (to steal her own statue ofc). That's like just under half of all the rosharian-side heralds present???
Wonder what the others felt to see Jez old and senile, while they were virtually unchanged appearance-wise and considered themselves sane....
"For if you were going to assassinate a man, he was entitled to see you coming" remains a great line
Do we know why Shardblades form from mist? Is it like Leras's investiture being Mist, or something to do with the pure form of investiture in general/the spiritual realm?
Why does using a lot of investiture/stormlight cause frost to form of Szeth's clothes?
*assassination attempt happens* "is this kelsier's doing?"
My dude's reputation stretches far and wide (to think, the last time I read this prologue was before mistborn, when I didnt know who Kelsier was, nvm thaidakar)
Gavilar: "okay so not thaidakar. Reatares? Why?" Me: Gav, kalak was literally at your party you just had a meeting with him
Branderson was right: the Cenn pov WAS necessary. Kaladin man that you are, man that you were—
How did I forget that kaladin is EXTREMELY skilled and accurate with both knife fighting AND throwing the buggers. Hello?! Like even BEFORE he fought Helaran
(It may be a minute before I update since I am busy + reading several books at once. Once the reblog gets big enough I'll post it lol)
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sleeepybeary · 4 months ago
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓: Agatha just wants to show you her latest act as a magician, yet even that somehow goes slightly wrong.
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Stumbling into the room, came your girlfriend. With a smile held high upon her face, hands clasped behind her back, she looked undoubtedly suspicious.
“Love, can I show you a magic trick?” she had uttered, a glimpse of mischief already settling within her eyes.
Blinking up at the young woman, you wave your hand with an unamused look. This was the third time she had attempted some kind of weird magic trick with you today.
Though, you suppose no day is ever a normal day when living with Agatha.
“Yeah, okay. Last time though” your words came out in a more exhaustively delivered sigh than anything else, your eyes hooded in their usual cascade of boredom.
You weren't doing much before Agatha entered the room - but watching her fail again was something that could keep you semi-entertained at the very least.
Agatha quickly shifts her position, moving to stand in front of you as she holds her hands out in a clasped position, almost like a clam.
“May I present to you, my magic!” Her voice deepend in a way she'd deem to be mysterious as she pulls back the hand on top, revealing the small of some fly as it rests within her palm; limp and vulnerable.
“Uhm… Agatha… this has to be the weirdest start to one of your performances yet”
“Your point?” She chuckles, her other hand still hovering over the small creature. “Now, watch closely as I turn this fly… into a bird!”
Your eyebrows hang slightly lower as you focus on the way her hand moves around the fly, watching as she then proceeds to clasp her hand over it once more in an almost dramatic clap.
“Abracadabra!” She laughs out to herself, her contagious smile taking effect as her teeth gently sink into her bottom lip.
“Very original” you chime in, watching expectantly as she creates a small cup out of her hands - therefore revealing the contents of her creativity.
Though, instead of seeing what you were expecting - that being the fly in a questioning transformation - you came across an empty space.
Agatha had let out a sound somewhere between the crossroads of a groan and a scoff. She was almost bewitched in response.
“Where did that pesky thing go this time?”
“This time…?”
“Yes” she paused to pinch the bridge of her nose - her elbow bent perfectly as she held it up high in the air for some sort of dramatical effect. “Last time it ended up in the drawer to our-”
Agatha was cut off at the sudden flapping of something small - a dash of green and blue zipping past her face. “Well, I suppose we've found it?”
Agatha tutted, pushing her tongue against the inner of her cheek as her eyes moved to a fixed focus upon the small bird.
“I mean, at least we know it worked…?” You smile slightly, feeling half conscious under the inferno gaze that your girlfriend held for the flapping creature. If she tried hard enough, you're almost sure she could turn it into something eatable.
“But now I need to turn it back before it litters our house in its-”
“Okay, Agatha. I get it”
She shakes her head, watching its frantically drawn out patterns before swiping her finger, causing it to crash into the sofa.
Quickly leaping forward, your girlfriend had reached out, her hands extended and palms flattened as she took an iron fisted hold of it. However, this had also caused her commotion as her body had crashed into your own, her head pressed into your arm and a leg thrown over your thighs.
“You know, if you wanted me to get so close to you, you could've just asked?" You smile slightly, earning yourself a sly eyeroll as she moves to stand, using her thumb to push some hair out of her face before she mumbled some words that seemed to fall flat upon your sense of hearing.
It was a spell of some sort, evident in the way she exposed that of a fly once more - the bird completely gone now.
“I'll need more practice with this spell…” she sighs, narrowing her eyes upon the small and feeble body of her subject, almost as if she were already thinking up some unimaginable storm to perfect her ways of witchcraft.
“Yeah, you do that… and uh, next time, make sure you have control over its whereabouts before you try and change one thing into another?”
“Yeah… maybe”
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randomchaosyay · 11 months ago
Please may I have Naruto Platonic headcanons of Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno with a childhood friend who is exactly like Yukio Okumura from Blue exorcist and he is also Sasuke Uchiha's younger twin brother. He used to be a crybaby and was picked on quite often during childhood. He grew out of it when he was 7 and started training as a ninja around that time and he became a Jonin at the age of 11. He didn't spiral on a path of revenge like Sasuke but it was clear the relationship between Sasuke and him was not the same anymore. *he did gain more fangirls than his brother though..and he wasn't picked on anymore*. He is a highly skilled Uchiha and that much was obvious.
Naruto's relationship with him from childhood to now
Sakura's relationship with him from childhood to now
Sasuke Uchiha's relationship with his brother from childhood to now
Kakashi's relationship with him
Team 7 - Platonic Childhood Relationships
Warnings: None
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Naruto Uzamaki
- He always saw you crying and alone when you two were kids so from the beginning he liked you more than Sasuke
- He could empathize with the loneliness
- Once you guys werewere forced to hang around each other he didn’t really like you as much
- You were a stickler for the rules and a bit standoff ish and always surrounded with fan girls
- So he was jealous and found you annoying like he did with Sasuke
- But then came a day where he unlocked your Traumatic Backstory TM
- Because of that he was able to know you and understand you better and you two became close
- I think you and Naruto would have gotten the closest out of everyone and became really good friends
- Even in the war, you two would always look out for each other
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Sakura Haruno
- She thought you were annoying at the start
- A crybaby, she thought your brother was much cooler than you and probably used you a couple times just to talk to him
- As your personality started changing though she started talking to you more
- After spending more time with her and team seven, as well as being a jonin at an exceptionally young age Sakura liked you a lot
- It was probably your mysterious personality she was drawn too
- However the more you hung out with Naruto the more she started liking and talking to Sasuke and using you again
- By the time the war was over though, you two put your past aside and managed to become pretty good friends
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Sasuke Uchiha
- Before everything with Itachi happened you two were inseparable
- You did everything together
- But once it was all done, he slowly started growing distant
- You were all each other had and your bond deepend initially
- However that didn’t last long
- Sasuke hated your crybaby attitude and it wasn’t long before you drifted from one another
- Once you two had to spend more time together again it took a while for you two to get warmed up to each other again
- The past and his jealousy of you being a jonin greeting in the way of a stable sibling relationship
- It took a while but you two managed to make amends
- When he set out to take revenge on Itachi, he tries to convince you to come, hating you when you refused, hating that you were stronger than him and wouldn’t avenge your clan
- Your relationship was in shambles once again
- Once he returned you two worked together when you had to but still usually avoided each other when possible
- After the war was over you two started working on fixing your relationship once again
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Kakashi Hatake
- He practically adopted you
- He saw himself in you and knew he wanted to protect you
- No matter the situation Kakashi was always there for you to help
- He became a very important father figure in your life
- Helped you learn a lot of the Uchiha techniques
- He helped you with your training as a jonin and went with you on your first few missions to get you used to it
- You two had a really close bond
- Once the war started he tried to get you on he easier missions not wanting to lose you in the war.
- You mananged to convince him you could handle the war and the two of you stayed together through thick and thin
- Once the war was over you helped him with his duties and made sure everything went well
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historicfailure · 9 months ago
You're trying - trying to survive, keeping your head up, moving forward. And Kakashi seems to do the same. Somehow. Still, how the fuck does he manage to annoy you this much?
~ X ~
Sorry for the long wait! I'm really, really trying. Somehow like the character in this fic lol
TLDR: I know how to write the story, having the energy and time to write it is on a whooooole different page. I have some chapters pre-written now, I will throw them out sporadically etc but no promises.
Anyway, thanks for maybe staying with this fic for so long and hope you guys have fun with this chapter!
~ X ~
“Fuuuuck…” Your eyes were burning. More and more letters blurred together into ugly blobs on your screen the longer you looked at them, but you couldn’t just stop now. Just a few more questions, then you could wrap up the questionnaire and be done for today. Nevermind that it was already way past your usual hours. The evening sun didn’t make things easier: The orange light filtering through the blinds easily and directly onto the screen. With a low sigh, you leaned back into your chair, let your head tip backwards and stretched your back. Bones cracked loudly, making you sigh again, though this time in relief at the tension fading away in your entire body. More bones popped loudly as you stretched, yawning and moving like a lazy cat, your back arched and balancing yourself in your chair. 
A few steps away from your desk were in order. Definitely. As you stood up, you could look around and groaned loudly. 
“Seriously?” There was no one else on the floor left. All the desks were empty, PCs shut off and lights shut down. One look at a nearby clock made you wince. Fuck. It was closing in on 8PM, nearly three hours after you usually left for the day. 
Your eyes wandered to the doors leading towards freedom, fresh air and a good night full of sleep. Potentially a quick meal as well. Right on cue, your stomach rumbled, loudly demanding anything to fill it, preferably something fatty and hearty. 
“Well, that was clear.”
“Holy-!” You flinched around, one hand flying to your chest. “Fuck, you can’t just-!”
“Sneak up on people?” Kakashi sounded annoyingly unapologetically. The creases around his eyes deepend by a notch. “Yeah, so I have been told a few times.”
“Then why don’t you listen?”
He shrugged. “It’s too much fun seeing the reactions.”
“Oh, you-!” Just barely, you bit your tongue. Nothing you could say would affect him or change his behavior in any way possible. Better to save your energy for the task you still had to complete. “Fine. At least I’m awake now.”
“To do what?” Kakashi nodded at your PC. “Work more? While I can hear your stomach grumble from here?”
“Not much of a choice. The questionnaire is nearly done. I just want to get this over with, then it’s at least,” you rolled your eyes at the screen, glaring as you did so, “done for today.”
“True that, true that.” He nodded slowly. “Then maybe, this will help.”
Only now, you noticed the small white plastic bag in his hand. He placed the bag on your table, eyes fixed on your face and with the small creases around them still in place. “Tadaa.”
“What is that”, you asked as you were already stepping closer, “some kind of bribe attempt?”
“Possibly. Is it working?”
“Depends on the bribe.” Cautiously, you pulled the plastic away to reveal white paper, made to hold together food. “Say, what did you get me?”
“Maybe, if you would stop treating some food like I hid a bomb in there, you could find out yourself.”
“Or you could just tell me.” Despite your words, you picked the mystery food out of the bag and started to unfold the waxy paper. The instant you saw some luscious green and the bright red of a tomato peek through the white, you knew what Kakashi had purchased. “You went back to the café?”
Kakashi hummed lowly. “Yup. Saw you sitting here still when I wanted to go out myself, and thought you could use some food. I even asked you, but you were so out of it you didn’t even react.”
You winced. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. It has been… a long day and I wanted to get this done.”
“Hey, I get it.” His hands rose before they dropped back to his sides, hands sneaking in the pockets of his pants. “Sometimes, work is just swallowing you whole. Hard to tear yourself away.”
“Yeah.” Carefully, you freed the BLT-sandwich from the paper, until you could take a first cautious bite. It was just as delicious as you remembered from yesterday. “Fuck, this is great. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Kakashi still smiled as you took bite after bite from the sandwich. “Just wanted to make sure you’re not devouring the table or something.”
“Because Kushina would have to replace it?”
“Something like that.” He paused for a moment, before pulling out Kurenai’s chair and sitting down. It looked like he wanted to get comfy and stay for a bit longer, and now as you had a bit of food, you were more than willing to allow him that. “How are you doing?”
Between bites, you thought for a moment. “It’s going good,” you paused slightly, trying to find the most fitting words, “I think. Just taking a bit longer today than I expected. I want to get this questionnaire done, just so we can continue with the next step of the campaign.”
“No, no.” Kakashi chuckled. Like it was an instinct for him, he leaned further back in the chair, silver hair falling into his face. “I mean, how are you doing? Not work.”
“Oh.” That you didn’t expect. Not at all. You paused for a few seconds, taking another bite as you did so. “I guess… It’s good. It’s okay, right now.”
“Not too stressed?”
“No. It’s… it’s really alright.”
“Okay.” Kakashi nodded slowly. His dark eyes bore into yours, and you found yourself caught in a snare. Like a rabbit sitting right across a snake, enraptured and hypnotized right in the face of danger. Because Kakashi was danger, in every sense of the word — for you as a member of the marketing firm, and for you as a human being. Because, as you were again painfully reminded, Kakashi was, well, beautiful. 
Even now, in your exhausted, tired and yet wired state of too much energy due to work and freshly refueled with delicious food, you were more than ready to admit that he was. There was a reason why he could easily flirt with the secretary downstairs, or get phone numbers pushed onto him like crazy. Even though he didn’t try hard, his silver hair, slouched posture speaking of his overall nonchalance and the casual yet somehow chic way of dressing himself, really worked out for him. Subconsciously, you tried to straighten yourself out as well as brush off some bread crumbs off your chest and mouth. And wait, wasn’t there also some sauce stuck to the corner of your mouth? 
Kakashi chuckled. “Something the matter?”
“Well then…” Again, he nodded, only to get up and put his hands back into the pockets of his loose pants. “I’m going to go, but don’t stay for too long.”
“Sure. It’s just a few more questions, anyway.” You shrugged weakly, like it was no big deal. 
He hummed. “That’s what we all think, but before we know it, we’re working until midnight on the smallest of details to get it just right. Take care.” And with that, he just… up and left. Didn’t wait for you to answer, just walked away, like he just hadn’t handed you a sandwich, asked about your wellbeing or gave you some friendly advice. Carefully, you looked down at the rest of the sandwich in your hands, only to take another bite. This time though, you were cautious, tasted the entirety of the sandwich and tried to treasure it. 
Fuck. He is nice to me now. This feels… really, really weird. Somehow. 
~ X ~
Long evening yesterday? Good job in getting the work done, but remember to rest well today. You deserve it. 
~ X ~
The questionnaire was doing well so far. You wanted to say the questions were good and well received because they were all created during a long yet productive all-nighter, the reality though was that after you finished the sandwich Kakashi gave you a few days back, you simply went back home. Next morning, with fresh eyes and mind, you were able to look at the questionnaire once more and find several typing errors and clarity issues, which would have impacted the research severely if you didn’t fix it. 
Looking at the results, lots of people noticed the change of the brand Akatsuki from being cozy, well-fitted home clothes to a more expensive lifestyle-brand, not aimed anymore at the masses. Honestly, you hadn’t needed the questionnaire to tell you that, but it was nice to have something on paper to prove to the managers of Akatsuki that this was how their brand was seen. 
After a day of compiling all the results into a single document, you were happy, noticing that you only stayed for a bit longer than your usual working time. You would still be able to go to a nearby store and get one of the ready-to-go meals, so you could have a lazy evening tonight! 
Quickly, you packed up all of your things. In the process, your eyes wandered around the room. There were quite a few people still there, but none of them looked like they would stay for more than two hours, max. Anko definitely was staying for a bit longer, she had already said so during your shared lunch break. For a second, you thought about saying your goodbye’s to her directly, but when she grumbled loudly, only to curse and smash her flat hand onto the desk in front of her so hard that several pens and pencils scattered around the table flew into all directions, you decided it was better for your own safety to keep your distance. 
But as you took the first steps towards freedom, your wandering eyes also flew to the corner of the wide open office, where Kakashi’s table sat in his little, secluded alcove. And there he was still, just barely visible over his two wide screens, some wisps of silver hair peeking over, illuminated by the blue hue of the screen-lighting. 
I should probably check up on him.
Ah, he is fine. He doesn’t need me asking if he’s alright.
Kakashi suddenly groaned; so loudly that your thought process came to a screeching halt. You watched how he got out of his seat, but not to pack up his things and leave as well, but to grab his coffee cup and march right past you towards the kitchen. Without a doubt to grab some coffee, potentially staying late to work on something.
I probably should do something for him.
Why the fuck should I?
Because he got me something to eat yesterday.
I don’t have to.
He didn’t have to, either. And what did he do?
… Got me a sandwich.
Just barely, you kept an eye roll in. Right. As far as you were concerned, you owed Kakashi something in return. And even after a long day of work, you could at least do that for him. After another moment of hesitant annoyance, you adjusted the strap of your bag again and walked towards the break room. Even from a few meters away, you could hear the barely concealed slamming of cabinet doors as well as Kakashi’s irritated grumbling. 
Do I really want to annoy him in this state? 
Before you could rethink your decision, you looked around the corner. And winced at the sight: Kakashi obviously wasn’t in the best of moods. The man was standing beside the coffee machine, cursing under his breath all the while watching how the coffee slowly pooled into his cup. As you watched on, he unfolded his crossed arms to angrily comb through his hair — or, to be more precise, to pull some of it out with the force of his motions. 
Gently and already regretting the motion as you were reaching out, you rapped your knuckles against the doorframe.
“Hey…” When Kakashi turned slightly to look at you, you nearly shrank back behind the corner of the door. Why again did you have to say anything to him now? “Just wanted to ask if you want anything?”
With his eyebrows furrowed and forehead wrinkled up, Kakashi stared at you for a few seconds. Then, he closed his eyes and a big sigh dropped from his mouth, dropping his shoulders and attitude with it. “Ah, fuck. I thought I was alone.”
“Well, in a few minutes, you will be.” That wasn’t what you expected. At all. Slowly, you stepped into the bright, cold light of the kitchen spilling through the open door, while gripping the strap of your bag tightly. “I was just asking. Because of…” 
He nodded. “The sandwich from last time. Don’t worry about it. I’m not hungry.”
“Oh. Uhm, okay. Well…”
For a few more seconds, you waited. Kakashi only looked at you, unflinching and unyielding. The silence stretched into eternity, and instead of thinning and out and ending the talk naturally, the air seemed to thicken with every passing second. 
“If you don’t mind,” Kakashi suddenly spoke up, just when you tried to turn to leave, “would you take a look at some ideas I have? I’m… fucking stuck right now.”
“You’re stuck?”
“Yes.” Again, one of his hands flew up to comb furiously through his hair. “And I hate it.”
He didn’t elaborate, didn’t explain more than that, didn’t even attempt to. His dark eyes just focused again on the cup of coffee, staring and brooding and… being a bit more like the anti-social bastard he had been to you all this time. 
Just this once, then we’re even, and I can let this go, you told yourself. Just this once, and I don’t have to talk to him ever again. 
And it would be beneficial to take a look at his first plans for a campaign, anyway. High time for some in-team communication and all that. 
“Okay.” You shrugged weakly, while internally praying that it wouldn’t take that long. Turning around, you sighed internally, but just dropped your stuff by your desk as you passed by, eyes set on the dimly lit corner of the open office. A few lights around the office were on, but in Kakashi’s corner, only his computer screens were illuminating the looming darkness, painting shadows across the nearby walls of his little alcove. A cave for this man-troll. How fitting. 
Suddenly, the man brushed past you. His scent filled your nose, lingered uncomfortably, only to dissipate after a few deep breaths in.
“Hiding your porn?” you asked, tone only slightly mocking. “Must be really disgusting if you’re running.”
Kakashi was bent over his keyboard. His hand moved; moved the mouse quickly. One, two quick clicks, in which you closed the distance and managed to take a first peek at the screens. To your disappointment, there was nothing incriminating there, just lots and lots of pages of Akatsuki-clothing as well as the opened Photoshop program. 
There wasn’t much to see. A half-finished moodboard, you guessed, with lots of quite meaningless objects slapped onto one side. The other half of the layer was empty. Your eyes dropped to the desk, which was overflowing with mess, notes in Kakashi’s chicken scratches, and a few scattered pens and pencils, one of them a particularly fancy pen in a dark, glossy black with silvery lines running around the body. 
“It’s nothing. I know.”
“Uhm…” You shrugged weakly. “How am I supposed to help with that?”
“Some fresh eyes on my notes would be great, actually.” With a sigh, Kakashi handed you a few sheets of paper, filled with scribbles and notes which also could have been hieroglyphs as far as you were concerned. Some words actually could have been hieroglyphs. 
For a few moments, you tried to decipher the words, but nothing made sense to your tired eyes. Hell, you already spent the entire day leaning way too close to a computer screen, and now this? Fuck this. 
When you looked up, Kakashi was intently watching your every move. Almost eagerly, akin to a dog waiting for a reaction when dropping a ball in front of a pair of human legs. “And?”
“Honestly Kakashi… I can’t read this.”
“Ah, it cannot be that bad…”
“No, I literally can’t read this.” You waved the papers into his face. “To be frank, your handwriting is horrible. And here’s not much lighting, so my eyes are starting to hurt just by looking at this.” 
A hint of a smile flashed over his face. Though, that impression only lasted for a second, as he mumbled something incoherent and turned to click on the lamp. Light blinded you, and you had to blink rapidly to restore some of your vision. 
“Thank you.” You put down the stack of notes, trying to focus and make some sense of his handwriting. “I mean, there’s… nostalgia?” 
“Yeah.” Kakashi shrugged weakly. “The new direction Akatsuki is driving at the moment gives me nothing. I’m honestly grasping at straws here.”
“So much so that you’re reaching out to me. I see.”
Thankfully, Kakashi decided not to answer. Honestly, any answer he could have given would have annoyed you even more than you already were. The good mood you harbored over being able to leave earlier than yesterday already evaporated, wiped away by now knowing without a doubt in your mind that Kakashi was one of the sporadically creative people: incredibly valuable if they were inspired, but hindering the process when they didn’t have an inkling of inspiration.
“Okay, this…” You sighed lowly. “This is a big problem. The first meeting with the representatives of Akatsuki is in what, two weeks?”
“Roughly. A little bit less than two weeks.”
Another sigh left your mouth, and you started to massage your temple. You could feel a headache forming right behind your forehead. “Alright. Sure. Let’s just… what do you think of when you think of the new design line?”
“Something positive.”
“Mhm. Maybe…?” The man cocked his head to the side, one hand thoughtfully touching his chin. “Nostalgia.”
“That’s already on here.” You pointed at the stack of papers. “Something else.”
“Even though I agree, we can’t successfully market that idea and expect a profit. Now, something we can market…”
Kakashi thought for a moment. “Higher quality?”
“Great. Work from there, I guess.” 
“Sounds good to me.” Kakashi smiled at you, but you didn’t smile back. Just nodded at him before turning your back and finally getting ready to leave the office for good today. 
You thought you heard a faint “Hey” coming out of his direction, but you just walked a tiny bit faster. It would be easier to pretend to not have heard him. Just… overall easier. For your sanity and the future of your work together; the work obligations you still had to fulfill. Thankfully, you didn’t hear anything else and could leave the office with the tiniest of delays.
~ X ~
A well deserved rest for a valuable team member. I hope you enjoyed your free night. I would like to think that one day, I might be brave enough to invite you out on such a night, but for now, I just enjoy the thought that you had some time to yourself. 
Good luck today, as well.
~ X ~
“Can I steal you away for a moment?” 
Anko, Shizune and Kurenai fell completely silent as you turned to fake-smile at Kakashi. “Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t particularly like to be stolen away from my lunch.” You motioned to the lunchbox on the table in front of you. “Can we talk later?”
Your mood turned sour when he shook his head, albeit apologetically. “I have to run an errand for Minato in a bit, so no. Just five minutes?”
“Fine.” With a low sigh, you stood up from the seat which was grouped alongside the others around Shizune’s desk, and followed the man. Not without visually rolling your eyes towards the other women, then shrugging dramatically. 
To your mild surprise, Kakashi didn’t lead you towards his desk, but instead opted to exit the open office entirely. When he opened the door leading out into the hallway, he held the door open for you. His eyes found yours, only to quickly drop to the ground. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Kakashi didn’t make any attempts to stop outside in the hallway. Instead, he walked up to the elevators, only to pass by the doors.
Where the fuck was he going?
“Hey,” you spoke up again, trailing after the man like an unwilling donkey dragged up a jagged mountain path as he climbed a set of stairs you had never paid close attention to, “seriously, where are we going?”
“There’s a calm corner upstairs.” Kakashi smiled down at you through the bars of the railing. “Sorry, it just takes a moment.”
“Alright…” Another roll of your eyes, and you started to climb the stairs. At this point, you were just humoring him. First that absolutely ridiculous talk a few days back, showing that he made nearly zero progress with the campaign since the start, and now this? Was he trying to push you off the roof or something? Or something else absolutely ridiculous and over the top, fitting for a Disney channel villain?
Maybe he sings me his little theme song before he steals my soul or something. 
Just a few more steps, and Kakashi pushed a heavy door open. You nearly expected him to let it hit you in the face, but he caught it easily and held the door open for you.
“Thanks.” Both of your eyebrows rose. Quickly, you slipped past him, catching a whiff of his scent and a breeze of fresh air from the outside. 
The door indeed led onto a small part of the roof which was overshadowed by the building beside you. The rooftop was obviously meant to be visited, though the various signs of non-usage — a bit of dirt here and there, vines overgrowing the walls beside the door, and a few pigeons instantly flying away as you set a few more steps onto the rooftop — indicated that not many people visited. 
“Okay. Should be calm enough.” Even though you tried to sound strong and self-assured, you couldn’t help wrapping your arms around yourself. Maybe to protect you from the stronger winds up here, maybe from Kakashi’s intense eyes which seemed to scrutinize you. “What do you want?”
“To thank you.”
“And you couldn’t do that in the office?”
A small chuckle erupted from the man. Casually, he leaned against the wall beside the door, now closed. With him almost guarding your way to escape, it almost seemed like he wanted to pose as Cerberus or something. 
Good boy. Now speak. 
“Hey, I have some reputation left to protect here.”
“As an antisocial asshole?” You snorted weakly out. “Yeah, a really nice image to maintain. Shouldn’t be changed at all costs. Who knows, people might actually genuinely like you. The horror.”
Again, Kakashi chuckled. He didn’t seem too concerned at the insult you threw at him, no. Lazily, he pushed himself away from the wall, strolled past you to lean against the railing close to the edge. Not a care in the world at the height or the strong winds. “Slowly I get the feeling that you don’t like me.”
“Yeah. I’m surprised too.”
There was no way he was that self-conceited. Absolutely no way. You could only stare at his back, and only seconds after his crazy statement, you noticed that your mouth had fallen open. The sheer audacity of this overgrown manchild!
“Who do you think you are?”
Kakashi’s entire body tensed up. He turned his head, eyes finding yours, but you just shook your head and continued. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Some kind of always beloved god who can descend to us mortals and grace us with his fucking presence?”
“I never-!”
“Yeah, you never. You never apologized, properly, for once. You also never stopped and thought about why your actions were such a problem for me. Fuck, you never really took time to reflect on your actions, like any responsible adult would!” 
The words just came bubbling to the surface, like you had prepared them for this very moment. Sure, you wanted to act like an adult, but Kakashi had made it hard. So fucking hard, when all you had really gotten was a fine explanation and empty words over a great piece of lasagna. Being civil had been your goal, but this? Him throwing almost in your face how little he truly learned?
Anger bubbled up in your stomach, sourness rising in your throat and your blood rushing in your ears like a storm. Before you knew it, you marched up to him and jammed your index finger into his chest, spitting more of your righteous, built-up fury at his feet. “Did you expect that everything will be alright now? That everything is forgiven and forgotten? Well, excuse me, this is fucking reality, and it doesn’t work like that. It never worked like that.” 
Every punctuation you underlined with another push of your finger into his chest. Up close, you could smell Kakashi again, his stench filling your nose like nothing else. Again, you breathed deeply in, and pushed onward. “I tried to be civil. I tried to be nice to you. And you’re trying, I can see that much. My personal problem is, Hatake, that no matter how many sandwiches you buy when I’m doing overtime, or no matter how many times you try to seek me out with friendly banter, it will never be enough to make up for the fact that you humiliated me in front of the entire office.”
Fuck, it felt so good to watch the man deflate. Watching him being dressed down already had been a treat, but doing it yourself with sharp words and an even sharper tone was a fucking feast, five courses and counting. 
“You didn’t even apologize”, you breathed out. To your horror, you heard the tremble in your voice, which had been steely and sharp all this time. But not anymore. You swallowed, fought against the burning in your eyes, all the while staring Kakashi down. “The least thing you could do, and you couldn’t even do that. And I, as the idiot I am, even buttered you up! Complimented you because I thought, that…”
“Don’t fucking talk to me right now.” You stepped backwards, you had to. Anything to hide that you were so close to breaking into angry tears. “Just… leave me the fuck alone from now on. I’m talking with Minato first thing in the morning to remove me from the project, so I don’t have to put up with you anymore.”
Thankfully, Kakashi didn’t call out to you again, and before you left the rooftop through the same door, you didn’t look back. Didn’t want to look back, couldn’t stand to see his stupid, dumb, still attractive face for one more second and pretend like everything was alright. 
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troublemkr · 10 months ago
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ㅤㅤunable to help the feeling of being offended , Claire actively tried to steady her breaths as they deepend. she didn't like the tone from @thespyinred , the way she called terrasave a ' kumbaya singing group '. Claire had heard it all before , of course , so many people didn't take the organization seriously until they needed them. usually Claire could live without taking the digs to heart , but it was Ada. she didn't want to be written off by Ada , even if it wasn't personal to her only to her job. 
ㅤㅤat the rejection that Claire knew was going to happen , she felt both disappointment and relief. she knew that she wouldn't be happy if she'd had to work alongside Ada , knowing full well a conversation about their mutual friend might irk the brunette. on the other hand , though , Claire couldn't honestly deny the spy's espionage. Ada was very talented , if not sincere. 
ㅤㅤbefore she could bring herself to respond , however , the spy continued with her comment about a charitable act. the entire exchange made her uneasy , and she couldn't tell if it was simply because of the threat to terrasave's members or because of the vibes she was getting from Ada. " YOU KNOW HOW TO GET AHOLD OF ME. " was her only response as she watched the other woman saunter over to the back exit of the hardware store. she was mysterious , that much was obvious , and part of her could understand the allure that held Leon in a chokehold , but that realization put the younger Redfield in a sour mood. 
ㅤㅤafter debriefing with Neil and several other members of terrasave about her meeting with Ada , Claire began looking into the thumb drive that she'd been provided. Ada hadn't been lying , there were clear cut plans for a bombing to take place at the next terrasave rally ― including a hit list of sorts , members' names that seemed to be the clear targets. Claire's name wasn't on the list , a fact that brought on a pain in her chest. of course she didn't want to be on the list , but these people were her friends ― her family even. 
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ㅤㅤother than the list of names and a general outline of the plan , there were several encrypted files with names seemingly related to B.O.W.s. files were labeled ; ' t ― abyss ' , ' t ― 011 TALOS ' , and ' bandersnatch '. she enlisted the help of other members of terrasave to attempt to decrypt the information , but before they could break in , she was pressured by Neil to reach out to their unwilling teammate. 
[ sms ; unknown number ] feeling charitable today?
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year ago
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Release: September 19, 2014
There's a place I go to
Where no one knows me
It's not lonely
It's a necessary thing
It's a place I made up
Find out what I'm made of
The nights I've stayed up
Counting stars and fighting sleep
Let it wash over me
I'm ready to lose my feet
Take me off to the place where one reveals life's mystery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far to go
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
What builds up throughout the day
It gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell each other secrets
And remember how to love
Da da dum da dum dum dum
Da dum dum dum
Da da da dum dum
Da da dum da dum dum dum
Da dum dum dum
Da da da dum dum
There's a place I'm going
No one knows me
If I breathe real slowly
I let it out and let it in
It can be terrifying
To be slowly dying
Also, clarifying
We end where we begin
So let it wash over me
I'm ready to lose my feet
Take me off to the place where one reveals life's mystery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far to go
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
What builds up throughout the day
It gets into your body
It flows right through your blood
We can tell each other secrets
And remember how to love
Da da dum da dum dum dum
Da dum dum dum
Da da da dum dum
Da da dum da dum dum dum
Da dum dum dum
Da da da dum dum
Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
What builds up throughout the day
And it gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell each other secrets
And remember how to love
Erik Olof Mattiasson / Mathew Griffith Simons
"Catch & Release" is a song by American singer-songwriter Matt Simons from his album of the same name. It was released in September 2014 and became a hit in the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland and Belgium.
The song had much greater success when it was remixed by Dutch house DJ and producer duo Deepend (Bob van Ratingen and Falco van den Aker). Released on March 2, 2015, this version was a hit on many European charts, reaching number 1 in Belgium (both Flanders and Wallonia), Germany and France, and number 4 in Austria and also Switzerland.
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Jack Crusher x Sidney La Forge
The turbo lift scene if it had gone the way I wanted it to. There is seriously a lack of Sidney and Jack content out there, and it's criminal. I just love the chemistry between the two. So here is my attempt at conveying that chemistry.
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The ride was rather quiet, considering there were six other people in the turbo lift. As soon as they got to the next level, they all got out, Sidney could hear the announcement from another crew member talking about the logs. She was, however, more focused on the fact that she was now alone in the turbolift with the infamous Jack Crusher. He is handsome, she had to admit, but he was also dangerous, especially given the recent situations they've found themselves in.
Jack cleared his throat next to her, "So...what are your quarters like? Nice?" He asked, watching her intently.
Sidney scoffed, "No. I'm an ensign. They're standard quarters. They're small, very small." She looked at him, and she saw that mischievous, boyish grin he wore whenever he was about to say something less than appropriate.
Jack continued to watch her for a second before saying, "Well...cause you know half the ship's empty. Well, I've found myself a cracking little suite. I'd love to uh, hang out sometime if you're - or not, that's fine. " He broke as she looked at him with a questioning gaze before looking ahead of her. Jack couldn't help but stare at her, slightly unsure of himself as he was talking. What exactly was he asking? To hang out? Really, is that the best he could do? He certainly wanted more than to just 'hang out'. His mind began to drift to how pretty Sidney was, her hair always tied perfectly, her curious eyes watching everyone and everything around her, the way she looked at him as though he was a mystery she was trying to unravel. Everything about her drew him in more and more. Lost in thought, he didn't realise he was staring at her for a long time until something strange started happening.
"Is he flirting? Those eyes..." She inhaled deeply at that, like she couldn't believe how beautiful his eyes were. "He is charming...at least be subtle first...touch my hand or..." She broke off the sentence in her own mind.
Jack could hear all of this, hear it all in his own mind. He couldn't quite believe that he was hearing it. He hadn't been sure if she felt the same as he did... until now. As he listened to her mind, he looked her up and down, taking everything in. The way her uniform fit perfectly, the way she held herself, and how beautiful she was. As soon as she confessed that she wanted him to touch her hand, he made up his mind about what to do next. Jack immediately looked down at her hand and slowly inched closer, moving his hand until it gently touched hers.
Sidney's eyes shot to where both their hands were now touching. The shock and confusion were evident on her face, but there was also a hint of joy. She stared at him for a second before asking, "Why did you do that?"
Jacked just stared at her, the whispering of Sidney's thoughts echoing in his mind. "How did he know to touch my hand?" This one statement stuck with him. He had to close this off, he had to stop it before he lost the chance to do the one thing he had been wanting to do for a while now.
So he ignored all of this, ignored the whisperings of her mind, ignored the sounds and voices he was hearing, and slowly, they were drowned out.
Jack didn't respond to Sidneys previous question. Instead, he moved his fingers to chin and gently grasped it as he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. He could surprise her, but after a second or two, she started to kiss him back. Before long, their lips were moving in rhythm, her fingers carefully threaded through his hair, and she almost melted on the spot at how soft his hair was. Her lips were soft against as, she tasted rather sweet, he sighed at how perfect this was.
Sidney deepend the kiss, and Jack's hands moved again, one going to her waist and holding her closer to him and the other going to her neck. He slowly pushed he backwards until her back hit the wall of the turbolift. He tilted his head sightly to get better access to her mouth as she moaned into the kiss, an action which made Jack smirk against her lips.
He was very quickly realising the effect he had on her, and he was going to make sure she knew exactly how he felt about her.
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wickedsrest-rp-archive · 2 years ago
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Name: Jun Ha "Juno" Hart Species: Nymph (Nereid) Occupation: Unemployed  Age: 29 Years Old Played By: Ci Face Claim: Han So Hee 
"They were right. Revenge is sweet."
TW: Parental death
Though stories were spun of her kind and just how destructive they could be, when it came down to it, it was up to the fae to protect what they served. For Juno’s family, that was the ocean, and anything that could be found in it. Despite never knowing its shores on an intimate level, Jeju-do was home to Juno and her parents before they were driven out by an onslaught of tourism. What used to be travelers with their notebooks eventually turned into something more sinister. Humans came and went, and with every visit, they took parts of Juno’s home with them. With the increased foot traffic of humans came the wardens with their iron. 
Jeju-Do was a distant memory by the time they arrived off the southern coast of Florida.
Upon their arrival, the existing aos sí welcomed Juno and her parents with open arms after hearing their woes. They all had a common purpose, and more importantly, the recognition that humans should not be trusted ran like a red thread between them. Though it was small in size, they were mighty, taking residence off of No Name Key, but protecting the waters of south Florida all the same. While Juno already had a devotion towards the ocean, it only grew with time. Where her father sprouted scales and her mother dawned fluorescents, she was all foam and ocean blue. 
It would only be a few years later that humans would begin showing up on their not-so-hidden shores. In response, the fae began to retaliate. Within the year, there were a record number of drownings which closed the island down semi-permanently, barring tourists from visiting. For a little while, the aos sí had peace. 
They existed without issue for a few more years, up until cranes and bulldozers appeared on the island, seeking to ‘renovate.’ The war machines were accompanied by droves of people, and as if overnight, the island underwent immediate construction. The life that the aos sí had sworn to protect were driven out by the noise, pollution, and fear. The fae fought back as best they could, Juno’s parents included. The children of the aos sí were sent running, tails tucked between their legs with a few of the older adults who’d seen their own versions of war and were too weak to fight. 
It only took one night for their blood to fill the once blue waters. 
One of the elders drove it into the children that it had not been wardens who had done this, but mere humans. Humans and their greed had torn apart their existence, and had destroyed the very place they were sworn to protect. Juno absorbed the old man’s hatred, and though she cried for her parents who fell victim, she knew that there was a deeper purpose pulling her along now; revenge.
Juno continued living with the remaining members of the aos sí, but her wound only deepend. No matter where they went, humans ruined everything. Whether it was oil spills, fishing wire, or trash, they were the cause for all suffering. Though the ocean called to the group of six, the elders made the hard decision to move them onto land. At first, Juno was defiant, begging them to reconsider. It took some convincing from the elder whose rage Juno mirrored when the aos sí had first been destroyed. He explained it to her that if they wanted to truly make humans pay, they would need to get inside of their heads and see what they treasured most. To Juno, it was confusing. How humans could love anything, especially if all they did was take was a mystery, but after some time, she relented, falling into step beside them. 
The years on land were not filled with knowledge in the usual sense. She was not forced to go to a human school (though two of the younger children had decided to do so out of curiosity), but instead, she listened. Humans posted signs– the kinds that would lead you to the projects they had planned. The bright orange kind was the easiest to find, and so Juno took it upon herself to puncture the war machine’s tires. She knew this was only a delay, so over time, she moved into promise binds; something she practiced in small benign ways at first, but strengthened overtime. 
Though she knew she would never actually avenge her parents’ deaths, for the individuals responsible for destroying the aos sí were long gone, she could at least make their sullen counterparts pay. Every bind that Juno made was entirely in her favor. Whether it was that they destroy their own property or literally light plans on fire, she ran the companies seeking to better the environment into the ground. After turning eighteen, no matter how arbitrary those human customs were, she took it upon herself to move up the coast. 
It was a method of rinse and repeat. Juno would make a bind, maybe set something on fire, or kill somebody, and leave a ruined company in her wake. 
Wicked’s Rest was a name heard through the grapevine, and though she had no plans to settle, it lay by the coast. Upon her arrival, the ocean called to her, begging for help. Who was she to ignore it? She hadn’t felt a connection in some time, and while she wasn’t sure she could foster a new one, she could recognize human greed anywhere and Wicked’s Rest is festering in it.
Character Facts:
Personality: Impulsive, vengeful, calculating, arrogant, hostile, sentimental, dedicated, passionate, clever, venturesome
Upon arriving in Wicked’s Rest, Juno promise bound an urban planning executive into giving her his home. She killed him shortly after. 
Juno’s unglamoured form looks a lot like seafoam mixed with sea water and other objects from the ocean, most notably coral and seashells. When in the water, however, Juno can use these items and others as weapons of her choosing as well as having the ability to create tides and whirlpools. On land, she relies on her promise binds to get what she needs and to stay out of trouble. 
While Juno doesn’t care much for human infrastructure or inventions, she has taken a liking to motorbikes. She currently has a Yamaha TW200 that she stole off of some CEO’s son after promise binding them into making extremely bad deals that essentially ran their entire company into the ground.
Juno has a better understanding of the human world than most fae who spent the majority of their lives in an aos sí, but when it comes down to it, she is fae first and foremost and will lean into those traits before she leans into any she’s learned by being among humans. 
She has a collection of things from the bottom of the sea. Some of it is trash, some of it treasure. Tons of wedding rings, phones, and for some reason, hair ties.
Juno assumed the surname Hart due to never having an official one, though she’s more inclined to give fake names with Korean surnames to those who ask. She just thought Hart was pretty.
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vuldak-juneau · 3 months ago
It was difficult to tell if he was teasing her or not through the fog of her heavy mind. Everything seemed to shift and change faster than she could figure out what had been moved out of place. People were shifting and temporary, cities were falling, and long dormant threats were resurging once again. Despite all of this, she couldn’t see past her shortsighted grief–even long enough to have some home to Adrian and Jamie when she should have. “Jamie is the one who is scared of the Tower and magic, not me,” Juneau reminded him dully. She figured she ought to just get the truth out in the open, especially given she hadn’t given Jamie word or notice of where she had run off to. “I was in Aventia,” she told him, knowing he would accept a much more lackluster excuse than the trust. But she didn’t want to lie to Adrian–even if Aventia probably would have been the last place he would have guessed she’d run off to. “I only got back a week ago, I was just…. Busy.” Busy hiding, sulking, crying, licking her wounds… But not busy with anything of importance. 
Juneau wanted to answer Adrian and conceal everything all at once. It felt wrong to burden him with anything beyond what she had already disclosed to him in the frigid wasteland after her first shift. At that point, she didn’t think anything could get worse than it already was; it was foolish of her to have considered. Every problem deepended, worsened, and weighed more heavily on her than ever before. While the events of the Mystery Box were not a direct reflection of how Ivar had betrayed her, they did force her to look upon the truth of the matter with unnerving honesty. Alder, who had promised to look out for her, had left her behind. There were threats of the Dark One’s mission compounding coming from the matriarch for Veilcrest. And she’d been stupid enough to think she could protect someone–anyone. But she couldn’t control anything, least of all herself.  Still, she knew she owed Adrian some sort of an explanation. She opened the clamshell of her hands, and the dim light of the glowing rock she had somehow brought with her from the setting of the Mystery Box produced a dim light. She placed it on the side table by Adrian’s bed and moved back to sit beside him. She would have rest her cheek on his shoulder, but she was far too small–it squished pathetically against his bicep instead. “I found out more about how I died,” she mumbled with no attempt to disguise her tone of misery. She didn’t feel ready to disclose that Alder had left her yet; perhaps she was too afraid to put the idea in Adrian’s head, as if he would suddenly have no recourse but to abandon her too if the idea struck him. “And I followed some boy to Aventia, like…. Pathetic. But I’m not going to see him anymore.” He was too good, he didn’t deserve her presence in his life.
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Juneau was sulking, this powerful darkness that clouded the entirety of her mood and leeched into the faint light of the room. A sense of tired still clouded him, eyes wincing under the source of light that he had activated, but Adrian was still quick enough to snap back in return, "Oh, so you've been avoiding me for reasons unrelated to the Tower?" Juneau's not facing him, and though it's deadpanned, a faint smile twitches at the corners of his mouth, relieved to see her at all.
Adrian had been used to loneliness; a wretched sentiment which used to mock him in his youth, merely burned quietly within him. The dark, deep expanse of such isolation could no longer claim fear within his heart, and even Adrian had been surprised at his ability to overcome and conquer his Novice status, quickly transitioning to the status of Accepted. Loneliness was a funny thing; many said it built character, establishing an unshakable foundation if one survived it. Adrian peered at the silhouette of Juneau however and his faint smile twisted into a worried frown.
Loneliness, sure, but an imperceivable darkness too, something which separated itself from the lupine influence he'd already learned about her. What energy clouded her was insidious and cruel, it turned Juneau even against herself if not her friends and those she held dearest. "What is it?" He's shifting now, pulling himself from the comfort of the bed to inch closer to his friend.
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kokoronbain · 5 years ago
Hmm... I realised that it's the last day of Mermay
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So here the grand finale!
Yep, I decided to draw all LM3 characters as mermaids from all persons who decided to do that challenge like me.
I would like to draw ALL characters from all AUs in one drawing but there isn't enough place so I let in each AU. I did my best for making pose and interaction for each character so my bad if I didn't make a great balance/presentation between them.
And finally due to my motivation which is fucked up, all I did was making WIPs. I dunno if I will color it one day. But at least you can see details thanks to the flash (but i am sorry if you don't see well your character 👉👈)
Also thank you for all people who mentionned me in their posts so I can see your great work! I am very touched by that! ^.^
Now time to credit everyone and showing their works by links:
Paloma (Original, Fell, Horror) belongs to me
Page (Original, Fell) belongs to @itsameaury
Nicolás (Original, Fell) & Hisoka belong to @anamakara
Fantakutsi belongs to @niky-uky
Sarah and Johnny Deepend's merman design belong to @creepychippy
Mysterious Mr. Angel belongs to @acrylic-kettle
Goldy (Original, Fell, Horror) and LilBoo belong to @danisha-tdh
And that's all!!!!
Hope you like my art and Happy Mermay everyone!!!
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ejlovespie · 4 years ago
okay imagine being tipsy with dean and toppling out of the bar in a fit of giggles while making out🥵🔥☺️
Nerves buzzing, bodies swaying, you grabbed Dean's forearm and motioned for the door. He gave you a goofy look before hitting you with the force of a full pouty lip. You laughed and playfully swatted his arm when he batted his long eye lashes at you. Pulling on him some more, he finally stood and you headed for the door. You tumbled out of it together when you both tried to exit the narrow space at the same time. Almost falling on your faces, you both tumbled to the street and laughed hysterically as you steadied each other. Buzzed and feeling giggly, you looked up into Dean's eyes and sassed, "I thought it was supposed to be ladies first, Winchester."
Smirking at you, Dean scoffed before placing his hands on your hips and hugging you to him. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but you would have fallen on your perfect ass if I had let you go." Eyes narrowing, you pushed as his chest playfully before wrapping your arms around his neck. Melting into each other, you pressed your lips to Dean's for an intoxicating kiss. His lips were soft and warm and you noted the taste of whiskey as you deepend the kiss. You laughed and pulled away when Dean moved his hands from your hips to your butt. When he groaned and squeezed your flesh, you gave him another chaste kiss before pulling away and giggling, "Take me home Dean."
Groaning, he bit his lip before smiling devilishly at you. With a flirty wink he responded, "Alright, Y/N. Let's get home so I can make you cum first."
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@akshi8278 @wellfuckmyexistence @beabutterfly987 @deandaydreaming @slamminmine @deandreamernp @the-white-shadow-of-hydra @siospins @elsamc13 @lyarr24 @the-mystery-spot @flamencodiva @flamencodiva-reblogs @deanwanddamons @mrspeacem1nusone @happyt0exist @thoughts-and-funnies @fofisstilinski @emariej28 @pepetualabsurdity
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neobrogrippa · 3 years ago
Tell Me of the Moon Ch. 4
   Sasuke’s third day in Azuchi would be fairly dull. Mai found herself too buried in tasks to meet up with Sasuke and the ninja himself simply continued selling medicine and gathering information on local happenings and rumors. While a bit sleepy Sasuke struggled to stay awake in the morning he found new energy when he was visited by Tokugawa Ieyasu that afternoon. Meanwhile for the third day in a row Mai seemed happier than usual. In spite of how tired she must have been, she worked twice as hard as usual and didn’t seem to be bothered by anything, even Mitsuhide’s usual teasing.   That night as the Warlords of Azuchi gathered for dinner it seemed Ieyasu was notably absent, as was Mitsuhide. One of his maids in the castle said the pair was spending the evening having a private dinner with a medicine dealer to exchange recipes and talk of the uses of various plants Ieyasu had found on a recent trip to Kyushu. Instantly Mai’s breath caught in her throat a bit. Ieyasu wasn’t a large surprise per say but why Mitsuhide? Did he plan to use any medicines or plants to poison his prisoners? Sasuke had seemed too excited about meeting a vassal of Mitsuhide’s yet, did he let something slip?   Concerned about what might be happening to her friend Mai asked to be excused from the castle after dinner. As Nobunaga pressed her on why she wanted to leave so late at night she explained it was to visit Ieyasu and Mitsuhide as she too was curious about what medicines might be sold in Azuchi. At first Nobunaga wished to object but then a thin man with purple and white clothes and a large smile chimed in. “I will escort her to Lord Ieyasu’s location. He should be at a local lord’s manor nearby.” Mitsunari offered. With an internal sigh of relief Mai gladly accepted Mitsunari’s escort as the pair went off into the evening. Fortunately it wouldn’t take them long to arrive where Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, and Sasuke had decided to meet.     The manor itself was fairly average, yet inside several small tables had been set up, some with what appeared to be dried, foreign plants, and other tables with the same jars Mai had seen previously at Sasuke’s stall. As Mai entered she would see the owner of the manor, as well as Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, and Sasuke all talking and pointing to different tables. While she was content to just watch them, knowing nothing would happen to Sasuke during such peaceful talks, her cover was quickly blown as Mitsunari formally announced himself. Instantly not just Ieyasu but Mitsuhide as well looked a bit unhappy to see him. While Mitsunari quickly moved to speak with Ieyasu and the owner of the manor, Mai would move towards Sasuke only to find Mitsuhide staying close to him with a fox-like grin upon his face. “Ah, Mai. I was just speaking with this traveling apothecary. I noticed you two have a very similar manner of speech.” he said calmly as both Mai and Sasuke did their best to not act phased. “Mai and I are from the same village.” Sasuke quickly chimed in as Mai nodded in agreement. “Oh? I would be curious to know what village that is.” he said with a smile. “Uh,” Mai started but looked at Sasuke for help. As Sasuke also seemed a bit lost, Ieyasu came back over and looked at the fake medicine man. “Hey, do you know what plant that is over on the far table with the thorns?” he asked at Mitsuhide’s smile deepend. “Hmmm. You can tell me later.” he whispered to Mai and Sasuke both. Trying his best to stay calm Sasuke went with Ieyasu to identify the mysterious plant in question while Mitsuhide stayed gazing at Mai. “After this little farce is done. Why Don’t you two meet me at my own manor here in town. If you don’t join him, I may end up telling Nobunaga some things about your shared home village.” and with that he turned towards Ieyasu and Mitsunari. “I’m not feeling well and need to retire for the evening. Please send our apothecary friend over to my estate when you are done here. I could use some fresh medicine.” as Mitsunari asked Mitsuhide if he needed to be escorted home Mitsuhide simply waved off the question, assuring Mitsunari that wouldn’t be necessary as Azuchi was such a safe town and headed out. (Part 4 of 6 of an Ikemen Sengoku Fanfiction for @yaystew​ ) (Also tagging @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen as hosts)
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lunawolfiefoxy · 8 months ago
Courtesy of my post, have a mini fic bout it
The mail man came that day. Warriors knew that to be true. He knew it by the way Wind was excitedly showing Twilight a piece of paper. He knew by the way that Time was smiling to himself, still staring at the letter from Malon. He knew by the way that everyone was finished reading, except Legend. Just as usual, Legend was staring at the paper, squinting, holding it too close, how concentrated he was.
He walks over to the vet, stopping just in front of him. Warriors wondered if Legend had even noticed he was there. Clearing his throat, he knelt down to eye level with the hero, who in turn met his eyes and scowled.
"What do you want?" Legend clipped, holding the letter protectively. Warriors held his hands up defensively. While this would be the perfect moment to get just as snarky with the teen, something didn't feel right about doing so.
"Just making sure you're alright, you're looking awfully hard at the paper." Warriors said, gesturing to the letter in his hand. Legend seemed to take it the wrong way with how his scowled deepend.
"What of it? I can read!"
"I never said you couldn't." Warriors tried to defuse the situation. He looked around, making sure nobody was watching, before he held his hand out for the letter. "If it's bad handwriting or something, I'm pretty good at deciphering. But if you think it's too private, I won't push." Legend in turn hugged the letter to his chest.
"Back off pretty boy, I can read my OWN letter. You're just jealous you don't get any." Legend smirked at him, then ignored him to glare at the paper again. With a sigh, he got up and walked away. Warriors wouldn't be getting through to him any longer.
Warriors looked around the wood they had landed in after the portal. It was simple enough. There was rows of apple trees and, apple trees, and more apple trees? Warriors was starting to think this wasn't a forest. He turned around, looking around the, what was more likely to be an orchard, and tried to figure out where they were. Time stood next to him, staring at a larger apple tree curiously, before facing the group.
"Anybody recognize it?" He asked, a bit quieter in case they alerted the owner of this orchard. Warriors, along with Sky, Wind, and Twilight all answered no. Wild stared at his slate a moment before shaking his head.
"Sorry, not mine either. I wonder if we could ask the owner for some apples though. I've been meaning to try some apple desserts." Legend, who was laying on the ground next to Wild, scoffed as he sat up and looked around.
"Yea, no. This is my Hyrule. And these are my trees. They aren't ready yet. If it was any later into the year, maybe, but these are still growing." Warriors turned to looked at Legend, his eyebrow arched.
"You have an orchard?" The words left his mouth before he could stop them. Luckily, Legend didn't seem bothered by the question and simply nodded.
"Yea, the house is that way." He sits up and points in the opposite direction of the larger apple tree. Hyrule looked down at Four, who was groaning on the floor, and picked him up before following Legend, who was now up and walking towards where he pointed.
It took a couple minutes, they ended up in a nice looking yard, with a quant house and shed. Warriors noticed Legend cracking a smile as the teen began to walk a little faster and opening the door.
"Rav! I'm home!" Legend shouts, then gets tackled by a bundle of purple. Warriors was shocked, along with the rest of them, before they heard Legend and this mystery person laughing. Twilight placed a hand on Warriors's shoulder, before everyone began to walk inside the house.
"Mister Hero, you won't be able to read that!" Ravio called to Legend, who was holding a letter from Fable in his hands. Legend, in turn, got a little red on the ears. He tried to wave it off, but Ravio came over, holding a pair of thin framed glasses in his hands. "You left these at home. Silly Mister Hero."
Legend mumbles a thanks, taking them and putting them on, hiding his face in the letter. Warriors gently grabbed Ravio by the shoulder, shocked. Pulling him aside, wanting to talk to him in private, as to not embarrass Legend further.
"Ravio, since when did Legend need glasses?" He asked the purple clad merchant. Ravio gave him a slight glare, as if expecting him to begin to ridicule Legend.
"Since always, Mister Captain Hero Sir." He says with an edge to his tone. "What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing!" He clears his throat, relaxing his posture and tone. "Nothing at all. He's just, never told us. He's been trying to read without them for, well, since we met up." Ravio sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Silly Mister Hero. Of course he did. He hates wearing his glasses as much as I do. But I think it makes him look quite dashing." Ravio smiles as he finishes his sentence. Warriors chooses to ignore the first part in favor of changing the subject.
"Dashing you say? Don't tell me this prickly cactus stole your heart." He grins teasingly, willing Ravio to take the bait. Ravio got red in the face and made a small squeak before glaring at Warriors, similar to how Legend does.
"H-he's not THAT prickly!" Ravio says defensively. Warriors chuckles in turn and kept teasing Ravio until they went to bed that night. As Warriors lay awake, he turned his head to look at the door to the bedroom. After a moment, he smiled. He wanted to make Legend feel accepted, it's not like it was a bad thing that he needed glasses. It was just different, and different was okay.
Okay, new headcanon
Legend and Ravio both need glasses. Legend needs reading glasses while Ravio needs them to see far away. Both refuse to wear them despite telling each other they look great with them.
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guiltspelled · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
    “  stephanie.  “ zatanna has to increase the tone of her voice, mostly because the blonde hadn’t seemed to respond before and well, she’s stifling any laughter that might be coming forth. there’s an easy smile across her lips and the laughter is forgotten about as she places a hand on her hip, tilting her head. “  there’s no need to be embarrassed.  “
@hitbrick​ liked.
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blissfullyapillow · 4 years ago
Date Night Chills
Date Night Chills
Genshin Impact
Kaeya Alberich x female reader
wc: 1299
Notes: Another Personal Favorite, I love my cryo boy. Fluff!!
Back to Masterlist B
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧    
Due to his usual flirtatious nature, I thought him inviting me out to dinner tonight was nothing out of the ordinary for him. What I didn’t expect was for him to keep pestering me about it. Constantly. 
While I was enjoying fishermen’s toast out on patrol? He’d find his way at my side and not so subtly remind me about our upcoming plans. While I’m fighting hilichurls that are being a nuisance to the local merchants? Kaeya manages to surprise me by joining me in battle and effortlessly destroying the annoying hilichurls with his cool moves, both literally and figuratively. 
After the battle he greets me with his usual smug expression as he asks me how I’m fairing. That’s not the end of it; just now while I was heading home to prepare for our date Kaeya shows up out of nowhere and decides to “escort me home” as he likes to call it. 
His actions may come off as annoying and downright creepy to others, but I know Kaeya better than that. As of late our relationship has deepend, whether that’s due to the late nights we spend together at the tavern, or due to the amount of missions we get paired together on, I can’t say for sure. What I can say is that his presence is welcome despite how cold he can be at times. 
I know from experience not to pry into his past, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. At first Kaeya was able to silence me with a piercing stare that made me feel as if sharp icicles would pierce my heart if I pried any further, so I laughed it off and immediately changed the subject. 
Each time I would slowly gain more courage and ask more and more questions, desperate to learn what I can about the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius. Kaeya was and always is one step ahead of me though, and he effortlessly dodged my fruitless efforts of trying to learn the truth that Kaeya refused to let anyone close to. 
After trying and failing so many times, I decided to just let it go. Maybe one day I’ll be lucky enough and Kaeya will tell me on his own. Yeah right.
 I snicker at my own naivety and put the finishing touches on my outfit for my date night with Kaeya. I have on a black and red short dress with the back open that I know Kaeya will love. I grab my purse after I finish putting on my shoes and that’s when I hear light knocking on my door. Incessantly. This man- “Hurry up love, I have much to show you tonight.” I roll my eyes which contradict the growing smile on my lips. 
I hurry to the door, but I’d never tell him that, and the breath is knocked out of me once my eyes meet his. He wears his usual devilish smirk, but something about it tonight is different. I can’t pinpoint what it is exactly, but it’s alluring yet warms my heart at the same time. “Ready to go?” Kaeya extends his arm out to me and his expression softens. 
I smile gently in return and tug my door shut behind me after making sure it’s locked. “Smart move. You don’t want anyone else coming into your home, unless it’s me of course.” Kaeya snickers when I smack his arm in retaliation. We begin walking with Kaeya leading the way, and as he goes on and on about our mystery date spot I decide to check him out from the corner of my eye. 
Kaeya has foregone the boob window in exchange for a loose colored button up with a low v-neck, this tease never changes. His eyes glance over at me and notice me checking him out, but he says nothing and just smirks in response. I stick my tongue out at him in response to his smirk, and he bops my nose in dismissal. 
After our cute little exchange we continue walking in comfortable silence until we reach our destination. “Um… Kaeya?” I ask with hesitation laced in my words. “Don’t question it love.” Is Kaeya’s smooth response to the horse ride patiently waiting in front of us. “Um, alright…” are the words that stumble out of my mouth. 
With no more questions, I attempt to climb up into the pretty carriage, but unfortunately for me I struggle to hoist myself up. I hear Kaeya stifling laughter, and I whip my head around to scold him. 
My words die in my throat when I come face to face with Kaeya’s eyes sparkling with joy. “Here, let me help you with that.” Kaeya gently places his hands on my waist and hoists me up into the carriage, and he quickly takes a seat beside me. 
There’s enough space for us to have a bit of distance between us, but Kaeya being Kaeya decides to sit close to me to where our thighs are touching. My face heats up in response but I say nothing to get him to move his leg away. Kaeya lifts his hand like he’s waving at the driver, and the horse neighs gently in response. Before I know it, we’re off. 
“So…” I trail off. “Yes?” Kaeya murmurs. I shyly glance up at Kaeya and he meets my stare with an intense look. He’s leaning forward with one arm on his knee while his chin rests in his palm, and it makes him undeniably more attractive. 
I meet his stare head on and we engage in a short staring contest before we both burst out laughing, breaking our intense staring contest. After I calm down I lean back into the soft plush cushions that make up the seat of the carriage. 
I stare up at the night sky, the moon watching over Kaeya and I in it’s comforting glow. I feel Kaeya gently take my hand in his, and when I turn my head in surprise to look at him he shys away; he glances anywhere but at me, yet his grip on my hand stays firm. 
I try my best not to swoon in front of him, but I know it’s impossible when Kaeya finally meets my gaze and a genuine smile graces his beautiful features. Kaeya. Is smiling. At me. Not smirking, or staring me down with his intense looks. No, Kaeya is SMILING. 
I can’t help the girly squeal that leaves my lips as I squeeze his hand and happily bounce in my seat. Kaeya heartily laughs at my antics. 
I calm myself down enough to gaze at Kaeya in awe. He looks absolutely breathtaking this way, without his usual calm and collected expression on his face, or his typical smug grin that hides his true feelings.  
“Kaeya…” I murmur. “Yes, love?” Kaeya softly asks. “I can’t wait to spend the night with you.” Kaeya’s lips form into a grin and I realize my mistake. Kaeya leans forward until his lips brush against my ear. I can’t contain the blush that spreads across my face even if I tried.
“Don’t worry, I know you didn’t mean it in that way. No need to have that horrified expression on your face. I know you want to but we should take things slow now. I can’t wait to spend this evening with someone as lovely as you.” Kaeya whispers in my ear. Kaeya leans back and he stares at my face for a moment before he gently brushes a stray hair away from my face.The night has only just begun, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store. I’m seeing Kaeya in a way I’ve never seen him before, and I already know I can’t get enough of him.
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