#mcu agatha
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faceless1bastard · 4 months ago
Jennifer: That's it. Are you done bitching?
Agatha: That was just a warm up.
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sleeepybeary · 4 months ago
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓: Babysitting your brother's daughter, Agatha can't help but find herself biting her as a warning for the secrets told.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: biting (gentle bites)
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It wasn't often that you heard from your family, even less so from your brother. However, with your brother's upcoming travel to the town just over and a babysitter cancelling, you were dumped with the responsibility of babysitting instead, unfortunately.
So, kneeling down on the floor of your house with a small smile spreading across your face, you coo with a gentle tone of voice.
“Look at you, being so smart” you had commented, watching with a tamed unamusement as the baby had picked up the small horse statue carved from pine wood. Her small fingers wrapped around the throat of the animal, hands not developed enough for form a tight squeeze, but strong enough to hold in a soft clasp.
“Talking to the imaginary friend again?” Agatha’s voice rang out from behind you as she stood, balancing most of her weight upon her right leg, arms crossed and her hair messily thrown up in some excuse of a “fashionable” style.
“I beg your pardon?” You let out a choke of disbelief, your eyes narrowing as you glance at the woman who can only stare back with a daring smirk. “I'm not talking to an imaginary friend, I'll have you know”
“Then who is of our company?”
You flick your head slightly, motioning for her to step closer as your fingers wrap around the underarms of the infant. “Look at me!” You speak through a tightening tone, a smile threatening to break way. “I'm a baby, I need your attention!”
“Ahh…” Agatha clicks her tongue, kneeling down slightly as her hands remain almost limp beside her. “You're babysitting today… that totally slipped my mind”
“Yeah, well, no one else was available” you pause, letting your fingers slowly slip from the smaller girl's arms. “Besides, this may put you on good terms with my family too”
Laughing dryly, Agatha almost slaps your shoulder, “we're already on semi-decent terms. I fret to think they'll find out I'm a witch someday, though. That's when I'll need those accommodations”
You tch, eyeing your girlfriend slightly. “They'd probably disown me before I could ever breathe your name again”
“Or sell us out for ransom”
“That's not very nice, Agatha” you warn, your eyes going almost lazy as you throw her an odd look.
Though, despite your slight defence in protecting your family's name, in the lime light, what Agatha was speaking of was certainly of a possibility - one you'd wish to avoid.
So, in turn, telling your parents of your girlfriend's stance in witchcraft was out of the picture. For now, at least.
“You didn't hear anything, okay, little one?” Agatha had ignored your look, turning to hold the tinier humans' hands, watching the way her young fingers wrapped around the length of just one of her fingers. “If you did, and you tell anyone, we're gonna have a real serious problem”
“She's three, Agatha. She can barely even say Mama and Dada.” You laugh teasingly at her seriousness, noting the way her eyes crinkle at the edges from the narrowing of her eyes.
“At the age of three, I was already running around, causing my ‘Mama’ some awfully inconvenient hassle” she grins, blue eyes shining in a haze of mischief. “Stealing food, drawing on the walls, biting the furniture once my first tooth came in-”
“A real devil in disguise”
“Exactly” she chuckles, leaning down till her face was just a rulers length away from the infants face. “Do you know what we do to snitches?”
“Agatha…” you groan slightly, having gained the exact same treatment during the first night of finding out about her supernatural abilities.
She waits, watching as the baby lets out a small squeal, smiling at her impaired ability to yet talk. “We eat them all up like this-”
You observe the way Agatha brings the infants' hand to her mouth, her teeth gently sinking into the vulnerable of her flesh just enough to leave a small indentation.
Your lips purse slightly, watching at the way Agatha lets out small “nom nom” sounds to the slow rhythm of which she scatters the smaller hand in gentle bites - never going far enough to actually hurt her - but enough to leave her confused.
“If this were anyone else, I'd almost be jealous” you tut, shaking your head.
“Oh? Do you want to be bitten, too?” Agatha looks to you, smirking slightly as she takes your hand in her own.
You laugh lightly, scrunching your nose as you pull your hand back. “No… I think I'm okay for now”
Agatha can only let out a gentle hum, licking her drying lips slightly as she adjusts her… your T-shirt as it hangs loosely upon her shoulders and around her throat. “You know where to find me if you ever change your mind”
“In my house…? In my clothes…?”
“Exactly” Agatha lets out a simple laugh, her eyes closing as her head tilts back slightly. “And don't you forget it”
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purple--queen · 4 months ago
Lesbians wake up, the first lesbian kiss in the MCU just droped
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dead--girls--club · 4 months ago
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🖤Agatha Harkness 💜
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 4 months ago
"Women's hearts are lethal weapons, did you hold mine and feel threatened?"
Happy finale day!
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yanderepuck · 4 months ago
I just found out that my old Wiccan cosplay still fits and I am ecstatic
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This was one of my first cosplays and one of my main ones and the fact that it still fits after 8 years is amazing.
Looking at it now it is made so poorly but the fact that I even did this to begin with is amazing
Billy means so much to me
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are-they-lgbtq · 1 month ago
Do you know this (Canon) Lesbian character
Character: Agatha Harkness
Media: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pronouns: She/Her
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"No Billy.... sometimes....boys die."
Agatha was in a romantic relationship with Rio/Death. Who is portrayed as a woman. She even says that she isn't straight.
She called Rio "My Love" during the flashback and it's stated multiple times they are exes.
It's also implied that Agatha may have had feelings for Wanda "I'm your mom's ex......best friend." Though this is probably a joke line and not meant to be taken seriously.
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thelilreddragon · 4 months ago
Red’s Controversial Opinion
It was so much better than what I wanted!! We tied up all of the plot lines, except for Senior Scratchy!
FIRST OFF: PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER MUCH??? YAY BILLY! Thanks for getting my psych nerd to show up omg. #Anditwasalladream vibes
Agatha is a ghost and will mentor Billy
Rio still loves Agatha and vice versa
Jen will go on to be the High Priestess and start New Salem
Lilia, Alice, and Sharon will be remembered.
We know that Agatha has always just been a pure villain, but she feels bad for traumatizing Nicky through her need for magick.
The Young Avengers set up!!! Ahhh!!!
The set up for Agatha to learn how to heal post-Nicky.
And overall, I am so damn happy! Also that kiss was so long omg my heart is happy too :)
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cinelestial · 10 months ago
The upcoming Marvel series based on Agatha Harkness has changed titles yet again. The new title will be AGATHA: THE LYING WITCH WITH GREAT WARDROBE
UPDATE: Marvel has deleted the post so official title still TBD!
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velvet4510 · 9 months ago
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grechkathekasha · 5 months ago
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(“sailor song” by gigi perez starts playing)
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mioakem · 4 months ago
the imagery in this part of the ep was actually insane like this is genuinely beautiful
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sleeepybeary · 4 months ago
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓: Spending the late hours of the day helping Agatha brew up what she'd call a "love potion"
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“My dearest familiar, fetch me the fruits of a mandrake”
There it was again, the tiresome echo of your beloved's voice that seemed to only carry request after request as of late.
When Agatha had sought out your company for the evening, you initially thought you'd be spending the time together doing more coupley activities. Things like cuddling, going for a walk, doing some harmless gardening together; not entering an unfalsified contract to become her ever obedient slave as she whisked something beyond your willingly accepting knowledge in the kitchen.
You were her assistant, and had been for the last hour now as she pushed you back and forth between the kitchen counter and the small storage room turned pantry. It was seriously draining you both physically and mentally.
Looking up from the small of a journal you were scribbling in, you blink with a furrow forming between your brows. “An apple..?”
“Yes, Y/n” Agatha had rolled her eyes slightly, a small smile poking at her face. “or in other terms: the apples of love”
“You know this really makes no sense in the slightest” you mumble, eyes dragging down to the pot not too far away from you, or as Agatha would persist you to call it, her cauldron. It was nothing more than just a regular cooking pot, with an almost copper looking outerlining. It even looked regular. A thickened sheet of smoke bubbles over from its insides, acting like a fine rim of melted wax as it pools out and frees itself into the air.
As for what's actually inside the pot and being cooked at this very moment?
It was to be your dinner… you think.
“Why do you need to keep using these ridiculously given names for simple items such as an apple?”
“Because, my dear-” Agatha had looked up, her blue eyes almost searching yours now as she flicked her hands slightly, trying to rid herself of any cider residue. “-I'm making you a potion”
“It's pork with apple cider sauce-”
“-It's a love potion!” She had voiced quickly, cutting you off in an instant as she turned her head almost defensively, a small “hmph” sound eliciting from her throat.
Agatha blinks, glancing at you from her peripheral twice over, the second time at a more hesitant rate than the first. Licking her lips slightly, she flicks a strand of hair out of her face almost aggressively. “Isn't that obvious?”
“I don't know. Is it?”
She blinks, pointing to the pantry. “Fruits of a mandrake. Go. Now, pet”
Pushing your tongue against the inner of your bottom lip, you laugh out an airy sound of disbelief. Though, you comply regardless, acting the way she'd end up praising you for eventually.
Grabbing the apples and bringing them back to wash carefully under the tap, you roll your sleeves up.
A moment of peace fills the room before the length of Agatha’s arms could be felt slithering their way around your waist, her voice a tale of her true motives “By the end of this, you'll love me ten times more than you already do”
You try with all your might to ignore the large swell in your chest and the faint of bats going crazed within your stomach as you silently grin to yourself.
“Are you always this dramatic when cooking?”
She hums for a moment, the small vibration of her throat rippling against your shoulder in a reminder of her unrelenting proximity. “Only when I'm presenting to you, my love”
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church-of-lilith · 5 months ago
what if you were GAY and your girlfriend was the personification of DEATH and then your SON died and she had to reap his SOUL or whatever because it was her JOB and then you never forgave her but she still LOVED you and then you projected your GRIEF onto a random teenager while battling through DEATH trials with PATTI LUPONE
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kidovna · 4 months ago
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The Seer’s Timeline
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movietimegirl · 4 months ago
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That wasn't supposed to happen.
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