#the mv itself is actually really good and holds up
vampylily · 1 year
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rewatched what a catch donnie mv for fic inspo and now im crying like. imagine being a fob fan in 2009 and watching that. patrick. all alone on the dingy boat. fishing out the remnants of the fall out boy legacy. managing to save his band/label mates. but the GLARING absence of pete. leaving behind only the sinking ship in the distance. releasing the injured bird at the end. like what.
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kafus · 4 months
i really need to talk about why Gestalt is the perfect song to kick off Kaf's new era a little bit or i'm going to explode
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talking about this requires some background knowledge and i'm aware most people who are going to read this probably don't know that much about Kaf so i'll talk about her history a little bit - Gestalt is Kaf's first solo release in a whole year. this is a considerably long time for her, and it's because the person who had been writing her songs for/with her for her entire career, Kanzaki Iori, left Kamitsubaki Studio early last year due to personal complications with himself as an artist (he is still on very good terms with Kaf and the rest of Kamitsubaki's staff!!)
additionally, Kaf's music with Kanzaki had always primarily been centered on various bittersweet and painful themes, but especially the pain of growing up/becoming an adult. this was especially pertinent because Kaf started Being Kaf when she was 14 years old, so she was singing from a place of genuine teenage angst. as she began to inch closer to adulthood and then became an adult herself, however, the feeling of her music shifted from singing about a far-off adult future, to an incredibly immediate one, with songs like her final song with Kanzaki, Kaikou, but especially Kyoukankaku which also came out during those last few months of Kanzaki being around. (i will spare you a whole ramble about these songs, you just have to take my word on the thematics up to this point lol. feel free to look into it further if you like)
so, Kanzaki leaving left Kaf in a bit of a limbo state for a while since so much of her musical identity was built off of her work with him and the topics they explored. she would need to form a new musical identity and figure out where to go from Kanzaki leaving... she spent about a year releasing her last songs with him as well as pumping out covers and collaboration songs with other musicians. but now, finally, she's back to releasing her own work! Gestalt was actually debuted at her KAIKA concert back in January, but only now has the studio release and full music video come out.
Gestalt is representational of her finally entering her new era after this big transitional period. even the official english description for Gestalt says:
KAF embarks on the next stage of her journey.
and oh boy does she!!!
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Gestalt looks and feels like a super fun dance song in both the song itself and the MV. the description also says:
Over a year since KAF's last solo release, "Gestalt" is a 'killer dance tune' for the modern age.
and they're right. it is a killer dance tune. this shit slaps. but there's more to it than that.
it's immediately apparent when looking at the lyrics that there's more going on here - take this bit from the official english translation of the first verse for example:
From emotions to configurations When they start to break down I lose all understanding In so many ways Ahh I can't breathe Celebrating suffocation I can't take this
doesn't sound very fun or happy right? sounds chaotic. kaf is suffocating. she is losing her shit. but then it's followed up with:
Drop the beat! This disruptive Unnatural Forbidden gathering "Don't come here" "Don't look there" This is where it all starts to get good It's greedy Warped and twisted But hold me tight It's so hard to get it right, this losing game Seems like working together is the only way
to me, this is Kaf inviting the audience to dance with her amidst the chaos that she and all of us are suffocating in. the "unnatural and forbidden gathering" part is referring to how her and all of us are outcasts of society, how us trying to dance and experience joy while suffocating is looked at strangely. but the only way to survive in "this losing game" (of adult life) is to Work Together! be together!! dance together!!
that idea of being together in spite of suffering is the core message of the entire song, which is even brought out by its title, Gestalt. Gestaltism is essentially the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that the whole is worth more than the individual components. both the title and the lyrics of the song emphasize togetherness and dancing as a whole.
this is already a much more optimistic take on those themes of Adulthood Hard and Life Is Pain, portrayed in a much peppier way than Kaf is generally used to. it's familiar, it feels like Kaf, but there's a new spin on it now! it really feels like Kaf is debuting her new era with explosive energy. it's very much "i lived bitch" to me - she's an adult now like she always dreaded being but despite it all she's dancing within the chaos and you should join her for that in this new era!!
but it actually goes deeper than that, because Kaf's MVs have always been made thoughtfully and usually pertain to the meaning of the song, and this one is no different. the animation also ties back into this transition and meaning.
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^ these screencaps are from Gestalt (2024) and Just Forget About It (2019) respectively. both music videos were directed by Kawasaki Kenji, who worked on most of Kaf's older music videos and was the person who defined her visual style for a good portion of her career. older Kaf MVs almost always had some element of Kaf existing in real life environments, like some sort of alien girl wandering the streets of Tokyo. she was often put into very mundane locations with a good amount of wide shots, creating this ethereal feeling.
well, Kenji implements those themes into Gestalt for sure... a lot of the MV feels like an older Kaf MV. but there's a couple MAJOR differences...
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instead of just idling around and looking wistful like in her older videos, she is DANCING!! and the usual typography in her videos is extremely stylized and much more colorful than usual, plus the environments are decorated with a ton of colorful and overlapping shapes breaking up the relatively mundane and even melancholic looking environment (for the record, "gestalt" is also a type of visual design involving closed shapes, so the typography and shape language here also ties into the title of the song lol).
essentially what they've done here is draw back on the Kaf everyone knows and loves but gone hey, now it's colorful and explosive and high energy! this is new, too!! which is exactly what the song is trying to do as well! familiar themes but portrayed in a completely new light
and as one last aside, it is also worth mentioning real quick that Kaf's current outfit for the year or so, Raichou, was debuted at her concert in January where this song was also debuted, and while not specific to Gestalt, her character designer PALOW really made sure to change how Kaf looks a lot more than usual this time for her new era. Kaf has a new main look every year or so and those outfits can define entire eras for her, and usually they're darker and heavier on the blue, but Raichou is nearly devoid of any blue and has a very different feel. they even changed her hair to be cut flat, something she hasn't done before.
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anyways TLDR; my takeaway from Gestalt is i'm dancing with Kaf in this new era amidst the world being on fire so hard. joy and whimsy in the face of suffering bitch‼️get ready because Kaf is going to keep making banger music in new ways the likes of which we have never seen!!! this song is literally a perfect transitional song drawing on Kaf of old and bringing her into the new. absolutely genius. Piedpiper has done it again. thank you Jazzin'park for your service
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kiiyunz · 2 days
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posted⠀by⠀junjiie⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀1Oth May,⠀2O24.
Alright, alright, I know it’s a little late. I got distracted! A human error. From a human. But anyway, I’m back with the promised rundown of KIHYUN’s NCT U eras—but I’m ditching the rankings this time around, as the majority (up until UNIVERSE in 2021) took place in and around KIHYUN’s BAD eras. Everything else is the same, though, so.. Have fun!
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RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC just over a week after his seventeenth birthday, the first whole NCT album was both a somewhat-old (he’d been promoting for a good two years by then, after all) but still refreshing experience for Kihyun. Participating in BLACK ON BLACK, GO, and BOSS, the vocalist threw every part of himself into it as usual—and maybe even a little more so, reinvigorated by the fact he was collaborating with members from the other unit (and ones from an upcoming one) that he’d only ever trained with in the past. He enjoyed the more mature feel of the teasers for GO, as well as the music video and the song itself—it was during this era (although it would only really become more apparent during WE GO UP promotions in September of that same year, and during EMPATHY he kept this thought mainly to himself) that he was starting to feel like the whole childish concept was something he wanted to be rid of, that he wanted to trade in for something different; and GO fit that vision perfectly. He had a notable amount of fun on the set of the music video, and slated filming it as the ‘best thing he’d get to do all year,’ despite the fact they were only three months into said year.
Due to the would-be unspoken rule of Kihyun only making an effort to have any sort of online presence when he wasn’t the biggest fan of an album’s concept or music, he was fairly offline during this era—the only actual content fans ended up getting was in the official music videos & the behind-the-scenes and dance practices for said videos. They made the most of what they were given, choosing firstly to poke fun at what they’d styled him in—one of his outfits included a horrendous rip-off Gucci jacket that was noticeable from a mile away—and secondly to enjoy the interactions he had with the members of 127 (the EMPATHY era showcased his bond with members like Johnny, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo to the public for the first time) and members like Ten and Kun, who hadn’t yet found their place in a permanent unit—although it wasn’t long in the making, as would be proved by WayV’s debut the next year. This was most prevalent with the behind-the-scenes of the BOSS music video in particular, a clip of Kihyun and Jaehyun chasing each other around dangerously close to the literal circle of fire featured in one of the later scenes while Mark watched on on the obvious verge of panic going quite viral online.
Kihyun getting a little too ambitious while balancing on the metal of the train tracks and nearly falling flat on his face, much to the delight of Chenle and horror of Jeno—who ran over to see if he was alright, and then proceeded to nearly trip himself up also. The nearly-fall didn’t deter him in fhe slightest and he continued to walk down the line, Jeno steping up behind to follow along (he noticeably wobbled more than a few times, but still stuck with it if only to give Kihyun some company). Chenle got bored of watching—or, as Haechan called it, ”Got FOMO,” and it didn’t take long of observing the other two before he was running over and trying it out for himself also. Him and Kihyun were walking on parallel sides, with Jeno in the middle after having given up on the whole balancing shtick; watching as the two in front of him reached out to hold on another’s hands and intercepting so they were both grabbing hold of one of his instead. Mark cooed, Haechan pretended to throw up in his mouth.
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IN THE MIDDLE OF running around and getting up to many a scandal with someone that was, really, doing him more harm than good, NCT came back together as a full group to release RESONANCE PT 1. For the album he traded his newfound clubhopping hobby for what’s considered by some fans as one of his best (although criminally short, what with him only participating in VOLCANO and DÉJÀ VU—something that many suspect was a sort of punishment for the bad press he’d been bringing to both Dream and, by proxy, the group as a whole by that time) performances in the entirety of his career thus far. During VOLCANO he gave listeners a few seconds of rap lines, a skill of his that had previously been rarely utilised, Kihyun’s voice taking on a raspier edge that he later mentioned off-handedly as being his “Taeyong impression,” which was met with both positive and negative reactions—as is the same with most things any idol says or does while they mention another. DÉJÀ VU saw him back to his standard vocalist position, but many slated his lines as being their favourite, or his tone standing out amongst the rest in a certain moment. Altogether, despite his public image still not being anywhere close to being fully repaired, at least he wasn’t being accused of being talentless to add fuel to the fire.
What was adding fuel to it, however, were the leaked photos of him with a shiny silver flask halfway to his mouth on the way to a taxi. It was after hours, hardly being able to be accused of drinking on the job (but with a job like being an idol, it would be a little difficult to blame him for doing so), but it still sent a few people into an outrage—and Kihyun’s response didn’t help matters either, the simple ‘whoops’ he sent on Bubble enough to prompt some into showing their truce stance on Kihyun and his situation as of late (that being, of course, fhat they hated him). Most took it in good humour and laughed along with him, seeing as those photos and content put out by the company were all they got to see of him for the whole era. Even his moments in things such as behind-the-scenes videos were frighteningly scarce, only appearing for a scant second or two before he was being whisked off by another member or the camera had decided to abruptly cut away in the middle of his screentime where in the past it most likely would’ve lingered a little longer. It was sort of a tug of war between the good and the bad things throughout the whole promotion period.
It was almost like a miracle, the day Hendery logged into the NCT account and decided to start a live—and with Kihyun, no less. They were a little drunk, and didn’t care if the people watching realised that. In fact, them being tipsy probably played a part in the decision to go live, so maybe it was really something they should be thankful for. The majority of the time on live was spent by the pair taking turns scrolling through the filters and laughing themselves into hysterics, so much so they could barely get a word out between their fits. When they’d finished filter sampling they held an impromptu karaoke session, despite the fact their voices were cracking a minimum of twice for every line they belted out into the empty company room they’d holed themselves up in (and, when Hendery tilted the phone to show viewers their set up, it almost looked like they were camping for the night—there were a few pillows and a blanket they’d hoarded from somewhere, snacks galore, bags and a few empty bottles and one singular shoe). Beggars couldn’t be choosers in the Kihyun-content regard for this era, but it just so happened that the one thing they did get (or rather, most of them got, as some missed the notofication and had to watch clips elsewhere) was something they could hold dear.
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STILL RUNNING AROUND, still not the fan favourite he once was he once was, most were expecting much of the same treatment during RESONANCE PT 2 as Kihyun got during PT 1. However, to the surprise of all of them, he actually received a little more screentime this promotion period around—most likely because of his involvement in the tracks 90’S LOVE and WORK IT, where the was far more extra content to go alongside just the music (as well as RAISE THE ROOF, although that didn’t receive a music video like the former two), but most fans decided to take it as the plus it undoubtedly was. He looked happier than he had in months skating around with Mark and Jeno, catching up with Ten, cracking easy jokes with both Shotaro and Sungchan in his attempts to get to know them better despite the slump he’d been in for most of the year thus far, and of course messing around to his heart’s content with Johnny and Hendery on the WORK IT set. His normal full-of-energy self was back—not that it had ever left, but he’d seemed far more tired, almost lifeless, in the months running up to the dual albums—and to see him so sunny again seemed to brighten the mood of a few of the members he was particularly close to in tandem. 
As was beginning to become the (unfortunate) norm, hardly any extra content atop what the company gave the fans came from Kihyun himself—no lives, no posts, barely any messages on Bubble, the list only went on. Some said he was simply following his own tradition of staying quiet if he liked the music making uo the album he was in the middle of promoting, but most people were still under the impression that it was due to the scandals and articles and countless rumours that had completely taken over his public image with fans—decidedly for the worse, seeing as it ended up getting so bad once that people were left wondering if he was going to be kicked out of NCT on the whole. The mood was beginning to dip again, fans taking his complete lack of presence it wasn’t company-mandated to mean that they were going to be seeing even less of him in the future. Until—a post from Kihyun, a simple selca on their Twitter account of him in his 48 hockey jersey from the 90’S LOVE music video, the two simple words ‘lucky number’ as his only caption. You’d think he’d just dropped a movie-length vlog from the amount of people celebrating his (brief) return, the words ‘HE’S BACK’ trending for a few hours or so as most of his fanbase frantically changed their profile picture to the aforementioned selca.
No one was happier to see Kihyun than Johnny, and that fact was apparent from a mile away. They were attached at the hip the second the cameras stopped rolling, always visible in the background glued to each other’s sides even if they didn’t get much time talking to the camera for the BTS video. When it was finally their turn to give their small interview (or rather, when it was Johnny’s turn, and he dragged Kihyun along with him by the arm) Johnny was resting his head atop Kihyun’s and buttoning and unbuttoning the blazer he was wearing for that scene while he spoke. Kihyun even cracked a smile or two at the jokes that had obviously only been told for the sake of his reaction, and contributed a few words here and there. Another moment from the video widely loved was from the scene on the wide open field, where he was captured sprinting away from Jungwoo giving chase, Jaemin and Johnny close behind, wide grins on all of their faces and the faint sound of laughter being picked up. Jisung was standing and watching with a small smile, with the rest making bets on who was going to trip over their very-much-not-made-for-running shoes first.
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WELL ON THE WAY to being fully back to his normal self again (despite it being a couple years in the making), UNIVERSE saw Kihyun far happier than the previous two promotion periods, almost reaching his mood during the EMPATHY era. Participating in songs UNIVERSE (LET’S PLAY BALL), OK!, BIRTHDAY PARTY, and of course BEAUTIFUL, it wasn’t as if he was at a loss for things to do. He admitted it was tiring, but also that it was fun—because with the more songs he got to work on, the more time he was given the chance to spend with members not in his unit (namely Hendery, Xiaojun, Johnny, and Jungwoo—although he did talk a little more with Shotaro and Sungchan also, stating proudly to the camera on one occasion that they’d been thinking about going out for dinner one night in the future). He also found it fun because he enjoyed every track on the album, even if he didn’t make an appearance on most of them. Despite the hate some of them got from the fanbase (BIRTHDAY PARTY in particular) he held firm and even sent a few Bubble messages defending them in earnest, complete with angry kaomojis and one (not really) accidental swear. Kihyun saw UNIVERSE as his chance to prove he was ready to be a proper representative of the neos after his nearly-two-year-long slump, and was truly giving it his all.
Like the mood maker he’d always been, this dramatic change for the better in his mood affected everyone’s around him also. A few member’s smiles always seemed a little wider now that Kihyun was nearly back to normal, after they felt far more confident in the hope he’d bounce back stronger than ever, and benefit all of them—Dream members in particular, of course—while doing so. UNIVERSE was also an era in which Kihyun put his extrovert nature to work and gave fans interactions with members they’d barely been allowed to see him share one word with—the main ones being Doyoung, Kun, and the most surprising to a fairly large amount of fans, Winwin. Despite only appearing with the latter on BEAUTIFUL (as it was a whole-group song), once things like the jacket BTS began to be released, they were made witness to the bond the two of them shared; far closer than apparently most had ever dreamed of them being. Kihyun was as affectionate with the Wayv member as any other person in the group, but as he only did with a few of them, Winwin was reciprocating—a returned hug here, tolerating a little handholding there. He wasn’t exactly matching the boundless enthusiasm the acts of affection were performed with, but no one was really expecting that anyway. It just went to show that Kihyun could pull most people into his orbit, even if it was just for a moment or two.
Placed into a group with Johnny, Hendery, and Shotaro, Kihyun was having the time of his life. He went to lengths to include the newer member in all of his conversations, light-heartedly prodding at him like he’d known him for years, and even making an effort to slow down his usual break-neck pace of speaking so that Shotaro would have a better chance of understanding him fully—the ribbing could’ve gone a lot worse if the latter thought Kihyun was actually poking fun at him, but thankfully Shotaro took it well and even gave it right back on a couple of occasions, which made all four of them burst into laughter. For his pulls, Kihyun received a Kun photocard (he couldn’t have ripped off his phone cast fast enough, with enough force that he nearly sent both it and the HOT SAUCE era Jeno that was still inside flying across the room), a Johnny poster (which the 127 member was delighted about, and demanded to have a picture sent to him later of said poster tacked up on Kihyun’s wall), a Jaemin postcard, and a Mark sticker—which Kihyun immediately stuck on his phone case also.
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HAVING MOVED FAR PAST all that weighing on his mind during previous whole-group slbums, Kihyun went above and beyond for GOLDEN AGE. Featuring in INTERLUDE: OASIS, THE BAT, ALLEY OOP,and obviously GOLDEN AGE, he made sure to throw more than he’d ever thrown before into recording. He was fully aware that the past years hadn’t been his best, and despite already making amends during UNIVERSE, he still wanted to prove his worth all over again. Everything was fully behind him, and it showed in the sparkle in his eyes and brightness of his laughter that came alongside every appearance of his in any piece of behind-the-scenes content. Always smiling, always energetic, always wanting to make whoever he was laugh, even if it was just for a second. Although he did stick to his usual (and very obviously favourite) members—Mark, Jeno, Chenle, Johnny, Hendery, Niko—he did make sure to wrap all of them in a too-tight hug and hang off of them while they talking to other members or giving mini interviews to cameras at some point or another. ‘Spreading the love,’ he called it, to which Chenle beside him, through poorly contained snickers, quipped that he was also probably ‘spreading diseases,’which earned him a punch in the stomach.
Kihyun even made an effort to show up (often unannounced) to sets of the track videos he wasn’t involved in—namely PADO and KANGAROO. There he enjoyed himself thoroughly, poking at Jaehyun’s hair, dragging Donghyuck off to who-knows where, and making fun of Hendery’s outfit on one set, and latching onto Renjun’s back, avoiding small talk with Yangyang at all costs with red ears, and cooing obnoxiously loudly at Jisung on the other. He opened his copy of the album on a live with Jungwoo and Mark, and pulled a Xiaojun photocard which, as per, he immediately stuck over the face of ISTJ Renjun and patted with horribly contained smugness (he then remarked to the camera that he barely pulled Xiaojun in any of his WayV albums, and so it was practically a miracle). And apart from the live, he was very online in general—once again breaking his rule of staying quiet if he was happy with it all. He posted on his Instagram, he was sending messages on Bubble at least once every week instead of monthly at best, he was going live with just about every member of the group (there was a lot of karaoke, a lot of giggling of stupid filters, and a lot of radio hours mish-mashed with fit checks mish-mashed with impromptu fashion shows). Overall—a very happy time for Kihyun, and everyone around him.
He’d never made any attempt to hide his love for Mark (like most of the group, really) but during GOLDEN AGE it felt like he was turning it up to eleven. During the fit checks and fashion shows on live, sometimes Kihyun would be decked out in full Polo Ralph Lauren—laughing all the while he showed it off, but wearing it all the same; no doubt because of a certain someone’s connection to it. He even bought a flat cap, and had great delight in showing it off to anyone who wanted to see it. Mark’s music taste also looked like it was rubbing off on him. Suddenly he was sharing Justin Bieber songs (mid 2010’s era Justin in particular—the PURPOSE album if you want to be extra specific), doing dance covers, almost to the point where it felt like he was trying out a new era of being a mini-Mark—which, when brought up to him on a fancall, set Kihyun off into uncontrollable laughter for so long his and the fan’s time nearly ran out because of it. It was there, quickly trying to cram all of his explanation in before he was made to hung up, that he told them that it was his penalty that came out of a bet with Chenle that Kihyun had evidently lost. What the bet was had yet to be determined, but all inquiries after that were met with a secretive smile and a finger to his lips. Mark did appreciate the fanboying, though, despite it not being entirely genuine—he posted a selfie on Bubble of him and Kihyun in their matching caps and argyle sweaters with an abundance of hearts coming afterwards.
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atinydetective · 2 months
ATEEZ Universe part 4
“The moment all the senses stop” does this remind you of a sequence we saw in Diary Film?
When Seonghwa meets the girl who dances freely for the first time, everything around him freezes. When Inception plays…
Essentially this is about her, the one they I’m in “LOVE” with. Not only about her, they also mention that the dream called thing when they search if any trace left by her is: “It's too vivid to conclude it as just a dream."
Thus there is a space between Thanxx and Inception because they are trapped somewhere that they can not escape.
What’s more, the detail can be easily missed out is the scent they try to find. Only thing they can sense about her is her scent. As if the members smell very well like a vampire.
Mv also has points to be review:
◦These corridors. They must be the way to dream in a dream. Actually we know that the communication method dream is not just a dream it is like a shared consciousness.
◦Fight between blue-water and red-fire. But still we see blue flames on Tv in Hongjoong’s part.
↪In choreography:
◦Yeosang falls asleep and wakes as Yunho. Only possibility that can happen is when they look the same or really similar as if they are twins or brothers.
◦Jongho punches the air as if the is breaking the wall between worlds to escape like how Hongjoong describe the wall between world he live and TV star’s world.
◦Like they said in lyrics they trapped in the world they teleported in Diary, but when members show this state in choreography, Yeosang is dancing on his own.In a way that he has the antidote for this world maybe immunity which enable him to be leader in Thanxx.
◦And also Yeosang is the one who able to see San’s falling, because the is in the moment who can move freely and time flows for him.
◦Also on a Vlive, San adds that they are dreaming in a dream because of his- an ego. Term ego will have a returnee soon. Like how the whole story originally born from their existence.
▾Good Lil Boy
Someone calls ATEEZ a little boy which leads us to believe that he is a higher person. And also ATEEZ mentions that they see their reflection on the floor in rain.
Maybe this person or people are their alter egos, their reflection itself.
ATEEZ tries to find the way out from this Möbius strip-like world with their lead.So whenever they recall the name Möbius strip, it’s the world they stuck in this album after Diary.
Thus Good Lil Boy is their trailer, we will see them again in future.
We have special sequences for each member:
Hongjoong’s Time, when members separated into their own lifes..
Yeosang’s Yearings -which holds high value to conclude that the Diary’s owner is Yeosang-
Yunho’s Dream - which Yunho again implies that Hongjoong resembles his brother. But in the diary he directly says he looks alike to him.
Seonghwa’s Liberty - which takes the topic after Seonghwa met the girl who dances. Moreover there are some notes on the wall which are about “The King”?
Jongho’s Despair - the story of how he passes his basketball dreams over time and grabs his precious, one and only will Music.
Mingi’s Wound- when he messed things up and had to run away, Jongho was the one who reached out and saved him. Jongho easily got angry and frustrated when he saw Mingi’s empty eyes because he saw his emotionless state when basketball’s doors closed to him.
Wooyoung’s Fear- in which we see his other side, which has chosen the other light, the one about to turn off. His dark, alter ego.
San’s Fever Road- when all members and San go back to the old factory around the same time for sake of their dream. And as Dear Diary says, I become “WE” with this unknown fever these children have.
Moreover in this Tv show Wooyoung gets kidnapped by a man who wears black in EP3 .They even cover his eyes while traveling . Also the episode Precious’s melody pops up, Mingi goes on an adventure because of the mission he received.
Finally they inform us that when the crescent moon rises, it can deliver messages through dreams and when the full moon rises, it can move dimensions.
Summary of the ZERO: Fever PART.1:
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roboyomo · 4 months
GRABBING YUO. hai :] 1 + 6 + 8 +29 for th ask game !!
GETS GRABBED. hellooooo there pik!!! :D
"1. Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?" ough,,, a tough one because my memory is quite bad,,, I think i never had that?? i really can't recall,,,ueeghheh :[ <- can't remember anything
"2. Are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?" Well.
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you tell me. and by that i mean my 2016 obsession with bill cipher has DEFINITELY showed up in kenix. yea bill cipher is partially the reason that kenix is silly™ like this. and no i will not elaborate. As for other characters, I don't think that has happened? Most of them just. popped into existence on a random day and i let them
"8. Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?" OUGHHHH. I HAVE QUITE THE AMOUNT SO BUCKLE UP.
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as for other beasts,,, this cover of brain revolution girl by maretu for amor. (THIS COVER HAS AN EDITED MV AND I THINK THERE ARE FLASHING LIGHTS SO BE CAREFUL). I KNOW I BARELY TALKED ABOUT HIM. BUT LISTEN
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i do prefer the eng translation of the song in the reol and ill.bell cover cc because i feel like the lyrics fit his anger a bit more there but still. this does just as well.
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and augh,,,, found footage by shikakuzakana for apollo. WARNING THAT THERE ARE FLASHING COLORS IN THE MV
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i don’t have a lot of songs which lyrics make me think of apollo only but this. this is one of the very few. i hold apollo very close to my heart
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you know what. The mind electric by miracle musical. for amor, apollo AND kenix. yes i think this part right here fits the three of them. i will not be elaborating further
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HEAT ABNORMAL BY IYOWA. AND SPECIFICALLY MIYASHITA YUU’S COVER OF IT. this with yaku from his peak insanity chapter. my poor little guy is going through it
and this might be it for the songs!! this reminds me of the amor playlist i made a year ago,,, should probably check up on that one
"29. Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories?" WELL I DID TRY TO PUT THESE BEASTS INTO THE PMVERSE.
i had ideas of them as nuggets and also as limbus company sinners. for the nugget stuff i gave apollo da capo as his signature ego suit and weapon and feather of honor as the ego gift. amor was supposed to have the twilight ego gift + suit as well as the mimicry weapon (because shapeshifting beings!!). or maybe some mountain of smiling dead bodies stuff,,, yaku was supposed to have just full laetitia ego stuff and kenix,,,, never decided anything for him actually but honestly it might just be judgement bird ego gear for no reason, and azrael with possibly little red riding hooded mercenary ego gear? As for limbus stuff, i just see amor trying to kill kenix at every possible moment with dante having to rewind the clock. a lot. they are trying to kill each out here and apollo and yaku are just. there. we don't know where's azrael don't ask me where he is
YEA THIS WAS FUN THAMKYOUUU. and!!! i might actually draw them as lobcorp agents at some point i think it'd be fun to do :]
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kisshuhua · 2 months
Kriss’s Top 10 WORST Kpop Debuts
I’ve learned a number of things in my 3 years as a kpop fan (5 if you count when I was a blink but pretended to hate it).
There’s too many idols named Chaeyoung
Kpop fans are immune to admitting things are bad unless it’s from an artist they dislike
But I get it to an extent. The level of devotion kpop basically forces you to give to your favorite artists is breeding ground for people who take said devotion a little far. Why do you think Sultry Films got doxxed? But regardless I’m gonna put myself in the aforementioned minefield and present to you my Top 10 WORST Kpop Debuts.
10. Baby Monster - Batter Up
Something I noticed about Batter Up when it came out was that it showed me how companies would rather play it safe strictly working by formula. The badass I love myself concept that YG does not wanna let go of. As for the song itself it feels like a rollercoaster that only goes up one short hill and very slowly at that. On the bright side at least we’ll get a boatload of memes related to that one girl saying “Remember me”, whom I ironically can’t remember the name of.
9. ITZY - Dalla Dalla (달라 달라)
Dalla Dalla has always felt unfinished ever since the first listen. It’s certainly a fun song to listen to, but like “playing Connect 4 by yourself” fun. The only true standout parts are the pre chorus and bridge, mainly due to Yuna’s voice. I like to think Dalla Dalla is the slightly worse predecessor to Wannabe. Maybe I’d give it more props if it weren’t for that grating “KEEP ON DREAMIN” part in the dance break. JYP only does his job when it comes to Japanese title tracks because he knows all the international fans are preparing for a recession.
8. miss A - Bad Girl, Good Girl
I’m all for miss A’s concept of female empowerment, but I’m not sure if 15 year old Suzy Bae doing pelvic thrusts and shaking ass was a great way to show that. Other than that some of the melodies are just abysmal beyond repair. Min’s “내가 더 뻔해” part still haunts my dreams. But I have them earlier on the list because I do still listen to it now and then and at least they make up for it by having other songs that are actually good. At least it’s easy to play on JYP Superstar
7. LE SSERAFIM - Fearless
The minimalism trend is the worst thing to hit kpop and I’ll die on that hill. Everyone acts like NewJeans kickstarted it but the catalyst was clearly this song and its equally bland album cover. Again, we have minors shaking ass in the music video; who was surprised? And Blue Flame is kinda better but HYBE hates women so we all knew that was never getting an official music video
6. UNIS - Superwoman
Though I was a bit upset that some picks didn’t get in I gave UNIS a chance. I expected a more hyper bubbly concept like Very x3 by IOI but it felt like a b-side that was reworked over and over again to be a title track. There’s so much more they could’ve done since the girls are very talented, especially Gehlee. Survival show groups now really get the short end of the stick. Just holding hopes and prayers that they don’t fumble the I-Land 2 girls
5. GOT7 - Girls Girls Girls
JYP stylist applications should have a section that reads “Check here if you smoke crack” because nobody but a crackhead could give JayB and Yugyeon such fuckass haircuts. The song is just so grating and sing-talky. The only thing that makes this MV a less painful watch is the fact that Nayeon and Jeongyeon are there
4. Jini - C’mon (ft. Aminé)
I was really excited to see what Jini would do after she left NMIXX like everyone else so I was largely confused when we got generic mall music instead. It’s nothing offensively shitty but what pisses me off more is the random Aminé feature that added nothing. Also to answer the everyone’s question, there is no “reason“ why Jini left. I believe she left for a reason but it isn’t known to the public because it’s simply not our business.
3. Amber Liu - Shake That Brass
Now who told this heifer she was a Shinee member?. The little orchestra bit is cute, it’s also full of cameos because Amber is not that relevant. Also I thank Taeyeon for her attempt or save this song even if contribution is short. And again SM made the mistake of giving Amber a rap song. This girl is talented but the world will never see that talent while she’s busy defending police brutality I suppose
2. Red Velvet - Ice Cream Cake
This was one of many of the disasters created during Min Heejin’s reign of terror at SM which is why I contemplated putting Cookie instead. My main issue with the song is the lyrics and the unnecessary rap at the end. Other than that the “I scream you scream” is mildly annoying but nothing to make a ruckus over.
And the number 1 worst debut, taking the first place spot….
1. Loosemble - Sensitive
Oh don’t look at me like that. Every orbit knows in their heart that they could’ve done better with our girls. The “ah ah ah ah” adlibs after the chorus are so robotic and unnecessary. The aesthetics of the music video are gorgeous but that’s like the last good thing about Sensitive. I really haven’t been feeling any of the redebuts but with how hostile orbits are this is likely the last time I’ll talk about them here
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empty-dream · 1 year
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I fucking love the lighting. The detail. Oh my GODDD. I fell in love with the glossy effect, in particular. And I don't really understand the technical term, but I feel like the storyboard (and its execution) is incredible. There is no frame wasted and everything serves its purpose to tell a solid story in under 4 minutes.
It is really apparent that the first part is about the legends in their peak days and how it brings them not only everlasting glory known to this day but also sorrow, regrets, failures and suffering.
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These particular shots really struck my heart ngl. Arjuna with conflicting feelings (an understatement) after defeating Karna, Jeanne executed in the pyre even when she still believed in God and the good, and Fran being rejected by her creator that she only had herself to hug her.
Then the second half is how even as they hold those pain in their hearts, they move on in a second chance, answering the calls of masters from different eras for a quest for humanity. As the song tells, they still choose to walk forward and trust that there is still something beyond their own life-tale- that's worth fighting for.
I love hands as the bridge of connection between human beings. Besides the aforementioned shots above (and the others that also show the same amount of tragic ends), there is also when the heroic spirits run towards and grasp the hand offered to them. This imagery is something so sincere that it is both so divine yet so human.
And it is tied with how Ritsuka becomes Mash's master, as they offer their hand and she takes it.
Just like how these legends had good and bad in their lives, it is also how it is with mankind. In that aspect, people haven't changed that much, from before and far in the future. Mankind are highly flawed with all the conflicts they inflict yet the good of humanity still exists enough that they are still worthy to live and fight for. And isnt that the general theme of FGO
I noticed that at least for the main representations of the 7+extra classes, none of them is 100% divine being or nonhuman. (Even Fran is made as an artificial human) So the human drama applies very much to their life, whether they gain glory and suffering from it or simply a living record of it.
I noticed because I actually wanted Brynhild to be the Lancer representative lol.
I love the scenes with Fran and King Hassan in their respective original life. So loaded in sadness (Fran) and mystery (King Hassan)
Merlin pulling THAT face when he watches mankind screwing itself from Avalon hits me.
I have never saw the OG Artoria beaming that bright. It's so heartwarming.
Everyone flying towards the light that calls them is MAGNIFICENT. Mash getting up and starts walking in the hallway of Chaldea is also CHILLING. OSCAR WORTHY SCENE NGL.
Especially that Iskandar scene. He flaps his cape while the stairs and the statues rebuild themselves to give way to the king. BADASS.
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These two scenes and their transition, just, SO DAMN HEAVY. And the explosions reverted back, symbolizing that there is a possibility that humanity -past and present- can fight to avoid the bad future where everything including the human race is eradicated.
Really deserves that "Beyond the Tale" title. It's even beyond the intended use as a promotional video for a video game. It's pretty much a form of celebration of humanity for me. Probably this will become my new favorite anniversary theme.
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unfortunate--moth · 11 months
Milgranon, hello again 🫡
Been thinking about what genres everyone's first songs would be, don't mind meeee
Yuma - I'm feeling hyperpop, bright and flashy, to accompany the visuals of the mystery labyrinth. A very upbeat tone, and the song would show some of the mysteries being solved in the labyrinth- no other context though. Each chorus would go dark for a second and show him doing the sword slice before a culprit drops dead.
Halara - Here I'm thinking the type of noir, like the old kind of detective shows? Grim and bleak visuals, and would mainly focus on them coldly accepting money, solving mysteries and beating up those who get in their way. The particular murder I imagine for them is them getting particularly angry and beating a guy so hard they break his neck, so I'm thinking there'd be a lot of people suddenly twisting their head in the MV.
Desuhiko - Rock. Rock, I'm thinking kind of fast rock. The song would focus on the split second that he made an order that he wasn't qualified for and what was racing through his mind then. I'm thinking the song focuses on the split second nature of it, using really short fast notes, and it ends super abruptly, with no warning before the instruments fade out.
Fubuki - Pop, but the kind that sounds really trauma-dumpy. The song would keep looping in on itself, reaching the chorus before the main melody goes back around 20 seconds, but the time it goes back each time decreases. The notes would reach higher and higher in pitch each time the track loops as well. Just before it goes back each time, it would show the person dying, and each loop closes in on Fubuki's face, who grows more desperate alongside the rising pitch. The song would fade out with Fubuki exhausted and unable to go back any further, just staring at the body.
Vivia - Acoustic, definitely. It would show him just living his life for the most part, in dreary colours as he trudges along. Every so often the colour become even darker before the sounds become rough and the screen goes dark for a few seconds. Then the colours return to what they were and Vivia continues going about his day. The fourth time this happens, you're able to catch a glimpse of a knife and the screen goes dark before a flatline sound can be heard and the song ends.
Yakou - Lofi, and the MV is very heavy on symbolism. The first part of the MV shows him and a bird. He cares for the bird, lovingly protecting it and shielding it from any dangers. During this section however, the image keeps flashing to what looks like a man breathing heavily while holding a knife. Halfway through, there's an explosion and it cuts to Yakou, holding a knife while looking down at something. The bird is then shown dead on the floor, with Yakou standing over it and seemingly looking somewhere else. The rest of the MV is Yakou pacing around, while flashes of the dead bird and him holding a knife are shown.
If you have any questions about any of my ideas, please feel free to ask me btw :)
I feel like I can't comment too much about the music specifically because I'm honestly not very knowledgeable on music even though I love it. I love ALL of this though I can picture the visuals so clearly in my brain its GREAT you're very good at showing through words!!! I also agree with all the genres and I especially love the Fubuki one where it keeps repeating and getting more desperate. Also reading Yuma's immediately made me think about Nero's Day at Disneyland? That kind of vibe fits the Mystery Labyrinth I think!!!
Im also OBSESSED with the symbolism you have for Yakou's like omg... Actually all of the symbolism and the metaphors and such you used like its so sick!!! You're making me desperately wanting this to be real /lh
But yeah this is all GREAT thank you so much for sharing I can see all of this in my brain so vividly I love it I love it.
As for like... In this alternate world where the viewers wouldn't know the characters I'm going to like. give my best guess on what people would vote them as based only on what you gave me!!
Yuma: I feel like it would be very strange, especially since it would be the first one. But I can imagine it being everyone's immediate red flag when you can actually see him swinging his sword. If you took voice dramas into account I think that would make the voting even more complicated. So I think it would be very close but for the first round he'd be Innocent. Halara: I think it would be majority Guilty. They'd probably have some very dedicated fans though who are digging up the evidence to prove they're innocent and analyzing all of the people they get their money from and all of the people they beat up... But yeah I think it'd be majority Guilty. Desuhiko: This would be one of the more difficult ones. Like I feel like it has so little information on the surface if you don't already know what's happening. Especially if his disguises are also in play. Who is this unrelated guy? Is that his victim? Is it someone he knows? I don't think any of them would reveal their Fortes to Es and by extension the viewers so it'd be very hard to tell what's happening. And I think because of that for the first round he'd be voted Innocent because there just isn't enough info to condemn him for this first trial. Fubuki: Innocent for sure. I'm sure a small group would see her as guilty, but the viewers would probably pick up pretty quickly on how desperately she was trying to undo it and how it was most likely a mistake. I think added with whatever her Voice Drama would be would paint her in a VERY sympathetic light. so I think she'd be majorly voted Innocent. Vivia: Another one that is clouded in mystery. It doesn't tell us what exactly he did, why he did it, or what any of his motivation was. It just lets us know that, yes, he did in fact kill someone. I think the parts where it starts to go dark would be very heavily analyzed and could be taken in so many different ways by viewers. Taking the Voice Drama into account and how we talked about how he would be mostly honest but very very non descriptive. Everyone would just know that he wanted to live peacefully, and whoever it is he killed got in the way of that, but there isn't a lot of information. So all of that to say... I think it would be another close one, but ultimately he'd end up as Guilty. That said I think he'd be like a fan favorite. Yakou: I think with how symbolic his first MV would be, he'd also be very hotly debated among the fans. People would debate what the explosion means. If the explosion is what actually killed the bird and if the knife is a misdirect. But at the same time it very obviously shows him standing over that bird with a knife, so it's VERY easy to draw your own conclusions that whoever this bird represents must be his victim, because no one else appears in this specific MV. So that HAS to be his victim and he killed it, right? Did he mean to do it? No one really knows. But I think he'd be voted majority Guilty.
all of the fan theories would be WILD too like I can imagine all of the long tumblr analysis posts and theories and people pointing out details n stuff.
But if you agree or disagree with any of my reasoning please let me know!! This is so much fun to come up with I love seeing your asks and chatting about this!!!
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thisismeracing · 1 year
I don't dislike Pierre, I really don't, but for some reason I get so happy every time Estie finishes ahead of him... I just can't lie to myself
it's so subconscious, sometimes I wonder why?! And I don't actually dislike or disapprove of any drivers accept MV and Sargent (again cannot pretend like I get good vibes out of them bc I don't), but I actually really enjoy seeing Estie/ Yuki/ Dan/ Zhou/ Valteri/ Albono sometimes even Lance racing, and have a lot of fun watching them race each other a little far back. It just feels like a whole different race is going on. And I don't know about you guys but I kinda consider 7th - 15th like a second version of the of the top 6 and nothing will change that, honestly with the cars they are driving is really like they are in a different category so 🤷‍♀️
Besides all that they have to handle being seen as "not so good" like they aren't driving the shitiest cars and delivering miracles half the time!! I really don't believe that just money alone could hold them on to their seats, they are good drivers!
We can see that, before Sargent got to Williams they under appreciated Alex, once they saw what a actual not so talented driver got out of their car (a.k.a has only got to the finish line like 4 times this year and all those 4 times, didn't get any of them higher than 17th) they realized real quick that Albon is great, and somehow manages point finishes and into Q2 in qualifying, with a car that barely holds itself together!
I love Mercedes and Ferrari! Lewis is still one of my favorite drivers, and the goat!
I see that somehow even though Ferrari it's at their worst, Charles manages to qualify in the top 6 all the damn time, and Carlos and him have been great at handling their frustrations with the team (we know a couple that would throw a tantrum), I admire so much the way Leclerc talks about Ferrari and he has so much love and faith for that team that he's willing to go through all these bad times and still makes clear to everyone that he's not leaving and sticking up for them! (u don't see much of that anymore, especially the other way around, teams sticking up for their drivers!!) *Not even going to talk about DeVries bcs it just gets me enraged
I love how positive George is, aways taking in the lessons and being smart about everything! He has so much talent, intelligence and heart! and won't think twice about being cunty.
Lando is doing amazing despite having to drive for that weak excuse of a team, and I'm really proud and happy to see it happening! He's talented and seems to be a sweetheart.
Oscar has been impressive and I didn't expect it! The way he got into his seat was so dramatic and chaotic, but not his fault at all!
Do I think Fernando should have stayed retired? Yes! Do I still enjoy him being a menace to everyone there? Also yes! I get angry at him every fkn race, but he owns that he's a devil's little spawn! + also one of the only one besides Lewis to stand up to RedBull + delivers entertainment!
Pierre is taking his chances and doing what he can to prove himself and establish his name as a big one for F1! + love him and Kika, so yes I do it for her at this point! + is unhinged on social media
But lately I've been watching the races for the fight for the 11th place 😭 also formula 2 is so much more entertaining (sports wise).
- 🎀
P.S i got carried away but I'd really like to know everyone's thoughts on this one!
love you Millie
and as always fuck gunther stainer and zack brown hope they have a miserable life ahead
Hi, babesss!
I have the same feeling when it comes to Pierre, I think I just like Estie bestie better and that's it yk. I enjoy watching the fight that happens between 7th and 15th place too, it's always nice and you can get a good view of drivers showing their abilities even when the car won't cooperate.
Charles, Carlos, George, and Lewis are a sight to see racing. I always look forward to seeing what they'll pull and how they'll deal with the shitty strategies when it comes to it. I don't remember which race but I remember George going from 20th to 7th (he had an incident with the car) and then the car really broke down and he dnf, but it was such a good race to watch.
I feel the same towards Fernando too, he brings entertainment t.
I think overall I agree with you on everything, hon. Lately it's been all about the fight that happens outside the podium positions because there's not really a fight when it comes to first place................
I've never tried F2, but if I ever find myself with some free time and looking forward to watching something fun I'll check it out and let you know! <3
Luv you, nonny! *forehead kiss*
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laeteria · 2 years
IDOLiSH7: Third Beat! Part 2: Episode 1
I've watched the first episode of the new season of IDOLiSH7 finally! I've decided to write down my thoughts on every episode when I've watched, so it won't be too much in depth since I'm writing this after watching it only one time. I will try to connect things as the anime progresses though!
Okay, I basically know what will happen, but the first episode was so intense…!? I already knew that part 2 will show the nasty side of the connections in the idol industry, but wow… I applaud TROYCA once again for another masterpiece of an episode.
I wanted to say that not a lot has happened this episode and that it was all introductory, but in reality, a lot has happened this episode alone. Continuing with the TRIGGER drama from part 1, we see the result of the scandal in a more noticeable way. The fans are unsure, but so are TRIGGER and Yaotome Production. Like they often said in the episode, they need to hold their head up high, otherwise they will be taken more advantage of.
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Even though Yaotome papa knows he's walking straight into Tsukumo's trap by visiting Hanamaki Sumire at the hotel, he still puts another person's life above his own reputation. You will see that he isn't actually a bad person and that he actually cares a lot. I mean… Gaku sure resembles his dad. Maybe also that part with the popularity of the ladies, right? 🥴
Jokes aside, Yaotome puts his people above everything else, even if it's damaging to his own reputation of a label. You will see more of this later in story, but I won't go too much into it right now.
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After that scene, we jump to a scene with Kujo and Tenn, which I think is really neat (and iconic tbh). While Yaotome says nothing is worth risking a person's life, Kujo is someone to actually play with the life of people and Tenn confronts him about it. These two scenes are the opposite of each other and that's what makes the scenes more powerful.
Tenn who's acquainted with Kujo and Yaotome, works with two different views. I already explained last season that Tenn has to make a choice at one point and this scene brings that kind of to the front again. He has to choose something. He can't choose both, since they are basically the opposite of each other. Anyway, this scene was good.
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Also, kudos to this scene because I nearly teared up and for what… The voice acting, the soundtrack, the whole composition of this part… I had to watch it again, but maybe I'm saying that as a Momorin oshi. Momo will have his time to shine (quite literally hehe) this season as well, so let's look forward to that together, shall we? ;)
The ending song is an absolute BANGER btw. Not too fond of the opening, since I'm not a fan of Ayase's music (the MV is cute tho, but I won't ever analyse the MV because of the song itself). I already said that I expected ZOOL to take the ending song, since TRIGGER had the ending song in part 1 and since TRIGGER is getting pushed out of the picture, we are getting ZOOL.
It's very interesting to see how all members rather seem very disconnected from the idol world, except Minami who had been working in the industry since he was small, so I guess you can say he knows how to catch the attention of people.
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Compared to PLACES, this ending shows how ZOOL is not a group yet. PLACES showed how tight TRIGGER actually is and how they look out for each other, but ZOOL? They don't look at each other nor do they actually look straight at the camera until the last part of the ending. Even if they look at the camera, most of the time they are covered by these chains or bars, so you can say that they are behind bars/chained up. They are not free just yet. Everything is directed and their own feelings have not been taken under consideration.
Especially this sequence above shows how they don't care and that they are still looking for the group/person they want to be. Haruka is noticeable in the dark compared to the rest of the members and I think it's because Haruka is not ready to face his issues… He's a frail boy after all.
OKAY, TIME TO WRAP IT UP. I will see you guys hopefully next week again.
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onehunnit · 2 months
June Comebacks/Debuts that I Caught!*
*in no particular order, non-exhaustive, and all songs were released between June 1st and June 30th. 🎶 means it was playlisted!
🎶 Give Me That by WayV: my bad wayV i was unfamiliar with your game. and your game is fire. I wwnt back and consumed their discography so quickly..... now xiaojun 😁
🎶BADVILLIAN by BADVILLIAN: i think this was a bit underwhelming for their debut however i do like the dance focus they have as a group. but after getting +82 and Hurricane as pre-debut releases... yeah. but i'm excited to see where they go next! <- idk what the fuck i was on ive been bumping this like no ones business 💀
hey! hey! by TWS: this is so coming of age music fuck hybe but they know how to create a nostalgic ass song
Shooting Star by Kep1er: this is such a good fucking song and it made me emotional tbh, when the instrumental cuts out and there is just those tight ass harmonies ohhhh they ATE
🎶 Hero by AKMU: bossa nova ass song you fucking get me. i love this tune so fucking much ahhhh
🎶CoinciDestiny by Weki Meki: FUCKKKK FANTIAGO YOU USELESS SHITS! weme girls, you have never given less than your best and thats why i love you all dearly. coincidestiny is so bittersweet it gave me tummy aches for DAYS. i sobbed. I DID! like fuckkkk. Anyways, onto the song, this was a very beautiful song and the sentimental value does tip it over into one of my favorites this year.
ZOMBIE by EVERGLOW: I really did not think thta I would love the chorus as much as I do, i do reaoyy love the horror/creepy concept in this song
🎶 ABCD by NAYEON: when this first came out i thought y'all were joking about nayeonce.... the second half of the chorus is definitely the song strongest part (as it shoudl its a fucking banger)
RIGHT NOW by NewJeans: i do love a little bossa nova inspired joint, and it keeps the easy listening theme even through the drum n bass njs is known for
🎶POM POM by woo!ah!: allergic to making bad songs.... POM POM IM CHEERING ME ON IF NO ONES ROOTING FOR MW THERE IS AT LEAST ONE
Badder Love by EVNNE: this. feels like a song i've heard befreo, but i do really love the chorus. it feels like its supposed to be an eighties synthy song but they're holding the synths back from me. GIVE ME THE SYNTHS !
🎶 Boom Boom Bass by RIIZE: disco i could CRY! bass driven songs are so pleasing and this one did not dissapoint. an aside: i do feel like bbb is a natural sequel to impossibel considering house music couldnt have happened without the funk/disco scene so it feels lihe they're going back in time and its a rly nice touch.
Let it Burn by H1-KEY: pop rock is alive and WELL!!!! this song is just really enjoyable idk what else to say about it
🎶Cosmic by Red Velvet: someone needs to blow up the sm building. preferably one of the rv girls bc right now they deserve it the most. BUT THE SCALE UR JOKINGGGG (idk what scale it is) red velvet is allergic to bad songs jesus christ....
🎶 Rockstar by LISA: call it repetitive call it boring whatever. THIS BANGS! The production and sampling make it such a fun song and easy to dance to it was love at first listen
Pretty Mob by CSR: this is a cute song
🎶Tounge-Tied by KEY: The promo for this song was 10/10 i was obsessed. The song itself its actually a good example of an anti drop that fucking WORKS its a lost art fr.
🎶Sticky by Kiss Of Life: This is such a good summer song and the MV was so beautifully edited like FAWK. "how long til we fall in love?" NOW ⁉️
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vitaminwaterreviews · 10 months
f(x) - Pinocchio
Wow, this sure was an album. It definitely was an album. I can see how Pink Tape would evolve from this sound, but … This was not very good. Average of 6.6 and I’ll let that speak for itself.
It’s been a good week or two since I listened to Pink Tape and my life was changed. So the plan for today is to do Pinocchio and then 4 Walls, to compare their first album to their last album.
Pinocchio (Danger)
We are super electronica
This bass feels kind of muddy to me
No comments about the MV really, it’s kind of boring
Love Amber’s voice
Kind of wonder about the lyrics. What does pinocchio have to do with danger?
The vocals feel a bit too bubblegum for this song imo, not sure they fit
6/10 honestly, I expect more from a title track
Sweet Witches
Still electronica
Tbh it feels a lot like, synth for the sake of synth. I feel like I’d prefer these lines if real instruments were playing them
That was the chorus? What? Why did nothing happen?
Amber with the only interesting part of the song, fitting
This stupid riff is actually kinda catchy
Are those even guitars? It feels like it’s the guitar distortion except they removed the guitar parts haha
Three songs in and I’m already kind of getting bored of the default sound of this album. Interesting
Beautiful Goodbye
Slow jam time, let’s see how f(x) do slow jams
There’s something in the background here that I can’t quite place, like a fuzziness
Chorus felt uneventful
Like, it was a wall of sound. Hard to pick anything interesting out
I mean if there’s one thing we expected, it’s some guitar in the outro
You know it’s dire when the slow jam gets the highest rating so far
Gangsta Boy
It does start out pretty hip hoppy
The vocals are weird
Aaaand we’re back in electronica land
I do actually like how they're using the vocals here, I think it’s arranged really well
The lyrics are so dumb but hey
I also do tend to like excessive vocoding
7/10, pretty good
I can’t hear her speaking over the music :(
Okay, the bridge is actually really nice, I love rapping over pretty vocals
I guess Amber is my f(x) bias at this point, her voice is just So distinct
Stand Up!
Very very bubblegum. Actually, this album in general has felt more bubblegum than I expected it to
Haha okay, this instrumental section is really nice
I actually really like this. Super bouncy, kinda catchy, very solid
Yeahhh another instrumental section in the bridge, let’s go
8/10, and somehow this is the least-streamed song on the album
My Style
Lol what is this, Snapshot pt. 1?
I do like the instrumentation changes, this album desperately needed it
Not convinced by the vocals though
Yeah, I don’t really find any of it Catchy, and it’s not musically interesting enough to hold its own otherwise
Although the rap verse, as usual, is great
Mkay, the second half of this song was better than the first half. Kinda like the album so far lol
So Into U
Uh oh, it’s a love song
The instrumentation is vaguely annoying to me
God I do love Amber’s singing voice though, does she have solo music?
She does!
I don’t buy any of the vocals so far haha, not the chipmunks and not f(x) and not SHINee
Okay, I guess they’re growing on me
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gcldfanged · 1 year
[Uhhh- This mostly turned Jae-centric, but it's in response to Angeal's growing presence in his life.]
"My God, I'm so lonely So I open the window to hear sounds of people
Venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming Did its people want too much, too?
And I don't want your pity, I just want somebody near me Guess I'm a coward, I just want to feel alright" - Nobody by Mitski
[I always thought of this song when I thought about Angeal and Jae just interacting regularly (as in not related to work). The lyrics are pretty word for word how Jae feels in terms of socializing with 'people like Angeal': He doesn't want 'good people' to feel sorry for him but he also wants emotional support, despite thinking that wanting that is a weakness.]
"I'm not necessarily a good person But I'm not as awful a person as you think... Probably??? Am I controversial? Am I controversial? Yes okay, yes okay- I'm not as you expected! A knife I never wanted, I was only holding it But over time, I strangely started to like it (OH) Am I controversial? Am I controversial? It's sinking in, I could cry I'm sorry, I'm just weak" - I'm a Controversy feat. Ado by PINOCCHIOP
[This is again kinda Jae at Angeal, as they get to know each other better he kinda oscillates between "I'm not a good person and you should have expected that" like self-righteousness to justify that he's starting to feel like he's really not a nice person in comparison, as well as "I don't think you understand me at all" kind of fed-upness.]
"When I sober up and then It’s an irony that I’m still alive When I’ve made it through and survived Then I want melancholy… want to drown in melancholy Give me your empty words And save me till the end, Ironina Don’t realize how sad it is Don’t do it yet, don’t do it yet Grabbed the hand you reach out to me This song itself is an irony" - Ironina by Niru Kaijitsu
[The creator of the song feels that he's relying too much on positive reinforcement, but also realizes that people genuinely taking time to like his content is what helps him get through the day. Jae feels the same way about Angeal seeming actually interested in who he is as a person and bothering to stick around.]
"I want to be treated special I want to stand as high as I can Those thoughts are the signs of mediocrity
Cast a spell on me Yes, do it like that- Just like that Do it now, please, God Like being eroded and then slowly stained Please shower me with love
Sweet treats, ice cream This “ill-makeup” could melt them all Being under a lot of care makes me like a Baba Yaga A Baba Yaga who broke into a smile" - Baba Yaga by NILFRUITS
[If you're familiar with the history of 19th century ballerinas and the pretty obvious symbolism of the MV, it's very reminiscent of Jae's childhood with a kind of fucked up fairytale twist. In general, I think the MC is plastering over the reality of her situation ('i am inferior'/'my life is worth only 30 pieces of silver') with innocent imagery (which begins to fade into reality around 1:38) and is fearful that if she doesn't 'perform' then 'it could happen to me' (presumably being killed). Jae essentially feels similarly 'collared and handcuffed' by the fear that Angeal might be disgusted by him if he found out about his past and will do anything to prevent that because he craves Angeal's kind treatment and positive opinion of him (much like the MC is addicted to 'love', 'praise', and 'ice cream'=drugs).]
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ram-de · 2 years
march vibes
woohoo it's another month of possible thing i want to do and track!! let's see how much of song i listen to the most do this month around.
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I think this month, I returned to mostly Japanese song again. I think the media I consume affect the song I listen to directly. Well, I guess song and music in itself is a media to consume too so! But. It's mostly new tunes too!
Brownie by Macico is honestly... I don't know what it's about LOL I looked up the lyrics and there isn't any about it, not even the original Japanese transcribe of the lyrics. It sounds really chill and cute though. I'll assume it's just a song about eating brownies (not sus)
I don't know how It's a Dragon Party got here??? It's a cute and poppy song with trumpets and all, about a dragon who does dragon thing, burning villages and killing people!! Hitoyama does a lot of these thematic and each song is usually self-contained story. I love when song is direct and just a fun way to tell a story...!
Wonder Neverland is a VTuber group song. I don't really watch VTuber (at least not anymore), they do a lot of music!! Be it company-mandated or self-initiated. The song itself gave me feel-good and cheer up feelings. I sort of get the gist with my weeb-level Japanese and it's a song to listen to when I feel down. I'm reading the translation right now. ;; And it sure is a hopeful song about dreams and trying again after mistakes, the ensemble vocal is good too...! Not to mention it's by kz too!
Selfish is an electro? pop? song, that I actually listen to a lot before. I'm glad I discovered it and that it exist in Spotify... I don't really understand what it's about. It seems like it's about a selfless person who feel the burden of it, perhaps someone said something about this person that made them feel upset or something. OH. Wait... I think it's told from someone regarding their friend who's so selfless, and that their friend doesn't really look at their own wellbeing first and foremost. It's as if they're saying, hey! be selfish for once, say what you want to say, listen to me! or something like that. I never thought about it like that before.
Dream Dream Yume Dream is basically a demo song for the Vocaloid Yumemi Nemu by NayutanSeijin! So it never really have an official MV or Youtube release. I found it by chance and I like it! Despite the weird pitchy vocal, it oddly fits NayutanSeijin aesthetic, with the whole planet and alien themes. After reading the translation of the lyrics, it seems like it's a character song for the character herself. It's aboud someone who loves sleeping so much because when they dreams, perhaps because when they dream they met someone they found dear with or just because they love the sleeping and dreams itself. It's a cute song!!
KA-GA-YA-KI-RA-RI-RA is a song from the franchise Love Live. I don't know anything about it except for the fact that I watched one of anime a loooooong time ago. It's a song by Kira and the Idol group Aqours! It's giving me crush K-Pop vibes, so cool! The vocaloid tuning is *chef kiss*, and the song itself seems to be about reaching out and spreading their songs?
11 vapor lamps is a super chill lo-fi kind of song? Pedestrian (the one who made this) have a theme!! And for this one... It's calming and giving some sort of regret-ish? Honestly from sound alone, it's a lonely song. Looking slightly at the translation, it seems like it's about someone after a breakup? Life seems mundane and repetitive, losing motivation and hope, and the city streets and lamps keeps reminding them of memories they kept. Perhaps?
Okay ngl, I'm lowkey burned out writing by this point. But PASTEL is another cute feel-good song!! I remember listening it when I was at the shopping center looking for something, mazariatta Pastel🎵 city is a Thai song about feeling alone in a big city? Something about, this city holds so much people living day and day and yet only you... Or something. I forgot! Though I fear, I still walk appears last month but it's still a heartfelt song as ever.
I don't have playlist so it's basically from shuffle and the song I recently added to Liked Songs but... This month has been pretty all over. I think it's good I'm rediscovering music I used to like and listen to. It felt like a proof that I've exist in the past and there's something about looking back at how I used to do:) anyway... be good to me April...!
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
I don't know if you already answered this but what is your personal ranking of all B1A4 title tracks?
this took way longer than it should have lol
so I'm answering this solely based on the audio of the comeback title track-- not the MV, not the era as a whole, or the stage outfits, or whatever. Just the musicality of the song. (And I’m ranking all the songs they actively promoted on music shows as a separate comeback, so excluding OSTs or one time, special stages)
Tried to Walk (the first time I heard this song, I remember being in shock-- this was such a radical jump to me in Jinyoung’s composing skill and a real turning point for him. It’s still such a beautiful song, and I think it portrays the emotions of the lyrics perfectly, with Baro’s rap the icing on the cake + the final chorus KEY CHANGE!)
Lonely (UGH so hard to place this, but ultimately I think this is my spot for it. Love a good pentatonic scale, love a good final chorus key change, plus the ‘Baby, I just wanna spend some time with you’ STILL GETS ME)
A Lie (To me, Lonely get’s the edge because of the pentatonic scale makes it more interesting and unique, and Tried To Walk gets the edge because it was the first to have the complex chorus and I’m a bit more nostalgic with it, but A Lie is a very *very* close third place. And oh look, another FINAL CHORUS KEY CHANGE LKSJFKDLFJS)
Sweet Girl (time has been kind to SG lol arguably my least favorite comeback, the song itself I’ve warmed up to considerably. I do appreciate the change in style, to a more jazz-like sound than we were accustomed to. And it *is* pretty, very full and luscious sounding.)
Solo Day (fun, great vibes, great backing beat, catchy chorus, just a little too much JY singing lmao but another song with a strong ending)
Like A Movie (this song was actually a bit hard to rank. While I like the melody of this song more than say, SD or WH, I feel that it lacks the fullness, the richness and heart, that SD and WH have when I listen to them. Hence why I ultimately put it in between them lol. Also, I think having a 3/4 time signature was a nice change of pace)
What’s Happening (perfect example of if I were doing this rating strictly on the comeback/era as a whole, What’s Happening would be #1 lol. But just based on the song, WH’s never quite did it for me-- but I do appreciate the fun vibe and switches in tempo but controversial opinion, I think they overplay/overperform it. and yes yes I know because it was one of their most well known, public friendly songs.)
O.K (still holds up, still cute, still lively, nothing more to say lol)
Baby Goodnight (you have no idea how long I went back and forth between putting this above or below O.K lol. While I think Baby Goodnight is catchier, on the whole, I think O.K is just the better, more complex song musically.)
Only Learned Bad Things (idk, I really have nothing to add about this song, it’s solid but nothing special to me).
Beautiful Target (in a way, it pains me to put this low; but while the chorus and ending is super strong, the versus I always found to be pretty average, with the electronic robot voice always grating to my ears lol)
Rollin’ (needless to say... I was very whelmed when Rollin’ first dropped. It is, to me, a more advanced/complex song than O.K, BG, etc, but I do not find myself ever going back to listen to it. It’s one of those that when I do actually go back and listen-- like for this ranking lol-- I’m like oh yeah, right, this song exists. It’s cute, I like it, but yeah, idk *shrugs* there was enough tropical-house songs coming out at the time, and this song certainly didn’t break any barriers with it)
Baby I’m Sorry (aka literally the only comeback song of their’s I never liked lol, even when it first came out. Too much autotune. Especially with JY’s parts.)
I tend to favor more melodic, moody songs. Songs with big sweeping melodies, with dramatic finishes over more upbeat, simple catchy songs. The first three are like, so close to being equal it’s really difficult for me to even rank them. I just find them to be such beautiful, heartfelt songs filled with emotion. The next grouping I’d say would be 4th through 9th-- all very solid songs that I absolutely love and adore, but just lack that edge for me. Then 10th through 12th are I guess, songs I like overall, but definitely moving towards the more ‘average’ vibe. And yeah, like I mentioned poor Baby I’m Sorry I just never really cared for lol.
Feel free to share your thoughts or your ranking~!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - Initial asks and a small discussion
*cracks knuckles* Here we go.
If any of you have spent any amount of time today on any ARMY sns platform, I’m sure you’ve seen the mess which, as seasoned ARMY, I can tell you was the exact same mess we see...every single time. I can’t particularly say I’m surprised by any of it, especially when watching the entire process, as in the first clips hitting the TL and then the rest slowly following suit like a flood building steadily as the hours went by.
From anon: be ready for insecure vminies 😂
I’m pleased to report it wasn’t actually as bad as I expected, though now that I’m typing this I probably jinxed my own luck and the flood of asks will come soon enough, but maybe not. I’m holding on to the latter.
Based on the cycle in which these things happen every time, as in that the first clips that hit the ARMY spaces are Xkook ones, followed by vmin and other ships, and lastly more OT7 content, I expected our asks to go haywire after that clip, you know which one I mean. But we’ve only gotten two (?) about it, kind of, so I guess most people understood that it was just for laughs and nothing serious that anyone would have to get insecure over.
From anon: Sigh. This is my first memories of bts as army and i'm already tired of how all of twitter seems to be about 1 j*/k*ok moment now. There were so many j*n/kook m*ments and hugs and a sweet h*pe/k*ok backhug moment and a good number of vmin moments including slow dancing so why is the focus always on that one ship?
Here’s the thing, maybe my TLs are just well curated, I don’t know, but on mine no one really focused on that moment? Even non-shipper OT7s just briefly had a chuckle and then moved along to other things, awww’ed at vmin moments, there was lots and lots of talk about J*nk*ok being super cute and there being so much content when it comes to their interactions, there was a lot of chatter about basically every duo and OT7 moment. I know ship specific spaces went nuts, Xkookers butting heads like their lives depend on it, but outside of them?
“All of twt” is an exaggeration and I know, believe me I do, that Xkookers have the ability to make it seem like everyone just cares about their moments because they themselves (the shippers) are loud and seemingly everywhere, but when you look past them, that isn’t the case. Shippers have a tendency to generalize, especially those who follow a lot of their fellow shippers, but when you step outside of shipper spaces, things look very differently.
Like anon said, though I’d like to preface this by saying that I haven’t seen the entirety of Memories of 2020 so I can only go by what I have seen though I’d say I’ve seen nearly everything that was posted on twt or at least as much as I could find (including Xkook things), there were a lot, and I mean a lot, of amazing moments between basically all the members, regardless of who your favorite duo might be, I’m sure there was something for you there. Even those who are supposedly a rarity. And even as vminnies, this time around we had a feast with so many amazing vmin moments, some funny ones, some random ones, some super cute ones, whatever you want, there is something there for you to find. And the same can be said about so many other duos, we even got Yoongi and Hobi FaceTiming each other, and Yoongi saying they look like a couple while looking at the pictures Hobi chose for the coffee truck he sent to Yoongi’s Daechwita MV filming set.
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There’s one discussion I’d like to get out of the way below the cut, but after that I will have another post very, very soon in which I want us to just have some fun and look at vmin, namjin and the other moments because there is just so much to find. And this is just day one of people having the DVDs, these discussion will continue for a while because, like I mentioned before, Memories are a treasure trove for OT7 content and fun stuff, and there’s more than eleven hours worth of it to be watched, discovered and discussed.
But, okay, let’s get into that moment since anons wanted to talk about it and know my thoughts on it, so let’s do just that. And yes, other anon from a while ago, I remember you once mentioning how I shouldn’t talk about other ships and shouldn’t “debunk” them and their moments, though I’d hardly call this debunking, but as I said many times since our first post, I’m ARMY before I am a vminnie and namjinist, and our blog is called thoughts on Bangtan and, as far as I’m aware, both JK and Jimin are part of Bangtan, so I don’t see a reason why I can’t show my perspective on it and also voice my grievances with shippers when it comes to that moment. And, before anyone comes into our asks to yell at me for being toxic/problematic or only doing this to make my ship look better or whatever, no, that isn’t the point, like at all. 
“Debunking” moments makes literally no difference whatsoever in the grand scheme of things and doesn’t affect reality, all I am doing is having a chat just like everyone else. I’m not even asking you to agree with me, you’re more than welcome not to, I can’t and won’t stop you. Also, just so you know, my initial reaction was just to laugh amused by it, no hard feelings, so I’m not the bad guy.
That being said...the Xkook moment.
Here’s the thing, when it first surfaced many hours ago, the moment itself was cut down to show just the moment of Jimin leaning close to JK and JK leaning back and turning his head away so his cheek faced Jimin...and cut, some even cutting off the video before JK turned his head. That’s it. People, as in shippers, freaked out, and everyone else had a good laugh and moved along to other things, even vminnies were joking about it and everything. I saw none of my fellow vminnies getting angry or insecure about it. Then, as time went by, someone else posted that scene but this time also showing the things leading up to it, so putting it into context instead of removing it. With the context suddenly the whole thing looked and felt completely differently since moments prior Jimin was pretending to stab JK with the pointy end of his mic and then acted as though to check if he was d*ad, as in the end of the scene. Turns out it was just for giggles and not some grand romantic moment in a room full of people and a camera close to their faces.
By that time, of course, those who cared most about that moment had long decided what meaning this holds and didn’t care once context was shown. Gifs and art had already been created, the yelling was loud, and the fights between Xkookers were reaching levels of toxicity I hadn’t seen in a while, which was disgusting and fucked up the say the least. But, the thing is, I don’t think the moment itself was the issue. In context and as rational ARMY you know it was just Jimin playing around with JK as they usually do, things we’ve also seen other members do in similar (though not quite like this) fashion, and after eight years since debut and nine of knowing each other, this isn’t shocking or new in any way. No, the issue were Xkookers and the way they treated this moment, some even going as far as taking screenshots and editing them to make it seem like they were about to kiss, as in they changed the placements of their heads to fit their narrative, as well as others making gifs where they play the moment backwards (leaving out the part where JK leans his head away and to the side) and thus they created their own version of the moment which was different from what had actually happened.
That is my biggest issue with this whole thing. The blatant manipulation of moments to create narratives that don’t match reality, twisting them and using them in stupid pointless fights. But imagine vminnies were to do any of that, all hell would break loose and we’d be attacked without mercy because how dare, and yet they don’t follow their own “logic” and “rules”. It’s more than okay to find any and all moments cute, we all do, to make jokes and whatnot, but twisting context, manipulating it and basically creating your own version of it goes too far. 
Take what we are given as what it is, instead of what you want it to be.
So, now that that’s done, please fellow vminnies and ARMYs, don’t be insecure or let people ruin your mood and fun over it. It’s not worth it. Instead let’s check out and have a talk about some of the fun vmin and OT7 moments we got, along with other ones, including my reply to another anon when it comes to namjin. Of course what I will mention in the post (HERE) is basically just the tip of the iceberg since tumblr has a limit on pictures and everything, so just know there is so much more still left to see than just that.
Before I’ll go, for those who still feel a little insecure/doubtful/whatever else, while I was working on this post and the other one, another anon sent in this well timed vmin ask:
From anon: I have to say this as a Vmin supporter. Whatever is going on with Vmin we can rest assure what they is special/untouchable. They graduated HS & college together, going for Bachelors together. Jimin-ah I like you the most. I want to live with my lovely Taehyung for the rest if my life. Their future is together, friends/soulmates or more they said it. I won’t tear down other members closeness (good for them) their bonds don’t erase Vmins. I’m just happy with the moments Vmin allow us to see.
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