#the mun makes an announcement
sakuradreamerz · 1 year
Mun Update!
Hey guys...I know I haven't really posted anything here in a couple of months.
Let's just say it's been...a bit of an anxious rollercoaster. A rollercoaster that seems to be slowing down somewhat.
A lot of personal issues arose (nonetheless the stress and anxiety that arose from it)...and with it I decided to take a step back from RPing.
Even though they are starting to settle down a bit, I've decided to keep my semi hiatus/hiatus status in effect.
I will still be lurking, and occasionally post/reply to RP's, but for the most part I will be taking a break.
I hope in the future I'll be able to be more active but for now, life comes first.
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deathinfeathers · 3 months
//Lute is the only muse I've had duplicate anxiety over.
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flamedcrown · 5 months
Also, for those who haven't yet ; please make sure to read my rules! And If you are from my Sonic multimuse, they are completely different from there so I do recommend giving them a read.
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kalijhomentethi · 1 year
i took a long ass nap and im somehow still sleepy help me DKSS
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
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PSA:: My Muse is not invincible!
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He is Immortal not immune to injury or trauma. He is a walking God but he is not immune to consequence or negative responses to his actions. Kumo has done immoral things. Kumo has killed. Kumo has lied and cheated. Kumo has manipulated to get what he wants. Kumo has done things under the concept of "The end justifies the means."
Kumo contains the power of one Goddess of the Heavens and Mother of the Mist within him but that does not make him above life. That does not mean, he is incapable of getting hurt, sick, in trouble, and / or killed. Kumo is not always right, and sometimes he does things he shouldn't.
Kumo is generally a pretty decent guy but that does not mean he can't be miserable. That doesn't mean he's a pushover or that he can't defend himself. That doesn't mean he should be underestimated for any reason.
Kumo is a living God. Kumo is in possession with enough power to destroy worlds.
Kumo is tiny. Kumo is small. Kumo is not menacing looking but he can still wipe the floor with most people who stand in his path. Kumo is not weak.
However that being said, Kumo has physical weaknesses that are just biologically a part of him. He is not invincible. Kumo can be killed. He will revive no matter what though unless killed a certain way by certain people though. No other living being can kill him permanently.
And on the topic of Kumo being nasty, the narrative will come for him. It comes for us all. Wrong doings will not go unpunished. Resolutions will be met. Kumo is a living God with just as much work to do as the next guy. He is not pardoned just because he's a generally nice guy. I will not baby my muse, nor will I make excuses for him.
Kumo acknowledges his wrong-doings and is trying to heal that damage he's caused. He refuses to see himself as a good OR bad person because of this and firmly believes he is both at the same time. Kumo is not invincible, invulerable or immune.
And he never will be. He has serious trauma to work through, and he has to do the work. He will do the work. Just like every other person, Kumo is responsible for his own growth and betterment. He's done immoral things and he acknowledges and owns them.
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Side note:
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When I say Kumo has enough power to destroy the world, this is canon. I'm not fucking with you.
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ravensroleplays · 1 year
After much thought and internal debating with myself, I have decided to discontinue my main BATIM AU, and all subsequent sub-AUs/verses.
Really looking back on it, a lot of things about the AU didn’t make any sense, and it was probably one of the things I was most inconsistent with. I could technically retool some things in the BATIM AU, or even give it a complete overhaul, but seeing as how I’m trying to move away from my AUs in general, so I can focus on my original story, Oasis to Oakwood, it seems like a moot point, especially since many of the characters were based off my BATIM muses.
Plus, if I’m being totally honest with myself, I’ve never really been that attached to the BATIM AU, at least not as much as my AHIT AU, or even my FNAF AU, which I’ve had for close to a decade now.
I won’t remove the BATIM characters from my muse list, if only for sentimental reasons--like I said, many of the OTO characters were based off my versions of the BATIM characters, so I’m keeping them around basically as a template of how the characters started out, as well as to give anyone new to the blog a feel for the AU.
However, I will no longer be roleplaying BATIM, at least not for the foreseeable future.
I might very well end up changing my mind in the future and tweak my BATIM AU, maybe even add some elements from BATDR, and a possible third game--after all, I plan to keep RPing for both FNAF and AHIT for the time being.
But for now, I think it’s time for Bendy and co. to take a bow as I move on to other things.
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duelcafe · 2 years
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Credits are completely updated across all blogs!  There are also now designated tags for where and which blog I am using something for.  All of these items are now viewable on my hub; they were posted privately as to not spam the dashboard, but are all of course linked in the credit section of my overview + navigation page and in any of my rules for my sideblogs as well.  Along with that, there is now a post that includes all of the icon batches I’ve found and am using ( if I haven’t outright made them myself ) just to keep them in one place and easy link to / properly credit!  
I’m adding music widgets to my blogs!  None of them are autoplay ( nor will they ever be ), and I’ve done my best to make sure that all songs are consistent sound-wise so that one song won’t be wildly louder than the previous.  Though this is really only applicable to duelcafe, as it’s the only blog of mine that has multiple songs on it.  Still — no player will be set to max volume, or even half for that matter.  My character sideblogs will get one song each, which will be rotated every now and then as I see fit!  I’m not finishing adding players to all my blogs yet, but look forward to them.  
I edited the coding of my themes with responsive centering for desktop!  Well, at least for the blogs that didn’t already have it ( which would be duelcafe, seamtorn, and waterlord. )  This means that no matter the screen size of someone’s device, bigger or smaller than my own, my blog will still appear centered on their screen.  If you notice any problems with my themes and they are not centered on your screen for some reason, let me know!  I’ll try to figure out why that is.  I’ve done my best to test and make sure things are in proper order, but it’s hard since I only have my own screens to go off of, so I can’t be 100% certain if works for everyone and their respective devices.
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caramel-maveeato · 10 months
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʜᴇʟʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇᴢᴇꜱ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: sacrifice is inevitable if victory was yearned for… ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x Fem!reader ♡ Genre: sight fluff, angst, hurt/slight to no comfort ♡ TW: blood, crying, wounds, gore, cursing, death, self-harm, spoilers for ss2 ep12. ♡ word count: 2.1k
Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n.
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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A gentle glimpse of sunset snuck through the window, bathing in his entrancing eyes like a pond of honey: “‘Til death do us part. I mean it.” 
“Damnnn, you’re so cheesy today!” You snorted, nudging your shoulder against your boyfriend's, who was quick to retaliate with a playful flick on your forehead.
“Oh shush. But I’m serious. I won’t die, and you won’t die, and everyone on our team won’t die. That’s it, I’ll make sure we all survive no matter what.” 
Despite his lighthearted tone, you could tell So Mun was beyond sincere about keeping his promise, and so were you. No matter how deadly it is waiting on the future path, everyone will make it out alive. 
“Um-hm, am I that dear to you?”
He scoffed, but there was no sign of mockery or ridicule, only playfulness emerged: “Yes, you are. First time knowing?”
“Please, I’m almost sick of how many times you said you unequivocally adored me, like everyday morning alarms, y’know?” You giggled, wiggling your index finger out in front of his face and quickly withdrawing it when he faked biting you: “But I still want to hear you verify it one more time, is that too much of a request?”
“After you had the audacity to say you’re getting sick of it, I’m sorry to announce your request has been declined.”
“I take back what I said, I could never get sick of how many times you express your cheesy little lovey-dovey words for me. Like everyday morning alarms, but that means I can’t wake up and function normally without them.”
“Switched up smoother than I expected.” His effort at holding back a laugh evaporated: “That’s it? You just gotta be all sweet again after the “damage” you’ve caused? Your attitude is getting out of hand.”
You snickered, swiftly stealing a peck on his cheek to demonstrate an “apology” you knew he’d happily accept: “Verify it one more time and I’ll shut my attitude up.”
“I’ll do what you asked, but don’t shut it up.” A honeyed kiss pressed down on the top of your head. His arms closed around your waist a little tighter, enfolding the intimacy of your afternoon cuddle session to its fullest: “When hell freezes over, that’s when I’ll let go of you, satisfied now?”
You grinned, not acknowledging a dusting of pink already saturated across your cheeks. No matter what your level of lactose tolerance was, his “cheese” was always perfect for you in terms of ingestion: “Satisfied.”
The group portrait tranquilly sat on your desk, smiling at you two through its frame with the same encouragement. You and So Mun were the only ones in the room, yet the sense of security it conveyed still made you feel complete. 
“Everyone in this picture will make it until the end.” 
“I already did my part, what about you? Still determined to be stubborn and not say it back?”
Confronted by a tilt of his head, which was one of his ridiculously adorable tactics to persuade you. You eventually let out a frisky sigh and laid your head on his shoulder, eyes closed under the serenity of being with your beloved other half:
“Alright, ‘til death do us part. I mean it too.”
‘Til death do us…
‘Til death…
Too many things happened in just a short span of time, but all enervation departed as the unrelenting battles now came to an end. Knowing he had brought such miracles summoning Hwang Pilgwang, the overwhelming pressure intruding on his heart finally rested. 
For the first time in months, So Mun could finally escape the hushed corridors of his own mind. 
As much as his teammates adored him, they weren’t dramatic people. Yes, it was a near-death experience for all, but the entire team knew they had succeeded, so there was absolutely no reason for them to give him such pained looks. His random thought contorted into an affirmation that they weren’t crying because he remained passed out longer than supposed.
The revolting metallic smell in the room sickened him to the core, yet it stood no chance against how atrociously nauseous So Mun felt being greeted by teary faces as the first thing after he woke up. 
For years he was never this afraid of his own voice, afraid of asking a question that might assemble answers he didn’t want to hear: “What’s wrong…?”
Only suppressed sniffles responded to him. 
The ambiguity only added more confusion to his already fuzzy sight. As much as he tried to deny it, something within him had already enclasped the possible truth he’d choose death over knowing.
Why was everyone crying? And why were you lying there on Hana’s lap, eyes closed, unmoved? 
“Noona, she, Y/n…” Fright clogged up inside his throat, making words stumble. The more he tried to stay calm, the more his composure shattered like a sand castle under ruthless waves: “What’s… what’s wrong with Y/n, why is she…?” 
He could feel Jeokbong’s hand supporting his back as he lunged over to your side. The sudden outbreak of panic was dizzying, yet he paid no attention to it. 
Reddened eyes of his teammates all ran away from him, obscuring themselves from a cry threatening to burst. So Mun inhaled shallowly, his own lungs betraying him with how torturously aching it was with each breath taken upon seeing your body now completely motionless. 
The welcoming warmth of your fingers was replaced with a vague, yet disturbing coldness, benumbing his skin when he grabbed your hand. The shock he felt appeared no different from receiving a thousand strikes at once, inside his ear rang a quiet shriek of nothingness: “Ms. Chu, please tell me…” 
At her name being mentioned, all the anguish she bit back for long unleashed in a choked snivel—a realization to So Mun that this wasn’t just some cruel, twisted nightmare he thought he was having. 
Time seemed suspended, sealed within the shadow of horror. 
This is not a dream. 
“No, there must be…” He stammered, squeezing your hand as an expectation that you’d return the gesture like you’ve always done: “Ms. Chu, there must be a way to save her. You can heal her, right? Y/n is strong, with your help, she’ll wake up in no time.” 
His voice died down when the woman closed her eyes, letting hopeless tears pour down her bruised face. He looked at Motak, then Jangmul, then Hana, then Jeokbong, one by one, desperately searching for a gleam of the dullest light he could at least clutch onto. 
Nothing worked. What happened had already happened.  
He took a closer look at your face, only to be pierced by a blade of emptiness. He had always loved to admire your sleeping face—so relaxing, so gentle, so peaceful. But not like this. No matter how loudly he called your name or how hard he shook your shoulders, you still lay there like a soulless doll, so close to him yet horrendously out of reach: “Y/n, wake up…. We won, we finally won…”
Calloused fingers stroked along your cheeks, looking for the slightest hint of miraculous movement. He was known to be good at performing miracles, but at the moment, even his miracles were impotent to save you.
So Mun had never felt so fucking useless.   
“No, she will be okay…” The facade of incredulity crumbled and he found himself seizing you into his arms, clinging onto the thin thread of fictional faith despite already noticing your body lacked the familiar warmth he fell in love with: “Y/n will be okay. She—she promised me she’ll be fine, she’s just taking a nap.”
Hands patting on his back like a call to the truth and cries eventually broke out, yet So Mun was too senseless to care about any of them. His mind was too busy hunting for your heartbeat, but all he received was the echo of silence. 
He pressed his hand on the side of your neck, eyes sore and fingers trembling lamentably at the absence of life. But the growling heartbeat of his own gave him hope—he could feel its rhythm through his digits. That could be your pulse, right, that must be your pulse, he can feel it.  
“She will be okay, we’re okay. I promised all of us would—”
The mutters of your name sank in the weight of disbelief, of false reassurance. His own tears wracked his body, dropping and dampening a piece of your soiled tracksuit like rain that slowly blasted into thunderstorms. 
He stared blankly into the lifelessness you were holding, dirt stains and blood-dried cuts of yours dyed his fingers with monstrous pain. Suddenly, his own existence felt alien, as if he were an outsider peeking into a world he didn’t belong in.
So much for “everyone will make it until the end,” now what?
He is a liar. 
He is a fucking liar.
For one of the rarest times in his life, he regretted trying. So Mun knew exactly what it felt like to regret. Each time, there was an explosive outrage at the injustice that had befallen him. But this one was the most destructive. 
Maybe Ma Juseok was right—what was the point in risking his life to save others? He tried so hard and worked so hard just for fate to repay all of these fucking efforts by destroying everything he had.
A lie. Maybe it really was a lie. 
Maybe this goddamn self of his was a lie. 
His distorted reflection spun and spun and spun like an annoying bug that kept buzzing despite numerous attempts to kill it. He had no idea where he was or how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity knowing you hadn’t reached Yung. Just where are you? You didn’t vanish from the final battle’s impact, did you?
So Mun needed to see you again, or he’d go fucking crazy. 
The palpable heaviness in the air suffocated him. So Mun never hated his own reflection before, not until right now.
Colors deformed into the entrance of an abyss he wished to just jump into—black of darkness, white of Yung, muted grey of guilt.
And red, too. 
“So Mun! That’s enough!!”
Frightened yellings and sounds of falling glasses slashed on his ears. Yet So Mun couldn’t quite hear or feel anything, not even the hideous pain he just put himself through. 
Footsteps congested the bathroom he was in, tears that once dried up erupted again. Hana grasped his wrist tightly, almost fearfully, and god, the warmth exuded nearly drove him mad with how much he missed yours. 
“Stop hurting yourself, you know it doesn’t change anything! She’s gone!” The crack in Hana’s voice flooded his eyes. They couldn’t even pronounce your name around him, afraid of how much it might trigger him. 
Jeokbong’s cries in the distance and Ms. Chu’s pleas were helpless to distract the profound grief, more like a bargain for fate to rewrite itself: “Let it out, but please, you know it also hurts me to see you like this!”
The woman emanated a green radiance to envelope his hand, trying to console the blood-soaked skin he created himself from a brutal contact made against the mirror, tiny fragments of sharpness punctured on each of his knuckles. Shards warped together with flesh in a grotesque mess, crimson swathed the once-tidied floor and the paleness of his skin. It hurt his eyes. It hurt everyone's eyes. 
You used to say he looked good in red. Red tracksuits, red hoodies, red blazers. But you hated it when he was covered in the redness of blood. Does this mean he just failed you again?
“I’m sorry…” 
Was he saying this to his teammates or to you? He had no fucking clue. But the only thing he could recognize was how much effort it took to breathe, he didn’t feel like himself inside his own skin anymore when everything around him seemed fulminated. 
Strong arms whooshed him into an embrace, cramming So Mun’s hot tears and muffled sobs into a reliable shoulder. No words were spoken, but Motak’s bellowing heartbeat was already a silent bawl. 
Losing a loved one was like having life’s chapters torn out, leaving an unfinished tale with ragged ends that never fully fit in tandem. It can recover, and he can heal. Just not at the moment.
Shattered pieces of blood-drenched mirror reflected a history that repeated itself. Again, again, and again.
Winter was just gone by, hell didn’t freeze over. But the reality So Mun cherished still collapsed on that day.
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[Tag List]✿⌦ @slytherinshua (feel free to notify me if you want to be on the tag list)
Thanksgiving is near so here’s angst I guess 🫶🏻 FLUFF AFTER THIS I PROMISE
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sakuradreamerz · 2 years
I've completed Genshin up to 3.5 ^^
Faruzan's hangouts were a lot of fun! X3 (and made me cry a couple of times with a few of the routes)
Dehya's Quest was really bad-ass X3
And as for the latest Archon Quest, all I can say is WHAAAAAT?!?! ....
I will be waiting until the end of Windblume's event to update Claire's own POV in regards to the Archon Quest and how it may affect her going forward, but for now I'll be brainstorming (also feel free to DM me of you want to freak out about the chaos that was the 3.5 story) ^^
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Tämä blogi oli tässä. Mä olen miettinyt suhtautumistani tietoon siitä, että Tumppu aikoo myydä (tai on jo myynyt) käyttäjien tekemää sisältöä AI:n koulutukseen ja... mun moraali ei hyväksy sitä. Tämä ei ole eka kerta kun olen miettinyt voinko jatkaa Tumpussa koska sen omistajat tekee typeriä päätöksiä, mutta sisällön myyminen AI:lle on sen tason pahuutta että mä en voi olla sellaisella sivustolla mukana.
Se, että esitin VR:ää Tumpussa oli yksi hauskimpia juttuja mitä mä olen yli kymmenen vuoden aikana tällä sivustolla tehnyt ja on sääli että se jää kesken; mulla oli mietittynä ja queueattuna sisältöä jonka oisin mielellään näyttänyt teille. Tumpun käyttäjät – te kaikki jotka tän sivuston oikeasti teette – on ihan mahtavia tyyppejä. Mulla tulee teitä ikävä.
Mä jätän tän blogin toistaiseksi olemaan, siinä toivossa että joku Automatticilla tulee järkiinsä ja ne ilmoittaa ettei sittenkään myy Tumpun sisältöä yhtään minnekään. En kyllä oikeasti usko että niin käy.
This is the end of this blog. I've thought about the information that Tumblr is planning on selling (or has already sold) content made by its users for AI training and... I think it's immoral. This is not the first time Tumblr has done something that has made me ponder if I want to continue using this site, but this is an act of evil of such magnitude that I cannot remain active on this website.
Pretending to be the Finnish state-owned rail operator was some of the most fun I've had during my over a decade on Tumblr, and I am sad to abandon this. I had plenty of (hopefully) fun content planned and queued for you all. Tumblr users – all you people who actually make this site – are fantastic people. I will miss you.
I will leave this blog as it is for now, in the hopes that the people at Automattic come to their senses and make an announcement they won't be selling anything for AI training after all. I'm not holding my fingers.
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blueharborhq · 3 days
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Hello, Blue Harbor! Happy Monday, and more importantly, happy ( almost ) fall! As you may have already noticed, with the changing of the seasons, us admins have decided to do some housekeeping on the main. Over the weekend, we installed a brand new theme with matching graphics to better represent the time of year! We think this is a wonderful idea to keep things fresh, not only for us but for you all as well, so do expect similar updates every few months or so moving forward. For now, have a look around the new blog! If there's any questions about where a specific page is located, don't hesitate to reach out and we'll point you in the right direction! That's not all, though! Alongside this housekeeping, we also figured that it was an excellent time to do some general maintenance, including but not limited to: updating our guidelines, reorganizing the news blog, adding fresh locations, and more! We ask that you please continue to read through this post in its entirety to familiarize yourself with all that may have changed.
Starting on Sunday, September 22nd, we will no longer be accepting hiatus requests on the day of activity checks. While generally we have considered ourselves to be pretty lenient with hiatus requests, as we completely understand that this group is a hobby and should come secondary to real life commitments, we also understand that it may be unfair to other members if we continue to allow hiatus requests at the last minute. This is not to say that we will be striking the hammer down completely on this, since sometimes unexpected circumstances lead to dips in our online presence, but we simply ask that you uphold communication with us if you find yourself needing a hiatus, activity extension, etc! We're still here to help, and are more than willing to come to a solution so long as we're kept in the loop!
Additionally, we will no longer be allowing members to take up multiple ( 2+ ) wanted connections for the same mun. This does not apply for connections that currently exist within the game, but rather for character applications moving forward. We absolutely love that everyone is so interested in connections — to be entirely honest, we've never seen a group so eager to snatch them up, and we couldn't be more thankful for it — but in an effort to move forward with our inclusivity expectations, we'd like to implement this rule to further incentivize all members to branch out of their comfort zones!
In regards to the Blue News blog, the weekly column will instead shift to the monthly column, posting on the first of every month. This ensures that we as admins can take the time to cook up new ideas and keep things fun and fresh for everyone, quality over quantity! This also gives you guys, our members, more freedom to make submissions of your own. If you have any submissions that you would like to make throughout the month, do not hesitate to fill out the form and it will be included in the next issue!
The weekly radio playlists will return, but biweekly, starting today! No big spiel on this, we simply have regained the time to put them together! The link to the playlist can be found here if you'd like to listen.
We've added four new locations! Including a lover's lane, country club, an impending multicultural institute and the renovation of one of Blue Harbor's favorites ...
Ahead of the last announcement, we have decided to re-enable the anonymous feature. However, please continue to be mindful. Questions and comments are perfectly acceptable, but outright rude messages will not be tolerated. Both of us continue to be open to kind and constructive conversation, but still withhold the right to disable the feature in the future if need be. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding!
We have also decided that there will be a temporary ban on two careers: lawyers and writers, due to overabundance. This change will be listed on our application for future reference, and will be announced once it's taken off.
Last, but certainly not least, we will be expanding our mun count to 35! We are so honored and grateful to have kept up with being at full capacity for this long, and thought it'd be best to open a few spots to introduce new players to our lovely little community!
Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding, once again, as we implement these updates. Please toss this post a like after you've read it, and as usual, if there are any questions, comments or concerns, you're more than welcome to address them to the main.
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piers-official · 4 months
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Tha's right I'm GOIN' ON TOUR! I'll be travelin' from Galar all the way to Unova, alongside everyone's favorite poison punk: @rockstar-roxie! He'll be openin' up for all my Unovan dates, so don't ya dare miss it!
Carnival Tour Dates:
GALAR: ⭐Spikemuth gym- May 17th ⭐Hammerlocke Stadium- May 18th and 19th ⭐Motostoke Stadium- May 21st and 22nd ⭐Ballonlea Stadium - May 23rd ⭐Circhester Stadium - May 24th ⭐Wyndon Stadium - May 25th and 26th ⭐Spikemuth Gym - May 27th
UNOVA: ⭐Virbank Gym - May 31st ⭐Castelia City Stadium - June 1st and 2nd ⭐Nimbasa Big Stadium - June 3rd and 4th ⭐Driftveil Court - June 5th ⭐Oplucid Stadium - June 6th and 7th ⭐Nacrene Warehouse Court - June 10th ⭐Virbank Gym - June 11th
((OOC under the cut))
//Hello everyone! Mun Nova here to give you all a little more insight into this:
//Much like the tour Piers was on with Roxie back in October/November, I will be doing a similar story arc
//THIS IS NOT AN EVENT! This means that I will not be accepting or participating in any spontaneous roleplays with people I don’t know as many people do for “PKMN IRL events”.
//Please feel free to make posts about the tour and act like you’re there on the dates stated above, BUT as someone who suffers from anxiety, I won’t be able, to respond to every post made about the tour. However do not let this discourage you from participating. Anyone is welcome to join~
//I will do my best to stay on top of things, so please have patience if I don't post on a specific date listed above as I do have work and my mental health to take care of.
//If you do make a post relating to this please tag it as #Piers's Carnival Tour so I can see it!
//If you have any ooc or ic questions, please send them my way!
//And as always, thank you @ripoff-robbie-rotten for all the help with everything. You're amazing friendo, and ilu <333 /plat
((Also I did make alt text for the image above, but I'm not sure if it's good or not. Please let me know if I need to fix it~))
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isolaradiale · 3 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Keep in mind that this event has already been rerun before, and any form of past participation in the other runs means you cannot claim it again.
“GOOD MORNING, FAIR RESIDENTS OF SPIRALE! DO YOU REMEMBER ME? OF COURSE YOU DO, HOW COULD YOU NOT!?” Regardless of what one was doing at the stroke of midnight, a booming voice echoed throughout the minds of every resident of Spirale in tandem. “IF YOU’D KINDLY TURN YOUR EYES TO THE NEAREST SCREEN, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!”
Every screen in the city - be it a television, a phone, the digital screen on the fridge - all tuned into the same image. Rudimentary camera work pointed at a barely-lit visage. A three-eyed beast, each eye sporting a gleam as its feline features became more apparent. For many this was a beast that had appeared once before, but for others? “I AM THE MAD MERRYMAKER, THE PRINCE OF– AH, I’VE DONE THIS BEFORE. SIMPLY CALL ME K’HORII.”
As the cat beast spoke, throughout the city those that came from other worlds began to feel peculiarly disoriented. They couldn’t tear their eyes away from the screens but neither did they feel rooted on the ground. Almost as if it were an out of body experience. “MY ATTENTION WAS CAUGHT BY THESE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES OF YOURS! AREN’T THEY PECULIAR? YOU LOT SPEND THE OTHER 11 MONTHS OF THE YEAR ARGUING AND FIGHTING, BUT AROUND THE HOLIDAYS YOU PRETEND TO GET ALONG! DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER? NO! BUT THAT IS THE POINT OF MY BUSINESS HERE.”
The screens all flickered off in tandem, leaving the out-of-worlders in completely different forms. At least for now. But… what could he have possibly meant by the situation not being as straightforward as it seemed?
Welcome to our next rerun event, EMPATHEOREM!
As you’ve surely gleamed from the above text, this event is based around the idea of living in another’s skin and coming to better understand people in ways you might not have otherwise. Here’s a general overview of how things will work mechanically:
characters can only swap with one other character at a time. the duration of the swap is up to the muns involved, and it could last the entire event, a number of hours, or even less. do what you’re comfortable with!
the characters do not to be within close proximity of one another to swap nor does it have to be with someone they know. it could be with someone on the other side of the city, leaving them to try and figure out who they are.
swapping must be done with mun permission. please respect the boundaries of other muns!
you cannot swap with an animal / pokemon unless they are a character on the masterlist. if there’s a pikachu on the masterlist for example you could swap with them, but not the pokemon of a trainer on the masterlist.
powers remain bound to the body regardless of whether they are physical or mental along with the unlock limitations. so if muse a were to swap with muse b, they would be able to use all of muse b’s unlocked powers provided they could figure out how to use them.
it isn’t merely a physical swap however, and there are side effects to being in another’s body that become more and more prominent the more time they spend swapped.
swapped characters may be prone to acting more and more like the owner of the body they are in. so for example if muse a and muse b swap, the longer they remained swapped the more they may begin to act like one another.
swapped characters may also experience one another’s memories. with mun permission, feel free to have them remember experiences only the host body might have known. this is a great way for characters to learn things about one another that might otherwise have gone unsaid!
the former two points are optional. you do not need to utilize either if you are not comfortable with it.
if your character has any special biological traits to note, please make sure to include this information in an info post or on your ad! in cases where characters have a fatal weakness to something mundane (in cases like being weak to the sun), you can choose to have anyone in their body subconsciously realize this for example. please do not kill anyone else’s muse without permission!
a posted mini will not count as participation during this event unless it is replied to before the event period ends. likewise during this event, drabbles will not count. this is because the event is very dependent on bond building interactions and we would like you guys to reach out and write with each other.
if you are not comfortable swapping with another character you are free to avoid doing so for the event! however to earn participation you must interact with at least one character who has swapped with someone else!
in regards to icons: if you’d like to offer up icons for people to use you can, but it isn’t mandatory at all!
you can use an info post to list things like unique biological characteristics, unlocked powers, and what kind of things like memories or personality traits a character in their body may come to expect if you’re okay with them experiencing these things. you can also provide a sampling of usable icons if you’d like! we recommend you tag these info posts with ‘#iremp info’.
even if you have mun permission we will not allow nsfw to be written during the event (unless it takes place outside of the event of course!). we also ask that you do not write any content picking fun at your new body in any form, even lightheartedly, for the sake of member comfort (for instance, if your muse does not have breasts and ends up in a body that does, do not joke about “having boobies”, or if they are a different weight do not draw attention to and mock it). if you are at all unsure if something crosses this line, we ask that you refrain.
the event officially ends at 11:59:59PM EST on july 5th.
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Hello users!!! We’re very excited to make a very special announcement today!!!
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In the spirit of our remodel, we have decided to start daily themed posts to boost engagement in the community!!! Each day of the week will have a different theme, and the posts for each week will be unique and occasionally themed for that time of the year!!! We hope that users will see this as an opportunity to have even more wonderful interactions together!!!
The System will now list the themes, so everyone understands what the plan is!!!
Monday - Mun-days
-> The System will provide asks, questions, or polls for users to interact with OOC! For those who choose to participate, this will give us the opportunity to learn a little bit about the amazing Muns behind our favorite accounts!!! (Ex: Tell us about your first RP acct! Why did you start it?)
Tuesday - User Poll Tuesdays
-> Just like we've been doing, we'll post a couple of interesting Riordanverse polls on Tuesdays for you all to answer and share around! (Ex: Which Riordanverse Character has the best sense of humor?)
Wednesday - What's going on Wednesday
-> The System will provide an open starter for users to use! Either reblog the post from us and @ someone, or copy and paste it to your own blog to use! (Ex: You wake up to find there's a monster under your bed! How do you react?)
Thursday - Tithing Thursdays
-> It's time to show your love to your favorite gods and goddesses! Send them a message! Offer them a gift!!! Tell them how much you love them!!!
Friday - Campfire Fridays
-> Camp Half blood resident or not, all users are invited to the Sing-along! Share your favorite songs of the week! Show us what your muses love to listen to!!! (The System will post an anchor post to remind everyone when it's time to share your favorite tunes!!!)
Saturday - Say Hi Saturdays
-> It's time to make use of our resource!!! Come in and find a blog that's new to you and send them a hello!! It's time to make new friends... or maybe even enemies >:D (The System will post a reminder for you to go find someone new!!)
Sunday - Magic Anon
-> M!A is an old RP tradition here on tumblr! Usually, users receive an Anon who blesses (or curses) your muse for a set amount of time!! The System will post Sunday's Magic!Anon here on the database, and any users who want to participate are welcome to take it and add it to their Bio or about page for 24 hours!! (Ex: For 24 hours, your muse can only speak in Rhyming Couplets >:D OR for 24 hours, your muse can hear the thoughts of Birds in their near vicinity!)
We hope all users will enjoy interacting with our daily posts, and please remember not to pressure anyone to participate! It's all fun here, and we only want to help you all have a good time!!! Thank you for your continued support, users!! We appreciate you so so so much!!!
Disclaimer: of course, as always, users are in no way required to participate in the daily activities. Please do not feel pressured, we will keep posting even if there isn't much interaction! Daily posts will be queued in advance. _________________________________________________
Graphics are graciously provided by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more as always. Thank you so much!!!
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ravensroleplays · 1 year
Soooo...Snatcher might have ended up catching romantic feelings for someone again...
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sxturne-deadplate · 5 months
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{*Oh. Hello there, the restaurant already closed for tonight. The staff members are dining together before leaving-- that lady is not part of the crew? Ah, don't mind her.... She's a familiar.*}
New shift -> muse files (more info soon)
//List of Muses
Court Dineur
Sophia Lorraine
Vincent Charbonneau
Rody Lamoree
Manon Vacher
The chefs
Continue -> inbox
//Notes from mun Pins
Dead Plate is a game released by Studio Investigrave. Canon muses like Manon, Vicent, and Rody are not mine. Only OCs, Sophia and Court, are mine.
This blog is not officially canon. This is only made for fun, and canon muses are interpreted based on both facts and sometimes headcanons I have.
Content contains canon x canon or canon x oc ships, gore, dark themes, fanart and fanfics I make in the future, suggestive but not necessarily way TOO NSFW. All of this is fanwork so is not canon.
This blog is made for fun.
Memes are welcomed. Feed the crew with anything you can throw.
Flirting is okay(i find it funny when pick up lines just randomly come out in the inbox---). Just stay respectful as possible in general.
Canon x canon, canon x oc, oc x oc are allowed- just let us know beforehand!!!
The crew is pretty selective with picking what asks to answer and take time answering, I hope you understand.
No racism, xenophobia, bigotery, lgbtq+ hate- Nothing offensive, please!
🗞// headlines -> info tag, announcements, ask memes
🍰// appetizer -> Mun's fanwork
☕️// side dish -> reblogs
🥂// chit chat -> rp
🍽// customer service -> asks
🍷// temptation -> warning
🚬// backdoor -> ooc
Quit -> just click backwards darn it/lh
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