#the mourning bvb
the-nation-of-today · 2 months
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BVB Discography // The Mourning The Mourning is the band's third EP. Released on October 21st, 2022, starting with the single “Saviour II”, a reaffirming of the message from “Saviour”, featured on Set The World On Fire. The EP, according to frontman Andy Biersack, originally began with the intention of writing The Phantom Tomorrow part two, but Biersack believed the entire story had already been told on the album and instead switched to writing songs about the band’s own experiences.
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leonsliga · 1 year
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Mats for 11 Freunde (X)
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juergenklopp · 8 months
got the news notification on my phone and immediately thought of you.....thoughts and prayers in this trying time
Thank you Sammy I literally don't know what to do with myself this is one of the worst days of my life
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brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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Andy Biersack via Instagram Stories, 04/10/2022.
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daniigrimm-blog · 2 years
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Can we just take a moment to simp about the newest album drop by Black Veil Brides, The Phantom Tomorrow, released October 29, 2021. I know, I know, I maybe should have wrote this post like two years ago but really I had a lot to do in the meantime and wanted to give it the true justice this piece of art really deserves. This release is the second album drop since the band's decision to part ways with former bassist Ashley Purdy, (the first basically being a re-master of their former masterpiece debut album "We Stitch These Wounds", now dubbed cleverly, "Re-Stitch These Wounds") and now this! Can I just say, WOW-wowie-wow-wow-wowzers! omg I am just BLOWN away by what has gone into this piece of art and I feel blessed to be born in a time where I got to truly experience its release. Just wow. Welcome to the band Lonny Eagleton, with a resounding, please please don't ever leave.
The Phantom Tomorrow (Introduction)
Scarlet Cross
Born Again
Spectres (Interlude)
The Wicked One
Shadows Rise
Fields of Bone
Crimson Skies
Kill the Hero
Fall Eternal
Oh hey did you know that Black Veil Brides released a COMIC BOOK?! It apparently goes right along with this masterpiece of an album because WHY NOT? Siri, can you add "Buy The Phantom Tomorrow comic" to my to-do list? Hell yes. I bought Andy's Ghost of Ohio when it dropped so ya know ya girl is gonna hop this band wagon. And who wouldn't? With such an awesome story and a crazy ass cover like that? Name two people, I bet you cant. And if you can I don't believe you.
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From the mouths of babes, as they say. And man is Andy a MAJOR babe. Anyhoo, I figured I would save ya'll a track-by-track personal breakdown because who can do it better than the guys themselves? Amirite? I will say this though, this album feels WHOLE. It feels full. It feels like a really well-rounded album. I'm not a musician myself, but I LOVE music, and I have been watching a lot of different bands grow and rise and it has been an absolutely AMAZING ride. But this band, what a well-rounded flushed out sound they have come to grow into as each individual has honed their craft or joined. And before any of you ask my personal favorite off this particular album is Torch. It's on my On Repeat on Spotify for a reason--but I digress...that brings me once again to Lonny.
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Lonny Eagleton
Who is Lonny Eagleton you ask? Well, he's a sweet boy from Canada who joined the BVB family, and man does he fit RIGHT in. Well, his website Bio boasts he's a professional musician who has worked with multiple recognizable names in the industry, that he's done his fair share of arena/theatre based tours, and a plethora of other hidden talents all backed by a degree. I mean, that's impressive enough but man he is humble and sweet to boot! I don't think I am out of line when I say that the BVB family has scored big with this addition to the band--especially if the "The Phantom Tomorrow", and the latest ep drop (October 21, 2022) "The Mourning" are any proof of what is to come in the future.
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Now that brings me to "The Mourning" EP which I am also very late to mentioning (at least here!). It's four tracks of powerful music that speaks from and to the soul directly. Clearly what went into this was some powerful storytelling, some genius mastery, and some amazing skill-work. Dare I say, that the older these boys get--the more they manage to master their craft? But it's true. And being someone from the sidelines watching them grow, has been a most satisfying experience--man am I PROUD to be in this fandom. NOT TO MENTION the totally amazeballs producer they have, Erik Ron who handled this ep and the previous album before this. Way to rock out with that cock out Erik!
Saviour II
The Revival
Better Angels
"How the fuck is one so evil left to just proceed? All the luck and how deceitful that idle minds can be." Lyrics from Devil really hit close to home some days, especially if you're currently living in America (and I am). It's clear from the tone set by the melody of the guitars when the track first open-fires on your eardrums for an eargasmic explosion of what can only be described as pure Black Veil Brides energy. Straight from the speakers to your soul, Andy Black truly has a way with words and the boys on strings (Jake, Jinxx, and Lonny) really know how to nail it home and build a mood to a harmonious climactic point before bringing it smoothly back down again. And may I say, that CC has really just been on fire these last few albums? He is really kicking some ass behind that kit and I think it's fair to give him a mention for it.
In softer tones Saviour II was second on the EP and set a more serious and tender vibe. A soul bearing ballad needs to be on every album right? At least that seems to be a theme for BVB that I personally hope never dies. They do amazing with a good somber heartfelt melody and these new lyrics that sort of offer different softer, more human side to the Saviour we as a fanbase were used to. The first being: "So hear my voice, Remind you not to bleed. I'm here." the message being a strong voice offering a shoulder to lean on here. A superhero almost. Whereas, the second, "So I'm trying my hardest to be what you made, Like a court jester, my smile won't fade. Giving it all, rising to fall to my grave. Answer the call, living in thrall-You're the one born to save." Is a tooootally different vibe. Like someone human just trying to make it through each day. So-so so good.
The Revival is the third track on the EP and it unfortunately didn't get a video but is still really cool and definitely worth a mention. It feels like Saviour II worked right up into this song. I'm sure they did that on purpose but I can hear/see a story playing out before my very eyes. Maybe my imagination is running a little high, but they have a habit of writing a whole ass story and following it up with a rock opera--so I am not sure because I looked all over for like a track-by-track breakdown and didn't find one (so if anyone has one and can link one to me that would be sugar and spice!) but nevertheless the instrumentals in this song are fire but from 2:19-2:35 it is just the best musical soup I have ever tasted. There I said it. I can say it. It is hot fire.
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That brings me to the final track on the EP, Better Angels. I think instrumentally, and melodically, Better Angels may actually be personally my favorite track. Lyrically it is one of the coolest things I have ever heard. I came from a really strictly and very strangely repressed religious background and when I hear the stories told in these songs tied up in some sort of religious metaphor it really resonates and I know I am not the only one in the fanbase that is dealing with these issues. "Go back to hell with all your demons-leave me alone to find the pieces inside my mind. They came in to control my life. And all the devils devour- Your better angels devour." Whether it comes from a religious place or not, that is a pretty fire chorus, you have to admit. Not to mention the absolute MELTDOWN I have inside my head when the guitars (2:35-2:50) fuckin slap my dudes! I am telling you, if you haven't heard it already, please do--your life will be more complete because of it. It's one of the prettiest things I have ever heard ringing in my ears.
Really can't wait to see what Black Veil Brides has in store for us next! I mean between the comic-book, the album, and the ep, I'm already pretty stoked and I literally have no fuckin clue outside what Andy has mentioned in recent interviews! But I will be keeping my eye out! you bet!
Also before I go please enjoy this acoustic set I found on Youtube.
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ladyantiheroine · 2 years
Black Veil Brides really put their whole Black Veil Bussy into this new EP.
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tear-my-heart-out-2 · 2 years
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kr-cube · 2 years
been laughing @ my phone for an hour when i should be doing more important stuff
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blackveilblasphemy · 2 years
hi again tumblr user @blackveilblasphemy :)))
I sent u an anon a while ago but once again I feel compelled to tell u I just love seeing u on my dash bc we’ve been mutuals for a while and it’s nice to see your face
so quick question for u!!! If I wanted to check out Black Veil Brides or Andy Biersack music, where’s a good place to start?? do you have a favorite album or maybe top 5 or 10 songs to recommend? I’m not familiar with them at all but I see how passionate u are about them so I want to check them out!!!
have a great day and xoxo!!
hi anon <3
i love having mutuals, i have to wonder which one you are! personally i also like to send messages anonymously because i'm shy. it's one of my favorite features of tumblr. then i can tell people i love them and they won't know it's me. of course, it's harder to make friends this way ...hmmph.
*i ended up writing a lot (as per usual) so i added a read more!*
i'm honored you decided to follow me even though you don't listen to bvb! while i love their music, i started running this blog as a place to collect and share photos. blogging is kinda therapeutic and calming to me.
i don't know what the theme of your blog is (if you have a theme), but if i follow you, i probably reblog onto one of my side blogs! over the years, I have gained a lot of other interests, and the number of side blogs for this account has been increasing. i also follow a lot of blogs! i think it's close to the max amount, because sometimes i have to go on an unfollowing spree and unfollow the inactive accounts in order to follow more blogs.
if you're looking to start listening to bvb, i think you could check out a song or two from every album, and see for yourself which album you might want like. i think every bvb album has a distinct sound, and each has fans who says that album is their favorite.
i'll often just listen to bvb's whole discography all the way through because the songs often flow into one another, so i like to listen to them in order. they tell a story! this is especially true with the wretched and divine album. however the songs or albums are also good individually, so you can listen to them on their own too.
if i had to pick my favorite albums, in order i would say:
1 we stitch these wounds
2 wretched and divine
3 set the world on fire
4 vale
5 phantom tomorrow
6 black veil brides
I think these are the most popular bvb songs:
in the end
knives and pens
fallen angels
my favorite songs from we stitch these wounds:
perfect weapon
sweet blasphemy
my favorite songs from the set the world on fire album:
set the world on fire
rebel love song
the legacy
my favorite songs from the wretched and divine album:
wretched and divine
nobody's hero
devil's choir
my favorite songs from the black veil brides (self titled) album:
drag me to the grave
world of sacrifice
crown of thorns
my favorite songs from the vale album:
vale (this is where it ends)
dead man walking (overture ii)
wake up
my favorite songs from the phantom tomorrow album:
fall eternal
fields of bone
songs from eps i would also recommend:
from the never give in ep:
we stitch these wounds (original version)
the gunsling
from the rebels ep:
rebel yell (billy idol cover)
andy black music:
my favs from the shadow side album:
paint it black
the void
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emobutterknight · 6 months
The Mourning - Black Veil Brides
currently the latest ep from BVB, released in October 2022. standing at 4 songs and 13 minutes in length, it is quite a short project. however, it still manages to engage you just like all their other projects. from the fast paced, energetic 'devil' to the slow, beautiful 'saviour II', this ep somehow manages to have it all. as a massive BVB fan myself, i may be slightly biased when i say all this. however if you've got 15 minutes spare, go give it a listen. you'll see that im not wrong.
overall, I'd rate this project a 8/10. It's BVB, were you expecting any less?
top tracks: bottom track:
saviour II 1.better angels (still a good
revival song, just the only one left)
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bandomfandombeyond · 2 years
listen, I know I'm late, I just need to know, am I being christ-rolled by black veil brides or is the mourning some sort of punk irony "opposite day" metaphor thing going over my head
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the-nation-of-today · 4 months
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Feel the rage fill your mind
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anaargent · 21 days
FIVE WITH AN EMO⁉️⁉️Sorry if this is bad but I just can’t stop wondering what he would think about it
I got you, I loved it. comments are welcome
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Five season 1/2
Five was a grumpy brat, his first reaction upon seeing you was disbelief.
- What's with all that black clothing? Are you in mourning? - he starts to question you as he circles around you, watching like an old eagle - this is children's teeth hanging around your neck? - he says in shock.
-We're literally at a funeral, Five - you snap back grumpily - and this is my new style, accept it as soon as possible you annoying brat.
-What's up with that rude attitude, you punk? - Five snaps back irritably as he gets closer to you - Sorry, Grandpa, we're already in the future - you smile, ruffling his hair and running to take refuge behind Diego.
Still reluctant, Five tried to get used to his new lifestyle. Always ready with a joke or a witty comment about something, until the day he snuck into the house looking for you - "I'm just bored and you're this different from everything else" - finding you entertained with headphones as you danced absentmindedly around the room, immersed in a little world all your own.
-Are you struggling in pain or something? - Five enters the room after watching you dance for longer than he would admit - Do you need a doctor? - He sprawls on your bed, looking too comfortable in your space.
-get out of here, grandpa - You take off your headphones and stare at Five - Weren't you stopping the apocalypse or something dramatic like that? - You kick his legs off your bed and sit next to him - Unfortunately, I'm on an unwanted day off, much to your joy, what are you doing? - he asks with a disdainful air as he snatches the headphones from your hand and puts them on.
-nothing you like, little psychopath - you laugh, watching Five listen intently to the music, it was a random song by BVB, his grimace slowly turned into contemplation, and you could have sworn you saw the shadow of a smile before he jumped into space with your headphones - hey you bastard - you screamed when you realized the theft.
Five season 3
You couldn't tell at what point exactly the old-fashioned, talkative Five became your music companion, he still made faces at your clothing choices and hairstyles, and made comments about your "rebellious age". But you could easily notice his occasional appearance whenever you listened to music, always criticizing you when you skipped his favorites, claiming they were the least bad ones, he was a terrible liar. He also accompanied you to a concert - "I'm just making sure you don't get mixed up with other punks and disappear"
-wasn't the apocalypse supposed to happen in three days? You should be trying to stop it, but here you are - you grumble at him - but here you are like a punk.
-I'm not here for this nonsense - Five stops talking as soon as he sees the band enter, his attention now focused on the band with an idiotic smile. - Nonsense, you're more excited than me, you fangirl.
FIve just lets out a guilty laugh and shrugs, no sarcastic responses, just accepting the fact that maybe, just a little bit of him enjoyed all of this.
Five season 4
- Im hooome, you won't believe it, I got two tickets to...- Five stops in the middle of the living room,frozen with an envelope in his hand.- What is this? What happened to your clothes? - he asks terrified. looking for any trace of black clothes, worn-out Converse, ripped jeans, even the damn slicked-back hairstyle you chose to wear sometimes.
It had been a few weeks since Five had left on a mission for the CIA, which means you hadn't had any contact with him during that time. You had a bit of a change. Maybe a bit radical. You can just smile and take a little walk, showing off your pink cowboy outfit with sparkles and sequins.
-now I'm a fan of Chappel Roan.
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starlite-sin · 10 days
Songs/artists used for offerings/devotions with good results thus far:
Persephone: Megan Thee Stallion, Black Veil Brides, Sleep Token, Porcelain by MiW
Hades: Black Veil Brides, Sleep Token, Porcelain by MiW
Aphrodite: Black Veil Brides, Motionless in White (which was surprising), Sleep Token specifically The Summoning
For BVB the Mourning EP seems to be a favorite across the board
Will add more in the morning
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brokenpiecesshine · 2 years
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Black Veil Brides on Instagram, 10/10/2022.
The Mourning
Streaming everywhere Fri Oct 21
Pre Save Now!
BIG Tour News Tomorrow!
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saturngelato · 3 months
Happy Black Veil Brides Day to all who celebrate 🖤🥳
This band has been my everything since I was 12 years old and my friend showed me them in 6th grade. Now, I’m 19 and I still love them with my entire soul. I’m eternally grateful for all of the friends I’ve met through our shared love of this band and their music.
I’ve made so many fond memories with my friends who love this band and their music has meant the world to me for these past seven years. I remember the release of the Wake Up music video and being in 8th grade and telling people BVB were an “underground metal band”. I also remember Trinity of Terror and the MESS that was (that’s another rant for another day), #wearthisshirt, “I can’t take the Knives and Pens mv seriously”, and the release of The Mourning and Jake’s release party Twitch stream (more on Jake’s Twitch later), to name a few of my memories with BVB.
BVB brought me the lobotomy group chat who are some of my favorite people I’ve met on the internet. Shout out to @the-nation-of-today , @luckyurableeder , @fyeahlonnyeagleton , Max, Emerson, Trick, Ryder and Olive for making bvbtwt bearable. Also shoutout to @potatobvbqueen for always being sweet and positive on the tl 🩷
I’ve had so much fun being a BVB fan and watching the band and myself grow as people and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and for them. They’ve grown from greasy acrylic paint covered 20 somethings to kind, smart, talented (and gorgeous) adults just like I have. Although, I’m only 19 so I’ve more growing to do.
Anyway, sappiness over. Happy BVB day and stream Black Veil Brides 😙🖤
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