#the mother reborn
dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Damian: Is it true you are having a baby?
Bruce: Yes, you'll be a big brother in seven months.
Damian: Have you chosen a name for the child? If not, may I suggest Timothy?
Tim: Aw, you want the baby named after me?
Damian: No, I want a Timothy that is not a failure. This child will bring honor to the name. You shall henceforth be known as Nameless.
Bruce: Damian, you can not take away Tim's name. Besides your baby brother's name has already been decided. He will be Daniel Wayne.
Tim: I'll call him Danny for short.
Damian: Silence , Nameless, you will not disrespect my brother's honor with childish nicknames. Daniel is a powerful name, and he will be known as only thus.
Tim: Why am I still Nameless!? The baby is going to be Danny!
Damian: You know why.
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em-cee-83 · 1 month
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pixiecactus · 6 months
i'm going to call this post book!gendrya for dummies (it's me i'm the dummy): i had always loved the parallel that gendrya share about being the third born child (we are five books in, and still to this moment we don't have another baratheon bastard introduced to us that's older than gendry, so the order for me is: mya, bella and gendry) and (if we go with the r+l=j theory, jon obviously is not ned's son... so we have robb, sansa and arya) but something that has never ocurred to me before, is that we obviously already know the plot point of "the seed is strong" and we have gendry directly telling ned how his mother used to have yellow/blond hair (this is my own headcanon, but i like to think that she had brown eyes as well) meaning that all children sired by robert baratheon shared his hair colour and eyes colour, so gendry in his colouring and looks does not resemble at all his mother and we know exactly the same thing about arya, how of all of the catelyn tully/stark's children, she's is the only one that has none of her mother's looks, she and jon had the stark look, long face and grey eyes, like her father (and jon's mother) and like all of the starks of old time (karstarks included), and meanwhile genetics in asoiaf had always been somehow really wonky if compared to how genetics work in real life, it always interested me this fact about arya, one could simply said that arya having stark's looks and colouring is to help the narrative of arya feeling like an outsider in her own family, just like jon, and to establish even more how deeply the jon/arya bond runs, even when she knows both of her parents, and it's a true-born daughter. so this post was me discovering another gendrya parallel shared between them, i don't think it's really important but hey, it's still there alright
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teecupangel · 1 year
Do we have a Phonenix yet in the menagire? We need one.
Phoenix!Desmond, probably looking like a normal bird for the most part, and stays with Sef when they go after the mongols (Altair probably thinks he's getting too old he looked a bit ratty lately) and takes the hit when Swami tries to kill him.
Idk whether to have this crack or angest with them thinking Desmond died, had a chick, and was apparently a female bird the entire time.
Okay, so I was checking the Phoenix wiki page for any information if it would be possible that Altaïr would know what a phoenix is and there’s this part written by Herodotus (yes, Kassandra’s Herodotos)
[The Egyptians] have also another sacred bird called the phoenix which I myself have never seen, except in pictures. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow: The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body.
… which may be a reference to Bennu, the Egyptian deity connected to the sun, creation, and rebirth.
So Altaïr would meet him during his travels with Maria and he just stays. They assume he’s an exotic bird (or eagle), maybe a native to one of the places Altaïr and Maria visited.
Altaïr never told them that the bird flew into his room one night and began to chirp at him as if trying to tell him something. He also tried to tap the Apple but all it did was glow a bit.
The bird had been quite annoyed by it and began to hit it with his talons so quickly the Apple had a taptaptaptaptap sound rapidly before Altaïr could take the Apple.
After that, the bird just decided to sit on Altaïr’s shoulder when he left his room the following morning and Maria assumed he had bought the bird yesterday when they went their separate ways.
Her guess sounded so much better than the truth which was Altaïr spent the entire day yesterday holed up in his room, writing letters to be sent back to Masyaf as part of his deal with Malik in exchange for letting him go on this trip (which was to send letters detailing the geopolitical situations of the places he travels to with suggestion on what the Brotherhood should do in those parts… if they could do anything).
So nobody ever questioned the mentor’s newly acquired bird (except Malik but Malik had been more focused on the ex-Templar that Altaïr brought to Masyaf and married).
Then Darim and Sef were born and the bird (named Desmond because Altaïr thought of the name first when Maria asked what the bird’s name was) usually stayed with the children, letting out loud screeching cries whenever one of the two children were doing something they shouldn’t do.
When they got older, Darim and Sef learned the word ‘bribe’ and how Desmond can be easily bribed to look the other way in favor of delicious food.
Desmond stayed in Masyaf though, regardless if Altaïr or any of his sons left for a mission or to travel to a bureau. At some point, the bird had become a symbol of Brotherhood with its gold and red plumage.
So when Altaïr left with Maria and Darim to take down Genghis Khan, it was only natural for Desmond to stay with Sef in Masyaf.
Altaïr had been a bit conflicted though as Desmond’s feathers had grown quite… dull and he was moving slower than usual.
Maria and Malik both told them that Desmond was growing old and maybe it was time but the Ibn-La'Ahad boys refused to believe that.
Darim also believed that they might find medicine in one of the camps of the Mongols as they have been to many lands.
So when Desmond flew to protect Sef and got stabbed on the chest by Swami, Swami screamed as Desmond became shrouded in flames.
Swami burned as well and Sef could only watch in horror as white hot flames consumed the both of them.
Swami was left as a corpse charred beyond recognition.
While Desmond…
Only ashes remained…
And from those ashes…
Sef heard a small chirp.
As a little chick with red and gold plumage poked his head out of the ashes, shaking the ash from his small body.
Sef could only stare as he asked, “Desmond?”
And the bird gave him an enthusiastic chirp while jumping.
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evilejfan · 2 months
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Get yourself reborn, reagent!
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Can you please have the Monkey Kings reacting to their monkey S/O (gender unimportant) who's super motherly/fatherly/parental towards any kids they cross paths with? Like SWK's knew his S/O to be a fierce sharp-tongued warrior, now he's seeing them playing with human kid and monkey cubs like they were their own...
Baby fever incoming!!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤭🤭🤭
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(Lmk Wukong) He couldn't believe his eyes. You With the ability to put the fear Of god into your many enemies. You are over here caring for the baby monkeys like you are their mom. I've been doing that for many years being together with him , but sometimes it still baffles him. One time you were caught away. What are the long keys that wouldn't stop crying? And the second he was in your arms. He was at peace again. It was like you were meant to do this while being a powerful warrior. He tends to daydream about. What would it be like when you guys have your very own cub. God never fails to put a blush on his face. He is really wondering if you are trying to tell him something???
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(NR Wukong) He has been noticing does something's going on with you. You who can beat the crap out of demons Enemy is left and right You've been getting side tracked by the children of the city. You would watch all of them like a hawk and made sure they don't get into it any trouble. One time a little human girl almost ran into the street and you with your inhumane reflexes got her by her arm before a Motorcycle can hit her. You even treated Li like He was your son making sure he ate healthy got plenty of sleep even go As far as washes clothes or bandage up his bruises. He's starting to wonder if you yourself wants to be a mother. But he's nervous to ask cause last time you broke his mask While he was wearing it. But between you and me you will love to be mother
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(HIB Wukong) He noticed how You are much more attentive to Liuer then he is. Not just with him but with all the village children. He has seen you viciously rip the head Of a demon that was messing with the tool of you. But the next moment you're helping a young mother calmed down her new born baby. Like you were the mother of that child as well. It probably doesn't help out a lot of the Village children dubbed you as mama (Y/N). As you were always protecting them along with protecting Liuer If this doesn't get it through Wukong's Thicks Skull that you want a child then I don't What to tell you.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) He seen you like that with fruity. You lay watse to demon armies for a living yet You find yourself attending to a tiny baby fruit fairy??? You clearly don't seem Mind but it's confusing to him a little. He would always tease you about it and you would always cave his face in. Even with the monk in the village , the children would rather talk to you than to him. Your answers to things are funnier , but it makes more sense to where they even they'll understand. Then they will come and ask more questions what's your patient enough to answer. He could not believe his eyes. Usually when people are annoying, you would already rip their heads off their shoulders. But then again, these are just children that are talk into you. They're no real threat or annoyance they're just being themselve. When this whole journey thing is over , he'll wanna pull you to the side and ask if you want to start a family. You know wanna you won't kill him.
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(Netflix Wukong) He is already aware of how popular you are with the village children. One moment you're caving in the face of a invader Is demon who dared to attack Your home. The next moment you're on your helping a small child who scraped their knee. You even kissed it better to be sure does there no longer in pain. You also get protective Of my inner things falling objects treacherous walk ways Do we even take the time to explain to the children That there are some tools they are far too young to use yet Such as kitchen knives. You don't even like them running around with sticks they found on the ground You watch every single one of them like a hawk just like a mother would. A lot at a time he will be on the side blushing of already imagining the family you would probably have In the late future.
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thyhauntedmansion · 9 months
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The chart ALONE😭 I CANT
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w9kong · 4 months
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Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (1995)
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swallowtail-ageha · 9 months
Funniest thing abt micolash is that when you forget his fandom characterization as the teheheeeeh weird quirky guy he's actually pretty terrifying and one of the most morally corrupt people in the lore
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dark-elf-writes · 5 months
I had a thought: Feral Teen Mom Harry in khr?
Harry who stumbled upon I-pin and Lambo and took them home to “check things out” only to be drawn in by the need to protect both of them and all these other children running around doing no the impossible. (Merlin doesn’t it feel familiar. To be fourteen and sure the fate of the world rests solely on his shoulders. And looking at Tsuna, maybe it does just like it did for him. That doesn’t mean he will let him be molded like Harry was. To be broken like Harry was. He refused.)
What he didn’t expect was to be?? Treated like part of the house?? Just because he showed up?? Tsuna’s mother doesn’t even blink as she tells him where the spare futon’s are and Lambo chatters on about them playing the morning like it’s expected he would stay? A total stranger? Even Tsuna sighs but nods along still looking so damned tired.
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
For today's mythology sh*tposting, I'd like to give some inspiration to the fanfic writers out there by giving you an antagonist that has a beef with a certain monkey.
Way back when, there was a goddess called the Old Mother of the Waters/Shui-mu Niang-niang who was notorious for causing floods. The other gods kept trying to catch her, but she always slithered out and kept being a problem. What was heaven to do?
Call their OTHER recurring problem and have HIM deal with her! So good old Sun Wukong went down to deal with the Old Mother, but even though catching up to her was no problem (this is Sun Wukong we're talking about) he couldn’t stop her from slipping away again. Naturally this got him very frustrated, so he went to HIS go to solution:
So he motors over to her palace in the Southern Seas and they hatch a plan.
Now, the Old Mother was getting pretty hungry. This running from the law business takes it out of you at that age, you know? So she decides to take a little break at a food stall and get something to eat.
For you see, the owner of that stall was Guanyin herself and the food the Old Mother just ate were actually really heavy iron chains that very painfully revert to their true form! Unfortunately for the Old Mother, she was already halfway done with her meal by the time this happened, so she was stuck with iron in her gut and chains coming out of her mouth (honestly I'd just be thankful they weren't coming out the other end...).
So with the flood lady all tied up Sun Wukong drags her to a well at the foot of a mountain in Hsu-i Hsien and locked her up tight, where I'm sure she'll NEVER cause anyone problems EVER AGAIN. There's no way this ancient and powerful goddess of primordial oceans is sitting there, steaming while she waits for escape and dreams of monkey leather boots. Nope, she'll stay there forever, just like the Demon Bull King!
..... oh. OH NO.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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witchy-v1xen · 2 months
"𝘐 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨."
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CD:MQRLORS @tiktok
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dawntrailing · 1 year
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"You've earned this honor with tireless hard work, and anyone who says you don't deserve it had better not do so in my hearing! I find myself praising you often of late, but Mother is truly proud of you. Short of a Warrior of Light, I can imagine no better adventurer to represent us—and that is some compliment! But I've flattered you enough for one day. And I don't want your head to get too big, or you'll struggle to lug it around the realm."
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What if the Monkey King's were kidnapped and now Y/N is the one who has to save them?
How embarrassing😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 A gang of some low level demons managed to get the jump on the monkey king. Now his monkey queens got a go and save him.
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(Lmk Wukong) Wukong was Sleeping again when they captured him now. He was tied up in the middle of nowhere. Now you could get out by himself. Just fine but he just needs to know where he is. But what he wasn't expecting was for you to show up and Commit genocide on those demons
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Mark him down and scared and horny.
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(MK Reborn Wukong) Man he was pissed when he and the group got captured. And by some lesser demons he was severely unhappy. And he was gonna take care of it himself until you came out of nowhere and going absolute ape sh*t on them.
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Everybody was absolutely speechless like you make Wukong seem like, He has some self control. And everybody was once again reminded why you two got married in the first place.
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(NR Wukong) It wasn't him that was just captured it was also Li as well. The game demons were exactly pleased that they lost a race to the monkey King a while back So now They felt was a good time for them to get paid back. Wukong Was talking their ears off about how much of a big mistake they're making. Of course the demonstrators take them seriously thinking he was scared when really he Was warning them And let's just say they realize that too late. Because here you come running fade like nobody's business.
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You knew Wukong Can absolutely take care of himself. But it never fails to warm his stone heart that you care so much to come and rescue him yourself. And your love was displayed for him in the form of mass genocide. Meanwhile Li Was absolutely f*cking terrified of you.
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(HIB Wukong) Oh no this is bad this is very very bad. If you find out that not only did he get captured, but he put pigsy and Liuer In danger he was absolutely screwed. It is why he was rapidly trying to come up with a plan in his head to escape with the 3 of them intact, but it was far too late for that. Because you literally burst into the battlefield and started leveling the Gang of demons.
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Monkey man had every right to be terrified thank god Pigsy was covering Liuer's tiny eyes😰😰😰
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(Netflix Wukong) Oh boy, he is in for a surprise. You're usually so calm and loving around him. Always reassuring that everything would be fine with you. Which is why he was so focused on trying to escape his captives. But it wasn't working out right now,All he was thinking about is how worried you Probably wer, and he was absolutely right because there. You were kicking down the door and rampaging through the Group of demons.
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Wow, you have to care about him that much. Just where do you keep getting all your strength from. Now he really has to work on not pissing you off. Or else he's gonna end up like everyone else
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 4 months
My favourite ongoing bit about Yasuhiro is that he's played up as this ridiculous, unreliable guy but so many times he predicts things in thh that nobody takes seriously but genuinely come true
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
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One day once I got money to buy tablet, I'll be writing comics of them istg-
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