#the moment you hop in..is to do allat?
I know it's hard...hard as HELL to shut the fuck up sometimes but I promise you, white queer, those black folks don't need you explaining shit. They know...just because it was said in a context you couldn't comprehend or perhaps with humor (humor that you also can't comprehend) still doesnt mean they need you to clock in for overseer 😭😭😭
Read the room! Stay out black queers conversations, it's not for you every time!
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: gwen has been acting distant lately. first, she started taking longer to reply to your texts, then she became less responsive to your calls, and now you hardly get to see your girlfriend at all. every time you do manage to talk, it feels like she's dreading something yet to come. it's starting to seem pretty obvious to you that gwen doesn't want to be in a relationship with anymore. and maybe you're not too far off from the truth. can she make it up to you though?
WARNING/NOTES: heavy angst with comfort at the end, relationship issues/mentions of breaking up, emotionally unstable and struggling gwen who’s in need of some love, heavy making out and romantic frustration, parents gonna be parents, nothing nasty she’s a minor yall please !! also this isn’t spell checked or grammar checked much it’s too long for allat ENJOY THO
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gwen had been distant for a while.
so much has been happening lately in her life, you know that. it’s like she's struggling to keep up with everything life throws at her. every day, gwen just seems more exhausted, drained, and down in the dumps. you can see this look of sadness and hopelessness in her eyes whenever you catch a glimpse of her. you always used to be the one to cheer her up, and she'd even call you her favorite girl. but now, whenever you try to comfort her, talk to her, or even get close, she just avoids it all. it's not just suspicion anymore, it's real worry. the doubts began to creep in. are you not doing enough? did she lose interest? hell, you've even wondered if she found someone else who's more adaptable to her life, even better than you.
but at the end of the day, you just missed her. you found yourself reaching for the clothes she had given you more frequently, slipping into her shirts as you settled into bed or donning her hoodies when stepping out, just like you were doing at that very moment. it was as if her clothes held the power to bridge the distance between you, it always made you feel close to her even when she wasn’t around.
today, you had a list of errands to run, prompted by a last-minute text from your guardians, urging you to pick up essential groceries for the week. as you inhaled deeply, gwen's hoodie enveloped you with her essence. the scent of lavender and vanilla mingled with a hint of something sweet and leathery. it was a fragrance that encapsulated her very
presence, intensifying your ache for her.
it didn’t take long for you to get to the market and pick up what you needed. but as you were heading out, something caught your eye.
it was spiderwoman, gwen, perched on top of a building, looking completely exhausted. she looked tired, like she had just finished thwarting a local crime. the building wasn’t too tall, so you knew she would be able to hear you.
“hey, spider! feels i haven’t seen you in forever,” you shouted up at her, causing her to look down with a startled expression etched on her mask.
“oh uh, hi. i didnt expect to see you. what brought you around?” she questioned, surprise apparent in her tone.
“what? i’m not allowed to go grocery shopping outside my house?” you teased, but it seemed she took it seriously. “sorry… i didn’t mean it like that.”
“i know, gwen,” you reassured her with a small smile, but it faded as you studied her face. the corners of her usual smile when she saw you were drooping. it was as if your presence brought her a sense of dread, and it only deepened the heaviness in your heart. why were you causing her to feel this way?
“hey, um… i can take you home if you want. it's safer that way,” gwen suggested, hopping down from the building and walking towards you. she didn't even meet your gaze; it was like she physically couldn't. her eyes darted to the ground. “oh? how protective of you.”
gwen simply nodded, taking the groceries from you and holding them herself. she wrapped her arm around your waist, and together, you swung through the city back to your place. the wind brushed against your face, your clothes fluttering in the breeze. you glanced up at her, expecting her to look at you with her usual playful smile, teasing you about how fast she swung. but she didn't. she stared ahead, her eyes distant. even behind her mask, you could sense the strain in her eyes, as if she carried an unyielding burden on her shoulders. you could feel her gaze, sensing her stealing glances at you from the corner of her eye. in those stolen moments, she absorbed your beauty, your caring nature, and your love for her, which only made what she was about to do hurt even more. her heart ached.
"is everything okay?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as you tried to gauge where her head was at. however, she remained quiet, completely ignoring you as you drew closer to your destination. sensing her withdrawal, you decided to shift back into the uncomfortable silence and sounds of new york. "let's just focus on getting you home, okay?"
her lack of response only deepened the sense of unease within you. you just couldn't shake the feeling that something was troubling her, something she wasn't ready to share. it was as if a barrier had formed, isolating her from you, and it pained you to witness her distance.
before you knew it, you arrived at your place. she safely dropped you off inside and handed you the grocery bag. gwen turned to leave, but you quickly grabbed her hand. she was about to walk away, without saying a word to you.
“can you stay? just for a little?” you asked, your voice carrying a heartfelt plea. holding onto her hand, you gently tugged, motioning for her to come inside.
as she stepped through the doorway, her tall figure lowered, and then rose again. an anxious air filled the room, and you couldn't help but feel your heart race. she stood there, looking down at you, her face still obscured by the mask, but you could sense her deep ocean eyes staring right into yours. it was as if the weight of unspoken words lingered between you, begging to be acknowledged.
for a moment that felt like an eternity, the silence enveloped you both. the intensity of the unspoken emotions hung in the air, and you wondered if she would finally let the walls around her heart crumble.
as the silence lingered between you, gwen finally spoke, her voice carrying a tinge of detachment. "alright, i can stay for a little bit," she conceded, her words lacking their usual warmth. gwen took her mask off and leaned against your wall, and it looked as if she hated every minute that was going to come. she attempted to bridge the gap by asking generic questions, trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy. "so, how was your day? anything interesting happen?"
but the tension became too much for you to bear. frustration welled up inside you, and you couldn't suppress it any longer. “gwen, please, we need to talk,” you announced firmly, your voice tinged with a mix of concern and exasperation. you needed to confront her about her behavior, to understand what was truly troubling her.
gwen's eyes widened slightly, and a flicker of apprehension crossed her face while her body suddenly tensed. you haven’t even asked her anything yet and her body language already betrayed the inner turmoil she was trying to hide.
"what's really going on with you?" you pressed, your voice filled with a mixture of frustration and concern. "first, you started spending less and less time with me. then you stopped texting, and eventually, you stopped calling altogether. you're being so distant, and i can't understand why. i don't even see you anymore. gwen, talk to me, please."
gwen took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly as she responded, "i... i don't know. i've been struggling lately, and it's just been a lot, okay?"
your heart ached, feeling the weight of her words and sensing the depth of her pain. but you couldn't let her vague answer slide. the frustration bubbled up within you, pushing you to make your own feelings known. "no, gwen, it's not okay, miss me with that!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with desperation. "you can't keep being vague and shutting me out. we can't expect this relationship to work if you won't let me in. i know you, and i can tell when you're hurting. when you're struggling, i want to be there for you, but you don't let me. why? i just want to be there for you, to see you, and you refuse to let me!"
the words hung in the air, the tension between you palpable. before you could reach out to comfort her, gwen's next words burst forth with unexpected force, as if they had been bottled up inside her for far too long. "well, maybe we need to break up!"
her words hit you like a sudden blow, knocking the wind out of you. the intensity and impulsiveness of her statement took you aback, leaving you momentarily speechless. in truth, it startled you. her voice raised involuntarily, the words tumbling out before she could fully process them. it was as if she had unintentionally unleashed the bottled-up thoughts she so desperately tried to keep from you. but as the shock subsided, a surge of determination coursed through you. you couldn't let her push you away without a fight.
"no, gwen, we can't just throw it all away like that," you responded, your voice shaky with a mix of hurt and resolve. "i refuse to believe that breaking up is the answer. we've faced challenges before, we're a team, remember? we can work through this, but we need to communicate, to be honest with each other. don't give up on us so fucking easily,” you spoke, but it sounded like a demand for her not to just dispose of everything you both have.
silence hung heavy in the air.
gwen's fists clenched as she leaned against the wall, her back turned to you. "i'm sorry, but i can't continue like this with you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of determination and sorrow. "the city needs me, and i can't prioritize you the way you deserve."
she turned to face you, her hands gesturing passionately as she tried to explain herself. "i'm spider-woman, and this is who i am. it gives me a sense of purpose, a responsibility to protect people. but it also means my life is in chaos, torn between so many different obligations. breaking up is the best way to protect both of us from hurt."
gwen can't stand arguments, and the thought of hurting you crushes her. she knows she'll never love anyone as much as she loves you, but she's stuck and unsure about what to do. her life feels like a total mess, with a million things pulling her in different directions. how can she be spider-woman and still be with you? and honestly, she's not even sure if she's being selfish by considering a breakup. her brain keeps telling her it's the best way to protect both of you from getting hurt. but deep down, her heart screams at her to stop overthinking and just hold you tight.
you looked at her, shock evident on your face as tears welled up in your eyes. wiping your tears with your hoodie, you tried to keep your composure. "do you really mean that? you want to break up just like that, without even considering other options?" you asked, the hurt and confusion evident in your voice.
gwen snapped, her words sharp but tinged with regret. "i do mean it! you have to understand that as long as i'm spider-woman, our relationship will never work out. i'm sorry, okay? i love you more than anyone else."
tears streamed down gwen's cheeks as she despised herself and the situation she found herself in. her voice choked with emotion, she pleaded, "please, don't make this harder than it already is."
you raised your voice in frustration but quickly regained your composure. "how can you ask me not to make it harder? do you hear how you're talking to me?" you said, your tone filled with a mixture of annoyance and concern. "i love you, gwen. i wanted to be by your side. why should you have to go through this alone?" cupping her cheeks, you wiped away her tears with your thumb.
gwen sobbed, her voice trembling with sadness. "i know you do. and you would be by my side, but i can't bear the thought of you getting hurt..."
that was the crux of the matter. gwen couldn't bear to see those she cared about in danger. she had witnessed the pain and loss that came with her superhero life, and she couldn't bear to risk hurting you too. she pulled you close, embracing you tightly with all her strength. "i'm sorry, it's just... it's for you," she cried.
"for me?" you whispered, your heart aching. "but this isn't what i want..." you hugged her back, standing on your tiptoes to reach her height. "gwen, you can't let the weight of your past losses consume you. you say this is for me, but it's not what i want. i want to be with you, to support you."
gwen's voice cracked as she spoke through her tears. "but what i want is for you to be safe. i am really sorry. please don't try to convince me otherwise, it will only hurt me even more."
gwen may project strength and confidence, but deep down, she feels anything but strong. every word she speaks right now fills her with self-hatred. she believes that breaking up is truly for the best, as she wishes to shield you from the chaos of her life.
"it's really for the best," you muttered, your voice tinged with uncertainty. your eyes were red and puffy, and you pulled away slightly, nervously playing with your hoodie as you gazed up at her.
seeing your pain only intensifies gwen's own anguish. she fights back tears desperately. "it will be. i'll always love you, i promise," she whispers, holding your face gently, her eyes fixated on your swollen, red eyes that only deepen her sadness. "you'll find someone better than me, i know you will."
"please don't say that," you respond, your voice trembling as you struggle to hold back sobs. "i don't want someone else. i want you, gwen. nobody has ever understood me the way you do. every relationship has its challenges, but that's normal. i just want to be with you through it all. please don't push me away because you're scared."
and that's exactly what she's doing, pushing you away out of fear. fear of your pain, fear of her own emotions, fear of her feelings for you. gwen is overwhelmed with emotions in this moment, and your declaration of love and your belief that no one could be better for you only intensify the guilt she already carries.
"please stop," she whispers, tears streaming down her face. "there's nothing you can say to change my mind."
this is much harder than she anticipated. she thought she could simply utter those five devastating words and walk away, but she can't help but savor what might be her last moments with you. gwen locks eyes with you, torn between her heart and her mind. her mind tells her that keeping you away is the only way to protect you, but her heart yearns for the warmth of your embrace.
"we'll still see each other, i just..." she struggles to finish her sentence, tears cascading down her cheeks. she gently tries to create distance between you, despising herself for even desiring it. loving you more than anything doesn't necessarily mean she should have you; if anything, it seems to suggest that she should stay away.
"i'm so scared," she whispers, closing her eyes tightly as she holds you close. "i'm scared of all the wrong things. my mind races, imagining all the things that could go wrong. i don't want to be in a relationship where i have to choose between you and what i need to do."
she lets out a deep sigh. "it's just... my life never seems to get any easier, and i don't want to drag you down with me."
she desperately tries to convince herself that she's making the right choice, but deep down, she's failing. seeing you standing there before her breaks her heart, not only because of what she's about to do, but because it's the first time she's been this close to you in a while. it's different from the times she watched you from a distance as spider-woman because she missed you. no, not at all. you're right in front of her, and she yearns for you so intensely. yet, she can't help feeling that it's wrong for her to want you.
"life isn't supposed to get easier," you say weakly, your voice filled with sincerity. "that's why we have people who support us." cupping her cheek, you gently tilt her head to meet your gaze. "i know you're scared. i know you've been through a lot... but you're not going to drag me down with you, gwen. don't push away everyone you love. don't push me away. you don't have to face this alone. we're in this together... that's what a relationship is."
gwen stares at you, tears streaming down her face. her heart races, and her body trembles. she's never felt so torn in her entire life. what can she say? you're right. why is she trying so hard to push you away? is it truly to protect you or is it to protect herself? the latter thought resonates with gwen the most. the idea of having someone to lean on, someone to share the burden with, it's intoxicating.
"i-" she stutters, her voice unsteady. stuttering is not something typical of gwen. what you're saying means everything to her. you're expressing what she desperately wanted to hear.
"i know, i know," gwen sobs. "but there are too many 'buts.' i won't have time to see you, i'll be constantly worried about your safety, i'll have to cancel plans, and i won't be able to fully be present in our relationship anymore." tears continue to stream down gwen's cheeks as she pours out her fears. "i've lost so many people, and i can't bear the thought of hurting the few i have left..."
she locks her gaze with your tear-filled eyes. "i just don't want... to hurt you." gwen can't bring herself to say the rest. she can't vocalize her deepest fears, dreading that they might become a reality.
gwen walks past you and sits on your bed, her legs spread out slightly as she cradles her head in her hands, taking a deep breath. "i'm sorry," she mutters softly, her words muffled by her hands.
"don't apologize, gwen. none of this is your fault. you have to stop blaming yourself. we can get through this together, okay? remember, i'm your girlfriend, and i'm not going anywhere."
you approach her, positioning yourself between her legs at the edge of the bed, lifting her face to meet yours. without a second thought, you lean in and kiss her.
in that moment, time seems to slow down. gwen feels as if her heart stops beating, only to start again in the next instant.
gwen kisses you back, her body releasing the pent-up relief she has longed for. she had been scared, pushing you away when all she truly desired was to be loved by you. your words and your kiss make her feel safe. the kiss feels like pure magic. she feels your lips lingering against hers, and she can't help but smile ever so slightly.
"i thought... i thought i was alone, but... i was wrong," she whispers, her arms enveloping you in a tight embrace. in this moment, she feels an overwhelming happiness with you that she never knew existed. it's been a while since she felt this way, since the last time she saw you.
gwen loves you, and you love her. amidst the chaos surrounding them, there's no reason to push everyone away when she can pull them closer. "i love you," she manages to say, her voice weak. "and i'm so scared of losing you, of being alone. but... i'm going to try," she promises, holding you tightly.
she's deeply in love with you, and her mind is finally aligning with her heart's perspective.
"i love you too," you respond, pressing your forehead against hers. "all you have to do is try, and i'll be right here, ready to lend you my shoulder to lean on."
as you hold her close, gwen allows her mask to slip, surrendering to the overwhelming emotions. she cries into your shoulder, clinging onto you tightly. "can i... stay at your place tonight? i don't want to sleep alone," she pleads, holding onto you desperately. "i just want to be with you so badly, please."
blushing at her words, you feel relieved that you were able to talk her out of her impulsive behavior. "of course, i'll stay with you, gwen," you assure her, leaning in to peck her lips.
she looks like an emotional mess, and you can't help but feel remorse for not fully understanding the toll being spider-woman had taken on her. you knew it was a heavy burden, but you didn't grasp the extent of it. "would you like another hug?" you ask, offering a smile.
"yes, please," gwen responds desperately, reaching out her arms and pulling you closer until your bodies are pressed against each other, allowing you to feel every heartbeat, every breath. “a hug would be really nice right now.”
the feeling of being tightly held by her girlfriend is all she craves at this moment, the feeling of being home.
"i'm sorry, i just... i just love you so much that i thought i had to let you go," gwen confesses, her voice filled with remorse. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. it's just... i feel like i'm going to crack in two. spider-woman and gwen stacy, they're both pulling me in different directions... i don't know how to find balance."
your heart breaks upon hearing her words. it pains you to know that gwen feels so lost and alone, and that she was scared to open up about it.
"you can't balance two things that are the same," you explain gently. "we can't always find perfect balance in our lives. it's about learning to live with it. if you felt this way, we could've talked about it, or i could've simply been there to hug you in silence... why didn't you tell me?"
bringing up the topic of communication is painful, as it was her lack of communication that sparked this entire conflict.
"because!" gwen practically explodes in her attempt to defend herself. "because i... i'm scared." she stands up from the bed, looking you in the eye. "i didn't want to be a burden, someone you had to 'deal with.' i wanted to be there for you, but i'm always stuck being spider-woman. that's why it hurts so much. i don't want it to be the only part of me, but it is. i'm scared of having these problems, scared that they will push you away. i was afraid that telling you these things would make everything worse... i'm only realizing now that if i'm going to have any chance at a successful relationship, i have to be open and honest, even if it scares me." she takes a deep breath, walking around the room as she searches for the right words. "i was so afraid of expressing how i felt, what these overwhelming emotions meant, and most of all... i was terrified of you breaking my heart."
you listen intently, absorbing every word that falls from her lips.
"i was just so scared of everything, and i didn't expect you to be so amazing about it, like you are right now," gwen admits with a dry laugh. "i guess that makes me a bad girlfriend, doesn't it?"
gwen's tearful sniff subsides, and she wipes away her tears once more. "i know you're going to hate me for this, but if this becomes too much, and you get exhausted with me, promise you'll tell me," she says, her voice filled with uncertainty.
"i can't promise you that, gwen," you respond, your voice filled with love and reassurance. "because i'll never get exhausted being by your side. i'll always be your number one supporter... and groupie," you add, attempting to lighten the mood with a playful tease.
she chuckles at your words, a genuine laugh escaping her lips. "yeah? at least now i know who my number one fan is," she jokes, a light smile gracing her lips. the weight of guilt that had burdened her for weeks begins to lift as she realizes that talking to you is making her feel better than ever. she's starting to believe that together, you can make the relationship work.
looking up at you, gwen's eyes turn serious, peering into yours with intensity. "promise?" she asks, her voice filled with desperation, but not in a way that seeks pity. she simply yearns for reassurance and comfort. "promise me that i'll never just... be another problem in your life, something that drags you down or forces you to do more than you want to? i know you'd never truly get exhausted by me, but i understand that the pressures of being in a relationship can feel overwhelming at times."
her doubt-filled voice tugs at your heart. you want to erase all the insecurities and doubts that haunt her mind, but you also know that she must learn to stand on her own. after all, she is spider-woman.
"gwen, i will always be patient with you. i want to be by your side, and you can tell me anything, you know that," you reassure her, reaching out to touch her, your hands gently holding the sides of her neck.
as gwen sees your smile, her heart races with joy. in this moment, she feels more alive than ever before.
"my girlfriend is patient, amazing, and gorgeous..." gwen whispers, her eyes glancing at your lips as you giggle at her comment. "i love you," she says softly, leaning in to kiss you, her hands cupping your face. "i'm sorry for acting this way. if i'm honest, i think i'm the crazy one for pushing you away. i don't know what i would do without you. i'm so sorry for everything. it feels like all i've done is apologize to you."
gwen longs for your embrace, for your hands to caress her hair. the past few minutes have been a nightmare, and all she wants is to be close to you, to share the same breath. unable to contain herself any longer, she kisses you again, her hands reaching out for you as she pulls you closer, trying to make up for all the emotions she had kept inside. you kiss her back, your arms around her neck pulling her closer, feeling her chest against yours.
"you're so perfect... i can't stress that enough," gwen murmurs, looking into your eyes with deep affection. she nestles herself into your arms, embracing you tightly. "i can't imagine being with anyone else. i've never felt this way about anyone before. thank you for waiting for me, for putting up with me."
"i love you too, gwen. but you don't have to thank me for loving you. it's not a job; i love you because you're you," you reassure her, running your hands through her hair.
"i know, i know," gwen says, her voice quieter and softer. "sorry, i think i'm just emotionally drained. it's all starting to settle in." she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself. "but you're right. i'll work on finding a balance between gwen and spider-woman. and... thank you, for everything. i love you so much... you're so patient with me."
"we're going to get through this together, alright? you're not alone, i promise you. as long as i'm here, you'll never be alone," you declare to gwen.
"thank you, really..." she says in a quieter, softer voice. "i'm feeling kind of good about this now. i feel like everything will just work out, you know? like a weight is lifted off my shoulders." she smiles, her lips gently pressing against yours.
gwen's desire and longing for you intensify as she gazes into your eyes, her voice filled with a mix of passion and vulnerability. "i've missed you so much, and now that we're finally together, i want to make it up to you," she whispers, her hands still wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer.
you feel a surge of warmth and affection as you listen to her words. your love for gwen is unwavering, and you want to reassure her that she's not a bad girlfriend, despite her doubts. you place your hands gently on her chest, looking deeply into her eyes, and speak softly, "gwen, don't let this make you feel like you're a bad girlfriend. you aren't, and i mean that. everyone has their bad moments, but they pass. you've been a good girlfriend, the best i could've ever asked for."
curiosity fills your voice as you ask her how she wants to make it up to you. your eyes lock with hers, and you can sense the tenderness and desire in her gaze. the air crackles with anticipation, and you can feel the room narrowing down to just the two of you.
gwen doesn't respond with words. instead, she smiles and leans in closer, her lips almost brushing against yours. your heart flutters, and a wave of heat rushes through your body. the intensity in her eyes and the closeness between you both create an electrifying atmosphere.
your cheeks flush with warmth as you feel a mix of flustered emotions. you can't help but confess, "i mean every word of what i've told you, gwen. i could never love you any less."
without hesitation, gwen presses her body against yours, her hands against the wall, trapping you in her embrace. the tension between you builds, and your eyes remain locked as you wait for her next move.
"i love you too," she murmurs, her face reddening. her hands gently move to caress your cheeks, and your lips are tantalizingly close. gwen's breathing becomes heavier, and you can sense the rapid thumping of her heart. "so much."
she closes her eyes briefly, then opens them again, leaning in closer. gwen sighs, her lips meeting yours in a deep, passionate kiss. the sound of her slow-paced pants fills your ears, heightening the intensity of the moment. time seems to stand still as your lips finally connect, your love reaching its pinnacle. gwen holds you tightly, her body tense with desire, her face flushed with excitement. the taste of her lips leaves you feeling intoxicated, dizzy, and filled with overwhelming happiness.
this is for you. you deserve this, and so does she.
gwen wants to give you everything, and she pours her heart and soul into this kiss. her fingers intertwined with your hair, pulling you closer, wanting to be as close to you as possible.
a soft moan escapes your lips, mirroring the pleasure that gwen feels. her smile widens within the kiss, and she whimpers softly, completely lost in the moment. every sense is overwhelmed by your touch, and she can't imagine a world without your love. you are her everything.
reluctantly, gwen breaks the kiss, her eyes still locked on yours. her lips are flushed with the heat of the moment, and she bites them with a mix of desire and anticipation. her fingers continue to run through your hair, her touch filled with longing and a yearning to explore every part of you.
"i missed you," she whispers, her voice filled with longing and desperation as her heart races against yours. the sound of rain outside creates a serene backdrop, punctuated only by your labored breathing.
gently, you reach up and stroke the side of gwen's face with your hand, your touch a soothing balm against her worries. "i missed you too, gwen," you admit, your voice filled with sincerity. "i wish i had known how you were feeling, but i'm here now, and so are you."
gwen nods in response, her eyes reflecting a familiar self-critical nature that she often carries as both gwen stacy and spider-woman. she has spent so much time fighting and trying to save the world that she neglected her own needs and the needs of those closest to her. she has a tendency to push people away, always opting to face challenges alone.
"i didn't think you'd understand," she replies, her voice catching in her throat. "i've spent so much time running away, keeping everything to myself because i was so scared. it’s like everything is collapsing on me all of a sudden."
you offer a reassuring smile as gwen speaks, your touch providing her with a sense of comfort and relief. before you can respond, she continues, not pausing to let you interject.
"i wish i could be more open like you," she whispers, her words filled with determination. "i promise to change that, to be more honest. i want to be spider-woman and gwen, and i vow to never push you away because of it. you're mine, and i'm yours. you'll always be my number one. please don't ever forget that."
moved by her words, gwen leans in to kiss you once again, feeling the flutter of butterflies in her stomach as your lips meet. your love makes her feel safe, anchoring her and reminding her of who she truly is without the weight of spider-woman. with you, she is simply gwen stacy, and your love restores her sense of self.
"i wish i was a better girlfriend," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper, but close enough for you to hear.
"gwen," you whisper in return, searching for the words that will bring her comfort. "nobody expects perfection in a relationship. ups and downs are normal, and you've been going through so much on your own. don't be too hard on yourself. i love you, and i'm here for you."
her mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and she buries her head into your shoulder, seeking solace in your embrace. her tears fall onto your arms, and she holds you tighter, finding solace and strength in your presence.
"you're right," she sighs, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and vulnerability. "i just don't want to disappoint you. but things are changing; i promise. i love you so much. you mean everything to me."
you can sense that gwen has more to say, her thoughts jumbled and unorganized. with a gentle touch, you brush her loose hairs behind her ear and encourage her to open up further.
"talk to me, gwen. that's why i'm here," you say, offering her a safe space to express herself.
gwen takes a deep breath, her voice trembling as she continues, "i've been pulling away from you for the past few months, neglecting our relationship. i was afraid of losing you or hurting you, so i distanced myself. i've been doubting myself, questioning if i can be spider-woman, your girlfriend, and still be gwen stacy. what if i fall short? what if…”
tears well up in gwen's eyes once again, she can’t even finish her thoughts. she doesn’t want to fall short but what if she does? just like all the other times? she clings to you, afraid of losing the connection you share.
"i never want to let go of you," she whispers, her voice filled with remorse. "i'm sorry for being such a mess."
as you listen attentively to gwen's words, a se se understanding and empathy wash over you. you realize that she needs your unwavering support, and your ready to provide that.
"did you act that way because you wanted me to break up with you first? or did you just not realize how distant you were being?" you asked, your voice filled with confusion and hurt. "it really hurt me. you avoided my texts and calls, and you stopped coming to see me as often. i didn't know what i did wrong. i didn't know if you lost feelings for me, found someone else, or what was going on."
gwen quickly shook her head, her eyes filled with concern. "no, no... never that," she replied, her voice urgent. "i would never want to make you feel bad. you did nothing wrong. i didn't lose feelings for you and i definitely didn’t find somebody else. it was just me, you know? i'm the problem."
you gently cupped her face and drew her closer, your touch offering comfort. "gwen, you're not a problem to me. but please, tell me, did you want me to break up with you?"
gwen took a moment, her breathing uneven as she tried to gather her thoughts. slowly, she nodded, her face flushing with embarrassment as she began to understand the impact of her actions.
"yeah, i wanted you to break up with me," she admitted, her words coming out hastily. "i pushed you away because i thought it would be best for both of us. please don't think i cheated on you, though. i would never do that to you," she explained, her gaze fixed on the floor.
gwen looked away, tears welling up in her eyes once again. "i just felt this immense pressure, and i couldn't keep fighting everything. but i also couldn't just give up. so i kept it all inside, pretending to be okay, hoping it would all be fine. i've seen what happens to people close to me, and i didn't want that for you. i held back so that you wouldn't have to witness spider-woman taking over. i should've explained what i was feeling instead of trying to protect you in my own misguided way."
her words became muddled as tears threatened to overcome her. the thought of you being hurt because of her actions was unbearable.
you nodded slowly, taking in gwen's perspective and the reasons behind her behavior. it was bittersweet to hear that she now understood the mistake she had made and the importance of open communication.
"so, when you realized i wasn't going to break up with you, you decided you needed to end it yourself?" you asked, studying her face intently.
"i... i guess you could say that," gwen replied, her body tensing up. she fell silent, unsure of what to say or do. the weight of her actions finally settling upon her.
"you deserved to be with someone better, someone less selfish, and someone who wasn't constantly busy saving the world. i wanted you to be happy and safe, so i thought..." gwen's voice trailed off, hoarse with shame at her inability to effectively communicate her feelings. "i thought letting you go would make that happen."
gwen swallowed back the lump in her throat, her words filled with a mixture of pain and regret. "i'm just so used to hiding everything from everyone, even you. i couldn't see a way out... i felt like no matter what decision i made, i would end up losing you. either physically or emotionally. it felt too dangerous to stay together, yet pushing you away would ruin us. i felt trapped, and i thought it would be best for both of us. i thought you would end up hating me. but you've been so... so good to me, and you've shown me patience when i needed it most."
you let out a deep sigh, your mind racing. how did you not notice the burden she had been carrying? you had been there for gwen on her difficult days, but somehow, you had missed the weight she bore alone every time she sought solace in you, every time she climbed through your window at night. gwen noticed the distant look in your eyes as you grappled with your own feelings.
"i'm sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with remorse. "you're so patient, so perfect... i don't want to lose you. it wasn't right for me to break up with you like that. you don't deserve that."
she desperately wanted to fix the situation, to make you feel okay again, but she felt lost, unsure of how to proceed.
"and you thought pushing me away would make me lose interest?" you responded, a hint of disbelief in your voice, considering the depth of your connection and the challenges you had overcome together. all the times gwen had comforted you with your issues or saved you from yourself. it was almost amusing to think you would ever lose interest in gwen. "i'm almost offended that you believed that would be enough to make me give up on you and what we have."
as you spoke, you could see gwen's world collapsing upon itself, her struggle to comprehend how you could still love her after she had pushed you away.
"yeah, i know it sounds ridiculous," she admitted, her voice tinged with self-realization. "i should have seen all this time how much you've been there for me, how important i am to you. but it was only when i pushed you away that i realized just how much i truly need you," she confessed, her vulnerability laid bare. "i wanted to spare both of us the pain and struggle of my double life. i was thinking of you, but i didn't consider your feelings at all. i thought by cutting myself out of your life, i could rid you of spider-woman and the complications that come with me. i wanted to protect you from myself, from the mess that engulfs my life. and that was so wrong of me."
gwen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "i thought you deserved better," she said in a quiet voice, her words heavy with regret. "i thought i would be this dark cloud over your life, constantly bringing you down. but i want our relationship to be better. i want to be better for you. i don't want to keep hurting you."
her hands slowly move up to your chest, fingers digging into your clothes as if wanting to feel you.
“but gwen-” you try to speak, you try to reassure her and comfort her, but she isn’t having none of it. “but nothing! i was trying to think of a way to let you go without hurting you. i thought... if i acted cold, distant, you would lose interest in me. you should have someone that doesn't stress you out and keep you awake at night just because of her issues."
she withdrew from your embrace, her movements tentative, as if trying to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in her mind.
"this is why i feel like such a mess," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "i can't think clearly, i can't find the right words, and i'm so afraid... afraid of losing you, afraid of failing, afraid of failing you. i don't have all the answers because i'm scared. i'm truly sorry."
"you shouldn't have burdened yourself like this, gwen. you shouldn't have caused us both pain. we are stronger together, you know that," you reassured her, reaching out to hold her hand, offering a gentle squeeze. "you have been an incredible girlfriend to me. can't you see that? we all have our flaws, but you have always been there for me, caring for me, making me feel loved and truly myself. there is no one else i could ever desire."
with hesitation, you leaned in, rising up to her height and tenderly kissed her, conveying the depth of your sincerity and gratitude. it was a kiss that symbolized your unwavering commitment, showing her how much she meant to you and how fervently you desired her by your side.
those few words are just what gwen needed. all the doubt inside that plagued her mind were casted away as you kissed her, pressing your lips against hers. your words
a gasp escaped gwen's lips as she felt the tender connection, her arms instinctively wrapping around you, holding you tightly. the kiss was a balm to her soul, so exquisite and intoxicating that it made her question how she could have caused you so much pain. your words alone had the power to break down her defenses, and your kiss was a testament to the depth of your affection.
"i'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with remorse, as she clung to you. "i don't know what's wrong with me. i wanted to make you happy, but i kept running away. i feel so stupid. i wish i had just told you this sooner. can you forgive me?”
gwen's body presses against yours, her fingers interlacing with yours as she tries to calm herself down.
"i don't want to be spider-woman right now. i just want to be gwen stacy... your gwen stacy,” she said, staring you deeply in the eye as she leaned closer to you.
“gwen,” you said softly, “i already forgave you. i understand you and why you do the things you do and i’ll accept and love every part of it. spider and gwen, both of you are mine.”
she is utterly speechless, so much so that she wraps both her arms around you, hugging you tightly. a smile slowly spreads across her face as you speak, your words touching every part of her. it's funny how you managed to forgive her for everything. if only she was able to forgive herself. her cheeks light up red, smiling back at you. she felt so stupid, so dumb for pushing you out in the first place, and she's so relieved that you forgive her.
"really? even if i pushed you away and kept you from the love you deserved?" gwen asks, needing to hear the truth from you. "or when i was constantly thinking about spider-woman? when i was avoiding you, not giving you the emotional support you deserve?"
gwen sounded like a broken record, still taken aback at how you gave her so much time and understanding. if you could still love her after all of this, after she hurt you so many times, she couldn't tell you how much she felt she didn't deserve your love. just when she thought her relationship with you was ruined forever, gwen was finding a new reason to hold on to hope.
“you’re both of those people gwen, and i love you. no matter what, i’m gonna be there for you. i know you go through a lot, let me be by your side and make it better, okay? because i want to,” you reassured her.
"i love you," she whispers in a hushed tone. "i'm sorry for being distant, i'm sorry for hurting you every time i put my life as spider-woman before our relationship. but you're right, spider and gwen are one. they're both a part of me.. and i want you to love all parts of me.”
the feeling was euphoric. gwen knew that she could never repay you for forgiving her, nor could she even imagine what her life would be like without you in it. she hugs you tightly, not wanting to let go.
"i want to make it up to you. right here, right now," gwen whispered softly, her voice brushing against your ear as her hands found their place around your waist, gently pulling you closer to her.
"it's been too long since i've seen you," you admitted, your voice filled with yearning for gwen. it's been so long since you seen her and since you’ve been so close. you wanted to feel her touch, to be enveloped by her love.
"i know, i feel the same way," gwen whispers. "but, can i make it up to you regardless?"
there's a slight pause.
gwen moved a strand of hair aside, her breath shaky, and her eyes darting back and forth. her cheeks grow pinker, the butterflies in her stomach turning into something else entirely.
“don’t feel entitled to do any…thing,” you tried to speak, but the words got caught in your throat and you began to lose track of what you were saying.
gwen was distracting, and the way she was looking at you wasn’t helping. as the room settled into a hushed stillness, the only sounds were the measured rhythm of her breaths and the intensity of her gaze, brimming excitement.
maybe it was the pent-up frustration of not being together for so long, maybe it was the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins in this moment, or maybe it was the realization of just how deeply gwen's love for you ran.
gwen smiles at your words. she knows you've missed her, and she's missed you too. the blonde leans in closer, her hand on the back of your neck.
"i want to show you how much i appreciate you being here for me. and how much i love you right now,” she speaks up amongst the silence.
this might be the first time you've seen gwen this vulnerable, this exposed. her voice is quiet and her eyes look away, but her body is moving closer. her fingertips make their way down to your lips, grazing them lightly. "let me show you.."
you inhale, your mind feeling dizzy. god, the effect she had on you. you don’t want gwen to be hard on herself, to make her feel like she needs to make it up to you when she is the one struggling. but you could tell gwen wanted this too, she wanted to kiss you. the magnetic pull of her body to yours, the way her lips began to part the closer she got to your mouth, the way the muscles in her arms flexed as she began to hold you tighter.
"then show me," you mustered every ounce of bravery within you, determined to deflect the shyness that tinged your being. gwen's fingertips continued to trace the outline of your plush lips, her gaze locked with yours, as you issued the plea. "show me, gwen."
without a moment's hesitation, gwen closed the distance between you, her hands gently drawing you closer by the waist. the suddenness of her actions caught you off guard as she pressed you against the wall, her lips meeting yours with an intensity that eclipsed anything you had ever experienced before. passion surged through every fiber of your being in that electrifying moment, leaving you breathless and consumed by the sheer force of her affection.
her lips found yours and that's all you needed.
a wave of absolute euphoria washed over you, erasing all the problems and concerns that had previously weighed on your minds. in this moment, there were no worries, just the two of you, lost in each other's embrace. gwen's fingers delicately threaded through your hair, pulling you closer to her. her kisses grew more intense, and her grip on your back tightened as her lips ventured along the path of your neck.
the room seemed to spin, as if the rest of the world had faded into insignificance compared to the intensity of the connection you shared. gwen held you tightly, her kisses a tender exploration of desire and longing. the heat of her lips against yours ignited a fire within, as she trailed her kisses upward, tracing the contours of your neck.
as the intoxicating moment unfolded, you noticed a change in gwen's breathing, a rhythm that became short and choppy.
her lips are back to your mouth, gently holding your neck and leaning you against the wall as she kisses you in place firmly.
as the intensity of the kiss escalated, your hands instinctively gripped gwen's triceps, seeking stability amidst the overwhelming sensations that engulfed your being. the sheer power of the connection made it feel as if your mind was melting, lost in a haze of desire. a soft moan escaped your lips, echoing against gwen's mouth, making her whimper in response to the vibration.
her body tensed, caught between wanting to slow down and give you a moment to breathe, yet unable to resist the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through her. gwen's sense of self began to blur as your touch elicited a kaleidoscope of sensations within her. the palpable tension between you two hung in the air, thick with longing.
she continued kissing you, pulling you closer into the embrace of her body. your forms melded together, radiating heat that spread through your entire being. your heart pounded within your chest, its rhythm matching the quickening pace of your breaths. it felt as though nothing else in your lives had ever held such significance.
the world around you faded into insignificance, and all that mattered was the connection you shared, an escape from the hardships of life.
gwen pulls back from you ever-so-slightly to catch her breath. she still has her hands gripping into your hair, but now her eyes are locked on yours. "god... i love you, you know that?”
gwen's mind was starting to blank, the only thing that was on it was you. your eyes, your lips, your touch. she was getting lost in you.
"i love you, i love you, i love you," she whispers out, her voice catching on her breathe as your hands grip her tighter.
“i know you love me,” you reply to her, your hands finding their way to gwen's neck as you caress her gently. “i love you just as much.”
gwen can't describe how she feels right now. finally, she feels free. she can be herself. all she wants is to be with you. she can't believe you're willing to forgive her, can't understand how you have all of this patience and understanding for her. in her eyes, you were too good, she questioned whether she truly deserved the love and compassion you showered upon her. she's not sure she deserves you. but you guys haven’t kissed in so long, and she can’t get enough of it.
"come here.." gwen whispers, pulling you back towards her for another kiss.
her kisses grew more fervent, her lips pressing deeply against yours with a hunger that matched the intensity of her desire. every fiber of her being came alive, sensations coursing through her body in a breathtaking symphony of pleasure. pure bliss surged through her veins, her head spinning with a heady rush.
your touch had an effect on gwen, weakening her knees and leaving her breath shaky and uneven. her face flushed with a rosy hue, reflecting the passion that consumed her. the stimulation she experienced was almost overwhelming, and she feels she might just explode.
though gwen attempted to regain control of her breathing, a part of her yearned for more. it felt as if she were caught in a whirlwind of pleasure, losing herself in the addicting embrace of your love. her hands tightened against the wall, their grip firm as they traversed down to your thighs, pulling you closer, bridging the gap between your bodies. the warmth radiating from your skin seemed to rival the sun itself, stoking the flames of desire within her.
gwen couldn't help but moan, her lips moving with increasing passion as she savored the warmth and taste of your mouth. despite her attempts to slow the frenzied pace, her tongue slipped out once more, driven by an insatiable craving for you. she explored down your neck with her tongue, trailing down to gently nibble along your collarbone, leaving a tantalizing trail of tingles in her wake.
"wow," you muttered, the sharp sensation of gwen's teeth grazing your skin eliciting a mix of surprise and pleasure. the sounds that escaped your lips were beyond your control, a testament to the powerful effect she had on you.
the sound of your whimper sent a jolt down gwen's spine. she possessed a commanding presence, a force to be reckoned with, and yet she found herself immobilized, unable to move as if held in place by an invisible tether. her hands instinctively found your hips, firmly pressing your body down onto her leg, as she stood, allowing you to find comfort leaning against the wall.
your entire being froze in response to the touch of gwen's leg, as if her very touch held the power of lightning, electrifying your senses. when you shuddered against her thigh, her grip on your hips tightened, her nails threatening to leave a temporary mark.
gwen was flustered, desperately attempting to assert control over the situation, but finding herself beat by the magnetic pull you exerted on her. every second that your gaze met hers, she felt an irresistible force tugging at her, drawing her closer to you as if guided by some unexplainable, otherworldly connection.
she looks up at you, her hair a mess around her face and flushed. "please, stop me…”
she spoke hushed, but her lips were glued onto yours. her body was glued to yours, her hands finding their way into your hair, her leg pressed against you, just everything about this moment was just perfect for her. you were making her lose her mind. she felt unworthy, like she didn’t deserve this after all she put you through.
“why would i do that?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper, “gwen, why would i do that when i don’t want this to stop?”
it felt like your words were an invitation just for her.
she could feel herself getting worked up again, every ounce of her just wanted this moment to continue. her mind was clouded with emotion and desire, she was lost in you.
"i missed you too, y'know," you said, your voice tinged with nervousness as you fidgeted with gwen's hair, your touch betraying your own vulnerability in the face of her silence.
hearing those words from you, expressing your longing for her touch and everything she embodied, was like the sweet relief of water in a desert. the weight of your words hit her with the force of a hammer, nearly knocking her off balance. her body quivered with anticipation, and when your hand brushed through her hair, delicately tucking it behind her ear, sparks ignited from the point of contact, spreading warmth throughout her being. the desire to kiss you consumed her, and she wasn't sure if she could find the strength to stop, especially when you begged her not to.
"i'm so sorry... i just can't stop myself," she confessed once more, her voice laced with desperation. "if you don't tell me to stop, i don't know if i can."
overwhelmed by her emotions and love for you, gwen found herself at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of restraint. but your response was firm and unwavering, "don't." the single word held a world of meaning, a silent permission to continue, and it resonated deeply within her.
her body ignited like a blazing fire, her breaths quickening as each touch sent electric pulses through her veins. "you have no idea how much..." gwen's voice trailed off, unable to find the words to convey the intensity of her emotions. she pulled back slightly, positioning herself nose-to-nose with you, her gaze locked onto yours.
"then i won't, but please... tell me to keep going," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
“just kiss me, gwen."
your voice, though quiet, reached gwen's ears with clarity and resolve. gripping your face with a fervent grasp, she held onto you as though her life depended on it. her kisses grew more fervent, her tongue dancing against yours, and her hands instinctively finding their way around your neck. she lost herself in the moment, overwhelmed to the point where words gave way to passionate moans, each one a testament to the intoxication of the experience.
gwen surrendered to the pleasure, no longer resisting the desire to have her leg entwined with yours. it felt perfect, the two of you merging together in this intoxicating union. pure bliss enveloped her as sensations heightened, her ears attuned to the sound of your breathing, her body quivering with the rush of emotions coursing through her. the need to hold back vanished, replaced by an insatiable hunger.
she pulled you closer, her grip firm as she pressed you down onto her leg, the friction against the floor sending waves of pleasure through her body. everything grew hotter and heavier, the weight of the moment intensifying. gwen let out a soft moan, briefly pulling away from the kiss to lock her gaze with yours. her lips were slightly parted, her cheeks flushed with desire, as she allowed herself to become lost in your eyes.
she was holding back, trying so hard to keep herself calm and slow everything down, but everything was becoming too much, too overwhelming for her to handle. she couldn’t shake this feeling though, it was like her spider senses were going off and she couldn’t tell what the vibrations in her mind were trying to tell her.
without conscious thought, gwen's hands found the rim of her hoodie, the one you were wearing. with a gentle movement, she lifted it off you and threw it onto your bed, revealing the vulnerability of your exposed waist. her touch was tender and loving as she embraced your waist, peppering your chest with fluttering kisses that elicited joyful giggles from your lips. a smile danced upon her own as she pressed against your skin, feeling like she was able to show you how much she appreciated you and wanted you, and how stupid she was to even think of letting you go.
“i’m home! made me bust in your room because you wasn’t answering me. what the hell were you doing?” your guardian asked, not furious but confused as to why you weren’t answering.
and you were just as confused. before you could even begin to panic, gwen was gone. you hastily picked up her hoodie from your bed and clutched it shyly against your chest, overwhelmed by a wave of embarrassment and a longing to retreat into hiding.
“you good? your face looks so…” your guardian examined your features. how heavy you were breathing, how heated you looked when the weatherman this morning said it was gonna be a cool day, and just how baffled you looked. "flushed?" you responded, mustering a feeble explanation. "yeah, the sweater, uh... made me a bit sweaty. so, i decided to take it off!”
you swore you could hear a faint giggle from outside, but you chose to ignore it.
“well, okay. stop actin’ like a weirdo and i’ll be in the kitchen if you need me,” they said, turning around and shutting the door.
as the footsteps faded away, a familiar figure stealthily climbed back into your room through the window. "that was a close one," she quipped, and though you couldn't help but roll your eyes, a hint of a smile tugged at your lips.
"you're so corny. i hate you," you playfully declared, the hate part a jest born out of momentary frustration. the corny part, however, held some truth to it.
gwen laughed, charmed by your feigned pout. "love you too, but it seems like you have company, and i should get back to patrol," she stated, punctuating her words with a tender kiss on your lips as she held you close. "i'm sorry about the whole breakup thing, and i know i've said it before, but i still want to apologize. i'm committed to being better-for you, for me, and for us. i don't want to push people away when i should be pulling them closer, especially when i need them. you make my life as spider-woman so much easier than i ever realized, having someone to return to and lean on," she confessed with a genuine smile.
unable to resist, you rushed forward and enveloped her in a tight hug. she gasped in surprise but quickly reciprocated, teasingly lifting you off the ground before gently setting you down.
"will i see you later?" you inquired, hopeful anticipation shining in your eyes.
“of course you will,” she replied smugly, a smirk gracing her face. you couldn't help but giggle "i'ii swing by around 6, sound good?"
"absolutely," you confirmed, your radiant smile illuminating your features.
with a final smile, gwen leaned back into your window and gracefully disappeared into the night, swinging away. you waved goodbye from a distance, heart brimming with warmth and excitement for the future.
true to her word, gwen returned as promised around 6 o'clock. but more significant than her punctuality was her unwavering commitment to keeping her promise of being more open with you and making an effort. she showed you that she was willing to put in the work, to learn from her past mistakes, and to become the best version of herself -for you and for the relationship you shared.
A/N: i think i almost died typing all this. 10.5k words. im crying…
© 2023 primaviva
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honeyxgang · 1 year
im slowly being forced outta retirement bc nobody is writing the fic ideas i have in my head so to start here’s some waka headcanons. mostly sfw but gets spicy toward the end so yktv mdni
Short King Waka Headcanons 🤲
doesnt just like trolling people, he can also be very playful
actually did really well in school just didnt like going relatable
shit almost went left in his youth with alcohol but his friends helped him through shoutout to the final timeline
loves kissing and his favorite feature on a potential love interest is lips so hope you’ve been hydrating. bonus points if you have on a gloss instead of lipstick. the shine catches his attention
is eternally grateful to rihanna for fenty gloss he’s now willing to go to war for her
if he really likes someone he gives them a nickname
is very physically affectionate. hugs, cuddles, holding hands, etc he doing allat
since he has an oral fixation he actually takes really good care of his teeth + makes sure his lips are always moisturized
aka straight, white teeth + and a literal perfect smile 😩
wears cologne. he smells delicious. probably the mixture of the cologne and pheromones
doesnt enter into romantic relationships often instead being more likely to flirt casually with absolutely no intention of it going anywhere/the occasional one night stand
believes in letting girls down gently if they do catch feels though
team his parents are alive. no sibs though
gets mistaken for a child me too
has a motorcycle and a car (i see him as a man with money idc idc idc)
deflee into rap, hip hop, and r&b
comes off very very very aloof until he gets to know someone. he’s not shy through
some girls are disappointed to get to know him and find out he’s not even the stereotypical bad boy/fuckboy. dude watches documentaries and enjoys learning new things and is completely unashamed of that and would probably be first to apologize in a fight. his version of netflix & chill is him putting on a wwii documentary and you not being there
that’s one way to pique his interest though teach him something he didnt know before
wears other jewelry too (necklace, bracelet)
the type of bf who would lose his mind if you got a necklace with his name or initials
very laidback and slow to anger
he fought in his youth because he was targeted for his height. then he kept fighting bc he liked throwing his weight around 🤷‍♀️
hates bugs to the point where he might make you go kill whatever has got in 😐
could use some work with verbal communication (“im glad manjiro died” cmon bruh. ik that happened in one of the fucked up timelines however im sure he still sucks bc he only talks to 3 people)
by that i mean he can come off sounding harsh af when that’s not his intention. unfortunately he’s a straight arrow. hope you have tough skin
keeping in line w black twitter’s “dudes w the best d” ranking since he is both skinny and short he is hung like a horse that’s where his height went and knows what he’s doing when laying pipe 🤌
high school was a very horny time for him
you would not fucking guess that just by looking at him and idk where he tucks his third leg
seriously theres always a moment of silence when he gets his pants off. whoever is about to have their spine realigned is like 👀 and he’s just sitting there like 😏
tripod is long and thick good luck sis 🫡
doesn’t do one night stands often or at his place bc once somebody gets a taste they’re ready to commit to his dick marriage
uses condoms bc he’s not ready for fatherhood. if he doesn’t have any he’s not penetrating. yall can do oral though
1000/10 in bed because he likes eating pussy AND will fold you into the mattress 🧎‍♀️
loves getting his dick sucked and he 100% believes in dsl’s 🫦
they gotta look natural though. he has a grudge against kylie jenner for influencing so many people to get botched lip injections 😒
he’s gonna watch bc the way somebody lips stretch to fit him + get all red and plump from putting in work? >>>>>>>
100% the type to grab hair
and the headboard
also will push your knees to your chest if yall in missionary seriously he’s small but man’s is strong
comes to the slow conclusion that he’s an ass man and therefore loves anything from behind
if you’re sending nudes gon head and send something in a thong or g string. if you haven’t heard from him in a few days he might call you
will spank you. just be ready for that
believes life is too short for bad sex and therefore is permanently on demon time 😮‍💨
you’re going to question all of your life choices once youve survived finished. also good luck walking
maybe take a day off work
in conclusion i am down bad
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Erik’s girl confesses that’s she’s in to both men and women and Erik helps her hit on women.
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, GxG, Voyeurism, Bisexual
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It’s not like she could get over it. It’s engraved in her so deeply. He knows now and how long does it have to take before the moment finally arises? It’s killing her to suppress her urges. Dashawn was a phone call away. There are dating apps to meet new girl friends and secretly meet up. Not even the compilation videos of women eating each other’s pussies, tribbing, and dildo-fucking calmed the ache in her clit.
Of course, Erik is there to give his baby girl what she needs but a woman would complete the puzzle. While Erik fucked her with his burgeoning erection, drilling deep, a sexy woman can lick and suck all over her nipples. Maybe, this woman and Erik can eat her pussy at the same time. The possibilities are endless. But, she’s never been with a woman. Would she eat her pussy good? Good enough to make her cum hard?
Damn, Y/N hoped so.
“You overthink shit too much, baby,” Erik said to Y/N with his hands massaging her naked hip.
“I’ve never done it before. I’m nervous.”
“Had my ass fooled when you were flirting with Dashawn.”
“That’s flirting,” Y/N sat up in bed, “Not eating pussy.”
“Don’t you women have like an unspoken bond? Like, you know what turns you on and shit? Whatever makes you cum I’m sure makes her cum too. Can’t be as hard as you’re making it out to be.”
“You do have a fair point. Maybe it’s just my nerves. So, when should we do this?”
Erik chortled, “Ma, we have to find a chick who will be down first.”
“I can’t help that I want it so bad, daddy.”
Y/N rolled over with her smooth back facing Erik. All he could see was her wild ringlets. Erik reached out to slip his fingers between the moisturized spirals.
“It’s okay, baby. We’ll find a lucky girl soon—
“I have one in mind.” Y/N blurted out.
Erik sat up fully, the thin sheet pooling around his naked lower half. His fingertips danced across Y/N’s back when a dimpled smile spread across his full, sinful lips.
“I think I know who you’re referring to. Dashawn, isn’t it?”
Erik gaped at her with a deep crease in his brow.
“I thought you were feeling Dashawn, baby?”
“I am but that’s not who I want for my first time. I want Raven.”
“Oohhhh…so it’s like that? Seeing her naked at the studio got your shit wet, huh baby?”
The way Erik said that has Y/N clenching her thighs.
“Sssssss…mmm…it’s funny that you mention Raven. She’s been asking about you a lot at the studio.”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder and her eyes swept up and down Erik’s inviting body.
“She has? What did she say?”
Erik gave a half shrug, “Nothing obvious just how you’ve been doin’. Now, I’m starting to think she wanna know because she can’t get you off her mind.”
“I didn’t do anything to make her feel that way,” Y/N said with a soft-spoken voice.
“You clearly don’t know how good you fuckin’ look no matter how many times I tell you. You’re fine ass need to stop with allat shit.”
“Do you think she’ll be down?”
Erik’s eyes bore into Y/N’s, “I know Raven and with that being said she ain’t turning down no pussy. She used to tell me some wild shit that would have you turned on so fuckin’ hard, baby.”
“I’m already horny for her,” Y/N said with a whimper.
“Horny is an understatement.” He said.
Y/N took it upon herself to lift up and straddle Erik’s lap. Erik is so hard that his dick bounces up and hit his abs. Y/N’s slick, tight walls know how to suck up and work on that staff. Even with the soreness from Erik jackhammering her pussy, giving her pleasured pain, she still wanted him to bust her wide open.
“It’s what I’m feeling right now, times ten?” Y/N wrapped her arms around Erik’s shoulders and started grinding her pussy along his hard dick.
“Times 100,” Erik pushed down on the base of his dick to line himself up with Y/N’s begging pussy, smacking it with the tip of his dick.
“You hopped up on my lap quick for this dick again…”
“I can’t help that I’m obsessed.”
Y/N planted her hands on his muscular thighs and with how strong and sturdy they felt he can drive that fat, long dick hard and deep, balls deep, into her wet warmth. She spread her legs so he could watch the way he made that wide tip rub between her pussy lips. Even after two orgasms that night, Erik wasn’t through. The thought of sex with his baby girl always brought up an instant erection. Even after busting a nut, he was ready to go again with another big load waiting for her at the end. Erik used his big hands to lift her completely off his lap and onto her back. Expertly, Erik shoved her knees toward her shoulders to get a look at her fat, hot, cream-centered pussy. It was trimmed neatly with rosy pink inner lips extending beyond her outer lips.
Erik’s eyes reminded Y/N of midnight as he looked up at her through his curled lashes. He looked absolutely delicious. Even with his lips centimeters away from her pussy, Y/N had to take him all in: short dreads in his eyes, gold slugs in his mouth, and smooth brown skin the color of warm caramel. He also has the sexiest, piercing black eyes that always seemed to see straight into her soul. And just like that his fingers are massaging and tugging gently at her clit, preparing for what she knew would come next. He just kept looking at her with those eyes of his with her pussy in his face, and then lowered his head between her legs. Y/N swore she started cumming from the first flick of his warm, skillful tongue, the feeling was so intense.
Erik alternated between licking and sucking gently on her clit, while sticking one, then two fingers inside of her. This man knows her body so well. What she liked. What drove her crazy. He always made sure his girl got hers before he did. With the fingers that were inside of her, Erik put them in his mouth and sucked off her wetness before replacing his fingers with his tongue. With the way he spread her plump pussy lips apart, Y/N could see his tongue flicking, circling, and disappearing inside of her. Mercilessly, Erik tongue-fucked Y/N to the point of her squealing and moaning. He didn’t slow down his movements for a second. She attempts to lock his head between her thighs but Erik’s strong hands pushed her thighs back further. Y/N’s body began to convulse with orgasmic sensations. She pushed at Erik’s head and that’s when he gave her a break.
“Daddy…you didn’t tell me what she told you,” Y/N spoke breathlessly.
“You sure you’ll be able to handle that with this dick down your throat?” Erik said.
“I promise. I just want to hear the sexy story for myself…”
Erik swiped his tongue over Y/N’s clit a few times before kissing up her belly. Smiling, Erik crawled out of bed and pulled Y/N’s body to the edge. From the little bit of light shining through the window, Y/N could see his long, fat dick in her face and her mouth watered instantly.
“I’m hungry, feed me,” Y/N purred.
Whack whack, Erik slapped his pipe against the sides of her face, “Is this what you’re hungry for?”
“Yes, please give it to me. I always want this dick in my mouth.”
“Then open up for daddy,” Erik said as Y/N dropped her head over the side of the bed, slowly feeding his long dick into her mouth until the whole thing was in.
“Don’t choke, baby, take your time…mmm…and keep your thighs open so I can see your pussy…”
Y/N definitely mastered her gag reflex as she gave deep-throat head effortlessly. Slurping and sucking his dick in and out of her mouth, Y/N drenched it with spit. In a constant rhythm she sucked him in halfway, to the tip, then to the base with her tongue, licking up and down the underside. Erik began to moan and cuss loudly.
“Raven told me about how she fucked the shit out of her best friend…grinding her clit on hers and squirting all over her throbbing pussy. feeling her soft moans in her mouth while she finger-fucked her. hold her legs back while she shoved her tongue in her pussy until she cried…she said her best friend begged her to keep fucking her pussy with that clit…”
Y/N found herself rubbing her clit to Erik’s words. She imagined what Raven would say to her when the moment finally happened.
I wanna make you squirt
This pussy gonna make me cum all over you
Y/N’s lips loosened around Erik’s dick so she could moan.
“You like that shit? The thought of her squirting all over your pussy? You gon’ make her pussy cum in your mouth?”
Y/N stopped sucking to speak, “Yes, daddy.”
“I’ll be right there, baby. Fuck, suck this fucking dick. Here,” Erik said, stuffing his dick in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down as she sucked his dick and licked the length.
The area around Y/N’s pussy was so sensitive that she couldn’t fucking stand it. Her pussy was swollen and wetter than it had ever felt before the more Erik talked about Raven and her nasty all girl orgies.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, make daddy nut for the third time tonight, fuck, mm, get that nut out this dick, baby, shit, look what you making me do!”
Y/N was a starving woman, frantically bobbing her head back and forth, lips sealed right to meaty shaft and cheeks billowing with pressure, sucking and sucking on Erik’s dick. Y/N took even breaths and plunged down to his pubes and pulled back up again, consuming his big dick over and over. His dick filled her mouth and throat, satiating a small part of her pent-up appetite, but not nearly all of it. She wanted sweet pussy in her mouth next.
“FUCK,” Erik pulled out of her mouth with a grunt. He couldn’t believe how much he exploded inside of her mouth and that he wasn’t finished with her.
“Daddy, look at my pussy,” Y/N parted her lips for him and rubbed her clit with her middle finger, “Juicy, Right?”
“Fat and juicy…I’m about to drop another load in that beautiful pussy, baby.”
Erik flips Y/N over onto her stomach and raised her hips up with her knees on the edge of the bed. Slowly, with his large hands on her hips, he eased his rigid dick inside until it reached the base. Immediately her body shuddered, as if it was all it needed to reach a climax. Erik used Y/N’s hips to force her down while he pumped her pussy. Y/N skillfully moved her hips in circular and up-and-down motions. When he realized how eager she was to have his dick Erik entered her tight pussy more forcefully and a loud, smacking sound from his dick and her innards separating for him filled the room.
“Ah, fuck me, daddy! Fuck me! Yes! Yes!” Y/N screamed.
His thighs collided with her ass hard. So hard she felt it all the way to her stomach. Her face contorted as she whispered the word yes over and over.
“You know I love this fat ass pussy, right? Bend that back and take this fuckin’ dick!”
Erik couldn’t look away from her beautiful, dark, meaty lips wrapped around his dick from her vice grip.
“Keep creaming on daddy, baby. Daddy love this wet pussy so much—”
“Yes! Fuck!” Y/N could feel an intense orgasm surge through her body and Erik sped up the pace.
“GODDAYUM, oh yeah, baby, take this dick!!!!!” 
Erik’s dick swelled inside of Y/N and released another huge load deep inside of her for the third time that evening. He could feel the sweat from his body dripping to the bed and Y/N’s back. Erik looked at her pussy with a bite of his bottom lip, slowly sliding out and groaning from how much she squeezed him.
“That puss don’t want this dick to go. Fuck…”
Erik dropped down to his knees on the carpet behind Y/N, pussy-level. She was sodden, beat up, dripping with moisture, lips swollen and slick on the outside, pink and gleaming on the inside. Erik stuck his tongue out and touched her flaps with the tip on each side.
“Erik!” Y/N gasped, jerking.
Erik licked up her slit from deep in between her legs to the top of her trimmed mound, dragging her pussy in one long, hard, wet stroke.
“You love eating my pussy, daddy!” Y/N moaned, ass bouncing above his head because she couldn’t keep still.
He lapped her pussy, stroking her flaps with his tongue, scooping up her creamy juices and gulping them down.
“Ooooh, baby!”
Y/N’s legs quivered out of control. Erik talked nasty shit about how good her pussy tastes and how it’s fat and filled with his cum. He couldn’t stop himself from spreading her plumped pussy lips wide with his fingers, exposing her shining pink and swollen clit. He started spearing her pussy with his wet tongue.
“Fuck!” Y/N cried, jolted by the impact of his tongue in her pussy. Erik pistoned his head back and forth, pumping her, fucking her with his tongue before burying it deep, squirming it around with a wild shake of his head and full of tapered locs, digging deep into her soaked pussy. Y/N bent over almost in two, reaching back to grab onto Erik’s head, overcome with so much emotion and pleasure. Erik pulled his tongue out and dragged it along her fleshy inner lips again before sucking her clit up like a sweet treat.
“Erik, oh my god, baby, please,” Y/N gasped.
Erik kissed her clit, engulfed it with his lips and vacuum-sealed her clit, his cheeks billowing. Y/N quivered wickedly with her muffled cries.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Y/N wailed.
Erik spit her clit out with saliva and stood up with a heavy exhale and her juices all over her face. Y/N moaned low and long, unable to move from the bed from how numb her body felt. Erik spanked her cheeks around before giving her a kiss on her lower back.
“Okay, I think I’m really done for the night this time,” Erik’s deep voice spoke tiredly. He walked blindly towards the bathroom within the darkness of the bedroom to quickly cleanse himself.
Y/N crawled onto the bed and got with a content sigh and a smile on her face. She could see Erik washing his face at the sink, his dick still hardened despite his words of being finished. After he cleansed his face, Erik brushed his teeth and left the light on for Y/N to do the same. On her way out of the bed, Erik slapped her ass.
“Is Raven going to be at the studio tomorrow?”
“You know it. She has a shoot like every week to keep up with her portfolio and modeling lifestyle. Tomorrow we’re shooting a scene where she’s dripping wet. I think you’ll love this one, baby.”
Y/N couldn’t conceal her excitement.
“That’s the perfect time to ask her then. I’ll go with you.”
Erik folded his hands behind his head as he laid back against the pillows, smiling at the ceiling.
“My baby girl ain’t playing. So, you remember how you did it with Dashawn, right? You gotta have that same confidence with Raven. Don’t let her boldness distract you from making a move. Look her in the eyes and tell her how bad you want her. I already know it’ll work.”
“Raven seems like she’s always in control,” Y/N said in between scrubbing the back of her teeth.
“Don’t worry about allat. Show that bitch that you can take control too. Let her know straight up how you want it. With your tongue up her pussy.”
Y/N rinsed her mouth out and wiped off her hands. She turned the light off in their bathroom and joined Erik in bed. Y/N snuggled close to him and rested her head on his solid chest.
“Night, baby girl, you wore me out,” Erik kissed her forehead.
“Night,” Y/N closed her eyes and within seconds she was off to sleep.
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Erik has a special part of his studio dedicated to shooting scenes with water or even paint. Raven posed with her left foot propped up against a wooden chair with thin, sheer white panties on and a white Henley. Her loose curls that were once frizzy and dry are now damp against her head. The water from the sprinklers rained down on her and the water mimicked rain bouncing off pebbled rock around her feet. Erik flicked it up on his new Nikon D850 camera, taking several photos of Raven in that pose before adjusting the studio lights. Keeping it comfortable during this wet photo shoot, Erik wore a simple white tee and black basketball shorts with his feet bare. His tapered locs are pulled back from his face so they wouldn’t drip in his eyes from all the water.
“Hold that pose, Rae, poke your hip out a little more for me, good, raise your chin a little bit, you look so damn good girl, mmm! Aight, one more like this and then I want you to take off your shirt.”
“You know I always gotta get naked for my shoots, Erik,” Raven laughs.
“That’s why I said take off that shirt. Aight, focus, girl.”
Erik snapped two more pictures before waiting until Raven removed her shirt. Her plum sized breasts with big, protruding nipples stood at attention when she arched her back. Raven closed her eyes and tilted her head back, allowing the water to cascade over her face.
“Don’t you move, I like this shot,” Erik found a good angle and took a few pictures, “Baby, come take a look at this.”
Erik looked over his shoulder at Y/N as she walked over to see the photos. Y/N had on jean shorts with a white cropped tee and her curly hair styled in a pineapple.
“You like this?” Erik showed her the picture of Raven with her titties out. The water felt cold beneath her feet and from how hard Raven’s nipples are she knew she had to be shivering.
“I like it,” Y/N said with a low voice.
So there she was, staring at Raven and suddenly her eyes latched onto hers. Raven grinned, and Y/N stood there nervous as all hell. Somehow she managed to slightly wave at Raven. She waved back.
“I think we’re finished. I got forty pictures and when I get home I’ll go through them to figure out which ones to send you. Cool?”
“Fine with me, you got any wine?” Raven asked as she walked off set with her breasts bouncing with each step. She stood on the opposite side of Erik, peering over his shoulder at her photos. Y/N caught a whiff of jasmine and cedar wood wafting from Raven’s honey glazed skin.
“I have a few bottles of chilled white wine if that’s okay with you,” Erik said.
“Fine by me. I’m not ready to go yet,” Raven rested her chin on Erik’s shoulder as her penetrating gaze sought out Y/N’s, “How have you been, beautiful? Long time no see.”
“I’ve been great, actually. You?”
“Booked and busy, chile. I’ll be out of town in a couple of days so I wanted to get this shoot done before then. Thanks to your man here he cleared his schedule just for me.”
Raven pecked Erik’s cheek.
“I’m starting to think you’re his favorite client,” Y/N said.
“I better be,” Raven sassed before sauntering away, “I’ll grab the wine! Y/N come sit with me so we can catch up!”
Y/N’s eyes never left Raven, not even when she went to retrieve the wine. It was like seeing her for the first time all over again. Y/N almost fell back down when she caught a glimpse of her. She looked exotic—short, jet-black ringlets, smooth caramel skin, deep-set sienna eyes, and full luscious lips. Raven spotted Y/N looking when she took a seat on Erik’s black leather sectional and gave her a warm smile before waving her over.
“While you two get acquainted, I’m gonna get these fans going in here so this water can dry up. Hey,” Erik’s lips brushed across Y/N’s neck, “breathe, baby. Get some of that wine to loosen you up a bit.”
“Kay,” Y/N accepted Erik’s tongue and a slap on the ass before taking tentative steps towards Raven. She’s drinking her glass of wine and flipping through a photo album with some of Erik’s best work.
“What took you so long to come over here?” Raven asked, “I was about to say you didn’t want my company?!”
Y/N couldn’t help but to laugh at her words. Raven shut the album.
“You aren’t cold,” Y/N said, pointing her finger and Raven’s bare chest.
“No. I’m good like this,” Raven peered down at her chest before shimmying her shoulders to make them sway, “It’s just breasts! If you want, you can get comfortable too.”
“Oh,” Y/N could feel desire blossom in her belly, “Maybe after a few sips of wine.
Y/N helped herself to wine.
“So that means that you would take off your shirt then?” Raven asked.
“Y-yeah,” Y/N gulped down some of her wine, “So. What do you model for exactly? I never asked.”
“I used to model for Playboy but now I do my own thing to build my portfolio with Erik and to make some extra cash, I model nude for this exclusive black-owned porn company called the triple B.”
“Really?” Y/N cleared her throat, “What’s that stand for?”
“Black Beautiful Bodies. I wish it was something nastier,” Raven chuckled.
“Oooh, I see, that’s what’s up! So does that mean that you—you know—take other pictures as well?”
“Define other?”
“Like…pictures of your vagina.”
“Yes!” Raven squealed, “Has Erik ever taken nude photos of you with his camera?”
Y/N became bashful.
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me this big time photographer never asked his girl to pose nude before! I mean…I couldn’t see why he wouldn’t with a body like that on you.”
“He has…a few times.”
“How were you posed,” Raven helped herself to more wine, “Lingerie strip tease? Fresh out the shower? After steamy sex?”
“After sex and in lingerie but not a strip tease.”
“Erik likes full on shots. His favorite is when my legs are spread wide and my pussy is doing the smiling for the camera.”
Y/N’s body shivered. She knew her man took all kinds of photos but to hear it from Raven it surprised and intrigued Y/N.
“Sexy, right? I’m assuming Erik enjoys the same for you?”
“Y-Yes,” Y/N adjusted her hips, “He does.”
“And let’s not forget breast shots. Your DDs put my 34Bs to shame, honey,” Raven said with a smile.
“You have nice breasts though…they’re pretty.”
Raven arched a brow, “and so are yours and I haven’t even seen them! Look at you. You’re gorgeous!”
Raven slid closer beside Y/N until her knee was rubbing against hers.
“How much more wine before I get to see those big titties?”
“Not long,” Y/N dropped her eyes to her lap, “Rae…there’s something I want to ask you.”
Raven crossed one leg over the other, “Ask away.”
Y/N hesitated, not sure how to ask because of how nervous she is. She tried to build confidence but the more Raven looked at her the way she was, the more difficult it became. It had honestly slipped her mind between their skin making contact and Raven rubbing her index finger around the tip of her wine glass like she was fingering a nipple.
“Okay, so, um, I’m bisexual, right…”
“Right,” Raven reiterated.
“And I’ve never been with a woman before—”
“Get out, seriously?”
“No lie.”
“Well…because I’m new to this whole thing. I told Erik some days ago for the first time.”
“Aww, Y/N,” Raven sat her glass down and caressed Y/N’s thigh, “That’s so cute. I mean, I already knew but I’m glad you told Erik about it. So, what’s your question?”
“What I wanna know is if you’d be down to hook up…with me? And Erik?”
From the way Raven’s eyes twinkled and her lips parted ever so slightly, Y/N knew that her answer would be an instant yes. She felt relieved and a little less nervous. Still, it’s Raven. Y/N could feel her wetness coming down into her panties the more she sat there holding Raven’s gaze.
“Take off your shirt,” Raven cooed with a lick of her lips.
Y/N sat her glass down and with shaky fingers she began taking off her cropped white tee. She had on a nude T-shirt bra underneath that Raven didn’t hesitate to help her out of.
“So, that’s a yes?” Y/N asked with a timid giggle.
“It’s a hell yes. Girl, if only you knew how much I wanted to steal you from Erik and have you all to myself.”
“W—what about Erik? Have you ever…thought about it?”
“A few times. Your man used to slang dick up in here before he met you. Models would line up to get a piece of Erik. I came in one time an hour before my shoot and found him buried deep in some chick. That shit turned me on.”
“He told me about that one,” Y/N said, feeling her breasts fall freely from the bra.”
“Just that one? Your man used to get down with more than one, you like that?”
“I actually do,” Y/N exhaled when she felt the fabric of her bra brush past her hard nipples and Raven’s warm breath on her ear.
“Kinky…” Raven whispered before flicking Y/N’s ear with her tongue.
Raven seductively started rubbing Y/N’s nipples from behind, pinching them in between her thumbs and forefingers. Her nipples were so hard it was almost painful. Y/N closed her eyes and shuddered when she felt Raven’s lips sucking on her earlobe. Y/N didn’t know what to do with her hands so she placed them on Raven’s thighs.
“Titties are so big and soft,” Raven whispered, “I want to lick wine off your nipples.”
“Yeah?” Y/N said with a hushed tone.
“Uh-huh…you’re just so sweet I’d eat a whole meal off of you…”
She turned her body around to face Raven and their chests touched, hard nipples rubbing against each other. Raven brushed some of Y/N’s hair from her face and slowly leaned in with her luscious lips parted. Her wet, versatile tongue traced Y/N’s lips and then she used her teeth to latch onto Y/N’s bottom lip. Y/N feeling more confident placed her hands on Raven’s breasts and used her thumbs to tweak her nipples. The leather crinkled beneath their bodies as they moved to taste each other deeper. Y/N couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Lay back,” Raven said.
Y/N did as she was instructed, heavy breasts spread out sideways from her position. Raven picked up the bottle of wine and went to straddle Y/N. Raven tipped the bottle over and the cold white wine covered Y/N’s chest. Her back arched and quickly she moaned when Raven’s lips circled her left nipple. She sucked hard and Y/N could feel her nipple being tugged. It felt so damn good. When Raven started tickling it with the tip of her tongue Y/N started to squirm. She could feel heat against her and when her eyes opened, Y/N was staring up at Erik. He didn’t even have to whip that dick out to show that it’s hard. His massive dick created a prominent and very noticeable bulge.
Raven’s back is arched and her tight, bubbly ass sat high enough for Erik to see her pussy lips through her panties. Y/N still had on her jean shorts and from the way his heavy-lidded eyes kept staring at them both she knew he would rather see naked pussy as well. Raven could feel his eyes on them too so she popped her lips off a nipple and looked back at Erik with a sly grin.
“She told me everything. So are we doing this right now or what?”
“No need to take this party elsewhere, might as well keep it going.” Erik said.
“You hear that, Y/N, looks like we’ll be rubbing pussies on this couch.” Raven said with a flick of her tongue.
“Mmm,” Erik hummed, “I got just the thing for this moment.”
“Let me guess, your camera,” Y/N said with a smile.
“Yep!” Erik jogged off to grab one of his cameras.
That left Raven and Y/N to explore each other more. Raven kissed along Y/N’s nipples before dragging her lips and tongue up her neck and to her mouth. They kissed intensely; tongue, spit, a roll of the hips, and moans. It felt so good to Y/N when Raven’s nipples clashed with hers. It made her tremble. Raven’s tongue is eager in Y/N’s mouth each time she ran it back and forth against hers.
“Y/N,” Raven moaned against her lips, “I really wanna taste you…”
Raven sat up on her knees to unfasten Y/N’s shorts.
“Play with your breasts for me,” Raven said with parted lips.
Y/N cupped her breasts and rolled them together sensually. She brings a nipple to her mouth to suck on while Raven slides her bottoms down revealing a freshly waxed pussy. Erik returned shirtless with his camera in hand. With a lick of his lips he aimed the camera at the two gorgeous women and sapped a couple of shots of Y/N playing with her breasts while Raven positioned herself between her legs.
“Shit, y’all got my dick hard,” Erik palmed himself, “bring her legs back some more, Rae.”
Raven brought Y/N’s knees to her chest and Erik had a clear shot of Y/N’s fat, wet vulva spread open. The look of desire on her face with her hair in her eyes had Erik lowering his pants to show them just how stiff that fat dick is. Raven and Y/N shared a look and knowing smiles. Y/N reached out and gripped Erik’s fully grown erection, bringing him closer with a gentle tug of his dick. Raven giggled with a bite of her lip.
“Now that’s how you bring a big dick into the equation,” She smoothed her hands down his abs and made her voice low, “I can’t wait to see how this feels.”
“Damn, girl,” He Erik popped Raven’s ass, “Stick that long tongue out and rest it on her clit. I gotta capture that shit.”
Raven divided Y/N’s soaked lips to make her clit poke out more and then she stuck her tongue out and rested the pointed tip of it against her clit while looking in the camera.
“Mmmmhhhnmmm,” Erik leaned in to get a close up, “wet ass pussy…Rae, wrap your lips around it…make that fat pussy cum.”
“Ffffuckkk,” Y/N sat up on her elbows and threw her head back. Raven’s tongue was just how she imagined—warm, and skillful. She didn’t waste time making Y/N’s pussy twitch and quiver. She would made loud slurping noises when she lapped at Y/N’s pussy. Erik got down on his knees and pressed his lips into Y/N’s, the soft warm feel of his chest against her breasts as he let the tip of his tongue flick tiny licks along her seam.
“She’s eating my pussy so good, daddy—”
“The way she working that mouth on your pussy got me hurting over here,” Erik gripped his dick and stroked it, “buck your hips in her face…just like that…feed her that puss. Rae, open your mouth like you wanna fit her whole pussy in there…”
Loud smacking noises came from Raven’s mouth and Erik watched with his wet lips poked out as Raven sucked up all Y/N’s wetness spewing from her core.
“You taste so sweet, so juicy, like mangoes,” Raven said.
“Eat my pussy,” Y/N whimpered, her cries of pleasure adoring Raven’s mouth. Raven and Y/N stared at each other.
“Let me taste her pussy off your tongue…”
Raven lifted up and her long tongue extended out for Erik to wrap his lips around it and start sucking. Y/N watched them kiss heatedly and messily with lots of slurping. Erik hissed when Raven’s dainty hand found it’s way to his fat dick, stroking it slowly. He reached around to fondle Raven’s pussy through her panties with a deep frown on his face.
“Why the fuck you still got panties on, ma? Couldn’t wait to have my girl pussy in your mouth that’s why.”
“Here,” Raven turned her back towards Erik with her ass in the air and a wiggle of her slender hips, “Take them off of me.”
Erik licked his lips and kneeled down behind Raven’s ass, planting kisses to her cheeks. Raven could hear Y/N’s mewling and when she looked at her she could see her fingers playing with her clit and her wet entrance convulsing.
“I didn’t forget about you baby…” Raven sucked on two fingers before she spread her labia and started fingering her. Y/N’s breasts swayed from her movement, “Erik gets to suck and lick all over these big breasts any time he wants…so lucky…”
“Spread your legs some more, Rae…mmm,” Erik started tonguing Raven’s folds. Her full and puffy outer lips hid her tiny jewel and when Erik spread her wide his eyes gleamed with lust at how glistening and pink she is. It reminded him of cotton candy and it tasted like she’d been munching on berries.
All you could hear were the mixture of moans at various levels and creamy sounds. Erik had a firm grip of Raven’s tight, little ass and all Y/N could see is his face move up and down, swiping her and covering her with saliva. Y/N could practically feel the heat radiating from her pussy and when she noticed how flushed and swollen her pussy lips were, it let her know that her release was right around the corner.
With Raven’s fingers moving in and out of her with gusto, waves of pleasure ran through her and she felt her release building higher and higher. Y/N couldn’t peel her eyes away from Erik’s rigid pipe with pre-cum dripping from his wide tip. If she looked close enough, she could see several bulging veins throb.
“Fuck, I love how you eat pussy, Erik,” Raven’s mouth formed an O, “Shitttttt, suck on that clit!”
When Raven’s limber leg raises up Y/N gasped at how Erik’s lips glided up and down with a suction so tight around her clit.
“Daddy, eat that pussy,” Y/N moaned, “Fuck, she’s creaming so much—”
“Yes, oh, nigga, eat me!”
Raven clawed the couch and her body began to spasm. She gasped out loud as if she lost the will to breathe. Not once did Erik release his hold on her folds.
“I’m squirting! Erik!”
She couldn’t finger Y/N any longer. Raven cried out and shouted Erik’s name repeatedly.
“Daddy, my turn,” Y/N groaned, barley able to speak. Raven cursed when Erik finally unraveled his big lips from her pussy. A sticky stream trickled from Raven’s pussy and she watched Erik thrust his thick meat down Y/N’s throat. He jammed that solid pole all the way down her throat in one motion.
“Ohh, shit. She sucking all that?” Raven said with envious eyes.
“You gotta bring that mouth to me if you want some too,” Erik said with a bite of his bottom lip.
Raven straddles Y/N and pressed her face against hers. She had a magnifying view of Erik’s dick digging out Y/N’s throat. She cupped his big balls and weighed them in her hand, pleasantly aroused and drooling to get her lips around those. They dangled and tapped Y/N’s chin each time he went lower.
“Sharing is caring, Y/N. Let me see if I can get it all the way down like you…Erik!”
Raven snatched his dick up and bobbed her head hard. Y/N peppered kisses along his length with her eyes on Erik. Raven slurped on him like it was her first time with a big dick in her mouth. Y/N let her do her thing, soaking wet and throbbing from the visual alone.
“Ughhhhhh,” Erik was motionless. His straping thighs flexed hard and out of his control.
“Fuckin’ suck this dick!” He told her with a deep, commanding voice.
Y/N watched with rapid attention as Erik cradled the back of Raven’s neck and fucked her throat.
“Get that dick, Rae, Y/N, I know you see my nuts in your face. Make this dick cum, both of y’all.”
When his voice got raspy and deep like that Y/N knew he was ready to explode. Raven popped her lips off of Erik’s dick and fed it to Y/N while she licked his balls. Y/N wiggled her tongue in Erik’s slit so she could hear him moan. He had a hand on the back of each of their heads as he grunted and groaned.
“Suck that nut out, fuck! Y’all ain’t playing.”
They surely weren’t. Both women took turns like generous little sluts and showed Erik what they could do with their tongues and lips to get his nut out.
“Fuck, ima bust on both of y’all pretty bitches—FUCK—goddamn, got my dick leaking like a motherfucker—”
Raven and Y/N rubbed their faces along Erik’s dick as he spurted out a hefty load. They didn’t leave a trace behind except for their own faces. When Raven and Y/N shared yet another kiss, Erik grabbed his camera to take a picture of them with his cum shining on their beautiful, brown faces.
“Look at us, covered in cum,” Raven said with a smile.
“I could use yours on my face now,” Y/N kissed Raven with her needy lips, “sit on my face.”
“Bold, I like that.”
Raven didn’t waste time climbing onto Y/N’s face. She arched her back and dropped her pussy down in her wide open mouth. Hips grinding, Raven savored the gentleness of Y/N’s tongue.
“It’s okay, you can lick harder,” Raven said.
“Open that pussy up and move your tongue all around, baby,” Erik instructed, “you see that tiny little clit? Make that shit grow. Take the tip of your tongue and work that motherfucka’.”
“Like this,” Y/N twisted her tongue around Raven’s clit.
“Yeahhh,” Erik spanked Raven’s ass and then with both of his hands he separated her cheeks to expose her pussy more, “You doing that shit, baby. Look at how much she’s creaming. Bring your tongue right there and eat it up…Mhm…take that pussy, baby, take that pussy…”
“Unh!” Raven moaned.
“She likes it like that, look at her clenching up…ima open that tight pussy up.” 
“Look, daddy,” Y/N spit on Raven’s pussy causing her hips to jolt.
“Dayum,” Erik whacked his dick on Raven’s ass, “Do what I did…open that pussy and lick right below her clit…make that pussy squirt…I want you to taste it for yourself.”
“F—ff—fuckkkk,” Raven flexed her back muscles and Erik jiggled her ass. 
Y/N gulped her juices down and she couldn’t believe how sweet she tasted. She needed her pussy rubbing on hers right now. Raven seemed to read her mind because she spread her hips and Y/N brought her knees to her chest. Raven got into position and started slowly grinding her pussy against Y/N’s. Y/N struggled at first but Erik raised her hips from behind and damn…that’s when she felt it all. Y/N was overwhelmed with the sensation. She started grinding up into Raven, their clits sliding against each other and it felt so good. They both grew wetter and wetter, pussies fitting perfectly together. Their sloppy pussies bumped and angelic moans pleased Erik’s ears. Loud, pussy-smacking noises had Erik talking nasty to both of them.
“yes,” Y/N said with a sweet-sounding moan.
“Baby, that pussy,” Raven spoke softly, lost in the feeling.
“You like that? Huh?” Raven said with a roll of her hips.
“Uh-huh, oooohhhh, fuck.”
“I’m fucking the dog shit out of both y’all after this. I mean that shit, fuck,” Erik got down on his knees so he could watch, “Ima pick you up and slam you on my dick…make you cum…this shit is so beautiful.” 
“Daddy! Her pussy feels so good on me,” Y/N exclaimed.
Unh! Unh! Umph! Oooh! Unnnn! Uhhhhh! Ahh! 
They changed positions suddenly and in no time Y/N started bouncing her clit against Raven’s while Erik smacked her ass and encouraged her to keep going. 
“Make me cum, Y/N!” Raven shouted.
Since they were so wet, their sticky folds made macaroni noises. They dirty talked to each other and when Y/N circled her hips, she came before Raven did and gushed juices all over her pussy. 
“I’m not finished, bitch, ima keep fuckin this pussy!” Raven grabbed her hips and thrusted up to continue humping on her clit. With a tremble of her legs, Y/N pounded her pussy into Raven’s and nothing but creamy, wet, sloppy, smacking sounds could be heard. 
“This your pussy, Raven,” Y/N moaned, “You own this pussy!”
“Damn…I’m cumming, ohhh!!”
Raven spasmed and spilled her juices. Both of their inner thighs were drenched. 
That was enough to have Erik on his feet and grabbing Y/N off the couch in one Swift motion with his strong arms curled under her thighs. With just his sinewy hips, Erik thrust into Y/N hard. The weight of his dick sliding in and out of her in that position made her eyes cross and her mouth hang open with amazement. Y/N couldn't control the involuntary spasms her pussy was doing on his erection. It was like her vagina was priming the pump for her release. She gripped his shoulders tightly because the way Erik bounced her body she couldn’t keep still.
"Look at you, baby. Getting dick and pussy in one night. She got this pussy nice and wet for me to slide in real good. Sweet pussy on you," he hissed when he felt her squeeze around him. His hand kept slapping Y/N’s ass. 
Raven’s resolve weakened as she watched and listened to Y/N’s body take Erik's rough handling of her. She went limp in his arms and simply gave her body and her soul over to him. She could only take it as she felt that big dick ramming in and out of her. He hit the back of her pussy when he dipped his hips and that’s when she lost it and came all over his dick. 
Erik retracted his hips and watched Y/N leak all over him. Still panting, Y/N was placed on the couch and Erik picked up Raven to do the same to her. He folded her body in two with her legs over his shoulders. Erik planted his feet on the floor and every beautiful muscle in his body flexed as he crouched down to dig into Raven. The slapping sound of their flesh bounced off of the studio walls and they shared a deep look of immense pleasure. 
“Fuck!” Raven gasped as she watched his face as his lips opened and his eyes shut tight. She felt his dick harden inside her more. 
“That big dick wants to cum!” Raven shouted. 
“Erik, shit,” Y/N was desperate for him and when his eyes met hers she turned that ass around to show him her sloppy pussy. 
“Erik! You and this big dick—DAMNIT!” 
Raven’s toes curled and when Erik pulled back she shivered from how much he stuffed her. Back at the couch, Erik determined to finish, He ordered Raven to arch her back just like Y/N so he can take turns clapping both of their cheeks. 
“You first, I’m not playing with you. This my pussy,” Erik spoke roughly to Y/N before sliding his steely pole deep inside of her. Her back arched on its own and it didn’t take long for Erik to find his rhythm. 
"Baby…fuck me…fuck me…fffffuuuckkkmeeee…"
His taut abs flexed when Y/N started throwing it back. Raven reached out to touch her cheeks. Erik noticed and gave her a smile before tasting her lips. 
“Hold her ass open for me,” He whispered to Raven. 
Erik’s dick hit spots she couldn’t explain. Raven stared at his dick working her slick pussy and when Y/N clenched down she moaned. All she could see was Erik’s dick pulsating. 
“Shit…give me your pussy,” Erik pushed Raven down further with his hand on the back of her neck, “Get this dick.” 
“Mmm!!!” Raven wasn’t prepared, “Damn, it’s so big. My pussy is wide open for you!”
“Erik, fuck her good,” Y/N cooed.
“Pop that little ass, you want me to fuck you that’s what’s it is,” Erik grabbed her petite hips and slammed into her. 
Raven groaned hoarsely. Erik was tearing her pussy up. Y/N grabbed his sack and massaged it at the same time. Erik threw his head back and with his thick fingers he gripped as much of Raven’s short hair as he could. 
“I’m nutting!” Raven cried out. 
“Fuck…here it comes…get in position…I’m about to bust…bring that ass up!!!” 
Y/N bounced her cheeks and looked back at Erik jerking his fat dick, thick, creamy, cum shooting out all over their asses and backs. 
“Hold that position…fuck! shit don’t make no sense...” 
Erik grabbed his camera from the floor and took one final picture of Raven and Y/N staring into the lenses with his cum all over them. Y/N got exactly what she wanted for her first time and it lived up to her fantasies. She couldn’t look at Raven without wanting to fuck her again. She’s just that addictive.
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stunnababyyabyyy · 3 years
tell me about something awkward/embarrassing
ahhh okok <33!
warning: tmi lmaoooo
but one embarrassing moment that happened to me was like when i was younger like 9-10 years old. i needed to pee, around that time we were taking a bus that went through a violent (still violent) neighborhood lool. so my mom was like “girl you can hold it relax”. however, i was like, “girl nooo i needa fkn pee”. so we hop off the bus and me and my three lil sisters are at the crosswalk abt to cross the street to go to the mall so i could pee.
now here’s the kicker🌚🌝:
i couldn’t hold it and a bitch pissed herself not only in public, but infront of a fineee lightskin boy and his grandma😭. my mom was in shock, i wanted to cryyy and the grandma said, “poor baby…let’s go and not stare” she was in serious disgust. i remember wanting to sink into the grounddddd😩💀.
another slightly embarrassing moment cause bun tmi’s lool:
remember how i told you abt my cousin’s christening?? so when it was his older sister mariah’s christening we went ofc. (sidenote he has 3 older siblings that are younger than me). my mom told me to go up and record as per usual. mind you the church is full of family and family friends i don’t know much yet lmaoao. plus i was wearing some painful ass heels, and i told my ma i’m not sure i can do it. anyway my aunts and uncles were all like “abby/naana if you don’t go up and record the ceremony🙄😒!!” so i go up and record…fast forward the prayers being done and the priest, my aunt and uncle’s eyes are closed. one of my fave older cousins comes up to the front near me to record the prayer and we are making lil jokes here and there. and dej when i tell you a bitch fell down the stairs in the front😭😭😭😭. i fell and the way the pastor and everyone was shook and asking if i was okay and im like “yea🙂😭” embarrassingggg asl plus my aunts and uncles were keke-ing abt it after the ceremony and allat was over😒, acting like they didn’t force me up there in the first place☹️. but yeaaa those are two embarrassing stories for your entertainment 🥰❤️.
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brillixdis · 7 years
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*a short intro plays, displaying their photos and logo along the screen with Fall Thru by Meek Mill playing in the background*
Brilliant: Hey guys! It’s me, your girl, favorite mommy, wife, allat! [she smiles in the camera] I know you’re wondering where Zyair is..he’s missing..because it’s prank time! He decided to ignore my text, so I’m being a little evil and I’m gonna prank him, and act like I think he’s texting other bitches. He’s definitely not! [she laughs and pushes her hair to the side] This may get a little crazy, and you guys know I really hate pranking him..but here it goes! He should be home in a little, stay tuned. [she moves the camera onto the dresser, hiding it behind a few items, assuring its concealed]
After several moments, Zyair appears in front of the camera. 
Zyair: -enters the bedroom and lightly kicks the door shut behind him, his face twisted in slight annoyance- What’s with the quotes now? You don’t believe that i’m working?
Brilliant: [she looks up at him, her eyebrows furrowed] If you were only working you wouldn’t have a problem replying to my fucking texts.
Zyair: So what is it that you think i’m doing? -kicks off his sneakers while he speaks- I’m truly curious.
Brilliant: Are you serious? [she sucks her teeth] I hate when you do that shit..you know what the fuck I’m talking about!
Zyair: I ain’t delivering fucking dick, if that’s what’s on your mind. I was busy, i saw your text and got distracted. I ain’t purposely dubbing you, i ain’t up under no other female. I was doing my job. -looks her way, deliberately making eye contact- I put that on Justice.
Brilliant: But you are purposely ignoring my texts because you’re quick to be all over social media and liking random bitches pictures..on top of making deliveries. I’m not trying to hear that bullshit, so don’t make me feel like I’m crazy! I have every right to assume. [holds her hand outward] Your phone. [cuts her eyes at the camera slightly]
Zyair: -shakes his head in response- Cmon now, Brilliant. I’m telling you the fucking truth, don’t drag this shit.
Brilliant: If it’s true you won’t have a problem shutting me the fuck up and letting me see your phone. [extends her hand]
Zyair: -slips his phone from his pocket and flings it onto the bed in irritation before making his way into the bathroom, closing the door before cutting on the shower-
Brilliant: Why are you walking away? You want me to look through your shit but you wanna go into the bathroom? If you’re telling the truth, what the fuck are you mad for? [covers her mouth concealing her small laugh before mouthing to the camera, ‘I feel sooooo bad’]
Zyair: I’m mad cause you’re pressing shit and tryna act like im a liar. -yells from behind the door as he undresses- Have fun, look through it all. I don’t give a fuck at this point.
Brilliant: Oh I will! [she calls out, snatching the phone up and unlocking it to begin skimming throughout it aimlessly]
Zyair: -shakes his head to himself without further response then steps into the heated shower to begin washing up-
Brilliant: [she hops up to grab the hammer waiting on the dresser nearby] You think I’m stupid, Zyair? [she calls out, laying the phone along the dresser. she slams the hammer along the dresser, causing loud noises to erupt throughout the room and bathroom, leaving the illusion of her hitting his phone]
Zyair: What the fuck are you talking about!? -pauses abruptly once he hears the commotion and hurriedly leaps from the shower before suddenly sliding along the tile and coming to a hard landing against the floor, the sound being loud enough to be heard on camera- Fuck! -lays still for a long moment as the pain settles in-
Brilliant: [she drops the hammer with a gasp, hurrying to the bathroom door with a small pout and fading out the view of the camera so that only their voices are heard] Babyy are you okay?! I’m sorry, it was a prank, it was a prank. I know you’re telling the truth..I ain’t expect you fall.
Zyair:  A prank? It sounded like you were destroying the fucking room.
Brilliant: I was pretending to bang your phone up baby, it was just a hammer. I’m sowwy. I’m sowwy! Take my hand.
Zyair: ..Aw, that fucking hurt.
Brilliant: I’m sorry, pumpkin!  Do you need ice? A heating pad? The hospital?
The camera fades seconds later before finally displaying Zyair on the screen.
Zyair: I got a lil something to say. -accepts the camera, clearing his throat to utter the short message- Fuck all yall. -laughs with his face fully in the frame- No bullshit, im tired of the games. -continues jokingly- Yall ain’t gon get me again.
Brilliant: [she rests her head against his shoulder with a chuckle as he speaks into the camera] We’re definitely going to get him again. Thank you guys for watching! Zy is okay, but do not…try this at home. Like, comment and subscribe!
Jessiejayybae: Okay and you would have been mad if you see some shit u aunt wanna see lol
coritherapper: Zyyyyyy nooooooooooooooooo
layla0323: brilliant is evil!!!!
danniekisses: He needs to prank her back!!
Adriane Carter: I should've been there to break bae’s fall tbqh..
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uberff · 7 years
Chapter 13
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I been looking ugly ass hell with this facial hair growing out, so it was time for me to shave. Just as I put on shaving cream, my phone started to ring. I could never have time to myself and chill.
“Sup?” I answered my phone, putting it on speaker before I sat it on the cabinet. I literally just shaved a week and a half ago. Shit grew faster than coochie hair.
“Jaylen can we talk?” I heard a feminine voice that didn’t sound like Robyn’s. I furrowed my eyebrows and tapped the screen to look at the caller I.D. The number wasn’t saved so I ain’t know who the fuck it was.
“Who dis?” I put my razor down, focusing on whoever I was on the phone with. Rob would beat my ass.
“Ty..” I heard her sigh as I sucked my teeth and scratched the back of my head. She stayed calling whenever my life was going good.
Robyn was my girl now. She would constantly take time away from her clients whenever she could, and make sure I was straight mentally. I was back painting as if I never stopped. Everything was perfect. I wasn’t falling for Ty’s shit this time. I need to stop answering my personal phone for random numbers.
“I got a girl now, so that fake crying shit that you be doing to get some dick ain’t bout to work this time. What you need?”
“I miss you, Jaylen. I’ve tried moving on, but I just can’t.”
At this point I was fed up. People was forever trying to pop in and out of ya life like they ain’t do shit wrong like you supposed to forgive them in a second. As soon as you do one wrong thing, it’s the end of the world.
She the main reason why the only homie I got is O. My nigga Rocky was like a brother to me. I met him when I started selling dope and shit. We ain’t get along at first cause both of us cocky as shit, but after almost dying one night, I saved his ass and we was tight ever since then.
Fast forward like two years later, I go to jail for some fucking drugs that wasn’t mine. Turns out, Rocky and some of his niggas got busted and my name came up. I was the only nigga that had to do time. Don’t even get me started on what else I found out about him. Whenever I see the nigga, Ima kill him.
Throughout all that shit, Ty held me down but she was forever nagging about my lifestyle. If ya nigga sell dope, you gotta understand that it’s not as fucking easy as 123 to get outta that shit. It takes time and that’s what she failed to realize.
When I went to jail, she was pissed off when I told her the reason why I was in there and after that, I ain’t hear from her. No response from letters, calls or nothing. I figured that she was hurt, so I wasn’t really upset about it.
I got out early due to good behavior and I planned on kicking her ass to the curb, but I didn’t wanna throw the damn relationship away. I get to her place and this bitch fucking pregnant as hell, bout to pop.
Last time we fucked, it wasn’t raw so I knew she was fucking around on me.
I heard rumors that she was fucking Rocky but I knew she was better than that. I guess I thought wrong, cyause as soon as I seen her stomach, he came out the bathroom in a robe. If it wasn’t for O sitting outside in the car, I would’ve been back in jail because I was gone kill they asses.
Bitch had me sending love letters and shit while she was out here fucking my homie in our bed.
I cringed at the memory and tried my best to not think about the flashbacks. “You had ya chance bro. You went and got pregnant by one of my homies when I was suffering for some shit I ain’t do. You'on miss me, you miss my dick. That’s all our relationship was about to you.”
“Jay, that’s not true. I’ve apologized millions of times, why can’t you just forgive me?” I shook my head before hanging up and going straight to my call logs to block her number.
Just as I started to block her, I had an incoming call from Robyn.
“You called me earlier.”
“Oh, I was tryna see where you was.”
“Getting my models ready for this shoot.”
“Oh you want me to call you later then?”
“Yes please.” She said before quickly hanging up. I swear since it was NYFW, Robyn been busy as hell. I only see her like two times and that was just because she had left her purse.
Between that, and me having some shit up my sleeve, I was just ready for all this shit to be done. I hated being away from here for too long.  Not to mention I was sexually frustrated.
To top that off, she was mad at me cause we had a little mishap during sex.
“Hey babe, I’m just getting my purse.” She said as she quickly walked into the kitchen. She had a short ass shorts and a crop top that I just wanted to rip off of her at the moment.
“Why you in a rush?” I kissed her neck, walking up behind her and holding her in place.
“Jayyyyy, you’re gonna make me late! I have an appointment with a client!” She act like she wasn’t the boss.
“Just the tip.” I lied.
“Stop playing br-” I was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. She sucked her teeth and checked her watch.
“It’s not gone take that long.” She gave me a look and just slightly bent herself over on the edge of the counter. I knew she was frontin’.
“Hurry up.” She spat.
“Fuck up, don’t rush me.” I smacked her ass before sliding her panties over to the side. Just as I was about to slide in, Winter had walked in the kitchen and quickly walked out once she noticed what we were doing. “I didn’t see anything, I didn’t see anything, I didn’t see anything.” She constantly repeated walking back towards O’s room.
“See! You said nobody was here.” She smacked me on the back of my head, fixing her panties.
“Damn, I thought nobody wasn’t. She went back, we got time.”
“Jaylen you really bout to sell your soul to get this nut huh?” I chuckled at her joke.
“We ain’t did shit in a minute, not even kissed.” She smirked before reaching for my zipper.
“Fuck, I’m bout to bust.” I grunted, feeling my nut build up. I tapped Robyn so that she could get up but she just kept going. “Just like that.” A moan slipped out as I pushed her head down, but I ain’t even care.
In a blink of an eye, it had gotten on her face but most had got in her hair. “Jaylen!” She hissed, angrily. I guess she wasn’t into that type of shit.
“You got some in my eye!” She groaned, storming to the bathroom while holding her eye.
“I ain’t mean to, come here!”
*Flashback Over*
Ever since then, we ain’t did shit cause she thinks I did that shit on purpose. I told her ass to get up and she ain’t wanna listen.
I chuckled at the memory, because she made me sleep on the couch and everything that night.
I was about 10 seconds from strangling Robyn, real talk. She just pissed me off to the max by associating with that nigga at the park. I hate that she’s so fuckin’ friendly.
“Bring yo ass, I ain’t leaving you over here by yourself.” I tapped Robyn as her lazy ass refused to get up from the bench.
“Jaylen, the car’s literally like 5 steps away.. I’m fine right here just go.” I hesitated at first but just said fuck it cause she was being difficult for nothing. Now if a bear pop out and eat her ass up its gone be my fault.
Brushing the thought off, I unlocked the door to my car and grabbed my camera that was sitting in the backseat. I barely used it, but this shit was bout to be full of shit today.
Grabbing it, I shut my door before locking my car back up. As I got up, I noticed more niggas over in the area that rob and I was in. See this the shit I was talking bout.
I had to do a double take, because I know I ain’t see who I think I saw tryna Mack on Robyn. To make matters worse, she was entertaining the shit. As soon as he put his arm up, I snatched my gun out of my jeans, bussin’ with no questions asked. I told this nigga whenever I see him it’s over.
By now, there was a shoot out that went on for about a minute until his pussy ass hopped back in the car with his buster ass niggas.
I went over to the bench and seen Robyn ducking on the ground. “Why the fuck were you talking to him?!” I barked at her as I tucked the gun back in my Robin jeans.
“Where the hell did you get this gun from?”
“Robyn, fuck allat shit, why the fuck was you letting this nigga put his arm around you?!”
“I told him I was here with you!”
“You should’ve fucking walked away but you kept the fucking convo going! If ya ass would’ve went with me this wouldn’t even have happened!”
“I’m going home.” She rolled her eyes, walking towards the parking lot.
I hope she didn’t think I was fucking finished.
*flashback over*
“Man I need a fuckin’ blunt.”
“No! We’re going to sit here and talk!”
“You not my fuckin’ mama Bruh, if I wanna smoke that’s what the fuck Ima do.” I barked at her as she rose her eyebrows.
“I’m just looking out for your health, but fuck it. Do you, bye.” She grabbed her purse and left out of the front door with no hesitation. I didn’t stop her either.
Shit had me fucking livid.
I used my key that Dell gave me to get into they crib so I could check on Rob. I blew up on her a few hours ago and I felt like shit once my adrenaline and temper cooled off, I swear I don’t be meaning half of the shit I say but, it’s the only way to get niggas out my face. I gotta chill out with Robyn though, she’s so delicate and sensitive, I don’t wanna push her to no limits. We got potential, just need growth and go the right way about communication.
I heard Ashanti’s angelic voice coming from the kitchen and I furrowed my eyebrows. House was dark as fuck, who was tryna summon demons with love songs? I stuck my head in the kitchen and saw Rob at the table with her sketchpad and a glass of Crown Royal Apple. She don’t drink so I know I pushed her to the edge.
“Wassup, baby?” She stopped shading for a split second then went back to it.
“Rob, c'mon. I wasn’t in my right mind.”
“Are you ever? Every goddamn time I turn around, you’re blowing up on me like you’re the only nigga that’s been through some shit. I’m sorry about what happened but I have fuckin’ feelings too, as your girlfriend, you should try to hear me the fuck out sometimes.” This was the most shes ever cursed.
“Babe, you right.” She scoffed and smirked darkly. “What the fuck ever, Jaylen.” She mumbled and I ran my hand down my face.
“I’m tryna apologize. You not makin’ this shit easy. Seeing that nigga brought me back to a dark place in life, as my girl, you should be tryna hear me out.”
“Don’t twist this shit and throw it back on me. Fuck that game, I’m not tryna play. A few weeks ago, I was in that same place. You’re not the only one that got cheated on and a baby came out of it. You’re not the only one who lost a fuckin’ parent, I lost two! You wanna one-up me on trauma? I can go on for days.”
I sighed and peeled her body from off her chair and onto my lap. I kissed her neck and rested my forehead on her back. “I’m tryin’, Rob. At least gimme that.”
“I’m trying too. I’m trying to be there for you all the damn time with the tantrums and you shut me out. Why are we even together?”
My eyes teared up and my mouth went dry. “I love you, my nigga. Whatchu don’t feel the same?”
She dropped her pencil and turned around to wrap her arms around my torso. “I love you, Jaylen. That’s not why I’m questioning this. How can we hold each other down if we sometimes can’t hold a conversation without a fight?”
“I’m a fuck-up, Robyn. My upbringing ain’t have the Full House talks, kisses and hugs. I ask questions after I fuck shit up. I’m not used to the coddling, man. Seeing that nigga again woke a side of me that I promised to keep dead.” She wiped my face and played in my splotchy facial hair.
“I get that. Lickin’ shots off in broad daylight and cussing me out for telling someone you’re my boyfriend is extreme, baby.”
“You told him you was mine?” I felt like shit. Seeing that nigga all touchy feely on my baby shoulder had my blood boiling.
“Ain’t I?” She smiled and kissed my cheek long and tenderly. “You wanna talk now, DMX? Barking ain’t the way to go with me, I almost packed my shit and went ghost on you.”
I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist, stealing a sloppy, yet powerful kiss from her. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
“It’s okay if you’re not. It’s STILL hard to talk about my parents.”
“It’s hard as fuck. I trust you to make me feel better though, I gotta get it off my chest.”
“I’m here.” She put our foreheads together. We a force when we together, I swear. I don’t deserve her, she deserve much better.
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Girl you done got thick since the last time I measured you.“ I smirked as I boosted one of my loyal clients. I was designing her birthday fits and we’ve been in my damn office all day which is located in our condo. This is why I’ve been working on putting a store together.
“I’ve been eating girl.” She chuckled holding her arms up, so I could measure her waist. After joking around for another half hour, I finished her measurements and we started to talk about more ideas regarding her outfit before she left. She was the last client of the day and I couldn’t wait to put this damn business phone on silent and relax.
Don’t give me wrong, I love all my clients dearly. What I loved the most was seeing the looks of satisfaction on their faces once their pieces were finalized. I loved making women feel pretty. Black women at that.
It’s just that this damn phone blows up left and right and it’s overwhelming sometimes. I loved what I do though, so let me stop complaining.
As I started to go upstairs to my room, I noticed Odell lying on the couch with his arms over his face. He wasn’t sleep. He was just in a funk because his ankle was broken and they had lost their game Sunday.
“You’ll be back on the field in no time O.” I sat down next to him. I wanted to offer to watch movies with him for the rest of the night, but whenever something was football related and it was bad, he wanted to be alone. He didn’t take losses very well.
“This shit would happen right in the beginning of the season.” He huffed, staring up at the ceiling.
“We all gotta have a minor setback for a major comeback O. When you get back on that field, everyone’s gonna feel you. You gone come back 10 times harder, and I promise you that. You got this O, so there’s nothing to worry about. Get your rest and think about how you out to murder these niggas when you get healed.” I assured him as a small smile slowly started to creep on his face.
“You right.”
“That I am. Now get some sleep.” I kissed his forehead, propping his leg up on his pillow so that he could be comfortable. “Need anything before I go?” He shook his head no before pulling me down to hug him.
“I know ion say it often but I love you, aight?” He didn’t say it a lot but the many things that he had done for me proved it, so was fine with that.
“I love you too.” I smiled before walking out and shutting his door behind me.
By now, everything was taken care of and I was about to fall asleep any minute. As soon as I felt myself about to go into a deep, well needed slumber, a pair of arms wrapped around me. I hadn’t talked to this fool all day, the audacity.
“Boy hell no, where you been at?” I turned around to face him. Now I was wide awake. Yea shit’s been strange ever since he blew up on me, but I’m trying to get over that.
“I got caught up in some shit. I had to finish painting this rec. cause the deadline’s tomorrow.” He said as I rolled my eyes. I knew he was lying cause every time he’d paint, he’d smell like it or have some on his clothes. He looked like he was getting ready to go to a party right now. This nigga was fresher than a peppermint.
“Yea whatever Jaylen. I’m sleeping on the couch.” I started to grab my pillow but he stopped me.
“Bro, I’m telling you that’s what I was doing. Fuck you think? That I’m out here cheating?” I didn’t think he was cheating at all, but what does he expect for me to think? You’re coming home late every night, lying about where you’ve been. I just got out of a relationship with a cheater of course I’m gonna think something is up.
“Ain’t nobody even said all that but if the shoe fits then wear it. You over here snitching on yourself but since you brought it up, are you?” He chuckled bitterly before staring at me for a few seconds. I knew he was about to start talking shit from that little laugh.
“Get ya insecure ass on bro, nobody cheating on you. I wouldn’t be with you if I wanted to see other people. I ain’t checkin’ for nobody else. I’m here wit you right now, right?” I know he wasn’t trying to call anybody insecure.
“Insecure?” I questioned.
“Hell yea.”
“Jaylen, please do not go there with me because I will hurt your feelings.”
“Try me.” I didn’t even have it in me to bring up all the times he’s cried to me about how he’s trusting me not to hurt him, so I just kept quiet. I’d be a bitch to bring up something so touchy for him to speak on, but shit he was doing the same thing.
“Just get out of my face. As a matter of fact, go home. Please.” I pushed him off of the bed. He stumbled a little before standing up straight in front of me with a stupid smirk. “Go home! You’re getting on my nerves!” I yelled, trying to push him towards the door but he stayed still the whole time.
“Girl I ain’t goin’ no fuckin’ where, this is my home. I belong right here witchu’ so get yo ass back in that bed.” He chewed on his toothpick, smiling at me. I huffed and climbed back into the bed as he followed right behind me.
“You must want some dick huh?”
I ignored him, closing my eyes. I didn’t want anything after he decided to let it rip on my face without my permission last week.
“I love you.” He said, kissing my cheek as he started to get comfortable. I soon said my prayers before drifting off into the sleep that I’d been waiting on all day.
Just like the past two weeks, I woke up and Jaylen wasn’t by my side. I’m locking my damn door tonight. He can stay his lying ass at home. He could at least tell me where he’s been going, what if something happens to him? I wouldn’t even know.
Grabbing my phone off of the nightstand, I scrolled through my contacts before finding his name and pressing on it. It went straight to voicemail like every other time. Yea, I give up. Jaylen could kiss my ass.
“What you doing wit his shit?” I heard Odell ask as I carried Jaylen’s things out to the hallway in front of his door. He wants to play games? Cool.
“Putting it out of my room.” I shrugged, as I shut and locked our front door once I was finished.
“I just talked to him this morning, he said everything was cool.” He looked confused.
“Well he lied to you.” I said before going in the kitchen to get a water bottle.
“Why y'all gotta be into it now? I’m tryna rest.” He groaned, putting a pillow over his face.
Shitty Neighbor🙄: Robyn why the fuck is my shit in front of my door??????
Shitty Neighbor🙄: Helloooooo I know you ain’t doing shit, you see my fucking messages
Not even a second later, he started beating on the front door because it was locked. As soon as he did that, O had jumped because the sound scared him.
“y'all niggas playing too much.”
“NIGGA IM FUCKIN’ INJURED!” He yelled back, putting his beats on so that he could tune us out.
“Stop fucking playing Robyn!”
As he continued to knock, I went back up to my room so that I wouldn’t have to hear him. He was gonna be out there all day.
“I knew that hairy ass baby wasn’t Jaylen’s.” I heard Winter say as she scrolled through Kayla’s instagram. I’m assuming she had the baby already because Win’s been over here talking shit for the last 10 minutes about how their baby looked like a monkey.
“You ain’t no prize either so shut up. Ive seen ya baby pics and you looked like a lil gremlin.” Odell fired at her as I started to instigate. He didn’t like when people talked about kids.
She waved him off as he shook his head before limping out to the patio. “I’m so glad you didn’t let him get you pregnant.” I looked away.
“Well..” I sighed, preparing to tell her what’s been up with me.
“BITCH!” She yelled, as I quickly shushed her. She was the first person besides Qua that I was telling this to.
“After he told me he cheated, I found out I was pregnant the same night he went to jail. Between that and Jaylen hating my guts at the time, it was just too much. Constantly going back and forth with both of them was so stressful. Jaylen was pissed off because I wouldn’t stop seeing Kai, but I was only doing it because I was pregnant. I didn’t even wanna tell Kai at first because having kids is a sensitive topic for him.”
“But It’s like almost a year later?”
“I lost the baby.. which is why I just went ghost for the couple of months.”
“What!? Aw Robyn I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve that. You’re literally the sweetest person I know.”
“No, it’s fine. I was pretty hurt but I think it was for the best. Kai’s ass probably gonna rot in there so raising a baby all by myself would’ve been hectic.”
“That’s true.” She sighed, embracing me in a hug but I chuckled and let her know that I was fine. Yea I cried and cried at first, but I’m learning to get over it. I didn’t wanna tell anyone because they’d start to baby me. Especially Jaylen.
“Don’t tell anyone either! You know you have a big ass mouth, Win.” I pointed my finger at her as I spoke sternly. Winter was known for running her damn mouth and she knew it was true.
“Girl, who would I tell? You don’t just go up to people and causally say, "Oh yea girl my homegirl Robyn had a miscarriage.”
“Mhm, knowing you, Odell would be aware of it by tonight.”
“Not at all, we beefing right now.”
“If a bitch have beef with me, she gone have beef wit me fuhevaaaa’!” We heard O’s voice come from his room. He watches too much damn TV to know who said that.
“Get your brother.” She laughed as she started to pick up her purse and head towards the door.
“I’ll see you later, call me whenever you need something girl. I mean it. If you don’t want to tell O or Jay, I’m here.” She gave me an assuring smile before leaving. I knew she meant it because she’s never nice. Not even to O.
I smiled and grabbed my sketchpad that was sitting on the table. Whenever I got something off of my chest, drawing designs were a piece of cake. As soon as my pen touched the paper, I went straight to work. It was as if everything else around me disappeared and I was in my own zone.
Well that went on for about an hour or so until it started to storm and the thunder damn near made me scream. I would text Jaylen but I wasn’t talking to him right now so I guess I’d go chill with O. He was probably asleep. Nothing could wake him.
I sighed and closed my sketch pad, quickly running to Odell’s room. He was more than likely knocked out from the meds that the docs gave him for his ankle.
“Delly.” I shook him, calling him by his childhood nickname. He remained sleep, in the same position with his thumb in his mouth.
“Odell!” I said louder but he still didn’t bulge. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone to flash the light on him.  On the screen I seen a text message from Jaylen.
Jay🤙🏽: lol is u ded
I shook my head at his childish ass, and tossed O’s phone back on the bed. I didn’t want to go to Jaylen’s place but I knew he was probably doing something fun and productive cause he wasn’t scared of any damn thing but God.
As I left out of the front door, I shut and locked it pausing as I stopped in front of Jaylen’s door. I twisted the knob, and it was open which slightly pissed me off a little. Growing up, my parents never locked the doors and now they’re gone.
I brushed it off and just walked in, only to hear Michael Jackson’s legendary voice blaring throughout his whole condo. He must’ve been in deep thought about something.
Searching around for him literally every where, he was no where to be found which was weird. I started to remember that I didn’t check his basement.
While I walked down there, the music got louder and louder. As Human Nature was playing, I could hear Jaylen’s voice singing along with the song and he actually sounded like an angel. I crept up behind him and noticed that he was looking through a photo book with family pictures in it. I was probably the last thing on his mind.
I slowly wrapped my arms around him as he remained still on the bean bag and continued to flip through the pictures. Most of them were pictures of him and his mom or him and some girl that looked familiar.
I kissed the side of his face as I started to feel his hand squeeze mines. “What’d I tell you about the door?” I put my chin on top of his head.
“I wasn’t thinking bout it, my fault. You still mad?” He questioned as I gave him a look. He smirked and put the photo album on the table before picking me up bridal style.
“Jay, you’re not getting anything so I don’t even know why you’re smirking.” I rolled my eyes as he gave me a “yea ok” look.
I don’t know why he thought this was a joke. He lost his privileges.
I woke up in my naked glory, covered in cold sweat focusing on my surroundings after another uncomfortable dream. When I realized that I was in Jaylen’s room, I tensed down and went to check my phone. It was a quarter to nine and still no sign or notification from Jaylen. I sighed and threw his comforters off me before going to take a shower with some music, maybe that’ll give him enough time to check himself, I take long ass showers, ya’ll.
Kitty Kat by Beyoncè played loudly and I captured my life under the spray of the water. If this shit wasn’t my relationship. I grinned wide and fucked up the harmony that Bey sang effortlessly.
“You know I hate sleepin’ alone, but you said that you would soon be home but, baby that was a long time ago! I’m not feelin’ it, I’m not feelin’ it!”  I screamed at the top of my lungs while exfoliating with my mask. All the stress of work and Jaylen’s clown ass had me breaking out like never before so I gotta hydrate, who knows? This cute ass face could be on a billboard one day, I pray, man!
While Beyoncè had the power to take my mind off Jaylen, I brought myself back to thinking about him. We were doing so fuckin’ good up until last week and now, I could barely get a hold of him and when I do, he never sticks around long enough for me to ask him anything. Hella suspicious, huh?
“Fuck this.” I mumbled and turned the shower off, feeling much better than I did prior to me getting in. I got dressed into something simple and went to my contacts. I swallowed my pride and tapped his name with the lowest expectations, he never answered but this time, he did.
“Yes, baby?” he answered like shit was sweet. I blushed at the sound of his voice and twirled my hair while responding.
“Where are you Jaylen?”
“I’m out baby, making shit happen. Where you at?” I looked at the phone and started cussing him out with the phone on mute.
“I’m in your bed but guess what?”
“What’s that?”
“You’re not fuckin’ in it. At least you’re not fuckin’ me in it. Why are you never here anymore?” I mumbled, going misty-eyed. I’m tired of crying over relationships!
“I gave you some before I left. Chill, I’m out painting for a client.”
“This late?”
“When the money call, I answer.”
“But when I do, you hit decline?” He sighed and put his husky voice on and started talking dirty.
“Jaylen, it’s curtains for that. I’m tired.”
“Sleep, Rob. I'ma be there when you wake up.” he hung up and I threw a tantrum on his big ass bed. HELL NO!
I went back over to my house after locking the damn door and went looking for Winter. “WIN!” I screamed so loud that Odell shuffled in his sleep.
“What what?” she mumbled on Odell’s chest.
“Come here, you said you’d be here. I need you.” I sobbed and she shot up and put her shorts on, leaving the bedroom all to Dell.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” she croaked, squinting from the light since I woke her up.
“Jaylen’s cheating on me.” I blurted and her face dropped. “That’s whatchu woke me up for? Girl, Jay’s mark ass loves the shit out of you. He worked hella hard to getchu. He’s not dumb enough to lose you this quick.”
“That’s what I thought. I called it two other times and ignored the damn signs. My first ex was lying his ass off and cheating right in front of my face, and Kai…you know.” I paced back and forth and she motioned for me to sit down next to her.
“So whatchu wanna do?”
“I wanna see for myself.”
“You wanna see him drill another bitch?” she asked with her eyes wide open.
“No, I wanna see if he’s really cheating on me, Winter.”
“We could clone his phone like Angela did Ghost on Power. This shit was so player.” she smirked. “That’ll take too damn long so we gotta go old-fashioned. I gotchu though, I had to spy on your brother a few times.”
I rolled my eyes as she slipped on my Uggs. We hopped in my truck while she tracked Jaylen’s phone. It was taking us deep into the downtown area. “Jay messin’ with the white, cigarette-smokin’ hoes?” she asked, popping her head out the window to greet the working women on the corner.
“Winter, focus!” I yelled, pulling her back down by the loop in her shorts. “Aight, aight! Ooh shit, he’s calling!”
She threw the phone back on my lap and I tossed it back on hers. “Nigga, I don’t like him. Answer his cheating ass phone call.”
I answered and tried to sound as natural as possible. “Hey,”
“Rob, you still good? I’m on my way back in a little, you want some food?”
“No Jaylen, I just want you.”
“Gimme like 15 minutes, I'ma be speedin’ in the fast lane.” he laughed but I didn’t. This shit was like dejavu.
“Jay, do you love me?”
“Of course.”
“pROmiSe? Yeah head ass, I love the shit outta you. Why?”
“I just…I don’t know. I wanted to hear you say it.”
“I ain’t like your last niggas, I mean it, baby. I’m just busy right now, once I finished this work, I'ma be back up under you.”
“Okay.” I sighed. Maybe he wasn’t lying.
“You wanted me to say so say it back. Fuck you think this is?”
“I love you.” I recited with no hesitation. And I do, too damn much.
“Got my heart flutterin’ and shit. Let me get back to work.” he mumbled before Winter started tapping me viciously on my arm.
I whipped my head in her direction and she pointed across the street. “That’s his bitch ass right there with a white hoe.” she whispered loudly and I covered the phone.
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a little.” I hung up and pulled over, putting my head on the steering wheel with Winter consoling me.
A/N: Let me know if there’s any errors or if I skipped too much! I didn’t check!
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iamknikbentley · 7 years
Interlude 5
I still have that big ass monkey you gave me. In a sense I knew I would have you. Ever since our friend show me your IG. Something told me you would play a role in my life... Slide your number through IG, we spoke a bit. Let's make this clear now that you did not take me from oomf... You got on FaceTime at first really weird. Like you was trying to exploit me like I was one of your past dudes. I just end up cutting that shit short and breaking you down. I guess you felt uncomfortable because in a matter of minutes I figured you out. Instantly hung up on my ass. Still came back tho (haaaa) You had the honors of meeting our friend before me. I had gotten in trouble with the team due to a leg sleeve mix up. I really met you was at your birthday party. Mannnnn you must've pissed me off that day. For whatever reason, it had to be little since I can't remember. Then our friend was like "you have to go man, I can't do this shit alone." So I proceeded to dress, bow tie all black casual shit... Some of the first people there, you wasn't there yet. Your mother knew who I was though. Maybe not your pops yet, but as life has it, he'd never really know me. Our friend and I was cracking jokes and stuff to pass the time, but in reality I was covering up anxiety. Big moment came and all the lights went out, but that one light; beaming on you with your bright pink dress and ya lil crown allat princess shit lol. You was looking for a particular someone at first and I stayed in the shadows. I eventually found my way to you and wish you a happy birthday with the cheek kiss and moved along. After a little dancing, cha chat sliding allat shit, it was my time to bounce. As we're leaving, I heard a very quick running of heels clicking and I received a big ass monkey. Tbh I never really received something like that before and I felt like a child... it's made me smile and I hate you cause of that. You live in a sort of strict household so I didn't get to spend time with you like I would've. Then came a long... you know. And the vision of us even pursuing us was put away. You will tell me "she's not good enough for you" "she's this that and woo woo woo" The whole 9. You were right and wrong. Then you found navy boy. Till this day I don't know what I really felt about that. I just accepted it for what it was and didn't feel a need to comment on it. You'd still come to me saying he don't do this and that and I'd listen, hell, I even laughed. It's just how I was man. We will fall off and on for the past 4 years. Those past 4 years I've seen you 5 times. The 2nd encounter was in your Rover. Why I remember it so vividly is because when I hopped in the passenger sided you was shaking, your anxiety was so high with the hyperventilating and the jumpyness and I'm like what the fuck is going on so I'm like "why you acting like this?" Like it was crazy to me and you couldn't even speak to me clearly. Something told me to grab your hand and then it stop... I want you to remember I'm a regular person. I'm Knik to some, but I'm Knikolas to you. From then on we had our own "thing" we were friends, but it's more than that. We'll always have this "thing" most likely. You'd pull up when you wanted to and surprise me or some shit like idk lol you had your own weird way of doing me. You end up going east since your shit in the A didn't work out. In a sense I'm glad that happen cause knowing you, you would've lost you me fucking mind down there... but I'd agree east has changed you. You're slang, you call me sometimes 3 in the morning drunk, you crave sex even more than usual and expect me to have an answer to all that... I don't know those answers cause I'm not in your predicament... not gonna say I miss the old you, but this new you is a little trouble some... still got a summer left to expose to the right things tho We still talk on a slight consistent data. Slight calls and texts here and there. I want you to know... at the end of the day if you really need somebody I'm there. I know who you truly are. I care for ya. Thank you for sticking around still, and playing a huge role in my life. I love you dearly. Xo Bentley.
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brillixdis · 7 years
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*a short intro plays, displaying their photos and logo along the screen with Fall Thru by Meek Mill playing in the background*
Brilliant: [settles into her chair after hitting play on the video. she adjusts her position in the seat, pushing her hair over her shoulder before finally lifting her head to flash the camera a smile] Hey hey hey! It's the Married Millennialz and we're back with another video, I'm Brilliant! We've been gone for too long and couldn't wait to upload for you guys. [turns to Zyair with a soft smile]
Zyair: Yes, i'm Zyair, welcome back. We've been extra busy in our day to day life but we wanted to give yall a fun challenge today and pray for forgiveness. -chuckles some before jokingly placing his palms together- This should be a good one. I know i'm amped.
Brilliant: Definitely been busy, but that doesn't stop us from checking in with you all. The consistency is about to be next level, just watch and see. [chuckles as she looks downward and then back up as Justice shifts his hands throughout his own bowl of plane jelly beans, trying to control himself from eating them] We also have another guest, the ban of the hour and soon to be winner of The Bean Boozled Challenge, Justice Chunky-Man O'Neal! He's got his own bowl to eat and enjoy the challenge with mommy she daddy, isn't that right? [looks toward him with a smile]
Justice: welli welli? [he cheeses wide, trying to imitate the word jelly bean. he lifts a few into his chubby little hand after she speaks and shoves them into his mouth to chew]
Zyair: He said jelly beans wait for no man. -laughs as he views Justice- But you heard correctly, we're gonna be knocking out the Bean Boozled Challenge and i'm ready. I been ready. Brilliant been crying over these beans for the past two days but I’m ready.
Brilliant: [drops her jaw with a small chuckle as he begins to shove the jelly beans into his mouth] Not ye-you know what. Never mind, chunky, have at it. [laughs lowly] But yes! I have been crying because I don't wanna eat something that's really nasty and I nearly die after eating it. Am I wrong?!
Zyair: Not wrong. -laughs lowly as he looks in her direction- Just a punk. -shifts his focus toward the camera afterward- We gon see what she's really made of in a minute.
Brilliant: Mark your words, you may have one up on me because you enjoy eating just about any and everything. [snaps her fingers after looking in the camera due to her slick remark] Spin first.
Zyair: I'm slightly offended by that. -chuckles before leaning forward to view the wheel, surveying the different flavors before eventually spinning; observes as the arrow turns before soon landing on a white colored bean- Oh, nah. -places a fist to his mouth as he stares downward at the choices- Oh, nah. We got coconut or spoiled milk. -glances to Brilliant as he begins to laugh harder- Let's test fate.
Brilliant: The funny thing about this is that I hate coconut flavored things and spoiled milk is the worst. [laughs lowly] You'll be okay though, I remember those days when I'd come to your apartment and your milk would be thick as helllll. I mean thick. Expired two weeks ago thick, so grab that jelly bean!
Zyair: Steady at my neck. Don't be putting my business out. -laughs before nodding in agreement- I ain't a fan of coconut either but it's the lesser of two evils. -reaches into the bowl to select a white jelly bean then waits on her- On three?
Brilliant: On three. [looks towards Justice with a small chuckle as he mimics his father's motions by putting his hand into his own bowl] On 3 you've gotta eat one jelly bean with daddy, okay? [after he smiles in response she begins to count] 1..2..3!
Zyair: -listens for her countdown then quickly pops the jelly bean into his mouth before immediately gagging once he bites down- Fuck! -turns his head as he hurriedly spits the candy out onto the floor while his face remains twisted- We ain't bring no water or nothing? -stands to his feet and instantly walks off camera-
Brilliant: [she begins to laugh almost immediately the moment he hops up and leave. turns to justice as he munches on his fruity jelly bean with a big smile before she turns to the camera] I know y'all saw that right! He couldn't even chew it! You've gotta eat the whole thing.
Justice: [after watching his father eat the jelly bean, he chews his own in surprise. he hops up with his bowl and heads out of the sight of the camera] dahhh-dee! mine! [he exclaims down the hallway, being heard from the room]
Zyair: -returns minutes later with a tall glass of water and Justice in tow, sipping as he reclaims his seat- Don't even say nothing. -chuckles- Did you eat yours?
Brilliant: Nope. But I know it isn't spoiled milk! [chuckles as she pops it in her mouth to chew with a smile, her eyebrows moving up and down to tease him before she finally leans over to spin the wheel, she screams out dramatically after the wheel lands on the orange jelly bean labeled barf or peach]
Zyair:-eyes the options then shakes his head- After the L i just took, im ready to tap out. -laughs to himself before setting his water aside while Justice climbs into his lap- That was disgusting. I underestimated this game.
Brilliant: Stop being a punk. I played you last round and didn't eat mine, but this time I'll do it, I'll be a trooper. [she chuckles, sucking in her bottom lip and turning to view the camera] Pray for me, y'all. Count down, babe. [picks up a jelly bean]
Zyair: -chooses an orange jelly bean then playfully offers it to Justice before taking it back at the last moment- Nah, it might be yucky, Chunk. -chuckles some then begins to count down- 1, 2, 3.. -pops the candy into his mouth, keeping silent as he discovers the peach flavor-
Brilliant: [lifts her jelly bean up after his count and bites into her only to have her entire face to twist into disgusts afterwards. she swallows almost immediately] YO! EW! [she hurriedly grabs the bottle of water, squeezing the plastic to chug down the water to relieve her mouth of the taste. she turns away from the water bottle with her tongue extended outward in disgust before turning to him] I don't like you! I ain't doing another, I refuse.
Zyair: -cracks up at her reaction then shakes his head- Nah, nah, everything was cool a minute ago when i had the shit end of the stick and now you wanna throw in the towel? Better take that.
Brilliant: [she cuts her eyes at him, her glare being caught by the camera] You know what, I'm no punk, go ahead and spin the wheel so I can show you I ain't no punk. [laughs as she crosses her legs, turning to the camera, pretending to whisper] If I pick another nasty one, he's laying on Justice's floor tonight. Bet.
Zyair: Aight, aight, let's go. -chuckles then reaches out to spin the wheel, chuckling once the arrow rests on a multicolored jelly bean- Tutti Fruitti or Stinky Socks. -turns his head to continue laughing, holding a fist by his lips- It can't be worse than that milk, man. -faces the camera once again- It cannot be worse.
Brilliant: [she chuckles when it lands on the jellybean of choice. reaches for a jelly bean from the pile and holds it to his lips] Nah, ain't shit worst then that barf. Now eat up.
Justice: me tew? [he asks with a wide grin, leaning over to try and steal the jelly bean she's holding]
Zyair: Where's your jelly beans, Jus? -chuckles then chooses the correct colored bean before popping the candy into his mouth, mimicking chewing without truly biting in-
Brilliant: Aye! I was suppose to feed you the one in my hand and I had a good feeling it was stinky socks! You cheating. [she chuckles, picking up a  jelly bean from justice's bowl to place it in his mouth] There baby, this is a dangerous game and I really would hate if you had to taste gym socks. [turns to the camera with a laugh] Y'all see that? Zy would've let him eat it. [pops the jelly bean into her mouth and chews, before hollering out with her mouth ajar dramatically] NO bruh! Ew! [she snatches her bottle up to wash away the taste of the regular jelly bean with water, trying not to laugh to herself]
Zyair: I wouldn't have, i wouldn't have. Ha! -obnoxiously laughs once she begins to rinse her mouth then confidently bites into his own jelly bean before instantly dry heaving due to the unexpected taste- Oh, shit.. -repeatedly shakes his head as he forces himself to finish while Justice looks up at him with curiosity- That's bad.
Brilliant: And that's what you get for trying to cheat! Chewing like a cow, when you really chew little a little grandma. [laughs lowly as she turns to the camera] Ladies, this is why you should know every single thing about your man, it comes in handy. [leans over to peck his jawline] Are we done putting ourselves through misery?
Zyair: Who was cheating? -laughs in mock disbelief- We're done. I gotta run to the bathroom and brush my teeth. -grabs the water to take a lengthy swig- Never again.
Brilliant: WELL! There you have it guys, the winner of our here challenge is Justice-Chunky-Man-O'Neal! He managed to eat the most jelly beans without even having a sip of water. [chuckles as she holds Justice's arms up in the direction of the camera] Say yay!
Justice: [he grins, waving her arms above his head as he cheers in excitement] yeh! yeh! yeh!
Zyair: The champ, ladies and gentlemen. -nods with a chuckle- In the meantime, stay tuned for new content. We're cooking up for yall.
Brilliant: Stay tuned definitely! The next video is gonna be worth the wait, trust me. [turns towards Zyair with a smile] Y'all know what to do though! Like up, share, comment, subscribe, allat!
Zyair: -offers the camera a thumbs up- Like, share, comment, subscribe. Until next time.. -tightens his arm around Justice's waist before leaning over to peck Brilliant's lips, reaching out to end the video soon after-
*A short outro similar to the intro plays, and credits roll along the screen]
Tia Bia: But why Justice smash them beans like that? I canttt.
kennikinz: Zyair, that chain is glistening, I can’t take my eyes off it.
justjordyn: Bruhhh ya’ll faces say it all, I’m never doing this shit.
idcidc30421: Brilli has a bad attitude lol..Zyair you wouldn’t deal with that shit if you fucked with me.
in-formation2910: Umm when are we getting a Justice ONLY channel? OR his hair care and skin regime???
Taylor Love: Here for Justice.
coritherapper: Brilliant how did you lip color stay on the whole video? Deets???
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