#the mods are very very cool you guys should check it out
sillytorch · 2 years
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RWBY Super Smash Bros Ultimate Mod by Dakavos
There’s more RWBY characters to come soon too since the mod creator has plans to put in the rest of Team JNPR, Cinder, Sun, and Qrow
The mod creator has a Twitter too where they post updates and teases on upcoming mods
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acepalindrome · 6 months
SDV QoL Mod Recommendations
(1.6 Edition!)
Some years ago I made a big list of some of my favorite Stardew Valley mods, because I am a mod gremlin and there are so many fun and cool things you can do with your game! Modding has changed a lot since then. Some of the old mods have been abandoned and aren’t compatible with 1.6, and lots of new ones are popping up all the time to help keep this 8 year old game fresh and interesting! So I’ve put together a list of mods that currently work with 1.6. Since there are so, SO many mods, I’m just going to list quality of life mods for now. Let me know if you guys are interested in recommendations for expansions, cosmetics and other fun stuff!
Firstly, if you’re new to Stardew modding and don’t know how to start, I highly recommend checking out Salmence’s How to Add Mods video on YouTube. He walks you through all the steps and makes it very easy to get the hang of it! And without further ado:
The Mods
UI Info Suite 2: I’m new to this mod, but now that I’ve got it, I’m not sure how I lived without it! It does so much! It shows your daily luck, any birthdays, if it’s going to rain tomorrow, when tools are ready with Clint, when the traveling cart is in town and more! It also shows the range of your sprinklers, scarecrows, bee houses and junimo huts, and if you mouse over your crops, it shows when they’re ready for harvest! Super useful, and the daily icons are small enough that they don’t feel intrusive. I usually get all my mods from Nexus because it’s easy and reliable, so I had put off trying this one since it’s only on GitHub. I absolutely should have tried it ages ago.
NPC Map Locations: Shows where everyone is on the map. No more running around trying to figure out where someone is to give them a birthday gift! This is an essential mod for me, it’s such a simple but good improvement!
Look Up Anything: This one basically eliminates the need to have the wiki open in another window. Virtually everything in the game can be clicked on to give you more information. Mouse over Shane and press a button to see his birthday, how many hearts he has and how many points to the next heart, and all loved and liked items (with items you have on hand highlighted!) Select the hardwood in your inventory to see how many you have total (including storage you don’t have on hand,) everything it can be used for and how many you need for each thing, so you know how many you need! Almost everything can be selected to give more information!
Visible Fish: Useful AND pretty! It shows all the fish currently available to catch swimming in the water, so you don’t spend ages trying to catch something that doesn’t spawn at a certain place or time! Also it just looks really nice. I love seeing the fish in the river when I’m just passing by!
FriendsForever: Eliminates friendship decay, so people don’t hate me if I forget to talk to them for half a year! Also works on animals, so I can ignore my pigs all winter and they still love me.
To-Dew: You can make a to-do list that will appear on the screen and can be marked off as you complete different tasks. No more will I take a trip to town for seeds and forget that I also wanted to donate to the museum and give Caroline a daffodil! You can also set items to be reoccurring on certain days of the week, if you want to remind yourself to look for forage on Saturday, or make Thursday your designated day to empty and refill your kegs. Very customizable! I also like to make lists of all the seeds I want to buy every season.
TreeTransplant: Robin can now move trees around your farm just like she moves buildings! I’m really bad at planning my tree placement, and it’s so frustrating to have to cut down full grown trees to change my farm layout. Now you can move trees anywhere!
Fishing Made Easy Suite/Combat Made Easy Suite: I love these mods over others that make fishing/combat easier because you can decide the exact degree you want to make things easier! You can make fishing anywhere from 5% easier to 99% easier, if you want to just take the edge off the difficulty, or make it impossible to fail a fish. You can take just a little less damage from monsters to make the Skull Cavern less daunting, or become unkillable and oneshot everything. They also have options to do fun things like put legendary fishing in fish ponds or craft magic rock candy. You can also make things harder, if that’s what you want!
Automate: Machines can pull items from chests, process them, spit them back out into the chest and pull in the next item automatically, without you having to do anything! It can be a little op early on, but it’s super handy when you have a million machines to keep track of. I especially like it for things that have shorter processing times. I can stick a chest of ore and coal next to some furnaces and let it do its thing! Or put a bait machine, recycle machine, crab pot and chest all together. The crab pots will empty and refill every day from the bait generated by the bait machine, deposit fish and trash into the chest, and any trash will be processed by the recycling machine! There are tons of fun ways to combine different machines!
TimeSpeed: Lets you stop, slow or speed up time! You can select time to freeze at certain locations (I like time to stop when I’m inside a building, like in old farming games,) set time to move slower or faster in general, or press a button to change it on the fly!
That’s all I have for now! Links will be coming in a reblog because tumblr is weird about posting links sometimes. Let me know if you’d like recommendations for other kinds of mods, like cosmetic mods, expansions, stuff that adds items or changes dialogue! I love to share the cool mods I find!
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mysteryhat21art · 6 months
Big thank you to the mods @green-with-envy-phandom-event y'all put one hell of an event together!
And a shout out to everyone who took the time to color my silly little guy, you have my eternal gratitude.
Very Cool Worm People
If you like what you see here you should absolutely check each and everyone one of these very cool colorists out!
Song Donut Hole by Hachi
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
second’s slightly arbitrary guide to vault hunters knowledge unlocks
so, one of the main questions I see new vault hunters players have is “which mods should I unlock in what order?” unlike skills or even, if expensively, expertises, mod unlocks in vault hunters are completely irreversible, which means they can be kind of intimidating for new players. so here’s my (somewhat arbitrary) guide to what to unlock! keep in mind I’m not a “top player” or anything, so these might not be the PERFECT meta picks, just a guide for new guys.
also if your question is “but I have one knowledge star and am like level 5 what do I unlock NOW”, the answer is probably vault compasses if you’re getting lost, either stack upgrades or double pouches if you’re having inventory management issues (depending on whether “numerous stacks of common items” or “many types of items” is currently your larger problem), or storage drawers if overworld storage is giving you nightmares.
additionally, my biggest unlocking mods advice is to check how much the thing you want to do costs in materials before unlocking it. nothing sucks more than unlocking a cool mod and only realizing you need an echo pog to interact with it and you’re only level 15 afterwards, after all!
anyway let’s go, general guide beneath the cut.
these mods give you the first three without price increases before they start getting more expensive, which is useful, since people almost always combine more than one solution. even after they start getting more expensive, it’s only +1, so this is a category you should get the thing you want or need in when you want it without worrying about it locking you out of other options later.
Storage Drawers are the backbone to basically everyone’s storage system. they work fairly simply: each drawer can store a certain number of stacks of a single item. add upgrades to increase the number of stacks or make the drawers automatically void excess. if they are connected by other drawers or trim to a drawer controller, you can double-click the controller to move everything in your inventory that goes into a drawer to one of them, and that controller acts as a port for other storage interacting with it. because they can store an absurd quantity of items, are way cheaper than basically every other storage option, and are useful right up to the late game, these are by far and away the most common first storage option. I can’t recommend them enough. even early game before you can afford a controller they clean up your inventory SIGNIFICANTLY with the number of stacks they can hold.
Colossal Chests are a trap earlygame. unlike regular chests, you can’t use quark’s sorting or searching functions, which means they’re effectively the “hiding it under the bed” solution to chest monsters. however, mid-game once you actually have another storage mod, these become fantastic, since they’re much cheaper and use much more common materials than storage disks and capable of storing large amounts of items. the largest one you can make in vault hunters is 5x5 for the record. a lot of people like using this with ssn to help reduce lag.
Simple Storage Network is… controversial. it’s the cheapest early way to make a searchable storage network, but it gets very laggy the more chests you attach to it, and many of a storage system’s most useful functions are no longer possible to craft in vault hunters because of it. also, it eats items with NBT data, so never store crystals, jewels, gear, or similar things in it. my general recommendation is to do whatever you want in singleplayer (although if you want a crafting interface you’ll need to upgrade out of this eventually), but in multiplayer only use it if you’re using colossal chests or something else that prevents you from having to make massive silos of chests, and save your server the headache. it’s only one knowledge point, though, and it’s much cheaper generally than the digital options, so I totally understand why people go for it, and it can super be worth it early game when you just need to be able to search your inventory! just be aware of the caveats.
Applied Energistics 2 is one of your two main digital storage options. digital storage should be your end goal with a storage system! it is the more complex of the two. my understanding is that it’s cheaper if you know what you’re doing, as well as more powerful, but that it’s notoriously a beast for people who don’t know it to try to understand. if you don’t have good spacial reasoning skills maybe stay clear, but if you do and you like a more involved storage approach, go with this. also, be aware you’ll need something that can produce power in order to use this mod. (ae2 comes with power generation on its own, but I don’t remember if you can craft that in vault hunters or not.)
Refined Storage is the other of your two main digital storage options. digital storage should be your end goal with a storage system! compared to ae2, refined storage is fairly straightforward, but it’s slightly more expensive and a bit less powerful at its highest levels. it is the one I recommend to most people, though, just because “straightforward” is really valuable if you don’t want everything to be a puzzle. also, be aware that you’ll need a mod that can produce power to use this mod.
Mekanism QIO is a third digital storage option you can only use with Mekanism unlocked. my understanding is that it’s quite powerful, although it does not work with altar automation. most people won’t use this on account of mekanism being a pre-requisite and mekanism being fairly late-game, but if you want to use it, it’s almost certainly just as good of an option as the rest!
the majority of these are pouch upgrades, but this also contains bulk soul dust recycling and the vault junk controller. these mods get more expensive by two points for every one you get, so the order does matter somewhat; remember for each mod in this category you get that is not “a bigger pouch”, the slightly further away bigger pouches get, and for each bigger pouch you get, the further away other inventory management gets. so it’s a balance for when you get what! that said, most players end up unlocking basically everything in this category eventually, because it’s all quite useful, and even at maximum price it doesn’t get as expensive as the production mods or big mods or big toys get. unlock things as you need them in this category. I tend to unlock things in this category whenever I have the knowledge stars to unlock it and nothing else I want to save up for at that exact moment!
Bigger Pouches are the vast majority of the unlocks here (being double pouches, belts, small backpacks, and large backpacks). they’re prerequisites for each other, so you have to unlock them one by one. normally, I unlock them when the pouches I have aren’t cutting it. that said you could just as easily get by with a small army of smaller pouches, you just won’t be able to fit as many upgrades! so this is a mileage may vary thing.
Stack Upgrades are the most useful pouch upgrades, and should be the first ones you buy. these are multiplicative by each other—two tier 2 stack upgrades in the same pouch don’t add 8x the number of stacks a single slot can hold, but 16x! these also mean pouches with a lot of stack upgrades can be a poor man’s storage drawers in a pinch. you will need these, get them before you upgrade past double pouches.
Refill Upgrades are one of the two QOL pouch upgrades. you can save this until late, but the ability to automatically always have a stack of an item (or, well, up to nine items!) in your hotbar is extremely handy for things like marking blocks, kiwis, and food, and helps save hotbar space and time managing inventory. I personally find this more useful than the feeder upgrade but that’s a preference thing.
Feeder Upgrades do one thing only: automatically have you eat a food (which can be controlled with a whitelist/blacklist) from the pouch it’s installed in when your hunger goes down. this seems sort of arbitrary in vaults since hunger doesn’t heal your health but it’s actually really nice and once you get used to it you’ll be so sad whenever you don’t have it. set the food it feeds you to vault sweets and literally never have to worry about your hunger bar again. this is normally either the last pouch upgrade I get or second-to-last (before big backpacks) but I could totally justify getting it way sooner.
Junk Controller is… interesting. it sometimes doesn’t play nice with pickup upgrades and pouches, although I think that’s fixes at this point. it automatically voids items you pick up in the vault that are on its list of controlled items. it’s capable of handling WAY more than a void upgrade can, but honestly I find the advanced void upgrade can do everything I need it to when it comes to voiding vault items, and the junk controller is pretty expensive. however, if you’d prefer not to have to use void upgrades and to never have to deal with vault junk again, I could see this being the thing for you!
Soul Harvester is pure QOL. it is so much faster than and so much more efficient than the soul diffuser that I recommend everyone get it at SOME POINT, if only to make processing things into soul dust more efficient, but if you don’t do much recycling it’s probably not very useful for you.
this is the first category on the list that makes other mods in the category enough more expensive that the order you unlock in, and whether you unlock at all, matters, at +6 per mod. you will also almost inevitably need at least one of these no matter what you do. as such, this category can be overwhelming for people. luckily it has an answer! the answer is powah. you should get powah. yes I know it’s the most expensive one and means you’ll have to wait longer but you’ll thank me later.
Iron Generators are sort of a trap. they’re cheap at low levels and good for early game, but the cost for higher-level power generation is very high compared to how much power they make, they burn fuel whether something is currently drawing power or not, they don’t come with any kind of cables so you’ll need a handling mod to move the power or to place them directly next to the things they need to power, they can’t charge items like the mining gadget or the building gadget, and they make everything else in the category more expensive. however with all of that said: if all you’re doing is powering an RS system, then yeah, you’re probably fine to just use these forever and buying these as the cheap option is probably fine.
Powah is the most versatile of the options here and comes with literally everything you need to make a decent self-sustaining power grid. the best generators for most people are the solar panels, which only require direct sunlight, and thermo generators, which provide power as long as they’re above a heat source and provided water. a supplementaries sink (which doesn’t require a mod unlock) or a thermal expansion aqueous accumulator (which does) can do that job easily. additionally, batteries are really useful for various gadgets, the ender network lets you move power remotely, and it can charge items inside its energy cells. the main downside to this mod is that it’s a royal pain in the ass to actually CRAFT any of this; while most of the individual ingredients aren’t that expensive, there are normally many steps to any higher level craft and the base ingredients add up. luckily, mod boxes are really good with this mod, and you can normally get a decent system running from almost only those.
Flux Networks are vault hunters’s best option for storing and moving power around. this mod doesn’t come with power generation options on its own, but it’s the most powerful for transferring power around by far. a good purchase in tandem with another mod.
Botania Flux Fields allows you to turn botania mana into power. it doesn’t come with any cables, so you’ll need a handling mod to move the power around, but as several botania mana flowers can be made self-sustaining, this is probably an interesting option if you already have botania before you need any power.
Thermal Dynamos are like if iron generators were actually good. they require constant fuel like an iron generator, but they have a much wider variety of things they can burn and actually produce meaningful power. they require thermal expansion to unlock, though, so I’ve never used them by virtue of the fact that by the time I have thermal expansion, I almost always also have powah. they also don’t come with cables.
Mekanism Generators are the best solution for producing very large amounts of power. the mekanism reactor is more than the vast majority of players will ever need, but if you’re getting deep enough into mekanism that you need a nuclear reactor’s level of power generation, you should accept no substitute. once again though for most people a large powah setup will normally cover your needs, this is, quite literally, the nuclear option.
these mods don’t do much on their own, but they make handling output from other mods much easier. they make each other somewhat significantly more expensive, but tend to be overall cheaper than power mods, so even with that +5 knowledge points required for each new mod in the category, it’s not normally hard to get more than one. these are a very “get them as you need and/or want them” category, but you’ll almost always find yourself wanting at least one, if not more, to get things done.
Modular Routers are probably the best mod in this category. they do just about everything, able to wirelessly transfer items, fluids, or power, sure, but also able to activate things like a player, automatically kill mobs, vacuum items (or experience!) from the ground, and probably more. a common sight in many vault hunters bases are the signature laser beams of routers shooting things around. they can be a little complicated to understand at first and I highly recommend watching someone like iskall use them when you’re starting out, but once you understand them you will soon learn to love them. they work by creating a router, then placing “modules” in that router that tell it what to do. you can also add upgrades to the routers! this is my biggest recommended handling mod; if you only get one, this is the one that can do most everything anything else in this category can.
Pipez are simple: they’re fairly cheap pipes that move items, fluids, power, or gasses from one place to another. this is the quick and cheap option for handling, and are often the most intuitive. the downside is that you physically need to lay the pipes between places, so they take up a lot of space. fun bonus fact: at a certain level of power draw, a power pipe with an advanced pipe upgrade will be MUCH cheaper for rate of power transfer than using powah cables. I learned this the hard way. in general these are fast, minimally laggy, and surprisingly useful, especially for fluids (or gasses if you’re using mekanism).
XNet is presumably powerful but I don’t know anyone who uses it on account of it also being kind of complicated. my understanding is that if you have any kind of item/energy/etc transfer that you want to apply interesting logic to, this is your solution, so it’s probably nice as the “brain” of your base. I can’t say much else because I don’t use it though.
Dark Utilities is a small but handy mod. its biggest draw are its plates, which are items that can be placed like a carpet that do things to entities that step on them. most notable are the vector plates, which push a mob in the direction they point and the various damage plates, including a non-lethal damage plate that’s great for exp farms or the player damage plate, which makes mob drops fully AFK-able. also not to be discounted are a few redstone odds and ends (including a randomizer) and special blocks that only certain types of entities can pass through (great for filtering in farms). this mod is almost always recommended in tandem with ispawners, but can be useful in all kinds of farms outside of that too.
Iron Furnaces are basically a fancy QOL mod: they let you make really absurdly fast furnaces, including ones that are powered by power instead of fuel. they’re almost surprisingly useful though; a fast furnace can save you a whole lot of time!
Automatic Genius is—well, if you’re at the point of unlocking automatic genius, you probably already know, to be honest. it’s auto-crafting, it’s useful, it practically has the entire game as prerequisites so. there’s that.
this category is one of the ones that gets to people, because it’s one of the +12 categories. whenever you pick a mod in this category, make sure it’s one you want, because the next one will be very expensive! chances are if you’re a modded player, you already have an opinion about which of these four is the most useful to you, but if you aren’t, I’ll attempt to give some tips.
Thermal Expansion is probably the easiest of the four for a new player to understand. it requires power generation, but most of this mod works by simply building a machine, which then does that machine’s one thing. (for example, the redstone furnace, which cooks things using redstone, or the pulverizer, which crushes things.) I personally really like thermal; it’s extremely straightforward and compact and decently powerful as an earlygame option. it also sort of has ore doubling; you can pulverize raw chromatic iron to make two raw chromatic iron dust, which can then be smelted to two ingots, but for other ores the ratios are a bit messier and often comes out to “just use fortune and a normal furnace unless you need the secondary products”. still, very useful as a mod!
Create is a mod you probably already know; it’s taken the world by storm, after all. building create contraptions is fun and more intuitive than redstone and routing power to a lot of people, and it has a number of very useful tools, such as the crushing wheel and its ability to ore double, the various ways you can convert items using fans, and one of the very few ways to automatically farm trees in vault hunters. the main downside of create is that it’s deceptively expensive in larimar and chromatic iron and that it can’t produce power. also, in my experience, create is the laggiest of the big mods, although your mileage may vary on that front.
Botania is a magic mod that’s secretly actually a tech mod. it doesn’t require power, instead using its own power called mana, and can be used to do a large number of useful things, including farming trees, making cobwebs and other rare and hard to make altar ingredients, and making some very pretty decorative blocks. personally, I always had trouble wrapping my head around botania for some reason, which is silly since I’ve somewhat figured out mekanism, an objectively more complicated mod. of the four big mods, botania definitely helps you get the most hard-to-get and unique blocks, but it’s the only one that doesn’t have any kind of ore doubling.
Mekanism can get you as much as quintupling your ores, has a number of fairly high-powered machines, but is also really complicated in a lot of places and requires an entire power grid to use effectively. also, the mek suit isn’t in vault hunters, if you wanted that. I love mekanism I think it’s very fun also you should NOT get this as your first big mod unless you have so many resources to spare. make this your second one at the very least, it’s VERY late-game, but enjoy it when you do.
unlike the last several categories, these don’t make each other more expensive ever! instead, these are all mostly small but useful mods that don’t fit in another category. whenever you want one of these go ahead and buy it, there’s no reason not to and it won’t make anything else more expensive!
Vault Compasses is one of the most useful mods in the game. all it adds is a vault compass, which is a compass that always points back to the entrance of the vault. you can also hold down shift+right click to set it to point to a new point in the vault, such as a loadstone in an elixir vault or the last monolith in a defeat the guardians vault. it costs four netherite ingots, which is a lot in the early game when most people get this, but it’s VERY WORTH IT. you’ll never be lost again!
Elevators create a special block that, when above or below each other, let you jump to teleport up to an elevator above you or crouch to an elevator below you. they’re very useful in bases with verticality; I like to use them to hide a lot of my storage and mechanisms in a basement that’s invisible from the main build, lol, but they’re handy for any kind of similar thing. pro tip: you can disguise them as any block by right-clicking them with that block!
Trash Cans are what they sound like: a special block that permanently destroys what you put in them. they can have a whitelist/blacklist, and you can pipe or hopper items into them. they’re handy for things like getting rid of unwanted armor from mob farms or other junk items that would otherwise clog up your handling.
Waystones allow you to teleport to pre-determined locations; a waystone lets you interact with it to teleport to any other waystone you’ve found, if you have the mod unlocked, and the teleport pads teleport you to a specific other pad. they’re just extremely handy for getting around a server, and on my friends’ server we just give everyone a knowledge star to unlock these on day one so we can get to each other’s bases easier.
Torch Master gives you several tools for preventing mob spawning. there are ways to prevent both passive and hostile mobs from spawning, and to place large amounts of light. the mega torch has a pretty wide radius too, so it’s fairly easy to cover your whole base.
Altar Automation is the only prohibitively expensive utility mod; this is meant for use lategame. it can be bound to either an ae2 or rs controller, and then will automatically take items from that storage system to complete the altar for you, leaving your only job to hit the button and get the crystal. it’s very handy, but also deliberately meant for buying after you’ve mostly already got all the other mods you want.
all of these mods are fancy QOL mods. they all require power, so don’t get one before you have a power source! additionally, only building gadgets come with a way to charge, so make sure you either have batteries or a way to charge before getting these. at +12, this is once again a category where order matters. however, since they’re all QOL, it’s a less massively consequential choice than your choice of production or big mods. go with the one that vibes with you most.
Building Gadgets are tools to help you place blocks, copy/paste structures, swap blocks, and delete blocks. they’re held in your inventory but require power, which means they either need to be charged or you need to have a battery. luckily, they come with the enercell for charging. I can’t express enough HOW MUCH EASIER these make building large structures; the base building gadget alone speeds up building massively. I highly recommend these on any skyblock world just for sheer ease of building platforms, but also anyone who likes Big Buildings should probably consider them.
Weirding Gadgets are chunk loaders. they require power. not much else to explain other than the obvious “be careful on servers when you are leaving your farms loaded please”, I think.
Mining Gadgets is a mod that gives you a cool laser to mine blocks with. I love my mining gadget, it’s very fun, but fully upgrading a mining gadget is very expensive in chromatic steel (and in echo for the magnet and void upgrades) and a very, very solid argument can be made that the only advantage this thing has over a hammer is that it has a long range, the ability to automatically place lights, and the ability to stop liquids in their track. meanwhile, it has the very large disadvantage of requiring being charged with power, costing a lot to get upgraded, and not being able to mine more than a 3x3. it’s up to you if any of those benefits sound like they beat a hammer to you and you decide to get it.
Digital Miner is a mekanism device that automatically mines out everything in an area for you (rather like an old-school quarry). just place it in a location, give it power, and let it run! like most mekanism devices, this thing requires a lot of power, and it is, once again, arguably slower and more expensive than a hammer. however, it’s also fully automatic and requires no effort on your part to get a LOT of resources, so it can be very worth it for those who do not enjoy mining themselves!
arguably even more consequential than the big mods you choose are the production mods. which production mod you go with will decide on a multiplayer server what is your “thing” and what requires trading; on singleplayer it will decide which altars will be easy for you and which will be hard. there’s also no right choice here (although I’d argue there are two wrong ones). at +12, it’ll be a bit until you unlock your second one, so choose wisely!
SNAD is a trap. it vastly speeds up the growth of things that can grow on sand but it’s just not worth the +12 to everything else for that alone—and that really is all you get. don’t get it.
Easy Piglins are less of a trap but still a trap. they allow you to put piglins in special boxes for trading, as well as make automatic traders. however they don’t really do anything that picking up a piglin, putting it in a hole near your portal, and throwing gold at it manually doesn’t do, so for the +12 to everything else, for my money, this one isn’t worth it.
Easy Villagers by contrast is worth it. while the ability to pick up villagers and easily re-roll trades doesn’t require unlocking this, the various villager blocks this mod unlocks are very handy for doing trades much easier. it also comes with one-block breeders, iron farms, and crop farms, and the ability to automate any of them, including the villager trades. personally I tend to find villager trades aren’t my main alter bottleneck, so I go for this last, but someone else may disagree with me on it, and honestly I don’t blame them. a solid choice.
Cagerium is one of the two mob farming options. cagerium works by creating terrariums for passive mobs, mob cages for hostile mobs, or a binding plate for boss mobs, and then putting spawn eggs you get from the vault in them. it then outputs that mob’s drops into a chest below, passively. you can put up to four eggs in a cage to make it faster, but you need a skeleton key to swap out what’s in a cage. also, it’s slow compared to ispanwers. however, it’s cheaper early game, doesn’t require building a farm, and is better at a few edge-case mobs (namely, boss mobs like the wither or ender dragon if you get one of those eggs and shulkers, because shulkers are a nightmare).
iSpawners is the other mob farming option. this lets you create an expensive item called a survival spawner that works like a regular vanilla mob spawner, only you can pick it up and move it, it’s much faster, you can swap what egg is in it whenever, and it is active in a much larger radius of the player. ispawners are more reusable and much faster at producing drops than cagerium, but they require infrastructure like a farm to be built around the survival spawner to be effective, and while the survival spawner is a one-time craft it’s a VERY VERY expensive one. which of the two you prefer is a matter of preference.
Botony Pots are one of the two plant-growing options. this mod lets you make pots that automatically grow plants over time, including plenty that can’t be farmed normally, such as spore blossoms or small dripleaf. the hopper botony pot has been made more expensive than it used to be, so it’s at parity or more expensive than swapping things out of a phytogenic insulator to have a lot of them, but for passively farming plants, botony pots are still king. the one plant it can’t do is any of the trees, however, so you will still need a solution for that.
Phytogenic Insulators require thermal expansion and power, and are your other plant farming option. they’re rather expensive, but they can be freely swapped through, can produce things like trees that botony pots can’t, and are much faster than botony pots (especially when maximally upgraded). like with ispawners and cagerium, this is a matter of preference for which you pick, but you’ll probably only need one of the two.
these, thankfully, don’t require any strategy or explanation; you can only go one at a time, and each unlocked mod is a new upgrade to your existing vault potion (or vial to start with). each upgrade heals more health and has a stronger chosen effect. that said, no matter how high you upgrade, you always have the same number of charges. take these when you start needing that extra health!
and that’s everything! hopefully this is helpful for new players playing along with the hermits! happy vaulting!
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*Intro Post ~ Welcome to the chaos!*
Hallo! This blog is an Ace Attorney AU using the musical EPIC! Canon is our bitch and we do as we please :)
The blog is joint run by @weltato (hi) and @the-ace-attorney-siren (formerly @burtrice1). Feel free to ask us anything about this AU in the inbox and not DMs - PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A WIP AU AND IS CONSTANTLY BEING THOUGHT OUT!!
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The "backstory" I suppose would be that Wel was watching a great guy on YouTube by the name of Mortius (you should check him out, he's cool) react to "We'll Be Fine" and "Love in Paradise" from the most recent saga released from EPIC as of writing this (20/09/2024) - The Wisdom Saga. Wel had also been binging through some Ace Attorney streams by The NyanCave (also really cool, you should check them out too) and had that on the brain at the same time. Then she noticed something interesting - Odysseus had been on Calypso's Island for seven years.
You wanna know who else had a seven year gap? Phoenix Wright.
So obviously, I go to burtrice1 and say:
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And then this happens:
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And everything came from there. Just imagine it: Phoenix on that cliff calling for Mia T^T
Anyway, we had some planning to do: there is currently a list of characters from The Ace Attorney Trilogy, Ace Attorney: Investigations 1 & 2 (we're using the fan translation names in this house), and Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (because Wel hasn't finished Dual Destinies and hasn't seen Spirit of Justice yet) and what people from EPIC they're going in as.
No spoilers for the games please! There will be people that see this blog with no idea about the Ace Attorney series and they'll want to find out themselves (also one mod hasn't finished the series yet).
No spoilers for EPIC! There will be people that see this blog with no idea what the craic is with EPIC and letting them experience the joy that is this musical is all the sweeter with no spoilers <3
As previously mentioned: game canon is our bitch and we do what we want with it, which means that if you see an inconsistency with ages or anything, no you don't ;p
To second that: we are fitting characters with roles we feel they fit the best in EPIC canon, so a villain from Ace Attorney might show up as a 'good guy' from EPIC - it's not because we've redeemed them, it's just that they fit the role nicely.
Please keep questions PG, there are minors that enjoy both Ace Attorney and EPIC and we'd like to keep this blog a safe space for everyone.
In the words of Ricky Potts: don't be a dick. We don't tolerate harassment of either the mods or anyone sending an ask into our inbox. Respect isn't hard, friend :)
If you've asked us a question and we haven't responded yet, please don't go into our personal inboxes or DMs to ask us about it - see the rule above. Both mods are busy people and do this purely for fun, so we'll get to your question when we see it. The timezone of this blog is GMT/BST depending on the time of year, so both mods could very well be asleep.
The canon of this AU follows with EPIC canon, which is NOT the actual Odyssey or Iliad. If you want to read those in your own time, feel free to.
Have fun! We want to share this with people to see your reactions and interact with other fans of the Ace Attorney games and EPIC: The Musical.
If you're excited about this blog, REBLOG OUR POSTS!! Reblogging is the lifeblood of Tumblr and can make or break a post. We want to reach as many people as possible with this silly little idea of ours.
If you want to write fics about our AU, please ask us first! Wel is a regular fic writer and she has some ideas floating around, so maybe let her finish those first before jumping in - but we love the enthusiasm! Thank you!
Fanart is awesome!! Please credit the idea to this blog and @ us in the post with the tag #epicallyaa, we'd love to see what you've done :D
This post will update with extra rules as and when needed, if we need to <3
#wel writes - this is for whenever Wel writes a fanfic about something. This is a personal tag from Wel, so if you want to see more of her work feel free to peruse that tag on her main Tumblr account. All the fics posted here will be specifically for this AU.
#siren art - this is for whenever the-ace-attorney-siren posts art to this blog. Again, any art posted here will be specifically for this AU.
#epicallyaa - this is a tag for us and others to use about our AU! If you post any fanart or fanfic about our AU, use this tag and @ this account too so that we can see your awesomeness :D
#wel answers - whenever Wel answers an ask
#the siren sings - whenever the-ace-attorney-siren answers an ask
Like the rules, more tags will be added as and when we feel we need some more.
Thanks for reading all of this!! This post is very important to read, so if you come in asking questions blind, we might just refer you to this post and ask you to try again :)
~ Wel & the-ace-attorney-siren
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
This might be the only occasion to talk about it, and It's no secret that her and I stopped talking more than ~1year ago, so here we go
Some of my personal experience with Zwei and her modding gatekeeping / monopol
For some reasons, my guts told me to screencap our very last conversation, right before she blocks me and wipe our DMs, and looking back now I'm glad I did
▶ You can find the conversation here
Please read the post for more context:
Important to note that live in Europe, meaning my timezone is CET
Zwei and I weren't up at the same time
Back in September 2022, a Drama happened in the Modding Server
This is the only screenshot I have of the drama, provided by a friend, I have since left that server (you should be able to find it with the search option tho)
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Anec, the guy who can be seen on the screenshot, and who initially asked about the glowing eyes in the server, shared this imgur album with Zwei DMs as well back in 2022
I was asleep when it all happened, waking up to Zwei accusing me in DMs of being involved in it
The day before, a fellow modder asked me if they could make a mod similar to my old Player Replacer that would involve Photomode, asking me for help on the matter too; I gave them the greenlight and told me to ask NoraLee, as I do not have much knowledge on Photomode itself
So when I saw Zwei's DMs I assumed it was about this encounter, but I quickly understood that it wasn't the case
I later went to NoraLee's DMs to ask them what that whole "glowing eyes" stuff was all about, and thankfully got more context (and confirmation that Zwei was once again trying to gatekeep mods ideas)
That's about it for the whole context on the last convo I had with her
Now I want to mention some details and explain a lil bit more, especially about the Scenerids bit here
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For the lil story, Scenerids animation were something I always wanted to figure out, way back in 2021 even
When I was still in AMM, we were making progress on the matter with the help of a fellow modder; the goal was always to make them, and the knowledge, public
One day, Zwei asked me in DMs about Scenerids Animations, and where I was with my digging; She wanted to share the knowledge with Deceptious, a new guy (at the time) who was making all kind of cool mods, if there was one guy that could find how to grab them, it was him
Excited, I told her all I knew back then
She also told me that Deceptious was doing streams in the Modding Server and that I should come by and check what he does
So I did, I jumped into his next stream, and yeah the guy was impressive with his method. In the stream chat, I asked him about Scenerids animations, we chatted a bit more and he seemed interested, said something along the lines of "it shouldn't be too complicated" - I went to bed after his stream ended
Next morning, I woke up to Deceptious sharing videos of Zwei's V, in the modding server, doing Alt's animations from her romance scene in the middle of Tom's Diner; he had it figured out during the night
So I went to his DMs, asking him how he did it, and got a somewhat cold reply; not unexpected, nothing to overthink at the time. I asked Zwei as well- I wanted to know, and to me it seemed only ""fair"" considering I ""helped"" with the whole thing
It all spiraled from there; Zwei would told me the "secret" ONLY if I kept the knowledge to myself. I somehow got involved in a ""modding ring"" involving Zwei, SilverEz (can't remember his full name, the owner of the Modding Server) and Deceptious
Zwei and I would extract the animations from the Scenerids files; She would work with SilverEz to release them for PMU, and I would release them as AMM packs
At first, I had to wait until Zwei's packs were published to publish my own mods; nobody would keep me updated on WHEN they would hit live, so I had to rush my own modpages to release them for AMM simultaneously
It was a lot of unecessary stress. One day, I asked SilverEz directly if I could just release the packs as I was making them? And he told me something along the lines of "Yes, of course, it's your mods you do whatever"
I was so confused- I thought he said he wanted me to wait until the PMU releases? But no, it was just Zwei's lies/manipulations/whatever
(Important to know that everything was going on by her, I was sending her the files, and she would share knowledge with me from Deceptious and SilverEz if needed)
Anyway, the scenerids stuff happened in October 2022, but that's when I started to be even more cautious of her. It wasn't the first time something rubbed me wrong, of course not, multiple instances happened on a lot of different things, but I do not want to share it publicly since I do not have any screenshots to prove it
Going back to the "Glowing Eyes" drama, which happened in September 2022
As said at the begining of the post, this was our last conversation, both in DMs and in public. I noticed a mood shift following the next weeks in the Modding Sever; most of the people here were either her friends or fanboys
Zwei and I were ignoring each others, but I quickly noticed Deceptious was also ignoring me
I decided to confront him in DMs about it, that's when I noticed he wiped all of his DMs
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That's something we all know now that Zwei does a lot- so it had to be her, somehow telling him to wipe his DMs with me
I felt my blood go cold; Deceptious was someone I looked up to, his knowledge was really impressive and I wish I could've learned more modding from him somehow, but anyway
Seeing this, I rushed to Zwei's DMs to tell her to basically fuck off, to stop draging others into her bullshit- and that's when I noticed I was blocked, I couldn't send anything, but most importantly, her DMs were slowly being deleted
Now, I should've done a quick back up of everything, there's a lot of script that exist to extract full logs or to wipe them out. I didn't know about such scripts back then
I decided to ask around for the script she uses, called "Undiscord", wanting to give her a taste of her own medicine
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So I was sitting here, watching her bulk delete her dms, as I was bulk deleting my own. Yes, it looks really fucking dumb and cringe lmao
And that's about it, really, that's how it all went down
▶ Pre-Shooting random questions
❓ Why did you compared her to Wing
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Wingdeer is another person who is known to harass others for doing similar "Inversed Cross" makeup and cyberware, it happened a couple of times now. Zwei never liked her, despite modeling a lot of her mods; I thought comparing her to Wing would snap her out of her bullshit
❓ Isn't it hypocrite of you to say you're against gatekeeping?
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"Gatekeeping" is when someone actively harass others for liking/doing/having something that they like/do/have, like Zwei (with hair color/makeup/rockergirl style) and Wingdeer (with reversed cross mods) for example I never harassed anyone, all I ever did was blocking people People taking a block as a personal attack is not my problem, and shouldn't be turned into general fandom drama
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yb-cringe · 2 months
It’s 2 am I should be sleeping but instead of sleep brain there is just VEGERETISH. Not even coherent thoughts at this hour. Just what if Eret and Vegetta fought a bunch of withers together for fun. Technically it’s because Eret needs Nether stars for beacons because they wants to make another big gay beacon thing BUT Foolish finds wither fights annoying and Eret is still too nervous to approach anyone else for help. So starts fighting them herself. Vegetta sees her get the achievement and is like “why is this crazy guy fightinh a wither what the fuck”
Goes to check it out. Cut to his jaw dropping when this crazy book nerd is tanking withers in nothing but vanilla gear. No modded weapons or armor!!! She says they get in her way!! What the fuck! What the fuck!!!
Or if Vegetta saw Eret and Foolish sketching building designs together and got jealous because he thought that was THEIR shared interest thing. What do you mean Eret designed their own castle AND L’Manberg’s walls (those are SEXY WALLS) this is so not cool.
Although. Vegetta will begrudgingly admit they seem to have good taste.
holy fuck yeah.
Eret would 100% tank withers in vanilla gear. She's so used to her other servers that all this modded shit is so weird to her-- She never uses it. It's interesting to catalogue but thats all. She prefers familiarity.
Which is very sweet and also batshit insane considering Vegetta bathes Foolish in moonlight swords and spiderclimb gear and goddammit!! shes gonna get herself killed! and thats foolish's partner!! he cant just.. let that happen
so he does Try to give her armor. gear and weapons etc. it goes Not great mostly bc eret doesnt understand why he's just trying to give her things and why he gets so upset when she says nah im good.
She continues to be frustratingly good at holding her own without vegettas help. she does begrudgingly allow him to come with her on PARTICULARLY dangerous quests. jsut bc vegetta looks like a kicked puppy when she starts to say she's fine.
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Hi there my name's Agni, I'm an Armarouge hybrid!
I love psychic types!
I am taken, I have a lovely girlfriend back in my home region of Glashan <3
My twin sister is @ghost-type-appreciator she's really cool you should go say hi to her <3
My pokemon:
Abra, Narci He's a sleepy little guy :] Inkay, Disco! He hatched from an egg! Flittle, Cheri, I picked her up at a shelter in Artazon!! She's super sweet Greavard, Gotthold, Picked up from the same shelter as Cheri!!! He's very very affectionate. Can also be called Gotti :]
Pelipper Mail/Malice/Unmail: Open
Magic Anons: Allowed
((Ooc under the cut))
Hi it's Tori again :] back with a blog for Phi's sister Agni! If you're interested in my other blogs please check out @twodragons-blooper-reel
Mod is an adult, Agni is 17.
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Nature: Jolly
Level: 33
Agni's Move List:
> Flame Charge
> Psyshock
> Dark Pulse
> Lava Plume
Nature: Relaxed
Level: 7
Abra's move list:
> Teleport
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You will commit to your role. Once you tell me what role you want there is a very little chance I’ll change it so you better be happy with your choice.
A general knowledge of the role you’re playing. If you’re playing Wilbur or Ranboo’s character, you should know that you’d be playing their ghost version and revived version if they get revived; if you’re playing Fundy you may want to make yourself familiar with his cannon nightmares.
A light attitude! This whole rp thing is supposed to be fun, and if somebody is doing anything that makes you uncomfortable or threatening you, come to me immediately.
We will be ideally going through the entire DSMP storyline, from the start to end. You’re welcome to change plot lines to create an alternate timeline, but it is crucial to communicate that with everybody (especially me) to ensure that everybody is on board with it. This is a great time to fuse your character making and playing abilities with your knowledge of your blorbo!
To word it a bit better, you’re creating an original character who will take the role of a specific DSMP character.
Let’s say I create this character called Elle Woods (i’m a basic bitch okay), and she’s in the role of Jack. She’s gonna go through his part of the story and essentially fill in all his role. She’ll be a part of all of Jack’s arcs, and I’d play her out. She doesn’t have to do everything by book, but that’s specified above. Also, your character doesn’t have to be exactly like the original role’s character by any means. Certain things that are species specific such as the enderwalk can be either adapted to your character or even taken out or substituted (I have my limits, but you gotta talk to me before we both know them).
When is the last time to register?
The rp will be starting on the 7th of October, and I will be letting you guys know your roles in that week, giving you a week to prepare. Use it.
You need to make a new blog for this
All the role playing will be happening here on Tumblr, and you’ll be doing reblog chains
There is no Discord bc I don’t have it and idk if my parents are cool with me getting it (strict parents amirite), but if you wanna make a server that’s cool with me but please check with me beforehand seeing as I am kinda modding for it
This is open for everybody, no matter the rp experience! I’ve been in a few rps myself (though this is my first time running one), and I’d love to see some people branch out their horizons! It’s all about good fun
You’re welcome to play multiple characters if you’re willing to dedicate to it! Just DM me about it like everything else :D
In no way am I or this project associated with Dream, the actual Dream SMP, or any of the ccs involved. I am just a fan with an itch to rp and to watch ppl rp.
I am not planning on involving Tales From The SMP, but if the person playing Karl’s role or anybody else would like to organize it separately from the main project then be my guest
Oh yeah this ain’t gonna be clean by any means lmaoooooooo (if you really wanna pull a sex scene i’m not against it just please tell everybody that ur gonna do it for our collective sanity)
As a second to the thingy above, if you REALLY wanna play out a sex scene, it is highly advised you keep it to the DMs unless it’s agreed on that it’s…central to the plot ig…if everybody who’s on board with the project in the end doesn’t mind it, then cool, but please check with everybody. Better safe than sorry.
“Spore how tf do we communicate without a discord-“ if you really need to talk to everybody at once, make a post and tag everybody in it
If you have any specific needs or concerns (sex repulsed, trauma from certain topics, etc) please communicate that with me so that we can create a fun roleplay experience for everyone. We can get into technicalities when you DM me about it, but I will likely share it as an announcement to the entire group.
(@mean-gills @championofapollo @jinxneedssleep @apricityxys @medlabmech i’m just tagging y’all for signal boost and sign up bc nobody seems interested and i’m sad)
ROLES THAT ARE TAKEN (this will be updated as more people receive roles, and I’ll be linking their urls so if you wanna wrestle your blorbo outta their hands I don’t have to be the messenger. be nice kids):
Phil - me
Charlie - me
Sam - me
Techno - @apricityxys
Tommy - @mean-gills
Ranboo - @mean-gills
Wilbur - @championofapollo
Dream - @chocolate-milk
Niki - @azurecake16
Quackity - @azurecake16
Tubbo - @epicaxolotls
Eret - @x-ca1iber
Schlatt - @epicaxolotls
BBH - @chocolate-milk
Fundy - @chocolate-milk
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starified-lizzy · 7 months
I figured I should redo my intro to my blog-
Name’s Lizzy! Or Star! I really don’t give a fuck which you use!
Here’s my pronouns card! https://en.pronouns.page/@starified_lizzy
I draw shit for FANDOMS
I write shit for FANDOMS
I got OCS whom I LOVE and ADORE.
“Can I draw fanart of your fics?” My sibling in Christ, we are married. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your fanart(like DTIYS)?” My sibling in Christ. /pos
“Can I draw fanart of your OCs?” CHRIST. /pos
RAHHHHHH (it’s really fucking early I shouldn’t be doing this now ;-;)
Here’s a list of my socials, it is very limited because I hate the “standard” socials like Twitter and Insta and stuff like that. So it’s more like- fanfic sites, and any other blogs I own for you guys to check out >.>
My AO3
My Art Fight
My YouTube
My TikTok (basically dead at this point, I only ever like/favorite things on it, but I might start up again with my FNF au instead)
My Pinterest
My Spotify because sure
My FNF au blog
My demonpocalypse blog ([possibly] forever retired due to a severe issue in the community it was for)
Blog for food/recipes I want to try because MMMMMMMMMMM FOOOOD
Wow that’s actually not limited like I thought- hot damn I need to touch some grass.
DSMP (and MCYT as a whole for the most part), dude our community is in *shambles*. I’m so glad I left when I did, but at the same time O W.
ATLA. Technically I’m still in this fandom, but I only really get back into it/brainrot about it if I get a reminder, otherwise I kinda forget about it
FNAF. Same with ATLA, still technically in it, but I gotta be reminded it exists sometimes.
BATIM. Ditto
Wings of Fire. Ditto
Undertale. Ditto. Lizzy, my main persona, was actually an OC created from Undertale, who just ended up becoming her own person, and then ended up being associated with mine and my friend’s Minecraft au instead.
Onto CCs I no longer watch:
Any of the DSMP ppl, with very few exceptions
Jacksepticeye. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still watch a video of his if it pops up and spikes my interest, but I don’t actively seek his content out anymore.
Any of the old Minecrafters. Like DanTDM, Stampy, Tiny Turtle & Little Lizard. Hell, I don’t even think any of the ones I listed even do YT at all anymore. I’ll still watch their old videos tho.
FNF. I really could give less of a fuck if y’all think it’s “bad” or “for kids (it’s not, I promise you)”. The music slaps, and quite a few mods are really well made, so eat my ass.
Day of Dragons. The dragons are cool. I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool fucking dragons.
The Isle. Once again, I don’t care about any drama in the community. I’m here for the cool ass dinosaurs because you can customize your own skins and they just look and sound cool (Dilo, Herarra, and Ptera are my faves)
Lethal Company. Do it for the Company.
RainWorld. Scugs and Scups. Need I say more?
Hollow Knight. Sorta falling out of this one, but until I beat the entire game (P5) I am not finished.
Minecraft. Technically in “the fandom”, but not really attached to a specific YTer or anything like that anymore. I just like the game.
CCs I still watch:
Astral Spiff. Sprog is a good gamer.
Smii7y and his friends like Grizzy, Droid, Puffer, Blarg, etc.
Jack Manifold. I only watch his You Laugh You Loose and Ghost Sighting Compilation videos. I don’t even know if he still does Minecraft anymore.
8-BitRyan. While he doesn’t swear in his videos, it’s kinda a breath of fresh air. Plus his edits are quite funny.
Markiplier. Yes. Just… yes…
IGP. His content is just interesting. The way he freaks out over shit is funny as hell. Does he do content with IcyCaress anymore? Their banter was funny, but idk if something happened, cuz I just don’t see much stuff with Icy in it anymore.
As of right now, that’s all I can think of. It’s nice to meet you!
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mrcrowblargs · 11 months
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The final battle... to confront the Netherbrain. Even though I had gotten more used to switching up the party during Act 3, I wanted to have my favourites along, though I ended up choosing Lae'zel over Karlach because one Lae'zel quest thing remained.
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So it was Aldiirn, Astarion, Gale, and Lae'zel, all in for a big headache. End spoilers below!
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big brain! big scary brain! Throwing the Netherstones was scream inducing. They gave a variety of options for each throw but it was always my weak stats grouped together lmao. Aldiirn passed the first INT check, then fucking whiffed the second CHA check because I just assumed I would pass and hit continue... but then I kinda got the sense passing or failing would not make much difference here and... yup.
Empy scoops us up into the Astral Prism and it's Orpheus time, babey. Freeing Orpheus was no question but I did question, "what if I became the mindflayer" which prompted Astarion to be like, "could we have an aside, privately? You're not really going to throw away that pretty face of yours?????" very cute.
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Aldiirn knew Emperor was vehemently against freeing Orpheus, but hoped he could convince Emperor to see reason. Like they all got the same goals, they can all combine their power, we can talk Orpheus into cooling don his blood feud for the sake of a bigger bad. Aldiirn's a fucking bard with +15 Persuasion if anyone could do it, it would be him, but--- NO!!! EMPEROR HAD TO BE A GODDAMN BITCH AND SWITCHED SIDES LIKE. IMMEDIATELY. NO DISCUSSION. BRUH.
Also one thing I feel there was a missed opportunity on was confronting Emperor over, hey buddy weren't you the mindflayer that put tadpoles in our heads??? It's definitely Emperor in the opening scene. I really wanted to hear from it about what happened on the nautiloid but all we got were like, some records in Gortash's palace and it's ambiguous if Emperor was of itself at the time. alas.
Gave Lae'zel the honours to free Orpheus aaaand here's the mindflayer conversation all over again. And like, shit, after everything that was done to free the guy and drive the githyanki revolution, becoming the mindflayer felt most in character for Aldiirn. I'm pretty sure I sat over the decision for a solid ten minutes like WONT SOMEONE PERSUADE ME OUT OF THIS lmao. But Astarion kinda had with the aside before. I might make a comic to flesh out the moment like... I think it would be a good one of the party backing Aldiirn up to choose his own freedom after pushing for everyone else's.
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Orpheus became the mindflayer, tragic but necessary. I felt so bad for Lae'zel. Uuggh the emotion in her face here.
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and then the goofiest smile ever in High Hall haha. Everyone from Gather Your Allies being mushed in there felt a little contrived but, what the hell, SUMMON YOUR SOCIAL LINKS!!! I love a good friendship moment.
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Hooboy the battles here really gave the D&D experience: waiting 40 minutes for your turn in initiative to show up. IDK why but at first I thought it would be a brilliant idea to surround the enemy but soon realised it turned the battle into an immediate slog. Reload, and instead fought starting from the wall on the west side. Got this nice little screencap of my mans fighting side by side even though neither should be anywhere near melee haha.
I have to say, I think I would have preferred that all the companions be allowed into the battle over the ally summons for the final battle. At least the origin ones. I want to replay it at some point with the party limit begone mod.
The tower was the hardest part, getting up past that stupid statue that COULDNT BE BROKEN DOWN... Aldiirn and Lae'zel could fly but Astarion and Gale couldn't even see where to teleport. It's SO annoying that Dimension Door has to be a point you can see now, its whole thing in 5e was that you didn't need to.
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Whenever Gale brings up exploding himself I wanna do that Archer slap fest bit to him. Buddy, no, we are ALL getting out of this alive!
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Up we go to the brain of the bad bitch herself and THE BIGGEST TRAITOR BITCH!!!!!! okay but bringing out the dream visitors to fight was cool. Seems Aldiirn's got reverted to the default drow dude (he should have had similar green skiin and short white hair) and I'm guessing the others are just kinda like, stock random ones. Looks like they are all human female. Would have been nice to see ones tailored for each companion you bring. Then they can all chide each other later like "so THAT'S what you find attractive?" hehe
Remember I stole that runepowder bomb from Wulbren? Yeah, I brought it with me as a parting gift for Emperor. Threw the bomb at its feet and then KA-BOOM!!!!! Wiped out Empy, all the Guardians, and fucked up everything else INCLUDING ALDIIRN. I have no idea WHAT happened -- maybe Emperor's shield of thralls??? -- because I'm certain he was behind Lae'zel when she threw & exploded the bomb and she was kind. Aldiirn just fucking dropped dead behind her. I just laughed and rolled with it, Astarion got Aldiirn back on his feet.
Fight was good, the most annoying bit were the Mindflayers and Dominating Aylin AGAIN. I swear to got that woman can never pass a WIS save.
And then when we got to the unshakeable will of the netherbrain???? Lae'zel fucking shredded it with 9 attacks. Astarion gets a crit with an Arrow of Aberration Slaying (but no sneak attack). It's hanging on by a thread.
Aldiirn enters.
fucking. Vicious Mockeried the BBEG to death. The most legendary goddamn move a Bard can ever do. No other bard I play will ever top that.
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Down she goooooes and oh fuck everyone's getting fucked from the tadpoles dying in their heads
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And then... silence. it's over. Aldiirn has his cute face back I wanted to sob seeing it again. I really expected more consquences for taking the Astral tadpole but... still, I wanted him to survive and enjoy the rest of his life.
But of course there were still things to go wrong.
Lae'zel and Orpheus, I couldn't let Lae'zel devote her life to another cult and endless war when she could have her own freedom, forge her own destiny, so I persuaded her to stay on Faerun. Orpheus went and committed sudoku which, eh, tbh I feel like he was weak willed for that. It does feel a bit like everything done to free Orpheus was for naught but Lae'zel deserves a chance to live her own life.
Side note, I was amused that Aldiirn apparently still had his Illithid Expertise feature as that was his source of Persuasion Expertise at the end heh.
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continuing the mood of "fuck doing anymore quests" I told Gale to leave the crown in the river... completely fucking forgetting that Mystra was gonna remove the orb in exchange for it afhdjkfsd. I like to think it keeps Aldiirn awake at night sometimes. "why did he listen to me. why hasn't he gone back for it. all our brains were fried right then why couldn't any of you make your own decisions." lmao.
and POOR ASTARION. Just fucking fried right there in the beautiful sun. Gale's like "well we'll never see him again" UH BRO WHAT??? PLEASE JUST HOLD THE OTHER END OF THIS FUCKING TARP SO WE CAN GET HIM INSIDE SOMEWHERE. Thooouuughhh I headcanon that Aldiirn cast Darkness on Astarion and tell him to hold on while another pressing matter ignites...
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Karlach, baby, noooo!!! Promising to be with Karlach at the end is the only reason Aldiirn wouldn't immediately chase after Astarion and, yeah. Aaa my eyes were tearing so much. I thought back to her post-Gortash breakdown and was like, "karlach. you want to live. you SHOULD get to live. Go with Wyll to Avernus."
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Kicking demon ass never looked so good. I figure, there's some hellish real estate opening, those two should look into it, and the REAL celebration party should be at the House of Hope so everyone can be there. :D
Aldiirn would have gone with Karlach and Wyll, but he's needed on this plane.
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God, Astarion looks so hollow when he mentions losing his time in the sun. Aldiirn wants that back for him so badly, but also needs a fucking break from adventuring. I headcanon that reverting the partial illithid transforation was not a clean cut thing by any measure and Aldiirn has a longer road to recovery ahead of him. But he's not gonna sit idle. There's thousands of vampire spawn in is home, the Underdark, that need guidance, and just maybe a bardy bard is just the type needed to inspire them to band together. Aldiirn's gotta know of a large enough abandoned megadungeon that could house them all while they work to support themselves. And then, when he's in good enough shape, Aldiirn will find a way for Astarion to bask in the sun again.
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
Okay, it’s been a day since… THAT happened, but Mondo’s leg is getting better really quick.
which is honestly surprising
you do NOT know how hard avani bit me
Judging By The Fact That You Had To Get A Bandage Wrap … Yeah . Really Hard .
Well , Stoggs are not known to be particularly gentle creatures , unlike Reedlings , haha …
The same may apply to those “Strombones” . I know someone who was bitten by one , and it was … not pretty , to say the least .
But hey ! They survived , and so did you .
Anyways, where’s Flitz? She told me they were out flying and stretching their wings, and it’s been like an hour.
I think she may be talking to her friend Siku .
Do You Guys Want To Walk Around The Island ? It Looks Pretty Cool :D
(as long as there arent any sTOGGS TO BITE ME)
Sounds good to me.
Mhm !
(The 4 Monsters leave the Castle room they are in, and decide to take a walk around the island.)
(Suddenly, they hear a shrill and cheerful melody. It sounds like a MUCH higher pitched version of a Bowgart’s cello thing.)
Ooh , What’s That ? It Sounds Nice :D
Should we go check it out ?
…Probably, yeah.
(The quartet follows the melody to a tall patch of grass. Mondo pushes some aside, and sees a short, probably 5-foot-1, green Monster with bright golden hair and a clover-shaped hat.)
(She is playing a fiddle, and looks like she’s having a helluva good time with it until she notices that someone’s found her.)
(She proceeds to run away.)
…Well, uh-
I Think That Was One Of Dizzie’s , Er , Acquaintances !
…Okay. If you say so.
how do you know that
I Don’t Know , She Looked A Lot Like Sliabh The Ffidyll . Dizzie Pranks Her A LOT , And She’s Told Me That Sliabh’s SUPER Skittish .
that explains it
Why does this “Dizzie” prank so many poor Monsters ?
She’s Just Like That 😅
she pranked me too
And me.
She and Edgar stole my fucking glasses once, and it was NOT funny.
Oh , my … she seems like a very brash Monster , does she not ?
Sure , Dizz Might Seem A Bit Brash At First , But She’s A Lovable Little Dork Once You Get To Know Her ! They ARE One Of My Sisters , After All :)
dizz once spam-posted images of a cartoon Human World guy sitting sadly on a chair in the middle of a dark room on my account once.
AH ! Uh , Flitz ?!
we uhhh
we didnt know you were here
How are you here all of a sudden? I thought you were with Siku.
…accidentally flew into them taking a bath under the bridge.
they weren’t very happy, haha…
Oh. That explains it.
(A Stogg runs past the quintet, knocking Mondo over.)
(Awdajeeo tries to run after Avani. His eight legs are NOT helping.)
awdajeeo? what’re you doing?
*pant* avani, uhh… i, she, uh… she escaped her leash.
Oh No !
and as you might know, i am NOT a good runner. at ALL.
May I help you ? I am pretty good at comforting Stoggs , if I do say so myself .
i can help, too! i’m pretty fast.
Yeah, we KNOW.
I’ll Try To Help , Too !
i am NOT going near that thing
Come On , Mondo ! Awdajeeo Needs Our Help .
(Toorie gives Mondo a look that says “please.”)
(Mondo, being the simp he is, falls for Toorie’s face.)
Great ! Let’s Go , Then !
I can tell this is going to be, uh, yeah. I’ll just stop typing now.
i finished this in a rush bcs it’s late at night hhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,, sorry-
also this is the image Dizzie spam-posted on Flitz’s account
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-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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merrock · 2 years
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Morning, Merrockites! As we mentioned in this mod post, today is the day we are asking anyone who has not already made the switch over to beta editor and xkit rewritten to do so.
To switch to beta editor, simply toggle it on in the upper right hand corner when you open the "new post" window. xKit rewritten can be downloaded through the Google Chrome store. To trim posts, you will need to have the "trim reblogs" extension enabled. A drafted or posted reply will have a pair of scissors at the bottom that you click on to trim out unwanted replies on a thread.
There is a post here that explains a lot of things in detail, but if you need help or want to talk to someone you know, please do not hesitate to shoot me a message either here, or over on my character account, as I will not hesitate in return to hop online and help you out as soon as I can. I can promise you that while it seems like a big change, most of us have actually come to like it and find it easier.
Any outstanding threads created in the legacy editor should be started over in beta editor (the best method I've found is linking to the reply, typing yours out, and tagging the character). If you created a starter in legacy, please start new threads for the replies you have, even if others reply in beta (beta and legacy just cannot get along).
To answer in the inevitable "but what if I don't want to use Beta, and continue to use Legacy?" question... we can't force you to switch, and we won't ask you to leave. But we also cannot dedicate more time to learning the workarounds or exhausting our options, nor will we expect those using Beta to. Tumblr has two editors: legacy and beta. New blogs that are being created do not have the option to use legacy, whereas all blogs (old and new!) have the option to opt into beta, which to us says that it's the right choice. We want to continue to be accessible, accommodating and inclusive for all writers.
Please continue to be patient with one another and understand that mistakes are going to be made, and hey, that's okay! And mostly, thank you guys for being so cool. It's nerve wracking to implement any sort of change as an admin, but when you have players as understanding and awesome as you guys, you truly make this easier, and I'm beyond appreciative.
Happy Monday! xx
ETA: if anyone needs aesthetic help with the way GIFs sometimes appear when copy/pasting them, please check out the OOC blog with a very helpful tutorial from our lovely May!
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thatspacepirate · 1 year
Random Quake Screenshots #01: The Sludge Central by zigi
Hello there! I've decided to start doing quick little showcases of Quake maps and mods that I think are pretty neat.
Here's a couple screenshots of the first level of the Spiritworld, a Quake episode by zigi and Newhouse!
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The yellow and orange lights here are super cool! Not only do they keep the vanilla textures from looking too brown, but they also add a ton of depth to the map. please ignore the dead guys
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If you're playing this map for the first time, you should swim into the laser pipe! Trust me, it will be super fun.
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This wall texture (the one with the gray metal plates behind the orange metal plates) is usually flat, so I think it's pretty nice that they adapted it into a 3D shape. Speaking from experience, I know that brush details are usually more difficult to pull off than texture details, so this is pretty cool!
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This hallway bombards you with countless lasers, so you might want to avoid it unless you've played Touhou and can just dodge them all.
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This was my favorite screenshot, it's very pretty and atmospheric.
Overall I think this map perfectly blends new and old Quake in a really nice way. The lighting, the brushwork, and the texture usage were all very impressive, and I'm excited to play the rest of the mod!
Thanks for reading my scatterbrained ramblings. I'm not sure how many of these I'll do and what format I'll do them in, but hopefully I can help some cool Quake maps get more appreciation. If you want me to check out another map or mod, feel free to let me know and I'll give it a look!
You can play the mod here if you're interested:
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sailsinstorms · 2 years
Legacy of the Girls - Part 5
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Let's continue reading, shall we?
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So Power Conservation Day finally ended, not long before HarvestFest ended. So I quickly had Molly toss together a grand meal. She still seems to dislike Radley even though they're literally having a conversation right now. And yes, you'd be right to notice that she's making something salmon based. And Radley is a vegetarian.
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Molly: Time for dinner losers! Get the hell down here!
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Radley: *notices Molly staring at her* Did you... is there fish in this? Molly: *nods slowly and stares* Radley was definitely sick after eating that. Poor kiddo. To be fair that's my fault. I forgot she was vegetarian. 
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So… in this scene we have a household bonding session watching some good old-fashioned Brokeback Mountain. And Radley and Molly bonding over their desire to either A) Beat each other up — or B) Beat up the lecherous perv staring through the window. I should really invest in some curtains…
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I don't know what Loren was doing "at work" today. It must have been some kind of commercial. But she came home in this cute af space get-up. I love it. She looks so cool! She passed out not long after this photo, but it was worth it.
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Since Winter is in the doctor career that requires me to go to work with her every now and again. So today, we're going to accompany Winter to the hospital. Let's go!
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Winter: I'm so excited to be here! I love helping people! Nurse: Go vacuum the supply closet.
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Winter: Flat foot Syndrome is very common in Sims. I'm sure we can fix you. Child: Really Miss? Winter: There's a mod for everything. <3
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I don't know about you guys but the constant stream of patients lining up in the waiting room is a constant source of stress for me. It's literally impossible to get to them all, let alone treat them all, and I always feel bad for them.
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Caught this kid taking selfies of his mad gunz while some perv checks him out. It's nice to know the drama continues at the hospital as well.
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Meanwhile, back at the lot, Radley and Solar are on the same work schedules.
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So they leave at the same time and finish at the same time and often get promoted at the same time. Whenever they get home together they're often miserable.
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Molly is up to her usual mischief shenanigans. I always assume that whenever she's pranking the toilet she's just putting glad wrap across the bowl. At least the girls are constantly improving their handiness skills whenever a toilet malfunctions.
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SOLAR! Seriously, who is this man!?
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Oh my God! The Peeping Tom guy is watching Solar and her man through the window and beating one out at the same time! I should have invested in those curtains I always said I was going to get but never did!
I really need to do something about this guy!
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Here's a little more of Loren practicing her acting skills. I love watching her do this. It's so cute.
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Winter: Mya! Please baby, come down from up there? I'll give you treats and cuddles?!
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These two adore each other. Winter loves no man more than she loves her feline friend <3
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Since Winter is always studying medical related things and she's very ambitious she's often wanting to get focused or skill up. I love her thumbnail whenever she's focused. Almost as much as I love Loren's "scared" thumbnail.
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There he is, loitering at my back door.
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Molly: Hey shithead! You're disgusting! Get off my lawn! Tom: It's a free neighborhood. I'll stand where I want! You don't have fences or curtains! Who's fault is that!?
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Get 'im, Molly! Give him an uppercut! I don't know what wrestling moves are, but knock him out!
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YEAH SHE WON! Atta girl! (I made her beat him up a few more times after this just to reaffirm their status as enemies)
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Elsewhere, Loren is fighting random's in the street.
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Loren: I can see that you're pregnant. So even though it's Neighourhood Brawl Day, I'm gonna let you walk away Miss Landgraab. Nancy: Thank you?
The next chapter is the Festival of Snow! *hearteyes*
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Hey there, Doly! I know it’s somewhat late so I do apologize for my timing but I’m back with a longer message!
Oh no! That would’ve been a very short secret Santa! I’ll tell ya, I always have to triple check I’m on anon and am very careful when coming onto your blog, not wanting to like something and give myself away lol! I’ll definitely try and remember to send ya a pick of self titled when I can!
TPWK is my baby on fine line, she just means so much to me and I love how fun it seems live! Hope one day I get to hear it live same with lights up! I think I’d probably cry! I did have a favorite in the band, yes! It was Louis I’m pretty sure, it’s been so long now but I think I was drawn to him because his personality and he was a goofball. I think to this day I’m still a Louis person. I just love him so much. And then H and Niall I adore them as well! I dont keep up with Liam much other than following him on insta and same with Zayn but I try to check in on them every now and again and see what’s going on and try to listen to whatever new music they put out!
Thank you! Here’s to hoping one day the NatGeo thing can be a reality!
I do the exact same thing with Stardew!!! I start a save, play for awhile and then I kinda lose the fixation I had on it for awhile and I try to pick it back up but I’ve got no idea what I was doing/planning on my farm or in the game! That’s what’s going on rn, last time I played I just remember trying to marry Harvey but I’ve got no idea what else I was doing. I think I’ve only married Elliot and Shane! But I want to explore all of the characters as partners in separate saves of course but I think it’s fun to know like everything! George and Evelyn are great picks! I think I’d have to say Linus is my favorite non-marriageable character.
Oh, yay! I’m glad you saw the trailer and are excited for it now! I’ve been trying to keep up on the updates for that game because I love Stardew so much and ConcernedApe is such a cool guy I know the game will be amazing. I think one of the cool things about him is that he made most/all of the Stardew on his own and that just blows my mind. He also is very communicative with his community and makes his game easy to add mods to like he talks to people who make them I’m pretty sure to figure out how to make the game easier to add their mods which I feel like you don’t see a lot. One thing I love about Stardew which isn’t a big thing is decorating my house and seeing what looks like the house in Haunted Chocolatier gets me excited to decorate that big place!
Yoshi gang!!! He’s just a little guy!!! I always try to pick my characters just based off like if they’re just weird little guys and I think yoshi and dry bones definitely are! And I wish Monty was in like Mario kart and other party games that he isn’t in cause I just love him. I wish I had more to say about them but I’m not very knowledgeable in Nintendo characters if I’m honest! 
Capitalism definitely plays a factor in declining media and it’s a just awful. It’s also my villain origin story. I think postcards and letters would be such a fun thing to send especially to friends even if they are nearby, I mean why not you know? And thank you! We definitely should be collecting things to show off! I can’t stand like minimalism because I’m always like but what about all the trinkets and fun stuff!!! I want someone to walk into my home/room and know so much about me like know what I like and just say like “oh what a cool little thing! Where’d you get it?” I love going to estate sales/garage sales and thrift stores and trying to find weird little things to put up.
That’s such a good sudden skill to have! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! I used to know how to use photoshop like the basics but it’s been a long time since I’ve had access to it and I’ve forgotten a lot of it cause my memory is just awful. I’m all about vans! Me and my dad always say the crazier the pattern the better! I just think they’re so cool! Those are sick! I’ve wanted to get into platform shoes a bit cause I’m on the average height side and I’d like to be taller! Can’t wait for you to get those, you’re gonna absolutely rock them! That’s a good pick, I was thinking about getting something like that when I’ve got the money just because I like to know I’ve got room for everyone buuut recently I’ve been looking more into trucks! Volkswagen van is the dream though for sure, my dad used to have one and both of us are so bummed he got rid of it years and years ago cause they’re so expensive now. Crochet is a great answer! I’d love to learn how to do that too! I kinda knew how as a kid but that was like 10 years ago.
I’m glad you had an okay day yesterday! I’m a bit of a fan of gloomy days but they do go by slower for sure. All the new pictures of Louis have definitely been highlights! I always adore when there’s an influx of content like this and can interaction. His connection to fans really is like no other and it’s part of why I love being his fan. Like a lot of artists say what he does but it’s just different with Louis. You know he means it when he says he needs us and we need him and all that. I’ve never been a fan of someone and felt that connected but also separated (in the way of like he’s famous and I don’t know this man and I’m just a fan) from an artist which is such an experience but I love it.
Alrighty, it’s quite late so I’ll cut it here with a speed round!!
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to your appearance, in your opinion? Mine was shaving my head and dying it all kinds of colors for about a year and a half! Might do it again soon cause my hair is getting on my nerves but I’m like I’ve spent like a whole year growing it out and that’s so much time ):
Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? I’m definitely more of a night owl!
If you have a song stuck in your head, what is it? If not, what’s one that gets stuck in your head easily? For awhile Lovefool by The Cardigans would get stuck in my head like crazy because my job at the time would play it sometimes and then it would be in my head literally all day! Plus it’s just a good song! But now I’m not even sure what song does that for me now cause I’m putting myself on the spot!
Do you enjoy more bright colorful colors or more like cool and toned down colors? Or a mix? I like to think I like a mix!
Do you have a favorite restaurant/place to eat? Mine is a little mom and pop shop but I haven’t had it in so long!! It kills me cause their burgers and onion rings are the best I’ve ever had! And then for like special occasions my family will go to a hibachi place and it’s always so incredibly good!
Alrighty, that’s all from me for now! I’ll talk to you next time! Hope you’re having a good day/night! ❤️
Hiii, love!! Wishing you a happy Thursday!! Hopefully your week has been passing by relatively stress-free!! At least tomorrow is Friday!! ✨
Honestly tho!! I’m always checking to make sure I’m on anon and then get really nervous that I wasn’t when I had already clicked send!! It’s a true inner battle with oneself lol.
Stardew should have, like, a recap mode where it gives you a short intro. on what you were doing previously so you can get right back into it lol!! That would be so helpful cause my memory is shit when it comes to remembering what I did last, but I don’t wanna start a new save cause I really liked what I was doing in that original one!! Linus is… a character to say the least lol!! He really is an interesting one!! I feel you on the decoration!! If there’s anything about me, is that if there’s an option in a game to customize, I will sit there and customize the shit out of whatever they throw at me lol!! Can’t wait for that new game now!! 😭
Yoshi gang!! That character truly is my ride or die, idk what it is about him!! It’s okay, I’m not too deep in the Nintendo lore either. I just think these quirky characters are neat lol.
Exactly!! How am I supposed to show off my trinkets in this minimalistic era of society!? Y’all love to be boring, don’t you!? (I can appreciate minimalism, to an extent!! But how are people gonna know who I really am if I can’t show off my collection of Kirby knickknacks? Lol.)
The connection Louis has with his fans can be something so personal to not just me, but to everyone he comes in contact with!! He truly has that affect on people, and I love that for him!! Idk how these fans do it at these signings!! I wouldn’t be able to get out a word, more or less, a sentence out to that man!! They would have to take me out in a wheelchair or something cause I would have passed out lol.
Honestly, I can’t with for Niall to release information about his third album/tour!! Heartbreak Weather (album) deserves so much better than what it got because of the timing it came out!! Hopefully that doesn’t happen with this upcoming album!! Same with Zayn and his new music coming!!
Speed Round Answers!! Crazies thing done to my appearance? To be honest, nothing really lol. I’ve never dyed my hair before, though I would love to!! I’d say if I could right now, I’d chop it off to my shoulders and do, like, a side-shaved look!! Idk how it would look on me, but I’d probably go in that direction!! Morning bird/night owl? Oh, I’m definitely a night own!! I despise getting up in the morning before 11am!! Song stuck in my head? Not as of right now, but I was listening to faith in he future this morning while getting ready for work and “all this time” was the song I wanted to put on loop, so I’ll probably say that lol. Bright/dark colors? I guess it depends on the mood!! I have a lot of dark clothing in my closet, but I can pull a colorful look when I need to!! In terms of preference, I’d probably say dark!! Favorite place to eat? I really like sushi, but I’m very picky on where I get it from! I’d say back when I lived on campus, there was this sushi restaurant about 10 minutes away and we would always order from them on Fridays when my roommates and I craved it!! In terms of locally, there’s this small Mexican stand about 20 minutes away from my house and they make the best tacos!! Haven’t been there in a long time!! Might have to pass by sooner than I think!! Hibachi is always a good option too!!
Until the next one, hope you have a good one too, love!! 🎄✨
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