#the mirror visitor spoilers
amoralmorel · 2 years
Ok in hindsight I should have known i was aro when i got SO MAD that Ophélie and Thorn like,,,,,actually had romance. I got so pissed abt something so clearly telegraphed bc i was rooting so hard for platonic marriage ophethorn.
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Okay did anyone else misread “try your dears” the first time and unscramble the hidden meaning or was that just me
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dekirufran · 8 months
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child-of-hurin · 11 months
Would you mind if I asked you to confirm some things, since you've read the Mirror Visitor Quartet in its original French? I've been thinking about the 'maternal/paternal God' themes and was wondering if in the original French, The Other is gendered as male, as he is in the English translation? And also, whether on that scene on the wall where Ophelia is talking to Agatha, whether they refer to their mother in the equivalent French term of 'mommy', or is it something else?
Thank you in advance!
The Other IS referred to as male -- I think it's pretty!! Significant! That both the Other and God, as personas/facets of Eulalie, are referred to in the male... There's something fascinating to me about the way this book is discussing (the failure and absence of) motherhood, though I never quite manage to articulate it... It's very compelling! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic if you have any! But there is something about the repetition of this theme in: Berenilde's motherhood issues, Roseline who's infertile, Ophelie who's also infertile, Eulalie who's... infertile... The whole state of Anima which is run by the driest mother figures you can imagine, Artemis included...
Paralleled with the characters who seem to be dealing with their own mother issues, from the perspective of children: Thorn, Octavio, Elizabeth, Farouk --- and ofc Ophelie herself...
Back to the Other, isn't it kind of interesting that the one child who manages to escape him is gender-fluid Janus? I wonder if that's gonna jump out to me in some way when I reread book 4, I can't wait!
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chandajaan · 1 year
Ok so on my quest for the that weird fucked up high fantasy girls sun genre I realise I’m super into the fundamentally very good character who were doomed by the narrative, like,,, deet? Doomed. Ahiru? Super doomed, Ophelia? Somewhat doomed. Like the narrative was always against them you know, they were never going to have the happy ending!!!! ahiru and Ophelia are literally enemies of god, in one way or the other and in defeating them they have to loose what they value most! And they will because they’re so good!!
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i am once again thinking about vex’s relationship with mirrors post-canon. 🙃
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pristina-nomine · 2 years
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I famosi coniugi!
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signedbybriar · 1 year
Ophelia is so much stronger than me. I would’ve pulled a Tommen from GOT immediately if I was in her situation.
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The Missing of Clairdelune by Christelle Dabos
It is very common that second installments in series do not live up to first, but that was absolutely not the case for this one. It took the fantastic world building from the first book and greatly expanded it (I especially loved the history we got on the family spirits and the little peaks into the powers of other arks from the carnival). The plot and character progressions that had just started to brew in the last book, expanded massively in this one.
Ophelia’s role in this book was much more active than in the first one and her hard fought battle for this agency shaped her into a strong and confident young woman. Throughout the first book and the first half of this one she is just constantly interrupted, but by solving the mystery of the missing people and figuring out Farouk and Thorn’s whole deal, she gains the respect of the important people in her life. While I found her relationships with people to be shallow before (not in a poorly written way), her gradual confidence boost allows her to connect with those in her life much more fully.
Her relationships with Thorn and her mother were especially impacted by their respect for her. Thorn eventually trusts her to be able to take care of herself and thus lets her into his confidence, making me actually root for their relationship for the first time. For her mother, it was simultaneously her figuring out just how dangerous the Pole is and how well Ophelia has managed to adapt to this danger. Her respect for Ophelia was really the last strand for Ophelia to realize her full potential and basically clean up everyone’s problems.
My library doesn’t have the 3rd and 4th books so I think I’m gonna have to buy them, because not reading them is not an option at this point. I’m way too invested in this story.
Spoilers ahead:
Holy balls, God is terrifying and awesome and the perfect villain (?) for this series. I was reading this book during my lunch break and had to go back to work fairly distracted because I paused in the middle of them literally trying to kill God.
Also, Thorn really did just dip at the end even though Ophelia went through all that work to save him. Ungrateful man smh.
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“I must talk to you,” she said to Thorn.
He immediately put his watch away and got up, as if he had been waiting for those five words all day.
This man ignored her the first time she brought him tea im so hnghdgsgfhshs
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The Mirror Quartet, Bk. 1 - A Winter's Promise
The Mirror Quartet, Bk. 1 – A Winter’s Promise
Having finished reading this book last night, I have written myself a quick summary in an effort to keep track of characters and events. It is by no means exhaustive, but: spoilers ahead. ~~~~~ The world has been broken into pieces, such that instead of one planet, there are 21 arks (and many more pieces smaller than the arks). Ophelia (age 21?  I think it was 21 since she had turned down…
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chandajaan · 1 year
Ok but I'm absolutely crazy about how some level Ophelia loves history and her reading ability because it connects her to people and their experiences workout any real work on her behalf, because she is deeply disconnected from everyone around her and feels like an outsider, so she used her ability to peer into people on some level, and then she's forced to do emotional gymnastics and detective work with thorn who's also disconnected and alone in his own fucked up way and they spend the whole series cricling each other like feral dogs who have no idea how to pack bond, like octavio straight up tells Ophelia he'd be in love with her is she wasn't so weird like it's soooo good
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j4gm · 1 year
Let's see what this episode has in store.
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This is an alternate universe where Simon was killed by vampires before he found Marceline. Even the scientific parasite in his breast pocket looks like it has been drained of blood.
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Our Simon demonstrating his survival skills. We never got to see him dealing with vampires in his own universe, but presumably he ran into them a few times and is familiar with their weaknesses.
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These kinds of vampire minions last appeared in the Stakes miniseries. They are a lot more varied in design now. Also, the architecture of this world is interesting. It looks like gothic palaces have been built into the roots of decaying skyscrapers.
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Bonnie's crew has several of the familiar vampire hunting tools from Stakes, including stake launchers and garlic bombs. They also douse some of the vampires in holy water, which was previously shown to harm demons in the episode Dad's Dungeon. This is the first time it's been seen working on vampires.
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Marshall Lee has a Hambo mirror decoration. In the prime universe Hambo was Marceline's toy teddy bear, given to her by Simon.
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Martin is an interesting choice for Bonnie's crew. In this universe it seems like he never had a son, since the humans presumably never left Ooo for the Islands. It also seems like he's a better person here, willing to risk his life to follow Fionna's noble lead. He has the same jacket as he had in The Visitor, which several people identified when we first saw Fionna wearing it in the trailer.
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The cat on Bonnie's mug is Timmy from the episode The Pajama War. The fact she broke it is surely the most heartbreaking loss of this episode :(
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The other member of the team is Huntress Wizard, who looks to be a human in this universe for some reason. I don't think Huntress Wizard was originally human in the prime universe.
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Baby Finn snuck into this universe, and by the end of the episode was left to be raised by self-repairing battletank single gay dad PepButt. I'm sure he'll turn out fine.
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The Cosmic Owl has been flagged up on Scarab's arrest list for "profiteering". Perhaps his neglect of his duties during Hoots has been discovered, or perhaps this is a new crime.
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There are loads of new genderswapped characters in this scene. I've already reblogged a post listing all the ones we've spotted so far, so refer to that for details. The most significant is Ms. Abadeer. According to the credits, her first name is Hana.
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Even Billy has been slain by vampires.
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Princess Bubblegum calls Fionna a dillweed, her go-to insult from the episode Hot Diggity Doom. It's good to hear some Adventure Time swearing from time to time despite the liberties they're taking with the TV-14 rating.
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Enter the titular character! Like the other members of the Vampire Court from Stakes, Marceline has taken a new name from the ranks of the Major Arcana of a tarot deck: The Star. Huntress mentions that she is the last member of the court, having outlived everyone beside the Vampire King himself. The fact she can fly suggests she killed and sucked The Fool's soul despite him being a fellow member of the court.
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She is seen using her soul-sucking demon powers, inherited from Hunson, on Martin. She also demonstrates that she has no problem drinking blood in this universe, despite the fact vampires can eat the colour red.
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Bonnie and The Star have such an interesting dynamic in this episode. It seems like fate is seeking to entwine them, but this has been twisted into a relationship of mutual hatred. Yet The Star is furious when a minion suggests she kill Bonnie, and Bonnie fails to take an opportunity to kill The Star later on. Something is keeping these two immortals in an eternal dance, even in a universe where they are arch nemeses.
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A lot of this series has centred around Simon's relationship to fatherhood, and realising that he is a better dad than some of the others he's met will likely end up being a key moment in his recovery.
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I believe this section was boarded by Hannah K. You've probably all seen her famous Bubbline stakeplay drawing. This scene must have been fun to draw.
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I really enjoyed the parallel of Gary and Marshall getting their climactic kiss while Bonnie and The Star fell together to their deaths, demonstrating that the girls' fall was just as gay as the boys kissing, but in a very different way. We also know from interviews that Gary and Marshall's relationship is supposed to parallel that of early Bubbline in the prime universe. Perhaps Princess Bubblegum got Marceline out of a bad deal with Hunson Abadeer, shortly after their first meeting at Marceline's concert, and that's when they first hit it off.
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The dream in this episode's credits features Marceline's house; a home that neither The Star nor this Marshall Lee have ever known.
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The Demigod On Earth - Steve Rogers x Reader (The God of a Massive Pain in My Ass)
A/N: As soon as I watched the Loki Series Finale I knew I had to write this
Summary: A mysterious figure comes back from the dead... again.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff! Light Angst! Loki Spoilers!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The God of a Massive Pain in My Ass
You smiled softly as you looked over your shoulder at JJ who was excitedly telling you and Steve about his day at school. The school had been visited by the local fire department for a fire safety talk and JJ couldn’t stop talking about all the cool things he’d learnt.
“They brought a dog too! It was a dalmatian!” JJ exclaimed.
“Oh wow, does the dog fight the fires too?” Steve asked as he glanced in the rear-view mirror. 
JJ laughed and shook his head “noo! They stay at the station to keep everyone company”
“Aw that’s very sweet” you commented, running your hand over your bump and returning your attention back to the front.
As Steve turned the corner someone stood at your front door caught your attention. Your blood ran cold as you instinctively reached out to grab Steve’s arm “Stop the car here” you told him.
Steve instantly did as you said “What’s wrong” he said, eyes wide with worry as he looked over at you. 
“Nothing, just take JJ to the park while I deal with something,” you said, not taking your eyes off the person at the front door. 
Steve followed your gaze before swearing under his breath “Right okay yeah sure” he nodded. 
“Thank you, I shouldn’t be long 20 minutes max” you tell him unbuckling your seatbelt. 
“Sweetheart” Steve said putting his hand on your arm as you were about to get out of the car “Don’t get too stressed” he reminded you his eyes dropping to your bump. You shoot him a look that had him immediately backtracking “But you know I’d say this is warranted”
“Yeah I’d say so, 20 minutes” you huffed as you got out of the car. 
You waited until Steve pulled away again and was out of sight before you turned around to face your visitor who had the audacity to wave at you. You clenched your fists before storming up to the front door. 
His mouth had barely opened when you swung and punched your brother Loki square in the face “What the fuck is wrong with you!” you screeched. 
Loki groaned, hand cupping his jaw “I deserved that” 
“Seriously what is wrong with you?! Do you get off causing pain to your loved ones? Do you not understand how horrible it has been to grieve you multiple times only to find out you’re fucking alive! You didn’t think to come back and help us against Thanos?!” you shouted at him hitting his shoulders and chest.
“I couldn’t” Loki sighed.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t” you sneered. 
“I couldn’t because he did kill me, that was the moment I did die, or at least that version of me” Loki sighed with a sad look on his face. 
Your screwed your eyes shut and shook your head “What?” you said unable to make sense of what he was saying. 
Loki sighed “I can explain if you would let me” he said holding his hands up in a defensive manner. 
You took a deep breath before looking up at Loki, you could see the sincerity in his eyes, eyes that looked tired and like they’d seen too much “okay, but you only have 15 minutes now before Steve and JJ gets back and beware the dog” you said as you pulled out the key and opened the door. 
As expected Scout came bounding over and was his usual wiggly self. It was difficult to stop the smile that threatened to break out as you watched Loki try and negotiate the golden retriever. You led him through to the living room, sitting down as soon as you could because you’d worn yourself out already. 
As soon as he could Loki sat down on the opposite side of the couch, hands ringing together nervously “did Steve tell you about his time when he went back to get the stones?” Loki started, you nodded in response “well I’m the Loki who took the tesseract after Stark lost it” he explained. 
You hold your hand up to pause him “Wait, so you’re from 2012? So the dark elves and Thanos that’s not happened to you yet?” you asked.
“Yes, it’s technically my future, I’ve seen it all play out at the TVA” Loki explained.
“The Time Variance Authority, they control the timeline and ensure everything runs correctly” Loki explained, you blinked in confusion so he explained some more “Me taking the tesseract wasn’t supposed to happen, by me taking it I became a variant and they arrested me” 
“So you created a new timeline and they arrested you to get rid of that timeline?” you guessed.
“Yes, exactly that! But there’s more to it” he said before recounting his story of the TVA and Kang the Conqueror. 
“So right now all the timelines are loose and it’s causing time to unravel and if you don’t stop it the entire universe will cease to exist” you said pinching the bridge of your nose and trying desperately not to stress out too much about it. 
“Yes, but I know what I need to do, and it will work. I just wanted to make amends because I won’t be able to visit ever again,” Loki sighed.
“Why not? Don’t get me wrong I’m still pissed at you but I just got you back” you muttered.
“Someone needs to hold all the timelines together once I hold on I won’t be able to let go again” Loki explained “There’s no other way, I wish there was but I’ll be able to see you, watch over this timeline, maybe there’s one where we were all still together, you, me, thor… our parents”
You let out a watery chuckle hearing that, after everything you never expected Loki to refer to Odin and Frigga as his parents again “that would be nice” you said wiping away a stray tear. 
Loki gave you a sympathetic smile which just made you cry even more, this was the brother you grew up with and you couldn’t believe he was back only to leave for good.
“Sorry, it’s all the hormones” you apologised as Loki wrapped his arm around you and pulled on in for a hug. 
“That is an exciting development, I saw a boy with Steve too,” Loki said.
“That’s JJ we had him a year before the snap, he’s Steve’s mini-me,” you tell him with a warm smile.
“Urgh another one” Loki groaned which earned him a punch to the arm. 
“And this one will be a little girl” you smile gesturing down to your bum. 
Loki smiled warmly “Well if she’s anything like you she’ll be a handful, you were a nightmare child” he smirked.
You gasp and shove his shoulder “Only because of your bad influences, I recall both you and Thor egging me on”
Loki just chuckled and shrugged his shoulder, his expression turned serious when you heard the car pull up outside “Can I meet JJ?” he asked quietly. 
You sighed “he thinks you’re dead, I don’t know how to explain all this multiverse stuff to him” you admitted shaking your head “It’s already been confusing enough that I came back but Nat and Tony didn’t”
“We don’t have to tell him, I can say it’s part of my powers that I’m able to visit” he suggested, creating a duplicate of himself across the room which said “Just this once… please”
You let out a long sigh but there was only one answer. How could you possibly take away the opportunity for JJ to meet his uncle. The brother who meant so much to you growing up. 
“Okay we’ll see how he is but if he gets upset or confused” you warned. 
Loki held up his hands “Then I’ll go and keep watching on from afar” he promised. 
You smiled softly before standing up to go greet Steve and JJ. You spotted Steve was lingering by the car trying to stall until you opened the front door. 
“Mommy” JJ called out as he ran up the path to you “What’s going on?” he asked as he hugged your legs. 
“Nothing sweetie” you reassure him “We just had a surprise guest, one who would like to meet you if that’s okay?” you asked him. 
Steve arched a brow as he walked up to join you so you gave him a reassuring look to say it was all okay. 
“Okay” JJ nodded as he took your hand. 
“Good, he’s very excited to meet you” You smiled softly as you led JJ inside the house towards Loki. 
To your surprise, Loki was pacing back and forth in the living room, but as soon as you walked back in he spun around and smiled proudly back at you “Hi” he said his voice catching slightly. 
“JJ, this is your uncle Loki,” you said introducing him. 
JJ tilted his head as his brows pinched in confusion “I thought you were up in the stars?” he asked. 
The corners of Loki’s lips twitch upwards “I am, but I have special powers that allow me to visit you, only this once though” Loki explained as he took a few tentative steps towards JJ. 
“Powers?” JJ asked. 
“Yeah, look at this,” Loki said as he knelt down and created a bright green bunny to appear in midair, you bit back a laugh as you recalled him doing similar tricks when you were a child. 
JJ’s eye lit up at the fake bunny, you smiled as he rushed over to Loki to get a better look. Steve moved to stand in JJ’s place beside you, wrapping his arm around you and pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“You feeling okay?” he asked softly. 
You nodded your head watching as Loki and JJ got to know each other “yeah, he’s not back for good but I’m glad I’m getting to see him one last time” you admitted quietly. 
“How is he back?” Steve asked. 
“He’s the Loki who stole the tesseract when you went back for it, but by doing that he created a new timeline and this is a variant of the Loki we know, but he knows what happened to our Loki” you explain “Apparently all the timelines are loose and unravelling at the moment but it's okay because he’s going to go back and hold them all together” 
Steve blinked a couple of times, his mouth opening and shutting as he tried and failed to comprehend what you just said. He finally shook his head and let out a long breath “I’m glad we’re retired and don’t have to deal with this anymore” he muttered.
You snorted “You can say that again, although it is interesting to think of all the different timelines out there, how different our lives might be in them”
Steve shook his head “they wouldn’t be any different, I would have found you in every universe and timeline” he said. 
You smiled softly up at him “I love you”
“I love you too” Steve smiled as he leaned down and kissed you softly. 
A short while later Loki stood up from where he’d been hanging out with JJ “I think my time is running out and I have a few more places to visit”
“Aww can’t you stay?” JJ complained. 
Loki smiled softly “unfortunately not, but I’ll be watching over you so I’ll never be far” he said gently ruffling up JJ’s hair. 
JJ still pouted but stepped forward to give Loki one of his bear hugs “Bye Uncle Loki”
“Bye little one” Loki smiled softly as he hugged JJ back. 
“JJ why don’t you and Dad go make a start on your homework while I walk Uncle Loki out” you suggested. 
“Okay say hello to Auntie Nat and Uncle Tony for me please” JJ pleaded. 
“Consider it done” Loki promised “Now get on with your work, intelligence is your best weapon”
JJ grinned back up at him before making his way over to Steve to make a start on his homework. You and Loki made your way back outside, pausing on the front porch neither of you really wanting him to go. 
“Are you going to see Thor?” you asked.
Loki chuckled “Yes, got any tips?” he smirked. 
“Take a shield, he’s got a mean axe now” you warned. 
“Any chance I can take Steve’s?” he asked hopefully. 
You laugh “Oh so it’s not too patriotic for you now that you need it?” 
Loki shrugged “I might change up the colour scheme, green and gold might look good” he smirked.
You snorted and shook your head “Well you’re out of luck because he gave it to Sam when we retired”
“Damn, I’ll think of something” Loki sighed.
Silence fell between the two of you “I wished you didn’t have to go” you sighed. 
“Me neither, but that's the hero gig right?” Loki said. 
You chuckled “Yeah it is, I’ll miss you” 
“I’ll miss you too, but as I said to JJ, I’ll be watching over you, being a proud big brother as your family grows” Loki smiled, resting a hand on your shoulder “I need to go now”
“Okay,” you muttered, your voice thick with emotion as you stepped closer to hug him tightly for the last time. 
Loki hugged you back, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head before stepping back. You watched him walk down the path towards the road. He looked back once before an orange doorway opened and he stepped through, disappearing for good.
“Goodbye brother” you whispered.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I have no schedule, please don’t ask when I will be updating!
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trashtalkingracoon · 2 months
started reading the second book in the mirror visitor series and im already feeling second hand embarrassment for ophelie.
how is it possible for a character to embarrass herself so much so often
i started book one expecting a romance and ended up with so much conflict i loved it.
i also love ophelie dearly and wish to protect her from all harm (which are frequent everyone hates her)
<mild spoilers now>
thorn is a son of a bitch but i dont think he expected to feel so enamored by ophelie which is quite funny. im currently hating him tho. hope that changes but for now thorn you stink
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meamiiikiii · 6 months
Hello. I haven't spoken much on the Reverse Entry AU (Modern Office + Reverse Isekai Loop AU). That changes today!!! Have some scattered (relatively long) tidbits on this AU. Mainly background to actually get to the office part of it but, yea!
If anyone wants elaboration on anything on this list, and I do mean anything, I encourage asking!! Or any random questions on the AU general!! Or just things in general!! Make me think about things I have not considered!!
Spoilers for all of ISAT + 2Hats and the like:
Mainly Concrete
The Country -> The Company.
Well, more of a family storefront, but the similarity in those two words next to each other was too good to pass up LOL.
Said storefront was run by Siffrin’s parents, and was their life's work.
Specialized in niche craft related stuff, in both teaching people how to do them & selling materials for the crafts. 
It was a very warm & homely store, and was adored by locals and visitors alike. 
A store that felt comforting to just vibe in for a bit, if that makes sense.
Loop ends up being Siffrin’s roommate after being reverse isekai’ed :)
They do not help with rent
They are a solid night light, which they try to justify as helping with the electricity bill
They also find a mirror shortly after arrival. 
Important Points
Mirabelle & Isabeau have known each other since University and are besties!!!!!!!!!
Not 100% sure of the logistics yet, but this was too important of a point to not include
Additionally, please know at some point, Isa custom stitched the scarf-shawl Mira wears to work all the time now, and gifted it to her!
He is also responsible for the fun pattern on the vest he wears all the time too!
Bonnie, whenever they are hanging around, makes sure to sneak onto Nille’s computer, and block out time between meetings for time to breathe / snacks for the others
And they also make sure to block out like an hour of time for proper lunches as well
Back to back to back to back meetings are not fun!!!
Breaks are important!!!
I have mentioned this in a different post, but this too, is a very important point to not include here as well
Location of Living
Mirabelle & Siffrin live in the same apartment complex, but on opposite sides of it
They have briefly interacted a few times prior to being coworkers? 
But Siffrin had his hair dyed for interviews for a long time
So Mirabelle didn’t realize it was him for a while, since he started growing out the dye before formally meeting in a work environment
Siffrin simply forgor
Isabeau lives relatively close-by to where Mira & Sif live, he visits Mira sometimes!!
He may or may not have also interacted with Siffrin two (2) times prior to working together due to the above point
Nille & Bonnie live around the area Siffrin used to live before he had to move, and have resided in that area for a long time
They technically were neighbors, at one point!
Odile lives closer to the office than everyone else 
Shorter commute for in-office days 
But still in the general vicinity of everyone else's abodes ofc
Hiring Order
Mirabelle has been working in the office the longest (interned two years in a row, and was formally hired right out of University)
Isabeau is next after since he got a referral off of Mira (interned for one year before graduation, then was hired at the same time Mirabelle was)
Odile was hired to replace Euphrasie (previous senior manager to their team who got a promotion, she’s now director of the regional office)
Siffrin was hired a bit after Odile when they got more capacity, since what they were originally doing was way too much for just three people LOL
Apparently, he got a referral from someone internally, but has no idea about it!
Nille was hired a little bit after Siffrin was
She only agreed upon the role if she was granted the flexibility to pick up Bonnie from school whenever
Random RPG Equivalence Hour
Turn Based Combat = Emails 
Whether it be waiting for data to start processes, answering inquiries, so on and so forth
Sometimes those turns take literal days
It happens!
Being Frozen / Damaged = Program Freezing 
This goes for any program being used
If it freezes it inflicts small damage
It inflicts more damage if it crashes
It makes you cry on the floor if the program crashes and you can’t recover any of what you did for the past hour
It makes you regret all of your life decisions up to this moment in time if it crashes, you can’t recover anything, and you have a presentation on the stuff you were working on in 15 minutes
Misc Meetings
Mirabelle writes fanfic
Isabeau knows about this and supports her in her endeavors
Odile has read some of her works, but does not know she wrote them irl
At some point prior to working together, Mirabelle & Odile became mutuals and started trading book / fanfic recommendations to one another
Odile had a brief stint as a bartender prior to working for the office
Mainly to earn some form of income while applying for jobs / waiting for prior certifications to process and transfer properly after moving from another country
In one or another, she met Isabeau and Siffrin at separate intervals while working there
Additionally, the bar is located close to the office. A lot of happy hours happen there. It ended up serving as a networking opportunity for her LMAO
Both Nille and Bonnie moved around a lot when they were younger
At different intervals, Nille went to the same high schools as both Mirabelle & Isabeau
Nille has probably worked a lot of jobs throughout high school / university
This includes working at the same place Odile worked at for a bit, they were probably coworkers there at some point.
Maybe not necessarily a bartender but, general staff
Again, this served as a networking opportunity similar to the Odile segment ASFASDASDA
Loop somehow ends up becoming a vtuber.
Loop somehow ends up being a vtuber for the company the team works under, akin to Tony the Tiger.
Loop does this vtuber gig for approximately one (1) stream and quits right after.
((loop decided their first stream was a nuzlocke for some reason. the crafts company literally didnt ask them to. they decided this on their own volition for no apparent reason. the company literally asked for a stream where they do crafts?? anyway they named their pokemon after the party. and. well.))
As I am Indecisive, this still has a chance for change! But for now this list is slightly ordered from “concrete in my mind” to “need to let simmer more probably, but the vibes are there” to “probably not but it is a bit of a funny to consider” (this only applies to the last loop segment ASDAFA)
But yea!! Thanks for reading the ramblings :)
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