#the maormer have my whole heart
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reformed-ghost · 1 year ago
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reviving an old oc
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biinarysttars · 1 year ago
Making a quick masterlist of all of my TES OCs so that if someone feels compelled to ask me about them they have the names to do so :)
Evelara Wicking, the Eterenal Champion - a smart, stubborn, and dedicated member of the Imperial Court. She is a Breton Nightblade. Her parents both died following her unjust arrest-- so her desire to eliminate Jagar Tharn is borne not only out of loyalty to the Empire, but out of pure, unadulterated spite and hate.
Ivyrandil Athaere - a sexual deviant Altmer Healer cast out by his noble family after literally being caught with his pants down. He likes making potions and being a cunt to people (and loves being knocked down a peg.)
Ereld - a 16-year-old Bosmer Barbarian who was adopted by a small Nord village. He spent his whole life trying to make his village proud before opting to travel with Evelara and Ivy.
None yet ;) I will add them when I play the game!
Travlse, the Nerevarine - a carefree Dunmer Withchhunter. He can find the silver lining to any situation, and while he seems completely self-serving, there is nothing he wouldn't do for someone if they asked.
Vivyne Faewatch - the future Queen of Morrowind, following the events in Tribunal. She is kind of a hopeless romantic, and is stubborn and patient beyond measure. She has a good heart and knows right from wrong, and she doesn't care who she pisses off about it.
Alavesa Faewatch - a baby that Vivyne found abandoned close to the end of the initial plot of Morrowind. Alavesa spends her first year or so of life travelling with Travlse and Vivyne.
Ko'Yana, the Hero of Kvatch - an ex-slave Khajiiti woman hailing from Morrowind. She was completely fucked over by the new Queen's sudden and poorly-implemented anti-slavery laws, and forced into a life of crime. She was arrested promptly following a hit she took out on a member of the Imperial Court. Usually I design a custom class with a focus on unarmed combat & destruction magic for her.
Everlara Wicking - a close friend of the late Emperor, and wife to his second-born son. She'll wring Mehrunes Dagon's neck herself if she has to, and she'll protect Martin with everything she has.
Etheara Reverie, the Last Dragonborn - an empty-headed manual labourer that travelled to Solstheim in a last-ditch attempt to revive Raven Rock Mine. In doing so, he encountered a Daedric force far, far beyond his mental ability to grasp, and he pays for it.
Vanyarintil Korothaeus, a False Dragonborn - a strong and silent chosen of Hircine. He was travelling to the Imperial City and overshot by a good bit, and ended up stumbling into a raid at the border and was arrested. He has a natural talent for learning Dragon Shouts, so it was thought for a very long time that he was the true Last Dragonborn. Also I may be making him transfem but I'm not sure how that impacts the story, or whether it impacts the story so we'll see.
Melanarto Korothaeus, a False Dragonborn - a passive and quiet priest of Mara. He travels Skyrim preaching her word, always returning to Windhelm to stay with his close friend, Revyn Sadri. They are very close. When he was a child, he happened upon a dying dragon that gave him an amulet. This amulet has the ability to absorb and keep dragon souls, so it was thought for a very long time that he was the True Last Dragonborn.
Kyryi Orah - a Maormer man that was somehow stranded off the coast of Winterhold. Because of the historical tensions between the Maormer and the Altmer, he assigned a keeper: Ancano. Somehow, his circumstances are simultaneously a dream come true and his worst nightmare; all he has ever wanted was to study magic-- but why did it have to cost his family and whole world?
Terarae Isevryn - a commanding officer in the Imperial Legion. She is a Snow Elf, but her family clan (which was large at one time) adored travelling and adventure-- so they were on the other side of the continent during the conflict with the Dwemer. Now, she is the last member of her family, and had returned to Skyrim with the hopes of being embraced by her people. But since the Falmer had become what they did, there was no place for her-- so she threw herself into the easiest work she could find: the military.
Aster Reverie - an innkeeper on Solstheim. He didn't want to let Etheara travel alone at first, so he and his fiancee moved with him and set up an inn near Tel Mithryn. He seldom hears from his twin anymore.
Anira Mirlayn - an innkeeper on Solstheim. She never had many plans for the future, so when her finace suggested moving to Solstheim to be close to his brother, she agreed. She is bright and friendly, able to draw any recluse from their shell.
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lokorum · 2 years ago
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ahhhh i wanted to share them for so long! but im so chaotic i cant even choose names for my oc that gonna stick for more than a week dfgjfdsgd ahhh but thanks to your super cute and heartwarming words i feel like you know, its not important if they half-baked - i can show them and talk about them a bit anyway! so yeah, some of my other tes oc! and nae!! wtih bad looking face injury!! because ofc!! let pretend he just fell on his way here okay my boi is a bit clumsy like that ;dlfkg;lfkg
へ_(‾◡◝ )>
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so! the twins and satha! when i woke up a week ago they were refugees from morrowind, and yesterday? when looking at them? i was like ''hmmm looking pretty maormer for me ha……………..". so maormers they are………
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nae spends a bit of time with this little family, after satha finds him wounded in the forest and decides to help, (later she teaches him basics of taking care of himself and other important stuff because a small reminder- nae has quickly progressing alzheimer).
but couple of years after that nae indirectly causes satha's death, shino's abduction and also sponsors isa's nightmares for the rest of her life while she witnessing all this shit, too young and terrified to do something.
nae tries not to panic and undone the whole situation but learns that wow death is death you cant do anything about it even if your magic mouth can speak magic words that make fire out of nowhere, you silly little biscuit, so he panics and flee and starting main quest which is lets be real the punishment in itself.
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shino lives horribly as a servant\toyboy until everyone is dead and he isnt, and ended up in dark brotherhood. later in life he meets nae but because of the alzheimer nae doesnt remember neither shino, nor isa nor satha and its absolutely breaks shino's heart.
and isa has two main roots!
-> she may be ended up as neloth's apprentice; never seeing her twin-brother again, but she'll be safe and happy and really belongs there with this grumpy wizard's ass and his god awful tea
-> or! if she will meet nae again and as we established nothing good happens with anyone who meets nae her burning hatred and pain that she tried to soothe all her life will light up again, worse than ever. in her pursuit of justice she will join the vigilants of stendarr, then go rogue and then joins company of really nice fellows that may or may not include miraak. i 1000% roote for her choosing the first path but also i can wake up tomorrow thinking its a pretty good idea to make her daedric prince of bananas, so i probably? cant be trusted.
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ehhh now when im rereading it i think i should have start with simple stuff like their fave food and colors, the clothes they wear but my brain were like DEATH MURDER SUFFORINGS and now we’re here. thank you for reading this mess! next time i write something about molag’s fave “do that go there what are you talking there’s no such word as vacation in daedric” xivkyn - aut’be and giant pain in everyone's ass and also mannimarco’s beloved punching bag - mazken ayasha! ʿʿ˅⁽ˆ⁰ˆ˺ ⁾˺
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daedricprincessorigin · 5 years ago
Okay this got a little long and I am on mobile so I can't add a read more I am very sorry. Razum-dar x female Kajiit vestige.
Everyone else says that falling in love is slow. That it's hard to see. That a lot of the time you don't realise that you're in love until the chance is gone.
Not this time.
They didn't exactly "meet cute." She fell out of the sky into the ocean in the middle of a hurricane. He found her washed up on the shore, the only one not wearing a uniform.
He was the first face she saw when she emerged from the small tower into the world of the waking and living.
"This one is Razum-dar. He fished you out of the water last night." He said, leaning casually on the crumbled stone wall. "So who are you? And where did you come from?"
She eyed him. And trusted him. "This one is Ra'jaheeri. She was in Coldharbor. Ra'jaheeri escaped."
Razum-dar tilted his head. "And what will you tell the others?"
Ra'jaheeri paused. Looked around. She didn't see any other Kajiit. Only the furless skins of Altmer and Bosmer. Her green eyes met his green eyes. "That this one was a soldier on the ships. A marine. She got knocked off in one of the waves and separated from her command."
Razum-dar nodded approvingly. "Good. You catch on quick."
And that was the beginning.
They worked together on that island against the Maormer. He was smart. And he trusted her. Ra'jaheeri wasn't expecting that.
And then there was the fiasco at Vulkel Guard. Razum-dar had to break her out of prison. And he teased her about it. But she didn't seem to mind. She should have. But it seemed less like making fun of her and more like flirting.
Ra'jaheeri met Queen Ayrenn. A good woman, a good queen. One who believes in her vision, who wants to do good. Who is determined to lead her people well, all of her people, the High Elves, the Wood Elves, and the Kajiit.
The two women quickly became friends. Ayrenn was already very close friends with Raz.
Ra'jaheeri didn't want to say, even silently to herself, that she was falling for her handsome counterpart. The other Eye of The Queen. Confident, suave, intelligent, quick, and charismatic. But she had to admit it. But only to herself, she swore.
Guess how long that lasted?
It was after yet another disaster than Ra'jaheeri had to fix that Ayrenn figured it out. They both stood there, amongst the embers of walls and wooden pillars. Ayrenn was congratulating her, and telling her Eye where next she was needed. Ra'jaheeri never minded Ayrenn sending her off like this, she liked staying busy and helpful. But she made a mistake.
"Raz will be meeting you there-" Ayrenn stopped. Ra'jaheeri's ears had flicked upwards, the points standing at attention. A sly grin not unlike Raz's crept over the Altmer's face. "What is it about Raz that excites you so, my friend?"
Ra'jaheeri's ears flicked back down. "What do you mean, my queen? This one has only the same interest as meeting any other Eye."
Ayrenn's golden eyebrows jumped up. "Well in that case then there should be no issue with another Eye being your contact."
This time is was her tail that have her away. The queen led her to the side with a hand on her armored arm, waving her guards away.
"You like Raz."
"This one likes lots of people-"
Ayrenn held up a finger. "Not like this, I don't think."
Ra'jaheeri sighed, and let her head and shoulders droop. "This one..... Ra'jaheeri thinks she loves him. She shouldn't. He probably flirts with everyone like that. There's no reason she should be the special one and actually win his heart. Ra'jaheeri is sure many Eyes have fallen in love with Raz. Or marines. Or advisors. Or dignitaries. And probably every woman that has ever seen him. And lots of men too."
The kajiit woman was startled out of her moping by Ayrenn grabbing her by the shoulders. "It is up to Raz. You're right, many many people have fallen in love with him. But if you never ask, you will never know. Do not make the decisions for the both of you out of fear."
Ra'jaheeri's brows furrowed in thought, and she nodded. "This one will think on it."
The catalyst came when Ra'jaheeri was chosen as the Moon Hallowed, to chose the next Mane to be leader of the Khajiit.
She accompanied the twins that she had to choose between as they went through the trials facing their past, their insecurities, and their strengths. Ra'jaheeri grew prouder of the girls every second she knew them. She would have had it that they led the people together, as the two moons floated in the sky. But it was not to be. One of the Lunar Champions had to be left behind to fight the shadow, the Dark Mane. Ra'jaheeri chose Khali, the brash twin, the angry one whose trust was in her strength and her swords to hold back the Dark Mane. Shazah, the studious twin, the one whose trust was in her skill at magic and the knowledge of ancient texts, became the Mane. But their troubles were far from over.
They were sent through visions of the future, of what would happen without them. Greenshade and the rest of Valenwood burned as it was corrupted and overrun by werewolves. Auridon and Summerset fell.
As the two kajiit women whipped around a corner in an aylied ruin, Ra'jaheeri was frozen in place by the sound of a weak cough. Razum-dar was curled on the ground, struggling to breathe as he lay in an ever-growing pool of blood. Ra'jaheeri dropped her swords and fell to her knees next to him, the metal of her greaves painted red.
"Where were you?" He hissed.
"What? This one does not understand, she was there, it should not have taken long-"
"Why didn't you help?"
"R-Ra'jaheeri does not know! She is sorry! Oh Moons, please be okay."
Her hands couldn't do anything to stop the blood, the red darker than his hair, from spilling everywhere. She pressed down hard on his hands on top of his wound but it wouldn't stop.
"Please, Raz, you can't die now! This one is in love with you! Please don't leave her!" Ra'jaheeri was crying now, tears soaking into the fur on her face and dripping down to land on her armor with a *plink*.
Razum-dar's lips curled into a snarl. "Where was your love when this one couldn't defend our Queen? Where was your love for our friend?"
Her mouth dropped open in shock as he growled and shoved her away. "Go save her. Maybe she can forgive you. But this ome never can."
"Moon Hallowed, we have to move!" Shazah said, sending a spell flying towards faceless soldiers running towards them. She yanked at Ra'jaheeri's arm, who managed to pick up her swords and run into the ruin.
Ra'jaheeri was still crying when they emerged in the temple once again. She nearly screamed when she saw Raz standing there in his leather armor, whole and unharmed, a confused look on his face. She left her swords where they fell and ran to Raz, her head thumping into his chest and her arms wrapping around him. There was no blood on her armor, but she could almost feel it.
Raz took her aside in an empty hall of the temple after the ceremony was completed and Shazah was the Mane.
"What is wrong?" He asked, face more serious than she had ever seen him.
Ra'jaheeri whimpered. "This one is in love with you. And it took watching you die to give her the courage to tell you."
Razum-dar gently let her down to sit on the floor, his arm on her shoudlers as he sat too.
"Raz never knew you to be afraid of something so small as that."
Ra'jaheeri barked a short laugh through the sniffles. "Nothing relating to you is ever small."
Raz grinned. "Oh? Is knowing that what made you fall in love with this one?"
Ra'jaheeri slapped him on the shoulder, making him laugh.
He quieted after a moment. "This one is also in love with you."
She stared at him. "What?"
"Ever since you knew to tell that lie when we met. This one had fished a beautiful woman out of the sea and when she wakes up, she knows who to trust and how to blend in to a strange place? And then it just got worse after that."
He looked down at the ground, tracing the intricate tiles with a claw.
"But..... you could have any woman you wanted. Or man. Or anyone. You could charm the moons to come down and dance for you and then rob them blind as they spun. Why Ra'jaheeri?" She wiped away the water on her fur.
Raz smiled. "Were you not just listening? You are right, Raz could have anyone in Tamriel, but he wants the woman who is strong enough to survive Coldharbor, dying countless times, the subterfuge of Altmer court, and still be gentle enough to cry." He lifted a paw to her face and stroked her cheek with a thumb.
"This one........ Ra'jaheeri does not have her soul. It is still in Coldharbor. That is why she can die and come back. She is sorry for not telling you earlier."
Razum-dar shrugged. "That is not exactly something one tells people. You do not seem the soulless type, though."
She have a short chuckle. "This one was worried you would hate her once you found out."
Raz shook his head. "Raz is hard-pressed to think of something you could do to make him hate you. And this one has to think of lots of very odd situations, being a spy and all."
Ra'jaheeri shifted closer, resting her head on his shoulder, and Raz wrapped his other arm around her to match the first. They sat in silence for a time.
Until Ayrenn found them. "Well! It certainly took the two of you long enough!" She said, her hands on her hips as she looked down at them.
Ra'jaheeri frowned back up. "So you knew this whole time?"
Ayrenn laughed. "How could my Eyes be so blind?"
They quieted again as Ayrenn walked away, shaking her head.
"So what now?" Ra'jaheeri asked.
"Well. We are in a temple."
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julskylyly · 5 years ago
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Help, I got sucked into ESO and I’m creating a whole backstory for my character xD
I play as Lilandiil, altmer sorcerer and elementalist (specializing in shock magic) who dabbed in daedric rituals and worship. Emo/edgy kid angsty on the outside but soft on the inside. Loves the sea but not as excited about maormer who are a bother (from time to time) in his hometown - Vulkhel Guard.
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Lila comes from a big family and is the youngest of his siblings (there’s quite an age gap between him and his siblings, Solnar is 10 years older, Gerderwel 8 yrs, Micaiil 4 yrs). He often feels underappreciated and is prone to show-off to try to prove his worth. This often gets him into trouble.
THAT kind of impulsive attitude got him caught up in a daedric cult that lured him in with a promise of power and recognition.
Not long after he joined the cult - he ended up in Coldharbour. Time he spent there felt like ages and his last conscious thought was pleading Mara to save him and promising her his first child.
BONUS FACT ✨ For those of you who know me, I have a different TES related OC called Skoll (Skollinor), who is Lilandiil’s son.
Skoll is an Oblivion OC but he’s a pureblood altmer from Summerset who traveled to Cyrodiil after he got his heart broken like father like son with such impulsive ass attitude
In his story, Skoll is brought up with the idea he’s going to become a Mara priest when he grows up - so now you know why
also, I am well aware that the timeline for these stories is screwed, cause Oblivion happens much later than ESO but u know what - fuck it, not everything from the games happen in my OCs lives and these games are pretty much just an inspo, thanks
This is when canonically Lyris Titanborn comes in and saves him - and he comes back to life in Mistral.
So far I am mainly focusing on doing the Dominium quests and kinda neglecting the main plot. In my original concept (in Oblivion timeline) older Lila joins Thalmor and helps fighting the daedra during the Oblivion Crisis in Auridon - and I think I will stick with it again, kind of screwing the canon timeline, I think I will end up changing the Coldharbor to another Oblivion plain and changing Lyris Titanborn to someone else, most likely Mara herself, but since we talk ESO - we gonna talk ESO xD
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