#the little montage gave me a fucking heart attack
thekindagayone · 11 months
he is STILL here!! he is STILL jaysohn!!!
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toggle1-mrfipp · 4 years
Between Ironwood and the Staff, I find myself being soured on the last two volumes.
Something I really liked about Volume 7 was that a major source of conflict on putting trust in Ironwood, how the core cast seemed torn and had different opinions on how to approach it; Yang wanted to tell him the truth while Blake did not, Ren sided with him while Nora openly opposed him, all while Ruby seemed unable to make a decision. how it gave that volume this complex and complicated feeling as to where Ironwood’s character would go. I remember a number of discussion for and against Ironwood’s stances, even on his plan on sending Atlas into space to protect the Staff from Salem. So I was fairly disappointed when such a difficult question had the simple answer of No, Ironwood could not be trusted and they were wrong in telling him.
I always knew that Ironwood would stand in opposition of the heroes, that he would be antagonistic to them, but I never expected him to dive head first into the deep end of being a villain, The thing that really disappointed me about this was that it seemed like a lot of that ambitious, nuanced build up they had in the last volume, just didn’t matter anymore, and that Ironwood was just boiled down to a more extreme version of Lionheart, a character I never cared about because of how simple he ended up being, someone who is controlled by fear and that’s as far as their motives go. If the opportunity presented itself, I don’t doubt he would have traded the Staff to save his own ass.
He wasn’t even a good villain, all his plans were flawed in the most obvious ways; he talked about using Qrow as leverage against Ruby, but he never bothered to do that, he trusted Watts of all people to get him Penny, and he never bothered to bring a high level or support when he went to meet with Penny, The only thing that seemed to have any real thought put into it was nuking Monstra, and Oscar beat him too it. This is Cinder at Haven levels of competency, which is already dirt low to begin with.
Then there was his downfall last episodes, which was... so nothing. You think that the final battle with one of the show’s major villains would have been its own dedicated episode, but it ends as soon as it starts, it’s not even a fight, it’s a montage. I expected there to be a lot more emotional weight to this fight, specifically since two of the people fighting him are Ozpin and Winter, who should have very strong feelings and emotions about this. But the moment the fight ends he’s just swept under the rug so they can move on to the Staff and set up Cinder. He might as well have died of a heart attack before ‘Penny’ arrived since it would have had just as much emotional impact compared to what we got.
Something I really wanted, and expected to get, was some big debate between Ironwood and Ozpin,but now I really don’t want that anymore, because I feel Ironwood has so little to contribute to the narrative anymore that I would just prefer it if the story just kind of forgot about him.
Now for the Staff...
Back in V7, I found it curious how no one ever really asked about the Staff, what it could do, what it’s limitations were, only that it was making Atlas float, and that it could only do one thing at a time, and that was more or less all we got until now. To simply put, the Staff of Creation is perhaps one of the most powerful objects I have ever seen in anything; as long as he has some kind of schematics or references, Ambrosius is capable of creating anything from nothing, without worrying about time, resources, man power, he can just make anything, all without anything even resembling the kind of limitations that Jinn is imposed with such as passwords or use limits.
But that’s the thing, it’s so powerful that when you actually think about it for a moment, it’s wasted being used to make Atlas float.
If it seemingly has so few limits, why isn’t this thing being used against Salem? Why isn’t it used to make some kind of prison to hold her for the rest of time? Why not use the Staff to create something to help Atlas float to the ground to free it up to combat Salem? Sure, it’s still lowering a mountain, even in the best case scenario I can’t see either Atlas and Mantle not taking a huge hit, but considering it means getting free uses of the Staff, it’s well worth a shot to try. Atlas is the most technologically advance city on the planet, filled with the world’s upmost scientists and engineers, one of which built a robot with a soul, I’m positive they could have done something here.
Then they could have worked on something to neutralize Salem! I’ve been saying it for years, do what Final Fantasy VIII did and send that witch into space! They could have done that here! If they had revealed the extent of the Staff’s powers back in V7, I have no doubt we would have seen hundreds of theories and ideas on how to use it against Salem.
It just makes all the problems and infighting and issues of trust and other nonsense seem so inconsequential and pointless, when they should have been talking about getting the Staff!
It makes anyone who had full awareness of what it could do look like a short-sighted fool. That’s like primarily using the Time Stone to go back five seconds to win games of Rock Paper Scissors. What the fuck Ozpin!
So to sum this up; I’m disappointed that Ironwood’s previous complexity had been reduced to a cartoon villain, and frustrated with how over powered the Staff is and no one taking advantage of that.
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olderthannetfic · 4 years
Escapade Vid - The Untamed
I could say this was my attempt at meta on an underappreciated character and that's why I wanted to vid Wen Ning…
Nah, I just think he's hot.
Wen Ning has this adorable babyface and big eyes. Just my type. And then he got a goth makeover and became a creepy zombie, increasing his hotness by ten thousand times. The Living Dead was everything I wanted except for dubcon possession porn, and it both irritates and cracks me up to see how many people find it OOC and badly made. I agree the colors are an abomination though--but more on that later.
I like Wen Ning the best because 1. He's hot and 2. He's one of the most competent characters and compromises his morals the least. Mianmian might be one up on him given how her story turns out, but in a whole series of craven idiots, I like the suicidally moral characters, especially when they're competent.
And also JC. Because I like his face. (What? I never said my Untamed feels were deep.)
I wanted to make this vid last year, right after Escapade. I spent forever finding a song, and I'm glad I did it then because it was a nightmare. I can find love songs easily, but I don't really care about WN/WWX, nor would most love songs fit that. It's clearly one-sided, but WN is also clearly totally happy to follow him around forever. Happy love songs are out. Pining angst is out.
WN is also motivated by high ideals more than specific family feelings. WQ wants to protect her family. WN wants to repay his debts. WN is a shy doofus on the surface when we first see him, and he acts flustered around most of the older characters, but this is deceptive. I feel like the most revealing scene is when he pops up at Lotus Pier, ready to grab JC and take on his entire clan. In what universe was this a good idea? What is he even doing there? Why did it actually work???
I wanted a song that encapsulated WN's quiet stubbornness. The trouble is that like 99% of popular music is either about romance or about being a confident badass, and most of the confident badass music is "Fuck you, ex boyfriend, I'm stronger now". I did not want an ex boyfriend song. A bunch of other songs are macho, flexing dudes talking about how they'll win the sports competition. Obviously, that was out. There are a very few songs like Try Everything, but they're awfully perky for covering Wen Ning's entire story, including him getting, you know, gruesomely murdered.
I honestly can't remember how I found the song I picked. I was probably listening to Happy Hanukkah on endless repeat and saw it in the Youtube sidebar. (Look, it's a great song for all times of year. Shut up.) Matisyahu has many amazing songs that build and move in ways ideal for vids.
I then sat on this source/song combo for a year because, well, it sure was a year. But when we got close to Escapade, I realized I wanted to finish it for the con.
Clip choices:
I'm not going to include the full lyrics on their own since they're in English and on every lyrics site. Instead, I'm putting the relevant bits between my explanations of what I chose and why. A lot of it came together quickly. I knew I wanted to include cute WN moments, like him being bullied by kids, and they wouldn't fit in the main narrative, so I had to put them in the intro.
Feel like the world don't love you They only wanna push you away Some days people don't see you You feel like you're in the way
I had a lot of trouble with 'push you away' since, generally speaking, no one does push him away. However, this is a vid from Wen Ning's own perspective, so it felt like an acceptable match to use the part where Wen Qing tries to leave him behind as they go on a hunt. She's objectively correct to do so given what happens, but Wen Ning is clearly upset that she tried. He doesn't want to be protected, especially at the cost of other people's safety.
Today you feel as if everyone hates Pointing their fingers, looking at your mistakes You do good, but they want great No matter what you give they still wanna take
I was very clear from early on that I wanted to use 'mistakes' for what Wen Ning is actually upset about: ruining Jin Ling's life. Of course he feels super guilty about what he did, despite it not being his fault, but the specific fallout Wen Ning is going to care about is a kid's feelings, not the political drama. That gave me the idea for what to do with 'good' and 'great'. More than most characters in the series, WN is not impressed by the power structure or reputations--scared, yes, but not impressed. WN likes bringing people food, at little things that are quietly good, and their society does not value that. (Cf. everything about Jiang Yanli's betrothal before Jin Zixuan catches feelings.)
'No matter what you give' I used for a shot that is probably not going to read as anything in a convention vidshow. He's bruised up, so I was hoping it would read properly visually. The actual context of the shot is WN having been thrown in the dungeon for being a traitor to the Wen. And yet, when the Wen are defeated, does he get a pardon? Nope, ignominious death. It really didn't matter what he did: these factions are all thoroughly corrupt and the entire system is garbage. It's all power-hungry assholes and sanctimonious prisses ripe for manipulation. All that mattered was that he was a Wen, and the Wens were either on top or being exterminated.
Give your love and they throw it back You give your heart they go on attack When there's nothing left for you, Only thing that you can do, say
The next part is WWX being an ungrateful little bitch. He's understandably stressed, but it still cracks me up that he's all up in WN's face and WN is literally only there to help him. WN might feel an obligation, but WWX sure isn't earning it here.
'When there's nothing left' I wasn't sure about. WN hitting rock bottom is arguably when he gets killed or maybe when they're in the burial mounds, but that didn't work with my structure. I chose to put a montage here of all the times that WQ tells him to stay safe by ditching WWX. I sympathize with WQ, but as WN comments in one of these scenes, he's following their own family code that she taught him. WQ cares so much about protecting WN (and the rest of their little part of the clan, but let's be real, it's mostly about WN) that she's willing to collude with a mass murderer just to keep him safe. Maybe it's only because he's a younger sibling, but WN seems to see things a lot more clearly. I laugh every time he's like "Uh huh, uh huh" as she lectures, and then the next scene is him running off to do something dangerous again.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior, Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
For this round of the chorus, WN is burning his Wen clan membership in a fire, and the heroic thing is running away, living to fight another day. WN has no ego, nor would ego be helpful here.
Buuuut, equally, being an actual warrior means hurting people, and while he was literally mind controlled into murder, that still couldn't have happened if he hadn't been already involved in violence and fighting. Violence you regret is also part of this life, and so is accepting responsibility for your actions. (Sure, he's very literally not responsible here, but WN doesn't know that at the time and doesn't feel that even later.)
There's some things you should let go, They're only gonna pull you down, Just like weight on your shoulder They are only gonna make you drown
I swear The Untamed has the best casting for a variety of face types. I recognized everybody from the moment they appeared… Except for Su She. Whom I forgot entirely and couldn't recognize at all. Doh.
It wasn't till I was clipping the whole series for this vid that I realized that the reason Wen Ning gets possessed here is that he's the only one to notice Su She's plight and go to his aid right away. I think on first viewing, I read it as him just getting possessed before he could get in the air, but that's not what's happening at all. His dumb ass stayed behind to try to help someone. Seriously, fuck Su She. They live in a grotesquely shitty power structure, but WN responds in admirable ways, while Su She just whines that he's not on top.
We all swing high, we all swing low, We all got secrets people don't know We all got dreams we can't let go, We wanna be brave, don't be afraid
WN's secret is that he gets possessed so easily and why. WQ is refusing to tell WWX in this scene, but he has figured out something is up and gives her a talisman for WN, which shows up later in the plot to great emotional effect--though not in this vid, alas.
The butterfly reveal was one of the first things on my timeline as I recall. I have Many Feelings. Also, this is me, so yes, I totally ship them. >:D
WN and WQ showing up to accept responsibility is kind of a dumbass move, but it's definitely brave. I enjoy how WN just keeps barrelling through the plot in a way that should mean he's the cute woobie who dies early on to prove the world is bad… and that instead leads to him being one of the strongest fighters, making it through the series, and finding A-Yuan again. (Though, okay, he did that first thing also. Heh.)
I ended on Jin Ling because I was so struck on rewatch at how the juniors first meet Wen Ning.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior, Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
I dimly recalled this fight, but it wasn't till I was clipping that I realized just how much focus each of them gets and how WN is literally strangling them and such. I just remembered him fighting people, not who. It's hilarious how quickly after this (in their timeline) we have doofus woobie WN being cute and them being like "He's my murder zombie! ♥"
For this chorus, I focused on that change. WN is rescuing them. "Yesterday" is their scared faces. Here, being a "warrior" is apologizing to JL. And maybe WN doesn't really owe an apology, but JL does deserve one. Almost no one in the series seems to give a shit about how JL is feeling.
And then my favorite scene with my two faves! WN is finally telling JC what he has probably wanted to for ages. WN is a wuss when it comes to himself, but he gets righteously pissed when someone else is being mistreated. The yesterday he's letting burn here is his promise to keep quiet… along with viciously burning down every bit of self perception and hubris JC ever had. Ouch!
Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time, Been up you been down, tired and you don't know why, But you're never gonna go back, you only live one life Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go,
Bless the sequel movie for literally being entirely about Wen Ning's internal struggle. The way he breaks free of the bad guy's hold is by accepting the past and letting go of his guilt over things he can't change.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior,
He's just so hot in this movie! This first chorus is him coming out of the hallucination, having beaten his self doubt and then beating on the villain.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
Okay, in actual canon, JL mostly joined them because he was competing with LSZ like the bratty little asshole he is, but I wanted to highlight how JL got over himself enough to join the other juniors on team WN. Also, WN defends both him and LSZ in this scene in ways he couldn't back then.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Fight like a warrior,
This I wasn't planning on at all. As I was clipping the whole series, I was thinking that WN's possessed footage here wouldn't be narratively useful since he went and got taken over again, but when I rewatched for visually impressive stuff to use interstitially, I realized that--holy shit--he's defending Jin Ling in this scene. And he succeeds. I included both a shot of Jin Zixuan, which everyone caught in the vidshow, and a shot that nobody mentioned: Wen Ning's bloody fist after ripping JZX heart out to go with Wen Ning's bloody hand on the sword in the present as he struggles to keep it from Jin Ling. Here, fighting like a warrior means keeping the sword off of JL, even if WN can't defeat the spirit or resolve the entire situation himself.
Today, today live like you wanna, Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire, Live like a warrior
Sometimes, WN is not that sweet. He traps this dude in a hell of his own making instead of letting him kill himself because Wen Ning can be a vindictive little bitch. And then he strides off into the matte painting sunset.
Other vidding notes:
I totally wanted to do something with Chinese characters, but there wasn't really space, and after much dictionary-searching and asking, it's clear that Chinese does not use morality metaphors involving a compass pointing true north. But that effort was not wasted since I needed a good font for my other vid.
Vidding The Living Dead turned out to be a pain. I had completely forgotten it was in another aspect ratio. The shots look much more beautiful before one crops them. That said, none of them are that beautiful because the entire film has this atrocious green color filter over it. It's like they're all wading through mud at all times. Ughhhhh. I spent so long trying to fix the color on that final scene to be at least a little pretty for my vid.
Still, the film had exactly the emotional tone I wanted. It very much skewers the fanon that WN is entirely the bashful wimp he appears to be on the surface when we first see him. It makes overt the change that we see over the series. It's also fundamentally different because it's a situation where WN is the senior person and in charge of someone. We've seen him babysit a small child, and we've seen him around the juniors with lots of people of his generation also there, but we've basically never seen him out from under WQ and WWX's thumbs. It's only natural that he's acting more authoritative here. His smackdown of the villain is very much in line with how he treats JC during the golden core reveal. WN is not a forgiving guy when he thinks someone has been selfish and awful.
Throughout this vid, there are shittons of color, speed, and motion effects. I don't normally use a lot, but it turned out to be a lot of fun this time. I should find another project to use effects on.
The vid:
Available on AO3.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law #15: “Blackwatch Plaid” | January 1, 2003 - 12:08 AM | S02E01
Mere minutes into 2003 Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law debuted it’s first episode in a little while: “Blackwatch Plaid”. The new year is traditionally a time when we reflect on our previous year and re-evaluate old habits. At the time of this airing, I was fastidiously recording Adult Swim every week and saving anything new that aired to my own carefully labeled home video archives. Historically I’d been recording to VHS, but I had received a DVD recorder for Christmas and immediately began transferring certain Adult Swim shows from VHS to DVD. The DVD format was still rather young, and the idea of Adult Swim shows actually making it to retail DVD didn’t seem like such a sure thing (even though at this time, two such volumes had been produced; more about those during EPHEMERA WEEK)
This was the tenth episode aired, and 10 episodes was what could fit on a DVD-R recorded in SP mode. So, I completed my first and only custom DVD of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. When faced with the prospect of beginning a second volume of Harvey Birdman on DVD I was at a bit of a crossroads. Keep watching this show I hate in the name of completionism? Or, do what any sane person would do and stop watching? I gave it away a few sentences back, but at the time I picked the later. This was a pretty big deal for me! Sure, I thought less of shows like Brak and Sealab from their strong starts, but I still stuck with them. My rejection of Birdman was a radical act. I was now no longer enjoying Adult Swim as a whole. I was now picking and choosing what I wanted from it.
“Blackwatch Plaid” isn’t so bad, truthfully. It’s a parody of the then-current Homeland Security Terror Alert Level Color Chart, which had debuted earlier in 2002. the eponymous blackwatch plaid is one of the colors on Phil Ken Sebben’s chart, which is created in this episode in response to an imagined office theft. The fact that this imaginary office theft is treated with the same high-level importance as a terrorist attack on our country is the whole joke of the episode. It’s a worthy target for satire, for sure.
Okay, so it’s 2021, and I’m watching these with a more open mind. I can admit the anger I felt at Birdman was “a little much”, this episode is more cohesive than most and the jokes aren’t bad. I didn’t laugh at them then, and I didn’t laugh at them now, so really not much has changed. But I recall one sticking point I had: the live-action montage. There’s multiple bits of live-action in this episode, and they are fun. But jealousy that these guys had a comedy show and I didn’t really worked wonders on me, because I remember really detesting the main montage in the episode. It was as if I thought “how dare you guys have fun, this show sucks.”
In the montage, Sebben presents Birdman with footage from the newly-installed security cameras that proves Birdman doesn’t get much work done in the course of his work day. A now live-action Birdman is seen milling around the office doing nothing much, then suddenly we are treated to a bright and colorful montage of Birdman playing hooky. He’s riding a ferris wheel, getting his nails done, showering at home with Boo Boo who playfully slaps his ass, cavorting around a fountain, popping out of a ball pit, and then running/tip-toeing around a field in different directions, for no reason. It’s wacky. It looks like it was a lot of fun to shoot. And I was pissed.
Okay, I’m primarily using this blog entry to try and get to the bottom of why I hated the montage so much. If a show I loved did something similar, I’d probably applaud it. It’s a fun idea, fairly low-effort (not that doing a live-action shoot doesn’t require real effort, it does!), and it just reads as “comedy is happening” for the entirety of the sequence. From a production stand point there’s little reason to not include a sequence like this.
I feel like this was a form of humor you’d see a lot of amateur comedy makers doing: the bright and cheery montage. It’s ironic, because I’m acting cheesy! I couldn't name names if I tried, but I just had about three or four different amateur sketch group videos pop into my head with the same comedy stylings. I can’t imagine what the point of view is here, or if anyone participating in this particular joke actually thinks they’re being original. At this point I’d say that the number of ironic/spoof montages in this vein outnumber the ones that are actually doing them in earnest. So, the idea can’t be “I’m doing a very original joke here.” The humor in those videos seem to be rooted in the more narcissistic ethos of “this is funny because *I’M* doing it!”
Have you ever seen Stella Shorts? I feel like a lot of aspiring comedy creators saw Stella Shorts and tried to produce similar sketches. That is: hammy, broad, intentionally sorta cheesy but ironic capitol-c comedy. And most of them would fall flat. It’s because the Stella guys were geniuses and the amateur comedians trying to do dime-store imitations of Stella Shorts were mostly not. So, it was the climate that really shaded my disdain for the montage. I wish I had my own TV show, still. I’ve occasionally written comedy pieces with the intent of putting together a low-budget sketch comedy show, and I’m certain that if I were to actually produce said comedy it wouldn’t be so easy, and I’d be very much guilty of putting unoriginal ideas on screen. But, the jealousy remains. So, sorry, Birdman. You’re still forbidden from entering my heart. Fuck you.
This is the part of the blog where we all get our eyes ready for some good messages and some good times. Here we go:
Just tried the Popeyes Nuggets, I've enjoy popeyes bone in chicken in the past so I thought I would give their boneless option a shot.
Please stop sending me nugget stuff. This is an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist blog. No one should eat any nugget unless they make it at home themselves. That’s just the facts
I can't believe I felt a little melancholy about the abrupt end of Brak. The first full fledge Adult Swim program to bite the dust. It was mostly terrible and you were better off airing an Aqua Teen episode in it's place but...wow, we'll never have that again. Goodbye Andy! See you in the shitty webtoon.
Andy is in hell now and “that’s gotta suck”. RIP.
Took the kids to Great Falls the other day, last treat before they head off to school and on our way back we stopped at Popeyes. The kids got the nuggets I went with the classic chicken. Cost me about 18 bucks with drinks and all that but it was pretty good chicken. The kids loved the nuggets. My son was like, "it's crunchy". Pretty cool place. Thanks for hipping me and my family to it. If you have any other kid-friendly places let me know because fall soccer season is coming up.
!!! SHUSH! stop that!
You arent gonna write about it since its not an original but Family Guy just left Adult Swim. Why don't you speak your mind about the show in general and what it meant for the programming block. Yeah, that sounds like a good waste of your time.
Little do you realize!
Popeyes chicken
Suck my dick
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Things I realized/thought about after rewatching The Haunting of Hill House Last Night:
When Liv and Hugh were having their moment by the stairs in “The Twin Thing” the deja vu scene she describes was with Poppy’s family. She talks about the little boy in the wheelchair- Poppy’s son.
When Theo is in the Red Room and Trish is talking about the fear and guilt sisters, she tells her the story of William Hill, both as The Tall Man and the dude walled up in the basement.
Also in “The Twin Thing”, Hazel Hill (when Luke is going to see her reflection in the intercom) calls for Mrs. Dudley.
Liv’s speech to Luke about almost calling him Robin and naming him Luke instead took on new meaning for me when I remembered that Robin’s are red and she’s fucking mentioning this inside the red room and breaking my fucking heart.
When Liv stays in the motel when she’s supposed to be with Janet, the colors of the room are red/maroon, and when Nell does the same all those years later before she goes back to the house, her room is done in blue.
Steve found Poppy’s vanity in his red room (the game room) which makes me suspect that the house or perhaps Poppy herself might have planted it there because he knew Steve would give it to Liv and she could use the knowledge to fuck with Liv and plant the seed in Steve’s head that his mom is crazy.
We never got to see Jaquline Hill’s ghost, even though she was prominently mentioned when Nell got her cup of stars.
After Liv kills Abigail, a dark haired woman walks Abby down the hall. I think it might be Horace’s mom.
Shirley asking Kevin to “love her hard” mirrors how Hugh spoke when he talked about Liv.
When The Tall Man looms over Steve, and Hugh keeps telling him to “look at me”, it’s his way of trying to fix it and still protect his son after all this time (which breaks my heart).
I think maybe Hugh could have possibly had to start taking the heart medication after Liv died. There’s a condition where grief can literally break your heart and I had to wonder if it gave him a heart attack or something of the like.
I constantly wonder how the Crain’s acted when they mourned Hugh. Like, I have to wonder if they would have been sad or would it have been more of a happier thing because the shit with the house was over and they could finally be at peace, and they knew he would have been because he was with Liv and Nellie.
I wonder how the house projected Arthur for Nell and Joey for Luke and Trish for Theo and Affair dude for Shirley. Like, okay, obviously it could project people, yeah, but usually (whether it’s past or present) it’s people who have lived there. Like did it reach into their memories? Did it pull their images through time and space to bring them? What did it do? I need answers.
When Abigail was walking with the dark-haired woman that I think is Horace’s mom, I wonder why she didn’t get to meet her sister then.
We deserved a montage of the good stuff that happened to the Crain family after Hill House. Steve and Leigh getting pregnant, Shirley and Kevin reconciling, Luke getting sober and staying sober, Theo and Trish getting hitched. After all we went through with them, we deserve all that.
And that’s the tea. ☕️
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 2 Episode 23: Darkness and Light
Oh damn creepy robe man is in chains who is this lad
Oh shit the flower of life is dying ICY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
It's very helpful that creepy robe man has decided to give us his inner monologue out loud
Oop he melted
I feel like he's gonna have something to do with Avalon
Okay imagine being literally ANYONE ELSE in the Winx Club's year like Faragonda calls an assembly after sending them on a free holiday to the resort realm and letting them skip an exam, they come back and 5/6 of them have earned their Charmix. I WOULD BE SO PISSED like CLEARLY they are the favourites and you can't tell me no one in their year thought this was a bit sus
None of you are wearing your Charmix I thought the whole point of this montage is that it's your Charmix training so WHERE ARE THEY
Techa, Musa and Layla all high fived but Bloom and Stella hugged real tightly aww it was so cute
Nice illusion robe man!! Who are you
Oh shocking Avalon is working for Darkar #confirmed. I wonder who could have POSSIBLY seen that coming
Well he tried to warn you Darkar, maybe if you weren't such a prideful dick you would have at least CHECKED on the magical prisoner like... in person
Ooh magic powder to create the perfect monster
What would make sense is if they attack each other's monsters because TEAMWORK but I feel like that isn't going to happen
Oh it's a single "part witch part space goblin" (what the fuck) for all of them that makes more sense
I mean you could help them. Seeing as you both have magic. Like, if it got out of hand. You guys could help. You won't, but you fully could. At ANY time
You gotta Charmix lads
Why the fuck is Bloom's bag a little fluffy heart that's bullshit like I know it was the 2000s but still
Oof bye bye space goblin
Oh thank god Faragonda your timing has never been better
Oh no Flora don't doubt yourself baby!! I believe in you ♡
Aww Helia
She fixed it!! YES Flora
Griselda Flora's love life is NONE of your buisness
So apparently what I've been calling "sprites" are actually called "pixie pets" but my name's better so I don't want to stop
Aww she shouted after him and he came <3
Chatta is such a good pixie for Flora
Again though, to everyone else in their year, Faragonda sends these 6 clear favourites away, 5 come back with Charmix but Flora doesn't and when she DOES come back a few days later, she has hers too. IT LOOKS SO SUS
And robe man made it Alfea
Oh Stella baby you do your best
Okay Faragonda you have to admit the fake Avalon has been SUPER sus this whole time like stop being so suspicious of real Avalon
Finally worked out his evil plots thank you
Also yeah Techna was saying he was super sus from the begginng. Maybe listen to the super smart girl who's excellent at recognising patterns? Just sayin'
Stella is so confused but she is READY to help
"The enpowerment bubble" that's definately a trap but go off I guess
Okay @ Bloom's birth parents: not sure your "medallion of protection" is all that good at its job
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34. Part 4
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Jah is annoying “ain’t nobody shedding tears ok” shaking my head laughing “so, when are you posting that? Now?” I pointed, Robyn shrugged “I suppose, I am just disheartened but yeah I will be” I just wish she didn’t need too but also if she doesn’t and I told her not too, then it gets leaked she will hate me for it so let me just not “Dennis, I need to borrow you. Somewhere private please and Robyn, keep your head up. I got you, come” getting up from the couch “I am going upstairs and please don’t follow me, Jah or you” I think she is on about Mel anyways, walking off thinking on where to go “let’s go to the games room, bring your shit. Like your laptop too” patting Zeus on the head “I am coming with, I need a blunt” Mel said, looking behind me at Mel jumping over the couch, then I see Jah, they are all running away from Robyn because she is a on downer, but I just need to do this and then I can just spend time with her “I didn’t exactly ask for you both” I said as Mel put her arm around me “we didn’t ask, we said we are coming. Also Robyn hates everything” I sighed out, I hate that she is feeling that “well she asked me to bring my account back and to say something nice about her like, what. She doesn’t even need it; she doesn’t even need to feel like that. It makes no sense, she looks beautiful.” This is the thing I love about this home, the way you can get lost in it. Opening the door to go down the steps “I think as a woman, a damaged woman she is going to feel that. I mean she forgave her father many of times and now she feels he is attacking her daughter and that she can’t protect her, then the words. You don’t want to see a family member say that, that she looks not good. She looks like a woman; nobody is perfect. I swear I want to shoot up Ronald, on god” me and Mel both.
Dennis finally joined us in the games room “I just walked with Robyn to her bedroom, she is upset still but like I didn’t want to get in her space, she needs the space. She is the type to want the space to selfheal” shaking my head “did she post it?” I am not sure if she did “she did yes, gave me her phone again. You know she is nervous when she does that, Mel can you hold onto it” Dennis passed the phone to her “oh lovely, I can drag them on behalf of Robyn” Dennis walked over to me sighing out, he looks fed up and he has just arrived “what idea you got now” I laughed moving my blunt back form my lips “an idea” blowing the smoke out from my lips “do you have like spare video and images of Robyn and I, like the shit you not going to use in the documentary? Like uhm, on the wedding day? I just want to put something quick together and I ain’t want to type shit out. I want to speak instead, I don’t really give a fuck if they hate me right now, they will hear my voice and they will feel my wrath, I have had enough. I don’t need Robyn to say she agrees with me, they will know the truth. Just something raw, just here being me and speaking on the whole thing. I know the documentary is that, but I guess that can be extra special, I ain’t want to expose the whole thing but like, just little seconds of first dance, us, Royalty. Just having fun, Robyn happy. You know” I hope Dennis gets what I mean “erm, I do. I have some spare video, we can just zoom in on when you place the ring on Robyn’ finger, then her smiling. Just distort it here and there, also I can put a little montage of all the laughs and giggles, yeah I can do” good he can do that “now I need you to use your camera or my phone and just me speaking on the thing” putting out my blunt.
Sitting on the pool table clearing my throat “you want your makeup done boo?” Mel said laughing “man, be quiet” she is dumb “you want us to stand in the back, like some mob that is ready to snatch their asses” it’s going to be super awkward having an audience here “don’t be trying to make me laugh now, I just want to say what I need to say, I am fucking angry yo. I called Rajad up and he goes we know, Rorrey took his phone and said that Ronald is hiding now, I asked straight up is it you and he said nah, I would not put my sister down, I would make a story up about you, fuck that” Mel rolled her eyes “Rorrey needs to grow up, like on a real” she kissed her teeth, Rorrey can redeem himself if he beats up his dad, that is all I am thinking “if he beat up Ronald then we can be cool, that is it. If he love his sister like he says, then prove it bro. Ayo, Dennis if I go on a rant just let me do it. I think Robyn is being professional, but they got another thing coming. Her husband is a country nigga that do not give a fuck” Mel laughed out “aye, on some gang shit aye aye!” I can’t express my anger in a bad way because Robyn will be angry, but I will show them that I ain’t playing when it comes to Robyn “we could have kept this rant to the doc but nah, we are doing it now. And we are doing it without president Fenty Corp around cause she will be like shut that shit down, you can’t say that. I can” shaking my head laughing “I approve Chris, we all do” I cheered at both Mel and Jah just supporting me “president Fenty Corp” Mel sniggered.
I am just pissed off man, I can’t believe Robyn is up there being all upset over nothing, I mean to me it’s nothing “you look so annoyed” Mel said, rubbing my forehead “I am, I am angry at it all. You know me Mel, I ain’t the type of nigga to hold back. I do it for her, I keep quiet for her. I am being good for Robyn man, come on. I have no care in the world for feelings, but for Robyn I do it for or I would be outside his house beating him up” looking down at my blunt “I have been rolling for like five minutes now” Dennis said, letting out on oh “let me put this to the side, or Mel. Here” holding the blunt out to her “don’t mind if I do” she skipped over to me “I thought I can use some of the video of you just in your zone, but you can start when you want” Mel took to the blunt from me “ok” like I don’t want to put Robyn out but it bugged me she asked me to say something nice about her like that article meant a thing “Surprise, Chris Brown married” I laughed “Christopher married Robyn in Mexico, now it sounds a little different but that is what happened. I was never supposed to be doing this, and Robyn was never supposed to tell the undeserving world that me and the love of my life got married in Mexico, it was a great day. Equally the best day when I connected with Robyn again at a friend’s party, a close friend of ours. Robyn to me, the person you don’t see is rather the unique type, I feel sorry for y’all not to see that side to her. I love her more then I love myself and nobody on this earth knows how that feels, unless you in love. And you know how I know I love her more then I love myself, because I am here, I am clean, and I feel love because she makes me whole. Rihanna to y’all is the most confident bad girl around, she is Robyn here and she is sensitive, she is vulnerable and when niggas like her own father come here and try to sell my daughter’ picture to a tabloid, that is the kind of shit that hurts. Ronald, you are a nasty man, I have a more words, but I will say that to your face. The real deadass reason we had to show you this is because he is using this against his daughter when you play on my family. You hear this Ronald, she is my family, that is my wife. You had no right to sell a thing about my family, I am not playing just like y’all prince Drake dogged my wife out and made a song about her, Ronald. You’re on the list too, let me catch you bro. I uhm, didn’t want to release a photo, and uhm write this out. I am real, and I will say it how it is. I respect Robyn, and she respects me, we compromise on things. I just want ya’ll to know that this was released out of spite, and I will catch ya’ll when the documentary drops” I exposed who the corrupt person is because it’s fuck that nigga.
Watching Dennis editing the clip “I think you should do another one, just another one with us three. Yeah let’s do this” Jah said, looking behind me “do what?” I questioned “just a little thing about Robyn, make her smile, come Dennis. Bring the camera” Jah got an idea now I guess, walking off “let’s sit at the bar” Mel pointed out, nodding my head. I will just sit and see what is up, what they are thinking. Sitting on the bar stool “just something quick” Dennis said, fixing my tee clearing my throat “I am just going to start rolling so get on with it” I am just going sit back and let them start “hi, this is the Fenty Corp team, my name is Jahleel” staring at Jah “I am Christopher” I added “Melissa” she giggled “you stupid Jah, what the hell” Mel cackled “I am going to ask Chris some questions” my eyes widened “wait, is that part of the deal?” I said confused “no but it is now, so when you first saw Rihanna in her wedding dress, what did you first notice?” Jah asked but I didn’t know it was question Chris thing “what did I first notice” rubbing my chin “uhhh, I would say her smile. My eyes just fell on her face first, I was nervous so yeah” she was so happy that day “what would you change about Robyn, if there is something?” I hate being put on the spot “uhm nothing, but I would say stop being so open with your heart. I think she gives a lot” nodding my head “I am only joking with Chris but I think it’s something the world needs to accept, Chris is apart of Fenty and I appreciate you answering that shit, also if y’all want to hate then you can hate Mel, it was her birthday they had sex at” Mel gasped  “but, before you kill me. It was a great moment for her, she is the happiest now. I have met a great friend, a great guy and I am glad he is around, being annoying. You bring good vibes all round” Jah is sounding a little emotional here “also catch Chris, he will be showing you all how to use Fenty Skin for all the brothers out there” I swear Jah be just doing shit “and I will be helping him” Mel added, these two are just wasting my damn time “I did not ask for this, I have no idea what they speaking on” shaking my head.
Dennis edited that stupid thing they did and sent it to Fenty Skin, now I have to do some dumb shit on there for no reason and I didn’t ask for it “we all got to do our thing for the Fenty team” side eyed Jah “the photo has broke the internet, couldn’t get on twitter for a while or Instagram but just managed to get on now” Mel said “E News, Chris Brown and Rihanna married question mark” I am not shocked “Fenty Brown is the splitting image of Barbadian singer Rihanna, I actually love this picture. Robyn chose well” nodding my head in agreement “Chris, the video just rendering but it’s done, you can post it” I can’t wait to post my piece anyways “they are literally just saying that the girl looks just like Robyn, that is all they saying. I think they are stuck between being shook about Fenty and then the marriage, my Instagram is glitching too. You both shut down the internet, oh this one. Was Chris even involved in this, I think Rihanna birthed the black queen herself” that doesn’t bother me “you get them I guess; I can’t even do this. I will have to go back on it later, it’s glitching bad” I guess we really shut down the internet.
Pressing send on the video, I can finally post. It’s been hours, this news has literally shut the internet down, I couldn’t post my thing. I like the clip, it’s just a few little things put together and it’s my thing. I feel like Ronald needs to be shamed, he put Robyn out and made her do this. Let me tap out a little message ‘Truth is, I won’ that is simple, pressing on the video and then locking my phone. I am tired from just this mess, this commotion of things going on. Dropping my phone on my chest and stretched out my body, I can have a nap on the bed “woah” I got scared, I didn’t know Robyn was in here “I thought you went down, I am just going to have a nap. You can check out the video, I did a video. One better than you” I chuckled to myself placing my arm behind me, looking over at Robyn and she just dropped her robe exposing her naked body “what are you doing?” my face softened in shock, staring at a naked Robyn just stood there at the other side of the bed. Getting up from the bed, my phone fell on the floor as I did but I didn’t care. Walking around the bed “hey, what is this for?” picking the robe up from the floor “hey, look at me” walking around her “do you find me sexy?” she breathed out saying “I always do, but this is not you Robyn” wrapping her robe around her “I am not the same Robyn you know, I am not that. I am misshaped, my nose has gone big, my body is big, my body has changed. I can’t even please you” fastening the robe around her “you can, you had a baby Robyn, what did you expect. You are the most beautiful and sexiest woman I know. You are just being so hard on yourself like you always are, come on. I am here now. Cry it out, you’re hurt” placing her arms around me and then the sobs just left her lips, like I knew it would, but she is being so hard on herself.
Robyn is like a baby, she is just so hurt by it all but me, I am used to it, probably numb to the family shit “I really hate you crying like this Robyn, it hurts me so much” kissing her forehead “it’s not fair, I always wanted a good environment for my child. It’s just the way he sells me, even now. Like he never loves me, I try and all I want is his love and he doesn’t give it me. He sees me as money signs. I always forgive him Chris, I do. I am mourning the fact I won’t forgive him for this. He is the guy that fucked me up, he fucked me up from loving easily. He hurt my family, he hurt me. He made my home bad and yet he does this, and then on top of that he says I look bad, I am depressed. I was not depressed before this; I was just getting over having my baby. Made me feel insecure, I just hate him” listening to Robyn speak on about Ronald as I held her “gag order, remove anything of mine. I am dead to him forever; he can never use me. Then I am just here thinking if I look like then I can’t be pleasing to the eye for you” shaking my head rolling my eyes “shut up about that, Robyn I am here wanting sex with you. The woman I see naked every day, you get me hard and you talking that. Don’t think that or do that again unless it’s in a sexual way. I hate that, just to see you like that. Broken, I just need you to rest” I think Robyn an I will get through this, she will get her confidence back, it was our first outing and she dressed down, it doesn’t mean shit.
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immiebee · 4 years
A little bit of backstory for Lactarius father, Silas. He was really the only role model Montag (Lucio) had when he was a kid. Have some sadness!
“Your father was good man. The best I’ve ever known.” Lucio had a soft smile as he leaned against Lactarius, shoulder to shoulder. “ Had I made the deal that started my..... my long list of oopsies when he was alive....I’m sure it would have been his heart I would of had to collect. He was one of the few people I cared about.”
Lactarius still shaken by her nightmare looked over at the man, his hair still messy with sleep and eyeliner smudged from rubbing his eyes. Valerius still sleeping soundly on the Count’s large bed, blissfully unaware his two bed mates were currently awake and sitting on the side of the large canopy bed. The witch soon placed her head on Lucio’s scarred shoulder, her finger gently reaching out to stroke the man’s scarred stump of an arm. Her eyes soft as she nuzzled into the crook of his arm, dropping a kiss to the end of his arm before draping it over her own shoulder.
“How did he die?” Blinking up she gave a hushed plea, “If you know, please tell me. Mother never told me. All she said was he was brave and died with honor.”
Lucio swallowed hard, scratching the back of his head he let out a soft whine, “You promise you won’t be mad at me? It was a long time ago and I was dumb.”
“I promise. Please....”
Leaning over to stare at the floor, Lucio spaces himself a few inches from Lactarius before he let out a shakey breath. “Silas and I had went out to hunt after four days of nothing but torrential rains. It was during the warm season in the South and it was just as bad as the damn winters. Rain, mud, you couldn’t get from one long house to next without sinking up to your ankles in cold, sticky mud. Finding food was damn near impossible. But Silas had decided to go out looking for game to hunt and I was tired of Mama berating me so I volunteered to join him.”
Lactarius’ smirk gave Lucio the courage to continue his story, “We were tracking a small herd of deer when we came across one of the large marsh ponds that our game would often stop to take a drink. We had decided to wait for the herd when I spotted two beautiful horses standing in the murky waters. Their bright coats and dark blue eyes were so beautiful! Compared to the ugly beasts around the South they were amazing! Scourge never rode into battle on white horses, we had boring, thick coated mangy things. And even then Mama didn’t let us use them in battle, something about they were hard to come by and too slow for battle.” With a wave of his hand Lucio gave a soft frown, “I was brash and wanted to capture them so we could have pretty, strong horses to ride into battle. I thought Mama would be proud. If I could help Silas catch a deer then I could tame a horse. I thought I was special when I walked up to the horses and they didn’t flinch or run from me! I thought I was the best warrior when they came trotting over to the edge of the water to me........”
Lactarius gaping in horror when Lucio’s fingers dug into the blankets, a low growl erupting from his chest. Tears of rage falling from his eyes. “I was fucking wrong. They weren’t beautiful horses. They were monsters in disguise...”
Staring up through tears Lucio gave a solemn nod. The woman closing the distance, sidled up once more to the shaking man. “Silas had seen them surround me and raced across the mud and nettles. His sword drawn, he slashed one across the face as the other lunged for me. He managed to shove me out of reach and fend them off as I raced back to the tree line. A scout patrol must have heard us because next thing I know others were racing out of the woods ready to fight an attacking tribe. But once they found out it was Kelpies they refused to help. I tried to go back, but Mama was soon there. She refused to send anymore to fight a loosing battle. Mama knew, they tribe, knew, hell even Silas knew he was a goner.....but I still clung to hope like a pathetic weakling. Like he with a swish of his sword the Kelpies would run away fleeing and he would come prancing out like nothing happened.”
Choking back a wet sob Lucio wiped at his eyes, smearing his eyeliner more. “‘Even in death, may I be triumphant.’ .....That was the last thing your father said before they drug him under the water. He fought like he knew he couldn’t loose. He was the greatest man I knew......and I killed him.”
Lactarius reached over to cradle his face in her hands before kneeling in front of the sobbing Count. Pulling him down for a soft kiss, she stood back up holding him to her chest. Stroking his hair, she gave a hushed whisper, “He was a protector. It was in his nature. He wouldn’t have let them take you even if his heart was replaced with stone.” Gently wiping his tears Lactarius gave a small grin, “Mother said he wanted a boy. Someone to give you hell when he was older and to watch your back when you got into trouble. A fierce team of warriors that nothing would stand in our way. It’s a shame that they ended up having a girl.”
Letting out a chuckle Lucio pulled her face down by the chin, gently head butting her as she placed a hand on either side of his lap, “I rather enjoy have a fierce shapeshifting witch boss me around. I don’t do well with being bossed around by other men.”
“.........that didn’t seem to be an issue earlier.....”
Valerius sleepy drawl filled the air as the two peered over Lucio’s shoulder to look back at the “sleeping” form laying under the silk sheets. Giggling the pair made their way back into their spot on the bed, Lactarius sandwiched in between the two men as the carefully re-arranged themselves. That was until Lucio gave a low whimper as he buried his face into the pillows. Standing up above the covers, Lactarius quietly shifted. Both men grunting in surprise as the manticore gently sprawled our over top of both of them, evenly distributing her weight so not crush them, but instead becoming a living heated blanket.
Valerius gave a quiet sigh as Lactarius’ lower half draped comfortably over his lower back and hips. His arm untucking itself long enough to grasp for her scorpion tail, tucking it under the mass of pillows he had claimed. The witch giving a low chortle as Valerius used her tail to prop his head up, something the pillows had apparently been doing a terrible job of, before the Consul hugged her tail close.
Directing her attention away from her lover, Lactarius mouthed at the back of Lucio’s neck. The Count scooting back as fangs gently nipped at him and her large head butting him to curl up against her chest. Safely tucked under the waterfall of her mane, Lucio gave another soft sob as he clung to her with his good arm.
“I got you, Lucio. Rest.”
A soft musical hum slowly rising from her had the room soon blanketed in a comforting aura, the witch physically feeling both men relax under her spell. Soon his snores were joining Lactarius’ loud purr and Valerius’ soft breathy hums. Nuzzling into the pillows, Lactarius let out a low chuff, shifting herself comfortably among the pillows and blankets so not to squish the two men, “Nothings gonna harm you. Not while I’m still around.”
Unknown to her Lucio gave a soft smile, fondly remembering the short visit he and his mother took to the crest of the mountain where they broke the news to a waiting witch. Her baby cradled in her arms waiting for a father that wouldn’t come. And the fleeting warmth in his chest when said witch knelt down and allowed him to hold her daughter. The twelve year old sat on a fallen tree for what seemed like eternity talking to the baby, and the thing that stood out still to this day. It seemed to be that she was the only one in the world that actually cared to listen.
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dobrikburrito · 5 years
great expectations, d.d.
words: 2.4k
Write something about david surprising his girlfriend with a surprise trip to like hawaii cos its her dream vacation and when the vlog goes up people compare it to the vacation dav and liza took and it makes her upset and her cheers her up. ( She wasnt a public figure and people didnt think they should be together)
disclaimer: angst & fluff. david being cute af. 
“Okay, give it to me.” You sat down by the corner of his bed, putting both of your hands out and closing your eyes. You smiled to yourself. “That’s what she said.”
David burst out laughing. “Can you be serious for one minute?”
“You’re one to talk,” You opened your eyes and gave him a dirty look. “By the way, I just want to say on the record that David promised that nothing gross was about to happen here. I wanted to put this out there so he can be held accountable if I have a heart attack.”
David couldn’t stop laughing, so he pointed the camera to himself. “I did promise that, unfortunately, so I had to put the anaconda away.”
“That’s what she said.” You laughed and slapped yourself. “Bad (Y/N). Alright, me-serious. Go.”
“You know how our friends say we’re really annoying with the whole anniversary every month?” David started and you nodded. “So, I had this really fun idea, which actually makes me a genius.”
“Show off.” You commented under your breath and he chuckled.
“So I decided to combine our fourth month anniversary with your birthday and…” David put two plane tickets on your hands.
You looked at David, confused and then took one second to read the tickets. Your mouth instantly dropped. “What the fuck? Oh sorry.” David laughed. “Wait, are you serious? Is this real?”
“Yes, baby!” David was loving how shocked and paralyzed you were. “This says Hawaii in it.” You commented, looking at it, trying to find any clues that it was a fake ticket for a prank.
David turned the camera to himself. “She’ll get there, just give her a minute.”
“Are we going to Hawaii?” You looked at your boyfriend, puppy eyes and jaw to the floor.
“Yeap, we’re spending 7 days in a mansion in Hawaii.” David told you and the new information just hit you even harder?
“What the fuck?” You were looking away, shocked. David burst out laughing again.
Cut to you guys on the plane, first class tickets, with a fake flower on your ear, being all excited and childish. David ordered two glasses of champagne for the both of you.
“This is literally so extra,” You laughed, posing as some fancy old lady, then doing a british accent. “David, dear, would you please take care of my ponies for the summer. I’m spending it in my mansion in Dubai. I miss my liquid gold pool.”
“Why are you british?” David was laughing so much.
“I’m not talking like Dom to try and look fancy, silly.” You joked around, then smiling to your boyfriend.
You arrived to Hawaii, rented a porsche, headed to the rental house in Kamuela. David filmed you driving there, your hair flying on the wind, loving how big the smile on your face was. The drive was about 50 minutes, which earned some shots from the road, the two of you singing to Ariana’s songs and being overall weirdos.
David filmed your whole reaction to the massive mansion just for the two of you. Feelings every feeling known to man at once, you couldn’t help the tears of happiness when you saw how beautiful everything was. It had an infinity pool, a jacuzzi, a green big yard, enormous rooms with an amazing view to the sea and sunset. David didn’t want to tell you the day price of the rental at first, but you managed to get it out of him, shocked when he told you it was US$1.5k for the night.
It was a lot of money, but you made a 7-days schedule to enjoy the most of it and have so much footage for his vlogs that the trip would end up paying itself. Honestly, you were always amazed by how David never really thought twice about spending money on you and making sure that he was doing it because he loved to. Rarely spending on himself, this was just as rewarding to him.
The next three vlogs were filled with the funniest moments of you guys snorkeling, golfing, hiking, sightseeing, watching cultural concerts, doing surf lessons (which turned out horribly), visiting local markets even going on a helicopter ride, even though you were scared to death of the height. 
On the fourth day, you woke up before David did. You just took one moment to watch him sleep, so peacefully, next to you. You knew how lucky you were to have him in your life, but not because he was a successful youtuber or because he had money. When you met him, randomly at a friend’s friend party, you didn’t even knew who he was and you loved him instantly, his humor and charm sweeping you off your feet.
Even though you weren’t a public figure nor ever was used to having cameras around, you got used to it, compromising for your relationship with him, knowing how this was basically his entire life.
“You know I can feel you staring at me, right, creep?” David said, eyes still closed but a little smirk lurking in his lips.
“I’m trying to decide when to murder you, that’s all.” You softly joked as you ran your fingertips over his cheeks. David loved your dark humor and laughed to himself, taking your hand and kissing it.
“Good morning my favorite serial killer.” He lazily opened his eyes.
“Good morning pretty boy.” You gave him a long peck on the lips. “Did I tell you how much I love you yet?”
“Not today, no.” David snuggled closer to you, humming happily when you started caressing his hair.
“I do. I love how you do that little smile with your tongue hanging and how no matter what you do to your hair, it always kinda looks both great and like you’re turning into a mad scientist.” David chuckled, hiding his face on your neck. “I love how you’re always looking to hold my hand, even when you don’t realize it.”
“Tell me more,” David gave you a sweet kiss on the neck.
“I love how you respect and love me. How you look at me with those shiny brown eyes and how those are the reason I never can’t get mad at you, which by itself makes me mad.” You sighed, then laughed. “And how selfless you are, how much you care for your friends even if sometimes you try to not to show it too much.”
“You wanna know what I love about you?” David looked up at you, his hair looking like he was definitely a mad scientist, which instantly made you chuckle. “I love your butt.”
You burst out laughing, putting your hand on his face. “Asshole, I was here pouring my heart out like a good old Todd Smith poem and you do me like that.” David chuckled for a good minute, hiding his face again and holding you tight. “My butt is pretty good, I guess.”
David nodded and you pulled his hair. “Ouch, (Y/N), the fuck.” He looked back at you. “Wait, do it again.” You rolled your eyes and tried to let go of him, only earning you deathly tickles. 
Since his next posting day was tomorrow, you reserved half the day for David to edit some of the footage of the trip to post. The video was up early in the morning, after long hours of editing, so through the first couple of hours since the video was up, David was asleep on your bed.
Curiosity always got the best of you and you checked the video again, loving the whole montages and fun moments, but your attention soon focusing on the mean comments.
Can someone make an edit with all the same scenes from this vlog and David and Liza’s vlog in Hawaii? lol
Someone tell David he found a gold digger, plz.
She’s trying too hard to replace Liza, never gonna happen hun.
Who’s gonna tell her the minute Liza calls David will drop her ass? lmao
All this money dropping on what’s-her-name. Not even that pretty tbh.
Damn she must have a top sex game to whip him up like that.
How’s it like being a long-ass rebound for David while Liza is away?
This is literally the same trip he did with Liza wtf
David can do so much better she doesn’t deserve him
I kinda like her but she’s clearly after his clout
Every word was a knife to the heart, over and over and over again. It broke your heart how much comparison there was between you and Liza, and how come most of his fans never accepted you. This wasn’t the first time you read mean comments, but this time it was deeper. They knew exactly how to hurt you.
You were sitting by yourself by the porch, looking out of the amazing view of Hawaii, a dream come true for you. Wrapped up in a small blanket, you couldn’t help but cry to yourself. The feeling you had is that your relationship was doomed for the start and that you’d never live up to his fans’ expectations because you simply wasn’t Liza.
“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” David made his way towards you.
You quickly cleaned the running tears, knowing it wasn’t doing much, since your face was read and swollen. David was taken aback by the sudden change of pace.
“Wow, (Y/N), are you okay? What happened?” Sitting by your side in the porch chair, his brows were furrowed, worried. 
“Nothing, sweetie. I’m just thinking about everything and feeling so happy about this trip and how much I don’t deserve you for being so amazing.” You were a terrible liar and he knew you pretty well.
“I appreciate the compliments, but I don’t like when you lie to me.” David caressed your thigh, comforting. “We don’t keep secrets, remember?”
“I’m going to be fine, I promise. I just need one moment.” You laughed and cleaned the tears again.
“(Y/N).” That was all he said.
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t get out of this so easily. Deciding to comply, you read him all the youtube comments you had read. David tried to speak in between, but you stopped him until you went through all of it. His hands slid through his face in frustration.
“I’m so sorry you have to go through this, baby.” He held your hand. “You don’t deserve this kind of hate. This is all my fault. I should’ve kept our relationship to ourselves.”
“This is not your fault. I love our relationship and I love our dynamic and somehow you made me love being in the vlogs. You know I support you no matter what, but I feel like I’m facing a war and losing everyday. No matter what I do, I’ll never be Liza. They’ll never accept me for me. I’ll always live down to unreachable expectations because I’m not famous nor funny enough or pretty enough or skinny enough.”
“You know I don’t care about any of that, isn’t that enough?” David’s heart was shattered by watching you cry like that, seeing how much you were hurting.
You caressed his hand with your thumb and smiled to yourself, though still sad. “Dave, when you introduced me to your life, I had no idea what any of this meant. You taught me a lot about how your life works and I adapted, because I wanted this, us. It’s so hard to be used to the cameras, the need for content, the clickbait, but I did it because I love you. You’re always enough for me, but I know I feel like I’m not enough for you.”
“(Y/N), don’t say that…” His eyes were starting to tear up.
“No, it’s okay. I understand. This is a big part of your life, it’s your career. You’d never ask me to give up on my job or personal dreams, neither would I.” You took a deep breath. “But I try to be strong and… T-to try and ignore all the hate, but it’s just so many comments. Instagram, youtube, twitter. The good ones are so rare.”
David didn’t know what to say. Your tears were rolling down your face again. “I know I shouldn’t look at it, but it’s stronger than me. I just wanted them to give me one real chance, you know?”
“Come here.” He said, pulling you up for a tight hug. “I know this sucks and it’s hurting you and I hate it, because you’re amazing and you don’t deserve any of this.” He caressed your hair. “You wanna know what I love about you? Besides your butt, I mean.”
You looked up and chuckled lightly. David cleaned the tears away.
“I love that you always check me when I’m being an idiot. You always give me your honest opinion. You treat my friends like family. You stay up late with me when I’m editing even if you sleep by the couch with me, because you don’t want me to be alone.” David caressed your cheeks. “You have the prettiest smile and seeing it instantly makes me happy, no matter what. You motivate me and inspire me. I love how you cook for me and how you’re always talking with my mom, letting her know I’m being healthy. How much my parents and siblings love you.”
You sighed, happy. You gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“I love how you make me think about having kids, because I often see how much of a great mom you’d be. I love planning with you, surprising you, thinking about our future together, because I know that if I wanted to drop this whole thing tomorrow, you’d be there for me.” David kissed you again. “You’ll never be Liza and I love you for it, because I don’t want you to be. I want you to be you, because that’s who I fell madly in love with.”
“Oh my God. I’m crying more now, stupid. Look what you did.” Chuckling softly, you hugged him tight again. He returned the hug.
“I’m sorry these haters keep hurting you, but I promise I’ll be here to kick their ass and assure you that you’re absolutely amazing, okay?” David pointed out.
You nodded, overwhelmed by how much you loved that boy. “I love you, stupid.” You smiled.
“I love you too, dumbass.” David smiled and kissed all over your face.
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compil · 5 years
events/details i’m theorizing:
so the story happens around the time of the meta liberation arc (ch.218-240); to put it into context of the protagonists’ story, this is after the 1Avs1B joint training battles (around 50 chapters after the arc the anime is on rn, sorry anime onlys ://) and before todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya’s internships at endeavor’s agency
1a goes to a place called Nabu Island, located on the south of Japan as a (quoting all might) "hero work recommendation project” where they can (quoting Aizawa fr the 3rd preview) “see the connection with how to protect citizens”
mahoro (taller kid with pigtails) describes their island as small (and uneventful) and saying the heroes prolly won’t find much to do there which will be true for the first quarter of the movie so we’ll have a light-hearted montage for 1a’s cute/awesome hero activities :’DD
nine and his gang arrive at the island in search of katsuma (little kid who looks like a blond deku) to steal his quirk (though i think the linked scene takes place a day after 1a meets the kids... just wanted to link it to provide some basis for my claim)
nine can steal quirks like all for one, but the explanation for that is kinda confusing to me cause a few scenes shown in the preview showed him stored in some kind of laboratory? which could mean that instead of “stealing” the quirks he might have been given them instead? or maybe someone gave him the quirk to steal quirks and he took it from there? hard to tell
gonna guess nine&others arrive at nabu island at night, chasing around katsuma and mahoro to no avail, before 1a/bkdk meet them at these points — pinpointing these scenes in particular cause the kids still have their sun hats, which we see nine blowing away here. said scene occurs in broad daylight, which i’m assuming is the next day cause he implies previous efforts being taken to chase them ending in failure, which would fittingly be the siblings’ first encounter with 1-a when bkdk stepped in to help, if that made sense.
in between the bkdk-and-katsuma scene and the “i finally found you” scene must’ve been the scenes where 1-a was deliberating in some sort of meeting room, where they all resolve to keeping the siblings safe using a plan they would execute the next day
1-a must’ve made a plan to split up and take down diff villains because we see shots of their divisions here but i don’t know how that would work with the whole we-have-to-keep-an-eye-on-and-protect-the-kids side of things... only 12/20 students were shown in teams so maybe the other 8 were put in charge of guarding the siblings?
i found it weird that 1-a would leave the kids alone at that “i finally found you” scene but it would make sense if nine actually found them mid-battle, as his henchmen (teammates?) were keeping the students busy in battle (side eyeing the guy who turns ppl to zombies,,,, would be a real nifty quirk to keep ppl, esp the 8/20 students who weren’t shown in teams, trapped and thus occupied)
midoriya’s 100% attack doesn’t work on nine, and he and bakugou get pummeled for a while
the others must’ve gotten caught up with something cause by the time the sky darkens (could just be the battle taking really long or THIS THING NINE CAN DO, either would signal the dawn of the final battle anyway), only katsuki and izuku are left to fend nine off with katsuma and mahoro cheering them on / crouched in a cliff somewhere around them
nine tries to steal OFA but in the gif below we see the signature sparkly lightning scars deku has when he uses OFA disappear from nine’s face (note that nine does NOT have these markings when using his quirk/s any-when else in the previews) 
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...MEANING!!!!!!!! before he absorbs OFA completely, someone else snatches it away from him and in this scene where we see deku dying and katsuki looking shocked shitless, eyes quivering, we know with almost 100% certainty that it’s not deku who’s in the physical state needed to force OFA back into himself. “so what happened”, you ask? he passes it on to kacchan. (oh SHIT!!!! OH SHIT *the audience screams*)
we see the reaching out scene twice in all the previews, once in the first teaser, where it was confirmed to be between deku and kacchan (though we would’ve known even w/o it! the reaching out shit has always been a classic canon bkdk motif), and second where we only see deku’s mangled hands with splatters of blood, reaching inexplicably outwards. he reaches outwards to his image of victory, to the boy he knew to be a hero that would win even in times of trouble, to the person he’s been reaching out to all this time, to kacchan. it only makes sense in the context of their joint arcs, really, but that’s a whole other topic to get into. i’m just here to relay what i expect will happen in the movie!
anyway yEah bakugou’s wide-eyed expression here might also be the realization of what izuku wants him to do (that is, take OFA) sinking in. i don’t think he’d really want it / jump at the chance to steal OFA cause he’s said during his intro at the endeavor internships arc that he can be the best by using just his quirk (and hopefully the thought of how fucked up it is to want to steal the quirk of the person he’s bullied for being quirkless in their childhood years dawns on him too but idk if their developments have cut him that deep yet... hori’s taking baby steps with bkg’s redemption arc), but he’d understand what midoriya is planning (bkg canonically has good intuition for mido’s plans; check that one ova where 1-a fights a disguised all might and you’ll know what i mean) and know it’s the only option left for them to secure victory so he’ll do it anyway. bakugou receives OFA by licking/drinking izuku’s blood ig? the imagery certainly points to that, or at least it seems so to me... plus i think the hair eating thing would look kinda clowny in the heat of battle hhhhh
i don’t know how deku will have it in him to come alive again after the dying scene in pv 3,,,, but i hope that this scene is actually the two using OFA together to defeat nine! it would also tie back to the constantly foreshadowed idea (gonna make a post abt this later maybe) of them eventually evolving to be the wonder duo / dual symbols of peace / inheritors of all might the narrative has been developing in the manga, anime, and even in the first preview
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by rallying the others and joining forces with the entire 1-a (derived from this interview), they’ll emerge victorious, or victorious enough to end up the way they appeared during their internships at endeavor’s agency
there were also some scenes in the trailers that depicted nine&others in some city that can’t be Nabu island (by Mahoro’s description). izuku says at one point that they’re “the only ones here”, so that must mean that any cameo made by a pro hero (besides maybe their adviser? but aizawa wasn’t at their meeting here too so i wonder if they came to the island all on their own), namely endeavor’s and hawks’, must have happened in that city. and since it’s endhawks specifically who’re making an appearance, i think we’ll be getting glimpses of the oncoming meta-liberation arc as well, or even the entire scope of how the movie’s events tie into said arc, which is pretty exciting
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badsext · 6 years
A Sexy Bullshit Story Featuring Robert Sheehan (or fan fic or whatever)
**Contains language and smut**
It was my first professional acting job in Hollywood. Thats not true. I’d been acting and doing stand up since college, but that was all plays and student films and shitty one-nighters in the middle of nowhere. This was the first time it felt like it actually counted. It was a post-apocalyptic political satire. I’d been given the script by my writer friend who had written a part for me.
I was a nobody, so it took some low key string pulling to get the audition. I usually sucked at auditions, but this one happened without the usual pressure because I was positive I wasn’t going to be in a movie with Robert-fucking-Sheehan. So when they told me I had the part, my brain could not even process it, still there I was flying to Vancouver to start filming.
My character was a journalist. I helped Robert’s character and his love interest, played by his Umbrella Academy cast mate, David Castañeda (I know!) escape a prison camp, then join the resistance fighters.
In one scene, a few weeks into filming, the three of us had to take off running through the woods. After several takes we were all exhausted. We flopped down on the dressing room couch in a sweaty heap, wearing our matching gray coveralls from wardrobe with the top pulled down to expose our dirty, clingy white tank tops.
I noticed Robbie’s arm around David and his head resting lightly on his shoulder. His thigh was touching my thigh. I felt that familiar rush of blood all over my body. “You guys are killing me” I said, surprising myself. I’d been watching them together. Their love scene was filmed on a closed set, but just knowing it was happening made me pleasure myself while I waited alone in my trailer.
“You mean this?” he said. Then he leaned over David, grabbed the back of his neck, and kissed him soft and deep. David growled and gave him a playful slap. “Now you’re fucking with me,” I said. They both laughed. “Yeah. We couldn’t resit.”
David got up and left. I laid my head back trying to zone out. I was kind of embarrassed. It took me a minute to realize that Robbie was still there. He shifted his position. That’s when everything went into slow motion. He began to lie down, resting his head in my lap! I tried so hard to be casual, but I’m positive he could hear my breath and feel my heartbeat. His eyes were closed. I considered it for what seemed like an eternity, then thought “fuck it” and ran my hand through his beautiful brown hair. He smiled. Is he still fucking with me?, I though. I doubled down and put my other hand on his chest.
A PA came into the dressing room to announce that we were done for the day on account of bad weather. I froze like a kid with their hand caught the cookie jar. The PA just rolled his eyes. I was actually bummed out because our characters weren’t needed on set for the rest of the week. I was worried that we’d just go our separate ways until it was time to come back.
That’s when shit got real! “Do you want to get out of here?” He said looking up at me with his sparkling green eyes. “Oh my god, yes!” My enthusiasm betrayed me. He told me to get my stuff and meet him around back. I changed into street clothes and came back with my purse. It had started raining. I laughed when I saw him waiting outside, holding Klaus’ plastic umbrella with the pink trim. He just winked and smiled, “You’re going to need more than that,” he said. I ran back to grab my carry on (still packed from the first day of filming) and joined Robbie in the back seat of the car.
The car ride felt like a really good first date. He was telling me about growing up in Ireland and making me laugh. I had him laughing too. It was easy. I knew I must be dreaming, so I had let my guard down and just had fun.
The car pulled up to the Vancouver airport and I gasped. “If this is too much for you I understand. No expectations,” he said as he put on sunglasses and a baseball cap. “ I’d better call someone, so I’m not an accessory in my own abduction,” I joked. “Where are we going again?”
“There’s a flight leaving for London in less than an hour,” he said with his eyebrows doing that thing. We managed to get tickets and through security in time.
On the plane we drank Champagne and giggled about our sneaky little adventure. “What’s this?,” he said, noticing my open bag. He pulled something out. I shrieked and nearly choked on my champagne.
“Shit!” It was the script I was writing. I snatched it back. He pouted adorably and asked if he could read it. I gave in. He started reading and I slouched down into my hoodie like a turtle.
It was a comedy about a “coven of witches” (a tight knit group of hilarious women) in Salem, Massachusetts getting revenge on their Puritan tormentors. If I had to compare it to something it would be like Hocus Pocus meets Kill Bill with a bit of Bridesmaids.
I was ready to stage a heart attack so the plane would land and I could escape this torment. Then Robbie started laughing. I began to relax. He laughed some more and then in all the right places. About half way through he was really loosing his shit, tears coming out of his eyes. I was so happy. You could not chisel the smile off my face if you tried.
When he was finished he turned to me and said “We have to make this thing!” He was so excited about it. My heart was exploding in my chest. I leaned over and kissed him. I had caught him by surprise, but he quickly responded, deepening the kiss and caressing my chin. I pulled back to search his eyes for his intentions. These feelings were genuine. I nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder and we fell asleep.
We spent the next day running around London. I had never been there and he made it a point to share his favorite places with me, but also some of the touristy ones. Occasionally someone would recognize him and he’d stop for a selfie or two. I liked how he was with his fans. We tried on a bunch of clothes, stopped for sushi and ice cream. I joked that we were living out a montage from a romantic comedy.
When we finally checked into our hotel my mind was racing. I knew exactly where this was going. I stood in front of him in a bit of a panic as he took off his shirt. His skin was so smooth, his muscles so strong and lean. I looked down at his pants and chuckled.
He pouted like Nathan. “Are you trying to give me a complex?”
"No, not that," I said. "Your pants - there’s so many zippers and buckles here. It’s like a straight jacket for your cock!“
“Mmm, dirty talk,” he said laughing and pulled me closer. “How can someone this beautiful be so funny?”
A lump caught in my throat. “You took the words right out of my mouth.” He studied my eyes, welling up with emotion. He carefully took off my glasses and placed them on the table. His hands fell down to my hips. I moved into him, feeling his heat, inhaling his scent.
He took off my top and left a slow trail of wet kisses down my neck, easing me down onto the bed. I mindlessly fumbled with his buckles until he was freed, pressed up against me. He groaned, then took one of my nipples into his mouth, grazing the other with his palm. My pussy was already wet, but now it ached. I ran my hands down his torso and down to his ass. He inhaled sharply and began kissing down my stomach, gently parting my thighs. When he made contact with my clit, I shuddered and moaned. He found the perfect pressure and rhythm. I was on the edge and he knew it. He wouldn’t let up. My hands were tangled in his hair and my back arched. I came so hard I saw stars. My whole body was electrified.
I needed to make him feel these things too. I grabbed his head in my hands and led him up to my mouth. I kicked his lips and sucked his earlobe while my hands moved back down to his swollen cock. I rolled on top of him and headed down to suck him off. He stopped me and led me back up to his face. We locked eyes and he rolled back on top. Time stopped when he thrust inside me. I felt it in the back of my brain. We were one now, rocking in a rhythm of perfect ecstasy, ending with a white hot climax.
The next morning there was no question - we belonged to each other. We cuddled and ate breakfast and made plans.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 144: Kirishima Flashback Part 1
Previously on BnHA: Chance the Rappa and Fat the Gum prepared to have a punching match while Tengai and Kirishima stood there and watched. Rappa punched Fat Gum like 600 times as Kirishima looked on, feeling increasingly powerless. Finally his shounen instincts couldn’t take it anymore and he leapt in there to take some of the blows for FG. Rappa was impressed by his durability, but things weren’t looking too good, as Kirishima’s hardening kept reaching its limit and breaking only for him to turn it back on again. Having been all but turned into a bloody pulp, he finally tried to counterattack, only to have Tengai step in with his stupid barrier. Fortunately, Kirishima’s intervention gave Fat Gum time to charge up his attack power, and as Kiri fell, FG stepped in ready to kick some ass. Oh, and he’s hot now. All of a sudden, just out of fucking nowhere. Shit’s wild.
Today on BnHA: Hot Gum gets ready to punch some bad guys as reality abruptly gives way to a sudden Kirishima flashback. Middle school Eijirou tries to defend a hapless kouhai from some thugs, but is shown up by middle school Ashido Mina, who effortlessly befriends the thugs and teaches them the error of their thuggish ways. Everyone is all “oh shit Mina is awesome”, and Kiri thinks that he himself is pretty lame in comparison. He knows his quirk is nothing special, and he’s trying to compensate by having a manly spirit just like his hero Crimson Riot. Later on while walking home, he stumbles across an intimidating villain confronting two girls from his school. No heroes are around, and he knows he should step in and try to help, but he finds himself frozen in fear. Luckily, Mina arrives to save the day again and sends the villain on his way. Later that night, Kiri sits in his room thinking about how his manly heart failed when it really counted, and miserably crosses off U.A. from his school aspiration report.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 175 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
two chapters in one day?? is it just because Fat Gum is that hot? maybe. maybe it is
“Red Riot” is the chapter title; that’s very promising
anyway so Hot Gum is all rarin’ to go with his punchin’ fist
incredibly, Rappa is actually asking Tengai to lower the barrier. seriously, this type of villain basically does all of your work for you
Tengai is saying that Kirishima’s thrilling heroics in the previous chapter must have been intended to set up this attack
but Kiri’s thinking that’s not it at all, and that he was just scared
oh my god. this is a flashback. we ‘bout to get that good angst, aren’t we
I guess this is Kiri’s middle school
some thugs are picking on a child who has a quirk that lets him transform leaves into sweet, sweet cash. omg. are you serious
oh wait, he says it’s only a temporary transformation. dang
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is he supposed to be a tanuki or something. he doesn’t really look like one, but he’s kinda got similar ears, and there’s that shapeshifting leaves connection too so idk
lol actually I just read the translation notes and they’re confirming that he is indeed a tanuki
the thugs are all “we’ll just spend it before it turns back” but obviously that’s. not nice
and here comes our boy!
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this motherfucker really does dye his hair. I can’t fucking believe it. that’s such a nice character touch because it’s totally unnecessary but it’s just a nice little additional character detail
anyway, he’s charging at these guys in hardened mode but one of them is chucking a rock at his face. which fucking hurts
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wow, he was this weak as recently as his third year of middle school? if that’s the case, he’s gone through almost as rapid of a transformation as Deku
oh my god the thugs just picked up the weird little tanuki kid and are scampering off with him while Kiri is all “HEY WAIT”
what the fuck
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were they watching the whole time?!
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damn, Kiri’s friends need more spine
it’s so weird how he’s now best friends with a guy who not too long ago was not all that different from those thugs. and yet, maybe not that weird after all, because even at his worst, Bakugou was still a hell of a lot more honorable than these guys seem to be
now Kiri is dashing off heroically
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I really want to meet Crimson Riot. although the way they talk about him makes me wonder if he’s an older generation hero and maybe retired now or something. but then, Gran Torino is getting on in years too and he still kicks ass, so
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oh my god
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what in the name of
lol are they best friends now
just. fucking Mina. we don’t deserve her
now the bullies and the leaf kid are walking off sparkling and waving back at Mina
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my god. send this girl off to Tomura and let her just befriend him and all of his stupid hands. problem solved. I fixed your manga for you
Kirishima are you appropriately impressed by Mina’s outrageous big dick energy
he and his buddies are watching as Mina’s friends come up and ask her if she wants to come with them to that shop and she’s like “yeah!”
they’re saying she’s gonna be one for sure. a hero, that is. presumably
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Kiri’s mildly annoying friends are talking about how heroes these days are different from the ones in the past. “it’s all about entertainment and approval ratings”
and they’re saying that Mina is a perfect fit for the job
and while I can’t argue that Mina is going to make a phenomenal hero, Kiri is feeling a little down on himself now, thinking that he’s just “kinda dull and boring”
damn, who would have thought Eijirou of all people would have self-esteem issues. I mean, we’d gotten some hints previously, especially a few chapters ago when we flashed back to their special moves training and he was thinking how plain his quirk was compared to the rest. but this is more than I thought
by the way I really don’t have room for all of these adopted kids
also, are they trying to imply some sort of Kirishima/Ashido thing here now? I feel like they’re slowly but surely pairing off all of the 1-A girls one by one. Ochako with Deku, Momo with Todoroki, Jirou with Kaminari, and now this. this leaves us with just Tsuyu left, basically. (and Hagakure, but I still think she might be the traitor, so)
(ETA: and how could I forget that she’s paired up with Ojiro? so that really is all of them accounted for except Tsuyu. I swear to god, if Horikoshi so much as sneezes in a way that implies he’s considering pairing her off with Mineta, I will fucking learn Japanese and move to Japan and become a Japanese citizen and go to Japanese law school and become a Japanese lawyer and sue the fucking shit out of him for everything he’s worth until I fucking own the series and can pair her off with the mongoose snake girl. don’t test me, sensei. this is a little frog girl’s life on the line here and I will fuck you up.)
but anyways, try as they might, I doubt most of these vaguely “official” het pairings stand even the ghostest of chances against all of the glorious gayness that this fandom has embraced
so now we’re cutting to a one-panel training montage of Kirishima doing pushups and hitting himself with a stick and doing sprints and shit
and all the while he’s thinking of his hero Crimson Riot, who apparently said that as long as you have a manly spirit, it doesn’t matter what your quirk is. aww
so now Kiri’s friends are discussing what they’re gonna put on their career sheets, and which high schools they want to apply to
Kirishima’s acting like he hasn’t decided and doesn’t already have his heart set on U.A.
aww, he’s patting the sheet in his pocket which has U.A. written on it as his preferred school
now he’s walking down the street wishing that he had more confidence
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you know, the more I see of flashback!Kirishima, the more I understand why he was so quickly drawn to Bakugou. he naturally exudes the self-assurance that this Kiri wishes he had more of. it’s similar to the reasons why Deku was drawn to him too
also, here’s a big dude in a lumpy cloak who just appeared out of nowhere and what the hell
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holy shit
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for a second I thought he was transforming into something because the outline of his cloak was so weird, but nope, looks like he just has some sort of massive troll body
anyway, Kiri’s looking over and realizing that those girls that this dude is terrorizing are from his middle school
and once again there are no pros in sight. there never are
now the villain dude is touching the wall and it’s cracking
Kiri’s thinking the exact same thing as me about the pro heroes. I kid you not
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because pro heroes are the worst, Kiri. well most of them anyway
(ETA: and it’s fitting that later on in this chapter, Kiri mentions that one time that about a half dozen heroes all gathered around to watch a fourteen-year-old boy nearly suffocate to death because they were all afraid to get too close to his quirk. thank fuck for the Minas and the Dekus of the world)
he’s looking around frantically and thinking “somebody...!”
and then realizing there is nobody and he’s gotta do this himself
but he’s frozen in fear omg
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I’m fucking speechless
(ETA: ...hold up. holy shit.
that profile. the radio hanging from his neck. that face. those lumpy rock shoulders. holy shit. this is that guy. the guy we saw again in 162. Giganto something. holy shit.
this guy took out half a fucking mountain and nearly killed Gran Torino and Naomasa. Gran referred to him as an it. this fucking guy is one of All for One’s direct subordinates. and fourteen-year-old Ashido Mina just stood her ground against him and didn’t back down.
yet again I’m fucking speechless. damn but this girl is so much more amazing than she’s been getting credit for. also I’m just gonna file away everything that we just saw here, because we all know this guy is going to become a big deal probably in the near future. I can’t believe I didn’t even make the connection the first time around.)
y’all think I’m kidding about siccing her on Tomura. I’m not. this is the way to go guys. this is how we win the day
and now she’s collapsing from fear and crying about how that was so scary
and her friends are embracing her and thanking her for saving their lives, and they’re all crying together
I can’t believe Ashido Mina is my new favorite character. well actually I can. how far out is the next character poll? I think still a good thirty or forty chapters out, but just you wait. this girl is going places
(ETA: I regret to announce that, after ranking Mina at a pitiful #36, behind Mineta and fucking Overhaul, Japanese BnHA fandom is cancelled. or at least the ones who voted for the aforementioned two are. more than a thousand people voted for You’re Damn Right He’s The Best Fucking Jeanist, though, so in the end I still can’t be too mad.)
Kirishima are you in proper awe of Mina’s massive, huge, just totally fucking colossal dick energy yet?! bow down to it!!
he’s still standing frozen across the street, just staring at them
and he’s berating himself for just standing there and not taking action
now it’s later that night, presumably, and he’s sitting at his desk staring at his career sheet or whatever you call it. “aspiration report”
holy shit he’s thinking about Bakugou, somehow, even though he hasn’t even met him yet. and Deku too
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Deku out there inspiring people even before becoming the Symbol of Peace Jr. was ever even on the table. what a legend
Kiri is miserably thinking to himself that not even his heart was up to snuff. boring quirk, timid heart
oh no he’s picking the pencil up and I think he’s gonna erase U.A. from his number one choice
except that can’t be right, unless we’re about to cut back to present day!Kiri and shockingly find out that him attending U.A. has actually been a 140-chapter dream sequence this entire time. whaaaaaaaaat
but he really is crossing it out!
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I can’t. I don’t. where am I going to put all these sons. too many sad children
also this chapter was only 13 pages long what the fuck
and now there’s an omake corner??
oh my god it seems like the scanlators took it upon themselves to fill up the additional space with translations from the official character book!
this is awesome. but it’s also way too long for me to read right now, so I’ll have to come back to it. maybe do it as a separate post if I get into it
(ETA: so I most definitely am going to do a separate post on the character book, but I’m not sure when that will be. I have the whole thing downloaded, along with as many translations as I can find, so it’s mostly just a matter of finding some time and energy to do it. it will mostly just be me nerdily comparing the characters’ stats and also going “omg you guyyyyyyyys” at that one concept art picture of Shouji without his facemask lol.)
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KIRI COSTUME :D I’ve actually done a fair bit of wondering exactly what all this stuff does, so I’m excited to finally see!
so apparently the headgear is supposed to protect the weaker spots on his face. I like how the explanation acknowledges that it rarely works :’)
and here we go, an explanation for the arm covers which were a new addition during the provisional license arc!
so apparently they’re to help protect the people he rescues from getting hurt if he has to carry them. that’s so thoughtful. here I thought he was just getting cold lol
I love his reasoning for wearing a deliberately tattered-looking costume. just embracing it as part of his look. Deku might want to consider a similar strategy at some point
the “manly justice” theme is just perfect. although ngl, I would have also enjoyed if we kept our usual naming conventions and these were referred to as kimipads, kimicovers, etc. but this works too, and it fits him to a T
I hope and assume that the double exclamation points are part of the official name. not just manly justice, but manly justice!! !!!!!!!
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noro124 · 5 years
dream summary: a kid looks for his brother. uncomfortable content moment. 11 stranger things is there
dream 2: i’m in prague again & people are stealing my shit
they made like a stranger things movie or something & it was actually pretty good? at least that’s the impression i got when i woke up despite none of this making sense. none of the characters from stranger things were there except eleven who showed up later. first it started off as like a a video game where you play from the perspective of two different people depending on what version? I was from the perspective of this younger kid probably 7 y/o named Byron who was looking for his older brother Sisyphus (like the Greek figure), who was "imprisoned" somewhere. Byron had a couple companions like this older uncle figure & another youngish boy & me! There was a really weird part that was just like a montage of the uncle figure getting a handjob???????? like really close camera shots on the guy's dick getting hard????????????? this was an unskippable cutscene & it made me SO uncomfortable I hated that it was like watching a movie in a theater & everyone was like :/ just really fuckin horrible 0/10 content by my brain. anyway the me figure in the dream was like "what the fuck are y'all doing" & closed the game & went to watch my bf play as Sisyphus. 
Sisyphus was very strong & powerful & had an abundance of incredible skills & weapons & he chose to be trapped in a cave of pink marble with a pool of clear water & blood in the center so he could stay locked in combat with this Hydra dragon chimera forever. He missed his family dearly but thought this was the best for everyone to keep them safe. However, Byron appeared in the pool & started following his brother around as he fought back the beast. Byron wanted to hug his brother because he’d missed him so much but Sisyphus couldn’t stop fighitng to give him a hug even though he’d missed him so much. This was more dangerous bc Byron was completely defenseless & Sisyphus had a lot of Aoe attacks & the Hydra beast was also very dangerous. Eventually Byron (who also might have been name Adam) fell in the pool & drowned in blood & then their older sister showed up, she was bald & had green & pale pink scales & a lizard tail & she burst out of the blood pool, put Adam Byron on the ground, & then was immediately bitten very badly by & Sisyphus was like "No! Sistina!" & we had a flashback of the parents taking their fresh baby from the midwife (the parents the dad looked like the beast from beauty & the beast with glowing yellow eyes if he was a paladin & the mom was a big lizard woman & it was like "congrats on your only daughter!") & then he caught her in his arms. She was still strong enough to cast a big lightning bolt at the body of the beast.
Then El stranger things showed up & somehow was more powerful than thr Greek figures & jumped onti thr main head of the beast. Then I was her & I just bit the face a lot tearing off chunks of skin since the face was almost human & then I "woke up" back in a huge ampitheater. My sister's graduating class was having a piano recital & playing all meme songs like Discord or the Charles vocaloid song which I love & we ran out. My sister’s friend Keith who she talks about a lot was there, & so was an asian kid who looked like he was 6 but was apparently actually 17 or 18. I got in my car & then....? 
Quick teleport dream back to Prague where we were leaving soon. It was April again, a couple days before we left for Milan. My roommate at that time & I were trying to take the metro home from school, but we couldn't find the station so we had to walk over these grassy hills & I wasn't wearing shoes? But they were in my backpack. It was raining pretty hard & we passed some old dudes sitting out on the porches of their houses & they gave us advice. We got to the station & it was the Lavender Heart Line, which only had 5 stops (the next one was First Repair?) & it ended at the yellow line, which I remembered we could get on to get close to home. While in the station transferring to the yellow metro (without having left the metro) some guy holding a big plaster head that looked like those enemies from kirby 
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picked my pocket & stole my phone & I chased him down. He was trying to pass my phone off to someone else in the crowd, but eventually I got it back for a moment? After a brief confrontation I caught the guy, he looked like a friend of a friend but older. He was talking to me in English, which I was surprised by bc we were still in Prague. The police said "taze him so he'll learn his lesson" & gave me a tazer & I was like “fuck you bitch” & pressed the button & the prongs hit him in the eyes??? but he was fine. Anyway got my phone & wallet back - apparently they were hidden under a pile of brochures on a convenient coffee table? but someone stole my backpack & my roommate ditched me to go home while I looked for it, but the station was empty by then & I couldn't find it. There were a couple people carrying bags that looked really similar to mine, but they had some modification that made it clear that it wasn’t mine. I was really sad because my leather jacket that my dad gave me was in there.
After I woke up I was sad for a while & then I was like “Wait i still have my fucking bookbag lol” & even if I did lose that jacket I have an identical version of it back at home. Like it’s the same brand, one’s just older & a little more green bc the dye is leaking out. Anyway I woke up & spent 18 minutes typing this up instead of getting ready to leave & I'm gonna be late to work! fuck
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lovelylapins · 6 years
au august day 13
day 13: fake dating for @auyeahaugust
you see, i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to promo my own fake dating fic with an excerpt from the first chapter :)
Marinette wakes up to the sound of constant buzzing from her phone and a headache from yesterday’s akuma attack. Slinging an arm over her head to stop the constant buzzing, it takes her a moment to realize that no, that’s not her alarm, but someone calling her. Tikki, sleeping soundly next to her, merely rolls over and hides underneath her biggest pillow, drowning out any sound for the kwami. Letting out a groan Marinette fumbles her hands around the sheets, searching in vain for her phone that she knows she, once again, didn’t charge last night.
Marinette answers on the last ring, thumb clicking “answer” and phone raised to her ear. “Hello?” she sleepily asks. “Alya, is that you?”
“Is this a bad time?” the voice on the other end asks, and it’s Marinette’s heart that wins over her mind when she recognizes it to belong to the one and only Adrien Agreste.
“Adrien? What- How- Who gave you my number?” she’s spitting out, sitting up quickly before she remembers that ow, jeez, her head fucking hurts and wow, way to sound totally cool. Leaning back into her pillows, Marinette begins to nervously pick at her large stuffed pillow, wondering why the actual love of her life is doing calling her, and what is he calling her for at seven in the goddamn morning.
“Alya did. Is that alright?”
“No, no trust me, it’s perfect! Well, I mean, it’s not perfect- but you’re totally perfect and-! I mean, it’s cool and you’re cool and everything’s cool right now! You don’t have to worry because everything is just fine! Totally fine!” Marinette rushes out, and she really wishes she was at the top of her stairs so she could kick herself down and just end it all right now. On the other end, she can hear Adrien laugh, actual pieces of sunshine breaking off and lighting up her room.
“You’re funny,” he says, and she’s literally going to throw her phone out the window and squeal for an hour after she hangs up, she swears to every single deity out there that she most certainly will and there is nothing they can do to stop her from doing so.
“Listen,” he continues, “I’m going to ask you to do something really weird and you can totally say no if you want to, but it’s just,” he hesitates, “I need to ask for your help.”
“Go for it,” Marinette says, and she’s mentally giving herself a high-five because yes, she did just say something without stuttering to Adrien, and yes, she didn’t need Alya to help her out. Nothing however, prepares her for what Adrien has to say next.
“Marinette, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Marinette thinks if she wasn’t laying down she would’ve fainted. She’s over the moon and about to simultaneously about to call Alya and the nearest hospital because absolutely cannot believe that this is happening to her, a real-life dream come true, that all those wishes on the stars on her balcony have finally paid off, and she is honestly going to-
“Why do I have to be your… your girlfriend… for help?” she asks, already sensing that something is up. She can already feel her heart slowly slipping, ready to leave in the hopes of protecting its host from pain. “Is there something you need me to do, or -?”
“It’ll be better if I explain in person,” he says, interrupting her. “You’re at your house, right? I’ll be over in about twenty minutes.” Without waiting for a response, Adrien hangs up, leaving Marinette with her phone clutched tightly in her hand and confusion in her mind. She’s still processing the fact that he called her, and not the other way around like her horrible fiasco the one time she attempted to be forward. Adrien Agreste called her! Her!
She’s picturing just what kind of outfits their kids will wear when it hits her.
Adrien. Here. In twenty minutes.
Bouncing up out of her bed and hurrying down the steps to the main floor, she gives a quick moment to access the damage around her. A few dozen Adrien posters, his schedule which is to her horror still open and showing off this week’s events. Her computer, ready to be unlocked and showing one of her favorite pictures of Adrien as her lock screen, not to mention the matching home screen. Marinette still has a few framed pictures but considers them safe from elimination as they contain a few other friends in them. On the other side of her room, she spots what looks like a limited edition Adrien Agreste t-shirt draped on her chair. A few minutes paired with a good montage song, and Marinette assumes it might be possible to wipe it all out in one go. Overall, it’s not too bad compared to when Adrien first came to her room, but she figures she’ll have to put in some elbow grease if she wants the room anywhere near to normal.
The twenty minutes seem to come too quickly, Marinette just changing her lock and home screens to default settings when she hears her mother call from downstairs. Tikki, now awake and alert, finds a cozy spot in Marinette’s room to rest as her holder heads down, a few snacks spread out for her to enjoy and ears alert for the sound of them approaching.
“Marinette, you didn’t tell me you had a guest!” her mother says, turning around to show a smiling Adrien at her side. He gives a small wave, then points his finger to her outfit. A small blush paints his cheeks. Looking down, Marinette is struck with the most horrified feeling she’s faced since she saw her first akuminized victim.
In the midst of all the preparations for her room, Marinette forgot the most important thing to worry and prep before Adrien showed up: herself. Instead of a clean, pristine, and stylish outfit, Marinette is in her pajamas, loose tank top and polka-dotted pants with her pigtails uneven and messy. Worst, she’s not even wearing slippers, showcasing her toes which are in dire need of a manicure. Flushing, she throws her arms over her chest.
“I’ll wait down here with your parents, while you change,” Adrien offers, and Marinette only gives a quick nod before she bolts upwards. Does she trust her mother and father to entertain and not embarrass her? No. Does she have much of a choice at the moment? No, especially not while she is flinging her clothes into her dirty hamper and slinging on the first few things she can get her hands on. Undoing her pigtails, she realizes she doesn’t have the time to redo them and runs her hand through her hair instead. Her hair down for once won’t kill anyone, Marinette reasons. Sliding some socks onto her feet, she practically slips down the steps of her ladder in her haste to grab Adrien from her parents.
“And that’s how I passed the level!” is the first thing Marinette hears one she approaches the living room. Walking in, she watches her father and Adrien seated on the same couch, talking almost over one another.
“Incredible!” Adrien is exclaiming. “I never thought to go through the woods to get the treasure! I always tried going through the castle!”
“Everyone does! But, it’s impossible to get all the defenses down through that route!” her father says, wagging a finger. “Marinette was the one who originally thought to go the other way, and I didn’t think it’d work until she took control of the remote and navigated through it herself!” At the sound of her feet approaching, both turn their heads to look at her. Adrien’s face breaks out into a grin.
“You have to show me how you passed level 23 of Fire Starters 2! Did you really go through the woods and break down the wall defenses from there?”
“Uh yeah,” she says, rubbing her neck. “It took me a few tries to get it just right, but if you do the steps right in the woods, you should be able to pass it really quickly.” She clears her throat, finding it incredibly dry suddenly. “You said you had something you wanted to talk about?” she asks, swallowing deeply.
With a burst of joy, she realizes she hasn’t stuttered. On the couch next to Adrien, her father throws a quick thumbs-up her way, enjoying the way his beloved daughter deals with her crush, however badly it might be at times.
“Oh yeah!” he exclaims. Adrien turns to Marinette’s father, lifting himself from the couch. “It was nice talking with you, sir, but I have to talk to your daughter for a little bit. Can we talk more about Fire Starters 2 later?”
Her father gives a hearty laugh, slapping a hand on Adrien’s back as he pulls him into a hug. Patting his back, he tosses Marinette a wink. “Of course, Adrien. But please, call me Tom, alright? I’m too young to be called ‘sir’ these days.” Pulling himself away from the hug, he gestures to the kitchen, where Marinette sees her mom stick her head into their line of sight and throw a wave in their direction.
“He’s all yours,” her dad says. “I’m going to help make you guys some snacks. But Marinette, make sure to give him back when you guys finish talking, alright?”
Marinette feels her neck warm up, cheeks already hot enough to pre-heat an oven. Giving a quick nod, she turns back in the direction of her room and all but bolts up, Adrien following closely behind her. When they reach her room, she closes the door tightly. Adrien sits down on her small couch, Marinette awkwardly positioning herself in her desk chair. For a moment, it’s silent, each other casting looks and glancing away quickly. When Marinette focuses her eyes around her room, she catches sight of Tikki resting under the very couch Adrien is seated on.
“So,” she says, “you had something to say?”
“Yeah. I know I sounded weird on the phone, and I asked you a pretty odd question… but there’s a good explanation for it, I promise,” Adrien says. He fumbles with his words for a bit, the most he’s ever seemed not quite like himself. Wondering just how to put his thoughts into words, Adrien decides to go with the easy route and leave it out in the open.
“My father thinks we’re dating.”
Marinette thinks she’s going to pass out. Clutching onto the desk for support, she spins her face away from Adrien and gazes at her reflection in the computer. “W-what?” she sputters out, wondering just how red she’ll look once she’s done talking. “Why?”
“That one day when we were being chased around the city… all those pictures of us at the park, and the subway… and the movies.” Adrien lets out a little laugh as he recalls that day, how Marinette was dragged around in pajamas to help him flee from the public. “My fans all said you were my girlfriend, and I guess no one ever thought to fact check when they were writing articles later, or… explaining to my dad who you were.”
“Can’t you just tell him that we’re not… like that?”
“It’s too late. He already wants me to invite you to a banquet, and it doesn’t really help that you’re so talented sewing and designing things. He said he might put you under his wing as an intern or something- “
“Wait. You’re joking right?”
“My dad doesn’t like it when I do jokes.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Anyways, all I need is for you to please pose as my girlfriend, just for a little bit. Then, he’ll let us be and we’ll only have to show up together for fashion shows or something.”
Marinette needs a minute to make sure her ears are working correctly. Not only is this truly a dream come true with Gabriel Agreste, one of Paris’ most famed designers wanting to have her at some of the city’s biggest fashion events and at his side while he creates eye-catching looks, but she’ll actually get the opportunity to date Adrien. Adrien. As in, practically the only guy she’s had her eye on for the past few months, someone who she has quite literally scaled buildings for on more than one occasion. She’d get the chance to actually call him her boyfriend, and not to mention get the upper hand on Chloé for once.
But, she reasons, it’s not like it’s really true. Adrien doesn’t like her, and she’d only be playing a role. Being his girlfriend would be less real than Ladybug actually taking Chat Noir actually being a thing. And sure, it’d be a nice time and more than rewarding opportunity, but Marinette isn’t sure if she can take it.
If her heart can.
Nevertheless, she can’t say no to him. Adrien could tear her apart with his bare hands, and Marinette would happily sew herself back together. Twisting the chair to turn her body in his line of sight, she nods hesitantly, then goes forth and says the words he traveled across town to hear.
“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
(read the rest on ao3 here)
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yukheii · 7 years
notes: i’m baaaack! this is the first new set of drabbles i’m posting since reworking my blog. it was inspired by that vlive where namjoon and hobi said that yoongi randomly gave them gifts after the album release bc that was so cute
disclaimer: blanket disclaimers
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You’re going to murder your boyfriend.
Kim Seokjin, who promised to wake you up nearly four hours ago, had flaked out on his duties; he let you sleep in, that son of a bitch.
“Goddamit, Jin,” you mumble, wiping the sleep out of your eyes. Jin wasn’t next to you and there was no soft singing coming from the bathroom, so he wasn’t showering or shaving. He was gone. He had gotten up, gone to rehearsals and left you to sleep in like the bastard he was.
You grab your phone and make your way to the kitchen. When you arrive, however, you find breakfast already made; your favorite prepared carefully and left under a glass roofing, a pink, heart-shaped sticky note attacked to it.
I know you wanted me to wake you up, but you work yourself too hard! You deserve to sleep in every once in a while. And you looked too cute to disturb, baby~~ I made you breakfast, so hopefully you forgive my handsome face. I loooove you.
Taking a look at the display again, you notice he’s even prepared your favorite drink and left a little treat on a napkin that was clearly cut with a dull edged pair of scissors to resemble a heart.
“Goddammit, Jin,” you sigh again, but this time with a smile. Well, at least now you can pretend to be mad with a full stomach. 
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MIN YOONGI ◦ [cr.]
Min Yoongi considered himself to be a genius in quite a few respects. Most things concerning music were right up his alley, he’s pretty good at basketball, and he’s a good artist, rapper, brother, mentor. But above all—maybe not above music, but a close second—he is a coffee connoisseur.
Every morning that Yoongi gets up before you, he makes you a cup of coffee, just how you like it. He remembers the exact flavor and brand of creamer you pick up at the at restocks your fridge when you’re running low. He remembers the type of sugar you prefer, and even how hot you like it.
Every time you go out for coffee with Yoongi, he insists that you go grab a table while he stands in line to order. Some days he get you your usual, other days, he surprises you with new kinds of drinks. He refuses to let you get anything crappy—he’s very against blended drinks or fraps of any kind from Starbucks, claims they’re “a sugary mess for imbeciles” and that you are “a couple of coffee connoisseurs who will not stoop to the level of a unicorn frap.”
Some days Yoongi is running late and he doesn’t have time to make you coffee. When that happens, he leaves money on the counter with a small note in rushed handwriting and a cute picture of two mugs: “Sorry I couldn’t get your coffee, love. Buy yourself a cup (and please, do not get a vanilla bean frappucino or I will be forced to divorce you when we get married).”
You roll your eyes, because no where in the world does a single cup of coffee cost twenty bucks, but grab the money anyway. You take up the note too, and add it to your collection.
(Yoongi doesn’t know you keep them, but it’ll make a good edition to your montage video at this eventual wedding).
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Hoseok takes way more showers than the average person.
You suppose it’s because of all the dancing he does—he showers every morning when he gets up, every night he comes back from practice, sometimes he even showers in the middle of the day because he says he likes “feeling clean.”
His favorite kind of showers, though, are the ones where you’re involved. No sexual endeavors requires (although they are certainly a bonus); he simply likes holding you while water pours over your bodies. He likes washing your hair (if and when you let him), likes using a loofa to soap up your body and detaching the shower head to rinse you off properly. But around the time the boys have a comeback or are attending award shows, those kinds of showers don’t happen often.
So when Hobi’s forced to shower alone, he always leaves you a note in the mirror afterwards. Carves out hearts, doodles, confessions in the fog of mirror above the sink. Sometimes he even kisses the mirror for good measure.
You have to let the water run for a bit before you jump in, but it’s always worth it to see Hobi’s message appear like heated invisible ink when the bathroom becomes slightly steamy.
Today it’s simple—I love you—written in a lopsided heart and Hoseok’s lip-print off to the side. There’s an arrow pointing to where his mouth was and a message written above it: “kiss me:)”
And even though you feel stupid, it’s not like anyone can see you, right? So you lean over the sink slightly, give the mirror a kiss in the prints of Hobi’s lips and smile.
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Namjoon likes to put his brain power to work when he leaves sticky notes around your apartment. 
Most of the time they’re fun facts—some obscure tidbit of knowledge that the average person wouldn’t know or even care to know, but you find them endearing. It’s like Namjoon shares a little piece of his mind with every sticky note he leaves behind.
Other times, they’re riddles meant to leave you pondering all day. He makes you swear not to Google the answer; you’ve got three chances to text him with your guess. If you answer incorrectly, he’ll reveal it to you when he gets back, only after you’ve kissed him, of course. 
It’s cute. A strange, nerdy kind of cute. A Namjoon kind of cute. 
Sometimes the facts or riddles aren’t historical or mind-boggling or scientific at all. Sometimes they’re cringey, borderline embarrassing if anyone else ever found them. 
“Fact #6183: I love you more than life itself.”
And sometimes, you leave him a note in return. You always put it on the door, so it’s the first thing he sees when he comes home from a long day of hard work.
“Fact #6184: I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
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PARK JIMIN ◦ [cr.]
Jimin likes texting you. Scratch that, Jimin’s favorite pastime in the entire fucking world is texting you.
Jungkook jokes that he would dive across the entire dance practice room on his stomach when his phone pings at the odds that he’s received a message from you.
He’s bolder behind the screen that he is in person. He likes to send you suggestive texts and imagine your flustered face when you promptly send back his names in all caps and too many exclamation marks. He likes the way you use the same four emojis over and over again. He likes that just talking to you can brighten his day.
So, Jimin doesn’t know if they necessarily count as notes, but every single day since you’ve started dating, he texts you good morning along with a picture of himself. And if he forgets, he still passes along the delayed message.
YN [SENT 7:55PM]: Jimin what the hell????? It’s almost 8pm?????
JM [RECIEVED 7:55PM]: It’s a pre-good morning text for tomorrow :(( it’s never too early to start your day
He says he does because he likes your responses. (He does it because he likes you).
On the occasion that you both sleep in, he still remembers. He’ll even text you good morning when he’s seated directly beside you as you both share breakfast.
JM [RECIEVED 6:43AM]: I love you so much babyyyyyy
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Taehyung likes to leave his notes to you on the back of receipts.
And no matter how long you continue to date him, coming home to a gift box with contents worth thousands of dollars is not something you’ll get used to. Lavish foreign dishes, pricey portraits, and custom furniture all tailored to your liking.
Because Taehyung loves fashion and Taehyung loves you; he likes seeing his two loves together. He likes sharing himself with you.
No matter how much you expressed that you didn’t need all of his gifts, Taehyung wasn’t nearly as into returning things as he was into buying them. Hence, today’s debate over a pair of silk pajamas that you insisted you didn’t need, but Taehyung was vehement about you keeping.
“You didn’t read the note, did you?” He frowns, shifting through the packaging tissue to fetch the receipt.
He hands it you, you notice the sneaky little bastard has crossed out the price again, and you flip it to find his handwriting on the back: “No takesies backsies, because now we’re twinsies!!!!!!”
When you take another good look at the pajamas, you realize the familiarity you’d sense was not falsely attributed, as Taehyung had the exact same pair in dark blue. You look up to his grinning face, his large hands now holding and extending your new pajamas. You take this as a sign he wants you to put them on.
“Tae, it’s not even my birthday or—”
“Ah, ah, ah! I declared no takesies backsies, already, so you have to put them on!”
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Being away from Jungkook was never easy. His presence is an odd mix of comforting and reserved and vibrant and calm; it’s easy to notice when he’s gone. There’s no screaming when he dies in a video game, there’s no soft humming around the house, there’s no constant pleading for food, there’s no body on the left side of the bed.
And Jungkook thinks being away from you is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. You take care of him, you care about him. You’re his silly, beautiful, amazing girlfriend who he loves a lot. If it were up to him, he’d be around you as much as he wants, whenever he wants.
But, alas, touring takes Jungkook away from you, and you away from Jungkook. So, out of fear that he might shrivel away and die if he doesn’t receive contact from you at least three times a day, Jungkook leaves his notes in the form of random reminders on your phone.
And try as you might, there’s no way to be prepared for them. Most days, they’re dramatic and extra, but truth be told, you didn’t expect any less from Jungkook.
Others get the message across, but of course, because it’s Jungkook, are portrayed in a less… classic sort of confession.
On the rare occasion that he knew he’d be feeling particularly vulnerable, or he had stolen your phone while you were sleeping and was distracted by just how much he loves you, he leaves softer notes. Something to let you know that behind all the jokes and drama is heart of gold.
REMINDER: i love and miss you so much.
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division-m · 7 years
The Merge [3] - Sweet Pea
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Genre: angst | AU
Word Count: 2,649
Part [3] Warning: Violence, Swearing.
Part [3] Brief: ❝ In which the silver moon was high in the sky giving off the only light over Riverdale, apart from the lampposts whose rays died inches from the dirty tungsten bulbs, and Sweet Pea held a rage the power of a wildfire, you could practically see the flames roaring in his eyes, ready to ignite anything that he came in contact with. We learn [y/n] is an enigma - not like that of books where words are so plainly written out and flow from page to page, but of books torn, frayed, and indecipherable.❞
[y/n] was currently lounging around with youngest Cooper just like old times;
[y/n] admired Betty’s room.
Her room was like a princess wonderland. The walls were a baby pink that pulsed in the light, sprinkled with various pictures, mostly of friends and a few celebrities, [y/n] noticed she still kept the montage they made together of them since they were 6 up to the age of 14. Her comforter was pulled over her bed. It was messy as they both laied on it together, this resulted in lumps of varying sizes and shapes to form on the comforter.
A desk sat in one corner, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves. How does Betty manage to make a mess of books look like they are perfectly placed? [y/n] will always wonder. 
"Simple, I heard the devil call out my name" [y/n] said in response to Betty's question;
"Why did you leave Riverdale two years ago? you just got up and left, it broke my heart”.
Betty's eyes shifted to the side and they soon became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth; my heart sank.
Seeing Betty like this really broke my heart, all I want to do is protect her, that’s one reason why I left in the first place.
[y/n] whipped the tears from Betty's eyes.
"Betty.." [y/n] cooed,
"I'm back now and I'm staying, trust me, its like everyone born in this town in bound forever to it".
Betty accepted that response, however [y/n] didn't want anymore questions around why she left, so she changed the subject.
"Betty.. Chic seems nice.. Considering his current situation, I mean I can understand why he is a bit crude, he just reconnected with the family that gave him up, but your dad, he seems to hate him?" I inquired, really curious to why this is.
Betty shook her head "[y/n] I have no idea, mum loves him already and if im honest its like shes trying to make up for all the years she lost with him, but I can't understand why dad doesn't want the same, its like-" Betty was cut off by her mum entering the room with a huge smile.
"[y/n] its getting late, are you going to stay over?" Alice asked politely.
I always loved Alice, she was like a second mother to me when I was little, if I wasn't at my house, I was at hers, if I wasn't eating at my house, she always made sure I was feed.
"That’s okay Alice, I should be getting back to my Grams now, I'm sure she’s getting worried, iv been out all day" I refused politely much to Betty's dismay.
[y/n] hopped off Betty's bed and gave her a warm embrace and told her she'll see her tomorrow at school and made her way home.
[y/n] walked. She walked as her hair fluttered in the air, her clothes clung to her body, arms tightly wrapped around her. [y/n] felt cold wind stroking her skin, wanting to rip her clothes off her, as if she were its enemy. 
She lifted her hands to the air to feel short bursts of rain.
As she walked she couldn't help but remember that cursed night, that night her family left for Greendale, [y/n] remembers this path, because she ran it that night, remembering passing Betty and Archie's house at an ungodly hour, never knowing when she'll see them again.
Being chased was nothing like the movies. The stars look heroic, sexy and in command of the situation. Reality was far removed from that pretty version of running to save you skin.
I'd had no time to put on shoes or even grab my jacket, my parents pulled me from my bed whispering to me;
"It's no longer safe".
Panic took over my expression. I could only think one word.
They travel to innocent towns, looking to exterminate unwanted family's. At the time Riverdale was innocent. 
Greendale on the other hand was not. It was known for its mystical nature. Hunters wouldn’t dare enter, it was the only safe place for our kind.
The mundane fear the town over Sweet Water River, ever heard the saying;
'you should know better than to be caught in Greendale after midnight'
Usually you would run from the town, yet the crescents were sprinting towards it.
My souls crashing into the asphalt a few times before I transitioned to the balls of my feet. My face is flushed red and my expression is pure panic.
The crescents managed to make it into the forest, the moon was at its peak and spooky doesn't quite cover it and eerie is an understatement of this situation.
I've seen darkness before, the kind that makes this forest look like an old fashioned photograph, everything a shade of grey. This isn't like that. This is the darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralyzing fear.
I only know my eyes are still there because I can feel myself blink, still instinctively moisturizing the organs I have no current use for, since the darkness was blinding. The only way I am getting through these thick trees is the hand of my father pulling me along.
By my genes I am a predator, I have the front facing eyes and brain enough to hunt, but I feel like prey in this utter black.
The dawn is hours away and until that precious time I can only run for my life. 
Hunters, they are skilled, deadly skilled, yet still mundane, and don't have the senses of my parents. Hence why they hunt us. And why they will always hunt us.
*End of flashback*
The memory sent shivers down [y/n’s] spine, as well the now pouring ice cold rain.
However the rain was the least of her problems in this moment, as she heard the revving up of motorcycles, she found herself in stumbling into a civil war.
There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet.
Screams broke out. The men rushed forward, the attack was fierce and efficient.
[y/n] wasn't foreign to battles, she fought many herself, hence why she decided to climb the tree to her left and perch herself up on nearest branch. Ready to watch this turf war commence.
'This should be interesting' she entertained this thought.
As the fight was happening, [y/n] noticed a certain tall dark and handsome serpent throwing punches left and right.
'He is a good and confident fighter, its like he is trained.. Riverdale needs more of that' she smirked as she studied his fighting skills. 
A certain red head crashed a punch into Sweet Pea's stomach, a sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Sweet Pea's body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken.
[Y/n] studied the look on his god like features, its like she could read him like a book.
"He will not get the better of me" his features read.
His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of the captain and pulled him to the ground. His head was pounding. He brought a fist to the captain’s face, snapping his nose into a state of grotesquerie.
It pained [y/n] to see Archie this way but she commended him, he grew up over this past two years. 
'Least he is out here throwing elbows, thats my boy' she praised him internally.
"Listen here Northsider!" Sweet Pea demanded loud enough for the whole street to hear, as he man handled Archie's letterman collar.
"Normally I would give you mercy, however you think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face, and there wouldn't be any payback? You're stupid. You blame the Northside for all the problems in this town! Watch us be declared innocent then see me come out fighting. I've thrown one punch at you and I already see you quiver. How weak you are? This isn't cruelty Andrews, this is justice. You cannot control your actions and so I’ll control you. Continue to fight me and you know I'll win, or maybe you like gambling? It's a sin, you know"
I sat there with my jaw dropped in utter shock at Sweet Pea's monologue.
'What the fuck have you been up to Archie, i thought he knew better than to mess with the Serpents.. Jesus' I internally battled whether to stop this, Archie can clearly fight but facts are facts, Sweet Pea could easy take him out.
Just as I was about to come down I heard my name being called.
"Veronica?" I whisper yelled.
She looked as though she had been running due to her flushed cheeks.
"What the hell are you doing here" She asked me wide eyed.
"Being entertained" I deadpanned.
"[y/n] that’s Archie out there, with the serpents fighting, we need to stop this right now!" Veronica rushed towards the madness but I grabbed her by the arm to pull her back to me.
"Veronica no listen, they are hand to hand combat right now, running in there unarmed or just running straight into those muscle pigs will get you hurt" I warned, Betty informed me Archie and Veronica were an item, and I also know Archie.
He would be beside himself if she got hurt.
"Oh but sweet [y/n] I am armed" Veronica pulled out a gun out of her obsidian hooded cape.
[y/n] studied the gun, it was, small, discreet and deadly. The metal was cold in Veronica's hand, icy perhaps.
"Oh Lodge you really are a paradox but I am not going to ask why you have that right but If you want to stop this fight I have a plan".
"Shoot, what's the plan" Veronica was serious about stopping this fight.
"That’s exactly the plan, shoot" I deadpan once again.
"What! Are you crazy we can't just-" Veronica panics.
"No no not at them! up into the air! It's a small gun but trust me it will be loud enough to capture everyones attention, but once you do that, you have to run and get Archie out of here! if the cops aren't already on their way they will be now, then once you’re safe get rid of that fucking gun!" I carefully yet firmly explain to Veronica as i hold her shoulders, she is smart she understood every order and was on bored.
[y/n] gave Veronica a encouraging push.
Veronica ran between two cars, now her senses sharpened with adrenaline, Veronica held her breath, still straining to focus with every ounce of her concentration is focused on making this right. Cool air whispered through her body, she breathed in;
She fired.
Not too long before Veronica fired, [y/n] ran over to where the Serpents kept their motorbikes, knowing Sweet Pea will run this way out of instinct.
[y/n] was right, once that gun was fired he sprinted in her direction, she took this oppotunity to grab his arm and drag his weak state into her side.
"Listen to me, the cops are on their way, now unless you want to be hauled in by the police you should follow me, I'll help you" [y/n] said with utter seriousness.
In this short moment she wasn't admiring him from afar, she was inches away from his heated body. For a moment it shattered her to see his features this way, He's a bloody mess, nose bleeding and his right eye black and blue thanks to Archies left hook. His arms are wrapped round his guts like he's holding them in. he's beat so bad.
"We don't have all day!" [y/n] raised her voice in fear as she saw him contemplate.
"Why do you want to help me" he didn't say with a raised voice, it's like he's speaking while being choked, he must have taken a few hits at his throat while [y/n] was with Veronica.
"Remember when you saved me from falling on my ass? Yeah well lets call this me paying back my debt to you okay, now let me help you this time". [y/n] made her point, a broken chuckle escaped his busted lip.
The sirens were becoming louder the cops were coming, it was time to get going.
[y/n] snaked an arm around his waist, he slung an arm over her shoulder, instinctively, almost like it was a natural fit.
Their bodies were much different in height and stature, yet that didn't stop [y/n] from easing any type of pain she could.
My feet slip outwards on the wet autumn leaves as I round the corner, the cold night air shocking my throat and lungs as I inhale deeper, faster. It wasn't easy having Sweet Pea lean on me. Sweet Pea was 6'5 and very heavy in this weak state. 
With each footfall a jarring pain shoots ankle to knee through Sweet Pea's legs, this was evident as I kept hearing him hiss.
"C'mon we can't slow down, lean on me more if you need to" [y/n] aided him with words.
He let out broken "mhm's" and “ah’s” in response. His mouth continuing to fill with an Iron taste as his teeth bit into his lips, clearly trying to stop himself from moaning in pain every second.
Due to this he kept spitting blood onto the ground.
"I'm sure you're leaving a trail with the amount of blood you're spitting" [y/n] sassed him.
"Well princess I can't swallow It can i? if I was Dracula, I would" He still managed to sass back even though he's seconds from passing out.
I'm confident I'll get Sweet Pea back to Grams safely, I know this estate better than they do, those cops are just pretty boys in uniform, shipped in from the nicer end of town. They're weighed down with guns, batons and electrical stun devices, all of them useless unless they get a clear shot, which they won't.
I can hear them panting with the effort from three hundred yards behind, that's how freakin' noisy and slow they are. Conditioning from a tread-mill with a stop-watch will never beat real-life training on the streets.
[y/n] knows that better than anyone, and if anyone can understand her street training, It would be Sweet Pea.
He wouldn't have trusted her with his life unless he had a feeling she knew what she was doing.
And Sweet’s had an intuition that was never wrong.
A/N: ahhh! This was so fun to right, I didn't want to end it! But I have to keep you guys wanting more hehe. How are you guy's enjoying so far? I'm mixing the current Riverdale storyline and the storyline from past episodes, so I hope you can understand that. And oooo what do you think about little miss crescents past?  Feedback is always encouraged and welcomed :)
Be well x
Also should out to @sweetypeaimagines <3 go check out her work its so lovely! And she is so sweet! She deserves all the recognition she gets.
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