#the little merboy
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wonderkat11 · 6 months ago
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TB || My Brother is a Merboy
Just drawn a picture of Riley and Huey Freeman at the pond, but Huey is still a merboy! What will Riley do over his brother? Just look at him? I think so.
No Rude Comments Please.
Riley and Huey Freeman belong to The Boondocks (Adult Swim).
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blaithnne · 1 year ago
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 11 months ago
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 3
Danny would guess they'd gone about 20 miles by the time he'd stopped. They were well within Siren Territory by then, not that that was any comfort, considering the source of most of the trouble in the last six months, but distance was distance. Thankfully, none of his usual enemies bothered to rear their heads, likely licking their wounds from their last encounters.
In a tiny cave blocked off by kelp and coral, Danny leaned back against a wall and caught his breath. Damian had been silent for most of the swim, which was a small blessing. It let Danny think; think about what happens next. The tiny siren loosened himself from Danny's arms, and did a few cursory flaps of his fins.
"Where have you been taking me?" Damian mumbled.
"Around. Can't exactly double back to Amity right now." He hoped Bruce Wayne was an accepting man. He'd adopted kids from all manner of backrounds, but that didn''t help the same nagging uncertainty that plagued him whenever he thought about his own parents. If he'd just doomed Damian to a life without his father, he didn't know if he could live with himself.
Damian floated to the other side of the cave, his eyes on Danny the whole time, arms crossed in a scowling expression.
"And then?"
"I don't know. I give you back to your dad? I wasn't exactly planning out every step earlier."
"Then what were you thinking?" Damian's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Do you suggest I return to the public, to school looking like this? I can hardly breathe over water, let alone walk."
"I don't know! I just..." Danny poked his finger webbing. "I've been doing this for six months. And the whole time, even if it was hard and painful, I never lost someone. No one ever, well." Danny swallowed thickly.
Damian huffed. "You are a poor excuse of a hero."
"I failed you, there's no denying it. I was too late, and I let you drown. I'm sorry. There was no other way, I swear."
Danny looked up to Damian again, but the smaller boy looked away, his expression unreadable. "Take me back."
Yeah, that wasp probably the best he could do for Damian now. Bruce Wayne was probably having the mother of all freakouts, and if Damian never wanted to see Danny again, then that was fine. He was sure the world's richest man would be able to accommodate Damian's needs just fine. Rich people were weird like that.
It took some begrudging glares, but Damian at least allowed Danny to take his hand and use his much better swimming skills, but Damian didn't look very happy about it. Then again, today was probably the worst day in the kid's life.
They were approaching the island at rapid pace, its lustrous palm trees swaying in the distance, a promise of stability, and safety at last.
Motors hummed in the water. Danny's blood froze. Immediately he submerged and ducked near the sea floor.
"What is this delay for? Let me see." Damian pushed against Danny's hand, but the older boy kept firm.
"Patrol boats. Dozens of them. And they're all on high alert. And they've got Fenton tech. Shit."
"Can't you swim past them?"
Danny sputtered. What was this kid thinking? He wasn't some god of the sea! "I can't fight thirty boats by myself! They're gonna skewer us both!"
"What about your camouflage?"
"That would've worked a couple months ago, but these guys have got Fenton Sonars."
Damian did a double take. "The Fentons? You mean the town crackpots?"
Ouch, his parents were a little obsessed, but they definitely weren't crazy. Not anymore. "The town siren hunters. And yeah maybe Jack's not great at hunting, but their inventions work. I've got a scar or two to prove it."
"My father is on that island." Damian growled. "You have to do something."
"But it's not your dad on those boats, is it?" Danny furrowed his brow. "Those guys don't see you as human, or even sentient. They think you're another monster to be studied."
"No thanks to you." Damian challenged.
Danny growled back. "I was saving you! And now you wanna be un-saved?"
They glared into each other's eyes. Danny should really feel bad about squaring up to this literal child, but man was he difficult not to get annoyed at. Deep breaths, Danny, deep breaths. This was going to be more difficult than he imagined.
Damian glared at Phantom, the supposed siren superhero of Amity Park. He wanted to scream, to yell and to cut something open, preferably Phantom, if he weren't his only ticket home, and if only he had his weapons on him.
Such a loss of composure would be beneath him, so he remained stubbornly defiant.
As much as he wished for it not to be the case, Phantom was in all likelihood correct. This horrid, horrid body was new to him. Dozens, no, hundreds of foreign sensations flared from every part of his person, each impulse sending his body wobbling in new, unexpected directions. He would never get through the blockade on his own, which killed half of his initial plans. These blasted sonars killed the other half.
Damian grit his teeth. "Fine." He said, despite the embarrassment welling up at having to admit defeat. "But this conversation is not over."
"I bet." Phantom said, the infuriating cur.
By Damian's estimates, it should have been around midnight when Phantom stopped. They took refuge underneath a larger cave, filled with sparse furniture, a rug and some tables, with dark green curtains over the entrance. Small glowing jellyfish provided faint light. It seemed like the hopelessly domestic scene Jonathan would enjoy.
Damian slithered (He didn't crawl or shuffle. He was too dignified) into the corner of the cave, where he assumed a defensive position and poured all his seething hatred into glaring at Phantom.
"Welcome to Casa de Phantom! Or at least one of them. I've got a couple hideouts here and there. I'd say 'make yourself at home,' but I guess you beat me to the punch." Phantom said with a laugh. How dare he!
Damian hissed. "Tt. I am taking advantage of the opportunity for respite while taking necessary precaution against a rogue element."
"A rogue element? I don't know if you're serious or just pulling my tailfin."
"Do not test me, Phantom."
"Right. Look, I'm gonna go get us some food, so just stay put or something or other. I won't be long and then we can talk about where we go next. Oh, and don't touch anything!"
Damian growled at him again for good measure. Phantom exited the cave in short order, leaving Damian with ample opportunity for investigation. He wouldn't be a Robin if he didn't seize this opportunity.
Damian uncoiled himself and pulled his body along the soft sand. The grains tickled and pricked at his scales. The tables held a number of different gadgets and tools. Human clothes like t-shirts, a few vests and belts were scattered around. The bench held various strange devices, like a glowing blue lipstick, and a thermos of all things. Damian knocked on the thermos, the clanging sound confirming it was hollow. The most incriminating detail of all, however, was the distinctive F logo branded onto the side of each and every device.
How does a siren with no legs acquire so many inventions from siren hunters? He supposes they really are better siren hunting inventors than proper fighters. It was a miracle Jack Fenton hadn't drowned by now, considering how he conducted himself in a fight.
The thermos was lightweight, its metal settling gently against his webbed hands. Videos of Phantom's exploits have been scarce, and grainy, showing very few useable details. Various buttons and lights adorned the thermos, showing it was no ordinary soup holder.
Damian popped the cap off. The thermos' interior contained a circular mechanism of some kind. "What in the world?" Surely this could not be a weapon. The cylindrical design and lack of handholds would have made it too unwieldy. The kickback from any shot would throw off the wielder's aim every time. As Damian peered and tried to get a closer look, his finger slipped on one of the buttons. Blast.
The thermos whined. Its interior glowed blindingly bright. Before Damian could react, a blue beam engulfed his body. Damian felt his body warp and compress into a tiny space, before his vision went dark.
Damian awoke, vision blurry and head pounding. Phantom's smug face floated above him.
"And that's why I told you not to touch anything."
Damian shook off the grogginess and sat up, almost colliding with Phantom's face. "What manner of trap was that? Were you attempting to disfigure me once again for your sick pleasure?! En garde!"
Damian was no good swimmer in this form, but it was easy to launch himself off the floor and into Phantom. Phantom, for his part, didn't sit idly like the last time. He raised his arm and blocked off Damian's access to his neck, a shame, but that did not stop Damian sinking his teeth into Phantom's flesh.
That is, if he could actually penetrate his skin.
Damian blinked in shock. Sirens were supposed to have razor sharp teeth. He'd seen those fangs in Phantom's own mouth. He should be drawing blood right now, but as he was he was barely denting Phantom's scales.
Phantom laughed, as if it just tickled. "Dude, I literally let you out of the thermos. It's not a 'trAP to diSFiguRe yOu fOR mY sIcK PleaSuRe,' it's just a containment device for sirens. Also can you stop that please, it tickles."
Damian flung himself off of Phantom's arm, retreating back into his corner. "How have I not drawn blood?! This is madness!" Damian sucked in breaths through his gills, an endlessly foreign and vulnerating sensation. "The only useful thing about this body was supposed to be its natural offensive capabilities, yet it is unable to achieve even that!"
"Siren kids just have blunter claws and teeth. Youngblood's the same."
"Do not call me a child!"
"Your claws will grow in over time, it's just the nature of things."
"You say that as if you will not return me to my true human form."
Phantom shifted uncomfortably.
Damian pressed. "Well?"
"Yeah about that..."
"Do not tell me you have no way to reverse it!"
Phantom's look of guilt sealed it. Damian's heart sank. Goodbye Robin, goodbye previous life. All his hard work and sacrifice for naught. Phantom had saved him from death by drowning, but suddenly Damian felt as if he were better off dead anyway.
Tears built up. What was happening to him? He hadn't cried since he was five years old, a show of weakness that grandfather had beaten out of him. Then again, he was really one year old back then, artificially grown to a competent age.
"H-hey, d-don't cry or anything, I was just-"
"I am not crying!" Damian shouted. He turned away from Phantom and stuffed his face into his tail, praying somehow the tears would go away on their own. He was Damian Wayne, son of Batman and daughter of Talia Al Ghul, there was no such thing as crying for him, none at all. There had been nothing, absolutely nothing he had been unable to overcome. He was going to overcome this, no matter what. These things he knew.
Why had this feeling not abated?
There had to be a solution, there just had to be. There had to be some kind of surgery that could split his tail into legs again. No that was absurd, what kind of quack surgeon can completely alter someone's species? Perhaps magic instead? Normally he hated the involvement of magic, but if it was the only way. Perhaps Zatara could assist, or he could pawn something off to that Constantine. But nothing ever good happened from associating with that man. Or maybe Aquaman would have a solution, someone well versed in oceanic magic, except Aquaman's claim of being king of the ocean was doubtful considering the siren attacks that lead him and Father to this forsaken resort town in the first place. What if... What if....
Damian felt lightheaded.
A weight pressed on Damian's body. Warm scales against his own, their individual texture segmented, but smooth, like a kind of weighted blanket. A hand laid on his shoulder. Damian remembered where he was, remembered to perform the mental exercises Father had taught him.
Slowly, his breathing evened out. His fins steadied into a gentle lull. Damian's eyelids felt heavy. His chest vibrated in a strange rhythm he couldn't place...
Suddenly the weight disappeared, and Damian blinked himself awake. Phantom retreated a sociable distance away, looking sheepish.
"Sorry, about touching you without your consent, I just saw you were hyperventilating, and I remembered a few classes about this stuff, and I watched that film too, Puss in Boots 2, it was great and-"
"Do sirens watch human media often?" Damian said. He gripped his tail, something solid to keep him anchored.
Phantom seemed to freeze for a moment. "Uhm well, maybe they do! just because we're sirens doesn't mean we're uncultured!"
Damian would have loved to pick this information apart, scan it for weaknesses until he knew this person in and out, but at this moment, he simply sat and let it settle underneath the shame of expressing similar, or even more weakness.
"Speak of this to anyone, and I will have your head."
"Yeah that would be a dick move, so if I ever did that, feel free to take it."
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utoshi-san · 2 months ago
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Хали, Роло и Бьёрн передают всем приветы и пожелания отлично отдохнуть в новогодние праздники 🥂
А я просто любуюсь своими милыми мальчиками и наслаждаюсь их обществом.
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frankly-art · 10 months ago
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A recent commission I did for Merman Frazier on Instagram as a birthday surprise for his friend Merman Ray! 🧜‍♂️🎂🧜‍♂️
Oh, and by the way—those aren’t candles! 💫
✨💖 BUY ME A COFFEE! 💖✨ Check me out on: Instagram | Twitter | deivantArt | ArtStation | Bluesky SFW/NSFW
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skelekins · 1 year ago
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peye is v concerned about meeting a massive predator
soma belongs to @smokbeast
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rosesnwater · 2 years ago
Probably my only contribution to Mermay this year lol
Arielle is afraid of the water/can't swim so she gets paired up with the best swimmer in the class, Erick
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He's based on a bunch of deep sea creatures, scabbard fish, angler fish, eel
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I'll probably have more later, but I'm really enjoying them so far.
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rosiebrie · 8 months ago
Do you like any other Varian ships besides Varigo?
Mostly crossover/crack ships lol. I don't have a particularly strong attachment to any Varian ships, though I don't really mind any either. I'm more interested in his platonic relationships.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years ago
The Next Generation of the Atlantica Royal family (Moodboards) part 1;
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Melody Olympian of Tirulia, daughter of Ariel and Eric.
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Cordelia Olympian of Atlantica, daughter of Attina and Tedrick.
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Míngzé Olympian of the Southern Isles, adopted son of Alana and Maximilian Westergaard.
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Finn Olympian of Neverland (Formerly) and Merroway Cove, adopted son of Arista and Dylan.
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Fluke Olympian of Merroway Cove, adopted son of Arista and Dylan.
Part 2.
Their new last name is Athanasiou.
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number1spongebobfan · 10 months ago
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I rushed through this one a little bit, sorry if it's not as good as the other ones.
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I thought he was a girl at first (because of his voice). So dats why I gave him eyelashes and tip polish.
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mauveink · 2 years ago
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Kelp from High Guardian Spice
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wonderkat11 · 9 months ago
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The Boondocks || Merboy Huey
Looking over the Mermaid Boondocks? No problem! Here that I have Huey Freeman as a merboy who has the ability to concentrate the COLLAB with Halle Bailey's Ariel, but that's really not the case. So I've decided to draw him because of the Google Search, it gave me the idea to look over, but for some reason...I gotta tell a secret how it started for him.
Well, I never draw The Boondocks, so this is the first time trying, but first off, Huey Freeman, but he's a merboy!
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker.
No Rude Comments Please.
Huey Freeman belongs to The Boondocks (Adult Swim).
See also:
SpeedPaint: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DeSiNKVkzi4
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lazybearchungus · 2 years ago
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Little Merboy Shun and Little Angel Seiya 👼❤️🧜‍♂️💚💦✨
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utoshi-san · 2 months ago
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Бьёрн и Хали (Bjorn & Hali)
Мои русалочки приехали ещё в начале января, но руки не доходили выложить эти рождественские фото. Это просто кошмар, что я пощу фотосет спустя почти год! Убейте меня кто-нибудь...
Обе куклы из блайндбоксов, их там было несколько видов разных цветов. У меня это естественно мальчишки, поэтому топики из комплекта им даже не надевала.
В общем это маленькие мербойчики у меня парочка, они с детства (практически с рождения) дружат и недавно наконец поняли, что любят друг друга и хотят быть вместе всегда 😌❤️
Бьёрн с голубыми волосами, он отважный и добрый, а Хали (с розовыми) очень милый и любопытный мербой. ��ни любят наблюдать за стайками рыб и греться в теплом морском течении. В общем очень уютно проводят время и наслаждаются жизнью.
Бонусом решила показать карточки на моих куколок, которые были в наборе.
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frankly-art · 10 months ago
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2024's annual MerMay commission for RedRiverMerman on Instagram—and this year marks six times we’ve collaborated so far! 🧜‍♂️✨
Check out previous years' commissions here: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
✨💖 BUY ME A COFFEE! 💖✨ Check me out on: Instagram | Twitter | deivantArt | ArtStation | Bluesky SFW/NSFW
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sami-foxxe-fanart · 2 years ago
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