#the little blue guy (sopping wet) is felix freeman
spiderh0rse · 6 months
freeman's mind notes part 10, e46-50
if he was hardcore... But you said TWO EPISODES AGO that you were
he doesn't mind too much that his new job seems to be killing people
mocks the xenians about earth gravity
thinks in the south, particularly florida and louisiana, you shoot at rescue helicopters to signal them. Well. i can't say anything to the contrary.
minefield >:[
tries to open ANOTHER giant metal door
haven't bombed this place enough? Well, no!
squirrel on the roof could be payback,,,
yells as he almost slips on the stairs
"this must be how old people feel about stairs..." and me! Stairs are a MENACE and a HAZARD TO SOCIETY. what is wrong with RAMPS, HUH?
we hear a sniper round impact the HEV suit
tries to pry open another large metal rolling door
not yet shot enough to take off all the orange paint
almost walks into a tripmine in plain sight. He's getting tired.
talks about snipers the way some people discuss clown husbandry
climbs on around this bullshit
figures out Xen's lower gravity
are there coyotes in new mexico? uh. probably
he thinks we'd be better at math and subsequently further along in technology if we had more fingers. I'd agree with that
MAYBE killing scared unarmed people doesn't make him the good guy
asks after a random guys finger amount
he is not going to wait in this room
thinks things are just going to get worse forever
dumbfounded that this guy is afraid of a couple tripmines
either made vaguely uneasy by clowns or expects the other scientist to be afraid of em
doesn't notice the rockets as he shoots the headcrabs
sneezes :(
yeah he's realizing what's up with the rockets now. Doesn't seem too afraid though
checks a body for money. Admits the soldiers would have taken any
thinks a platform might have spikes that come out of it. Jumps onto it, wondering if he can trigger it. Sir.
considers the spike platform may be for an abattoir
squeezes on by some bars and onto the elevator
hivehand looks awful. He shoots it. No hivehand.
surprisingly DOESN'T shoot at someone that runs towards him
"friends are like weeds that scream"
just wants a VEHICLE
always meant to learn how to hotwire a car
sobs when stuff starts shooting at him unexpectedly
the tank is NOT supposed to be here
its CLEARLY rocket launcher time
hes never joining the military
new intro! a portion of On A Rail.
sobs as the tank shoots at him
grappling hook mention
boops out entry of the gladiators
ANOTHER sniper
yells at the soldiers that there's a sniper outside
can't turn off the radio. Smashes it.
he wouldn't make a good surgeon.
he likes when people call him "sir." I'd forgotten about that I just feel like being polite when I address his more insane notions.
Eddie mention! This time to sell the contents of that giant room full of ordinance
"this might be a warzone but theres money to be made here" war profiteer
can Eddie even handle this many guns? He'll sure try. He gets a sparkle in his eye. Same one he had before going to Panama. That turned out! A way!
if he knew where he were going a few hundred people would be alive rn
he's always wanted a Crown Victoria from a police auction. Drive it around with the stripes, put some fake blood on the hood...
does seem reasonably friendly towards that one guard for a bit. Not enough to wait for him but enough to be almost nice
"hoop bup pah!"
admits he's kind of dropped the kill everyone policy he had
he wants to train a chimp on karate to attack everyone but him
man this guy just LOVES roleplaying as Respectable Professions (Meant To Be Here optional)
shoots the guard on accident. Feels a bit bad but mostly just angry
thinks soldiers are less likely to change history than any random people
...okay he can bust down large doors. Okay.
"I'M NOT ALLERGIC TO BEES, ASSHOLE" sentence you do not hear often
just taking so much electricity to the face. Yelps every time he does
wants to hook up the vortigaunts to a generator
screams when the trampoline bounces him up. does a weird little whine immediately afterwards
the last time he was juggled in the air did NOT go well
"everybody wins! :D especially me"
kills SO many snarks and avoids the nests
fucking love how he rambles when panicking
he had to deal with people shooting at him in ventilation shafts in high school
gasps multiple times when grenades are launched at him
walks right on by a battle when it doesn't affect him directly
shotgun chess! Kill them in the right order or else
doesn't really like chess because some guy can memorize board positions and guess what you'll do
DOES like memorizing chemical bonds
decides he wants the aliens to win these fights
"thank you, oh dark ones, i pay homage"
deeply panicked about the explosive-small pipe situation. Doesn't want to think that ambush is tbe only use of that pipe
just glad no puns were made
likes that being stuck in this tube more than other places because it's not immediately deadly
ghost noises
he's a ghost with a shotgun!
I'm pretty sure he believes in ghosts and thinks he owes them murder now. He likes having ghosts on his side
"in the shining they let him out to kill his family but that doesn't really apply to me"
he's getting a bit silly with the ghost thing
wonders briefly if HE'S a ghost
random guard gets to join the Freeman Fan Club because the ghosts do not order his death
as always the bouncepads don't work well
jaunty "sir yes sir" to the military radio calling in
hes got time for exploding shit. He'll make time.
less communication is the best communication
very good at aiming the airstrikes
would love an airstrike map for the whole world
glad the military is going to leave him alone now
the HEV doesn't do shit against 50 tons of rock
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