#the lion king AU
candysdoodles · 2 months
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It's been a while but I'm finally sharing something new. When I first watched Arcane, Vander and Silco immediatly reminded me of Scar and Mufasa from the lion king and I really wanted to try a crossover 💜
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iceflowerglow · 2 months
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Best Friends AU: Swingset
Another illustration for Best Friends AU! Vitani seems to like these vine swings. Probably because she thinks they're doing a balance and coordination training. I wonder what she will think if Kiara tells her this "training" is "just" for fun...
Other illustrations for this AU:
Best Friends (AU)
“Give up, Pridelander!“
Best Friends AU: Tug Of War
Best Friends AU: Tree Climbing Contest
Best Friends AU: Mud Fight
Best Friends AU: Look!
Best Friends AU: Hide and Seek
Best Friends AU: Training
Best Friends AU: Summer Adventures
Best Friends AU: Birthday Boy
Best Friends AU: Cool story, bro!
Best Friends AU: Flower Crowns
Best Friends AU: Flower Crowns for Everyone
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alefara · 24 days
Has anyone already created an au in which Zira takes Kiara's paw at the end of TLK2? An au in which Zira goes through a redemption arc sounds cool
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seas-storyarchive · 10 months
Runaway Nuka au
Due to the mistreatment from his mother, and seeing that his siblings got treated better, Nuka ran away, in the middle of the night. He found himself in the Pridelands, not caring if he got attacked before he was heard - he was used to it - anywhere was better than his old home.
He is found by Nala, who was on a morning hunt, just before they were joined by her hunting party. Nuka saw the carcass they had, not remembering the last time he had antelope!
"Why are you here?" Nala asked, not jumping to violence right away but being cautious.
Nuka, panting as he took a breath, said "I just.. I couldn't handle it.. I didn't ask to go to the Outlands, when Scar was overthrown. The little termits get treated a lot better and I wanted to leave."
Nala's look becomes a bit sympathetic, before turning to her party. "Take the kill back, tell Simba we have a visitor."
Nala and Nuka wait, Nala seeing the skinny lion almost drooling as the antelope was taken away. She raised a paw, and Nuka had seen it in the corner of his eye and flinched. Nala lowered a paw.
Nala looked at him closer. "It's Nuka, right? I remember when your mother Zira delivered you, the smallest cub I've ever seen."
Nuka nodded, not saying anything as he keeps his eyes on her as he moves his ears to listen. If Mother followed him, if it didn't work out in the Pridelands, she would kill him.
The sound of running paws on grass approached them, getting louder as they got closer.
"Nala!" Oh, there's Simba. Please be merciful. "What happened? What-! What is he doing here?" The concern, the genuine concern, it made Nuka tilt his head and become lost in thought.
"Speak!" The roar made him jump, this roar being deeper than his mother's.
"I.. I didn't want to leave when you took over." Nuka said quickly, and when Simba didn't say anything, Nuka continued. "Sure, I mean, I'm Scar's son, but I'm not his heir. The little termits get treated better, Mother is gonna train Kovu to kill you.. I, I don't know what you want to do to me, kill me or let me go, just know that I left home because of how they treat me back there and what's to come." He just kept talking and stuttering so horribly that it wasn't even words, just noise.
"Enough!" Simba roared at him, making Nuka drop to the ground and cover his face. He paced back and forth for a bit, thinking.
"Simba.. I remember Nuka, vaguely, and Scar neglected him. Zira must do worse, look." Nala said, pointing to Nuka. She could see him objectively, as an abused young lion, but she knew him a bit more than Simba as she had seen him a few times after his birth before Simba's return.
Simba turned to her. "I can't trust him! Scar's blood runs through him, Nala! Look at him!" True, he was Scar's son, but was he really?
Nala nodded. "That is true, but I see something different." Her being a mother, as opposed to Zira it seemed, would. "I see an abused cub, who ran away from home when he felt like enough was enough. Don't you remember that?"
Simba let out a growl, before going back and forth again. This time for longer.
This was Scar's son. But, if he remembered Zira correctly, the youngest one was Scar's heir. This lion wasn't the chosen heir.. he ran off, seemed too young to be on his own.. maybe he didn't truly? What would his father do? Mufasa would grant mercy. Under a condition.
"Alright. You can stay." Simba said, and Nuka felt like crying in relief. "But," of course there was one, "you are to sleep outside of Pride Rock until I trust you." Simba then got in Nuka's face, him being much bigger scared the young lion more than his mother's same actions, snarling through his teeth. "If you cause ANY trouble.." he showed his teeth, "you answer to me."
Nuka nodded, his stutter coming back. "O- of course.. I- I understand.. th- thank you for giving me a chance, S- Simba."
So yeah, Nuka learns to hunt and becomes a willing member of the Pride: asking Nala and the other lionesses to go on hunts, patrolling
He even plays with Kiara under the watch of Timon and Pumbaa, scars off the birds so the duo can eat all the bugs they want
He goes to Rafiki and asks if he needs help with anything, and often politly being told no but Rafiki will let him know
He becomes stronger, healthier and his mane becomes thicker - but he listens to Simba, becoming the subordinate male of the pride, as he's happy to just have a loving place to call home
He is invited into the den of Pride Rock before the "main" events begin, the ambush scene and onwards
He doesn't trust Kovu, who just brings up all these old feelings of inferiority for him - no, he doesn't have feelings for Kiara, he just wants to be a good pride member and protect those who protect him
(He doesn't consider his old family, well, family anymore. He told the Pridelanders as such, and he means it)
When Kovu tries to bond with Nuka, the older lion just doesn't want to. He goes to his cave, Scar's old one under Pride Rock, and that's that
He stays behind, during Simba being attacked by the outlanders, helping with a hunt - and he doesn't stand up for Kovu when he is exiled, why should he? He wasn't part of any of it and Kovu made his bed so he should lay in it
During the fight between the Pridelanders and Outlanders, he is firmly Team Pridelands
He and Kovu are reunited with Vitani, who joins them
The three aren't close, never were, but they at least are cordial with each other
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kipnchipps · 6 months
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A Lion King AU with me and my boyf because I’m broken. But at least I’m having fun :D
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ladynenkani · 1 month
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Unhinged On An Other Level | TLK AU Fanart
There is an awesome comic here on this site called Perfectly Valued made by @australet789 with one of the best villains -Dalili a.k.a. The Enchantress who is an insanely evil lioness with so messed up plans to achieve that even Zira would feel disgusted by her. And I love it! Because a crazy mother with the plan of starting a bloody war, killing the king and his daughter, and leaving the queen to mourn and to achieve that she trains her son to be a ruthless assassin is horrifying to imagine, yes...but just picture how bad Dalili can be if the acts above what Zira planned feels less bad...
I really love when a villains is well-written and even though we don't really know exactly, what is Dalili's past, just a few things, she looks really interesting! I can't wait to see, what we will learn about her in the future. And I can only recommend this comic, but with a caution - this story have a really dark imagery, and dark topics and also blood so if it's not your cup of tea, than it is okay as well. But if you into these kind of stories, go ahead and support this artist!
Also, it was uploaded originally in 2023 to my other account called RomystiqueArts  (the one that started as Metallica-fan-girl in 2009) that's the reason for the watermark.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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@taioraweek 2022 - Prompt: Disney or Hero AU / Determined, Courageous / Whirlwind
“So many things to tell her... But how to make her see? The truth about my past? Impossible... She’d turn away from me.”
“He’s holding back, he’s hiding, but what I can’t decide. Why won’t he be the leader I know he is - the leader I see inside?”
“You’ve been alive all this time? Why didn’t you come back?”
“Well, I just needed too get out on my own, live my own life. And I did, and it’s great.”
“We’ve really needed you at home.”
“No one needs me.”
“Yes, we do.”
“We’ve been through this. I can’t go back.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“What wouldn’t I understand?!”
“No, no, no, it doesn’t matter. It’s something I learned out here. Look, sometimes bad things happen...”
“And there’s nothing you can do about it. So why worry?”
“Because it’s your responsibility!”
“Well, what about you? You left.”
“I left to find help, and I found you. Don’t you understand? You’re our only hope.”
“What’s happened to you? You’re not the Taichi I remember.”
“You’re right, I’m not. Now are you satisfied?”
“No. Just disappointed.”
“Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don’t even know what I’ve been through.”
“I would if you’d just tell me!”
“Forget it.”
And then they’d defeat evil together after all, because they can’t stay apart for too long, get married and have a daughter, the end, Lion King AU fulfilled.
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fishbaitslime · 1 year
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teenage scar and mufasa!!
ik scar’s canon name is taka but i hate it so his name is Mkuu (prince) in my au!!
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thebelugawhalefriend · 9 months
Sneak peak into a Lucio/Scar AU!
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(In case you can't read the text on the page)
"That's it!"
"I need a queen..."
"A what?"
"A queen, man! A queen!"
"With a queen I'll have..."
"Immortality will be mine..."
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A Tale of Chiefs (The Lion King AU)
First of, they are not lions. Someday, I may write a re-do of my friend's old fic A Viking's Pride. At first, I wanted to write an ending for her work but I can never find the muse enough to do it. Maybe I'll figure it out by doing this. For this story, I may or may not do it. If not, then this is here for anyone who wants to use it too.
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An Awkward Scion (The Lion King!AU)
Stoick is the proud chief of Berk, recently made a father to what their people would consider a hiccup. Regardless, he had fate that his son would grow to a fine chief someday. A few years later, his son grew and the people still think it's a little less then evident that he would be expected to become as fine a chief that Stoick currently was. Still, Stoick and Valka knew the time would come that their son would grow into the role. A hidden foe intends to stir up trouble. However, it may just be what would be necessary for the young man to grow into his destined role.
Drago wants to become the ultimate chieftain. To do that, he intends to wipe out all the scions of each island; Hiccup, Jack, Rapunzel, and Merida.
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The Rebellious Scion (Simba's Pride!AU)
Years after Hiccup was made chief of Berk, he becomes the proud father to a young boy. Jim's part Viking and another part mageborn, everyone expects him to be the most powerful chief to be yet. Jim thinks it would be much more fun to become a normal person, without any obligation to take care of a whole village. Meanwhile, Dimitri is an orphan and bought as a slave warrior. He works for Viggo and Ryker, later becoming the key to a plan to take down all the chiefs of Berk, Crescentia, Corona, and Dun Broch.
Except nobody expected a chance encounter of two youngsters to interfere with the plan.
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An Awkward Scion characters
Stoick - Mufasa Valka - Serabi Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Nightlight - as himself Timon and Pumba - Gobber and Aster Zazu - North Pitch - Rafiki Scar - Drago
The Rebellious Scion characters
Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Jim - Kiara Kovu - Dimitri Vitani - Viggo Nuka - Ryker Zeera - Rasputin
AU Lore
Berk is only one of the important islands. The others are Crescentia, the island of Mageborns. Corona island, ruled by chief Frederic and lady Arianna. Dunbroch island, ruled by chief Fergus and lady Elinor.
Drago, similar to Httyd 2, tries getting all the chief to turn to him and acknowledge him to become a supreme chieftain. Of course, they refused. For a while, he was never seen again after an attempt to kill them all.
The four islands were once at war with each other. But when dragons arrived, they worked together to fend them off.
Dialogue ideas
Stoick: Look at the people, Hiccup. They are yours; someday, you will become a fine chief worthy of leading them. Hiccup: But... All of them? They all look... Much strongew and bravew than me. 'm just... Tiny. Valka: Of course you are, you're but a babe, love. *hugs him tightly* Hiccup, giggling: But Snotlout's 'bout my age... But he's already bigger than me. Valka: Maybe, but you know, there's more to strength than by just how big you are. Hiccup: Huh? Stoick: Don't worry about it now, son. When you're ready... You'll understand.
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Jack: So how do we ditch the big guy? Hiccup: I'm thinkin'... You could distract him, then I'll go on ahead and wait for you there. Jack: Wha... How? Hiccup: I don't know, you come up with a plan for that yourself. Jack: C'mon Hic, you can think of a plan better than that...
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Gobber: One day you two are going to be married! Jack: Uh, ew... Hiccup: Gross! I can't marry him; he's my friend, and a guy! Jack: What he said. Aster: Sorry to burst it to ya, but it's been arranged. Aster: Besides Jack, that isn't an issue with our kind. With mageborns being as scarce a race as we are, even guys adapted to copulate and produce offsprings. Jack: A what? Gobber, nudging the man: Uh, too early for that talk, don't ya think? Aster: You're the one who brought up bloody marriage. Hiccup: THERE'S BLOOD IN MARRIAGE?! Jack: That's it, I'm never getting married.
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Nightlight: You have to go Jack. Jack: No! I'm not leaving you. Nightlight: If Crescentia and our neighboring islands are to have a future, you must. Nightlight: And I still have some magic in me, so don't you count your brother out just yet. Jack: Please... Don't ask me to leave you, I can help! Nightlight: You can. But it's not by staying, you need to find Hiccup. Jack: Hiccup?! But... He's been dead for years! Nightlight: It seems like not everything is what it appeared...
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Hiccup: Wait, no Jack! Stop, stop! Jack: What?! How do you know my name?! Hiccup: How do I... Oh, sorry. Mask. *takes of his mask* It's me, Hiccup! Jack, widening his eyes: Stars above, Hiccup! *rushes towards him* Hiccup: *opening his arms and getting ready for a hug* Jack: *punches him at the shoulder* Hiccup: OW! Jack: Serves you right, have you any idea how I felt when I thought you died?! *hugs Hiccup tightly* Gods, I missed you. Hiccup: *hugging Jack back* Next time, maybe just go for the hug? Jack: What happened to you? Hiccup: It's... A long story. Jack, narrowing his eyes and pinching Hiccup by the ear: Hiccup: Again, ow, ow, ow! Jack: Uh, yeah, I've been grieving for years. It's a long story? I fucking deserve to hear it then.
A growl is then heard, making Jack jerk away and he sees a dragon charging towards him. He screams, and pulls his staff out
Hiccup: No, no, no! *charges at Jack and makes him drop the staff before blocking Toothless' way* It's okay! He's a friend. Jack, staring at them incredulously: Holy moon... Hiccup: You just scared him. Jack: I scared... Wait, him? Hiccup: Uh... Long story? Jack: Ohhh, you are definitely telling me this story.
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Jim: What if I don't wanna be chief of Berk? Jack: Does that mean you want to fight your cousin and try to become the chief of Crescentia? Jim: NO! Don't wanna be chief at all! Hiccup: Well, what do you want then? Jim: I dunno... Anything else! Maybe... Fly to the moon! Hiccup: Well, Berk has dragons now. You can do that! Jack: Way to miss the metaphor, Hic.
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Jim: Aster! I'm bored! Aster: Okay, I can show you how to throw a boomerang again. Jim: Nah... Let's go exploring! Aster: What did you dad and papa tell you? Jim: Not to leave home. Aster: So, what makes you think I'm going to let you? Jim: Because you once told papa he's not the boss of you anymore. Aster: Aster: I didn't mean it that way, and you know it. Jim: So... You were lying? Aster: Jim: Dad says it's bad to lie.
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Dimitri: What the hell are you doing? Jim: Watching my back, duh! Dad told me never to leave it open to an enemy! Dimitri: And I betcha always listen to what daddy says. Jim: Don't you? Dimitri: Don't have any. So, I get to do whatever I want when I want to. Jim, beaming: Really?! Cool! Dimitri, caught off guard with the smile: Huh?
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Rasputin: And at the final battle, we take no one alive. They're all to be killed. Ryker: Can we keep the mate of Berk's chief though? Rasputin: What? Ryker: I think he's pretty. Viggo, face palming: Odin's beard, Ryker... They need to be killed to be re-summoned for the undead army. Ryker: But he won't look pretty anymore as an undead. Rasputin: Rasputin: I'm surrounded by idiots...
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Jim: Hey, uh, thanks for saving me earlier. Dimitri: Well, anyone can make mistakes. Jim: I'm sorry? Dimitri: I mean, was probably pointless doing so. I saved you, I'm still at the stocks. Talk about gratitude, right? And you're probably going to get in trouble again, which means saving you would be for nothing since I see that you haven't learned how to pick your fights more carefully. Jim: Hey, like I said, I had everything under control. Dimitri: Didn't look like it. You should really work on your hunting skills. Jim: Oh, and I suppose you're such an expert you could show me how it's done? Dimitri: Definitely. It's a date then. Jim: Wait, what? Dimitri: What? Do you or don't you want to become a better fighter? Jim: Uh, I want to... Fight better? Dimitri: All right then, just name the time and place, puppy. Jim: I'm not a pup! I'm a mighty mageborn Viking! Dimitri: Pup it is then.
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The Lion King AU Mistletoe Pairings
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Now here's a take with two guilty pleasure pairings of mine both set in alternate universes, and both involve female hyenas.
The first is very questionable but I got into it around 2017 or so, thanks to some fanworks by BrainyxBat and a fanfiction titled "A Blooming Romance" (an alternate version of The Lion King 1 1/2 where Timon met Shenzi instead of Pumbaa (who is nowhere in sight in this version)).
The other is not so questionable but didn't make it into the canon thanks to the realists at Disney wanting Kion with a lioness: KionxJasiri. I wasn't even a fan of The Lion Guard series, and Ono, Jasiri, and the pairing with her and Kion alone were what got my attention about the series.
Please respect my views.
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iceflowerglow · 11 months
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Best Friends AU: Flower Crowns for Everyone
A sequel to my previous Flower Crowns drawing, an illustration for my Lion King 2 AU, “Best Friends”. Nala watching over the kids is also relevant to this AU story.
Other illustrations for this AU:
Best Friends (AU)
“Give up, Pridelander!“
Best Friends AU: Tug Of War
Best Friends AU: Tree Climbing Contest
Best Friends AU: Mud Fight
Best Friends AU: Look!
Best Friends AU: Hide and Seek
Best Friends AU: Training
Best Friends AU: Summer Adventures
Best Friends AU: Birthday Boy
Best Friends AU: Cool story, bro!
Best Friends AU: Flower Crowns
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zybynarx · 2 years
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DAY 5: I Just Can't Wait To Be King (The Lion King)
Apparently my brain is not done with "The Lion King" music... it also went, "You know what would be cute? BakuDeku Lion King AU!" But adult lions in TLK style is still a struggle so I went with them as cubs instead. 😆
Fun fact! I used two different images of Nala as reference for their poses.
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seas-storyarchive · 11 months
Nala never makes it to the jungle, dying from hunger and dehydration as she reaches the end. Being buzzard food before too long. Simba stays in the jungle with Timon and Pumbaa. That's HIS territory, so why should he leave?
Simba did start hunting as a cub, small things like bugs and rabbits, and he moved on to bigger animals like zebra and antelope when they moved in. Timon and Pumbaa know he does this, but because Simba is still Simba and eats bugs with them, it's.. well, they get used to it.
When Timon's colony moved in, they all were concerned about a carnivore living amon them. But Simba proved to be a protector to his caretakers family.
In the Pridelands, the lionesses all left Pride Rock. It truly was over, as there was nothing left. The hyenas took over, after killing Scar and his followers (incliding Zira and her newborn cubs), it became the Gravelands. The lionesses dared not cross the desert, because Nala never returned and it was seen as a perilous journey, so they left to the surrounding lands.
Simba eventually found a mate, a roming lioness named Aditi from a place where there is far more enviroments than anything Simba can imagine. She left her pride home because she felt something in her heart and soul pulling her out, and it led her to Simba. Simba eventually decided to go live with her in her pride. To the Tree of Life.
He was accepted into the pride. He and Aditi had a son, named Kopa. They were safe, happy. Loved.
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toonmienshao93 · 2 years
Good Job!
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seatoss · 3 months
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This game is childhood to me. How I miss it and it's delightful design
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