#the legend of zelda: a link between worlds
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ltb-oc · 2 days ago
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Asking from @leilanising
Here he is ! Idk if we see his face in the game but i took inspiration from many fanart i saw !
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I did not played this game yet but it’s in my wish list !!! So after skyward sword, majoras mask and ocarina of time, i'll play link between worlds !!
(If i still have enought money...erm)
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boboleonart · 22 hours ago
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Re-created some official loz art :) loved this one
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vanessestardust · 20 hours ago
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Legend : Let's take a stroll around the fields what do you say Puini?
Puini : *Neighs in excitement*
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russeliarat · 3 days ago
Im constantly putting out LU headcanons when I'm stupid tired at like 2am, so have a couple for funsies:
Four has seizures sometimes. The dissociative kind but also the kind that is epileptic because his brain needs to reset. Yes this is borne from people saying portals throw bricks at him in fics. I imagine that a lot of powerful magic overwhelming the brain can be a seizure trigger in the world of LoZ, as per the logic of seizures.
I also think Four's 4'4 (132cm) and does have proportionate dwarfism. Like it's specifically a random genetic mutation thing though, not a 'Minish Cap adventure kept him shrunk' thing.
Hyrule's fully fae to me. Idk I just think it's more interesting, especially if you go off of what fae are like in European folklore. The idea of a fae choosing to live like a hylian after thousands of years of witnessing how humanoid creatures live. Like they're natural shapeshifters idk, as long as their magic is powerful enough, they can become anything.
Hyrule's appearance comes from finding Legend's disguise ring after Legend died and Hyrule deciding to take on the appearance when he shape-shifts. Probably the start of getting his sisters to use masculine descriptors and pronouns for him.
People have suspicions that Hyrule is fae-inclined, touched by the fae, or straight up is a fae based on his behaviour but no one's got anything concrete and it's mostly based on their personal knowledge of fae and their era's perceptions of the fae. And Hyrule definitely has gotten them all to introduce themselves to him as Link so going by fae rules, Hyrule could basically claim ownership and power over them. He just doesn't coz he doesn't want to (yet.)
We all know Legend is a soggy bastard but he's the 'I miss my wife tails' gay edition sort of soggy. That prob made no sense icl but those who get it, get it.
Sky's got an undiagnosed form of narcolepsy. It severely got in the way of his studies in Skyloft but he barely managed to pass it off enough that it didn't raise alarm bells (coz he was trying not to raise alarm bells in his own brain). It gets worse during the course of this new adventure because he's going through so many extreme emotions and doing so much physical activity that he's exhausting himself into sleep attacks constantly. Yes the chain are worried, yes Sky is deep in denial that anything is wrong with him. Good ol' hiding your issues Link over here.
Legend is Fable's twin. He just got passed between caretakers a lot (whole lot of being given to his uncle and then being forced by the king (his grandfather) to pass Lege back to them and so on), but he remained quite attached to his sister. A telepathic link helps. The two calm each other down and lot and they take care of each other. The two are quite similar - stern, far too wise for their years with too much experience under their belts, and very very traumatised so they hide it behind a face of pure disdain.
My Zeldas are all topsy-turvy so Aurora is AoL Zelda and Dawn is LoZ 1 Zelda. Hyrule's got an amiable friendship with Dawn but his affections lie with Aurora. She's kinda insane and let herself break a shit ton of fae rules because girl is mad in love with that boy.
Athena (yes Athena fits her so much better than Artemis guys pls I've been saying this for years) is like a big sister to Time and Wind, and she has a dependable colleague-like-but-also-kinda-dependant relationship with Warriors. It's weird, she helped raise Mask and Tune in the war where she could so it stemmed from that. She also knows Twi but only in Wolfie form. Yes chat, HW really fucks up everything but you gotta roll with it, he was in the game and yes I do believe Athena met him in the game.
I've posted in the past about my hc that Legend's transformation into a rabbit leaves his skeletal and muscular structures very weak and it causes him to go limp for a short amount of time coz his body is running on fumes. Yeah so combined with his time in Holodrum as a traveling performer/acrobat, he's just insanely hypermobile and flexible, and he can basically dislocate every bones in his body that connects to a joint. Including his spine/neck he found out one day to terrifying news when he just couldn't move at all when he hit his back wrong. He can obviously relocate them too (his back he maybe needs more assistance with), but it really freaks people out.
One more coz you've gotten more than I thought I'd type. I'm spreading the Four is buff as shit propaganda. At least his upper body anyway. He's a trained blacksmith, he's gotta have a lot of strength in his arms to hammer away at melting metal all day. (Plus gotta give him some kind of advantage, that boy got the short (ha) end of the stick in life and got nerfed to all hell and back)
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watermelinoe · 3 days ago
zelda games ranked by cat presence
the legend of zelda: this game has no cats whatsoever. 0/10
zelda ii: there's cat headed statues and cat enemies called mau. can't pet them. not very friendly. 3/10
a link to the past: there's a... catfish? kind of a stretch. 0.5/10
link's awakening: we have foxes and rabbits and even bears in the animal village but no cats? egregious. 0/10
ocarina of time: the old woman in the potion shop has the cutest baby tiger on the counter and she even has an animation where she pets it. i wish i could pet it too... 5/10
majora's mask: the old woman's wheelchair has a tiger face on the back! hidden easter egg cat, very sneaky. 4/10
oracle of seasons: the owner of the adorable kitty cat mittens perched in a tree needs our help to get her to come down! you can speak to her but you don't speak cat. a very impurrtant part of the trading quest. 7/10
oracle of ages: we are deprived of mittens. 0/10
the wind waker: link meows! how cute! okay he's not quite a cat but beggars can't be choosers. 1/10
the minish cap: well the cat quota has been met but at what cost? most of these cats will attack if you are small, except for purry who is purrfect. but they will also meow at you politely if you talk to them and some will even fuse kinstones with you. how fickle of them. realism 8/10
twilight princess: now THIS is a game for cat people. pick them up and cuddle them, turn into a wolf and suddenly you can understand them, they've basically got a full cat society going on, it's like the secret life of pets. this is paradise 10/10
phantom hourglass: rats, but no cats? rat problem probably explained by lack of cats. 0/10
spirit tracks: no cats in new hyrule? well this is truly the most tragic timeline. 0/10
skyward sword: remlits are so cute, they follow you around and meow and purr, you can pick them up and - hey what are you doing by that ledge you monster - they can even fly... you knew that before you tossed it over the edge, right? right?? 9/10 even cuter at night :3
a link between worlds: are cats just extinct in this timeline? hero shouldn't have been defeated damn 0/10
tri force heroes: hytopia has cats! even better, it has a cheetah costume!! catboy link 8/10 uwu
breath of the wild: the real calamity is having no cats to pet. 0/10
tears of the kingdom: more like tears of the catless 0/10
echoes of wisdom: not only are there cute kitty cats but you can even talk to them by dressing up as a cute kitty cat yourself wow this is a dream come true 10000/10
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rowynri · 7 months ago
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I MEANT TO POST THIS FOREVER AGO. whoops. anyways ravio!!! i haven’t actually played a link between worlds, but i want to…. someday, when i save up enough to get the right console………..sigh….. BUT YEAH RAVIO FANART!!! yippee :D
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otternalremnant · 4 months ago
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nintendocafe · 4 months ago
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Art by Orioto (Mikaël Aguirre)
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carbcounting · 5 months ago
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Linktober Day 18: Shopkeeper
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miscellanekas · 3 months ago
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Fooling around with my own designs for the ALBW boys
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 1 year ago
Ravio's Theme // The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)
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oldgamedebris · 1 year ago
Finished A Link Between Worlds and it is one of the best top down Zelda games I've played so far (not that there are many left at this point). The 3D effects worked exceptionally well, especially in areas with multiple levels and creating the feeling of vertigo over bottomless pits. It's a shame that that will likely be lost in any future re-release or remake. Since I'm going down the Downfall/Fallen Hero timeline (and skipping the multiplayer games), the next game is the original Legend of Zelda. It's not that I never played it, I just never got very far.
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slbtumblng · 2 years ago
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What's with this sassy... lost child?
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The Wind Waker™
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lewisso · 12 days ago
Top Games of 2016
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Ori and the Blind Forest
Stardew Valley
Tower Unite
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Remember Me
Rayman Legends
Ultimate Chicken Horse
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lilyblossom-art · 5 months ago
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All of the zeldas so far in order of release
This took me so long lol i don't even know why i did this but here it is :>
And also i have not played eow yet so no spoilers pls
1. Classic Zelda
2. Zelda I
3. Alttp Zelda
4. Cdi Zelda
5. Other cdi Zelda
6. Oot Sheik
7. Oot adult Sheik
8. Oot downfall Sheik
9. Ssb Zelda (i needed to get to 25 lol)
10. Oox Zelda
11. Fs Zelda
12. Tetra
13. Fsa Zelda
14. Mc Zelda
15. Mc stained glass Zelda
16. Tp Zelda
17. St Zelda
18. Ss Zelda
19. Albw Zelda
20. Hw Zelda
21. Botw Zelda
22. Ancient princess (named after Sonia from totk)
23. Coh Zelda
24. Aoc Zelda
25. Eow Zelda
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nintendocafe · 2 years ago
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Art by Yustian Prawira
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