oldgamedebris · 4 days
All that work just for some kid to steal your thunder at the last moment...
-------------------------------------------------- Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo
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oldgamedebris · 4 days
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It's near impossible to hit anything when trying to play this game on a modern controller.
----------------------------------------------- Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo
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oldgamedebris · 4 days
Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo
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oldgamedebris · 1 month
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look in [your] pants
You find nothing of interest.
---------------------------------- Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle
(The parser loves it.)
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oldgamedebris · 2 months
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(You have one move, and many, many different endings.)
Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly.
On to the next aisle.
Interesting… fresh Gnocchi--you haven't had any of that since… Rome.
The aisle stretches to the north, and back to the south. The shelves on either side of you block your view of the rest of the supermarket, with only the brightly coloured aisle markers visible.
You have stopped your trolley next to the pasta section, bright plastic bags full of pale skin-toned shapes.
There is a brunette woman a few metres ahead, filling her trolley with sauces.
eat pasta
The pasta is a seething mass of off-white food. You tear at the plastic bags until the curls and tubes and twists and shells cascade onto the floor and into your hands. Scooping up a collection of different shapes you cram the pasta into your mouth. It is dry, it is hard. That's what your body is saying. But you learnt something a while back--that your body (your eyes, your hands, your heart) isn't always right. No, you've learnt to listen to your mind. And your mind says: soft, warm, slightly salty pasta. Tangy sauce. What a feast!
They spoil your fun, they take you away--or so your body says. Your mind knows better; you're still in Rome eating pasta, drinking wine--everything is fine. ----------
Another story done. But then… ---------------------------------------------------
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oldgamedebris · 2 months
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Pokémon Picross Game Boy Color
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oldgamedebris · 2 months
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Every step you take feels wrong.
The Melting Apartment
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oldgamedebris · 3 months
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Tamer MatPat would like to battle! (Link)
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oldgamedebris · 3 months
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Go read a real book, weirdo.
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oldgamedebris · 3 months
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oldgamedebris · 3 months
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Huh. The cards are literally magic.
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oldgamedebris · 3 months
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The Lorem Ipsum on this control panel in Just Cause 4 isn't Lorem Ipsum, but text from a website explaining Lorem Ipsum.
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oldgamedebris · 4 months
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Tried playing Pokémon Factory Adventure, but the level scaling mechanic made it near impossible for someone of my skill level. A shame too, since the story and setting were interesting.
The first version I found of this romhack was rather broken/cursed, as a cloaked NPC kept showing up, only saying "h", and going through tall grass kept triggering the appearance of a Juggler trainer with glitched/invincible Pokemon. (It also can delete your save and eventually crashes, so best not to play that one.)
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oldgamedebris · 4 months
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Looked up some of the papers on this board from the Eden-6 Mysteriouslier mission.
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This is a letter related to the 1955 Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter where a family was likely spooked by owls.
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This one is a Honolulu Star Bulletin newspaper about Amelia Earhart.
"Amelia Gas Low! No Land In Sight!" "(Flier?) Sends Trouble Message To Cutter Itasca"
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This is an Incident Report from the Seattle Police Department for when Kurt Cobain was arrested for assault in 1993.
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No clue.
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oldgamedebris · 4 months
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Borderlands 3 cash register come with IMA BUTTON, BUTT LOCK, IAMA BANANA buttons and a poop option.
Also, the receipts they print appear to come from a Stop and Go in Las Vegas.
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oldgamedebris · 4 months
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I beat Florkemon, but didn't take that many screenshots.
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oldgamedebris · 4 months
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(Worked out what all the book pages in Borderlands 3 are: the opening narration from Marcus in the first Borderlands.) EDIT: I noticed this texture is extremely clear and readable in the Dustbound Archives.
The Hunters
So… You want to hear a story, eh? One about treasure hunters? Haha, have I got a story for you! Pandora… This is our home. But make no mistake - this is not a planet of peace and love. They say it's a wasteland, that it's dangerous, that only a fool would search for something of value here. Then perhaps I am a fool. But do not be fooled by what Pandora appears to be. There was a legend… Many people tell it. The legend of the Vault. My father would always go on about the Vault; even with his dying breath. Advanced alien technology. Infinite wealth. Fame. Power. Women. So you can understand why some little kiddos who hear the stories grow up to become Vault hunters. Well, I have a story you may not believe. But I tell you it is true. The legend of the Vault is real! And it is here on Pandora. And a… let's call her a 'guardian angel,' appeared to guide the Vault hunters to their prize. The tale begins right here on Pandora, with the brave Vault hunters, the guardian angel and most importantly, me… All right back there, time to wake up! It's a beautiful day, full of opportunity! Next stop: Fyrestone Depot. Time to gather up your stuff! Who's gettin' off the bus? You with the sniper rifle and the crazy mask? You look like a Truxican Wrestler moonlighting as a dominatrix, man. And you, soldier man? Are those armor pieces from the Crimson Lance you're wearing? And what's your story, young lady? What can you do? Perhaps you can bake us all a wonderful cake, haha! And you, beef stick in the back… I'm not going to make fun of you. Your burps smell of blood, and you growl like a rabid animal. Anyway… I've got some advice for all of you. It's tough out there, and you won't be able to just beat up on whatever you please until you're ready. Sure, you can take from the bandits or find things in the wild, but equipment you buy from my stores are guaranteed! And if you die, you can't get your money back because you're dead! I kid! No need to be so serious here. And if you're looking for the Vault, well, you're going to have your work cut out for you. So don't be afraid to spend what it takes to get the equipment you need. You listen to Marcus. I come from seven generations of merchants and I'm the best. Want to know why? Cause I'm making it out here, in this place! Well, we're here. Don't worry about saying goodbye. I'm sure we'll be doing this all again soon enough.
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