Trivia seesaw by suga. Still a banger
a very important matter what was the first song in 2022 you listened to
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tumblr users aged 23+ should get a pension
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as soon as i'm under a blanket it's over
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I still don't know what I'm wearing to the living room New Years Eve... I might not even go.
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we'll just glide / starry-eyed
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21573655/chapters/51434716
Author: smashthatlikebutton
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Kim Namjoon/Min Yoongi
Status: Completed
Chapters: 4/4 (35479 words)
Tags: Single Parent AU, Fake Boyfriend AU
Namjoon meets Yoongi and his young son Jeongguk on a plane home to Seoul. Chaos ensues.
The one where Namjoon pretends to be a dad and is actually pretty good at it.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21573655/chapters/51434716
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Silver and Blue Series
Disclaimer: This werewolf series may not depict exactly the same ideas or known notions of how werewolves behave and their biology makeup. I am learning still and if something is wrong, I do apologize.
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Human!Reader
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Before The Series:
Silver and Blue | Two 
Series Beginning:
One | Two |  Three |  Four | Five | Six | Seven| Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
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Serendipity Jimin is powerful in so many levels 
for @me-melancholy (vidcr: dwellingsouls)
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i could stare for eternity ♡ (cr. dwellingsouls)
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yoongi for esquire (cr.@joonie)
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the love i feel right now… makes my heart blow up :( 
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prettiest boy
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I have surgery in 25 days to help me get my weight under control. Not many people I can get excited or scared about this with.
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Why does everyone’s love or help seem to come with conditions. And why when we can’t meet these conditions are we made out to be the bad guy
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this hoseok 🥵 for anon
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I’m going to need 7-10 business days to get over this Bangtan. Thank you in advance
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