#the latest episode RUINED me
canopicfemme · 1 year
grant wilson continues to make me absolutely MISERABLE
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buckys-metal-arm · 4 months
Someone more talented than me draw X-Men 97 Magneto in this
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watching interview with the vampire as an avid the amazing devil listener is a different level of brain rot, i assure you
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enteragoodnamehere · 7 months
guys I really really want to care about tmagp. but I just don’t. and im also about This Close to blocking the tags for it because its just. frustrating to me and i dont know why
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cozmostreet · 9 months
want to change my url ….
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planetary · 1 year
1. POKEMON - ash is in a coma and the show is he's dreaming
2. RUGRATS - the babies are on drugs
3. edd edd eddy - they died in 1962 (tuberculosis)
4. scoopy doo - theyre on drugs too and the dog cant really talk :(
5. rugrats - angela is in a coma and the show is her dream
6. spongbob - songebob is in a coma and the show is his dream
7. spongebob - spongebob and his friends are the christian hell sins
8. spoinegbob - squidward is heroin?
9. COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG - it was real it was all real none of that was a dream or a nightmare everything you remember is real
10. rugarts - angela is on drugs and all the other ones are dead
11. jimmy neutraon - jimmy is weird because he is gay
12. fairly oddparsnts - timmy is in a coma and the show is his dream
13. spongebob - sandy is taxidermy
14. higgly town heroes - higgly town is all cannibals and they eat other people and thats why they do that . how could they do that..? my heroes..
15. max & ruby - they are bunny rabbits and thast because thrre was. an apocalypse and max is a real human little boy but there was an apocalypse and his parents died and he's with ruby but he got hit on the head with a steel pipe because of the apocalypse so now he's in a coma and the show is his dream
16. disney aladdin movie - the tiger head cave is really really scary
17. danny phantom died - this one really happened they tell you in the theme song and you can see it happen in blood and gorey detail if you watch that one scary episode that only comes on at 3am. does anyone else remember that episode
18. dora the explorer - dora is on crack
19. faaiely odd parents - the fairies are drugs and timmy takes drugs and maybe goes into a coma for this reason and maybe has a dream that they're his magic fairies
20. caillou - hes bald. this theoru explains that cailiu has no hair because he is bald. and perhaps his parents are nice to him because he is bald. this could also explain why he has no hair (because hes bald)
21. courage the cowarsly dog - courage is a dog and he's in a coma and
22. the magic schoolbus - its magic because the bus was on drugs and then it blew up (becasue it was high) and they all went to purgatory and clones took their place
23. tom and jerry - tom should have been allowed to cook and eat that baby chick. and its fucked up that the show didnt allow him to. me and my friends watched it and we were all clapping and cheering for him to cook and eat it and we were so excited but of course the writers pussied out and didnt let him do it
24. finding nemo - that thing in the beginning didnt even happen but the dad made that story up so people would feel bad for him
25. sponegbob - in the latest season patrick says "Ok boomer!" to mermaid man and barancle boy
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hinalatte · 12 days
An Attempt at Analyzing David Chiem’s Motivations
and a bunch of other stuff that got in there somehow
Ch2 Ep12 spoilers ahead! (And spoilers for the Literature Girl Insane MV picture if you haven’t seen it already)
So, Ch2 Ep12 changed some things about my perception of David. I was under the impression that the way he was acting in the trial was because of a self destructive breakdown, but the latest episode reveals that he’s making an attempt at altruism.
But I still think he’s having a self destructive breakdown. The end result is still the same—he dies, he ruins his public image. This is still, objectively, self destructive behavior. He just has a motivation to make it “worth it” now.
I believe David wants to be a good person. He just doesn’t know how to be one. He feels like he may never be one. Xander is that good person David wishes he was, so he’s dedicating himself to following what Xander would do. If Xander was good, he can also be good by following his example. (I made a theory about something like this a while back, go read my David Chiem and colors analysis if you’re curious)
So let’s return to that picture of David holding Xander’s jacket, with the context of this episode.
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First of all, the “you” in these quotes is most definitely Xander.
1. I became a villain in pursuit of your dream.
We know what this means. David acted up during the trials to look guiltier so that the trial would end up with a misvote. He’s actively trying to end the lives of everyone there because of what Xander tried and failed to do in Chapter 1. But what I’m curious about is what Xander’s “dream” really was. He never said anything about wanting to end the killing game by dying. The only thing he tried to do was kill Teruko.
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David pauses before stating that his motive was to end the killing game by eliminating the entertainment value. His expression is also pretty suspicious. It sounds like something he made up on the spot. And if he wanted to end the killing game by not being entertaining, why did he go against everyone’s plan of doing nothing and killing no one? Why did he fan the flames by telling everyone to admit their secrets? The conflict that stemmed from his actions was what made the second chapter entertaining to begin with. So I don’t think this truly was his motive for trying to get everyone killed. I think he was following in Xander’s footsteps. He’s trying to kill Teruko.
We all remember the secret David got, right?
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I think most of us agree that him saying this was Xander’s secret was a lie. He waited until everyone was done talking so he could make sure no one had Xander’s actual secret, and then he pinned it on him. He also has an extremely high opinion of Xander and gets upset when people slander him, so I don’t think there’s any way he would admit to this being Xander’s secret unless it wasn’t actually Xander’s secret. I think he’s saying it’s Xander because he feels comfortable using his name for his goals, since they’re “partners in crime” in his mind. That secret is definitely Teruko’s.
I think when Xander initially attempted to kill Teruko, David was conflicted about how to feel. But once he got Teruko’s secret, it made sense. Xander was a hero and Teruko was a villain, and David had to do what Xander couldn’t. His ploy to get everyone killed is so Teruko has to be killed alongside them.
That’s my theory, anyway. I could be wrong, especially considering David could’ve tried to kill Teruko with his own hands if he really did want her dead. But it’s also possible he didn’t do that because he knew she would have survived it somehow.
2. I threw away my humanity for an ideal that I couldn’t understand.
What’s interesting to me here is the use of the word “couldn’t”. It’s not that he “didn’t” understand Xander’s ideals. It’s that he “couldn’t”, because he doesn’t understand Xander’s altruism. Every time he talks about his motivations in this episode, it’s about Xander. He even frames the moral dilemma of killing everyone there for the greater good from Xander’s perspective—16 lives, which was how many there were when Xander attempted murder, rather than 13, which is how many there are as David is saying this.
David doesn’t know how to be a good person. He believes Xander is the only good person he’s ever known, so he’s blindly following what “Xander would do” in hopes of doing something good.
This is especially interesting to me because becoming a good person has been a theme this whole chapter. Arei used Eden as a reference for what a good person looked like as well. But that’s an essay for another time!
3. But I don’t regret it. To “regret” is to imply that I could have done anything else.
I’m pretty sure the only thing keeping David going is Xander’s legacy. He doesn’t have much faith in himself as a person, so it’s either give up or give everything to the ideals of the man he believed in.
This line makes it pretty evident to me that even though he’s acting like he knows what he’s doing, he still feels lost. But at the same time, when you’re lost in a maze, the only thing you can do is follow the path ahead of you.
4. I never told you, but the truth is, I wasn’t capable of ever becoming human in the first place.
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The idea of being human is present in a lot of things relating to David’s character. This 4th quote in particular seems to be a response to this line by Xander, from their “role models” conversation.
David is also associated with the book No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai through the Literature Girl Insane MV. No Longer Human is about a man that feels so detached from other people that it’s like he’s not even one of them. To fit in, he pretends to be what they expect him to be, but he never truly feels connected to them.
“Mine has been a life of much shame. I can’t even guess myself what it must be to live the life of a human being.”
I think it’s safe to guess that David feels a similar way.
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David is disoriented by normal human interaction. The ways in which he interacts with people are entirely based on their perception of him. He’s an upstanding role model when that’s what they expect, and a callous villain once they accuse him of murder. He acts that way to further his goals, sure, but it’s still isolating. As he says, his relationships are fake, because he himself is a fake person.
He feels like he fundamentally lacks what other humans have. This could mean a whole slew of things, but I think the most relevant one right now is ideals. David doesn’t have ideals of his own in the way Xander does. Xander believes in fighting for what’s right. David is so disconnected from other people that he doesn’t even know what “right” is.
The line where Xander calls David “human” is in the context that David isn’t a perfect role model. It’s interesting that he seems to be arguing against that. Not because he’s perfect. It seems to me like he’s saying “I am not, and never will be, like you.”
And of course, the “I never told you” is because Xander is dead. He never got to know David’s true self.
5. So in the end, you are always—
I genuinely have no idea what this means. If somebody has even the smallest clue…my ask box is open. Please.
Is killing the entire cast really something Xander would do? Who knows! But David sure seems to think so, and he’s apparently the one who knows Xander the best. Nevertheless, it’s leading to a lot of interesting conflict.
I also want to note that I might be making it sound like David has low self esteem. I don’t mean that. Very little has been confirmed about David’s inner psyche. But here’s my interpretation, for fun’s sake:
David has a low opinion of himself, but he also has an ego. When you think of yourself as fundamentally different from other people, that can lead to you developing a sense of superiority over it. Like you’re the only one in the world with some knowledge others don’t have. This is a mindset people with depression can easily develop. Teruko acts this way as well, a little bit. She literally calls herself a main character. David also calls himself a main character in his MV, alongside Xander.
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He also doesn’t seem to respect Hu’s opinion, judging by this sprite. It’s like him and Xander are the only ones who know what has to be done, and everyone else just doesn’t understand.
But he still has low self esteem. He sees Xander as someone who is just better than him, and thinks he’s too bad of a person to improve. People can think they’re worse and better than others at the same time. It’s very interesting. But again, that’s just my interpretation, going off of vibes more than anything else.
I’ll also mention here that I think David knew Xander from news articles before the killing game started. Xander was an activist. David might’ve seen some of the things he did, like the Chariton case, on the news at some point. He might have admired him for it.
That’s all for today. They are very intriguing to me. I will be back later about non-Xanvid things.
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callmebrycelee · 18 days
Advice from a Queer Almost-40 BuckTommy Shipper
Over the last several months, there's been a one-sided war brewing between Buddie shippers and BuckTommy shippers. As we get ready for Season 8, I want to give all of you fellow BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley shippers some advice:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
I repeat:
Do NOT let them ruin something truly groundbreaking and special.
Let me take you way back to the early-2010s. Glee was quite popular in the cultural zeitgeist. The show spawned a plethora of ships including Finchel, Brittana, Samcedes, and Fabrey. However, there was one ship that reigned supreme on Beyoncé and Al Gore's internet. If you were on Tumblr during this time you definitely remember the chokehold Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson aka Klaine had on the Glee fandom.
Now I'll admit, at first, I was into the two glee club gays being together but then episode 2x06 aired. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, episode 2x06 titled "Never Been Kissed" is episode where closeted football jock Dave Karofsky cornered Kurt in the boys' lockerroom and kissed him. What followed was some of the best storytelling in the history of the show.
Over the next few seasons, we watched Dave Karofsky come to terms with his sexuality, apologize to Kurt for his relentless bullying, finally embrace his sexuality, get outed, and attempt to un-alive himself. Those of us who initially hated Dave and his initial treatment of Kurt became fans of him due to how realistic he was. If you went to high school in the early-2000s, chances are you either knew someone like Karofsky or you were him. That's why he resonated with so many of us in the queer community.
However, the showrunners weren't invested in Dave and Kurt becoming an item. You have to remember, this was the era of listening to the fandom and giving them exactly what they wanted. The fandom wanted Rachel and Finn to be together so that's what we got. The fandom wanted Brittany and Santana to be together so that's what we got. And what the fandom wanted was Kurt and Blaine.
Till this day, I still resent the fact that the showrunners and writers went the safe route when it came to couples on Glee. For the most part, all of their main pairings were expected and boring. Over a decade removed from the show, a lot of folks have come around to the idea that maybe Kurt and Blaine aren't the #couplegoals they initially thought. A lot of us will forever wonder just how different (and possibly better) the show would have been if they took a chance on Kurt and Dave.
Fast-forward to the year 2024. We have, on another Ryan Murphy show, Klaine and Kurtofsky 2.0. The moment Eddie came on the scene back in Season 2, folks on the internet started shipping him with Buck. Nevermind that these two were coded as platonic friends, here we had, once again, two good-looking guys played by two actors who have impeccable chemistry.
Much like Klaine, a lot of us see Buddie as boring. The ship smacks of cis straight women overlly fascinated by two good-looking, masculine guys. It reminds me of the overabundance of m/m romance written by straight women which have little interest in showcasing real queer male relationships and instead serve as fantasy fulfillment for straight women using two queer men as avatars to satisfy what they feel is lacking in their own heterosexual relationships. I don't necessary have a problem with those books existing but I do take issue with that kind of storytelling overshadowing queer male content written by queer male writers.
Whew! Now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you what I loved most about the latest season of 9-1-1. It seems the showrunners and writers of this show took note of what happened with Glee and they decided to go a different route. Instead of listening to the relentless noise on the internet, they have decided to not go the safe route.
Enter: Tommy Kinard.
The romance between Buck and Tommy is truly revolutionary. As someone who grew up consuming the queer media of the 90s and early-2000s, it is quite refreshing to have a couple like Evan Buckley and Tommy Kinard on primetime television. I love that many of the scenes between these two is just slice of life. Very similar to the scenes we get between Athena and Bobby and Chimney and Maddie. I've always said that true equality is when queer people can be just as mundane as straight people. Mission accomplished. Finally, we have two queer characters just existing and being happy. No AIDS. No gay-bashing. No Don't Ask Don't Tell. No epic coming out scene. Buck and Tommy are a shining example of what queer couples can and should look like in the 2020s.
So, back to my original point. When it comes to the great ship war, please do NOT let them ruin something so groundbreaking and special. If the showrunners wanted , they could have made Buck and Eddie a thing years ago. However, that's not the direction they wanted to venture. Thank you Tim Minear for not going the safe route. I look forward to all of the rich storytelling we will get in Season 8 and I have decided that whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy this era of 9-1-1. Oliver Stark and Lou Ferrigno Jr. are amazing actors but so are Angela Bassett and Peter Krause and Aisha Hinds and Kenneth Choi. All of the actors on this show, whether main or guest or supporting, are putting their whole self into crafting the characters we know and love. Regardless of what ship you champion, keep in mind that behind these beloved characters are real, human actors who do not deserve to be bullied and harrassed and threatened due to them simply doing their job. At the end of the day, everything we see on the screen is fiction.
Okay, this has gotten really long. Stepping off of my soapbox. Remember ladies and gentlemen, it's just a show. And although it makes us feel real emotions, 9-1-1 nor Glee is real life.
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trans-jon-rights · 2 months
Hey how about we talk about Sam and Alice right now. Just real quick. I have things to say about them.
I've seen a few takes since the latest episode came out stating that Sam is being an asshole for no reasons to Alice, that he should believe her when she says the things are real, etc.
Well I don't believe that's entirely true.
First, Sam and Alice are exes. Meaning they have a history together, and something that led to them breaking up. They are introduced to us as such, and while their dynamic had mostly been a s3 JonGeorgie friendly exes situation at the beginning, this has clearly changed.
Alice is friendly to Sam, yes, but at a certain point, she starts having an ulterior motive for her friendship. Not a completely bad or malevolent one, but clearly, it's an ulterior motive : she wants to keep Sam away from the Magnus Institute. She probably did not anticipate that this job would make his obsession with the place surge up, and now she tries to keep him out of it.
Alice coming with him to the ruins of the Institute in episode 10 is clearly about bringing an end to Sam's research; she hoped to find nothing, they did exactly that, and she also tried to steer him away from anything weird when it might have happened. When Sam finds the key, she tells him to try, yes, but when it doesn't work, she tells him to stop and get out, while Sam instead starts breaking planks of rotten wood to get in.
When Sam doesn't drop it, she confronts him about it, telling him it's nor healthy and doing her best to stop him, even going as far as deleting a case about the Institute from his computer in episode 21. I don't think she tries to steer him away from Celia entirely out of jealousy, I think she tries to steer him away from Celia because she knows Celia would encourage his tendencies to look for answers about the Institute -- which she does !
So yes, Sam is being an asshole to Alice. But clearly, Alice isn't innocent, and I suspect her doing things behind Sam's back in order to protect him isn't a first, and probably is the reason for their breakup.
Then, in the most recent episode, Sam denies Alice's concerns about the dangerousity of things. I think that's valid from him.
While we, listeners, know that this time, Alice is genuinly believing something is going on and trying to keep Sam safe, Sam doesn't have that context. He didn't overhear Alice trying to comfort Gwen, then admitting things are really dangerous. For Sam, the last bit of context there is is Alice deleting a case from his computer, one that contained important answers for him (he doesn't know which, but he is sure there are). And before that, Alice has basically been dismissive of the supernatural occurences the whole time. If I were in Sam's place, I'd just assume Alice is trying to manipulate me by saying things are dangerous in order to get me to listen to her. To him, she would say anything to convince him not to go to the Institute or seek answers.
So no, in my opinion, Sam isn't being an asshole for no reasons. He isn't acting nicely towards Alice, but she clearly did things to merit what's happening to her.
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. swearing, someone cries again, mentions of bullying, mentions of sex. WORD COUNT. 3.9k
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg @captivq @tocupid @seosalad @ddazed-lhs @gyuszie @mifuyuyo @error-cant-function @twocupsofsuga @flowerbe0m @dangerousconnoisseurbanana @laviesm @keikeu @elavin @chaemmie @rikisly @satsuri3su @gyugyubin @junhuicosmo @skzenhalove @luvkpopp @yansbolobao @emer-syn @eggomi @drunkinjake @soobiverse @deobitifull @haechanspudu @yawnzzn27 @7myoi
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NOTE. this is the soobin chapter. before anyone says anything, i also used to be a loser in high school so i am very qualified to write about this. anyway, please let me kmow what you think so far! ty for reading!
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CHAPTER 5 — staring contest of death.
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SOOBIN HAS ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM. It’s quite a big problem— one that completely ruined his summer morning routine that usually starts at one in the afternoon. But it’s already 2 p.m. right now and he’s still laying on his bed, half of his head peeking out of the blanket as his eyes run over the text he received this morning over and over again from a group chat that’s been dead for a good three years. 
[Shin Jaeyul: hey class of 20XX! met up with jindo and the rest the other day and we thought it would be great if we can all get together again! hope you’ll all be available for the reunion. i’ll send the details after this message but it’s gonna be held at seonghee’s family’s hotel so feel free to bring a plus one lol.]
[Shin Jaeyul: What? ANSAN HS BATCH 20XX REUNION. When? This Saturday, 6:00pm. Where? Chatoyer Hotel, Sapphire Ballroom Function Hall
“Just don’t go, man. It’s not like your attendance is graded.”
When Soobin finally gets the energy to come downstairs to eat, he shows the text to Beomgyu for a second opinion. They’re eating yesterday’s leftovers on the patio outside the dining room. It doesn’t take long for the rest of the boys to congregate on the lounge chairs.
“But a reunion sounds fun!” Jake throws in his opinion. “I met up with my high school buddies at Crown Towers when I went to Melbourne the other day.”
“They weren’t your buddies. They invited you so you can pay for all their drinks and ditch you,” Heeseung tells him.
“Hey, Matthew was there and he was glad to see me.”
“Matthew borrowed eight hundred dollars from you last month and never paid back.”
Jake simply shrugs and snatches a cold slice of pizza from the table. Soobin gives him a look of remorse. “Anyway,” Jay jumps in. “Hyung, you should go if you want to and don’t go if you don’t want to. What do you want to do?”
Honestly, if Soobin can help it, he’d never want to see anyone from his old school ever again. And he’d rather stay at home and watch the latest episode of JJK on Saturday night (and every other night, for that matter). “But...it’s kinda rude if I don’t reply, right?” is what’s holding him back. The group chat has been buzzing every minute, messages of ‘see you there’s’ and ‘I’m so excited’s’ popping up one after the other. Only a few others including him haven’t replied yet. “What excuse should I make?”
“Tell them you have a family reunion to attend,” Sunghoon suggests.
“That’s lame. They’re gonna make fun of him,” Beomgyu scrunches his nose. Sunghoon defends with “what’s so wrong with a family reunion?!” but Soobin is inclined to believe that Beomgyu would be right. He didn’t exactly have a pleasant high school experience.
It’s not that he was actively bullied, or anything. He just didn’t have a lot of friends. And not a lot wanted to be his friend save for the members of the manga club he was in— but that didn’t really contribute to his position in the adolescent food chain. It’s not like he was sociable, either. He still isn’t. He was just lucky enough to get adopted by Beomgyu and managed to get along with the rest of the guys after a good two years of living here.
“Oh, then dude, you have to go!” Beomgyu exclaims. “If you don’t go they’re just gonna talk shit about you still being a loser.”
“I am a loser, though?” he says. 
“Yeah, but you’re tall and good looking and hot and that’s enough to get them to shut the fuck up if you show up and dip after thirty minutes. You know what, give me your phone. I’ll handle this.”
“No, wait—”
Beomgyu snatches the phone from his hands and plops down on the chair right across from him, the other four quickly running over and looking over his shoulders. Soobin’s heart races. This doesn’t seem like a good idea. He is right. It only takes a second before things spiral into disaster.
“Don’t say that. You gotta sound cooler.”
“Dude, that’s gonna get him bullied. Let me do it—”
“Give it to me!”
“You’re all useless, let me take over!”
“Wait, let me make one last revision—”
“No! What are you all doing?!”
When Soobin finally manages to steal his phone back, he nearly passes out when he reads the message he— his friends— just sent to the group chat.
[Count me in. Do I have to wire double the money if I bring my girlfriend? Nevermind, I’ll just send thrice the amount. Thanks :)]
Horror washes over his face. “I added the smiley face,” Jake proudly announces. Holy fuck, he wants to crawl back into his bed and never wake up. 
“Who sent that I’ll be bringing my girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend! Why did you say I’ll be bringing my girlfriend?!”
His phone vibrates mid-fit and he’s greeted by a reply saying that they’re so happy he’s coming and they can’t wait to see him again. Soobin is not happy nor is he excited. “We can just get you one,” Beomgyu says, as a matter-of-fact, as if you can just purchase a significant other from a gas station vending machine. His face wrinkles in distress. “When’s the reunion again? Saturday? Jakey, do you have any rich heiresses that can pretend to be Soobin hyung’s fake girlfriend for a night?”
“I’ll call Mirae noona, but hyung, are you alright alright with someone fifteen years old—”
Soobin winces. “Please don’t call her.”
“I can try asking Hina,” says Jay. “I don’t know if she has me unblocked yet, though.”
Heeseung narrows his eyes at him. “Isn’t she your ex?”
“Jay dated someone?” Sunghoon gives Jay a mildly offended grimace. “The fuck? Why don’t I know this?”
“He’s always dating someone. But he also gets dumped after three days so I’m not sure if they even count.”
Before they could further into Jay’s questionable dating history, the conversation gets cut short by a groan from Beomgyu. “Wait. We literally have a girl living with us right now.” His words send a signal into all their ears. It takes a moment for it to settle, and when it does, it’s like a thinly stretched rope snaps in half in the air.
“Are—are you sure about that?” Sunghoon is the first to crack the tension-filled silence. “Don’t we have other options?”
Soobin hears furtive whispering and nodding from Jake that somehow involves your name and the phrase “that’s right, she’s a girl, yes,” but chooses to ignore it and instead starts dreading the near and impending future. “It’d be better if it’s someone Soobin hyung already knows,” Beomgyu replies. “Hyung, what do you think?”
He thinks this is insane and bonkers and absolutely fucking impossible to pull off because he can’t even look you in the eye without sweating his skin off. How in the fuck he supposed to fake date you? To stand next to you? To call you with so much affection in front of numerous people he finds extremely uncomfortable to be with? To look at you? To h—
Oh god. He doesn’t have to hold your hand, does he?
“Hey, I don’t think this is fair. That’d mean Soobin hyung will technically—”
“This won’t count towards the bet,” Beomgyu says, then looks at a now red-faced Soobin. “You don’t mind right?”
Shit, he’d have to, right? But he can’t even look at you without his palms leaking like a faucet and stuttering like a broken machine. This is insane. He can’t do this. He can’t and won’t do this or else he’d actually have a heart attack and die.
“Is— is this all really necessary?” he finally sputters out.
They all look at him. “But we already sent the message.”
Right. They did. Soobin’s face falls defeated and he sinks back into the chair. “I’ll go grab her,” Beomgyu announces, and the gazes shift from him to their friend who has now risen from his seat and is walking back into the house because since when was he close enough with you to do that? You two usually bicker and argue and Soobin has seen the murderous intent in your eyes whenever Beomgyu tries to provoke you. Sure, the amount of daily arguments has definitely died down as of late and it’s mostly one-sided now, but if there’s anyone close enough to disturb your weekend for something stupid, it’d be Jake.
But they say nothing about it and watch as Beomgyu disappears inside and comes back out a minute later with you in tow, pulling you into the patio by the arm you as you grumble and groan, begrudgingly forcing your legs to follow him. “Seriously, what do you want? I was having a nice nap, you bastard. Where are you taking me? Hey, answer me. Are you still mad about the—” 
When you finally notice the rest of their presence, you stop complaining.
“What’s this? Are you having a cult meeting?”
Jake greets you with a smile. “Take a seat! We’ll explain everything.”
It’s almost impossible to glean anything coherent when there are five-ish boys talking at the same time, but you seem fine, nodding along to whatever Beomgyu and Jay are currently rambling into both of your years. Soobin grows increasingly worried by the second. “I’m so sorry. You really don’t have to do this.”
He hopes you don’t want to do this. Knowing how you practically terrorized him a few weeks ago for accidentally taking a bite out of your ice cream, you probably didn’t want to deal with him either. Yes. This is good. Soobin can just ignore the group chat and ghost his old classmates on the day of the event, so this is—
“I’m down,” you finally say. 
“You’re— you’re down?” he stutters out. He must have heard wrong, obviously. Haha, there’s no way you would—
“Yup. It’s this Saturday, right? I’m pretty sure I’ll be free, so it’s cool.”
Well, shit.
He’s fucked.
“Why do I feel like you’ve done something like this before?” Beomgyu shoots you a glare of suspicion. You grin. “Of fucking course you have.”
“Sunoo paid me a pretty convincing fee for me to sit pretty at his sister’s wedding,” you explain before shifting your gaze to Soobin, a smile playing on your lips. His fingernails dig into his palms. “Obviously for Soobin, I’ll do it for free. But we have a problem.”
His eyes flit away not even a second after, chest tightening on the spot.
“Yeah. I think we need to work on that.”
Thus begins the series of daily staring contests between the both of you for the next four days until Saturday. It scares the shit out of him when you bang on his door at random times of the day just to torment him with your very existence. Soobin knows you’re doing this to help him. He knows, he really does, but he’s not very good at maintaining eye contact without his heart racing at an unhealthy rate and without sweating profusely. His longest record has been ten and a half seconds before his face explodes like a volcano.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think this is gonna work.”
Soobin’s muffled voice is weak, red face buried into his palms as you both sit cross-legged on his mattress after another failed staring contest. The rows and rows of anime figurines he has displayed next to his bed are all staring at him in disgusting judgment. It’s now Friday. The reunion is tomorrow, and he can’t even look at you— much less pretend like you’ve been dating for the past six fucking months.
“No! You can do it, Soobin! I believe in you! Let’s try one more time, okay?”
You grab his hands, pulling them away from his face and they settle on his soft blankets, yours over his, and he starts silently freaking out because shit— holy shit, you’re squeezing his knuckles. It’s barely any pressure, but he feels it shooting into his throat like a silver snake choking him with ten pints of venom and that’s not even the worst part because you’ve decided to start looking him in the eye again. 
He rasps out a little noise and tilts his head down to the right. You do the same. He shifts his gaze to the left. You do the fucking same, chasing after his eyes relentlessly like a god damned predator on the hunt and he can feel his palms sweating pathetically into his blanket while you’re still locking them in place.
“Okay,” you breathe out, leaning back and he finally feels the blood circulating into his fingers. “What if we follow Jay’s suggestion instead and have you wear sunglasses the entire time?”
Honestly, it’s about time you gave up on him. 
Your eyebrows are scrunched, deep in thought. Soobin can look at you right now because you’re spacing out and not attacking him with the depth of your stare. He’s not used to attention in general, so something about your pretty eyes with pretty eyelashes and prettily focused expression looking directly at him just renders him completely useless. It’s fine when you’re absentmindedly looking at the posters on his wall, still in the midst of weighing your options. It’s fine because you aren’t focused on him.
“But the event is indoors and in the evening, so that won’t make a lot of sense.” And his composure immediately topples down when you flit your gaze back at him. His breath hitches in his throat. “Soobin, do you have any other ideas?”
He grabs the nearest pillow and squeezes it to his chest. “Do— do we have to do this? Can’t we just show up and leave after ten minutes?” Better yet, he just doesn’t show up at all. But you’ve been putting in so much effort these past few days, so he doesn’t want to cancel out of nowhere.
You frown. “Eye contact is the first step to selling that we’re a real couple! Even if we stay for only ten minutes, they’ll get suspicious if you can’t even look at me,” you tell him. “Soobin, let’s keep trying. C’mon.” 
Soobin is trying. He really is trying his best but one more round and he feels he might actually rupture a brain vessel. “Alright,” you exhale. “Nevermind. We’ll handle it somehow. I’ll head back to my room now so you can rest up. See you tomorrow.”
It takes no time for you to get off his bed and start walking to his door. His stomach sinks, watching your back as you reach out for the doorknob and Soobin feels like he had just disappointed you. 
He moves before his mind can think. Before he knows it, he’s out of the bed and is holding your wrist and pulling your hand away from the door. 
You look at him. He looks at you, drenched in the color of panic and confusion and at the same time a shade of earnest emotion. It stays like this for a good couple of seconds, until your lips curl into a smile and your free arm reaches up to his head, fingers dipping into his hair for a light pat.
“Thirty seconds. Good job. See you tomorrow.”
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Now you completely understand why Soobin didn’t want to attend this dumpfest.
The hotel function room is fancy. Truly fancy. But the elegant crystal interiors and decor can’t hide the scent of pretentious obnoxiousness in the air, and the music siphoning through the speakers can’t drown out the sound of shit and crap and trash being exchanged between alleged old friends and classmates. It’s gross. The only saving grace of the night is the wine you’re swirling in your hand, regulating your slowly thinning patience at the scene before you.
“Soobin, buddy! Oh man, I didn’t think you’d make it!”
Here we go again. This is the what— fourth, fifth person? Soobin greets number five with less enthusiasm than the newcomer. He’s already worn out, poor boy. You prepare to intervene when you get an opening.
“Jaeyul,” Soobin says. “Hi.”
“It’s been a while, aye? You look great, man! What’s your glow up secret? You gotta tell men dude.”
Another patronizing comment from a mediocre looking male at best. They’re really lucky Soobin is an angel. You can see the discomfort in his smile when the Jae-something bastard hooks him by the neck, tugging your beanpole down because he’s at least four inches taller than his snotty ex-classmate. He looks even more uncomfortable than the time he got an unsolicited view of your red underwear. If it were you, you would’ve already kneed him in the balls to shut up his endlessly chattering mouth.
The guy’s gaze finally lands on you, tucked quietly behind Soobin’s shoulder. Took him long enough, honestly. You’ve been giving him the nastiest stare you can muster for the past five minutes, it’s honestly amazing that he only noticed now. “Who’s this?” he asks. Now, he’s just blatantly checking out someone else’s (fake) girlfriend. You hold back a scoff, but a sneer manages to slip out.
Soobin straightens, ready to repeat the script he’s been cycling through since the beginning of the night. “O-oh, this— this is—” But he seems to be a lot more nervous now. You decide to take the reins and give him a break.
“I’m his girlfriend,” you give Jae-whatever a smile, stepping forward to hold onto Soobin’s arm, who in return flinches at your touch. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind me intruding on your whole reunion. It’s just that I can’t bear to be apart from my Soobin for too long, you know?”
You’re hoping that your sickeningly sweet tone disgusts the living hell out of him and drives him away, but for some reason he lacks the social awareness to do that. “No, not at all. In fact, completely understand. I’m a taken man myself, you know?” That makes this situation a million times worse. He momentarily shifts away from you and directs his next words to Soobin. “Do you remember Bitna? We started seeing each other a few months ago.”
You can feel him stiffen next to you. “Congrats. I’m happy for both of you.”
“Didn’t you used to have a crush on her? I remember you’d give her chocolates every valentine’s—”
The twitch in his grin doesn’t go unnoticed by you. Alright, enough of this bullshit. You’re done humoring this bastard.
“Oh, sorry!” he turns to you again. “That was tactless of me, oh no. I apologize.”
You press your lips together, still smiling. “It’s fine. I wasn’t really paying attention to the bullshit you’ve been tirelessly spouting. I was wondering when you’d shut your trap and finally fuck off.”
Soobin snaps his head towards you, eyes wide in alarm. His dear old friend looks equally shocked. You hum and maintain your expression, pressing yourself closer to Soobin. “Is Bitna the one looking at us right now? Oh dear.” Shot in the dark, but you hit the mark anyway. “Anyway, if you’ll excuse us. My boyfriend and I will be heading back to our suite now to have absolutely brain-shattering, mind-numbing sex for the rest of the night that you—from the looks of your girlfriend over there— won’t be having for the rest of the week if you’re lucky enough to salvage your relationship. It was nice meeting you!”
You can see Bitna stomping her way over to her boyfriend, carrying a palpable dark force in her wake, so you quickly tug Soobin away by the hand and make your quick exit out the function room and into the elevator. You’re aware of how Soobin is currently looking at you like you’re insane as you press on the lowermost button on the panel. His eyes are practically drilling into the side of your face.
“This— this isn’t the way to our room.”
“I know,” you reply, watching as the doors close in front of you. Jay booked a room to sell your whole schtick a little further, but looks like you won’t be able to use it. “We’re not going to our room. That is unless you actually want to follow through with what I said earlier?”
When you turn to look at him, he’s already drenched in pink. You hold back a laugh. They make it so easy for you to mess with them. “I’m joking. I doubt you’d want to spend a minute longer here, so let’s just dip. These clothes are getting stuffy.”
Somehow you found yourselves at the 7-Eleven outside your subdivision, overdressed and sharing a pint of ice cream and two beers under the empty store’s fluorescent lights. You stuff a spoonful into your mouth and let your gaze linger on him for a while. Soobin has his head down, quietly staring at the top of his beer can. With a face like that, you think he’d be more confident and outspoken, but it’s almost funny how he’s trying to scrunch up his large frame in the tiny seat in front of you.
Look, you’re simply tapping an index finger on the back of his hand and he immediately flinches and draws it back. He’s so shy, so timid that you can’t help but grow soft on him.
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing he says since you left the hotel.
You rest your cheek against your palm. “For what?”
“I mean, it’s just that— you spent the past four days making sure I didn’t mess up our whole act, but I messed it up anyway and we ended up leaving early. I’m sorry for wasting all your time and effort like that. I’m—I’m really sorry for being so hopeless and pathetic and—”
“Hey, don’t say that,” you cut him off. “If there’s anyone that’s pathetic, it’s that Jaeyun? No, Jaeyun is Jake. It’s that Jae-something bastard who’s pathetic. I mean, was he not loved enough as a child? Does he have a disease that makes everything that comes out of his mouth unrecyclable trash? Anyway, if anything, it should be me and the rest of the boys apologizing for forcing you into this. I’ll help you guilt trip them later when we get—”
You stop. You stop because you notice how his eyes are getting a little red, and how they’re getting a little glassy, and how he’s nipping at his bottom lip that you’re afraid it might start bleeding.
“Oh. Oh no. Soobin, please don’t cry.”
And he starts crying. Well, fuck.
You hastily get out of your seat and plop down right next to him, letting his head drop down to your shoulder. He continues sniffling as you switch between rubbing his back and giving him pats on the head, staring blankly at the empty aisles because the last thing you expected to do today is comfort a grown man in a dingy convenience store while you’re in high heels and a strappy dress.
“Let’s have a movie marathon with the boys when we get back, okay?”
At least you’ve gotten better at consoling people. It seems like a useful skill to have for the rest of your stay.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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tiramissyoucake · 1 year
not adding a title to this, it was supposed to be a drabble but i got too into it..... oopsie
MINORS+AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Toji Fushiguro x reader, characters are 18+, reader is pink bimbo coded, predator prey kink? idk toji chases reader around the house, 1.1k words
CW: nsfw heavily mentioned but no full smut, toji is horny but reader wants to paint her nails. plushies used as ammunition (reader throws them at toji lol), some proof reading
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You usually liked the rain, but today it ruined all your plans and you almost swore hatred on it. You had an appointment with a nail technician which was canceled minutes after you began getting ready due to the rain escalating into a storm (honestly you wouldn’t have gone even if it was regular rain; that would mean ruining your adorable new shoes! You paid a fortune for those!), a friend of yours canceled plans due to said storm as well- Mother Nature was against you today.
It wasn’t ALL bad, you settled for staying inside in your cutest pajamas and you even got a few chores done, now you relaxed on your couch as you painted your nails, your nail appointment may have been canceled but that won’t stop you from your pursuit of aesthetics. The silence was annoying to deal with at first but after a snack and a few episodes of your favorite show, you found the atmosphere quite nice.
You were abruptly pulled out of your tranquility as the door slammed open and then shut, the rainstorm’s noise briefly filled the room before growing muffled again, your eyes followed the noise and saw your giant of a boyfriend covered in rainwater and.. you want to say grime but you think its blood from his latest job. Toji kicked aside his shoes and threw his bag aside grunting to himself, he hadn’t noticed you yet.
As he walked in, the water dripped off him and soaked into your floor, you grew irritated.
“Umm.. could you not?” You asked him with a look of disappointment, you had just wiped the floor earlier! He looked up at you with an indiscernible expression. “I just wiped the floor like 2 minutes ago! You’re cleaning that up!”
Usually, he’d whine and groan about chores but this time he just stared at you, slowly you became unnerved as those eyes studied you- the scariest part is that you didn’t know what he was thinking, but in the back of your mind you knew what was about to happen.
“… Toji?”
He took one step forward towards you.
“Toji, no.” you reprimanded, he took another step
“Toji, yes.” He simply replied as he cracked his neck once, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
“I said no! I’m doing my nails!!” A grin graced his features, one where you knew you have to start running.
You both stared each other down for a moment before Toji lunged at you, you narrowly escaped by climbing over the couch leaving behind a cushion in his arms, he quickly tossed it aside and followed after you.
“C’MERE!!” He practically yelled as he easily leaped over the couch and followed after you, you let out a loud ‘NOOOO!’ the adrenaline quickly spiked in your system as your lover chased you like some starved predator.
Your chase consisted of him almost cornering you in multiple areas of your house, he almost reached for you over the kitchen table, you barely dodged him near the bathroom, you had a moment to breathe at the kitchen doorway before sprinting away after he almost caged you in his gigantic arms.
“Where’re you going, baby?! you don’t love me anymore?!” he mocked you as he laughed, your terrified squeal fueled him, and seeing you run from him excited him to no end. He chased you to your bedroom arriving behind you just in time to see you climb on your bed as if high ground was going to keep him away from you.
“Shoo!! Go away!!” You yelled at him as you threw your plushies at him from where you stood on the bed, he easily parried the little stuffed companions as he let out a sinister laugh.
“What’s wrong? I just wanna show my girl some love!” He circled your bed looking for the right chance to capture you in his arms, you tiptoed and balanced yourself on the mattress- your ‘My Melody’ plushie clutched in your hand; she was your last line of defense.
“That’s what you said last time, and I ended up walking funny for days!” he smirked and his scar curled with his smile, you blushed at the memory of the time he practically shoved you into a mating press and drilled you until you were overflowing with his seed (you were confident this pervert took pictures during that time).
Aiming, Toji’s smug smile hadn’t faltered as you pouted at him, god he couldn’t wait to pin you under him and fuck all his stress away. Throughout his entire day he thought of you; that pouty look you gave him when he teased you, the obnoxiously pink yet adorable outfits you wore that made his dick throb, and of course- how could he live without that ass of yours that was practically begging to be groped by his large hands as he got an eyeful while chasing you?
“Baby doll you’re being dramatic!” Toji tried coaxing you into putting down the plushie but you knew better “Put the bunny down and jump into your Toji’s arms!” he emphasized his point by opening his arms to you, as if you were going to do that after he chased you like a madman all while he was dripping wet, oh and did you mention that you WIPED THE FLOOR before he came home?!
As he blabbered sweet nonsense to you, you made a plan to throw the plushie in his face as a distraction and escape your bedroom, additionally, you got the idea to shut the door behind you and lock him in when you caught the glint of your bedroom key slotted into the door.
It was risky but you know you can do this, this is perfect, your plan is perfect!
… not.
The moments flashed by after you launched your poor soldier at him, you only took one step forward off the mattress, a singular step that went nowhere as you blinked once, and suddenly, you found yourself on your back on the bed with Toji pinning you down with his weight straddling your waist. your expression was adorable; lips parted staring up at him as those wide confused eyes slowly registered defeat, the most humiliating symbol of said defeat was your plushie in his free hand as the other held down both your wrists in one hand over your head.
He let out a low chuckle, one that vibrated in his chest as he pressed his body as close to yours as possible leaning down until your noses were centimeters from touching. He lifted your little plushie to your line of sight and grinned “You put up a fun chase, but I want my prize~”
Toji tossed your trooper off the bed, and as the storm progressed outside your home you were glad you threw the rest of your plushies off the bed when you did.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇯🇵I Hear the Sunspot [1/12] - I'm so grateful that I get a new jbl just as I'm mourning the end of the last one. I didn't read this manga but I've watched the film, and I really liked it even if it felt unfinished. Hopefully with 12 episodes it means we get the full story. This was a very good first episode, I feel like we established the main relationships dynamics and got a good insight into the main characters core. Taichi is my new child.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [6/12] - I continue to enjoy this group. Jane turned out to be a great addition instead of what I feared, but Peak really needs to step up so I can keep rooting for him and Thanwa, cause I'm also not a huge fan of the ex coming back as an obstacle for the couple. Latte and Almond are really great together and I'm curious how Almond will deal with his feelings for Latte, when he actually realizes he's having them.
🇹🇭Love Sea [4/12] - Before anything else, I love the ocean and I love when shows get out of the city. Also I like Mut. Now. I'm not a Mame hater. I'm a 'trauma is the only way to write deep characters' hater. I'm also a 'trauma gives you an excuse to be an asshole' hater. But most of all, I'm very much a 'love will fix you' hater. So just don't give me 3 out of 3 and it's fine. Also this last episode, all the talk about money and contracts made me feel some kind of way, although it doesn't seem to bother Mut so... And as much I like having Aya on my screen, Mook is really testing that line between cute and incredibly annoying. I'm not sure how long I'm staying with this one.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [4/12] - So... this is not good. The technical aspects of this are actually bad. Considering the number of sponsors is actually kinda incredible that it's so badly put together. The sound, the lighting, the editing, overall just... not good. Now, the rest. Look I don't want to ruin anybody's fun, so I'll keep watching this one quietly, unless something outrageous happens. But for the record, and this is all I'm gonna say, they are ruining the best parts of these characters and this story, and even if I ignore that (which I can't because it's an adaptation), it's pandering and it's a lazy attempt at recapturing the magic of msp, with a worse script and recycled material. Also I cannot believe they didn't put Atom in a trashing bag.
🇹🇭 My Stand-In [1/12] - For a number of reasons I'm waiting to binge this one. I do love watching the gifs on my dash though, pretty is pretty.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! [9/11] - It's so good. I love them all. This last episode I was close to tears in several parts but the street proposal ended me. It's definitely one of those shows that I'm grateful that I get to watch even if I can't always find the words to talk about it. These characters have my whole heart. [everyone should be watching this and the wonderful @isaksbestpillow has made that possible with her subs. Here is the post with the latest episode. ]
🇹🇭SunsetxVibes [3/12] - It's ridiculous, it's fun, it's cute. Sun is such a simp. Man basically proposed before they were even dating. And yeah the way it started was not amazing, with the lying, but these two actually communicate about their expectations and what they're feeling which is better than a lot of shows right now. And I adore the sides.
🇹🇭The Rebound [2/12] - Everyone is gay and naked. And they play a sport of some kind.
🇹🇭The Trainee [1/12] - OffGun are back! I really liked the set up for this. It's only the first episode but I really like how they are walking the line between the comedy and the seriousness of the workplace. I love a good friend group so I'm looking forward to seeing how the relationships between all the interns grow. Poon is once again playing the silly brainless child of the pack but I don't care, I adore that kid for some reason. And next week we already got Gun crying so what's not to like?
🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday [10/12] - I already talked about my feelings regarding the last episode. I'm here for Oyei/Cher and Plakao. I love Inn and Great, they deliver with the chemistry but the DeeYak storyline is just a mess for me right now. I am also not looking forward to the inevitable redemption of the terrible parental figure.
🇹🇭 We Are [13/16] - The friendships are still great and mainly why I'm watching. I have a really good time watching those scenes. Only 3 episodes left and ChainPun continue to be the tinniest of crumbs. I don't expect much from this couple at this point and I'm a bit disappointed. FangTan are so cute and such good communicators. They are my favourites. QToey are cute. Now, Phum and Peem. Look PondPhuwin are really good at looking at each other like they're the only person in the universe. However. There's only so many times I can enjoy them staring at each other in slow mo. Once per episode oughta be enough I think. Hopefully now that they're actual boyfriends it gets a little less annoying.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de - What an incredible journey. I have to say it has been a while since a show surprised me this much, for the positive. For most of it I wasn't sure where it was gonna go or how it would end or who would be doing the running. The way they played with the show within a show was so well done. I loved the change in pov, which I always love in jbls, but it not only gave us the opportunity to see how Hayama's crush started but also we were allowed to see behind the mask that Hayama had been keeping up. Speaking of. I love him, one of my favourite characters of the year. And Komagine Kiita did an incredible job. I can't wait to watch him again when Tengu returns. If I had to say, the one thing I wish I had was more of Shirasaki's backstory. I wanted to understand better why his self-esteem got that bad. But that ending was great and honestly, I earned it.
🇵🇭Marahuyo Project - Well that was excellent. This show is beautiful. I want to hug them all and walk next to them. I really don't have the words for it right now so just go watch it. Because these characters are incredible and the visuals are stunning. All episodes here.
🇹🇭 Only Boo! - This is getting tiresome. Here it goes. Why? It was so great. They were the cutest shit and I had a smile on my face the entire episode. Even with the singing. It was wholesome and the mains delightful. And then... Heartbreak, time skip, no consequences, unearned happy ending. I mean Moo is a great character still, and Kang is the best boy, but I'm tired.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Mood Indigo (2019) - I liked this one slightly better than the first. I think the visuals are stronger and there are some incredible shots throughout. The sex scenes are some of the best shot that I've ever seen. I love Kijima so even though I'm not always on board with prequels, it was great that we got more insight into him. Obviously we know this relationship was doomed from the start, and Kido has a lot to do with how we find Kijima in the beginning of The Novelist, but I can't help but feel for Kido. He is a mess that is struggling between the expectations that are on him (put there by others but also himself) and the affection and desire he feels for Kijima. And even without watching The Novelist there is always an air that this will not end well. For lack of a better phrase, it just wasn't meant to be. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this series.
Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020) - One of my first thoughts when I was watching this was 'we are using the word unhinged too freely'. Cause Ryoji has little competition on that score. This is not an easy watch. I really liked the way it was shot even if at times that meant my view was too narrow so I couldn't look anywhere else but the 'uglier' parts. In completely different ways they were both stuck in an uncomfortable (yeah that's not really the best word but I can't think of another) place and I could feel that throughout. I'm not sure about the ending but they look happy, so what do I know?
Other - Watched
There's a lot airing so I didn't watch much outside ql. I finished Under the Skin and rewatched a couple of things. My watchlist got longer and I have a bunch of shows that I'll hopefully tackle during my summer holiday in July. Speaking of...
There is a lot coming next month, so here is a post with all the shows that have been announced for July that I updated to include Meet You at the Blossom that was recently announced. New jbl starts tomorrow!!!!
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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scarletttries · 1 year
Romeo Take Me Somewhere We Can Be Alone (Roman Roy Succession Request)
Part Two Available Now!
Pairing: Roman Roy (Succession) x Gender Neutral! Reader
Requests: "Roman x Mattson!reader? Forbidden/secret relationship?" AND "Perhaps some smut for Roman Roy? Maybe Roman being on the more submissive side? Thank you!"
Warnings: Smut, spoilers for the new season.
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: Oh Roman, I'm going to pretend I haven't seen the latest episode so I can continue fancying you without having to think critically about this piece of media 🙃 Thank you to the ABSOLUTE genius that suggested a Mattson! reader, forbidden romance vibe, I loved the request and enjoyed writing this so much, I've gone full Romeo & Juliet! (More like Rome-eo, hahaha I felt like a genius for this). Also this is my first Roman smut so it was a bit of a challenge to try and keep it in the same tone i've written Roman in so far, but I hope you enjoy! As always keep the requests coming :D
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Romey-o take me somewhere we can be alone
"Have you had enough of this little ass-kiss fucky fest yet?" You watched the little bubble pop up on your phone and looked across the party in reflex, scanning the crowd until you saw his smug little smile directed your way. You unlocked your phone to reply, scrolling up to glimpse the hundreds of messages between the two of you since you'd met that day at the woodlands company retreat three weeks ago.
"Problems working with your older brother? I can relate." You stepped out into the night air to find Roman hunched over the railing of the small balcony, hands threading through his hair so firmly he threatened to pull it out in clumps. His shoulders grew a little less tense as your voice washed over him, hands falling to the edge of ledge as he gestured for you to join him.
"So you're the younger Mattson? You could have fooled me, on account of you not being a massive dick." He laughed at the words but it came out hollow, watching his breath form a white wisp in front of his face in the cold night air.
"Thanks, I try my best to be an actual human being. I hear out of all the Roys you're the most favourable to be around too."
He turned his head sharply to really look at you, the sincerity in your tone and the measured kindness of your words catching his attention.
"Oh yeah?" He probed, hoping another almost compliment would fall from your lips before he did something to ruin this moment. Truth was he'd spend half the weekend watching the way you floated through the conference, poised, humble, soft; the antithesis of your brother Lucas. And so he'd avoided you, sure that any moment spent in your presence would only tarnish the shining light you carried so effortlessly.
"I like to think I've got good instincts for people, and I think there's something about you that's different from the rest of your family. And I mean that in a good way." You were thoughtful as you spoke, treading lightly around the slick man in front of you, sure that one wrong move would have him sprinting back inside, spitting venom in his words as he went.
"That's actually pretty nice to hear these days." Roman replied after a pause, now standing squarely to face you, searching your eyes for any hint of deception and mockery and instead finding a tranquility that washed over him in waves as you returned a smile he hadn't realised he was sharing.
"I'm really sorry about your father by the way. And I'm even more sorry that you have to be here right now." You grimaced at your brother's insistence that this weekend go ahead as planned, every ounce of humanity seeming to leave him the moment his bank account saw a certain amount of zeros. Roman nodded at your words, the taste of condolences still unfamiliar and bitter in his mouth, cursing his father for ruining yet another interaction for him, even from beyond the grave. You read his silence for the pain that it was and set your hand gently on top of his where it rested on the railing.
"Well I should go back inside before any of our siblings accuse us of fraternising with the enemy, but it was nice to meet you. I really mean that."
Panic rose up in the back of Roman's throat as you turned to move away, not yet ready for this moment to end, feeling better than he had in weeks. He ignored the voice crying out inside him to stay strong, to isolate himself, to trust no one, and instead caught your rising hand with his.
"Maybe we could fraternise just a little longer.
And so you and Roman had spent an evening sharing in the perils of being a younger sibling in your strange corporate worlds, swapping numbers and an unspoken agreement to keep this from your families as you departed the next day, Roman touching the spot on his cheek you had blessed with a gentle kiss when he snuck into your treehouse to say a real goodbye. And so followed weeks of secret texts and furtive phone calls, pouring out your souls until finally you were back in the same room, parted in a hotel lobby by a sea of political donors and movers and shakers, but feeling only one pair of eyes on you.
"I thought you'd never ask." You sent back in response, locking eyes with him once again and tipping your head toward an emergency exit you had checked led to a service elevator. From opposite sides of the room you each slipped through the crowd, trying your best to be unseen, aware that any of these prying eyes could collapse what you had delicately built with a single passing comment. As you reached the door you did a final scan to ensure there were no Waystar or GoJo members nearby who could catch a glimpse of this subtle rendezvous, before backing through the door yourself.
Roman stood waiting between the open elevator doors, looking almost bashful as you dashed towards him, vanishing into the small metal room as he let the door slide shut behind him.
"Thanks for holding it." You couldn't help the anticipation loaded in your tone, facing Roman and finding him stood barely an inch away from your blushing face.
"I had a feeling we were going to the same floor." He breathed out, eyes wide and hands shaking as they rose to brush either side of your face, the adoration clear in the gentle way his thumbs stroked your cheeks.
Before either of you could think your way out of something good, you leant forward, closing the gap between your lips and sending a whirlwind of warmth and glitter spinning through your bodies, the reunion more than worth the wait. His head bobbed forward to return the gesture, body following the movement until he was pressed entirely against you. It wasn't rough, or frantic, or urgent. It was like deep down you knew you'd be doing this forever, so you had all the time in the world to sweetly caress the nape of his neck, parting his lips for a content sigh that only let you taste more of him.
By the time the lift doors opened on your floor Roman could hardly remember where he began and you ended, unsure how he ever coped being half way across the planet from you, needing to keep you as close as he could for every second you could steal tonight. You could feel it too, the desperate pull of your heart towards him, the air of secrecy that only made you want him more, this forbidden fruit the sweetest you would ever taste.
You could feel his cheeks brush against yours as he fought back a smile at finally having you in his arms, and the physical confirmation you had been feeling this overwhelming chemistry too. He would have berated anyone else for believing in love at first sight, but as you rested your forehead softly against his, feeling the joy emanating between you, he didn't think this could be anything else. When you pushed the jacket free of his shoulders, helping him shrug away the fabric until it crumpled on the floor, he had to stop himself from pulling away. Not because he didn't want this with you. It was really the opposite; he couldn't remember ever feeling this way, ever wanting someone to be so close to him, to feel every part of him, and now he wanted that more than anything with you. But he was scared of being vulnerable, and insecure in his inexperience, completely unsure what real intimacy could even look like.
As you worked through the buttons on his shirt, you could see the gears whirring in his head, the unmistakable fear and excitement of a man that's seen a hard-drive's worth of porn but never felt the touch of a person that genuinely cares about them.
"We can stop?" You offered, pulling your hands away from his shirt, only for him to vigorously shake his head and rip it off himself, a stray button clattering across the floor, disrupting the heavy silence.
"I want to." He insisted, his eyes full of desperate desire as you brought your hands to his now bare chest, his heart hammering in anticipation inside. Unsure of what to do next, Roman firmly grabbed at your ass, voice wavering as he tried to take control, feeling like that should be his role,
"Do you like that, you fucking slut?" Both of your faces seemed to contort in discomfort as the words tumbled out of his mouth, his hand quickly releasing and his eyes clenching shut in embarrassment.
"Sorry Rome, I don't even think you like that?" You questioned softly, bringing your fingertips to sweep delicately over the creases in his forehead, his brow slowly unfurrowing as he blinked his eyes open to see you again.
"Fuck, sorry, I was trying to, you know, talk dirty, be sexy." He waved his hands in a gesture of uncertainty as he spoke, surprised you weren't laughing at him or taking the opportunity to run for the door.
"You know talking doesn't have to be degrading to be sexy?" You replied, the calm, confident smile on your face matched by the alluring look in your eye leaving Roman feeling like a deer in headlights, but praying the car will crash right into him.
"Oh yeah?" He gulped, eyes wide as you nodded, pushing him gently so he could step backwards towards the end of the bed. He let himself drift in your current as your touch laid him backwards, every wave of contact soothing his nerves.
"Can I show you?" You breathed in his ear, settling your thighs either side of his legs, feeling all the more powerful for being fully dressed as his bare chest heaved beneath you.
"Please." He begged softly, letting his eyes flutter shut as your lips found his again, fingers tracing a path down his stomach until they reached his belt.
"I'm so glad I got to see you tonight." You sighed against his lips as you began to undo the buckle, feeling his hips twitch, reacting to even the slightest touch. His head leant forward, trying to chase your lips as you spoke, needy for the taste of your kiss as you released the zip and buttons in your way.
"Me too." He eventually sighed out as your lips moved out of his reach, mapping a course across his cheek until you reached the edge of his jaw, applying a little more pressure until you heard the low rumble of moan escape his lips.
"I like hearing you enjoy yourself." You purred, confidence building as he relaxed against your touch, submitting to your control, putty in your hands. Marking a sweet constellation of kisses over his neck you slowly slipped your hand inside his boxers, running one finger over the length of him and feeling him buck up to meet your touch. Roman had never felt both so excited and so relaxed at the same time, never this comfortable with someone exploring his body before, but feeling like he wanted to give every inch over to your control, sure your loving touch could put all the broken pieces of him back together.
You wrapped your hand around his hard length, pumping over him a few times to gage his reaction. His eyebrows scrunched down towards his nose, lips parting as a moan seemed to reverberate through his whole body.
"Does that feel good?" Your tone was sweet, if not a little teasing, sucking on a spot on his throat that seemed to leave him barely able to spit out an 'uh-uh' in response.
"Good, I want to make you feel good, Roman. Will you let me make you feel good?" You praised, bobbing your head down to his chest and picking up the pace of your rubbing hand. Ability to think and speak quickly surrendered, Roman just nodded, for once unable to think of a quippy comeback and just enjoying someone else taking control and being with him so intimately. He'd touched himself like this hundreds of times, thinking cruel, perverse little thoughts the whole time until he was left sitting in a puddle of his own self-contempt. But with you it felt like something new entirely, something positive, and warm, and with each soft praise and gentle kiss that poured from your lips and landed squarely on his chest he could feel his heart lifting, thinking maybe there's a reason he'll only ever thought of it as 'fucking' and not 'making love'.
Your lips drifted down to his chest, gingerly placing a kiss on one nipple and smiling at the way he squirmed under you, eyes now staring down at you in full adoration like you were the most wondrous miracle he could have dreamt of. You could feel his cock starting to twitch in your hand, cooing over him again, sure this wouldn't be the last time the two of you spend a night hiding in the sheets together.
"You're doing so well, Roman. Good boy."
"You feel - so - good." He panted out, the praise bringing him close to the edge before he could really think enough to stop it. Ignoring your own desire stirring up inside your stomach, you gripped your hand on him a little firmer, leaving the other to trace faint circles over his chest, the lingering damp of your kisses only making him more sensitive. Crashing your lips back against his you swallowed his moan before breathing out,
"Cum for me, Rome, please." His lips pressed hard against yours as his hips started to shake, unable to hold back for a second longer and spilling hot white ropes across his stomach, almost whimpering at his sensitive release, overstimulated but still whining the second you released your grip.
His hands reached up to capture your face, somehow trying to portray a lifetime's worth of gratitude and affection in a single overwhelming kiss, before finally releasing you to breathe. As you rose up onto your knees, surveying the smiling fool of a man lying beneath you, you couldn't help but laugh at the state of both of your suit trousers, marred with streaks of sticky white.
"We might need to hide up here for a while until we get cleaned up and dried off, or this might be hard to explain."
"You don't think we could say two seperate waiters happen to get lucky?" Roman rebuffed, pulling a disgusted face as he wiped a finger over the fluid pooling on his stomach.
"Or one waiter got very lucky?" You suggested with a smile, Roman using every ounce of remaining strength to sit up until his lips could find their way to yours.
"No-one's that lucky, so I guess we better stay hidden. I reckon there's a lot more stuff you could show me anyway." Roman's eyes drifted down your body eagerly, wondering exactly what else he'd been missing by never trying it with the right person.
"You don't think the party will miss us?" You teased, pretending to bat away his eager hands.
"What party?" He scoffed, letting you capture him by the wrists and pulling you back to lie with him, falling so you pinned his wrists either side of him, a position he was more than happy to end up in.
"What about our families?" You couldn't help the worried tinge in your voice as you remembered the seemingly insurmountable barrier that stood between yours and Roman's lives. With unusual sincerity he gazed up into your eyes and said softly,
"Fuck 'em, you're my family now."
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
Hey there's something you might wanna know
George Cubbins/Karim from Lockwood and Co. is aroace :D
It's not openly stated or anything but like c'mon its obvious as shit
For example, in the last episode of the show George is helping Lockwood walk after he got injured and says "This is so touchy-feely." And you might think thats just his autism or something BUT THEN Lockwood replies "It's a medical necessity, George, it doesnt mean a thing."
Hey! Thank you so much for the recommendation^^
Personally, I haven't touched upon it much in my latest post but I'm pretty strict with what I consider rep and if asexuality or aromanticism isn't explicitly named in the story, or at the very least laid on very very very veeeeeeery thick with no possibility AT ALL to interpret it any other way (but really mostly... Yeah explicitly named), I don't consider it actual representation. (On that note, no, mere Twitter-or-Tumblr-confirmations don't count as proper representation to me either, if you have to go to a social medium to know about more things that "are in the show" then they're not really "in the show", are they.)
The reason is I think a- people who watch the series and don't know what asexuals or aromantics are won't know any better if it's not named, and b- I actually trust society on that so little that I doubt most writers even know what asexuals or aromantics are, OR if they do, CARE about representing them at all, so unless it's actually named, I'll mostly come to the conclusion that it's done by accident. In short... Maybe it's obvious to US who recognize ourselves in that orientation but to the average person, characters that only exhibit traits of asexuality and aromanticism without it being explicitly named are "haha so quirky" and kinda nothing more.
Basically we're at a point where asexuality and aromanticism are not public knowledge enough yet for mere hints to count as rep imo. Which is tricky because mere hints are enough for most orientations, but... I don't think the knowledge about us is there yet to the point that it'd be enough.
But... Yeah that's my take on it, and I AM pretty strict about those things, so I don't mean to ruin that for others if that's enough for them TwT Cus regardless it can be pretty great to recognize oneself in a character. So this is pretty good to know for people who don't need the orientation being named for it to count as rep in their book! So thank you for that^^
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
Gala Daze DPxDC
“What a great idea Vladdie!” 
“I don’t know Jack…” 
“Oh I assure you, my dear Maddie that Daniel will be perfectly safe with me. I won’t let him out of my sight for a moment.” 
“Come on Maddie, it would be a perfect opportunity for our Danno to bump elbows with some rich bigwigs!” 
“Well maybe he can talk to them about getting some funding for ghost extermination. Very well Vlad. You can take Danny to Gotham.”
Danny was disassociating. While not entirely a new state of being, a dissociative episode had never lasted this long for him. He had been fully checked out from his body ever since the flight from Amity Park to Gotham. He had been thinking about turning intangible and just letting the plane fly through him so he could go home, when Vlad had leaned over to him to whisper in his ear. Vlad said if Danny stepped even one toe out of line, or did anything to embarrass him, Vlad would overshadow as many people as it took to ensure that Jazz was turned down by every college she applied to. He would ruin her entire future if Danny did even one thing wrong. 
Danny had started disassociating after that. 
His parents had done a lot to hurt him and Jazz. Usually the harm the elder Fentons did to their children was either accidental or unknowing. Like when Jazz was sick for days after the Thanksgiving dinner where Dad tried to fry the turkey in ectoplasm or like when they shot Danny when he was out as Phantom. 
However this time there was no excuse for them hurting their kids. If they ever listened to their children they would know that Danny hated Vlad and Jazz didn’t trust him. The kids had said over and over again for years that they didn’t like Vlad, but no! Uncle Vladdie could do no wrong! Danny and Jazz were just making things up for attention. 
Ancients, Danny hoped that he could keep his nose clean for the trip, he didn’t want to be responsible for Jazz having to give up her dreams of getting into an Ivy League school. He had lost huge swaths of time. He barely remembered leaving the airport and the next time he was cognizant they were heading to the gala in the tailored suits Vlad had ordered. 
Fortunately Vlad loved nothing more than the sound of his own voice, not even Danny or his mom. So he was more than happy to talk to the people around them about Danny and any time someone asked Danny a question he would be the one to answer instead. Vlad kept his hand either on Danny’s shoulder or on the back of his neck at all times so he couldn’t even slip away. 
Now he was talking to some rich fruitloop who kept trying to engage Danny in conversation. Brucie? Wait? Bruce Wayne? Yeah the guy was rich but why would Vlad go out of his way to introduce Danny to this airhead? 
“Well, yes, my son Damian does have many interests, but I can’t say that any of them have to do with NASA's latest satellite.” Mr. Wayne was saying in response to something Vlad had said. Ah. That made sense. Vlad wanted to brag, shove his superiority into Mr. Wayne’s face. Brucie turned to address Danny. “Tell me Daniel, what do you know about NASA's deep space satellite?”
“Uh, I prefer Danny actually, Mr. Wayne.” Danny said. Mr. Wayne’s eyebrows rose marginally considering those were his first words during this conversation. “And I-”
“Yes, Daniel really is attached to that childish nickname, isn’t he?” Vlad spoke up again. “Really Brucie, you would think children would grow up at some point. We should discuss this more over a game of golf next week…”
Danny let Vlad’s words wash over him again. The worst thing about Vlad was he really knew how to push Danny’s buttons. Of course he would bring up the new satellite only to show off to his rich rival, then not even let Danny talk about it. And then insulting him for his name! Prick!
He tried to avoid looking at Brucie’s concerned face. Obviously he was a socialite and knew all about the proper behavior for galas, and Vlad probably wasn’t meeting those social rules. There was a small part of Danny’s chaos-gremlin brain that wanted to say something seemingly innocuous but super sus if you thought about it. Nothing would make Danny happier than getting Vlad investigated for something stupid like tax fraud, but he couldn’t risk Jazz’s career just for spite. Or gremlin urges. 
Vlad moved his hand from Danny’s shoulder down to his lower back. Danny did everything he could to keep the snarl he wanted to make at that action from coming out. He still couldn’t help the full body shudder that shook his frame for a fraction of a second. Vlad shot him a look filled with malice and promised pain so Danny reigned himself back in and put his attention firmly on the floor in front of him. 
Danny clenched his fists, driving his nails into his own palms. He was sure he was bleeding, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t do anything. He hated feeling powerless. You would think that after the portal accident and him gaining actual real powers the feeling would be far more rare, except it happens far too often and he hated it. His hands were shaking with rage and suppressed desire to punch Vlad right in his smug, manipulative, fruit-loop face. 
He chanced a glance up just in time to see a girl melt out of the shadows near the wall. If he didn’t know better he would say she was a ghost with how easily she was able to appear. But she definitely wasn’t a ghost. Perhaps a touch liminal, but not a ghost. And she was watching him. 
Danny tilted his head slightly to get a better look at her and she tilted her head to match. Her eyes flicked to the two adults for only a fraction of a second to confirm they were still engaged in whatever conversation they were having, then her hand came up and she signed for letters in what Danny recognized as ASL. 
“R U O K.” 
She merely looked the question at him. He risked a peak at Vlad, but he was focused on trying to strong arm Brucie into meeting for a golf match and some private drinks. Other than his thumb rubbing circles into the small of Danny’s back he wasn’t paying any attention to him. Danny looked back at the girl who was watching him intently. He gave the smallest shake of his head he could, hoping that Vlad wouldn’t notice. The girl nodded and slipped effortlessly back into the shadows, all but disappearing from view. 
Several more minutes went by of mindless conversation with Mr. Wayne seemingly had given up on trying to get Danny to answer questions. He let his mind drift again to his beloved stars as he began naming the stars in biggest constellations visible in the night sky. 
For a while Danny thought that nothing would come of the mystery girl who had checked on him, until a crash echoed across the hall from the entrance of the gala hall. Vlad finally released Danny’s shoulder to whirl to face the noise. Then to his surprise, Mr. Wayne turned as well to put himself in between Danny and the crash, effectively hiding him from Vlad. At first he thought that was just serial adopter Brucie Wayne’s first gut instinct in a crisis, putting his body between a threat and the nearest black haired kid. 
However, immediately after Mr. Wayne stepped in front of him, two kids appeared out of the crowd, grabbed Danny’s shoulders and started to drag him away. He recognized the asian girl who had signed to him, and the other was, even more surprisingly, Damian Freaking Wayne! That meant that the other girl must be Cassandra Wayne! Sam had made sure Danny knew all the Waynes before the topic of the gala had even come up. Apparently the Waynes were the only people who made the events her parents dragged her to worth it. 
Damian and Cassandra maneuvered through the crowd so effortlessly Danny had to take a moment to check if they were using intangibility. The trio weaved through as the noise behind them got even louder until they pulled him into a back room of the hall where a very tired looking Timothy Drake-Wayne was already there on his laptop. He looked up at Danny in confusion for a second before returning his attention to the computer in front of him. 
“Don’t worry, that noise was just the chandelier in the entrance hall falling. Apparently it couldn’t take Dick’s weight.” Timothy, actual real CEO of Wayne enterprises said. Tucker would be losing his mind right now. 
Cassandra settled Danny into a chair while Damian marched up to Timothy. Danny could finally take a moment to look properly at the Waynes. All three of them wore elegant, likely name brand suits. Timothy was wearing a plain white shirt under his suit jacket while Cassandra and Damian wore black on black suits, though Damian’s did have some green highlights at the lapels and pockets. Timothy looked like his eye bags had eye bags, which Danny could relate to. 
“Father ordered you not to work for the night of the Gala.” Damian snapped. When Timothy didn’t dignify that with a response the youngest Wayne turned back to face Danny. “Vladimir Masters escorted you to the gala tonight.” 
Danny couldn’t help but snort. 
“What a polite way of phrasing that.” He said with a dark chuckle. 
“Would it be more accurate to call you his hostage?” Timothy asked from his chair, where he was still focusing on his computer screen and whatever it was he was working on. 
That brought Danny up short. He tried to stutter out a denial, but Damian quickly spoke over him. 
“Has he hurt you? Threatened you or someone you care about?” Damian demanded. 
“N-no!  He would never lay a finger on me!” Danny was quick to say, trying to project as much confidence as possible. Cassandra moved her flat hand in line across her face. Damian glanced at her and his eyes narrowed at Danny. 
“You don’t have to lie to protect him. We can protect you, our family has resources.” 
Danny shook his head over and over again. 
“I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it.” He had to repeat himself, the phrase trapping themselves in his mind as he kept saying it over and over again. 
If he told them what Vlad had done to him, Vlad would ruin Jazz’s entire life. He already regularly tried to kill his father, but there was no telling what he would do to Jazz. Danny couldn’t tell them about being thrown into walls during his fights with Plasimus, or the clones Danny had watched melt in his arms under Vlad’s uncaring eye. He almost jumped out of his skin when a hand came to rest on his shoulder. 
While he was panicking, Damian had withdrawn, visibly uncertain about how best to approach him. Cassandra and Timothy had come closer, Cassandra had her hand on his shoulder providing a calm, steadying presence. Timothy had closed his laptop and scooted forward his attention now fully on Danny. He made some motion to the others that seemed to symbolize that he was going to be taking point. 
“You’re not from Gotham originally, is that right?” When Danny nodded he continued. “We have some heroes here in Gotham. Believe it or not, we Waynes get kidnapped a lot, get rescued a lot. We know some of the Bats, they could help you.” 
Danny was already shaking his head again. 
“No, no no! That’s even worse. The worst thing that can happen if you Waynes help me is Brucie gives Vlad WE for pennies on the dollar and Vlad gets even richer. But if you get Batman involved, then he could have a man inside the JL. He could turn them against the people, use them as a tool to take over whatever he wants. He could overthrow the Ghost King…”
Now Danny was really panicking. He had muttered the last bit, terror carving its way through him. It would be like the absolute worst of the fight with Pariah Dark and Dan all over again. Danny would have to fight, and maybe kill the Justice League to stop him. If he won, he would have to eradicate Earth’s heroes, and if he lost Vlad would become King of the Infinite Realms. 
“You are talking about mind control.” Damian said, his eyes wide.
“No! Not mind control. Overshadowing. Humans call it possession.” Danny was rambling now. Desperately trying to convince these silly rich people not to get involved. Danny was a lost cause, he couldn’t be helped. All he could do was keep his head down long enough for Jazz to get into her college of choice. The Waynes glanced at each other nervously for a moment and Damian pulled his phone from his pocket. 
“I think I need to make a call.” 
Danny snapped his head up, his attention on the far wall as his breath came out in a foggy puff, like he had just walked into a freezer. He didn't know it but his eyes were blazing green at that moment. 
“It’s too late now.” 
The Waynes all step back or slouch against their chairs. Only a second later the door to their room snaps open, Vlad furious, his once spotless suit now covered in red wine and assorted finger foods. His eyes burned red with rage as he locked onto Danny. Timothy immediately stood to his feet. 
“Ah, Mr. Masters.” Vlad pulled himself back from his rage with difficulty to acknowledge the young CEO. “We were just coming out to look for you. Your ward was grabbed by our security team. Small case of mistaken identity. It's standard procedure during these sorts of events to get my brothers and sister to safety in the event of another terrorist attack. Or worse a Joker attack. Thankfully it seems everything is under control. You may take your charge now.” 
Timothy brushed past Vlad without another comment. Damian glared at him, but he glared at everyone, while Cassandra just stared at Vlad, unblinking, like some kind of demonic cat. Her complete lack of reaction obviously weirded Vlad out even more than Damian’s aggression. 
“Oh I’ll do that.” He grabbed Danny’s arm hard enough to bruise. “Come Daniel. We’re leaving.” 
Danny turned away from the Waynes as he was dragged out the door. He didn’t want to face their pity. At least he did a good enough job convincing them that they can’t help him. Now he just had to last long enough to get back home again. He let himself checkout, ignoring Vlad’s crushing grip on his arm as he dragged from the gala and back to the hotel. 
When Danny next checked in with his body it was to Vlad screaming in his face and burning pain in his body. In Vlad’s furious race out of the Gala after his humiliation he had pulled Danny’s arm out of his socket. And to emphasize his points Vlad would hit him with ecto fire, each hit destroying more of his once nice suit and leaving burns on his body. 
“You think you can just toy with me in front of these richest elite? I will make your life hell! I will make your sister’s life hell! She’ll be lucky to make a living on the street corners of a shit hole like this!” He gestured out to the window, which Danny belatedly realized was open. “I just don’t understand why you make me do this to you, Daniel. Little Badger, you are forcing my hand and I-”
He shrieked as a batarang whipped from the open window. The lights in the hotel room flickered for a second and Batman, Robin and Orphan were standing in the room when the lights returned. Vlad turned to them, furious that they would interrupt. 
“Vladimir Masters. We have some questions for you.” Batman growled. 
“No! I think you’ll find Batman, that I have some questions for you!” Vlad’s eyes flared red. Danny tried to stop him but he was backhanded away
Vlad floated into the air as his ghost transformation rolled over his body. He reached out to grab Batman but before he could several things happened at once. First and most shockingly, Robin drew a katana and cut off Plasmius’ hand at the wrist. Then several voices shouted out at once.
“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”
“Dnib siht tirips ot sti ydob!” 
“Puer iste spiritus maxime!”
Chains of gold, purple and blazing fire wrapped around Plasmius again and again. The chains dragged him down to the ground even as he snarled and swore at them. A man in a trench coat, a woman in a long black cloak and an actual stage magician appeared in the room, magic sparking at their fingertips. Cassandra had bypassed the battle completely to come to Danny's side, though she did still have her weapons in her hands. Batman turned to address him, ignoring Vlad’s continued vitriol in the middle of the arcane trap. 
“You’re safe now Danny. You don’t have to worry about him hurting you ever again. This I swear.” Batman said, his voice just as serious as it ever was, and for the first time in his life, Danny felt like he could actually believe it when someone told him he was safe. He collapsed to his knees, shuddering sobs shaking his body. He was safe, Jazz was safe from Vlad’s machinations. Maybe this nightmare could finally be over. 
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 1 month
Lost In Translation | Pt1
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The JYPE cafeteria was buzzing with the usual midday rush. Groups of idols from various departments mingled, chatting and laughing, their voices creating a lively hum that filled the room.
You, soon to be known to the public as Dulce, walked into in the midst of this lively atmosphere with your soon to debut group, Sol y Sombra.
There was only four of you, two guys and two girls, which made you slightly uneasy; as you guys would be setting a new precedent in the company as not only a co-ed group; but as a completely foreign group; and as JYPE's first fully Latin American group.
What had started out with the intent to make a fully Latin girl group had become a co-ed venture. One that the company hoped would gain a lot of attention and positive traction; and based on the reaction during and even after the survival show- it was.
As you walked in beside your group members the conversations nearest to you died down slightly.
You looked up at your older members, but they continued to chat animatedly, not noticing the quieted conversations or the wide-eyed lingering stares.
You figured if your members weren't bothered, you wouldn't be either.
The array of colors from the different foods to the colors of the walls and clothes made it feel like a vibrant kaleidoscope of activity. And for a second it reminded you of home.
Your leader - Marz - led you to a long table by a window; where the sun was beating down the brightest. You watched as the other girl in the group, Vega, who you had already latched on to and deemed your older sister - (to which she gladly held that title) - sat down next to him and smiled outside at the sun.
"Mm. I miss the sun." She murmured her eyes shut, and her glossed lips upturned. "I miss the beach too."
"There are beaches here, no?" The last member, Jax, your lead dancer asked as he sat down next to you, slinging his arm over your chair lazily as he bit into an apple with a slight face at the sourness.
"Si, pero no es el mismo." She quipped sticking her tongue out. (Yes, but it's not the same)
The conversation soon switched to Vega was animatedly discussing the latest drama series she’d been watching while Marz chimed in with his own thoughts on the plot twists.
"I wasn't expecting him to wake up from the coma. I was sad when it first happened, pero, then I was like 'esto está bien'! Like she could end up with that other guy, pero, then he woke up and didn't remember shit, yet she still was like 'oh I love you'." Vega angrily stabbed a piece of sald onto her fork. "I was rooting for the other guy! And this all happened in the first three episodes! There are thirteen left what am I supposed to expect!"
"Expect her to end up with the first male lead after four miscommunications, seven almost confessions, three breakups, and like two or more almost near-death experiences, one revealing of some like conglomerate royalty and some salty bitch who is in it to ruin everything. If you're lucky maybe you got one of the dramas with like a time rewind." Marz said as he shoved an entire sandwich into his mouth. "K-Dramas are all like that. Kinda like Telenovelas, but not-" He said around his mouth full of food.
"Oye, estamos bajo la mirada pública, no seas un cerdo." You watched (aye, we're under the public gaze, don't be a pig.) as Marz slunk away from the older girl's slap.
"No uses, Vega, él nació y creció siendo uno." You commented. (No use Vega, he was born and raised one)
Marz pouted and stole a piece of melon off your plate. "Oye, soy tu superior, ¿no deberías darme un poco de respeto?" (Hey, I'm your senior shouldn't you give me a little respect?)
You giggled as he stole another piece of melon off your plate and popped it into your mouth.
"Hey!" You said reaching over the table to steal something off of his plate.
That started a small food war between you and Marz, with Vega trying to calm you guys down due to the increase of onlookers, and Jax just sat back and picked off of your plate as well, stealing the bottle of Tajin you had snuck in from your pocket and using it to sprinkle it across the fruit array.
You didn't notice the plethora of eyes on you guys, as Vega conceded and started join in on the fun.
A pair of narrow fox like eyes narrowed in one your group, then trailed towards the reddish sprinkles he had witnessed one of the guys sprinkle on his fruits like some sort of drug.
By the time you sat down, and the conversation ebbed back to something calmer, you felt the stare.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed a guy standing by the entrance of the cafeteria, where your table was somewhat close to, his gaze fixed on you guys. He looked a bit unsure, shifting from foot to foot as he watched you and your group. You could tell he was intrigued, possibly even a little intimidated by the vibrant energy and the rapid switch between languages.
You recognized him as the maknae of Stray Kids, Yang Jeongin.
You're cheeks flamed and you turned towards your friends.
"¿Qué pasa? You look feverish." Marz said, a hint of concern coating his voice. He was almost five years older than you, and even though he teased you he loved and cared for you deeply as if you were his biological little sister.
Vega's eyes widened and turned to you and Jax placed the back of his hand on your forehead then cheeks.
"I'm not sick!" You whined pulling away from him. "It's just that the Yang Jeongin- like from my absolute favorite group every was looking over here."
"That's incorrect he is actually walking over here-"
"¿¡QUÉ?!?!" You squealed and turned around just to be met with a sheepish smile.
Jeongin took a step closer but hesitated, not sure if your guys cultural norms were extremley different; he didn't want to do anything to offend you. You noticed his uncertainty and gave a friendly wave.
“¡Hola, Jeongin! ¿Te gustaría venir a sentarte con nosotros?”
Jax pinched your side, subtly warning you about the way you addressed your superiors.
"I don't think you're supposed to use first names, idiot". He whispered under his breath.
"It's not like he understood." You whispered back.
Jeongin blinked, momentarily caught off guard. And not understanding any of what you had just said.
"She's asking if you'd like to sit with us." Marz corrected, giving a friendly head nod.
As Jeongin made his way over, he couldn’t help but glance around, noting how the members of your group interacted. Vega, Marz, and Jax were all welcoming, but there was an evident shift in the atmosphere when Jeongin approached. The chatter dipped slightly, and you could sense the curiosity and the subtle tension in the air.
But you all seemed extremely friendly, inviting and warm, nonetheless.
He bowed slightly, as you got up and pulled out the chair next to you.
“¡Claro!” you exclaimed with a bright smile. “¡Ven, siéntate!”
Jeongin took the seat trying to appear casual despite his evident nervousness.
"U-Um, h-hi! I'm I.N... or uh...me-me lla...llam..."
"Me llamo?" Jax asked with a bored expression.
"Uh, we speak English, if that helps!" Vega said warmly, shooting a eyes and lip look at Jax which instantly made him fix his face.
“Oh, um, if it’s okay…” He said shyly. He then continued. “I saw you guys when I walked in...and I don't know if it's rude in your culture but I thought I would come say hello and welcome.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
You shook your head. "No! It's not rude at all! We love meeting new people! Especially people who we will be seeing around, pero, I didn't expect the first person I met at JYP to be you! Es literalmente un sueño hecho realidad. My heart nearly stopped cuando te vi por primera vez pero dios mio in person you're..." You shook your head. "Incredible!"
Jeongin's eyes were wide, but he was smiling. "You switch between languages so quickly, haha." He said gesturing his hands slightly. "I don't know if I could do the same, haha."
"It's not that hard, especially when you've grown up speaking both, preo, it's probably going to be difficult to learn Korean. Vega wants us all to learn even though we don't have to."
Marz tilted his head. "It's beneficial, tonta." You stuck your tongue out.
"Yeah, well it's still hard."
"Just like me-"
"Aye, Jax, para, para." Vega said cutting him off. She turned to Jeongin. "Lo sient- Sorry. They're all kids." She said through her teeth. "But it really is a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you're aware of the impact your group has on trainees and the like." Her words came out extremley fast, to anyone who wasn't used to a rapid manner of speech; it would almost seem as if she was saying gibberish.
Jeongin smiled and laughed nervously, taking a minute to process. "Ah, yeah yeah!" He said giving two thumbs up. "Yes, yes, Chan-Hyung loves Spanish!"
You smiled, appreciating his attempt to connect. “Sí, Chan siempre ha estado interesado en la cultura española. Es un gran admirador.” (Yes, Chan has always been interested in Spanish culture. He’s a big fan.) You clapped once excitedly. "Maybe we can do a collab one day!" You smiled again, and Jeongin felt a warmth rise in his chest and couldn't help but smile back.
She's like Felix-hyung. Pure sunshine-
Marz reached to grab another piece of fruit off your plate and you quickly slapped his hand, uttering a stream of sharp and grumpy sounding words that Jeongin didn't grasp in the slightest bit.
Ah. Feisty like Seungmin-Hyung as well.
Jax, who had been quietly observing, leaned in slightly. “We’re pretty used to switching between languages; and it's not that we intend to leave people out it's just habitual for us- so don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything translated.” He said gripping and leaning around your chair to Jeongin.
Jeongin chuckled awkwardly. “Thanks. I don’t know much Spanish, so that would be really helpful. By the way, what are your names. And positions?”
Marz spoke up first. "I'm Matthew Hernandez, but my stage name is Marz. I'm the leader of Sol y Sombra." Jeongin's eyebrows raised out how fluidly the accented words flew off of his tongue. "I am also the main rapper."
"I'm Annaliz Vega. But I just go by Vega. I'm the visual and main vocalist, and Mom of the group." She gave a dazzling smile and waved happily.
"Jackson Ximenez. Or Jax. Main dancer and Sub-vocalist."
Jeongin's eyes light up. "Ah, vocals?"
Jax nods. "Yeah, I can rap but this one right here is better." He flicked your head and you questioned him with a look.
You nodded enthusiastically. "Sí, pero, you didn't need to flick my head." You turned back to the Stray Kids maknae. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, but you'll probably just hear me called Dulce. Which is candy, or sweet, depends on dialect." You rambled. "But I'm the lead rapper and maknae." You smiled putting up a finger. "But I'm feisty so, don't let my name fool you completely- ¡Aye! ¡Jackson Joaquin Garcia Ximenez e juro por Jesús, María y José que si no dejas de pincharme, te voy a reordenar los dedos en una obra de arte moderno!" (Hey! Jackson Joaquin Garcia Ximeneze I swear to Jesus, Mary and Joseph if you do not stop poking me I'll rearrange your fingers into a work of modern art!)
Jeongin laughed and then spoke. “Yeah, I’m the youngest in our group too,” Jeongin said, his voice lightening with the shared experience.
You nodded as you turned back to your plate of fruit, frowning when you realized it was almost gone, but hadn't noticed Marz had slipped away to grab you some more, placing it down in front of you with a light head pat.
"Comer." He said, as you were already sprinkling Tajin all over it.
"It’s interesting, though. We usually hear a lot about other groups, but not so much about you guys. It’s a bit intimidating now." He let out another nervous chuckle.
You tilted your head, curious. "Intimidating?" You forked a piece of fruit into your mouth and looked at him as you chewed.
His eyes trailed down to the fruit.
What is that...it looks good...is it rude if I ask for some?
He scratched his head, trying to find the right words and rid the thought of asking a stranger to try some of their food. "Well, yeah. You guys are very beautiful people, and it’s… it’s kind of intimidating because you’re so different from what we’re used to seeing." He paused and then got flustered. "I don't mean that in a mean way- it's just different! We don't get many foreigners here. Now that sounds bad- again you guys don't look weird you're just very different from what we are used to! It's nice though! You are all very very pretty!" He laughed nervously and mumbled what you figured was a curse in Korean.
He was kind of cute when he was embarrassed.
"It's okay you don't have to apologize." Vega assured. "We know what you mean. And there isn't anything wrong! It's made sense even though it's hard to translate that into words pero you did a great job!"
Jeongin shook his head. "Sorry, it came out weird. It's just cool to meet new people we may get to work with and become friends with. I'm sure my other members want to meet you as well! To be honest, I came to the cafeteria cause I heard Channie-Hyung say the new group was here. Some of our songs have a little Spanish in them, but he wanted to wait and ask if maybe you guys would work with us in the future. But he got busy so I thought I'd spy."
You guys all laughed, his face growing more red. "But now I sound stupid. And I'm still intimidated."
Marz laughed softly, breaking the ice. "Oh, don’t worry, Jeongin." We’re really friendly once you get to know us. He paused. "Although, we aren't very in tune with honorifics...is there something we should be calling you?"
He shook his head. "No, no, I think you might be older than me so I should be showing you respect. Not that I'm calling you old- I mean I just figure you seem older than me but not by a lot maybe a year or two-"
"I'm 25, so yes. You're okay though no pressure."
Jeongin nodded, though he still looked slightly unsure. “I hope so. I didn’t mean to make it sound like…”
"No offense taken!" you interjected, your tone warm and reassuring. "We know it’s a bit of a cultural shift for both parties. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."
Jax, sensing Jeongin’s discomfort, gave him a friendly smile. "You’re doing great. Just relax, and we’ll all get along just fine, Nerviosito."
Jeongin tilted his head.
"Yay! You got your nickname!" You giggled, turning back to your snack. "It's because you've been getting flustered and are a nervous wreck. We tend to give nicknames like that. But it's okay because it is all in endearment." You said holding your hand over your heart like it was an oath.
Jeongin nodded, and as you had subtly noticed before, his gaze had drifted towards the sprinkled fruit.
You giggled. "Would you like to try some? You've been eyeing it, pero, you never asked so I didn't know if it was in distaste or curiosity."
"What is it?"
"Tajin." You said pushing the plate towards him and nodding at him encouragingly. He hesistated but then grabbed a piece, and popping the entire thing in his mouth. He chewed for a second and his eyes widened and he chewed faster, already reaching for another.
"Es bueno, ¿verdad?" You chuckled. Jeongin understood the word bueno and nodded happily.
The conversation shifted to more simple territory as you and Jeongin and your group members started discussing common interests. Jeongin mentioned how he was fascinated by different cultures and how he enjoyed learning new things from his international colleagues, and was exited to see more joining. You all shared some anecdotes about life in back at your homes and how it contrasted with your new experiences in Korea.
Throughout the conversation, you couldn’t help but notice the way Jeongin’s awkwardness gradually melted away. He was genuinely interested and made an effort to engage with each of you. It was clear that he was trying his best to navigate this new environment, and his sincerity was endearing, and you hoped this was the start of an amazing friendship.
As the meal progressed, you continued to switch between English and Spanish, with Jeongin listening intently, and Jax providing translation when you didn't catch yourself switching and failed to translate. Vega and Marz kept the conversation lively, occasionally throwing in their own comments in Spanish, which you would then translate for Jeongin if Jax didn't beat you to it.
Towards the end of the break, Jeongin seemed much more at ease. He had become more engaged in the conversation and even started to make jokes, his initial awkwardness replaced by a genuine interest and enjoyment of the company. You could tell that he had begun to see past the initial intimidation and was starting to appreciate the unique dynamics of your group, and was even talking to you as if you had known each other for longer than an hour.
"At this rate you guys are gonna be the most loved friendship in the industry." Vega joked as she started to rid up her plate.
"MaknaeS on top." Jeongin said, causing everyone to break out into laughter.
"Ah, Jeongin-Ah we were looking all over for you." You look up to see Bangchan standing behind Jeongin. He then noticed just with who Jeongin was sitting and conversing with.
"Oh, oh! Hola!" Chan said bowing slightly. "Um, me llamo es Chris-"
"Hyung, they speak English." Jeongin said with the bored expression he had already mastered from Jax, slinging his arm over your chair now that Jax's vacated it.
"Oh, well. Hello, I'm Chris. Or Chan. Or Bangchan." He "hehe"ed and squeezed I.N.'s shoulders lovingly. "Its an absolute pleasure to meet you."
Marz stood up and held his hand out to shake. "The pleasure is ours." They shook their hands firmly.
"So, I see Innie has made some new friends then."
You all nodded. And Jeongin introduced everyone.
"That's Marz. Their leader and main rapper. Vega, visual and vocalist. Jax, main dancer and sub-vocalist, and Dulce the maknae-" You gave each toher a fist bump and salute, Chan chuckling at the secret handshake and friendship you guys had formed so quickly. "And the lead rapper."
Chan's eyebrows raised. "I'd love to hear you rap sometime! It would be so cool if we could have a collab and like a rap verse in Spanish-"
"CHAN-HYUNG!" A loud booming voice was heard, and you turned to see another member of Stray Kids making their way towards his leader. "Seungmin and Felix blew a fuse during their cooking live and now theres a mess because the blender-" He stopped when he noticed it wasn't just him and Chan and Jeongin.
You smiled and waved, and Changbin felt his heart thump wildly at the moment.
He looked around the table to all the ranges of smiles, more closed lipped smiles from Jax and Marz, and wide ones from you and Vega.
His eyes made there way back to you though, the one he had saw first.
She's beautiful...
Chan sighed. "Next time, can you or Minho supervise them during their cooking. I don't trust Hyunjin or Jisung, I feel like for some reason that would be even worse than just leaving Lix and Seungmin alone together." He nodded his head at your group. "Sorry for the early exit, it was lovely meeting you. I do hope you'll come stop by so we can talk more?" He inquired.
Marz nodded. "Yeah, most defintley. We'll be dropping our official debut soon, so it'd be nice to have some Tiktok or Instagram collaborations if it's alright with you and your members."
Chan nodded. "For sure, if your group is anything like what the survival show was like, or what has been going around the company you'll be having people queued up for collabs. Just as long as we're first." He hehe'ed again. "I'm sure Minho is itchy for some more dance inspiration and all the Latin types of dance are beautiful."
Jeongin got up reluctanlty but handed you his phone. "Your number."
"Oh, for sure!" You typed in your number and handed it back to Jeongin; he quickly changed your contact name.
Favorite Maknae 😤🌮❣️
You laughed a breathy laugh. "Gracias, Nerviosito. Tu es mi favorita maknae tambien." (Thank you, [little nervous one]. You are my favorite maknae too.)
Changbin watched quietly, zoning in on the sound of your light laughter. He could already tell that was only one of the laughs your body held, and felt the desire to know what all the other ones sounded like as well.
She's...different. There is something different about her.
Marz sighed and stood up. "C'mon we gotta go into another meeting," he said grabbing your trash and waving bye to Chan, Changbin and Jeongin as you guys started to walk away.
"Otra vez, this is so stupid." You whined, as Marzpushed your head lightly, causing Vega to scold him for "touching her precious baby", and Jax to say something to Vega about you being a literal troll.
Chan, Jeongin and Changbin headed back to where they were working for the day.
"Are those the new trainees?" Changbin inquired, keeping his voice even.
Bangchan nodded. "Yes, I'm surprised they're only just now moving into the company training areas though. I would have figured they'd allow them to meet everyone soon after the surival show while they were training further for debut. But according the management they're set to debut within less than a month, they're pretty talented and I'm guessing the company doesn't want to waste anytime and want to start profiting as soon as possible."
Jeongin nodded. "They showed me their training videos in the studios they were working at. They're really good. But Dulce told me that they were training somewhere else due to language barriers as well. Or at least thats what they were told. I don't know JYP is weird- Dulce thinks he's weird too. She'll get along with Seungmin-Hyung. I mean she even said she aspires to be that blatant with her distaste as Seungmin. Dulce is really funny."
Changbin spoke up. "Dulce?" It felt kind of funny for him to say that.
"Ah. We forgot to do introductions. Sorry, Changbin I got distracted with the blender situation."
"Dulce is the maknae! She was the pretty one-well..."
"They're all pretty, Innie." Chan stated.
"Um...she was the one in white. Sitting next to me."
Changbin made a noncomittal sound of acknowledgement.
Pretty is an understatement... He thought to himself.
"When we get back and clean up I'll ask the guys if they want to work on a few collabs. There is four of them so we could do groups of three, two of us to one of them." Chan nodded in thought. "And then I'll meet up with you and Jisung later becuase I already have some ideas running through my mind about a song collaboration." He aimed towards the other 3Racha member.
"Dulce is a rapper too! So maybe you and her could rap or something!" Jeongin said enthusiastically. "She's super cool I bet you'll love her!"
Changbin hmmed as they opened the door into the studio.
She sounds cool...
"Ah, Felix, Sungmin." Chan groaned, a bright purple liquid sprayed across the walls and over the younger members.
"How the hell does this even happen?"
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