#the last time it was this bad i was you know. being actively stalked by my abuser.
tomieafterdark · 2 months
begging for a dilf! toji or neighbour! toji drabble / fic
pairing: dilf!toji x babysitter!fem!reader
18+ mndi
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You were laying down on Mr.Fushiguro’s new plush couch, the cold fabric pressing against your bare lower back, aching for the clock to strike midnight so you could finally go home. The boredom was practically killing you, babysitting on a school night turned out to suck more than you had anticipated. It was only 9pm and his kid was sound asleep, meaning you had around 3 hours of nothing to do. You nearly fell asleep too but the way your phone started buzzing in your back pocket woke you up. You were caught in a trance for a second, you had not had any action for so long, even simple vibrations from your phone made you feel something. 
The buzzing eventually stops and you are out of your trance, back to reality. You arch your back, fishing your phone out of the back pocket of your bell bottom jeans to see what all the fuss is about. It is just the group chat freaking out about something, you decide to check it out. 
You are practically blasted with messages once they see that you are online, nearly making your phone freeze. 
“Did someone die, what the hell is going on..” you think to yourself, trying to scroll up. The constant spamming makes it hard and eventually you give up, waiting for everyone to shut up so that someone can explain what is going on. 
Y/n: Now that you guys finally stfu, can someone please tell me what happened??
Friend number one: Okay okay everyone be quiet, I will tell Y/n what’s up. 
Y/n: Go on, I am dying to know. 
Friend number two: sends meme JDSHJDK SORRY I misclicked- 
Friend number one: LMFAO stop it before Y/n kicks you out of the gc. 
Y/n: … 
Friend number one: My bad, okay so Y/n long story short I was stalking the sexy dilf you keep babysitting for and I found some very sexy pictures of him from when he was 22. I kind of understand why you keep babysitting for him now. *skull emoji*. 
Friend number two: Y/n, you are not slick. 
Y/n: I do not go there because of his appearance, but whatever. Go on. 
Friend number one: Yeah keep telling yourself that, anyways I won't keep you waiting here are the pictures. You can thank me for them, because they were the results of my stalking skills.. *spams pictures of a shirtless young Toji partying in Okinawa Island*
You cannot believe your eyes, this man aged like fine wine. You have never appreciated Friend number one as much as you do right now, there are several pictures of a shirtless Mr.Fushiguro on vacation. You quickly save every single one and leave the group chat faster than you can blink, somehow being there made you feel flustered and staring at them alone in your camera roll felt better. 
You feel like a creep but you cannot stop staring and zooming in on body parts, he had this killer body since age 22 if not sooner...One year younger than you are now. You cannot stop imagining what could have been if you had been born sooner, how early 20s Mr.Fushiguro’s chemistry would have been like with you. He seems so reckless and wild in these pictures, you can see the chaotic glimmer in his eyes. 
You had never been able to admit this to yourself, but something about those pictures made you let loose and accept reality, which is that you find him very attractive. You had never seen him shirtless but his shirts were always tight and did not leave enough to the imagination. Though whatever you had seen of Mr.Fushiguro was nothing compared to those shirtless island pictures, they made you feel things you didn't know you could feel. 
The groupchat is very active again, pulling you out of your fantasies about the dilf. You give the group chat one last look to see if you missed any pictures and it seems you did not miss anything, the topic has changed from Toji to something else, and it does not interest you one bit. However, thanks to them, you get a very creative idea on what to do and finally kill some time…
You dim the lights and turn your phone notifications on, unzipping your pants as you slowly slide your phone down there. You keep it on top of your underwear, the vibrations from it are strong enough anyways. You shudder from how cold it is, even though it is not touching your skin directly the cold was enough to send shivers down your core. As the notifications start piling up, you adore the group chat more and more. Their notifications create a symphony and you catch yourself lost in it, buckling your hips to it and letting out small moans here and there. 
Your imaginations become so vivid as you get lost in the ecstasy, so much so that you can faintly hear his voice. It sounds like he is on the phone again, makes sense your brain would imagine him like that since he is always on the phone talking to someone. He does not even talk to you most of the time you get paid, he just hands you the money while giving you a nod and you leave. A sick little part of your mind wonders if he ever checks out your ass while you walk away, and if his imaginations stop there or if they go even further..does he ever imagine abusing those tight little holes of yours? You can not stop your mind, it keeps going further down the gutter, you imagine him using your holes for his pleasure and his pleasure only and it makes you feral. The thought of him filling you up with cum, not stopping after that but simply moving on to your next hole and brutalizing that one instead is pushing you over the edge. You are so close to cumming, completely lost in your own world but just as you are about to climax you feel a big cold hand push your stomach down. 
“I don't think I am paying you to be a whore, now am I?” His cold tone drags you down to earth very quickly, reality starts to kick in and all you can think of is how to avoid getting fired. Your mind is on fire trying to come up with an excuse but nothing comes out. You are so shocked you have not even taken your phone out or anything, like a deer in headlights you stay the way he caught you. 
He takes a seat next to you on the couch, staring at you intensely. He is so tall and huge compared to you, it fills you with butterflies but they are quickly overshadowed with fear and shame yet the lust does not seem to fully leave. Him catching you has made you more wet, you are doing your best at avoiding his eyes as you try to blurt out some excuse but he quickly abrupts you. 
“Don't bother using your empty head to come up with an excuse, just tell me the truth.” Toji reaches over you, fishing your phone out of your pants and you still have not moved. Though your internal dialogue is going insane, you are not saying anything. 
“Hmph..a phone.” He says while fishing it out, the notifications still have not stopped as your group chat is notorious for yapping. He tries to not laugh at the situation, because it was kind of creative of you to use your phone in such a way, he imagines what other things your dirty little mind could come up with. 
“I will take care of that, you will not be getting it back until I hear some explanations for what is going on here, understand??” He says as he turns the notifications off and sets it aside on the coffee table in front of you. 
You give him a nod. 
“So, the sooner you tell me why you thought this was a good idea the sooner we can both be done with this.” 
You eventually catch your breath, and the first thing that comes out is an apology followed by tears from the embarrassment. “I am so sorry Mr.Fushigiro, I know this excuse won’t do but I was extremely bored..one thing led to another and..” You start crying before you can finish what you were saying. Toji just looks at you, not with any understanding or even sympathy but rather like he also has a creative idea on how you will make up for what you have done. 
He gets closer to you and caresses your face. “Hey, it's okay. You are not the only creative one here, I know a way to fix this.” 
He was right earlier when he called your head empty, because you have to be brainless to not understand what he was insinuating. Instead, you were assuming he would cut your pay a few times and have you work for free. “I understand Mr.Fushiguro, I agree with your suggestion.” 
He was almost surprised at you being so open minded, almost but he had seen enough of the world to know when a brainless bimbo was talking to him. He decided he would not clarify what he meant, this would be another lesson on the side, which was: “do not forget to read the room before you agree to things.” He chuckled and said “call me Toji for now, okay y/n?”
You nodded. You were much calmer now, agreeing to everything he said, promising you would take your punishment without complaining, saying you would let him decide the rules and how much pay he would cut off..letting him control everything basically. You were so desperate to keep this job so you were determined to give it your all. 
You glance at the clock just as he is finished talking, it is midnight now so he should let you off the hook. “I guess I'll be going now..” You look at him expecting to give you your phone back. 
Toji just smirks. “Do you not remember anything we just talked about?”
You give him a confused look. “Yeah but it is midnight now, and I have a group project to work on tomorrow…Do you want me to babysit overnight or something?” 
Toji is almost getting impatient, you don't notice of course because he keeps a poker face and hides his boner with a cushion. He pulls up your phone, telling you to unlock it, and as you do he grabs it before you can even gauge what happened. “I will be telling your friends that you are feeling a bit sore and tired, so you will not be able to make it to the group project. Take a seat dear.” 
You do not know what to expect but you listen to him, the desperation to keep this job is overpowering your anxiety which is telling you to run the fuck away. He puts your phone down and gets closer, too close, invading your personal space. 
He stares at you in the eyes coldly. “I don't think you understand what is going on here, I took serious offense to what you were doing on my couch during working hours. I am not the type of guy that lets someone off the hook so easily.” He starts pulling on your jeans as he unzips them, taking them off effortlessly. His reflexes are fast, before you even let a sound out his big hand is covering your mouth. “Shh, little Megumi has school tomorrow. You do not want to wake him up now would you? I will have to prolong your punishment if you do that, so be quiet for me. Got it??” 
You nod frantically, what the fuck was this situation and how did you even get yourself in to it. You stare at your jeans now on the black carpet, that same carpet you sat on with Megumi earlier today while playing video games. You close your eyes, hoping this will be over soon. 
Toji is not in the mood to prep you, the little whore who decided to masturbate during working hours does not deserve that luxury. Instead, he flips you on your stomach rather quickly and holds you in place with an iron grip on your waist. Toji is hypnotized by your curves and back dimples, his gaze taking it all in hungrily as he is teasing both your holes with his tip making it hard for you to guess which one he will use. If only you had seen how big his cock is compared to your waist area because it would have made your stomach drop. You try to gauge his size while he teases your holes, just to kind of prepare yourself and know what you are in for..also you are praying to whoever is out there that he does not fuck you in the ass. It was so hot to imagine it, but now that he has you under him all vulnerable and mildly scared it feels different. 
He spreads you apart, his tip resting at the entrance of your cunt. He teases it slowly by barely inserting it instead of just rubbing like he did before, getting much more of your slick on it and making you quiver in the process. He keeps doing this until he has enough of your wetness, and then moves on to your other hole. You may be an airhead, but it ends here. You know exactly why he did what he did now, you can feel him pushing the tip in, your own wetness is working pretty well as a lubricant because a good bit of his tip actually goes in and it feels kind of good even though it hurts. You have never been this stretched before anally, and it's making you tear up a little. You shut your eyes hoping he won’t go there, the tip may feel good but you know he would not go easy and it would quickly go from anal to painal.  
God was a little kind to you today because Toji decided to punish your tight little cunt instead of your even tighter ass, however nothing could have prepared you for his size. You try your hardest to not let out a sound as he made it clear he could prolong your punishment, but you want to scream and cry so bad. What is worse of all is how a part of you was enjoying this situation, a sick part of you loved how he was conquering your body with or without your consent, how he was stretching you out so bad no one could fill the void after him. How he was leaving his mark in every single way. You could not help but arch a little, if anyone were to take you by sheer force it would be him, he was made for it. 
Toji has no mercy, he is slamming your hole with brute force. The friction from the couch is getting to the exposed parts of your body and the couch does not feel so cold anymore. The more he continues mercilessly punishing you, the more that sick little side of you takes over. You are starting to slightly enjoy the pain, so much that you become noticeably wetter. The squelching sounds were getting louder, and he heard it which prompted him to say “there is the whore I caught spread out on my couch earlier, I knew you were in there somewhere, just had to dig real deep for you.” in a husky voice, that tone and those words he said made you shudder. All you replied with was incoherent cries, met with him shushing you. 
As if your body isn't struggling to keep up with his pace and intensity, he decides to switch positions. He picks you up like you weigh nothing, like you are just his little doll, and slams you down onto his cock.He is so focused on chasing his own high, he does not give you even a second to adjust causing you to hold on to his shoulders, digging your nails into his flesh. You do not seem to get the memo, so he grabs your jaw making you look directly at him. “I don’t remember asking for a dead slut, start bouncing.” 
You start bouncing, struggling to keep a pace as your legs tremble and your wetness is leaking down your inner thighs and all over his veiny thick cock. Toji is not impressed with you at all, prompting him to grab your asscheeks, lifting you up and down his cock with the pace he actually wants, leaving you so speechless all you can do is put your head on his shoulder and cry. Your nails are scratching his back and shoulders so much, he has several deep cuts and you can see it is getting quite bloody. Not that he cares, this is nothing to him. Scratch away for all he cares, you are like a kitten to him. 
You are really starting to feel it in your stomach, it is filling you up and hitting every spot inside of you, including your sweet ones. “T-tojii- it’s too much p-please slow down..” 
“Can’t do slut, remember how you promised you won’t complain? It is very rude to not keep your promise, do I need to teach you some more manners now?? At your age??” Toji growls, giving you a hard slap on your ass causing you to cry out quite loudly. 
“Keep it down, don’t make me repeat this.” You just nod in response, biting your cheek so no more sounds come out..Bad timing though. You are starting to feel the tingles even more in your core and it is getting extremely hard to keep quiet. You are kind of lost in the build up, you are whispering/crying into his ear but it is mostly incoherent, he knows you are close though by the way you are clenching so hard around him and how loud the squelching sounds are. The little fire in your core is growing stronger every second.
He slows down his pace suddenly, and it is torture. He switches to deep slow strokes, causing you to get impatient. You try to move around and bounce but he is strong and keeps you in your place, stuck and unable to move. After what feels like forever of deep strokes, he decides to stop edging your cunt. He pulls out completely, leaving you in shock, he is still rock hard so why is he doing this. Just when you were liking it, he decides to pull this move. 
Toji thinks about using your mouth to get himself off and leave you there as he gathers his clothes, but he wonders how much more dominant and forceful he can be if he edges himself too. He knows you will be much more desperate and much more willing to let him use you if you don’t get what you want, hence leaving you like this. Maybe, with enough edging and coercion he could turn this little punishment into a permanent thing between you two. You have no idea but he had been waiting for this ever since you started babysitting, he could not give any fucks about the babysitter masturbating as long as she did her job.  
“I am gonna hit the shower, clean this mess and sleep over tonight, you know where the guest room is. It is not safe for you to go home at this age.” Is the last you hear from him before he leaves the living room, you guess your punishment will continue tomorrow but a sick little part of you is looking forward to it. You grin as you start to clean up.
© 2024 tomieafterdark | All rights reserved.
224 notes · View notes
throneofsapphics · 8 months
the ebb and flow of fate part 2
(part one) (part three) (part four) (part five) (epilogue)
Cazriel x f!Reader
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Summary: “Harmless” she repeated, an edge to her tone. Still, he sensed fear creeping into her. Good. A part of him thought. If he needed to be the one to put the fear into her for her own safety, he would do it gladly.
Word Count: ~6.3k
Warnings: smut, voyeurism, slight degradation?, light bondage, shadow play, oral (m!receiving), masturbation, nightmares, flashbacks, references to sa, stalking, injury, violence, brief mention of panic attacks, bad handling of trauma 
A/N: i’ve rewritten this a ridiculous amount of times and i’m very nervous, I'm planning on about 5 parts!
Cassian shot her a wink the next morning. Thank the Mother only he and Azriel were around, because she turned bright red and nearly fled the room. Only the fantastic muffins in front of her kept her rooted to her seat. Mother knows she’d thought about it all last night, up until the early morning hours, hand between her legs trying to relieve some of that pressure. She had the distinct sensation they knew exactly what was running through her mind. 
“Long night?” Azriel asked, mouth indenting at one corner. 
“Is that your way of telling me I look like shit?” 
Cassian let out a low chuckle and shook his head. Azriel crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair - amusement starting to grow on his stupidly beautiful face. She waited, seeing if they’d say anything else.
“Can you blame us for being … curious?” Cassian asked, sitting next to Azriel, pushing his chair a little too close to be just ‘friendly.’ 
She spotted Azriel’s arm shift, and a slight inhale from Cassian. 
“Mother above,” she muttered and snatched her muffins. If she stayed any longer, she might get a bit too curious. She stalked out of the room, ignoring Cassian’s laugh following her. 
She should’ve burnt them - tossed them in the trash or sidra, but each time she ripped the seal, unfolding the crisp parchment with shaky hands. With each one, her guilt at hiding them grew as well. They’d … changed, each one laced with a different threat. Not a threat, she reminded herself. The Night Court’s borders were impenetrable, and he was all the way in Autumn. Some kind of infatuation he would get over. She let out a low hiss as the page sliced the edge of her finger, bringing her finger to her mouth. Work, she had work to do, it would take her mind off this. Gods, she was already running late and if someone found out she bled on a book … thankfully the cut sealed itself within the next few minutes. Her eyes glanced at the clock, she’d have to for-go her usual walk and winnow. 
Clotho’s pen floated as words appeared on the paper and she spotted the slight furrow of her brow beneath her hood. Something is bothering you. 
“Nothing new.” She fidgeted, shifting on her feet as Clotho gave her an assessing look. 
Merrill wants to see you. She didn’t bother hiding her groan, drawing a small smile from the priestess. Best of luck. 
Merrill, after grilling her with questions on her latest findings, was surprisingly pleasant. As pleasant as she gets, and even offered her some different manuscripts and books she’d recently found that might interest Rhysand. She made sure to thank her, receiving a small nod in reply. Her feet carried her to the small nook on the fourth floor she’d claimed years ago, books piled up to her chin. A tripping hazard, that’s what she was. 
Her mind wandered. A week ago, she’d seen Cassian and Azriel. A week since she’d spotted them that night, and the subtle teasing the following morning. Since then they’d both been gone. It wasn’t uncommon for them to be away for prolonged periods of time. Their absence didn’t exactly feel intentional, but the actions prior to it did. There’s no way Azriel hadn’t already noticed her out in the hallway, even if he was highly distracted by his current activity. She’d, embarrassingly, analyzed every detail of that moment. It was branded into her mind at this point. For research, of course, she reasoned to herself. The only conclusion she could come to, taking into account the next morning as well, is they wanted her to see it. They weren’t surprised, not one bit. 
She’d taken her work home with her that night. It was getting to closing hours in the library, and the texts had caught her attention enough she didn’t want to stop. She barely paid any notice as she wandered in, settling down in the small Townhouse library and spreading her papers and books haphazardly over the table. A bit of magic propped two different texts open in front of her, and she put her pen back to the parchment already scribbled with notes. She’d have to transcript those into legible handwriting later. 
Moments later, she felt a shift in the air around her - then a cool blade against her next. The scent was familiar, and she went still - all of her muscles freezing in place. 
“You’re dead.” A cool voice said - no amusement or mirth present. 
“I hate you.” She hissed.
A snort. “No you don’t.” The blade, thankfully left and she whirled around, shoving her chair out behind her, hoping it would hit the asshole. It didn’t, of course. He only leant against the window, one hand returning truth teller to its sheath. She wondered how many people got close to that blade without meeting their death - or a world of pain. 
“Nice to see you too.” 
His mouth quirked up at the corner. “I should tell Cassian how-” 
“No.” She interrupted, “no you shouldn’t.” 
He raised a brow. If he told Cassian, she’d be stuck in the training ring for hours tomorrow - up at some ungodly hour and miserable, all before work. 
“Don’t tell Cassian what?” She yelped as he emerged from between the shelves. “We had a feeling you’d end up right here.” He teased. An ambush. 
She groaned. “Is this your idea of ‘nice to see you’?” 
He pretended to think about it, before crossing the room and wrapping his arms around her. Her feet left the floor as he squeezed most of the air out of her, the rest coming out as a wheezing, inelegant, laugh.  
When he finally let her down, after spinning her enough times she was dizzy, she barely had enough time to catch her breath before Azriel wrapped her in his arms. She could only think about how good it felt to be with them, to have their arms wrapped around her - bodies pressed against hers. Even if the hug ran a few seconds too long to be purely friendly, she didn’t mind. 
He released her, looking down at her with a softened gaze. Not quite a smile, but a definite improvement from him holding a knife to her throat. 
“I missed you.” She said, before realizing just how close they were standing. She cleared her throat and took a step back. “How was your … trip?” She asked weakly, shifting her eyes between the two of them. 
“Fine.” Azriel answered, just as Cassian said, “Miserable.” 
She bit on her bottom lip to keep from laughing. 
“And your week?” Azriel asked, and she understood the message - not something up for discussion. 
“Boring,” she answered. Not wanting to say I missed you both, or I couldn’t stop thinking about you. She would not act like a pining schoolgirl. To their faces. But, her filter had its limits because she asked; “did you do that on purpose?” and fought her wince at her own words. 
Azriel’s eyes flickered and from the corner of her eye she saw Cassian take a few steps towards him. “Do what?” 
“You know.” She clenched her jaw. They know exactly what she’s talking about - especially based on Cassian’s grin. 
“If you want to know something, you need to use your words.” 
A part of her, one she shoved deep deep down, went molten. But, she couldn’t hide the red flush covering her cheeks. “I have work to do,” she said quickly, grabbing her chair and pushing it back towards the desk, hiding her face beneath her hair and doing her best to look like she was actually reading. 
She heard a low laugh as they left the room, and only once the footsteps faded did she let her head plunk against the desk. “I’m so screwed,” she whispered. 
Two letters arrived today, both written out to her by the ‘same person,’ with slightly different handwriting. She frowned at them, one - courtesy of him was expected. But … she hadn’t heard anything from her friends in weeks. She settled on getting the nasty one out of the way. 
Her fist crumpled up the paper as she shoved it deep into the drawer. Another letter, more iterations of the same things written before. No need to make a big deal out of nothing. I’ll find you in this world and the next. A shudder ran down her spine. Harmless, she told herself. A temporary infatuation - something he’ll get over. 
Every time she approached the fire, papers clenched tightly in her hands, that damn tattoo would start pricking, sending zips of pain down her chest. She found herself turning back around, shoving them into the back of the drawer - willing herself to forget. If they were out of sight, maybe they’d slip out of her mind - and this would all be over. Part of her realized it might not be that easy. 
Slowly, she forced her hands to open the second. A brief recap of her last few weeks, her father apparently trying to set her up for an advantageous marriage. But, she seemed pleased with a few of the suitors - describing them in detail - and a specific one she was fixated on. Another local lord's son. Her lips curved into a smile, good, she deserves something to make her happy. She shuffled through the extensive letter - three gods-damned pages. 
When will you visit again? My cousin is eager to see you. Maybe you could explore your relationship more, he’s mentioned he’s written to you a few times. You should answer.
She dropped it like it had burned her. Writing to him? She told her exactly what happened. This one, she found herself able to toss in the fire. Her friendship could burn with it. 
“You’re an asshole,” she muttered to Cassian, rubbing out a bruise in her left arm. He snatched her hand away. 
“That’ll make it worse.” 
“Maybe I like the pain,” she snipped back at him. A glint crossed his eyes, gone as soon as it came. “Besides,” she continued as if she’d never seen it. “You’re a sadist.” 
A snort came from Azriel in the corner, leaning back against the wall. Shadows swirled gently around him, he had one knee propped up on the wall behind him - arms crossed over his chest. The flush on her cheeks wasn’t entirely from training, something they didn’t need to know. “If you think he’s a sadist, train with your sister.” 
She rolled her eyes, and elbowed Cassian. “Why do you think I stick with him?” 
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not.” 
“Have you … heard from your friend recently?” 
By some miracle, she managed to keep her reactions neutral - heart rate steady, breaths even. “I got a letter yesterday,” she admitted. “She’s looking at suitors.” Her nose crinkled with the last word. 
“An arranged marriage?”
“In a way. She described each of them. In detail.”
Cassian cringed, “I don’t think I want to know.” 
She thought of how she ranked them on potential bedroom prowess. “No, you really don’t.” 
“Have you … asked Rhys for her to visit?” 
Azriel’s question was careful. She knew his shadows were monitoring her every reaction. At her silence, they both went still. 
She shook her head. “I’m not ready to see her.” I don’t know if I ever will be. They seemed .. relieved? “Why are you asking?” 
He met her gaze, a cool assessing look on his face. “Wanted to know.” 
Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, but she left it for now. 
Hands brushed against her sides, down her ribs, over the curve of her ass. Soft kisses were pressed to her shoulder and neck. Caged in between two warm bodies. 
She woke with a start, and a coil building in her stomach. Dreaming, again. Wrong, this was wrong on so many levels. Water, she needed cold, cold water. She debated the risk of running into them - just like she had before, but as far as she knew the two of them were still on some mission and hadn’t returned. Her feet hit the soft carpet, the full moon shone through her window - casting her room in a beautiful, soft glow. Her lips curved up at the corners. 
Lost enough in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the sounds, coming from Cassian’s room this time, until she was nearly at the door. Her footsteps faltered, her body turning - not again, her back was already turned as she heard him. 
“If you’re that curious, you might as well come in.” Azriel’s voice was rough as he leaned against the doorframe. Slowly, she turned back around. His chest was bare, a slight sheen of sweat glistening on the muscled planes of his chest and stomach. Hair disheveled, lips puffy, cheeks flushed. She’d never seen him like that before. Great, something else to fuel her dreams. 
She must’ve been staring, “see something you like princess?” Cassian’s voice came from behind him, and she blinked, startling back into the present. Azriel’s smug face made her want to wipe it right off him - to march back down to her room and pretend she felt nothing, but then his hand reached out. A clear invitation. LIke a god damned fool, she took it. 
He was gentle as he tugged her inside, and she knew she had a doe-eyed look. The face of someone completely in awe and completely out of their depth. His hands gripped her shoulders as he walked her back - not towards the bed. The back of her knees hit a chair, and he pushed her shoulders down. She fell rather inelegantly into it, drawing an almost mocking smile from him. His eyes traveled slowly down her body - pausing on her bare thighs - her nightgown ridden up to an almost indecent level, before flicking back up. The hazel hue burnt into her. 
“Can you be good and sit there?” 
Her cheeks flushed in humiliation and she nodded. 
“Words.” His voice had changed, lower and firmer, a clear demand. 
“Y-yes.” She stumbled over the word. 
“Yes, what?” 
“I can be good.” She squeaked. “And sit here.” He gave her an approving nod. 
Azriel fisted a hand in Cassian's hair. Knees hit the ground. Fingers dug in his waistband. Gods, she watched as Cassian’s lips parted, Azriel letting out a low groan. 
But, his eyes met hers. ”Is this what you think about at night?” How was he speaking? 
”W-what?” She asked with a breathy voice. The way he looked at her … like he could see all the way inside her, see every dirty thought and fantasies she had. Maybe he could. His eyes lingered on her thighs. She pulled her dress down as if it might hide any lingering scent of her arousal. 
“Show me.” 
“I don’t-” 
“Show me.” He repeated, a shadow brushing the back of her neck in a comforting gesture, she could read the other words in his eyes; if you want to.
Damn her. She did. Her hands slipped between her thighs, keeping them closed as much as possible. Shadows tugged at her knees, cool air hit her, hit her bare cunt - she’d worn nothing beneath. He shook his head in an amused away, broken off by a low moan as Cassian’s hand twisted around his base. He still had a hand in the other male’s hair, slowly pushing him up and down. 
Her eyes fixed on him - on Cassian, as two fingers brushed up her folds, slowly beginning to explore herself. If they were going to put on a show, so could she. 
Azriel, she noticed, quickly lost any restraint and she dug her teeth into her bottom lip. His breathing grew heavier, faster as Cassian moved quicker, cheeks hollowing out as if he wanted to finish, if only to watch her. A different kind of power flooded through her, and she shot a half smirk at Azriel. A few minutes passed - maybe, she wasn’t keeping track, but he’d cursed under his breath, thighs clenching, and Cassian stilled.
She barely noticed as Cassian pulled away, finally caught in her own haze of lust. Something cool brushed against her inner thighs. She yelped, trying to shift but shadows wrapped around her thighs and held her in place. Azriel’s eyes met her own; say the word and it stops. She gave him a small nod, and her hands were pulled away, secured to the sides of the chair. She didn’t bother trying to hide her shaky exhale, or her racing heart. And couldn’t hide the arousal slowly pooling beneath her on the chair. The shadows seemed to solidify as they circled around her clit, inside her, trailing up and down her thighs. 
It took barely a minute before she was panting, soft whimpers leaving her mouth as she fought to keep the noise inside. If anything, the two of them looked … amused. No matter how attracted she felt to them, how much she wanted them to touch her, she wasn’t sure if she really could. Not with everything that had happened, everything still … happening. The thought drifted from her mind as the circling sped up, shadows almost vibrating against her. 
She couldn’t hide her noises this time, eyes half lidded but fixed on the two of them - how they watched her, as her walls clenched and thighs shook. 
Then, it was over - shadows gone and released. She tried to calm her racing heart, to steady her breath. 
“Satisfy your curiosity enough?” Cassian asked her, adding “Princess,” as an afterthought. Her legs snapped back together, dress pulled down to cover herself, and cheeks flushed. 
Her hands braced the sides of the chair. Fleeing, that was the best solution now. Why had she stayed? Well, she knows exactly why - but gods this was humiliating. A quick nod, and she shoved herself to her feet, having to keep a grip on the chair to stay steady.
“I thought I said to use your words.” Az said, the same firm tone as before, but he had a cruel smile playing on his lips as he turned to Cassian. “Didn’t I?” 
A low laugh left the other male. “You did.” 
“Seems she’s not capable of listening.” They spoke of her like she wasn’t there, and while his head was turned she started stumbling towards the door, legs still shaking. 
“Now you have something to fuel your fantasies,” she said over her shoulder, winking at them with false bravado, not even closing the door behind her. She only breathed once she’d reached the staircase, sitting heavily on the top step to try and get her heart to stop racing. From now on, she’d keep a glass of water in her room at night. 
“She liked it.” Cassian commented after the door closed. “We liked it,” he turned to Azriel - who now had an extra flush on his skin.
Still, he rolled his eyes. “Another thing for her to dream about.” 
“And us.” Azriel gave a noncommittal hum. “Think she’ll come back?” He leaned back on the bed, propping himself up on his forearms. He wondered if they’d been a bit too much. If they should’ve asked her to stay after, to reassure her somehow. Get her to relax. Mother save him - he wanted to touch her, hold her, do … too many things. 
Azriel only shrugged his shoulders before taking his leave, closing the door behind him. He flopped back on his bed, running his hands through his hair and hoping they hadn’t messed up. 
Azriel knew he had to find her, and slipped from Cassian’s room as quickly as he could. One of them might be better now, and considering he’d led her right into it - he knew it had to be him. Just to check she’s alright. 
Her defenses were down as he snuck up on her, sitting right on the top step. He made his footsteps heavier as he approached, taking a seat next to her - leaving a good foot of space between them. 
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled, hands covering her face. 
“Why?” Her hands slid up her face, tightening in her hair. “It doesn’t … have to happen again,” he offered when she didn’t reply.
“Right.” She said hoarsely. “A mistake.” 
His chest tightened. If that’s how she sees it … “Right.” 
The fingers tightly clenching her hair loosened, shoulders folding slightly inwards. Relief. 
“I’m … did I push too far?” Azriel felt unusually insecure. She wasn’t just anyone, for gods sake it was his brother’s younger cousin. One of his closest friends' younger sister. More importantly, his friend. 
“Nothing I didn’t want,” she finally looked at him. Cheeks still flushed, a half smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. For once, he couldn’t read her. “Consider my curiosity satisfied.” She shot a wink at him. Y/n rose, brushing her dress down, and turned back down the hallway. His eyes tracked her departing figure. Legs no longer shaky, shoulders held high. A string tugged at his chest. Go after her, a part of his subconscious rose, mistake, mistake, mistake another repeated - and he stayed in place. 
Something to fuel your fantasies. 
When she was out of hearing range, he let out a groan. 
Cassian was surprised when Azriel stalked back into his room. Less so when he explained the conversation he had. 
“Did she really call it a mistake?” He asked. He knew Az was telling the truth … but that didn’t seem like her. 
“She did. And looked relieved when I agreed.” Azriel replied. 
Cassian tensed next to him, he hoped y/n didn’t think Azriel spoke for the two of them, but realistically he knew she did. “I didn’t think it was one.” 
Mistake. Why the hell did she say that? It doesn’t have to happen … Does that mean he would’ve wanted it to? She got no sleep that night, the whole situation playing over and over again in her head. And the conversation after. Did she really want it to happen again? 
They’d built a friendship over the years, and she doesn’t want it to come tumbling down over this one incident. 
“Mistake,” she muttered to herself - drifting into sleep just before dawn.  
She startled as her door flew open. Cassian stood in the doorway - fully dressed in Illyrian leathers and grinning like the cat who caught the canary. 
“Noooo,” she groaned, shoving her face back into the pillow. 
“Long nights are no excuse.” She flipped him off and he let out a long-suffering sigh - but left. She hummed in content, and rolled back over to sleep. 
Sleep didn’t come, and a large bowl of ice cold water soaked her. She let out a screech loud enough he covered his ears. “I’ll kill you,” y/n snarled. 
He raised a brow, as if he was daring her. Her eyes rolled. “Get out, I need to change.” 
“Nothing I haven’t seen princess.” 
“Out,” she pointed to the door, but let out a low laugh. 
“I’ll be back in five,” he said over his shoulder. 
“Ten.” She countered. 
“Fine.” She glanced at the clock. He would be back in exactly seven minutes, she didn’t doubt that. 
At least he seemed to be acting as usual. Azriel, she’d have to see. There was no doubt in her mind he’d reported their conversation back to him. Az was harder to read, but he had his tells. 
I’ll see you soon, my heart. 
Be careful where you wander. 
I’m getting tired of waiting. 
Six months of this bullshit, she winced at the nickname - and he had the nerve to write it like a fucking poem. “Deranged,” she muttered, shoving it into the drawer. He couldn’t get to her, she reminded herself. For some reason, she hadn’t burnt them. Every time she went close to the fire, something stopped her. Her teeth dug into her bottom lip. Maybe it was time to say something. After the … mistake, a few nights ago - she didn’t know if they would react differently. But, she had reminded herself several times nothing had to be different. Nothing had to change. 
“What’s deranged?” An amused voice said from the door. Cassian. She froze, shoving the drawer closed before turning around, leaning back against the desk. His eyes narrowed, he’d clocked every movement on hers. “Keeping secrets?” He raised a brow, striding into her room. 
“No,” she answered, a bit too quickly. 
“We need to-” she heard Azriel from the doorway. A shadow curled around his shoulders, around his ears, and his shoulders tightened. 
“Secrets?” He murmured, following Cassian inside. 
“Did I invite you in?” Y/n snapped. Her heart raced, palms starting to sweat. They glanced at each other, before looking back at her. 
“Didn’t realize friends need an invitation.” Cassian drawled. Her hands tightened around the desk. Something about the word friends struck her, but she ignored it. “Have a secret lover?” If she didn’t know better, she’d say his voice was a little tight. 
“Maybe,” she teased, and both of their eyes flashed. Maybe it wasn’t as much of a mistake as she thought. Then, she thought of how much she was about to ruin, and braced herself. Her chest pricked, their proximity, combined with the proximity of the potential threat making the bargain tug on her. Her hand rubbed slightly at her collarbones, and she realized the mistake too late. “There’s … something I need to tell you. Please don’t be mad.” 
A heavy silence filled her room. “What is it?” Cassian’s voice was tight. 
“Don’t get angry.” She insisted. More silence. They wouldn’t make that promise. It was too late now to turn back, too late to refuse to tell them. 
She turned, heart racing, and slid open the drawer. Her hands shook violently as she gathered the balls of parchment, smoothing each one out as best she could. They waited for her and felt their stares - digging into her back and side like a brand. Footsteps sounded across the room as her hands tightened around the papers, eyes clenched shut. Wordlessly, and without sparing a glance in their direction, she held them out. 
Azriel took the papers from her hands, careful not to touch her. Cassian was a step behind. 
Azriel’s eyes were scanning the papers, but he kept his on hers. Her pretty eyes passed over him in favor of the exit as she took a step to the side. His wing reflexively flared, ushering her back towards them and blocking her path. In any other situation, he might have laughed but anxiety, guilt, and shame rolled from her in equal waves. They didn’t promise not to get angry, not wanting to make a promise they would break. Still, she was shaking like a leaf and he bumped her shoulder with his wing - in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. Only she retreated back into herself more, shoulders curving inwards. He frowned. 
Beside him, Azriel was too still. Confident y/n wouldn’t flee, he looked over his shoulder. He hadn’t missed how she rubbed the bargain tattoo on her chest and a pit grew in his stomach. 
Several minutes passed as they read together. Azriel would read one before passing it off to him. Letters dating back to months ago, she’d organized them by date. A faint and unfamiliar male scent lingered. A fiery rage grew inside of him with each one. 
As he finished the last letter, Azriel spotted the envelope on the desk and snatched it. Addressed to her, her friends name on the outside, but someone else's signing off at the bottom. He’d kept an eye out for any letters or packages coming in after the incident. His anger was split between her, the male, and himself. 
“Did you reply to any of these?” He asked, tilting his head to look at her. She shook her head, avoiding his gaze. A muscle in his jaw clenched. “Look at me.” She blinked and slowly did, her shoulder straightened, chin lifted, but a slight tremor in her hands remained and a few tears pricked the corner of her eyes. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” His eyes dropped to the tattoo on her chest, peeking out above her top. ‘Anyone does that to you again, you tell us.’ They never specified when. In his peripheral, Cassian looked ready to throttle her or break something. 
“I just did.” She snapped at him, her temper flaring. 
“Why didn’t you say anything six fucking months ago?” Cassian finally exploded. 
“They were harmless.” Y/n matched his pitch. 
“If you really thought they were harmless, why did you keep them?” Azriel added cooly. Cooly, but he was struggling to keep his temper in check. 
“I tried to get rid of them.” 
“And why couldn’t you?” He asked mildly. 
“Because of this,” she waved at her chest. Point made.
“Magic,” he emphasized, “thought they were a threat.” 
“No.” A muscle in her jaw clenched. “Magic thought it was something similar. That doesn’t make it a threat.” 
Cassian let out a disbelieving laugh. He was inclined to do the same. 
She ran her hands through her hair, “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” 
“No.” They both answered at the same time. 
“We had an agreement.” Cassian added. 
“It wasn’t a fair bargain.” She winced after. She did set it up, after all. 
“It’s supposed to keep you safe,” Cassian kept arguing with her. 
“I can handle myself.” Her eyes were starting to line with tears. Cassian was still angry. He knew that anger - the kind that wouldn’t stop for anything. Wouldn’t stop until he left a path of destruction behind him. 
“Really?” Cassian’s brows rose, “Can you? If you can’t recognize a fucking threat?” He was nearly yelling, almost screaming at her. 
“Out,” Azriel all but ordered, shoving him out the door. “Cool off.” 
Cassian snarled at him, but left without another word. 
Azriel fixed her with a look, and she fidgeted - some of the temporary bravado falling away. His delivery wasn’t any gentler, but at least he wasn’t quite bubbling over with rage. 
“He’s right. The problem is you don’t fucking think.” Cold, he kept his voice as cold as ice. Let every bit of disappointment, anger, and betrayal sink in. 
“What do you mean?” Her entire body seemed to stiffen, expression turning to stone. 
His filter disappeared as the words came out. “Why didn’t you leave autumn early?” 
Her eyes shuttered closed. “So this is my fault now?” 
“Don’t put words in my mouth.” It was too late for him to take it back. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t leave. Didn’t take herself out of a dangerous situation. 
“You made it pretty fucking clear.” 
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t show Rhys.” He switched angles, he knew the loopholes as well as she did. 
“I can’t.” Honesty, finally a bit of truth out of her. Tears finally dripped down her cheeks, her face fell, eyes turning empty as her body seemed to cave in on itself. Azriel could stomach a lot of things, but the broken look in her eyes … he had to turn away and leave, before he gave into the temptation to go hunt that male down, hunt him for causing this. Even though he knew part of it was his fault. 
Go back. Go back. His shadows were almost pleading, but he ignored them, only sending one to keep an eye on her. Hopefully keep her from doing anything else stupid. Or at least giving him a warning. 
After he was out the door, he realized he’d left the letters behind. He debated turning back to get them … later, he could find those later. Now, he needed to find Cassian. 
Her jaw was open as Azriel left the room. Turned his back on her. Maybe she had messed up - but to imply what happened was her fault? 
They can’t understand if you don’t tell them, said a soft feminine voice. One she recognized well enough. 
“Why do I have to explain my trauma?” She murmured out loud. The priestesses had recommended journaling, but anything written down would be fair game here. 
Her eyes spotted the letters still on the table. She could hide them now. Gods, she wanted to be petty like that … but if Azriel genuinely thought he was a threat. A threat to her could put others in danger, and that’s not something she could handle. 
A plan formed; find him, give him the letters, get the fuck out of here. 
She gathered them, and mustered as much confidence as she could to stride out of the room. 
Her senses took her down the hall, down a set of stairs, to a smaller office, not used frequently. Did they meet here frequently? She shoved the very inappropriate thought out of her mind. 
Sure enough, they were liplocked when she entered. Surprisingly, they burst apart as she flung the door open, letting it bang against the opposite wall. Maybe they mistook her for someone else. She only tossed the papers at him, letting them flutter to the floor in front of him. 
“Here’s your evidence,” she put as much venom into her voice as she could, and pivoted to leave. Plan almost finished. They were out of her hands now, out of sight and maybe out of mind. At least she was halfway there.
Azriel re-appeared in front of her, using his shadows to move through the small space. She startled, stumbling backwards - her back hit the desk and she braced her hands on it. 
“Don’t leave Velaris.” Every word was laced with a threat and warning. 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” 
“I’ll drop you off in the House of Wind if I have to.” 
Every muscle in her body went stiff. 
Fifteen years old, her first attempt to leave Hewn City. A door closed. Locks slamming on the outside. Wards trapping her in. Suffocating, she couldn’t breathe - not even the windows would open. She grabbed at her hair, pulling angrily against it - like the pain might bring her back down to earth. “No no no no,” she ran to the door, trying the lock again. 
“Get it together,” a voice snapped her out of her reverie. Cassian was in her face. A small bit of worry showed in his eyes, but overshadowed by his anger. She flinched, shrinking back into herself. 
He blinked, and took a step back. She was shaking, why was she shaking? Get it together, she repeated his words to herself, and managed to straighten her shoulders. 
“Fine. I’ll play by your rules.” For now, went unsaid. Cassian’s brow furrowed. Probably confused by how easily she gave in. “But,” she fixed Azriel with a pointed stare, “don’t think I've forgiven you.” 
He let her shove past him, stalking out the door. 
“What did you do?” She heard Cassian. 
“Nothing. She’s overreacting.” 
Part three. Get the fuck out of here. She had to do that, or she might say something she really regrets. 
They stayed well out of each other's paths. 
Technically, the library was open from dawn till dusk. She took every advantage of it, throwing herself into work and convincing Mor to train after dinner or haunting one of her friends' doorsteps if she wasn’t available. Her sister didn’t question it. Half of her expected the small tattoo to start pricking at her, but it hadn’t. Maybe the intention behind it was not to hide inside the house. Either way, she wouldn’t question it. By some miracle, she’d managed to avoid both of them - although they were in Velaris. A strong shield around her room kept sounds out and in while she was sleeping. Pride kept her from asking if they were staying somewhere else.
“Will you train me?” She’d asked Mor later that day. 
She shot her a surprised look. “I thought Cassian did.” 
“I need a break from him.” 
Mor looked contemplative. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” she gave an exasperated sigh. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” The wicked glint in her eye made y/n think she might regret this. 
Her efforts lasted for two weeks. 
She was pinned against a brick wall, one arm against her throat, cutting off her windpipe. Another hand lifted her dress, “I know you like playing hard to get,” a voice whispered in her ear, teeth biting at her neck … 
The scene changed, a gentle hand brushed against her cheek, lips grazed against hers - before she was shoved back. She couldn’t see, everything was hazy but the voice was clear as day; “I don’t want anything to do with you.” Azriel. “We don’t want anything to do with you.” Cassian. 
Her body lurched forward and she clutched her hand to her mouth. Not as bad as last time. Her hand reached for her nightstand, grabbing the glass of water she always kept there. Moving on muscle memory, she brought it to her lips, waiting for the cool liquid to slide down her throat. 
Empty. Her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. Was it worth wandering downstairs? Her stomach churned again and she flung herself out of bed, not bothering to put on shoes as she stumbled for the doorway, clutching her glass to her chest like a child with a doll. 
A small fae light grew from her palm to hover above her, guiding her down, down, down towards the kitchen. Twisting the tap, water filled her glass to the brim. The cold liquid slid down her throat, soothing the burning. Two chugged glasses later, she filled it again to take it downstairs. The door hinges creaked behind her, and she spun around - water sloshing over the sides of the glass, dripping down her bare thigh. She couldn’t move. 
Cassian stood in the door, wings tucked in tight, still in his leathers - hair tousled as if he’d just flown in. The first time she’d seen him in two weeks. His eyes tracked the water dripping down her thigh, before darting back up to hold her gaze, his expression unreadable, his hand white-knuckling the doorknob. Twelve soft chimes of the clock. Midnight. He turned, closing the door behind him with a soft snick. Something in her chest cleaved. Wood dug into her back as she slid to the floor. 
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deceitfuldevout · 9 months
Happy Purge
Purge AU: Soft!Dark!Mike Kiernan x Student!Reader
Word Count: +2,068
Warning(s): +18, Non con, Stalking, Kidnapping, Power Imbalance, Use of blood as lube, Mild gore, Purge day.
Author's Note(s): I was thinking about this and coincidentally it's kinktober haha!
It's been almost a decade since the first purge. A lot has changed since then. You remember a time when people didn’t have to worry about looking over their shoulder. Even the morning after was gruesome scene. There was an official purge cleanup crew for that reason alone. You couldn’t help but stare at the clock on the wall.
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If you could squeeze in just one last assignment, you'll be free for the weekend. Suddenly, you hear your name being called. It breaks you out of your train of thought, turning to your instructor and apologizing, "Yes Professor! S-sorry..." now embarrassed that you've been caught by him. Professor Mike Kiernan
According to his students, Mike was more than an exceptional teacher. Every last one of them adores him. If not, well then he'd have to look out for tonight. You on the other hand, have always felt there was something off about him. As if he were harboring a dark secret. Maybe it was the building nerves. After all, tonight would be the start of the annual Purge Day.
Mike ends class an hour early, giving his students enough time to reach home safely. You on the other hand, take the opportunity to finish up remaining school work. Mr. Kiernan was also in charge of study hall. He notices you're the last student left and approaches your desk, "Forgetting something?"
You look up at him with your pen still in mouth, taking it out to speak. That's when the realization hits. "Oh sh—shoot!" Quickly correcting the slip up. You had completely forgotten. In about thirty minutes the sirens were going to ring, after that the Purge would commence. You lived a little more than half an hour away. How on earth would you make it to home on time?!
Mike notices your fidgeting, poor thing. You were so caught up in school work that you'd completely forgotten. Always so responsible, one of his best students. So kind and generous. You were always a good student, helping anyone that needed it. Was it bad that he wanted to keep it all for himself?
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"Do you need a ride home?" he offers, "It's not safe out there, especially not for a young lady like yourself," kind, genuine words. Your phone is almost dead, and you had no point of contact. So you take his offer, "Thank you professor Kiernan, Seriously," You grateful to have someone like him. He walks you to his car parked on the edge of the lot. He takes his time walking to it. You on the other hand, were in a hurry.
You felt almost embarrassed by the way you held the door handle eagerly waiting for him. To unlock it. He chuckles, clicking the button of his keys to open it. You hurry inside, not wasting a second hopping onto the seat. As he began to drive off you could hear the first warning bell. There would only be two more before the final sirens. Your eyes are glued to the red sirens attached to each public building, the blaring makes you feel sick.
When the car makes a sudden turn off the main road, you begin to grow suspicious, "Professor?"
"This isn't the way to my house..."
"I know, but it's too late for that now," he answers, "The third alarm is about to go off, we won't make it in time," his eyes are still glued to the road. You gather enough courage to speak up again, "Professor....professor where are we going?"
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"I live nearby, you're more than welcome to spend the night," he answers, "The last thing I'd want is for those animals to harm a student of mine," he reassures. Mike lives in the more rural side of town. There's a growing feeling you have that something was wrong about all this. But what other choice do you have? It was better than being out there alone on the streets.
As soon as you arrive to Mike's home, he activates the security system. When he first bought the house, the first thing he did was install a Purge-proof security system. He walks into the kitchen, rummaging for something, "Would you like some tea?" he opens the pantry to fetch some herbs. While it boils he gets some jam and toast for it. As soon as he finishes up, he places both cups on the table.
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You notice that Mike hadn't taken a sip from his drink. Your eyes widen with fear, "You haven't touched your cup..." there's a pause. Then he realizes his mistake, "Ah, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you nervous," he switches the drinks, "Here, have mine," he takes a sip from your cup to insure it hadn't been spiked. It calms your nerves knowing that there was nothing to worry about.
Mike had kept his promise that you would be safe here. It's been a while since he's had anyone over. He tries his best hosting skills, a round of charade, following by a board game. It was honestly one of the best purge experiences you've had yet. A great distraction from the events occurring outside. He insists on watching a movie to kill the time, you agree. Why not? Besides, Mike's company wasn't so bad.
It was during the middle of the movie when you needed to use the restroom. He points you to down the hall. On your way back, you notice a door had been left open. It was most likely the master bedroom. When you reach the knob to close it, you accidentally take a glimpse inside.
That's when you notice what was there. No....there's no way...You enter his room to get a closer look. Mike smiles to himself. To think that he'd been so worried about everything, and for what? You seem to be enjoying his company. He was right all along, there was something more to your relationship.
He hears you rushing down the hallway, there's an angry look on your face, "What the fuck are these?!" you toss the photos on the ground. Pictured in each and every last one of them is you. Some of them were taken while on campus, others were downloaded from social media posts. He smiles, "Now I know what you're thinking, but if you just hear me out--"
"Not a fucking chance!" you back away from him. He's confused, why now were you acting out? It was going so well between the two of you! Can't you see how much he cares?
"Don't you see the love and dedication I have for you?! And you know it too!" he nears, "I know you feel the same way..." his voice sounding more desperate, there's a deranged look in his eyes that doesn't meet his smile, "Tell me you weren't thinking the same thing, when you waited for me after class," he held a hand to his chest, expressing his love for you.
He's finally letting you know how he's felt for a very long time. You were at a loss for words, there's no way he actually thought--between the two of you? He's delusional. To think you and your classmates actually trusted him. You're pissed, "Get it through your fucking head! You're my professor! That's all you'll ever be!"
After hearing that Mike's smile fades. He could feel heart shattering into a million pieces. Maybe it was a mistake, bringing you here on your own terms. If he knew this was how you would react, then he would've just stuck to the original plan. He knows he could get away with it too. After all, it was Purge day.
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Usually, he'd go against something like this. But what other choice does he have? It quickly turns into a fight or flight situation. You knew he was stronger than you, so there would be no point in fighting him. What other choice did you have other than running? Mike is much faster than you realize. He's quick to grab you before you've had a chance to alert the security system.
Mike drags you across his home. He stops by a door located on the side of the staircase. He almost rips the hinges off when he pulls you inside. You fought with all your might, scratching, pushing, hitting wherever you possibly could. To him, they felt like nothing. He's dealt with worse. In the struggle, you're sent tumbling down the stairs.
Mike uses his body to shield yours from the fall. He cradles your head against his chest. Yet still, you were fighting him, after everything he's done. You scurry towards the other side of the basement. As far away from him as you could possibly be.
Mike sighs with annoyance, "You have no idea what it's like..." he lifts himself off the floor, his hands now balled up into fists. He doesn't know how much longer he can hold himself back, "You have no idea what it's like seeing you every day, and not being able to do a damn thing!" he charges, slamming you against a wall, he leans his head closer to yours.
Still there was that look of admiration in his eyes, "We could've been so happy together," Mike grabs you by the throat, pulling you into a deep, searing kiss. In retaliation you bit his lip. He winces in pain, "Will you just...stop fighting me?!" his anger gets the best of him as he slams you against the wall. You're left stunned after getting the wind knocked out of your lungs.
Mike is quick to catch you. He panics, "Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He yells over and over again, "I love you! I love you! Please! I love you!" there are tears in his eyes, "Just please...let me love you..." he sighs against your neck, placing a kiss on the bare skin, "Look at what you do to me..." he grinds his bulge against your clothed mound.
You could practically feel how big it was, even through the many layers of clothing. It makes your skin crawl, how he's played the role of a caring professor and community member for so long. Could he even see himself right now?! "Look, whatever you want, a house, a baby, I'll give ya," Mike never knew he even wanted those things, not until he met you. Don't you see? You're all he's ever needed.
You fought him like a trapped animal. His feisty little wildcat. You use both fists to land a few good hits on his face, over and over again. Hitting his nose with a 'crunch' sound. But still, it doesn't stop him. Mike can't seem to understand why you were trying to escape. It was useless fighting him. This would be so much better if you just gave in. Because eventually, he's going to get what he wants. He pulls you into another forceful kiss.
For that, you headbutt in right in the face. Mike winches, pulling away from you with a now bloody nose. He throws you to the ground. Then pounces, caging his body on top of your own. He begins to unbuckle his belt, dragging his boxers down to free his cock. He spits a wad of blood in his palm, that'll do for now. He doesn't want to waste anymore time. Purge would be ending in a few hours, and he'll make sure to use every last minute of it.
He knows how the law works in this area. If a couple lived together for over a year, then it would legally bind them together as husband and wife. Mike doesn't mind that idea at all, 'My wife...you're going to be my wife," he sighs. Your stomach churns after hearing that, "No...no please, this isn't what I want!"
"You don't even know what you want" Mike starts lifting up your skirt, he's eager, almost giddy, "But I do," yanking down the waistband of your panties. He forces his member deep inside, groaning from the sensation of your walls pulsing. You scream from the intrusion. It resembles a cat's howl.
Tears begin to form, now blurring your vision. Your claws sink deep into his chest, as he began thrusting in and out of your channel. He doesn't stop, not until he finishes. He has only one goal on his mind, to plant his seed, leave a legacy behind, "Take it, take it..." he mumbles over and over again.
"Professor?" a student asks, causing Mike to break from his trance. His student asks the question again, "How was your purge?" genuinely curious. What did Professor Mike Kiernan, of all people, do to earn those nasty bruises? He's still wearing his sweater from yesterday, now caked in his own blood. The first thing he did the morning after, was drag himself out of bed and straight to lecture. He couldn't help but grin, "Well, ran into some trouble, but, no worries,"
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His students and coworkers felt bad. They all said the same thing, how Mike was the last person who deserved something like this. If only they knew. After a long day of lectures, he finally drives home. He passes by the Purge's official memorial road. There are numerous photos of people who had either lost their lives or went missing.
When he sees your photo, he can't help but smirk. He parks his car on the side of the road, approaching the stand. He pockets the picture for keepsake, smiling to himself as he returns to his car. It's been a long time since Mike has looked forward to coming home.
Perhaps Purge wasn't so bad.
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selineram3421 · 4 months
Heeeey, semi-insipred/totally inspired by "As the World Caves in" can you do a story that involves Alastor going after that one last killer he hadn't got yet. Like alot of serial rapist-murders, they have a type they go after. Maybe Alastor's fiance is exactly 100% the type, and he starts noticing a new car in their neighborhood and a new seemingly friendly face in their lives that seems to be VERY interested in his fiancé, but mostly he is just seen walking a dog and from gossip might be the new bf of a neighbor (who doesn't fit the type). Nothing OBVIOUSLY suspicious to your averge person but maybe not Alastor.
Maybe they can be kind of a foil to Alastor where Alastor in his own twisted way has a nobel cause of trying to stop extremly dangerous crime by killing criminals that the cops aren't getting either on purpose or theoufh incompetence.
Maybe the serial rapist murder also thinks they have a nobel cause thinking they are "saving women from this terrible world." Or whatever idea that they got in their head to justify their wants. Maybe just some guy. Crooked cop knowing how to dodge the system. Ifk.
Idk, I'm messy and here for the DRAMA!
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Ooooo~ Some of you wanted mooooooore. Lol.
Coming Apart
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As The World Caves In
Human Alastor X Human Reader Oneshot
⚠ she/they for reader, mentions of hunting, blood/gore(discriptive injuries), fluff/angst, food mention-breakfast, hinting at the start of cannibalism, stalking, attempted rape, murder, blood!, bad dog owner, reader gets their hands dirty, self defence ⚠
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Being engaged to Alastor is very much like being partners in crime.
It is never boring.
Instead, its quite exciting and unexpected at times. Sometimes its good but sometimes it could also be bad.
Like right now.
It was late at night.
Only students working on papers or assignments are up at this hour. Thankfully with blasting music, headphones or not.
You were up waiting.
Alastor was out on one of his "deer hunts", you like to call it. Only because you found antlers mounted in his dorm when in college and thought he hunted them.
It gave a good cover for his occasional late night outings.
The hour was way past twelve, quiet in the apartment save for the ticking from your antique mantle clock sitting on the windowsill.
Outside was a different story.
Modern times have a more active night life, and cars pass by now and again. Not too often.
Thank god I don't live on a main street.
You thought, scrolling through images on your phone. Trying to ease the multiple worried thoughts swarming in your mind.
He was late.
Later than usual. Both of you had a long talk about how to carry out his "hunting" properly to ensure it did not disturb nature too much.
It was still bothering you.
He's late.
Then you notice that you've started bouncing your leg in place, and your thoughts keep spiraling.
Finally, there's a sound by the door.
Practically jumping up, you rush over and check the peep-hole, seeing him looking down the hallway and leaning over a bit.
Opening the door quickly with a smile, it shifts into a gasp. "Alastor!", you end up saying in shock instead of happiness.
He's holding himself up by leaning his hand on the doorway, his other hand is red and pressed up against his abdomen. "Hello darling..", he gives you a wobbly smile. "I'm home."
"Get inside, quick!", you whisper shout and pull him carefully.
He hisses in pain but follows you inside the apartment, not going too far. Moving to the wall, he slides down against it to a sitting position in the entryway. Letting out a few more noises of pain when you peel away his hand and shirt from his wound.
"Al.. Al honey, we have to get you to a hospital.", you manage to not stutter out.
"No-what? No. Then they'll ask how I got stabbed.", he says and moves your hand away with a sound effect to go with it. "Pssshh."
"And that tells me how much blood you've lost.", you say as you call an ambulance.
Both of you end up learning more first aid so this doesn't happen again, and so there is no suspicion.
At least it was never boring. Both of you hate being bored.
Weekend mornings are Alastor's favorite.
Because every weekend morning starts off with music.
"Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful~", he sings and dances with his fiancé in the kitchen.
"Don't forget to flip the pancake.", they say and give a quick kiss, that turns into a slightly longer one.
Flipping the pancake quickly, he goes back to them to continue dancing.
"And everything that I do is out of lovin' you~", he hums the rest.
The radio continues to play the song as the two prepare breakfast.
Coffee is almost done and mugs are set out, plates are on the counter nearby the stove, and the table has a vase full of flowers that were picked from yesterday's grocery shopping.
Yes, everything should be perfect..
But why does this look lacking?
Alastor thinks as he stares down at the plate he is putting food on, which has scrambled eggs, toast and sausages.
"And every day my life is filled with lovin' you~", she sang while pouring coffee into the mugs.
Shaking the thought out of his head, he finishes up serving the food and takes the plates over to the table.
"Darling, do we have anything planned for today?", he asks as he sets the plates on the table and pulls out the chairs.
"Hmm.. I don't think so.", they say, making their way to the table with the mugs full of coffee. "I'd like to go thrift shopping though, we can try finding that old radio you wanted.", they say placing the mugs on the table.
"I quite like that idea. Let's do it!", he agrees with a smile.
The two sit down to eat and talk about what else they might buy.
Its a week later that his fiancé notices a new face in the neighborhood.
"Do we have a new neighbor?", they ask while looking out the window, but staying near the wall to be out of sight.
"A new neighbor?", he asks and makes his way over, standing next to them and also taking a look.
There's a man sitting at the bus bench on his phone with a dog leash in one hand. Odd thing is that a dog is nowhere to be seen.
"Do you think someone was dog sitting for him?", she asks.
"Perhaps, but we can't be too sure.", he says. "Let's go back to planning love. We're almost done with all of the food options."
"Don't forget the sweets table.", they say and head back over to the couch.
"How can I forget your sugar addiction.", he says with a light laugh and follows behind them.
"At least I know you won't steal my treats."
A few more days pass and the stranger is still hanging around the apartment complex. Not liking the odd vibes he gives off, Alastor visits an elderly neighbor that both of you like to call Grandmother.
He knocks on the door, holding a pie his love baked before heading off to work.
The door opens, revealing an old woman with white hair and wearing a purple dress, with a small pink flower broach pinned on their off white cardigan.
"Alastor, what a surprise.", the old woman smiles.
"Hello Ms Rosie, how are you today?", he offers a smile back.
"I'm doing well dear, come in!", she says and opens the door wider, walking to the living room. "Where is that lovely fiancé of yours?"
"They had to go to work today, one of the people called in sick.", Alastor answers and closes the door behind him before following the woman.
"Would you like tea? I just made some cinnamon tea.", Rosie now makes her way into the kitchen. "Set the pie down on the coffee table."
He sets down the pie like asked and sits down on the couch, knowing the woman would make a slight fuss if he didn't.
Rosie comes back with two mugs of tea and hands one to him before sitting down on the other end of the couch. "How are you dear? Anything interesting to tell me?"
"I'm doing well, nothing too interesting but my fiancé and I went to a few antique stores last weekend.", he says with a fond smile, remembering when they got excited over finding a 1930s typewriter.
"Oh how lovely, was there nice jewelry or tea sets?", she asked.
"There was a good amount of tea sets but most of them were incomplete. We managed to find you something that you might like.", he says before taking a sip of the tea, burning his tongue in the process.
Too soon. He thought with a small sigh.
"How sweet of you both. I'll make you both something to wear. Do you like sweaters?", Rosie continues to talk about different kinds of sweaters she could make for them.
"We both like sweaters, I'll visit again soon and let you know what kind with my fiancé.", Alastor says and puts the mug on the coffee table. "I wanted to ask if you know something about that strange man sitting on the bus bench across the street with a dog leash. He looks about like he's in his late thirties."
"Hm.. Yes, that man came into the building once. Asking to put up some missing dog flyers. Don't understand why he's just sitting on the bench. Maybe he's just waiting for someone?", Rosie says, mumbling the last bit. "Well, the other women say he might be a boyfriend of some young girl living in the apartment. Of course its just a guess."
"Hmm. I see.", he hums.
"Why do you ask dear? Did that man cause trouble?", Rosie asks.
"No, just surprised by the new face.", Alastor flashes a smile.
Before leaving the old woman's apartment, she gives him some red tea.
The next day both he and his fiancé are walking to the car when the strange man walks over.
"Excuse me, have you seen this dog around?", he asks them and holds up a flyer.
"No.", Alastor says after taking a glance at the picture.
The dog looks fluffy and has a bandana around its neck, but the image is terrible and you can barely tell what kind of dog it is.
"What about you miss?", the man then asks them, taking multiple steps forward.
"No, sorry.", they shake their head, taking a hold of Alastor's arm.
"We'll keep an eye out.", Alastor says quickly taking the flyer and the two keep walking. "Are you alright love?"
"Yeah, that guy just got too close.", they say.
That night, he looks up a list of stalkers and assaulters online. Only falling asleep after remembering that he has work tomorrow.
During work, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his gut.
When it hit five, he gathered his things quickly and left the radio station. The drive back home was a little annoying due to traffic, but he got there earlier then he usually does.
Then his phone rang.
Picking up the phone after seeing it was her, he let out a small sigh of relief.
"Hello darling. I just got home, so-", he started.
"Hey Red, remember that guy that kept sitting on the bench across the street? He- he followed me to work today.", they say shakily. "He had flyers like last time but he's been outside the building since putting some up."
"I'll be there. Stay on the phone with me and tell your boss the situation.", Alastor says quickly and gets ready to head out.
When he gets there its dark, only the street lamps, a few stores, and cars passing by are giving off lights. The phone call ended when he said that he was around the corner.
Getting out of the car and running over, Alastor heads inside the building they work in and asks for them.
"You're their fiancé right?", the woman, who he assumes is your boss asks.
"Yes, are they ok?"
"Yeah, but the guy is still around. I'm going to need you to "buy" something while they sneak out. That ok?", she asks.
"Yes, that's fine. I don't care.", he says and gets a few bags of candy in the front.
Then he sees them walk out to the front.
"Hey.", they wave.
"Thank goodness you're ok.", he sighs and pulls out his wallet and keys. "Take the keys while I pay, the car is nearby. You have it yes?"
"Yeah.", they nod and take the keys, then look over to their boss. "I'll head out now."
"Walk out with Anthony and be careful.", the woman says as they head to the back. "The candy is for them isn't it?", she says as she scans the items.
"They eat candy while at work don't they.", he says with a chuckle.
After getting everything, he heads back to the car and sees that they've made it inside safely.
She unlocks the drivers side when seeing him walk up.
Opening the door, Alastor gets in and passes them the bag of candy, locking the door quickly after closing it. "How are you feeling love?", he asks while starting the car.
"Uh, a bit terrified to be honest.", she says and takes out sour candy. "Thank you for the candy."
"Let's go home.", he says.
Both of them keep an eye out for any cars that might be following them. And to be extra safe they don't turn on the lights when entering their apartment.
After that, you called the police but of course nothing was done about it. They only said that they'd keep an eye out.
It was unsettling.
That guy knew where you lived and where you worked.
Seeing your uneasiness, Alastor suggested that both of you get away for the weekend and rent a cabin.
"We'll have Rosie come by and house sit for us so it looks like we're still here. I'll rent a car and we can go up to that mountain you told me about so much.", he holds you close, pulling you into a dance.
"Really? We can go anywhere, it doesn't have to be-", you started but were shushed with a kiss.
He pulls away with a smirk.
"Yes darling, you love it up there and you can show me all of the little shops you've explored, like that Little Dandelion bakery.", his smirk softened into smile as he lifted his hand up to caress your cheek. "I want to see you smile up at the trees again."
You hid your blushing face by resting your head on his chest with a soft huff. Alastor chuckles and continues to sway you in place, kissing the top of your head.
Rosie came to your apartment with her knitting tools and measuring tape the next day, a Friday evening. She had a book on patters for sweaters, yarn rolls almost spilling out of her bag.
"I'll take your measurements before you head out, go through the book if you want something specific.", the old woman said placing her things down on the coffee table.
It didn't take long before you both went out through the back of the building, going to the rental car that Alastor got. You helped put some of the bags in the trunk before he stopped you.
"Don't bother with this love, get in the car and lock the doors until I'm done.", he kissed your forehead.
"Ok.", you nodded and went into the passenger side.
Once finished, he joined you in the car and began driving. Both of you didn't know that the man had taken note of all the licence plates in the area.
The drive was peaceful, just an hour and a half away. You held the map on your phone as the car passed by familiar grassy hills and the old church ruins. At some point you both got off the car to get snacks and stretch your legs.
Driving up the mountain, you were beaming when the car drove through a cloud.
"I hope it rains, it's so pretty and smells nice in the rain.", you commented.
Soon both of you arrived and you told him to park near the shops.
"The restaurants are nearby, so we don't have to walk that far.", you explained.
Alastor smiled as you dragged him from shop to shop, and even praised the food from one of the restaurants that you took him to. The last stop was at the bakery you favored.
He took the orders while you found a spot to sit outside.
Paying for the sweetbread and coffee, he also got you a small pie. It didn't take long for the drinks to be ready and they quickly gave the baked goods.
Now I see why they like it here so much. Good service. He thought before stepping outside and looking for you.
But you weren't anywhere to be found.
"Darling?", he placed the items on a nearby table and looked around the area.
You would have told him if you were going somewhere, he knows that you would have waited for him. Something was wrong. Where were you?
Looking at the woodland floor, Alastor quickly went into hunting mode. It was quite easy to pick out shoe prints as the dirt was still damp from the morning rain. He knew your shoe size and the pattern on the bottom of your shoe, because you added little hearts to make markings with every step you took.
He found the little prints, but what had him more alert was the signs of struggle.
Someone had forcefully dragged you away.
Quietly, he followed the prints and soon found you pressed against a tree with a man covering your mouth.
"Don't you see I had to save you?", the man said as he tried to undo your pants.
"Mph!", you clawed and punched to get out of the gross thing's hold, effectively scratching the man's face till it bled.
"STOP FIGHTING ME!", he shouted and threw you on the ground.
You hit your shoulder on a rock which made you yelp in pain.
Alastor used this moment to tackle the man.
"YOU FUCKING PIG!", he growled and started beating the man in the face. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU NASTY, LOATHSOME-!"
There was a loud bark and then before he knew it a dog was trying to maul him.
"Get off you beast!", Alastor tried his best to throw the dog off but it just kept biting and ripping his jacket.
He was angry.
At the man and at himself.
How could he have ignored everything else? He should have noticed there was a mutt. But in that moment all he saw was red. He couldn't let that man lay another hand on you.
"Argh!", he yelled as the dog bit his leg. "You little shit!", he kicked the dog.
It took longer than he would have liked but he knocked the dog unconscious.
Alastor dragged himself to lean on the trunk of a nearby tree. Arms and legs firing up with pain, him barely able to move an inch before the burning flared up again.
He heard his love scream out.
Finding her and the disgusting man near the other side of the trail, he sees that they've taken the upper hand and pulled out their sharp pair of scissors.
Ah, its Mr. Stabbington.
"STAY STILL YOU BITCH!", the man yells, grabbing her by the neck and trying to choke her. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M DOING YOU A FAVOR!?", he rolled them over until he was back on top.
"L-LET GO OF ME!", you coughed before stabbing him in the neck.
Blood splattered and dripped onto your face as the man looked down at you in shock, his face staying frozen that way as he dropped.
You shivered in disgust as the body pressed against you, feeling how aroused the creep was when you moved your leg to kick his lifeless body off. Not sparing another glance at the body, you quickly turned to rush over to your lover's side.
"Alastor!", you cried, throwing the scissors as you stumbled over, kneeling down by his side to look over his wounds. "Oh god, you're bleeding so much-!"
The dog had left bite marks and gashes, his blood starting to sink into the soil.
"I-I'll call the local police and-and an ambulance will get here!", you took off your jacket and covered him before shakily taking out your phone. "Fuck!", you shouted at the no signal.
He called your name softly and held onto one of your hands. "I'm going to be ok, just go to the cafe and bring help."
"I don't want to leave you here.", you sniffed, and pulled the chain of your necklace, a whistle at the end of it. "I'll use this and shout but I'm not leaving your side."
Your love nodded and let you do what you wanted.
"You look beautiful in that shade of red."
It only took a few minutes before someone had come to help.
"HOLY SHIT!", the person yelled and ran over.
Local police arrived and the clinic vehicle as well, you told the police the summary of what happened before promising to tell the rest after Alastor was taken care of.
You got into the back of the clinic van and held onto your love's hand whenever you could.
He would be ok.
He had to be ok.
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This took me a while but yay. More human Alastor. There will be more✨
~Seline, the person.
@willowaudreykeyes @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @kiraisastay @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @biromanticboba @pooplyface1423 @naelys-the-aster @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @+?
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
(Forgive me If I already requested this again, but I kind of forgot but)
I really loved your requests about bot buddy con having the personality of death in puss and boots: the last wish!
Now I wanna see Bumblebee’s reaction finally getting to meet the con (plus some more bots who haven’t met as well)
Haven't seen this Buddy in a hot minute.
There was another request with a similar ask, so I'm mixing the two into this one.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with the personality of Death from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Arachnid
SFW, Mention of death and injuries, Cybertronian reader
Bumblebee tries to hide how terrified he is.
He has most of his team fooled, but even they know that he has some fear over this Con.
Everyone does.
As far as Bumblebee knows, he was the only Autobot in history to have landed one shot on this Con. Bad thing being that now they have a special vendetta against him.
Firmly believes that they are some supernatural being of vengeance and death.
It is the only explanation that he can think of.
His team knows that the con has some sort of vendetta against him and actively helps him out of situations fast.
He is extremely thankful for their actions.
Sometimes when things get too quiet, he sometimes thinks he can hear the whistling through the walls.
Bumblebee walking through the empty base.
The eerie sound of The Whistle sound through the halls.
Bee just stays in his place in absolute terror as the lights flicker a bit.
The lights turn back to their normal state and The Whistle disappears.
Bee slowly walks back to the main room with shaky blaster at the ready.
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Bulkhead has an intense fear of the Con.
It rivals his fear of Scraplets.
He has completely frozen on the battlefield when hearing The Whistle.
Bulkhead has lost so many of his friends and companions thanks to this Con.
The absolute carnage he has seen after they leave is enough to make him sick in his tanks for days.
He is trying to respond differently to the whistle instead of freezing, its kind of hard to cover for his giant frame or even attempt to move him.
Bulkhead readying his wrecking ball for the reinforcements.
The Whistle is carried through the air like an omen.
“BEEP! Boop bep— (BULKHEAD! Bulkhead where--)"--Bumblebee
Bulkhead snatching Bumblebee up and sprinting to the groundbridge with shaky servos.
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Ratchet gets chills down his spine every time someone comms in about the Con being in the area.
He has seen this Con up close before.
Not because he had to patch them up, but because they had purposely gotten close to him.
They didn’t do anything as he froze in fear over the deceased body of a comrade. Just a simple look before walking away and disappearing into the smoke of the battle.
Ratchet absolutely loathes the sound of the whistle. It brings back too many unpleasant feelings that almost make him freeze.
He believes the Con has a soft spot for medics.
That is the only reason why he has stayed alive near them for so long.
He could only wish for that luck to be sent to his team.
Ratchet on the field helping Bumblebee to the groundbridge.
The Whistle is sharp and close.
Ratchet picks up Bumblebee and tries to trek faster to the groundbridge.
Out of the corner of his optic he spots the familiar figure emerging from the smoke. They only look at Ratchet as he throws Bumblebee in and then goes in himself.
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This is the one Con that Arachnid refuses to mess with.
This Con’s even more lethal than she is and 10 times more dangerous.
At this point she half believes that this isn’t a Cybertronain, but an evil primordial being.
She tries to pretend that the whistling doesn’t bother her.
It’s a lie.
But maybe… maybe this is just some big shot trying to one up her on her own game.
Two can play that game.
Arachnid walking through the forest stalking an unsuspecting Breakdown and Dreadwing.
Arachnid is about to deliver the fatal blow when something sharp cuts her webs.
It’s a very familiar looking scythe.
Too familiar…
“Insubordination and attempt to murder a fellow Decepticon? Oh that simply won’t do.”--Buddy
Arachnid looks at Buddy’s frightening red optics.
“I’ll have your helm mounted on my wall!”--Arachnid
Arachnid tries to strike at Buddy.
She fails and gets pinned to the ground by the scythe.
“Oh, dear Arachnid… this is long overdue… and I’m going to enjoy this very much.”--Buddy
A bit later Buddy emerges from the bush scaring Breakdown and Dreadwing.
“Where did you come from? Not that we aren’t--”--Breakdown
“It no longer concerns you Breakdown. The danger is gone now.”--Buddy
“No longer exists. Now, lets get back to the Nemesis, shall we?”--Buddy
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noturlondonboy · 23 days
Not the Time
Wenclair Oneshot
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Summary: Enid has a gay little moment when Wednesday ultimately succumbs to the exhaustion of being alive.
A/N: one of the first Wenclair oneshots I ever wrote! I’m in love with this show and this ship and want to write for them more. Super excited about S2! Enjoy :)❤️
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Enid Sinclair knew three essential things about her roommate.
One, don’t touch Wednesday without permission unless you wanted a knife through your throat.
Two, never insult a member of the Addams family if you wanted to have pleasant dreams.
And three, never interrupt Wednesday’s writing time with pointless questions, or you wouldn’t get another chance to go to bed in the first place.
The first one was hard for Enid and rather disheartening, but she’d take never wolfing out again over making Wednesday physically uncomfortable in a heartbeat. The second one was easy beyond reason; she had nothing bad to say about the Addams’, as they had treated her with nothing but their odd kindness and strangely comforting words. (Not to mention that Thing was practically Enid’s Right Hand Man, after Wednesday’s, of course.)
And the third- well. Enid had never been good at that. It was very clear when Wednesday was starting her writing time. The scraping of that ungodly ancient chair and shuffling of thick paper was unmistakable and unfortunately impossible to miss, especially when paired with a properly deadpan comment of “It’s my writing time now, Enid, and it would do you some good to stay quiet and get your herbology homework done.”
It was very hard to pretend Enid didn’t know it was such, and therefore have an excuse to bother Wednesday, at least once, without more than a scathing glance in retort fusing her lips shut. But she couldn’t help it, she really couldn’t! Enid was a social young wolf, and as easy as it would be to go hang out with Yoko, she had recently found herself wanting to be around Wednesday at every possible chance, even more than usual, especially when those dark eyes were so focused on the task at hand.
Enid wanted to tell Wednesday about her day, and she wanted to know if anything particularly interesting had happened to her roommate in turn. She could usually get a sentence or two out of her if she pouted enough, but most often Thing was eventually sent over to distract her.
It was an odd routine between the two of them. Jittery, anxious energy just begging to be let loose, only to be leashed by the dark force of Wednesday Addams when she was In The Zone.
Normally, Wednesday would stalk into their dorm room and get started on this exact scenario in just a minute or two after her last class or strange activity. She would nod to Enid in acknowledgement, humor her with a bit of conversation while she changed out of her uniform, and then seat herself at her desk.
But today was odd, even for Wednesday.
The week had been lethally long and so boring that Enid was sure she would die on more than one occasion, and her complaints were always met with a sharp comment from Wednesday’s silver tongue about actually taking her ADHD meds for once. Even with them in her system, the teachers had been even drier than usual the last few days, and Enid was ready to claw her hair out if something interesting didn’t happen soon.
So as soon as the door to the room opened with a quiet swish of air, the werewolf was sitting up eagerly on her colorful bed, watching Wednesday with bright eyes.
She froze immediately. Wednesday's hands were clenched tightly and her fingers twitched against her palms, her clomping footsteps uneven and louder than usual as she seethed quietly over to her closet. There was no glance at Thing, no nod to Enid, and no twitch of an intrigued smile at the new cobweb on her side of the room.
Something was wrong. Wednesday Addams was grumpy. She didn’t do grumpy. Only mildly disgruntled.
“Wednesday? Are you okay?” Enid stood carefully, squinting her eyes slightly at her dark little roommate, who was clawing (for lack of a better word) her blazer and vest off with wild abandon like the articles of clothing had personally offended her.
Wednesday gave no answer, only continued to undress and toss her clothes carelessly onto her bed, which in itself was more alarming than the lack of interest for the spiderweb. Wednesday was not a careless person, and Enid knew she hated having her things a mess. Even so, her platforms were chucked under the bed with a jerking rage to her movements as her shirt, skirt and tie joined the pile on the covers, leaving her in her black undergarments.
Enid quickly whipped back towards her side of the room, face burning as Wednesday finished changing. Now was not the time. Her Wednesday was clearly upset.
There was a heated sigh from said Wednesday, closely followed by the scrape of her chair on the floor. Enid turned back, expecting to find the girl’s braids facing her, but was surprised to meet Wednesday’s dark gaze head on.
Enid jumped slightly, startled. She didn’t dare utter a word, not when her roommate had that look on her face, like she wanted to crush the sun between her hands and make herself everyone’s problem. Like she was just daring Enid to say something.
They stared at each other silently, Enid’s shoulders tense. Cold sweat dripped down her back. She resisted the urge to tap against her leg, afraid that movement would set Wednesday off. Even Thing was staying stock still in his little hammock by Wednesday’s cello.
Or maybe he was asleep. Enid couldn’t be sure. He was a hand. It was all very strange.
Another beat, and then Wednesday sat herself down with nothing but a soft breath, her back rigid as she rolled her shoulders in an act that Enid would almost call anxious. If she didn’t have a shred of self-preservation, that is. (She doesn’t, not really.)
A quick glance to Thing confirmed that he was in fact awake, and all he gave her was a confused ‘idk’ before burrowing further into the warmth of his little bed. Enid scowled at him, signing at him that he was no help, even though he couldn’t (hear? See?) her.
The clicking of Wednesday’s old typewriter was slow and uneven. Enid watched the girl cautiously, slowly sitting back down on her bed, her hands under her legs to keep herself from picking at her nails. She watched Wednesday apprehensively, not sure what to do.
Did she dare to say something and ultimately face the price if Wednesday decided to rebuke? Or did she stay silent and try to ignore the way her roomie seemed to be wilting against her desk, her feet (which only had black and white striped socks and no boots, another oddity) no longer pressed completely to the floor, now instead tilting away from each other, like the muscles in her legs were failing to exert themselves enough to do as they should.
“I can feel your horrendously bright eyes burning unpleasant holes through my head, Enid.”
Enid startled yet again, a yelp slipping through her lips as her claws shot out. Wednesday’s voice was quiet and lacking in the solid sternness that was normally paired with her words, and yet she was still imposing from where she sat, several feet away.
“Spit it out,” Wednesday droned, her arms falling into her lap.
A moment.
“You seem tired,” was all Enid could come up with. She scolded herself.
“I am always tired, Enid. The perpetual state of existence that I am forced to be a part of is both exhausting and exhilarating. I delight in the feeling of my blood thickening and weighing my every movement down quite a bit. It provides a challenge, and forces my mind to work harder to be alert.”
Enid blinks at her, absolutely baffled, and Wednesday seems to know this, because she sighs softly out of her nose, and turns her head to see her. Her irises are deep pools of weary intelligence, so dark that Enid swears she could drown in them.
But what really catches her attention are the bruisen circles under Wednesday's eyes.
“Ok, yeah, sure, you’re always tired, existing is a lot, all that good goth stuff- when was the last time you slept, Willa?” Enid inquires boldly, her brow furrowing as she holds herself from walking over to Wednesday to smooth away the crinkle on her forehead. Wednesday would stuff a knife down her throat. Rule number one.
Wednesday’s face doesn’t shift, but she seems to emanate an intent of murder. “My sleeping patterns are not your concern, Enid.”
“It’s that stupid basilisk case you’ve been on, isn’t it?” Enid quickly bites out, suddenly feeling rather upset. “You’ve been distracting me from you being out so late to hunt a giant freaking snake with all the intolerable coddling about me taking my meds.” (The intolerable part is a lie. Enid is very a-okay with the fact that Wednesday pays enough attention to remind her to take her meds.)
“You have medicine for a reason.”
“And the human body needs sleep for a reason.”
“I’m barely human, Enid, we both know this.”
“You’re still way more human than me, Wednesday. And I can barely function most of the time!”
“Exactly, which is why you have medication.”
“Why you- that’s- that’s not the point!” Enid sputtered, ruffled.
Wednesday had that cruel little smirk on her lips that popped the barest hint of a dimple out and made Enid’s cheeks hot at the most inconvenient of times. That unbearably smug little thing…
A yawn interrupts them both and stops Enid’s quip about the change of topic in her throat. A yawn from Wednesday. Enid has a feeling Wednesday’s eyes would betray just how tired and caught off guard she is by this, if only they weren’t scrunched up as she bowed her head into her chest and covered her mouth with her hands.
The amount of devastated whiplash happening in Enid’s head is going to be giving her migraines for days. On one hand, she wants to jump up in a triumphant shout and say that she was right, Wednesday wasn’t sleeping, but on the other, she’s rather distracted by the glimpse of Wednesday’s sharper-than-expected-canines and the way her button nose is scrunching up.
(The teeth thing isn’t weird, Enid swears. She’s a werewolf. She’s allowed to notice teeth. And think they’re attractive. Of course.)
Wednesday is still curled in on herself, as if she’s hiding. If Enid didn’t know better, she’d say her headstrong and impulsive roommate was being shy. (Enid does not know better.)
Wisely refraining from making an extremely gay comment on how cute Wednesday is, Enid instead says, “You need to sleep, Wednesday. I know you think you’re immortal, but I feel like everything that happened with Crackstone and Tyler should put even you in your place about that sort of thing.” The werewolf is suddenly feeling very, very sober at the reminder that they had both almost died just a few short months ago. There’s nothing cute about that. Tiktok is a damned lie.
Wednesday doesn’t seem to have a response for that, but she does look back up to Enid, her eyes trailing to the scars on her face as the muscles behind her heavy eyes seem to loosen, the semi-permanent look of distaste falling into something soft, akin to guilt, as she, too, is reminded of the events of that night.
Enid is not used to Wednesday looking at her scars. She is not used to Wednesday’s eyes on her like that, not at all. She flushes yet again, dipping her head so that her hair falls over them.
Wednesday looks decidedly upset about that.
Refusing to address whatever the actual hell just happened, Enid simply sits up taller, balling her fists in her lap. “You need to sleep tonight, Wednesday.”
“I will.” She’s lying.
“You’re lying.”
“I am not, Enid. I would never.” Yes, she is.
“Yes, you are, and yes, you would. You just did. I know your tells, you little sycophant.”
Wednesday blinks, seemingly taken aback. Quite the oddity. Enid can barely believe it herself.
“No.” Dammit.
“I need to write, and then I have more clues to look at. I’m close to cracking this one.”
Enid stands, folding her arms over her chest and grinding her teeth. “It’s really not the time to be stubborn, Willa.”
Surprisingly, Wednesday stands too, her stance lenient as she stalks closer. “It’s what makes me so charming,” she bites out, sarcasm dripping heavily like venom from her sharp tongue.
“There are a lot of things that make you charming, but right now, stubbornness is not one of them,” Enid snaps back before she can take a moment to think over her words. She doesn’t even realize what she’s said until Wednesday pauses yet again, her eyes narrowed into quizital slits.
Hint hint, Enid’s cheeks are once again red. But she doesn’t take it back. Wednesday has been running on empty for days now, and if she has to wrestle the girl into bed and pin her down to hold her there, she will. (She tries not to think too hard about that. Once again, not the time.)
Realizing that Enid is being quite serious for once, Wednesday lets out a huff from her little nose and turns back to her desk to sit down, posture wavering immediately. “One hour. I will write for one hour, and then I will go to bed, as long as you stop talking.”
Enid frowns, knowing it’s the best she’s going to get, but she still doesn’t go back to her bed.
Wednesday is quiet and types for a moment, before shaking her head almost sincerely. “I will sleep, Enid. I promise.”
Enid beams, happy with that answer, and skips on over to jump into her blankets. She sets an alarm on her phone for one hour, and promptly scrolls through her Pinterest with a small seed of contentment in her chest.
It’s not even ten minutes later that Wednesday’s faltering typing stops completely, and Enid waits a moment before peeking up over her pillows to see what her roommate is up to. To her utter shock and complete disbelief, Wednesday is asleep, her dark head of hair slumped forward against her forearm as one hand still lays on the typewriter keys. Her back rises and falls softly, and her black hoodie seems to swallow her up.
Enid swoons.
Careful to be quiet, the werewolf gets back off her bed and steps over the wood board that once held the black tape dividing their room in two. She hasn’t been into Wednesday’s side of the room uninvited in quite a while, and she swears it’s colder and draftier the further in she gets. Typical.
Thing watches her from his hammock with a vague interest as she grabs a blanket off of Wednesday’s bed and goes to drape it over the sleeping girl. She wraps it around her softly and gently takes Wednesday’s hand off of the typewriter, tucking it under her head with the other. She’s honestly surprised that Wednesday hasn’t woken up and cursed her entire bloodline yet. She’s not too entirely opposed to the thought. It’s kind of hot, actually, if she takes a minute to think about it.
(It is, once again, still not the time.)
Wednesday’s cheek is squished against her arm, and Enid decides it’s the best thing she’s ever seen. The girl’s face is softer in sleep, the dying light through their window casting melting shapes over the lines of her jaw, the curve of her nose, the dip of her mouth. Enid cannot help but to stare, and she can’t quite find the strength to stop.
“I haven’t felt her skin on mine since our hug last semester, Thing,” she whispers carefully. “I have dreams about it sometimes, actually.” Enid lets out a tiny laugh. “How embarrassing is that?”
She doesn’t look up to see if he answers or was even listening. She just watches Wednesday, watches to make sure she really is sleeping, that she’s still breathing, that her eyes aren’t twitching behind their lids with nightmares. She doesn’t care how many times Wednesday says she enjoys them. They’re not cool.
Enid holds in a breath and places her hand over Wednesday’s, the tips of her fingers buzzing with the contact.
“She’s still so much warmer than I thought she would be.” Her voice is small and she can hear the disgusting amount of adoration that seeps from it. Wednesday would never stand for this. But Wednesday is asleep, and Enid is greedy, and wants this moment all to herself.
A moment passes, maybe two, maybe minutes, Enid isn’t sure- but she finds her head next to Wednesday’s on the desk, their breathing slow and in sync. Enid feels calm, her heart letting itself just simply be.
“You're so beautiful,” she breathes, hardly aware of how dead she would be if Wednesday woke up right then. She doesn’t quite care. All she knows is that Wednesday is sleeping, and her face has gone from cunningly sharp to peaceful, from a brewing storm to the soft rain of summer.
Enid catches herself and quickly leans back up, dizzy with something she can’t really describe. She should leave. She really should go to her side of the room. There were a few hours before her own bed time, and lots of school work to do.
But when she finally convinced herself through the haze in her head to take her hand away, a small motion and a pulse on one of her fingers kept her there. She freezes, slowly looking down.
Wednesday’s pinky is looped over Enid’s own, and as she holds her breath and makes another attempt to pull away, the hold on it only tightens. Wednesday’s brow seems to furrow. The devastating corners of her taunting mouth pull down.
Enid stops trying. Wednesday’s face melts back into a perfect mask of serenity that has Enid’s knees going weak.
“I won’t leave,” she murmurs, her heart pounding in her ears. “I’ll stay, Willa.” She ever so carefully scoots her way onto the chair with Wednesday, one leg hanging off while her friend is still blessedly seated and stable.
Wednesday makes no move to push her off or wake up- in fact, she seems to lean into Enid, melting against her shoulder. One of her braids falls out of the blanket and over Enid’s arm, and she swears she’s going to die. Again.
Enid can only look at her in awe and do her best to hold back the explosion of gay panic that’s sizzling at the base of her skull. Not the time, not the time, not the time.
She falls asleep like that, her hand interlocked with Wednesday’s, their faces inches apart, soft breaths intermingling. She knows she’ll have a cramp tomorrow. And Wednesday will likely kill her in the most brutal way. But Enid doesn’t mind, not really.
She’s just happy to be there with her.
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shaisuki · 2 months
Hi, I just discovered your blog and I love it, we need more chubby readers! 💜
Can I request yandere Sanzu and Izana (separate) with a gender neutral reader? When they discovered that his s/o have really bad nightmares (maybe because is the first time sleeping together or because they are spying on them while they are sleeping, wharever you want I'm sure will be amazing!)
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content warnings: stalking, mentions of murder and illegal activities, hints at noncon, dubcon, bonten sanzu, delusional thoughts.
synopsis: a nightmare, what kind was it or is the person watching you is the nightmare?
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sanzu had barely the time to take sleep when the night comes. as an executive of bonten he's usually tasked in cleaning out the traitors and exterminating them out of their holes. one could say that it is too tiring but to sanzu nothing's too tasking when it comes for the sake of bonten. after all of that blood he will reward himself going back to you.
to his sweet darling.
residing into one of the most expensive penthouse he owns where he kept you captive and provided with your basic needs. he recently just moved you there where he can keep you under surveillance with multiple bodyguards at the door. your security is far above more important, second to bonten.
tonight is where he will have the time to be with you. bonten was taking much of his time and leaving you all by yourself and he shall make his presence known to you and he was brimming with excitement.
masking it with a cold hard stare as he passed the halls where your bodyguards are stationed and within a minute he's standing in front of your shared bedroom with him. expecting you would be asleep at this hour sanzu carefully steps in but only to find you awake.
gaze softening a bit when he sees you. shivering from what he knows as fear. “don't be afraid.” he mutters. a huge grin plastered in his face as he throws his vest followed by his gloves being removed.
you should be. you were taken away from home and you're in an unknown place with a stranger who claims to be your protector but you didn't need one.
“i need to go home please.” pulling the blankets and shoving them beside you. sanzu frowns. “nonsense. you belong here now and it's our first night. you don't want to upset me.” his voice dead calm and you bit your lips. finding there was no way you can reason with a man like him.
your body jerk before your brain could process what was happening. cold hands in your shoulder while you're being slowly pushed in bed. his smile offsetting by the scars in the corner of his mouth moving. “w—what are you doing?” you stammer out. heart beating a mile from the touch and the bells ringing in your head from what he's about to do.
“putting you to bed. you had a long day and i shall rest with you.” placing himself beside you and you were not sure what you are doing and he said to rest and so you complied but still scared to the bone with an unknown man forcing you to sleep with him.
your head hit the pillows and you were covered by the blanket you previously shoved. “sleep.” he orders. “aren't you going to sleep?” you ask him. he only shushes you however your mind and body isn't accustomed to being with him. part of you thinks that you need to follow him or else it's going to be bad. trying to ease your mind and relaxing your body, your eyes begin to get droopy and the last thing you see is his torso and the feeling of his hand gently petting your head.
a content stoic look graces sanzu's face. he didn't had the time to admire you closer and when you've gone to sleep, he sees all the blemishes decorating your face along what you hid underneath that pajama. it's been a month since he made you captive. obsessed with the idea of you being his and so he did.
your chest falls up and down with every breath you take. adorned with a soft body and although he's quite sleepy he resisted it. he wanted to take you this night but left the idea of it. he can do it the next time and you're looking much more tired than him.
tenderness isn't the no. two of bonten's executive greatest strength. used to the taste of ecstasy pills giving him the adrenaline along with the blood bath of traitors and enemies and yet he's capable of this to you along with the filth he wishes to do so.
his cold digits brushed over to the roundness of your cheek and before he could fully admire it, a whimper coming from your lips and your brows furrowing indicated that you were having a nightmare and in his sick mind enjoys seeing the look of terror in your face along with your body convulsing but haruchiyo can't be cruel to you for long.
he gently shake you up and when he got your body ridden with nightmare awake, he pulls you closer towards him. his thin arms wrapped around your shoulder while he whispers you sweet nothings until you're fully calmed down. soft pants coming from you and sanzu might discovered that you're prone to having nightmares and he feels a little bad. who would comfort you when he's not with you? it's not like he's permitting others to touch you cause he won't. a bullet would come for them before they can lay a finger to you.
“it's only a nightmare.” he whispers to you. your plush body cradled by him. you pursed your lips. as if a nightmare isn't bad enough not when your kidnapper is comforting you. playing along is what you can do and you manage to get yourself back to sleep. afraid of what the morning comes and what your brain might conjure up. it's the least of your worries, really.
it is nothing when your greatest nightmare is besides you.
the night is only reserved for the creatures like izana.
thin rectangular hanafuda earrings gently sways with breeze along with the strands of his white hair. his red gang uniform delicately moves with the wind. it's almost to similar to wind chimes tinkling with the summer breeze rolling.
that's why you weren't awoken up to his presence being near to your sleeping form. it would destroy his plans if you were to find him. izana doesn't like to make his appearance known to you. contented lurking in the shadows. ensuring his beloved is safe and away from the dangers of the streets and he could always admire you.
watch as you peacefully snooze under the covers of your room. soon to be terrorized of nightmares that awaits you upon descending in your wonderland. izana doesn't like that. it is bad to start when he can't comfort you. he needs to wait or it will just go down in the flames.
first time it happened, although he may not show it he's deeply worried about you. your angelic face scrunched up with sweat beading in your forehead and the small whimpers similar to cries. tossing back and forth and you wake up with terror upon your face. it hurts him. he wishes he was there to ease and tell you that it was fine and it's only a nightmare.
izana may be cruel and bitter but he can show compassion to his beloved. loved them dearly and he must work to fulfill his plans and achieved his goals and when all is on place, you would depend on him. find solace where him is only way to have peace.
and one day, you would regret when he's taking you away from your world and he would be the nightmare that didn't visit you in your mind but only to chain you with him.
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wolf-na · 1 month
wolf keum – eye twitch
summary : “can’t you believe what you see?” you’re best friends with wolf but your feelings for him are a burden to carry all by yourself. what happens when you actually confess?
genre : fluff – angst (i mean… wolf)
warnings : best friends to lovers, angst, fighting, blood, injuries, bad communication, harsh words, jealousy, wolf’s a bit ooc, stalking because wolf’s actually obsessed?!?!
author’s note : 1st time writing for weak hero and it had to be for wolf!¡! if you like this pairing i’m considering writing drabbles for them so throw a comment if you’d like to read that!
The hand of the clock moved so slowly you could have ripped your own head off in boredom way too many times to count. You never liked Fridays, probably your second least favorite day of the week after Monday.
Your teacher was speaking, probably explaining a mathematical theory you never once cared about, but it sounded more like gibberish.
To your left, Wolf’s empty seat. He did offer you to skip the last classes of the day —not that he actually attended a single class the last two days, but you refused. Your parents were on your back ever since finding out you failed two tests this month.
You drop your head on your desk and text Wolf that you could just kill yourself at this point. You can almost hear his typical snicker in his reply.
You had been friends with Wolf for years at this point, bonding over a bizarre hobby you both shared. Fighting. Well, it wasn’t bizarre for the two of you, more so a daily activity. But you agreed it was uncommon for most people.
Unlike Wolf, you never tried to pick fights over nothing. But you would always retaliate when someone would challenge you. Sometimes you would fight over a simple snarky comment but, hey, they were asking for it.
And when Wolf joined the Union, people immediately assumed you did too. Donald did offer you a position, always open with the idea of creating a branch for women. You knew it was purely strategic, fully aware of the advantages women could bring to the table, especially for business.
You throw a pretty woman with a tight dress in a room full of old and rich business men and you can be sure that they sign any contract if the woman flirts with them, even just a little.
But you had politely declined the offer, not firmly, knowing that you had to let the window open just a little bit to make sure Wolf could be on Donald’s good side. Instead, you had promised Donald to think about it long and hard but that joining the Union was not part of your plan at the moment.
So, you were not directly part of the Union, but being friends, with one of its most important members, you knew you were kind of affiliated with them.
You’re the first on your feet when the bell rings. School is over and your favorite part of the week just started. The weekend. You pack your bag, say bye to your friends and sprint down the halls, ready to meet with Wolf for your usual Friday evening plans.
Your happiness fizzles out when you don’t spot Wolf’s purple hair amongst the buzzing crowd, nor do you see his bike.
Where the hell is that punk? you think as you pull out your phone.
He texted you ten minutes ago and your face falls at the message :
🐺 😈
last min meeting with donald
i’ll text you when i’m done
Well, it looks like your weekend is off to a rookie start. You just hope Wolf isn’t in trouble. You know he isn’t the best at keeping a low profile —even when Donald demands it, so, even if you know that Wolf wasn’t involved in any big confrontation recently, you can’t help but worry a little.
. . .
You were never a bad student. It doesn’t mean you’ve ever been a great student. You would more so say… good on average. You never planned on going to a prestigious college and your parents never tried that hard to make sure you were amongst the best students. So having them check your test scores every time after failing two exams was more than upsetting.
You grunt in front of the paper sitting on your desk, awaiting an essay that isn’t even interesting. Absentmindedly, your eyes land on your phone. No texts from Wolf. It’s ten at night. You’re about to grab the device, ready to call him when a slight knock on your window makes you drop the phone and jump up in surprise.
Wolf’s on the other side of the glass, a cigarette hanging between his lips as he waves with a tiny smile.
The daggers you send his way for scaring you are soon replaced by a heavy sigh. No bruises or blood on his face, his knuckles are untouched. Nothing bad happened during the meeting, Wolf is fine. You open the window and steal the stick from his mouth, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke directly on his face.
"Are your parents home?"
You chuckle, "Please, why do you keep asking."
Wolf shrugs and he blinks, taking a good look at you. When he comes over —most of the time without warning, it’s usually early in the morning or in the evening to take you out on a night stroll. Wolf has seen you in your pajamas often. But it’s definitely the first time he’s seen that one.
He raises an eyebrow, "Didn’t take you for a princess kind of girl."
Wolf doesn’t think before latching a finger around the strap of your silk nightdress, "Princesses wear dresses like that to bed."
Your heart jumps in your chest at the contact. You two can be close physically, usually when no one you know is around, but this one feels different. You can feel your cheeks warming up and you step back, forcing Wolf to let go of his hold.
"How do you know what princesses wear?" you ask. "Do you watch romcoms in secret?"
Again, he simply shrugs, his eyes lingering on your figure as you open the drawer on your nightstand to pull out an ashtray and sit on your bed, still smoking his cigarette.
"Princesses don’t smoke," he says as he climbs into your bedroom. "Or fight."
"Good thing I’m not a princess then."
Shoes forgotten near the window, bag opened to reveal a few beers and some snacks, Wolf picks a CD and starts a track, jumping on your bed. He is lying down, face by the foot of your bed, occasionally sitting up to drink his beer.
He is quiet and you take that time to observe him, eyes wandering by his features. He has his usual bandages, one on his jaw, another one following his neck line. His face is relaxed, eyes gazing at the ceiling, as if his often clouded brain is now peaceful.
"You’re staring."
You blink, almost choking on your sip, and nudge him with your foot. You absolutely hate when Wolf does that. You don’t know if those glasses give him superpowers but it’s like he always knows when you look at him. Sometimes, you happen to stumble upon one of his fights and it only takes him a second to turn around and spot you.
When he sees you and he is busy fighting random guys on the streets, he often winks, "My supporter’s finally here."
Other times, he lets you finish the fight for him. It only happens when he knows you are strong enough to defeat them and because he never once hid the fact he goes feral when watching you fight. He just loves to see when boys go from confident —they always assume they are stronger than women, to utterly terrified and ashamed when you throw them to the ground. What’s even more exciting is that these boys usually don’t even have enough time to try and touch you that they’re lying on the ground in a puddle of blood.
You sigh, putting your beer can on the nightstand, "How was the meeting?"
And that is when something weird happens. Gaze still locked on the ceiling, you notice how he stiffens, eyes darkening at your question.
"S’alright," Wolf replies.
S’alright? you repeat in your head. Well, that’s a first. Usually, Wolf hardly keeps secrets from you. Of course, if things were sensitively confidential, you knew Wolf would never mention them. But you had already been invited to meetings in the past. Mainly in the beginning, when Donald was trying to recruit you.
Your stomach twists at the way Wolf’s attitude changed in a second. You don’t know what happened but you don’t like what you’re seeing. Wolf is usually so… careless. Even when it comes to the Union. He does the job but he never looks worried.
You can tell something is bothering him. And you hate seeing this. It makes you feel like something really bad could potentially be happening sooner than planned. You sit up, ready to change his mind, "Wanna go out?"
You have this bar you both love to go to, mainly because the owners love you. For an obscure reason, you never dared to ask, too scared to lose that privilege, since you’re not eighteen yet. Well, in a few months but, legally, you’re not allowed in.
You miss the way an almost unseen expression flashes in Wolf’s eyes for less than a second and he shakes his head, "No, I’m good here."
Well, that’s even weirder. Wolf’s always up for a drink at the bar. Actually, he is always up for multiple drinks and you often end on the dance floor after one or two drinks, always begging for Wolf to come with you. You’re not persuasive enough since he’s always sitting on a stool, keeping an eye on you.
And, again, you take a look at him. His eyes are closed now, his breathing is steady and his arms are crossed behind his head. You bite your lower lip at the sight and mentally curse.
It was an eternal battle with yourself to face your feelings for Wolf. Because they settled in your heart insidiously, like a secret your own brain was unaware of. At first, you only thought it was because he looked pretty. Because he did. Amongst the girls in high school, it was always « If only he wasn’t such a psycho, I could fall for him ». Except you knew more than the psycho about Wolf.
He likes to read, alone or with you, and you still perfectly remember the shock on your face the day Wolf mentioned wanting to go to the library with you. You were astounded. Even more when he actually did go, breezing through the library’s alleys and reading back cover after back cover until he settled on a book.
He likes to go eat with you, always okay with whatever place you pick and he is always down to try the weirdest looking dish on the menu.
He remembers everything you tell him. From the strange dreams you’ve had the night before, the next tatoo you plan on getting, your favorite snack and the names of the people who ever messed with you.
And, even if you know he doesn’t talk much, he is always there. You know you can always count on him for anything.
You drop your head back, feeling conflicted. You will have to confess. The feelings are eating you alive, burning and choking you when you barely start to think about them. But you know you might lose him when you do confess.
Wolf doesn’t seem interested in dating. Hell, even flirting seems to bore him out of his mind. You’ve noticed how women try to engage a conversation whenever you go out to the bar. Every time, his eyes leave you to land on the stranger. Every time, he blinks, says something you can never hear because you are too far, the woman blushes in embarrassment and walks away. Then, he sips his drink and looks back at you.
Sometimes, the delusional part of yourself thinks it’s because of you. He likes to tease you about how much you look at him. But he does the same. You may not be as good to spot his eyes on you every time but you catch him often.
Somewhere in your mind, the hope that Wolf may feel things for you exists. And as exciting as it is, it’s just as dangerous. You know Wolf isn’t one to sit on things he wants to say or do. If he does like you, a part of you knows it would be completely out of character for him to stay silent. Wolf is not a passive person, quite the opposite.
That is also why you need to confess. Because you’d rather rip the bandage quickly and be rejected than to keep living in the fantasy that blossoms more and more each day.
It is probably going to hurt. Your heart already aches at the possibility of Wolf turning on his heels and erasing you from his life altogether. But unrequited love always hurts harder in the long run if kept quiet.
You have to confess. But not tonight. No, tonight you want to enjoy his presence a little longer.
. . .
You’ve spent every night with Wolf this past week. Which is strange because Wolf usually likes his alone time.
And, every night, you told yourself you would confess. Only to chicken out. You would start talking, look up to see Wolf’s eyes already on you and a wave of regret would choke the words down your throat.
The breeze blows stronger now that you are on the highest hill of the park. The heavy clouds rapidly moving into the night sky forced the few people already there to pack their stuff and leave.
It’s going to rain, you can feel it.
Something electric lingers in the air, you have to confess now. After spending a whole week with Wolf —he even attended more classes, you can’t stand what’s happening inside of you anymore. The way your stomach twists and your heart races, it just hurts.
Wolf is leaning against the railing, back facing you, as he smokes a cigarette.
You take a deep breath, "Wolf."
"Ah, are you finally gonna say what’s been on your mind all week?"
Touché. You know Wolf is smart and never bought your excuses every time you pretended what you wanted to say wasn’t important. Or that it slipped your mind.
Wolf turns around, eyes boring into yours and it feels like there is no distance between you both. But there is. You would have to take a good five steps to be standing in front of him. So why does it feel like he is right there, so close that your breathing picks up and that you feel your throat tightening.
You can’t back down anymore. Not this time. You tried to make the feelings go away, persuading yourself you were making things up. To no avail. You like him.
Fuck what happens next, you’re prepared for the worst.
"I like you."
A heavier breeze hits your face when the words leave your mouth, carrying the echoes of your confession into the sky.
That’s it, you said it. It’s too late to back out now.
Wolf’s eyes twitch for a second before he blinks once. No, twice. A silence that lasts for longing seconds fills the distance. You watch him, noticing how he seems to be struggling with something. His lips tremble, as if wanting to say something, and a veil cover his eyes.
Suddenly, you wonder. Did he really understand what you just said? Saying you like someone doesn’t necessarily mean in a romantic way. You like all of your friends and are never scared to tell them.
You scratch your throat, "I—I meant, hm, not just as a… friend—"
"Yeah, I got that."
Wolf’s voice is as sharp as ice when he interrupts you. It’s as harsh as your mother’s hand colliding against your cheek.
That is a good thing you prepared yourself for the worst case scenario. Because it looks like it’s becoming real.
The veil that was covering his eyes vanishes and his gaze darkens. It is the first time Wolf has ever looked at you this way, your blood turns cold at the sight.
The next minute is probably the worst in your life, as Wolf spits terrifying words at your face.
"You think I didn’t know before?"
You can’t stop the blush warming up your face. You didn’t think it was so easy to read you.
"I thought you were smarter than this, honestly," he says with a snicker. "I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
Okay, you weren’t expecting such harsh words. What does he mean he doesn’t need friends? Was your friendship with Wolf a product of your imagination? It couldn’t be. You never forced him to hang out with you, he was actually the one to approach you first, years ago, after seeing you defeating three boys at once.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union," he reveals. "Not because I want to."
A part of you knows Wolf is blatantly lying to you. You were friends before he joined the Union. You were also certain that Wolf was glad the day you refused to join the Union. He never said anything out loud but being a part of the Union meant risking your life every day because the stakes were higher than random fights at school or in the streets of Seoul.
And yet, Wolf said what he said. That he was never your friend and was obeying Donald’s orders. What if it was all true, in the end? Because Wolf had proven to be manipulative when it could benefit him or the Union.
Your world came crashing down with the first light rain drops falling on the ground. Even if Wolf’s words were lies —you could still hope all of this was just a nightmare, they hurt. Next to this, a few punches in the face would feel nice and comforting.
Wolf didn’t like you back and chose to spit hatred at your face instead.
A feeling of rage melted with the pain and sorrow. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes but you couldn’t cry now. Not in front of him.
You glare at him, "There was no need to talk to me like that."
Wolf’s eyes twitch again. He has seen you glaring at people in the past. He has seen you seething harsh words at people. But never at him. You were always nice, a bit playful, mostly attentive and caring, even in the smallest of actions.
Now, you’re looking at him like he is an enemy.
"You could’ve just said you didn’t like me back."
But he can hear the way your voice slightly breaks, he can see your eyes glistening.
You turn around, not waiting to see if he wants to reply, and walk away. He’s said enough, ripping your heart in half. He won the fight and you choose to process the defeat far away from him.
. . .
You think the warning of rain in the sky was actually a warning for rain in your heart. Because the clouds are shyly dropping cold beads of water on the pavement but not enough to need an umbrella.
No, the real rain comes from your heart and flows through your eyes. No matter how hard you try to stop the tears, they just keep coming, over and over again.
You feel so weak, so stupid to have ever thought confessing to Wolf was a great idea. You were expecting a rejection. But this one was harsh. So harsh that your friendship with him was thrown in the flames, burning into ashes spread around by the wind.
Until nothing was left anymore.
You replay your friendship with him as you walk down the streets. All those nights he came to your place, climbing into your bedroom with drinks and snacks, lying down on your bed with a book in his hands. The nights you would patch him up after a fight, cleaning his wounds and cursing him for fighting endlessly. The times you would open your bag in school to find a new book in it with a note inside, Wolf would buy those he thought you’d like.
Was it always fake on his part? Was it just part of Donald’s plan to get you in the Union? What if Donald had promised a huge load of money to Wolf if he ever got you to join? After all, those small actions just meant he knew you well, understood what you liked and what you needed to be trustful.
Maybe it was always fake, you think as a whimper inevitably escapes your lips.
"Hey, pretty, why’re you crying?"
You stop at the masculine voice. Who dares speak to you when you are literally going through a heartbreak? You really don’t have the strength to snap at anyone right now.
"Come here, baby," the man says again. "I promise you’ll be the happiest girl when I take care of you."
You don’t even look at the man, ignoring the alarming sirens that boom in your head when you hear the laughters of two other men.
Nothing will happen to you if you just keep walking. These men just like to mess with girls because they need a distraction. Also because they are incredibly stupid. Who thinks hitting on a woman in the street is going to get them anywhere?
You start walking again but the man calls out for you again, "Hey, hey!" Next thing you know, he is standing in front of you.
He is tall, extremely tall, very muscular and carries a disturbingly large smile on his face. Your heart slightly drops in your chest. You know you’re a great fighter but he appears way too strong.
His two friends pop up behind him, sporting equally disturbing smiles as they eye you up and down.
"We’re going to a club, you should come," the first man says. "I promise you won’t be crying no more if you hang out with us."
Rage bubbles in your chest again. Does it look like you want to go to a club with a bunch of strangers? You just want to cry in peace.
"Leave me alone."
The three men share an intrigued glance and the tallest one claps his hands, "Feisty, I like it."
Oh god, they aren’t giving up, you think. You just want to go home, you don’t know what else you have to do to show them you aren’t interested by them.
"I want you even more now," he says, his fingers wiping the dried tears on your cheek.
The physical contact is so sudden, so unexpected, that you freeze on the ground. Did he just touch you? Did he really just do that?
Your fighting style has always been completely different than Wolf’s. Wolf goes straight into it, punching and kicking with all his will, definitely not scared of what his opponent might strike him with.
You, on the other hand, like to think things through. You rarely hit first because it is often the weakest strategy. Instead, you like to let your opponent throw the first punches, dodging them so it gives you enough time to analyze their fighting style.
But that man just touched you. He laid his fingers on your face, stroking your skin as if you belonged to him. He may look stronger but you are enraged, mind clouded with tears and pain.
Fuck strategies, you don’t even think before pushing his hand away and slapping him across the face with all your strength.
The blow is so strong the man stumbles on his own feet and the sizzling sound of your palm colliding with his cheek bounces against the walls.
You can leave now. They learned their lesson.
Or maybe not.
You’re thrown into a dark alley a few seconds later.
For ten minutes, you try to fight back as much as you can. But your first observation was the right one, they are stronger than you. And your mind is too out of it. You didn’t want to fight tonight, that wasn’t your plan.
You just wanted to confess to your best friend, when you still hoped he would confess as well.
Now, you’re scarred, face and knuckles seeping with blood, slightly limping and latching your fingers on the ripped hem of your top.
You don’t notice Jake, Dean and Timothy drinking in front of a convenience store when you walk past them.
They see you, though. And they are quick to understand that the three boys who walked away a few minutes earlier, spitting insults about a girl as they grunted in pain —one of them holding onto his arm as he had a visibly dislocated shoulder, were talking about you.
"Damn, she can really fight," Dean says as they watch you disappear around the corner.
"She isn’t first in the girls’ Shuttle Patch for nothing," Timothy notes.
. . .
You didn’t go to school for three days after that incident. Your parents saw the state you were in and didn’t even try to fight you. They didn’t know what to do with you anyways.
Your body was aching but it was nothing compared to the pain in your chest. Your mind was playing games with you, constantly flashing images of Wolf, reminding you of his last words and the disdain in his eyes.
How long will it take for you to move on? It is impossible to tell. But, with each awake second, the pain is growing, choking you with tears.
Wolf didn’t listen to a word Donald said during the meeting. He didn’t see you for three days, nor did anyone see you at school.
He recalled what happened almost two weeks ago.
Wolf was perched on the roof of Ganghak, waiting for Hwangmo. Looking down, he saw you walking out of the school as your eyes scanned your surroundings. He noticed the way you shoulders lowered when you checked your phone.
You didn’t need to know what he was doing.
When Hwangmo finally showed up on the roof, Wolf didn’t waste a second and pulled out his phone.
"See this number?" Wolf gestured for the unknown contact. "I want you to find who they are."
Hwangmo nodded, typing down the contact on his phone. But he was unsettled. Why did Wolf need help for that? If he had issues with someone, Wolf never hesitated to go give them a beating. What was different this time?
"What’s with them?"
Wolf let out a sigh, locking his phone before his eyes could look at the texts sent by that unknown number.
"They’re threatening (Y/N)."
And that is why he rejected you that night. He didn’t think before the worst words escaped his mouth. Because he knew exactly what to say to make sure you would turn around and not look back.
He considered telling you what was going on. Multiple times. After all, you worked as a pair. But he didn’t because they were trying to get to him. Warning you would have only caused a bigger issue. He knew you could fight back, he just didn’t know what these people were capable of.
If they had been threatening him, Wolf wouldn’t have cared one bit. You, it was different. So he pushed you away, thinking it could be the solution to make sure nothing would happen to you.
"Hey, do you know who these guys were?"
Wolf blinks, pulled out of his thoughts by Jake’s voice. He grimaces at him, "What’re you talking about?"
"Those who attacked (Y/N)."
The world spins when Wolf understands why you didn’t come to school for three days. Were you attacked… No, Wolf couldn’t think it had happened right after the last time he saw you.
Jake awkwardly scratches the back of his head, "Is there trouble in paradise between you two? She… didn’t tell you?"
Wolf doesn’t say anything about Jake’s innuendo. Most of the people in the Union —or who knows you and Wolf, think you have been dating for a while now. Wolf never minded and even less tried to correct anyone. He liked to know nobody would try to flirt with you. It took him some time to understand why he liked that people stayed away from you.
No, Wolf is fuming when his eyes land on Jake, "When and where? How many were they?"
. . .
You’re a great fighter and you’re used to the bruises and cuts but you can’t help the grunt out of your throat when you have to lift the heavy trash bag to throw it into the container of your building.
Dragging your feet onto the pavement, you just want to go back into your house and lock yourself in your bedroom. You’ve been binge watching animes for the last four days and you don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
You stop dead in your tracks when you spot Wolf outside of your house, leaning against your bedroom window. For how long has he been here? You walked out just two minutes ago to take out the trash. You should have heard his bike.
But, then, you notice his appearance. His hair is messier than usual, his eyes glazed and skin covered in blood, lower lip busted, scratch on his cheek and knuckles. He just got out of a fight, you think.
If he wants you to take care of him, he can go fuck himself. What the hell is he doing here in the first place, has he lost his mind? Did he forget what he told you last time?
Whatever, I just have to walk past him, you tell yourself.
Wolf, on the other hand, is taking in your appearance. You’re wearing your « lazy » pajamas, as you like to call them. An oversized tshirt and shorts. He’s seen you in those a lot. Big bags under your eyes, Wolf knows it means you didn’t sleep much these past few days.
And then he sees the bruises. All over your arms, some on your legs, but the worst one is around your neck. These bastards choked you, Wolf knows.
Your eyes gaze past him and you start walking with your heart thudding in your chest. Just a few steps and you will be inside your house. Just a few steps and you can pretend he was never there in the first place.
Wolf stands up and blocks the way, standing in front of you.
Wolf doesn’t budge, instead pointing a finger at you, "What’s this?"
"Makeup," you snark, finally letting your eyes connect with his. "I’m considering a career in special effects."
His jaw clenches at your sarcastic tone, that is something he’s always liked. Not now, though.
"Now, if you’ll excuse me," you say as you step aside to walk past him, "I have stuff to do."
Wolf pulls you back by the wrist and you hiss in pain, terror flashing in your eyes when you notice Wolf’s cold gaze on you, "You thought I wouldn’t find out?"
You yank your wrist away, "What the fuck do you want, Wolf?"
Silence settles between you both. You see the same expression on Wolf’s face, the one he carried when you confessed. The one you didn’t understand. But, honestly, you’re done with him. What brings him here?
"Can’t you just let me be?" you rage. "Didn’t you do enough last time? Wanna go at it again?"
"You’re so fucking dumb sometimes, Y/N."
That’s when you lose it. For the second time this week, you attack first. How dare he call you dumb when you’re just… sad and confused?
Wolf, who’s good at predicting when and where people will hit, is struck by lightning when your palm comes in contact with his cheek. He had never experienced your strength. Now he knows why you’re so good at fighting.
In the blink of an eye, you’re pressed against a wall with Wolf’s hands on your shoulders.
"How dare you call me dumb?" you growl, desperately trying to push him away. But he is too strong. "Why are you here? What’s your fucking problem!"
Wolf doesn’t express feelings often. Besides anger. That he knows how to express. It’s easy, all he has to do is count to three. You, on the other hand, bring other feelings into action. Feelings he doesn’t understand himself.
But seeing how determined you are to get out of his grasp, you who’s always so keen to be gentle to him, is enraging.
He snaps, "I didn’t fucking mean what I said last time!"
Your heart stops at his words but isn’t it too late now? You relax against his hands but a snicker fills the silence, "Right, of fucking course."
Wolf blinks in confusion, you’re smirking and rolling your eyes at him. You’re… making fun of him.
The surprise causes him to relax his grasp and you slightly push him away, "You can go fuck yourself, Wolf."
He won’t let you go away so easily. No, instead, he pushes you back against the wall and you barely have time to understand what’s happening that you feel one of his arms wrapping around your waist and one of his hands resting against your cheek.
Your heart jumps to your throat and you gasp when he crashes his lips on yours.
His lips are chapped and you can taste the blood on the tip of your tongue but you can’t help but melt into his embrace. You hum against him, using one hand to pull him even closer by the collar of his shirt as you let your other hand grab his hair.
He groans into your mouth, kissing you more feverishly, tightening his grasp on your waist. You know you’ll have a bruise shaped like his fingers tomorrow morning.
It feels so good, you don’t want this moment to ever stop. There is a clear fight for dominance as your lips clash and you bite his lower lip, pulling on the flesh. He kisses you harder after that.
Wolf is kissing you, you’re kissing him. It feels so good but, then, his words echoe in your brain.
"I hang out with you because Donald wants you in the Union. Not because I want to."
Wolf breathes into your neck, biting the skin under your ear before licking his mark.
"I don’t need friends, even less a girlfriend."
He is kissing your collarbone, you shiver and your heart flips in your chest. It feels so good to have him like that, you wrapped around him as he touches you in places you’ve fantasized about for way too long.
But you push him away.
He looks at you in confusion and you don’t linger on his lips, they’re swollen and you don’t want the memory to ever be engraved in your mind.
"I… You can’t be doing that," you pant with trembling lips. "Maybe you didn’t mean what you said but I can’t fucking forget those words."
You walk back into your house before Wolf even has time to understand what just happened.
. . .
For the next two weeks, you barely cross paths with Wolf.
Well, you try not to but it’s like he is everywhere you are.
First, he attends more classes. You wouldn’t go as far as to say he is here every day of the week. But you notice the surprise on your teachers faces when they spot his purple hair in the classroom more and more over the past two weeks.
He tends to go more to the cafeteria as well, followed by Hwangmo and Hayden.
Next thing you know, the whole school whispers about you two in the hallways. Because you are seen in the same place but never together. The rumors of a potential breakup —wait did they really think we were dating?, keep everyone on the edge of their seat but you pretend not to hear a thing.
And when you are out with friends, you know he is somewhere amongst the crowd. You never try to look for him but it’s like your eyes can’t help but fall on him.
Because a part of you misses him. Those past two weeks stretched to feel like an eternity. The memories of Wolf definitely hold a sour taste now —mixed with the pain inflicted, but your heart still flutters at the simple thought of him.
You can’t erase his arm around your waist, his lips on yours, kissing you like you provided him with oxygen, unlocking a new addiction.
You check your reflection in the mirror one last time, fixing the strap of your dress and you leave your house. You planned to go out for drinks with your girl friends, knowing just the bar that would let you all in.
The owner greets you warmly when you walk in and your nostrils flare at the smell of alcohol mixed with sweat and strong cologne.
You lean towards the bar and fist bumps the owner as she speaks, pointing a finger to her left, "Wolf’s already there!"
A dragged sigh escapes your lips when you see Wolf sitting on a stool, carelessly toying with his drink. Your friends grimace at your sudden blank face and they shake their heads when you sprint towards the purple haired boy.
Wolf turns around when someone taps his shoulder. He bats his eyelashes a little faster, eyeing you up and down.
"Can you stop being everywhere I go?"
His eyes linger where your dress stops, mid thigh, and he gulps. He still carries his usual smug, though, and you’re too annoyed to notice the effect you have on him.
He licks his lips as he makes eye contact with you, "Princess dress again, uh?"
He doesn’t have the right to give that type of look. That’s the type of thing that only happens in movies, the type of scene that would have you screaming in your pillow before you’d start internally complaining that this never happens in real life.
You want to punch that smirk off his face, "This isn’t funny, Wolf. You can’t erase everything by acting like a stalker."
What you don’t know, though, is that Wolf keeps an eye on you because the three boys who attacked you last time were not those who threatened to come after you.
He made the mistake to let you be by yourself once, he isn’t about to make the same mistake twice.
Wolf’s smirk vanishes and he blinks, "You’re pretty."
Suddenly, you don’t know how to breathe anymore. His voice had been soft, such a contrast compared to the last times you exchanged words with him. You want to believe him so bad. So bad.
Because you know Wolf can manipulate others but would he go that far? It was clear you wouldn’t join the Union anytime soon. Especially not after what had recently happened. And Wolf was smart enough to know that fixing your relationship wouldn’t change your mind on that.
Wolf can tell your mind is racing, he knows because you always do this thing with your eyebrows when you’re deep in thought. He wants to know what you think, hell, he wants you to stop thinking and start believing him.
He hates how you avoid him because you’ve always been such a safe person for him. Even he needs a break here and there. You were always there to provide that for him, even when he was fighting.
He tries to reach for your hand but you turn around and walk away, somewhere between anger and on the verge of tears.
"Let’s go," you deadpan, "I don’t wanna be here anymore."
"What?! No, come on, Y/N," Minji pouts.
"Please… I don’t feel good."
Yujin raises an eyebrow, "Hey, we don’t know what happened between you and Wolf. You don’t have to say a thing about it if you don’t want to."
No, you don’t want to. Everything in your head is twisting and nothing makes sense anymore. How did things end up so terribly, anyway? If only you had kept your damn mouth shut, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
"There’s nothing to say, I just don’t know if anything with him was ever fucking real."
"Yo, stop acting like such a pick-me," Minji warned. "We hate those, remember?"
"Yeah, I don’t get why you think it wasn’t real?" Yujin says with a chuckle. "Wolf’s been obsessed with you forever."
"Preach!" Minji wooed, giving Yujin a high five. "I think you’ve been blind too long cause boy only ever had eyes for you." She looks away for a second before shivering, "It was a bit creepy at times, if I can be honest."
Yujin pushes you to the side, "Just go talk to him. Like talk for real."
The two girls push you even further and you know you’ll have no other choice but to confront him. But what is there to say? Can you two fix things?
Deep down, you’re terrified to forgive him but hold a tiny piece of grudge on the inside. Because that’s what could cause your relationship to break in the long run. Wouldn’t it be best to end things right now?
Your heart aches at the thought. Because you want things to get fixed. Hell, you’d rather go back to just being friends with him if it meant moving on from what had happened.
You take small steps, unsure of how to approach him now. Knowing Wolf, he could just laugh at your face for breaking so easily.
A woman is sitting next to him, leaning forward with the most flirtatious smile you have ever seen. The way your heartbeats speed is unmatched and you can feel yourself glaring at her from where you’re standing.
Wolf’s eyes flicker to you and you don’t waste a second, latching a hand around his wrist and tugging him away from there.
This time, you’re walking with a purpose and you roll your eyes when you hear Wolf snickering behind you. He can judge you all he wants, you’re walking out of this place with him.
You squint your eyes when the cold breeze hits your face but you don’t halt your footsteps, the streets are too crowded, you need to be alone with Wolf.
"Ah, where’s the princess taking me?"
"Shut up."
Wolf laughs a little louder, "Bossy, even with me."
Finally, you find the perfect place. An empty kids’ playground. Wolf raises his eyebrows when you drag him there. You release the grip you have on his wrist and point a finger at a swing, "Sit there."
Again, that is the first time Wolf experiences this side of you. He knows you have a tendency to dominate and that you like to feel in control of everything. The funny thing is, Wolf is like that too, but none of you ever tried to be in control of the friendship. As if you both naturally balanced each other out.
Usually, Wolf hates being told what to do. He doesn’t know why it does something different to him when it’s coming from you.
And it does something to you when Wolf sits down without batting an eye. Your mind wanders at the sight of him, oh how easy would it be to take just a few steps and lock your arms around his shoulders. He would lift his chin up to make eye contact and you would only have to lean in a little to feel his lips on yours again.
Oh god, just focus, you think. You cross your arms over your chest, "Explain yourself."
The smugness stretching his features is replaced by something more serious. His eyes leave yours and land on something random behind you as his breathing picks up. Just a little but it’s enough for you to notice.
You know it’s best for you to wait, Wolf isn’t one to talk much and you know you’re asking for a lot. But your mind runs wild with the possibilities.
"There’s nothing to explain."
Oh yeah, you should have expected that. Typical Wolf. You’re glaring, the words coming out sharply out of your mouth, "Why did you lie?"
Another beat of silence and you’re growing more fed up by the minute, "Did you even fucking lie?"
"You don’t need to know."
"Are you serious right now?!" you scoff and you groan when Wolf’s blank expression doesn’t budge. "I can’t fucking believe you, do I have to… beg you?"
"Don’t bother," he deadpans, before a smirk tugs his lips. "As tempting as it sounds."
You ignore his last words, "Then why are you following me around?!" you ask in frustration. "Do you… do you actually want us to be friends again?"
Wolf gives you an unimpressed look, "No."
You’re completely out of words, what is wrong with him. Is he serious right now?
"Y/N, I can’t kiss my friends."
You throw daggers at him with your eyes, "Stop, this isn’t funny."
"I’m not joking."
"I don’t believe you," you reply in a heartbeat. "One day you say you were never friends with me, now you say you want to kiss me. What am I supposed to believe, uh?"
Wolf is so done with you at this point. It was funny seeing you act stubborn for a few minutes, now he wants you to look at him. He leans forward, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him forcefully.
You gasp in surprise, forced to press your arms against in chest to avoid falling face first into him.
"Can’t you just believe what you see?" Wolf asks in a whisper.
Time stills when you finally look down and focus on him. Your heart skips a beat when his arms lock around your waist, securing your body against his. You could die for his eyes, the way they’re traveling between your eyes and your lips, twitching behind his glasses.
And you recall all those times you caught his eyes on you.
One day, you were stretching after PE class and Wolf was waiting for you on the bleachers because you had planned to ditch maths class afterwards. When you made eye contact, you barely noticed how his eyes twitched before he blinked.
Another day, you were reading in a park, enjoying the sunlight, when your attention was drawn to a couple walking their dog. Honestly, the dog was the cutest thing you’d seen all day and you were literally fawning over the little fur ball. You felt Wolf’s eyes on you and looked at him with the biggest smile on your face. Again, his eyes twitched.
One time, Wolf was at your house, sitting on your desk chair with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. You were reading the instructions on the box of hair dye. It was the first time you were doing this and your heart was hammering in your chest with fear. You really didn’t want to mess this up. You knew you were just touching up his roots but it still felt like an incredibly important task. When you looked at the mirror, Wolf’s eyes were already on you.
Maybe you’ve been blind all these years. Because it feels like you just put together all the pieces of the puzzle. You always wondered how Wolf was able to feel your eyes on him. Could it be because his own eyes were always settled on you?
Your friends words resonate, the rumors at school, the way strangers always looked at you both, how boys never dared to approach you.
Wolf is holding you so close it feels like your bodies could actually melt together. Your heart is racing and you can feel your stomach twisting and flipping around.
You have to kiss him now. If you don’t, you feel like you’ll run out of oxygen. So you do.
You press your lips against his and you fold when you feel Wolf kissing you back instantly. His hands tighten around your waist, grabbing you so strongly you wonder if his fingers didn’t just go through the fabric of your dress to burn your flesh.
Your lips move slowly, much slower than the first time you kissed, and you let the tip of your tongue touch his bottom lip. Wolf’s mouth slightly opens and a low grunts echoes into your mouth when you start playing with his hair.
This sound of his becomes your favorite, causing you to kiss him harder. Wolf picks up your pace, chasing your lips like a thirsty man.
His hand slowly travels down your body, sending shivers down your spine when his fingers brush against your ass before grabbing the back of your thigh.
You pull away from his lips with a gasp, eyes opened wide. You can already feel yourself blushing, his hand latched around your naked skin like that was where it always belonged.
Wolf’s eyes are half opened but you’re ready to lose all self control when he quite literally bites his lower lip at the sight of your swollen lips, "I really like that dress."
You’re full-on red at this point and you drop your head in the crook of his neck with a chuckle and you can feel him smiling.
You teasingly bump your nose against his when you finally look at him, heart jumping in your throat when Wolf leans forward, brushing your lips with the clear desire to kiss you again.
Fuck, he wants me that bad? you think before you give in, pressing your lips together for a few seconds.
A choked moan is swallowed by Wolf’s throat when you feel his thumb stroking your thigh and you pull away for good before it all becomes too much. You’re outside and he is touching like there is no tomorrow.
You scratch your throat and step back, missing the way Wolf is looking at you. You’re too busy fixing the strap of your dress and soothing the beating of your heart to see Wolf’s stunned eyes and partially opened mouth.
But you do see the way his eyes twitch when you finally make eye contact.
"Wanna go eat?" you offer with a tiny smile dangling on your lips.
He nods before he can even think to breathe.
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smutlord-supreme · 1 year
What would the COD MWII men do if they found out you had a stalker
[A little self indulgent peice since I had a scare last night. Getting stalked in like my specialty so let me know if you want a full length peice 🤪]
SFW short peice, COD men x GN! Reader, mostly platonic but can be read as romantic too.
Cw: Stalking
-Price would be on top of it. Replacing locks, installing cameras anything to make you feel safe.
-He would make an effort to spend time with you more often, pick you up from work, drop you off ect. And when he couldn't he would try to get freinds to stay with you so you didn't have to be alone
-He would want you to call the cops and report it but he wouldn't be pushy if it makes you uncomfortable.
-If he actually met your stalker he'd let them know, in no uncertain terms, that if they continued they would never walk again.
-Graves would probably get violent the fastest of anyone on this list. He seems possessive so anyone threatening 'his girl/boy/partner' would be a no go.
-He would push you to report it to the cops and I don't think he'd take no as an answer.
-He'd also want you to call off of work while he did some 'investigation' of his own.
-He might even come home with a German Shepard puppy so that you can have a 'guard dog' which would end up being spoiled
-I thinking Ghost would be the most analytical of the group. Which may make you think he's just brushing it off at first, when he's really just thinking up solutions.
-You already have a guard dog so he sets out and buys motion activated flood lights and trail cameras.
-He'd make sure you didn't have to do anything, he'd call your boss, change your number, call the cops if you wanted. All so you don't have to worry.
-The day after telling him you'd wake up to a pantry stocked with your favorite treats (which Gaz delivered so that Ghost wouldn't have to leave you).
-Soap would freak out at first, he'd ask you a million questions and probably make you panic before apologizing.
-He'd run you and bath and call either Ghost or Price to ask for advice.
-After you're done the both of you would go to the hardware store and booby trap the house, Home Alone style. Which would make you laugh.
-He would also set real safety measures in place, Window locks, Cameras, Alert system you name it.
-He would spend every moment distracting you while the problem got fixed.
-Normally silly Gaz would become very silent when you told him. Quietly anger radiating off of him.
-I headcannon Gaz as having had bad anger issues as a kid which he got under control as he got older.
-Gaz would get up and put you in the shower while he made phone calls. Putting on your comfort show when you got out and sitting on the couch with you, rubbing your shoulder absent-mindedly.
-There would be a knock at the door and it would be one of his old police buddies. Gaz would apologize because he knew it would be hard to tell what happened, but it was important to get this guy caught.
-He'd stay home with you when he could and using his connections he would do whatever he could to get you an escort when he wasn't.
-When whoever was stalking you got caught he would roast the shit out of what they looked like (petty I know) making you laugh.
-Alejandro would be very vocal almost immediately, comforting and coddling you before setting off to fix the problem.
-He would round up Rudy and go find the person himself. Verbally (and maybe just a little physically) threatening them.
-He'd get back to comforting you as fast as possible though. Assuring you that you're safe and no one could harm you.
-He'd be more protective, almost overbearing for a week or two. He doesn't want this to ever happen again
-Depending on how bad it was he might adopt a little yappy dog (chihuahua, rat terrier, Yorkie, you know the type) to act as a first warning system and companion.
-Rudy would start comforting you immediately, before making calls to freinds.
-Both Rudy and Alejandro don't trust the local police and army so it narrows down the number of people that can help. He'd probably go straight to Los Vaqueros.
-He would make you some comforting food while he waits for Intel. Sitting on the couch to eat instead of the dining table like normal.
-When the call finally came that your stalker had been captured he would go down to the base to confront them himself. Causing a nasty black eye before Alejandro pulled him off.
-Afterwards he'd teach you how to shoot. He wants you to be innocent and pure, but not at the cost of your life
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x-aefx · 1 year
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Pictures above are not mine
Summary: unbeknownst to you, you meet actor Bella Ramsey. You two hit it off but your paths lead two different directions.
Bella Ramsey x female reader
Warnings: none
Taglist: @evieguhbyebroski @amberputh @just-here-to-read-fanfictions @assgardangod @eddiesgirlsblog @obsessedmunson @guacala
I used she/them pronouns for Bella.
Part one ⬇️
You were embarrassed to admit you spent your free time checking to see if Bella had left you any more text messages, and that maybe your notifications weren't working. And when you seen that they hadn't, you spent your time re-reading your conversation with them.
It was just a one time thing, get yourself together!
You spent a lot of time thinking about how they might possibly see you. You feared Bella saw you as just another fan, gave you their number out of politeness, felt bad for you even. Or maybe just another girl who worked at a café.
In the short time you had known Bella, you had stalked all their social media accounts, watched countless of their interviews and binge watched every short film they were in and their new tv show, 'The Last of Us'
It doesn't take a person long to realize the amount of love and popularity the show holds around the world. Your prior unfamiliarity towards the show and Bella's career made you cringe when you thought of it. You hoped Bella didn't take offense.
Despite Bella almost always being on your mind, you managed to keep your days productive. Weather it be scrubbing your entire home or getting some exercise into your daily routine, you would make it your mission to spend your holidays off from work trying to sort out your life. You lead a good life for a nineteen year old, you didn't want to ruin that by getting sick or lazy.
Today you managed to head down to the small gym in your area. You ended up meeting an old friend and made plans to catch up. His name was Ethan. He was the kind of friend you don't remember exactly when you became friends with, like the two of you knew each other before you realized it.
After, you spent time responding to emails that you really should not have ignored, and rearranged the furniture in your living room to create more space.
The days activities were rewarded with a good sleep that came to you easily.
★ ★ ★
Bella woke up with the largest smile adorning their face. No matter how they tried, it always crept back once they remembered her.
Her face. Her smile. Her hair. The vague scent of her perfume.
Sadly they didn't get much time to visit the café which she worked at again. If they didn't have an in- person interview, they had an online one. If they didn't have any type of interview, thay had a zoom call. If they were completely free form work, they had their studies.
There was one time however, one time where they had just enough time to stop by for a quick glance at her face, but they were surrounded by paparazzi and fans, when they finally reached outside the café a little voice in the back of their mind discouraged them from walking inside. They might see y/n laughing with a customer or a coworker and all Bella could think about was how they would only be interrupting, a burden that y/n didn't need nor want.
Bella didn't even have any of her social media accounts to stalk. Believe them they tried numerous times, typing in the name and finding hundreds of accounts all belonging to the wrong person. Bella had only gotten her first name, finding any of her social media would be near impossible.
Bella had contemplated messaging her many times after. In truth they didn't know what to say, were they supposed to say anything at all or was it just a one time thing? Bella knew one thing, and it was that they definitely wanted to see her again.
★ ★
No one likes going to their workplace when they aren't actually working, but when your very kind coworker whom you owe one too many favours to, asks you so nicely...
You can't really say no.
The minute you sat yourself down on the couch and your feet just touched the ground, you were up in a second once more.
Conscious of time you grabbed your purse and phone in a hurry, once you were certain your house was locked you made your way to the street. You sped in a B line direction for the man getting out of the taxi a few paces away. You waved a signal hopeful the driver would see it as you jogged.
"hey, would it be possible to get to Cafferey's dry cleaners before It closes. It's an emergency. " You tripped over your words as you tried to regain your breath. You slid into the backseat.
The driver looked at you from the mirror.
"for an emergency? Of course. " By his accent you guessed he was from Northern Ireland. The driver smiled at you. Not a smile that made you uncomfortable, one that eased your nerves just the smallest bit. You smiled back as you pushed your hair away from your face.
You played with your fingers as you looked at the time on your phone every few moments. You cursed all the other traffic on the road for delaying you.
When you reached the small building you practically sprung from the vehicle. The building was grey and blended in almost completely with all the other buildings surrounding it if not for the bold black lettering reading, 'Cafferey's dry cleaners!'
The couple who ran the business were nice and always happy to have a conversation with whoever walked in. Thankfully, Rita, noticed your state of stress and didn't keep you long. She smiled when she handed you the bag, making a comment about how you got here just in time before they closed for the evening. When the bag was in your hands you felt weight be lifted from your shoulders like a curse being broken.
Just as your taxi driver had promised, he remained outside the building. You quickly made your way back to the car to avoid keeping him waiting. You told him which street the café resided on and sunk back into the leather seats.
Releasing a breath you smiled as you watched the window.
★ ★ ★
Bella couldn't sit around their apartment anymore. If they couldn't see y/n on social media, they would see her in person, real life.
They didn't know where she lived or where y/n's regular spot might be, they did however know her workplace. They last time Bella visited, they had managed to get her name and give y/n their number. Bella only prayed she was working today.
When y/n's face flashed in Bella's mind for the hundredth time today, it was the last straw for them.
Bella needed to see her. Even just her face through the window.
Wasting no time, Bella walked swifty out of the apartment and onto the street to get a taxi. Luck was on their side as a taxi arrived almost immediately.
"hi, how are you. Burr & co café. On Bernard Street. Please."
"a popular spot that must be. I'm only after coming from there." The driver laughed.
"oh really? What a coincidence." Bella paid no mind as they put on their seatbelt.
"it is indeed."
Bella recognized the drivers accent as Northern Irish instantly. Trying to be polite as possible they engaged in small talk as best they could. Their knee wouldn't stop bouncing no matter how hard they tried to calm it.
The café was relatively close so the drive was quick. Bella took a breath of the fresh air once the stepped out of the car. The breeze gently blowed their hair back.
Rubbing their hands up and down their thighs as a means to steady their nerves, Bella moved towards the café door after their moment of contemplation.
The café was loud with chatter and laughing so no one payed any mind once the door opened.
Bella's eyes immediately searched the entire room for you.
They recognized your figure instantly even with your back facing them.
That's when their heart began beating faster, it's thumping echoed in their ears. Hands by their sides as their fingers wiggled in anticipation the closer they got to you.
★ ★
"Oh y/n I love you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!" Emma squealed once she seen you arrive with the bag in hand. Running from their spot behind the counter you were engulfed in their tight embrace.
"I'm so sorry! I tried getting off but boss wouldn't -you must of been in such a panic-im so sorry-!"
You cut off Emma's ramble. You rested your hand on her shoulders and smiled assuringlly at her. Sure the task was stressful but you would do it for Emma.
"it's fine, I promise. No need to worry."
In your head the stress was worth it if it meant Emma would still be able to go on her first ever date.
"let me grab you something to eat, on me." Emma took your hand and lead you to the counter where she was previously.
"it's fine I already -"
"nonsense." Emma cut you off immediately. You knew there was no point fighting with her, so you left her to do what she needed whilst you read the menu that hung up above you.
Your eyebrows raised slightly as you read some of the prices.
Smoothies, hot beverages, cake-
"I'm relieved that your here and I didn't end up wasting my time."
You were startled slightly by the familiar voice behind you. Turning around to see who it was you were pleasantly surprised to find Bella looking right back at you.
You couldn't hide your shock at seeing them here. With your eyes widened in disbelief and your jaw slacked you must of looked as though you had just seen a ghost.
It took you a moment to regain your composure.
"hey Bella-wasn't expecting to see you."
Bella grinned. You watched as their eyes took you in. This was the first time they had seen you in your more casual clothes as they only seen you at work, or when you were on your way to work which is how you two first met.
You wore blue cuffed jeans, old nearly falling apart air force 1's and a Metallica band t-shirt. Your hair was tied half up half down, and your wrists were littered with bracelets. The weather was nice and you weren't going anywhere important so you didn't feel the need to dress fancy.
As Bella examined you, you examined them. They wore straight black trousers that were rolled up at the bottom,a white opened shirt with a white top underneath. You noticed they also wore the same cap as they did when you first met them on the bus. Bello wore a colourful beaded bracelet and two silver rings on their left hand. You had to admit, they looked really good.
"are you working?"
Bella was the first to break the silence.
"nope, just owed a friend a favor. That's all. I got some time off actually. More time for studying and all that stuff." You scratched the back of your neck, you were no good at small talk, you hoped it wasn't obvious. You knew you were lying too, you wouldn't spend the entirety of your free time studying.
"oh really?" Bella's smile widened. "I'm free for the next couple of days too!"
Your eyebrows rose. You didn't know much about acting or an actors career, but everyone made it seem like the most time consuming job out there. Not to mention what were the chances of both bella and you being free at the same time.
"God's work at it's finest."
Fucking. Weirdo.
Who says that?
Fuck. Me .
You were panicking. It's been so long since a person has made you feel the way Bella was making you feel: all nervous and giddy. You wanted to impress them and make them smile constantly. It was sickening.
Bella giggled.
That sweet sound you heard in many of their interviews. Typically ones with Pedro Pascal.
You made them giggle.
"I suppose it is"
Something about Bella's grin and they way their eyes looked into yours, it made you feel like all your insides were spinning-but in a good way.
★ ★ ★
Bella could admire you for years without ever getting bored.
The relief and excitement they felt from seeing you in that café-
You looked so perfect.
The way your hair was away from your face, how your clothes fit your body perfectly. You were a picture that deserved to be framed for the whole world to see.
"hey Bella-wasn't expecting to see you."
When you spoke all they could do was smile as their eyes took you in. When they realized they had been staring they were quick to escape their trance. Their grin broadened once they seen you also examining them. A small bubbling feeling of pride swelled inside them.
"are you working?"
"nope, just owed a friend a favor. That's all. I got some time off actually. More time for studying and all that stuff." Bella watched as you rubbed the back of your neck, they really hoped they weren't making you uncomfortable.
"oh really?" Bella's smile widened. "I'm free for the next couple of days too!"
All Bella could think about was how grateful they were that they came to see you today.
"God's work at it's finest."
Bella's lip quirked just the tiniest bit. They looked right into your eyes, their smile gradually widening until the giggle they were trying to suppress escaped their lips.
"I suppose it is" Was all Bella managed to say.
The conversation began to die down. Unbeknownst to Bella, your mind was also racing with topics to talk about and conversation starters just as theirs was.
★ ★
As you contemplated what to say next a flash coming from outside caught your eye. A man, paparazzi presumably, stood across the street with a camera in hand covering his face as he took multiple photos.
It never occured to you just how creepy paparazzi were and they weren't even taking pictures of you, but of Bella. You felt a bit of pity, surely that must get annoying.
When Bella saw your attention was focused outside, they turned to see what you were seeing. It didn't take them long to figure it out.
"shit!" You faintly heard them whisper more to them-self than you. You felt Bella grab onto your hand as they lead you behind them further into the café, out of view from the camera.
"I'm so sorry!"
Bella rubbed her thumb in circle's against the skin of your hand to offer comfort to the both of you.
"it's fine" you reassured them.
Bella seemed relieved at you un-bothered attitude.
They smiled at you but you couldn't find it in yourself to smile back when a thought downed on you.
"more will come. You should probably get going."
You hid your own disappointment behind an apologetic smile. You didn't really want them to leave but you knew more people would surely show up.
"I'll be fine. I promise. I wanted to see you and since we're both free for the next few days-"
"Bella this is so weird, you know that?" You laughed. "we met on a bus, your still pretty much a stranger to me, we keep meeting at my workplace,-"
"Spend the afternoon with me"
Bella cut you off from saying anything else.
"what? Bella did you not hear anything I just said-"
"spend the afternoon with me and I'll tell you everything you want to know about me. I would also like to know everything about you"
Never had you been put in a situation like this before.
It was hard to think straight with Bella looking at you, silently pleading that you'll accept their offer, the smile on her face, the feeling of your hands still being held by theirs. It was all so much.
"I don't know-"
"I need to shower and-"
"we can meet somewhere, I'll text you an address-"
You turned you head to the direction of Emma calling you over with the food she said she would get for you.
You quickly turned back to Bella.
You sighed seeing their puppy dog eyes.
You closed your eyes as you tried to reason with yourself. You knew well that if you didn't go you would only regret it.
"fuck this is so weird." You rubbed your hand across your forehead. Your eyes were closed but you could hear Bella's laugh.
"you'll have fun. I promise."
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Hi I was wondering are you still active on this blog ? I really like you au and I was wondering how would Yandere Sabo work in your pages au ? Would he meet the reader by her inviting him into her home so he can hide from the marines ? Or would he just happen to grow an obsession with her book serious that came his comfort object only to break when the reader decided she finished the book serious ? Love to hear your thoughts💗🌺
I’m not entirely sure how Sabo would really work in the Pages AU exactly but I’m going to give it my best shot
-Potential Trigger Warnings-
Delusions, Murder, Forced Pregnancy, Noncon, Stalking
-Potential Trigger Warnings-
In all honesty, I can imagine that Sabo was already a fan of your stories like he used them to pass the time when he had nothing else to do like if he was waiting for the order to do something or he was just relaxing
It’s probably going to take Sabo a while to really get into your stories, I feel like he does use them as a time passer but he could easily put the book down in favor of something else
Eventually though, there would be something that would catch his eye in the story like let’s say you introduced some kind of plot line about the MC getting separated from the Pirate and Marine for a while like there was a storm at sea and the MC was knocked overboard only to wind up on an island with a conflict that’s caused people to form a Revolution
Cue his interest being peaked especially if you’ve written a relationship between one of the rebels and the MC because lord knows that that’s who he’s going to identify with
Eventually that plot line ends though and he’s a little disappointed hoping the rebels will show up again but they don’t and soon he reaches the last book in the series like not the last one that you intend on writing but the last one released currently
All there’s left for him to do is wait for you to release the last book in the series and during that time, the book never leaves his mind as he even starts to dream about it.
He dreams about himself as the rebel from the story but things are different as in the dreams, he’s saving the MC from the horrible people that he’s rebelling against so they can be together
These dreams continue for a good long while until he starts to identify with the rebel character from the story but it never goes beyond that
At least until he’s on an island doing some mission for the revolutionary army only to wind up spotted and in a bad situation when the Marines show up getting the drop on him in the process
He runs and manages to get out of sight but there’s no ship that he can stowaway on as they have his method of transport completely locked down so as much as he doesn’t want to, he sees you going into your house and rushes the both of you inside
You panic, of course but he gets you to be quiet and listen to him. He requests to stay with you just until he can safely escape and return to the Revolutionary Army, you’re hesitant but agree as you don’t want anything bad to happen to this guy
The two of you live together for a few days, you hide him and he does repay your kindness for letting him stay with you by taking care of some housework while you’re out doing things and feigning ignorance with the Marines
On the first day that he was there, he learned your name and realized that you were the creator of the books that he read. He was pretty happy to meet you in a way that almost seemed a bit too happy in your personal opinion
What you didn’t realize is that Sabo also realized that on top of being the author of the books, you also looked exactly like the way that he had been dreaming the MC from the books to look like
It was fate! He dreamed himself as the rebel that saved you from a horrible situation plus he dreamed you as the MC that needed saving
He was absolutely sure that you knew this too
As time went on, the alertness of the Marines started to go down as they believed that Sabo might be gone so he could probably leave and go back to the Revolutionary Army soon but he wanted to stay for a few more days just to give you time to tell him about any dreams you may be having
During that time, he started to get a lot closer to you as he would sit closer to you whenever you were on the couch and he even started to hug you and touch you like you would be up making breakfast for the both of you when he would come and hug you from behind
He would even watch you from one of the upstairs windows whenever you were outside taking care of something whether it be in the backyard or the front yard, you could always feel him watching you too
It was starting to get rather unnerving especially when you woke up to him one night watching you from the doorway, he claimed that he was just trying to make sure you were ok but you didn’t believe it
The final straw was him trying to kiss you one day as you held him back by his shoulders and hold him that he needed to go now as the Marines had finally calmed down enough for him to sneak away with little issue
You gave him until the end of the day to leave before leaving the house yourself to not be in the same house as him for the rest of the day, Sabo didn’t go after you
He did wander the house though and imagined all sorts of things but eventually he wound up in your room and found something of interest, it was your last book that was all finished and about to be sent out
Knowing that he still had time before the end of the day, he sat down and started to read becoming lost in the story and wanting so badly to see the rebel reappear. He kept hoping and hoping but nothing besides a cameo at the end where you described what he was up to
That was nice and all but it was completely overshadowed by the rage that he felt when he saw what had happened, you had gotten with the Marine and that would have been one thing but he had to read that you got married to the Marine and not only that but you wound up pregnant by the fucker
He couldn’t believe it, this was absolutely awful…
You had been knocked up by a world government boot licking Marine who had been allowed to marry you… This couldn’t be the case, it just couldn’t! You would never do something like this especially not when he could treat you so much better!
Once he had read the words The End, he put the papers down and rushed outside to go spy on you to see if it was really true and I pray to god that you weren’t talking to a Marine when he found you as now nothing will convince this man otherwise
You are in a forced marriage to a shitty marine and you’re pregnant with their baby as well, he needs to do something
So as soon as you leave, he starts tailing the Marine waiting for them to be alone so he can properly kill them. It takes a while but he soon leaves their body burnt on the ground in a place where no one will find it for days
Now that that’s done, he goes back to your home to see you as it is nearing the end of the day. He finds that you’re home although the door is locked but no problem as he has no issue getting in undetected
When he finds you, he can’t help but watch you from behind a bit and take in your appearance. You aren’t showing yet but he knows that you will be soon
As soon as you notice him is when he strikes, he rushes you and holds you close to him in a tight embrace even as you struggle and try to get him away but it’s all for nothing as his hold is unbreakable
You aren’t going anywhere if he has anything to say about it
While he’s holding you, he tells you that he took care of the problem and not to worry about anything as he’ll be the father to the baby currently inside of you
You have no clue what he’s talking about but he doesn’t care as he pulls back and kisses you deeply, you can’t do anything to fight even as he starts to take you to the nearest surface and slip his hands underneath your clothing
Cue a night of him aggressively taking you against every single surface in the house, all for the purpose of making the Marines touch go away in favor of his
I think it’s safe enough to say that if you weren’t pregnant before then you absolutely are now as Sabo didn’t bother to use any form of protection unless he was pulling out and cumming on you
By the end of it, he finally takes you in your bed and cums one last time deep inside of you before he collapses next to you
He plants kisses and bites on the side of your neck as the two of you lay there, he’s whispering promises against your skin to always take care of you and the baby inside of you
He also makes a promise to take you with him when he leaves to go back to the Revolutionary Army tomorrow, the two of you will stay together forever as a family in the world that the Revolutionary Army will create
You are never going to get away from him and months later when you’re sitting swollen with a rather large belly as you lean up against Sabo’s chest with his hands rubbing at the stretched skin of your belly
You regret ever making that story in the first place
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Paid in Lies (Spike x Y/N)
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Requested: No. Part 1 of the Multific.
Synopsis: This is lore for the character in the other fics. It helps to build up the relationship and the direction. Feel free to get acquainted with it. <3
Word count: 2.5k
TW: None.
Masterlist | Next
Another droll day with the Scoobies. The Magic Box was their hangout after all. Spike wishes he was anywhere but this place. However, he found himself at the metaphysical store more times than not. After getting the chip implanted and losing his ability to kill, he finds himself being amused by their banter and attempts at saving the world.
Today was different. The normal Scooby chatter was taken up by a voice he didn't recognize. A story he had never heard was being told followed by laughter. He was weary of new people.
"So then I told him that he couldn't tell a newt's eye from a bat's and that's what makes him a horrible wizard." Y/n exclaimed and laughter erupted.
"I can't believe you got into a fight with a kid over the last piece of candy." Willow stated.
"I take Halloween very seriously." You quipped.
"Aren't you like a hundred?" Xander chimed in.
"Rude. I'm 25. I can still trick or treat. They say it’s the only day the big bad doesn’t come out" you got up from your chair and walked to the register when you noticed Spike.
Everyone became nervous about your statement.
"What big bad?" Buffy asked.
"I don't know. It’s just something people say." Spike approached you. "Welcome to the Magic Box how can I h-"
"Don't bother with him, he doesn't buy anything." Giles interrupted, having come from the back room after he heard your comment.
"Oh. In that case, hi I’m y/n." Your voice was inviting, suspiciously so. Spike didn't trust it but didn't back away.
"I’m the big bad" he responded.
"Interesting. Then it means that you don't come out on Halloween."
Willow snickered.
Spike seemed incredulous. You just met him and you're already making fun of him.
"He's Spike, he just exists." Buffy chimed in.
"Rough." You stated.
An awkward silence followed. No one would say it, but they wanted you gone. It was time for the Scoobie’s nightly meeting, and you weren't invited since you were a regular civilian.
Giles finally got the hint. "Y/n it’s gonna be a slow night. Why don't you head home."
You hesitated but nodded. You packed up your things. "Night guys! It was nice meeting you Mr. Spike Big Bad."
As soon as you leave the chatter picks up. Conversations about the latest big bad and how to take them down takes up the space. But not for Spike. His interest is peaked by y/n. He's used to being mocked but never by someone he just met, much less a human. If you knew who he was would you still try that stunt? He was strung out from a previous altercation and was actively looking for trouble. So, he starts asking questions about you.
"She just came in one day and asked for a job. She doesn't talk much about herself but knows a lot about the occult." Willow offered.
"I bet she's a demon" Xander chimes in.
"How about we slow it down on the demon accusations. She might just be a big nerd like Giles." Buffy mentions.
Giles frowns at Buffy's retorts.
Spike mulls it over. He's decided to get more information out of you. He may be off base, but he feels that you're hiding something. No one comes to Sunnydale just because.
The conversation continues in the background as Spike devices a plan to follow you, maybe find out more about you. He exits The magic Box without a word. He’s hot on your trail watching your every movement until you stop. He doubles back into an alley. He hears you snicker. He’s so irritated by your calm demeanor that he breaks his silent stalking.
“You know, pretty girls shouldn’t be walking alone at night.” He walks up behind you.
“You think I’m pretty?” You turn around, a grin on your face.
He’s definitely annoyed now. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
“Same.” She retorted and started walking off.
He stands there, flabbergasted. Who do you think you are? Don’t you know who you’re dealing with?
He walks up to you again, walking beside you. Eyeing you as you walk silently.
After awhile you speak up, “It’s weird for you to follow me.”
He’s quiet again. You knew he was following you. Most humans are oblivious. “You’re not afraid to be on your own, huh?”
“Nope. I’ve done it my whole life. Being an orphan does give you that hyper independence vibe.”
He stands in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. He thinks over whether he will show you his vamp face. Maybe scare you a bit. He decides against it. “Just be careful, love.” He walks away.
“If it’s so dangerous, why don’t you walk me home, big bad?” You shout out to him.
He stops, smirks and turns around. He smugly walks up to you and you both resume a quiet but steady pace to your house. Upon arrival you turn to him, “I can’t invite you in. I just met you and I can’t risk all that noise. Thank you for walking me home, though.”
He nods nonchalantly. “Goodnight, then.” He walks away feeling a bit awkward. Like, what just happened? He offered to walk a stranger home and you refused to invite him in? Did you know he was a vampire? Were you just being polite? So many questions.
The next day a similar occurrence happened. He saw you at The Magic Box, heard you talking about the occult soliciting laughter with your odd anecdote, and off you were to your home. He debated whether or not to follow you again. As if his feet had a mind of their own, he trailed behind you once more. He caught up to you and started small talk.
Where did you come from. “North Carolina”
Where were you going. “To find freedom.”
How long were you planning on staying. “’Till the money runs out.”
Who were you in love with. You paused at his bold question. He shrugged, “well, answer the question.” He pressed.
You took a pause. You told him of two previous lovers, both in which love was unrequited. You explained that you lived for the moment and not for men.
Before he could start up with questions you interested with your own. You asked the same questions. He hesitated to answer your questions honestly.
“Same questions. Go.”
He sighed. “England. Err.. to…” He paused. He realized he didn’t have the answer to where was he going and how long he was planning on staying at Sunnydale. How to explain that he is a vampire with no real vamp-like behavior? How to admit that he was obsessed with Buffy? So, he opted to skip to the last question. “It doesn’t matter. As for love, I had a nice lady. Crazy bird, she was. I loved her until she left me. Now I just go with whatever fancies me.” He flashes you a grin. You laugh.
“You’re harping on me, but you have no real plan or ambitions.”
That hurt his feelings. He had ambitions, in the past he wanted to kill the slayer. Now he wants to date her. Maybe his priorities got skewed.
As he further mulls over what you said, you both arrive at her home.
“Thank you for walking me home, again. It’s nice to have company.
And so, this became a daily occurrence. Spike would walk you home and ask you about your life, your day, and your connection to the Scoobies. It seemed harmless and he enjoyed how normal you made him feel. With you there was no talk of demons or the end of the world, just a normal human doing human things.
A month has passed, and Spike is still walking you home every day you work at The Magic Box. Today Spike felt bolder in his questions while walking you back home.
“What are we?” Spike side eyed you.
“That’s a bit forward. If you need to know, I thought we were friends. I mean, aren’t you and Buffy a thing?”
He was taken aback by your observation. Of course, he had a thing for Buffy, but it wasn’t reciprocated.
“Let’s change the subject…” Spike trailed off. “Friends, huh? Don’t got many o’ those.”
You smiled. “Then consider yourself lucky to have me.”
He looked away, a smile on his face.
You arrive at your house. “So, when are you inviting me in?” Spike spoke up.
You paused. How to tell him you know… “I’m not ready. Give me time.” You made heavy eye contact. He stepped closer to you, sharing your space. You stood there for what seemed an eternity.
“I’m not gon’ hurt you.” He whispered.
You nodded, “I know.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You turned around and entered your house.
He stood there, surprised, and giddy. He smiled, a genuine smile as he walked back to his mausoleum with a pep in his step.
2 months have passed, and you too have spent a lot of time being close. Boundaries are still in place. Like he’s not allowed in your house, but you too linger at your doorway, in each other’s space. He is still after Buffy, but he brushes his hand against yours, whispers into your ear, and plays with your hair, among other affectionate touches.
3 months have passed, and you and Spike have gotten to know each other well. The Scoobies were weary of your inside jokes and playful glances.
“You know, the sun is setting quicker.” Spike mentioned as a hint that it was time for you two to head out.
You sighed. “Let me finish up this order.” You looked up at him feigning annoyance.
“Don’t want the big bad to get you.” Spike gave you a playful look.
You smiled. “Well, what am I keeping you around for?”
Xander groaned. “Kiss already.” He yelled in frustration which made you and Spike laugh.
As you were getting your bag a demon came crashing in through the entrance of The Magic Box. It snarled and tore down shelves and tables that were in his way. “Give me the slayer” He exclaimed.
“I’m right here, tall and ugly.” Buffy jumped in.
“Not slayer.” He swatted her away. “Real slayer.” He pointed at you. Everyone looked at you confused. You debated on whether to feign innocence or help out. Before you had made up your mind the demon started charging at you. At that point you back flipped into his line of fire and kicked him in the jaw. Everyone stood incredulous.
You proceeded to beat the demon punch after punch. Not holding back, you pulled a sword from a sheath you had strapped on your back under your shirt. Without hesitation you went for the demon’s throat, blood splattering everywhere. You stood covered in blood but triumphant.
Silence followed. You turned around, “Ta-da?”
Buffy stood from her spot and marched up to you. “Who are you, really?”
“Yeah, explain yourself.” Spike yelled from the back.
You sighed, defeated. “Everyone sit down. I’ll explain. Please, just listen and then ask questions. It’s a long story.”
You proceeded to explain that you were close to 1,000 years old, 985 to be exact, and that you were then deemed the slayer in your village. You were raised by your grandfather who was also your watcher. On the night of your 25th birthday, you killed a vampire that was the lover of a very powerful witch in your village. The witch, heartbroken and vengeful, put a curse on you that you would not die until you found peace. That doomed you to roam the Earth in the search of true peace.
The gang was quiet. The atmosphere was heavy. You were ashamed and embarrassed.
“Why did you lie?” Spike spoke up first. His voice was heavy with anger.
“I had to. It’s so difficult to be open about why I still exist. It’s shameful.” You lowered your head.
He didn’t seem satisfied with your answer and left. Your eyes trailed after him. You knew you hurt him. You purposefully created a whole life, and he believed it. You both shared moments, connection, vulnerability and yours was all a rouse.
“I’m confused. How can you not die?” Willow asked.
Her question snapped you back to reality. “Um, uh, Well… If I get mortally wounded, it heals faster. Even if it’s a fatal blow, my body regenerates.”
“What happens if you get decapitated, maimed, or burned alive?” Xander asks, curious.
Everyone looks at him. “What?! You were all thinking it.” Everyone nodded.
You chuckled. “One word. Regeneration.”
Everyone nods. “That makes sense and ew.” Xander responded.
You stand there, still covered in blood answering question after question. Have searched how to break the curse? Do you know what will give you peace? How many slayers have you met? Do you enjoy being eternal? You answered every question until they were satisfied. The conversation shifted to how 3 slayers could exist.
“It makes sense now how you knew so much about the occult.” Giles chimed in.
You grinned. “I dabble.” You say trying to be funny. A joke that landed flat due to the circumstances.
“I know this is weird. Me existing is weird but know that I didn’t mean harm. I’m just trying to figure out how to end this curse. I can’t be running around divulging my existence to every slayer. Having two slayers makes it easier to say that there is a third but still. You must understand where I’m coming from.”
The gang was quiet, pensive. “I think it’s best that you go. We can talk more about this tomorrow.” Giles stated.
“I know this is stupid, but do I still have a job?”
Giles glares at you. You raise your hands in a defensive stance. You decide it’s best to leave.
You walk home, alone. It’s the first time in the last three months that you were walking home alone. You felt tired and sad. Not only did you potentially lose your connection with the Scoobies, but you also lost who you considered to be your closest friend, Spike.  
Loud thrashing and banging can be heard inside the mausoleum. Spike is enraged and full of energy. Of course, the one person he wanted to lean on was a fake. Another illusion in his path. He felt like he could confide in her, trust her. She was no more than a liar, a con artist. To hell with her sob story. She hurt him. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been honest himself, he did the best he could while obscuring the truth to protect her. To protect her! She would pay for making a fool of him. Everyone mocks him for his lack of vampire like behaviors. Everyone puts him down for failing at killing Buffy. But to made out to be a rube for trusting, for caring, that’s where he draws the line. He was vulnerable and he got paid in lies.
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msmargaretmurry · 6 months
I'm so sorry, this is totally not in response to the compliment post you reblogged (I'm afraid I can only compliment you un-ominously, you are my favourite author in the mattdrai fandom and ily ❤️)
but I've been meaning to send you this ask for the last two days and I can't wait any longer, I HAVE to know!! I know you're a busy person - so feel free to ignore this or answer it when you have time or keep your response really short!
So. I'm doing my quarterly HAW reread right now and I have two new questions that I think (?) I never asked you before.
during the scene in the dressing room of the gym, what are leon's thoughts? matthew is obviously a little ... affected by unexpected physical contact but I'm wondering about leon. is he only thinking "what a weirdo" or if he's taken aback by his own reaction too? what is going through his mind? please tell meeeeee!
when is the first time leon puts on matthew's shirt at home and in what context? does he already have feelings for Matthew? what is he thinking when he does it? when is the first time he wears it in front of his teammates and do they call him out on his non-existent connection to st. louis? I need more details about this soooo badly.
my dear miriam, i am always accepting non-ominous compliments 😂❤ thank you, ily. please find the answers to your inquiries under the cut.
1) the scene in the dressing room at the gym — both of them are such messes in this scene, lmao. matthew is being a dick because he's in a mood, and leon is confused and annoyed and also coming off as a dick, especially as seen through matthew's pov, who is just assuming the worst of leon's opinion of him at every turn and reading every hint of brusqueness or sarcasm as plain old dislike.
leading up to this scene, leon's been in toronto for a few days. he's mostly having a pretty good time, hanging out with connor, seeing some of the other guys, etc. connor keeps ribbing him that he should talk to matthew; leon keeps rolling his eyes and saying he's not interested anymore, which isn't NOT true, but mostly the thing is that matthew has never shown any real interest in leon, which has wounded leon's pride and therefore he has decided he's not interested anymore. (connor doesn't 100% believe him when he says he's not interested anymore, but mostly he just doesn't care if leon is lying or not because it's fun to tease him.)
anyway on this particular day he's partly kind of in a bad mood because his ankle is bothering him, and partly kind of in a bad mood because he feels a little like he's being made fun of, between matthew's instagram antics and how brady keeps coming to talk to him and connor. he's feeling a little paranoid that maybe someone overheard one of connor's teasing comments and told the tkachuks about it and now matthew thinks leon actively has a thing for him. which, even if he did, connor has earned the right to tease leon about stuff like that. matthew has not. and connor has always said matthew's a nice enough guy off the ice but he's been kind of standoffish the whole time leon's been here, and leon isn't going to automatically take it personally like SOME people, but it is making him wary!
so he sees matthew head into the locker room and is maybe staring after him a little obviously, and connor is teasing him like, hey, seems like a great chance to go talk to him, and leon is in just a grumpy enough mood to be like, fine, i'll go talk to him, and it's going to go badly, and then you can get off my back about it, right? and he stalks over there trying the whole way to think of something normal to say, but it does not work, so he gets into the locker room and just kind of blurts the first thing in his head, and the conversation stumbles and faceplants from there.
the thing is, if they'd had this conversation on a different day, when leon was in a better mood and matthew was maybe a little less in his own head, it probably would have gone much better. maybe leon would even have tried flirting a little (or a lot). as it is, even with the collective moodiness of both of them, he still has the urge to flirt a little — which is SO annoying, because of course connor is right and he's still interested. extremely annoying thing to have to admit to yourself when the guy in question is standing there outwardly being a dick to you. it makes him determined to not let matthew wind him up, which of course gets him more wound up, which is how he ends up grabbing matthew by the wrist. there is definitely a moment when they're standing there like that where he has this flash of a vision in his head like: what if this sexual tension is mutual, and he kisses matthew right now, hard enough to bruise, and they just have wild nasty sex right there in the locker room.
but obviously this does not happen 😂 he wouldn't have tried it even if connor hadn't come in, he still would have just gone home annoyed about the fact that he is apparently definitely still into matthew tkachuk, even when matthew is being a dick. (this encounter is also a big part of why he's so wary and put-upon when he runs into matthew at boots, lol.)
so that is that!!
2) leon and matthew's shirt from boots — so obviously leon wears it for the rest of that night at the festival, and then shoves it in his bag with his other dirty clothes, washes it when he gets home, kind of ignores it for the rest of the summer because he feels very weird about how things went down in that rv, but does grab it when he packs for edmonton just in case matthew wants it back at some point. because he has already decided he needs to talk to matthew, so if matthew wants the shirt back, he wants to have it on hand.
he doesn't actually start wearing it until after the first time matthew comes over to his house, because at that point he figures if matthew wanted it back he'd've asked for it. his matthew feelings aren't super strong at that point but they are like — they're there, he's not in denial about that. it's not a big moment or anything, he's just grabbing something to change into to bum around the house for the rest of the evening, and it's there, and he's like… sure, i could wear this.
he does not expect to get in his feelings about it, but as he's lying around with bowie that night he does get a little in his feelings about it, because he keeps thinking maybe he'll send matthew a selfie of him wearing it and then chickening out. he's weirdly nervous about it! and that forces him to think about why he's nervous, which forces him to acknowledge that he doesn't just have feelings, he's actually pretty invested in what they're doing, and he'd be really bummed out if matthew wasn't also invested. "selfie in your clothes" feels like real relationship behavior, so maybe he'll just save that for when he's a little more sure that matthew is on the same page as he is.
the first time he wears it in front of his non-connor teammates is when the oilers take a roadtrip to st. louis 😂 they chirp him about being a tourist. but after that he can wear it whenever he wants! everyone thinks he just bought it in st. louis!
i hope these were satisfactory answers to your questions!! i'm glad you're still enjoying the fic ❤❤
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sagesilentfire · 4 months
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Hello, everyone. It's so strange to be saying this, but the last part of SAMATFOE is imminent, and we're getting closer and closer to the End. It's been a really fun five years. (Four to ya'll, but I've been working on this for longer than I've been talking about it publicly!) The cast of characters has expanded dramatically, I've gotten much better as a writer and artist, and I feel I've grown as a person too. I won't stop stalking the svtfoe tag or talking about svtfoe after this is done, don't worry, but I have a lot of non-svtfoe related plans in the future, so if you like Sílthéy and her weird siblings, don't stop following when SAMATFOE is over. 
But as for the actual contents of s5, well, I've got lots of plans. We've got a dark magic plague that's an incredibly transparent metaphor for climate change. We've got Mina playing the oil barons and trying to stop everyone from saving the world for her own personal gain. We've got Glossaryck (capitalism). We've even got the answers to a lot of mysteries and character arcs. Like, so many character arcs. It has been incredibly difficult to stuff all these character arcs into this far-too-short piece of fanfiction. But I hope I did that adequately. 
On a personal note, while hiring a beta/sensitivity reader for a piece as massive as SAMATFOE proved impossible for someone who does not own their own money, I have done a lot more research than I had at seventeen. I wanted the monsters to be more than just badly-done allegories for Native Americans – I wanted them to be people with their own culture, history, and ideas. People who are inspired by real-world Indigenous cultures, but, because they're literally nonhuman, are distinct from them. Whether or not they could count as Indigenous is discussed in-text, but I do not come to an actual conclusion because I want my readers to draw their own. It's not my place to say whether colonized space aliens could be Indigenous. And their connection to the land and to magic is drawn from their shared knowledge, not mysticism, and their culture is idealized because a caring godlike entity helped them to that, not because they're better than anyone. I hope to demonstrate that they are all people, first and foremost. Because we're going to be spending time in Septarsis! So much time! And Toffee has officially been promoted to main character status! It's Star and Marcie AND the Forces of Evil, babey!
But there's a lot of characters here. So, for the second and final time, 
Dramatis Personae:
Star - Star doesn't know what to do. She has everything she ever wanted, even if she doesn't realize it. She has no future responsibilities, having passed that to Eclipsa, but she is still special and important, being the most powerful magic-user ever to exist and the only one who can fix the dark magic, and Toffee doesn't even seem to hate her. Sílthéy does, though, and that is a sticking point. Star is much less oblivious now, though even her oblivious former self would probably pick up on the bad vibes Sílthéy is actively sending her way. She wants everyone to see how hard she's working to make everything better, but Sílthéy doesn't, and that is unbearable. Add that to Shinjai avoiding her and Marcie growing distant, and she has very little time for introspection, even if that would help fix things.
Marcie - Marcie is done with Mewni. She can't believe she believed the Butterflys' lies for so long. She's going to devote herself to Septarsis as fervently as she did Mewni. She just... she doesn't want to bother anyone, or take anyone's time. Why should she get attention paid to her, when there are stronger and smarter magic users out there who could do so much to actually help the world? Marcie is small and useless, and clearly so easily tricked. Better to work on herself before she brings anyone else into her orbit. Also, Star keeps making bad decisions, and Marcie's boundaries are pushing her away too... maybe it's better to do everything alone.
Ludo - Ludo is having a great time! He's earned the trust of some of the monsters in the Avarius village, his plumbing has been fixed, and Pemma is teaching him how to use the Avarius Beacon! Certainly nothing bad is going to happen to him or anyone he cares about! :D
Buff Frog - I'll confess here: Buff Frog is not a huge part of s5. He'll appear in the finale, but he's not a fighter anymore, and lives a peaceful life in Septarsis. He still has fond feelings for Star, but he's not too worried about her. She's strong, and he has twelve young froglets to take care of. She'll be fine on her own... right?
Toffee - Una'met Co'tzin-Nekohtzaca, Last Child of Old Septarsis, The Forces of Evil, Kéta'cha For the Dragon of Space, is doing FINE. They're definitely not five bad seconds away from a total mental breakdown, definitely not, that would be bad for everyone involved, and they are a calm, peaceful, certified not-doing-bad-things-er. The fact that everyone is almost certainly going to die a horrible death from dark magic is fine. They just have to cram thirty-plus years of training into the rapidly-dwindling time before the entire multiverse is dead. They barely know Star Butterfly, except that she's too good for things like "basic training" and "reading." How are they going to do this? And why won't Sílthéy tell them why she caused this in the first place? Well, they do know one thing, which is they can't tell Star about that.
Jackie - Jackie is done with Star Butterfly. She's talked to... someone, and done some digging, and that only served to verify the book she was given in s4. She doesn't know anything about Mewni save for what the book told her, but she can't believe that she trusted the family that doomed her dimension.
Janna - Janna doesn't like this apocalypse. No chance of survival is boring. So she's going to do what she can to help out. Also, she's been keeping her own secrets, secrets that might hold the key to survival.
Tom - Tom isn't angry anymore. He's not angry at Eclipsa for keeping Miquiz locked up, he's not angry for the Butterflys for spreading the dark magic that's thrown the Underworld into chaos, he's not angry that he keeps being left out of things. He's. Not. Angry. Anymore!
Moon - Moon didn't kill her mother. She didn't. It was Toffee, Toffee who couldn't come up with some loophole, Toffee who couldn't forget a conversation that happened when they were a child, Toffee who aimed the arrow at Comet's chest. And her holding onto anger isn't what's driving Star away from her, it's Toffee. They're the one driving her daughter away from her! But as cold reality and remaining dark secrets loom behind her, her brittle facade is beginning to crumble.
Glossaryck - Glossaryck misses when he and Star got along. Yeah, he's destroying her dimension, and everyone in it, and her, all to win kudos from his family, but it really sucks that Star won't give him the time of day anymore. He used to be her wise old mentor! Geez, she was going to die anyways, that's what mortals do! Might as well get along before it happens!
River - River is tired of being left out of the loop. He doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know what to do. Moon barely speaks to him, she's always busy with Eclipsa, or whatever. But he might be the thing Moon needs, if she would only let him in.
Angie - Angie doesn't know if she should have had Mariposa. Sure, Mari is wonderful, and she loves her, and she DID NOT have a baby to replace Marcie dear god why were the svtfoe writers like that – *ahem* but the multiverse is ending, and Mariposa is just a baby... she didn't want to bring a baby into this world just to have them all die.
Rafael - Rafael is worried about Star. He's worried there's nothing he and Angie can do to help her. He's worried about Marcie. She seems really stressed about the dark magic. But he's the calm, goofy dad, so he's going to keep being that, and praying it'll help somehow. 
Mariposa - Mariposa is fresh to the world, and doesn't understand much of anything yet. But everyone is worried she won't survive long enough to understand the world at all.
Kelly - Kelly is chilling. Apparently Star and Marcie are off on a trip to Septarsis, but that's none of her business as long as art classes and hangouts with Nova and Jorby go well. She might drop by to visit, though.
Miss Heinous - Saint Olga is dead. Miss Heinous's one reason for existing, her greatest love and greatest enemy, the robot who raised her, is dead. What does Miss Heinous do now?
Meteora - Meteora's doing great. She's won popular opinion, she's training to be a true Crown Princess, or at least a high-ranking official, if Sílthéy's democracy takes off. She's stepped into her role as a leader, far more than her mother could claim. But that's fine. Not everyone is suited for leadership.
Eclipsa - Eclipsa has an albatross around her neck. She is doing her best to ignore it, to be a good queen, to love her people, but... she cannot get away from the child she killed. Would it be easier if she was just always evil, not done one evil act out of rage and grief? Well, she knows what happened to her mother. What does she do now?
Globgor - Globgor is doing his best. He's a little miffed by Sílthéy mistrusting him, as her first big act of s5 will be to demonstrate how little he's valued as a Legitimate Voice of the Monsters, but really, who can complain. There's so much else going on, who cares if he fades into the background?
Shinjai - Shinjai gets the wand. Shinjai does not want the wand, and the circumstances surrounding her getting the wand are ridiculous, but she gets it, and she hates it, and she can't control it. Unlike Star, her inability to control the wand makes her not want to use the wand at all lest she hurt someone with it. Oh, and Star keeps wanting to teach her fun spells now that she's been handed this nuclear bomb of a magic wand, and Shinjai does not want to deal with Star. She hasn't forgiven Star. She doesn't want to forgive Star. She'll ignore Star as much as she can, and focus instead on Alice and the teen militia, which is much more fun. She loves Alice. She loves learning to fight, learning to battle the most dangerous people in the multiverse and win WITHOUT the help of a wand. She'd be doing great, if her past would stop knocking at her door.
Rasticore - Rasticore's worried about his partner. Una is fraying at the seams trying to fix everything, and he has the feeling they're not telling him something. But what else is new? He'll wait. He has friends to make, a new teenage militia to help train, and a Miss Heinous to keep from destroying Septarsis stone by stone. He's endlessly patient. When Una wants to talk to him, he'll be there for them. He just... has... to... wait...
Mina - Mina is trying to destroy the world. She doesn't tell her followers that, no, they don't even know the dark magic is a thing, but she wants Glossaryck to win and the Solarian Age, of which she is the last remnant, to end everything with it. So she'll destroy the world, and fulfill Solaria's dream of taking the Forces of Evil with her.
Lilacia - Lilacia is, somehow, a spoiler. Like, legitimately, the Princess Formerly Known as Ponyhead's role in s5 is a spoiler, and not for magic power-up speech cliché reasons. But she's still her dumb, ditzy self, of course.
Still Unnamed Mystery Character - "Stella" is still mysterious, but I promise you we'll get who she is and her backstory in this part ;)
Alice - Alice is wary of the new Mewman presence on the outskirts of Septarsis. She knows why they're there, but she's still extremely suspicious. She does not want them to hurt Septarsis. But she doesn't know that the true danger comes a little closer to home.
Teyauh - Teyauh is also a spoiler, but she'll be there!
Linda - Linda loves her wife, and will follow her anywhere, but Teyauh will have to accept that her knees don't work how they used to, so Linda will have to follow in a suit of POWER ARMOR, BABY!
Nova - Nova is part of the Nuxalkmc, an Indigenous tribe native to the Northwestern Turtle Island, and she loves that about herself. Now that Kelly and her dimensional scissors are here, she can finally explore the multiverse to find new places and see if they're anything like home. Septarsis is one of those places, and she loves it at first sight.
Dr. Edevane - Dr. Edevane is a doctor. He and Toffee have a lot to nerd out talk about together. He will be useful, too.
Dennis - Dennis is busy reigning in dozens of siblings, including Ludo. It's a busy life, but a happy one. Nothing bad whatsoever will happen to him! (I'm lying)
Chloe - Chloe doesn't know this "Star Butterfly" person, but she's very suspicious. But man, Mewni would be such a cool place to visit... so much magic! ...No, she needs to concentrate on being mad. And she is mad. She wants Earth to be like Mewni, like it deserves to be.
Hekapoo - Hekapoo doesn't like her dad's plan. He says it'll work out, it's fine, but the plan is... questionable. She doesn't like it. And she definitely isn't getting conflicting feelings about puppeteering her brother around, either...
Rhombulus - Ṯ̶̡̧̧̡̧̠͉̻̦̜̭͚̰̪̣̬̠̦̲̹̯̯̮̹̰̺̣̳̬̳̬͙̙̞̹͚͖̼̲̰̼̻̭͇̘̻̹͔̝͌͐̀̇̓̀́̄̇̓̊̚ͅH̶̛̠̽̎̇̽̉̃̔͒̽̈́͌͝Ȩ̸̢̧̛̛͔̭͍̪͈͚̮̘͙̭̳͍̺͖̗͇͍̘̱̉̽͑̆̌̓̆͛̓̌̈́̐̾͑̅͂͗̔̽̌̋̈́̎̈́́̓̓͌̆̄͐̀̋̅͂̒̓̔͗̈͊̊͆̄̒͘͘̚͘͝͝͠͠͠͠ͅ ̷̧̪̰͈̺̯̳̙̳̹̙̣͔̗̜̫̗̲̠̙̝̠̯̻̯̩͈͇͉̞̙͙͈̲̻̹̰̳̣̤̣̀́̐͆͜͜͜ͅͅK̵̨͎̙̩͓̘͇̳̩̲̝̳̼̖̯̘͖̹͙̪̰͙͔̤̭̘͖̖̪̬͓͚̫̦̝̠͍̙̊͛̏̈́͛́̒̈́͂͜͜͜͝ͅÍ̸̡̧̨̨̥͍̮̮͇̟͈͙̩̥͙̥͖͚͉̬̟̻̹̰̟̘͓̪̦̹͈̺̤̜̣̺͉̘͕̮̲͓̳͍͈͍̜̯̯̘̪͙̩͛́̐̆̈́͗͋̔̐̒̌̚͜ͅT̵̨̟̲̑̅̑̕̚T̶̨̨̨̛̞͖̻̖̞̹̜͉̦͓̣̠̗̘̣̺̲̹̘̻͎̤̝̤̜̞̜̳̭͎̲͙̮͓͕̼͇̘̃̈́̑̅͐̆͛͊̎̀̈́̔̐̂͛͒̎̕͜͜Ę̴̟̻͍͓̲̙͙̬̺̖̘͎̺̯͐̍̀͊̊̃̃̐̒̊̽̅̉̒̇̎̒͗͆̓͋͂̍̎̈̓́́͌̈͌̕͘̕̕͜͝͝͠͝͝Ņ̷̡̥͕̞̘͙͇̪̺̯͕̪͖̗̙͖̭̻̳͙͖̯̺̟̳̟̪̼̤̞̘̯̘̥̏́̊̾̓̀͐̑̈́͛͊͜͝͝͝S̸̨̨̨̡̤͕͚͈̻̯̫̯̦̖̣͈͔͉͚̠̪̮͚̳͈͇̯̱̯̙̙̬͎̝̪̬̦̙͇̝̲̤̰̃͒̓͒̾̀̋̎̊̈̀́̐̎̇͜͝ͅ ̵̧̧̛̣͉͕̤̻͔̰̜̺̮̘̞̠͓͚̹̗͒͐̽́̆̈́́̏̀̎̋͌̔́̌͗̎̍̉̀̃͌͂̎̽̿̃͂̎̽̌̈́̄́̀́̓̿̅́̎͆̾̆͑͌̔̿̑́́̕̕̕͝͝͝M̸̢̡̨̭͓̘͙̟̩̦͎̤̟̮̤͍͔̝̑̀̅̊̑̊́̂̈͑̽͋̃̑͋͐̆͆͊̈́́̋͑̋͜͝I̸̡̛̖̺͇͎͕̗̹̦̦̻̻̙͈͔̮̭̤̺͚͙͙͖̱̙͚̣̼̠̺̘̐̄͋͒̒͗̎̓͐͗͛̊̀̓̄̅̆̇̐͒̄̌̔͗̒̎̃̒̊̍̋͐̊͛͘͠͝͝͠S̴̨̡̡̨̲̖̺̭̺̱̰͎͓͇̰̙͙̩̯̺̖̲̥̜͖̦̙̹̜̻͙̠͉͇̲̲͍̞͚̭̯͕͋͐̌̾̈́̄͐̇̔͜͝͝Ş̴̢̨̢̝̬̤̯̗̞̳̟̞̲̠̮͇̻͙͖̻̜̺̘̑̑̆̈́̇͋͗͒͒́̅́́̚̕͝ ̷̨̡̡̛̛͚̩̣̠̠̹̘̟̼̘̤͇͖͓̙̺̙̮͚̫̺͖̠͇͙̏̆̋̆̀̅̓̔͋̐̐͛̃̾̃̿̓́̑̇̏̈̉͊̂̍̾͑̐̈́̀̑͑̈́̏͗̇͋̀̆́̍̊̃̀͐͘̚̚͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅḨ̶̨̧̻̺̟͚̠͍̗͙̗̹͇̗̦͔͕̮̦͖͔̝͚̟̖̖͉̾̔͒̓̋̀̔̅̿̈̑͆̀̇̇̄̈́́͋̿͐͆̔̂̈́͋̈́̊̊̈́̓̈́͋̕͘͝͝͝I̷̡̡̢̨̹͎̼̻̖̗̭̫̩̣̬̻̦̠̗̰̥͕̗̟̯̰͉͙̯͖̦͚̟̖̞͍̦̙̯̲̲̖̲̲̜͚̓̍͜ͅM̶̧̡̢̧̧̙̥̭̲̖̦͙̘̙͈͓͖̩̜̦͍̦̘͍̘͕̳̜̱͚̥̹͓͕͉͔͕̫̺̮͕̳͖͉̭̺͙̠͖̥͕͖͙̜̉͑͛̎̓̈́͐͋̐̀̏̊̀̽͋̈́͊̄͌̋̌̐̓̄̉̓͒̕̕͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅ
Reynaldo - Reynaldo looks and looks and he does and does, but he does not win this bet. It is the thing he wants most, that he will do all sorts of terrible, horrible-things-that-make-him-want-to-throw-up to get. What is it? 
Omnitraxus Prime - Omni will do anything to protect the multiverse. Including trusting zir dad, who is looking more untrustworthy by the day, and trusting Mina, who was never trustworthy in the first place. Mina has much more training than Star, and strong magical ability from spending three hundred years close to the wand, and it's the best option... right?
Necahua - Necahua is a mess currently, and being a mess leaves you more open to mistakes. Uh oh! Una still loves them, though. 
In fact, I made a short story in my creative writing class about the relationships between Una'met, Necahua, and Cayeto, since I feel they got overlooked in the main story. Yes, no one in my class had any idea what was going on. I'll post it next, before chapters 1 and 2 of s5.
Cayeto - Cayeto is also in the short story. He doesn't play a huge role in the main plot, but he is just another reason Toffee does the things they do. He died hoping that Una and Necahua, specifically, survived, and Necahua died, so he does not have the best grip on reality.
Xocochiapal - Xoco is the de-facto ghost leader of the ghosts now. No legislation without representation, right? Toffee does most of the work, but she's in charge when they can't address a thing right away. She was right despite everyone else blindly going to their deaths, and now everyone knows it. She also was the highest-ranked Septarian to become a ghost, and her hatred of the Mewman occupation is a clear and strong motivation.
Tecoloa - Tecoloa is the voice of reason. The good one. She died protecting her elementary school class from the worst of the heat, and that caring nature has translated into protecting everyone she can. 
Sílthéy - Sílthéy is a character now, and OH BOY is she happy about it. She hates Star and will never get over it, and she loves to remind Star of that fact. She feels immense guilt for what happened with Septarsis, and will never get over that, either. She is a mess, but she's been hiding her messiness for 0/0 years, so she's a pro. And it's not like anyone here can stop her from being a mess, can they? So she'll go on being a mess in her corner, and she'll be fine. Her hobbies include storytelling, dissing Star, and doing the most bizarre stuff in the background of any given scene. She owns her weirdness. She's annoying, but that just makes her more fun to write.
Mocel - Mocel is mad at Eclipsa. She's mad at all Mewmans, really. She cares a lot about Miquiz, and she hates that he's locked up while she, with her lightweight ash body, can sneak out whenever she likes. The world isn't fair, and she knows it.
Miquiz - Miquiz is dying a second time. The dark magic wound on his chest is expanding. He doesn't want to leave, not without seeing the sun again, but he may not have a choice. He doesn't want to leave without saying something to Eclipsa, but again, no choice. He doesn't know what to do.
Tecolo - Tecolo is just vibin. He wants to see Ludo again, and he will, but he's mostly busy having fun with his dead and living relatives after centuries floating in the void.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Predator and Prey: Final - Chapter Nine
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Lots of Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Kidnapping, Drugging, Mentions of Pregnancy.
Summary: You and Tommy start a new life together.
Short Chapter
- Chapter Eight Here -
Three days had passed before the drugs finally cleared from your system, even after doctors administered activated charcoal and other medicines to help. The doctors had told Tommy you were lucky he found you so quickly, as you had been given a near fatal dose.
You finally began to stir, and Tommy immediately rushed to your side.
“Hey, hey.. take it easy.” He said gently, pushing you back down and stroking your hair.
You were confused, the last thing you remembered was being in your kitchen, and then you felt a sharp pinch in your neck and suddenly you were waking up in the hospital. Tommy filled you in on what had happened, and you cried. You couldn’t believe this had all been because you were stupid enough to trust someone like Chloe, and with your precious dog of all things. Tommy held you until you calmed down, and assured you everything was going to be ok.
You lay back down and looked up at Tommy, you were so grateful for him, for everything he’d done, and for finding and saving you. You were thankful for Sam and Mike too, and made a mental note to thank them when you saw them next.
You stroked Tommys cheek and gently pulled him down to kiss you. The kiss was gentle but filled with affection, and Tommy melted into you having been starved of this for 3 days, thinking the whole time he may lose you.
“I need to tell you something.” Tommy mumbled into your lips as he pulled away slightly.
“What is it?” You whispered, dizzy from the kiss, or the remnants of being drugged, you weren’t sure.
“I know it’s probably too soon to say this, but I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t really fucking sure I meant it… but baby, I’m in love with you. I knew it before this all happened but now I’m so sure it hurts. I thought I was gonna lose you before I could tell you and that scared me. Like a lot… I don’t ever wanna know the feeling of being without you. If you’ll have me, and I’m not just a hot piece of ass to you-“ he stopped and chuckled, “then it’s me and you, kid. I don’t want anyone else.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, and tears slipped from your eyes as you grinned up at him. “Oh you are so the soppy one in this relationship.” You laughed, pulling him back down for a kiss. “I love you Tommy Cahill.” You mumbled into his lips, and you felt Tommy smile into the kiss as he pulled the white curtain closed around your hospital bed.
A month later, you and Tommy packed up his truck with everything you needed, with Jet securely in the back seat, and you set off.
You both decided a fresh start was needed. You sold your store, books and all, to an elderly couple looking to put their retirement to good use, and found a leafy little town about 2 hours West that looked like it had potential. You’d put a deposit on a house with a nice big back yard, backing up on vast green woods and with many local parks for Jet to enjoy. You would find a new little store to open, and you and Tommy would create a new life.
Tommy grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss as he drove. You smiled at him and finally felt relief wash over you as drove further and further away from the place you called home for 3 years. You also felt nervous excitement, as you hadn’t yet told Tommy that you were pregnant. You would tell him over a takeout dinner that night in your new home. You didn’t know it yet, but Tommy would be ecstatic, and he’d pick you up and swing you in circles. Tommy couldn’t wait to be a dad, and he would be a good one too.
Yes, everything had worked out somehow. If you had never met Jason, and he had never sent you running, you wouldn’t have ever met Tommy. In some way everything bad had brought you everything good, and so you could make peace with it.
You were ready for this fresh start, and as you day dreamed about your new life, you failed to notice the car that had been following you turn for turn for the last hour.
The end.
Note: I’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who read this, I really hope you enjoyed it! It was so much fun to write again ❤️
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marsosims · 6 months
Hello! I've been super busy finishing up requirements for school... Today's the last day for the submission of requirements and I've been rushing to do them and submit on time, but I've been struck with a bout of procrastination, and I thought I'd participate in simblr appreciation day!
(under the cut because it's surprisingly long [that's what she said...])
I don't really have any particular people in mind but that's mostly because I cannot remember every single person and I would feel bad about forgetting anybody,,, ANYWAY! here's some appreciation to:
The people who make CC and mods - y'all make this game bearable and I genuinely cannot live without them so I am very much thankful to all of u ily all (except the permawallers)
The people who make those CC and mods POSSIBLE - the people over at s4s and all the other tools like s4castools, as well as the tutorials they've made over the years have been INVALUABLE to the community and I just wanted to recognize them and say thank you <3
The people who reblog CC and mods - I feel as a creator, I've always been very appreciative of people who reblog my content because it genuinely helps me out to have my content spread to a wider audience. On the flipside, as a consumer, I'm also very appreciative of these people because I LOVEE discovering new creators that I've never known before who make literally the best items out there and AAA i'm just so happy
The people who download and play with said CC and mods and create the most beautiful sims, stories, and builds with them - as a creator, I honestly feel very giddy whenever I see people use my cc or even my mods. I know I don't generally reblog (because I usually forget) but I genuinely appreciate all of you! Thank you so much! All of the sims and builds I've seen with my CC have been incredible and have been truly inspiring <3 The stories and edits that I see on my dashboard (or when I stalk people on my activity dashboard IM SORRY) are honestly amazing and I LOVE to see it!
Of course, the people who play vanilla! - whatever type of gameplay you make, whether it's vanilla or with a shit ton of CC and mods, I love to see it! It's so refreshing to see how differently people use the same game to create such a diverse community! Vanila players, however, I have SOO much respect for. You guys are the strongest soldiers out there. I am weak to the temptation of custom content. Always have been.
The people who made this a thing! - this has honestly been one of the best things I've seen on simblr in a while, all the negativity and drama have made me a little less keen on being here a few months ago, but I've slowly come back and I'm genuinely so happy to see something like this happen :D
My patrons - honestly couldn't really end this appreciation post without saying a thank you to my patrons. Seriously, thank you :D You don't know how much your donations mean to me and my getting through college. The extra funds from your donations have allowed me to be generally independent in terms of funding myself and my activities. Seriously.
Anyway, this has been a super long post and I'm actually kind of embarrassed to post it because it feels like a long diary because I've been rambling about stupid stuff that I should have probably kept to myself but uhh yeah!!!!
Hope you guys have a happy holiday season!!! Expect more things from me, at least until the end of this year! I've been working on some stuff! Probably not exciting, but it's stuff!
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