#the last time it was my day i wasnt completely away until like 11am
birdfrenchforbird · 1 year
kinda rude that not being on my phone in the 2 hours before I go to sleep makes it IMMENSELY easier to wake up in the morning
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foronceleavemealone · 4 years
Long time no see
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
A/N: First time writing. Really wanted to write, but I think this is very bad. I don’t know how repetetive this is, but to me it seems very repetitive. Please be kind, but also I’m open for roasting. This isn’t a reader insert, this is more of an OC, but not really either. I feel like it’s somewhere in the middle. The watch that I wrote about is inspired by this watch. Also I don’t know much about 90s fashion, especially work fashion/clothing, I just think those type of necklaces that I made her wear look very neat. 
Summary: She’s very done with work. On her way out she sees an old friend and they begin to catch up.
Pairing:  Javier Peña x OC (I guess? But it can also be an insert. Seems somewhere in the middle for me. idk..)
Genre: angst(ish), fluff(ish)
She layed in her bed on her left side staring into the distance of the room. Her heartbeat felt a lot more annoying than usual and even in a way painful. She looked at the clock. 4.37am. Not too bad?
‘If I fall asleep right now I'll be able to sleep for 3 hours and 23 minutes, which isnt that bad. I've had worse’. But she couldnt fall asleep. Various thoughts were plagueing her mind. After a couple more hours she couldnt take it anymore.
“For fucks sake” she mumbeled to herself and looked at the clock. 6.42. “good enough”  she got up and went to the bathroom. Getting ready took up quite some time. She did want to look professional one last time. White button up, with a couple upper buttons undone, black blazer, black pants, black heels, a lariat necklace and a watch completed her look. She never liked pencil skirts. Not that it was a statement of some sort, more so that it made her feel uncomfortable. The hip hugging sensation, the way it looked, it just wasnt her cup of tea. Also she couldnt get much field work done in them.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
‘Looks like I'm going to a funeral’ a thought ran through her mind. In a way this was a funeral. The funeral of her career.
She thought about having breakfast but was too afraid to ruin her clothes.
‘Why didn't I think about this’ is all she thought mentally cursing at herself for not planning the little things.
She grabbed an apple, took a few bites and realised that that was not going to work, the nerves were kicking in and food didn't seem like their right companion. She grabbed her keys, her bag and went to take the last trip to the HQ.
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” her boss asked.
“Absolutely. I don't have any doubts” she said with a smile forming on her lips, but she knew she wasn’t sure. 
“Well, it's difdicult to let such people like you go. It's tough losing good agents. But I wish you luck”
“Thank you. It was an honor working here and with you, sir” she said as she stood up.
“Likewise” her boss put out his hand and she reached out a shook it.
They nodded to each other and she walked out of his office.
It's not that she was a bad agent. Like her boss said, she was good, great, fine. But not great enough. She always felt underappreciated, but that wasn’t the reason why she decided to resign, or so she thought. It was everything else. Both physical and mental trauma. Getting shot left it's toll. She was never severely injured and thank goodness for that, but a couple of bullets pierced her arm once, one went to her lower abdomen and not to mention the times the tac vest saved her life, only leaving a pain in her chest rather than a gaping wound. All of these incidences made her think that maybe she was not only a lousy shot, but also a bit shortsighted, not quick enough, yet she never spoke about these worries and kept everything to herself. The physical scars were fine, they healed and stopped hurting, but the mental ones... She never forgot those moments when she got shot, or when she shot someone else. Losing coworkers left a mark. Losing partners, now that  left a huge mark... After working for what felt like centuries, she started thinking whether this is really making any difference. Is it actually doing any good? So many people dead, so much blood shed, so many lives ruined. Being morally gray? Yeah, seems about right.. 
Working overtime surely didn’t help the situation. She wasn’t a workaholic, at least that’s what she had told herself. Working overtime, obsessing over details and usually getting little to no progress at all led her right into burn out teritory. And one day, she had enough. She talked to her boss about quitting after she finishes off one last case. He tried to talk her out of it, somehow drag out the case, giving her more paperwork or by making her chase loose ends, hoping she would change her mind. She did her job, being the great agent she is (or was), and finished everything yesterday. As she handed the case report to her boss, a letter of resignation was attatched to it. Today she only came in to gather the rest of her stuff from her office and tie up any loose ends, and say goodbye to her coworkers. 
She didn’t have that many things in her office. She kept it simple, nothing too personal. She didn’t even need a box, she had cleared most of the framed honors yesterday. She looked through the rest of the office to see if she forgot anything. She checked the drawers of her desk and in one of them there was something she’d left yesterday, not knowing whether to leave it there, throw it out or take it with her. It was a watch. She hesitated.
“Oh what the hell” she said as she took it and put it in her pocket. 
Finally she was done. She didn’t even stop to look at the now empty office. She was quite done, she had been for a while. She started walking down the corridor. As she reached the first floor she glanced at her watch.
“11am, not too bad” she mumbled to herself. 
She looked up and a few meters right in front of her she saw a man. They locked eyes and something felt so familiar, so nice, so heartwarming. A smile formed on the man’s face.
“My my my, what a sight for sore eyes” she said with a huge smile which almost made her chuckle.
“Sad to hear your eyes are sore” he said and chuckled a little bit himself while going in for a hug. He smelled like he always had (she could never tell the exact composition, but it reminded her of cardamom and cedar) and she found it comforting in a way, especially on this day. 
“How have you been?” she asked pulling away from the hug.
“I’ve..” he hesitated for a bit while looking at her. “I just resigned. Had enough of this bullshit”
“Oh wow. How come? I heard you did a great jo-”
“I did what I had to do. Or at least what seemed right to do” he said as he looked at the floor. “Anyway, what about you, how have you been?” he asked trying to change the subject.
“Oh I... I actually quit today too” she said, with a little quiver in her voice.
The man looked at her and raised an eyebrow. This not only surprised him, but made him a little bit upset. He was never big on picking up emotions and feelings, but this just felt somehow a bit off.
“You? Quitting? That doesn’t seem like you”
“Well, I had enough of this bullshit too”. She forced a smile.
“So, are you done for today then?” 
“Yeah, pretty much so. I was just about to head out. Go...home.” she said with a sudden wave of sadness washing over.
“Wanna get a drink?” He thought that whatever she was going through could be washed away with a drink, at least for a moment.
“It’s like 11 am”
“Right... and I forgot you don’t drink”
“Yeah, I don’t drink. So how about some coffee?”
“Yeah, sure”
“Javier Peña, man of many words, like always” she smiled with some memories flooding her mind.
“Shut it” he said smiling, feeling surprisingly blissful at the sight of her smiling.
“So why did you quit?” Javier asked bluntly.
“Straight to the point, huh” 
He tilted his head a bit and smiled.
“It just doesn’t seem like you. You always seemed to love the job, the rush it gave you”
“It did once. But it was getting too much. And I couldn’t take it after I lost my partner” she said with a shaky voice. She visibly got upset, but cleared her throat “sorry” she smiled.
“No, it’s ok. We don’t have to talk if you do-”
“No it’s fine. I should talk about it. It’s been months. And the longer I keep it to myself the worse it’ll be”
Just as she was about to begin talking the waiter came and brought their drinks.
“Thank you” she said to the waiter and flashed a smile. Javier always loved how she was kind like that.
“Black coffee? I thought you hated straight up black coffee” 
“Well, I thought I’d spice up my life with something I don’t usually get” she said and took a sip, regret forming on her face.
“How’s that spice?” Javier said trying not to laugh.
“It’ll... It’ll grow on me”. They both giggle. 
“I’ve heard that many times before. It’s been years and still no progress” he said still trying to control the slight chuckle.
“It’s really been years, hasn’t it?” she said and looked at him. They both stared into each other’s eyes for a bit, some form of nostalgia washing over both of them, until she reached out into her pocket and pulled something out. “Speaking of years, or well, time I guess. Here’s what I found”. She showed Javier that silver watch she took from her drawer before she left the office.
“No way.. is that? Is that my watch?” he said and reach out for it. She handed him the watch, their hands touching for a bit and she remembered that day.
It was a hot summer day and the car surely wasn’t parked in a shade before they got in it.
“Oh fuck” Javier said as he sat behind the wheel. 
“You could actually cook something in here” she said and fanned herself with her hand. 
They sat in silence for a bit. Javier rubbed his face with his hands while she sat on the passenger side with the door wide open, rubbing her right temple. 
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Javier asked as he looked over to her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. He knocked the wind out of me, but everything seems fine”
“He would have thrown you out the window”
“He would have done a lot more, if it weren’t for your quick thinking. Thanks by the way”
“That’s the least I could do for a partner” Javier said as he looked her up and down.
They sat in the silence for a little bit.
“He tore off my watch, broke it” she said as she rubbed her left wrist, which most likely hurt since her facial expression shifted once she touched it. “It was my dad’s gift” she said with sadness in her voice.”I have a date tonight, and I don’t even know what time it is” she smiled a bit, thinking to herself that it was a bit absurd to think about such a thing after all that just happened. 
Javier looked at his watch.
“Well it’s currently 6:47pm. And as I remember you have that date at 8pm.” Javier looked at his watch for a bit too long and unclasped it. “Here, take it” he said holding out his watch.
“What? Javi, I don’t need a watch that desperately, I’ll manage” 
“Just take it for tonight, I know you don’t wanna be late, you like that guy. And we always get too focused on paper work to pay attention to the lobby clock” 
She looked at his hand with his watch in it and thought for a moment before reaching out and touching Javier’s hand.
“Some last day of trainee work that was” Javier said placing the watch on the table and bringing her back to present day. It seemed like he was reliving that same moment. “And you’ve kept the watch for so long” 
“I forgot to return it the next day. And then we were transfered to different locations. I couldn’t just throw it out. I always wanted to return it.” 
“It stayed with you for that long you should keep it” Javier said and took a sip of his coffee. 
“Well it did get me through that date”
“Some date that was. You married the guy” he said with some heartache and bitterness, regretting his words seconds after as he cursed at himself, he should’ve thought more before speaking, he didn’t want to upset her. 
“Some marriage that was. We ultimately got divorced” she took a sip of her coffee to wash away those rancid words with the bitter liquid, but decided that she hated it.
“Sorry for bringing it up” Javier said and looked at his own coffee cup. He felt like he was hitting all of the wrong spots today. Like poking a wounded animal with a stick. He didn’t want to do that. He’s been fond of her from their academy days and the feeling always increased with their every meeting, especially when they moved up from being just trainees to special agents.They didn’t get to see each other as much, but they would run into each other from time to time, catch up. The last time they had a catching up session like this was after the Escobar case, right before Javi went to spend some time back at his hometown. 
“No, it’s fine.. It’s fine. So what are you going to do now that you’re free?” she emphasised the word free.
“I’m going back to Laredo. Gonna spend some time with my dad, help him out. He’s not getting any younger. What about you?”
“Oh, I don’t....know” she said as she twisted the cup of coffee in her hands.
Javier didn’t like this mood she was in. Quitting her job, not having a plan on what to do next. She was always one step ahead, organised. He knew that something was wrong and it broke his heart. She was probably hurting, as he guessed. 
“Why don’t you come to Laredo with me for a while?” this time he said it after some thought, but still it felt like a wild card to him.
She looked up at him, with surprise on her face. 
“Javi I-”
“I’m sure some fresh air and good company would do you go. We have plenty of room at home, you’d be welcome. And you don’t have any plans so” he clears his throat “I think..I’d be a good..idea”
“But, Javi, I wouldn’t want t-”
“You won’t be bothering anyone”
“What about your dad? I wouldn’t want to impose”
“Trust me, he likes company. So what do you say?”
“I mean it’s a big deal”
“It’s really not. Just for a couple of weeks”
“Ok, fine” she said as she took the watch that was still laying on the table and put it in her pocket.
“Great” Javier said as he took a sip of his coffee. He finally felt some relief in his heart. 
When she got back home it was already 5pm. Where did the time go? They spent their time talking about their academy days, and their trainee days, also talking a bit about the trip. 
“What did I get myself into” she said as she poured herself a glass of water. 
She brushed a hand over the side of her blazer and was reminded of the watch that was still in her pocket. She took it out and looked at it, caressing it with her thumb as a smile grew on her face. And to think she wanted to throw it away. Gosh, what a foolish move would that have been. She never realises just how much she had missed him until they meet again and this time was to exception.
“Yeah... Some date that was” she said as she sat at the kitchen table still looking at the watch, contemplating the events of today. She stopped her thoughts and realised what she actually had agreed to do - travel to Laredo with Javi- and laughed to herself. 
“Well... maybe it’ll be fun” she said to herself, as she took a nother sip of water, with somewhat forced positivity, but excitement too.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
Soulmate AU, Part Two
Pairing: Gavin & MC
(Tagging: @that-wasnt-so-bad @ceres-zephyr @thegrandduckmaster and everyone else following this series)
Notes: (still using Emci lol) First, YES, YOUR BABY BOY GAVIN IS IN THIS ONE. BIRD COP IS HERE WAITING FOR YOU. Second... enjoy! 😅😁 (Again please tell me if the links don't work and I'll do my best to fix them.)
[Gavin Month AU Prompt] [Part One]
A little less than a year later, I sat in the conference room while Anna spoke, tapping my pen out of boredom while staring out the window, no doubt with a dull, blank expression painting my features. I glanced down at my wrist for a moment, at the timer flashing on it in jet black ink.
2 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 22 seconds... no, 21... it kept counting down.
Was it being truthful? Was I actually meeting my soulmate, the one I was really meant to be with, on my twenty second birthday? Or was it false?
I didn't know what to believe.
Next to me, Minor, some guy that apparently went to high school with me, sharply poked my cheek, causing me to whip around to glare at him. "What?" I hissed, quietly to avoid attracting attention to myself.
Looking up, though, I realised it didn't matter how loud or soft my voice was; everyone's eyes were already on me. I squirmed under Anna's hawk eyes. "Sorry, Anna..."
She huffed, then sighed. "Sorry doesn't cut it, but since you're the boss, I'll give you a pass – this time." Turning her attention back to the clipboard she held, she announced loudly, "As I was saying, our plan to film Loveland City's police officers on and off the field has been approved so long as we can get at least one of them to agree to being filmed. And that's where you come in, Emci."
"Whoa, whoa – me?" I echoed, gulping. "Why me?"
"Because you're the boss," she said, with an expression that screamed duh! "Who else would be better to introduce our company to the officers than the head of the company herself? You don't have to film if you don't want to, but you're going as the representative in two days."
I shot up to my feet. "Two days?! But that's my birthday! I can't work on my birthday!"
Anna seemed to curse under her breath. "Sorry, Emci, I forgot; but I already promised that I was sending our boss over as the representative. If you at least do that, I promise you I won't schedule you for anything else that day."
I sighed, slumping back into my seat. "Fine," I grumbled.
"Thank you," she said, then mouthed "I'm sorry" to me before calling the meeting to an end.
I let everyone file out, until it was just me, Anna, Willow, Kiki, and Minor left in the room. Minor started to speak, "Say, Boss, how about—"
"Get out," I cut him off, pointing to the door. He merely nodded and exited the room, knowing better than to protest with the temper I had occasionally in the workplace.
The girls slowly approached me. Anna was the first one to say anything. "Emci, really, I'm sorry. I completely forgot that it was your birthday, and I—"
"It's okay, seriously. I'm not upset," I interrupted with a small smile. "What time am I going over? So I know to tell Chase to change our plans accordingly."
She checked her clipboard. "They're expecting you to arrive at eleven that morning."
I nodded. "I'll make sure to set an alarm." Having said that, I typed myself an alarm onto my phone to remind myself to set my alarm clock for 10am tonight, then another one for tomorrow to remind myself to have my alarm clock go off at 10am on my birthday. Then, seeing everything was in order, I turned back to staring out the window.
Willow gently laid a hand on my shoulder. "This is about your soulmate timer, isn't it?"
I sighed. "Yeah. I don't know if it's a trick or if I'm actually meeting the person I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with this week. I don't know what to believe."
"I think it'll all work out," she reassured me, and I glanced over to catch her shooting me a warm smile, which made me feel better.
Kiki, ever the fangirl, was bouncing on her toes. "What if your soulmate actually is Chase, but you just didn't know it?!"
I pouted. "I don't think that's how soulmates work..."
Anna shook her head. "No, it's not. If Chase really was her soulmate, her timer would've stopped ticking already."
Kiki frowned, then grinned. "Oh, oh! What if, when you're on your birthday date with Chase, your soulmate walks by, and you lock eyes, and fall in love at first sight... and then you ditch Chase for him!"
I rolled my eyes. "Even if I met my soulmate while on a date with Chase, I'm not that mean."
"Yeah, do you even know the boss?" Willow scoffed. "If her date was a fly, she still wouldn't ditch him for her soulmate."
"Hey!" I protested, to which she just shrugged, as if to say, you know it's true.
Kiki's face lit up one last time. "What if your soulmate is the police officer that agrees to filming?!"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, that's ridiculous. No way my soulmate is someone as terrifyingly cool as an officer."
"I don't know about that, but I don't think she's going to meet her soulmate while on the job," Anna agreed.
"Yeah, now you're just letting the sugar cookies get to your brain," Willow giggled.
"Come on! It could totally happen!"
"Yeah, right," I said after calming down. "Get back to work." I stood and headed for the door, the girls following me.
"Anything is possible, okay?!" Kiki insisted, but we just kept giggling at her dreamy fangirl idea.
It was my birthday, and I was now twenty two. We pulled up to the police station, and I got out of Chase's car after discreetly checking my wrist; 12 minutes left on the timer, and counting. Standing there, I took a deep breath.
What if Kiki was right? What if my soulmate really is a police officer?
I just hope he isn't some old guy...
"Hey, babe, calm down," Chase urged, kissing my cheek. "You'll do fine!"
I inhaled again, and nodded. "Yeah. You're right."
"Of course I'm right. Knock em dead, babe!" He pecked my lips and, walking backwards, called out, "I'm taking you out for some birthday dinner, so don't make any plans tonight!"
I nodded, smiling and waving as he drove away. As I watched the car disappear from my sight, something in my stomach churned. This isn't right, I thought. I knew it wasn't right, but I was so scared I'd never meet my soulmate that I tried to hype myself up for a life with him. I could have it good if I settled down with him; Chase was financially stable and could give me a good life, with a beautiful home and some beautiful children, if we really wanted it.
But... would it really be a happy life?
Turning back to the station, I stared at it with a newfound determination, and marched up the steps.
Just naturally, my nerves caused me to go about asking what I came there to do entirely wrong, resulting in a one-sided argument that I was about to get kicked out for, but then...
"Hey! What's going on here?!"
Another officer entered my sight, his voice booming and echoing through the room. He was young, his hair a light caramel, and it was shaggy, some of it just barely falling over his golden honey coloured eyes. He was tall, and confident; he seemed like a dependable officer — no, a dependable person. His face was stone cold serious, which made my hands sweat, but I still started to explain, "Well, I was told earlier this week that I could — OUCH!" The moment his eyes zeroed in on mine, a sharp pain flared through my wrist, and I yelped, immediately clutching it, trying to ease away the pain with my thumb, though oddly enough the pain had subsided just as quickly as it had appeared.
I suddenly felt compelled to look for a clock to check the time. 11:11am.
I didn't understand why I'd felt that, but apparently this officer did, his face visibly growing pale. He stepped towards me, holding his hand out, and said, "Let me see your wrist." The others seemed to feel threatened, taking a few small steps away. I guessed that what he said had sounded like a demand to them, but to me it seemed more of a gentle request, and I couldn't say no.
I did as I was told, hoping it would get me out of this situation, and the man took hold of my arm and slowly, so painfully slow it was suspenseful, rolled my sleeve up enough to reveal my wrist. My mouth dropped into a gasp, my eyes widening.
My timer read zero. Underneath it, the name "Gavin" began to etch itself onto my skin in cursive.
No way, I thought, glancing back up at the man who held my wrist. He stared at the finished timer and the name with a blank expression. "You're... Gavin?"
My voice shook him from his trance, and he fixed that emotionless gaze on me, staring into my eyes. For a moment I was afraid he'd yell at me for assuming, and kick me out of the police station, and I'd have to walk back to my office building where Anna would never let me hear the end of it for not getting an officer to agree to the filming... but to my surprise, his eyes softened, and a small smile stretched across his lips. "Did no one tell you how soulmates work?"
I shook my head, and admitted sheepishly, "Not really..."
He sighed, but his smile stayed. He let go of my arm and pulled up his sleeve, showing me his timer, which was also at zero... and, as I kept staring, my name, "Emci", drew itself under his timer in the same elegant cursive. "It felt like an electric shock, right?" Gavin asked, to which I nodded. "That's what they say it feels like when you lock eyes with your soulmate and your timer stops counting down."
I merely stared at him, dumbfounded. "You mean... you... it's you?"
Gavin laughed — a melodic sound that was too contagious to not laugh with him. "That's what I've been trying to tell you, silly." He lowered his sleeve and waved his hand, shooing away the other officers, who grunted before leaving. "What are you here for, anyway?"
"Oh!" I exclaimed, being reminded of my task. "I work at a producing company. I was told we were given permission to film what officers do on and off the field as long as we got at least one officer's consent. Since I'm the head of the company, they decided I should go represent us and see who was willing."
"Well, you got what you needed. Let's go; we'll start with off the field." Gavin winked at me, ruffling my hair before he grabbed my hand and led me out of the police station.
I didn't expect I'd ever find my soulmate, since I thought my timer had somehow gone haywire. And yet, here he was, leading me towards a shiny, sleek motorcycle, and even though I technically had a boyfriend, I felt overjoyed that I finally knew who I was really meant to spend the rest of my life with.
His hand felt so warm in mine, that when he let go to grab a motorcycle helmet, my hand felt cold, and I wanted nothing more than to hold hands with him again. He offered the helmet to me, and I put it on while he grabbed another and asked, while slipping it on and tossing one leg over the side of the bike, "Where to?"
I got on behind him, then groaned as I remembered what Anna said when she assigned this to me. "I actually wasn't planning on doing anything more than coming here to get someone to agree to the show; it's my birthday, so..."
"It's your birthday? Happy birthday!"
Though I already had multiple people wish me a happy birthday so far, his felt like the most important one, and my chest swelled, my cheeks feeling warm. "Thank you. I'm twenty two today."
"Twenty two? I'm twenty four. Anyway, where to? I'll take you somewhere for your birthday."
I smirked when he turned his head to look at me. "Surprise me."
He grinned, and started the motorcycle's engine, and I held onto his waist tightly as we started going.
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00sheven · 5 years
hello all. good day.
I guess it's been a relatively regular sort of day.
I have not worked on any insurance stuff as of yet.
well let's begin at the beginning.
my sister clomped ( is that a real word?) he way into the outpost at 11am this morning.
she called up stairs to tell the kids she had "hot coco" then proceeded to clomp up and down the stairs.
I woke up, and got my bearings, put my sleeping bag in the wash and proceeded to start my day.
I've been sleeping later these days because I dread waking up and having to deal with all the unpleasantness that comes with trying to get your life back on track after the nuclear holocaust that we've gone through the first few months of this year.
as I said in earlier posts. 2020 has been a real kick in the balls.
as always the video games fired up immediately.
I guess the goose had got up early to do his homework.
he walked up stairs as I was putting away the remnants of my sleeping apparatus away.
the first thing that I witness was my youngest nephew benny have a complete meltdown because he was stuck in a spot on a video game. ( he just didnt want to play that part. it was kind of a puzzle. he wasnt down with that.) he got his older brother " billy goat" ( I have nick names for all the kids.) to get him through it. apparently billy goat wasnt going fast enough for him ( he is 7 by the way. I'm talking about benny. billy goat is 17) so he starts complaining and telling him to hurry up. billy goat gets pissed off and tells him to do it himself. at this point benny throws a bolt, his face turns beet red and starts screaming "you do it" over and over again until my sister interceded. I called him a spoiled brat. I think at that point of the day I was just checking my email. it was one of the first experiences I had today.
I decided to try and tackle my health insurance problem. I called medical and they gave me option of a call back which I took. the called me about 20 minutes later the woman I spoke to got me sorted on my medical benefits. she told me to start an online account to send in some paper work that they need from my employer, unemployment, and a statement I have to write out regarding being laid off. after we got done with medical I inquired about calfresh and we started the application process. then the call dropped. there was a call back but it dropped again when I picked up. I decided to start the process of creating my online account. ( *rant alert* the people at social services are unsung heroes and on the front lines everyday. they save people's lives. and they get yelled at and treated badly. I dont envy thier jobs. imagine to have to tell some one who is in dire need and at probably one of the most desperate times in thier lives that they cant be helped because of some regulation or guideline that some rich Republican made to keep people from getting assistance. we are all moochers in thier eyes.)
I'm getting off track.
next I try and create my online account.
1. enter name
enter user name
enter email
enter email again
enter password
enter password again
enter security question 1
enter security question 2
enter security question 3
enter next
somthing goes wrong please re enter password.
re enters password
somthing goes wrong please re enter password
re enters password
something goes wrong.
removes unacceptable character from password
2. enter first name
enter middle initial
enter last name
enter mailing address
select security picture
name security picture
next check e mail
3. select link in email to activate account
enter user name
there is no account with that user name
enter user name
there is no account with that user name
repeat steps 1 and 2
repeat steps 1 and 2
repeat steps 1 and 2
calls social services
although you can read through that rather quickly. it took much longer than that.
it's nice when you fumble through things that you have never done before with virtually no instruction. I may just have thick skull syndrome.
in the mean time the aural assault continues.
I get my call back maybe an hour later and after much explanation i finish my application via phone.
I have to be transferred to another social worker to swear that I have told the truth. they recorded me swearing that I have told the truth. I was terrified that I would be disconnected at the transfer and made the social worker swear that she would call back to see if everything went okay.
she did.
I love her.
as that was going on my sister and the kids went to pick up a pizza order.
they came back with pizza and at that point I say "fuck it" I blow my whole diet to hell. if your gonna die, die with your boots on, right!? that's gonna be hard if I dont have any god damn feet to put in the boots. right?!? (that was rhetorical)
I do it anyways.
I then proceed to have 2 big glasses of coke.
I'm spiked.
I'm like a junky rushing on my run. ( a serious lou reed bite)
I dont care about all the noise or my nephew telling my sister that he isn't gonna spend an hour on his home work.
or the fact that goose doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I'm alive today.
yeah that happend too.
what's up his ass.
I got a good mind to adjust his attitude.
a hi dad, I love you dad would be nice. maybe even to venture as far as giving me a hug would be greatly appreciated.
it's not like I dont need one.
so now I'm going to force my sugar junky emotionally broken ass to start working on my insurance class.
the sonic reducer ain't no fuckin loser mother fucker.
if you dont understand what that means.
figure it out, tough shit.
king of the dogs
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enaasteria · 7 years
Answered Asks // 3
Under the cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 28th 2017, 12:18:00 pm · a month ago Hey! Will you be finishing apartment 5108 anytime soon? I've read it like 4 times and still cry everytime. Looking forward to the other chapters!!
Chapter 16 going up in a few mins. There are about 2 chapters left and it’ll be done. Thank you for reading!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 29th 2017, 12:22:00 am · a month ago I just finished reading all available 16 chapter of Apartment and wow- I cried several times. This is probably one of the best fanfictions I've ever come across on this sight, and I'm very thankful that you've decided to share. Ahri's development as a person has been mind blowing, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Sehun grows as well. Are you planning on making this several more chapters?
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like their character development and it’s something I truly love in stories. I love it when characters change and grow. It just makes them feel a bit more dimensional and real. About 2 more chaps after 16. It’ll end at 17 with an epilogue of sorts at 18.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 29th 2017, 12:23:00 am · a month ago ALSO Ahri finally choosing to give him another chance and deviating away from her parents? It was an absolute tear fest. Although did Sehun ever know that she was hospitalized because of her allergy?
I know right!!! Honestly, it’s one of my finer writing moments. I love little things that relate to each other hahaha. And yes---Soi prob told him or yelled at him is more like it.
@sehunsmile​ said to enaasteria: August 29th 2017, 12:55:00 am · a month ago I just started re reading Apartment 5108 for the third time, i never get tired of your story!!!
Thank you babe! Thank you for your support and encouragement!!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 29th 2017, 8:54:00 am · a month ago i love apartment 5108!! i honestly love long fics and yours is like SUPER LONG PLUS it's quality content so that makes me very happy :))) thank you for working so hard on it! i can't wait for the next update <33
Thank you so much for reading and yessss this fic is so long. I tried to shorten it but it just didn’t work. I know you love long fics but writing them is true suffering at its best.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 29th 2017, 2:16:00 pm · a month ago You've become one of my favorite writers. A group of my friends and I from St Lucia have decide to meet up to read the last chapter of Apartment 5103 once it's posted. It's captivated us since the very beginning and we look forward to its completion and to be able to continue supporting your brilliant writing from a far 💞
Where were you when I visited?!?!!?! I’m so upset now T_____T Let me know how your meet goes bc the final chapter won’t be posted for some time. I hope you enjoy 16 in the mean time hahaha
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 9th 2017, 2:55:00 am · a month ago Nothing you write can ever be a mess 💗 don't stress too much over the chapter, or even at all really! You do it for your enjoyment! 💗we care more about you than a chapter
You’re so kind to me. Thank you so much for your gentle words and I’m so glad you enjoy this story!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 10th 2017, 4:53:00 am · a month ago Hi!!! I super love your writing!!! Especially Keepers!! I hope you update soon!!! Thank you for sharing your talent!!! <3
Keepers is such a favorite! I can’t wait to go back to it and write the 2nd chapter!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 10th 2017, 5:05:00 am · a month ago DAMN GIRL YOU PULLING MY HEART STRINGS THATS WAS SO GOOD WTF OMG I LOVE YOUR SEHUN FANFIC
ThANK YOU SO MUCH??!?!?!?! I’m so glad you love it and please read 16 with low expectations. i’m kinda fkdsjfklsjflksdf about it. T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 13th 2017, 8:56:00 am · 23 days ago Hello ena! been stalking your tumblr every day since the last time you posted the latest chapter of Apartment 5108 which is chapter 15. Actually I got a lot of things to write but this is all came out from my mind now haha! You are currently my most favorite author 💞 your writing is so good, you inspire me to write better tho. For the past 3 years, I dont have enough courage to post any of my story but maybe soon? kkk. Oh last but not least I hope you can get out from writer block soon 😉
THANK YOU. I’m so glad you enjoy this fic and it’s so nice of you to say I’m your favorite author---LIKE WHAT IS LIFE. I don’t know how to handle these compliments but I’m so happy you love this story and please read 16 with low expectations. I’m kinda nervous about it and hope the flow is okay. T_____T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 19th 2017, 4:43:00 pm · 17 days ago I think I just finished the best Sehun fic ever, and is apartment 5108. You have no idea how beautiful and pleasing was for me to read such an amazing work. Thank you for share your talent, thank you for make me fall in love whit Ahri, Sehun and their story, thank you for touch my heart with your words and make me cry like a baby at 3 a.m wen I have to go to colege at 7 haha I found it last night and just finished the 15 part and I loved it SO MUCH! I hope your inspiration have no limit. Love u
OMG. WHAT A BLESSING TO READ THIS MESSAGE. I’m so happy you love this story. I can’t even begin to fathom my gratitude to those who read and enjoy my words. I’m also nervous when posting a chapter and I hope 16 doesn’t disappoint you. T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 22nd 2017, 5:32:00 am · 15 days ago Your fav fanfics??
I don’t read many fics but this is my fic rec blog! https://enaeolus.tumblr.com/
Anonymous said to enaasteria: September 25th 2017, 2:26:00 am · 12 days ago hi!! just wanted to ask where you’re at with apt 16? like how many words have u written(i’m sorry if i’m not supposed to ask i dont know if this is rude or not) but i love your apt series, it’s a blessing to mankind 💕💕💕💕
It is 18000+ words and I kind of want to die from writing it all. T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: October 6th 2017, 1:58:00 am · 16 hours ago hi, i just didn’t know how a fic would affect me so hard as much as apartment 5108 did ㅠㅠ tbh reading the 1st few chapters i thought it wasnt going to be really angsty but then i got to the later chaps and IM A WHOLE MESS!! i started this fic at around 2am and ended at 11am so you can tell i really had no sleep and i even ditched class!! thats how hooked i got into this fic. you made it so emotionally relatable and the imagery you projected was very vivid that i got lost in it! Cant wait for 16
AHDSFJJFSLDF THANK YOU. I know right. It was kind of a slow build up of angst which is what I love. It’s like you don’t feel the pain creeping up until it’s like..THERE LOL. AND NOOOOO WHY DID U SKIP CLASS T____T I’m so sorry this story made u miss class but I hope it was worth it??? HAHAHAH Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy 16. 
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