otomebois-bb · 4 years
If you're a creator and you needed to hear this today:
You have no idea how many people lurk on your work. No idea how many times people go back to revisit your work. How big they smile when they simply think about your work. How fast their heart beats, how excited they get when they see that you posted something.
People are shy with their feedback. Sometimes it’s because they’re simply shy. Other times it’s because they assume you already know how great and talented you are. Could be both.
My point is, even if you barely have any likes or reblogs, don’t get discouraged. You have a lot of silent fans, but they are still your fans. Keep on creating. Because there is always someone out there who will love what you have made.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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MLQC Anime: End Cards
gavin’s jupiter stud earrings and an indoor planetarium for gavin ♡
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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MLQC: Victor and MC ✩‧₊˚
i love them so much. young victor is so cute! ♡
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
just a little fyi, if someone has something to tell me, you can message me or send me an ask even if it’s off anon. i know, scary, but suck it up.
going off to someone else to tell them about a problem you have with me and my work is not gonna help you a lot. either let me know or mind your own business. 
i would never seek to degrade or threaten a fellow artist or a writer and if i unintentionally do that, we can always talk things through.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
we need to be taught disability history in school because it is 2019, i am 20 years old, and i am only now learning that the National Association of the Deaf had to take Netflix to court in 2012 in order for closed captioning to be required on streaming sites (source). any amount of accessibility in our lives has been fought for, and those stories need to be told.
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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𝐌𝐋𝐐𝐂 ↝ 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑩
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Well, today I tried again but with lovely Kiro. This boy is a beautiful bundle of joy and happiness and I wanted to make him justice. Again, I'm trying practicing my draw every day since this is just a hobby, but it really makes me happy.
Maybe I'll make a new one in the future, when my wrist is not as stiff as it is right nowđŸ„ș
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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“There is no need to fret any longer because I, overflowing with brilliance and good taste, have arrived.”
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, Gavin~! đŸș💙
I had this idea for a while, way before I found out that this year’s birthday date was actually in LA this time ahah. Also didn’t know Gav was actually wearing pants;; I think it’s better as shorts personally. Also calves.
I was able to participate in this wonderful project dedicated to Gav with a bunch of other JP artists and fanfic writers. You can check them out here: haku2020.evolxlove(.)com
Lastly, I wanted to make this as a future print, but I’m honestly not happy with it however if people are still interested then I don’t mind lol
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Gavin’s Birthday 2020
Around the World Challenge
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So, this is the fic I’m THE most excited to post for this month, and I really hope you all like it as much as I loved writing it. 
Words: 3,087
Keep reading
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Alternative Sources for the MLQC Anime
Hey everyone!  For those of you who aren’t able to access Crunchyroll, the MLQC anime is also available to stream on WeTV (please see the IG post below from the Mr Love Dream Date official account).  Hope this helps!
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
MLQC boys reacting to “Babe, I’m at the hospital.”
MLQC boys reacting to “Babe, I’m at the hospital.” - personalized version
Victor đŸ·
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Lucien 💉
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Gavin đŸ„Š
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Kiro đŸ“œ
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Shaw 💩
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
MLQC Analysis & Translations Masterlist(Updated 3.31.)
10 things you might not know about MC
Low Drop Rate “Hidden” karmas
Choosing Routes in Chapter 19
Amount of stamina required for 19-21
Lucien Blossom Date Translation Error
Addition of Top-up Karmas
Analysis (Chapters 1~10)
Lucien and Color
Lucien and Roman Holiday
Lucien True Love Date Analysis
Lucien Firefly Date Analysis
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice and Through the Looking Glass
Gavin and Gattaca
How Victor and Gavin Loves You
Gavin x MC and Lucien x MC
Love and Producer = Evol DNA Producer
Analysis (Chapters 11-18)
Chapter 11 Victor Analysis - Waiting for Your Consent
Chapter 12 Gavin Analysis - Together Beside You, Not Behind You
Chapter 13 Lucien Analysis - The Lies and The Truth
Chapter 14 Kiro Analysis - Golden Eyes Like the Sun
Chapter 15 Gavin Analysis - The Name of Faith
Chapter 16 Lucien Analysis - The Greatest of These is Love
Lucien and Roman Holiday Part 2
How the Characters Think About Sacrifice
At the moment, I do not plan on writing ch 17 & 18 Analysis. More about that  here.
Analysis(Chapters 19-21)
Victor: An Attractive Male Figure in Idealized Patriarchy
Prologue = End of Chapter 19
Theory: Youran(MC)’s journey in the game
Youran as The Little Mermaid by Hans Christen Andersen
MLQC Tinfoil thoughts
Re-examining the Gameplay after Chapters 19-21
The Dark Mirror World of Winter
MLQC and Through the Looking Glass Part 2
Lucien and La La Land
Lucien and Youran’s Different Views
Thoughts on Chapter 21
Discussion: Ares’s Actions in chapter 21
* About Translations: My translations are based on KR version, although I sometimes look up CN version for accuracy. I only translate about 60~80% of the dates/chapters, so they are more like excerpts than full translations. I also paraphrase a lot so the tone would be better. Elex translations are very problematic, but mine are not canon either. (Except maybe ch16, Elex did so badly in them I can confidently say that mine is better.)
Past Chapter Translations
Chapter 15 Translation
Chapter 16 Translation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chapter 17 Translation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chapter 18 Translation Part A Part B
Date and Call Translations
Lucien Promised Date Translation
Lucien Overseas Date Translation
Kiro Kiss Date Translation
Kiro’s Call - Beneath Shadows Translation
Kiro’s Light Pursuing Date Translation
Victor 2nd Qixi Event Call translation
Romantic Qixi Event Gavin Call translation
Lucien Wedding Karma Call Translation
Gavin Wind Date Translation
Future Chapter Translations
Chapter 19 Translation (currently unavailable)
Chapter 19.5 Translation (currently unavailable)
Chapter 20 Translation (currently unavailable)
Chapter 21 Translation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Lucien and the Color Lavender
Lucien Rainfall Date
Lucien Promised Date
Gavin Mediterranean Date
Victor Doomsday Date
Lucien Overseas Date
Lucien vs Youran(MC)
Chapter 19 Lucien
Chapter 19 Gavin
Chapter 21 Ares
Four Seasons with Victor, Kiro, Gavin, Lucien
Lucien: The Only Color
Love and Producer Qixi Festival PV
Unfair accusations of the boys
Mini Victor x MC Piano
Victor’s Future Kiss Date Summary
Sunsh1nⓔ Boi
Victor thinks star signs are a waste of time.
MLQC One-shots and Headcanons
Bracelet, Pen, Candy(~ Ch18 spoilers)
Left Behind (~Ch18 spoilers)
Boy’s reactions after chapter 21
Guy’s Reaction to MC Working Late
MLQC Jesus Christ Superstar AU
What this game is really about(Huge Spoiler, Read at your own risk)
Mr. Heartbreak Widow’s Choice
Story of MC
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
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MLQC Anime: Out on July 15 (JST)
Love and Producer ~Evol x Love~ will be broadcasted by the channels above. Schedule also listed. Replays will be every Saturday and Tuesday. Look forward to it! ♡
(※the schedule may still change)
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
And July is coming fast!
Since our Birdcop’s birthday is on 29th July, I am declaring the whole month his.
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And YOU can help me celebrate!
To do so, participate in one of my four challenges:
RULES! * I’m doing it thinking about fanfiction, but if you want to do something else, like fanart, just do as your heart command! The important here is to celebrate our favorite birthday boy.
* All the works have to have Gavin. Sorry, but it is a celebration of his birthday. Other suitors can appear, of course, but he has to be the main one.
* You must use the hashtag #BirdcopCelebration to post your works! I want to read all works, so I will follow the hashtag!
Now check the specifics posts on the challenges and HAVE FUN!
I can’t wait! Any doubt, please let me know!
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